Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709

thompson said in a statement, quote, the select committee needs to understand all the details about efforts inside the previous administration to delay the certification of the 2020 election and amplify misinformation about the election results. we need to understand mr. clark's role in these efforts at the justice department and learn who was involved across the administration. now, clark has until the 29th of october to hand over relevant documents and sit for a deposition. the deadlines have come and gone for the four ex-administration officials who were hit with the panel's first wave of subpoenas. the panel says former allies of the twice impeached ex-president, like mark meadows and kash patel, are cooperating somewhat. former aide steve bannon is openly defying the subpoena orders. in response, the committee is expected to vote next week on tuesday whether to refer steve bannon to the justice department for potential criminal prosecution. president biden expressed his support for this move yesterday. >> i hope that the committee goes after them and holds him accountable criminally. >> prosecute him -- >> i do, yes. >> bannon is putting on this wanna be martyr actprecise li -- precisely for the audience of one, the former president. he is no longer the commander in chief of this country, but he is running the republican party. bad news for everybody. it is clear his efforts to overflow democracy didn't end january 6th, and he is implying if the party doesn't work even harder to spread his lies about the election, he may direct his republican supporters to sit out the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election. now, the threats are yet another installment in his pattern of anti-democratic behavior. it is another shot across the bow of democracy by a guy who still has some cannon pa balls left. that's why it is critical for investigators to get clarity about how the january 6th attack came to fruition and who enabled it. "new yorker" writes, quote, trump is not only running again but is preparing to mold the gop into a single issue party. the ideology which consists solely on disputing the legit ma is of the election that turned him out of office. the trump presidency is not just for book sellers and book writers. it is an active crime scene. end quote. joining me, carol lenning, pulitzer prize-winning reporter for the "washington post" and msnbc contributor. she's author of "a very stable genius" and "i alone can fix it." thank you for being with us i. want to get your sense of where we are in this january 6th investigation. the threat that steve bannon gets a criminal prosecution or criminal referral, the idea they're looking for this jeffrey clark, whose name we didn't know several months ago but seems to have been central to this coup attempt. >> i'm so glad to join you. yes, this is a really pivotal moment. this week will shape up to decide really is the democratic party and is congress itself going to hold anyone's feet to the fire for defying legal subpoenas in this search for truth. these people are important for one reason primarily. not one reason only, but one reason primarily. they are firsthand witnesses to what the president did and knew and how he handled information in the days before january 6th and the day of january 6th. dan scavino, his media manager, mark meadows, his white house chief of staff, kash patel, an ally he had installed at the department of defense, all of these people were in firsthand contact with the president in those days before and were helping him meet with lawmakers from the tea party or the freedom caucus who were celebrating, as you may remember, ali, in late december. they had come up with a plan to stop the certification of the election. so what were they telling the president? what was the president telling them? these people know the answers to those questions. steve bannon also. i would also point out that while bannon was not an adviser and doesn't have a leg to stand on in claiming executive privilege, like i have to answer the president's call that this is executive privilege, he wasn't actually a senior adviser to the president. almost none of them have a very strong argument for first executive -- sorry -- for executive privilege. because this advice isn't in the wheelhouse of advising the president on his administration. this is in the wheelhouse of hearing and listening and watching as the president discusses a storming potentially of the capitol. again, i go back to what's really critical is knowing what these people heard about republican lawmakers and allies working with the president to plan how they were going to quote, unquote, stop the steal. >> i want to ask you about -- because i found it very alarming that the threat/implication by donald trump, that if more republicans don't go along with this big lie -- he didn't call it that, obviously. he talked about figuring out what really happened in the election -- he is going to withhold, ask supporters to withhold support for the republicans in the election and the one afterwards. it is another democratic tendency which should alarm republicans who aren't already fully alarmed by donald trump. >> you know, ali, i find this moment so fascinating. because republicans are in cold and sweat over his claim the other day about keeping people from going to the polls. why? because it is a complete reprise of what donald trump accidentally did in 2020. there were run-offs in georgia, determining who would hold the majority in senate. mitch mcconnell was nervous about the president consistently challenging whether or not it was worth going to the polls in january. whether the fraud was so rife, whether his republican supporters should even go. what was the result? exactly what gave mcconnell the sweats then. he lost the majority power of that senate. here, the president is now intentionally raising that threat now. keeping republicans home from the poll. >> carol, good to see you as always. thank you for taking time to join us this morning. carol is the author of multiple books including "a very stable genius" and "i alone can fix it." particularly important books because a lot of it is still happening. joining me now is stace, on the committee for the former president's ex-impeachment trial. thank you for joining us this morning. one thing i didn't get to with carol, the chairman of the january 6th committee, bennie thompson, has suggested that donald trump himself may receive a subpoena for information and possibly testimony. >> i think that that's not something that we should consider farfetched. bennie thompson has made it very clear that he is going to take this select committee and its members, who are in full agreement with him, whether every the facts may lead them. they're going to be bound by the facts and the law, and if that means deposing the president, they will do so. you know, ali, we've recently seen, even if a civil case, that the president has been compelled to give depositions. and so his ability to remove himself from depositions in this matter may be farfetched. you know, not only the deposition of the president himself, but records related to him. whether those be cell phone, whether those be twitter accounts, communications with individuals, video tapes, if there are, in the white house of what he is doing on that day. >> probably a lot of democrats are sitting there saying that if donald trump is threatening to and carries out the threat of holding his supporters back from voting in 2022 or 2024 for republicans, that's good for democrats. but it is a terribly anti-democratic impulse. i don't mean democratic as in the democratic party. it is a terribly -- it's a terrible impulse that donald trump has, that he continues to wield over the republican party. at some point, republicans are going to have to throw the yolk of donald trump off to exist and survive as a party within a democracy. >> well, you would think that they would have thought that over a year ago. you know, during his administration, definitely after january 6th, when he attempted to de-certify the presidential election and, therefore, de-certify and de-legitimatize their own elections. they didn't do that. we can't rely on the republican party to do what's right. democrats have taken on that yolk. we've taken on the responsibility of protecting our democracy, whether it's through legislation, whether it's through the select committee, or whether it's through organizing and ensuring that all americans are able to register, are able to vote, whether they be republican, democrats, or independents. >> as one of the impeachment managers, you put forward compelling case about why donald trump should have been impeached and removed from office. you were sort of charged within that group of house managers with such remarkable, intricate detail about what happened on january 6th. in the end, this committee is struggling with the fact that republicans under donald trump are doing exactly what they did for four years in government. they're trying the to run out the clock. can that succeed? >> i don't think it is going to succeed in this time. you know, they do have that theory, that if we hold out the election will come and we will win back the house, win the senate, and this will go away. we're going to make sure that's not, as you've seen. we are not hesitating to do what's necessary in terms of voting for individuals for criminal contempt, which holds very severe consequences, and it is having the effect of making other individuals engage with the committee. we will get the information that we need to present to the american people, to make a recommendation as to how do we safeguard our democracy so january 6th doesn't happen? at the same time, you've been reporting, ali, on th intricacies of the build back better plan, voting rights, as well as the george floyd justice and policing. we're trying to get it all done. >> i'm a little surprised that the george floyd justice and policing act hit a roadblock. i thought we were closing to success on that. but you tweeted out about the clean energy part of the climate bill. you said, clean energy creates good paying american jobs and helps solve the climate crisis. that's why house democrats are investing to develop clean, secure, affordable american energy. it does seen that something joe manchin has done is killing the biggest part of the climate efforts in the build back better agenda, in the infrastructure bill. what's your response to that? >> sure. you know, the last conversation or the last report that i've received from joe manchin is that he has misgivings about it. he is not completely against clean energy. wants to see how it is going to be operational, how it is going to work. you know, i think the president is doing what's necessary, along with, as you've heard from my good colleague and friend pamela jayapal, that democrats in the party, moderates and progressives, are willing to do what's necessary so we can get everything across the line. getting the better part of the build back better plan. listen, i live in an area in the virgin islands where climate change affects us all the time, with our hurricanes, with our fragile infrastructure. we need all parts of this legislation, whether it's lowering housing costs, creating affordable housing, retooling jobs so that it will fit with the 21st century that we're in, and cutting taxes and reducing child poverty. i think all democrats are committed to this. we're going to make sure that the two good senators, sinema as well as manchin, stay at the negotiating table, and hoping that americans will convince them that this is the right thing to do. >> democratic representative plaskett of the united states virgin islands, appreciate your time. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. breaking news overnight out of houston, texas. officials are calling the deadly shooting of police deputies a, quote, ambush. reportedly, a man armed with a rifle shot three texas constable deputies, killing one of them and injuring the two others. the shooting took place outside of a bar around 2:30 a.m. local time this morning. a potential suspect is in custody. a search is under way right now for a second suspect. the story is developing. we will update you as we learn more. we have a lot more ahead on "velshi." some 100,000 workers have said enough is enough. we have all the details on what's being called strike tober. lawmakers on the left side of the aisle are trying to push voter legislation through. they got senator manchin on their side. sadly, i'm not holding my breath on this one. next, to jab or not to jab again? for everyone wondering if it is time to get a booster, the fda officially weighed in. stay tuned for the latest on the vaccine. this is "velshi." ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa. ♪ pepto bismol coats your stomach with fast and soothing relief. and try new drug free pepto herbal blends. made from 100% natural ginger and peppermint. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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( abbot sonic ) are you ready to meet the new class of subway's eat fresh refresh™? the new baja steak & jack, new all-american club™, the new italian b.m.t.®, new turkey cali fresh... and new...trevor lawrence? man, you're not a sandwich! order in the app now to save big. next week, democrats will have another chance at their so far failed efforts at passing voting rights legislation. the difference with the latest bill is it has the support of democratic senator joe manchin. even with his support, prospects appear din because republicans are expected to maintain their filibuster. meaning you need 60 votes, not 50, to pass it. the freedom to vote act, that's the new one, is a slightly pear -- pared down version of the original. for the people act was the original sweeping voting rights bill that passed the house last march but not the senate. that bill requires that states allow any voter to cast a mail ballot without any excuse. it offers several ways to return the ballot, prevent voter id requirements for mail voting and calls, calls for mailing ballot applications to all registered voters. the manchin-backed bill doesn't mandate mailing the applications and allows for voter id requirements. the for the people act says any voter without id should be allowed to vote, as long as they sign a sworn statement attesting to their identity. the freedom to vote act says id is needed, but bank statements or utility bills will work just fine too. the original bill says states should count ballots that were cast in the correct state, even if they weren't cast in the correct precinct. the new bill says votes can count as long as the incorrect precinct is in the correct county. there's a lot here. joining me now is the reverend dr. barber, co-chair of the poor peoples campaign and rebearers of the breach. he's been arrested a few times in the last few months in protests. reverend dr. barber, it is a pleasure to see you this morning. you and i talked about voting rights bills, and your view is that they need to be absolute. they need to guarantee everybody the same rights. they need to be fair and encourage voting. can you live with the watered down bill? >> i don't think -- >> there we go. you got you now. >> i don't think a lot of people can talk to voting right lawyers. there are a lot of republican positions in the bill. there are a lot of things that ought to be amended out. we said early on that what the three issues are, voter protection of the infrastructure of our democracy, the infrastructure of wages and health care, which is our daily lives, and the infrastructure of our bridges and technology. instead of separating these things out. secondly, you know, first of all, the bill's name is freedom to vote. we don't have a freedom to vote. we have a right to vote. that should be amended. secondly, this is the first time in history we would have codified voter id as necessary for election integrity. that is straight trumpian, republican language. it's not true. signature is what has worked and should be there. also, what we see is he is slowly putting different things in that come straight out of the republican lingo. guess what? he said that he supported the for the peoples act. he was a signature when john lewis was alive. when john lewis died and the senate changed, all of a sudden he changed. he's not making any commitment to ending the filibuster. he's got them negotiating on something that may not even pass. because he's never going to break the filibuster. >> let's talk about that. there are a lot of people, yourself included, that made the point if you want to keep the filibuster because you think it is tradition, that's fine. but there are human rights matters for which it shouldn't apply. at least if manchin is in support of a bill and 50 democrats are in support of it, there is some possibility that that could become real. would you agree with that? >> there is some possibility. and perhaps. but the problem is not just what's in the bill, what's left out of the bill but what he's slipping into the bill. the first time, again, ali, in 200 some odd years we will codify that voter id, which started as -- that's dangerous language. especially since in north carolina, we just won on a voter id case in the courts, where the court said that it was being used to suppress the vote. secondly, i'm deeply concerned he's allowed them to split these things. the democrats should have started this messaging. they should have had the faces and voices of people who would be impacted. we tried to say this to the president, the white house, and for some reason they didn't get it. they should have never let voting rights just be a black issue and separate it out from the economic issue. they should have had people whose lives were being impacted, both the people whose lives will be impacted by the build back better plan, the women, the mothers, the children, the workers, the people at risk for climate difficulty, and the people who would be impacted by voter suppression. it is not just black people. the laws that these state legislatures are trying to put in place would affect 56 million americans who use things like mail-in ballots and same-day registration and early voting in the last election. should have made this a matter of democracy. now, we have time to do it, but i'm afraid that what has happened is people have gotten caught up in, is this manchin's bill? biden's bill? is it $3 trillion, $4 trillion for any of these legislation? rather than what's the impact. >> who will -- >> who will it hurt? who will it help? how will it further democracy? in a real sense, not passing voting rights protection with poor and low wealth people representing 30% of the electorate. we just did a major report on this yesterday, groundbreaking. poor and low-income voters represent 30% of the electorate. voter suppression will hurt poor and low-income people of every race, creed, and color. not to pass a voter protection, not to pass something in poor and low-wealth communities is politically incompetent. >> reverend, good to see you as always. thank you for joining us. reverend dr. william barber, the co-chairman of the poor peoples campaign. thank you for your time, sir. if you're frustrated at work, you're not alone. tens of thousands of americans are in the midst of a strike. thousands more are ready to join in a wave that starts on monday. more on the changing tide for u.s. workers is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways. increases insulin when you need it... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. with relapsing forms of ms... there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ready for an at-home treatment with dramatic results? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. what do john deere, hollywood production crews, and health care workers all have in common? this isn't the start of a joke. the answer is they're all striking or on the verge of striking. workers across the nation and across a multiplicity of industries are refusing to return to jobs with shamelessly low pay and utterly unacceptable treatment. 100,000 employees between the three sectors are striking or preparing to do so in the coming days. film and television workers are ready to walk off the set monday morning if they're not offered an adequate union contract before then. 60,000 strong. that alone would be the largest strike to hit the private sector in 15 years. the largest strike in that industry since world war ii. you know what they're asking for? down time between 14-hour shifts. the workers in the film and tv industry are not the only ones wanting to take back control of their work lives. u.s. workers are saying "i quit" at the highest rate on record, with some 4 million workers giving their two-weeks notice every month since the spring. that's a big number. maybe measuring the movement quantitaively is at the crux of the issue. maybe it is not the number of jobs created or the number of jobs lost. maybe it is how someone's boss treats them when their child is sick. it is allowing flexibility to work from home a day or two a week. a salary that pay for rent and groceries. it is, for the american worker, a matter of simple respect. while these valid complaints are nothing new, after a deadly pandemic, they are no longer going to be tolerated. don't take my word for it. just take a look at all the picket lines. we are wrapping up hispanic heritage month. for millions of americans, the battle for immigration rights, fair immigration policy, and representation in the media happens every single day. not just for one month a year. my colleague and friend tiffany cross live in miami today with a special edition of "the cross-connection," examining the latino landscape. good morning. great to see you. the outdoor suits you beautifully. what's happening? >> good morning, ali. i missed you. you've been off, so i'm happy to share the screen again with you this saturday morning. i have a tough assignment. i'm in sunny miami for a special edition of "the cross-connection," the latino landscape. you know, ali, our show always has a diverse group of voices and viewpoints. we don't need a month to do that. i wanted to dive deeper into issues that affect the rising majority here in the u.s., latinos. we talked to a group of latino voters and they were passionate about everybody. we talked about the 2020 election, the big lie, vaccine mandates. so often people think immigration is the only issue when it comes to latino voters. that's not true. also, you know, congresswoman val demings is running for senate in florida. i'll ask how she plans to get voted in what will definitely be a hotly contested election. she's running against current senator marco rubio. and i did ask my makeup artist to do a little extra today. we have actor alonzo stopping by to talk about the latino experience and how he sees the fight for black and brown justice. that is coming up on "the cross-connection." i wish you were with me in miami. amazing weather. >> it is amazing weather. if i was with you, i'd be joining the folks behind you now for a quick downward dog or warrior posse or something after your show. great to see you, my friend. "the cross-connection," latino landscape, special edition, live from miami at 10:00 a.m. eastern as soon as we're finished with "velshi." access to abortion has real consequences for millions of women across the nation. we'll get perspective from a doctor in the field next. from doctor in the field next ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. to unveil them to the world. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer 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after the ultraconservative fifth circuit court of appeals ruled in favor of the state of texas for a second time on thursday. the department of justice responded to the ruling yesterday by announcing it will submit an emergency petition to the supreme court to try once again to block the law. time is of the essence here, not just for women seeking an abortion, but also for the clinics and the medical professionals who run them. for decades, republicans in texas and other red states have implemented strategies that limit women's health care options by making it financially and logistically different for abortion clinics to exist. in 2013, then governor rick perry signed into law a sweeping abortion bill that, quote, required abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and required all abortion facilities to meet the regulatory standards for ambulatory surgical centers. those parts of the law were actually struck down by the supreme court nearly three years later. even that victory came with losses. as the texas tribune puts it, by that time, the number of abortion clinics in texas has halved to 19. the story for the fight for the right of abortion is a violent one. doctors have been killed by violent anti-abortion extremists in the past, and clinics are picketed by protesters who harass patients and workers alike. america is not an easy or welcoming place for abortion providers, and all of the different factors discourage doctors from providing abortion care. while three out of four had a patient who wanted to end a pregnancy in the past year, fewer than one in four were willing and able to perform the abortion themselves. we're focusing today on doctors and clinics. don't be mistaken, their rights are absolutely linked to women's rights. when you take away the clinics, you're taking away choices from women that can often have dire consequences for their lives. let's bring in cathy spiller, executive director of feminist majority foundation. she spent years helping to defend clinics against anti-abortion extremists. also joining us is dr. willie parker, obgyn reproductive justice advocate who provides abortion care in multimillion -- multiple states. thank you for joining us. for whatever reason, we've separated abortion in the minds of many americans from women's health care in general, which caused abortion clinics to be standalone places, subject to the harassment techniques we just described in texas and in other states. we're not registering that abortion is part of a women's health care. >> absolutely. in fact, most of the abortion providing clinics around the country all still provide a range of reproductive health services. birth control access, obviously, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, even general health care for women and sometimes for their families. in some communities, it's the only place that women can access reproductive health care at an affordable price. and you're right, these clinics have been harassed and targeted with threats of violence and extremist violence. we've seen murders across the country, bombings, and these are not just pickets along a sidewalk somewhere. they go after doctors. they go after the staff. they go after the patients that are trying to access these clinics with harassment, with stalking, with interference with their access. and it is only increasing with every one of these laws that these states are passing, to interfere with access. it is fueling this anti-abortion extremist violence. >> dr. parker, it has the effect, i mean, you are the author of "a life's work, a moral argument for choice." you work in several states. you're a plaintiff in the mississippi case that is likely to head to the supreme court in the beginning of december. this puts a chill on clinics. it closes clinics. it makes them financially not viable. it also puts a chill on people like you, doctors and nurses and health care workers, who would otherwise work in abortion but it makes it not viable and downright dangerous to do so. >> absolutely. the risk that doctors and health care providers who, for conscience sake, as well as the duty to their patients, provide this care, that risk gets modulated by what i call regulatory mischief that empowers people to impose health threats to providers. and now with the actions in texas, they've created a bounty system that imposes not only health and safety risks to the doctor but also material risks, where people are now put in a position where they have to decide whether or not it's worth it to provide care, the needed care, to women. now we are defining health care providers or abortion providers from the lift driver to those providing the care. people are having to decide how much risk am i willing to take on behalf of my patients? >> let me ask you about that. you performed abortions in alabama, mississippi, pennsylvania, illinois. what does the risk look like to you? what are the things you've gone through or faced that would cause somebody to say, this is tough. this is dangerous. maybe i need to not do this? >> well, there are the real risks which range from everything like what happened to a friend and colleague, dr. george till in 2009, to hypothetical ones. i think the real risks are people showing up at your house, which has happened to me. people leaving -- putting leaflets in your community to inform your neighbors of the care that you provide in the form of abortion. it's come now with the risk of civil penalties by people who can collect a bounty simply by filing a case against me as a provider. and then i am now caught up financially and in timelines, defending myself against lawsuits. the biggest threat is bodily harm. the bounty system creates even more risk. >> you talk about dr. tiller. dr. tiller was actually killed. let's just take a quick take a . i want to continue this conversation on the other side. please stay with me. a lot more to discuss. please stay with me. a lot more to discuss. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. ♪ well the sun is shining and the grass is green ♪ ♪ i'm way ahead of schedule with my trusty team ♪ ♪ there's heather on the hedges ♪ ♪ and kenny on the koi ♪ ♪ and your truck's been demolished by the peterson boy ♪ ♪ yes -- ♪ wait, what was that? timber... 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>> exactly. we're so grateful for doctors like dr. parker. let me tell you what the impact has been in mississippi. in the 1980s, mississippi had 14 clinics that provided these critical reproductive healthcare services to women, including abortion services. today there is only one. one clinic in jackson, mississippi. no local doctor, no doctor who lives in mississippi will work there because of the harassment and the stalking at their homes and remember, doctors who frequently work at clinics also work at other places, they work at local hospitals. hospitals will not give an admitting privileges if they are providing abortion services, so this clinic in jackson must fly doctors in from out of state every day in order to provide these critical reproductive health services to women. and these extremists are being fueled by these efforts like in texas and mississippi and arkansas and other states, because they believe that the weight of the legislatures are on their sidech they believe they are close to seeing roe versus wade reversed or substantially gutted and so they intensify the attacks during this period. this is a very dangerous time for healthcare providers. >> and, in fact, dr. parker, that's a part of the reason you travel around so many up? because that's what you have to do in some of these abortion clinics or these women's reproductive health clinics, because of these threats you and kathy spiller are describing, people like you end up traveling around the country to provide reproductive care? >> absolutely. the clinics that are put into place by people who courageously onsite and locals create access to the care that the abortion aren't that vision kb can't be actualized if there are no providers. most women of pregnant people live in an area where there is no provider so, in order to fulfill the rights of women who have this care and the ethical and moral responsibility of healthcare providers to provide it, we can't -- women's already have to travel great distances within their state to get care, if there is any care available at all. so a part of the solution has been those of us who are committed to this care and who can try and make that access a reality by partnering with the very courageous clinic owners who take all of the financial risks and the threats and set up shop locally and those of us who can, we go there to make that vision a reality by providing care in light of all the risks that exist with that decision. >> kathy spiller, this is work that you do and you have done for a long time and dr. parker has as well. there are a lot of people who don't understand the complexity and the logistics in going to providing women's reproductive care and women's healthcare and the fact that organizations like planned parenthood do for some women provide all of their healthcare? >> well, exactly. you know, the other disturbing fact is that, in fact, a vast majority of people in this country want abortion to be safe and legal and accessible and believe it's important to women's lives and girl's lives. and there is no question that it is, so we've got these state legislatures and these extremists fueled by these anti-abortion restrictions that are being passed into law that are totally against public opinion and here we have the fifth circuit court of appeals acting just out of ideology to cut off access to women and girls in texas. it's an outrage. i hope the supreme court now will step up and do what it should do, which is to defend constitutional rights. the right to abortion is a constitutional right and cannot be abridged and denied by state legislatures. that's what's happening in state after state. i hope the court will fulfill its duty and defend the constitution. >> kathy spiller is with the feminist foundation and executive director and dr. willie parker is ob/gyn providing apportion care and across the country he is author of "life's work, a moral argument for choice." thank you, an important conversation about the feel who were providing women's reproductive health and healthcare in this country. that u.s. the it for me. we will be back here from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. you don't want to miss this story, a county in tennessee jailing children for a crime that does not exist. that's tomorrow on velshi. stick around, my friend tiffany cross has a special edition of the cross connection live from miami. it starts right now. ♪♪ good morning, everyone. i'm tiffany cross. we are live from miami, florida this morning for a very special edition of the cross connection. now, congress returns next week to fall or ball on a bug that will directly impact all of our lives as they try to fix together a slimmed down social spending package by the end of the month and work out a deal to raise the debt ceiling again by december and avoiding an economic disaster. meanwhile, the january 6th committee is scheduled to vote next weekend to recommend criminal contempt charges against former trump adviser steve bannon for defying a congressional subpoena. for our democracy tested lik

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Neighborhood , Word , Healthcare , Healthcare Providers , Clinic , Services , Jackson , Critical Reproductive Healthcare Services , 1980 , Homes , Abortion Services , Legislatures , Sidech , Arkansas , Roe Versus Wade , Some , Attacks , Reproductive Health Clinics , Locals , Actualized , Vision Kb , Women S , Distances , Courageous Clinic Owners , Solution , Access A Reality , Vision , Shop , Exist , Light , Decision , Can , Complexity , Logistics , Organizations , Parenthood , Question , Girl , Girls , Restrictions , Opinion , Outrage , I Hope The Supreme Court , Constitution , Reproductive Health , Feel , Ob Gyn Providing Apportion Care , Crime , Stick Around , Tennessee Jailing , 8 , Connection , Bug , Package , Debt Ceiling , Spending , Deal , The End , January 6th Committee , Contempt , Disaster , Lik , Charges ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709

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thompson said in a statement, quote, the select committee needs to understand all the details about efforts inside the previous administration to delay the certification of the 2020 election and amplify misinformation about the election results. we need to understand mr. clark's role in these efforts at the justice department and learn who was involved across the administration. now, clark has until the 29th of october to hand over relevant documents and sit for a deposition. the deadlines have come and gone for the four ex-administration officials who were hit with the panel's first wave of subpoenas. the panel says former allies of the twice impeached ex-president, like mark meadows and kash patel, are cooperating somewhat. former aide steve bannon is openly defying the subpoena orders. in response, the committee is expected to vote next week on tuesday whether to refer steve bannon to the justice department for potential criminal prosecution. president biden expressed his support for this move yesterday. >> i hope that the committee goes after them and holds him accountable criminally. >> prosecute him -- >> i do, yes. >> bannon is putting on this wanna be martyr actprecise li -- precisely for the audience of one, the former president. he is no longer the commander in chief of this country, but he is running the republican party. bad news for everybody. it is clear his efforts to overflow democracy didn't end january 6th, and he is implying if the party doesn't work even harder to spread his lies about the election, he may direct his republican supporters to sit out the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election. now, the threats are yet another installment in his pattern of anti-democratic behavior. it is another shot across the bow of democracy by a guy who still has some cannon pa balls left. that's why it is critical for investigators to get clarity about how the january 6th attack came to fruition and who enabled it. "new yorker" writes, quote, trump is not only running again but is preparing to mold the gop into a single issue party. the ideology which consists solely on disputing the legit ma is of the election that turned him out of office. the trump presidency is not just for book sellers and book writers. it is an active crime scene. end quote. joining me, carol lenning, pulitzer prize-winning reporter for the "washington post" and msnbc contributor. she's author of "a very stable genius" and "i alone can fix it." thank you for being with us i. want to get your sense of where we are in this january 6th investigation. the threat that steve bannon gets a criminal prosecution or criminal referral, the idea they're looking for this jeffrey clark, whose name we didn't know several months ago but seems to have been central to this coup attempt. >> i'm so glad to join you. yes, this is a really pivotal moment. this week will shape up to decide really is the democratic party and is congress itself going to hold anyone's feet to the fire for defying legal subpoenas in this search for truth. these people are important for one reason primarily. not one reason only, but one reason primarily. they are firsthand witnesses to what the president did and knew and how he handled information in the days before january 6th and the day of january 6th. dan scavino, his media manager, mark meadows, his white house chief of staff, kash patel, an ally he had installed at the department of defense, all of these people were in firsthand contact with the president in those days before and were helping him meet with lawmakers from the tea party or the freedom caucus who were celebrating, as you may remember, ali, in late december. they had come up with a plan to stop the certification of the election. so what were they telling the president? what was the president telling them? these people know the answers to those questions. steve bannon also. i would also point out that while bannon was not an adviser and doesn't have a leg to stand on in claiming executive privilege, like i have to answer the president's call that this is executive privilege, he wasn't actually a senior adviser to the president. almost none of them have a very strong argument for first executive -- sorry -- for executive privilege. because this advice isn't in the wheelhouse of advising the president on his administration. this is in the wheelhouse of hearing and listening and watching as the president discusses a storming potentially of the capitol. again, i go back to what's really critical is knowing what these people heard about republican lawmakers and allies working with the president to plan how they were going to quote, unquote, stop the steal. >> i want to ask you about -- because i found it very alarming that the threat/implication by donald trump, that if more republicans don't go along with this big lie -- he didn't call it that, obviously. he talked about figuring out what really happened in the election -- he is going to withhold, ask supporters to withhold support for the republicans in the election and the one afterwards. it is another democratic tendency which should alarm republicans who aren't already fully alarmed by donald trump. >> you know, ali, i find this moment so fascinating. because republicans are in cold and sweat over his claim the other day about keeping people from going to the polls. why? because it is a complete reprise of what donald trump accidentally did in 2020. there were run-offs in georgia, determining who would hold the majority in senate. mitch mcconnell was nervous about the president consistently challenging whether or not it was worth going to the polls in january. whether the fraud was so rife, whether his republican supporters should even go. what was the result? exactly what gave mcconnell the sweats then. he lost the majority power of that senate. here, the president is now intentionally raising that threat now. keeping republicans home from the poll. >> carol, good to see you as always. thank you for taking time to join us this morning. carol is the author of multiple books including "a very stable genius" and "i alone can fix it." particularly important books because a lot of it is still happening. joining me now is stace, on the committee for the former president's ex-impeachment trial. thank you for joining us this morning. one thing i didn't get to with carol, the chairman of the january 6th committee, bennie thompson, has suggested that donald trump himself may receive a subpoena for information and possibly testimony. >> i think that that's not something that we should consider farfetched. bennie thompson has made it very clear that he is going to take this select committee and its members, who are in full agreement with him, whether every the facts may lead them. they're going to be bound by the facts and the law, and if that means deposing the president, they will do so. you know, ali, we've recently seen, even if a civil case, that the president has been compelled to give depositions. and so his ability to remove himself from depositions in this matter may be farfetched. you know, not only the deposition of the president himself, but records related to him. whether those be cell phone, whether those be twitter accounts, communications with individuals, video tapes, if there are, in the white house of what he is doing on that day. >> probably a lot of democrats are sitting there saying that if donald trump is threatening to and carries out the threat of holding his supporters back from voting in 2022 or 2024 for republicans, that's good for democrats. but it is a terribly anti-democratic impulse. i don't mean democratic as in the democratic party. it is a terribly -- it's a terrible impulse that donald trump has, that he continues to wield over the republican party. at some point, republicans are going to have to throw the yolk of donald trump off to exist and survive as a party within a democracy. >> well, you would think that they would have thought that over a year ago. you know, during his administration, definitely after january 6th, when he attempted to de-certify the presidential election and, therefore, de-certify and de-legitimatize their own elections. they didn't do that. we can't rely on the republican party to do what's right. democrats have taken on that yolk. we've taken on the responsibility of protecting our democracy, whether it's through legislation, whether it's through the select committee, or whether it's through organizing and ensuring that all americans are able to register, are able to vote, whether they be republican, democrats, or independents. >> as one of the impeachment managers, you put forward compelling case about why donald trump should have been impeached and removed from office. you were sort of charged within that group of house managers with such remarkable, intricate detail about what happened on january 6th. in the end, this committee is struggling with the fact that republicans under donald trump are doing exactly what they did for four years in government. they're trying the to run out the clock. can that succeed? >> i don't think it is going to succeed in this time. you know, they do have that theory, that if we hold out the election will come and we will win back the house, win the senate, and this will go away. we're going to make sure that's not, as you've seen. we are not hesitating to do what's necessary in terms of voting for individuals for criminal contempt, which holds very severe consequences, and it is having the effect of making other individuals engage with the committee. we will get the information that we need to present to the american people, to make a recommendation as to how do we safeguard our democracy so january 6th doesn't happen? at the same time, you've been reporting, ali, on th intricacies of the build back better plan, voting rights, as well as the george floyd justice and policing. we're trying to get it all done. >> i'm a little surprised that the george floyd justice and policing act hit a roadblock. i thought we were closing to success on that. but you tweeted out about the clean energy part of the climate bill. you said, clean energy creates good paying american jobs and helps solve the climate crisis. that's why house democrats are investing to develop clean, secure, affordable american energy. it does seen that something joe manchin has done is killing the biggest part of the climate efforts in the build back better agenda, in the infrastructure bill. what's your response to that? >> sure. you know, the last conversation or the last report that i've received from joe manchin is that he has misgivings about it. he is not completely against clean energy. wants to see how it is going to be operational, how it is going to work. you know, i think the president is doing what's necessary, along with, as you've heard from my good colleague and friend pamela jayapal, that democrats in the party, moderates and progressives, are willing to do what's necessary so we can get everything across the line. getting the better part of the build back better plan. listen, i live in an area in the virgin islands where climate change affects us all the time, with our hurricanes, with our fragile infrastructure. we need all parts of this legislation, whether it's lowering housing costs, creating affordable housing, retooling jobs so that it will fit with the 21st century that we're in, and cutting taxes and reducing child poverty. i think all democrats are committed to this. we're going to make sure that the two good senators, sinema as well as manchin, stay at the negotiating table, and hoping that americans will convince them that this is the right thing to do. >> democratic representative plaskett of the united states virgin islands, appreciate your time. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. breaking news overnight out of houston, texas. officials are calling the deadly shooting of police deputies a, quote, ambush. reportedly, a man armed with a rifle shot three texas constable deputies, killing one of them and injuring the two others. the shooting took place outside of a bar around 2:30 a.m. local time this morning. a potential suspect is in custody. a search is under way right now for a second suspect. the story is developing. we will update you as we learn more. we have a lot more ahead on "velshi." some 100,000 workers have said enough is enough. we have all the details on what's being called strike tober. lawmakers on the left side of the aisle are trying to push voter legislation through. they got senator manchin on their side. sadly, i'm not holding my breath on this one. next, to jab or not to jab again? for everyone wondering if it is time to get a booster, the fda officially weighed in. stay tuned for the latest on the vaccine. this is "velshi." ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa. ♪ pepto bismol coats your stomach with fast and soothing relief. and try new drug free pepto herbal blends. made from 100% natural ginger and peppermint. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. and it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. so it's like my streaming service. well except now you're binge learning. see how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from td ameritrade. visit ♪ trading isn't just a hobby. it's your future. so you don't lose sight of the big picture, even when you're focused on what's happening right now. and thinkorswim trading™ is right there with you. to help you become a smarter investor. with an innovative trading platform full of customizable tools. dedicated trade desk pros and a passionate trader community sharing strategies right on the platform. because we take trading as seriously as you do. thinkorswim trading™ from td ameritrade. this morning, more than 100 million americans could be on the cusp of boosting their immunity against covid-19. on friday, an fda advisory committee voted unanimously to recommend booster shots for adults 18 and older who received the johnson & johnson vaccine. the panel says that the booster should be taken at least two months after the first dose is administered. so far, about 15 million americans have taken the initial one-shot vaccination, johnson & johnson, but many panelists said that a second dose of johnson & johnson is vital because the first injection alone doesn't give strong enough protection. meanwhile, on thursday, the same fda panel voted to recommend emergency use of a moderna booster. similar to the guidance for the pfizer booster shot, this would apply to people who are 65 and older. those who are in long-term care facilities and those between the ages of 18 and 64 who have underlying health conditions or are at high risk. however, the potential third moderna injection will only be a half dose of the drug. the guidance would need a sign-off from both the fda and the cdc to become widely available across the country. if the recommendation is accepted, and it likely will, boosters could be offered as soon as late next week. now, despite this good booster news, one of those pressing questions has gone unanswered. whether people can mix and match their vaccines. a top fda official says the agency is mulling action that would allow people to choose a booster vaccine that's different from the one they started with. at the moment, there is no timetable for that discussion. coming up, the future of the latest voting rights bill is hanging in the balance as democrats are putting their faith in senator joe manchin. yikes. r you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. only at t-mobile. - oh...oh. - what's going on? 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( abbot sonic ) are you ready to meet the new class of subway's eat fresh refresh™? the new baja steak & jack, new all-american club™, the new italian b.m.t.®, new turkey cali fresh... and new...trevor lawrence? man, you're not a sandwich! order in the app now to save big. next week, democrats will have another chance at their so far failed efforts at passing voting rights legislation. the difference with the latest bill is it has the support of democratic senator joe manchin. even with his support, prospects appear din because republicans are expected to maintain their filibuster. meaning you need 60 votes, not 50, to pass it. the freedom to vote act, that's the new one, is a slightly pear -- pared down version of the original. for the people act was the original sweeping voting rights bill that passed the house last march but not the senate. that bill requires that states allow any voter to cast a mail ballot without any excuse. it offers several ways to return the ballot, prevent voter id requirements for mail voting and calls, calls for mailing ballot applications to all registered voters. the manchin-backed bill doesn't mandate mailing the applications and allows for voter id requirements. the for the people act says any voter without id should be allowed to vote, as long as they sign a sworn statement attesting to their identity. the freedom to vote act says id is needed, but bank statements or utility bills will work just fine too. the original bill says states should count ballots that were cast in the correct state, even if they weren't cast in the correct precinct. the new bill says votes can count as long as the incorrect precinct is in the correct county. there's a lot here. joining me now is the reverend dr. barber, co-chair of the poor peoples campaign and rebearers of the breach. he's been arrested a few times in the last few months in protests. reverend dr. barber, it is a pleasure to see you this morning. you and i talked about voting rights bills, and your view is that they need to be absolute. they need to guarantee everybody the same rights. they need to be fair and encourage voting. can you live with the watered down bill? >> i don't think -- >> there we go. you got you now. >> i don't think a lot of people can talk to voting right lawyers. there are a lot of republican positions in the bill. there are a lot of things that ought to be amended out. we said early on that what the three issues are, voter protection of the infrastructure of our democracy, the infrastructure of wages and health care, which is our daily lives, and the infrastructure of our bridges and technology. instead of separating these things out. secondly, you know, first of all, the bill's name is freedom to vote. we don't have a freedom to vote. we have a right to vote. that should be amended. secondly, this is the first time in history we would have codified voter id as necessary for election integrity. that is straight trumpian, republican language. it's not true. signature is what has worked and should be there. also, what we see is he is slowly putting different things in that come straight out of the republican lingo. guess what? he said that he supported the for the peoples act. he was a signature when john lewis was alive. when john lewis died and the senate changed, all of a sudden he changed. he's not making any commitment to ending the filibuster. he's got them negotiating on something that may not even pass. because he's never going to break the filibuster. >> let's talk about that. there are a lot of people, yourself included, that made the point if you want to keep the filibuster because you think it is tradition, that's fine. but there are human rights matters for which it shouldn't apply. at least if manchin is in support of a bill and 50 democrats are in support of it, there is some possibility that that could become real. would you agree with that? >> there is some possibility. and perhaps. but the problem is not just what's in the bill, what's left out of the bill but what he's slipping into the bill. the first time, again, ali, in 200 some odd years we will codify that voter id, which started as -- that's dangerous language. especially since in north carolina, we just won on a voter id case in the courts, where the court said that it was being used to suppress the vote. secondly, i'm deeply concerned he's allowed them to split these things. the democrats should have started this messaging. they should have had the faces and voices of people who would be impacted. we tried to say this to the president, the white house, and for some reason they didn't get it. they should have never let voting rights just be a black issue and separate it out from the economic issue. they should have had people whose lives were being impacted, both the people whose lives will be impacted by the build back better plan, the women, the mothers, the children, the workers, the people at risk for climate difficulty, and the people who would be impacted by voter suppression. it is not just black people. the laws that these state legislatures are trying to put in place would affect 56 million americans who use things like mail-in ballots and same-day registration and early voting in the last election. should have made this a matter of democracy. now, we have time to do it, but i'm afraid that what has happened is people have gotten caught up in, is this manchin's bill? biden's bill? is it $3 trillion, $4 trillion for any of these legislation? rather than what's the impact. >> who will -- >> who will it hurt? who will it help? how will it further democracy? in a real sense, not passing voting rights protection with poor and low wealth people representing 30% of the electorate. we just did a major report on this yesterday, groundbreaking. poor and low-income voters represent 30% of the electorate. voter suppression will hurt poor and low-income people of every race, creed, and color. not to pass a voter protection, not to pass something in poor and low-wealth communities is politically incompetent. >> reverend, good to see you as always. thank you for joining us. reverend dr. william barber, the co-chairman of the poor peoples campaign. thank you for your time, sir. if you're frustrated at work, you're not alone. tens of thousands of americans are in the midst of a strike. thousands more are ready to join in a wave that starts on monday. more on the changing tide for u.s. workers is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways. increases insulin when you need it... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. with relapsing forms of ms... there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ready for an at-home treatment with dramatic results? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. what do john deere, hollywood production crews, and health care workers all have in common? this isn't the start of a joke. the answer is they're all striking or on the verge of striking. workers across the nation and across a multiplicity of industries are refusing to return to jobs with shamelessly low pay and utterly unacceptable treatment. 100,000 employees between the three sectors are striking or preparing to do so in the coming days. film and television workers are ready to walk off the set monday morning if they're not offered an adequate union contract before then. 60,000 strong. that alone would be the largest strike to hit the private sector in 15 years. the largest strike in that industry since world war ii. you know what they're asking for? down time between 14-hour shifts. the workers in the film and tv industry are not the only ones wanting to take back control of their work lives. u.s. workers are saying "i quit" at the highest rate on record, with some 4 million workers giving their two-weeks notice every month since the spring. that's a big number. maybe measuring the movement quantitaively is at the crux of the issue. maybe it is not the number of jobs created or the number of jobs lost. maybe it is how someone's boss treats them when their child is sick. it is allowing flexibility to work from home a day or two a week. a salary that pay for rent and groceries. it is, for the american worker, a matter of simple respect. while these valid complaints are nothing new, after a deadly pandemic, they are no longer going to be tolerated. don't take my word for it. just take a look at all the picket lines. we are wrapping up hispanic heritage month. for millions of americans, the battle for immigration rights, fair immigration policy, and representation in the media happens every single day. not just for one month a year. my colleague and friend tiffany cross live in miami today with a special edition of "the cross-connection," examining the latino landscape. good morning. great to see you. the outdoor suits you beautifully. what's happening? >> good morning, ali. i missed you. you've been off, so i'm happy to share the screen again with you this saturday morning. i have a tough assignment. i'm in sunny miami for a special edition of "the cross-connection," the latino landscape. you know, ali, our show always has a diverse group of voices and viewpoints. we don't need a month to do that. i wanted to dive deeper into issues that affect the rising majority here in the u.s., latinos. we talked to a group of latino voters and they were passionate about everybody. we talked about the 2020 election, the big lie, vaccine mandates. so often people think immigration is the only issue when it comes to latino voters. that's not true. also, you know, congresswoman val demings is running for senate in florida. i'll ask how she plans to get voted in what will definitely be a hotly contested election. she's running against current senator marco rubio. and i did ask my makeup artist to do a little extra today. we have actor alonzo stopping by to talk about the latino experience and how he sees the fight for black and brown justice. that is coming up on "the cross-connection." i wish you were with me in miami. amazing weather. >> it is amazing weather. if i was with you, i'd be joining the folks behind you now for a quick downward dog or warrior posse or something after your show. great to see you, my friend. "the cross-connection," latino landscape, special edition, live from miami at 10:00 a.m. eastern as soon as we're finished with "velshi." access to abortion has real consequences for millions of women across the nation. we'll get perspective from a doctor in the field next. from doctor in the field next ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. to unveil them to the world. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer 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surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. regina approaches the all-electric cadillac lyriq. it's a sunny day. nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. more court filings this week, but the situation in texas remains the same. a near total ban on abortion remains in place after the ultraconservative fifth circuit court of appeals ruled in favor of the state of texas for a second time on thursday. the department of justice responded to the ruling yesterday by announcing it will submit an emergency petition to the supreme court to try once again to block the law. time is of the essence here, not just for women seeking an abortion, but also for the clinics and the medical professionals who run them. for decades, republicans in texas and other red states have implemented strategies that limit women's health care options by making it financially and logistically different for abortion clinics to exist. in 2013, then governor rick perry signed into law a sweeping abortion bill that, quote, required abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and required all abortion facilities to meet the regulatory standards for ambulatory surgical centers. those parts of the law were actually struck down by the supreme court nearly three years later. even that victory came with losses. as the texas tribune puts it, by that time, the number of abortion clinics in texas has halved to 19. the story for the fight for the right of abortion is a violent one. doctors have been killed by violent anti-abortion extremists in the past, and clinics are picketed by protesters who harass patients and workers alike. america is not an easy or welcoming place for abortion providers, and all of the different factors discourage doctors from providing abortion care. while three out of four had a patient who wanted to end a pregnancy in the past year, fewer than one in four were willing and able to perform the abortion themselves. we're focusing today on doctors and clinics. don't be mistaken, their rights are absolutely linked to women's rights. when you take away the clinics, you're taking away choices from women that can often have dire consequences for their lives. let's bring in cathy spiller, executive director of feminist majority foundation. she spent years helping to defend clinics against anti-abortion extremists. also joining us is dr. willie parker, obgyn reproductive justice advocate who provides abortion care in multimillion -- multiple states. thank you for joining us. for whatever reason, we've separated abortion in the minds of many americans from women's health care in general, which caused abortion clinics to be standalone places, subject to the harassment techniques we just described in texas and in other states. we're not registering that abortion is part of a women's health care. >> absolutely. in fact, most of the abortion providing clinics around the country all still provide a range of reproductive health services. birth control access, obviously, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, even general health care for women and sometimes for their families. in some communities, it's the only place that women can access reproductive health care at an affordable price. and you're right, these clinics have been harassed and targeted with threats of violence and extremist violence. we've seen murders across the country, bombings, and these are not just pickets along a sidewalk somewhere. they go after doctors. they go after the staff. they go after the patients that are trying to access these clinics with harassment, with stalking, with interference with their access. and it is only increasing with every one of these laws that these states are passing, to interfere with access. it is fueling this anti-abortion extremist violence. >> dr. parker, it has the effect, i mean, you are the author of "a life's work, a moral argument for choice." you work in several states. you're a plaintiff in the mississippi case that is likely to head to the supreme court in the beginning of december. this puts a chill on clinics. it closes clinics. it makes them financially not viable. it also puts a chill on people like you, doctors and nurses and health care workers, who would otherwise work in abortion but it makes it not viable and downright dangerous to do so. >> absolutely. the risk that doctors and health care providers who, for conscience sake, as well as the duty to their patients, provide this care, that risk gets modulated by what i call regulatory mischief that empowers people to impose health threats to providers. and now with the actions in texas, they've created a bounty system that imposes not only health and safety risks to the doctor but also material risks, where people are now put in a position where they have to decide whether or not it's worth it to provide care, the needed care, to women. now we are defining health care providers or abortion providers from the lift driver to those providing the care. people are having to decide how much risk am i willing to take on behalf of my patients? >> let me ask you about that. you performed abortions in alabama, mississippi, pennsylvania, illinois. what does the risk look like to you? what are the things you've gone through or faced that would cause somebody to say, this is tough. this is dangerous. maybe i need to not do this? >> well, there are the real risks which range from everything like what happened to a friend and colleague, dr. george till in 2009, to hypothetical ones. i think the real risks are people showing up at your house, which has happened to me. people leaving -- putting leaflets in your community to inform your neighbors of the care that you provide in the form of abortion. it's come now with the risk of civil penalties by people who can collect a bounty simply by filing a case against me as a provider. and then i am now caught up financially and in timelines, defending myself against lawsuits. the biggest threat is bodily harm. the bounty system creates even more risk. >> you talk about dr. tiller. dr. tiller was actually killed. let's just take a quick take a . i want to continue this conversation on the other side. please stay with me. a lot more to discuss. please stay 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>> exactly. we're so grateful for doctors like dr. parker. let me tell you what the impact has been in mississippi. in the 1980s, mississippi had 14 clinics that provided these critical reproductive healthcare services to women, including abortion services. today there is only one. one clinic in jackson, mississippi. no local doctor, no doctor who lives in mississippi will work there because of the harassment and the stalking at their homes and remember, doctors who frequently work at clinics also work at other places, they work at local hospitals. hospitals will not give an admitting privileges if they are providing abortion services, so this clinic in jackson must fly doctors in from out of state every day in order to provide these critical reproductive health services to women. and these extremists are being fueled by these efforts like in texas and mississippi and arkansas and other states, because they believe that the weight of the legislatures are on their sidech they believe they are close to seeing roe versus wade reversed or substantially gutted and so they intensify the attacks during this period. this is a very dangerous time for healthcare providers. >> and, in fact, dr. parker, that's a part of the reason you travel around so many up? because that's what you have to do in some of these abortion clinics or these women's reproductive health clinics, because of these threats you and kathy spiller are describing, people like you end up traveling around the country to provide reproductive care? >> absolutely. the clinics that are put into place by people who courageously onsite and locals create access to the care that the abortion aren't that vision kb can't be actualized if there are no providers. most women of pregnant people live in an area where there is no provider so, in order to fulfill the rights of women who have this care and the ethical and moral responsibility of healthcare providers to provide it, we can't -- women's already have to travel great distances within their state to get care, if there is any care available at all. so a part of the solution has been those of us who are committed to this care and who can try and make that access a reality by partnering with the very courageous clinic owners who take all of the financial risks and the threats and set up shop locally and those of us who can, we go there to make that vision a reality by providing care in light of all the risks that exist with that decision. >> kathy spiller, this is work that you do and you have done for a long time and dr. parker has as well. there are a lot of people who don't understand the complexity and the logistics in going to providing women's reproductive care and women's healthcare and the fact that organizations like planned parenthood do for some women provide all of their healthcare? >> well, exactly. you know, the other disturbing fact is that, in fact, a vast majority of people in this country want abortion to be safe and legal and accessible and believe it's important to women's lives and girl's lives. and there is no question that it is, so we've got these state legislatures and these extremists fueled by these anti-abortion restrictions that are being passed into law that are totally against public opinion and here we have the fifth circuit court of appeals acting just out of ideology to cut off access to women and girls in texas. it's an outrage. i hope the supreme court now will step up and do what it should do, which is to defend constitutional rights. the right to abortion is a constitutional right and cannot be abridged and denied by state legislatures. that's what's happening in state after state. i hope the court will fulfill its duty and defend the constitution. >> kathy spiller is with the feminist foundation and executive director and dr. willie parker is ob/gyn providing apportion care and across the country he is author of "life's work, a moral argument for choice." thank you, an important conversation about the feel who were providing women's reproductive health and healthcare in this country. that u.s. the it for me. we will be back here from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. you don't want to miss this story, a county in tennessee jailing children for a crime that does not exist. that's tomorrow on velshi. stick around, my friend tiffany cross has a special edition of the cross connection live from miami. it starts right now. ♪♪ good morning, everyone. i'm tiffany cross. we are live from miami, florida this morning for a very special edition of the cross connection. now, congress returns next week to fall or ball on a bug that will directly impact all of our lives as they try to fix together a slimmed down social spending package by the end of the month and work out a deal to raise the debt ceiling again by december and avoiding an economic disaster. meanwhile, the january 6th committee is scheduled to vote next weekend to recommend criminal contempt charges against former trump adviser steve bannon for defying a congressional subpoena. for our democracy tested lik

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