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Mitshi India CFO Rinku Patel resigns on school notebook pape
Mitshi India CFO Rinku Patel resigns on school notebook pape
Mitshi India CFO Rinku Patel resigns on school notebook paper in handwritten letter
Mitshi India notified the stock exchanges that it has acknowledged the resignation of Rinku Niket Patel from the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) within the company.
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Australia ,
Bombay ,
Maharashtra ,
India ,
Rinku Niket Patel ,
Indian School Of Business ,
Bombay Stock Exchange ,
University Of Western Australia ,
Offering College ,
Mitshi India ,
Chief Financial Officer ,
Corporate Journey ,
Strategic Skill ,
Mitshi Cfo Resignation ,
Cfo ,
Rinku Patel ,
Resignation ,
Stock Exchanges ,