NewsSportsEntertainmentLifestyleOpinionUSA TODAYObituariesE-EditionLegals Ken Lahmers, Correspondent MACEDONIA – City Council on Dec. 10 approved 2021 appropriations, which show $13.42 million plus $2.46 million in transfers and advances in the general fund and $24.02 million plus $4.1 million in transfers and advances in all funds. Finance Director told Council when the ordinance was introduced in November, that the city is expected to start 2021 with a $2.7 million balance, and receive $8.9 million from income taxes, $1.78 million from property taxes and $180,000 in Local Government Funds, among other revenue sources. Appropriations for other categories are as follows: street construction/repair, $1.83 million; parks/rec, $5.72 million including $305,000 in transfers/advances; debt service, $2.01 million; capital projects, $3.7 million including $1.34 million in transfers/advances; and non-budgetary, $458,000.