Local Landlords And LANL Address Property Lease Issues By KIRSTEN LASKEY [email protected] How to succeed in business is a frequently discussed topic that ignites a wide range of opinions. It is certainly discussed heavily in Los Alamos. Los Alamos County has had initiatives to foster a successful, thriving business community, including the recent effort to develop downtown master plans for Los Alamos and White Rock that reflect the community’s downtown goals and needs. An outcome will be an extensive update to the Chapter 16 Development Code, which governs development, including commercial development and redevelopment. During the May 4 County Council meeting, another option was suggested. County Councilor Sean Williams introduced a motion to request Planning and Zoning Commission review and make recommendations to council about adding a Pedestrian Retail Overlay Zone into Chapter 16 of the County Code. If approved, the downtown district would ban offices on the ground floor level of buildings. Pedestrian-oriented retail businesses, entertainment, restaurants, and personal and medical services would be allowed on the ground floor. Offices would only be permitted to occupy space on upper floors.