Article content Disillusioned As a responsible, proud citizen, I have defended the decisions of the federal and provincial governments regarding COVID-19, assuming they had the public’s best interests at heart. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, or Letters to the Editor: May 8 Back to video But after reading the article Those who can should wait for mRNA vaccine (May 4) that the National Advisory Council on Immunization is saying Pfizer or Moderna vaccines are “preferred,” I am disillusioned completely. The first real sign of trouble was when the news media reported that thousands of East Indians were coming to Canada regularly and many were testing positive. The second blow to my confidence was Premier Doug Ford shutting down golf courses, of all things. There is no reason to shut down outdoor activities practiced carefully, and on top of that we desperately need the outlet for physical and mental health. I am not a golfer but I do walk outside. Should that be banned as well?