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Legume Lab Announces Winners of Starter Grants from Grant Wr
Legume Lab Announces Winners of Starter Grants from Grant Wr
Legume Lab Announces Winners of Starter Grants from Grant Writing Workshop Activity
A total of six legume researchers in West and Southern Africa were recently awarded starter grants in the funding component of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research managed by Michigan State University.
Related Keywords
Malawi ,
Mozambique ,
Nigeria ,
Zambia ,
Ghana ,
Swivia Moonga Hamabwe ,
Marcos Chiulele ,
Richard Atinpoore Atuna ,
Madalitso Chambukira ,
Selorm Yaotse Dorvlo ,
Toyin Ajibade ,
Mark Bayer ,
Legume Systems Innovation Lab ,
Bayer Strategic ,
Yaotse Dorvlo ,
Atinpoore Atuna ,
Moonga Hamabwe ,
Grant Writers Workshop ,
Starter Grant ,
Legume Lab ,