Here’s more from TheWrap: Of course, those big-name actors aren’t playing themselves, but rather versions of people who have become the “stars” of 2020: Jackson as Dash Bracket – Reporter, New Yorkerly News; Grant as Tennyson Foss – Professor of History; Nanjiani as Bark Multiverse – CEO, Shreekr; Ullman as Queen Elizabeth II – Monarch and Figurehead; Kayo as Pyrex Flask – Scientist; Kudrow as Jeanetta Grace Susan – Non-Official Spokesperson; Morgan as Gemma Nerrick – Average Citizen; Jones as Dr. Maggie Gravel – Behavioral Psychologist; Milioti as Kathy Flowers – Soccer Mom; and Keery as Duke Goolies – Gig Economy Millennial. Watch the trailer above. “ Death to 2020 features fictional characters discussing real events in a bombastic mockumentary, but quite a bit sillier than that makes it sound,” said Brooker in a statement.