Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20171005 : comparemel

Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20171005

of emergency services, dorita sonderacke, medical director scott shere in the middle of the chaos. >> there was blood everywhere. i want to say beds on stretchers everywhere. >> patients kept rolling in. just trying to find placement for everybody. >> scott, what did you see? >> all penetrating wounds. whether it was shrapnel or whether it was direct hits, you know the sickest patients were the ones that, that had direct hits to the torso or abdomen. gunshot wound to the head. >> as all these patients are coming in, are you in your head wondering what happened? >> none of us really truly knew what happened. we didn't know how many people were shot, we didn't know how many assailants. >> didn't have the time? >> don't have time. >> did you have places to put everybody? >> influx of 200 patients. we were already busy, was, a challenge. and, i think, the most important thing that i felt and saw that night was, a calmness throughout the chaos. we knew had to remain calm. take care of the patients. triage. keep going. obviously, at some point it became just space. if there was a hallway space. a patient went there. empty chair. a patient went there. >> sure you have seen a lot in the hospital. what surprised you, good or bad what you saw? >> no matter how many patients. 214 patients that night. and the communication, you would think would be broken. but the communication was -- was, was so impressive. >> one thing surprised me, seeing a lot of the people that were shot and things. and families, is how well they handle it, and that's, that to me is amazing. >> the patients actually said, he is hurt more than i am. i am going to go back here. let them have my bed. >> you see this from a different side than most people. what do you, what do you take away from this? >> how horrific this was and the evil that number two, the sense of humanity. that, was shared, with our community, with, the care ivers, that, that you know, came in to help. and -- last night, i, you know when i got home, i had, i had tears, i had, i had tears of, of joy, of pride, of our team, and our community. and tears of sadness. >> they did an extraordinary job at sunrise. all the families i have spoken with are profoundly greatful. rex tillerson made an extraordinary appearance before cameras at the state department today to refute reports he had disparages president talked out of quitting. >> he loves the country. he puts americans and america first. >> the secretary of state declared that he never considered quitting his job. but did not deny having referred to the president as a moron. >> we don't deal they that kind of petty nonsense. i am not going to be part of this effort to divide this administration. >> the state department spokesperson later denied it. >> the secretary did not use that type of language to speak about the president of the united states. >> the president was told tillerson made the remark after this july meeting at the pentagon. days earlier the president had blown up at tillerson over sharply differing views on the iran nuclear deal. tillerson himself was frustrated. he had been undermined on other key issues including venezuela and mideast dispute. it also became personal. tillerson a lifelong boy scott was dismayed by mr. trump's comments at a boy scout gathering. >> who the hell wants to speak about politics when i am in front of the boy scouts. right? >> reporter: the president has been personally frustrated by tillerson's reluctance to defend his word on charlottesville. >> the two men spoke by phone. tillerson's spoke said they're good. despite the tweet this weekend, telling the secretary of state to quit wasting his time. he said today he has total confidence in him. >> i am honored. >> senator bob corker, chairman of the senate foreign relations committee said today that while some in the administration are trying to undermine tillerson's authority, it's tillerson along with defense secretary jim mattis and chief of staff john kelly helping to separate the country from chaos. anthony. >> margaret brennan. thank you. margaret. still ahead from las vegas, a call to ban the device that made an arsenal much more deadly. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. i just want to find a used car start at the new show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it you're lucky you're cute. lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills 99.9% of bacteria. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. your toilet is germ-ridden with mineral buildup. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match against limescale. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner has 10x more cleaning power against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. in the wake of the massacre here, democratic senator, dianne feinstein tough california is proposing a nationwide ban on devices that turn rifles into rapid fire machine guns. she long supported gun control measures with little success. here is don dahler. steven paddock was able to pour hundred of round into the crowd below because of these devices, bump fire stocks which are legal. but senator dianne feinstein wants to ban. you have to stand up. you have to say enough is enough. >> reporter: with some republicans open to a hearing it may have a chance. but recent efforts after mass shootings like in las vegas, have met fierce opposition. back in 2013, after 20 children and seven adults were massacred by a person with a semiautomatic rifle, senator feinstein proposed a law against those weapons. congress voted it down. in fact, despite an average of one mass shooting of four or more people each day since sandy hook. there has been no major shift in the nation's gun laws. director of john hopkins university center for gun policy and research. >> people say maybe this will be the one that affect change. yet it doesn't. why? >> i think the gun lobby has been very effective in promoting the, overall idea that, any regulation is a violation of the second amendment. >> new jersey shooting range owner, ross asias is against any restrictions. >> it's not the device. it's the people. unfortunately you can't fix crazy until it happens. >> the a pew poll shows the 68% of americans favor an assault weapons ban, a republican controlled congress makes that type of ban unlikely. according to the center for responsive politics, last year, republicans received over $54 million in advertising and donations from the nra. democrats, $265. in advertising alone, organizations that oppose any new gun legislation, are outspending gun control appropriates 10:1. as the for those bump fire stocks that congress may ban, retailers are selling out of them. anthony. >> don dahler. coming up, two weeks after the storm in puerto rico, the death toll more than doubles. so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. it's always disappointing, when something gets watered down. at air wick, we believe scent should be experienced the way its intended: pure. discover air wick pure freshmatic, with no added water. and now, try pure free ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. ♪ living well when life gets busy, choose the immune supplement with more. airborne® with 2 times more vitamin c than emergen-c gummies. and specially crafted with vitamins, minerals and herbs. airborne® also with probiotics. the white house budget director said today there will be no bailout for puerto rico after the president suggested there might be. the hurricane death toll meanwhile more than doubled overnight. here is dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: there is a misery all over this island. for two weeks, resident nick prowdy flying to pick up sick and drop off supplies. >> roads seem impassible up here. >> reporter: now hard to measure the staggering toll of the hurricane. >> where do the people go inn? there is nothing left. these houses are absolutely destroyed they're in splinters. >> many of the new deaths are from the island's rural interior. where most people are still without water, without power, and aid is arriving very slowly. est estimates it will take months to restore electricity. >> flash lights you don't need them any more. you don't need them any more. at odd with the president's upbeat speak about power. >> we landed near a community hospital. >> do respirators work? >> with dwindling supplies. the doctor is struggling to get help for his sickest patient. >> as we stabilize them, try to transfer them to another hospital they are dying. >> so they end up dying either on the way to the hospital, elsewhere, or, or, in san juan. >> that's -- >> there are people who we haven't recovered yet that are dead in their houses. >> as he looks down, he knows there is more suffering than he can see. >> we don't seep it. because we can't get to those people. no one is going out to them yet. finding out who is in there, who is missing, little really it has to happen on a door to door basis. >> the rising toll includes drownings not reported. three deaths from loss of oxygen when the power went off. anthony. >> dr. jon lapook just back from puerto rico. thanks. up next, a father and daughter, saving lives together, in las vegas. we end tonight with two people who have made careers out of saving lives. and found themselves sunday night at the center of a killing field. here is carter evans. >> it was absolutely the worst feeling my gut just dropped. >> fire fighter ben cole knew his daughter was in the crowd. >> there were 22,000 people there. >> i was looking for one. i was looking for one. >> he was offduty enjoying the concert. 20-year-old rachel was working there as an emt. her dad ran through the chaos and found her. >> we, we embraced. shed a few tears. she said, there is people that need help. i said okay. we said, let's get to work. i said you are on my hip. let's go. >> the father daughter paramedic team immediately treated everyone they could. >> people were screaming, there were head shots over there. and unfortunately there is not much you can do for that. horrible for me. 100 times worse for them. >> there was a woman laying on the floor. a man crouched by her. i asked if they needed medical attention. he just waved me off. the fact that he could be so, selfless and know that, there are others in need as well. >> what they endured that night is only now sinking in. >> when you close your eyes at night, you see all of the lights and, all of the people, that's something you, you can't run from. >> what is it look to see him shaken to the core? >> i don't see him shaken to the core. i see him, when everything was in chaos, pulling together, giving instructions, not breaking down. >> i'm glad my daughter says it didn't strike the core to my core. it did. it, this hit me hard. >> they're now both seeking help. >> our counselor said if you let this fear change your life, then he is taking another victim. >> you are not going to let him win. >> no not at all. carter evans, cbs news, las vegas. >> that's the "overnight news" for some of you. the news continues for others check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from las vegas, i'm anthony mason. thank you for watching. welcome to the "overnight news." i'm michelle miller. president trump flew to las vegas a city stillrying from the deadliest mass shooting in modern american history. the president visited survivors in their hospital rooms and spent time at local and federal law enforcement officials. investigators have been unable to determine why steven paddock, a 64-year-old retiree with no criminal record would unleash such a deadly assault. he killed 58 people and wounded hundreds more. before turning the gun on himself. paddock's girlfriend returned to the u.s. from the philippines she could hold the key to the motive. john blackstone begins the coverage. >> reporter: this afternoon, marilou danley was questioned at the fbi field office. she returned after visiting her native philippines taken from the gate in a wheelchair and met by federal agents. authorities say she is key in helping to piece together what motivated paddock. in an interview with australian tv, danley's sisters whose identities were withheld said paddock himself had sent her out of the country before he carried out his massacre. investigators are also going through paddock's two homes and crime scene evidence from the hotel suite. they recovered a total of 47 firearms overall. 24 of them from his hotel room. some seen here in these pictures. jill snyder of the atf told cbs's norah o'donnell that paddock had been stockpiling weapons for years. >> how many firearms were purchased in the last year? >> he purchased 33 firearms. majority rifles. awe thought didn't set off a red flag anywhere in the atf? >> we wouldn't get notified of the purchases of the rifles. we would notified if there was a multiple sale, two or more handguns in an individual purchase. >> go back! >> police body cam footage from the moments during the attack show the fire power the officers faced. and how they tried to help civilians. >> get out of here, there are gunshots coming from over there. the gunfire continued for more than nine minutes. s.w.a.t. police stormed paddock's suite on the mandalay bay's 32nd floor. an hour after the shooting. and found paddock dead of an apparent gunshot wound. paddock was a regular at the gun shop near his home in mesquite, nevada. he bought five guns here. >> this is a bolt action rifle. >> including a belt action rifle three days before the shooting says general manager, christopher sullivan. >> over scoff fee i was having a moechlt in myself thinking that i may very well have been the last person to shack hand with that man. >> marilou danley's attorney said she had no idea he was planning the rampage. the thousand of dollars he wired to herren the philippines, he said was meant for her to buy a home there. danley thought paddock was planning on breaking up with her. >> reporter: fbi agents could be seen today sifting through the hotel suite, steven paddock used to rain down bullets on the concert crowd. >> go that way. get out of here. >> reporter: law enforcement is still searching for a motive. fbi deputy director, andrew mccabe spoke to. kr nbc. >> we don't have any immediately accessible thumb prints that would indicate the shooter ideology or mode motivation. >> in the last 36 hours, fbi labs began processing electronic devices cell phones and computers recovered during searches of his properties. >> i think it is the quieter harder work that we have to do now in terms of identifying people who may have known him, may have seen him. crossed paths with him in the days and weeks leading up to eat vent that's really where we are focused now. >> reporter: investigators are also focusing on paddock's mental health and whether something happened in october of 2016 that pushed him to stockpile most of the 47 guns and rifles in his arsenal. also of interest, whether paddock was considering targeting a large concert that took place in las vegas a week before the country music festival. >> everybody stay down. >> reporter: manny gomez, a former fbi agent. >> this person was looking for the best target opportunity. and, it didn't matter what crowd he was going to fire into. he was looking for the largest if pact for this attack. >> reporter: investigators say paddock spent a lot of his time gambling in the days before the attack. and, more than a dozen kuren transaction reports filed with the u.s. treasury department back that up. >> reporter: president trump landed in the shadow of the mandalay bay hotel and drove near the scene of the massacre in the center of a grieving city he came to console. >> it makes you very proud to be an american when you see the job that they have done. >> reporter: at university medical center, the hospital that received 100 victims. the president thanked doctors and nurses. >> the president also toured the las vegas police command center and hailed the bravery of officers and civilians who faced the terror head-on. >>en the depths of horror we will always find hope in the men and women who risk their lives for ours. >> on behalf of the nation, the president offered a promise. >> we though that your sorrow feels endless, we stand together to help you carry your pain. you're not alone. we will never leave your side. >> reporter: he reflected on how america edures. >> in the darkest moments what shines most brightly is the goodness that thrives in the hearts of our people. >> reporter: of the shooter the president said, his wires were screwed up. >> he is a sick, demented man. >> the president left as he arrived. with the crime scene never far away. >> president trump insist he's has total confidence in secretary of state rex tillerson. reports say tillerson called the president a moron over the summer, and it took vice president mike pence to convince him not to resign. margaret brennan has more. >> he loves this country. he puts americans and america first. he is smart. >> reporter: the president's secretary of state declared he never considered quitting his job but did not deny having referred to the president as a moron. we don't deal with that petty nonsense and intended to do nothing but divide people. i am not going to be part of this fortunate to divide this administration. >> the state department spokesperson later denied it. >> the secretary did not use that type of language to speak about the president of the united states. >> the president was told tillerson made the remark after this july meeting at the pentagon. days earlier the president had blown up at tillerson over sharply differing views on the iran nuclear deal. tillerson himself was frustrated. he had been undermined on other key issues including venezuela and mideast dispute. it also became personal. tillerson a lifelong boy scott was dismayed by mr. trump's comments at a boy scout gathering. >> who the hell wants to speak about politics when i am in front of the boy scouts. right? >> reporter: the president has been personally frustrated by tillerson's reluctance to defend his word on charlottesville. >> the two men spoke by phone. tillerson's spoke said they're good. despite the tweet this weekend, telling the secretary of state to quit wasting his time. he said today he has total confidence in him. >> i am honored. against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. some retreat to thet woods for solitude. i just go downstairs. i love you, but sometimes you stink. febreze air effects doesn't just mask, it cleans away odors. because the things you love the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe happy with febreze. in the hours after the las vegas massacre, fake news stories started popping up on facebook, twitter and all over social media. people read them and reposted them all over the web. 2/3 of americans say they get their news from social media. jim axelrod has a look. >> the danley have been getting death threats. and daughters of danley say that marilou danley is a person of interest. within the hours of attack, his name and photo were spread across the internet. facebook users saw the las vegas crisis response page with a link to the gateway pundit article incorrectly identifying gary danley as the the shooter, a democrat that associated with the anti-trump army. a link from the site, alt-right news speculated the attack was the work of isis. they late ear approximately jietzed for the mistake. in a statement to cbs news, facebook said its vegas false news issue has been fixed. we know people want to see accurate information on facebook and so do we. at facebook, we're working to fight the spread of false news. >> people are looking for answers during crisis and news events. >> john than altbright tracking fake news since the run-up to 2016 election. he says the nature of social media amplifies stories that are blatantly false. >> the authors or promoters of the fake content, often are seeking, to shock people, to outrage them. so, if even if people stop to investigate or dispute or, or debunk or especially things like fact check, you are getting more engagement with that, which, in turn tends to reinforce the content elsewhere. >> late last month. mark zuckerberg talked about facebook's false news problem. >> i wish i could tell you we are going to be able to stop all interference. that just wouldn't be realistic. >> monday, facebook handed over to congress, 3,000 advertisements purchased as part of a russian linked influence operation. congress is investigating whether those ads seen by about 10 million people, interfered with the 2016 election. congressman atd am shif is the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. reminds me of how geico hasd been saving people money for over 75 years. hey, big guy! come on in! let me guess your weight! win a prize! sure, why not. 12 ounces! sorry, mate. four ounces. i've been taking the stairs lately. you win, big guy. sorry, 'scuse me! oh, he looks so much more real on tv. yeah... over 75 years of savings and service. get your rate quote today. it's always disappointing, when something gets watered down. at air wick, we believe scent should be 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sheeran unlikely pop superstar but sold more than 26 million albums, won two grammys and is on "time" magazine's list of the 100 most influential people. he sat down for a chat with our own charlie rose. >> i wouldn't class myself as talented. i think you have to work for talent. you have to, i would like, i couldn't really play guitar or sing. learned to dupe both. couldn't write a song. learned how to do it. i think persistence is worth more than talent. i came to london and was not the best singer song writer or best performer in, in the scene that i was in. but the more and mr. you work at something, you, you give yourself know e no choice but to get better. persistence for me was, the key. that's what i tell any kid nowadays that comes up says how do i become a performer. don't worry if you can't, can't really sing or can't really play. i couldn't really, when i first started out. but, i was persistent. i never thought i would be doing anything else. never thought i would be playing stadiums. always thought i would make a living doing music, playing a pub show, getting 100 quid end of the night. i always knew that was possible. i just, i never had, any other plan. >> no plan b. >> used to think that nothing could be better than touring the world with my songs and i pitched the perfect life i thin the money its the root of all evil ♪ >> you have enough money to buy, have, do anything you want you to do? >> yeah. not anything. >> what can you imagine that you want to do you can't do? >> no, i don't live like tht. i don't want a big luxury yacht and private jet. i am sure i've did have that. i would have to be, you know, a bit more rich. but like, that isn't what i want to do. what i want to do is live in the countryside and eat fish and chips. you stay connected. >> i live in the town i group in still. and i don't really want to change that. there is not really anywhere in the world that i feel more at home. >> do you still have time to write for other people? >> yeah. yeah. surprisingly. ♪ you feel you're thinking i will jump right over into cold, cold waters for you ♪ >> so, justin comes to you and says, hey, man, have you got another song? >> it just happened. just happened. about a week ago. yeah, don't know if it is coming out this year more happening at all. but he did, z me. >> did you then go say, by the way i have got this song. >> no. >> did you say, i'll write you one? >> i have a lot in the bank for him. just in case. i'm going to write a bunch just in case, anyone comes and like, have you got a song. so i had the, one, one ready to go. basically. >> what's the name of it? >> i can't say yet. can't say yet. just in case he doesn't cut it. just in case he doesn't cut it. >> do you know the ones you want for yourself? >> yeah. >> because they're your stories. some of the stoertz. go ahead. >> precisely. for me it is not about whether a song its, more of a hit. i didn't know shape of you would be a hit. i dent know what is a hit what's not. ♪ grab on my waist and put that body on me come and follow my lead come and follow my lead ♪ >> it is more. >> 2.3 billion streams is a hit. >> it is more about what the song means to be. castle on the hill my friends and growing up. >> your home. >> having some one else sing that doesn't make sense. ♪ sthoet so long i know i've grown i can't wait to go home ♪ >> where do you think you will be five years from now? >> do you know what? >> approaching, what, >> 26 yeah. >> i will be hopefully thinking abut starting a family. that is something i would love to have. >> from music to art, in the netherlands. where they're marking the 100th anniversary of pete mondrian, mark fillps takes us on a walking tour. >> reporter: walk along any street in the hague in the netherlands lately can seem like all the shops are selling the same stuff. few rectangles in the appropriate colors, bingo. off awe exactly. >> everybody its proud of it. wants to show it. it's part of what is a city is. >> reporter: the city looks like it has been invaded by a disciplined graffiti artist. on storefronts. train stations. the sides of buildings. red, yellow, and blue rectangles, with black strieptz. everybody knows what this is. >> everybody understands what it is about. >> it about the 100th anniversary of perhaps the simplest and most enduring idea in modern abstract art. and it is about the man who painted these pictures, pete mondrian. >> just such a strong aim j. so hard to resist it. >> he put together the exhibit commemorating the anniversary, at the gamenta museum in the hague which has the the world's largest collection of mondrian art. >> decide to trace how this man everybody thinks they know became who he is. why did you do that? >> it is very exciting to see the path he took. very little artist in which you can see such a beautiful development of his work. >> such a drastic change of style. >> exactly. in the netherlands you have the heritage of the golden age, 17th century. rembrandt and his, his artist friends. >> reporter: it is from that heritage that mondrian's journey begins. >> extremely early mondrian. hans johnsson is one of the leading authorities of mondrian and how his work deviled upped into something nobody has ever seen before. >> you can look at this in retrospect and say you can see what direction he was heading in. >> no. no. >> he didn't know beforehand how it would end. >> the exhibit has tried to show how mondrian's art morphed throughout his life. >> leaving windmills and traditional landscapes. what are we seeing in here? >> this is landscapes in which color takes the dominant role. >> the signs that something completely ditch rent was coming, were there early on. >> then we come to, the most modern painting in 1912. >> it is almost horizontal and vertical. still flowing. >> the curved lines began to disappear. the shapes became more abstract. there was no meaning, no, no, representation, nothing whatsoever. it was just what it is. and it should be in everybody's living room. to, to make life more vivid. and to make life more happy. and to make life more cheerful. >> mondrian called the style of work that made him famous, neoplasticism, the world distilled to forms and colors. it was risky but paid off. >> in 1921 this was completely knew. what he did was, one of a kind. >> in the house now a museum where mondrian grew up in the dutch town of amersport, they put together a sound and light show on what happened to mondrian's work when he first went to new york in 1940. fleeing the that sees who considered his art degenerate. in the new world, the vibrancy and the music took him further down the road he was already on. those colors, and those shapes, took new form. and became what is considered his masterpiece. he called it, victory boogie woogie. he tried to achieve a new kind of bootie that he associated with afro-am can music. jazz. boo gi e woogie loved it a awe he was a boogie woogie kind of guy. >> going there made his legacy i think. people in america came in contact with him. start to realize really what his work meant. >> more important, really, all the american artists that came after him reflected on his work. pollack, rothko, three american artists made modern art in america. it is all in a sense in reflection to mondriaan. >> not just art reflected mondriaan. variations on his work have appeared on a range of products ever since. perhaps, most famously, on that yves saint laurent dress designed in the 60s and seemingly as stylish today as when mondrian created it. >> so strong. fashion design, graphic design. architect, city planners. >> no wonder the people of the hague have embraced mondriian again. all of them. >> everybody joins in. even a sex shop who joined. >> i won't ask what configuration the squares were in. >> exactly. stuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 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abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 678 it's ryan's cell phone. gibbs: isolate calls from psy-ops, government-issued lines. there's five or six different numbers here. cross-reference with incoming calls to banks more than 500 people were injured in the massacre in las vegas, shot or trampleden the chaos. a quarter of them are still hospitalized. norah o'donnell has one woman's story of survival. couldn't believe that was a gun. didn't want to. >> disbelief is how she describes the moment she heard the first spray of gunfire on sunday. >> there was some people yelling, don't worry. don't worry. it's nothing. >> it's not a gun. it's not a gun. >> second time, came around. more people started to -- to realize what it was. and after the third time we knew. >> a bullet struck the 24-year-old in the back. coming very close to her spine. >> your friend said it was all most look you felt like a water balloon hit you. >> i said that after i was hit i felt, like a splatter. i was like maybe some one, threw their drink or, or, maybe some one just being silly. i didn't know. >> it was blood you felt. blood. >> yes. >> how soon after that did you realize you had been shot? >> started running towards the back. i realized i couldn't, couldn't breathe. >> bleeding and fighting for air, babbock continued running alongside her friend, joseph astunio. >> we made our way to a fence. because the other exits were too full. and there were people on the other side helping people get over. and someone caught me. and, i was so scared. and they, they, gave me the biggest hug. and they told me, everything is going to be okay. >> babbock rushed by ambulance to university medical center with broken ribs and collapsed lung. in her third year of law school at university of florida she had one question for the doctor. i kept asking him am i going to be okay. all i want to do is graduate law school. when she told me the bullet was, was, in my spine, or close to tip, then my second question was, am i going to be paralyzed? and i'm, am i going to be able to walk again. she told me, when i wok up after they put the tube in my chest. you're going to graduate. and you're going to be able to run a marathon. you are going to run again. >> i see you still have the wristband on. >> yeah. i haven't cut it off yet. >> i've don't know if i should or not. >> babboc says surviving the shooting has renewed her sense of purpose to become a criminal prosecutor after she graduates in may. >> as long as there is no more tubes in my chest, i think i'll be able to walk across the stage. >> then you will be standing in a courtroom as the a criminal prosecutor. >> that's the plan. >> and, that is the overnight news for this thursday. from the cbs news broadcast center here in new york city. i'm michelle miller. captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, october 5th, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." there are more questions than answers about the man who carried out the massacre in las vegas, but officials say it's clear the attack was meticulously planned. >> stephen paddock was a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and academy moe and leading a secret life. total confidence. that's what the president says he has as rex tillerson considers resigning.

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Puerto Rico , New York , United States , Philippines , Nevada , New Jersey , Netherlands , Las Vegas , Florida , California , Sandyhook , Togo , Russia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Americans , America , Russian , American , Ben Cole , Bob Corker , Carter Evans , Christopher Sullivan , Manny Gomez , Rex Tillerson , John Blackstone , Michelle Miller , Margaret Brennan , Jim Axelrod , Anthony Don , Jill Snyder , Hans Johnsson , Anthony Margaret Brennan ,

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20171005 :

Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20171005

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of emergency services, dorita sonderacke, medical director scott shere in the middle of the chaos. >> there was blood everywhere. i want to say beds on stretchers everywhere. >> patients kept rolling in. just trying to find placement for everybody. >> scott, what did you see? >> all penetrating wounds. whether it was shrapnel or whether it was direct hits, you know the sickest patients were the ones that, that had direct hits to the torso or abdomen. gunshot wound to the head. >> as all these patients are coming in, are you in your head wondering what happened? >> none of us really truly knew what happened. we didn't know how many people were shot, we didn't know how many assailants. >> didn't have the time? >> don't have time. >> did you have places to put everybody? >> influx of 200 patients. we were already busy, was, a challenge. and, i think, the most important thing that i felt and saw that night was, a calmness throughout the chaos. we knew had to remain calm. take care of the patients. triage. keep going. obviously, at some point it became just space. if there was a hallway space. a patient went there. empty chair. a patient went there. >> sure you have seen a lot in the hospital. what surprised you, good or bad what you saw? >> no matter how many patients. 214 patients that night. and the communication, you would think would be broken. but the communication was -- was, was so impressive. >> one thing surprised me, seeing a lot of the people that were shot and things. and families, is how well they handle it, and that's, that to me is amazing. >> the patients actually said, he is hurt more than i am. i am going to go back here. let them have my bed. >> you see this from a different side than most people. what do you, what do you take away from this? >> how horrific this was and the evil that number two, the sense of humanity. that, was shared, with our community, with, the care ivers, that, that you know, came in to help. and -- last night, i, you know when i got home, i had, i had tears, i had, i had tears of, of joy, of pride, of our team, and our community. and tears of sadness. >> they did an extraordinary job at sunrise. all the families i have spoken with are profoundly greatful. rex tillerson made an extraordinary appearance before cameras at the state department today to refute reports he had disparages president talked out of quitting. >> he loves the country. he puts americans and america first. >> the secretary of state declared that he never considered quitting his job. but did not deny having referred to the president as a moron. >> we don't deal they that kind of petty nonsense. i am not going to be part of this effort to divide this administration. >> the state department spokesperson later denied it. >> the secretary did not use that type of language to speak about the president of the united states. >> the president was told tillerson made the remark after this july meeting at the pentagon. days earlier the president had blown up at tillerson over sharply differing views on the iran nuclear deal. tillerson himself was frustrated. he had been undermined on other key issues including venezuela and mideast dispute. it also became personal. tillerson a lifelong boy scott was dismayed by mr. trump's comments at a boy scout gathering. >> who the hell wants to speak about politics when i am in front of the boy scouts. right? >> reporter: the president has been personally frustrated by tillerson's reluctance to defend his word on charlottesville. >> the two men spoke by phone. tillerson's spoke said they're good. despite the tweet this weekend, telling the secretary of state to quit wasting his time. he said today he has total confidence in him. >> i am honored. >> senator bob corker, chairman of the senate foreign relations committee said today that while some in the administration are trying to undermine tillerson's authority, it's tillerson along with defense secretary jim mattis and chief of staff john kelly helping to separate the country from chaos. anthony. >> margaret brennan. thank you. margaret. still ahead from las vegas, a call to ban the device that made an arsenal much more deadly. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. i just want to find a used car start at the new show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it you're lucky you're cute. lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills 99.9% of bacteria. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. your toilet is germ-ridden with mineral buildup. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match against limescale. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner has 10x more cleaning power against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. in the wake of the massacre here, democratic senator, dianne feinstein tough california is proposing a nationwide ban on devices that turn rifles into rapid fire machine guns. she long supported gun control measures with little success. here is don dahler. steven paddock was able to pour hundred of round into the crowd below because of these devices, bump fire stocks which are legal. but senator dianne feinstein wants to ban. you have to stand up. you have to say enough is enough. >> reporter: with some republicans open to a hearing it may have a chance. but recent efforts after mass shootings like in las vegas, have met fierce opposition. back in 2013, after 20 children and seven adults were massacred by a person with a semiautomatic rifle, senator feinstein proposed a law against those weapons. congress voted it down. in fact, despite an average of one mass shooting of four or more people each day since sandy hook. there has been no major shift in the nation's gun laws. director of john hopkins university center for gun policy and research. >> people say maybe this will be the one that affect change. yet it doesn't. why? >> i think the gun lobby has been very effective in promoting the, overall idea that, any regulation is a violation of the second amendment. >> new jersey shooting range owner, ross asias is against any restrictions. >> it's not the device. it's the people. unfortunately you can't fix crazy until it happens. >> the a pew poll shows the 68% of americans favor an assault weapons ban, a republican controlled congress makes that type of ban unlikely. according to the center for responsive politics, last year, republicans received over $54 million in advertising and donations from the nra. democrats, $265. in advertising alone, organizations that oppose any new gun legislation, are outspending gun control appropriates 10:1. as the for those bump fire stocks that congress may ban, retailers are selling out of them. anthony. >> don dahler. coming up, two weeks after the storm in puerto rico, the death toll more than doubles. so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. it's always disappointing, when something gets watered down. at air wick, we believe scent should be experienced the way its intended: pure. discover air wick pure freshmatic, with no added water. and now, try pure free ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. ♪ living well when life gets busy, choose the immune supplement with more. airborne® with 2 times more vitamin c than emergen-c gummies. and specially crafted with vitamins, minerals and herbs. airborne® also with probiotics. the white house budget director said today there will be no bailout for puerto rico after the president suggested there might be. the hurricane death toll meanwhile more than doubled overnight. here is dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: there is a misery all over this island. for two weeks, resident nick prowdy flying to pick up sick and drop off supplies. >> roads seem impassible up here. >> reporter: now hard to measure the staggering toll of the hurricane. >> where do the people go inn? there is nothing left. these houses are absolutely destroyed they're in splinters. >> many of the new deaths are from the island's rural interior. where most people are still without water, without power, and aid is arriving very slowly. est estimates it will take months to restore electricity. >> flash lights you don't need them any more. you don't need them any more. at odd with the president's upbeat speak about power. >> we landed near a community hospital. >> do respirators work? >> with dwindling supplies. the doctor is struggling to get help for his sickest patient. >> as we stabilize them, try to transfer them to another hospital they are dying. >> so they end up dying either on the way to the hospital, elsewhere, or, or, in san juan. >> that's -- >> there are people who we haven't recovered yet that are dead in their houses. >> as he looks down, he knows there is more suffering than he can see. >> we don't seep it. because we can't get to those people. no one is going out to them yet. finding out who is in there, who is missing, little really it has to happen on a door to door basis. >> the rising toll includes drownings not reported. three deaths from loss of oxygen when the power went off. anthony. >> dr. jon lapook just back from puerto rico. thanks. up next, a father and daughter, saving lives together, in las vegas. we end tonight with two people who have made careers out of saving lives. and found themselves sunday night at the center of a killing field. here is carter evans. >> it was absolutely the worst feeling my gut just dropped. >> fire fighter ben cole knew his daughter was in the crowd. >> there were 22,000 people there. >> i was looking for one. i was looking for one. >> he was offduty enjoying the concert. 20-year-old rachel was working there as an emt. her dad ran through the chaos and found her. >> we, we embraced. shed a few tears. she said, there is people that need help. i said okay. we said, let's get to work. i said you are on my hip. let's go. >> the father daughter paramedic team immediately treated everyone they could. >> people were screaming, there were head shots over there. and unfortunately there is not much you can do for that. horrible for me. 100 times worse for them. >> there was a woman laying on the floor. a man crouched by her. i asked if they needed medical attention. he just waved me off. the fact that he could be so, selfless and know that, there are others in need as well. >> what they endured that night is only now sinking in. >> when you close your eyes at night, you see all of the lights and, all of the people, that's something you, you can't run from. >> what is it look to see him shaken to the core? >> i don't see him shaken to the core. i see him, when everything was in chaos, pulling together, giving instructions, not breaking down. >> i'm glad my daughter says it didn't strike the core to my core. it did. it, this hit me hard. >> they're now both seeking help. >> our counselor said if you let this fear change your life, then he is taking another victim. >> you are not going to let him win. >> no not at all. carter evans, cbs news, las vegas. >> that's the "overnight news" for some of you. the news continues for others check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from las vegas, i'm anthony mason. thank you for watching. welcome to the "overnight news." i'm michelle miller. president trump flew to las vegas a city stillrying from the deadliest mass shooting in modern american history. the president visited survivors in their hospital rooms and spent time at local and federal law enforcement officials. investigators have been unable to determine why steven paddock, a 64-year-old retiree with no criminal record would unleash such a deadly assault. he killed 58 people and wounded hundreds more. before turning the gun on himself. paddock's girlfriend returned to the u.s. from the philippines she could hold the key to the motive. john blackstone begins the coverage. >> reporter: this afternoon, marilou danley was questioned at the fbi field office. she returned after visiting her native philippines taken from the gate in a wheelchair and met by federal agents. authorities say she is key in helping to piece together what motivated paddock. in an interview with australian tv, danley's sisters whose identities were withheld said paddock himself had sent her out of the country before he carried out his massacre. investigators are also going through paddock's two homes and crime scene evidence from the hotel suite. they recovered a total of 47 firearms overall. 24 of them from his hotel room. some seen here in these pictures. jill snyder of the atf told cbs's norah o'donnell that paddock had been stockpiling weapons for years. >> how many firearms were purchased in the last year? >> he purchased 33 firearms. majority rifles. awe thought didn't set off a red flag anywhere in the atf? >> we wouldn't get notified of the purchases of the rifles. we would notified if there was a multiple sale, two or more handguns in an individual purchase. >> go back! >> police body cam footage from the moments during the attack show the fire power the officers faced. and how they tried to help civilians. >> get out of here, there are gunshots coming from over there. the gunfire continued for more than nine minutes. s.w.a.t. police stormed paddock's suite on the mandalay bay's 32nd floor. an hour after the shooting. and found paddock dead of an apparent gunshot wound. paddock was a regular at the gun shop near his home in mesquite, nevada. he bought five guns here. >> this is a bolt action rifle. >> including a belt action rifle three days before the shooting says general manager, christopher sullivan. >> over scoff fee i was having a moechlt in myself thinking that i may very well have been the last person to shack hand with that man. >> marilou danley's attorney said she had no idea he was planning the rampage. the thousand of dollars he wired to herren the philippines, he said was meant for her to buy a home there. danley thought paddock was planning on breaking up with her. >> reporter: fbi agents could be seen today sifting through the hotel suite, steven paddock used to rain down bullets on the concert crowd. >> go that way. get out of here. >> reporter: law enforcement is still searching for a motive. fbi deputy director, andrew mccabe spoke to. kr nbc. >> we don't have any immediately accessible thumb prints that would indicate the shooter ideology or mode motivation. >> in the last 36 hours, fbi labs began processing electronic devices cell phones and computers recovered during searches of his properties. >> i think it is the quieter harder work that we have to do now in terms of identifying people who may have known him, may have seen him. crossed paths with him in the days and weeks leading up to eat vent that's really where we are focused now. >> reporter: investigators are also focusing on paddock's mental health and whether something happened in october of 2016 that pushed him to stockpile most of the 47 guns and rifles in his arsenal. also of interest, whether paddock was considering targeting a large concert that took place in las vegas a week before the country music festival. >> everybody stay down. >> reporter: manny gomez, a former fbi agent. >> this person was looking for the best target opportunity. and, it didn't matter what crowd he was going to fire into. he was looking for the largest if pact for this attack. >> reporter: investigators say paddock spent a lot of his time gambling in the days before the attack. and, more than a dozen kuren transaction reports filed with the u.s. treasury department back that up. >> reporter: president trump landed in the shadow of the mandalay bay hotel and drove near the scene of the massacre in the center of a grieving city he came to console. >> it makes you very proud to be an american when you see the job that they have done. >> reporter: at university medical center, the hospital that received 100 victims. the president thanked doctors and nurses. >> the president also toured the las vegas police command center and hailed the bravery of officers and civilians who faced the terror head-on. >>en the depths of horror we will always find hope in the men and women who risk their lives for ours. >> on behalf of the nation, the president offered a promise. >> we though that your sorrow feels endless, we stand together to help you carry your pain. you're not alone. we will never leave your side. >> reporter: he reflected on how america edures. >> in the darkest moments what shines most brightly is the goodness that thrives in the hearts of our people. >> reporter: of the shooter the president said, his wires were screwed up. >> he is a sick, demented man. >> the president left as he arrived. with the crime scene never far away. >> president trump insist he's has total confidence in secretary of state rex tillerson. reports say tillerson called the president a moron over the summer, and it took vice president mike pence to convince him not to resign. margaret brennan has more. >> he loves this country. he puts americans and america first. he is smart. >> reporter: the president's secretary of state declared he never considered quitting his job but did not deny having referred to the president as a moron. we don't deal with that petty nonsense and intended to do nothing but divide people. i am not going to be part of this fortunate to divide this administration. >> the state department spokesperson later denied it. >> the secretary did not use that type of language to speak about the president of the united states. >> the president was told tillerson made the remark after this july meeting at the pentagon. days earlier the president had blown up at tillerson over sharply differing views on the iran nuclear deal. tillerson himself was frustrated. he had been undermined on other key issues including venezuela and mideast dispute. it also became personal. tillerson a lifelong boy scott was dismayed by mr. trump's comments at a boy scout gathering. >> who the hell wants to speak about politics when i am in front of the boy scouts. right? >> reporter: the president has been personally frustrated by tillerson's reluctance to defend his word on charlottesville. >> the two men spoke by phone. tillerson's spoke said they're good. despite the tweet this weekend, telling the secretary of state to quit wasting his time. he said today he has total confidence in him. >> i am honored. against limescale. so switch to lysol. what it takes to protect. trust #1 doctor recommended dulcolax. use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. suppositories for relief in minutes. and dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax. designed for dependable relief. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. some retreat to thet woods for solitude. i just go downstairs. i love you, but sometimes you stink. febreze air effects doesn't just mask, it cleans away odors. because the things you love the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe happy with febreze. in the hours after the las vegas massacre, fake news stories started popping up on facebook, twitter and all over social media. people read them and reposted them all over the web. 2/3 of americans say they get their news from social media. jim axelrod has a look. >> the danley have been getting death threats. and daughters of danley say that marilou danley is a person of interest. within the hours of attack, his name and photo were spread across the internet. facebook users saw the las vegas crisis response page with a link to the gateway pundit article incorrectly identifying gary danley as the the shooter, a democrat that associated with the anti-trump army. a link from the site, alt-right news speculated the attack was the work of isis. they late ear approximately jietzed for the mistake. in a statement to cbs news, facebook said its vegas false news issue has been fixed. we know people want to see accurate information on facebook and so do we. at facebook, we're working to fight the spread of false news. >> people are looking for answers during crisis and news events. >> john than altbright tracking fake news since the run-up to 2016 election. he says the nature of social media amplifies stories that are blatantly false. >> the authors or promoters of the fake content, often are seeking, to shock people, to outrage them. so, if even if people stop to investigate or dispute or, or debunk or especially things like fact check, you are getting more engagement with that, which, in turn tends to reinforce the content elsewhere. >> late last month. mark zuckerberg talked about facebook's false news problem. >> i wish i could tell you we are going to be able to stop all interference. that just wouldn't be realistic. >> monday, facebook handed over to congress, 3,000 advertisements purchased as part of a russian linked influence operation. congress is investigating whether those ads seen by about 10 million people, interfered with the 2016 election. congressman atd am shif is the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. reminds me of how geico hasd been saving people money for over 75 years. hey, big guy! come on in! let me guess your weight! win a prize! sure, why not. 12 ounces! sorry, mate. four ounces. i've been taking the stairs lately. you win, big guy. sorry, 'scuse me! oh, he looks so much more real on tv. yeah... over 75 years of savings and service. get your rate quote today. it's always disappointing, when something gets watered down. at air wick, we believe scent should be 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sheeran unlikely pop superstar but sold more than 26 million albums, won two grammys and is on "time" magazine's list of the 100 most influential people. he sat down for a chat with our own charlie rose. >> i wouldn't class myself as talented. i think you have to work for talent. you have to, i would like, i couldn't really play guitar or sing. learned to dupe both. couldn't write a song. learned how to do it. i think persistence is worth more than talent. i came to london and was not the best singer song writer or best performer in, in the scene that i was in. but the more and mr. you work at something, you, you give yourself know e no choice but to get better. persistence for me was, the key. that's what i tell any kid nowadays that comes up says how do i become a performer. don't worry if you can't, can't really sing or can't really play. i couldn't really, when i first started out. but, i was persistent. i never thought i would be doing anything else. never thought i would be playing stadiums. always thought i would make a living doing music, playing a pub show, getting 100 quid end of the night. i always knew that was possible. i just, i never had, any other plan. >> no plan b. >> used to think that nothing could be better than touring the world with my songs and i pitched the perfect life i thin the money its the root of all evil ♪ >> you have enough money to buy, have, do anything you want you to do? >> yeah. not anything. >> what can you imagine that you want to do you can't do? >> no, i don't live like tht. i don't want a big luxury yacht and private jet. i am sure i've did have that. i would have to be, you know, a bit more rich. but like, that isn't what i want to do. what i want to do is live in the countryside and eat fish and chips. you stay connected. >> i live in the town i group in still. and i don't really want to change that. there is not really anywhere in the world that i feel more at home. >> do you still have time to write for other people? >> yeah. yeah. surprisingly. ♪ you feel you're thinking i will jump right over into cold, cold waters for you ♪ >> so, justin comes to you and says, hey, man, have you got another song? >> it just happened. just happened. about a week ago. yeah, don't know if it is coming out this year more happening at all. but he did, z me. >> did you then go say, by the way i have got this song. >> no. >> did you say, i'll write you one? >> i have a lot in the bank for him. just in case. i'm going to write a bunch just in case, anyone comes and like, have you got a song. so i had the, one, one ready to go. basically. >> what's the name of it? >> i can't say yet. can't say yet. just in case he doesn't cut it. just in case he doesn't cut it. >> do you know the ones you want for yourself? >> yeah. >> because they're your stories. some of the stoertz. go ahead. >> precisely. for me it is not about whether a song its, more of a hit. i didn't know shape of you would be a hit. i dent know what is a hit what's not. ♪ grab on my waist and put that body on me come and follow my lead come and follow my lead ♪ >> it is more. >> 2.3 billion streams is a hit. >> it is more about what the song means to be. castle on the hill my friends and growing up. >> your home. >> having some one else sing that doesn't make sense. ♪ sthoet so long i know i've grown i can't wait to go home ♪ >> where do you think you will be five years from now? >> do you know what? >> approaching, what, >> 26 yeah. >> i will be hopefully thinking abut starting a family. that is something i would love to have. >> from music to art, in the netherlands. where they're marking the 100th anniversary of pete mondrian, mark fillps takes us on a walking tour. >> reporter: walk along any street in the hague in the netherlands lately can seem like all the shops are selling the same stuff. few rectangles in the appropriate colors, bingo. off awe exactly. >> everybody its proud of it. wants to show it. it's part of what is a city is. >> reporter: the city looks like it has been invaded by a disciplined graffiti artist. on storefronts. train stations. the sides of buildings. red, yellow, and blue rectangles, with black strieptz. everybody knows what this is. >> everybody understands what it is about. >> it about the 100th anniversary of perhaps the simplest and most enduring idea in modern abstract art. and it is about the man who painted these pictures, pete mondrian. >> just such a strong aim j. so hard to resist it. >> he put together the exhibit commemorating the anniversary, at the gamenta museum in the hague which has the the world's largest collection of mondrian art. >> decide to trace how this man everybody thinks they know became who he is. why did you do that? >> it is very exciting to see the path he took. very little artist in which you can see such a beautiful development of his work. >> such a drastic change of style. >> exactly. in the netherlands you have the heritage of the golden age, 17th century. rembrandt and his, his artist friends. >> reporter: it is from that heritage that mondrian's journey begins. >> extremely early mondrian. hans johnsson is one of the leading authorities of mondrian and how his work deviled upped into something nobody has ever seen before. >> you can look at this in retrospect and say you can see what direction he was heading in. >> no. no. >> he didn't know beforehand how it would end. >> the exhibit has tried to show how mondrian's art morphed throughout his life. >> leaving windmills and traditional landscapes. what are we seeing in here? >> this is landscapes in which color takes the dominant role. >> the signs that something completely ditch rent was coming, were there early on. >> then we come to, the most modern painting in 1912. >> it is almost horizontal and vertical. still flowing. >> the curved lines began to disappear. the shapes became more abstract. there was no meaning, no, no, representation, nothing whatsoever. it was just what it is. and it should be in everybody's living room. to, to make life more vivid. and to make life more happy. and to make life more cheerful. >> mondrian called the style of work that made him famous, neoplasticism, the world distilled to forms and colors. it was risky but paid off. >> in 1921 this was completely knew. what he did was, one of a kind. >> in the house now a museum where mondrian grew up in the dutch town of amersport, they put together a sound and light show on what happened to mondrian's work when he first went to new york in 1940. fleeing the that sees who considered his art degenerate. in the new world, the vibrancy and the music took him further down the road he was already on. those colors, and those shapes, took new form. and became what is considered his masterpiece. he called it, victory boogie woogie. he tried to achieve a new kind of bootie that he associated with afro-am can music. jazz. boo gi e woogie loved it a awe he was a boogie woogie kind of guy. >> going there made his legacy i think. people in america came in contact with him. start to realize really what his work meant. >> more important, really, all the american artists that came after him reflected on his work. pollack, rothko, three american artists made modern art in america. it is all in a sense in reflection to mondriaan. >> not just art reflected mondriaan. variations on his work have appeared on a range of products ever since. perhaps, most famously, on that yves saint laurent dress designed in the 60s and seemingly as stylish today as when mondrian created it. >> so strong. fashion design, graphic design. architect, city planners. >> no wonder the people of the hague have embraced mondriian again. all of them. >> everybody joins in. even a sex shop who joined. >> i won't ask what configuration the squares were in. >> exactly. stuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 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abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 678 it's ryan's cell phone. gibbs: isolate calls from psy-ops, government-issued lines. there's five or six different numbers here. cross-reference with incoming calls to banks more than 500 people were injured in the massacre in las vegas, shot or trampleden the chaos. a quarter of them are still hospitalized. norah o'donnell has one woman's story of survival. couldn't believe that was a gun. didn't want to. >> disbelief is how she describes the moment she heard the first spray of gunfire on sunday. >> there was some people yelling, don't worry. don't worry. it's nothing. >> it's not a gun. it's not a gun. >> second time, came around. more people started to -- to realize what it was. and after the third time we knew. >> a bullet struck the 24-year-old in the back. coming very close to her spine. >> your friend said it was all most look you felt like a water balloon hit you. >> i said that after i was hit i felt, like a splatter. i was like maybe some one, threw their drink or, or, maybe some one just being silly. i didn't know. >> it was blood you felt. blood. >> yes. >> how soon after that did you realize you had been shot? >> started running towards the back. i realized i couldn't, couldn't breathe. >> bleeding and fighting for air, babbock continued running alongside her friend, joseph astunio. >> we made our way to a fence. because the other exits were too full. and there were people on the other side helping people get over. and someone caught me. and, i was so scared. and they, they, gave me the biggest hug. and they told me, everything is going to be okay. >> babbock rushed by ambulance to university medical center with broken ribs and collapsed lung. in her third year of law school at university of florida she had one question for the doctor. i kept asking him am i going to be okay. all i want to do is graduate law school. when she told me the bullet was, was, in my spine, or close to tip, then my second question was, am i going to be paralyzed? and i'm, am i going to be able to walk again. she told me, when i wok up after they put the tube in my chest. you're going to graduate. and you're going to be able to run a marathon. you are going to run again. >> i see you still have the wristband on. >> yeah. i haven't cut it off yet. >> i've don't know if i should or not. >> babboc says surviving the shooting has renewed her sense of purpose to become a criminal prosecutor after she graduates in may. >> as long as there is no more tubes in my chest, i think i'll be able to walk across the stage. >> then you will be standing in a courtroom as the a criminal prosecutor. >> that's the plan. >> and, that is the overnight news for this thursday. from the cbs news broadcast center here in new york city. i'm michelle miller. captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, october 5th, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." there are more questions than answers about the man who carried out the massacre in las vegas, but officials say it's clear the attack was meticulously planned. >> stephen paddock was a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and academy moe and leading a secret life. total confidence. that's what the president says he has as rex tillerson considers resigning.

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