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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20240622 : compa

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20240622

and college drive. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch was there for start of the big clean up. >> reporter: behind the wheel, and stuck in high water, a place in driver wants to be. >> i was like oh, crap hopefully i can make it through. >> reporter: matt made it through but his car did not. water near west high street and college drive-in montgomery county may in the the look high but it is. flash flood that this driver didn't expect as he made his way in the pottstown boro area. >> like i said i thought i would be able to drive through it, and i was. >> reporter: as he walked away, the driver of this mustang was already out, rescued with the help of her son. >> my mom, tried driving down the street here and she trove her mustang into deep water. >> reporter: reminder for all to steer clear of high the water. until the the water didn't seem that high, after all, you have a driver, two fire fighters walking through it to safety, it was still high enough to stall two cars and require a north end fire company rescue. so, to be safe, don't drawn, turnaround. in pottstown, i'm justin finch for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". always good advice. one person was rush to the doylestown hospital after this crash. it happened at easton and bristol road in warrington, bucks county. easton road is route 611 out there. it happened about 9:00 o'clock this morning. the cause has in the been clear right now but we're told it is possible the driver suffered a medical emergency. after rain and storms, lots of humidity a big change in the weather is just ahead for us and more changes to come. let's get our first look at the forecast with meteorologist kyla grogan live on the cbs-3 skies deck. hi there kyla. >> i have to say i'm enjoying this. humidity levels are dropping as we speak. dew points dropping in the 60's, what a difference, it feels lovely out here. lets look live at storm scan three and you can see rain has made its way out pushing off shore, starting to get those clouds, that will be clearing as well. we are expecting sunshine in philadelphia, high of 87 degrees. you can see as you head out to the shore highs of 82. shore will be last to clear so a few cloud on the way out and very nice, less humid in the poconos as well, that 77 degrees. humidity set to give us a break in the just this afternoon but to saturday setting us up quite nicely for the the weekend but note that is humidity does creep up as we head later into sunday and into monday. some heat is on the way too. so, enjoy the break, everybody, we will talk more in details about your weekend forecast when i come back in a few moments and we will get to you next week. is there heat in the forecast, yep, i hate to be bearer of bad news but i will make sure you stay ahead of it. for now, back to you in the studio. >> kyla, thank you. man suspect of robbing a bank in bensalem is arrested in the parking lot of another bank a few miles away. chopper three right here over the bank of america on grant have avenue in northeast philadelphia. police say the man robbed a pnc bank on hulmeville road in bensalem a little bit before 10:00 and then they caught up with him less than an hour later thanks to the gps device hidden in the cash. police are after the armed driver who got away with cash from the northeast philadelphia post office. this happened about 4:30 yesterday, in the 6300 block of castor avenue. investigators say that the suspect point aid gun at clerks and got away with cash and money order. if you have any information, on this armed robbery, we ask you you to call the police. police are also working to identify a man murdered in tacony overnight. authorities say that a man in his 30's was shot, at least a dozen times, a along the 4400 block of long shore avenue. police are investigating what motivated the shooting, they say that the victim was fun lying next to his car, with the the driver's side door, wide opened. amtrak is preparing for the papal visit by adding more trains and more seats on northeast corridor trains. the pope will visit new york and washington d.c. in addition to philadelphia, so 30th street station is expected to be a big focal point for travelers. septa is selling one day passes for regional rails starting to day. they had extras left over after the lottery. they are $10 each and available at the the station that is will be opened september 26th and 27th. the those passes are once again $10 each. cbs three is your station for the papal visit. when we're not on tv hop on line for latest information the at cbs philly.com. turning to campaign 2016, friday night lights are set to shine on donald trump tonight for what is expect to be the biggest campaign rally of this race so far. the g.o.p. presidential candidate is hosting the event at a football stadium in mobile, alabama, its capacity 40,000 seats. trump's campaign said they had to move the rally there because two other venues chosen were not big enough. the cheating web site ashley madison is scrambling to deal with the release of more confidential material. hackers posted internal documents and details of additional users, and it has become a concern for the the pentagon. michelle miller now explains. >> reporter: in their latest ad, hackers calling them self impact appear to have taken aim at ashley madison's top executive, ceo noel bidderman. multiple outlets report that a along with the internal files, the group posted this message hey knoll you can admit it is real now. the statement caples just days after hackers, exposed, cheating supposees around the world releasing 32 million members dating profiles and personal information. around 15,000 e-mail addresses appear to trace back to u.s. government accounts. the defense secretary ash carter confirmed on thursday that the the pentagon is looking into some of the people on the list who use military addresses. >> of course, it is an issue because conduct is very important and we expect good conduct on the part of our people. >> reporter: ashley madison is still operating but traffic on the web site dropped 40 percent in july when the hackers first threatened to release data until the web site shut down. the company says the hackers are criminals who appointed themselves as ministerial judge, juror and executioner. hackers claim they are just exposing security flaws in the site offering a 100 percent discrete service. >> it will be really difficult for ashley madison to survive this. >> reporter: ashley madison has closed unauthorized access points, along with the fbi, canadian police are also investigating since it is a toronto based company. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. well, two women can new call themselves graduates from the army's elite ranger school. >> we have a look at the ceremony in fort benning, georgia. kristin griest and shay haber can wear the ranger tag along with 94 other men graduating. however, the would the man cannot, serve in combat just yet. their graduation adds to the debate whether they should or eventually will. >> toy hope with our performance in ranger school we have been able to inform that decision as to what they can expect from women in the military that we can handle things physically and mentally on the same level as men. >> the in military a has until october 1st to present findings of their analysis to the pentagon. well, a barn explodes and it is caught on camera. coming up how one fire fighter caught in the middle of that blast was able to survive, hear from him next. call it a space selfie, more on the great picture captured from high above the earth. we are coming right back. check this out a huge explosion, and amish barn in charlotte hill maryland. this is is from a fire fighter caught in the middle of that inferno. investigators say a fire started in the cabinetmaking business but then, it exploded on top of it. crews didn't know tanks were there. fire fighters alan hippill was lucky to survive with only minor injuries. >> i was blowing water on that tank, actually on a few tanks and i started flowing water for about three seconds. i didn't see the explosion, i just saw bright red, everything. >> fire officials say no one could survive the blast without the specialized gear that he was wearing. fortunately no one else was injured in that explosion. an explosion caused by electrical equipment and shocking downtown los angeles last night that knocked out electricity, to a dozen nearby buildings, including the staples center. shayna twain was in concert and that concert was interrupted. the explosion happened, under a 19 story building, main and woman were both treated for minor injuries. officials tell thaws two other people, declined treatment. well, fire fighters are struggling, they are struggling right now to get a handle on deadly wild fires in the west. almost 30,000 fire fighters are battling at least 80 fires that have forced thousands toss flee their homes. >> greg martinez is in washington state where those fires have claimed three lives. >> reporter: fast moving wild fire, forced more evacuations overnight in north central washington. a dozen major fires have scorched almost 400,000 acres across the state. many of the fire fighters battling the flames, paused yesterday to honor three fallen brothers killed near the town of twist, 31 year-old richard wheeler, 26 year-old andrew zajack and 21 year-old todd. >> todd work as a fire fight tore pay for college. >> he was fun, he was smart. >> bought full and kind. >> and he was going to be. >> the light of our life. >> the light of our life. >> deaths have left people who live in this small town, stunned. >> it is really hard. it is not an easy thing to experience. >> reporter: fire fighters sway wild fires practically burning in every corner of the state, this is one of the worst fire seasons, ever, in washington, chris martinez for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". what a crushing, crushing loss. for the community and those dear parents. >> your heart goes out to them. still ahead on "eyewitness news" a story that sound more like science fiction on then fact. >> find out how scientists grew a human brain, in a lab. and if that was not cool enough how this brain could help future generations, kyla. >> that sound incredible. i'm keeping an eye on the weather. it is incredible. gorgeous and sunny. will it last through your weekend? i will have details coming up. plus we will look at hurricane danny a and where it is headed. stay with us, "eyewit here at humana, we value sticking with things. when something works, people stick with it. more people stick with humana medicare advantage. because we stick with them. humana medicare advantage. the plan people stick with. if you ever wondered what robots and kim kardashian, have in common they love selfie's. curiosity rover shot this shot cruising the red planet. they are a combination of the several images taken by the rover's hand lens. curiosity landed on mars, a little bit more than three years ago. since then it has been exploring, studying the plan tote determine if life could ever exist there a lot of these images, that they are coming from mars. >> amazing if somebody was standing behind that. >> one day. >> one day. >> this is also neat, scientistness ohio state university claim they grew a nearly complete human brain in the lab. >> that brain is the size of a pencil eraser and has 90 percent of the betweens in the fully developed fetal brain. the it was engineered from adult human skin cells and grown in a dish, for 15 weeks. researchers hoped that it will help them find a cure for alzheimer's and autism and other brain disorder. having to laugh bit certainly but i wanted to say something about that. >> in 36 days. >> yes. >> all of beautiful wet they are weekend. out with the storms. it looks so nice out there. >> a lot of people dealt with rain this morning but it was needed. we needed rain. now it has cooled us down and let that humidity level drop and everybody is cheering for that. i am too. we are off to a much better weekend, thank goodness. lets look at time lapse to show you this going down. take a look you can see the water, the the rain, and then cloud that were in there this morning. and then take a look at this, yeah, now it is gorgeous. now we have people outside on the boardwalk walking around enjoying blue skies making their way in. beautiful day to get out there taking a live look at philadelphia, this is center city. 83 degrees. wind northwest at 14 miles an hour. the just 46 percent humidity. i have watched this ticked down as we go throughout the morning. fantastic. taking a look at the radar you can see this, it is all push off shore now so that is why we are seeing clearing skies. in the just for us here in philadelphia area but look at this all the way back along that eastern third of the country looking really good. we are off to a good start as we head toward the weekend no doubt about it. lets take a look now if we can, to get this to go forward for me. technical issues are so much fun on live tv, aren't they. we're stuck. i will walk over here and push the button to get it going. as we look at the radar you can see nice and clear and as we move to the temperatures here 83 degrees in philadelphia 80 in allentown. eighty-three in atlantic city. we are looking good there. eighty-one in dover. there is the wind, it has shifted directions out of the north. that is helping to us cool down here, get that air mass out of the way as you you can see everybody between about that five to 50 miles an hour range. this is what is happening that front has tracked off shore, high pressure coming n gorgeous saturday on tap. eighty's there, bright days ahead. looking good for sunday. we could see cloud work their way in but i don't think we will see much of anything. heading to the shore, have afternoon looking fantastic. 82 degrees. uv index is up to an eight. it will be sunny for sure. today, sunshine less humidity, high of 87. wind northwest at ten to 5 miles an hour. and tonight, we should be really comfortable and pleasant. we will have a combination of the lower temperatures, overnight low of 67. nice and comfortable with the humidity levels looking good too. i want to look at your seven day forecast and then we will talk about danny here. lets look at this it is looking nice as we head throughout the next several days, we will start to warm up, as we get into monday, you can see a high of 90. we will see humidity start to kickback up as well, but it is looking good in the mid week time frame next week. quick look at danny to show you it is now a category two hurricane. it is strengthened since we have talk yesterday. wind sustained at 105 miles an hour and as you can see it is still heading to the lesser antilles island. the it will weaken. is there much needed rain. i think saint thomas, virgin island, they are some of the driest they have been since they kept record in 1951. that would help them out if it was in the too powerful but didn't cause too many problems but brought beneficial rain. >> yes. >> thanks, kyla. time to check your philadelphia jobs market report. >> cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger explains which college classes are most likely to help you find a job. >> reporter: students with degrees in science, technology, engineering, mathematics can earn higher wages than those with liberal arts diplomas. that why is computer science classes are now you seen as prerequisites for most jobs. recruiters say employers also expect college graduates to have completed some course work in finance, accounting, economics and business management, as well as communications because of the practical skill that these classes teach. other course that he is can help students prepare for their career including sociology, history, art history and religion all of which can provide insight, understanding, into behavior and cultures that are foreign to you. finally, whether you are going to will school in the philadelphia area or out of town you'll be happy that you took a writing composition class to communicate you're december clearly in any industry. i'm jill schlesinger for cbs-3 "eyewitness new well, coming up later today on "eyewitness news" at 5:00 it is pregnancy post that went viral our own katie fehlinger talks about the overwhelming support that she has received, since she stood up to bullies, and defended all pregnant woman with their baby bumps. >> gra to see the support across the nation too. >> really beautiful. new air of the late show on cbs is just around the corner. >> yesterday workers put the sign up for late show with steven colbert they put it up in place on broadway. just down the street from the ed sullivan theater. >> we cannot wait for the premiere, catch it on tuesday, september 8th at 11:35 p.m. if you stay up that late. that is "eyewitness news" right here on cbs-3. definitely worth the view. from colbert to an unbearably cute pool party in one new jersey backyard. >> that is right, we emphasize the word bear. lets take a look. >> do you see it. >> yeah. >> unaudible. >> someone is scared, but look at this, a rockaway township, the the family of bears decided to beat the heat and take a a dip in the family's pool. they also check out the swings, and they played with the toys, look at how adorable, and potentially dangerous they all are. tim bosso it says bears stayed in the family's backyard for nearly an hour. >> i thought maybe they would get a drink or just drink out of it for a minute and then move on but they pretty much, started climbing in. >> what did you do? >> my first thought was really where are the dog and where are the kid? >> that is for sure. >> everyone says they were inside and bear running through back yard. bears did in the cause any damage to the pool but that girl floating, the board and different story. have one ran away. but, enjoying the the pool. >> yes. >> exactly. >> that is "eyewitness news" at noon, i'm pat ciarrocchi. >> i'm quarter von tiehl. for kyla, all of us here thanks for watching. >> "eyewitness news" continues at 5:00 we are always on line cbs philly.com. the young and the restless is i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. webuyanycar.com lling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment. and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪ ♪ at webuyanycar.com >> devon: so, what news do you have about my wife? >> we got a call from the owner of paradise trails about a missing tourist. it seems your wife went off on her own and never returned. >> devon: yeah. i'm already aware of this. >> mr. hamilton contacted the front desk, hoping hilary had returned to the hotel, but we couldn't locate her anywhere on the property. >> i'd like to talk to mr. hamilton alone, if you don't mind. >> of course. just let us know if there's anything else we can do. >> devon: of course. thank you for everything. >> thank you. >> devon: what did you want to talk to me about? do you guys know where she is? >> no. >> devon: do you have any leads? >> i just came from gorda peak. i met a woman who was walking up by the summit. she told me she heard a scream. and then i found this. >> devon: a room key.

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New York , United States , Doylestown Hospital , Pennsylvania , Canada , Alabama , Dover , New Jersey , Philadelphia , Georgia , Fort Benning , Toronto , Ontario , Washington , District Of Columbia , Montgomery County , Saint Thomas , Atlantic City , Maryland , Allentown , America , Canadian , Richard Wheeler , Ashley Madison , Chris Martinez , Greg Martinez , Kyla Grogan , Shayna Twain , Jill Schlesinger , Los Angeles , Michelle Miller , Steven Colbert , Kim Kardashian , Pottstown Boro , Justin Finch ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20240622 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 12PM 20240622

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and college drive. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch was there for start of the big clean up. >> reporter: behind the wheel, and stuck in high water, a place in driver wants to be. >> i was like oh, crap hopefully i can make it through. >> reporter: matt made it through but his car did not. water near west high street and college drive-in montgomery county may in the the look high but it is. flash flood that this driver didn't expect as he made his way in the pottstown boro area. >> like i said i thought i would be able to drive through it, and i was. >> reporter: as he walked away, the driver of this mustang was already out, rescued with the help of her son. >> my mom, tried driving down the street here and she trove her mustang into deep water. >> reporter: reminder for all to steer clear of high the water. until the the water didn't seem that high, after all, you have a driver, two fire fighters walking through it to safety, it was still high enough to stall two cars and require a north end fire company rescue. so, to be safe, don't drawn, turnaround. in pottstown, i'm justin finch for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". always good advice. one person was rush to the doylestown hospital after this crash. it happened at easton and bristol road in warrington, bucks county. easton road is route 611 out there. it happened about 9:00 o'clock this morning. the cause has in the been clear right now but we're told it is possible the driver suffered a medical emergency. after rain and storms, lots of humidity a big change in the weather is just ahead for us and more changes to come. let's get our first look at the forecast with meteorologist kyla grogan live on the cbs-3 skies deck. hi there kyla. >> i have to say i'm enjoying this. humidity levels are dropping as we speak. dew points dropping in the 60's, what a difference, it feels lovely out here. lets look live at storm scan three and you can see rain has made its way out pushing off shore, starting to get those clouds, that will be clearing as well. we are expecting sunshine in philadelphia, high of 87 degrees. you can see as you head out to the shore highs of 82. shore will be last to clear so a few cloud on the way out and very nice, less humid in the poconos as well, that 77 degrees. humidity set to give us a break in the just this afternoon but to saturday setting us up quite nicely for the the weekend but note that is humidity does creep up as we head later into sunday and into monday. some heat is on the way too. so, enjoy the break, everybody, we will talk more in details about your weekend forecast when i come back in a few moments and we will get to you next week. is there heat in the forecast, yep, i hate to be bearer of bad news but i will make sure you stay ahead of it. for now, back to you in the studio. >> kyla, thank you. man suspect of robbing a bank in bensalem is arrested in the parking lot of another bank a few miles away. chopper three right here over the bank of america on grant have avenue in northeast philadelphia. police say the man robbed a pnc bank on hulmeville road in bensalem a little bit before 10:00 and then they caught up with him less than an hour later thanks to the gps device hidden in the cash. police are after the armed driver who got away with cash from the northeast philadelphia post office. this happened about 4:30 yesterday, in the 6300 block of castor avenue. investigators say that the suspect point aid gun at clerks and got away with cash and money order. if you have any information, on this armed robbery, we ask you you to call the police. police are also working to identify a man murdered in tacony overnight. authorities say that a man in his 30's was shot, at least a dozen times, a along the 4400 block of long shore avenue. police are investigating what motivated the shooting, they say that the victim was fun lying next to his car, with the the driver's side door, wide opened. amtrak is preparing for the papal visit by adding more trains and more seats on northeast corridor trains. the pope will visit new york and washington d.c. in addition to philadelphia, so 30th street station is expected to be a big focal point for travelers. septa is selling one day passes for regional rails starting to day. they had extras left over after the lottery. they are $10 each and available at the the station that is will be opened september 26th and 27th. the those passes are once again $10 each. cbs three is your station for the papal visit. when we're not on tv hop on line for latest information the at cbs philly.com. turning to campaign 2016, friday night lights are set to shine on donald trump tonight for what is expect to be the biggest campaign rally of this race so far. the g.o.p. presidential candidate is hosting the event at a football stadium in mobile, alabama, its capacity 40,000 seats. trump's campaign said they had to move the rally there because two other venues chosen were not big enough. the cheating web site ashley madison is scrambling to deal with the release of more confidential material. hackers posted internal documents and details of additional users, and it has become a concern for the the pentagon. michelle miller now explains. >> reporter: in their latest ad, hackers calling them self impact appear to have taken aim at ashley madison's top executive, ceo noel bidderman. multiple outlets report that a along with the internal files, the group posted this message hey knoll you can admit it is real now. the statement caples just days after hackers, exposed, cheating supposees around the world releasing 32 million members dating profiles and personal information. around 15,000 e-mail addresses appear to trace back to u.s. government accounts. the defense secretary ash carter confirmed on thursday that the the pentagon is looking into some of the people on the list who use military addresses. >> of course, it is an issue because conduct is very important and we expect good conduct on the part of our people. >> reporter: ashley madison is still operating but traffic on the web site dropped 40 percent in july when the hackers first threatened to release data until the web site shut down. the company says the hackers are criminals who appointed themselves as ministerial judge, juror and executioner. hackers claim they are just exposing security flaws in the site offering a 100 percent discrete service. >> it will be really difficult for ashley madison to survive this. >> reporter: ashley madison has closed unauthorized access points, along with the fbi, canadian police are also investigating since it is a toronto based company. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. well, two women can new call themselves graduates from the army's elite ranger school. >> we have a look at the ceremony in fort benning, georgia. kristin griest and shay haber can wear the ranger tag along with 94 other men graduating. however, the would the man cannot, serve in combat just yet. their graduation adds to the debate whether they should or eventually will. >> toy hope with our performance in ranger school we have been able to inform that decision as to what they can expect from women in the military that we can handle things physically and mentally on the same level as men. >> the in military a has until october 1st to present findings of their analysis to the pentagon. well, a barn explodes and it is caught on camera. coming up how one fire fighter caught in the middle of that blast was able to survive, hear from him next. call it a space selfie, more on the great picture captured from high above the earth. we are coming right back. check this out a huge explosion, and amish barn in charlotte hill maryland. this is is from a fire fighter caught in the middle of that inferno. investigators say a fire started in the cabinetmaking business but then, it exploded on top of it. crews didn't know tanks were there. fire fighters alan hippill was lucky to survive with only minor injuries. >> i was blowing water on that tank, actually on a few tanks and i started flowing water for about three seconds. i didn't see the explosion, i just saw bright red, everything. >> fire officials say no one could survive the blast without the specialized gear that he was wearing. fortunately no one else was injured in that explosion. an explosion caused by electrical equipment and shocking downtown los angeles last night that knocked out electricity, to a dozen nearby buildings, including the staples center. shayna twain was in concert and that concert was interrupted. the explosion happened, under a 19 story building, main and woman were both treated for minor injuries. officials tell thaws two other people, declined treatment. well, fire fighters are struggling, they are struggling right now to get a handle on deadly wild fires in the west. almost 30,000 fire fighters are battling at least 80 fires that have forced thousands toss flee their homes. >> greg martinez is in washington state where those fires have claimed three lives. >> reporter: fast moving wild fire, forced more evacuations overnight in north central washington. a dozen major fires have scorched almost 400,000 acres across the state. many of the fire fighters battling the flames, paused yesterday to honor three fallen brothers killed near the town of twist, 31 year-old richard wheeler, 26 year-old andrew zajack and 21 year-old todd. >> todd work as a fire fight tore pay for college. >> he was fun, he was smart. >> bought full and kind. >> and he was going to be. >> the light of our life. >> the light of our life. >> deaths have left people who live in this small town, stunned. >> it is really hard. it is not an easy thing to experience. >> reporter: fire fighters sway wild fires practically burning in every corner of the state, this is one of the worst fire seasons, ever, in washington, chris martinez for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". what a crushing, crushing loss. for the community and those dear parents. >> your heart goes out to them. still ahead on "eyewitness news" a story that sound more like science fiction on then fact. >> find out how scientists grew a human brain, in a lab. and if that was not cool enough how this brain could help future generations, kyla. >> that sound incredible. i'm keeping an eye on the weather. it is incredible. gorgeous and sunny. will it last through your weekend? i will have details coming up. plus we will look at hurricane danny a and where it is headed. stay with us, "eyewit here at humana, we value sticking with things. when something works, people stick with it. more people stick with humana medicare advantage. because we stick with them. humana medicare advantage. the plan people stick with. if you ever wondered what robots and kim kardashian, have in common they love selfie's. curiosity rover shot this shot cruising the red planet. they are a combination of the several images taken by the rover's hand lens. curiosity landed on mars, a little bit more than three years ago. since then it has been exploring, studying the plan tote determine if life could ever exist there a lot of these images, that they are coming from mars. >> amazing if somebody was standing behind that. >> one day. >> one day. >> this is also neat, scientistness ohio state university claim they grew a nearly complete human brain in the lab. >> that brain is the size of a pencil eraser and has 90 percent of the betweens in the fully developed fetal brain. the it was engineered from adult human skin cells and grown in a dish, for 15 weeks. researchers hoped that it will help them find a cure for alzheimer's and autism and other brain disorder. having to laugh bit certainly but i wanted to say something about that. >> in 36 days. >> yes. >> all of beautiful wet they are weekend. out with the storms. it looks so nice out there. >> a lot of people dealt with rain this morning but it was needed. we needed rain. now it has cooled us down and let that humidity level drop and everybody is cheering for that. i am too. we are off to a much better weekend, thank goodness. lets look at time lapse to show you this going down. take a look you can see the water, the the rain, and then cloud that were in there this morning. and then take a look at this, yeah, now it is gorgeous. now we have people outside on the boardwalk walking around enjoying blue skies making their way in. beautiful day to get out there taking a live look at philadelphia, this is center city. 83 degrees. wind northwest at 14 miles an hour. the just 46 percent humidity. i have watched this ticked down as we go throughout the morning. fantastic. taking a look at the radar you can see this, it is all push off shore now so that is why we are seeing clearing skies. in the just for us here in philadelphia area but look at this all the way back along that eastern third of the country looking really good. we are off to a good start as we head toward the weekend no doubt about it. lets take a look now if we can, to get this to go forward for me. technical issues are so much fun on live tv, aren't they. we're stuck. i will walk over here and push the button to get it going. as we look at the radar you can see nice and clear and as we move to the temperatures here 83 degrees in philadelphia 80 in allentown. eighty-three in atlantic city. we are looking good there. eighty-one in dover. there is the wind, it has shifted directions out of the north. that is helping to us cool down here, get that air mass out of the way as you you can see everybody between about that five to 50 miles an hour range. this is what is happening that front has tracked off shore, high pressure coming n gorgeous saturday on tap. eighty's there, bright days ahead. looking good for sunday. we could see cloud work their way in but i don't think we will see much of anything. heading to the shore, have afternoon looking fantastic. 82 degrees. uv index is up to an eight. it will be sunny for sure. today, sunshine less humidity, high of 87. wind northwest at ten to 5 miles an hour. and tonight, we should be really comfortable and pleasant. we will have a combination of the lower temperatures, overnight low of 67. nice and comfortable with the humidity levels looking good too. i want to look at your seven day forecast and then we will talk about danny here. lets look at this it is looking nice as we head throughout the next several days, we will start to warm up, as we get into monday, you can see a high of 90. we will see humidity start to kickback up as well, but it is looking good in the mid week time frame next week. quick look at danny to show you it is now a category two hurricane. it is strengthened since we have talk yesterday. wind sustained at 105 miles an hour and as you can see it is still heading to the lesser antilles island. the it will weaken. is there much needed rain. i think saint thomas, virgin island, they are some of the driest they have been since they kept record in 1951. that would help them out if it was in the too powerful but didn't cause too many problems but brought beneficial rain. >> yes. >> thanks, kyla. time to check your philadelphia jobs market report. >> cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger explains which college classes are most likely to help you find a job. >> reporter: students with degrees in science, technology, engineering, mathematics can earn higher wages than those with liberal arts diplomas. that why is computer science classes are now you seen as prerequisites for most jobs. recruiters say employers also expect college graduates to have completed some course work in finance, accounting, economics and business management, as well as communications because of the practical skill that these classes teach. other course that he is can help students prepare for their career including sociology, history, art history and religion all of which can provide insight, understanding, into behavior and cultures that are foreign to you. finally, whether you are going to will school in the philadelphia area or out of town you'll be happy that you took a writing composition class to communicate you're december clearly in any industry. i'm jill schlesinger for cbs-3 "eyewitness new well, coming up later today on "eyewitness news" at 5:00 it is pregnancy post that went viral our own katie fehlinger talks about the overwhelming support that she has received, since she stood up to bullies, and defended all pregnant woman with their baby bumps. >> gra to see the support across the nation too. >> really beautiful. new air of the late show on cbs is just around the corner. >> yesterday workers put the sign up for late show with steven colbert they put it up in place on broadway. just down the street from the ed sullivan theater. >> we cannot wait for the premiere, catch it on tuesday, september 8th at 11:35 p.m. if you stay up that late. that is "eyewitness news" right here on cbs-3. definitely worth the view. from colbert to an unbearably cute pool party in one new jersey backyard. >> that is right, we emphasize the word bear. lets take a look. >> do you see it. >> yeah. >> unaudible. >> someone is scared, but look at this, a rockaway township, the the family of bears decided to beat the heat and take a a dip in the family's pool. they also check out the swings, and they played with the toys, look at how adorable, and potentially dangerous they all are. tim bosso it says bears stayed in the family's backyard for nearly an hour. >> i thought maybe they would get a drink or just drink out of it for a minute and then move on but they pretty much, started climbing in. >> what did you do? >> my first thought was really where are the dog and where are the kid? >> that is for sure. >> everyone says they were inside and bear running through back yard. bears did in the cause any damage to the pool but that girl floating, the board and different story. have one ran away. but, enjoying the the pool. >> yes. >> exactly. >> that is "eyewitness news" at noon, i'm pat ciarrocchi. >> i'm quarter von tiehl. for kyla, all of us here thanks for watching. >> "eyewitness news" continues at 5:00 we are always on line cbs philly.com. the young and the restless is i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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