Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20240622 : compar

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20240622

set this up for us and we are facing, eastbound right here, on spring garden street from our station headquarters and well off in the distance we have bear bones of the light of the day popping up over the horizon. it is just a beautiful view. all is calm, quiet it will stay that way. we have a nice clear sky for you, beautiful weather unfolding for the day. current area temperatures thinks comfortable. dairy say fleece weather toward mount pocono. i know, hold the phone. 69 degrees at the airport and generally low to mid 60's through your outlining suburbs. as we go through the day this is a banner day. we will add an extra beach ball to this. it should be five out of five on the meter for you here today under abundant sunshine. 84 degrees. phenomenal. enjoy it. get on out take advantage what you got whether you have a pool, beach take planned or just taking the dog for a nice long walk. everything is fair game, meisha. gorgeous. >> i don't have i have i a a dog i wish i d i will take a breakfast walk, lunch walk, dinner walk, sound beautiful. here's a live look at schuylkill expressway eastbound past 202. we are seeing those headlights, trying to get out on the roadway. it will be a busy one. you'll to have bring these sunglasses. sound like sunnies out. but right now these things are looking g the here's ben franklin bridge for those coming from new jersey looking great into center city there. i-95 southbound just before cottman the red cone zones in places, as you head southbound. not causing any are slow downs yet with you this stretch is very busy in the morning. we will see that heat up. we have an accident in cheltenham township, cheltenham avenue at washington lane, one lane is blocked, for those in that area but you can still get wye with that within lane, nicole, over to you. ago ton police just send thus picture. they are searching for eight five-year old charles wilson who has gone wilson. wilson suffers from dimension a he as last seen at st. joseph manor on the 1600 block of huntington pike at 7:30. he wases wearing a maroon phillies jacket and hat. he is 6 feet tall and weighs 190-pound. if you see him call 191. crossing the delaware will cost you more on two bridges. >> the burlington county bridge commission has approved raising tolls on the tacony palmyra and burlington bristol bridges. starting september 15th, it will go from two to $3 for e-z pass commuters. and those who pay cash is paying $4 now. the the commission says that it need the money to maintain the bridges. >> i wish i didn't have to do this. but we're compelled in the interests of safety and in the interest of viability and in the interest of maintaining our bridges, i feel to take this action. >> betsy ross, get right on i-95 north and south, i don't have to go down a mile, up and downstate road, lot more convenient. >> triple a says bridge commission fails to give drivers enough time to comment on the toll hike. the it called on the commission to phase in the hike to ease the burden on the motorist. hard working father is attack while delivering pizza in bristol bucks county. while he laid bleeding on the ground inn conscious the thieves robbed him. >> police are reviewing surveillance video hoping it lead to his attackers. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco spoke to that victim about his frightening ordeal. >> they are just scum. for people to do that to rob people, i work two jobs. i have a wife, two kids, i have been working for 15 years. >> reporter: monday night on his last pizza delivery run greg stevens was attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. he worked in philadelphia during the day, at night he delivers pizza for italian family pizzeria in bristol boro all to put food on his table and provide a good life for his family. >> i don't have a life insurance policy. if anything happened to me, you know, it the is just hard because i have two kid i have to take care of. >> reporter: police say greg never saw it coming. he was hit in the back of the head by one or more suspects. police say suspects phoned in a fake delivery and while greg was lying on the ground, unconscious, in a pool of his own blood, they stole $125 from his pocket. >> he exited his car and was walking up the sidewalk, almost made it to the front of the residence which apparently was a vacant residence so it was definitely set up by someone that knew there was nobody living in that home at the time. >> reporter: greg believes he was hit with the metal bat but has no recollection of the delivery or what happened afterward. somehow he was able to drive himself back to the restaurant where police were call. >> i don't remember going to the house, i don't remember getting out of the car, i don't remember driving back to the pizza shop. >> greg has a severe concussion and laceration toss his head. >> i had like an inch and a half fash in the back that was almost right to the school and two lacerations on the back that require eight staples in each side to close it up. >> reporter: police are reviewing surveillance cameras hoping to find the people responsible for this attack. as for greg, he is eager to get back to work but until doctors clear him to do so his wife has been making his deliver is in his place. in bristol boro bucks county, i'm diana rocco for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". 5:36n business news, twitter makes a move to stay competitive. >> also more troubling news on the chinese economy, lets check with jill wagner at the new york stock exchange with that and more for us, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erika and nicole. china's currency fell for a third straight day but country's central bank says there is no basis for further depreciation. they dropped 3 percent since tuesday. despite the uncertainty u.s. markets rebounded after plunging at the open. dow jones finish flat, nasdaq up seven. change for twitter users. you will not longer confined to 140 characters when sending a private message on the social network. the total character counties now 10,000, analyst say twitter made the change to stay competitive with other messaging services. tweets are still limited to 140 characters. target may start delivering groceries tour door as they revamped the grocery section offering more organic and natural foods. target will only say, it will start that trial in the near future. and could this be the drink of champions? wheaties is teaming up with a craft brew youry in minnesota to produce a wheat beer. it is a limit add digs beer and does not contain wheaties. it will be available beginning next month only in minnesota but that is a change if it is a big hit. erika and nicole. >> do that is make beer the breakfast of champions? >> would i hope not. >> drink of the morning. >> not me anyway. >> reporter: would it spice up the day. >> make it more interesting. >> thanks very much. 5:38. one way to prevent those return to sender notification on your a mail would be to use a post offices's new elvis pressly stamp. new forever stamp shows black and white picture of the king. elvis is first entertainer to be featured on two u.s. postage stamp. new elvis stamp is available at post offices across the country. all right. happening today, a new outlet shopping center opens up in blackwood, new jersey. >> gloucester premium outlets has more than 90 stores to shop for those famous designer brand and just in time for back to schooltime. >> jan carabao joins us inside the store, and mall, and i imagine it is so tempting. we're all so jealous of you, good morning. >> reporter: erika and nicole, good morning. of course, you have to do a little bit of shopping if you are here at a new outlet mall before everybody else. this is a 376,000 square foot new shopping center, the the gloucester premium outlets opens up to take to the public at 10:00 o'clock this morning. here to talk more about that is les morris, spokesperson for simon property group. les, thanks so much for being on your show today. >> thank you so much for coming out. >> how do we look? all of the stores ready to go, most of the stores ready to go. >> great majority. we have 80 ready to go this morning. they are ready to meet shop hours want to come out and experience the best and value shopping with prices, 25 to 65 . >> you mentioned 80 but there will be more coming. it is not just excitement today but that will only continue to grow. >> that is right. when people come out they will see lovely space, public space, greenery, it is just the best that we have ever done in terms of the design. it is a wonderful center. >> it is beautiful but in the just about shopping but free family fun over next four days as well this weekend should be a blast. weather will cooperate. we will have a great time. one of the highlights will be bethenny frankel's appearance saturday afternoon one to 4:30 in our vip shop. she's the star of real housewives of new york city and just got the their season finally. fresh off of. that we will have music and other entertainment for a great celebration weekend. >> reporter: thanks very much. serious aspect about this, 300 construction jobs, 800 permanent jobs and we cannot leave you without talking to us about back to school shopping at this shoe store what is hot. >> converse and vans is mess popular thing that everybody loves. >> reporter: people come in here and get free goodies. >> we have water bottles, bags, we have pens, coupons, everything, you name it, we got it. >> reporter: and, if you shop at rack room shoes you make a donation, it goes to a good cause. rack room will match that 1 dollar donation and bring shoes to needy kids in our area great things to check out here. just remember to park in the right parking spots. gloucester township police say do not park on the road you could get towed. there are plenty of signs to get in the right spot to have a great day shopping and much more. guys, back to you you. >> we will get first dibs on the good stuff out there. >> jan has all of the angles, she has this covered. still ahead this morning embattled attorney general kathleen kane speaks out. >> what she says is reason she's facing charges. also ahead as hillary clinton hand over her private e-mail servicer a new poll suggest she may be losing ground in the democratic many in nation race. we will be right bac a developing story tops your head lines death toll following explosions at a warehouse in china is up to 44 people right now. blast brought the city, blowing out windows of high rise apartment and destroying office buildings. former president jimmy carter will rearrange his schedule to undergo treatment for cancer. mr. carter, hoist now 90, says recent liver surgery revealed he has cans their spread to other parts of his body. burlington county bridge commission okayed higher tolls for tacony palmyra bridge and burlington bristol bridge. commuters using e-z pass will pay a dollar more. if you pay cash it the will be an extra $2. this new toll starts september . this is neat, philadelphia police are getting help patrolling neighborhood in the city. >> they are enlisting the help of the man's best friend. last night at christ church neighborhood house in olde city, a dog walker watch program. neighbors brought their four leg friend, police are asking dog walkers to report any suspicious activity, while out walking their dogs. the program is sponsored by the national association of town watch. it is great because if you have a dog you are out walking around more than the average person. >> great idea. >> look at how cute those little puppies are. can you stand it. >> too cute. >> so sweet. >> good day to walk your dog, kate. >> totally. >> i know you are also going to be out at the shore. >> i won't be walking my talk but i will be parading my city in the ocean city parade. >> i just love that. i have these visions, pictures pleased. >> head out that way. >> no matter what, your plan entails here today, year ago, anything outside, it is totally just perfect. it is such a nice start the two take, middle and end with high pressure building in here. we will start off with our weather watcher network and off to the north in our northern most counties. charles checking in with just a couple clouds in bath, pennsylvania where it is more remote. up to the south another remet location 59 degrees from wayne hunter, in the nice clear skies out there said, because of that he was able to see a couple meteors from the perseid meteor shower ace that is wrapping up with the light of the day over the horizon. we are seeing that become more difficult to spot. we will go to within more here lynn is checking in with a nice clear sky in cherry hill. big congratulations to her. she said this is her last morning report before she leaves to get married. congratulations, very happy for you as we wish you well. lets go check out what is going on storm scan three. not a lot the at the moment. we have high pressure in place. we will continue to track what is left at this point of our frontal boundary well out to sea. high pressure is here, here to stay, we have got moisture off the northern high plains but that is staying out of our hair. it is not an issue. high pressure the big story for next couple days. why not make it a long weekend, nicole, and and, pretty even ifal. >> mid 80's, and exactly, i'll sign a net for you if you see that excuse. mid 80's for saturday and sunday and smack dab in the center on have that beautiful weather at the shore points and delaware beaches too. looking forward in the eyewitness weather seven day, net is the trend, we will heat up from here. that is why i say this is my favorite day of the next five, we do start to heat things up and we're expecting another heat wave to unfold as long as we hit 90 or above, sunday, monday and tuesday. meisha, over to you. >> cannot complain, good morning everyone. it is still dark out there we're still very early as we are trying to make it toward that 6:00 o'clock hour. roadways are looking good. this is i-95 moving in the south bun direction here, right around before cottman avenue. on the northbound lanes of i-95, northbound between bridge and academy we have some moving road crews, in the right lane, some are doing construction. again, i-95 northbound. in the southbound lanes we are looking good but traffic is looking good and starting to pick up. we have had a car fire this camera shot is from the boulevard north bound on wissohickon avenue but pulled off here on abbottford avenue you can see the flashing lights, not causing any delays. everybody is still going by. vine is picking up a bit. we typically see this pushing toward that 6:00 o'clock hour. it will continue to build through 6:00 o'clock hour but right now we are still traveling at approximately, posted speed. the that is exactly what we want to see. road repair 15th street between penn square and chestnut you will be closed on to one lane, 7:00 p.m. tonight until later tomorrow and they are saying right around business hours so later afternoon time for those of you making your way around that area ladies, over to you. pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane is defending herself while speaking publicly for the first time about criminal charges against her. at a news conference in harrisburg kane blamed her legal troubles on enemies trying to conceal their involvement in the pornographic, racially insensitive e-mails. she said she believes charges against her are in an effort to stop release of more inappropriate e-mails. >> there is not a story about stink investigations, proposed personal vendettas or press leaks but it is a story that begins with pornography, racial inn sensitivity and religious bigotry. i'm innocent of any wrongdoing. i neither conspired with anyone nor direct anyone to do anything illegal or unlawful. >> kane did not the take any questions from reporters. she's a accused of leaking confidential grand jury information to embarras a political rival and then lying bit under oath. it is not a good week for hillary clinton. there are new questions about her private e-mail server and as andrew spencer reports a rival is overtaking her in the polls in a crucial state. >> reporter: bernie sanders may be drawing huge crowd but he has been trailing hillary clinton in every state until now. franklin pierce university poll show likely democratic voters in new hampshire supporting sanders over clinton 44 percent over 37. >> people often have other motivations. i'm in this race to win. >> we have a message to the billion air class and that message is, you cannot have it all. >> reporter: self described democratic socialist has progressive base challenging the idea that hillary clinton will have an easy road to the democratic many in nation. his surge comes as clinton turns over to the justice department her private e-mail server now wiped clean and thumb drive of her work related e-mails. questions surrounding that e-mail server may not hurt clinton in the long run. >> if the justice department doesn't have anything in here that they can work with which i think hillary believes they don't when they put it forward and signed affidavit, then it will turn a corner and it will be something that falls off the front page for a while. >> reporter: don't forget about vice-president joe biden, he has not entered the presidential race and still considering whether he ever will but he still managed to pull 9 percent of the support in that new hampshire poll. andrew spencer for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". 5:51. still ahead a look at famous left-handed, on this national left handers day. >> but first here's what is coming up tonight on cbs-3. find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! don't overlook our producer here, may have gone to the left, to the left, south paws unite, over this one, it is international left handers day. >> according to the web site of the left handers club, it was established back in 1992. and, it was intended to celebrate all left handers, your special day, just so you know, for those who eat, drink, write with their left hand, famous lefties, we have bill gates, oprah winfrey, president obama. also angelina jolie, tom cruise, paul mccartney and lady gaga. >> can't forget folks here at cbs-3, left-handed club, katie fehlinger, our floor director, we have lisa, who is our technical director and joe kerns who is behind the scenes. those two share a birthday. joeys technical director. >> a lot of love. >> we are celebrate to go day. >> we're both right-handed. >> yes. >> that is pretty cool though. >> right now 5:55. coming up next on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" we are live with questions swirling around the timing of the toll hike approved for two bridge necessary our area. debunking medical myth, did your mother tell you into the swim after you eat, you had to sit outside the pool for 30 minutes? doctor jen will join us to tell us whether or in the the that is true and other myths too. >> excited for that. meet tom anderson the man who is cycling the globe, he has already biked through 37 countries and i caught up with him as he rode through philadelphia find out yes is in the done yet and where he is headed, we will be right back. i'd like to put in my 15-years notice.ration you're quitting!? technically retiring, sir. with a little help from my state farm agent, i plan to retire in 15 years. wow! you're totally blindsiding me here. who's gonna manage your accounts? this is a devastating blow i was not prepared for. well, i'm gonna finish packing my things. 15 years will really sneak up on you. jennifer with do your exit interview and adam made you a cake. red velvet. oh, thank you. i made this. take charge of your retirement. talk to a state farm agent today. i'm so not ready with staples, you'll be ready. i can get 30 comp books and notebooks at a low price? yep, 50 and 25 cents each. oh, i can save money and have less stress. and less drama. he's the drama teacher. got it. make low prices happen, make %110 ready happen. staples, make more happen. the death toll, skyrockets from the china blast as more explosions, sent fireballs in the night sky. this morning we are seeing devastating aftermath. if your morning commute takes you over tacony palmyra or burlington bristol bridge prior to pay more, full toll hike is approved but some are questioning the timing of the proposal. and just in time for back to school shopping, the the highlight, for students heading back, we are live at a brand new outlet mall opening up in south jersey. more than 90 stores. our jan carabao is there. >> i remember planning my first day, so important. >> so much time. >> ninety stores to choose from very exciting. it is thursday, august 13th. >> aim quarter avon tiehl. it looks like great shopping weather, ladies, roads are looking good, beautiful day too. >> good morning. >> yeah, road are looking great right now. we will see levels a little bit but it is helping when weather is working with us. >> that makes the difference. >> it will end up being a problem for some of the commuters, today, meisha but you don't to have worry about wet weather. that is key. we have got beautiful weather unfolding heading outdoors, in gloucester township to do some shopping later honor any outlet malls. we have good ones nearby kutztown up in reading, for example. here's a view outside live neighborhood network where you can see it moving across the soccer feel. that is so cool. this is one of my favorite cameras where light of the day its popping up over the horizon. we have nice comfortable crisp air in place and fine mist just lying over the farmland there. so pretty. storm scan three clear as can you, you have high pressure. it is practically a perfect day, check, check, check, check, we have sunshine, warmth, low humidity, light wind, you have got the big four here. we have gorgeous day

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New York , United States , New Hampshire , Kutztown , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Delaware , Minnesota , China , Ocean City , New Jersey , Penn Square , Center City , Franklin Pierce University , Palmyra , Jersey , Italy , Italian , Chinese , Bethenny Frankel , Joe Biden , Elvis Pressly , Paul Mccartney , Angelina Jolie , Betsy Ross , Joseph Manor , Diana Rocco , Kathleen Kane , Andrew Spencer , Oprah Winfrey , Jimmy Carter , Tom Anderson , Joe Kerns , Charles Wilson , Bristol Boro , Greg Stevens , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20240622 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20240622

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set this up for us and we are facing, eastbound right here, on spring garden street from our station headquarters and well off in the distance we have bear bones of the light of the day popping up over the horizon. it is just a beautiful view. all is calm, quiet it will stay that way. we have a nice clear sky for you, beautiful weather unfolding for the day. current area temperatures thinks comfortable. dairy say fleece weather toward mount pocono. i know, hold the phone. 69 degrees at the airport and generally low to mid 60's through your outlining suburbs. as we go through the day this is a banner day. we will add an extra beach ball to this. it should be five out of five on the meter for you here today under abundant sunshine. 84 degrees. phenomenal. enjoy it. get on out take advantage what you got whether you have a pool, beach take planned or just taking the dog for a nice long walk. everything is fair game, meisha. gorgeous. >> i don't have i have i a a dog i wish i d i will take a breakfast walk, lunch walk, dinner walk, sound beautiful. here's a live look at schuylkill expressway eastbound past 202. we are seeing those headlights, trying to get out on the roadway. it will be a busy one. you'll to have bring these sunglasses. sound like sunnies out. but right now these things are looking g the here's ben franklin bridge for those coming from new jersey looking great into center city there. i-95 southbound just before cottman the red cone zones in places, as you head southbound. not causing any are slow downs yet with you this stretch is very busy in the morning. we will see that heat up. we have an accident in cheltenham township, cheltenham avenue at washington lane, one lane is blocked, for those in that area but you can still get wye with that within lane, nicole, over to you. ago ton police just send thus picture. they are searching for eight five-year old charles wilson who has gone wilson. wilson suffers from dimension a he as last seen at st. joseph manor on the 1600 block of huntington pike at 7:30. he wases wearing a maroon phillies jacket and hat. he is 6 feet tall and weighs 190-pound. if you see him call 191. crossing the delaware will cost you more on two bridges. >> the burlington county bridge commission has approved raising tolls on the tacony palmyra and burlington bristol bridges. starting september 15th, it will go from two to $3 for e-z pass commuters. and those who pay cash is paying $4 now. the the commission says that it need the money to maintain the bridges. >> i wish i didn't have to do this. but we're compelled in the interests of safety and in the interest of viability and in the interest of maintaining our bridges, i feel to take this action. >> betsy ross, get right on i-95 north and south, i don't have to go down a mile, up and downstate road, lot more convenient. >> triple a says bridge commission fails to give drivers enough time to comment on the toll hike. the it called on the commission to phase in the hike to ease the burden on the motorist. hard working father is attack while delivering pizza in bristol bucks county. while he laid bleeding on the ground inn conscious the thieves robbed him. >> police are reviewing surveillance video hoping it lead to his attackers. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco spoke to that victim about his frightening ordeal. >> they are just scum. for people to do that to rob people, i work two jobs. i have a wife, two kids, i have been working for 15 years. >> reporter: monday night on his last pizza delivery run greg stevens was attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. he worked in philadelphia during the day, at night he delivers pizza for italian family pizzeria in bristol boro all to put food on his table and provide a good life for his family. >> i don't have a life insurance policy. if anything happened to me, you know, it the is just hard because i have two kid i have to take care of. >> reporter: police say greg never saw it coming. he was hit in the back of the head by one or more suspects. police say suspects phoned in a fake delivery and while greg was lying on the ground, unconscious, in a pool of his own blood, they stole $125 from his pocket. >> he exited his car and was walking up the sidewalk, almost made it to the front of the residence which apparently was a vacant residence so it was definitely set up by someone that knew there was nobody living in that home at the time. >> reporter: greg believes he was hit with the metal bat but has no recollection of the delivery or what happened afterward. somehow he was able to drive himself back to the restaurant where police were call. >> i don't remember going to the house, i don't remember getting out of the car, i don't remember driving back to the pizza shop. >> greg has a severe concussion and laceration toss his head. >> i had like an inch and a half fash in the back that was almost right to the school and two lacerations on the back that require eight staples in each side to close it up. >> reporter: police are reviewing surveillance cameras hoping to find the people responsible for this attack. as for greg, he is eager to get back to work but until doctors clear him to do so his wife has been making his deliver is in his place. in bristol boro bucks county, i'm diana rocco for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". 5:36n business news, twitter makes a move to stay competitive. >> also more troubling news on the chinese economy, lets check with jill wagner at the new york stock exchange with that and more for us, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erika and nicole. china's currency fell for a third straight day but country's central bank says there is no basis for further depreciation. they dropped 3 percent since tuesday. despite the uncertainty u.s. markets rebounded after plunging at the open. dow jones finish flat, nasdaq up seven. change for twitter users. you will not longer confined to 140 characters when sending a private message on the social network. the total character counties now 10,000, analyst say twitter made the change to stay competitive with other messaging services. tweets are still limited to 140 characters. target may start delivering groceries tour door as they revamped the grocery section offering more organic and natural foods. target will only say, it will start that trial in the near future. and could this be the drink of champions? wheaties is teaming up with a craft brew youry in minnesota to produce a wheat beer. it is a limit add digs beer and does not contain wheaties. it will be available beginning next month only in minnesota but that is a change if it is a big hit. erika and nicole. >> do that is make beer the breakfast of champions? >> would i hope not. >> drink of the morning. >> not me anyway. >> reporter: would it spice up the day. >> make it more interesting. >> thanks very much. 5:38. one way to prevent those return to sender notification on your a mail would be to use a post offices's new elvis pressly stamp. new forever stamp shows black and white picture of the king. elvis is first entertainer to be featured on two u.s. postage stamp. new elvis stamp is available at post offices across the country. all right. happening today, a new outlet shopping center opens up in blackwood, new jersey. >> gloucester premium outlets has more than 90 stores to shop for those famous designer brand and just in time for back to schooltime. >> jan carabao joins us inside the store, and mall, and i imagine it is so tempting. we're all so jealous of you, good morning. >> reporter: erika and nicole, good morning. of course, you have to do a little bit of shopping if you are here at a new outlet mall before everybody else. this is a 376,000 square foot new shopping center, the the gloucester premium outlets opens up to take to the public at 10:00 o'clock this morning. here to talk more about that is les morris, spokesperson for simon property group. les, thanks so much for being on your show today. >> thank you so much for coming out. >> how do we look? all of the stores ready to go, most of the stores ready to go. >> great majority. we have 80 ready to go this morning. they are ready to meet shop hours want to come out and experience the best and value shopping with prices, 25 to 65 . >> you mentioned 80 but there will be more coming. it is not just excitement today but that will only continue to grow. >> that is right. when people come out they will see lovely space, public space, greenery, it is just the best that we have ever done in terms of the design. it is a wonderful center. >> it is beautiful but in the just about shopping but free family fun over next four days as well this weekend should be a blast. weather will cooperate. we will have a great time. one of the highlights will be bethenny frankel's appearance saturday afternoon one to 4:30 in our vip shop. she's the star of real housewives of new york city and just got the their season finally. fresh off of. that we will have music and other entertainment for a great celebration weekend. >> reporter: thanks very much. serious aspect about this, 300 construction jobs, 800 permanent jobs and we cannot leave you without talking to us about back to school shopping at this shoe store what is hot. >> converse and vans is mess popular thing that everybody loves. >> reporter: people come in here and get free goodies. >> we have water bottles, bags, we have pens, coupons, everything, you name it, we got it. >> reporter: and, if you shop at rack room shoes you make a donation, it goes to a good cause. rack room will match that 1 dollar donation and bring shoes to needy kids in our area great things to check out here. just remember to park in the right parking spots. gloucester township police say do not park on the road you could get towed. there are plenty of signs to get in the right spot to have a great day shopping and much more. guys, back to you you. >> we will get first dibs on the good stuff out there. >> jan has all of the angles, she has this covered. still ahead this morning embattled attorney general kathleen kane speaks out. >> what she says is reason she's facing charges. also ahead as hillary clinton hand over her private e-mail servicer a new poll suggest she may be losing ground in the democratic many in nation race. we will be right bac a developing story tops your head lines death toll following explosions at a warehouse in china is up to 44 people right now. blast brought the city, blowing out windows of high rise apartment and destroying office buildings. former president jimmy carter will rearrange his schedule to undergo treatment for cancer. mr. carter, hoist now 90, says recent liver surgery revealed he has cans their spread to other parts of his body. burlington county bridge commission okayed higher tolls for tacony palmyra bridge and burlington bristol bridge. commuters using e-z pass will pay a dollar more. if you pay cash it the will be an extra $2. this new toll starts september . this is neat, philadelphia police are getting help patrolling neighborhood in the city. >> they are enlisting the help of the man's best friend. last night at christ church neighborhood house in olde city, a dog walker watch program. neighbors brought their four leg friend, police are asking dog walkers to report any suspicious activity, while out walking their dogs. the program is sponsored by the national association of town watch. it is great because if you have a dog you are out walking around more than the average person. >> great idea. >> look at how cute those little puppies are. can you stand it. >> too cute. >> so sweet. >> good day to walk your dog, kate. >> totally. >> i know you are also going to be out at the shore. >> i won't be walking my talk but i will be parading my city in the ocean city parade. >> i just love that. i have these visions, pictures pleased. >> head out that way. >> no matter what, your plan entails here today, year ago, anything outside, it is totally just perfect. it is such a nice start the two take, middle and end with high pressure building in here. we will start off with our weather watcher network and off to the north in our northern most counties. charles checking in with just a couple clouds in bath, pennsylvania where it is more remote. up to the south another remet location 59 degrees from wayne hunter, in the nice clear skies out there said, because of that he was able to see a couple meteors from the perseid meteor shower ace that is wrapping up with the light of the day over the horizon. we are seeing that become more difficult to spot. we will go to within more here lynn is checking in with a nice clear sky in cherry hill. big congratulations to her. she said this is her last morning report before she leaves to get married. congratulations, very happy for you as we wish you well. lets go check out what is going on storm scan three. not a lot the at the moment. we have high pressure in place. we will continue to track what is left at this point of our frontal boundary well out to sea. high pressure is here, here to stay, we have got moisture off the northern high plains but that is staying out of our hair. it is not an issue. high pressure the big story for next couple days. why not make it a long weekend, nicole, and and, pretty even ifal. >> mid 80's, and exactly, i'll sign a net for you if you see that excuse. mid 80's for saturday and sunday and smack dab in the center on have that beautiful weather at the shore points and delaware beaches too. looking forward in the eyewitness weather seven day, net is the trend, we will heat up from here. that is why i say this is my favorite day of the next five, we do start to heat things up and we're expecting another heat wave to unfold as long as we hit 90 or above, sunday, monday and tuesday. meisha, over to you. >> cannot complain, good morning everyone. it is still dark out there we're still very early as we are trying to make it toward that 6:00 o'clock hour. roadways are looking good. this is i-95 moving in the south bun direction here, right around before cottman avenue. on the northbound lanes of i-95, northbound between bridge and academy we have some moving road crews, in the right lane, some are doing construction. again, i-95 northbound. in the southbound lanes we are looking good but traffic is looking good and starting to pick up. we have had a car fire this camera shot is from the boulevard north bound on wissohickon avenue but pulled off here on abbottford avenue you can see the flashing lights, not causing any delays. everybody is still going by. vine is picking up a bit. we typically see this pushing toward that 6:00 o'clock hour. it will continue to build through 6:00 o'clock hour but right now we are still traveling at approximately, posted speed. the that is exactly what we want to see. road repair 15th street between penn square and chestnut you will be closed on to one lane, 7:00 p.m. tonight until later tomorrow and they are saying right around business hours so later afternoon time for those of you making your way around that area ladies, over to you. pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane is defending herself while speaking publicly for the first time about criminal charges against her. at a news conference in harrisburg kane blamed her legal troubles on enemies trying to conceal their involvement in the pornographic, racially insensitive e-mails. she said she believes charges against her are in an effort to stop release of more inappropriate e-mails. >> there is not a story about stink investigations, proposed personal vendettas or press leaks but it is a story that begins with pornography, racial inn sensitivity and religious bigotry. i'm innocent of any wrongdoing. i neither conspired with anyone nor direct anyone to do anything illegal or unlawful. >> kane did not the take any questions from reporters. she's a accused of leaking confidential grand jury information to embarras a political rival and then lying bit under oath. it is not a good week for hillary clinton. there are new questions about her private e-mail server and as andrew spencer reports a rival is overtaking her in the polls in a crucial state. >> reporter: bernie sanders may be drawing huge crowd but he has been trailing hillary clinton in every state until now. franklin pierce university poll show likely democratic voters in new hampshire supporting sanders over clinton 44 percent over 37. >> people often have other motivations. i'm in this race to win. >> we have a message to the billion air class and that message is, you cannot have it all. >> reporter: self described democratic socialist has progressive base challenging the idea that hillary clinton will have an easy road to the democratic many in nation. his surge comes as clinton turns over to the justice department her private e-mail server now wiped clean and thumb drive of her work related e-mails. questions surrounding that e-mail server may not hurt clinton in the long run. >> if the justice department doesn't have anything in here that they can work with which i think hillary believes they don't when they put it forward and signed affidavit, then it will turn a corner and it will be something that falls off the front page for a while. >> reporter: don't forget about vice-president joe biden, he has not entered the presidential race and still considering whether he ever will but he still managed to pull 9 percent of the support in that new hampshire poll. andrew spencer for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". 5:51. still ahead a look at famous left-handed, on this national left handers day. >> but first here's what is coming up tonight on cbs-3. find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! don't overlook our producer here, may have gone to the left, to the left, south paws unite, over this one, it is international left handers day. >> according to the web site of the left handers club, it was established back in 1992. and, it was intended to celebrate all left handers, your special day, just so you know, for those who eat, drink, write with their left hand, famous lefties, we have bill gates, oprah winfrey, president obama. also angelina jolie, tom cruise, paul mccartney and lady gaga. >> can't forget folks here at cbs-3, left-handed club, katie fehlinger, our floor director, we have lisa, who is our technical director and joe kerns who is behind the scenes. those two share a birthday. joeys technical director. >> a lot of love. >> we are celebrate to go day. >> we're both right-handed. >> yes. >> that is pretty cool though. >> right now 5:55. coming up next on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" we are live with questions swirling around the timing of the toll hike approved for two bridge necessary our area. debunking medical myth, did your mother tell you into the swim after you eat, you had to sit outside the pool for 30 minutes? doctor jen will join us to tell us whether or in the the that is true and other myths too. >> excited for that. meet tom anderson the man who is cycling the globe, he has already biked through 37 countries and i caught up with him as he rode through philadelphia find out yes is in the done yet and where he is headed, we will be right back. i'd like to put in my 15-years notice.ration you're quitting!? technically retiring, sir. with a little help from my state farm agent, i plan to retire in 15 years. wow! you're totally blindsiding me here. who's gonna manage your accounts? this is a devastating blow i was not prepared for. well, i'm gonna finish packing my things. 15 years will really sneak up on you. jennifer with do your exit interview and adam made you a cake. red velvet. oh, thank you. i made this. take charge of your retirement. talk to a state farm agent today. i'm so not ready with staples, you'll be ready. i can get 30 comp books and notebooks at a low price? yep, 50 and 25 cents each. oh, i can save money and have less stress. and less drama. he's the drama teacher. got it. make low prices happen, make %110 ready happen. staples, make more happen. the death toll, skyrockets from the china blast as more explosions, sent fireballs in the night sky. this morning we are seeing devastating aftermath. if your morning commute takes you over tacony palmyra or burlington bristol bridge prior to pay more, full toll hike is approved but some are questioning the timing of the proposal. and just in time for back to school shopping, the the highlight, for students heading back, we are live at a brand new outlet mall opening up in south jersey. more than 90 stores. our jan carabao is there. >> i remember planning my first day, so important. >> so much time. >> ninety stores to choose from very exciting. it is thursday, august 13th. >> aim quarter avon tiehl. it looks like great shopping weather, ladies, roads are looking good, beautiful day too. >> good morning. >> yeah, road are looking great right now. we will see levels a little bit but it is helping when weather is working with us. >> that makes the difference. >> it will end up being a problem for some of the commuters, today, meisha but you don't to have worry about wet weather. that is key. we have got beautiful weather unfolding heading outdoors, in gloucester township to do some shopping later honor any outlet malls. we have good ones nearby kutztown up in reading, for example. here's a view outside live neighborhood network where you can see it moving across the soccer feel. that is so cool. this is one of my favorite cameras where light of the day its popping up over the horizon. we have nice comfortable crisp air in place and fine mist just lying over the farmland there. so pretty. storm scan three clear as can you, you have high pressure. it is practically a perfect day, check, check, check, check, we have sunshine, warmth, low humidity, light wind, you have got the big four here. we have gorgeous day

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