Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20240622 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20240622

>> obviously good things do end at times, and you have to move on but, you know, if you're able to play long enough there is always a second chance. >> reporter: cole hamels not only philadelphia phillies we dealt, jonathan papelbon earlier this week going to the washington nationals and ben reveer on the move, he is traded to the toronto blue jays for two prospects. certainly an active trade deadline here, ukee. >> that indeed, cole grew up with us. the fans are heading to our facebook page to wish cole well, barry writes good luck cole, thank you for all of the great years you gave the city and phillies. when asked about his favorite memory joe replied on facebook when he said he want take a parade down broad street again and again. unfortunately it didn't happen but i loved his passion and enthusiasm. if you'd like to enjoy the conversation about cole connect with us on facebook and twitter. if you are tweeting use the hashtag cbs-3 chat. our summer sizzle will set to take us in the weekend and august, which is tomorrow, meteorologist kate bilo is on the sky deck talking about a sticky situation, kate. >> i can't believe tomorrow will be august, and, while it certainly feels like we're in the hottest part of the um iser late july, early august today another hot one as we hit 90 once again but it does not feel quite as bad out here right now with lower humidity it is not that sweaty, sticky air mass we have felt pennsylvania past couple days. humidity does creep up throughout the weekend but into next week. lets take a look at storm scan three, completely clear taking a peak at our triple sweep not finding anything on the radar and that is in problem for me on a friday evening. it is perfect outside, heading down the shore or in the city tonight we will take a few showers and storms in eastern canada couple of those could creep down poconos tomorrow but for the most part we have a dry weekend on the way. temperatures outside right now 90 degrees in philadelphia. ninety in trenton. it is 87 in wilmington. eighty-nine in million will. but here's a novel idea lets look at our feels like temperatures and take a look at this it feels like 90 in philadelphia. that is best part. it is 90 it feels like 90. we are not adding anything to that temperature to get our heat index because humidity values are low enough and true to what the thermometer tells us. we asked you to send me photos out enjoying sun, marcell send us this photo of her dog yeager on the dog beach in longport, new jersey. he has a ball in his mouth and enjoying a beautiful summer day. we will try to get them on the air to see how you're enjoying the sunshine on a sunny hot summer friday. for the rest of this evening. eighty-six at 7:00. we will clear it out. we are down to 79 by 11:00. heat does continue through the the weekend. coming up we will tell you when our next round of storms is and when heat wave finally breaks coming up when i join you inside, ukee, back over to you. well, new developments in the visit of pope francis to philadelphia concern is growing over logistics and security, with both city and secret service in the organizational mix. we're now just 57 days away from the pope's arrival and pat ciarrocchi is at ben franklin parkway where over eight weeks expect a tight squeeze, parkway will be packed with people elbow to elbow, pat. >> reporter: this is real vantage point and it will be iconic when pope arrives because it will be just beyond the steps of the art museum, beyond sculpture you will see there will be the papal alter and beyond that a sea of people, 22 jumbo trons to logan circle will, we necessity this is a prime, secure area but rest is still up in the air. these days no matter the event mayor nutter find his talk turning to the pope. >> pope francis himself said i got the to come check out philly. >> reporter: visit of the world's top religious leader is creating excitement and consternation. >> it is a challenge but we're up to it. >> reporter: pope francis steps on philly soil 57 days from now. national special security event, the pope's safety is the prime directive of the secret service. >> they are about security and they want maximum security. as we know pope francis wants maximum access. those are kind of two, you know, defining streams. >> reporter: that is where tensions and questions have been rising n a rare move the secret service issued a news release to clarify its position, despite the pope's philadelphia itinerary being released it read in part, the exact configuration of the venues he will visit has not been finalized, as such, the overall security plan has not been finalized. the perimeter, road closures and access will be made public but most likely not until three weeks out. the a academy of natural sciences, sarah hurtz as vp of museum operations has been in meetings with the secret service. >> they are not mandating whether we open or close in anyway. >> reporter: because of barricade and restrictions around the museum, the academy will close the papal weekend but will have later hours during the week for those million plus visitors. well mayor nutter has made it very clear that he says that the city is opened for business, but realistically depending on where the pope will be, ukee some places will be closed, others will be able to be opened. >> pat work that being said do you know about the other wonderful museums we have along the parkway will they close for the visit. >> reporter: ukee, what is interesting is because there is no mandate about closing, each institution will make its own decision, i did check with the philadelphia museum of art, i'm on the steps of which i'm standing, they said, of course, they will be closed saturday and sunday. they are not the sure of friday as yet the but typically on monday they are closed but they will be opened, on papal weekend. so, there is, a lot of decision that is still have to be made here and many other place's cross the the city. >> that is for sure, pat ciarrocchi, thanks very much. we invite to you stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the papal visit, get latest developments anytime at cbs philly to the come. in other news tonight a philadelphia neighborhood on edge, after a young mother is found murdered with her two-year old baby nearby. police hope surveillance video of the suspect could help lead them to the killer. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandria hoff is at the scene with a look at that surveillance video, alex. >> reporter: that is right, we do have have that i do want to mention that witnesses out here played a key role in this investigation so far but i did speak with police and they have not confirmed any lead at this time. out here on the block neighbors are like family and that has not made any of this any easier. throughout the day, frantic emotions and loving tributes grew on the 3,000 block of aramingo avenue. >> our whole family is like, how could this happen? she never, she never did anything? she had everything going for her. >> reporter: around 11:00 police say neighbors heard a loud bang and then rush to find 22-year old stephanie dead in her upstairs bedroom. >> they were banging on my door that they found her dead somebody shot her. >> reporter: her two-year old daughter was there too luckily unharm. >> we just don't understand why someone would do what they did, we don't understand it at all. >> reporter: police say victim's father were at work and her boyfriend had taken a quick trip to the pizza shop up the street when the the shooting happened. >> they came in the house when he left. that makes month sense to me. >> reporter: then surveillance footage from a nearby intersection that flashed in the corner of the screen matches what witnesses say they saw a man in his dark hooded sweat shirt running south on air mink go. neighbor said they attempted to chase that person but that he got the away. nothing from the home is missing. >> to see her grow up into a beautiful woman with a beautiful little girl, started a new career, graduated from school, was working in a dental office and then now this. >> reporter: her little girl who just turned two is being cared for by family, a ridge ill in stephanie's honor is scheduled to be held at 8:00 p.m. tonight. reporting live from port richmond, alexandria hoff for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". an amber alert remains in effect in luzerne county in upstate pennsylvania. a search effort is underway for 16 year-old jenai paterson. police say she was abducted from wilkes barre around 11:00 . police are searching for 21 year-old walter lewis, believed to be the suspect in the abduction. he is considered armed, dangerous are. the two may be traveling in a red car, if you have seen them call 911, right away. we are learning more this evening about a car that slammed into a barricade at u.s. capitol. "eyewitness news" has confirmed that the driver is from berks county. cbs news correspondent craig boswell has latest on the crash that caused security concerns on capitol hill. >> reporter: crumbled front end, shows this nissan altima was moving fast when it crashed in the barricade about a hundred yard from the entrance to the u.s. capitol eyewitnesses tweeted out wow dude just drove full speed in the barricade at longworth and capitol full speed. i saw the whole thing, crazy. capitol police quickly secured the the scene, rested the driver and search the car. u.s. capitol police say man, identified as antonio ferrari rossio was driving a was with florida tags and it remains unclear if the driver intentionally rammed the barricade. the house was not in session, in lawmakers or bystanders were threaten. within an hour the the capitol was reopened, car was loaded to a tow truck and then taken away. in capitol hill, craig boswell for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". back in the city traffic delays in the spring garden section of the philadelphia after a dump truck hits a car this was the scene at 15th and spring garden around 1:30 this afternoon. eyewitnesses say truck hit the back of the car causing it to spin and end up on the center island. no one was her. another accident on the blue route chopper three over the scene in netter providence delaware county just before 11:00 this morning. traffic stopped in the southbound lanes of a dump truck and two cars were involved in the crash. one person was taken to the hospital, in unknown condition. chilling video of a killer on a mission, coming up, just released video, of the louisiana movie theater gunman as he entered the theater minutes before opening fire. also released the 911 calls for help. and disturbing video of the little girl rescued from a hot car, so where was her mother while her daughter waited in a carrasquillo seat? remember this video? worker leaves a bag of money on the street working on a atm machine. we have an update on the other side. authorities released calls from the louisiana movie theater shooting, two people killed, nine others injured before a gunman took his own life. ed levinreports. >> reporter: louisiana shooter john russell houser buying his movie ticket, calmy walking past a concession stand, and then right down the hall, straight into theater number 14. less than 15 minutes into the movie houser pulled out a 40 caliber hand gun and fires off at least 13 round. these are the frantic 911 calls that began pouring in. >> there is a shooting. >> he shot right at people. >> two people shot. >> reporter: police raced to the scene. >> we need everybody over here, send everybody you got. >> reporter: police say shooter in,ly tried to escape by blending in the fleeing crowd. >> everybody hang on. >> he then saw he was releading he has a weapon we have an active shooter who are. >> reporter: presence of law than force. turned the gun on himself, but in the before killing these two women and injuring nine more. >> victims down, we have several more victims, with gunshot wound. >> reporter: thursday night in lafayette. >> ♪ amazing grace >> reporter: hundreds attend, a celebration in remembrance of the two victims just one week after their tragic death. >> just want to say thank you for everyone involved in finding my daughter on that horrible day. >> reporter: the community wide event entitled unite, honor, heel. >> ♪ god's grace will lead me home ♪ that was our correspondent ed revinda thero reporting. man accused of carrying out a deadly attack in a historic church in north carolina pleaded not guilty. dylann roof's attorney says his client wants to plead guilty but he could not advise him to do so until prosecutors say whether they will seek the death penalty. roof already faces several state charges in connection with the june 17th shooting that is killed nine parishioners. still ahead, on "eyewitness news", you think chairman of the joint chiefs of staff would be a pretty serious guy, right? well, think again. the wait until you hear how much fun he had speaking to a group of youngsters. he shows he is pretty hip when it comes to music. therapy to relief stress and all sorts of the ailments, i'm health reporter stephanie stahl with how this water oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?! can i jump on your wi-fi? yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past. get fios. now $79.99 a month. go online or call now. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v martin dempsey hell held question and answer session and when he asked if he thought failure plays a part in success, dempsey got funky. >> i get knock down and i get up again, right. >> i'm trying to connect to the kids. >> yes. >> look, you know when you break into uptown funk you up, do you. don't believe me just watch. >> check him out, the six three-year old has spent more than 40 years in the military. obviously a little bruno mars fan there. >> i like that. i bet the kid didn't even know what that was. that is back when i was a teenager back in the take. >> yes. >> very good, go ahead. >> you you do it but those teenagers. >> of course, i do. >> let's talk about the weather. we will have a pretty nice friday underway if you don't mind heat, temperatures up in the 90's again in the philadelphia, making it again an official four day heat wave now. when does it end? that is question on everyone's mine. but the good news is humidity will stay pretty manageable. we will take you down the shore where it is not a heat wave down the shore. temperatures in the 80's all week. jonathan asked me if there was a heat wave in wilmington. we only have one day in the 90's in wilmington delaware this week. philadelphia though that is where we use measurements from at the airport and we have had 90's for past four days making it an official heat wave for philadelphia beach patrol headquarters in margate things looking okay out there right now. folks still outside on the beach, you can see storm scan three not showing anything, hard pressed to find even a cloud in the sky, earlier today. a few puffy cloud drifting by right now, but that is all we have have have going on. temperatures wise we're in the 90's at the airport. eighty-six in reading. eighty-six in allentown. eighty-seven down in wildwood, not bad at all, not bad on twitter sent me twitters how you are even eyeing this day. chris said he had a great game for golf at philly cricket club. i played as a strong word for what i did at philly cricket club. i got out there and knocked it around a little bit. lets look at water vapor. dry air has swept in, so the the sand color denotes dry air where you see aqua shading that is moist air and that moist air has been push out to sea across canada. we have a few showers and storms popping this afternoon. we are in the good stuff here, enjoy it while we have it. it will start to creep backup that humidity throughout the weekend. for your saturday sunny and hot. highs in the lower 90's. sunday high pressure in control, mostly sun which a high of 90 and squeeze play monday, tropical moisture off shore, front approaching from the west, can't rule out a thunderstorm and you guessed it in the 90's. lets talk about the sky tonight, it is a blue moon. they say once in a blue moon? it is not all that rare but some years have have an extra full moon. this is second full moon of the movement it occurs once every 2.7 years. once in a blue moon, once every two and a half years ago. next time won't be until 2018. good night to look at the moon. it will not look blue. it is just a term. 07 degrees. mainly clear. good blue moon viewing conditions. for your saturday lots of sun, hot at 92. down the shore 85, sunny and warm. poconos things looking good as well just an isolated thunderstorm up that way on saturday. you're witness weather three day forecast, well, heat wave continues but we have sun through the weekend and chance for thunderstorm but not until monday. i'll have your full seven day forecast next half an hour, stay there we will be right back. you're not at all concerned? about what now? oh, i don't know. the apocalypse? we're fine. i bundled renter's with my car insurance through progressive for just six bucks more a month. word. there's looters running wild out there. covered for theft. okay. that's a tidal wave of fire. covered for fire. what, what? all right. fine. i'm gonna get something to eat. the boy's kind of a drama queen. just wait. where's my burrito? [ chuckles ] worst apocalypse ever. protecting you till the end. now, that's progressive. on healthwatch tonight floattation therapy, a new way to relax that can also help fix a variety of ailments, health reporter stephanie stahl checked out a facility in south jersey and here to tell you all bit but i want to know did you take a plunge. >> reporter: didn't have time to redue my hair and everything, so no, i did not do any floating, today but it does look interesting, this therapy, involved floating, in a tank of warm salty water and it is catching on. there are more than 270 float centers around the country including one in marlton. denise grossman is drowning away her stress in float therapy. >> it can be as simple as relaxing and closing your eyes, and giving yourself, sometime and space to be alone. >> reporter: high school english teacher is a regular at float, in marlton, private tanks like a big bathtub are filled with warm water and enough up son salt to keep the body completely boy boyant. >> it relieves stress and joints, it allows muscles to relax. >> reporter: the owner says floattation therapy can help with arthritis, high blood pressure, to insomnia and migraines. an important part of the floattation therapy is sensory deprivation. this tank is pitch black and sound proof and if you are floating there is no gravity on your body. >> when you remove all of the things bombarding your brain, processor on a daily basis, it opens autopsy lieutenant have brain power, to heel, relax, you know, focus on things. >> reporter: this level of the keep relaxation which happens with meditation can reduce stress hormones in the brain. >> it positively effects things like stress, anxiety and depression. >> reporter: he said magnesium sulfate in the epson salties absorbed through the skin which can have a variety of benefits but mostly it business finding a briefest scape from our crazy lives. >> our stillness, peace, relaxation. >> so it is, relaxing but some might be wondering about germs, well, the salt and there is lots of it, kills germs but water is also filtered, cleaned between each customer, it cost $49 for an an hour obsession i have a feeling some people will be interested in this so we have all of the information for you at cbs, click health and i will also put it on my facebook and twitter feeds. >> epson salt still doing its things. >> it soaks out soreness. in the sensory deprivation, total black, in sound, in gravity, it is a weird thing to get your armed around but for some people it works. >> my grandmother from back in the day it helped with the bunions. thanks, stephanie. we have a lot coming up in our next half an hour of cbs-3, cleve. >> reporter: cape may man is behind bars after police say he groom young boys to sexually exploit them, i'm cleve bryan, coming up how he first made contact with the children. plane crash necessary to a lot full here's is what happening, it is official, cole hamels is no longer a member of the phillies. he held a news conference at citizens bank park for a farewell for his fans. hamels says playing in philadelphia gave him some of the best memories he has ever had, but let the a ace suit up now for the texas rangers. pope francis will be on u.s. soil in 57 days from now, and concern is growing over logistics, and security, in philadelphia. the pope's a safety is the responsibility of the u.s. secret service which says that the security plan has in the yet been finalized because of the pontiff's itinerary has in the been finalized either. could surveillance video help lead police to a young mother's killer, stephanie was found shot in the head in the port richmond home, her two-year old daughter was sitting nearby but unharmed, kate? the heat wave continues today, today is day four, we have had temperatures in the 90's all week lock. 93 degrees tuesday and wednesday. ninety-one yesterday. yesterday was most humid day we had. today we have hit a high of 90 and right backup in the lower 90's on saturday, coming up, ill will's let you you know how much long they are stretch of 90's will last. ukee, back to you. we are learning more about a scout master in south jersey charged with trying to lure an 11 year-old boy into sex. "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan has more from cape may county. >> reporter: police say 68 year-old frank thompson used his position and machine toy groom an 11 year-old boy for sexual purposes. thompson, whose nickname was sandy was an assistant scout master with troop 73 in west cape may. july 16th police received a call from the concerned citizen that thompson had a suspicious relationship with the boy. the investigators found he was giving the boy expensive gifts to lure the child, they then discovered he had molested another boy several years ago. machine police arrested thompson among his charges is aggravated sexual contact. >> i'm shocked. really shocked. i just didn't see anything like that coming. >> reporter: thompson's neighbor say man was well regarded but now she has to question some of the things she has seen specifically when a boy came to his house a few weeks ago. >> he brought a little boy over here to sit on my porch and he told me his parents were involved in drugs and he was, you know, being his mentor and taking him for a ride in the golf cart. i thought that was great. i had no concept that there was anything else involved. >> reporter: garden state council said thompson has been a register volunteer with the troop for at least seven years. they say just prior to the arrest he was kick out for some alleged in a prep eighth behavior but would not east lab break on what exactly happened. >> this behavior is unacceptable, it is everything that is against what we stand for and we have immediately removed him, from scouting and he will never be allowed to be affiliated with scouting ever again. >> reporter: boy scouts have a rule that adults are never to be left alone one on one with youth, nor contact them by e-mail or social media without notifying another adult. thompson is in jail, on $175,000 bail, and if there are any other victims police want to you call. in west cape may, cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". the family of a woman killed in the amtrak train derailment the has filed a wrongful death lawsuit, rachel jacobs was ceo of an educational technology company based in philadelphia the 39 year-old was heading back home to new york when train 188 derailed at frankford junction. eight people died in the may 12th tragedy and more than 200 others were injured. police arrested one of two men who made off with a bag full of nearly $150,000 in cash. take a look at this surveillance video from new jersey, on monday. two workers filling an atm left the bag on the curb. moments later a white van comes by and then that baggies scooped up. suspect who was arrested has been identified as 42 year-old alton harvey. authorities are searching for 35 year-old jameer bledson. police in western contact capture a inmate suspect of killing a inmate after walking away from a work release program. thirty-eight year-old robert krissman was captured this morning a day after he fled jail. he is suspect in the death of the woman in her home about a mile from that jail. officials say that there were no violent crimes on krissman's record. piece of airplane wreckage possibly blank to go a missing jet liner is making its way to france for analysis. investigators are hoping it will shed light to what happened to flight 370. cbs news correspondent jonathan syringe antti is on the island with the latest. >> reporter: this wing fragment was shipped to france where investigators will determine fit is part of the missing jet liner. sources tell cbs news that boeing investigators are confident that the part called a flapper came from one of its triple seven's, mh370 is only triple seven missing in the world. >> the bea, french version of the ntsb, that will soon be examining this, will get every bit of everything, every clue that they can get out of looking at that piece. >> reporter: mh370 disappeared over the indian ocean 16 months ago with 239 people on board. the wife of the chief stewart on the flight said she has been counting the days until she finally gets some answers. >> closure would be nice, and although i don't have any body to bury, but anytime you have closure. >> reporter: experts say strong count are clockwise currents are capable of carrying wreckage thousands of miles in the indian ocean. cleaning crews are scouring beaches here in reunion looking for other possible debris. workers also found part of the suitcase, a chinese water bottle and indonesia cleaning product. the experts say anything washing up on the shore should now be examined, more thoroughly. on reunion island jonathan, for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a private jet crashes in england killing four people. pilot was trying to land at blackbush airport but instead the plane plunged into a car lot used for car auctions exploding on impact. all of the victims were on board the plane. the plane sounded like a missle as it fell to the ground. man accused of stabbing six people at a gay pride parade in jerusalem was in court today. man was just released from prison after being quick for a similar attack ten years ago. cbs news correspondent tina krause has details from london. >> reporter: it is a terrifying sight, a witness photographed a man plunging a knife in the woman's back in jerusalem's gay pride parade. moments before another photo shows the man identified, shown here preparing to brandish the knife from under his coat. six people were hurt, two seriously. he was in court on friday and was ordered to remain in custody. this is his second alleged attack in a jerusalem pride parade. the anti gay orthodox extremist got out of prison just three weeks ago. he served a ten year sentence for injuring several people at a 2005 parade. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned the attack, calling it a despicable hate crime. tina krause, cbs news. zimbabwe is calling on the united states to extradite the the american dentist who killed protected lion named cecil. zimbabwe officials accused doctor walt your palmer of violating their laws in trying to hurt the country's image. palmer has been in hiding since news sparked worldwide outrage. there is an extradition treaty between u.s. and zimbabwe but it is unclear if the u.s. will comply. 8,000 fire fighters are battling 18 large wild fire across southern california, one of the big necessary lake county north of sacramento. fire has torched more than 13,000 acres and destroyed three structures. this is just 5 percent contained. well, a child trapped in a koran a sweltering day prompts quick action from law enforcement. let's show you video from yesterday showing dramatic rescue, a young girl was strapped in her car seat as her momma allegedly shopped in cost co in bergen county, new jersey. police smashed a window to get to the girl. she was taken to the hospital and then released to her father. her mother was arrested and charged with child endangerment. world health organization, says that a newly developed vaccine against ebola is highly effective. single dose vaccine could prevent the spread of the virus and future out breaks. trial began about five months ago and showed tremendous promise. research is needed, but results so far on the trial show, 100 percent efficiency. valerie harper has been reportedly hospitalized, taken as a precaution ahead of the performance in maine. former mary tyler moore more star was diagnosed with brain cancer in 204 after a previous bought with lung cancer no other details about her condition have been released, thus far. former president george hw bush is giving us the thumbs up, as he recovers from a broken neck. check out the the tweet he sent out earlier today. the 91 year-old has not lost his sense of humor at all. who knew jumping out of the plane was safer then getting out of bed. thanks for all of your kind, get well messages, the former command inner chief broke a bone in his neck two weeks ago when he fell inside of his home. mission impossible, it is back, coming up, a look at the new movie and unbelievable stunts that tom cruise did himself, also this: >> 1,000 musicians, learn one song in an effort to lure their favorite band to town, the band's response on the other side, kate? and we start august this weekend and we have got more summer heat and some more humidity then we felt today on the way, so how long does this heat wave last? i will have your full seven day forecast coming up when we come right back. olympic history is made, beijing will host 2022 winter games. thinks first time same city has hosted both winter and summer games. >> beijing. >> yeah, the announcement was met with big time cheers as international olympic committee reveals its choice. beijing hosted the summer games in 2008. chinese capitol beat out, two other areas for 2022 games. as "eyewitness news" celebrates 50 years, we are looking back at major events, in our cities history. philadelphia will host the democratic convention just about a year from now in 2016 but 15 years ago it was the rnc taking center stage. july 31st, 2,000, the republican national convention got underway here in philadelphia delegates descended on the city to name a candidate, then texas governor george w. bush was picked as the presidential nominee along with dick cheyney as his running mate. excitement was very high inside the old first union center back then. outside a number of protest impact traffic and created disturbances all around the city. we will ta oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?! can i jump on your wi-fi? yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past. get fios. now $79.99 a month. go online or call now. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v having fun for a good cause today "eyewitness news" at hill view school in broomall where students held a lemonade stands for paxson hallow student, chill mccollough. the she's now a rising sixth grader this is all part of the alex lemonade stand foundation which raises machine toy find a cure for all childhood cancers. alex's dream is still alive. pretty convincing 1,000 musicians gathered in italy this week hoping to get the the foo fighters to come perform there. >> ♪ >> wow, they performed the foo fighters song learn to fly, the rocking 1,000 event was organized last year, more than $50,000 was raise todd pull it off, and, it seems to have worked. the band tweeted in italian, see you soon, italy. see you soon. do you speak italian. >> a little bit. >> speaking italian. >> is that see you soon. >> it might be. >> okay. >> i like it. >> i will go with it. >> sound good to me. >> okay. let's go with that. >> a little bit. >> lets go with more heat but not too bad today. >> it is 90 degrees. it feels like 90 degrees. that is better than 90 degrees that feels like 97 or 98 degrees. the humidity will not be as bad as it was earlier in the week. it will not be as great as it was today. the lets go to the shore. this is sky cam three in atlantic city. tides are coming in. a lot of people frolicking in the is your, if cooling off, water temperatures, ocean temperatures in the 07's right the now. great place to cool off on the hot summer day down the shore. it is hot on that sand. you have to wear flip-flops, and then head into the the water and enjoy a beautiful dip before maybe heading to the boardwalk orpy ier later this evening. lets check with our eyewitness weather watchers on this friday afternoon to see what we're looking at. ninety's across the area michael irwin in levittown reporting 90 degrees with sunshine. hotter then would i like but liking low humidity. dew point down to 57, that is pretty pleasant but you are right it is still hot. if you walk outside expecting to be refresh, that is probably not going to happen or toy say. ed connor 89 degrees, he says dry, comfortable temperature not too bad, we're talking about that dry heat. everyone talks about the desert southwest. dry heat. hottest hot. when you have dew points in the 50's it could be worse. lewis in eagleville at 88 degrees. as we head into south jersey we are at 89 checking in with margot in buena vista township. she says omg perfect weather cool mornings, warm sunny days, cool nights, doesn't get any better than this. margot told me what that one means. lets take a look outside, another spot here, in bernville, pa at the junior/senior school where it is blue skies as far as the eye can see. one little included outside. storm scan three looking okay as we sweep across the area but i will show you showers and storms rotating around a system and portions of eastern canada. these could drift down tomorrow in the pocono region and mostly staying dry but up north and west and see a stray shower that is what you're looking at. 90 degrees is temperature at the airport. eighty-nine in millville. ocean water temperature 74. see showers and storms rotate down into our northern and western suburbs. thinks noon time. don't be shock if one makes it in the city, boundary coming through that will help drop humidity back from tomorrow into sunday, sunday dry with sun and a squeeze play here from tropical moisture off shore and advancing front means humidity will increase monday and we cannot rule out shower or storm. future dew points tomorrow overnight in the mid 60's. tomorrow afternoon dew point in the low to mid 60's and boundary comes through and on sunday dew points back in the 50's in the afternoon, so not feeling all that bad. not the driest air mass we have ever felt but not the worst either. in the humid range tomorrow, closer to pleasant on sunday and ramps up on monday but notice how you far we are from inn sufferable so i'll take it. lets take a peak at tonight's forecast mainly clear, 70 degrees is overnight low. saturday lots of sun, hot but not all that humid. ninety-two is our temperature. out by the pool will wear the sun screen, uv index is ten but we have lots of sun for your pool plans on saturday. eyewitness weather seven day forecast shows four more days in the 90's that would make it a will day stretch. does look better by next week, 88 wednesday and by next friday looks cooler at 86, with some sunshine, back over to you. well, grumpy cat may have some competition, check out earl, the grumpy puppy. he is new internet sensation, this pup lives in iowa the his owner says it looks deceiving because he is most relaxed, child content puppy they have ever seen. several companies are trying to make earl a star, his owners say, they like him to actually, hang out with grumpy cat. still ahead on "eyewitness news" a summer blockbuster season it starts and opens this weekend. i'm kevin frazier, coming up tom cruise is back and he is not afraid to do his own stunts as he faces off with a team of dea this weekend at the movies tom cruise is back with the latest installment in a mission impossible series. kevin frasier from entertainment tonight takes you behind the scenes of, rogue nation. >> reporter: this week tom cruise is back with some of the most jaw dropping stunts in the mission impossible series, he is leaping from buildings, jumping off planes in mission impossible: rogue nation. >> open the door. >> i'm trying. >> open that door right now. >> oh, my god. >> that is one of the incredible stunts in the latest installment of the mission impossible franchise and it actually has had the star a little nervous. >> going down that runway, bird strikes, i had contact lenses, it is not like you don't feel fear it just doesn't stop me from doing it. i coined have enjoy that feeling. >> that is the wrong door good if that was in the enough tom is jumping in whirlpools, driving speeding cars and crashing motorcycles without a helmet. >> there is something where you go you get to entertain a audience. i want to entertain a audience. a all of my films i make them for the audience. >> reporter: joining tom are franchise new comerral he can baldwin and returning team members jeremy renner, ving reigns and simon, who got in a prank war with the action man. >> wow, wow, wow are you okay to drive? a minute ago were dead. >> what are you talking about. >> this will not end well. >> while i'm driving the car, okay, i said this is dangerous. i a said simon, this is dangerous, you cannot turn the heat on. i am driving the car. this is very dangerous. but he kept turning on my heat warmer on my seat. he kept going back and forth in the middle of this car chase. >> hang on. >> for entertainment tonight i'm kevin frazier now back to you in the studio that will do very well. that is "eyewitness news" 59:00, now at 6:00 a mother is murdered in her own home, tonight the the new video that could help police track down the killer, kate? we've got some beautiful weather on this friday evening, in philadelphia, and it is hot, sunny and humidity is not all that bad. so does this nice weather stick around through the the weekend? i will have your full forecast coming up at 6:00. see how cole hamels thanked the team and philadelphia today as he takes his tall opportunities texas. dealing with the deadly virus, health reporter stephanie he stall shows you where, and what style is popping up in our area. and right now at 6:00 o'clock the heat wave continues, live look now over sizzling center city philadelphia where we have hit 90 degrees, again, today. good evening everyone i'm he ukee washington. guess case off tonight. it looks like heat will continue in the weekend. meteorologist kate bilo is on the sky deck with the first look at the forecast, kate. >> it is not worst 90-degree day we have had this week. that is for sure. humidity levels dropped after that front moved through overnight, last night and even though it is hot, it is comfortable for 90-degree day. not bad out here, and nothing but blue skies over center city, and people out walking enjoying the evening and we need to wear sun screen this weekend to be out and about. that sunnies strong and uv index is very high. take a quick look at storm scan three where nothing is going on. we are sweeping the area our sweeps are working hard for no reason they should just take the night off because nothing is happening in our area, but you can see, showers and storms over eastern canada a few of them may dry to drift south tomorrow. cannot rule out a stray shower or storm. they will be mainly confined to our areas far north and west. in the meantime we have dropped off our high of 90. we are back to 89 at the airport. eighty-eight in trenton. eighty-nine in millville. eighty-seven the atlantic city airport. again definition of the heat wave stretch of

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20240622

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>> obviously good things do end at times, and you have to move on but, you know, if you're able to play long enough there is always a second chance. >> reporter: cole hamels not only philadelphia phillies we dealt, jonathan papelbon earlier this week going to the washington nationals and ben reveer on the move, he is traded to the toronto blue jays for two prospects. certainly an active trade deadline here, ukee. >> that indeed, cole grew up with us. the fans are heading to our facebook page to wish cole well, barry writes good luck cole, thank you for all of the great years you gave the city and phillies. when asked about his favorite memory joe replied on facebook when he said he want take a parade down broad street again and again. unfortunately it didn't happen but i loved his passion and enthusiasm. if you'd like to enjoy the conversation about cole connect with us on facebook and twitter. if you are tweeting use the hashtag cbs-3 chat. our summer sizzle will set to take us in the weekend and august, which is tomorrow, meteorologist kate bilo is on the sky deck talking about a sticky situation, kate. >> i can't believe tomorrow will be august, and, while it certainly feels like we're in the hottest part of the um iser late july, early august today another hot one as we hit 90 once again but it does not feel quite as bad out here right now with lower humidity it is not that sweaty, sticky air mass we have felt pennsylvania past couple days. humidity does creep up throughout the weekend but into next week. lets take a look at storm scan three, completely clear taking a peak at our triple sweep not finding anything on the radar and that is in problem for me on a friday evening. it is perfect outside, heading down the shore or in the city tonight we will take a few showers and storms in eastern canada couple of those could creep down poconos tomorrow but for the most part we have a dry weekend on the way. temperatures outside right now 90 degrees in philadelphia. ninety in trenton. it is 87 in wilmington. eighty-nine in million will. but here's a novel idea lets look at our feels like temperatures and take a look at this it feels like 90 in philadelphia. that is best part. it is 90 it feels like 90. we are not adding anything to that temperature to get our heat index because humidity values are low enough and true to what the thermometer tells us. we asked you to send me photos out enjoying sun, marcell send us this photo of her dog yeager on the dog beach in longport, new jersey. he has a ball in his mouth and enjoying a beautiful summer day. we will try to get them on the air to see how you're enjoying the sunshine on a sunny hot summer friday. for the rest of this evening. eighty-six at 7:00. we will clear it out. we are down to 79 by 11:00. heat does continue through the the weekend. coming up we will tell you when our next round of storms is and when heat wave finally breaks coming up when i join you inside, ukee, back over to you. well, new developments in the visit of pope francis to philadelphia concern is growing over logistics and security, with both city and secret service in the organizational mix. we're now just 57 days away from the pope's arrival and pat ciarrocchi is at ben franklin parkway where over eight weeks expect a tight squeeze, parkway will be packed with people elbow to elbow, pat. >> reporter: this is real vantage point and it will be iconic when pope arrives because it will be just beyond the steps of the art museum, beyond sculpture you will see there will be the papal alter and beyond that a sea of people, 22 jumbo trons to logan circle will, we necessity this is a prime, secure area but rest is still up in the air. these days no matter the event mayor nutter find his talk turning to the pope. >> pope francis himself said i got the to come check out philly. >> reporter: visit of the world's top religious leader is creating excitement and consternation. >> it is a challenge but we're up to it. >> reporter: pope francis steps on philly soil 57 days from now. national special security event, the pope's safety is the prime directive of the secret service. >> they are about security and they want maximum security. as we know pope francis wants maximum access. those are kind of two, you know, defining streams. >> reporter: that is where tensions and questions have been rising n a rare move the secret service issued a news release to clarify its position, despite the pope's philadelphia itinerary being released it read in part, the exact configuration of the venues he will visit has not been finalized, as such, the overall security plan has not been finalized. the perimeter, road closures and access will be made public but most likely not until three weeks out. the a academy of natural sciences, sarah hurtz as vp of museum operations has been in meetings with the secret service. >> they are not mandating whether we open or close in anyway. >> reporter: because of barricade and restrictions around the museum, the academy will close the papal weekend but will have later hours during the week for those million plus visitors. well mayor nutter has made it very clear that he says that the city is opened for business, but realistically depending on where the pope will be, ukee some places will be closed, others will be able to be opened. >> pat work that being said do you know about the other wonderful museums we have along the parkway will they close for the visit. >> reporter: ukee, what is interesting is because there is no mandate about closing, each institution will make its own decision, i did check with the philadelphia museum of art, i'm on the steps of which i'm standing, they said, of course, they will be closed saturday and sunday. they are not the sure of friday as yet the but typically on monday they are closed but they will be opened, on papal weekend. so, there is, a lot of decision that is still have to be made here and many other place's cross the the city. >> that is for sure, pat ciarrocchi, thanks very much. we invite to you stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the papal visit, get latest developments anytime at cbs philly to the come. in other news tonight a philadelphia neighborhood on edge, after a young mother is found murdered with her two-year old baby nearby. police hope surveillance video of the suspect could help lead them to the killer. "eyewitness news" reporter alexandria hoff is at the scene with a look at that surveillance video, alex. >> reporter: that is right, we do have have that i do want to mention that witnesses out here played a key role in this investigation so far but i did speak with police and they have not confirmed any lead at this time. out here on the block neighbors are like family and that has not made any of this any easier. throughout the day, frantic emotions and loving tributes grew on the 3,000 block of aramingo avenue. >> our whole family is like, how could this happen? she never, she never did anything? she had everything going for her. >> reporter: around 11:00 police say neighbors heard a loud bang and then rush to find 22-year old stephanie dead in her upstairs bedroom. >> they were banging on my door that they found her dead somebody shot her. >> reporter: her two-year old daughter was there too luckily unharm. >> we just don't understand why someone would do what they did, we don't understand it at all. >> reporter: police say victim's father were at work and her boyfriend had taken a quick trip to the pizza shop up the street when the the shooting happened. >> they came in the house when he left. that makes month sense to me. >> reporter: then surveillance footage from a nearby intersection that flashed in the corner of the screen matches what witnesses say they saw a man in his dark hooded sweat shirt running south on air mink go. neighbor said they attempted to chase that person but that he got the away. nothing from the home is missing. >> to see her grow up into a beautiful woman with a beautiful little girl, started a new career, graduated from school, was working in a dental office and then now this. >> reporter: her little girl who just turned two is being cared for by family, a ridge ill in stephanie's honor is scheduled to be held at 8:00 p.m. tonight. reporting live from port richmond, alexandria hoff for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". an amber alert remains in effect in luzerne county in upstate pennsylvania. a search effort is underway for 16 year-old jenai paterson. police say she was abducted from wilkes barre around 11:00 . police are searching for 21 year-old walter lewis, believed to be the suspect in the abduction. he is considered armed, dangerous are. the two may be traveling in a red car, if you have seen them call 911, right away. we are learning more this evening about a car that slammed into a barricade at u.s. capitol. "eyewitness news" has confirmed that the driver is from berks county. cbs news correspondent craig boswell has latest on the crash that caused security concerns on capitol hill. >> reporter: crumbled front end, shows this nissan altima was moving fast when it crashed in the barricade about a hundred yard from the entrance to the u.s. capitol eyewitnesses tweeted out wow dude just drove full speed in the barricade at longworth and capitol full speed. i saw the whole thing, crazy. capitol police quickly secured the the scene, rested the driver and search the car. u.s. capitol police say man, identified as antonio ferrari rossio was driving a was with florida tags and it remains unclear if the driver intentionally rammed the barricade. the house was not in session, in lawmakers or bystanders were threaten. within an hour the the capitol was reopened, car was loaded to a tow truck and then taken away. in capitol hill, craig boswell for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". back in the city traffic delays in the spring garden section of the philadelphia after a dump truck hits a car this was the scene at 15th and spring garden around 1:30 this afternoon. eyewitnesses say truck hit the back of the car causing it to spin and end up on the center island. no one was her. another accident on the blue route chopper three over the scene in netter providence delaware county just before 11:00 this morning. traffic stopped in the southbound lanes of a dump truck and two cars were involved in the crash. one person was taken to the hospital, in unknown condition. chilling video of a killer on a mission, coming up, just released video, of the louisiana movie theater gunman as he entered the theater minutes before opening fire. also released the 911 calls for help. and disturbing video of the little girl rescued from a hot car, so where was her mother while her daughter waited in a carrasquillo seat? remember this video? worker leaves a bag of money on the street working on a atm machine. we have an update on the other side. authorities released calls from the louisiana movie theater shooting, two people killed, nine others injured before a gunman took his own life. ed levinreports. >> reporter: louisiana shooter john russell houser buying his movie ticket, calmy walking past a concession stand, and then right down the hall, straight into theater number 14. less than 15 minutes into the movie houser pulled out a 40 caliber hand gun and fires off at least 13 round. these are the frantic 911 calls that began pouring in. >> there is a shooting. >> he shot right at people. >> two people shot. >> reporter: police raced to the scene. >> we need everybody over here, send everybody you got. >> reporter: police say shooter in,ly tried to escape by blending in the fleeing crowd. >> everybody hang on. >> he then saw he was releading he has a weapon we have an active shooter who are. >> reporter: presence of law than force. turned the gun on himself, but in the before killing these two women and injuring nine more. >> victims down, we have several more victims, with gunshot wound. >> reporter: thursday night in lafayette. >> ♪ amazing grace >> reporter: hundreds attend, a celebration in remembrance of the two victims just one week after their tragic death. >> just want to say thank you for everyone involved in finding my daughter on that horrible day. >> reporter: the community wide event entitled unite, honor, heel. >> ♪ god's grace will lead me home ♪ that was our correspondent ed revinda thero reporting. man accused of carrying out a deadly attack in a historic church in north carolina pleaded not guilty. dylann roof's attorney says his client wants to plead guilty but he could not advise him to do so until prosecutors say whether they will seek the death penalty. roof already faces several state charges in connection with the june 17th shooting that is killed nine parishioners. still ahead, on "eyewitness news", you think chairman of the joint chiefs of staff would be a pretty serious guy, right? well, think again. the wait until you hear how much fun he had speaking to a group of youngsters. he shows he is pretty hip when it comes to music. therapy to relief stress and all sorts of the ailments, i'm health reporter stephanie stahl with how this water oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?! can i jump on your wi-fi? yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past. get fios. now $79.99 a month. go online or call now. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v martin dempsey hell held question and answer session and when he asked if he thought failure plays a part in success, dempsey got funky. >> i get knock down and i get up again, right. >> i'm trying to connect to the kids. >> yes. >> look, you know when you break into uptown funk you up, do you. don't believe me just watch. >> check him out, the six three-year old has spent more than 40 years in the military. obviously a little bruno mars fan there. >> i like that. i bet the kid didn't even know what that was. that is back when i was a teenager back in the take. >> yes. >> very good, go ahead. >> you you do it but those teenagers. >> of course, i do. >> let's talk about the weather. we will have a pretty nice friday underway if you don't mind heat, temperatures up in the 90's again in the philadelphia, making it again an official four day heat wave now. when does it end? that is question on everyone's mine. but the good news is humidity will stay pretty manageable. we will take you down the shore where it is not a heat wave down the shore. temperatures in the 80's all week. jonathan asked me if there was a heat wave in wilmington. we only have one day in the 90's in wilmington delaware this week. philadelphia though that is where we use measurements from at the airport and we have had 90's for past four days making it an official heat wave for philadelphia beach patrol headquarters in margate things looking okay out there right now. folks still outside on the beach, you can see storm scan three not showing anything, hard pressed to find even a cloud in the sky, earlier today. a few puffy cloud drifting by right now, but that is all we have have have going on. temperatures wise we're in the 90's at the airport. eighty-six in reading. eighty-six in allentown. eighty-seven down in wildwood, not bad at all, not bad on twitter sent me twitters how you are even eyeing this day. chris said he had a great game for golf at philly cricket club. i played as a strong word for what i did at philly cricket club. i got out there and knocked it around a little bit. lets look at water vapor. dry air has swept in, so the the sand color denotes dry air where you see aqua shading that is moist air and that moist air has been push out to sea across canada. we have a few showers and storms popping this afternoon. we are in the good stuff here, enjoy it while we have it. it will start to creep backup that humidity throughout the weekend. for your saturday sunny and hot. highs in the lower 90's. sunday high pressure in control, mostly sun which a high of 90 and squeeze play monday, tropical moisture off shore, front approaching from the west, can't rule out a thunderstorm and you guessed it in the 90's. lets talk about the sky tonight, it is a blue moon. they say once in a blue moon? it is not all that rare but some years have have an extra full moon. this is second full moon of the movement it occurs once every 2.7 years. once in a blue moon, once every two and a half years ago. next time won't be until 2018. good night to look at the moon. it will not look blue. it is just a term. 07 degrees. mainly clear. good blue moon viewing conditions. for your saturday lots of sun, hot at 92. down the shore 85, sunny and warm. poconos things looking good as well just an isolated thunderstorm up that way on saturday. you're witness weather three day forecast, well, heat wave continues but we have sun through the weekend and chance for thunderstorm but not until monday. i'll have your full seven day forecast next half an hour, stay there we will be right back. you're not at all concerned? about what now? oh, i don't know. the apocalypse? we're fine. i bundled renter's with my car insurance through progressive for just six bucks more a month. word. there's looters running wild out there. covered for theft. okay. that's a tidal wave of fire. covered for fire. what, what? all right. fine. i'm gonna get something to eat. the boy's kind of a drama queen. just wait. where's my burrito? [ chuckles ] worst apocalypse ever. protecting you till the end. now, that's progressive. on healthwatch tonight floattation therapy, a new way to relax that can also help fix a variety of ailments, health reporter stephanie stahl checked out a facility in south jersey and here to tell you all bit but i want to know did you take a plunge. >> reporter: didn't have time to redue my hair and everything, so no, i did not do any floating, today but it does look interesting, this therapy, involved floating, in a tank of warm salty water and it is catching on. there are more than 270 float centers around the country including one in marlton. denise grossman is drowning away her stress in float therapy. >> it can be as simple as relaxing and closing your eyes, and giving yourself, sometime and space to be alone. >> reporter: high school english teacher is a regular at float, in marlton, private tanks like a big bathtub are filled with warm water and enough up son salt to keep the body completely boy boyant. >> it relieves stress and joints, it allows muscles to relax. >> reporter: the owner says floattation therapy can help with arthritis, high blood pressure, to insomnia and migraines. an important part of the floattation therapy is sensory deprivation. this tank is pitch black and sound proof and if you are floating there is no gravity on your body. >> when you remove all of the things bombarding your brain, processor on a daily basis, it opens autopsy lieutenant have brain power, to heel, relax, you know, focus on things. >> reporter: this level of the keep relaxation which happens with meditation can reduce stress hormones in the brain. >> it positively effects things like stress, anxiety and depression. >> reporter: he said magnesium sulfate in the epson salties absorbed through the skin which can have a variety of benefits but mostly it business finding a briefest scape from our crazy lives. >> our stillness, peace, relaxation. >> so it is, relaxing but some might be wondering about germs, well, the salt and there is lots of it, kills germs but water is also filtered, cleaned between each customer, it cost $49 for an an hour obsession i have a feeling some people will be interested in this so we have all of the information for you at cbs, click health and i will also put it on my facebook and twitter feeds. >> epson salt still doing its things. >> it soaks out soreness. in the sensory deprivation, total black, in sound, in gravity, it is a weird thing to get your armed around but for some people it works. >> my grandmother from back in the day it helped with the bunions. thanks, stephanie. we have a lot coming up in our next half an hour of cbs-3, cleve. >> reporter: cape may man is behind bars after police say he groom young boys to sexually exploit them, i'm cleve bryan, coming up how he first made contact with the children. plane crash necessary to a lot full here's is what happening, it is official, cole hamels is no longer a member of the phillies. he held a news conference at citizens bank park for a farewell for his fans. hamels says playing in philadelphia gave him some of the best memories he has ever had, but let the a ace suit up now for the texas rangers. pope francis will be on u.s. soil in 57 days from now, and concern is growing over logistics, and security, in philadelphia. the pope's a safety is the responsibility of the u.s. secret service which says that the security plan has in the yet been finalized because of the pontiff's itinerary has in the been finalized either. could surveillance video help lead police to a young mother's killer, stephanie was found shot in the head in the port richmond home, her two-year old daughter was sitting nearby but unharmed, kate? the heat wave continues today, today is day four, we have had temperatures in the 90's all week lock. 93 degrees tuesday and wednesday. ninety-one yesterday. yesterday was most humid day we had. today we have hit a high of 90 and right backup in the lower 90's on saturday, coming up, ill will's let you you know how much long they are stretch of 90's will last. ukee, back to you. we are learning more about a scout master in south jersey charged with trying to lure an 11 year-old boy into sex. "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan has more from cape may county. >> reporter: police say 68 year-old frank thompson used his position and machine toy groom an 11 year-old boy for sexual purposes. thompson, whose nickname was sandy was an assistant scout master with troop 73 in west cape may. july 16th police received a call from the concerned citizen that thompson had a suspicious relationship with the boy. the investigators found he was giving the boy expensive gifts to lure the child, they then discovered he had molested another boy several years ago. machine police arrested thompson among his charges is aggravated sexual contact. >> i'm shocked. really shocked. i just didn't see anything like that coming. >> reporter: thompson's neighbor say man was well regarded but now she has to question some of the things she has seen specifically when a boy came to his house a few weeks ago. >> he brought a little boy over here to sit on my porch and he told me his parents were involved in drugs and he was, you know, being his mentor and taking him for a ride in the golf cart. i thought that was great. i had no concept that there was anything else involved. >> reporter: garden state council said thompson has been a register volunteer with the troop for at least seven years. they say just prior to the arrest he was kick out for some alleged in a prep eighth behavior but would not east lab break on what exactly happened. >> this behavior is unacceptable, it is everything that is against what we stand for and we have immediately removed him, from scouting and he will never be allowed to be affiliated with scouting ever again. >> reporter: boy scouts have a rule that adults are never to be left alone one on one with youth, nor contact them by e-mail or social media without notifying another adult. thompson is in jail, on $175,000 bail, and if there are any other victims police want to you call. in west cape may, cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". the family of a woman killed in the amtrak train derailment the has filed a wrongful death lawsuit, rachel jacobs was ceo of an educational technology company based in philadelphia the 39 year-old was heading back home to new york when train 188 derailed at frankford junction. eight people died in the may 12th tragedy and more than 200 others were injured. police arrested one of two men who made off with a bag full of nearly $150,000 in cash. take a look at this surveillance video from new jersey, on monday. two workers filling an atm left the bag on the curb. moments later a white van comes by and then that baggies scooped up. suspect who was arrested has been identified as 42 year-old alton harvey. authorities are searching for 35 year-old jameer bledson. police in western contact capture a inmate suspect of killing a inmate after walking away from a work release program. thirty-eight year-old robert krissman was captured this morning a day after he fled jail. he is suspect in the death of the woman in her home about a mile from that jail. officials say that there were no violent crimes on krissman's record. piece of airplane wreckage possibly blank to go a missing jet liner is making its way to france for analysis. investigators are hoping it will shed light to what happened to flight 370. cbs news correspondent jonathan syringe antti is on the island with the latest. >> reporter: this wing fragment was shipped to france where investigators will determine fit is part of the missing jet liner. sources tell cbs news that boeing investigators are confident that the part called a flapper came from one of its triple seven's, mh370 is only triple seven missing in the world. >> the bea, french version of the ntsb, that will soon be examining this, will get every bit of everything, every clue that they can get out of looking at that piece. >> reporter: mh370 disappeared over the indian ocean 16 months ago with 239 people on board. the wife of the chief stewart on the flight said she has been counting the days until she finally gets some answers. >> closure would be nice, and although i don't have any body to bury, but anytime you have closure. >> reporter: experts say strong count are clockwise currents are capable of carrying wreckage thousands of miles in the indian ocean. cleaning crews are scouring beaches here in reunion looking for other possible debris. workers also found part of the suitcase, a chinese water bottle and indonesia cleaning product. the experts say anything washing up on the shore should now be examined, more thoroughly. on reunion island jonathan, for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". a private jet crashes in england killing four people. pilot was trying to land at blackbush airport but instead the plane plunged into a car lot used for car auctions exploding on impact. all of the victims were on board the plane. the plane sounded like a missle as it fell to the ground. man accused of stabbing six people at a gay pride parade in jerusalem was in court today. man was just released from prison after being quick for a similar attack ten years ago. cbs news correspondent tina krause has details from london. >> reporter: it is a terrifying sight, a witness photographed a man plunging a knife in the woman's back in jerusalem's gay pride parade. moments before another photo shows the man identified, shown here preparing to brandish the knife from under his coat. six people were hurt, two seriously. he was in court on friday and was ordered to remain in custody. this is his second alleged attack in a jerusalem pride parade. the anti gay orthodox extremist got out of prison just three weeks ago. he served a ten year sentence for injuring several people at a 2005 parade. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned the attack, calling it a despicable hate crime. tina krause, cbs news. zimbabwe is calling on the united states to extradite the the american dentist who killed protected lion named cecil. zimbabwe officials accused doctor walt your palmer of violating their laws in trying to hurt the country's image. palmer has been in hiding since news sparked worldwide outrage. there is an extradition treaty between u.s. and zimbabwe but it is unclear if the u.s. will comply. 8,000 fire fighters are battling 18 large wild fire across southern california, one of the big necessary lake county north of sacramento. fire has torched more than 13,000 acres and destroyed three structures. this is just 5 percent contained. well, a child trapped in a koran a sweltering day prompts quick action from law enforcement. let's show you video from yesterday showing dramatic rescue, a young girl was strapped in her car seat as her momma allegedly shopped in cost co in bergen county, new jersey. police smashed a window to get to the girl. she was taken to the hospital and then released to her father. her mother was arrested and charged with child endangerment. world health organization, says that a newly developed vaccine against ebola is highly effective. single dose vaccine could prevent the spread of the virus and future out breaks. trial began about five months ago and showed tremendous promise. research is needed, but results so far on the trial show, 100 percent efficiency. valerie harper has been reportedly hospitalized, taken as a precaution ahead of the performance in maine. former mary tyler moore more star was diagnosed with brain cancer in 204 after a previous bought with lung cancer no other details about her condition have been released, thus far. former president george hw bush is giving us the thumbs up, as he recovers from a broken neck. check out the the tweet he sent out earlier today. the 91 year-old has not lost his sense of humor at all. who knew jumping out of the plane was safer then getting out of bed. thanks for all of your kind, get well messages, the former command inner chief broke a bone in his neck two weeks ago when he fell inside of his home. mission impossible, it is back, coming up, a look at the new movie and unbelievable stunts that tom cruise did himself, also this: >> 1,000 musicians, learn one song in an effort to lure their favorite band to town, the band's response on the other side, kate? and we start august this weekend and we have got more summer heat and some more humidity then we felt today on the way, so how long does this heat wave last? i will have your full seven day forecast coming up when we come right back. olympic history is made, beijing will host 2022 winter games. thinks first time same city has hosted both winter and summer games. >> beijing. >> yeah, the announcement was met with big time cheers as international olympic committee reveals its choice. beijing hosted the summer games in 2008. chinese capitol beat out, two other areas for 2022 games. as "eyewitness news" celebrates 50 years, we are looking back at major events, in our cities history. philadelphia will host the democratic convention just about a year from now in 2016 but 15 years ago it was the rnc taking center stage. july 31st, 2,000, the republican national convention got underway here in philadelphia delegates descended on the city to name a candidate, then texas governor george w. bush was picked as the presidential nominee along with dick cheyney as his running mate. excitement was very high inside the old first union center back then. outside a number of protest impact traffic and created disturbances all around the city. we will ta oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?! can i jump on your wi-fi? yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. the 100% fiber optics network is here. get out of the past. get fios. now $79.99 a month. go online or call now. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v having fun for a good cause today "eyewitness news" at hill view school in broomall where students held a lemonade stands for paxson hallow student, chill mccollough. the she's now a rising sixth grader this is all part of the alex lemonade stand foundation which raises machine toy find a cure for all childhood cancers. alex's dream is still alive. pretty convincing 1,000 musicians gathered in italy this week hoping to get the the foo fighters to come perform there. >> ♪ >> wow, they performed the foo fighters song learn to fly, the rocking 1,000 event was organized last year, more than $50,000 was raise todd pull it off, and, it seems to have worked. the band tweeted in italian, see you soon, italy. see you soon. do you speak italian. >> a little bit. >> speaking italian. >> is that see you soon. >> it might be. >> okay. >> i like it. >> i will go with it. >> sound good to me. >> okay. let's go with that. >> a little bit. >> lets go with more heat but not too bad today. >> it is 90 degrees. it feels like 90 degrees. that is better than 90 degrees that feels like 97 or 98 degrees. the humidity will not be as bad as it was earlier in the week. it will not be as great as it was today. the lets go to the shore. this is sky cam three in atlantic city. tides are coming in. a lot of people frolicking in the is your, if cooling off, water temperatures, ocean temperatures in the 07's right the now. great place to cool off on the hot summer day down the shore. it is hot on that sand. you have to wear flip-flops, and then head into the the water and enjoy a beautiful dip before maybe heading to the boardwalk orpy ier later this evening. lets check with our eyewitness weather watchers on this friday afternoon to see what we're looking at. ninety's across the area michael irwin in levittown reporting 90 degrees with sunshine. hotter then would i like but liking low humidity. dew point down to 57, that is pretty pleasant but you are right it is still hot. if you walk outside expecting to be refresh, that is probably not going to happen or toy say. ed connor 89 degrees, he says dry, comfortable temperature not too bad, we're talking about that dry heat. everyone talks about the desert southwest. dry heat. hottest hot. when you have dew points in the 50's it could be worse. lewis in eagleville at 88 degrees. as we head into south jersey we are at 89 checking in with margot in buena vista township. she says omg perfect weather cool mornings, warm sunny days, cool nights, doesn't get any better than this. margot told me what that one means. lets take a look outside, another spot here, in bernville, pa at the junior/senior school where it is blue skies as far as the eye can see. one little included outside. storm scan three looking okay as we sweep across the area but i will show you showers and storms rotating around a system and portions of eastern canada. these could drift down tomorrow in the pocono region and mostly staying dry but up north and west and see a stray shower that is what you're looking at. 90 degrees is temperature at the airport. eighty-nine in millville. ocean water temperature 74. see showers and storms rotate down into our northern and western suburbs. thinks noon time. don't be shock if one makes it in the city, boundary coming through that will help drop humidity back from tomorrow into sunday, sunday dry with sun and a squeeze play here from tropical moisture off shore and advancing front means humidity will increase monday and we cannot rule out shower or storm. future dew points tomorrow overnight in the mid 60's. tomorrow afternoon dew point in the low to mid 60's and boundary comes through and on sunday dew points back in the 50's in the afternoon, so not feeling all that bad. not the driest air mass we have ever felt but not the worst either. in the humid range tomorrow, closer to pleasant on sunday and ramps up on monday but notice how you far we are from inn sufferable so i'll take it. lets take a peak at tonight's forecast mainly clear, 70 degrees is overnight low. saturday lots of sun, hot but not all that humid. ninety-two is our temperature. out by the pool will wear the sun screen, uv index is ten but we have lots of sun for your pool plans on saturday. eyewitness weather seven day forecast shows four more days in the 90's that would make it a will day stretch. does look better by next week, 88 wednesday and by next friday looks cooler at 86, with some sunshine, back over to you. well, grumpy cat may have some competition, check out earl, the grumpy puppy. he is new internet sensation, this pup lives in iowa the his owner says it looks deceiving because he is most relaxed, child content puppy they have ever seen. several companies are trying to make earl a star, his owners say, they like him to actually, hang out with grumpy cat. still ahead on "eyewitness news" a summer blockbuster season it starts and opens this weekend. i'm kevin frazier, coming up tom cruise is back and he is not afraid to do his own stunts as he faces off with a team of dea this weekend at the movies tom cruise is back with the latest installment in a mission impossible series. kevin frasier from entertainment tonight takes you behind the scenes of, rogue nation. >> reporter: this week tom cruise is back with some of the most jaw dropping stunts in the mission impossible series, he is leaping from buildings, jumping off planes in mission impossible: rogue nation. >> open the door. >> i'm trying. >> open that door right now. >> oh, my god. >> that is one of the incredible stunts in the latest installment of the mission impossible franchise and it actually has had the star a little nervous. >> going down that runway, bird strikes, i had contact lenses, it is not like you don't feel fear it just doesn't stop me from doing it. i coined have enjoy that feeling. >> that is the wrong door good if that was in the enough tom is jumping in whirlpools, driving speeding cars and crashing motorcycles without a helmet. >> there is something where you go you get to entertain a audience. i want to entertain a audience. a all of my films i make them for the audience. >> reporter: joining tom are franchise new comerral he can baldwin and returning team members jeremy renner, ving reigns and simon, who got in a prank war with the action man. >> wow, wow, wow are you okay to drive? a minute ago were dead. >> what are you talking about. >> this will not end well. >> while i'm driving the car, okay, i said this is dangerous. i a said simon, this is dangerous, you cannot turn the heat on. i am driving the car. this is very dangerous. but he kept turning on my heat warmer on my seat. he kept going back and forth in the middle of this car chase. >> hang on. >> for entertainment tonight i'm kevin frazier now back to you in the studio that will do very well. that is "eyewitness news" 59:00, now at 6:00 a mother is murdered in her own home, tonight the the new video that could help police track down the killer, kate? we've got some beautiful weather on this friday evening, in philadelphia, and it is hot, sunny and humidity is not all that bad. so does this nice weather stick around through the the weekend? i will have your full forecast coming up at 6:00. see how cole hamels thanked the team and philadelphia today as he takes his tall opportunities texas. dealing with the deadly virus, health reporter stephanie he stall shows you where, and what style is popping up in our area. and right now at 6:00 o'clock the heat wave continues, live look now over sizzling center city philadelphia where we have hit 90 degrees, again, today. good evening everyone i'm he ukee washington. guess case off tonight. it looks like heat will continue in the weekend. meteorologist kate bilo is on the sky deck with the first look at the forecast, kate. >> it is not worst 90-degree day we have had this week. that is for sure. humidity levels dropped after that front moved through overnight, last night and even though it is hot, it is comfortable for 90-degree day. not bad out here, and nothing but blue skies over center city, and people out walking enjoying the evening and we need to wear sun screen this weekend to be out and about. that sunnies strong and uv index is very high. take a quick look at storm scan three where nothing is going on. we are sweeping the area our sweeps are working hard for no reason they should just take the night off because nothing is happening in our area, but you can see, showers and storms over eastern canada a few of them may dry to drift south tomorrow. cannot rule out a stray shower or storm. they will be mainly confined to our areas far north and west. in the meantime we have dropped off our high of 90. we are back to 89 at the airport. eighty-eight in trenton. eighty-nine in millville. eighty-seven the atlantic city airport. again definition of the heat wave stretch of

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