Talk about the states response. I believe he is stepping up to the podium. Lets listen in to Governor Newsom. Wear here in the sacramento area to make a number of announcements and continue our daily briefings. At the announcement today is an announcement that is near and dear to me an to mayor stainberg and karen larson around the the issue of homelessness. We are at fay silt here in the sacramento area that currently has 30 individuals that were out e streets in encampments that were brought recently to get them off the street to begin the process of basically de well, let me back up. To basically decompress and moreover to address the real vulnerabilities of homelessness in this state and the ins of covid19 as it relates to the impact on the Homeless Population throughout the state. This has been a point of real concern for all of us for a number of months. A top priority since the covid crisis began to manfest. We are pleased today with the partnership we have with fema, the partnerships that we have with counties up and down the state of california that weve identified roughly 7,000 hotel rooms that are now in our possession where we have occupancy agreements an we are now Building Partnerships newout the state of california on the way to getting 15,000 in phase one of our efforts. Fema remarkably appear to their credit have create a template, first in the nation in partnership with the state of california where people as providing 57 reimbursement for this project. This is first in the nation, their support is profoundly significant to address this crisis head on. It is all around making sure that we address the most vulnerable californians with kind of acuity and focus that is required of this moment. The bucket of support for fema is very focused. It is not limitless by any stretch of the imagination. It is focused specifically on individual Homeless Populations that have been exposed to the virus that specifically are deemed high risk. That would be our seniors encampments and in tents and those that have tested positive for covid19. That is the bucket for reimbursement that fema has advanced. It is all around saving lives and it is all around, as i suggest, decompressing our medical system, particularly our hospitals in the state of california. We are already seeing hundreds and hundreds of individuals now off the streets and sidewalks and into these noncongregate sites. We want to relieve the stress in our shelter system so we can separate individuals undealtly mattly again relieve the impact in the medical Delivery System if left unarested, we allow our most vulnerable residents in the state of california to be exposed to this virus. This was the crisis that predated the Current Crisis in the state of california and were doing everything we can in our power to meet it head on. Its countystate partnership with the driveling the car and the state of California Building the car. We put together the technical teams of expertise. We are working with the counties as they identify the sites to get the operating agreements up an running, to make sure they are reimbursed appropriately and to make sure that we have essential staffing needs met at the sites. Let me be specific about what i mean by essential staffing needs. We are doing Laundry Service. We are having intake process that is appropriate to the site to the extent security is an issue, we will make sure we attach some priority to security. But doing Something Else that is profoundly significant. We had chef jose a ndc s of world central kitchen would is providing meals as we begin the process of decompressing and getting people off that ship. He was there providing three meals a day for all the passengers and crew. His organization is now going to be providing three meals a day for all our homeless on these sites. An incredible contribution to the efforts and it just shows you the spirit of people meeting this moment, the spirit that defines this moment, the spirit of generosity and support and so i just cannot thank world central kitchen enough for connecting themselves to this cause, connecting themselves to this movement and providing those meals, working with local restaurateurs in each of the regions throughout the state of california to help support these efforts. That is the framework. Phase one, 15,000 units, roughly 7,000 that weve already identified. We begin to move these contracts, county by county, country High Pressure run, stateled in term of providing the framework of support. But we recognize the county stress, the city stress as it relates to resources. That is why it is important that i remind all of you that we have provided some 800 million in addition to the iden motels an hotels newout the hav gone out just in the last number of weeks. The 650 million that was proved if last years budget to the cities an counties an cocs to provide for support services and identify sites to address the homeless crisis and the 150 million because of the leadership of tony atkins an anthonnery rendon that we were able to pry prioritize just a few weeks back. 850million of glantz. Did the 150 million of the new awards that are gone tout support this effort. 75 reimbursement from people a there should be no excuse for us to begin to scale these it cant come soon enough because we had one death of a homeless individual in santa clara and we had a number of counties in the last days that have reported incidences of positive test results in counties large and small including San Francisco but other counties in l. A. That have shown at least a dozen, in fact, 14 in our last count. By the way, that is an undercount. That is just what has been reported to us. But heightened concern around the need to do more in our congregate facilities to isolate people into shelter like this and provide those basic essential services as we work through this crisis. Just a few final points before i bring over the head of our Homeless Task force, mayor darryl steinberg, to say a few words. It is important to note as well that this is also an operation being supported by the support of the federal government, 118. 5 million of direct homeless grants additional res that will be quickly disbursed throughout the state of california to augment some of the concerns around these facilities being temporary. A and want to make this point before i bring up the mayor. The anxiety often is, well, this is wonderful to help us for three, four months to get us through this crisis. But what happens after that . If you are a county leader, youre saying im not sure we are in a position to have the resewer to continue these operations. That is why the federal dollars are important. That is why im high heighting them and i want folks to know at the county level and city level, this was the crisis we needed to address before the covid19 crisis and we are anot walking way from meeting that crisis headon as we move through this process. That is why these operating agreements or these occupancy agreements in place like this include extensions and all the new templates that we have just engaged in in the last few weeks include purchase options. So the state of california can help support through philanthropy, log Government Support are the the opportunity to purchase these sites so we can look more long term as this being part of our panoply of solution to address the homeless crisis. Its long way of saying this. We are not just thinking short term. We are also beginning to process an orientation, a focus, an income around long term supports so we can get people off the streets in a permanent way but, again, this could not happen without femas extraordinary support and partnership and the partnership of leaders like the leader ill be asking to the mic in just a second. That isette head of our Homeless Task force, the mayor of sacramento and someone who has been out front to this year for years and is here once again to seat crisis of homeless and crisis of covid come together in a way that only reinforces this sense of urgency but moreover, reinferss why we are pleased and proud thats mayor of sacramento and leading the efforts throughout state of california, darryl darrell steinberg. Reporter thank you very much, governor. Let me begin by thanking you. You often talk and have talked frequently over these last days about californians meeting the moment. You are meeting the moment. And more than meeting the moment in every way here. And were grateful and proud that you are at the helm and that you are leading not just on this crucial issue of homelessness but on every other aspect of this unprecedented situation. So thank you. It was a little less than eight weeks ago, i believe, that you stood in the state capital and you delivered the state of the state address. What was unique about that state of state address, it was the first time anyone could remember that a governor would devote nearly all of his or her address to the issues ever homelessness and mental health. And you called it a crisis and, as you said a moment ago, your work with the legislature has put forward hundreds of millions of dollars before the crisis for sees and counties ab streets indoors, to serve their needs, to address their underlying conditions and to keep them housed. And you asked your task force to come up with a set of recommendations and much of our work was centered on the idea that maybe it ought to be required to bring people indoors, not just be an option. And you embraced that idea. But the idea was to take with grate sense of urgency, a recollect any that it would probably take several years before we were able to implement this in large numbers. And now less than eight weeks after that state of the state address, the covid crisis has given us together an unprecedented opportunity to move up that time line in a most appropriate and aggressive way. And so i want to thank you for highlighting this issue today but more importantly, i want to thank you and your administration for providing the resources, the tools and Technical Assistance for our county partners and our City Partners to be able to do what we all have wanted to do and now have the opportunity to do and that is to bring people in and not by the hundreds but by the thousands. For you alluded to appropriately a moment ago. Unsheltered homelessness was a crisis before covid19. It is a heightened crisis during this epidemic. And if we do our part now, it could be less of a crisis as we come out of this. That is the Incredible Opportunity we all have together during this most difficult time. And i know on behalf of all of the mayors and the local elected officials, we are grateful to have a state that is and an administration that is leaning in, partnering with us, providing us the resources. Our promise on the other side must be that we are going to do everything we can to implement this strategy as quickly as possible. So i thank you for the opportunity. And i turn it back over governor. Thank support and leadership on this homeless issue. Let me briefly update everybody on the total number of positives in the state of california, number hospitalized, the number in icu. Total number of positives today reported 10,710 in the state of california. We have 2188 vings that are hospitalized and 901 that are in icu. That 901 number reports a 10. 4 increase from the previously reported number yesterday. We continue to do more and more on testing. Tomorrow, ill abe putting out some more specific and printive strategies and guidelines an updates on our testing protocols in the state of california. We continue to procure more physical space in the state including nearby, the sleeptrain arena and we are actually beginning the construction today on that project. All throughout the state of california, progress is being made and on monday, i will lay out details of all the physical assets that have now been procured as part of our larger hospital Surge Program including all those 2,000 units of medical support that came from those eight fms sites that were procured through the president s support. To the issue that are our top focus in addition to homelessness, today, we continue to all focus with acuity on what is happening in our Skilled Nursing facilities, what is happening with our Senior Center and our adult day care facility throughout the state of california. We said that homelessness and our seniors were our top priorities. They remain so much that is where so much of our energy and focus resides and appropriately so. The vulnerabilities within those pop lays, within those communities but more broadly, we are doing what we can to continue to take advantage of this lull as it relates to not yet being at peak and taking advantage of every moment, every minute, every hour and every day to continue to build our capacity and build our points of access. That capacity includes the apartment of ppe that we are receiving from around the world through our own efforts and again, with whatever support we can get from the federal government. I promise on a daily basis to update individuals just as the proxy for ppe, the have as of t distributed now just over 38 million n59 masks in the state of california. As soon as we get those masks in, we get them out as quickly as possible. Well need tens of millions more, hundreds of millions more masks, more broadly defined, surgical masks an shields and overall appear gowns and gloves and those procurement practices and shy chains are being activated all around the globe. We continued to find arrest source more ventilators. Found a few hundred more from the l. A. County region that we are retrofitting back up in sunny veil, bloom energy and continuing to resource and stack up the ventilator assets as well. In addition to that, now, almost 7 athousand, over 74,000 people have signed up on our health corps website which is just incredible. That is the Human Resource part of all of this. Remember, three legged stool you need the fill points of ask section you need the appropriate protective greer and supplies, ventilators not just gowns and masks and we need the people that are retired to come back and those with expertise as radiologists and emts paramedics, nurses, nurse practitioners, doctors and the like to get ready to participate in helping us support and we are treabling those individuals as well. Can you help as well as individuals. Serve. Ca. Gov. Serve. Ca. Gov. That is our website for information if you want to help folks like the folks that are now behind me no individual, shelters, food banks. That is the site to go to. It also has a volunteer link to cal volunteers more broadly defined of how can you volunteer. How can you contributed blood, not just time at the blank bank. All of the things we are required to do more of at this moment. That is the site weve created it help advance that cause and they want collective cause of all of us doing more on a daily basis. Including the ad moppation that ill always remind you you, continue to practice safe physical distancing and social distancing. Continue to practice physical distancing above and beyond and everything else. We have done a remarkable job in the state of california inform we continue to do that job, it will continue to buy us time before that peak. If we can continued to do more projects just like this, and if we do that, you are quite literally responsible for saving lives. And there is no greater or more Noble Pursuit in life than being able to look back and say you met and grandkids because you did the right thing. Just by practicing safe physical distancing, continuing to stay at home except for essential purposes, i think you will have met that moment in profound and significant ways. With that, we are happy to answer any questions. Thank you, governor. We are get a number of questions from different outlets asking you to clarify who is paying for these hotel leases and who might step in to finance them moving forward once the pandemic is over. I tried to lay that out in my remarks. Heat me reinforce more specifically. We have the first in the nation framework of support to have fema reimburse 75 of the cost as long as we do what we are required to do and that is focus on a subset of the Homeless Population that are covid19 positive, have been exposed or are high risk. And the job and responsibility for the state is to provide the Technical Expertise to the counties to make sure that we are conducting and appropriating that commitment in the responsible and legal way. So that is 75 . As i said, specifically, we provided 650 million of emergency grants. All those award letters, now 100 of the award letters are already out. Counties and cities were already spending that money against those award letters but now the award letters are out which means that the flood gate on all of those dollars and we put out 1 50 million in the last few weeks of emergency aid because of the support of the legislature. So that should address the issue of the 25 gap amply for the cities and counties and as i said, beyond that, very clearly, we are looking at our new leases. These occupancy leases that have month to month extensions and have the ability to have purchase of these properties through a right of first refusal or at least a right of first offer on all contracts that we are now procuring. An we are not walking way from our obligations on homelessness. State of california has entered into that space in unprecedented ways and as long as im your governor, ill be there doing everything in my power to support the cities and counties so that we can continue to keep people in an environment where theyre safe, particularly in the noncongregate environments. To the extent that we can continue to juice these assets that wear procuring at this moment. An to follow up on that, some homeless adequate are saying that people arent being moved off street fast enough at this point. Can you clarify how many people have been housed so far and how many you hope to house . With this specific program, and again, we have 58 counties, 407 plus cities doing a magnificent job. In certain cases, not doing good enough, in other cases that continue all of their homeless operations with all of the new money that the state of california has provided. And so that is separate and above. But let me be specific to what we call project room key which is this program. 15,000 units that we will