Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20200204 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20200204

once you get to livermore it looks good. but the bay bridge is getting a little bit more crowded now. here it is 5:00. a little early for this to be so crowded. 5:01. let's go back to the desk. the democratic candidates for president continue their campaigning in new hampshire and other parts of the country this morning after a very confusing night in iowa. at this point, we still don't know who won the iowa caucuses last night. iowa's democratic party leaders delayed the vote totals because of what they called inconsistencies in the results. ktvu's allie rasmus is in our newsroom now. you can explain all of this. >> it comes down to the fact there's still no official winner in the iowa caucus. we don't know how any of the candidates did last night because state officials in iowa have not released the results. party leaders say they're delaying the release of the results because of what they dried as inconsistencies in the iowa caucus process. party leaders are not answering specific questions about exactly what went wrong but this is the first time the precinct chairs in iowa were supposed to send in the results using an app. no one was given any training on how to use the app and when the precinct chairs tried to call in the old-fashioned way by phone they couldn't get through to anyone. iowa's democratic party chair said in a statement over the phone, we want to emphasize this is a reporting issue not a hack or intrusion. . >> we want to emphasize this is a reporting issue not a hack or inintrusion. we are updating the campaign and will continue to provide updates as they are available. >> and again, the party chair did not take any questions from reporters on that phone call. no follow up to ask exactly what went wrong: so several candidates tried to declare varying degrees of victory to try and seize the momentum. >> we're going to walk out of here with our share of delegates. we don't know exactly what it is yet but we feel good where we are. >> i have a good feeling we're going to be doing very well in iowa. >> tonight, an improbable hope became an undeniable reality. >> now we don't know when the iowa democratic party will decide to release the results of the caucus. the only details they've offered is they'll be released sometime today. but for now, the candidates have moved on. live in the newsroom allie rasmus ktvu fox 2 news. well, today president trump will go before congress and deliver his state of the union address. a senior advisor to the president says the speech will be an optimistic one and is expected to spotlight the chi and focus on what the rise of the american. and emphasis on military and national security. >> we're going to talk about achievements we've made. so many different things. >> many republicans hope the president will not mention the impeachment trial tonight. the senior administration official says the speech will be forward-looking and optimistic. you can watch the president's speech right here on ktvu fox 2 as well as ktvu plus starting at 6:00 tonight followed by the democratic response. our time now 5:04. the u.s. senate expected to vote to acquit president trump when the two week impeachment trial wraps up tomorrow afternoon. house imimpeachment impeachment managers on capitol hill made that vote tomorrow. rejected a measure to call any witnesses or present any new evidence. that sets the stage for tomorrow's vote when the acquittal in the impeachment trial is all but certain. >> i simply ask this body to stand firm today. protect the integrity of the united states senate. stand firm today and protect the office of the president. >> and if we come together as americans, then together we can eradicate the cancer that threatens our democracy and continue a long, necessary march toward a more perfect union. >> president trump is facing two articles of impeachment for alleged abuse of power in his meetings with ukraine. since they have little hope of actually removing him from office. one of the women accusing harvey weinstein of sexual misconduct is returning to the stand today. former actress jessica mann says weinstein raped her in 2015 but continued sending him flattering e-mails to keep her career going. new this morning, police are searching for a sexual assault suspect following a late night pursuit. it began in oakland and ended in san francisco. police in oakland first spotted the suspect's car near 13th and international boulevard at 10:45 last night. that led to a pursuit across the bay bridge and into san francisco where officers lost night seeugt of the car. time is now 5:06. the coronavirus has now taken the life of a second person outside of china. a man who recently visited wuhan, china died after testing positive on friday for the coronavirus. it's now blamed for 427 deaths. it has infected 27,000 people around the world and the first case in belgium was just confirmed. >> the only way we will defeat this outbreak is for all countries to work together in the spirit of solidarity. . >> now here in the u.s., there are at least 11 cases including 6 cases here in california. ucsf is treating two people transferred from sanbonito county. ucsf treated patients during the 2003 sars outbreak. in the meantime, several major airlines are cancelling their flights between china and sfo. >> typically this time of the year we have about 90 flights to china per week. that number is being cut by about 45% and will probably see some further reductions beyond that. >> and in the frantic search to find a vaccine, gillead scientists of foster city is working with chinese health officials to see if an experimental drug used for ibollla can also be used to fight the coronavirus. fayetteville 08 is the time. let's get back to sal castaneda. >> i want to show you the east bay right now. traffic is going to be a little bit slower. and the rest of the east bay is okay with the exception of the bay bridge we where we have a backup. it's only 5:08 and it looks like this is much later. apparently there was some road work that ran late on the bay bridge and that slowed the metering lights down. it is an early morning at the bay bridge. just a little slower than you want to see it here. so get out there 10, 15 minutes early if you can. 5:09. let's bring steve paulson back in here. >> 10 to 15 minutes. come on now. i'm kidding. it's clear. is there good news when you get a north wind? yeah. the water temps go down. near average is slightly below for early february. 52. would not be surprised to see bodega bay go up. north northwest winds 25 to 45 miles an hour. there's a north breeze holding most of the temps up. 20, 25 out in the delta. even along the coast. north 21 to concord and even sfo down towards half moon bay. 32 at sfo gusting northeast at half moon bay and that holds the temp up. also for downtown san francisco, only san jose is running cooler than anyone else. santa rosa finally dropped a little bit. napa airport was 27 yesterday. there are a few stwents. alamo 29. but a lot of 40s here due to the breeze. if it wasn't for that breeze, it would be colder. it's a very quiet pattern. i think a series of lows will continue to drop in overland, not over water. there enlies a cool and windy forecast. not a rainy one. the forecast models have backed off in the middle of the month. sunny for all. nice and breezy. 50s on your temps here and overall we are looking for cold mornings. a lot of sunshine. next low drops in on sunday. >> all right. time now 5:10. still ahead... >> at a bay area gym a woman's car was stolen. why she says police are not trying to get the surveillance video that could lead to the thieves. >> plus the reason democratic presidential candidate mike bloomberg ditched the idaho caucuses to campaign here in california. the number of uninsured americans, rising. the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. the good news, so is support for the one candidate who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. welcome back to mornings on 2. our time is now 5:13. a gunman shot and killed one person and wounded five others on a greyhound bus. about 80 miles north of los angeles. the suspected gunman is 33-year- old anthony williams of maryland. he was a passenger on that bus that left l.a. bound for san francisco when he started shooting. the bus driver pulled over to the side of the road where several other passengers went after that gunman. >> they were able to overcome this subject and disarm him. they were able to escort him off of the bus without further incidence. >> 51-year-old woman from columbia who was also a passenger was killed. there's still no word about a possible motive, but investigators say they don't believe the gunman knew anyone on the bus. a homeowner in brisbane is cooperating with police after a shooter. now police got a call about a home invasion robbery and when officers arrived, they found the suspect with a fatal gunshot wound. authorities say the person who lives there is safe and is being questioned about what led up to the shooting. a college student in the south bay says thieves raided her locker inside a gym, stole her keys, and took off with her car. it happened last wednesday night at the 24-hour fitness in san jose. 19-year-old vi fam says she didn't lock her locker. her car keys were missing. when she checked the parking lot her car was gone. there is surveillance video of the suspect but 24-hour fitness told fam police needed to contact them to release the video. fam was told by police it was a low priority crime. >> all we need is a recording of the last 24 hours. so it's not the top of their list to go and call the establishment that would have the footage. >> 24-hour fitness says the club is aware of the incident and working with local authorities. so far, no suspects have been caught and the car has not been found. happening today, state and local lawmakers will introduce new legislation aimed at reforming transportation in the bay area. the goal is to create a more integrated user-friendly transportation system. right now there are 27 different transit agencies in the area. they each operate independently the announcement expected this morning will be at the transit center in san francisco. now for a check in with traffic. >> we do have a lot of traffic but not a lot of big problems. let's take a look at the gilroy commute. i want to show you that traffic does look okay. nothing major driving up to san jose and the main part of san jose. you can see downtown san jose looks good. there was some late running road work and the traffic is backed up a little longer than you might expect at this time. it might even out over time. 5:17. let's bring steve paulson in with today's weather. a pretty good breeze out of the north. temps are up at about 90%. if it wasn't for that breeze we'd be as cold as monday morning. 22, 24 miles an hour even at napa airport. that's a big difference for that breeze that's kicked in. same for concord. also novato, sfo, the wind is roaring to 32 miles per hour. san jose northwest. livermore and hayward with the north wind. more 40s than anything else. there are a couple of 20s. a few 30s but almost a couple 50s there. in the city is 49. sfo said 50. 30s for a few on the peninsula but a lot more 40s. but after that, it's all 40s including 45 bill burn. high pressure continues to favor california even though these lows come in. they do pick up the wind and give us these colder temps. that's the pattern here. there's no rain in sight. the forecast models have continued to back off. which means a cold and windier pattern looks to be on the weather menu for the next 7 to 10 days. temperatures will bump up. it's sunny, the visibility's good. so that's the good news. next low drops in on sunday. 5:18 is the time. the new bay area program designed to prevent homelessness before it starts. up next, we hear from people who say this program will keep a roof over their heads and off the streets. >> and a multi-million dollars settlement between wall greens and california. a phony pharmacist who handled hundreds of thousands of prescriptions here in the bay area. when it comes to your business internet, which is more important? ♪ ♪ okay, i wish i didn't have to choose. like the more i think about it, the more i want to jump to each room. what if i said you can have it all? ♪ ♪ comcast business gives you connectivity that goes beyond. that's what we want! that's speed, reliability, and security, all from one provider. touchdown! get started with internet and voice for an amazing price. call today. comcast business. beyond fast. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's now 5:21 and a vote by the oakland city council is expected today to vote banning landlords. if the fair chance housing ordinance gets approval landlords won't be able to ask about a potential tenant's criminal history. they can still check for people on the state's sex offender industry after making a conditional offer to the potential renter. a new housing program in oakland. ktvu's rob roth spoke with a 77- year-old woman who said the program kept her from possible homelessness. >> inez washington says she was almost evicted last year and at almost 77 years old she wasn't sure where she was going to do. >> washington has been in an apartment in this building near lake merit. she says her building was sold, she was facing a rent increase and facing eviction notice. through a program called "keep oakland housed," catholic charity stepped in to help to keep her stabilize and in her apartment. >> this is not uncommon. in our housing clinics we have numerous people that walk through our door. >> washington is one of approximately four dozen people who were in imminent risk of homelessness in the past year and a half who managed to keep a roof over their heads thanks to oakland housed. >> under the pilot program, the city works with three non profits including catholic charities to help people before they become homeless. the program will offer one-time financial assistance to fight evictions and assigns case managers to keep people stabilize. >> we want to keep oakland oakland and that starts with keeping oaklanders in oakland. >> oakland says it's the first of its kind in california and also expanding to help those sleeping in cars and on couches. >> what you do not want them to become is the habitually, the chronic homeless because that's when you have a lot more issues. it is much cheaper and economically feasible to keep someone from becoming homeless. >> this fielt program is schedule -- pilot program is scheduled to last another 18 months but city officials are hoping by then many provisions already become public policy. california voters will have a chance to decide if they want to expand rent control policies. a new rent control law took effect at the start of this year that limits annual rent increases to 5% plus inflation. however, it does not apply to apartments built in the last 15 years or single family homes not owned by corporations. the new initiative looks to include those sunts and will sunts and will appear on the november ballot. this was yesterday's ribbon cutting in san francisco aez neighborhood. there was a performance by rearden high school marching band. the new shake shack is on the corner of fillmore and filbert. facebook coo cheryl sandberg is engaged. her fiance tom bernthal is founder and ceo of a strategic firm. time now 5:25. the dnc dealing with its first obstacle of the 2020 primary season. the results from yesterday's caucus in iowa have yet to be reported and when we can expect to see the first numbers. >> also, how an antioch community is grieving the loss of a teenager killed outside a high school basketball game as police search for the shooter. what'd we decide on the flyers again? uh, "fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. the number of uninsurising.ricans, the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. the good news, so is support for the one candidate who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. we need to make sure we don't overreact. we are prepared for a response. >> the san francisco health department working closely with city leaders as plans continue to develop for the chinese new year celebrations in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak. >> plus... >> we want to capture this individual and hold him accountable for this unprovoked attack. >> the search for a guvenman who gunman who opened fire on an unsuspecting officer who is alive thanks in part to his body camera. >> from ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. well good morning to you. thank you for joining us for mornings on 2. tuesday morning, february 4th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. thank you for waking up with us on this cold morning. . >> it was colder yesterday morning. there's a pretty good wind kicking in some of the higher elevations and even at the surface. that's holding these temps up. there is a freeze warning but i'll tell you it's a little marginal due to the wind. 50 miles an hour. 37 miles an hour right above the caldicot. there's your north wind gusting over 30 at sfo. that means temperatures are 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s but a lot more 40s. it's still cold and yesterday was colder and everything's coming out of the north. it's a dry pattern. it's a breezy, windy pattern. highs in the 50s. . we do have traffic that's beginning to build on some of these commutes for various reasons. solano county commute in vallejo is okay if you're driving on 80 but it's getting a little slow. 37 towards marin is going to be slow as well. it looks okay and then no problems on the richmond bridge getting out to the macarthur maze. some earlier issues that are now gone. 5:30 let's go back to the desk. democratic party officials in iowa are working to deliver the delayed results of their first caucus. after experiencing technical problems with the reporting system. now it's unclear how quickly they will be able to reveal the results. but some of the presidential candidates claimed victory in iowa. on the republican side and the caucuses have long since ended. president trump won easily with 97% of the vote. former massachusetts governor bill weld and joe walsh took in about 1% of the vote. each of the democratic candidates have moved on to new hampshire taking place one week from today. negative caucus is scheduled for february 22nd. then a week later south carolina goes to the polls and then march 3rd is super tuesday. california and 13 other states will hold primaries. democratic presidential candidate mike bloomberg skipped the iowa caucuses and campaigned here in california instead. bloomberg met with reporters yesterday. he said even though he's a billionaire now that wasn't always the case and he understands the concerns of the average family. >> i've worked my way up and i give away all the money that i've made. i was the mayor for three terms in the most progressive city in the country. the connection with people is obviously there. . >> now, it's unusual but not unprecedented for a candidate to bypass iowa. bloomberg's strategy is to skip all four early voting states and focus on the delegate-rich super tuesday states. president trump is scheduled to give his state of the union address tonight for a joint session of congress. top white house officials say the president will deliver an optimistic speech tonight. privately some are hoping he will ignore the topic of impeachment, but that may still happen. they say president trump will focus on the economy and how he has fulfilled his campaign promises about national security and immigration reform. . >> now every member of congress is allowed to bring one guest to hear the president's annual speech. east bay congressman mark dissanae will bring isa. she's been here since she was 7 years old so she could be treated for a rare genetic disease. last year she was told she would have to leave. she was given a two year reprieve after the new york times featured her story. now you can watch the president's state of the union address right here on ktvu and over on ktvu plus starting at 6:00 tonight. time is now 5:33. more deaths blamed on the coronavirus are being reported this morning. a man in hong kong became the second person outside of mainland china to die from the coronavirus. it has killed 427 people and infected more than 20,000 around the world. 11 in the united states including 6 in california. ucsf in san francisco is treating two patients who were transferred from san bonito county. the coronavirus could have a huge impact on iphones. a financial analyst is telling investors iphone shipments could be reduced by as much as 10%. apple producers in china also announced today they will expect to return to full production on monday. today the san francisco's mayor's office is expected to hold a community meeting in chinatown to address the health and economic concerns caused by the coronavirus. . the mood was festive including traditional lion dances. city and community leaders along with the chinese console general are trying to spread the word despite public fears there are no need to panic. >> we have been communicating and collaborating with the united states and other countries in an open, transparent and a responsible manner. >> i don't believe it is something new but at the same time just listen to the experts. >> china town restaurants say this should be one of the busiest times of the year but they blame a 30% to 50% drop in business. time is now 5:35. happening today a 22-year-old woman accused of killing her boyfriend in san jose on christmas day is due in the san jose courtroom for a pretrial hearing. prosecutors say gutierrez used her car to run over and kill her boyfriend ricky martinez. earlier on christmas day, martinez allegedly shot and wounded gutierrez's brother. . this is an incredible story. the santa clara county sheriff's office is looking for the person behind a possible hate crime directed at a sheriff's deputy. that's after someone fired four shots at a deputy who was on patrol friday night. deputy sup digil. a car approached and someone inside opened fire. the fourth shot his his body camera. >> our deputy was outside of his vehicle not on a stop, not contacting any subjects and it basically was out of the blue. we do know that the bullet was stopped by a combination of the body cam and the protective body armor. now the car is described as silver with four doors could be a honda. investigators say this could be a hate crime because the deputy is a practicing sikh and wears a turbin. the deputy is not seriously hurt and told his bosses he's eager to return to work. now we're hearing from the family of a 16-year-old student killed friday night. witnesses say after the a basketball game at deer valley high school the young man was attacked by other teenagers in the parking lot. jonathan parker was shot three times. he died saturday. his family says jonathan who was known as john john was 6'4" tall and was a big, loveable kid. >> he had a heart of gold. he never hurt anybody. he didn't deserve this. jonathan was an amazing person. if you knew him, he was extraordinary. >> his smile would light up the whole room. he was the type of boy who wan wanted to see everybody else happy even if he wasn't. >> . >> family members and friends are asking anyone who has information about the shooting to call antioch police. also happening today the third suspect in the theft of a laptop is due in an east bay courtroom. 18-year-old wawan wigins on new year's eve. police say swazang died while chasing thieves who stole his laptop. two other suspects have already been charged in the case. police in moraga say a woman who's arrested now may be linked to several car thefts in the east bay. investigators told the east bay times she may be connected to almost 20 thefts in moraga as well as other cities. now they're trying to identify other suspects who may have been involved in those thefts. 5:38. time to check in with sal. >> it's a little bit of a normal commute. let's gout 0 to the nut from far away. i want to show you that traffic is a little bit slow. we had an accident on grant line road. it's about the same as it is getting into livermore and then driving out to the area here. no major problems into dublin. some slowing in hayward that's about it. and 880 looks all right. bay bridge a little behind schedule. although it looks like it might be getting back to normal. the metering lights came on early because of some late running road work. so the traffic at the bay bridge i would say if you give yourself an extra 5 minutes you should be just about on schedule. 5:39 let's bring steve in. we do have a freeze warning out. the wind is really holding these temps up. more in the 30s and 40s. i did see a couple of upper 20s around gernville. 29. but the napa airport is about 15 degrees warmer than yesterday at this time. so that north wind is one of the reasons why mount diablo is 55 miles an hour. right at the caldicot about 31. same around big rock and on the coast. the buoys are about 25 to 30 miles per hour. the water temps are cold. this is near average to a little below. 52 to 53. that's very cold water there. north wind even out to the delta. north at 22. and sfo 32. that means their temp is 50 degrees. so they're running 8 degrees. only san jose minus 1. there are double digits warming for many as well. santa rosa's now minus 3. fairfield plus 11 and there are 40s. if it wasn't for that breeze we'd be a lot colder. there are a few locations that are below freezing. 30s and 40s to the east bay temps. alamo's 29. look at the difference there. 19 up in south lake tahoe. 30 in ukiah. 35 in monterey. severe clear is what we say and everything coming out of the north will equal a lot of good visibility. but temperatures 50s on there and they'll continue to warm up a little bit. the pattern is favoring. . all right. thank you steve am. a san francisco family man lays out his plan for the state to take over pg&e. up next, we have details what it could mean for customers and why some pg&e are against it. >> and the impeachment trial verdict is pretty much certain. what both sides said during their closing arguments ahead of tomorrow's vote. two bacon, two sausage, this is the two eggssuper slam. hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. ♪ ♪ wherever we want to go, autosave your way there with chase. chase. make more of what's yours. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:44 and walgreens will pay 7.5 $7.5 million. wall greens settled a lawsuit filed jointly by alameda and santa clara counties. they failed to properly check the credentials of kim tium lay in fremont, milpitas and san jose. she's accused of filling more than 745,000 prescriptions for drugs including fentanyl, oxycodone, and morphine. time is now 5:44. 127 comcast workers in live more will be laid off soon. keep open the regional headquarters. some affected by layoffs will be able to transfer. when these layoffs reportedly hit. stock watch pg&e is fluctuating overnight after the utility said it is getting close tore solving its brupgs case. said it would emerge from chapter 11. it also said it would create an independent safety oversite committee. >> time is 545. there's an opposition to a new bill proposed in the state legislature would turn pg&e into a public utility. as ktvu's christien kafton tells us some union members don't like it. >> pacific gaes and electric has power and says the utility has put profit over people. >> pg&e focuses so extensively on creating returns and dividends for shareholders and it's allowed its infrastructure to deteriorate. >> the senator's legislation would require pg&e to own all stock to a new utility company, the northern california energy utility district . but even before details on that plan could be rolled out, workers from the international brotherhood of electrical workers were on hand saying the plan will take away from from their pensions. >> this plan does not accommodate our pension. if the state takes over, the workers are not guaranteed our pensions. >> there's a specific language in this bill that all of their benefits and wages, collective bargaining agreements and retirement will transition. >> the state would be in over its head running utility. >> it doesn't run well. so you want to trust them to take over the company, this company. i don't think it's going to work out. >> we have large successful public utilities in california that provide cheaper electricity than pg&e. and they don't burn things down and they don't have mass blackouts. so we need to move in that direction. the utility reform network says it needs to see the legislation before deciding if the plan is a good one but that any plan going forward will need to include strong oversight. >> we want to see a public plan that also protects rate payers. >> to see what the utility has to say. they sent us a statement reading in part quote we oppose senator weiner's proposed frame work. recent takeover attempts have largely failed due to a range of factors. in san francisco christien kafton ktvu fox 2 news. for this morning, we have getting a sneak peak at some of the floats in the chinese new year's parade. the chinese new year parade has more than 100 entries. more than 1 million fire crack crackers will be set up when julian torres host that san francisco new year's parade. this saturday, 6:00 p.m. right here ktvu fox 2 after the ktvu fox 2 news at 5:00. >> dress warm and wave. >> yeah. coat, gloves, scarf. it sounds like it's going to be nice out. not raining. but people still come out and watch. >> one year it was raining and people still came out. it's not going to rain this year. let's go ahead and take a look at what we have for these commutes. i want to show you traffic is going to be busy. if you are driving on 80 westbound. 280. south bay commute. we're going to start there. it looks pretty good into the west valley. bay bridge is now recovering after kind of a slow start this morning but now things are looking rather typical at the bay bridge and here on the richmond bridge you still have plenty of room to get over to san rafael. it's 5:49. let's bring steve in with today's weather. >> all right. it's been a cold one. monday morning was colder by far. because of the wind has kicked in. there's a freeze warning that includes areas to the north. although some locations are running a couple degrees colder. most are warmer. some are significantly warmer due to the wind. there it is north 35. 53 at mount diablo and even on the coast. 18 to 27 miles per hour. that churns the water over and water temps are cold. buoy temps 52 to 53. these the coldest i've seen in awhile. north wind out of the delta. so if that's your drive hold on a little bit. that's a pretty good little breeze. concord 21 miles per hour. gusts at sfo 32. that's holding up the temps here for many. running anywhere from 3 to 12 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. except santa rosa. livermore plus 12 at 43 degrees. santa rosa's 35. that wind does not apply up there at least so far. but the city's 49. sfo's at 50. and there are a few 30s in there. a lot more upper 30s and 40s due to the breeze. menlow park and loss altos. sacramento's 36. fresno. it is a wall to wall sunny pattern unfortunately it's also a dry pattern. i'm the eternal optimist when it comes to our weather but it does not look good for rain here. that one won't be until sunday. so a continuation of cold, windy looks to be on deck here going forward. >> thank you. just a reminder make sure you download the ktvu weather app. it has interactive radar, hourly update. the ktvu weather app is free to download for your smartphone or tablet. time is now 5:51. the clean up continues to santa rosa after hundreds of the homeless were moved out of the joe redota trail. but a big mess was left behind. >> also a plan to completely revamp bay area mass transit. we're going to break down the proposal to simplify all forms of bay area public transportation. but first, a clean up under way outside the staples center in los angeles where fans of kobe bryant have been adding to the growing memorial. we'll tell you what crews will be doing with all the mountain of items left behind by grieving fans. >> but first, we want to take you outside. looking live around the bay area at the golden gate bridge. the music is just right for doing that in the morning. you're watching mornings on 2 from ktvu fox 2 news. growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. which of your devices are protected by daily security updates? daily security updates... daily? i don't know. the only thing... i'm struggling with this. some providers you have to manually download updates to each device. comcast business securityedge updates every 10 minutes to help keep your connected devices protected against new ransomware, malware and phishing threats. every 10 minutes feels pretty good. comcast business security edge automatically helps protect all the devices on your network. call today. comcast business. beyond fast. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's now 6:55. the bodies of kobe bryant, his daughter, and the seven other victims killed in the helicopter crash have now been released to their families. they were heading to the mamba sports academy on january 26th for the basketball game. according to 911 calls witnesses say the chemical cop ter was in the clouds and they say they heard a boom and saw flames. the cause of the crash is still being investigated but the ntsb says weather is probably a key factor. well a temporary memorial honoring kobe bryant has been removed from outside the staples center in los angeles. thousands of people have been stopping by, paying their respects adding to that memorial since he died more than a week ago. even with that memorial removed, fans are still coming by the staples center. >> now kobe bryant he will not be forgotten but he is in our hearts. >> it was like a major event going on every day except it was nothing but a gathering. >> state officials say many of the items will be taken to the bryant family. flowers and bio degradable items will be turned into compost and spread around the arena. 49ers are back here in the bay area after a heart breaking loss in miami. there were some fans there greeting the players as they boarded buses to go to the 49er's headquarters. >> you know, it was kind of tough, but at the same time we're still proud of them. yeah, there's nothing they couldn't do that would make us not want to be proud of them. >> now the 49ers players or coaches, none of them made any statements as they came back home. the ratings were out for super bowl 54. more than 250 million viewers watched the chiefs beat the 49ers for their first title in more than 50 years. that's up a million viewers more than last year. jennifer lopez and shakira had an even bigger turnout than the football game. about 103 million people saw them perform at the half time show. the warriors had the night off after winning back to back games on the road. last night they were in washington d.c. playing the wizards. the warriors overcame a 43 point show from wizards star bradley beal. alex berns leds warriors. they'll have one more game on wednesday against the brooklyn nets before thursday's trade deadline. an elementary school in berkley is being billed by disney's lion king remake. for screening that movie during a school fundraiser. the company movie licensing usa told the school they violated copyright law and a single use permit cost $250. school officials say they can pay that fee using some of the $800 they raised at the fundraiser. ♪ [ music ] ♪ this broadway show hamilton is coming to the movies. disney bought the rights from the creator for $75 million. now the movie is a recording of the broadway musical featuring the original cast with miranda playing alexander hamilton. it's expected to be released to the movies in the fall 2021. well the bay area is now the epicenter in the fight against the coronavirus here in the united states. people infected that have been moved to san francisco for treatment. >> plus caucus chaos in iowa means this morning we still don't know who won the iowa caucuses yesterday. we tell you what happened, what went wrong and how democratic presidential candidates are reacting. from ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. >> good morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. a cold start toed day. unfortunately good for this weekend because we have the chinese new year but unreasonable there's no rain in sight. >> maybe we'll have to count on a miracle march here. freeze warning is out until 9:00 in the morning. a lot more in the way of 30s and 40s because the wind is roaring for some. even sfo's had gusts of 32 miles per hour. we are looking for a pattern in the 20s, 30s, and 40s on your temps here and again temperatures will end up in the 50s and lots of sunshine. it's pretty cold this morning. here's sal. steve, we

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20200204 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20200204

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once you get to livermore it looks good. but the bay bridge is getting a little bit more crowded now. here it is 5:00. a little early for this to be so crowded. 5:01. let's go back to the desk. the democratic candidates for president continue their campaigning in new hampshire and other parts of the country this morning after a very confusing night in iowa. at this point, we still don't know who won the iowa caucuses last night. iowa's democratic party leaders delayed the vote totals because of what they called inconsistencies in the results. ktvu's allie rasmus is in our newsroom now. you can explain all of this. >> it comes down to the fact there's still no official winner in the iowa caucus. we don't know how any of the candidates did last night because state officials in iowa have not released the results. party leaders say they're delaying the release of the results because of what they dried as inconsistencies in the iowa caucus process. party leaders are not answering specific questions about exactly what went wrong but this is the first time the precinct chairs in iowa were supposed to send in the results using an app. no one was given any training on how to use the app and when the precinct chairs tried to call in the old-fashioned way by phone they couldn't get through to anyone. iowa's democratic party chair said in a statement over the phone, we want to emphasize this is a reporting issue not a hack or intrusion. . >> we want to emphasize this is a reporting issue not a hack or inintrusion. we are updating the campaign and will continue to provide updates as they are available. >> and again, the party chair did not take any questions from reporters on that phone call. no follow up to ask exactly what went wrong: so several candidates tried to declare varying degrees of victory to try and seize the momentum. >> we're going to walk out of here with our share of delegates. we don't know exactly what it is yet but we feel good where we are. >> i have a good feeling we're going to be doing very well in iowa. >> tonight, an improbable hope became an undeniable reality. >> now we don't know when the iowa democratic party will decide to release the results of the caucus. the only details they've offered is they'll be released sometime today. but for now, the candidates have moved on. live in the newsroom allie rasmus ktvu fox 2 news. well, today president trump will go before congress and deliver his state of the union address. a senior advisor to the president says the speech will be an optimistic one and is expected to spotlight the chi and focus on what the rise of the american. and emphasis on military and national security. >> we're going to talk about achievements we've made. so many different things. >> many republicans hope the president will not mention the impeachment trial tonight. the senior administration official says the speech will be forward-looking and optimistic. you can watch the president's speech right here on ktvu fox 2 as well as ktvu plus starting at 6:00 tonight followed by the democratic response. our time now 5:04. the u.s. senate expected to vote to acquit president trump when the two week impeachment trial wraps up tomorrow afternoon. house imimpeachment impeachment managers on capitol hill made that vote tomorrow. rejected a measure to call any witnesses or present any new evidence. that sets the stage for tomorrow's vote when the acquittal in the impeachment trial is all but certain. >> i simply ask this body to stand firm today. protect the integrity of the united states senate. stand firm today and protect the office of the president. >> and if we come together as americans, then together we can eradicate the cancer that threatens our democracy and continue a long, necessary march toward a more perfect union. >> president trump is facing two articles of impeachment for alleged abuse of power in his meetings with ukraine. since they have little hope of actually removing him from office. one of the women accusing harvey weinstein of sexual misconduct is returning to the stand today. former actress jessica mann says weinstein raped her in 2015 but continued sending him flattering e-mails to keep her career going. new this morning, police are searching for a sexual assault suspect following a late night pursuit. it began in oakland and ended in san francisco. police in oakland first spotted the suspect's car near 13th and international boulevard at 10:45 last night. that led to a pursuit across the bay bridge and into san francisco where officers lost night seeugt of the car. time is now 5:06. the coronavirus has now taken the life of a second person outside of china. a man who recently visited wuhan, china died after testing positive on friday for the coronavirus. it's now blamed for 427 deaths. it has infected 27,000 people around the world and the first case in belgium was just confirmed. >> the only way we will defeat this outbreak is for all countries to work together in the spirit of solidarity. . >> now here in the u.s., there are at least 11 cases including 6 cases here in california. ucsf is treating two people transferred from sanbonito county. ucsf treated patients during the 2003 sars outbreak. in the meantime, several major airlines are cancelling their flights between china and sfo. >> typically this time of the year we have about 90 flights to china per week. that number is being cut by about 45% and will probably see some further reductions beyond that. >> and in the frantic search to find a vaccine, gillead scientists of foster city is working with chinese health officials to see if an experimental drug used for ibollla can also be used to fight the coronavirus. fayetteville 08 is the time. let's get back to sal castaneda. >> i want to show you the east bay right now. traffic is going to be a little bit slower. and the rest of the east bay is okay with the exception of the bay bridge we where we have a backup. it's only 5:08 and it looks like this is much later. apparently there was some road work that ran late on the bay bridge and that slowed the metering lights down. it is an early morning at the bay bridge. just a little slower than you want to see it here. so get out there 10, 15 minutes early if you can. 5:09. let's bring steve paulson back in here. >> 10 to 15 minutes. come on now. i'm kidding. it's clear. is there good news when you get a north wind? yeah. the water temps go down. near average is slightly below for early february. 52. would not be surprised to see bodega bay go up. north northwest winds 25 to 45 miles an hour. there's a north breeze holding most of the temps up. 20, 25 out in the delta. even along the coast. north 21 to concord and even sfo down towards half moon bay. 32 at sfo gusting northeast at half moon bay and that holds the temp up. also for downtown san francisco, only san jose is running cooler than anyone else. santa rosa finally dropped a little bit. napa airport was 27 yesterday. there are a few stwents. alamo 29. but a lot of 40s here due to the breeze. if it wasn't for that breeze, it would be colder. it's a very quiet pattern. i think a series of lows will continue to drop in overland, not over water. there enlies a cool and windy forecast. not a rainy one. the forecast models have backed off in the middle of the month. sunny for all. nice and breezy. 50s on your temps here and overall we are looking for cold mornings. a lot of sunshine. next low drops in on sunday. >> all right. time now 5:10. still ahead... >> at a bay area gym a woman's car was stolen. why she says police are not trying to get the surveillance video that could lead to the thieves. >> plus the reason democratic presidential candidate mike bloomberg ditched the idaho caucuses to campaign here in california. the number of uninsured americans, rising. the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. the good news, so is support for the one candidate who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. welcome back to mornings on 2. our time is now 5:13. a gunman shot and killed one person and wounded five others on a greyhound bus. about 80 miles north of los angeles. the suspected gunman is 33-year- old anthony williams of maryland. he was a passenger on that bus that left l.a. bound for san francisco when he started shooting. the bus driver pulled over to the side of the road where several other passengers went after that gunman. >> they were able to overcome this subject and disarm him. they were able to escort him off of the bus without further incidence. >> 51-year-old woman from columbia who was also a passenger was killed. there's still no word about a possible motive, but investigators say they don't believe the gunman knew anyone on the bus. a homeowner in brisbane is cooperating with police after a shooter. now police got a call about a home invasion robbery and when officers arrived, they found the suspect with a fatal gunshot wound. authorities say the person who lives there is safe and is being questioned about what led up to the shooting. a college student in the south bay says thieves raided her locker inside a gym, stole her keys, and took off with her car. it happened last wednesday night at the 24-hour fitness in san jose. 19-year-old vi fam says she didn't lock her locker. her car keys were missing. when she checked the parking lot her car was gone. there is surveillance video of the suspect but 24-hour fitness told fam police needed to contact them to release the video. fam was told by police it was a low priority crime. >> all we need is a recording of the last 24 hours. so it's not the top of their list to go and call the establishment that would have the footage. >> 24-hour fitness says the club is aware of the incident and working with local authorities. so far, no suspects have been caught and the car has not been found. happening today, state and local lawmakers will introduce new legislation aimed at reforming transportation in the bay area. the goal is to create a more integrated user-friendly transportation system. right now there are 27 different transit agencies in the area. they each operate independently the announcement expected this morning will be at the transit center in san francisco. now for a check in with traffic. >> we do have a lot of traffic but not a lot of big problems. let's take a look at the gilroy commute. i want to show you that traffic does look okay. nothing major driving up to san jose and the main part of san jose. you can see downtown san jose looks good. there was some late running road work and the traffic is backed up a little longer than you might expect at this time. it might even out over time. 5:17. let's bring steve paulson in with today's weather. a pretty good breeze out of the north. temps are up at about 90%. if it wasn't for that breeze we'd be as cold as monday morning. 22, 24 miles an hour even at napa airport. that's a big difference for that breeze that's kicked in. same for concord. also novato, sfo, the wind is roaring to 32 miles per hour. san jose northwest. livermore and hayward with the north wind. more 40s than anything else. there are a couple of 20s. a few 30s but almost a couple 50s there. in the city is 49. sfo said 50. 30s for a few on the peninsula but a lot more 40s. but after that, it's all 40s including 45 bill burn. high pressure continues to favor california even though these lows come in. they do pick up the wind and give us these colder temps. that's the pattern here. there's no rain in sight. the forecast models have continued to back off. which means a cold and windier pattern looks to be on the weather menu for the next 7 to 10 days. temperatures will bump up. it's sunny, the visibility's good. so that's the good news. next low drops in on sunday. 5:18 is the time. the new bay area program designed to prevent homelessness before it starts. up next, we hear from people who say this program will keep a roof over their heads and off the streets. >> and a multi-million dollars settlement between wall greens and california. a phony pharmacist who handled hundreds of thousands of prescriptions here in the bay area. when it comes to your business internet, which is more important? ♪ ♪ okay, i wish i didn't have to choose. like the more i think about it, the more i want to jump to each room. what if i said you can have it all? ♪ ♪ comcast business gives you connectivity that goes beyond. that's what we want! that's speed, reliability, and security, all from one provider. touchdown! get started with internet and voice for an amazing price. call today. comcast business. beyond fast. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's now 5:21 and a vote by the oakland city council is expected today to vote banning landlords. if the fair chance housing ordinance gets approval landlords won't be able to ask about a potential tenant's criminal history. they can still check for people on the state's sex offender industry after making a conditional offer to the potential renter. a new housing program in oakland. ktvu's rob roth spoke with a 77- year-old woman who said the program kept her from possible homelessness. >> inez washington says she was almost evicted last year and at almost 77 years old she wasn't sure where she was going to do. >> washington has been in an apartment in this building near lake merit. she says her building was sold, she was facing a rent increase and facing eviction notice. through a program called "keep oakland housed," catholic charity stepped in to help to keep her stabilize and in her apartment. >> this is not uncommon. in our housing clinics we have numerous people that walk through our door. >> washington is one of approximately four dozen people who were in imminent risk of homelessness in the past year and a half who managed to keep a roof over their heads thanks to oakland housed. >> under the pilot program, the city works with three non profits including catholic charities to help people before they become homeless. the program will offer one-time financial assistance to fight evictions and assigns case managers to keep people stabilize. >> we want to keep oakland oakland and that starts with keeping oaklanders in oakland. >> oakland says it's the first of its kind in california and also expanding to help those sleeping in cars and on couches. >> what you do not want them to become is the habitually, the chronic homeless because that's when you have a lot more issues. it is much cheaper and economically feasible to keep someone from becoming homeless. >> this fielt program is schedule -- pilot program is scheduled to last another 18 months but city officials are hoping by then many provisions already become public policy. california voters will have a chance to decide if they want to expand rent control policies. a new rent control law took effect at the start of this year that limits annual rent increases to 5% plus inflation. however, it does not apply to apartments built in the last 15 years or single family homes not owned by corporations. the new initiative looks to include those sunts and will sunts and will appear on the november ballot. this was yesterday's ribbon cutting in san francisco aez neighborhood. there was a performance by rearden high school marching band. the new shake shack is on the corner of fillmore and filbert. facebook coo cheryl sandberg is engaged. her fiance tom bernthal is founder and ceo of a strategic firm. time now 5:25. the dnc dealing with its first obstacle of the 2020 primary season. the results from yesterday's caucus in iowa have yet to be reported and when we can expect to see the first numbers. >> also, how an antioch community is grieving the loss of a teenager killed outside a high school basketball game as police search for the shooter. what'd we decide on the flyers again? uh, "fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. the number of uninsurising.ricans, the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. the good news, so is support for the one candidate who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. we need to make sure we don't overreact. we are prepared for a response. >> the san francisco health department working closely with city leaders as plans continue to develop for the chinese new year celebrations in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak. >> plus... >> we want to capture this individual and hold him accountable for this unprovoked attack. >> the search for a guvenman who gunman who opened fire on an unsuspecting officer who is alive thanks in part to his body camera. >> from ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. well good morning to you. thank you for joining us for mornings on 2. tuesday morning, february 4th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. thank you for waking up with us on this cold morning. . >> it was colder yesterday morning. there's a pretty good wind kicking in some of the higher elevations and even at the surface. that's holding these temps up. there is a freeze warning but i'll tell you it's a little marginal due to the wind. 50 miles an hour. 37 miles an hour right above the caldicot. there's your north wind gusting over 30 at sfo. that means temperatures are 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s but a lot more 40s. it's still cold and yesterday was colder and everything's coming out of the north. it's a dry pattern. it's a breezy, windy pattern. highs in the 50s. . we do have traffic that's beginning to build on some of these commutes for various reasons. solano county commute in vallejo is okay if you're driving on 80 but it's getting a little slow. 37 towards marin is going to be slow as well. it looks okay and then no problems on the richmond bridge getting out to the macarthur maze. some earlier issues that are now gone. 5:30 let's go back to the desk. democratic party officials in iowa are working to deliver the delayed results of their first caucus. after experiencing technical problems with the reporting system. now it's unclear how quickly they will be able to reveal the results. but some of the presidential candidates claimed victory in iowa. on the republican side and the caucuses have long since ended. president trump won easily with 97% of the vote. former massachusetts governor bill weld and joe walsh took in about 1% of the vote. each of the democratic candidates have moved on to new hampshire taking place one week from today. negative caucus is scheduled for february 22nd. then a week later south carolina goes to the polls and then march 3rd is super tuesday. california and 13 other states will hold primaries. democratic presidential candidate mike bloomberg skipped the iowa caucuses and campaigned here in california instead. bloomberg met with reporters yesterday. he said even though he's a billionaire now that wasn't always the case and he understands the concerns of the average family. >> i've worked my way up and i give away all the money that i've made. i was the mayor for three terms in the most progressive city in the country. the connection with people is obviously there. . >> now, it's unusual but not unprecedented for a candidate to bypass iowa. bloomberg's strategy is to skip all four early voting states and focus on the delegate-rich super tuesday states. president trump is scheduled to give his state of the union address tonight for a joint session of congress. top white house officials say the president will deliver an optimistic speech tonight. privately some are hoping he will ignore the topic of impeachment, but that may still happen. they say president trump will focus on the economy and how he has fulfilled his campaign promises about national security and immigration reform. . >> now every member of congress is allowed to bring one guest to hear the president's annual speech. east bay congressman mark dissanae will bring isa. she's been here since she was 7 years old so she could be treated for a rare genetic disease. last year she was told she would have to leave. she was given a two year reprieve after the new york times featured her story. now you can watch the president's state of the union address right here on ktvu and over on ktvu plus starting at 6:00 tonight. time is now 5:33. more deaths blamed on the coronavirus are being reported this morning. a man in hong kong became the second person outside of mainland china to die from the coronavirus. it has killed 427 people and infected more than 20,000 around the world. 11 in the united states including 6 in california. ucsf in san francisco is treating two patients who were transferred from san bonito county. the coronavirus could have a huge impact on iphones. a financial analyst is telling investors iphone shipments could be reduced by as much as 10%. apple producers in china also announced today they will expect to return to full production on monday. today the san francisco's mayor's office is expected to hold a community meeting in chinatown to address the health and economic concerns caused by the coronavirus. . the mood was festive including traditional lion dances. city and community leaders along with the chinese console general are trying to spread the word despite public fears there are no need to panic. >> we have been communicating and collaborating with the united states and other countries in an open, transparent and a responsible manner. >> i don't believe it is something new but at the same time just listen to the experts. >> china town restaurants say this should be one of the busiest times of the year but they blame a 30% to 50% drop in business. time is now 5:35. happening today a 22-year-old woman accused of killing her boyfriend in san jose on christmas day is due in the san jose courtroom for a pretrial hearing. prosecutors say gutierrez used her car to run over and kill her boyfriend ricky martinez. earlier on christmas day, martinez allegedly shot and wounded gutierrez's brother. . this is an incredible story. the santa clara county sheriff's office is looking for the person behind a possible hate crime directed at a sheriff's deputy. that's after someone fired four shots at a deputy who was on patrol friday night. deputy sup digil. a car approached and someone inside opened fire. the fourth shot his his body camera. >> our deputy was outside of his vehicle not on a stop, not contacting any subjects and it basically was out of the blue. we do know that the bullet was stopped by a combination of the body cam and the protective body armor. now the car is described as silver with four doors could be a honda. investigators say this could be a hate crime because the deputy is a practicing sikh and wears a turbin. the deputy is not seriously hurt and told his bosses he's eager to return to work. now we're hearing from the family of a 16-year-old student killed friday night. witnesses say after the a basketball game at deer valley high school the young man was attacked by other teenagers in the parking lot. jonathan parker was shot three times. he died saturday. his family says jonathan who was known as john john was 6'4" tall and was a big, loveable kid. >> he had a heart of gold. he never hurt anybody. he didn't deserve this. jonathan was an amazing person. if you knew him, he was extraordinary. >> his smile would light up the whole room. he was the type of boy who wan wanted to see everybody else happy even if he wasn't. >> . >> family members and friends are asking anyone who has information about the shooting to call antioch police. also happening today the third suspect in the theft of a laptop is due in an east bay courtroom. 18-year-old wawan wigins on new year's eve. police say swazang died while chasing thieves who stole his laptop. two other suspects have already been charged in the case. police in moraga say a woman who's arrested now may be linked to several car thefts in the east bay. investigators told the east bay times she may be connected to almost 20 thefts in moraga as well as other cities. now they're trying to identify other suspects who may have been involved in those thefts. 5:38. time to check in with sal. >> it's a little bit of a normal commute. let's gout 0 to the nut from far away. i want to show you that traffic is a little bit slow. we had an accident on grant line road. it's about the same as it is getting into livermore and then driving out to the area here. no major problems into dublin. some slowing in hayward that's about it. and 880 looks all right. bay bridge a little behind schedule. although it looks like it might be getting back to normal. the metering lights came on early because of some late running road work. so the traffic at the bay bridge i would say if you give yourself an extra 5 minutes you should be just about on schedule. 5:39 let's bring steve in. we do have a freeze warning out. the wind is really holding these temps up. more in the 30s and 40s. i did see a couple of upper 20s around gernville. 29. but the napa airport is about 15 degrees warmer than yesterday at this time. so that north wind is one of the reasons why mount diablo is 55 miles an hour. right at the caldicot about 31. same around big rock and on the coast. the buoys are about 25 to 30 miles per hour. the water temps are cold. this is near average to a little below. 52 to 53. that's very cold water there. north wind even out to the delta. north at 22. and sfo 32. that means their temp is 50 degrees. so they're running 8 degrees. only san jose minus 1. there are double digits warming for many as well. santa rosa's now minus 3. fairfield plus 11 and there are 40s. if it wasn't for that breeze we'd be a lot colder. there are a few locations that are below freezing. 30s and 40s to the east bay temps. alamo's 29. look at the difference there. 19 up in south lake tahoe. 30 in ukiah. 35 in monterey. severe clear is what we say and everything coming out of the north will equal a lot of good visibility. but temperatures 50s on there and they'll continue to warm up a little bit. the pattern is favoring. . all right. thank you steve am. a san francisco family man lays out his plan for the state to take over pg&e. up next, we have details what it could mean for customers and why some pg&e are against it. >> and the impeachment trial verdict is pretty much certain. what both sides said during their closing arguments ahead of tomorrow's vote. two bacon, two sausage, this is the two eggssuper slam. hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. ♪ ♪ wherever we want to go, autosave your way there with chase. chase. make more of what's yours. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:44 and walgreens will pay 7.5 $7.5 million. wall greens settled a lawsuit filed jointly by alameda and santa clara counties. they failed to properly check the credentials of kim tium lay in fremont, milpitas and san jose. she's accused of filling more than 745,000 prescriptions for drugs including fentanyl, oxycodone, and morphine. time is now 5:44. 127 comcast workers in live more will be laid off soon. keep open the regional headquarters. some affected by layoffs will be able to transfer. when these layoffs reportedly hit. stock watch pg&e is fluctuating overnight after the utility said it is getting close tore solving its brupgs case. said it would emerge from chapter 11. it also said it would create an independent safety oversite committee. >> time is 545. there's an opposition to a new bill proposed in the state legislature would turn pg&e into a public utility. as ktvu's christien kafton tells us some union members don't like it. >> pacific gaes and electric has power and says the utility has put profit over people. >> pg&e focuses so extensively on creating returns and dividends for shareholders and it's allowed its infrastructure to deteriorate. >> the senator's legislation would require pg&e to own all stock to a new utility company, the northern california energy utility district . but even before details on that plan could be rolled out, workers from the international brotherhood of electrical workers were on hand saying the plan will take away from from their pensions. >> this plan does not accommodate our pension. if the state takes over, the workers are not guaranteed our pensions. >> there's a specific language in this bill that all of their benefits and wages, collective bargaining agreements and retirement will transition. >> the state would be in over its head running utility. >> it doesn't run well. so you want to trust them to take over the company, this company. i don't think it's going to work out. >> we have large successful public utilities in california that provide cheaper electricity than pg&e. and they don't burn things down and they don't have mass blackouts. so we need to move in that direction. the utility reform network says it needs to see the legislation before deciding if the plan is a good one but that any plan going forward will need to include strong oversight. >> we want to see a public plan that also protects rate payers. >> to see what the utility has to say. they sent us a statement reading in part quote we oppose senator weiner's proposed frame work. recent takeover attempts have largely failed due to a range of factors. in san francisco christien kafton ktvu fox 2 news. for this morning, we have getting a sneak peak at some of the floats in the chinese new year's parade. the chinese new year parade has more than 100 entries. more than 1 million fire crack crackers will be set up when julian torres host that san francisco new year's parade. this saturday, 6:00 p.m. right here ktvu fox 2 after the ktvu fox 2 news at 5:00. >> dress warm and wave. >> yeah. coat, gloves, scarf. it sounds like it's going to be nice out. not raining. but people still come out and watch. >> one year it was raining and people still came out. it's not going to rain this year. let's go ahead and take a look at what we have for these commutes. i want to show you traffic is going to be busy. if you are driving on 80 westbound. 280. south bay commute. we're going to start there. it looks pretty good into the west valley. bay bridge is now recovering after kind of a slow start this morning but now things are looking rather typical at the bay bridge and here on the richmond bridge you still have plenty of room to get over to san rafael. it's 5:49. let's bring steve in with today's weather. >> all right. it's been a cold one. monday morning was colder by far. because of the wind has kicked in. there's a freeze warning that includes areas to the north. although some locations are running a couple degrees colder. most are warmer. some are significantly warmer due to the wind. there it is north 35. 53 at mount diablo and even on the coast. 18 to 27 miles per hour. that churns the water over and water temps are cold. buoy temps 52 to 53. these the coldest i've seen in awhile. north wind out of the delta. so if that's your drive hold on a little bit. that's a pretty good little breeze. concord 21 miles per hour. gusts at sfo 32. that's holding up the temps here for many. running anywhere from 3 to 12 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. except santa rosa. livermore plus 12 at 43 degrees. santa rosa's 35. that wind does not apply up there at least so far. but the city's 49. sfo's at 50. and there are a few 30s in there. a lot more upper 30s and 40s due to the breeze. menlow park and loss altos. sacramento's 36. fresno. it is a wall to wall sunny pattern unfortunately it's also a dry pattern. i'm the eternal optimist when it comes to our weather but it does not look good for rain here. that one won't be until sunday. so a continuation of cold, windy looks to be on deck here going forward. >> thank you. just a reminder make sure you download the ktvu weather app. it has interactive radar, hourly update. the ktvu weather app is free to download for your smartphone or tablet. time is now 5:51. the clean up continues to santa rosa after hundreds of the homeless were moved out of the joe redota trail. but a big mess was left behind. >> also a plan to completely revamp bay area mass transit. we're going to break down the proposal to simplify all forms of bay area public transportation. but first, a clean up under way outside the staples center in los angeles where fans of kobe bryant have been adding to the growing memorial. we'll tell you what crews will be doing with all the mountain of items left behind by grieving fans. >> but first, we want to take you outside. looking live around the bay area at the golden gate bridge. the music is just right for doing that in the morning. you're watching mornings on 2 from ktvu fox 2 news. growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. which of your devices are protected by daily security updates? daily security updates... daily? i don't know. the only thing... i'm struggling with this. some providers you have to manually download updates to each device. comcast business securityedge updates every 10 minutes to help keep your connected devices protected against new ransomware, malware and phishing threats. every 10 minutes feels pretty good. comcast business security edge automatically helps protect all the devices on your network. call today. comcast business. beyond fast. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's now 6:55. the bodies of kobe bryant, his daughter, and the seven other victims killed in the helicopter crash have now been released to their families. they were heading to the mamba sports academy on january 26th for the basketball game. according to 911 calls witnesses say the chemical cop ter was in the clouds and they say they heard a boom and saw flames. the cause of the crash is still being investigated but the ntsb says weather is probably a key factor. well a temporary memorial honoring kobe bryant has been removed from outside the staples center in los angeles. thousands of people have been stopping by, paying their respects adding to that memorial since he died more than a week ago. even with that memorial removed, fans are still coming by the staples center. >> now kobe bryant he will not be forgotten but he is in our hearts. >> it was like a major event going on every day except it was nothing but a gathering. >> state officials say many of the items will be taken to the bryant family. flowers and bio degradable items will be turned into compost and spread around the arena. 49ers are back here in the bay area after a heart breaking loss in miami. there were some fans there greeting the players as they boarded buses to go to the 49er's headquarters. >> you know, it was kind of tough, but at the same time we're still proud of them. yeah, there's nothing they couldn't do that would make us not want to be proud of them. >> now the 49ers players or coaches, none of them made any statements as they came back home. the ratings were out for super bowl 54. more than 250 million viewers watched the chiefs beat the 49ers for their first title in more than 50 years. that's up a million viewers more than last year. jennifer lopez and shakira had an even bigger turnout than the football game. about 103 million people saw them perform at the half time show. the warriors had the night off after winning back to back games on the road. last night they were in washington d.c. playing the wizards. the warriors overcame a 43 point show from wizards star bradley beal. alex berns leds warriors. they'll have one more game on wednesday against the brooklyn nets before thursday's trade deadline. an elementary school in berkley is being billed by disney's lion king remake. for screening that movie during a school fundraiser. the company movie licensing usa told the school they violated copyright law and a single use permit cost $250. school officials say they can pay that fee using some of the $800 they raised at the fundraiser. ♪ [ music ] ♪ this broadway show hamilton is coming to the movies. disney bought the rights from the creator for $75 million. now the movie is a recording of the broadway musical featuring the original cast with miranda playing alexander hamilton. it's expected to be released to the movies in the fall 2021. well the bay area is now the epicenter in the fight against the coronavirus here in the united states. people infected that have been moved to san francisco for treatment. >> plus caucus chaos in iowa means this morning we still don't know who won the iowa caucuses yesterday. we tell you what happened, what went wrong and how democratic presidential candidates are reacting. from ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. >> good morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. a cold start toed day. unfortunately good for this weekend because we have the chinese new year but unreasonable there's no rain in sight. >> maybe we'll have to count on a miracle march here. freeze warning is out until 9:00 in the morning. a lot more in the way of 30s and 40s because the wind is roaring for some. even sfo's had gusts of 32 miles per hour. we are looking for a pattern in the 20s, 30s, and 40s on your temps here and again temperatures will end up in the 50s and lots of sunshine. it's pretty cold this morning. here's sal. steve, we

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