Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20180110 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20180110

30s and 40s to the north. certainly for sure, there to the north, you can find upper 30s and 40s. corona park, 39. mow valley 40. northwest, so there's a westerlr most. things quieting down in southern california and rain around san diego and into arizona. the bulk of that system is kicking off. but we got a lot of cloud cover and upper 50s mainly on the temps. 5:01. still good or something picking up? >> you know, it's still good. and today, steve, we're two days off from the rain. monday obviously the traffic was affected by rain. and tuesday we still had wet roads even though it wasn't raining for the commute. today, dry, and traffic is moving well. although it is slow in some areas where it normally would be lice the tracy triangle. 580, 205 coming through. you'll see slow traffic there. also see slow traffic in some areas, but approaching the dublin interchange. for the most part, we're off to a good start. this is a live look at traffic in front of oracle arena on interstate 880, looking good and at the bay bridge toll plaza is looking good. light. at 5:02, back to the desk. a new report from santa barbara county indicates the death toll from yesterday's mud slides may now have risen from 13 to 16. the community of montecito was really hit hard. that's where oprah and ellen degeneres lives and it's 100 miles northwest of the downtown los angeles. more than 20 people still listed as missing. however, a 14-year-old girl who is being carried right here was rescued by the santa barbara fire department. she was trapped in her house for hours after flowing mud and debris tore her house apart. ktvu jana katsuyama shows us the damage and how the bay area is helping out. >> these are all homes. >>reporter: rescue efforts continued into the night as crews searched in the dark and tried to clear roads for emergency responders. the storm swept across santa barbara, ventura and los angeles counties about 2:30 tuesday morning while many people were home sleeping. >> it sounded like a freight train coming down the hill, you know, you could hear these boulders roping down. >> the flash flooding sent waters downhill -- the worst damage was in montecito. and the community of 9,000 people including many celebrities. oprah winfrey posted video on instagram of dredging through mud and a helicopter she said was saving a neighbor. muds brought down trees and power lines and moved boulders across roads and treacherous obstacles for rescuers trying to reach people in their homes. some houses were destroyed or swept off their foundations. one 14-year-old girl was rescued after spending hours trapped in mud up to her neck. >> this is the worst i have seen. we thought the fire was terrible and this is devastation. >> the santa barbara county sheriff compares it to a war zone. >> it looked like a world war i battlefield. it was literately a carpet of mud and debris. >> search dogs have been called in to help find people still missing. and the california national guard mobilized black hawk helicopter crews to help with the rescue effort including a 7-person crew from the 129th rescuers based at moffitt field and the mud slides, a reminder of the same danger for the bay area after the fires in napa and sonoma counties. >> anywhere below the burn, you know, in a valley or near a creek or river, those are highly susceptible to having the mud flows, you know, all the things that we're seeing. >> jana katsuyama, ktvu fox 2 news. >> back here in the bay area, apart of highway 121 in napa county is closed this morning after a deadly crash last night. it may have been caused by a landslide. it was first reported at 5:00 last night. there's the map. highway 121 near wild horse valley road. a car went off the highway, down an embankment and crashed into a tree. one witness reports a fallen rock first hit that car which may have caused the driver to swerve and lose control. the driver died, but authorities are unable to get to the car because the hillside is still unstable. the chp hopes to reopen that highway this morning. time is 5:05. we have developing news from san jose where last night san jose shot and killed a man who was carrying a knife at the metcalf. at 5:15, a police was checking on a car parked near a gate when they saw a man walking toward them carrying an ax. reportedly the man refused to put the ax down and he was shot by one of the officers. cal pine operates the -- cal pine official brett kerr confirms there was an event involving an intruder and local law enforcement at our facility. an alameda county judge allowed the use of public money to pay for one of the lawyers of the go ship defendant max harris. harris and co-defendant -- so far harris lead attorney brigs has been working pro bona because harris doesn't have the money. the judge says granting funds to a defense team is a rare move, but he believes it's in the best interest of justice. brigs will earn between 140 and $172 an hour. no word from -- the epi center was off the northern coast of honduras, but the shaking was felt in belize and mexico. in honduras, people ran out of their homes, but officials say at this point, there's no word of any injuries or damage. a tsunami warning was issued, but cancelled an hour later. speed may have been the cause of a school bus crash. home security video shows a white truck hitting a volkswagen bug at lois lane. that pushed the vw into the path of the school bus. four people went to the hospital including all seven children who were on that bus. the children were treated and released. but two people from the other cars in the crash were admitted to john mere medical center in walnut creek in critical conditioning. time is 5:07. he's back after a 16-year absence, john gruden is back as head coach of the oklahoma raiders. owners davis and reggie mckenzie introduced gruden as the head coach. 50 raider players, past and present were there at the news conference. gruden talked about his passion for the game and the organization that gave him his first head coaching job. >> obviously this is very emotional for me. i never wanted to leave the raiders, i never thought i would be back, but here i am and i'm ready to get to work. mark asked me if i had intentions of coaching and with the support of my family, i said yes, i do. i used to get phone calls from al davis at 3:00 a.m., now i get them from mark davis at 3:00 a.m. >> everybody knows that i've been infatuated with him or whatever to get him here, but they didn't know how deep our conversations were going and how far along we were in that. somebody asked me what was harder, to get the 31 votes to move to las vegas or to get john gruden and by far, to get john gruden was the toughest. >> gruden last year with the raiders was 2001 and his last year with tampa bay was 2008. gruden was asked about his hands on style and if that style will still work today. >> we have 50 -- 50 extra oakland raider players here today. they didn't mind it. i don't know what my reputations great video clips of me swearing and me screaming at players. >> 372. >> why stick to this spot. [bleep]. >> i was also the biggest cheerleader in the league. i get excited when we make a play. i get excited when we make a first down. i really get excited when we win, and i get really upset when we don't. and i hope that still has a place in the nfl. >> john gruden signed a 10 year contract to replace del rio as head coach and there's reports the contract is worth (10) 000-0000, but gruden didn't con -- $10 million, but grewed uden didn't confirm that. coming up, the latest numbers of crime in the city. and the immigration debate heats up in washington. some surprising news from a federal judge. i'm doug luzader in washington. we'll have the latest details. traffic is moving along including the golden gate bridge heading south to the toll plaza. i get excited when we have rain. there might be a tiny bit. not much. we'll see what's going on for t, welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:13. overnight a federal judge threw a wrench in the president trump's -- >> this comes as the immigration issue has been heating up and there was extraordinary meeting yesterday at the white house. doug luzader has more from washington. >>reporter: this federal judge in san francisco has hit upon the issue that is the crux of ongoing negotiations in washington. what to do about daca, the deferred action for -- that president obama began and president trump has tried to end. the president pushed back by a federal judge who decided with a number of states that are fighting white house efforts to end protections for young, illegal immigrants, a surprising turn and the justice department promised to fight it saying promoting and enforcing the rule of law is vital to protecting a nation, its border and citizens. >> this is love. this should be a bill of love. >> it followed a very unusual day at the white house as president trump convened a meeting of democrats and republicans on immigration and in a move that shocked the white house press core allowed the media to listen in. >> for people who aren't in the white house everyday, you would have to explain how rare this is. >> rare, but a strategic move as the president made his case for renewing daca protections in exchange for border wall funding, something democrats will continue to resist. >> there's no agreement on that and we'll be working on that. >> while they're working that out, there's a possibility that all of this will up and end efforts to prevent a government funding shut down on january 19th. >> i think they have what they will put in a spending bill, but fighting this down to the 19th will be rough business. >> rough business and there's not much appetite on either side of the aisle to keep kicking this can down the road. doug luzader, fox 2 news. chief analyst bannon is stepping down. the announcement was made on its website yesterday. bannon's departure comes less than a week after his explosive criticism of president trump and his family was published in a new book. conservative billionaire and bart investor mercer was reportedly behind the website's -- time is 5:15. the pennsylvania congressman introduces what he calls the stable generous act. it would require nominees to have medical exams and boyle says it will help his voters make a decision and americans have a right to know whether an individual has the mental and physical fitness to serve as president of the united states now last weekend in a tweet, president trump said he's quote a very stable generous. in the meantime, this coming friday, president trump who is 71-year-old will have his first medical checkup since he took office. he'll be examined at walter reed medical center and the presidents are not required to have annual medication -- exams, but they have for years. the one who -- 5:16 is the time. back over to sal to check in on the morning commute. sal. >> good morning, pam and dave. today's commute is better than it was yesterday and certainly before than the day before. monday it was raining. tuesday it was still wet and today, it's dry. that is making things easier from gilroy to san jose as you drive through morgan hill, it looks good and it continues to look good into the silicon valley. if you're driving to the valley, your commute is good. it seems to me the valley commute doesn't get started until 6:30. that's when it starts getting busy. here's a live look at 280. this is 280 on the right near downtown san jose exit. it looks good up to cupertino. before we want to want for the christmas break or whatever you want to call it, 5:17 or so is when the metering lights came on. maybe it will happen at 5:30, but we're easing back. as we bring steve in at 5:17, steve, some of the community colleges are not back from their break, so i think -- >> what? get back to school. >> easy for you to say. >> no kidding, thank you, sal. we do have a lot of cloud cover on the forecast today. not much in the way of rain, but there could be a little bit. we'll mention that. you can see the cloud cover spilling over the ridge of high pressure. out of the northwest and that will give us cloud cover. we had good rain for one day, but it wasn't enough to get us to average. back to 72% for santa rosa. san francisco 71%. oakland, 78. better in san jose. 68%. so while that rain was good, we were so far behind, only 3 quarters of a way there. any signs of rain? a tiny bit today. maybe next tuesday is the next okay system. it doesn't look strong. it does look like rain will make it. until then, a lot of cloud cover and a tiny bit of rain. if it makes it down to san jose, it will be a surprise. a couple of 100th to the north, it looks reasonable with this system. when you get this cloud cover and this pattern, you can get a tiny bit of rain. the clouds have moved to the north. 30s to the north. 40s, upper 40s to 50s. 43 in sunnyvale. cool there. east bay temps so 43 in black hawk. low 50s and mid 40s from el cerrito. everybody is close. lafayette, 43. half moon bay to 13 miles-per-hour and west to northwest to sfo. 30s in the mountains and cloud cover up there. ukiah at 43. there won't be much presip, but cloud cover. things are calming down for santa barbara. the core has moved into arizona and gave phoenix rain and flagstaff snow. our system will pump in a lot of cloud cover and highs checked to the north with mid 50s. upper 50s under mostly cloudy skies. after tomorrow, we'll see improvements starting friday, and we'll take that into the weekend for warmer weather. >> steve, thanks. >> you're welcome. time is 5:20. keeping students in school and on track to go to track. looking at how one bay area community is teaming -- plus first responders who did everything they could to save homes during the wild fires were honored. you will see the ceremony. it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? right now our queen c4 mattress is only $1199, save $400. ends soon. visit for a store near you. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:23. new this morning, a second politician facing a sexual abuse investigation has committed suicide. 36-year-old former ohio lawmakers brandon hixson shot and killed himself yesterday at his home. he was a three term republican. he resigned from the ohio state house last october right after police began investigating him. authorities aren't saying anything about the case or whether it's connected to investigations in 2014 where he was accused of inappropriate touching. kentucky state representative dan johnson killed himself last month. he was accused of molesting a 17-year-old girl during a sleep over in 2013. it's 5:23. there's two after ri rican-americans on the senate judiciary committee. democratic senator harris of california and booker that handles judicial nominations and harris and booker are both attorneys before being elected to the senate. senator harris was the attorney general and booker was the mayor of new york, new jersey. this morning at 10:00, governor brown will unveil his proposed state budget. california is projected to have almost $20 billion in reserves. whie the state's economy is strong, analyst say the governor cannot over spend because of new cost for california. president trump's tax overhaul will lead to less federal revenue. that will cause congress to cut funding for social services and that means the state has to set aside more money for programs like medicare. last year's budge he was $183 billion. it is 5:24. a state lawmaker wants to make it's why for people who have marijuana convictions to clear their records now that pot is legal in california. the bill was authored by democratic assembly men -- it would require county cores to expunge convictions from felonies to misdemeanors. those who have pot convictions have to initiate this process themselves. >> some individuals don't know they qualify, and if they do, they don't know how, and if they do know how, they may not have the resources to execute it. there's so many obstacles and pitfalls along the way, we make it easier. >> the law involving marijuana convictions was approved by voters as part of prop 64 which legalize recreational marijuana in california. a top secret u.s. satellite reportedly failed to reach orbit and then plummeting back into the atmosphere. on sunday, spacex launched the satellite named zuma from florida, but it's believed it crashed back into the atmosphere. zuma is believed to be a military or spy satellite because it was classified, but it's not clear what happened and what went wrong. is 5:26. those who fought the wild fires in sonoma county were honored. the board of supervisors recognized 150 firefighters, police officers and paramedics. this at after afternoon ceremony outside of the county chambers. >> i believe that what you did in those two weeks was well above and beyond what you do normally in terms of responding to trauma. >> the men and women who were honored were read a county resolution and given commemorative coins and these coin was presented in recognition of a special achievement. the first responders will get -- it features the names of the fires and the sonoma county seal and the words "sonoma strong." . it is 5 :27 -- it's 5:27. transparency it at the top of the police department -- we'll tell you about a new tool the public will be able to use. it will track police use of force, and their interactions with the public. we already have a line of slow traffic we're beginning to check out on highway 4. coming around the corner to concord. it's beginning to slowdown in bay point and pittsburgh. we'll talk you more about the east bay commute when we come back. a lot of cloud cover on the way. maybe a tiny bit of rain. we'll talk about that and see what's in store for the next couple of days. well, good morning to you. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's wednesday, january 10th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. we want to check in about steve. it feels like it's pretty dry for a bit. >> it might be a little bit of rain today. a tiny bit. not much. we're not looking for anything like we had monday and yesterday from san jose south, it kept going and going and that seemed to be the theme today. today it's quieter. our good friend john, good morning. cooler this morning at 46 degrees. it was nonstop rain in the san jose area which made for tough driving conditions. it's going back 24 hours and the low held on, kept sending in bands. it has pushed out of the area, but the cloud cover is -- cloudy to the south and cloudy to the north. this pattern is called over running coming over the ridge of high pressure. a couple 100th. friday into the weekend looks good. next sign of decent system is next tuesday. that doesn't look strong, but it looks like it might make rain. cloud cover will continue to thicken. 40s and 50s, and a few 30s. they'll be a westerly and northwesterly breeze. although it's late there, but still l.a., santa barbara much quieter today. we'll get the cloud cover today into tomorrow. upper 50s to 60s. metering lights on? >> metering light s s are on -- lights are on. >> it has been coming on earlier and earlier. >> that was the shortest clap ever. >> there's one guy in the room. now there's two. [applause] >> and i hear dave too. good morning, everybody. let's take a look at 80 westbound toward vallejo continuing out. this is the super commute and you could see traffic is moving along pretty well. we don't have a lot going on. it has been a nice commute. 37 and slow as you get over the bridge and head west toward marin county. to the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights have gone on, so there's a ten minute delay. once you make it onto the bridge it looks good. quiet for now. 5:32. back to desk. a little boy in richmond is recovering after the family dog attacked him almost two weeks ago. 4-year-old kaizen was playing with his brother under a blanket when a rottweiler went under the blanket and bit kaizen on the face and hand. the older sister grabbed scissors and stabbed the dog ending the attack. the little boy needed more than 60 stitches on his face and sculpt and his mother described that scary ambulance ride to the hospital. >> the whole time, you know, i was massaging his hand and talk to him and i told him, i said you know, you have to be strong, and don't go to sleep because you might not wake up. >> yeah. today the little boy will go back to the doctor to see if his bandages can be removed and the rottweiler, it was a stray and adopted in september. it has been euthanized. contra costa animal services says if you adopt a pet, know something about the animal's background, get it spade or commuteneuters. a man accused of sexually -- 23-year-old andrew bracamonte is charged with the robbery and assault of a teacher at harker middle school on january 2nd at 6:30 in the morning. bracamonte was arrested two days later. if he's released on bail, he'll need to submit to electronic monitoring and he's set to return to court next month. we're learning more about the san francisco officer accused of a sex crime who is now out on -- out of jail on $20,000 bail. 30-year-old justin mccall was arrested monday after an internal affair's investigation. he's charged with a sex crime against an unconscious person after an incident back on september 6th. internal affairs was notified about the criminal conduct. he was removed from the field, but he's been suspended without pay. he is a four year veteran of the department. he most recently worked at the tenderloin station. he's due in court friday afternoon. happening today, san jose's police department is unveiling a tool the public can use to find out when officers use force and interactions with the community. it's a portal where -- police chief eddie garcia will talk about why this is an important tool on the local, state and national level. a new report is out showing violent crimes dropped continually in the past five years. ktvu crime reporter henry lee tells us what city officials say led to this turnaround. >>reporter: violent crime is down in oakland. that's a story you don't hear too often. >> i am very pleased to give and share the story and it's a good story. the fruit is on the tree. and you can see it in our numbers. >> those numbers showing a 23% drop since 2012 in overall violent crime which includes homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. oakland ended 2017 with 72 people killed. it's the second lowest homicide total since 1985. oakland mayor libby shaft credits the decline to crime fighting. >> we have, over the last five years, reduced shootings by 50 percent. homicides by 42%. robberies by 3 8% -- 38%. this is by no means mission accomplished. >> chief anne kirkpatrick in her 10th month as top cop says it's not her mission to reform the department as much as it is to transform opd as it picks itself up. that means restoring community trust and cutting down on officer's use of force which has dropped 75 percent since 2012. >> this is transformational policing and reflection of deescalation, training and emphasis on how to deescalate such that the use of force would become unnecessary. >> another factor is a strategy known as ceasefire which challenges violent offenders to change their lives or face arrest. >> we have the laser focus on trying to identify using data to individuals who are most at-risk of being involved in gun violence or being engaged in gun violence. >> as far as property crime, car burglaries in oakland are up 53% over the past five years. the chief says the department will try to tackle those auto burglaries. in oakland, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. hundreds gathered in hayward for an all day fundraising event to raise money for the fallen officer andrew camillei. the father of three was killed on christmas eve on a suspected drunk driving crash. the fundraiser was held at the famous dave's in hayward. it was held by police and firefighters and the proceeds will go to the camilleri trust fund. if you have used the dating website e-harmony, you may be owed money. e-harmony will pay $1 million to customers who were unknowingly enrolled on the website from march of 2012 and december of 2016. those affected customers could get about $30 each. now, separately e-harmony agreed to pay $1.2 million to settle a consumer protection lawsuit and the lawsuit says e-harmony charged users for fees without explaining rules or providing a contract. the company says it will change its practices. former vice-president joe biden was in san francisco yesterday evening talking about his new book about his eldest son. >> i didn't want it to be pain and remorse. i want it to be about hope, there's a way through this that you can find redemption and purpose. >> the book is called "promise me dad" and it reflects on his late son beau who died of brain cancer in 2015. biden launched a cancer moon shot to find new treatments and a cure. uc president -- he did not address suggestions that he might run for president in 2020. he avoided that. >> yeah, i knew he would be asked. time is 5:39. still ahead, the new technology that may save lives. coming up at 6:00, we'll take you to the consumer electronic show and show you the device that could help you parents who drive with children in the backseat. also, a proposed ballot measure would raise tolls on our bridges. up next, how much we would have to pay. and we do see that traffic is going to be busy approaching that bay bridge. and also busy on the east bay commutes that mostly lead to the bay bridge. westbound 24 is getting busy in lafayette. woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) welcome back to mornings on it. it's now 5:42. voters may get a chance to decide if tolls go up on seven bay area bridges. the bay area toll authority will get a report recommending a toll hike of as much as $3. the committee -- if the committee approves it, the voters in all nine bay area counties will get to decide whether to approve that increase. the golden gate bridge would not be affected. it's operated by its own district, not by the state and the money from the toll increase will be used to reduce traffic jams by investing in mass trans -- if the proposed toll hike is approved by voters, drivers would spend $9 a day during commute hours. all the other bridges would be paying $8. and for people commuting to san francisco who have to cross two bridges, they would be spending $17 a day. some people in redwood city banded together to fight a proposed rent increase. >> [chanting] the rate is too high. >> they staged a demonstration outside the offices of the management company yesterday afternoon. late last year the company bought their buildings and they say they received letters stating rent would go up by as much as $850 starting next month. >> i got to get more jobs to, you know, to get food for my kids clothes and everything, and we have a lot of bills. we have to pay insurance. we have to pay more things, so that's not fair. >> the tenants want to negotiate, and they want to negotiate rent increases that's reasonable and not outrageous. we're hopeful the management company will work with us, but we haven't made real progress yesterday. >> the attorney says his group may make an appeal to the lending institution that financed the building. our time is 5:44. let's get you moving this morning. sal can handle that. everybody behaving for you? >> for the most part. we do have slow traffic, dave and pam as usual, for example on the tracy commute for people coming in from the tracy triangle. the traffic is busy, and you can tell by the colors that the commute here on 205 really slow. 14 miles-an-hour at some points. we're talking about stop and go traffic as you drive through. you can see traffic gets better. by the time you reach livermore, traffic is back up to the speed limit. but you will see slowing on 580 as you drive toward the double interchange. little slowing. 880 north and southbound in front of oracle arena looks good and the bay bridge filled in. the metering lights came on at 5:30 and traffic is backing up to the maze. 5:45. today's weather. let's bring steve in. >> a lot of cloud cover, sal. yesterday it was one for rain for santa clara valley where it kept going. things have calmed down and you can see the bands of moisture that stayed there through the afternoon hours. finally took a drive to the south if you will and they're out of picture. we had good rainfall as you know monday into early tuesday. it was actually sunday, into late monday, tuesday and we're well behind. 72 for santa rosa and 71 for san francisco and oakland. we have gotten a lot of rain, we still have a ways to go. nothing really today except a couple of 100th forecast. this will probably carry us into thursday morning. high pressure will deflect to the north. it will take us into a warmer weekend, but there goes the bigelow and it scoots through the four corners and you can see the cloud cover coming from the northwest. 40s and 50s on the temps and everybody is close. there's a northwest or westerly component for some. that will keep the -- southern california, the cleanup begins and there's rain around san diego, but most of that system has pushed off into arizona and out of the picture for us. you can see the cloud cover and sometimes in this kind of pattern, the next thing you picked up a .01 or .02. temperatures will stay probably in here through tomorrow and warmer weather kicking in as we go into the weekend. >> all right. >> thank you, steve. >> all right, steve. time is 5:46 helping student . helping students stay in school. that's the goal of cal state east bay and that includes the hayward unified school district. amber lee explains how this program works. >> what happens and how does it make you feel --? >>reporter: cal state east bay kelly is paying if forward. the tutoring and mentoring she once received at tennyson high, she's giving back. it's apart of the hayward promise neighborhood program. >> i feel like it's one or the other. >> she says she was the first person in her family to attend college and wants to use her own experience to pave the way for other students to prepare for college. >> they need somebody to tell them this is an option, this is something that you can do. it's not impossible. >> 17-year-old jeremiah good says having a tutor such as cosby helped pull up his grades from d's to b's. >> i was never confident and never asked for help. >> and now -- >> i'm asking for help for anything i don't understand. >> jeremiah says coming from a single-parenthood, he knew he would need to get a scholarship to go to college. he plays football and he credits his coach and mentor jackson for being a father-figure. >> yep. >> he's the school's drop out prevention specialist and tennyson's varsity basketball coach and assistant football coach. >> the importance this school lost because a lot of times they don't need training to be reality tv stars or rappers or some of those things that -- so we got to remind them and make them fall in love with school again. >> the program received $30 million in federal funding following the first grant it received in 2011. supporters say high schools in hayward have seen a 10% increase in graduations since the program was first implemented. and at the same time, the graduation rate for the cal state east bay students who participate is 14% higher than those who don't. >> and becoming leaders in their communities as university students. that is meaningful, purposeful. >> it can connect you with jobs and make your life better. >> one goal is to have students who have benefited from this program to come back as college students to help a new generation get on track to attend college or find a pathway to a career. supporters say the success of this program depends on this ongoing community involvement. in hayward, amber lee, ktvu, fox 2 news. >> there's more details to talk about. there's another recall by toyota and honda covering a million more vehicles over takata airbag safety concerns. up next, when vehicle owners can expect to be notified. ♪ it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. now only $1199, save $400. ends soon. visit for a store near you. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:52. honda and honda are recalling vehicles. they're replacing takata airbags that's deadly. the recalls comes after takata -- they can explode, they can shoot metal pieces at drivers and the passengers. worldwide at least 20 people have died. more than 280 hurt. car owners, you'll be notified over the next couple of months about where you can get replacements installed. in switzerland, thousands of people at an alpine resort were airlifted to -- the snow closed down the lifts, the ski runs and walking paths at the mountain village of zermont leaving 13,000 people stuck. they evacuated people. a train made it with a plow attached. you don't see that everyday. because of the heavy snow, the risk of an avalanche was at the highest level. an olympic figure skater who competed in the pairs event at the national championship in san jose last week is leaving the bay area without some important items. 2014 olympian castelli said she and her family -- when they returned to their car, she discovered that someone broken into the rental car, the bag holding her skates and her two costumes was taken. it could take weeks to replace the missing items. castelli and her partner didn't qualify for the olympics, but they're alternates -- the break-ins is creating a soaring burglary rate in san francisco. more than 30,000 break-ins were reported in 2017. if you break that down, it's about one every 17 minutes. it's a 24% jump from the year before. can we talk basketball. the warriors play the l.a. clippers at oracle. it's the midway point in the -- curry is healthy. they have won five games in a row and their record is 33-8 and the clippers won 7 of their last ten games and the warriors beaten clippers 12 straight times dating back to 2015. a little more than two hours from now, you'll get a chance to get free tickets to an oakland a's game. the a's will giveaway tickets to their april 17th game against the white sox and the team is celebrating the 50th anniversary of -- coming up on the 9 this morning, the a's president will come to talk about the ticket giveaway, the upcoming season, and plans to build a new ball park now that the stadium plans -- >> i want to hear that. time is 5:55. good news, bad news about the flu season so far this winter. health officials say it appears to be the worst flu season in ten years and it's not too late to get a flu shot. health officials say so far in california, 27 people under the age of 65 have died from flu-related illnesses. 70% of them did not have the flu vaccine. typically around this time of the year, there's an average of 3 or 4 deaths. >> many people choose not to get vaccinated because there are myths regarding the vaccine and one is that people say i get the flu from the flu vaccine. >> a lot of people say that. state officials point out there are plenty of vaccines available. they say it's not too late to get the vaccine. even if it's not 100% effective, there's some protection. right now it's coming up on our 6:00 hour. and local first responders joining rescue teams in southern california, coming up, we're going to show you what's being done to help people as mud slides sweep through some neighborhoods. we know who is officially running to be the next mayor of san francisco. we'll have more that about and who will not appear on the ballot. good morning, we do see it's getting more crowded in the east bay. plenty of room on interstate 880 near the coliseum. a lot of cloud cover, not much in the way of rain, but there could be a tiny bit today. more clouds than anything else. we'll talk about that as it continues to start to cloud up here except to the south. pampers is the first and only diaper with three extra absorb channels. they stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night pampers ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. good morning, the mud slides that hit southern california killing at least 15 people. we have the latest on the evacuations and the rescue efforts going on today. mornings on 2 continues. san jose police are investigating the city's first officer-involved shooting. the unusual weapon the man involved was reportedly carrying when police opened fire. good morning. thank you for joining us, wednesday morning, middle of the week. >> yeah. >> january 10th. i'm pam cook. >> good morning, i'm dave clark. let's check your weather. steve paulson is over here. >> a lot of clouds. kind of in between here on our system for monday into tuesday. it does look better friday into the weekend. the next system if you must know, i must, it's next tuesday. it doesn't look like anything we just had, and that's the next hint of rain. we could get -- san francisco, 50/58. 32, 1949, the record low. the cloud cover will move in and there's a couple of 100th in this pattern or .01. i would think more san jose, north looks to be the main window, south of that, probably not much, if that far south. 30s for a few. there's 40s and 50 s, that cloud cover is coming in so it brought up the lows. there's a breeze kicking in west, southwest. quiet in southern california, but for us, we'll have a lot of cloud cover and a hint of rain. under mostly cloudy skies. 50 to near 60. here's sal. >> all right, steve . we do have traffic that is going to be affected by a crash in san jose. this would be northbound 87 at kirtner avenue. if you're driving near san jose, you're going to see slow traffic as you drive through. traffic is lookin

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Honduras , Tampa Bay , Florida , United States , Alameda County , California , Santa Clara Valley , Oakland , Washington , Kentucky , Sonoma , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , San Diego , Corona Park , Belize , San Francisco , Oklahoma , Marin County , Arizona , New Jersey , Las Vegas , Nevada , Sonoma County , Phoenix , Montecito , Ohio , Switzerland , Americans , Belice , Oprah Winfrey , Pam Cook , Anne Kirkpatrick , Dave Clark , Los Angeles , Eddie Garcia , Santa Barbara , John Gruden , El Cerrito ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20180110 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20180110

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30s and 40s to the north. certainly for sure, there to the north, you can find upper 30s and 40s. corona park, 39. mow valley 40. northwest, so there's a westerlr most. things quieting down in southern california and rain around san diego and into arizona. the bulk of that system is kicking off. but we got a lot of cloud cover and upper 50s mainly on the temps. 5:01. still good or something picking up? >> you know, it's still good. and today, steve, we're two days off from the rain. monday obviously the traffic was affected by rain. and tuesday we still had wet roads even though it wasn't raining for the commute. today, dry, and traffic is moving well. although it is slow in some areas where it normally would be lice the tracy triangle. 580, 205 coming through. you'll see slow traffic there. also see slow traffic in some areas, but approaching the dublin interchange. for the most part, we're off to a good start. this is a live look at traffic in front of oracle arena on interstate 880, looking good and at the bay bridge toll plaza is looking good. light. at 5:02, back to the desk. a new report from santa barbara county indicates the death toll from yesterday's mud slides may now have risen from 13 to 16. the community of montecito was really hit hard. that's where oprah and ellen degeneres lives and it's 100 miles northwest of the downtown los angeles. more than 20 people still listed as missing. however, a 14-year-old girl who is being carried right here was rescued by the santa barbara fire department. she was trapped in her house for hours after flowing mud and debris tore her house apart. ktvu jana katsuyama shows us the damage and how the bay area is helping out. >> these are all homes. >>reporter: rescue efforts continued into the night as crews searched in the dark and tried to clear roads for emergency responders. the storm swept across santa barbara, ventura and los angeles counties about 2:30 tuesday morning while many people were home sleeping. >> it sounded like a freight train coming down the hill, you know, you could hear these boulders roping down. >> the flash flooding sent waters downhill -- the worst damage was in montecito. and the community of 9,000 people including many celebrities. oprah winfrey posted video on instagram of dredging through mud and a helicopter she said was saving a neighbor. muds brought down trees and power lines and moved boulders across roads and treacherous obstacles for rescuers trying to reach people in their homes. some houses were destroyed or swept off their foundations. one 14-year-old girl was rescued after spending hours trapped in mud up to her neck. >> this is the worst i have seen. we thought the fire was terrible and this is devastation. >> the santa barbara county sheriff compares it to a war zone. >> it looked like a world war i battlefield. it was literately a carpet of mud and debris. >> search dogs have been called in to help find people still missing. and the california national guard mobilized black hawk helicopter crews to help with the rescue effort including a 7-person crew from the 129th rescuers based at moffitt field and the mud slides, a reminder of the same danger for the bay area after the fires in napa and sonoma counties. >> anywhere below the burn, you know, in a valley or near a creek or river, those are highly susceptible to having the mud flows, you know, all the things that we're seeing. >> jana katsuyama, ktvu fox 2 news. >> back here in the bay area, apart of highway 121 in napa county is closed this morning after a deadly crash last night. it may have been caused by a landslide. it was first reported at 5:00 last night. there's the map. highway 121 near wild horse valley road. a car went off the highway, down an embankment and crashed into a tree. one witness reports a fallen rock first hit that car which may have caused the driver to swerve and lose control. the driver died, but authorities are unable to get to the car because the hillside is still unstable. the chp hopes to reopen that highway this morning. time is 5:05. we have developing news from san jose where last night san jose shot and killed a man who was carrying a knife at the metcalf. at 5:15, a police was checking on a car parked near a gate when they saw a man walking toward them carrying an ax. reportedly the man refused to put the ax down and he was shot by one of the officers. cal pine operates the -- cal pine official brett kerr confirms there was an event involving an intruder and local law enforcement at our facility. an alameda county judge allowed the use of public money to pay for one of the lawyers of the go ship defendant max harris. harris and co-defendant -- so far harris lead attorney brigs has been working pro bona because harris doesn't have the money. the judge says granting funds to a defense team is a rare move, but he believes it's in the best interest of justice. brigs will earn between 140 and $172 an hour. no word from -- the epi center was off the northern coast of honduras, but the shaking was felt in belize and mexico. in honduras, people ran out of their homes, but officials say at this point, there's no word of any injuries or damage. a tsunami warning was issued, but cancelled an hour later. speed may have been the cause of a school bus crash. home security video shows a white truck hitting a volkswagen bug at lois lane. that pushed the vw into the path of the school bus. four people went to the hospital including all seven children who were on that bus. the children were treated and released. but two people from the other cars in the crash were admitted to john mere medical center in walnut creek in critical conditioning. time is 5:07. he's back after a 16-year absence, john gruden is back as head coach of the oklahoma raiders. owners davis and reggie mckenzie introduced gruden as the head coach. 50 raider players, past and present were there at the news conference. gruden talked about his passion for the game and the organization that gave him his first head coaching job. >> obviously this is very emotional for me. i never wanted to leave the raiders, i never thought i would be back, but here i am and i'm ready to get to work. mark asked me if i had intentions of coaching and with the support of my family, i said yes, i do. i used to get phone calls from al davis at 3:00 a.m., now i get them from mark davis at 3:00 a.m. >> everybody knows that i've been infatuated with him or whatever to get him here, but they didn't know how deep our conversations were going and how far along we were in that. somebody asked me what was harder, to get the 31 votes to move to las vegas or to get john gruden and by far, to get john gruden was the toughest. >> gruden last year with the raiders was 2001 and his last year with tampa bay was 2008. gruden was asked about his hands on style and if that style will still work today. >> we have 50 -- 50 extra oakland raider players here today. they didn't mind it. i don't know what my reputations great video clips of me swearing and me screaming at players. >> 372. >> why stick to this spot. [bleep]. >> i was also the biggest cheerleader in the league. i get excited when we make a play. i get excited when we make a first down. i really get excited when we win, and i get really upset when we don't. and i hope that still has a place in the nfl. >> john gruden signed a 10 year contract to replace del rio as head coach and there's reports the contract is worth (10) 000-0000, but gruden didn't con -- $10 million, but grewed uden didn't confirm that. coming up, the latest numbers of crime in the city. and the immigration debate heats up in washington. some surprising news from a federal judge. i'm doug luzader in washington. we'll have the latest details. traffic is moving along including the golden gate bridge heading south to the toll plaza. i get excited when we have rain. there might be a tiny bit. not much. we'll see what's going on for t, welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:13. overnight a federal judge threw a wrench in the president trump's -- >> this comes as the immigration issue has been heating up and there was extraordinary meeting yesterday at the white house. doug luzader has more from washington. >>reporter: this federal judge in san francisco has hit upon the issue that is the crux of ongoing negotiations in washington. what to do about daca, the deferred action for -- that president obama began and president trump has tried to end. the president pushed back by a federal judge who decided with a number of states that are fighting white house efforts to end protections for young, illegal immigrants, a surprising turn and the justice department promised to fight it saying promoting and enforcing the rule of law is vital to protecting a nation, its border and citizens. >> this is love. this should be a bill of love. >> it followed a very unusual day at the white house as president trump convened a meeting of democrats and republicans on immigration and in a move that shocked the white house press core allowed the media to listen in. >> for people who aren't in the white house everyday, you would have to explain how rare this is. >> rare, but a strategic move as the president made his case for renewing daca protections in exchange for border wall funding, something democrats will continue to resist. >> there's no agreement on that and we'll be working on that. >> while they're working that out, there's a possibility that all of this will up and end efforts to prevent a government funding shut down on january 19th. >> i think they have what they will put in a spending bill, but fighting this down to the 19th will be rough business. >> rough business and there's not much appetite on either side of the aisle to keep kicking this can down the road. doug luzader, fox 2 news. chief analyst bannon is stepping down. the announcement was made on its website yesterday. bannon's departure comes less than a week after his explosive criticism of president trump and his family was published in a new book. conservative billionaire and bart investor mercer was reportedly behind the website's -- time is 5:15. the pennsylvania congressman introduces what he calls the stable generous act. it would require nominees to have medical exams and boyle says it will help his voters make a decision and americans have a right to know whether an individual has the mental and physical fitness to serve as president of the united states now last weekend in a tweet, president trump said he's quote a very stable generous. in the meantime, this coming friday, president trump who is 71-year-old will have his first medical checkup since he took office. he'll be examined at walter reed medical center and the presidents are not required to have annual medication -- exams, but they have for years. the one who -- 5:16 is the time. back over to sal to check in on the morning commute. sal. >> good morning, pam and dave. today's commute is better than it was yesterday and certainly before than the day before. monday it was raining. tuesday it was still wet and today, it's dry. that is making things easier from gilroy to san jose as you drive through morgan hill, it looks good and it continues to look good into the silicon valley. if you're driving to the valley, your commute is good. it seems to me the valley commute doesn't get started until 6:30. that's when it starts getting busy. here's a live look at 280. this is 280 on the right near downtown san jose exit. it looks good up to cupertino. before we want to want for the christmas break or whatever you want to call it, 5:17 or so is when the metering lights came on. maybe it will happen at 5:30, but we're easing back. as we bring steve in at 5:17, steve, some of the community colleges are not back from their break, so i think -- >> what? get back to school. >> easy for you to say. >> no kidding, thank you, sal. we do have a lot of cloud cover on the forecast today. not much in the way of rain, but there could be a little bit. we'll mention that. you can see the cloud cover spilling over the ridge of high pressure. out of the northwest and that will give us cloud cover. we had good rain for one day, but it wasn't enough to get us to average. back to 72% for santa rosa. san francisco 71%. oakland, 78. better in san jose. 68%. so while that rain was good, we were so far behind, only 3 quarters of a way there. any signs of rain? a tiny bit today. maybe next tuesday is the next okay system. it doesn't look strong. it does look like rain will make it. until then, a lot of cloud cover and a tiny bit of rain. if it makes it down to san jose, it will be a surprise. a couple of 100th to the north, it looks reasonable with this system. when you get this cloud cover and this pattern, you can get a tiny bit of rain. the clouds have moved to the north. 30s to the north. 40s, upper 40s to 50s. 43 in sunnyvale. cool there. east bay temps so 43 in black hawk. low 50s and mid 40s from el cerrito. everybody is close. lafayette, 43. half moon bay to 13 miles-per-hour and west to northwest to sfo. 30s in the mountains and cloud cover up there. ukiah at 43. there won't be much presip, but cloud cover. things are calming down for santa barbara. the core has moved into arizona and gave phoenix rain and flagstaff snow. our system will pump in a lot of cloud cover and highs checked to the north with mid 50s. upper 50s under mostly cloudy skies. after tomorrow, we'll see improvements starting friday, and we'll take that into the weekend for warmer weather. >> steve, thanks. >> you're welcome. time is 5:20. keeping students in school and on track to go to track. looking at how one bay area community is teaming -- plus first responders who did everything they could to save homes during the wild fires were honored. you will see the ceremony. it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? right now our queen c4 mattress is only $1199, save $400. ends soon. visit for a store near you. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:23. new this morning, a second politician facing a sexual abuse investigation has committed suicide. 36-year-old former ohio lawmakers brandon hixson shot and killed himself yesterday at his home. he was a three term republican. he resigned from the ohio state house last october right after police began investigating him. authorities aren't saying anything about the case or whether it's connected to investigations in 2014 where he was accused of inappropriate touching. kentucky state representative dan johnson killed himself last month. he was accused of molesting a 17-year-old girl during a sleep over in 2013. it's 5:23. there's two after ri rican-americans on the senate judiciary committee. democratic senator harris of california and booker that handles judicial nominations and harris and booker are both attorneys before being elected to the senate. senator harris was the attorney general and booker was the mayor of new york, new jersey. this morning at 10:00, governor brown will unveil his proposed state budget. california is projected to have almost $20 billion in reserves. whie the state's economy is strong, analyst say the governor cannot over spend because of new cost for california. president trump's tax overhaul will lead to less federal revenue. that will cause congress to cut funding for social services and that means the state has to set aside more money for programs like medicare. last year's budge he was $183 billion. it is 5:24. a state lawmaker wants to make it's why for people who have marijuana convictions to clear their records now that pot is legal in california. the bill was authored by democratic assembly men -- it would require county cores to expunge convictions from felonies to misdemeanors. those who have pot convictions have to initiate this process themselves. >> some individuals don't know they qualify, and if they do, they don't know how, and if they do know how, they may not have the resources to execute it. there's so many obstacles and pitfalls along the way, we make it easier. >> the law involving marijuana convictions was approved by voters as part of prop 64 which legalize recreational marijuana in california. a top secret u.s. satellite reportedly failed to reach orbit and then plummeting back into the atmosphere. on sunday, spacex launched the satellite named zuma from florida, but it's believed it crashed back into the atmosphere. zuma is believed to be a military or spy satellite because it was classified, but it's not clear what happened and what went wrong. is 5:26. those who fought the wild fires in sonoma county were honored. the board of supervisors recognized 150 firefighters, police officers and paramedics. this at after afternoon ceremony outside of the county chambers. >> i believe that what you did in those two weeks was well above and beyond what you do normally in terms of responding to trauma. >> the men and women who were honored were read a county resolution and given commemorative coins and these coin was presented in recognition of a special achievement. the first responders will get -- it features the names of the fires and the sonoma county seal and the words "sonoma strong." . it is 5 :27 -- it's 5:27. transparency it at the top of the police department -- we'll tell you about a new tool the public will be able to use. it will track police use of force, and their interactions with the public. we already have a line of slow traffic we're beginning to check out on highway 4. coming around the corner to concord. it's beginning to slowdown in bay point and pittsburgh. we'll talk you more about the east bay commute when we come back. a lot of cloud cover on the way. maybe a tiny bit of rain. we'll talk about that and see what's in store for the next couple of days. well, good morning to you. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's wednesday, january 10th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. we want to check in about steve. it feels like it's pretty dry for a bit. >> it might be a little bit of rain today. a tiny bit. not much. we're not looking for anything like we had monday and yesterday from san jose south, it kept going and going and that seemed to be the theme today. today it's quieter. our good friend john, good morning. cooler this morning at 46 degrees. it was nonstop rain in the san jose area which made for tough driving conditions. it's going back 24 hours and the low held on, kept sending in bands. it has pushed out of the area, but the cloud cover is -- cloudy to the south and cloudy to the north. this pattern is called over running coming over the ridge of high pressure. a couple 100th. friday into the weekend looks good. next sign of decent system is next tuesday. that doesn't look strong, but it looks like it might make rain. cloud cover will continue to thicken. 40s and 50s, and a few 30s. they'll be a westerly and northwesterly breeze. although it's late there, but still l.a., santa barbara much quieter today. we'll get the cloud cover today into tomorrow. upper 50s to 60s. metering lights on? >> metering light s s are on -- lights are on. >> it has been coming on earlier and earlier. >> that was the shortest clap ever. >> there's one guy in the room. now there's two. [applause] >> and i hear dave too. good morning, everybody. let's take a look at 80 westbound toward vallejo continuing out. this is the super commute and you could see traffic is moving along pretty well. we don't have a lot going on. it has been a nice commute. 37 and slow as you get over the bridge and head west toward marin county. to the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights have gone on, so there's a ten minute delay. once you make it onto the bridge it looks good. quiet for now. 5:32. back to desk. a little boy in richmond is recovering after the family dog attacked him almost two weeks ago. 4-year-old kaizen was playing with his brother under a blanket when a rottweiler went under the blanket and bit kaizen on the face and hand. the older sister grabbed scissors and stabbed the dog ending the attack. the little boy needed more than 60 stitches on his face and sculpt and his mother described that scary ambulance ride to the hospital. >> the whole time, you know, i was massaging his hand and talk to him and i told him, i said you know, you have to be strong, and don't go to sleep because you might not wake up. >> yeah. today the little boy will go back to the doctor to see if his bandages can be removed and the rottweiler, it was a stray and adopted in september. it has been euthanized. contra costa animal services says if you adopt a pet, know something about the animal's background, get it spade or commuteneuters. a man accused of sexually -- 23-year-old andrew bracamonte is charged with the robbery and assault of a teacher at harker middle school on january 2nd at 6:30 in the morning. bracamonte was arrested two days later. if he's released on bail, he'll need to submit to electronic monitoring and he's set to return to court next month. we're learning more about the san francisco officer accused of a sex crime who is now out on -- out of jail on $20,000 bail. 30-year-old justin mccall was arrested monday after an internal affair's investigation. he's charged with a sex crime against an unconscious person after an incident back on september 6th. internal affairs was notified about the criminal conduct. he was removed from the field, but he's been suspended without pay. he is a four year veteran of the department. he most recently worked at the tenderloin station. he's due in court friday afternoon. happening today, san jose's police department is unveiling a tool the public can use to find out when officers use force and interactions with the community. it's a portal where -- police chief eddie garcia will talk about why this is an important tool on the local, state and national level. a new report is out showing violent crimes dropped continually in the past five years. ktvu crime reporter henry lee tells us what city officials say led to this turnaround. >>reporter: violent crime is down in oakland. that's a story you don't hear too often. >> i am very pleased to give and share the story and it's a good story. the fruit is on the tree. and you can see it in our numbers. >> those numbers showing a 23% drop since 2012 in overall violent crime which includes homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. oakland ended 2017 with 72 people killed. it's the second lowest homicide total since 1985. oakland mayor libby shaft credits the decline to crime fighting. >> we have, over the last five years, reduced shootings by 50 percent. homicides by 42%. robberies by 3 8% -- 38%. this is by no means mission accomplished. >> chief anne kirkpatrick in her 10th month as top cop says it's not her mission to reform the department as much as it is to transform opd as it picks itself up. that means restoring community trust and cutting down on officer's use of force which has dropped 75 percent since 2012. >> this is transformational policing and reflection of deescalation, training and emphasis on how to deescalate such that the use of force would become unnecessary. >> another factor is a strategy known as ceasefire which challenges violent offenders to change their lives or face arrest. >> we have the laser focus on trying to identify using data to individuals who are most at-risk of being involved in gun violence or being engaged in gun violence. >> as far as property crime, car burglaries in oakland are up 53% over the past five years. the chief says the department will try to tackle those auto burglaries. in oakland, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. hundreds gathered in hayward for an all day fundraising event to raise money for the fallen officer andrew camillei. the father of three was killed on christmas eve on a suspected drunk driving crash. the fundraiser was held at the famous dave's in hayward. it was held by police and firefighters and the proceeds will go to the camilleri trust fund. if you have used the dating website e-harmony, you may be owed money. e-harmony will pay $1 million to customers who were unknowingly enrolled on the website from march of 2012 and december of 2016. those affected customers could get about $30 each. now, separately e-harmony agreed to pay $1.2 million to settle a consumer protection lawsuit and the lawsuit says e-harmony charged users for fees without explaining rules or providing a contract. the company says it will change its practices. former vice-president joe biden was in san francisco yesterday evening talking about his new book about his eldest son. >> i didn't want it to be pain and remorse. i want it to be about hope, there's a way through this that you can find redemption and purpose. >> the book is called "promise me dad" and it reflects on his late son beau who died of brain cancer in 2015. biden launched a cancer moon shot to find new treatments and a cure. uc president -- he did not address suggestions that he might run for president in 2020. he avoided that. >> yeah, i knew he would be asked. time is 5:39. still ahead, the new technology that may save lives. coming up at 6:00, we'll take you to the consumer electronic show and show you the device that could help you parents who drive with children in the backseat. also, a proposed ballot measure would raise tolls on our bridges. up next, how much we would have to pay. and we do see that traffic is going to be busy approaching that bay bridge. and also busy on the east bay commutes that mostly lead to the bay bridge. westbound 24 is getting busy in lafayette. woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) welcome back to mornings on it. it's now 5:42. voters may get a chance to decide if tolls go up on seven bay area bridges. the bay area toll authority will get a report recommending a toll hike of as much as $3. the committee -- if the committee approves it, the voters in all nine bay area counties will get to decide whether to approve that increase. the golden gate bridge would not be affected. it's operated by its own district, not by the state and the money from the toll increase will be used to reduce traffic jams by investing in mass trans -- if the proposed toll hike is approved by voters, drivers would spend $9 a day during commute hours. all the other bridges would be paying $8. and for people commuting to san francisco who have to cross two bridges, they would be spending $17 a day. some people in redwood city banded together to fight a proposed rent increase. >> [chanting] the rate is too high. >> they staged a demonstration outside the offices of the management company yesterday afternoon. late last year the company bought their buildings and they say they received letters stating rent would go up by as much as $850 starting next month. >> i got to get more jobs to, you know, to get food for my kids clothes and everything, and we have a lot of bills. we have to pay insurance. we have to pay more things, so that's not fair. >> the tenants want to negotiate, and they want to negotiate rent increases that's reasonable and not outrageous. we're hopeful the management company will work with us, but we haven't made real progress yesterday. >> the attorney says his group may make an appeal to the lending institution that financed the building. our time is 5:44. let's get you moving this morning. sal can handle that. everybody behaving for you? >> for the most part. we do have slow traffic, dave and pam as usual, for example on the tracy commute for people coming in from the tracy triangle. the traffic is busy, and you can tell by the colors that the commute here on 205 really slow. 14 miles-an-hour at some points. we're talking about stop and go traffic as you drive through. you can see traffic gets better. by the time you reach livermore, traffic is back up to the speed limit. but you will see slowing on 580 as you drive toward the double interchange. little slowing. 880 north and southbound in front of oracle arena looks good and the bay bridge filled in. the metering lights came on at 5:30 and traffic is backing up to the maze. 5:45. today's weather. let's bring steve in. >> a lot of cloud cover, sal. yesterday it was one for rain for santa clara valley where it kept going. things have calmed down and you can see the bands of moisture that stayed there through the afternoon hours. finally took a drive to the south if you will and they're out of picture. we had good rainfall as you know monday into early tuesday. it was actually sunday, into late monday, tuesday and we're well behind. 72 for santa rosa and 71 for san francisco and oakland. we have gotten a lot of rain, we still have a ways to go. nothing really today except a couple of 100th forecast. this will probably carry us into thursday morning. high pressure will deflect to the north. it will take us into a warmer weekend, but there goes the bigelow and it scoots through the four corners and you can see the cloud cover coming from the northwest. 40s and 50s on the temps and everybody is close. there's a northwest or westerly component for some. that will keep the -- southern california, the cleanup begins and there's rain around san diego, but most of that system has pushed off into arizona and out of the picture for us. you can see the cloud cover and sometimes in this kind of pattern, the next thing you picked up a .01 or .02. temperatures will stay probably in here through tomorrow and warmer weather kicking in as we go into the weekend. >> all right. >> thank you, steve. >> all right, steve. time is 5:46 helping student . helping students stay in school. that's the goal of cal state east bay and that includes the hayward unified school district. amber lee explains how this program works. >> what happens and how does it make you feel --? >>reporter: cal state east bay kelly is paying if forward. the tutoring and mentoring she once received at tennyson high, she's giving back. it's apart of the hayward promise neighborhood program. >> i feel like it's one or the other. >> she says she was the first person in her family to attend college and wants to use her own experience to pave the way for other students to prepare for college. >> they need somebody to tell them this is an option, this is something that you can do. it's not impossible. >> 17-year-old jeremiah good says having a tutor such as cosby helped pull up his grades from d's to b's. >> i was never confident and never asked for help. >> and now -- >> i'm asking for help for anything i don't understand. >> jeremiah says coming from a single-parenthood, he knew he would need to get a scholarship to go to college. he plays football and he credits his coach and mentor jackson for being a father-figure. >> yep. >> he's the school's drop out prevention specialist and tennyson's varsity basketball coach and assistant football coach. >> the importance this school lost because a lot of times they don't need training to be reality tv stars or rappers or some of those things that -- so we got to remind them and make them fall in love with school again. >> the program received $30 million in federal funding following the first grant it received in 2011. supporters say high schools in hayward have seen a 10% increase in graduations since the program was first implemented. and at the same time, the graduation rate for the cal state east bay students who participate is 14% higher than those who don't. >> and becoming leaders in their communities as university students. that is meaningful, purposeful. >> it can connect you with jobs and make your life better. >> one goal is to have students who have benefited from this program to come back as college students to help a new generation get on track to attend college or find a pathway to a career. supporters say the success of this program depends on this ongoing community involvement. in hayward, amber lee, ktvu, fox 2 news. >> there's more details to talk about. there's another recall by toyota and honda covering a million more vehicles over takata airbag safety concerns. up next, when vehicle owners can expect to be notified. ♪ it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. now only $1199, save $400. ends soon. visit for a store near you. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:52. honda and honda are recalling vehicles. they're replacing takata airbags that's deadly. the recalls comes after takata -- they can explode, they can shoot metal pieces at drivers and the passengers. worldwide at least 20 people have died. more than 280 hurt. car owners, you'll be notified over the next couple of months about where you can get replacements installed. in switzerland, thousands of people at an alpine resort were airlifted to -- the snow closed down the lifts, the ski runs and walking paths at the mountain village of zermont leaving 13,000 people stuck. they evacuated people. a train made it with a plow attached. you don't see that everyday. because of the heavy snow, the risk of an avalanche was at the highest level. an olympic figure skater who competed in the pairs event at the national championship in san jose last week is leaving the bay area without some important items. 2014 olympian castelli said she and her family -- when they returned to their car, she discovered that someone broken into the rental car, the bag holding her skates and her two costumes was taken. it could take weeks to replace the missing items. castelli and her partner didn't qualify for the olympics, but they're alternates -- the break-ins is creating a soaring burglary rate in san francisco. more than 30,000 break-ins were reported in 2017. if you break that down, it's about one every 17 minutes. it's a 24% jump from the year before. can we talk basketball. the warriors play the l.a. clippers at oracle. it's the midway point in the -- curry is healthy. they have won five games in a row and their record is 33-8 and the clippers won 7 of their last ten games and the warriors beaten clippers 12 straight times dating back to 2015. a little more than two hours from now, you'll get a chance to get free tickets to an oakland a's game. the a's will giveaway tickets to their april 17th game against the white sox and the team is celebrating the 50th anniversary of -- coming up on the 9 this morning, the a's president will come to talk about the ticket giveaway, the upcoming season, and plans to build a new ball park now that the stadium plans -- >> i want to hear that. time is 5:55. good news, bad news about the flu season so far this winter. health officials say it appears to be the worst flu season in ten years and it's not too late to get a flu shot. health officials say so far in california, 27 people under the age of 65 have died from flu-related illnesses. 70% of them did not have the flu vaccine. typically around this time of the year, there's an average of 3 or 4 deaths. >> many people choose not to get vaccinated because there are myths regarding the vaccine and one is that people say i get the flu from the flu vaccine. >> a lot of people say that. state officials point out there are plenty of vaccines available. they say it's not too late to get the vaccine. even if it's not 100% effective, there's some protection. right now it's coming up on our 6:00 hour. and local first responders joining rescue teams in southern california, coming up, we're going to show you what's being done to help people as mud slides sweep through some neighborhoods. we know who is officially running to be the next mayor of san francisco. we'll have more that about and who will not appear on the ballot. good morning, we do see it's getting more crowded in the east bay. plenty of room on interstate 880 near the coliseum. a lot of cloud cover, not much in the way of rain, but there could be a tiny bit today. more clouds than anything else. we'll talk about that as it continues to start to cloud up here except to the south. pampers is the first and only diaper with three extra absorb channels. they stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night pampers ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. good morning, the mud slides that hit southern california killing at least 15 people. we have the latest on the evacuations and the rescue efforts going on today. mornings on 2 continues. san jose police are investigating the city's first officer-involved shooting. the unusual weapon the man involved was reportedly carrying when police opened fire. good morning. thank you for joining us, wednesday morning, middle of the week. >> yeah. >> january 10th. i'm pam cook. >> good morning, i'm dave clark. let's check your weather. steve paulson is over here. >> a lot of clouds. kind of in between here on our system for monday into tuesday. it does look better friday into the weekend. the next system if you must know, i must, it's next tuesday. it doesn't look like anything we just had, and that's the next hint of rain. we could get -- san francisco, 50/58. 32, 1949, the record low. the cloud cover will move in and there's a couple of 100th in this pattern or .01. i would think more san jose, north looks to be the main window, south of that, probably not much, if that far south. 30s for a few. there's 40s and 50 s, that cloud cover is coming in so it brought up the lows. there's a breeze kicking in west, southwest. quiet in southern california, but for us, we'll have a lot of cloud cover and a hint of rain. under mostly cloudy skies. 50 to near 60. here's sal. >> all right, steve . we do have traffic that is going to be affected by a crash in san jose. this would be northbound 87 at kirtner avenue. if you're driving near san jose, you're going to see slow traffic as you drive through. traffic is lookin

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