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Neutrality is no more. The fcc voted to scrap the obama regulation designed to ensure it equal access to the internet. Replacing with a system that allows them to or even block them altogether. Critics say it is a slippery slope that could allow isps to charge more for Internet Access. And censor the internet. I am among the millions outraged. Outraged because the fcc pulls its own teeth abdicating this possibility to protect the nations broadband consumers. But mac the chairman claims the changes necessary because he says Net Neutrality rules constrain online investment and prevent companies from innovating. It is not the job of the government to pick winners and losers in the economy. We should have a level playing field. But mac the rules are supported by the white house but opposed by Companies Like netflix amazon and other content providers who say customers might have to pay more to keep their cuss services streaming. Democrats vowing to keep the issue alive do next years midterm elections. Young people know what this means. It is about democracy on the internet. Todays boat is far from the last word. The fight goes to the court where proNet Neutrality groups will challenge the fcc decision. What does this mean in Silicon Valley and others with limited Internet Access . Tom descartes got some answers. Reporter we caught up with veteran tech analyst larry heres what he had to say. We caught up with larry at sfo to ask this. What do consumers have to lose . Right away nothing. These providers can start charging content providers for essentially pipes into the home. That can mean higher prices for content. And also some content we want might not be available might come at a slower speed. Reporter these companies are accountable to wall street banks and shareholders. There is going to be pressure on providers to monetize. Not only that some providers are media companies. Comcast owns nbc universal. At t wants to buy time warner. Verizon owns aol and yahoo. They are going to be tempted to promote their own media. As well as those for business partners. Reporter much of the country has one or two Service Providers in the form of cable or telephone companies. Meaning little or no price competition. My hope is that someday there will be lots of wireless competitors that can give us highspeed internet faster than the wired carriers. Reporter for now it is about politics and lawsuits. Congress could overturn this. Reporter Santa Clara County serves 2 million residents and vows to sue over the ruling. A reversal of Net Neutrality is unjustified and it is therefore unlawful. Santa clara county is not going to let the fcc action stand. We will file a lawsuit to challenge the repeal of Net Neutrality and protect fair and open access to the internet and preserve the countys ability to provide crucial safety services. Reporter this might not be the last word. Reporter Stanford University law School International property clinic will be a partner with the county in this important litigation. Coming up in 15 minutes we will sit down with tech expert Ryan Eldridge to learn about this ruling. If you have questions we will ask him. You can sweep them at us sweetgum them. Lord ascendance her florida senator new uncertainty to the tax bill. Rubio said he will vote against the measure unless the Child Tax Credit is expanded. The current bill gives low income families and 1100 credit per child. Rubio says he would like to see that amount increase. The gop can only lose two votes and still pass the bill. With a tiebreaking vote by Vice President mike pence. Figured out a way to give corporations an extra year of cuts. The way they figured out to lower the top rate for someone making 1 million. Unless they can figure out a way to add to the 1100 figure i want supportive. Republicans are concerned about two senators who have missed votes to illness. John mccain is being treated for side effects of his brain cancer treatment. Had a lesion removed from his nose and mac the final bill will be released tomorrow. Developing news out of San Francisco where a swimmer was severely injured after being bitten by a sea lion. The victim was swimming at aquatic park. Just after 2 pm. Sky fox over the scene about an hour ago. Fire officials picked up the victim in a boat and transported the person to appear 45. They have used a tourniquet to ease bleeding. At this time we dont have any other information about the victim or the injuries. We will keep you posted. The Mexican National accused in the death of kate steinle will be sentence for a gun possession charge january 5. He shot the 32yearold steinle on instance on a peer in 2015. He was acquitted of her death by a jury. They determined the shooting was an accident and that the gun he found on the peer had misfired. Now his attorneys are asking for a new child to have the gun possession conviction overturned. Defense attorney argued that the judge in the case failed to give the jury become correct instructions about that charge. He now faces federal charges against him from the department of justice for the death. Defense attorneys say the outcome of this latest motion could impact that federal case. It is obvious that the federal government is upset that he was found not guilty. So they immediately brought charges even before they had a copy of the transcript. They have no idea what the jury asked. The motion for a new trial was filed this morning. Presented system the District Attorneys Office have not had a chance to review the motion and will have a more detailed response. Some breaking news a decision today in court on the deadly warehouse fire in oakland. We learned Derek Almeida the Master Tenant of the warehouse and max harris will in fact stand trial on 36 counts of Involuntary Manslaughter. The judge made the ruling just in the past 10 minutes. As you may recall 36 were killed in the warehouse fire. For more on these cases i am joined by legal analyst heiko cardoza. This is just now breaking news. Both of the men will be bound over for trial. It is not a surprise. In a preliminary hearing the burden of proof is not the same as it is in a trial. In a jury trial it is beyond a reasonable doubt. In a preliminary hearing all a judge has to determine is do i have a reasonable suspicion. Is there probable cause these men committed the crime. That doesnt take much. This doesnt surprise me at all. The defense attorney for harris did not bring up witnesses to counter anything the prosecutors brought in. And claimed he whittled away at their case. It looked like a parade of people saying they were very much aware of problems at the building for the fire. It seems like that is the crux of the case. Why didnt the defense put on a defense at a preliminary hearing . It is like a card game. You are the prosecutor and you have your cards and i have my cards. Show me your cards. You have to show me your cards. I dont have to show my evidence. Im not going to give you a preview of my evidence at a preliminary hearing. It is not unusual. He tried to whittle away at the governments case. And asked the judge there is not even a suspicion here. That is tough to get around. This doesnt surprise me. You think they will go after pg e or the owners . The defense is going to be selective prosecution. They will talk about the two defendants. Why are they here . What about the owner of the building . What about the manager . What about the Fire Department . What about the public Inspection Department . Why didnt they get prosecuted in this case . They do have some government immunity. Why not them . It might sell to a jury. Will be a difficult case for the prosecution. You were nodding your head when Matt Gonzalez said the federal government has no idea what the jury instructions were. What he is saying is the judge in the case gave the wrong jury instruction. Think about what happened. The jury came back and said it was an accident. They had to believe he picked the gun up and went off. Does that fall under a felon in possession of a firearm . If it was an accident you have to believe he picked it up and it goes off. That doesnt come within the purview of a felon in possession of a firearm. That is temporary possession. The judge failed to give an instruction that that type of temporary possession does not or should not convict someone. I would not be surprised if this judge says i did make a mistake. I should have given that instruction. I am going to give you a new trial. Just on that specific charge. The others he was found not guilty. You cannot appeal that. The da cannot appeal of that. If he is found not guilty of that charge he is a free man except for immigration. Except for the federal government will go after him. The law allows them to do that. Interesting case. Remember one thing quickly the jury pool in the San Francisco case comes from San Francisco. When the feds it comes from all of the counties. You will get a much more conservative jury that will be more inclined to convict him then a lot of people say in San Francisco would. Young Northern California Football Players from the bay area competing for a national title. We will talk with a team mother about the opportunity for these athletes. A fire earlier this week in the Oakland Hills causing a traffic headache. The latest on a road closure and the repair work being done. A system could increase the fire danger. Details on a fire weather watch the cook again for portions of the bay area. For mildtomoderate eczema . It can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. The arm of an arm wrestler . The back of a quarterback . The face of a fairy . Prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. It blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. And its steroidfree. Do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. Allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. The most common side effect is application site pain. Ask your doctor about eucrisa. A major road in Oakland Hills is closing indefinitely after it was damaged in a fire. Snake road is shut down east of armer drive in the montclair district. It is because of that large fire that happened monday night. Two homes were completely destroyed in the fire. The cause it caused serious danger to a retaining wall under that roadway. It was a very expensive retaining wall from the mudslide previously. It is completely collapse. They will have to rebuild it. Which is very does make a big problem. It is a major access to firetrucks. And ambulances it in the area. The fact it is not able to be accessed anymore will affect many people. The road closure is not blocking access to the homes. It is forcing people to change the root they take to drive through the area. Engineers are evaluating the damage to see what the next steps will be. A look at the weather. On change for today. We are expecting big changes friday night and saturday. We are tracking a system but it is not bringing the rainfall we want. It will increase the winds. It is leading to a fire weather watch. For the santa cruz mountains. Middecember fire danger increasing in the bay area. You will notice the winds ramp up saturday morning. When gus approaching 50 Miles Per Hour in a dry wind direction. Fire danger going up across the entire state including here in the bay area. Clear skies right now. Some more clouds expected tomorrow. We have a northerly wind is setting up. The cloud cover will work its way into the area throughout the afternoon on friday. We will check on the current numbers. We are tracking lots of 60s for concorde. Santa rosa 64. San francisco 62. Half moon bay upper 50s. 57 degrees. Mount diablo this area will be under fire weather watch. By tomorrow morning it will turn into a red flag warning. Fire danger up across the bay area hills above 1000 feet. Tomorrow morning just like this morning it starts out pretty chilly. Spots back down to near freezing for Santa Rosa Napa and fairfield. Widespread 40s tomorrow. You will notice clouds increasing. This is 9 am not too much happening. A big batch of high clouds by 3 pm. Increasing by friday evening. Unfortunately no rainfall associated with the system for us. A slight chance of the sierra could pick up a dusting of snow. The winds will be the story. Taking this into friday they are increasing. Route the afternoon on saturday the winds pick up by late friday night into saturday morning. Winds increasing this is 3 pm saturday 19 in concorde. Out toward point raised patient 17 Miles Per Hour. A defined north and northeast wind. Brighter colors represent stronger wind gusts. I will let you know if that will impact the rest of the weekend. Young bay area Football Players are playing in a tournament this weekend for bragging rights to be called national champs. The nfl hall of fame youth championships in ohio. We have a shaky skype connection but we will give it a shot. A big crowd. Petaluma with her family. Reporter i think we set a record for how many people you can squeeze into a skype picture. Tell me what is going on out there. The game starts tomorrow. Yes. The game starts tomorrow. We play one tomorrow. Then saturday and sunday. Reporter petaluma panthers. There is a team from santa rosa and venetia. Are there other bay area teams as well . The center santa rosa stallions. Ukiah lions and the cal bears. There are a few of us. Reporter how does this work . There are a bunch of different age groups. Which age group are you representing . We are representing the junior peewee which is 11 and under. And under 130 pounds. 10 different age groups. That is how we were chosen after winning the regionals last week. Reporter i see the snow in practice. Was that today was next. That was this morning. Reporter your practicing in the snow getting ready for the games. How many games . Potentially three games. We can play the championship on sunday. Reporter teams from all over the country . Yes. We start with ogden new york tomorrow. Reporter you bring back a trophy and bragging rights . That is the way it goes. Reporter this has got to cost a lot of money. Are you still fundraising. . We have had a lot of support from the community. We have a gofundme account. We have great community. Friends and businesses helped out supporting our families. They are still supporting us and we appreciate everything. Reporter i played High School Junior high football. I loved it. A lot of people love football. In this age of concussions and concerns about injuries in the nfl. We have seen some nasty injuries this past weekend. How worried are you about these kids having helmet to helmet contact . It is always a worry. It is not necessarily about their heads but their whole body. The panthers have done everything they can to combat that. We use a riddell product in our helmets that give us alerts on heavy contact the to their heads. Just like you would use a knee brace if you were injured you have were doing that with the helmets. We are trying to be ahead of the curve. Reporter i want to wish you guys love. It is great having you on. You guys have such a big crowd. I will let i will give you a last go panthers cheer. Go panthers. Good luck. Bring home the trophy. By far the best skype interview we have done. I love those kids. Go get them. Coming up continuing coverage of the Net Neutrality ruling. Really important. We will learn what the future of the internet might look like going forward. Our expert Ryan Eldridge would join us to talk about that when we come back. Even if no one in your home smokes, Secondhand Smoke can be closer than you think. Secondhand smoke from a neighbors apartment can enter your home through air vents, through light fixtures and even through cracks in the walls and the floors. Secondhand smoke is toxic. Especially to children. Protect your family. Visit tobaccofreeca. Com. Continuing coverage of the decision to roll back Net Neutrality rules. We are joined by Ryan Eldridge from nerds on call. We were talking about during the hearing there was a bomb threat that was mailed in. They had to bring in dogs to sweep the area. That is how he did the subject is. It is so contentious. It is not just a matter of who is going to get to watch youtube. This is about our livelihood. My company is based on mine. Without access to the internet and free access we will have trouble. This could affect millions of peoples jobs in the Silicon Valley. The telecoms have been given a free christmas gift. We look at who will benefit from the repeal versus who is in. It is clear it will be the telecoms. They will make millions. This is setting the stage for the internet and everyone who uses it to become cable subscribers. It gives them a lot more power to do things to block access to certain things they are not happy with. In morocco earlier this year the telecoms band together. They were going to start blocking sites like skype and Different Services on the web. It competed with them. Here we have the Justice Department and the ftc to protect us from that. It does give the isps access to do that. The fcc says they will hold the isps to terms in their terms of service they have to tell you that they will block or slow down access to certain sites. Who reads those . Consumers sleep on that. If you do want access you might be able to get it but you have to pay. In portugal there is no Net Neutrality rules. Their Internet Access packages are identical to cable packages. Get a basic patch basic package plus a social media package and a streaming media package. Everything calls more. The isps will try to kit keep a calm. Then they will start extorting the bigger Companies Like facebook and google for a fast lane service. For the consumers it will be sold to us as a good thing. We will be able to get hbo and cbs and fox at a faster rate if we pay a few dollars more. It is not going to be good. Where does this leave us with trying to push back on this . Congress is not happy about it. Silicon valley is not happy. Santa clara county is filing a lawsuit. This will be tied in the courts for a little while. The real problem is we have five people on the fcc in control of how the internet is used across the nation. That is not fair. What you really want to do is take this to congress. There is a problem. All of the telecoms have been paying with their super pacs over 532 million to get Net Neutrality repeal. They have written legislation before. Maybe the fact that the 2018 midterm elections everybody is nervous especially with what happened in alabama. Maybe they will start listening to the people. I recommend everyone jump on facebook and have a townhall button. It will show you every elected representative that is in your life. Message every last one of them. It seems like most of the Big Tech Companies banded together and were already lobbying for these rules to stay in place. We see what happened. Lawmakers unless they come in and do something about it this will stay in place. Could there be checkmates . Comcast has nbcuniversal. Verizon has cbs. You will have i want netflix but i also want to watch nbc. Those are two different companies. Nobody is going to want to pay premium for those. And cable sometimes you will see you wont be able to see espn for a few days. We are renegotiating the contract. That will happen online. In the more distant future what will likely happen is the bigger Tech Companies that make their living online will band together and create an alternative service. We have seen it happen and cable. We all hate cable. We are found in alternative. We go to streaming services. Those companies will band together and give you a new alternative. And we can get access that way. Fresh off Opening Night last night is soulless for the sentences go la joins me in studio San Francisco ballet. How this time as tradition continues to enchant audiences. We will talk with an expert about how sleeping better might be the answer to improving your memory. Ever wonder why we get forgetful as we age . A new study shows it might have something to do with sleep. Joining is the lead author of the study. Lets talk about talk with me about how the study was conducted. We had two main questions. The first one was how does the brain to form new memories while we sleep . The second one was how come the older adults forget more than younger adults . This is really important. Given that more and more people are old over 65. More people are being diagnosed with alzheimers or any memory disorder. What we did in the lab. We brought in young adults in the early 20s and older adults over 65. We have them do a difficult memory test. They had to form new memories based on pairs words they have never heard or seen. What we did we got them sleep in the lab. The next morning we tested their memories. What we saw was older adults indeed did not learn that information as well as younger adults. This is just me is a journalist talking. Basically these electrical waves that rippled through our brains while sleeping. If they dont align or interact properly that can contribute to what we are able to memorize. It affects our memory. Is there a way to get those waves to interact more properly . It is like an orchestra. What happens in an orchestra is different instruments. Only if everybody one place together and is on the same beat mac then you get a whole symphony. What happens in older adults is all the instruments are not in sync. Older adults lose their conductor. We think the conductor in the prefrontal cortex behind our eyes. They orchestrate and tells the instruments how they should come together in order to form memories. What we found was only if everyone is in sync and playing together you form new memories. When you are out of sync you forget. What can we do to address it . The good news is all the key players of your orchestra are still there. Everyone is still in place. They dont come together. What we need is a metronome that helps a little bit if the conductor doesnt do what it is supposed to do. We think we can help the brain from the outside. Magnetic or electrical stimulation or even to sink them up and bring them back in time. 50 milliseconds give or take. It makes a huge impact on how we form new memories and how we age. It is interesting. It really is important moving forward and trying to treat memory loss. Hank you for coming in and sharing those results. Thank you. And investigation of the suicide of a state lawmaker in kentucky that denied he sexually assaulted a teenage girl. Allegations of Sexual Misconduct continued to spread throughout the world of politics and entertainment. Reporter the latest Sexual Misconduct allegations leading to a death in kentucky. Dan johnson found dead of a single gunshot wound on wednesday. A day after denying allegations of sexually assaulting a teenage girl in 2012. I think there has been people that have taken that now and use that for political stones and rocks. Reporter officials are causing the death a suicide. He drove to a bridge part enrolled a facebook message. Denying the assault accusations and urging support for his wife before shooting himself in front of his car. Someone saw his post on social media and alerted law enforcement. They went into gear and found him. Reporter became after alabama voters rejected roy moore who face multiple allegations of Sexual Assault and misconduct. He still denies them. He is refusing to concede the election to his opponent. He told his supporters to wait on god betting on absentee ballots to put him over the top. This was almost a 20,000 volt or more plurality for doug jones. Donald trump has congratulated doug jones. I think it is best to recognize reality. Reporter the man at the center of the need to movement harvey wants been facing new allegations. Salma hayek said he sexually abused her for years. Even threatening to kill her. It has become a holiday tradition for so many bay area families. A live interview with a man taking center stage in San Francisco ballet nutcracker. Weatherwise we are talking about hazy skies for today. We are tracking a system that will not bring us rainfall but lots of wind. An increase in the fire danger. We will have more details on a fire weather watch. Get a free pecan or pumpkin pie with every 20 order from dennys. Com. You can eat it wherever you want, even if you are in someone elses house. Santa. Enter promo code, freepie, on your next order at dennys. Com the production is set in 1915 sam cisco. It evokes post headwater and luxury. The story of a magician and master of ceremonies and his enchanted nutcracker doll has been delighting audiences for years. We are honored to have james franco is soulless with the ballet joining us. Fresh off of Opening Night. It went very well. You have been doing this for quite some time. Talk about the rolls you have had. All the dances we perform a number of different rolls. We do upwards of 30 to 40 shows every year. We change castes every night. The russian dance. The chinese dance. The nutcracker doll 2 i love the party scene. This really is a magical performance. From the grand nature of the sets to the customs. Talk to me about the connections you think this performance has especially to San Francisco. The fact when the curtain goes up and you see the painted ladies. There on the back job. Only a couple blocks away it brings the connection right in front of you. It is a nice feeling to see San Francisco ballet performing this story in San Francisco. You have been part of the nutcracker your entire career. That is 18 years. Pretty much every Ballet Company does the nutcracker every christmas season. Ive been doing it in school i performed it as well. It is been a part of my life. I was a child in the party scene in cincinnati ballet. How does the performance to San Francisco ballet puts on compared to the other versions . I think this production was new. In 2004 or 2005. We really did it out. We imagined the sets and the costumes. We have great designers on board. We put a lot of effort into making this a grand spectacle. As far as the performances i have seen it is one the best. It was broadcast on pbs. We have a dvd out. People all over the world have seen it. Being in the ballet especially with a big company. It takes physical ability and mental ability. There is pressure of becoming a part of so many peoples holiday tradition. You cant let them down when you come to the nutcracker. Many times here we are every year again doing the nutcracker. It gets repetitive for us in the company. We try to keep it fresh by the remembering that. The people are excited to see the ballet. We want people to see the ballet all year round. Some people might only go at christmas. We want to give them the best to show they have seen. That they are looking forward to every year. We want to inspire them to come back and see more. We are almost out of time. Performance until the end of december. December 30. Mark has been going since he was a little one. Seven years old. It has been our family tradition. The u. S. Premier was at that opera house in the 1940s. A symbolic story line. Looking forward to it every year. Weatherwise it does not feel like once or. Lots of hazy sunshine. High fire danger in the bay area. Here is our live look looking at San Francisco. A bit of a breeze that will strengthen by friday night and into saturday morning. We have a wind advisory for the hills above 1000 feet. We talked about the fire weather watch that will turn into a red flag warning the same areas. The winds are testing and they will be dry wind direction. Relative humidity Single Digits of the bay area this weekend. Satellite showing some cloud cover approaching the north coast towards eureka and cape mendocino. That will strengthen by this time tomorrow. By friday night and into saturday morning. San jose 69. San francisco 60. Fairfield currently 60 degrees. The mornings have been very chilly. That will be the same deal tomorrow. Live camera looking at mount diablo. One of the areas under the fire weather watch. Fire season continues across california. I cannot remember a time in dealing with a red flag warning in middle december. That will be a concern the next few days. Tomorrow mostly clear and cool in San Francisco. Increasing high clouds by the afternoon. By 3 pm we could have a deck of high clouds working their way from the north. Wins tomorrow not a big deal. 4 to 6 Miles Per Hour. Friday at 4 pm. Friday night and saturday morning the colors begin brighter colors the will stronger winds. This is saturday morning. That will be when the winds are strongest. Saturday mornings winds approaching up to 29. First thing saturday morning still a bit of a breeze heading into saturday afternoon. The winds will stick around into sunday as well. The next system it would be nice to be talking about rainfall. That will not be the case. Tomorrow a cold start to the day. Scatter clouds. East of the bay area there is a chance we could have a a dusting of snow in the sierra. The main impact the small strong winds once again. A few high clouds working their way by friday afternoon. A big batch friday evening. That system was out. That will set up the wind event by friday night and saturday morning. Temperatures tomorrow in the 60s. San francisco 62. Hayward 62 as well. San jose a high in the 60s. Your five day forecast. Still no rain clouds to talk about. Wind event and this is not the one we want into the weekend. Next week partly sunny skies. Forecast models trying to get a better handle of rainfall for the second half of december. I would not count on anything just yet. There is a chance we might not have significant rain all month long. Hopefully cal fire will be ramping up this weekend. They know the wind is coming. We are continuing to follow breaking news out of oakland. That coming up at 5 pm. Eric almena and max harris will stand trial on 36 counts of manslaughter. All related to the warehouse fire that happened in oakland a little more than a year ago. We have a crew gathering reactions from the judges decision at 5 pm. Ac lion attacks a swimmer near the aquatic part. Hear from the Police Officers who pulled the swimmer from the water. Just in time for the playoffs the nfl making it easier for you to live stream games on your mobile device. That after the break. The nfl is seeking new ways to ramp up viewership. The league plans to expand Live Streaming access to allow more fans to watch games even when they are on the go. Reporter the nfl is going to be more mobile. For risings to be the go to for watching football on your mobile free by way of the yahoo app which yahoo which verizon controls. Soon anyone can watch games for free on the go. Regardless of their service provider. It will happen just in time for the playoff games in january. The new fiveyear deal with the nfl takes effect. You would need to yahoo app nfl mobile app of the verizon video app to enjoy the games. There are some restrictions. If you want to watch games to online streaming tv Services Like sling youtube or directv now nfl games will be blocked on espn apps on your phone or tv for some games. Ratings for traditional game broadcast on tv or cable have been dipping. Isnt the only way the nfl is tinkering with technology to get the games to fans. There is a deal with amazon for 10 thursday night games and a christmas game. They previous had deals with twitter for the thursday night game. Broadcast tv viewership is down across the board. The four Major Networks lost 8 of their primetime audience compared to last year. Viewership is only down about 5 . Some northbay wildfire survivors are getting early and thoughtful holiday gifts. Emeryville Company Offering free photo shoots to people who lost their homes last october. The idea came from an art. Com employee who had relatives whose homes were destroyed. Many of the families are having portraits taken say they raced out their homes without anything including family pictures. Nearly all families we talk with say when they finally have new homes these pictures will be the very first they will find a place for. You and Ambassador Nikki Haley has proof i ran is becoming a bigger threat. Iran. Details after the break. The u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations today unveiled what the Trump Administration is called undeniable proof that iran is deliberately violating its international obligations. As Caroline Shively reports, Ambassador Nikki Haley presented a large Ballistic Missile which she said was built in iran. Reporter today nikki haley warned that iran is on the fast track to become the next north korea if it isnt stopped. This is terrifying. Reporter the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Making the case that the large Ballistic Missile behind her is proof iran has been violating u. N. Security Council Resolutions and supporting yemen rebels. The evidence is undeniable. The weapons might as well have had made in iran stickers on it. Reporter haley says its the same missile fired at a civilian airport in saudi arabia last month where tens of thousands of passengers travel each day. Just imagine if this missile had been launched at Dulles Airport or jfk. Reporter she says usually its classified evidence but this time she wants the world to see what iran has been up to. We did this for a single urgent purpose, because the Iranian Regime cannot be allowed to engage in its lawless behavior any longer. Reporter the Trump Administration has taken a hardline against iran, including in october refusing to certify the nation as being in compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal. The fight against iranian aggression is the worlds fight. The United States is acting today in the spirit of transparency and International Cooperation that is necessary to defeat this threat. Reporter haley says they are seeing irans activities extend beyond yemen and is working in lebanon, iraq and syria, too. She went on to say that todays evidence is also just the beginning and promised theres still much more uncomfortable evidence to come. In washington, Caroline Shively, fox news. [ music ] breaking news. A judge makes a decision in the ghost ship fire. Derick almena and max harris will stand trial on 36 counts of manslaughter. Thats one count for each victim in the fire a year ago. Good evening, im heather holmes. Im ken wayne. Frank and julie are off tonight. Lets get straight to ktvus henry lee. He was in the courtroom when the ruling came down. Reporter judge horner says theres very strong evidence to hold Derick Almena and max harris over for trial. He said the two men are criminally liable for what he called an unspeakable tragedy. Today in court family wept as the prosecutor read the names of 36 victims one by one during the preliminary hearing for the deadly ghost ship fire in oakland. Prosecutors said Derick Almena was essentially the landlord of the ghost ship warehouse and that max harris acted as his property manager. The judge agreed with that and said the two must stand trial on 36 counts of Involuntary Manslaughter for each victim. Defense attorneys said they fully expected the judges ruling but argue if the city of oakland and the warehouse owner chor ng bear responsibility for the tragedy. An attorney for the victims families agrees but says almena and harris are also to blame. They believe that there was sufficient evidence of the guilt and responsibilitier these defendants for creating the ghost ship and making it, as the judge stated in his final words, called it a death trap. This was not a death trap. It was orderly. It was clean. It was wholesome. And in many, many respects, my client did everything humanly possible within his financial means to make it that

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