Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170919 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170919

eureka and mendocino county. not much but a little bit. a sign of things to come over the next couple of days. it was cool to see the cloud cover come in. the weak front has stalled out but another one on the way. 40s and 50s on most of the temps. much cooler to 24 hours ago. napa airport is minus 13. oakland and livermore, nine us nine. look for clouds to continue to roll through as the stronger system digs in wednesday and thursday morning. that would be our best bet would be santa rosa and north. 60s and 70s to near 80 for some today. 7:01. is anything on your screen? you're not looking at anything. >> i'm looking at you. >> if you're looking up, i know something is going on. >> i look at my computers. i will show you something that might not be great for you if you drive on 680 southbound from dublin to pleasanton all the way down to endrada road. there is a crash. another tough day for 680 south. you see all of this slow traffic here. if you want to, go to castro valy and use 880. which is also slow. but at least there is not an accident. you will have to go a longer way that way. south bay commute is getting filled in here as you can see. northbound 85, 101 and 280 are all getting slow. if you're driving on northbound 101 through san martin and morgan hill, there was an earlier accident. this has slow traffic on 101 coming up north, coming through. monterey is not a good alternative to this. up to highway 17 is also slow. off to a slow tuesday. 7:02. back to the desk. in just 30 minutes, president trump will take the world stage for his first address to the united nations general assembly. the president arrived at the u.n. in new york just minutes ago. he has repeatedly questioned the effectiveness of the united nations. today he is expected to take a more moderate stance. doug luzader tells us more. >> reporter: president trump struck a cord with many conservatives when he railed against the united nations during the presidential campaign. today he may choose his words carefully, trying to nudge neighbor nations into action. the president's motorcade will whisk him through new york today to the united nations. he has already spent time there, making nice to world leaders and praised the fundamental ideals behind the u.n. >> the united nations was founded on truly noble goals. >> reporter: at the same time the president push the u.n. on north korea. and iran. and whether that country is living up to the terms of its nuclear agreement. then there is the u.n. itself. what some see as an organization that has grown beyond control. something that even the u.n. secretary general acknowledges. >> someone recently asked what keeps me up at night. and my answer was simple, bureaucracy. >> who foots the bill for that? largely the united states, contributing more than a fifth of the u.n.'s budget each year. president trump won't be the last to rail against the bureaucracy. people who have spent time around the u.n. have doubts. >> i wish him all the best. i don't think it will happen. i have watched these efforts for 25 years or more and the effect has been negligentible. >> reporter: he may strike an optist nicotine during his address. he has spoken of what he sees as the tremendous potential of the u.n. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. >> that have struck our country. i want to begin by expressing my appreciation to every leader in this room that has offered assistance and aid. the american people are strong and resilient. and they will emerge from these hardships more determined than ever before. fortunately the united states has done very well since election day last november 8th. the stock market is at an all- time high. a record. unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years. and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the united states today than ever before. companies are moving back, creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time. and it has just been announced that we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense. our military will soon be the strongest it has ever been. for more than 70 years in times of war and peace, the leaders of nations, movements and religions have stood before this assembly. like them, i intend to address some of the very serious threats before us today. but also the enormous potential waiting to be unleashed. we live in a time of extraordinary opportunity. break-throughs in science, technology, and medicine are curing illnesses and solving problems that prior generations thought impossible to solve. but each day also brings news of growing dangers that threaten everything that we cherish and value. terrorists and extremists have gathered strength and spread to every region of the planet. rogue regimes represented in this body not only support terrorists, but threaten other nations and their own people with the most destructive weapons known to humanity. authority and powers seek to collapse the values, systems and alliances that prevented conflict and tilted the world toward freedom since word war two. international criminal networks, traffic, drugs, people forced dislocation and mass migration, threaten our borders and new forms of aggression exploit technology to menace our citizens. to put it simply, we meet at a time of both immense promise and great peril. it is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights or let it fall into a valley of disrepair. we have it in our power should we so choose to lift millions from poverty, to help our citizens realize their dreams, and to ensure that new generations of children are raised free from violence, hatred and fear. this institution was founded in the aftermath of two world wars. to help shape this better future. it was based on the vision that diverse nations could cooperate to protect their sovereignty and promote their prosperity. it was in the same period exactly 70 years ago that the united states developed the marshall plan to henry store europe. those three beautiful pillars, they're pillars of peace, sovereignty, prosperity. it was built on the idea that the whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent and free. as president truman said in his message to congress at that time, our support of european recovery is in full accord with our support of the united nations. the success of the united nations depends upon the independent strength of its members. to overcome the perils of the present and to achieve the promise of the future, we must begin with the wisdom of the past. our success depends on a coalition of strong and independent nations that embrace their sovereignty for prosperity and peace for themselves and the world. we do not expect diverse countries to share the same cultures, traditions or even systems of government. but we do expect all nations to uphold these two duties. to respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation. this is the beautiful vision of this institution. and this is the foundation for cooperation and success. strong sovereign nations let diverse countries with different values, different cultures, and different dreams, not just coexist, but work side by side on the basis of mutual respect. strong sovereign nations let their people take ownership of the future and control their own destiny. and strong sovereign nations allow individuals to flourish in the fullness of the life intended by god. in america, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone. but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to watch. this week gives our country a special reason to take pride in that example. we are celebrating the 230th anniversary of our beloved constitution. the oldest constitution still in use in the world today. this timeless document has been the foundation of peace, prosperity and freedom for the americans and for countless millions around the globe whose own countries have found inspiration in its respect to human nature, human dignity and the rule of law. the greatest in the united states constitution is its first three beautiful words. they are we the people. generations of americans have sacrificed to maintain the promise of those words. the promise of our country and of our great history. in america, the people govern. the people rule. and the people are sovereign. i was elected not to take power, but to give power to the american people where it belongs. in foreign affairs, we are renewing this founding principle of sovereignty. our first duty to its people, to our citizens, to serve their needs, to ensure their safety, to preserve their rights and to defend their values. as president of the united states, i will always put america first. just like you, as the leaders of your countries, will always and should always put your countries first. all responsible leaders have an obligation to serve their own citizens and the nation state remains the best vehicle for elevating the human condition. but making a better life for our people also requires us to work together in close harmony and unity to create a more safe and peaceful future for all people. the united states will forever be a great friend to the world and especially to its allies. but we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one-sided deal where the united states gets nothing in return. as long as i hold this office, i will defend america's interest above all else. but in fulfilling our obligations to our own nations, we also realize that it is in everyone's interest to seek a future where all nations can be sovereign, prosperous and secure. america does more than speak for the values expressed in the united nations charter. our citizens have paid the ultimate price to defend our freedom and the freedom of many nations represented in this great hall. america's devotion is measured on the battlefields where our young men and women have fought and sacrificed, alongside of our allies. from the beaches of europe to the deserts of the middle east to the jungles of asia. it is an eternal credit to the american character that even after we and our allies emerge victorious from the bloodiest war in history, we did not seek territorial expansion or attempt to oppose and impose our way of life on others. instead, we helped build institutions such as this one, to defend the sovereignty, security and prosperity for all. for the diverse nations of the world, this is our hope. we want harmony and friendship, not conflict and strife. we are guided by outcomes, not ideology. we have a policy of principle realism rooted in shared goals, interests and values values. that forces us to confront the question facing every leader and nation in this room. it is a question that we cannot escape or avoid. we will slide down the path of complacency, numb to the challenges, threats and even wars that we face. or do we have enough strength and pride to confront those dangers today so that our citizens can enjoy peace and prosperity tomorrow? if we desire to lift up our citizens, if we aspire to the approval of history, then we must fulfill our sovereign duties to the people we faithfully represent. we must protect our nations, their interests, and their futures. we must reject threats to sovereignty from the ukraine to the south china sea. we must uphold respect for law, respect for borders, and respect for culture and the peaceful engagement these allow. and just as the founders of this body intended, we must work together and confront together those who threaten us with chaos, turmoil, and terror. is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle in which the united nations is based. they respect neither their own citizens, nor the sovereign rights of their countries. if the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph. when decent people and nations became bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength. anyone has shown more contempt for other nations and the well being of their own people than the depraved regime in north korea. it is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of north koreans. and for the imprisonment, torture, killing and oppression of countless more. we were all witness to the regime's deadly abuse when an innocent american college student was returned to america only to die a few days later. we saw it in the assassination of the dicta traitor's brother -- dictator's brother in an airport. we know it kidnapped a sweet 13- year-old japanese girl from a beach in her own country to enslave her as a language tutor for north korea's spies. if this is not twisted enough, now north korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. it is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with said regime but would support a country that i -- no nation on earth has an interest in seeing them ban themselves with nuclear weapons and missiles. the united states has great strength and patience. but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. the united states is ready, willing and able but hopefully this will not be necessary. that's what the united nations is all about. that's what the united nations is for. let's see how they do. it is time for north korea to realize that the denuclearization is the only acceptable future. the united nations security council recently held two unanimous votes adopting hard- hitting resolutions against north korea. and i want to thank china and russia for joining the vote to impose sanctions along with all of the other members of the security council. thank you to all involved. but we must do much more. it is time for all nations to work together, to isolate the kim regime until it stops the hostile behavior. we face the decision not only in north korea. it is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime. one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to america, destruction to israel, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room. . the iranian government masks a corrupt dictator ship behind the false guise of a democracy. it has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, blood shed and chaos. the long-suffering victims of iran's leaders are in fact its own people. rather than use its resources to improve iranian lives, its oil profits go to fund other terrorists that kill innocent muslims and attack their peaceful arab and israeli neighbors. this wealth which rightly belongs to iran's people also goes to shore up al-assad's dictator ship, fuel a civil war and undermine peace throughout the entire middle east. we cannot let a murderous regime continue these destablizing activities while building dangerous missiles and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program. the iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the united states has ever entered into. frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the united states. and i don't think you've heard the last of it. believe me. it is time for the entire world to join us in demanding that iran's government end its pursuit of death and destruction. it is time for the regime to free all americans and citizens of other nations that they have unjustly detained. and above all, iran's government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors. the entire world understands that the good people of iran want change. and other than the vast military power of the united states, that iran's people are what their leaders fear the most. this is what causes the regime to restrict internet access, tear down satellite dishes, shoot unarmed student protesters and imprison political reformers. oppressive regimes cannot endure forever. and the day will come when the people will face a choice. will they continue down the path of poverty, blood shed and terror, or will the iranian people return to the nation's proud root as a center of civilization, culture and wealth where their people can be happy and prosperous once again? the iranian regime for terror is in contrast to many of its neighbors to fight terrorism and halt its financing. i addressed the leaders of more than 50 arab and muslim nations. we agreed that all responsible nations must work together to confront terrorists and the islamic extremism that inspires we will stop radical islamic terrorism because we cannot allow it to tear up our nation and indeed to tear up the entire world. we must deny the terrorists safe haven, transit, funding and any form of support for their vile and sinister ideology. we must drive them out of our nations. it is time to expose and hold responsible those countries who support and finance terror groups like al-qaeda, the taliban and others that slaughter innocent people. the united states and our allies are working together throughout the middle east to crush the loser terrorists and stop the reemergence of safe havens they use to launch attacks on all of our people. last month, i announced a new strategy for victory in the fight against this evil in afghanistan. from now on, our security interest will dictate the length and scope of military operations. not arbitrary benchmarks and timetables set up by politicians. i have also totally changed the rules of engagement in our fight against the taliban and other terrorists groups. in syria and iraq, we have made big gains towards lasting defeat of ayes. isis. we have done more in the last eight months than it has in many, many years combined. we seek the deescalation of the syrian conflict and a political solution that honors the will of the syrian people. the actions of the criminal regime of al-assad including the use of chemical weapons against his own citizens, even innocent children, shock the conscience of every decent person. no society could be safe if banned chemical weapons are allowed to spread. that is why the united states carried out a missile strike on the air base that launched the attack. we appreciate the efforts of the united nations agency that's are providing vital humanitarian assistance in areas liberated from isis and we especially thank jordan, turkey, and lebanon for their role in hosting refugees from the syrian conflict. the united states is a compassionate nation. and has spent billions and billions of dollars in helping to support this effort. we seek an approach to refugee resettlement that is designed to help these horribly treated people and which enables their eventual return to their home countries to be part of the rebuilding process. for the cost of resettling one refugee in the united states, we cannot assist more than ten in their home region. out of the goodness of our hearts, we offer financial assistance to hosting countries in the region. and we support recent agreements of the g20 nations that will seek to host refugees as close to their home countries as possible. this is the safe, responsible and humanitarian approach. for decades the united states has dealt with migration challenges. here in the western hemis fare. we have learned that over here the long-term, uncontrolled migration is deeply unfair to the ascending and the rereceiving countries. for the sending countries, it reduces domestic pressure to pursue needed political and economic reform. and drains them of the human capital needed to motivate and implement those reforms. for the receiving countries, the substantial cost of uncontrolled migration are borne overwhelming by citizens that are often ignored by media and government. >> the global fund to end modern slavery and the woman entrepreneur finance to empower women all across the globe. we also thank -- [applause] >> thank you. we also thank the secretary general for recognizing that the united nations must reform if it is to be an effective partner in confronting threats to sovereignty, security, and prosperity. too often the focus of this organization has not been on results, but on bureaucracy and process. they have hijacked the very systems that are supposed to advance them. for example, it is a massive source of embarrassment to the united nations that some governments with egregious human rights records sit on the u.n. human rights council. the united states is one out of 193 countries in the united nations. and yet we pay 22% of the entire budget and more. in fact, we pay far more than anybody realizes. the united states bares an unfair cost burden. but to be fair, if it could actually accomplish all of its stated goals, especially the goal of peace, this investment would easily be well worth it. major portions of the world are in conflict and some, in fact, are going to hell. but the powerful people in this room under the guidance and hospices of the united nations can solve many of these vicious and complex problems. the american people hope that one day soon the united nations can be a much more accountable and effective advocate for human dignity and freedom around the world. in the meantime, we believe that no nation should have to bare a disproportionate share of the burden, militarily or financially. nations of the world must take a greater role in promoting secure and prosperous societies in their own regions. that is why in the western hemis fare the united states has stood against in the corrupt destablizing regime and allow the people to live in freedom. my administration recently announced that we will not lift sanctions on the cuban government until it makes fundamental reforms. we have also imposed tough sanctions on the socialist regime in venezuela that brought a once thriving nation to the brink of total collapse. the socialist dictator ship of nicholas medura has inflicted terrible pain and suffering on the good people of that country. this corrupt regime destroyed a prosperous nation by imposing a failed ideology that has produced poverty and misery everywhere it has been tried. to make matters worse, he has defied his own people, stealing power from their elected representatives to preserve his disastrous rule. the venezuelan people are starving. and their country is collapsing. their democratic institutions are being destroyed. this situation is completely unacceptable and we cannot stand by and watch. as a responsible neighbor and friend, we and all others have a goal. that goal is to help them regain their freedom, recover their country, and restore their democracy. i would like to thank leaders in this room for condemning the regime and providing vital support to the venezuelan people. the united states has taken important steps to hold the regime accountable. we are prepared to take further action if the government of venezuela persists on its rule on the venezuelan people. we are fortunate to have incredibly strong and healthy trade relationships with many of the latin american countries gathered here today. our economic bond forms a critical foundation for advancing peace and prosperity for all of our people and all of our neighbors. i ask every country represented here today to be prepared to do more to address this very real crisis. call for the full restoration of democracy and freedom in venezuela. [applause] the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented. from the soviet union to cuba toughens what la, wherever true socialism or communism has been ament dad it has faced failure. those who preach the tenants of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the people who live under these cruel systems. america stands with every person living under a brutal regime. our respect for sovereignty is also a call for action. all people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their interests, and their well- being, including their prosperity. in america, we seek stronger ties of business and trade with all nations of good will. but this trade must be fair and it must be reciprocal. for too long the american people were together that mammoth multi national trade deals unaccountable and powerful global bureaucracies were the best way to promote their success. but as those promises flowed, millions of jobs vanished and thousands of factories disappeared. others gamed the system and broke the rules. and our great middle class once the bedrock of american prosperity was forgotten and left behind. but they are forgotten no more. and they will never be forgotten again. while america will pursue cooperation and commerce with other nations, we are renewing our commitment to the first duty of every government, the duty of our citizens. this bond is the source of america's strength. and that of every responsible nation represented here today. if this organization is to have any hope of successfully confronting the challenges before us, it will depend as president truman said some 70 years ago on the independent strength of its members. if we are to embrace the opportunities of the future and overcome the present dangers together, there can be no substitute for strong sovereign and independent nations. nations that are rooted in the histories and invested in their destinies. nations that seek allies to befriend, not enemies to conquer. and most important of all, nations that are home to patriots, to men and women who are willing to sacrifice for their countries, their fellow citizens, and for all that is best in the human spirit. in remembering the great victory that led to this body's founding, we must never forget that those heroes who fought against evil also fought for the nations that they loved. patriotism led the polls to die to save poland. the french to fight for a free france. and the brits to stand strong for britain. today, if we do not invest ourselves, our hearts and our minds in our nations, if we will not build strong families, safe communities, and healthy societies for ourselves no one can do it for us. we cannot wait for someone else. for far away countries or far off bureaucracies. we can't do it. we must solve our problems to build our prosperities, to secure our future, or we will build develop newerrible to decay domination and defeat. the true question for the united nations today, for people all over the world who hope for better lives for themselves and their children is a basic one: are we still patriots? do we love our nations enough to protect their sovereignty and to ownership of their futures? do we revere them enough to defend their interests, preserve their cultures, and ensure a peaceful world for their citizens? one of the greatest american patriots, john adams, wrote that the american revolution was effected before the war commenced. the revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. that was the moment when america awoke. when we looked around and understood that we were a nation. we realized who we were, what we valued, and what we would give our lives to defend. from its very first moments, the american story is the story of what is possible when people take ownership of their future. the united states of america has been among the greatest forces for good in the history of the world. and the greatest defenders of sovereignty, security and prosperity for all. now we are calling for a great reawakening of nations. for the revival of their spirits, their pride, their people, and their patriotism. history is asking us whether we are up to the task. our answer will be a renewal of will, a rediscovery of resolve, and a rebirth of devotion. we need to defeat the enemies of humanity and unlock the potential of life itself. our hope is a word and world of proud, independent nations that embrace their duties, seek friendship, respect others, and make common cause in the greatest shared interest of all. a future of dignity and peace for the people of this wonderful earth. this is the true vision of the united nations. the ancient wish of every people, and the deepest yearing that lives inside every sacred soul. so let this be our mission and let this be our message to the world. we will fight together sacrifice together, and stand together for peace, for freedom, for justice, for family, for humanity, and for the all-mighty god who made us all. thank you. god bless you. god bless the nations of the world. and god bless the united states of america. thank you very much. >> president trump just wrapping up his first address to the united nations general assembly. first lady melania trump and other delegate. it ran ahead of schedule. we expected him to start at 7:30. he described again and again the need for as he put it the righteous many to combat the evil few, speaking out directly against the man who he called the rocket man, kim jong-un saying he was on a suicide mission with his provokation of the united states. saying that the united states is doing its part and will do more of it. the president called on leaders of all countries to join the fight, to do more on their part. >> it was a long and interesting speech. we brought it to you live on mornings on 2. and we will be talking about it throughout the day. we're glad you're with us. the time is 7:46. we're also checking your weather. steve paulson has your forecast for the day. >> i do indeed. a little rain up north. maybe a sign of things to come over the next few days. not much. but a little bit. we have a mix of higher clouds and sun here. steven dunlap is up in fort bragg. .04 in the rain gauge. needs a little cleaning. that's your department, steve. at least mother nature provided some rain. i was in crescent city on sunday and it was raining good at night and into monday. they're having more this morning. there it is. not a lot but some up in humboldt county. some of that made it into fort bragg. you see parts of mendocino county. get out of the way. not a lot but a couple of cells coming by. that's where the focus is for now. we will drop that southward into northern napa county or lake county but not until early, early thursday. it will be cool and windy around here on thursday. 50s on most of the temps. also some 40s. certainly to the north there's a lot more 40s that we can find there. calistoga, occidental. the breeze is there. but it is out of the north, out of the west, out of the east, out of the northeast, out of the south. all over the place. mostly sunny. a few clouds. we will see a stronger system coming in in the next 24 hours. all right, sal, what do you have. >> we do have traffic on the peninsula that is busier because of an earlier accident. if you drive let's say from the sunnyvale area through mountain view getting up north, you will see slow traffic. southbound traffic may also be affected. traffic on 880 south and 680 south is slow. because early issues. a big commute. 85, 101 and 280 are all filled in. a lot of slow traffic. even 880 is slow as you pass the airport. remember we had the earlier accident on cochran road number 101, morgan hill area. that is gone but traffic is still slow. 280 downtown is moderately heavy. and if you're driving to the bay bridge toll plaza, you will see a backup of about 25 minutes. it is 7:48. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. there is a new study showing major generational differences. coming up in the 8:00 hour, how today's teenagers may actually be more mature than earlier generations and why parents shouldn't worry about it at all. plus, several bills waiting for the governor's signature. coming up next, what could end up on the ballot. and for the first time in almost 40 years, one of the bay area's highest peaks is now open to you. what you will see when you reach the top. do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours. >> the time is 7:52. surveillance footage shows a deadly bus crash as it happened in new york city. three people were killed, 17 others were injured when a tour bus collided with a city bus. the three people who died were a pedestrian, the tour bus driver, and a passenger on the city bus. the tour bus company has been cited in the past for safety violations. it was also involved in a deadly collision last year. authorities say excessive speed was a factor in the crash. they add they're still investigating. here at home for the first time in nearly ten years, enrollment is up at city college san francisco. the school just started the free semester of offering free tuition to san francisco residents and it has seen an 11% increase in students this year. csf has 1,000 new students from san francisco. it is the first community college in the country to offer free tuition. a salmonella outbreak has led to two deaths here in california and new york. and hundreds more became ill. all linked to papayas from mexico. 235 people in 26 states have become ill. about a third of them are still in the hospital. health officials say there are four separate outbreaks involving four farms in mexico. as a precaution, the dcd is warning restaurants and people don't serve or eat the papayas from mexico. a measure to raise $4 million for california parks and water projects are waited for the governor's signature. they approved the bond measure that wrapped up on friday. it would provide $2.8 billion for parks. the rest would go to water improvements. it also includes funds to restore los gatos creek and the river in san jose as well as sonoma county's russian river. if the governor signs the measure, it would be placed on the june 5th ballot. legislation that would make california a sanctuary state, restricting state and local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities. and a measure that would add a third gender option on state driver's licenses and ids called nonbinary. it would make it easier to change your name and gender identity on other documents such as birth certificates. people in oakland are speaking out both for and against the plans to build the new a's stadium near laney college. the ought bon society doesn't like the stadium plan. they say it will cause traffic jams and hurt lake merritt. later today, a coalition of groups including laney college students will hold a news conference. they will criticize the stadium plan. in the meantime a group of oakland business leaders are supporting the plan. they want to build the stadium west of lake merritt between interstate 880 and 8th streets. >> we cannot afford to have other sports teams leave the city of oakland. having a sports team in your city puts your city on the map. it is also a tremendous revenue source. >> the proposed site is on land that is owned by the college district whose chancellor says he wants to make clear so far there is no deal with the a's. one of the highest peaks in the bay area is now open to the public. it has sweeping views of silicon valley and a number of great spots to hike, bike or just relax. the mid peninsula bought the air force station at the peak from the u.s. government 30 years ago. the platform was once used by the air force station and played a significant role during the cold war for the bay area's air defense network. the park is open daily and free to visitors. they are hoping the newest creation will turn into the fashion trend of the fall. take a look. introducing double jeans. >> what. >> part fits around the waist like traditional jeans. the double jean fits just before your knees. the cost for the double jeans, $695 a pair. >> you know, they look -- would you? >> no. >> could you? >> nope. >> i can see you with the one in the middle. i could see it. >> never. >> the time is 7:56. still ahead, the caribbean being hit by yet another category 5 storm. look at these pictures. coming up at 8:00, how the already battered islands are dealing with it this morning as hurricane maria makes landfall and we will tell you where hurricane jose is churning up the waves. also president trump uses his first address before the united nations to rally support against global threats. a breakdown of his address is up next. at stanford health care, we can now repair complex aortic aneurysms without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. >> president trump threatened to destroy north korea if the u.s. is forced to defend itself. more on his first address to the u.n. general assembly. an unexpected interruption. why dreamers protested nancy pelosi at home in san francisco and how she handled this angry crowd. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning, everyone. welcome back to mornings on 2. it is tuesday, september 19th. i'm mike mibach. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. weather and traffic up first as always. a lot cooler out there if you haven't been outside. steve. >> it will be even cooler thursday. just heads up there. good to see you, mike. >> good to see you, steve. >> yesterday weak system came by. that turned the winds southerly to northerly. highs in the 60s to 70s to near 80. it will be cool and windy around here. thursday morning, coolest we have felt in a long time as the system drops in. sun and clouds today. a little breeze there. it is all over the place. but 60s, 70s and 80s. a little bit of light rain continuing up north as well. certainly on the north coast. a little bit of that has made it into mendocino county. not a lot but a little bit. better opportunity late wednesday and into thursday. end result will not be much rain but maybe late wednesday and thursday. cooler and breezier is on the way. last week of the summer. for some it is very cool. for others, not too bad. but we're seeing it all over the place here. a 10-degree spread between some. high clouds will continue to drift in. look for the breeze to pick up as the system works its way in from the pacific northwest. 60s, 70s and a few 80s. 8:01. anything new or just the usual. >> the usual is just a dose of slow traffic everywhere, steve, as you know. in this fall traffic season, we will see slow traffic. we're going to start with the bayshore freeway and talk about 101. we had a problem in redwood city near woodside road. traffic is backed out of san mateo down towards palo alto. northbound is also slow from palo alto. and a lot of people on the dumbarton bridge getting across are slowing traffic into menlo park. the whole area is congested. 680 again slow traffic leading down to the scene of an earlier accident. 880 is jammed solid down to stevenson from about 238. we look at the south bay commute, all of the rain -- main routes are closed. we had an accident on one of the side roads on monterey county. still clearing an accident there. avoid the area if you can. this is 280 northbound in san jose. it looks okay. the bay bridge, moderate. no problems on the bridge but at least a 25-minute delay waiting to get on to the span. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. president trump wrapped up a 40-minute address to the united nations general assembly. >> we brought it to you live. >> the united states is one out of 193 countries in the united nations. yet, we pay 22% of the entire budget and more. in fact, we pay far more than anybody realizes. the ups bares an unfair cost burden. but to be fair, if it could actually accomplish all of its stated goals, especially the goal of peace, this investment would easily be well worth it. >> president trump also called on the u.n. to do even more to stop north korea's nuclear program, saying it threatens the entire world. >> the united states has great strength and patience. but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. >> president trump also criticized the iranian government, calling it an economically depleted rogue state whose chief export is violence. more on the address throughout the morning as well as on the 9. here at home, the uc berkeley organization free speech week said on campus events will be held even though they haven't rented any spaces for them. the group berkeley patriots will hold the events outside if it has to. it has promised to have steve bannon, former breibart editor, milo yiannopoulos and conservative commentator ann coulter speak next westbound. it will be more difficult to provide security for outdoor events. university leaders say the group missed a number of deadlines to obtain the indoor facilities it wanted. but they say the school is trying to force them to cancel the event. the top democratic in the house of representatives could not get her message across when protesters shouted her down. >> we are immigrant youth. >> house minority leader was trying to show her support for the dream act. it would grant access to undocumented immigrants brought to the country by children. but she was cut off. they say instead of bargaining with the president, democrats should be fighting his demands for stricter border controls. >> he has made his agenda clear. our biggest fear is that we will be used as a bargaining chip to advance trump's anti- immigrant agenda. >> they are going to a bank that has no money in it. the democrats do not have the political power or capital to carry out the political agenda that would be necessary to meet their demands. >> professor taylor goes on to say the democrats dream bill would have a better chance of becoming law if republicans did not control both houses of congress as well as the white house. elected leaders will join activists and medical professionals to stand in solidarity with immigrants as part of national welcoming week. the event at the medical center will emphasize the commitment of providing health care and other services to immigrant communities. national welcoming week is observed across the country with the goal of honoring america's immigrants. tenses remain high on the korean peninsula, especially after the latest joint military exercises by south korea and the united states. today's exercise simulated the allied forces recapturing a village in enemy's hands. the u.s. and south korea worked on together since north korea started missile testing. the commander says the idea is to prepare troops to be able to fight tonight when needed. north korea has demanded a stop to all joint military exercises saying they're provocative. we are following developing news out of the caribbean where hurricane maria is now a category 5 storm. the storm hit the small island of dominica overnight, causing severe flooding and damage to homes on the island. maria has wind speeds clocking up to 160 miles per hour as it heads towards puerto rico. the governor declared a state of emergency and the hurricane is expected to make landfall tomorrow for many of the islands in the area this is the second category 5 hurricane this month, after hurricane irma. >> the bahamas is in the process of recovering from three devastating storms. it is now preparing for another. we are in the projected path of hurricane maria. >> hurricane jose is moving north up to they england. it is not expected to make landfall. but the new york city area could see coastal flooding and wind and rain into wednesday. we have new video of hurricane maria's impact on the island. you can see the acutrim wind and sideways rain coming down hard. it is not safe enough for the damage to be assessed there. local officials have warned residents that some communities could be submerged. economists are warning about the financial impact from the hurricanes. it is expected to reach $200 billion or more. states such as florida or south carolina that suffered heavy damage from irma had decided to cover expenses after the fact rather than set aside money for a disaster fund. experts say this pay as you go approach leaves states vulnerable. california does have a dedicated disaster fund for fighting wildfires. however, california has already used more than half of the $427 million saved for this year. people in san francisco will have the chance tonight to discuss whether police officers in the city should be allowed to carry stun guns. the chief is pushing for tasers. he says police departments in other major cities allow stun guns and that they represent a less lethal option in deescalating a situation. opponents say officers need better training, not another weapon. the meeting is at city college of san francisco starting at 6:00 tonight. running away from outrageous rates. how many people in california and the bay area say they're ready to move because of sky rocketing rental and home prices. plus, traffic congestion in the bay area up 80% in less than a decade. up next, the routes that you might want to try and avoid. right now the golden gate bridge looks pretty good compared to that last traffic shot we just saw. this commute is easy on the way down to the marina district. well, mostly sunny. some higher clouds. but change is on the way. the last week of summer will feel very fall like in the next couple of days. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> if you use fedex to ship packages, you can plan to spend a little more for the service. starting january 1st, fedex says rates will go up nearly 5% for u.s., domestic or overseas services. ground will also increase that much. it will charge additional fees for shipments of large package that's require additional handling by the company. fedex freight rates will also change. but the company has not announced how much that price increase will be. one of the top complaints about living in the bay area is the terrible traffic. an annual review shows it has gotten worse in the last year. >> traffic congestion is twice as bad now as it was 7 years ago. allie rasmus hit the road this morning to get a firsthand look at one of the worst commutes right here in the bay area. >> reporter: right now we are on westbound 80 headed towards san francisco. and this is one of the worst commutes, top five worst commutes in the bay area for the morning and afternoon drives. westbound 80 between hercules and san francisco. we will give you the view from our go pro camera we have mounted on the dashboard. the driver chip has his hands on the wheel. no distracted driving going on right now. if you drive in the bay area, you know that congestion is up 80% since 2010. people spending more time going through traffic at 35 miles per hour or slower speeds than ever before. according to the mtc, this is the fourth year in a row that traffic congestion has reached record levels. >> it has been worse in the last couple of months. this morning i got up at 5:00 this morning trying to beat, to get ahead of it. and it is still bad. >> it is really bad. i mean, in the morning, my commute usually takes about 35 to 40 minutes. in the evening, close to like 50 minutes. yeah. >> it's not that long distance. >> no. it is like 7 miles. >> reporter: here is a look at the top five worst commutes in the bay area. for the second year in a row, highway 101 in san francisco between the 280 interchange and treasure island is the worst commute during the afternoon hours. the second worst is the one we're on that i told you about, westbound 80 from hercules to san francisco. that is bad during the morning and evening hours. third, 101 from mountain view to san jose. fourth, northbound 680 from mission believe during the evening commute. finally 880 can't forget that one, northbound from fremont to hayward. now, what is driving all of the bad traffic? according to the study, it is the bay area's booming economy. representatives from the group says nothing alleviates anything quite like a recession. that is not something that people would ask for right now. the other factor playing into this is housing prices in the bay area. a lot of people say they tolerate their long commutes and really have no choice but to endure the long commutes because they have to live farther out in the outlying areas of the bay area. they can't afford to live in oakland and san francisco where most of the jobs are. the study confirms what most of us already realized, traffic congestion is up in the bay area. on the road on westbound 80, allie rasmus, ktvu fox 2 news. at 8:15, let's see how 80 and other roadways are doing this morning. sal. >> it is take going that stretch that alley was just driving is taking 40 minutes to drive between the carquinez bridge and the macarthur maze. for this time of the morning, that is quite normal, quite average. sometimes when there are crashes, it takes an hour and a half. so today is not too bad. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza where a lot of people end up. you will see that it is backed up to the macarthur maze. the metering lights are on at the bay bridge. and driving up to downtown oakland, 580. contra costa county had another slow morning on highway 4. not as bad as yesterday, but it is still pretty slow. 680 is backed up from 242. we had an accident. and then more slow traffic driving down to danville. northbound and southbound 680 are very slow. san ramon traffic is okay. but 680 slows again in pleasanton. on the other side of the bay, 101 is slow. i would suggest 280 as an alternate. the south bay is jam packed. all of the freeways. i wouldn't recommend one over the other right now getting into the east valley. let's bring in steve with today's forecast. >> thank you, sal. >> you're we will cop, steve. >> good to see you, my friend. a little change started yesterday. weak front came through. it is nice to see different clouds than low clouds. we had the high and mid level clouds. it will be on the move, on the increase here. 60s and 70s to near 80. we're getting to that time of the year where the usual suspects are not the warmest. that would be lake county and eastern contra costa. there are others getting warmer and even rain in the forecast. how about that? especially up in northwest coast, crescent city, eureka. a little bit made it to the medicine -- mendocino coast. the southern extent of it will probably be about santa rosa, calistoga, early, early thursday. the main message out of this is a much cooler pattern as we head -- we are in the last week of summer. fall begins on friday. it will sure feel like it on thursday. that's for surement higher clouds. could be snow up in the sierra on thursday as well. snow level around 6,000 feet. keep that in mind if you're traveling up there. 50sand 60s. we had plenty of 40s to the north. didn't translate to the south. woodside, 54. but moss beach is 60 degrees. same for san mateo. redwood city at 61. on the mild side for some but cool for others. northeast, northwest, north at 20. that is holding up some of the coastal temps. it will also give us upwelling. i think the water temps are going down. look for higher clouds to drift in. the next system will start digging and that will be a little bit farther to the west. again, it doesn't have a lot of moisture. it has an over land trajectory. temperatures will be dropping off over the next two days. again, not much in the way of any rain. but we will take it here. sun, clouds, breezy. then clouds and breezy. maybe late wednesday, early thursday, rain to the north. fall begins at 1:01 p.m. on friday. and then first weekend of falwell warm it up. that's the way it works. >> of course. >> exactly. >> we will get back into the 90s probably. >> thank you, steve. >> sometimes teenagers want to be thought of as adults. but a new study shows that most want to stay young. they looked at data for 8 million teens from 13 to 19 from the '70s to today. they looked at dating, working, and even sex. teens today are less likely to engage in adult behavior and growing up at a slower pace. one possible reason, the time that teens spend online. it isn't bad or good but it is adapting to the current culture. if you were hoping for a decent raise in the next year, you should lower your expectation. we don't have much to look forward to. and the exceptions to the somewhat bleak forecast. it looks like baghdad. it looks bad. it looks like a sea of urban blight. why a shopping development was shut down months ago and what the city is now saying about it. >> happening today, a funeral and procession will be held for san francisco fire battalion chief terry who died on the job earlier this movement he died on september 10th when firefighters discovered him unresponsive after he returned from an early morning call. officials say it appears he died of natural causes. in order for all san francisco firefighters to be able to attend the service, other local departments are coming to help respond to any calls. >> we're at a point where members are grieving. in order to allow them to go through the entire grieving process, we have offered them all the opportunity to attend the funeral. in order to do that, we had to ask our neighboring agencies to assist us with what is called the mutual aid agreement. >> family members and friends are gathering at the catholic church in san francisco at 10:00 this morning. some people who live in the twin peaks neighborhood would like to see gates installed to block access to the popular lookout at night. tourists come to the lookout for the spectacular views. but increasingly, criminals are looking out for the tourists. people have been robbed. back in july, a 71-year-old photographer was shot and killed. >> i think a gate there would be good. as i said, nothing really good happens at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning in a public park. >> police have increased their patrols in the area. and neighbors say that has made a difference. a new report suggests millions of californians could foot the bill for the delta tunnels project. the associated press reports that they have not not do mitted to funding for the project. it would funnel water from the delta down to southern california. water districted that participate in the project would have to contribute. but that is no longer the case and that water districts that don't benefit from the it up he wills could be forced to pass on the cost to customers. plans to build a new shopping center in oakland have stalled because of an asbestos issue and now neighbors are left with an eyesore. phase two was to build new retail at the corner of broadway and pleasant valley avenue. now there is just a half demolished three-story building. phase one that included the safeway and restaurants was completed last year. plans to tear down and rebuild stopped when they discovered asbestos during demolition. >> they go halfway and leave it as basically a half demolished shell. it looked like a war zone. >> we're getting a lot of complaints from the community. this is an important project. the community and city was excited. to have it stalled like this is something that we're trying to address as soon as possible. >> they say the bank building contains asbestos in the roof deck and no airborne hazards exist. they are working with the bay area air quality management district to assure that it will be addressed in the proper manner. trc said it is rethinking the project because of future retail is changing. however officials say there is still a demand for retail in the city. almost half of all california residents have considered moving because the housing crisis is so bad in our state. 56% of people polled say they have thought about moving. one in four said they would relocate out of state. here in the bay area, 63% of voters said they support stronger limits on rent increases. this poll comes as the state legislator sent a package of bills to the governor shoring up funding for affordable housing and spurring construction. a community warning about a man harassing children. what he is accused of doing and why he is out of jail this morning. president trump uses his first address before the united nations to rally support against threats. i will have more on that story coming up. right now we're looking at the bridges. and so far they're all crowded. no major issues in the way of traffic obstruction on the bay bridge getting into san francisco. well, higher clouds but mostly sunny. changes are on the way over the next couple of days. a hint of fall is definitely on the way. people love my breakfast burritos. and my french fries. wait! what if i put them together?! a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. i'll call it the california breakfast burrito! boom. someone got that, right? scrambled eggs. guacamole. bacon. french fries. you'll call it the california breakfast burrito. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing my new california breakfast burrito. only at jack in the box. >> welcome back to mornings on 2. it is 8:29 i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm mike mibach. good morning. let's check in with steve and the latest on the hurricane. the newest hurricane. >> category 5. went down to a 4 and now back up to a 5 heading towards puerto rico. >> it will occur -- it is supposed to go north and not impact the u.s. still maria, 160 miles per hour winds over dominica. lost some of the punch over the mountains. now it is back over open water and back to a category 5. heading right towards puerto rico. then it should drift north. we hope. for us here, we are looking at mostly sunny skies. temperatures will be in the 60, 70s to near 80d -- 80 degrees. fort bragg, ukiah and some on other parts of the coast seeing rain. best bet is late wednesday and into thursday. today, mostly sunny. 40s, 50ss, 60s on the temps. bolder creek at 52. already low 60s san jose state meteorology department and campbell. higher clouds drifting in. a stronger system will dig itself off of the coast and work its way in tomorrow night and thursday. 60s, 70s and near 80 for some. sal, good, bad? >> i have a nice picture i'm cueing up for you. let me drag it over to the timeline and give you a little inside baseball. steve, if you're driving on the golden gate bridge any time soon. >> am i? >> are you? >> no. >> okay. i'll show it to you. it is a beautiful picture. it shows some traffic. but you were just talking about the weather. and this is a perfect shot to follow your report. just as steve said, not a lot of cloud -- no clouds at all. the traffic from the robin williams tunnel down to the marina district looks good. but i can't pass that shot up if you're not watching your tv, look at it quickly before it goes away. okay. that's enough time. let's go to the east shore freeway westbound as you drive from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. 42-minute drive. it is going to be slowest in richmond. 42 minutes is not really, really slow. we have seen slower. but it is not an easy commute. when you get to the bay bridge, it is another 15 to 20 before you make it on to the span. 880 is slowing near san leandro and into downtown. highway 4 is very slow coming out of antioch to concord. and southbound 680 slows at willow pass road all the way down and stays slow into danville, by the way. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. president trump delivered his first address to the u.n. general assembly this morning. at one point actually threatening the total destruction of north korea if it does not abandon its drive toward nuclear weapons. >> he used his u.n. debut to focus on how the world body should unite to confront other threats around the world. doug is in washington with more. >> we meet at a time of both immense promise and great peril. >> reporter: in his firstsed address -- first address to the united nations. >> rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. the united states is ready, willing and able, but hopefully this will not be necessary. >> reporter: the president previously critical of the u.n. for its bloated bureaucracy hoping to strike a tone. >> major portions of the world are in conflict and some in fact are going to hell. but the powerful people in this room under the guidance and hospices of the united nations can solve many of these vicious ask complex problems. >> reporter: the president attempted to explain his america first foreign policy and how it fits with the demands of leadership around the globe. >> our success depends on a coalition of strong and independent nations that embrace their sovereignty to promote security, prosperity and peace for themselves and for the world. >> reporter: also in attendance at the u.n. general assembly is the first daughter and senior adviser to the president, ivanka trump who is attending meetings of her own. in washington, doug mcelway, fox news. parents are being warned to be on the lookout for a man who is trying to feed an unknown liquid to children. christien kafton has more on the story. >> reporter: the man berkeley police are warning about was last spotted here in this area of martin luther king park. we are close to berkeley high school and berkeley community college. police are warning parents to be on the lookout for william turner. officers arrested turner in june near the park after people called in to say that a man was harassing children. police say turner was trying to get children as young as 12 months to drink an unidentified liquid. officers say they were concerned after talking with him about his fixation on children. he was arrested and placed on a psychiatric hold. he pled guilty to a lesser o he fence and ordered to stay away from all parks and schools in alameda county. >> he has a tendency to show up in parks and around the schools. for that, for the school kids headed off, probably important to sit down with mom and dad and talk about how to stay safe while walking to school or at the park. and for the -- for the parents or guardians taking their kids to the park, keep an eye on them. if you see this guy, give the berkeley police a call. >> reporter: at the beginning of september, he was again spotted near berkeley high school. now that he is back on the streets, police are sharing information about him so families can be vigilant. police want your help to identify a woman suspected of trying to rob a bart passenger by giving her a threatening note. this is surveillance footage of the suspect, 32-year-old julie dragland says this woman dropped a note in her lap while on a bart train saturday afternoon. it said two guns were pointed at her and she should hand her phone and wallet over the back of the seat. bart police say the video supports the victim's story. >> all of our train cars are equipped with recording equipment. we took that surveillance video from the train car and since we know the time frame, we're able to find out what occurred. and the video corroborates what the victim reported. >> there was no indication the suspect had a gun. if you recognize her, bart police say give them a call. we went juan on one with bart's new police chief to fight the violence on trains and stations. he has been on the job for more than 100 days and he has a new safety plan that includes filling empty positions and filling high crime areas with officers. >> there is not one measurement that will say we are being successful because of a. you have to look at it from a holistic approach. >> we will talk about how long some of the changes could take. our question of the day is how safe do you feel on bart? we will take a look at the results. and we find that 6% of you say very. half of you, 50% say somewhat. 44% say you don't feel safe at all. >> we will keep the question of the day up throughout the morning. let us know by voting on twitter and you can comment on facebook. an update on a report that we had yesterday about a hit and run that injured two san leandro police officers. authorities have arrested the suspect, terry gordon. he was initially wanted for shoplifting. list say they were trying to arrest him when he jumped into his car and drove off, hitting officers. detectives later spotted him and again he tried to escape. but this time he crashed his car. the two officers have been taken to the hospital. both are expected to survive. urvive. >> you never want to get that phone call in the middle of the night that, you know, two of your officers are injured. and they were going out there and serving our community, you know, trying to protect the community. and when something like this happens, not only does it hit your heart strings personally, but i think it impacts the whole community. >> police say they have received a lot of support from the community and that people are stopping by the san leandro police department leaving notes and flowers. an investigation is underway into the theft of a department issued gun belonging to a san francisco sheriff's deputy. it was stolen sunday while the deputy was off duty. the sheriff says the gun was taken from the trunk of a rental car parked in san francisco. the sheriff says it appears that the gun was not properly stored in a lockbox as required. the deputy's gun has not yet been recovered. this follows other cases of stolen law enforcement officer's guns being used in deadly shooting. in august, a 23-year-old man was killed in san francisco by a gun stolen from a san francisco police officer's personal car. back in 2015, the gun that killed kate steinly on the pier was stolen from a police officer. a police officer shot and killed jacob dominguez during a traffic stop. he and two accomplices had committed crimes in the previous days, including a drive-by shooting and armed robbery. the shooting have never happened. but san hoe's police chief says that he had a criminal history and bragged about shooting it out with police if he was in danger of being caught. >> i mean, at some point we need to make sure this crime spree ended. >> it looks like the police are trying to justify the murder. he didn't have a gun. >> the two accomplices were arrested a few days before dominguez were killed. they are being held in the armed robbie of a gas station. happening now, bay area travelers will have more options and destinations to choose from. sam liccardo and the international airport and frontier airlines are announcing frontier will have more nonstop service to businesses in silicon valley. they have announced nonstop flights between san jose and denver starting in november. a nonstop to vegas in november. and austin and san antonio coming next spring. >> it looks like is a battle between the airlines. trying to compete. >> you know nonstop can make a difference. >> yes. >> as long as it is cheap. >> exactly. >> up next, what sneaker brand just topped the always popular jordans for the first time. also, steals and deals on jetblue. up next, the amazing airfare that you can get and how soon you need to jump on booking the flights. and you need to jump on the road if 880 is your commute. 880 northbound is beginning to slow down out of san leandro on the way up to downtown oakland. mostly sunny by change started yesterday. a breeze will pick up. and then big-time changes, very fall-like pattern looks to be on the way wednesday and thursday. >> well, today wall street keeping an eye on the u.n. general assembly in new york and the federal reserve. >> if you can't beat them, join them. one retailer working with amazon. pam cook is back in the studio this morning to explain in money business. >> kohl's will begin accepting amazon returns at its stores. it will pack and ship many items back to an amazon fulfillment center for free. kohl's will also start selling amazon devices including the echo and fire tablet at ten of the stores. so the hope obviously more traffic in their stores. when the opening bell rang this morning, investors reacting to earnings reports this morning. auto zone posted better than expected results. the bay area's adobe systems, fedex and bed bath and beyond are ai few of the report after the closing bell today. speaking of the bell and the numbers, checking in on the latest on the markets, the dow jones up about 31 points. 22363. everything on the upside is a new record there. the nasdaq and the s&p 500 across the board posting gains again today. equifax was apparently breached by hackers much earlier than it said. bloomberg is reporting there was a major breach back in march at the monitoring company. it only reported the one that happened in july where information on 143 million people was compromised. the revelation of the march breach complicates the efforts to explain a series of unusual stock sale as well by equifax executives. if it is shown that the executives did so with the knowledge that either or both breaches could damage the company, they could face charges of insider trading. well, unless you are one of the highest performers at the office, don't expect to get a big pay raise next year. according to the report, businesses are planning to keep budgets for raises relatively flat in 2018 while continuing to devote more payroll dollars to performance based pay. they surveyed more than 1,000 organizations. for the first time since the recession, companies are signaling doubt or uncertainty about what they think their performance will look like in the coming year. base bay is expected to rise just 3% in 2018. spending on incentives or bonuses will be 12% of payroll. that is down to 2013 levels. if you're shopping for low airfares, you have a few hours left to get discounted tickets with jetblue. as low as $39. the two-day sale started yesterday and ends at midnight tonight. jetblue says your travel dates have to be between september 26th and december 14th of this year. and a shake-up in the sneaker world. adidas is now the number two top selling brand in u.s. sport footwear. powell tweeted that adidas had overtaken jordan as the number two shoe brand. this is an achievement i never thought i would see in my lifetime. last month their total sales grew by more than half. nike still holds the top spot for the best selling views but analysts are talking about adidas. the basketball shoe is up 40%. nike jordan and under armour basketball were all down for the month. i have to say, the kids all have the super stars and the gisele. the adidas are all over campus. teenagers. interesting. >> thank you, pam. appreciate it. let's check in with sal and a look at the commute. hey, sal. >> hey, mike. >> have you ever worn adidas. >> yes. >> just checking. >> cal won yesterday. the bears are now 3-0. congratulations. >> thank you, mike. thank you, mike. we will all be together on the 9. i think gasia has something to say. you better tune in. let's go out to the east shore freeway eastbound out to the macarthur mazement you can see the traffic is going to be busy. 40 minutes though. i would say that's a win considering what we have had the last two weeks. 40 minutes. yeah, it is slow. but no major problems. it hasn't been inordinately slow getting out to the macarthur maze. you can see traffic will be busy. this morning's commute is going to be okay if you're driving on interstate 880. until you reach about hagenberger. contra costa county is not improving as much as i would like to see it. highway 4 is slow. 680 is slow from willow pass road all the way to danville. 8:49. let's go to steve. >> sal, i watched that cal game. the first quarter you're thinking owe no. and then the defense came alive. >> i know. the coach dave wilcox, thumbs up. >> they play some small school in southern california this weekend. >> i know. >> i know you know. just a little bit of patchy fog here. parts of the san mateo coast and maybe a little bit south. there's a huge fog bank in southern california. i mean, it made a massive push inland. even over parts of the grapevine there are low clouds. be careful if you're heading that way. for us, just a little bit. fog fest is coming up over the 65,000 festival goers. want to know what the weather will be like this weekend for fog fest in pacifica. it looks sunny and in the 70s. you should have had it in july. it looks sunny. no fog for this weekend. high clouds and mostly sunny today. 60s, 70s, and a few 80s. we're getting to that time of the year where areas in lake county and eastern contra costa are not as hot as others. things are changing. there has already been rain on the north coast. not a lot but some. some made it into mendocino county. maybe wednesday night and thursday you have a good opportunity. system now a lot of this came in, took aim towards the pacific northwest, oregon and yellow stone where they had snow. the next piece of energy will dig a little more towards us though. i think the end result will be windy and cooler more than any rain. i will mention santa rosa north for ear, earlier. 50s, 60s, a few 40s this morning. but we are running cooler. most locations are two to nine degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. we had a south wind yesterday in advance of that system. then it turned northwest. mostly sunny. i think we will start to see an increase in the clouds and the breeze pick up later this afternoon. 60, 70s to near 80 degrees. then get ready for a big change here. this is the last week of summer. fall begins on friday at 1:01. mike, i'll tell you, thursday will feel fall like and then sunny and warmer weather into the weekend. >> appreciate it, steve. a bizarre robbery on the peninsula. up next, the strange mask one man wore while holding up >> police in belmont are searching for a man who robbed a donut shop yesterday morning. he wore a star wars character mask. surveillance pictures show him pulling a gun at the cashier at chuck's donuts just before 5:00 yesterday morning. he is described as six feet tall, wearing a sweatshirt and jeans and black and white vans. anyone with information is asked to call police. valero energy is backing out of a deal to purchase the plains all american pipeline terminal. some felt it would cause gas prices to spike due to a lack of competition. california attorney general sued the company in july after it announced it was buying the last remaining independent oil distribution terminal in northern california. for the first time in nearly ten years, enrollment is up at city college of san francisco. the college has seen an 11% in increase of students this year. in august city college became the first community college in the country to offer free tuition. groups are coming out in favor and against the a's ballpark near laney college. the ought bon society opposes the plan because it will create more congestion in the area and possibly harm lake merritt. a coalition of groups will speak out against the proposal today. a group of oakland business leaders is throwing its support behind the proposal. the a's want to build the ballpark between interstate 880 and 8th street. the land is currently owned by the peralta community college district. the chancellor says no deal has been reached with the a's. appealing a controversial prison sentence. up next, how much time they are looking to add to olympic runner oscar pistorius' six- year sentence. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ surveillance footage shows a deadly bus crash in new york city. three people were killed and 17 others hurt when a tour bus collided with a city bus. the three people that died with the tour bus driver, a pedestrian, and a passenger. the tour bus company has been cited for safety violations in the past. it was involved in a deadly poison last year. excessive speed was a factor. prosecutors in south africa are seeking additional jail time for oscar pistorius the olympic runner who was convicted in the murder of his girlfriend. he is currently serving a six- year prison sentence. they call that too lenient. they want to add nine more years. he was convicted of murder after a successful appeal by prosecutors against an initial manslaughter verdict. he shot the girlfriend to a bathroom door. he claimed he thought she was an intruder. they said november 3 they will consider the request. employers can now pay to expedite the processing of an h1 visa. it was suspended when the president made laws more stringent. they can pay $1200 to expedite the process within 10 days. it allows companies to hire foreign workers. there are more than 63,000 workers in silicon valley alone. critics say facebook executives including mark zuckerberg should testify about potential russian meddling in the election. they have reportedly turned over russian linked ads that ran on facebook during the 2016 presidential election. some republican lawmakers in washington want to make -- get rid of a popular tax break. republicans are determined to overhaul the nation's tax code and deliver on a campaign promise from president trump. congressional leaders are considering doing away with mortgage interest deductions. about 20% of taxpayers deduct mortgage from their income taxes. past republicans promise -- house republicans promise more details next week. tonight at 9 by the president will address the general assembly. the new chief of police tells us how he keeps passengers safe and cut down on crime. and after school art program in oakland gets much- needed funding to keep running for the next year. tuesday morning, san francisco, let's say hello to ocean beach out there. it's a beautiful spot. today if you go to go out, remember, the rip currents are pretty bad. it's always fun to get out to the beach. my first lesson about never turning your

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170919 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20170919

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eureka and mendocino county. not much but a little bit. a sign of things to come over the next couple of days. it was cool to see the cloud cover come in. the weak front has stalled out but another one on the way. 40s and 50s on most of the temps. much cooler to 24 hours ago. napa airport is minus 13. oakland and livermore, nine us nine. look for clouds to continue to roll through as the stronger system digs in wednesday and thursday morning. that would be our best bet would be santa rosa and north. 60s and 70s to near 80 for some today. 7:01. is anything on your screen? you're not looking at anything. >> i'm looking at you. >> if you're looking up, i know something is going on. >> i look at my computers. i will show you something that might not be great for you if you drive on 680 southbound from dublin to pleasanton all the way down to endrada road. there is a crash. another tough day for 680 south. you see all of this slow traffic here. if you want to, go to castro valy and use 880. which is also slow. but at least there is not an accident. you will have to go a longer way that way. south bay commute is getting filled in here as you can see. northbound 85, 101 and 280 are all getting slow. if you're driving on northbound 101 through san martin and morgan hill, there was an earlier accident. this has slow traffic on 101 coming up north, coming through. monterey is not a good alternative to this. up to highway 17 is also slow. off to a slow tuesday. 7:02. back to the desk. in just 30 minutes, president trump will take the world stage for his first address to the united nations general assembly. the president arrived at the u.n. in new york just minutes ago. he has repeatedly questioned the effectiveness of the united nations. today he is expected to take a more moderate stance. doug luzader tells us more. >> reporter: president trump struck a cord with many conservatives when he railed against the united nations during the presidential campaign. today he may choose his words carefully, trying to nudge neighbor nations into action. the president's motorcade will whisk him through new york today to the united nations. he has already spent time there, making nice to world leaders and praised the fundamental ideals behind the u.n. >> the united nations was founded on truly noble goals. >> reporter: at the same time the president push the u.n. on north korea. and iran. and whether that country is living up to the terms of its nuclear agreement. then there is the u.n. itself. what some see as an organization that has grown beyond control. something that even the u.n. secretary general acknowledges. >> someone recently asked what keeps me up at night. and my answer was simple, bureaucracy. >> who foots the bill for that? largely the united states, contributing more than a fifth of the u.n.'s budget each year. president trump won't be the last to rail against the bureaucracy. people who have spent time around the u.n. have doubts. >> i wish him all the best. i don't think it will happen. i have watched these efforts for 25 years or more and the effect has been negligentible. >> reporter: he may strike an optist nicotine during his address. he has spoken of what he sees as the tremendous potential of the u.n. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. >> that have struck our country. i want to begin by expressing my appreciation to every leader in this room that has offered assistance and aid. the american people are strong and resilient. and they will emerge from these hardships more determined than ever before. fortunately the united states has done very well since election day last november 8th. the stock market is at an all- time high. a record. unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years. and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the united states today than ever before. companies are moving back, creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time. and it has just been announced that we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense. our military will soon be the strongest it has ever been. for more than 70 years in times of war and peace, the leaders of nations, movements and religions have stood before this assembly. like them, i intend to address some of the very serious threats before us today. but also the enormous potential waiting to be unleashed. we live in a time of extraordinary opportunity. break-throughs in science, technology, and medicine are curing illnesses and solving problems that prior generations thought impossible to solve. but each day also brings news of growing dangers that threaten everything that we cherish and value. terrorists and extremists have gathered strength and spread to every region of the planet. rogue regimes represented in this body not only support terrorists, but threaten other nations and their own people with the most destructive weapons known to humanity. authority and powers seek to collapse the values, systems and alliances that prevented conflict and tilted the world toward freedom since word war two. international criminal networks, traffic, drugs, people forced dislocation and mass migration, threaten our borders and new forms of aggression exploit technology to menace our citizens. to put it simply, we meet at a time of both immense promise and great peril. it is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights or let it fall into a valley of disrepair. we have it in our power should we so choose to lift millions from poverty, to help our citizens realize their dreams, and to ensure that new generations of children are raised free from violence, hatred and fear. this institution was founded in the aftermath of two world wars. to help shape this better future. it was based on the vision that diverse nations could cooperate to protect their sovereignty and promote their prosperity. it was in the same period exactly 70 years ago that the united states developed the marshall plan to henry store europe. those three beautiful pillars, they're pillars of peace, sovereignty, prosperity. it was built on the idea that the whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent and free. as president truman said in his message to congress at that time, our support of european recovery is in full accord with our support of the united nations. the success of the united nations depends upon the independent strength of its members. to overcome the perils of the present and to achieve the promise of the future, we must begin with the wisdom of the past. our success depends on a coalition of strong and independent nations that embrace their sovereignty for prosperity and peace for themselves and the world. we do not expect diverse countries to share the same cultures, traditions or even systems of government. but we do expect all nations to uphold these two duties. to respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation. this is the beautiful vision of this institution. and this is the foundation for cooperation and success. strong sovereign nations let diverse countries with different values, different cultures, and different dreams, not just coexist, but work side by side on the basis of mutual respect. strong sovereign nations let their people take ownership of the future and control their own destiny. and strong sovereign nations allow individuals to flourish in the fullness of the life intended by god. in america, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone. but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to watch. this week gives our country a special reason to take pride in that example. we are celebrating the 230th anniversary of our beloved constitution. the oldest constitution still in use in the world today. this timeless document has been the foundation of peace, prosperity and freedom for the americans and for countless millions around the globe whose own countries have found inspiration in its respect to human nature, human dignity and the rule of law. the greatest in the united states constitution is its first three beautiful words. they are we the people. generations of americans have sacrificed to maintain the promise of those words. the promise of our country and of our great history. in america, the people govern. the people rule. and the people are sovereign. i was elected not to take power, but to give power to the american people where it belongs. in foreign affairs, we are renewing this founding principle of sovereignty. our first duty to its people, to our citizens, to serve their needs, to ensure their safety, to preserve their rights and to defend their values. as president of the united states, i will always put america first. just like you, as the leaders of your countries, will always and should always put your countries first. all responsible leaders have an obligation to serve their own citizens and the nation state remains the best vehicle for elevating the human condition. but making a better life for our people also requires us to work together in close harmony and unity to create a more safe and peaceful future for all people. the united states will forever be a great friend to the world and especially to its allies. but we can no longer be taken advantage of or enter into a one-sided deal where the united states gets nothing in return. as long as i hold this office, i will defend america's interest above all else. but in fulfilling our obligations to our own nations, we also realize that it is in everyone's interest to seek a future where all nations can be sovereign, prosperous and secure. america does more than speak for the values expressed in the united nations charter. our citizens have paid the ultimate price to defend our freedom and the freedom of many nations represented in this great hall. america's devotion is measured on the battlefields where our young men and women have fought and sacrificed, alongside of our allies. from the beaches of europe to the deserts of the middle east to the jungles of asia. it is an eternal credit to the american character that even after we and our allies emerge victorious from the bloodiest war in history, we did not seek territorial expansion or attempt to oppose and impose our way of life on others. instead, we helped build institutions such as this one, to defend the sovereignty, security and prosperity for all. for the diverse nations of the world, this is our hope. we want harmony and friendship, not conflict and strife. we are guided by outcomes, not ideology. we have a policy of principle realism rooted in shared goals, interests and values values. that forces us to confront the question facing every leader and nation in this room. it is a question that we cannot escape or avoid. we will slide down the path of complacency, numb to the challenges, threats and even wars that we face. or do we have enough strength and pride to confront those dangers today so that our citizens can enjoy peace and prosperity tomorrow? if we desire to lift up our citizens, if we aspire to the approval of history, then we must fulfill our sovereign duties to the people we faithfully represent. we must protect our nations, their interests, and their futures. we must reject threats to sovereignty from the ukraine to the south china sea. we must uphold respect for law, respect for borders, and respect for culture and the peaceful engagement these allow. and just as the founders of this body intended, we must work together and confront together those who threaten us with chaos, turmoil, and terror. is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle in which the united nations is based. they respect neither their own citizens, nor the sovereign rights of their countries. if the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph. when decent people and nations became bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength. anyone has shown more contempt for other nations and the well being of their own people than the depraved regime in north korea. it is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of north koreans. and for the imprisonment, torture, killing and oppression of countless more. we were all witness to the regime's deadly abuse when an innocent american college student was returned to america only to die a few days later. we saw it in the assassination of the dicta traitor's brother -- dictator's brother in an airport. we know it kidnapped a sweet 13- year-old japanese girl from a beach in her own country to enslave her as a language tutor for north korea's spies. if this is not twisted enough, now north korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. it is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with said regime but would support a country that i -- no nation on earth has an interest in seeing them ban themselves with nuclear weapons and missiles. the united states has great strength and patience. but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. the united states is ready, willing and able but hopefully this will not be necessary. that's what the united nations is all about. that's what the united nations is for. let's see how they do. it is time for north korea to realize that the denuclearization is the only acceptable future. the united nations security council recently held two unanimous votes adopting hard- hitting resolutions against north korea. and i want to thank china and russia for joining the vote to impose sanctions along with all of the other members of the security council. thank you to all involved. but we must do much more. it is time for all nations to work together, to isolate the kim regime until it stops the hostile behavior. we face the decision not only in north korea. it is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime. one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to america, destruction to israel, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room. . the iranian government masks a corrupt dictator ship behind the false guise of a democracy. it has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, blood shed and chaos. the long-suffering victims of iran's leaders are in fact its own people. rather than use its resources to improve iranian lives, its oil profits go to fund other terrorists that kill innocent muslims and attack their peaceful arab and israeli neighbors. this wealth which rightly belongs to iran's people also goes to shore up al-assad's dictator ship, fuel a civil war and undermine peace throughout the entire middle east. we cannot let a murderous regime continue these destablizing activities while building dangerous missiles and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program. the iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the united states has ever entered into. frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the united states. and i don't think you've heard the last of it. believe me. it is time for the entire world to join us in demanding that iran's government end its pursuit of death and destruction. it is time for the regime to free all americans and citizens of other nations that they have unjustly detained. and above all, iran's government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors. the entire world understands that the good people of iran want change. and other than the vast military power of the united states, that iran's people are what their leaders fear the most. this is what causes the regime to restrict internet access, tear down satellite dishes, shoot unarmed student protesters and imprison political reformers. oppressive regimes cannot endure forever. and the day will come when the people will face a choice. will they continue down the path of poverty, blood shed and terror, or will the iranian people return to the nation's proud root as a center of civilization, culture and wealth where their people can be happy and prosperous once again? the iranian regime for terror is in contrast to many of its neighbors to fight terrorism and halt its financing. i addressed the leaders of more than 50 arab and muslim nations. we agreed that all responsible nations must work together to confront terrorists and the islamic extremism that inspires we will stop radical islamic terrorism because we cannot allow it to tear up our nation and indeed to tear up the entire world. we must deny the terrorists safe haven, transit, funding and any form of support for their vile and sinister ideology. we must drive them out of our nations. it is time to expose and hold responsible those countries who support and finance terror groups like al-qaeda, the taliban and others that slaughter innocent people. the united states and our allies are working together throughout the middle east to crush the loser terrorists and stop the reemergence of safe havens they use to launch attacks on all of our people. last month, i announced a new strategy for victory in the fight against this evil in afghanistan. from now on, our security interest will dictate the length and scope of military operations. not arbitrary benchmarks and timetables set up by politicians. i have also totally changed the rules of engagement in our fight against the taliban and other terrorists groups. in syria and iraq, we have made big gains towards lasting defeat of ayes. isis. we have done more in the last eight months than it has in many, many years combined. we seek the deescalation of the syrian conflict and a political solution that honors the will of the syrian people. the actions of the criminal regime of al-assad including the use of chemical weapons against his own citizens, even innocent children, shock the conscience of every decent person. no society could be safe if banned chemical weapons are allowed to spread. that is why the united states carried out a missile strike on the air base that launched the attack. we appreciate the efforts of the united nations agency that's are providing vital humanitarian assistance in areas liberated from isis and we especially thank jordan, turkey, and lebanon for their role in hosting refugees from the syrian conflict. the united states is a compassionate nation. and has spent billions and billions of dollars in helping to support this effort. we seek an approach to refugee resettlement that is designed to help these horribly treated people and which enables their eventual return to their home countries to be part of the rebuilding process. for the cost of resettling one refugee in the united states, we cannot assist more than ten in their home region. out of the goodness of our hearts, we offer financial assistance to hosting countries in the region. and we support recent agreements of the g20 nations that will seek to host refugees as close to their home countries as possible. this is the safe, responsible and humanitarian approach. for decades the united states has dealt with migration challenges. here in the western hemis fare. we have learned that over here the long-term, uncontrolled migration is deeply unfair to the ascending and the rereceiving countries. for the sending countries, it reduces domestic pressure to pursue needed political and economic reform. and drains them of the human capital needed to motivate and implement those reforms. for the receiving countries, the substantial cost of uncontrolled migration are borne overwhelming by citizens that are often ignored by media and government. >> the global fund to end modern slavery and the woman entrepreneur finance to empower women all across the globe. we also thank -- [applause] >> thank you. we also thank the secretary general for recognizing that the united nations must reform if it is to be an effective partner in confronting threats to sovereignty, security, and prosperity. too often the focus of this organization has not been on results, but on bureaucracy and process. they have hijacked the very systems that are supposed to advance them. for example, it is a massive source of embarrassment to the united nations that some governments with egregious human rights records sit on the u.n. human rights council. the united states is one out of 193 countries in the united nations. and yet we pay 22% of the entire budget and more. in fact, we pay far more than anybody realizes. the united states bares an unfair cost burden. but to be fair, if it could actually accomplish all of its stated goals, especially the goal of peace, this investment would easily be well worth it. major portions of the world are in conflict and some, in fact, are going to hell. but the powerful people in this room under the guidance and hospices of the united nations can solve many of these vicious and complex problems. the american people hope that one day soon the united nations can be a much more accountable and effective advocate for human dignity and freedom around the world. in the meantime, we believe that no nation should have to bare a disproportionate share of the burden, militarily or financially. nations of the world must take a greater role in promoting secure and prosperous societies in their own regions. that is why in the western hemis fare the united states has stood against in the corrupt destablizing regime and allow the people to live in freedom. my administration recently announced that we will not lift sanctions on the cuban government until it makes fundamental reforms. we have also imposed tough sanctions on the socialist regime in venezuela that brought a once thriving nation to the brink of total collapse. the socialist dictator ship of nicholas medura has inflicted terrible pain and suffering on the good people of that country. this corrupt regime destroyed a prosperous nation by imposing a failed ideology that has produced poverty and misery everywhere it has been tried. to make matters worse, he has defied his own people, stealing power from their elected representatives to preserve his disastrous rule. the venezuelan people are starving. and their country is collapsing. their democratic institutions are being destroyed. this situation is completely unacceptable and we cannot stand by and watch. as a responsible neighbor and friend, we and all others have a goal. that goal is to help them regain their freedom, recover their country, and restore their democracy. i would like to thank leaders in this room for condemning the regime and providing vital support to the venezuelan people. the united states has taken important steps to hold the regime accountable. we are prepared to take further action if the government of venezuela persists on its rule on the venezuelan people. we are fortunate to have incredibly strong and healthy trade relationships with many of the latin american countries gathered here today. our economic bond forms a critical foundation for advancing peace and prosperity for all of our people and all of our neighbors. i ask every country represented here today to be prepared to do more to address this very real crisis. call for the full restoration of democracy and freedom in venezuela. [applause] the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented. from the soviet union to cuba toughens what la, wherever true socialism or communism has been ament dad it has faced failure. those who preach the tenants of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the people who live under these cruel systems. america stands with every person living under a brutal regime. our respect for sovereignty is also a call for action. all people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their interests, and their well- being, including their prosperity. in america, we seek stronger ties of business and trade with all nations of good will. but this trade must be fair and it must be reciprocal. for too long the american people were together that mammoth multi national trade deals unaccountable and powerful global bureaucracies were the best way to promote their success. but as those promises flowed, millions of jobs vanished and thousands of factories disappeared. others gamed the system and broke the rules. and our great middle class once the bedrock of american prosperity was forgotten and left behind. but they are forgotten no more. and they will never be forgotten again. while america will pursue cooperation and commerce with other nations, we are renewing our commitment to the first duty of every government, the duty of our citizens. this bond is the source of america's strength. and that of every responsible nation represented here today. if this organization is to have any hope of successfully confronting the challenges before us, it will depend as president truman said some 70 years ago on the independent strength of its members. if we are to embrace the opportunities of the future and overcome the present dangers together, there can be no substitute for strong sovereign and independent nations. nations that are rooted in the histories and invested in their destinies. nations that seek allies to befriend, not enemies to conquer. and most important of all, nations that are home to patriots, to men and women who are willing to sacrifice for their countries, their fellow citizens, and for all that is best in the human spirit. in remembering the great victory that led to this body's founding, we must never forget that those heroes who fought against evil also fought for the nations that they loved. patriotism led the polls to die to save poland. the french to fight for a free france. and the brits to stand strong for britain. today, if we do not invest ourselves, our hearts and our minds in our nations, if we will not build strong families, safe communities, and healthy societies for ourselves no one can do it for us. we cannot wait for someone else. for far away countries or far off bureaucracies. we can't do it. we must solve our problems to build our prosperities, to secure our future, or we will build develop newerrible to decay domination and defeat. the true question for the united nations today, for people all over the world who hope for better lives for themselves and their children is a basic one: are we still patriots? do we love our nations enough to protect their sovereignty and to ownership of their futures? do we revere them enough to defend their interests, preserve their cultures, and ensure a peaceful world for their citizens? one of the greatest american patriots, john adams, wrote that the american revolution was effected before the war commenced. the revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. that was the moment when america awoke. when we looked around and understood that we were a nation. we realized who we were, what we valued, and what we would give our lives to defend. from its very first moments, the american story is the story of what is possible when people take ownership of their future. the united states of america has been among the greatest forces for good in the history of the world. and the greatest defenders of sovereignty, security and prosperity for all. now we are calling for a great reawakening of nations. for the revival of their spirits, their pride, their people, and their patriotism. history is asking us whether we are up to the task. our answer will be a renewal of will, a rediscovery of resolve, and a rebirth of devotion. we need to defeat the enemies of humanity and unlock the potential of life itself. our hope is a word and world of proud, independent nations that embrace their duties, seek friendship, respect others, and make common cause in the greatest shared interest of all. a future of dignity and peace for the people of this wonderful earth. this is the true vision of the united nations. the ancient wish of every people, and the deepest yearing that lives inside every sacred soul. so let this be our mission and let this be our message to the world. we will fight together sacrifice together, and stand together for peace, for freedom, for justice, for family, for humanity, and for the all-mighty god who made us all. thank you. god bless you. god bless the nations of the world. and god bless the united states of america. thank you very much. >> president trump just wrapping up his first address to the united nations general assembly. first lady melania trump and other delegate. it ran ahead of schedule. we expected him to start at 7:30. he described again and again the need for as he put it the righteous many to combat the evil few, speaking out directly against the man who he called the rocket man, kim jong-un saying he was on a suicide mission with his provokation of the united states. saying that the united states is doing its part and will do more of it. the president called on leaders of all countries to join the fight, to do more on their part. >> it was a long and interesting speech. we brought it to you live on mornings on 2. and we will be talking about it throughout the day. we're glad you're with us. the time is 7:46. we're also checking your weather. steve paulson has your forecast for the day. >> i do indeed. a little rain up north. maybe a sign of things to come over the next few days. not much. but a little bit. we have a mix of higher clouds and sun here. steven dunlap is up in fort bragg. .04 in the rain gauge. needs a little cleaning. that's your department, steve. at least mother nature provided some rain. i was in crescent city on sunday and it was raining good at night and into monday. they're having more this morning. there it is. not a lot but some up in humboldt county. some of that made it into fort bragg. you see parts of mendocino county. get out of the way. not a lot but a couple of cells coming by. that's where the focus is for now. we will drop that southward into northern napa county or lake county but not until early, early thursday. it will be cool and windy around here on thursday. 50s on most of the temps. also some 40s. certainly to the north there's a lot more 40s that we can find there. calistoga, occidental. the breeze is there. but it is out of the north, out of the west, out of the east, out of the northeast, out of the south. all over the place. mostly sunny. a few clouds. we will see a stronger system coming in in the next 24 hours. all right, sal, what do you have. >> we do have traffic on the peninsula that is busier because of an earlier accident. if you drive let's say from the sunnyvale area through mountain view getting up north, you will see slow traffic. southbound traffic may also be affected. traffic on 880 south and 680 south is slow. because early issues. a big commute. 85, 101 and 280 are all filled in. a lot of slow traffic. even 880 is slow as you pass the airport. remember we had the earlier accident on cochran road number 101, morgan hill area. that is gone but traffic is still slow. 280 downtown is moderately heavy. and if you're driving to the bay bridge toll plaza, you will see a backup of about 25 minutes. it is 7:48. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. there is a new study showing major generational differences. coming up in the 8:00 hour, how today's teenagers may actually be more mature than earlier generations and why parents shouldn't worry about it at all. plus, several bills waiting for the governor's signature. coming up next, what could end up on the ballot. and for the first time in almost 40 years, one of the bay area's highest peaks is now open to you. what you will see when you reach the top. do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours. >> the time is 7:52. surveillance footage shows a deadly bus crash as it happened in new york city. three people were killed, 17 others were injured when a tour bus collided with a city bus. the three people who died were a pedestrian, the tour bus driver, and a passenger on the city bus. the tour bus company has been cited in the past for safety violations. it was also involved in a deadly collision last year. authorities say excessive speed was a factor in the crash. they add they're still investigating. here at home for the first time in nearly ten years, enrollment is up at city college san francisco. the school just started the free semester of offering free tuition to san francisco residents and it has seen an 11% increase in students this year. csf has 1,000 new students from san francisco. it is the first community college in the country to offer free tuition. a salmonella outbreak has led to two deaths here in california and new york. and hundreds more became ill. all linked to papayas from mexico. 235 people in 26 states have become ill. about a third of them are still in the hospital. health officials say there are four separate outbreaks involving four farms in mexico. as a precaution, the dcd is warning restaurants and people don't serve or eat the papayas from mexico. a measure to raise $4 million for california parks and water projects are waited for the governor's signature. they approved the bond measure that wrapped up on friday. it would provide $2.8 billion for parks. the rest would go to water improvements. it also includes funds to restore los gatos creek and the river in san jose as well as sonoma county's russian river. if the governor signs the measure, it would be placed on the june 5th ballot. legislation that would make california a sanctuary state, restricting state and local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities. and a measure that would add a third gender option on state driver's licenses and ids called nonbinary. it would make it easier to change your name and gender identity on other documents such as birth certificates. people in oakland are speaking out both for and against the plans to build the new a's stadium near laney college. the ought bon society doesn't like the stadium plan. they say it will cause traffic jams and hurt lake merritt. later today, a coalition of groups including laney college students will hold a news conference. they will criticize the stadium plan. in the meantime a group of oakland business leaders are supporting the plan. they want to build the stadium west of lake merritt between interstate 880 and 8th streets. >> we cannot afford to have other sports teams leave the city of oakland. having a sports team in your city puts your city on the map. it is also a tremendous revenue source. >> the proposed site is on land that is owned by the college district whose chancellor says he wants to make clear so far there is no deal with the a's. one of the highest peaks in the bay area is now open to the public. it has sweeping views of silicon valley and a number of great spots to hike, bike or just relax. the mid peninsula bought the air force station at the peak from the u.s. government 30 years ago. the platform was once used by the air force station and played a significant role during the cold war for the bay area's air defense network. the park is open daily and free to visitors. they are hoping the newest creation will turn into the fashion trend of the fall. take a look. introducing double jeans. >> what. >> part fits around the waist like traditional jeans. the double jean fits just before your knees. the cost for the double jeans, $695 a pair. >> you know, they look -- would you? >> no. >> could you? >> nope. >> i can see you with the one in the middle. i could see it. >> never. >> the time is 7:56. still ahead, the caribbean being hit by yet another category 5 storm. look at these pictures. coming up at 8:00, how the already battered islands are dealing with it this morning as hurricane maria makes landfall and we will tell you where hurricane jose is churning up the waves. also president trump uses his first address before the united nations to rally support against global threats. a breakdown of his address is up next. at stanford health care, we can now repair complex aortic aneurysms without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. >> president trump threatened to destroy north korea if the u.s. is forced to defend itself. more on his first address to the u.n. general assembly. an unexpected interruption. why dreamers protested nancy pelosi at home in san francisco and how she handled this angry crowd. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning, everyone. welcome back to mornings on 2. it is tuesday, september 19th. i'm mike mibach. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. weather and traffic up first as always. a lot cooler out there if you haven't been outside. steve. >> it will be even cooler thursday. just heads up there. good to see you, mike. >> good to see you, steve. >> yesterday weak system came by. that turned the winds southerly to northerly. highs in the 60s to 70s to near 80. it will be cool and windy around here. thursday morning, coolest we have felt in a long time as the system drops in. sun and clouds today. a little breeze there. it is all over the place. but 60s, 70s and 80s. a little bit of light rain continuing up north as well. certainly on the north coast. a little bit of that has made it into mendocino county. not a lot but a little bit. better opportunity late wednesday and into thursday. end result will not be much rain but maybe late wednesday and thursday. cooler and breezier is on the way. last week of the summer. for some it is very cool. for others, not too bad. but we're seeing it all over the place here. a 10-degree spread between some. high clouds will continue to drift in. look for the breeze to pick up as the system works its way in from the pacific northwest. 60s, 70s and a few 80s. 8:01. anything new or just the usual. >> the usual is just a dose of slow traffic everywhere, steve, as you know. in this fall traffic season, we will see slow traffic. we're going to start with the bayshore freeway and talk about 101. we had a problem in redwood city near woodside road. traffic is backed out of san mateo down towards palo alto. northbound is also slow from palo alto. and a lot of people on the dumbarton bridge getting across are slowing traffic into menlo park. the whole area is congested. 680 again slow traffic leading down to the scene of an earlier accident. 880 is jammed solid down to stevenson from about 238. we look at the south bay commute, all of the rain -- main routes are closed. we had an accident on one of the side roads on monterey county. still clearing an accident there. avoid the area if you can. this is 280 northbound in san jose. it looks okay. the bay bridge, moderate. no problems on the bridge but at least a 25-minute delay waiting to get on to the span. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. president trump wrapped up a 40-minute address to the united nations general assembly. >> we brought it to you live. >> the united states is one out of 193 countries in the united nations. yet, we pay 22% of the entire budget and more. in fact, we pay far more than anybody realizes. the ups bares an unfair cost burden. but to be fair, if it could actually accomplish all of its stated goals, especially the goal of peace, this investment would easily be well worth it. >> president trump also called on the u.n. to do even more to stop north korea's nuclear program, saying it threatens the entire world. >> the united states has great strength and patience. but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. >> president trump also criticized the iranian government, calling it an economically depleted rogue state whose chief export is violence. more on the address throughout the morning as well as on the 9. here at home, the uc berkeley organization free speech week said on campus events will be held even though they haven't rented any spaces for them. the group berkeley patriots will hold the events outside if it has to. it has promised to have steve bannon, former breibart editor, milo yiannopoulos and conservative commentator ann coulter speak next westbound. it will be more difficult to provide security for outdoor events. university leaders say the group missed a number of deadlines to obtain the indoor facilities it wanted. but they say the school is trying to force them to cancel the event. the top democratic in the house of representatives could not get her message across when protesters shouted her down. >> we are immigrant youth. >> house minority leader was trying to show her support for the dream act. it would grant access to undocumented immigrants brought to the country by children. but she was cut off. they say instead of bargaining with the president, democrats should be fighting his demands for stricter border controls. >> he has made his agenda clear. our biggest fear is that we will be used as a bargaining chip to advance trump's anti- immigrant agenda. >> they are going to a bank that has no money in it. the democrats do not have the political power or capital to carry out the political agenda that would be necessary to meet their demands. >> professor taylor goes on to say the democrats dream bill would have a better chance of becoming law if republicans did not control both houses of congress as well as the white house. elected leaders will join activists and medical professionals to stand in solidarity with immigrants as part of national welcoming week. the event at the medical center will emphasize the commitment of providing health care and other services to immigrant communities. national welcoming week is observed across the country with the goal of honoring america's immigrants. tenses remain high on the korean peninsula, especially after the latest joint military exercises by south korea and the united states. today's exercise simulated the allied forces recapturing a village in enemy's hands. the u.s. and south korea worked on together since north korea started missile testing. the commander says the idea is to prepare troops to be able to fight tonight when needed. north korea has demanded a stop to all joint military exercises saying they're provocative. we are following developing news out of the caribbean where hurricane maria is now a category 5 storm. the storm hit the small island of dominica overnight, causing severe flooding and damage to homes on the island. maria has wind speeds clocking up to 160 miles per hour as it heads towards puerto rico. the governor declared a state of emergency and the hurricane is expected to make landfall tomorrow for many of the islands in the area this is the second category 5 hurricane this month, after hurricane irma. >> the bahamas is in the process of recovering from three devastating storms. it is now preparing for another. we are in the projected path of hurricane maria. >> hurricane jose is moving north up to they england. it is not expected to make landfall. but the new york city area could see coastal flooding and wind and rain into wednesday. we have new video of hurricane maria's impact on the island. you can see the acutrim wind and sideways rain coming down hard. it is not safe enough for the damage to be assessed there. local officials have warned residents that some communities could be submerged. economists are warning about the financial impact from the hurricanes. it is expected to reach $200 billion or more. states such as florida or south carolina that suffered heavy damage from irma had decided to cover expenses after the fact rather than set aside money for a disaster fund. experts say this pay as you go approach leaves states vulnerable. california does have a dedicated disaster fund for fighting wildfires. however, california has already used more than half of the $427 million saved for this year. people in san francisco will have the chance tonight to discuss whether police officers in the city should be allowed to carry stun guns. the chief is pushing for tasers. he says police departments in other major cities allow stun guns and that they represent a less lethal option in deescalating a situation. opponents say officers need better training, not another weapon. the meeting is at city college of san francisco starting at 6:00 tonight. running away from outrageous rates. how many people in california and the bay area say they're ready to move because of sky rocketing rental and home prices. plus, traffic congestion in the bay area up 80% in less than a decade. up next, the routes that you might want to try and avoid. right now the golden gate bridge looks pretty good compared to that last traffic shot we just saw. this commute is easy on the way down to the marina district. well, mostly sunny. some higher clouds. but change is on the way. the last week of summer will feel very fall like in the next couple of days. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> if you use fedex to ship packages, you can plan to spend a little more for the service. starting january 1st, fedex says rates will go up nearly 5% for u.s., domestic or overseas services. ground will also increase that much. it will charge additional fees for shipments of large package that's require additional handling by the company. fedex freight rates will also change. but the company has not announced how much that price increase will be. one of the top complaints about living in the bay area is the terrible traffic. an annual review shows it has gotten worse in the last year. >> traffic congestion is twice as bad now as it was 7 years ago. allie rasmus hit the road this morning to get a firsthand look at one of the worst commutes right here in the bay area. >> reporter: right now we are on westbound 80 headed towards san francisco. and this is one of the worst commutes, top five worst commutes in the bay area for the morning and afternoon drives. westbound 80 between hercules and san francisco. we will give you the view from our go pro camera we have mounted on the dashboard. the driver chip has his hands on the wheel. no distracted driving going on right now. if you drive in the bay area, you know that congestion is up 80% since 2010. people spending more time going through traffic at 35 miles per hour or slower speeds than ever before. according to the mtc, this is the fourth year in a row that traffic congestion has reached record levels. >> it has been worse in the last couple of months. this morning i got up at 5:00 this morning trying to beat, to get ahead of it. and it is still bad. >> it is really bad. i mean, in the morning, my commute usually takes about 35 to 40 minutes. in the evening, close to like 50 minutes. yeah. >> it's not that long distance. >> no. it is like 7 miles. >> reporter: here is a look at the top five worst commutes in the bay area. for the second year in a row, highway 101 in san francisco between the 280 interchange and treasure island is the worst commute during the afternoon hours. the second worst is the one we're on that i told you about, westbound 80 from hercules to san francisco. that is bad during the morning and evening hours. third, 101 from mountain view to san jose. fourth, northbound 680 from mission believe during the evening commute. finally 880 can't forget that one, northbound from fremont to hayward. now, what is driving all of the bad traffic? according to the study, it is the bay area's booming economy. representatives from the group says nothing alleviates anything quite like a recession. that is not something that people would ask for right now. the other factor playing into this is housing prices in the bay area. a lot of people say they tolerate their long commutes and really have no choice but to endure the long commutes because they have to live farther out in the outlying areas of the bay area. they can't afford to live in oakland and san francisco where most of the jobs are. the study confirms what most of us already realized, traffic congestion is up in the bay area. on the road on westbound 80, allie rasmus, ktvu fox 2 news. at 8:15, let's see how 80 and other roadways are doing this morning. sal. >> it is take going that stretch that alley was just driving is taking 40 minutes to drive between the carquinez bridge and the macarthur maze. for this time of the morning, that is quite normal, quite average. sometimes when there are crashes, it takes an hour and a half. so today is not too bad. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza where a lot of people end up. you will see that it is backed up to the macarthur maze. the metering lights are on at the bay bridge. and driving up to downtown oakland, 580. contra costa county had another slow morning on highway 4. not as bad as yesterday, but it is still pretty slow. 680 is backed up from 242. we had an accident. and then more slow traffic driving down to danville. northbound and southbound 680 are very slow. san ramon traffic is okay. but 680 slows again in pleasanton. on the other side of the bay, 101 is slow. i would suggest 280 as an alternate. the south bay is jam packed. all of the freeways. i wouldn't recommend one over the other right now getting into the east valley. let's bring in steve with today's forecast. >> thank you, sal. >> you're we will cop, steve. >> good to see you, my friend. a little change started yesterday. weak front came through. it is nice to see different clouds than low clouds. we had the high and mid level clouds. it will be on the move, on the increase here. 60s and 70s to near 80. we're getting to that time of the year where the usual suspects are not the warmest. that would be lake county and eastern contra costa. there are others getting warmer and even rain in the forecast. how about that? especially up in northwest coast, crescent city, eureka. a little bit made it to the medicine -- mendocino coast. the southern extent of it will probably be about santa rosa, calistoga, early, early thursday. the main message out of this is a much cooler pattern as we head -- we are in the last week of summer. fall begins on friday. it will sure feel like it on thursday. that's for surement higher clouds. could be snow up in the sierra on thursday as well. snow level around 6,000 feet. keep that in mind if you're traveling up there. 50sand 60s. we had plenty of 40s to the north. didn't translate to the south. woodside, 54. but moss beach is 60 degrees. same for san mateo. redwood city at 61. on the mild side for some but cool for others. northeast, northwest, north at 20. that is holding up some of the coastal temps. it will also give us upwelling. i think the water temps are going down. look for higher clouds to drift in. the next system will start digging and that will be a little bit farther to the west. again, it doesn't have a lot of moisture. it has an over land trajectory. temperatures will be dropping off over the next two days. again, not much in the way of any rain. but we will take it here. sun, clouds, breezy. then clouds and breezy. maybe late wednesday, early thursday, rain to the north. fall begins at 1:01 p.m. on friday. and then first weekend of falwell warm it up. that's the way it works. >> of course. >> exactly. >> we will get back into the 90s probably. >> thank you, steve. >> sometimes teenagers want to be thought of as adults. but a new study shows that most want to stay young. they looked at data for 8 million teens from 13 to 19 from the '70s to today. they looked at dating, working, and even sex. teens today are less likely to engage in adult behavior and growing up at a slower pace. one possible reason, the time that teens spend online. it isn't bad or good but it is adapting to the current culture. if you were hoping for a decent raise in the next year, you should lower your expectation. we don't have much to look forward to. and the exceptions to the somewhat bleak forecast. it looks like baghdad. it looks bad. it looks like a sea of urban blight. why a shopping development was shut down months ago and what the city is now saying about it. >> happening today, a funeral and procession will be held for san francisco fire battalion chief terry who died on the job earlier this movement he died on september 10th when firefighters discovered him unresponsive after he returned from an early morning call. officials say it appears he died of natural causes. in order for all san francisco firefighters to be able to attend the service, other local departments are coming to help respond to any calls. >> we're at a point where members are grieving. in order to allow them to go through the entire grieving process, we have offered them all the opportunity to attend the funeral. in order to do that, we had to ask our neighboring agencies to assist us with what is called the mutual aid agreement. >> family members and friends are gathering at the catholic church in san francisco at 10:00 this morning. some people who live in the twin peaks neighborhood would like to see gates installed to block access to the popular lookout at night. tourists come to the lookout for the spectacular views. but increasingly, criminals are looking out for the tourists. people have been robbed. back in july, a 71-year-old photographer was shot and killed. >> i think a gate there would be good. as i said, nothing really good happens at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning in a public park. >> police have increased their patrols in the area. and neighbors say that has made a difference. a new report suggests millions of californians could foot the bill for the delta tunnels project. the associated press reports that they have not not do mitted to funding for the project. it would funnel water from the delta down to southern california. water districted that participate in the project would have to contribute. but that is no longer the case and that water districts that don't benefit from the it up he wills could be forced to pass on the cost to customers. plans to build a new shopping center in oakland have stalled because of an asbestos issue and now neighbors are left with an eyesore. phase two was to build new retail at the corner of broadway and pleasant valley avenue. now there is just a half demolished three-story building. phase one that included the safeway and restaurants was completed last year. plans to tear down and rebuild stopped when they discovered asbestos during demolition. >> they go halfway and leave it as basically a half demolished shell. it looked like a war zone. >> we're getting a lot of complaints from the community. this is an important project. the community and city was excited. to have it stalled like this is something that we're trying to address as soon as possible. >> they say the bank building contains asbestos in the roof deck and no airborne hazards exist. they are working with the bay area air quality management district to assure that it will be addressed in the proper manner. trc said it is rethinking the project because of future retail is changing. however officials say there is still a demand for retail in the city. almost half of all california residents have considered moving because the housing crisis is so bad in our state. 56% of people polled say they have thought about moving. one in four said they would relocate out of state. here in the bay area, 63% of voters said they support stronger limits on rent increases. this poll comes as the state legislator sent a package of bills to the governor shoring up funding for affordable housing and spurring construction. a community warning about a man harassing children. what he is accused of doing and why he is out of jail this morning. president trump uses his first address before the united nations to rally support against threats. i will have more on that story coming up. right now we're looking at the bridges. and so far they're all crowded. no major issues in the way of traffic obstruction on the bay bridge getting into san francisco. well, higher clouds but mostly sunny. changes are on the way over the next couple of days. a hint of fall is definitely on the way. people love my breakfast burritos. and my french fries. wait! what if i put them together?! a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. i'll call it the california breakfast burrito! boom. someone got that, right? scrambled eggs. guacamole. bacon. french fries. you'll call it the california breakfast burrito. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing my new california breakfast burrito. only at jack in the box. >> welcome back to mornings on 2. it is 8:29 i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm mike mibach. good morning. let's check in with steve and the latest on the hurricane. the newest hurricane. >> category 5. went down to a 4 and now back up to a 5 heading towards puerto rico. >> it will occur -- it is supposed to go north and not impact the u.s. still maria, 160 miles per hour winds over dominica. lost some of the punch over the mountains. now it is back over open water and back to a category 5. heading right towards puerto rico. then it should drift north. we hope. for us here, we are looking at mostly sunny skies. temperatures will be in the 60, 70s to near 80d -- 80 degrees. fort bragg, ukiah and some on other parts of the coast seeing rain. best bet is late wednesday and into thursday. today, mostly sunny. 40s, 50ss, 60s on the temps. bolder creek at 52. already low 60s san jose state meteorology department and campbell. higher clouds drifting in. a stronger system will dig itself off of the coast and work its way in tomorrow night and thursday. 60s, 70s and near 80 for some. sal, good, bad? >> i have a nice picture i'm cueing up for you. let me drag it over to the timeline and give you a little inside baseball. steve, if you're driving on the golden gate bridge any time soon. >> am i? >> are you? >> no. >> okay. i'll show it to you. it is a beautiful picture. it shows some traffic. but you were just talking about the weather. and this is a perfect shot to follow your report. just as steve said, not a lot of cloud -- no clouds at all. the traffic from the robin williams tunnel down to the marina district looks good. but i can't pass that shot up if you're not watching your tv, look at it quickly before it goes away. okay. that's enough time. let's go to the east shore freeway westbound as you drive from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. 42-minute drive. it is going to be slowest in richmond. 42 minutes is not really, really slow. we have seen slower. but it is not an easy commute. when you get to the bay bridge, it is another 15 to 20 before you make it on to the span. 880 is slowing near san leandro and into downtown. highway 4 is very slow coming out of antioch to concord. and southbound 680 slows at willow pass road all the way down and stays slow into danville, by the way. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. president trump delivered his first address to the u.n. general assembly this morning. at one point actually threatening the total destruction of north korea if it does not abandon its drive toward nuclear weapons. >> he used his u.n. debut to focus on how the world body should unite to confront other threats around the world. doug is in washington with more. >> we meet at a time of both immense promise and great peril. >> reporter: in his firstsed address -- first address to the united nations. >> rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. the united states is ready, willing and able, but hopefully this will not be necessary. >> reporter: the president previously critical of the u.n. for its bloated bureaucracy hoping to strike a tone. >> major portions of the world are in conflict and some in fact are going to hell. but the powerful people in this room under the guidance and hospices of the united nations can solve many of these vicious ask complex problems. >> reporter: the president attempted to explain his america first foreign policy and how it fits with the demands of leadership around the globe. >> our success depends on a coalition of strong and independent nations that embrace their sovereignty to promote security, prosperity and peace for themselves and for the world. >> reporter: also in attendance at the u.n. general assembly is the first daughter and senior adviser to the president, ivanka trump who is attending meetings of her own. in washington, doug mcelway, fox news. parents are being warned to be on the lookout for a man who is trying to feed an unknown liquid to children. christien kafton has more on the story. >> reporter: the man berkeley police are warning about was last spotted here in this area of martin luther king park. we are close to berkeley high school and berkeley community college. police are warning parents to be on the lookout for william turner. officers arrested turner in june near the park after people called in to say that a man was harassing children. police say turner was trying to get children as young as 12 months to drink an unidentified liquid. officers say they were concerned after talking with him about his fixation on children. he was arrested and placed on a psychiatric hold. he pled guilty to a lesser o he fence and ordered to stay away from all parks and schools in alameda county. >> he has a tendency to show up in parks and around the schools. for that, for the school kids headed off, probably important to sit down with mom and dad and talk about how to stay safe while walking to school or at the park. and for the -- for the parents or guardians taking their kids to the park, keep an eye on them. if you see this guy, give the berkeley police a call. >> reporter: at the beginning of september, he was again spotted near berkeley high school. now that he is back on the streets, police are sharing information about him so families can be vigilant. police want your help to identify a woman suspected of trying to rob a bart passenger by giving her a threatening note. this is surveillance footage of the suspect, 32-year-old julie dragland says this woman dropped a note in her lap while on a bart train saturday afternoon. it said two guns were pointed at her and she should hand her phone and wallet over the back of the seat. bart police say the video supports the victim's story. >> all of our train cars are equipped with recording equipment. we took that surveillance video from the train car and since we know the time frame, we're able to find out what occurred. and the video corroborates what the victim reported. >> there was no indication the suspect had a gun. if you recognize her, bart police say give them a call. we went juan on one with bart's new police chief to fight the violence on trains and stations. he has been on the job for more than 100 days and he has a new safety plan that includes filling empty positions and filling high crime areas with officers. >> there is not one measurement that will say we are being successful because of a. you have to look at it from a holistic approach. >> we will talk about how long some of the changes could take. our question of the day is how safe do you feel on bart? we will take a look at the results. and we find that 6% of you say very. half of you, 50% say somewhat. 44% say you don't feel safe at all. >> we will keep the question of the day up throughout the morning. let us know by voting on twitter and you can comment on facebook. an update on a report that we had yesterday about a hit and run that injured two san leandro police officers. authorities have arrested the suspect, terry gordon. he was initially wanted for shoplifting. list say they were trying to arrest him when he jumped into his car and drove off, hitting officers. detectives later spotted him and again he tried to escape. but this time he crashed his car. the two officers have been taken to the hospital. both are expected to survive. urvive. >> you never want to get that phone call in the middle of the night that, you know, two of your officers are injured. and they were going out there and serving our community, you know, trying to protect the community. and when something like this happens, not only does it hit your heart strings personally, but i think it impacts the whole community. >> police say they have received a lot of support from the community and that people are stopping by the san leandro police department leaving notes and flowers. an investigation is underway into the theft of a department issued gun belonging to a san francisco sheriff's deputy. it was stolen sunday while the deputy was off duty. the sheriff says the gun was taken from the trunk of a rental car parked in san francisco. the sheriff says it appears that the gun was not properly stored in a lockbox as required. the deputy's gun has not yet been recovered. this follows other cases of stolen law enforcement officer's guns being used in deadly shooting. in august, a 23-year-old man was killed in san francisco by a gun stolen from a san francisco police officer's personal car. back in 2015, the gun that killed kate steinly on the pier was stolen from a police officer. a police officer shot and killed jacob dominguez during a traffic stop. he and two accomplices had committed crimes in the previous days, including a drive-by shooting and armed robbery. the shooting have never happened. but san hoe's police chief says that he had a criminal history and bragged about shooting it out with police if he was in danger of being caught. >> i mean, at some point we need to make sure this crime spree ended. >> it looks like the police are trying to justify the murder. he didn't have a gun. >> the two accomplices were arrested a few days before dominguez were killed. they are being held in the armed robbie of a gas station. happening now, bay area travelers will have more options and destinations to choose from. sam liccardo and the international airport and frontier airlines are announcing frontier will have more nonstop service to businesses in silicon valley. they have announced nonstop flights between san jose and denver starting in november. a nonstop to vegas in november. and austin and san antonio coming next spring. >> it looks like is a battle between the airlines. trying to compete. >> you know nonstop can make a difference. >> yes. >> as long as it is cheap. >> exactly. >> up next, what sneaker brand just topped the always popular jordans for the first time. also, steals and deals on jetblue. up next, the amazing airfare that you can get and how soon you need to jump on booking the flights. and you need to jump on the road if 880 is your commute. 880 northbound is beginning to slow down out of san leandro on the way up to downtown oakland. mostly sunny by change started yesterday. a breeze will pick up. and then big-time changes, very fall-like pattern looks to be on the way wednesday and thursday. >> well, today wall street keeping an eye on the u.n. general assembly in new york and the federal reserve. >> if you can't beat them, join them. one retailer working with amazon. pam cook is back in the studio this morning to explain in money business. >> kohl's will begin accepting amazon returns at its stores. it will pack and ship many items back to an amazon fulfillment center for free. kohl's will also start selling amazon devices including the echo and fire tablet at ten of the stores. so the hope obviously more traffic in their stores. when the opening bell rang this morning, investors reacting to earnings reports this morning. auto zone posted better than expected results. the bay area's adobe systems, fedex and bed bath and beyond are ai few of the report after the closing bell today. speaking of the bell and the numbers, checking in on the latest on the markets, the dow jones up about 31 points. 22363. everything on the upside is a new record there. the nasdaq and the s&p 500 across the board posting gains again today. equifax was apparently breached by hackers much earlier than it said. bloomberg is reporting there was a major breach back in march at the monitoring company. it only reported the one that happened in july where information on 143 million people was compromised. the revelation of the march breach complicates the efforts to explain a series of unusual stock sale as well by equifax executives. if it is shown that the executives did so with the knowledge that either or both breaches could damage the company, they could face charges of insider trading. well, unless you are one of the highest performers at the office, don't expect to get a big pay raise next year. according to the report, businesses are planning to keep budgets for raises relatively flat in 2018 while continuing to devote more payroll dollars to performance based pay. they surveyed more than 1,000 organizations. for the first time since the recession, companies are signaling doubt or uncertainty about what they think their performance will look like in the coming year. base bay is expected to rise just 3% in 2018. spending on incentives or bonuses will be 12% of payroll. that is down to 2013 levels. if you're shopping for low airfares, you have a few hours left to get discounted tickets with jetblue. as low as $39. the two-day sale started yesterday and ends at midnight tonight. jetblue says your travel dates have to be between september 26th and december 14th of this year. and a shake-up in the sneaker world. adidas is now the number two top selling brand in u.s. sport footwear. powell tweeted that adidas had overtaken jordan as the number two shoe brand. this is an achievement i never thought i would see in my lifetime. last month their total sales grew by more than half. nike still holds the top spot for the best selling views but analysts are talking about adidas. the basketball shoe is up 40%. nike jordan and under armour basketball were all down for the month. i have to say, the kids all have the super stars and the gisele. the adidas are all over campus. teenagers. interesting. >> thank you, pam. appreciate it. let's check in with sal and a look at the commute. hey, sal. >> hey, mike. >> have you ever worn adidas. >> yes. >> just checking. >> cal won yesterday. the bears are now 3-0. congratulations. >> thank you, mike. thank you, mike. we will all be together on the 9. i think gasia has something to say. you better tune in. let's go out to the east shore freeway eastbound out to the macarthur mazement you can see the traffic is going to be busy. 40 minutes though. i would say that's a win considering what we have had the last two weeks. 40 minutes. yeah, it is slow. but no major problems. it hasn't been inordinately slow getting out to the macarthur maze. you can see traffic will be busy. this morning's commute is going to be okay if you're driving on interstate 880. until you reach about hagenberger. contra costa county is not improving as much as i would like to see it. highway 4 is slow. 680 is slow from willow pass road all the way to danville. 8:49. let's go to steve. >> sal, i watched that cal game. the first quarter you're thinking owe no. and then the defense came alive. >> i know. the coach dave wilcox, thumbs up. >> they play some small school in southern california this weekend. >> i know. >> i know you know. just a little bit of patchy fog here. parts of the san mateo coast and maybe a little bit south. there's a huge fog bank in southern california. i mean, it made a massive push inland. even over parts of the grapevine there are low clouds. be careful if you're heading that way. for us, just a little bit. fog fest is coming up over the 65,000 festival goers. want to know what the weather will be like this weekend for fog fest in pacifica. it looks sunny and in the 70s. you should have had it in july. it looks sunny. no fog for this weekend. high clouds and mostly sunny today. 60s, 70s, and a few 80s. we're getting to that time of the year where areas in lake county and eastern contra costa are not as hot as others. things are changing. there has already been rain on the north coast. not a lot but some. some made it into mendocino county. maybe wednesday night and thursday you have a good opportunity. system now a lot of this came in, took aim towards the pacific northwest, oregon and yellow stone where they had snow. the next piece of energy will dig a little more towards us though. i think the end result will be windy and cooler more than any rain. i will mention santa rosa north for ear, earlier. 50s, 60s, a few 40s this morning. but we are running cooler. most locations are two to nine degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. we had a south wind yesterday in advance of that system. then it turned northwest. mostly sunny. i think we will start to see an increase in the clouds and the breeze pick up later this afternoon. 60, 70s to near 80 degrees. then get ready for a big change here. this is the last week of summer. fall begins on friday at 1:01. mike, i'll tell you, thursday will feel fall like and then sunny and warmer weather into the weekend. >> appreciate it, steve. a bizarre robbery on the peninsula. up next, the strange mask one man wore while holding up >> police in belmont are searching for a man who robbed a donut shop yesterday morning. he wore a star wars character mask. surveillance pictures show him pulling a gun at the cashier at chuck's donuts just before 5:00 yesterday morning. he is described as six feet tall, wearing a sweatshirt and jeans and black and white vans. anyone with information is asked to call police. valero energy is backing out of a deal to purchase the plains all american pipeline terminal. some felt it would cause gas prices to spike due to a lack of competition. california attorney general sued the company in july after it announced it was buying the last remaining independent oil distribution terminal in northern california. for the first time in nearly ten years, enrollment is up at city college of san francisco. the college has seen an 11% in increase of students this year. in august city college became the first community college in the country to offer free tuition. groups are coming out in favor and against the a's ballpark near laney college. the ought bon society opposes the plan because it will create more congestion in the area and possibly harm lake merritt. a coalition of groups will speak out against the proposal today. a group of oakland business leaders is throwing its support behind the proposal. the a's want to build the ballpark between interstate 880 and 8th street. the land is currently owned by the peralta community college district. the chancellor says no deal has been reached with the a's. appealing a controversial prison sentence. up next, how much time they are looking to add to olympic runner oscar pistorius' six- year sentence. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ surveillance footage shows a deadly bus crash in new york city. three people were killed and 17 others hurt when a tour bus collided with a city bus. the three people that died with the tour bus driver, a pedestrian, and a passenger. the tour bus company has been cited for safety violations in the past. it was involved in a deadly poison last year. excessive speed was a factor. prosecutors in south africa are seeking additional jail time for oscar pistorius the olympic runner who was convicted in the murder of his girlfriend. he is currently serving a six- year prison sentence. they call that too lenient. they want to add nine more years. he was convicted of murder after a successful appeal by prosecutors against an initial manslaughter verdict. he shot the girlfriend to a bathroom door. he claimed he thought she was an intruder. they said november 3 they will consider the request. employers can now pay to expedite the processing of an h1 visa. it was suspended when the president made laws more stringent. they can pay $1200 to expedite the process within 10 days. it allows companies to hire foreign workers. there are more than 63,000 workers in silicon valley alone. critics say facebook executives including mark zuckerberg should testify about potential russian meddling in the election. they have reportedly turned over russian linked ads that ran on facebook during the 2016 presidential election. some republican lawmakers in washington want to make -- get rid of a popular tax break. republicans are determined to overhaul the nation's tax code and deliver on a campaign promise from president trump. congressional leaders are considering doing away with mortgage interest deductions. about 20% of taxpayers deduct mortgage from their income taxes. past republicans promise -- house republicans promise more details next week. tonight at 9 by the president will address the general assembly. the new chief of police tells us how he keeps passengers safe and cut down on crime. and after school art program in oakland gets much- needed funding to keep running for the next year. tuesday morning, san francisco, let's say hello to ocean beach out there. it's a beautiful spot. today if you go to go out, remember, the rip currents are pretty bad. it's always fun to get out to the beach. my first lesson about never turning your

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