Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 4am 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 4am 20240708

consistently rainy. >> next day on into tomorrow morning. so rain jackets back out this morning for sure. you're look outside right now. as far as satellite and radar is concerned, we are seeing some widespread rainfall across parts of the state and look at that snow really coming down in the sierra. we're in for as far as snowfall goes all through the day today into early tomorrow morning. talk in the feet of snowfall piling up there in those upper elevations. well, here in the bay will be able to measure rain inches in some spots. we are seeing those pockets of heavier rainfall that i mentioned yesterday in a few areas. let's take a first look over here at northern napa county. look at this area of heavy rain that's working its way into the northern edge of napa valley at saint. helene are right there. calistoga little bit further southward. you can see just how heavy this rainfall is working its way. generally in a southeasterly direction. and as it does so will impact areas along 80 like vacaville and fairfield here in a matter of hours. so i'm going to be taking a look at the showers as they do move across the bay just make sure to note that we do have some heavier stuff mixed in with these lighter showers out there. one. 0, one from santa rosa petaluma nevado down through centerville mill valley. also wet from these light showers that are pushing overhead there. some heavier rainfall in the western edge of mount tam, as you can see. and then we're also seeing some light sprinkles here and there from concord walnut creek, oakland, you're actually under a pocket of heavy rainfall there. the very southeastern edge of the city right between oakland and san leandro do have a heavier area of rainfall there. san francisco, mostly on the light side right now. little bit of a break from the rain on much of the peninsula as well as the south bay, although the tri valley into the mountains, they're seeing some areas of moderate shower activity. more and more. this rainfall is about to shift on into the bay over the next few minutes. see maybe quiet areas like redwood city down to san jose. but the energy is pushing your direction. so just to get ready for it, just because you do see some quiet spots today doesn't mean that it's going to stay that way for long. as far as the sierra nevada goes, we're snow-packed as we speak up along highway 50 as well as i-80 both of these routes covered in snow in feet of snowfall, going to be piling up at the crest in see your passes. your mountain passes of the sierra. so today's not the day to be heading up there. i would wait until at little earliest tomorrow afternoon. even better saturday morning. as far as future cast goes on and off showers and you see these pockets of heavy rain that continue to push on into the bay area today. those pockets will really up our rainfall totals in localized areas. pretty quickly. and we do have the potential of an afternoon thunderstorm, maybe even a few rules of thunder before that, too. so be keeping you updated. keeping an eye on those pockets as they move through. we're going to get a midday break from the rain. but then it's going to resurge on into the evening tonight. temperatures today will 50's is our current range of numbers. it's actually a very mild start to this morning. so just focus on the rain jacket. alameda and oakland, 58 degrees. allay you're at 53 right now. later on today. daytime highs only in the 60's much as we've got used to on and off rainfall chance of thunderstorms keeping you updated on all of it. so stay with us right now. john, thank you for all that great information. all right. let's look at your bridges right now. i'm seeing any delays. >> along the bay bridge as you're heading into the city, it will be about 9 minutes for you to make it from the maze of premature exit san mateo bridge and across towards the peninsula. no accidents along one. 0, one about 13 minutes for your drive out of richmond heading across the war center fell. i don't see any hazards tear 9 minutes for you. traveling out of richmond and let's head over to the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls to be around. 22 minutes for your drive. well, the u.s. justice department is appealing a florida judge's ruling which ended the mask mandate on public transportation. the cdc put out a statement in support of the appeal. this comes as a new poll by political shows more than half of americans supported the mask mandate. 84% of the support came from democrats. well, 35% were from republicans. now we spoke with a legal expert to make sense of all the back and forth. we've been seen kron four's. taylor is actually has that story. >> after the cdc said that wearing a mask remains necessary for public health. the u.s. justice department is appealing a ruling by a federal judge. the end of the nationwide mask mandate for planes and public transportation. on monday. the department of justice, i think is appealing in part because they don't want. >> a trial court ruling a district court that says cdc when it comes to things like mask mandates, your authority is really, really small. and i think it that they're correct to want to appeal that loyola law. professor jessica levinson says the appeal will examine a federal law known as the public health service act district. judge kathryn kimball mizelle who void the mask mandate. >> relied in part on her interpretation of the term sanitation included in that law. what we're focused on right now is what can the cdc do when it comes to this language in a federal law that says cdc, you have authority when it comes to sanitation and quote, other measures. and that's what we're litigating right now. robinson says mizelle's opinion of the cdc's ability to respond to public health emergencies could potentially have a lasting effect on the cdc's authority. do you appeal it to you? just leave it there? >> and say, look, it's just one district court judge, where do you peel up to the 11th circuit and then maybe up to the supreme court, as you said, and it comes to a lot of issues. there is a risk of more and more bad decisions if the 11th circuit court of appeals says no, you're right. you really should read the cdc's authority that nearly then its decision upon decision. i'm taylor bisacky reporting kron. 4 news. bar dropped the cdc's mask mandate for all riders. but one bart official is already proposing to bring it back. >> bart board, president rebecca saltzman, talk with us on air yesterday. she says she plans to present a measure to the board next week to implement bart's own mask mandate. >> because there are many riders who need to be protected from covid. so folks who have underlying health conditions who are immunocompromised kids under 5 were still not eligible to get vaccinated, which is i know amazing to some people because vaccines have been around so long. but small children are still not eligible. those people really need to be protected in the best protection is that everybody wearing. >> mask. >> it's also says many bar riders reached out asking to bring back the mask mandate. she says more than 95% of our riders have been complying with the mandate while it was in effect. in the east bay. a high school freshman is recovering from her injuries this morning. she was attacked at school. now the violence was all captured on this cell phone video. this comes just a few days after another student in stockton was stabbed to death at her school on monday. that case and this new one are shedding light on safety of california schools. local school district officials say this incident involves people who trespass on school grounds. >> a group like 4, 5, other girls in another guy had ran into a bathroom following the whole crowd. and will the people that i've seen around here did at 10 my school? >> last month, a fight broke out at the same school involving a firearm. so it was never fired and no one was injured. el serino police say the department is investigating this incident. residents are concerned after an suv blows a traffic stop and he's hit. police say it's not the first time it happened. neighbors in the council member for this district say more traffic lights must be installed before someone gets seriously hurt or dies. kron four's haaziq mod-yoon has that story. >> take a look at this video of a major traffic collision. it happened back in november 2021. at the intersection of 7th street and filbert in oakland. so what happened that day? and i've seen many of these accidents, but this happened to be on camera. what was on my camera to some of see says he happened to be recording video at an event being held at the muslim mosque on 7th street with the vehicles drove into the camera's view. we're just basically like kind of recording before entering the banquet hall soon as the car accident i ran towards if the accident site that car flipped multiple times. he says fortunately no one suffered any major injuries. >> to see if this guy was here, you're looking at more recent video showing what folks say it is like try to safely cross the street. they pull out most as the community was expecting. the oakland department of transportation to and stop traffic mitigation measures this spring. >> the says he recently received bad news. >> and set insulin the like this summer. the want to delay that and the flashing light tunnel basically next year, spring lakes here, these residents and constituents and scores have been asking for help from the city for quite some time. the intersection in question is in city council member carol phys district in west oakland. >> and i thought that we're on the right track when we met with the department of transportation and we're given a construction date for the flashing lights that they were promised. and i only recently found out that that date has been pushed back a year. but once again, because this was promised. i feel it's necessary to expedite that. the request from the residents with these folks who live there say the sooner the better it's very concerning for the community because people, adults, all sorts of people. >> street. >> has it. but you run for 2. >> happening today, a former priest who is being charged with manslaughter while driving under the influence will be arraigned this afternoon. 75 year-old stephen kingsley is charged with hitting 2 victims in the planned community of ross. more in walnut creek. he struck a couple was walking on the sidewalk. they were coming back from a trivia game night at a local rec facility. 64 year-old curtis gunned died at the scene there and his wife, lauren, was taken to the hospital for minor injuries. just walk by the spot where there's i think, you know, leftovers from the flares and it just just hit me, you know, because i haven't been out since since the news. >> yeah, i'm just very, very sad. >> kiesling previously served time for molesting several children at parishes in fremont and pinole. he remains in custody at the martinez jail at this time. well, coming up the kron morning news, the san jose airport has seen a rise and homelessness near its airplane tracks. why city officials are trying to move them a little further away. bay area, house prices rose 20% since the start of the year. >> how one senior economist says that home prices. we'll pull down a bit. and an evacuation at the u.s. capitol due to an unidentified plane. why house speaker pelosi blames the f a a for the outrage is false alarm. we'll outrage is false alarm. we'll be right back after the break. when a truck hit my car, outrage is false alarm. we'll bthe insurance companye break. wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. let ouri was hit by a car help yoand needed help. i called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. >> well, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news at times are u now 04:15am, here on this thursday morning. and some might say it's a wet slick once let's jump straight into the weather. john, get that forecast for today. good morning. yeah, definitely slick out. know we saw overnight showers last night. we're going continue to see those on and off at points today. >> in some pockets of heavier rainfall out there, too. so it's going to be quite the one to keep the eye on the radar because today is going to come along with some sunshine at times and heavy rain at other times. your view outside right now is definitely great. we've got those showers meandering their way across the bay, mostly at an easterly direction. snow up in the lake county mountains and snow. also notably up in the sierras, really going to put a standstill to a lot of your travel plans up into the sea air today. but great to be talking feet of snowfall like we will be up there now, as far as the bay area's concerned, heaviest of rainfall fairly widespread in both and then up into northern napa counties right now. also seeing showers under bridges like the bay bridge richmond center fell in golden gate bridge is a little bit quieter comparatively to the south. let's start with the north bay up as further snort up into lake county. we do have a winter weather advisory for those upper elevations of lake county and some snowfall for north of clear lake itself on and off showers from mendocino county. a lot of that energy shifted down from santa rosa down through center fell widespread rainfall right along one o one up there in the north bay all the way over and up to fairfield. heaviest of rain are right behind the banner up there. calistoga saint helene and northern napa county releasing the heaviest of it. you can see showers pretty consistently to from oakland up to the lay home and right over to san francisco. some light showers too. a little quieter comparatively for the south bay. we will continue to see those showers, though, through the day as we do see this 1, 2 punch of systems just clearing right across the region. we're going to see a brief break between the 2 into the middle of the day and all plotted out here to future cast. so isolated pockets of heavy rain will continue through the morning. you will be seeing light showers for the most part, but i'll be keeping you updated on when those pockets do pop up and where they'll be heading. as for the sierra just consistent snowfall that doesn't change that sun all day long. kind of thing by 10:00am. we actually see that first line of showers leaving? and we get a little break from the rainfall before resurgence of it. this is when we could start to see a few rolls of thunder. those isolated pockets of heavy rain that could come along with some areas of hail, too. you can see those little areas of yellow and orange pop up here and there specially out towards the central valley. another little break here and there. but by the evening tonight, well, up to the sun goes down, the heaviest of rainfall for the south bay moves in. that's going to be making its way and again, well after sunset. so hopefully you'll be all settled in by that point. you just listen to the rain from the dry coziness being inside about having to venture out into it. 05:15am, tomorrow morning. still seeing those pockets of heavy rain. is these multiple lines just push through in by the tail end of your morning commute tomorrow. we should be waving goodbye to it. saying hello to a nice calm weekend and much better travel conditions from that point forward on up into the sierra nevada. we do have a winter storm warning in the sierra today through 11:00am on friday talking well over 3 feet of snowfall. some of those very highest of elevations mountain passes one to 3 feet of it and falling pretty low in elevation to below 7,000 feet down into foothills communities like arnold, nevada city, grass valley. so this is a late season snow maker that we really, really need to see such dwindling snowpack the past few months. 50's for your highs for most of the coast today. it will be pretty solid 60's elsewhere across the bay seeing carlos that 65 santa clara, 64 degrees east bay. temperatures barely making the 60's for a few spots like the tri valley and upper 50's today from rog. only at 59 degrees, pittsburgh, antioch at 64 santa rosa at 61. looking ahead at our next 7 days today tomorrow, definitely the cooler ones showers depart after tomorrow morning. and after that, temperatures rise quickly will be in the 70's over the weekend with lots of sunshine, likely staying dry through the beginning of next week. great. john, thanks to that forecast. let's get a look at the traffic this a 10 minute drive. >> traveling into the city right now. let's head over to get a look at the san mateo bridge as you're heading across towards the peninsula, about 13 minutes as you're traveling, richmond center fell bridge 9 minutes for you and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls about 22 minutes. house speaker nancy pelosi is slamming the faa for the miscommunication. that prompted evacuations at the u.s. capitol, calling it outrageous and inexcusable. capitol police evacuated the capitol because of an aircraft that they said posed a probable threat. well, the plane was actually carrying members of the u.s. army golden knights, who then parachuted into national parks for a pre-game demonstration. in a statement, nancy pelosi said in part the unnecessary panic caused by this. a pair negligent so was particularly harmful for members and staff and institutional workers still grappling with the trauma of the attack on their workplace on january 6. and happening today, vice president kamala harris and former president barack obama are both visiting the bay area. the vice president will be in san francisco at the university of california, san francisco hospital there. she will meet with families who are having babies soon. she's going to talk about maternal health and this is a video we showed. you love her and van der burgh this past week at the space force base and santa barbara now in a separate visit, former president obama is going to beat stanford to give a speech about miss information to the both the in the banks here in the bay area for 20 was back in golden gate park after being canceled for the last 2 years during the pandemic, the returned hayes said over robin williams meadow as thousands of people took part in those celebrations. kron four's rob nesbitt has that story. >> there's live music, vendors and food. but for most people at 4.20, it's all about what you can smoke being able to see friends and family and have a good time to get really high for the first time in the event's history, legal cannabis was sold and consumed in robin williams. meadow happy for 20 guy. deepak just started her own grow operation and says the event is an opportunity to network and learn from others. great thing about this cro d is that there's so many people want to open-minded on trying to strive change the candidates and issues from small growers to larger operations like west coast cure based in irvine, california. this is the first time jennifer know, has set up shop at 4.22. sell cannabis having people being able to. >> we live the way they want to live on that. >> there were police and park rangers inside and outside the fenced off area, making sure no one under the age of 21 was allowed in and that other rules were being followed by the most complex. kelly glenn has been coming to golden gate park on april, 20th for the last decade. he sees a positive and having the grassroots movement turn into a sanctioned event put on by the city of watched it from, you know, pretty big crowd to like huge crowds. you know, they talked about. >> how much they have to pick up tents chairs, problems that mayor london breed and other city officials want to avoid while allowing for 20 to be what it's always been for the cannabis people 20 in san francisco, rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, a san francisco man released from jail 3 decades later. why his representatives say he was wrongly convicted. we'll be right back. well, a san francisco man who spent more than 3 decades behind bars for a murder. he did not commit. >> walked out of prison on wednesday. he was exonerated of that crime. 61 year-old joaquin syria was arrested in 1990, and convicted of a shooting death in san francisco. well, based on false witness testimony and police misconduct. the northern california innocence project at santa clara university advocated for his release syria, spoke to reporters as he walked out of prison. a free don't think he did what we >> by falls. a beacon that i probably all my sale. i'm like, oh, my god, i say may not know when i opened my eyes. >> he says something about doing. not >> a serious case marked the first exoneration by the district attorney's innocence commission established by san francisco district attorney chase of again in 2022. review. potential wrongful conviction cases. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a high school sports team held. >> at gunpoint over the weekend. why the coach says this robbery has traumatized. the student athlete. we'll be right back. heidi covey: so, i have an eye disease that causes blindness. i have moments where i get a little bit sad because i just can't see things that i used to. dr. stanley taught me to trust in the lord even when you don't want to. god is such a faithful father. nothing that happens to us isn't without his eye upon it. >> well, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news at highview now for 29 going on for 30. hey. and it is a wet slick. one out there. leave the house a little early, but don't take my word for the time. you can back me up in that department as well. good yeah, it definitely is wet out there. we saw a rainfall overnight last night rain and it will continue on and off through the day today. today is going to be a day that may catch you off guard if you're not keeping a close look like on the radar. >> because we'll have dry times and then we'll have times rainfall moves back in a really quickly, too. can see it's really windy there at the embarcadero right now. rain is coming down pretty light around san francisco at this moment, although we are seeing heavier pockets elsewhere, know all that blue that we're seeing from the oregon border. well, down to the sierra nevada and even down into lake county. so welcome to be seeing this much-needed snowfall across the sierra. it's going to pile up in feet up there today. as for the bay area, it's the on and off rainfall for us. look at this. we've actually got a heavy southwestern san francisco down to daly city at

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Calistoga , California , United States , Stanford , Nevada City , Sierra Nevada , Oakland , Florida , Central Valley , Spring Lakes , Syria , Stockton , Oregon , Irvine , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Daly City , Napa County , Mill Valley , El Serino , Nesbitt Kron , Nancy Pelosi , Kamala Harris , Robin Williams ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 4am 20240708 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 4am 20240708

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consistently rainy. >> next day on into tomorrow morning. so rain jackets back out this morning for sure. you're look outside right now. as far as satellite and radar is concerned, we are seeing some widespread rainfall across parts of the state and look at that snow really coming down in the sierra. we're in for as far as snowfall goes all through the day today into early tomorrow morning. talk in the feet of snowfall piling up there in those upper elevations. well, here in the bay will be able to measure rain inches in some spots. we are seeing those pockets of heavier rainfall that i mentioned yesterday in a few areas. let's take a first look over here at northern napa county. look at this area of heavy rain that's working its way into the northern edge of napa valley at saint. helene are right there. calistoga little bit further southward. you can see just how heavy this rainfall is working its way. generally in a southeasterly direction. and as it does so will impact areas along 80 like vacaville and fairfield here in a matter of hours. so i'm going to be taking a look at the showers as they do move across the bay just make sure to note that we do have some heavier stuff mixed in with these lighter showers out there. one. 0, one from santa rosa petaluma nevado down through centerville mill valley. also wet from these light showers that are pushing overhead there. some heavier rainfall in the western edge of mount tam, as you can see. and then we're also seeing some light sprinkles here and there from concord walnut creek, oakland, you're actually under a pocket of heavy rainfall there. the very southeastern edge of the city right between oakland and san leandro do have a heavier area of rainfall there. san francisco, mostly on the light side right now. little bit of a break from the rain on much of the peninsula as well as the south bay, although the tri valley into the mountains, they're seeing some areas of moderate shower activity. more and more. this rainfall is about to shift on into the bay over the next few minutes. see maybe quiet areas like redwood city down to san jose. but the energy is pushing your direction. so just to get ready for it, just because you do see some quiet spots today doesn't mean that it's going to stay that way for long. as far as the sierra nevada goes, we're snow-packed as we speak up along highway 50 as well as i-80 both of these routes covered in snow in feet of snowfall, going to be piling up at the crest in see your passes. your mountain passes of the sierra. so today's not the day to be heading up there. i would wait until at little earliest tomorrow afternoon. even better saturday morning. as far as future cast goes on and off showers and you see these pockets of heavy rain that continue to push on into the bay area today. those pockets will really up our rainfall totals in localized areas. pretty quickly. and we do have the potential of an afternoon thunderstorm, maybe even a few rules of thunder before that, too. so be keeping you updated. keeping an eye on those pockets as they move through. we're going to get a midday break from the rain. but then it's going to resurge on into the evening tonight. temperatures today will 50's is our current range of numbers. it's actually a very mild start to this morning. so just focus on the rain jacket. alameda and oakland, 58 degrees. allay you're at 53 right now. later on today. daytime highs only in the 60's much as we've got used to on and off rainfall chance of thunderstorms keeping you updated on all of it. so stay with us right now. john, thank you for all that great information. all right. let's look at your bridges right now. i'm seeing any delays. >> along the bay bridge as you're heading into the city, it will be about 9 minutes for you to make it from the maze of premature exit san mateo bridge and across towards the peninsula. no accidents along one. 0, one about 13 minutes for your drive out of richmond heading across the war center fell. i don't see any hazards tear 9 minutes for you. traveling out of richmond and let's head over to the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls to be around. 22 minutes for your drive. well, the u.s. justice department is appealing a florida judge's ruling which ended the mask mandate on public transportation. the cdc put out a statement in support of the appeal. this comes as a new poll by political shows more than half of americans supported the mask mandate. 84% of the support came from democrats. well, 35% were from republicans. now we spoke with a legal expert to make sense of all the back and forth. we've been seen kron four's. taylor is actually has that story. >> after the cdc said that wearing a mask remains necessary for public health. the u.s. justice department is appealing a ruling by a federal judge. the end of the nationwide mask mandate for planes and public transportation. on monday. the department of justice, i think is appealing in part because they don't want. >> a trial court ruling a district court that says cdc when it comes to things like mask mandates, your authority is really, really small. and i think it that they're correct to want to appeal that loyola law. professor jessica levinson says the appeal will examine a federal law known as the public health service act district. judge kathryn kimball mizelle who void the mask mandate. >> relied in part on her interpretation of the term sanitation included in that law. what we're focused on right now is what can the cdc do when it comes to this language in a federal law that says cdc, you have authority when it comes to sanitation and quote, other measures. and that's what we're litigating right now. robinson says mizelle's opinion of the cdc's ability to respond to public health emergencies could potentially have a lasting effect on the cdc's authority. do you appeal it to you? just leave it there? >> and say, look, it's just one district court judge, where do you peel up to the 11th circuit and then maybe up to the supreme court, as you said, and it comes to a lot of issues. there is a risk of more and more bad decisions if the 11th circuit court of appeals says no, you're right. you really should read the cdc's authority that nearly then its decision upon decision. i'm taylor bisacky reporting kron. 4 news. bar dropped the cdc's mask mandate for all riders. but one bart official is already proposing to bring it back. >> bart board, president rebecca saltzman, talk with us on air yesterday. she says she plans to present a measure to the board next week to implement bart's own mask mandate. >> because there are many riders who need to be protected from covid. so folks who have underlying health conditions who are immunocompromised kids under 5 were still not eligible to get vaccinated, which is i know amazing to some people because vaccines have been around so long. but small children are still not eligible. those people really need to be protected in the best protection is that everybody wearing. >> mask. >> it's also says many bar riders reached out asking to bring back the mask mandate. she says more than 95% of our riders have been complying with the mandate while it was in effect. in the east bay. a high school freshman is recovering from her injuries this morning. she was attacked at school. now the violence was all captured on this cell phone video. this comes just a few days after another student in stockton was stabbed to death at her school on monday. that case and this new one are shedding light on safety of california schools. local school district officials say this incident involves people who trespass on school grounds. >> a group like 4, 5, other girls in another guy had ran into a bathroom following the whole crowd. and will the people that i've seen around here did at 10 my school? >> last month, a fight broke out at the same school involving a firearm. so it was never fired and no one was injured. el serino police say the department is investigating this incident. residents are concerned after an suv blows a traffic stop and he's hit. police say it's not the first time it happened. neighbors in the council member for this district say more traffic lights must be installed before someone gets seriously hurt or dies. kron four's haaziq mod-yoon has that story. >> take a look at this video of a major traffic collision. it happened back in november 2021. at the intersection of 7th street and filbert in oakland. so what happened that day? and i've seen many of these accidents, but this happened to be on camera. what was on my camera to some of see says he happened to be recording video at an event being held at the muslim mosque on 7th street with the vehicles drove into the camera's view. we're just basically like kind of recording before entering the banquet hall soon as the car accident i ran towards if the accident site that car flipped multiple times. he says fortunately no one suffered any major injuries. >> to see if this guy was here, you're looking at more recent video showing what folks say it is like try to safely cross the street. they pull out most as the community was expecting. the oakland department of transportation to and stop traffic mitigation measures this spring. >> the says he recently received bad news. >> and set insulin the like this summer. the want to delay that and the flashing light tunnel basically next year, spring lakes here, these residents and constituents and scores have been asking for help from the city for quite some time. the intersection in question is in city council member carol phys district in west oakland. >> and i thought that we're on the right track when we met with the department of transportation and we're given a construction date for the flashing lights that they were promised. and i only recently found out that that date has been pushed back a year. but once again, because this was promised. i feel it's necessary to expedite that. the request from the residents with these folks who live there say the sooner the better it's very concerning for the community because people, adults, all sorts of people. >> street. >> has it. but you run for 2. >> happening today, a former priest who is being charged with manslaughter while driving under the influence will be arraigned this afternoon. 75 year-old stephen kingsley is charged with hitting 2 victims in the planned community of ross. more in walnut creek. he struck a couple was walking on the sidewalk. they were coming back from a trivia game night at a local rec facility. 64 year-old curtis gunned died at the scene there and his wife, lauren, was taken to the hospital for minor injuries. just walk by the spot where there's i think, you know, leftovers from the flares and it just just hit me, you know, because i haven't been out since since the news. >> yeah, i'm just very, very sad. >> kiesling previously served time for molesting several children at parishes in fremont and pinole. he remains in custody at the martinez jail at this time. well, coming up the kron morning news, the san jose airport has seen a rise and homelessness near its airplane tracks. why city officials are trying to move them a little further away. bay area, house prices rose 20% since the start of the year. >> how one senior economist says that home prices. we'll pull down a bit. and an evacuation at the u.s. capitol due to an unidentified plane. why house speaker pelosi blames the f a a for the outrage is false alarm. we'll outrage is false alarm. we'll be right back after the break. when a truck hit my car, outrage is false alarm. we'll bthe insurance companye break. wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. let ouri was hit by a car help yoand needed help. i called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. >> well, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news at times are u now 04:15am, here on this thursday morning. and some might say it's a wet slick once let's jump straight into the weather. john, get that forecast for today. good morning. yeah, definitely slick out. know we saw overnight showers last night. we're going continue to see those on and off at points today. >> in some pockets of heavier rainfall out there, too. so it's going to be quite the one to keep the eye on the radar because today is going to come along with some sunshine at times and heavy rain at other times. your view outside right now is definitely great. we've got those showers meandering their way across the bay, mostly at an easterly direction. snow up in the lake county mountains and snow. also notably up in the sierras, really going to put a standstill to a lot of your travel plans up into the sea air today. but great to be talking feet of snowfall like we will be up there now, as far as the bay area's concerned, heaviest of rainfall fairly widespread in both and then up into northern napa counties right now. also seeing showers under bridges like the bay bridge richmond center fell in golden gate bridge is a little bit quieter comparatively to the south. let's start with the north bay up as further snort up into lake county. we do have a winter weather advisory for those upper elevations of lake county and some snowfall for north of clear lake itself on and off showers from mendocino county. a lot of that energy shifted down from santa rosa down through center fell widespread rainfall right along one o one up there in the north bay all the way over and up to fairfield. heaviest of rain are right behind the banner up there. calistoga saint helene and northern napa county releasing the heaviest of it. you can see showers pretty consistently to from oakland up to the lay home and right over to san francisco. some light showers too. a little quieter comparatively for the south bay. we will continue to see those showers, though, through the day as we do see this 1, 2 punch of systems just clearing right across the region. we're going to see a brief break between the 2 into the middle of the day and all plotted out here to future cast. so isolated pockets of heavy rain will continue through the morning. you will be seeing light showers for the most part, but i'll be keeping you updated on when those pockets do pop up and where they'll be heading. as for the sierra just consistent snowfall that doesn't change that sun all day long. kind of thing by 10:00am. we actually see that first line of showers leaving? and we get a little break from the rainfall before resurgence of it. this is when we could start to see a few rolls of thunder. those isolated pockets of heavy rain that could come along with some areas of hail, too. you can see those little areas of yellow and orange pop up here and there specially out towards the central valley. another little break here and there. but by the evening tonight, well, up to the sun goes down, the heaviest of rainfall for the south bay moves in. that's going to be making its way and again, well after sunset. so hopefully you'll be all settled in by that point. you just listen to the rain from the dry coziness being inside about having to venture out into it. 05:15am, tomorrow morning. still seeing those pockets of heavy rain. is these multiple lines just push through in by the tail end of your morning commute tomorrow. we should be waving goodbye to it. saying hello to a nice calm weekend and much better travel conditions from that point forward on up into the sierra nevada. we do have a winter storm warning in the sierra today through 11:00am on friday talking well over 3 feet of snowfall. some of those very highest of elevations mountain passes one to 3 feet of it and falling pretty low in elevation to below 7,000 feet down into foothills communities like arnold, nevada city, grass valley. so this is a late season snow maker that we really, really need to see such dwindling snowpack the past few months. 50's for your highs for most of the coast today. it will be pretty solid 60's elsewhere across the bay seeing carlos that 65 santa clara, 64 degrees east bay. temperatures barely making the 60's for a few spots like the tri valley and upper 50's today from rog. only at 59 degrees, pittsburgh, antioch at 64 santa rosa at 61. looking ahead at our next 7 days today tomorrow, definitely the cooler ones showers depart after tomorrow morning. and after that, temperatures rise quickly will be in the 70's over the weekend with lots of sunshine, likely staying dry through the beginning of next week. great. john, thanks to that forecast. let's get a look at the traffic this a 10 minute drive. >> traveling into the city right now. let's head over to get a look at the san mateo bridge as you're heading across towards the peninsula, about 13 minutes as you're traveling, richmond center fell bridge 9 minutes for you and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls about 22 minutes. house speaker nancy pelosi is slamming the faa for the miscommunication. that prompted evacuations at the u.s. capitol, calling it outrageous and inexcusable. capitol police evacuated the capitol because of an aircraft that they said posed a probable threat. well, the plane was actually carrying members of the u.s. army golden knights, who then parachuted into national parks for a pre-game demonstration. in a statement, nancy pelosi said in part the unnecessary panic caused by this. a pair negligent so was particularly harmful for members and staff and institutional workers still grappling with the trauma of the attack on their workplace on january 6. and happening today, vice president kamala harris and former president barack obama are both visiting the bay area. the vice president will be in san francisco at the university of california, san francisco hospital there. she will meet with families who are having babies soon. she's going to talk about maternal health and this is a video we showed. you love her and van der burgh this past week at the space force base and santa barbara now in a separate visit, former president obama is going to beat stanford to give a speech about miss information to the both the in the banks here in the bay area for 20 was back in golden gate park after being canceled for the last 2 years during the pandemic, the returned hayes said over robin williams meadow as thousands of people took part in those celebrations. kron four's rob nesbitt has that story. >> there's live music, vendors and food. but for most people at 4.20, it's all about what you can smoke being able to see friends and family and have a good time to get really high for the first time in the event's history, legal cannabis was sold and consumed in robin williams. meadow happy for 20 guy. deepak just started her own grow operation and says the event is an opportunity to network and learn from others. great thing about this cro d is that there's so many people want to open-minded on trying to strive change the candidates and issues from small growers to larger operations like west coast cure based in irvine, california. this is the first time jennifer know, has set up shop at 4.22. sell cannabis having people being able to. >> we live the way they want to live on that. >> there were police and park rangers inside and outside the fenced off area, making sure no one under the age of 21 was allowed in and that other rules were being followed by the most complex. kelly glenn has been coming to golden gate park on april, 20th for the last decade. he sees a positive and having the grassroots movement turn into a sanctioned event put on by the city of watched it from, you know, pretty big crowd to like huge crowds. you know, they talked about. >> how much they have to pick up tents chairs, problems that mayor london breed and other city officials want to avoid while allowing for 20 to be what it's always been for the cannabis people 20 in san francisco, rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, a san francisco man released from jail 3 decades later. why his representatives say he was wrongly convicted. we'll be right back. well, a san francisco man who spent more than 3 decades behind bars for a murder. he did not commit. >> walked out of prison on wednesday. he was exonerated of that crime. 61 year-old joaquin syria was arrested in 1990, and convicted of a shooting death in san francisco. well, based on false witness testimony and police misconduct. the northern california innocence project at santa clara university advocated for his release syria, spoke to reporters as he walked out of prison. a free don't think he did what we >> by falls. a beacon that i probably all my sale. i'm like, oh, my god, i say may not know when i opened my eyes. >> he says something about doing. not >> a serious case marked the first exoneration by the district attorney's innocence commission established by san francisco district attorney chase of again in 2022. review. potential wrongful conviction cases. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a high school sports team held. >> at gunpoint over the weekend. why the coach says this robbery has traumatized. the student athlete. we'll be right back. heidi covey: so, i have an eye disease that causes blindness. i have moments where i get a little bit sad because i just can't see things that i used to. dr. stanley taught me to trust in the lord even when you don't want to. god is such a faithful father. nothing that happens to us isn't without his eye upon it. >> well, welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news at highview now for 29 going on for 30. hey. and it is a wet slick. one out there. leave the house a little early, but don't take my word for the time. you can back me up in that department as well. good yeah, it definitely is wet out there. we saw a rainfall overnight last night rain and it will continue on and off through the day today. today is going to be a day that may catch you off guard if you're not keeping a close look like on the radar. >> because we'll have dry times and then we'll have times rainfall moves back in a really quickly, too. can see it's really windy there at the embarcadero right now. rain is coming down pretty light around san francisco at this moment, although we are seeing heavier pockets elsewhere, know all that blue that we're seeing from the oregon border. well, down to the sierra nevada and even down into lake county. so welcome to be seeing this much-needed snowfall across the sierra. it's going to pile up in feet up there today. as for the bay area, it's the on and off rainfall for us. look at this. we've actually got a heavy southwestern san francisco down to daly city at

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