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12 right now right there on the edge of the fire line yoli joining us now live with her pictures and last we talked you goalie were just off of highway 12 theyre really road where are you now, and it looks like we still obviously some activity in the distance. Right right, i further down the legal road they saw a lot of fire trucks also saw some plans but theyve been asked i mean the firefighters have been doing such an awesome job. They were able to get this under control and im a leader road is definitely one of those roads were people were evacuated their homes along this road. And this is just like on the backside of one of the homes that was just up in flames, but theyre all out there just not that up pretty quick or in fact, im just going to walk down a little you can see another. A fire truck right out here and theyre really just trying to get. You know some of the flames that on behind these homes that are on the hillside. Because just right over here hold up for second. Theyre with me. Carol you can see how toward up. How charged everything is over here. And this is this is an orchard he rendered theres actually a home very close by. Luckily, it missed at home. And you had all of this in flames at one point. And then it definitely jumped the road and somehow one on the backside of this fence line here. You can see a glow right behind me right there. And so you have some of the fire trucks up on the hillside trying to fight that fire right now. You can see it is getting purdy stronger once it comes foreign one tree thats if james is just. Really sparked gets really heated. And then my shot you can also see how much ash is in the air. Just floating everywhere and makes for dicey conditions. Sometimes when you go down these roads with no life. Yeah. If the visibility is pretty bad so the only let me ask you this doing a really. Was going to say youre on leader road youre looking at the hillside thats already on the west side of 12 so the fire has already jumped 12 is burning up that. A hillside. No no i still on the east side of 12 of he started well, but i will have to tell you. It did jump in for a little bit because. On the west side that well theres a nursery. And then in that nursery behind the nursery when you came up to me last time felt was best was pointing out old pointing out of and i found in a car fire one of the trees that caught fire them right behind that nursery but they were able to knock it out so thats a big early voting for a lot of people who live on that side. Highway 12 yeah, you know its not over its like the wind is really bad it really is kicking up quite a bit. You can you to see how fast the embers are just flying across and the ash are flying across my land there. Okay wow a lot of people still get old got to cross their fingers so were here were dealing with you know the major road that links highway the city sonoma. It goes up and down between sonoma and napa we have the 4500 residents of oakmont senior community. Theyre under a warning or a mandatory evacuations. Right now and all the way into santa rosa even saint helene a vacuum in hospital so this affecting. Thousands of people there as a 10s of thousands this morning. Lets continue our Team Coverage. As the evacuations continue in the fire spreads go to kron 4 Sarah Stinson in Sonoma County and sarah youre not too far away from where you only is but youve been showing us some really devastating pictures this morning. Yeah and the sun is not even up the worst is yet to come live here still on mountain driver just drove down a little bit further you can see active flames and a lot of devastation as i said very dark out, but i will get behind the camera and try and brightness up for you down here is where theyre actively trying to put out the flames at this home right here you can see right there those active flames and theyre working on trying to get it under control because if one house burns, then it can catch another house on fire and another house and it burns like crazy so the whole point is stop it from continuing on notice this side of the the north side of this mountain top drive is on fire and southside is okay the fences on these homes have actually burn that theyre able to contain that but here they were not so lucky, you can see. This truck right here just completely just charred and the home behind it. Just reduced to rubble as well that fires is actively burning its probably from their gas line and then back here, i mean its so dark can barely tell but its just rubble and rubble. You can the home right here sparking right there. Firefighters Walking Around trying to make sure they can you know contain anything but look how much water they having to use i mean thats crazy to see all that water rushing down and theyre still actively using water to try and get this to just. Out does the cold. The winds are very heavy here so not only do we have action the in the air we have embers we have a lot of smoke and so its really tough fire fight for firefighters there just really trying to get a handle on this as i told you there still this resident here has not evacuated pretty wild sequence. You did not want to be in this fire zone unpredictable and thats why know theyre trying to do the best they can but if just keeps continuing to rage. Then you know theyre going to rescue you rather than trying to put the flames out and try and stop him from continuing. To spread now im gonna continue to see the devastation here in trying to meet up with the Public Information officer see if they can give us some kind of info for all the residents in this area. I know Everyone Wants to know whats going on and more info so im gonna work on that trying to that by 6 30. Well check back you then you go gather and well see and 50 master south and thank you very much sara we know that that neighborhood there around if you look at the map and actually is bordered by couple of other neighborhoods to that all borders up on to some open space. So the worry is going to be whether those communities as well. Are seeing the same kind of devastation were seeing right now where sarah is out in lets go live to Sergeant Chris musher and from the Santa Rosa Police department. To get the latest on whats going on with controlling people getting them out safely and. And the like good morning. So how are the evacuations going because weve seen not lots of people still on the move this morning. Theyre called pretty move people what you can expect of helping 10s of thousands of people being evacuated in the middle of the night. There has been some traffic on 12 trying to get them back out to one oh one. But traffic is closed eastbound highway 12 in that area with filtering out one direction but its been smooth for the most part getting people out there. Yeah we were actually wondering about that we thought would you just make it all one direction city can get double the people out quickly. Its amazing that you gave the first warnings were overnight at other is big crowd at what may be one or 2 in the morning. But weve been now live this morning and theyre still just a stream a steady stream of cars are those from new orders or from warnings or or what. No we just had another mandatory order that just came out of the area just west of guy while we were just reporting from that area just had another set of resident all going roughly about 4,000 to 5,000 more residences roughly a little more than 10,000 people. Were told evacuee from that area now well allow so theyre theyre just on the move now an and you recommend that they get out within. Mean obviously the traffic is slowing them down though, but get out within the hour and. Are you telling them to go to family and friends of possible or or should they check in with somebody first to to register their name because youre trying to keep track of whos who right. Right now were trying to do is just get everybody out everyone they stopped going to be the key priority before we actually start identifying to anybody who has family out of the area that they can go to you work her at opening multiple lanes of ways to get out and not everyone has to go highway 12 to go over found grove or some other way to kind of ease that congestion right but want to get people out as quickly as possible. Its amazing when i look at some of the tweets interviews with residents who have been through so much with the wine country fires in 2017 tubbs and with you know with paradise paradise is not under. You know a mandatory, but right now its being threatened which is hard to believe. Its been crazy 3 years that something we hadnt seen before 0. 17 really. And now it just and moment trying to recognize when hes read by warning that there Pay Attention to them how those go bag ready to go and then one is alert come out that you need to evacuate its really really important you go because were trying to get First Responders with many places you money possible and getting those voluntary compliance to go when those orders come out is a huge life saver for more trying to get to all the folks or people with disabilities who really need that special attention people who are able to go is really key that they do i was just looking at a lot of a lot of the residents like Monsignor Center thats 4,500 people saw him. You like youre saying a lot of these people are older and theyre going to need and when i saw the Saint Helena Hospital evacuated that was as a precaution, but you know moving people that are in the hospital is just a monumental and its amazing they are able to do it within just a matter of you know hours. Yeah, its a really its a team effort were having city bus drivers who normally judy lee road to help people get to work going out to be oakmont senior senator pickup group of people that they can they get them to safety, mean its just not First Responders its also people like the bus drivers. No one else out there pitching in to really save lives is that how you do it you pull a bus up and get everybody on an. And then you take them obviously augusta she shelters where again theyve got to be careful about covid to say to stay, you know safe that way too. Yeah were scanning were doing not were making sure we a touch of those things working with the city of there getting all those efforts. A surge just 2 for anybody just joining us now who may have missed it, you said there is a new evacuation area were talking about the spring lake area could could you know that once again. Yeah springlike in summerfield are still under a warning but what just within last 30 minutes or known as the northeast to and the north east require middle rincon ok everything west of calistoga road ice and brush creek and north of highway 12 okay, so north also bring lake that whole area, okay. Got it all right now and then for people that are in those warning areas right now. Who may be paying attention what do they need to be listening for when you guys start coming through to let them know its time to go what do they need to be listening for to know that now is the time. Made a couple things one youre going to hear First Responders Police Officers going through with high load byron theyre different than your normal fire and couldnt go into an emergency call. Also youre going to getting Text Messages emails from the city at all letting you know that its time to evacuate. But they can also check out our study dot org she the fire. And that ought tell you where all the updated. Evacuation areas are as well as the safest route out of the city a lot the response from pg you know the authorities have that has been to cut power obviously so you know because of the risk. Im wondering what about are these people in warning areas sitting there in the dark with no power to boot. Im not sure if you know weve heard about the power outage happening on the east side of town. But we do have over a 100 officers out in the field right now going through these evacuation areas to make sure that people are getting notices and if we know that area that need special attention there are some door to door theyre doing as well prices so extra hard right when you. You know that the evacuations are sparked it won in 2 in the morning and then again as we just reported at you know 05 00am its still dark out and i know people are supposed to undergo bags, but its just can be really disorienting to try to leave your your house for maybe the last time with all of your stuff in the dark. It really can and its troubling to know that youre you mayor right never see your house again and i know our Fire Department is doing a fantastic job of trying to save as many houses as they can though, just make sure you have ready can the best and are replaceable want to get one of best we can. And would you mind again just reiterating for anybody whos thinking well, im gonna stay behind i think ive got my hose we but we saw somebody morning again please remind them what the proper thing to do is. As soon as you get that emergency order to evacuate. It is essential that youve actually you may be healthy and able in order to try and fight off the house, but you may be taking First Responders away from somebody who actually really need that physical distance together home, so please ago. Okay thank you so the update will let you go get more information and will probably want to check in with you later this morning at ok. Not a from a thank you sergeant. Well again 2 other fires in napa county believed to be spot fires in last 4 and we were just talking about that situation Sonoma County which is one of those spots right so we had the glass fire break out and that was went from 20 acres to 2500 and then it blew about 25 miles to Sonoma County in santa rosa and so now weve got fires, theyre called the shady fire in the boys in fire and this is a live look. At Sonoma County from us am fixed camera looks like p g is providing is shot calfire local firefighters are diverting their resources and weve seen them fighting the blazes there in Sonoma County. So were continuing to follow that all of is of course throwing a wrench into education. I schools which are online the kids can study you think about whole families and how it affects them effects their families their kids their pets, their livestock, so all of that is affected this. Theyre all inside these evacuation zones that have been minute by minute this morning fact, Robin Winston in the breaking news desk with more on that problem. Yes, we School Districts that are under mandatory evacuations. We have some major closures in place just to quickly go over those School Closures once again. Bennett Valley Union School District kenwood School District and rincon Valley Union School District, all clothes for the remainder of the day and that does include Distance Learning now as we take a look at the evacuation map that we have here on your screen you see the area where the watches and warnings are in place but for those of you who may be living or working in the sonoma or saint helene calistoga area. There are some major closures that are in place that you need to know about and i built a mask on traffic tracker so producers and directors you can take that map whenever you have a road closures in place for highway 12 or between calistoga road and arnold drive if youre trying to access sonoma. Santa rosa youll want to get out north of calistoga south of arnold drive. Once again. Those are the areas that chp has completely blocked off you will not be allowed into those areas for work for school or if youre trying to retrieve something if youre youve been evacuated once again a little area thats highlighted on your screen that is highway 12. It can see the fire burning very close to that stretch of roadway. So once again both directions shut down from calistoga road to arnold right now on the calistoga saint helene aside you see the little area thats highlighted in purple there you should avoid that stretch as well so this includes 29, one 28 and silverado trail from 29 all the way over to deer park so one 28 south of deer park, you have access to that stretch to the north north of calistoga one 28 and silverado trail you have access to the area north of that north of 29, but the 2 areas right there in between highlighted in purple between 29 and deer park remains closed to traffic and i think you know its safe to say that because the fires are not contained were not even close these areas that you see highlighted here will be blocked off for the remainder of the day or at least the remainder of your morning commute. Well talk about some more closures coming up in just a bit darya james all right, thanks a lot 6. 17 and lets continue our Team Coverage now. And see about who this is affecting all these Evacuation Orders. Affecting people who live in wine country weve already seen homes go up in flames, a winery and in the has gone up in flames and has been destroyed. So its going to will tran you are in calistoga last time we saw you with a big stream of cars people trying to get out where you now. Im still at the same location and its calm down just a little bit only because the chp officers, they have a better handle on the situation let me piggyback on what Robin Winston was talking about his first closures im at foothill and lincoln and as you can see there are Police Officers this is the stopping point you are not allowed to go any further than this you can see the cars over here, thats pretty much the heart of downtown calistoga other many coffee shops and boutiques they are leaving as we speak now normally you would see this place pretty much empty at this particular time, but you can see cones out cars are being told you can go anywhere you want, but you cannot go towards napa towards the fire of course and its a little dark right now and im really low as far as sea level but i can tell you the fire is on the ridgeline can see it a little bit further when i was a few miles from this location. But i just want to show you the scene here, ill zoom in was worse when you saw me a little bit earlier but look at that james darya the sea of headlights that continues to come in my particular direction as theyre telling people to get out and people forget about this is a quick morning as well get gas fill up so many people when i was waiting for you guys to come out to me this area here look like times square was so many cars waiting for the next car to fill up so they can get out of here with a full tank of gas, so you can clearly see pretty much choke off in calistoga this is at foothill and Lincoln James darya. All right, thanks a lot. Well yeah definitely looks much more orderly and like people have been able to get out, but this the risk. It was not gone at all there are still thousands of people under warnings and it all depends on the winds that youre does weve got more on that with our Team Coverage in the Weather Center john trouble with a look at the forecast for the winds and police tell me is good news for firefighters, yeah guys i mean when you look at wind speeds you can understand the urgency of people wanting to get out of there and for fire officials to get people evacuated. There is good news ahead of us wind speeds will come down into the afternoon, our first factor to really show signs of relief. But as of this morning, we are still very breezy. Glen allen winds regularly gusting into a 25 to 30 mile per hour range and you head up in the Higher Elevations and weve had consistent wind gusts as high as 45 to 50 Miles Per Hour so thats where that extreme fire danger and Growth Potential comes into play as you can see both napa and sonoma counties are in the midst of some very strong winds all across the board from the northeast and these winds will continue for much of the rest of the morning gradually tapering off into the afternoon though by the afternoon much calmer conditions for calistoga Sonoma Petaluma great to be seeing those changes now unfortunately as winds calm down humidity is going to be dropping as does usually happen during afternoon hours for yacht bill thats 5 to 10 thats bone dry parched conditions up there you pair that with all the dry vegetation. And yes, you still have a recipe for potential extreme fire growth even as winds do come down. Thats why red flag warnings are in effect through 09 00pm tonight for the entirety of the north bay the inland east bay, these peach areas are heat advisories near the bay side after today, temperatures tomorrow will be a little bit cooler still going to be hot but not as hot as today and the biggest factor winds are going to be a whole lot calmer right now most of us are in the 60s and 70s but look at these areas in the north bay that are in the 80s like napa 82 say alina 84 with so much wind you are seeing mixing in that heat staying closer to the surface meaning temperatures never really cool down much last night for some of these areas and a hot start to the morning for those out there in the firefight daytime highs today going to be our hottest of the forecast triple digits. Inland that includes napa bayside areas in the night and in the 90s while 80s towards the coast. Back to you james. All right, thank you very much john want to share with you again live pictures from our a remote camera network. This one camera high up on the hills here in napa Sonoma County looking out over the region you can certainly see the hillsides once again glowing with fired as we have major fires burning once more up in the wine country will have more on our continuing now more than ever, its important californians have health coverage. If youve lost health insurance, covered california can help. You may even get financial help to pay for your health insurance. Just visit coveredca. Com today. For your health insurance. All californians will be able to vote safely from home. Every active, registered voter will receive a votebymail ballot with a unique barcode. You can track it using wheres my ballot . And youll receive automatic notifications by text, email or voice call to let you know the status of your ballot once you mail it, drop it off at your polling place or at a drop box. 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And we are back time now 6. 27 again were getting new video from overnight up in Sonoma County. This video from along the los alamos road right near son hawk drive and you can certainly see the flames there on the hillside. Right up against the side of the road. This is right near the skyhook community which is where kron 4 Sarah Stinson has been reporting for us this morning, weve seen homes in that development burning were going to have more in live reports from our reporters that are out there providing us Team Coverage to stay hey, my twitter is blowing up dear jack box, bring back the spicy chicken strips, still waiting for the spicy chicken strips, so many about spicy chicken strips. Wow, i hear you. So im bringing back my juicy 100 allwhite meat spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99 . We know that when we take care of the earth, the earth also takes care of us. Youd be surprised by our environmentallyfriendly way of baking breads. Our ingredients are farmed per strict usda organic standards. Our bakeries are powered by renewable wind energy. And we support environmental causes through 1 for the planet. Oroweat organic bread. Great taste thats sustainably baked. And now, introducing our super delicious and nutritious organic kids bread featuring disneys mickey mouse and minnie mouse is it the juicy 100 allwhite meat . Or because you can spice them up or cool them down . Or because a little birdie told me you wanted them back really bad. Get my spicy chicken strips combo for only 5. 99. 6. 30 right now and thousands of people are on the move in napa and sonoma counties because of this the glass fire. That started as 20 acres about 25 miles east of santa rosa blew up to 2,500 sparked a couple more fires that jump over into santa rosa. And now youve got these thousands and 10s of thousands people when you count evacuation warnings as well as the orders that are out this morning down of course this is the scene from los alamos road. In a Sonoma County weve been showing you various images and they all pretty much paint. The same picture hillsides on fires and in some instances. Homes on fire as daryn mentioned the glass fires, the fire that first started all of this has sparked early sunday morning. In napa county 2500 acres burned so far 0 contained. More than 2000 structures threatened right now here we have a map to we can bring up in this shows you all 3 fires. As theyre burning this morning you can see the 3 icon surrounded by the red line thats the perimeter of the fires and it started in the fire thats on the upper portion of your screen thats the glass fire up in napa county and the winds drove the embers high into the air and to the south west. And you can see the result 2 others fires have since broken out. And they have caused numerous evacuations this morning in fact numbering in the thousands if not 10s of thousands of people affected by these Evacuation Orders in all of this while were under a redflag warning for high fire danger. No surprise that fires broke out now, but always even if your prepared it feels like a surprise when its the middle of the night at one to 04 00am. Those are when all the various orders came in to get out. This is a live look here of the other fires that james explains spark from the glass fire, the shady fire and the boys in fire wowed weve been looking at live camera to see the difference, you know when shots and now you can see just that huge glow from the fire that continues to spread. Out of control advancing even though the firefighters are trying they cant stop the flames 0 containment this morning. Go out into the field kron 4 Sarah Stinson has the very latest and sarah as we join you are you still up in sky hawk you that some of the most dramatic pictures weve seen this morning. The eye was burning pretty intense up there actually moved down here more east santa rosa, muhly this road and highway 12 where its also devastated a lot of this area but joining us now which is why im here as Paul Lowenthal with cal fire and santa rosa fire tell me oh what do you say this morning, its been a tough fight with this way. Yes, so specific location, the winds have seem to like just a little bit but thats what of experience on and off throughout the night as erratic winds die down little bit get her out again with were in the santa rosa were over upwards of 78,000 homes have been evacuated. This is an area that was primarily evacuated during the tubbs fire 2017. Fortunate this time i we are seeing a significant amount destruction on the side of as the night has progressed into the daylight hours. There we dont know how many homes have burned, but ive definitely seen quite a few yeah we knew that there is the potential given the fortunately we did have the fire that aspect from the napa county. Sonoma county line up near santa lena road. Probability and the potential for it to come in this direction. Some pretty significant large Evacuation Orders were put into late last night and early this morning and have continued now so additional Evacuation Orders have been issued to the east of santa rosa. And to the west of the end of the Evacuation Orders in place for santa rosa right now. That is including a majority of the Rincon Valley area. In the santa rosas under Evacuation Orders so were really encouraging residents. That to you know keep paying attention to the wireless Emergency Alerts the Emergency Alert systems. The missiles all emergency messaging out there a santa rosa residents can get current evacuation information and our city dot org forward slash shady fire and Sonoma County residents can also get their information at soco emergency dot org. So a lot of developments a lot of evacuations, evacuations orders continuing to go into effect. Hopefully the winds cooperate this afternoon until the fire remains has significant number of resources continued to pour into Sonoma County santa rosa. Very saw some of the fire behavior and there was a members that were flying into other homes and the concern is one home on fire could send another one on fired kind of keep going wheres this fire heading right now given the idea yes so we do have an active in the callista the road area on the north side of the city north northeast side of the city near murray a career high school. We did have reports of fire spotting over callisto the road into those neighborhoods to the west of callista the road and Rincon Valley without is what prompted those additional zones to go into Evacuation Order. We also have fire continuing to progress to the east of santa rosa. Out towards kenwood the goal right now is not only to stop its progression but also to keep it from moving to the south and the and all state park. Be another significant concern obstacle for us that could very well prompt additional evacuations if it was to move in that direction. Seems like a really worst Case Scenario because its such a dense neighborhood area that were seeing just on fire. Before when i talked to you last loss fires, we were up in this rural area wasnt a lot of homes in the area really theres far and few between. Is that make that harder for emotionally to you live in this area. Yes, so we do have areas that are densely populated and kind of more rural settings in oakmont and the sky neighborhoods. The skp hawk as well as the ranking valley areas are very densely populated neighborhoods kind of similar to what we had coffee part. How are we dont have that same fire behavior were we have a significant number of structures all being destroyed fortunately. Unfortunately we do still have a number of structures only threaten but actively burning were firefights are taking place. Yeah, absolutely this community has been through a that starting with the wine country fires in 2017 the kincade fires of 19 and then most recently the to the miers fire. Were hoping that were done for the but here we find ourselves again another significant a firestorm here in Sonoma County and the city of santa rosa. And i feel like we say this all the time, but i think its just worth saying is i just saw on a mountain hocking he. It was refusing to leave, lets just go ahead and say it again please if youre if youre told to evacuate please do yeah we really need people to to heed to the warnings i was very good see honestly given the 10s of thousands of people that weve actually last night into this morning to see how quiet. The streets were as we are operating around him. And it really does show that people did heed the warnings for the most part. But yes, there are still those people who choose to not evacuate. And the last thing we need is them evacuate the last minute were trying to actively engage in a firefight and or save their home. So if you havent already and youre in an Evacuation Order please get out of the area if youre in a warning not be ready to go have your go bag in your vehicle, making sure that you the place a plan that to go theres a temporary evacuation points, the there are available right now however, really encouraging people to utilize those plans that weve been asking to put in place whether they find a Family Member a family friend out of the area and if theyre going to go to a location like that making sure they have their extra facial coverings hand sanitizers and a plan in place to stay there good point is were still in the pandemic and moving forward what time are you guys going to meet create a plan usually its around 7 oclock. Yeah, so theres theres active fire fights and operations taking there is a brief and taking place in calistoga this morning at the base camp up there. And well get another wave of firefighters that will move into this area this morning. And im sure youre looking forward to the sunlight coming up as i am because it becomes a lot easier to fight the fire also visibility, wise its hard for me at least to know whats on fire whats happening. Im sure that that will help you in your efforts to contain this yeah and not only are looking forward the daylight but also looking forward to that reduction in wind that is one thing that were expecting as the day progresses as the winds light. And thats where really need to to get in there and start doing a lot of good work thats what our meteorologist john troubles been saying so thats good news to hear at least. Its crazy behind us right now just this orchard that is completely just devastated and then homes across the way where the fire just blew through there as well so very so much devastation out here you guys and so as the sun comes up well show you what happened overnight. Well have a much better idea of how many homes were lost are now send it back to you guys in the newsroom. All right, thanks. A lot sarah as we continue our Team Coverage and go to sonoma theres just been a mandatory Evacuation Order on twitter issued by the Santa Rosa Police. The zones of somerfield and spring lake. In santa rosa. So these orders just keep coming out are more people are on the run this morning and this is something that just happened and saw it pop up on the eve app as well. Earlier we were talking starting from Santa Rosa Police id of spring lake or somerville was part of it, he said no those are still warning areas but to be ready in case they become mandatory and they just have in the last 5 minutes so if youre in that area. You need to start making your way out as soon as possible. In the area for us this morning as kron fours yulia 7 as part of our Team Coverage there you only where are you now. What are you seeing. Im still continuing on highway 12 hour just saw the Sonoma County animal response. Units common rescue horses off of the pony express ranch. You can see them trying to get out they were just out here loading they probably loaded up about baby. I dont know im going to say roughly around 8 horses. A couple of ponies you know just to give a reminder to people who are out because we are in ranch land. You know theres a lot ranches out here if you need you need help with a pure life stop, you know you could call the Sonoma County animal unit and they will come out here and they will try rescue your. Last stop from out of danger now you could just see here. Right over to of this is the the ranch where the pony in the horses were. Just looks like a minefield could use the hot spots everywhere you see just going marks everywhere you go on the hillside in fact a fire engine just arrive, so they could try to. Well hold on perspective. Hard to kind of talk with the. All other layers of of mask, i have on right now, but. So for just just werent up this road right now because you can see just past that hillside and they also want to try to make sure that. This fire doesnt spread more because as we know it 0 containment at this point were still talking about evacuations. 112 cents bet on it. The scene off. We just yulees audio on the video froze right there on some of the flames that she really sees a pretty much in every direction around her on highway lets continue our Team Coverage again all of these fires around Sonoma County or in and around santa rosa originated in napa county with the glass fire and thats where kron fours will tran is giving us that part. Of the coverage of this morning hes out there and will wear you now. I just moved about 2 miles from the last location that you saw me on between saint helene and calistoga you want to see flames. Ill show you flames highway 29. And i just pulled over actually talk to some Police Officers and i said where i go for flames and they said just drive and thats exactly what i did look at the hillside here james and area. It was even brighter when i showed up at around 6. 25, but you can call leora lee c on impeded it is just going up and down this hillside here. It looks like a volcano if i had to describe it to somebody looks like a volcano that just erupted and now is just burning the side of the mountain so to speak in you can see all that smoke if you wondering about air quality all that smoke going up into the atmosphere and then look at move the camera and you can see flames over here as well look at the glow embers of flying everywhere and thats pretty much the calistoga area though i showed you where that people were leaving this morning. It was in this general direction that particular hillside. That im sure that they are leaving this morning because they were told to get out. You can see just how bad the conditions are hopefully its a little dark, but you might be able to make. The trees just swaying back and forth a little bit looks like the speed of the when the gusts are picking up just slightly not hurricane conditions, ive seen it stronger, but you get the sense of whats going on theres caltrans driving by here because theyre setting up roadblocks all over the place. It is just burning out of control theyre letting this particular hillside burn i can tell you once the sun comes up they will reassess the situation and of course they will reach into that proverbial tool box that they say and they will do some fire jobs. But at this particular time. They want to save lives which is why theyre telling people to get out looks like fog eyes that is not fog my eyes are itchy and it is hard to breathe. Yeah really get smell the smoke closer in the San Francisco in the bay area as well not half as bad as it is where you are will. And as will said people are on the move thousands more just got word they need to leave their home. Yeah for more on the latest with the evacuations, lets go to Robin Winston in the breaking news desk. Lets weve got 2 counties to cover robin where want to start other so much to cover all just let them bring up the graphics and well go with out by map just once again to reiterate that crews are asking folks to you know never wait until the last minute if youre under an Evacuation Order you need to go if youre under a warning you need to be prepared to go and have everything packed and also let your neighbors know as well so as we take a look at the map. We can see here napa county you can see the blue and the orange thats highlighted on your screen so we have evacuation warnings and orders in place and this is the area thats surrounded by 12 1. 28 as well so if we can go in and get specifics for the neighborhoods because i know that we actually have some specifics with the evacuation routes that are in place. There you go. You can scroll up a little bit to the top so we can see the area there we go so we have the calistoga area you see the little neighborhood thats highlighted in yellow thats the neighborhood thats under an evacuation. So this is impacting beaumont. The area surrounded by calistoga road your breadwinner road and the little arrows the burgundy arrows that are leading out of that neighborhood. Those are your major evacuation boucher on a road calistoga road can be used to the south Saint Francis road to the south as well now were moving over to the Saint Francis francis skyhawk area and once again that neighborhood thats highlighted in yellow is a neighborhood thats under an evacuation or so this is impacting Saint Francis road, your breath when a Mountain Hawk if youre in that neighborhood you need to get out your major routes are evacuation routes include los alamos road. Theres highway 12 to the south of your neighborhood to the west you on a single boulevard you have calistoga road badger road as well right there in the middle im seeing dew point road that is an area that you can use get out of that neighborhood as we continue to cycle through. Heres another another neighborhood thats on your screen. This is leader area. The neighborhood thats highlighted in yellow is the neighborhood thats under an Evacuation Order if you live there you want to exit out calistoga road highway 12 is to your north thats going to be open for you Mountain Hawks, Saint Francis los alamos and also stone bridge drive or your major evacuation routes once again you dont want to stick around and have crews come back in and rescue you want to ask you to leave. Please do so because as weve seen in the past we have major fires like this the winds pick up you could be dealing with damage roads blocked roads downed trees downed power lines if you stay behind youre putting yourself at risk and the firefighters at risk to and firefighters and police in the local sheriffs departments, they are going around these neighborhoods door to door knocking on doors, letting folks know that its time to go. But theyre also asking you that if youre staying on top of these Evacuation Orders to also let your neighbor know your neighbor may not be aware as we continue to cycle through these maps here were checking out the northeast santa rosa neighborhood thats once again highlighted in yellow, so this is impacting folks who live right on to boulevard middle rincon road calistoga road and the areas that are highlighted in red those are your evacuation route. So you can on scene of boulevard to get out a Fountain Grove parkway highway 12 was to your south mission boulevard montgomery drive as well are your major exit evacuation routes now were moving over to oak lawn area, this is oak motte north. The neighborhood thats highlighted in yellow is the one thats impacted right now so if you live anywhere near white oak drive fairfield valley of strife oakleaf. Pie feehan road oakmont road you need to get out your major exit route highway 12 which is to your north you can also use the valley oaks those little arrows and rant is the area that you follow up highfield road will get you out as well as well as stone bridge road. All of those will take you over to highway 12 you can take 12 to north or 12 to the south of you we have one more would just cycling through various neighborhoods, so you can get a closer view of whos being impacted and how you get out a lot of times we have Evacuation Orders in place and folks are saying were confuse we didnt know which direction to go in and thats why were cycling through these mountains into these neighborhoods and zooming in a little bit closer so that you can see the exact streets that are impacted so as we zoom in here we can see the piping in road area thats highlighted in yellow your neighborhoods that are impacted. Childrens road allies away piping in road caso wrote rancho los coast road also impacted. Theres highway 12 to the west of that you can take 12 out that is your major exit route the area thats highlighted in 12 right there next to your neighborhood is highway 12 also want to mention that 12 is closed between calistoga road and arnold road. And if youre in the calistoga area, 29 is blocked off from lincoln avenue over to deer park you want to avoid that stretch for the remainder of the morning. Well take a quick break well come back welcome back 6. 52 on this monday morning we are having is some smoke impact from wildfires burning in the north bay all across the bay area now a bit of aglow over San Francisco is noticeable hayes begins to settle in worst of air quality in the north bay right around santa rosa. Down towards petaluma and avato santa rosa this down through marine county also some very poor conditions now stretching into the peninsula. Better air quality in to the south bay, but this is going to be shifting gradually southwestward through the day you notice those strong north easterly winds pushing into the bay, its pushing all that smoke right into the bay itself and thats where youre getting that big impact from it winds continue to be quite breezy in the vicinity of the glass shady and boy some fires burning in napa and sonoma counties thats been the biggest concern right into this morning is the strong winds that are at their strongest right now the best of news is we are going to actually see wind speeds lightning up a lot into the afternoon. The first factor of high fire danger thats going to show signs of relief as will still be hot and still be very dry into the afternoon. So the afternoon ahead will be calmer but very dry and our hottest one of the forecast in fact, daytime highs in the 90s to triple digits with napa at a 103 degrees santa rosa at a 100 degrees for your high concord at one o to the hayward and even San Francisco. Checking in with highs in the 90s red flag warnings remain until 09 00pm tonight for all of the north bay and then the inland east bay. James. All right john thank you very much. And again the breaking news this morning. The major fires burning to our north destroying homes burning up hillsides and weve got more of this coming up in Team Coverage so stay tuned. The humira patients,. This ones for you. You inspired us to make your humira experience even better. With humira citratefree. It has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, theres less liquid, and a thinner needle. With less pain immediately following injection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. 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Crews are working their best to contain whats called the glass fire which is the first fire that broke out. Early yesterday in napa county and since then weve seen a couple of other spot fires erupt and now its having a very real impact on Sonoma County in santa rosa in specific and the glass fire really blew up overnight and now just in the last hour we can tell you its up to above. 10,000 acres. So that has forced. Thousands of people to have to evacuate as youre

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