Remain cool with San Francisco at 75 oakland a little cooler than yesterday you had a record breaking 88 yesterday today only 80 degrees she had to ignore those upper 90s all occurred of livermore and even the triple digits, tilting yacht in antioch from today into tomorrow though is when the relief really sets it our daytime highs are going to fall the titans on average and went to leave the 70s by tomorrow afternoon. So looking at some really just around the corner. Im talking more about it still ahead back to you guys a shot so the nation as weve seen is coming together to mourn the death of george floyd calling for an end to Police Brutality. This is a look at the of peaceful protests that we saw all around the bay area yesterday from San Francisco to oakland to san mateo and again the great news is. It was all peaceful. And here we take it down on the streets of San Francisco where people walked through the neighborhood there. In a march in show against Police Brutality. The San Francisco protests were largely peaceful as well and because of that the mayor london breed has lifted the citys curfew as you can see kron fours will tran live at dolores park. With more on the demonstration and the decision by the mayor will. The decision by the mayor without trying to be funny were all parents right its almost like you monitor the situation. You like what you see so okay, its lift there. Restrictions so to speak right now youre okay to do what you did before i had to put down the restrictions. Shes been watching whats going on she saw what happened at dolores park you dont even see trash here, they cleaned it up so well no looting, no breaking into things no injuries and the mayor like that and thats why she lifted the curfew all together you dont have to worry about it anymore. Often the distance thats mission high thats where they started gathering in fact let me show you video it started actually online by a 17 yearold girl from San Francisco and she hashtag no justice, no peace, San Francisco and so many people gathered at the location that numbers range anywhere between like 15 to 30,000 people depending on whos counting. But nonetheless he saw how many people flooded the streets. They were told not to cause any trouble any disturbances but to shout out or speak out against Police Brutality and the system that they say is geared towards our geared against i should say African American and people of color. They marched through the streets went down to. The hall of justice continue their protests. All the while being watched by the Police Officers who never had any reason to engage with the protesters so everybody thinks its a great success. But they say theres still so much work that needs to be done. Im just tired. I want to support my people as much as possible. I want to see solidarity im tired of the silence, im tired preaching over and over again posting it on instagram and thats to go anywhere we need to be out here we need to be on the front line and do as much as we can. As much as we can that also entails according to a lot of protesters investing in African American and people of color businesses invest back into mission. This is why they purposely chose this area because that 17 yearold girl. We started her family dates back to the 1960s for the mission area so theyve us not a coincidence that she chose this location as far as the curfew its a very fluid situation it can always be reinstalled so to speak, but it looks like everything is going well to the point where even the San Francisco police chief. He is behind lifting the curfew back to you. All right, thank you very much well. Well lets turn our attention oakland as we jump across the bay. We have video of the peaceful protests that was getting started. Yesterday evening you can see the crowd. Theyre beginning to assemble the protesters say of course a frustrated at the lack of change with regard to Racial Injustice around the country and around the bay area and they wanted that message to be loud and clear. They were also protesting against the curfew in alameda county. Although was a much different scene dont forget just a few days ago few nights ago when officers had to use tear gas to break up the crowds. Oaklands interim police chief talked for a bit about why they made that decision to use tear gas to and it was never our intent to want to use them. However, there are guidelines strict guidelines of when we will use that our policy or crowd control policy. States that. We will we may use gas or other distract are such a smoke. When theres an immediate threat of violence to our community or and officers. When theres damage and destruction of property and only under the instruction and approval, a high ranking commander. And another sign of just how much calmer the situation was last night. There was only one reported arrest. No citations were given and there were no reports of violence or looting. Oaklands curfew is still in effect is from 08 00pm until 05 00am and will stay in effect until further notice. In the north bay, a Peaceful Community gathering and fairfield drew hundreds of people and kron fours felecia call was there. Make no mistake with fairfield ministers are angry over the death of george floyd and the way he lost his life ive been crying and its very difficult i when i see it come on to try to change channels a little tired of seeing it and even more tired of senseless killings, but whatever your form of expression pastors say it needs to be peaceful do can see a lot of Law Enforcement fairfield a Law Enforcement our chief of our city officials i think the outrage is pretty widespread and the best way this group of hundreds felt was appropriate to remember and honor george floyd was to take a collective me several times during the gathering at louis freeh Community Park driving home, the importance of standing up for equality in your Standard Times like were just shallow. Words can get lost. The actions speak. The actions of everyone gathered together as one of the things that makes parafield special complete strangers to the floyd family offering their condolences also extending an olive branch to the African American community or may not be able to raise anyones pain at all. But i would like to apologize. Im sorry. Well, im sorry for anyone who refuses to be far from themselves. Organizers say good can come from George Floyds death at the top of the list making sure Police Officers with poor records receive a greater degree of scrutiny. Before being allowed to work for another Law Enforcement agency following a termination in fairfield flipped at all kron 4 news. And even though things are changing like in San Francisco as we said which is lifting its curfew theyve seen the demonstrations turned peaceful. There are several cities and counties that still have curfews at least through the end of this week and most are from 08 00pm until 05 00am but you can find the exact hours and exact counties and cities affected by those on our website at kron 4 dot com. We have also been keeping up to date with our mobile apps and if you have those youll get push alerts when breaking news happens things that you need to know about so make sure you download the kron 4 app and the kron on app. Or lets talk about another story happening right now we have firefighters in the north bay fighting a large grass fire that damaged several homes up its a sin city this on wall at day yesterday grovers radar is out there live in the sunshine and heat again this morning whats going on right now the scene. James and darya they tell me theyre still working to get that fire out, but they have a pretty good handle on it, but i wanted to show you. The damage that was done in this neighboring neighborhood here you can see the homes behind me burned at least 4 of them in a row here now theyve been battling that fire since yesterday were going to show you just how massive that fire actually got here in the area you see that field on fire you see. Firefighters working to try to get this out this is in the area of elmwood and maple street around 3. 26 yesterday. The neighbors in the area tell me they were evacuated. The house is directly across from these homes and they said that they were out of their home for at least several hours into the night. Well firefighters work to try to get a handle on that. Now they lost at least are more than a eyes here a 100 firefighters were on scene trying to battle that fire that grew to about 300 acres. Now again the Wildlife Center here the area also was burma thankfully they were able to say the majority of that building im told that some animals inside a were lost as a result of that fire but some were able to be released. We talked to some of the neighbors in the area and heres what they had to say about that scary scene. All in all it takes is all it could it took was just him. It should be a little worse the hole someone like last year. It was coming up over the hill by seem a hill road and then was headed back with my brother and then last year so we knew it was going to fire but not this big this is ive never seen anything like this before ever. And now you guys are looking at video that i shot early this morning as you can see the fire was still pretty active then just like man said who i interviewed this morning who talked about just how volatile that fire was and he hadnt seen anything like it. In this area, you know were getting very close to fire season is that began so firefighters are trying to make sure that people are safe. Theyre keeping the grass trend in front of their yards and homes and again with that high wind and the high temperatures from yesterday was just a mixture for a fire like that that was bound to spread in the way that it did darya and james. All right, thanks a lot rhonda. Time now is 8. 10 coming up on the kron 00 04am morning news, its going to be another hot day around the bay as weve been saying john tribal will join us with in the buzz on the same day more charges are filed against Minneapolis Police bay area residents take to the streets to make sure the george floyd did not die in vain. From private citizens to politicians. 2 superstars steph curry marched alongside aishah they were in oakland splash brother Klay Thompson areas that staff. Next i shot Klay Thompson raising his fist against racism there and warriors teammate want escotto anderson and well find a message echoed by president barack obama. Its not our job to its like i said its our job to enlighten and educate those dont know if youre a certain way everybody then drops are the same way we are different people they dont have the luxury of going up in a city like open to diversity during members of our trade just remember. This country was founded on protests. Called the american or revolution. And every step. Progress in this country. Every expansion of free. Every expression of our deepest ideals. Has been. One crew. Efforts that made the status quo on top. And th we should all. Be thankful for folks who are willing in a peaceful. This is one way to be out there making a difference. What motivates people to make a difference what brings out our tears are fears how do we handle those feelings and how on earth do we explain all of this to our kids usc professor doctor ruth white joins us live from oakland to talk about the emotional effects of racism, social activism and change. Good morning and i i think you know i remember you talking about Walking Around like mary you live near there did stephon i should stop by. I wasnt i was not there today, but i was out there for and saturday when there was at protests around grand lake theater. Yeah and also for the drive a protest on sunday. I think it was by the lake as yeah, i mean you know being in the same neighborhood i live near the rose garden, its its great i mean to see people going out to protest and in peace together and like step said you know open is very diverse and so were used to seeing you know people have ethnic groups and races get together to fight. Injustice that is you know the history claim so it is you know were just continuing what has always been here, i mean this is where the back and his were found and so its a really you know its its great to see that energy and to see people committed to the cause i think it is so yet, lets say youre watching or your kids are watching tv and they do see Something Like we saw. With staff a nation the people around like mayor really all the protests, the bay area yesterday. Its easy to say wow okay, this is great things are happening. I feel good. Then theres the other stuff that everybodys been saying you yeah and i mean its hard for you not to feel for the family of george floyd when i saw and you saw his daughter, you know on tv and how she was saying you know she barely even understood what was happening and she said you know my dad is going to change the world i think we have video of her and there she is with her mother and then were watching at the same time. Doctor white. This destruction happening right outside our neighborhood, you know right so the looting and so its its it can be very scary for people. And and saddened so theres all these emotions going on so what what are we how do we process that. Well you know, theres 2 sides like you said right one of the things to remember is that people are angry people are upset. And they have a reason to be upset right is violence always the answer no nobody would say that and thats why protests started out peaceful lot and we know theres a lot of you know all issues around to starting the violence et cetera, but theres none of the marches have been started all been started peacefully and a lot of that has to be with you know interactions between police because when hes in oakland change their strategy a couple days ago we didnt have any by white people just dissipating they were their past curfew et cetera, so its really i think its really important to remember that we should protest we should stand up and say this is unjust and that you know in terms of watching violent. Its just like watching the videos of what made i i suggest a lot which is not to watch it. I dont watch those videos. I think its really important for children to not be exposed to level of trauma or violence, either because theyre not going to see why i asked you know just as i knew what was going was actually going to interview for another news station and they were talking about i was talking to people who have kids and some of them have taken their kids to marches and you know some of the kids are very upset they can see there are asking should i be scared of the least and they really think that for young children. Parents should monitor their consumption of things like watch the news after they go to bed because for a lot of kids its a very upsetting thing to see that level of bond you cant take them for protests and theres some theres some guys around how to do that and how to process that its really important to talk to kids remind them that their say remind them that you are there for them teen arm to talk to and the parents have to remain calm because kids get their cues from so theyre upset theyre going to be upset if they really have a hard time processing a lot and it can also be confusing even in what youre trying to explain things like. O well, the police are trying to you know make sure that everybodys safe and theyre going well, they know how come there are tear gas or all the police are going to protect me will not how come that happened to that guy that they were arrested it so its confusing its and and then also wanted to ask you about mob mentality being a good thing or a bad thing because like when you participate with a big group you can either get swept up and taken away in a bad place or a good place senate. The simple example is in social change. But like just if youre like on bay to breakers run suddenly swept up in an energy so going out and participating does kind of help people like us. And thats part of our wiring like that though the way people think. Yes, well you know it we feel good in its we are in a situation where were standing up for justice and its collective experience to ask people about why they like working a lot of people will say it is good to be like im not the only one feeling this way that other people feel this way and other people want to spend of other people want to make a change so that collective experience is very empowering i was talking to africanamerican mom and she took her 9 yearold and she said her 9 yearold was afraid at first because of the riots that they got there and things were fine and she said half an hour later her daughter was not breathing anymore. I have other parents whose kids are older. Who are going to protest with thing and so its its important to say you know bad things can happen. But you know im going to be here to keep you safe and mom and dad are going to be here to protect your mom or dad or that and i saw the mom where is our home that were here were here for you and its again its really important to me to make sure that theyre not seeing a lot of violence because violence is trauma in children wi get nightmares and they will get and just some people are telling you that their kids are little different a little you know nervous and there are some books that people can their 3 books like to pray for today. Theres theres a classic white collar, lets talk about race by julius lester, and this helps kids understand what race is theres also bear a very popular one that ive been seeing up upstairs for quite some time is called a is for activist and then one that has been winning awards call something happened in our town a childs story about Racial Injustice and it just helps if the kids have something thats huge for them to understand and parents have to again be concrete not be afraid be calm be a place of safety for your child very good. Thank you so much doctor way for joining us this morning and your book is good reading too so lets plug that one more time this is about stress. How did the stress and 10 minutes or less the stand thank you doctor. And we will talk to you next time, im sure it will be back with more in just a few minutes, thanks for watching a bus. A 25 right now lawmakers are considering strategies to make sure that all americans send can safely exercise their right to vote yet. Democrats say the federal government must help states expand vote by the practices of the voters. Dont have to stand in line and large crowds and risk exposure to the virus. But as Raquel Martin reports republicans argue the democrats are inviting rampant voter fraud. Every election we say this is the most important election you know in the history of elections, illinois democrat robin kelly says this november provides an opportunity for americans who have taken to the streets demanding change his own that people exercise their right to vote but the very act of voting is complicated by the pandemic we need your help michigan secretary of state Jocelyn Benson and billy wright activists are asking congress to support in finance vote by mail programs in all 50 states even in the midst of this moment safe and secure elections or possible bids in says michigans last election is proof in 99 of voters who participated in the may election chose to vote from home and there are 0 reports of front but republicans and the president argue vote by mail invite that actors to tamper with votes that is an opportunity for fraud, Illinois Republican rodney davis says he doesnt trust democrats just think this is a trojan horse, the democrats in washington are continuing to use to nationalize our election process Louisiana Republican mike johnson says instead congress should help states make it safer to vote in person we want every eligible american participate in every vote. We just dont believe the suggestions proposed by our colleagues on the other side of the aisle in regards to. Her Upcoming Elections are in the best interest of maintaining the integrity of our election system republicans say they do support sending more federal money to local election authorities to help them deal with the pandemic in washington Raquel Martin. Senator Kamala Harris sat down for an indepth interview with kron 4 about everything the protest to what shes doing 8. 30 right now want to check out the weather because its another hot day around the bay, not quite as hot as yesterday when youre still pushing 99 to 100 stuck vehicles just as hot. But yes, temperatures i guess or come down slightly this afternoon john. Yeah a little bit different but the really definitely insight come tomorrow, so just one more day and well be at some very comfortable temperatures you like to eat well, then you can join the past couple of days and you got another day with it looking out there at San Francisco this morning skies are perfectly clear we do have just a touch of an increase in a sea breeze thats going to keep conditions cooler at the coast today well are inland areas still scorching hot. 60s and 70s for your current temperatures pittsburgh, one livermore at 71. Well fairfield berkeley and San Francisco are in the mid 60s, currently by the time we work our way into the afternoon youll start to notice that theres a big range in temperatures today, San Francisco and helping they remain cool. Well really the rest of us hot 80s 90s in for antioch even one triple digits towing not now from syria into tomorrow is when the changes really happened. In one highs today will average out the 90s tomorrow, the same areas only in the 70s from start to finish that will be a cooldown of around 30 degrees for some of our hottest spots to their maximum cool downs. So some nice changes in the forecast ahead all the getting to the details of what exactly that means for the weekend still to come back to you. All right, thanks a lot. 8. 31 right now and the big story is the nation coming together to mourn the death of george floyd and to call for an end to Police Brutality and racism and you can see just a sampling of some of the big events that happen in big cities around the country washington d c and the car left hand corner, Denver Colorado had a huge Group Portland oregon. People are kneeling in silence there in las vegas, nevada theyre on the move all wanting justice for george floyd and a lot of people continue to demonstrate past curfews, but still things remain peaceful Camila Bernal is in minneapolis with the latest. 46 yearold george floyd died while in Police Custody last week his death sparking protests across the country and around the world. And his family continues to ask. Why im here with my family we demand justice. My first time a killer like this. We want justice. She learned some now how he that. Now the thing that i can certainly is. Very. Today his friends and family will begin to celebrate his life at the first of 3 memorials. Meanwhile new charges were filed yesterday against all 4 former minneapolis Police Officers present at his death charges against Derek Chauvin were upgraded from thirddegree to seconddegree murder. The 3 other officers involved were charged with aiding and abetting shot an enter scheduled to appear in court today. Yesterday Minnesota Attorney general Keith Ellison said the prosecution would be difficult but also important george floyd mattered. He was loved. His family was important. His life had value. And we will seek justice for him and for you and we will find it. In minneapolis minnesota on Camila Bernal reporting. Youll be asked if you do not know he will be guest moved out of the intense moments caught on body camera footage from the Walker Police department as they were trying to destruct. The protesters and get them to disperse. This was from mondays protest downtown in the end it resulted in some injuries and vandalism but the Police Wanted to walk us through how it all how it all evolved over the course of the day it started out. Early in the afternoon with about 3,000 people assembling here at civic park to protest the killing of george floyd 3 oclock everythings fine. It stayed peaceful all the way up to 5. 30 and thats what about a 1000 of the protesters broke off and started making their way towards interstate 6. 80 disrupt traffic and thats when they came into contact with the chp then after the citys curfew went into effect police say several protesters began committing acts of vandalism in the local Business District and thats what prompted officers to deploy tear gas to encourage them to move on. Police say some of the protesters began throwing objects at officers, including a large rock injuring one of their officers. In the north bay investigation now underway in vallejo after Police Officer fatally shot a 22 yearold man in a walgreens parking lot kron fours michelle kingston explains. Kneeling on the ground to 22 yearold shawn monterroso was shot and killed by a Vallejo Police officer early Tuesday Morning say that its always tragic time. Police chief Shawnee Williams told reporters on wednesday that his officers responded to the walgreens parking lot in the 1000 block of redwood street around 1230 Tuesday Morning after receiving calls about possible looting taking place at the pharmacy to cause fled the scene when officers arrived. The monterroso was not in one of those cars but instead kneeling on the pavement the chief says it was at this time that an officer sitting in an Unmarked Police cruiser fired his weapon through the windshield killing mana rossa chief williams would not identify the officer who fired his weapon but did say hes an 18 year veteran an investigation later revealed monterroso did not have a handgun. The chief said it was actually a 15 inch hammer tucked into the pocket of the sweatshirt this monroe says family has now raised more than 39,000 to cover the funeral in legal fees, the officer who shot him honor rosa and the other officers involved are on paid administrative leave in vallejo michelle kingston kron 4 news senator Kamala Harris is weighing in on the protests that happened nationwide come for Sarah Stinson is live in San Francisco with more on what she had to say sarah. Well daria kron 4 news we talked with senator Kamala Harris and she talked about what were seeing across our nation in that as people of all races all genders coming out too. Fight for one thing and thats racial inequality in to stop discrimination and especially to fight for change within our policing across our country and that is where senator harris comes in take a look at this video you can see the protests that have been occurring all over our country and for the most part in the bay area theyve become very peaceful. And you can see its happening from all over including our Nations Capital which is where Kamala Harris protested and all the way back here home in the bay area senator harris says too many times have we seen a black man killed by police. And thats why weve seen protesters fight for justice before and were seeing it yet again the she believes marching peacefully really does create change and she attributes that change to her role as the second black woman to serve the senate now shes working to create change in her role as the senator talked about the new charges against all 4 minneapolis officers involved in the death of george floyd she says while this feels like justice is being served there still more work to be done on a federal level. She does not believe that local district attorneys should be the one investigating misconduct in their own police departments, she further explains what legislation she is fighting for in dc to reform policing in america. So im calling for independent investigations of police misconduct. Im also calling for what we need to do around the National Standard use of force standard by that i mean this when theres been a finding of Excessive Force by Police Officer and that Police Officers charged with Excessive Force. When they go to a court the court. Based on the current standard simply ask was it reasonable. Were almost every action you can find that there some reason but its not thats not a fair standard given that were talking about so im arguing that the standard should be now was it reasonable. Well was that use of force necessary. Senator harris is working with other senators like cory booker and the Congressional Black Caucus to put this legal. This legislation together now coming up in the next hour of the kron 00 04am morning news we will hear again from senator harris about why she thinks these protests are really creating change that we will see through legislation live in San Francisco for now lets send it back to the studio. Thank you sarah and kron 4 has been telling you what you need to know about these protests if theyre happening in your area and weve send push alerts to do that you dont have to keep checking our website. Sign up for those alerts download our apps and that way youll get breaking news as it when you walk into an amazon fulfillment center, its like walking into the Chocolate Factory and you won a golden ticket. All of these are face masks. This looks like a bottle of vodka. But when we first got these, we were like whoa [laughing] my threeyearold, when we get a box delivered, screams mommys work mommys work. With this pandemic, safety is even more important to make sure we go home safe every single day. And were back in a 42 in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic we have governor Gavin Newsome now setting new rules 4 in person voting when we approach the november election fact he signed an executive order giving Election Officials months to prepare for in person voting to accommodate social distancing of course the executive order requires counties to provide 3 extra days of early voting. So we can take our time getting through the polls. Drop boxes have to be available nearly a month before the election and there is are there has to be at least one voting location per 10,000 people. The order also allows counties to use Disaster Service workers to support election operations. The private sector also has urged to consider offering in person pulling her ballot dropoff locations as a way of helping out the state is set to send ballots to every registered voter. And c 43 and still ahead on the kron 00 04am morning news, its going to be another hot day around the bay. But were almost through this heat wave and then a little break before the next well have more in just a few minutes. Its 8. 46 right now lets go to john and check the weather it looks like its going to be another hot one yeah john. Yeah, definitely another toasty one guys maybe not as hot as yesterday but they were only a few degrees cooler for most areas, so its still going to feel really or heat advisories have expired for most areas but to remain in effect all 07 00pm tonight for our neighbors on up in Solano County so be mindful of that from blake on up to back build fairfield a golden gate bridge, nice and clear skies there is an increased surge of ocean cold air at the coast which is resulting in us noticeably cooler day for coastal areas elsewhere were going to hold on to the weekend. Its all cold front on she sent the bay area to really feel the impact of cool down for inland spots across the bay. Clear skies today tomorrow just a few clouds pushing in across the bay area then come saturday are cloudy a stay in one of our coolest ones and a couple sprinkles possible, especially towards the coast as well as for today, 60s and 70s in San Francisco and or other coastal spots, not looking bad at all very comfortable one of these areas, but as i mentioned its our inland spots that are still going to be on the hot side with 80s solidly in redwood city and san carlos at 86 degrees. Each south a daytime highs in the low to mid 90s, not as hot as yesterday but still ot livermore you fond of the triple digits back down to 96 degrees same for walnut creek danville in concord only on the 90s but no triple digits, oakland you broke a record yesterday at 88 today 80 degrees for the i 8 degrees cooler. One remaining triple digit on the map thats an antioch Solano County as i mentioned still under a heat advisory today santa rosa and avato in the low 90s. Tomorrows temperatures taking a big died from the mid 90s today, its the mid 70s, inland tomorrow, were going to keep those 70s around for a bit saturday sunday and monday you can remain nice and cool a good forecaster venture out not worry so much about how hot its going to be in the afternoon Hours Tuesday and wednesday temperatures do begin to climb again so we end this forecast just like were starting at back on the hotter side thinks thats your forecast also get back to you guys, thank you john 8 48 and in bay area news can the shops in the bay area were among those businesses that were hit hard by looters. The past few days. Kron fours morning kelly takes a look at some of the damage. This is surveillance camera video that shows thieves swarming inside to key blunts east oakland dispensary. Just after 11 00pm sunday night and about 200 people just last seconds of the store. I watched it all on camera. He says they all drove up in a caravan of over 60 cars, his security was able to scare them away after a few hours but then another group in different cars came back for round 2 he says the police told him they were too busy with Everything Else going on to respond can ascend to to hardwood life that made people scatter. And it was just nothing a 6, 7 out like nothing to be honest currently i mean on me like we dont im away from a comeback report. These are still photos of the aftermath, he says someone also drove a truck into the neighboring grow house, hes hearing similar stories from other people in the cannabis industry was nearly simultaneously. All over the bay area was looted. And it wasnt just Cannabis Space but Cannabis Space to a really really really really big hit. Over the last weekend. The oakland City Administrators Office says they are still trying to get a handle on how many cannabis businesses were impacted. But they say growers distributors and retail were hit in all different areas of the city. This is video from inside a San Francisco dispensary of another looting sapd says so far they have reports of 14 different incidents ranging from vandalism to burglary at 11 different dispensaries and so far no arrests. The California Bureau of cannabis control says they too have received a number of reports of looting across the state. So much so that theyve taken down the license search feature from their web site since its one way to find pot business addresses person is or people. Thats dorney to our people like that in this attack. You know Big Box Stores attack mom and pop black all places. So that bothers to key blunts pot shop was the first to open under oaklands equity program. He says he understands the anger behind the protests on the street. But what happened to his business was Something Else rather slick not deserve to die like that again. What went on in the bay area had nothing to do with the floor as we just flat out people running into peoples businesses and taking there. Killing their business base. He still calculating the dollar amount that was stolen and hopes to be able to open back up again in a couple of weeks. Maureen kelly kron 4 news. A 51 is the time wooden boards are going up once again outside businesses across the bay area that includes the home of the San Francisco giants. You can see plywood up on the windows at the entrance and 8 at the a ticket booth too. All covered in plywood in at this time its unclear how long theyll stay up. But interestingly in redwood city people are actually turning that plywood into our kron fours noelle bellow with a closer look. And the only message i would say lets just keep it going jose castro lives in the heart of redwood city during a daily walk he came across the plywood protecting the fox theater and realize maybe he can make a difference like theres so much space on these boards and i was like maybe theres a potential for anyone and the rest the company, no community or whatever it was a pretty powerful we obviously as as a were struggling emotionally. In the first place to put all that plywood and 5 our beautiful theater in this. Early on that just came up to me and asked permission general manager of fox theater Ernie Schmidt gave an immediate yes. But on one condition looking at that said really the only ask i had for this young man has long as it is drawn from the heart i let him go at it, you know i won a first and foremost to just you know put george floyd up you know obviously the issue is faces that is the reality as to why this obviously spawn out one of their candidate up with the power of the people signing on to obviously represent on different cultures. Castro went live on instagram encouraging other local artists to come Share Positive messages as well. And they didnt disappoint my peers came over and we started painting other people had other ideas with hashtags naming all the names of the lost their fallen. To you know simple messages lead just it was just so beautiful to see all of that coming together art has always played a huge role. In shaping in advancing the fight for equality and i believe truly that mister joses artwork definitely has accomplished that so this is a very powerful thing thats happening in that you know we really need to support one another. And about whats happening right now noelle bellow kron 4 news. Ome lawmakers say now is the time for congress to pass Sweeping Police Reform im alexandra le 56 right now on kron 4 continues to salute the graduating class of 2020 todays senior is. Ronald roberts said thats right ronald is graduating from Salesian College Preparatory High School enrichment. He is a twosport athlete. He plays both football and baseball in fact it was the starting quarterback and helped lead his team to a state football championship. Congratulations to you ronald best of luck going forward, he says he wants to. Attend not only athletic but academic. Professions at the university of oregon congratulations to you and you can tell us about your grad and what their plans are for the future post a picture just go to kron 4 dot com. Coming up in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news peaceful protests across the bay area. Well have reaction on a large protest that was seen in San Franciscos Mission District and the behavior they displayed that convinced San Francisco mayor london breed to relax. Make your summer everything it can be. And discover whats possible at lowes. Watching kron. Morning news at 9. And thanks for joining and tuning in on this thursday morning, im darya folsom were going to have a lot on the pandemic and the protests this morning, lots of breaking news to tell you about the first were in the middle of this heat wave, so lets get right to that john sure able on the couch at home. I think youre going to be joining us in studio next weeks. I cant wait for that then youre going to have to dress from the waist down. I know exactly i have to work more than shorts out todays a good day for shorts. Yes, it is and is going to be another day they break the short sell break the sunscreen now mike, i know you love daria when local acts that took over his but yes you just want to be prepared for it weve got practice now for a couple of weeks with these triple digit temperatures and we do have some

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