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police say the driver who and, use those powers initially took off may have to finally address the climate crisis. been impaired. thank you for joining us, everybody, i'm and, i've spent 30 years building a successful grant lotus and i became kiss this all started about 4.20. this afternoon, our gayle ong is live at the scene in san international business. francisco and is standing by with an update from police. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. >>the game grand i'm here on 24th and mission right now you can see it is still blocked off the area. investigators are still on coming through the evidence what we know 2 men are at the hospital with life threatening injuries. one woman was hurt. and police believe the driver may have been impaired. >>a dark colored pre us with its front end damage at the scene in the center of a multi vehicle collision in san francisco's mission district it happened during a busy afternoon at the corner of 23th and mission streets san francisco police say the prius >>and here we go the first collided with a muni bus. 3 sign of baseball season is pedestrians were hurt a person back pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training in the cross walk that was for clubs around the league today and for the oakland a's struck and some somehow was sandwiched between the 2 cars. this could be the start of the >>the bus continued northbound championship season sky-high expectations surrounding the on mission stops and a male green and gold after back to back 97 win seasons that ended patient passenger disembark in the wild-card round oakland the bus as the car, the is tanned is one of the teams suspect vehicle was northbound to make a run at world title this year, they have the young on the east curbside striking core to do it power line up that person sustaining serious injuries, a 3rd victim, a gold glover is at the core is what matt chapman and also an mvp candidate marcus semien it woman suffered a non-life threatening injuries. police short a packed, stacked say the suspect driver left pitching rotation that now the scene and came back in minutes. he is cooperating features 2 rookie of the year with investigators this store owner in i see one when that candidates age a park in so as and it doesn't stop there bob melvin from arizona. happened and a >>you talk a lot about was our >>i'm really really feel own pot in you know when i come back so forth frankie really bad because i don't know if you that that that montas is going to be a big piece for us last year you saw what he did in the 1st half he guy's diet on miguel garcia was forgoing domini was dominant he would've made the works half a block away and saw the 2 men get hit all-star team. so we're everybody called to them blames them a lift ticket 10 looking forward to seeing what he can do for us for a full year in a in the experience in to 5 to 10 minutes to come in the conference of the game from last year as a young cali the incident was caught on surveillance video from group for sure we're all businesses and the muni bus excited about it. i mean death that are now in police for sure i mean you want to 5 custody. there is go police all these guys can go out there and be nice huh i don't think is any doubt that we're say the driver of the prius is going to. >>a lot of games in the you being evaluated for drugs and know the better pitching alcohol reporting live in san staff. francisco gayle, ong kron 4 >>and full squad gets there monday moving over the giants news right gail. camp in scottsdale not only >>the reminder you can always day one of spring training, follow breaking news with push it's also the start of the first camp under new manager alerts from the kron 4 mobile app download it now to stay gabe kepler right out of the gates, the pitching staff of the very different look compared to the last several connected. now to our other years madison bumgarner he's top story. the total number of no longer the head of the confirmed cases of corona virus in china has jumped rotation is now playing for the diamondbacks so that means another 242 people have died jeffs a margin johnny cueto will be carrying the load. the and more than 14,000 new cases giants looking to get back to were recorded tonight here in the playoffs for the first time since 2016 and end a the us there are total 14 confirmed cases in california. stretch of 3 consecutive the number of cases stands at losing seasons finally 8 the most recent case was in tonight, the warriors also in arizona for their last game san diego. here's a look at an before the all-star break interactive map that is golden state in the valley of tracking the outbreak in real the sun 3rd quarter. the devin time. if you'd like to check it out visit kron 4 dot com booker phoenix his star player because of the corona virus already going to work get bay area health clinics are scrambling now . theme here the next from downtown 27 points 8 assists. >>the sun is up 11 after 3 and >>find supplies to try to protect health care and the final stanza andrew wiggins. throws down the alley procedure masks are in a you put the warriors still global shortage places like down 10 wiggins with 27 points. he's getting more and foothill community health center in santa clara county more comfortable in the system say they cannot get their the 3 and a half minutes to go hands on the n 95 masks and wars within for ricky rubio the kick out from poster. a 3 there running out of the surgical and what they call pointer rubio with a couple of key buckets down the stretch procedure masks occur first run to school one 12 1 oh 6 sons warriors have now lost 4 in a row. the warriors are now taylor the sack he spoke with the safety and facilities manager tonight she joins us on the break and we'll see now live with more taylor. >>yeah but hill community health center has 13 clinics across this county in all of those clinics they're facing shortages. they say that patients are even coming in asking for the masks, but right now they just don't have enough to spare. as soon as i started talking about >>to be honest answer the question we have never experienced that before this the first time this happening you know everything's back ordered and we're still looking for more supplies guest safety and facilities manager at foothill community health center omar murtaza says. >>all 13 of its clinics in santa clara county are out of n 95 masks and running low on surgical and procedure masks thing it started a month ago. >>so we ran out of her supply, especially than 95 mask, an appendix the current situation is even our surgical mask near back ordered, mean renders putting term limits on congress, henry schein and mckesson for the health center. it's also washington insiders went crazy. regular flu season requiring they said term limits are bad, its staff to always wear the that they'll break government. protective masks and already what a joke! wave and i heard a car so you congress is working fine for politicians and corporations, can amass are running out to i think in the normal season but it's not doing anything for real people we've area so you can mess so still mourn our for employees on climate, health care or gun safety. to treat this as a you as a the only way we get new ideas is electing new people, few season and the front office needs to have a mask or including a president willing to shake-up washington. on times mac cheese to have i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. >>so far health officials confirmed to corona virus cases and santa clara county. art has a says no patients have come to their clinics with the virus. but they need to be prepared if and when that happens overall i think the most the thing that has affected our supplies. >>for a tissue than anything mass. >>the murtaza says the clinics have enough of those masks to last them another few weeks but they'll soon it need to replenish those supplies still none of those and 95 masks are available though reporting live in san jose tiller key kron 4 news. >>thank you taylor, a bay area mother who is quarantined because of the corona virus with thousands of others is still waiting to be at home. the ship they were on was turned away by 4 asian governments over fears that admitting passengers could spread the dangerous new virus kron four's justine waltman spoke with her today about this suppose a dream vacation that has taken a very different terror. >>and dancing the night away as how passengers on board holland america cruise ship passed the time. >>the 30 day crews started in singapore but was rejected at port after port to dock because of corona virus concerns, christina kirby from alameda is on board with her mom turned out to be something >>an ohio found a 2 year-old quite different the more than boy riding a toy bite in the 1400 passengers and 800 crew members got turned away by street and 35 degree weather thailand, guam, japan and the philippines. so certainly yet it turns out that he there's been an emotional escaped from a day care that roller coaster not knowing by has had for similar complaints in a fewer than 5 years, joe >>in general around vera pack attack us has the story. couldn't get around shep and people have really come together to go with the just be very flexible and resilient been wonderful to witness >>sandusky police body cam video showing a disoriented 2 instead of sightseeing across year-old boy riding a toy try asia, christina had to stay on % board she took the oga spin sickle his socks and pants soaked the child unable to classes enjoy the buffet not tell police where he came from or how he ended up on a busy sec we not confined to our prospect street i really swear, sitting by the pool couldn't believe that a special with that time of the where having meals together or day the temperature. >>barely dressed out just having and i it was important that the world know that walking on this little scooter and middle of the street it cambodia has finally accepted was officer david west who was the cruise ship before first on the scene video of disembarking all passengers his dash cam showing the young will undergo a health child on the street to the screening. >>and then the cruise line left of the screen. >>the dash cam video also will charter flights to get everyone back home as a room showing how a good samaritan stopped his vehicle got out of service arrived with hot his car called police and coffee, christina told kron 4 signal to the white car in the news she has no regrets she on coming lane and he's waving actually enjoyed her trip she to the card at no will slow spent time with her mom and down look at we got here. made memories and different >>car did slow down and stop so. once then she front we have been trapped on board a luxury >>good dose of the color police had to go door to door cruise ship so it's not a to track down the daycare terrible greatest and owner who police say was watching 6 other children >>all this even though there sleeping on the first floor was no corona virus on the children services was called cruise ship at any point. now to the scene and fortunately christina will get her trip the child did not suffer any reimbursed her flight back injuries. police gave the home taken care of and a free daycare owner the bad news for cruise to take in the future your insurance or drink and and she does plan on taking it eat drink children. eventually. in the newsroom, i'm justine waldman kron 4 >>karen safety in since the daycare owner has been charged news. with a misdemeanor we're not >>and you can say with kron going to give you her four's we continue to track identity. police say the front the corona virus worldwide we door of the home daycare did have the latest on our website have a deadbolt lock but that kron 4 dot com just look for the corona virus tab under it was easily accessible for a toddler to reach up and opened news. the door we tried to explain >>more than 9,000 people are you know maybe some. >>job proofing door covers. without power right now in san this is video coming up from the citizen app of where it >>she's watching more than one kid maybe get a alarm or something on the door the door happened on haight and ashbury opens are to be things out. and the hayes valley >>there was a joke is neighborhood 9,000. 123 people reporting for us tonight that daycare owners pleading not guilty to the charges against they are in the dark a pg e her. she could go to jail for crews on the way to the area. up to a year if she's convicted. power went out just before 8. and right now pg and e >>our 4 zone forecast time as estimates that it will be we take a live look outside at restored about 00:45pm the embarcadero lot of kids of tonight, the cause of the alschool for the whole outage is not clear yet. week. next week. yeah, you >>all right now taking a look know what that means love lot at the weather is we get a of people trying get their check of the 4 zone forecast taking a peek outside another snowboard their skis on by beautiful day in the bay yeah rain both you know back in the day we get like a day off week joining us now chief meteorologist lawrence karnow with a what's going on this or going to if there's snow week works. well guys so we for them to ski all they can find some snow out there on have had quite the week so some salt their yeah here folks over there over here trump forced the report tonight, yes, certainly some guys that quite the week so far we have a lot of sunshine spring-like skiing conditions like in a little slushy toward out there today and they can above normal temperatures and the middle of the day in the you know what we're going afternoon. but you've got some continue. snow up there to ski on 54 >>old watcher temperatures take a tumble. we saw him come inches at kirkwood they've had about an inch of snow in the down a little bit today but still above the average but no past 7 days or so 85 trails 80's no records to speak up there are open roadways are today still 70 in san jose 73 open and clear 87 inches now in santa rosa 72 degrees and a on the ground has been quite a bottle of 66 degrees in san francisco remember half moon bit of snow melt up there. they were upwards of about a bay. there were over 70 degrees yesterday today they 118 last week but of course dropped over 10 degrees and you get the warmer temperatures and you're seeing that's because that sea breeze some of that snow melt away. 55 inches on the ground for kicking him looking out toward the base at heavenly 90 trails the golden gate bridge, not open there as well how about seeing any true fog forming just yet but we are seeing sierra tahoe 68 inches on the that haze out there and certainly expectancy some fog ground. so plenty of that on come to the golden gate the ground there if you want to get up there and do a overnight tonight into early little skiing on the roadways are open and clear hey how tomorrow morning is drive about that start to see some fog trying to form out there decir blades can remain for right now around the bay area that is going to be something now on well maybe for the that will factor nor day foreseeable future as high tomorrow for the weather pressure just sitting over head. we are seeing that ridge you'll notice temperatures really coming down with a bit start the weekend and that's of a sea breeze, no rain allowed for more that sea breeze instead that offshore unfortunately to talk about wind that really about those that fog trying to gather warm spring-like temperatures along the coastline right now the past 2 days that has come will start to fill in throughout the night so tomorrow morning wake up some to an end going stay mostly patchy fog early gone giving clear except for some patchy way to some sunshine and fog developing a partly cloudy temperatures in the 50's and for tomorrow we'll see some the 60's there comes that fog patchy fog inside the bay and developing you can also see a the clouds likely to linger cold front sweeping down from along the coastline. you see a the north that's encounter ramp up this marine layer and lot of sunshine in the valleys but the temperatures already help bring the fog low clouds cooling off toward the coast on shore and then once it moves by, it's got some cold 48 degrees in pacifica 52 in air behind it likely in the san francisco, 56 degrees and mix out some low clouds and fog as we get into friday. so a lot of clouds on the way for lot of 40's in the north bay right now but big change in tomorrow just some partly the weather pattern you get cloudy skies we get into that cold front up in the gulf friday and the teperatures of alaska that is going to start to drop in toward other are going to be that much cooler along the coastline bay area by tomorrow afternoon 50's in the san francisco about 56 and cloudy in the that is going to ramp up the marine layer that means more pacifica 59 and burlingame a low clouds and fog more of a sea breeze kicking into and little bit on the cool side there as well as you move your the temperatures are going to way down the peninsula find some warmer temperatures as high pressure going to do a start to come down that's sleet forecast guys back to kind of break down tomorrow you i think florence a and move out of the way still developing story tonight a rash of new subpoenas being not get the rain we're going to see some mid 60's in a issued as part of a joint pleasant and same with damble about 64 in conquered us 65 public corruption investigation in san francisco. the issue here stems from federal criminal degrees in pittsburgh about 63 charges that were filed degrees in santa rosa in the against former public works next few days we're going to director in the city mohammed keep those temperatures fall off just a little bit in the nuru. >>and san francisco restaurant valentine's day little breezy on friday as in a slight owner nick bovis kron four's chance of showers on sunday. dan kerman reports. >>school in san francisco city attorney dennis herrera is the legal team for former empire actor jussie smollett investigation into city is calling new charges against corruption is expanding the right on the heels of last month's arrest of san him political smollett faces 6 francisco, public works new charges of disorderly director mohammed nuru and conduct in chicago. dual center nick bovis on federal corruption charges. >>he's a accused of filing a false police report in january herrera has subpoenaed documents from a companies and of 2019. so like claimed that he was a victim of a racist nonprofits these are companies and homophobic attack but the quote his office believes were superintendent at the time involved in funneling donations to fund city says the actor staged the programs and events including whole thing. so let's says he funding public works holiday didn't make up the attack and the charges were later parties. those companies dropped. chicago mayor lori include pacific gas and lightfoot says she thinks electric construction firms, web core pink alan clark, these new charges support the findings of the cook county construction, recycling company, rick khalid g and 3 grand jury. >>i'm not going late into the political fray and this. the nonprofits duels foundation timing. the charges for kids. the san francisco parks alliance and the san themselves. francisco clean city coalition. in a statement herrera says we're following the we're following the money >>after the charges were we're going to follow the dropped last year. dan webb evidence wherever it leads. >>we have been calling for independent investigations was assigned as a special from the start and have every prosecutor to investigate the decision he was given confidence that the city authority to file new charges attorney will move forward and look into this and leave no as appropriate small it goes back to court in chicago later stone unturned, san francisco supervisor dean preston who is this month. 2 ohio state one of the first to call for university football players have been dismissed from the an outside investigator to look into city corruption was team. they're accused of rape pleased with the move weeks and kidnapping according to now it's not a surprise that court documents the incident the and now we're starting to happened on february 4th, ohio see new names and this you state football coach friday know you read that original released a statement about his complaint and it's clear that players this afternoon. reads in part quote i've dismissed a this reflected a culture of mere 8 and johnson went from our football team, i'm not that now is starting to come making any statement on the criminal charges but it is to light the city attorney says the investigation has clear they did not live up to also led to the cancellation our standards and my expectations and quote it is of the $171,000 portable toilet contract with a company not yet clear. rape and went tied to bogus by the federal have attorneys or when they're due in court. investigation suggests nuru >>a st. louis blues player provided bogus inside collapsed during a national hockey game in anaheim information so bogus could win yesterday, the blues general the bid on the toilet contract. the city attorney's manager says defenseman jay bo office working with the controller says it is also mister suffered a cardiac episode. in video from the reviewing other city contracts game you can see him slumped involving the public works over on the bench. before department and other city departments. >>that city hall dan kerman falling forward his teammates frantically waved for a team kron 4 news. >>our police are looking for a doctor to come over by the suspect in an unprovoked time bo mister was taken to attack on a customer or the hospital. he was alert and passenger rather this happened just after 6 on tuesday night able to move the 36 year-old on the daily city-bound train is undergoing tests. approaching. the lake merritt >>i just all of a sudden this tied to last and my heart investigators say first the aides to the family. anderson suspect asked the victim for directions then attacked a the shock. >>so obviously our thoughts are with him number one. just victim was hit with a chain a scary kind of uncertain situation. that had a lock attached to it was later taken to the hospital. richmond police >>and this the blues coaching believe a man suspected in an armed robbery in their city staff to provide an update during a press conference may have also been involved in a robbery in oakland on the today and they say that bo very same day. these are their mister is doing very well at u c i irving medical center. bo surveillance images of the man they're trying to identify the photo on the right was taken mister holds the longest around 5 o'clock on monday. streak of consecutive games played by a defenseman in nhl that's when richmond police say that the suspect pulled a gun on a victim and demanded history. money and property and on the >>and as you can see group is left just hours earlier, a man giving most major us grocery store chains, a failing score cleaning his car and oakland's on its 2020 food recall report diamond district was also card. the us public interest robbed at gunpoint. research group looked dead 26 >>did your window smashed by a of the largest grocers in the burglar in san francisco and country safeway not on the maybe get some help from the list. it found 84% failed to city to pay for replacing that adequately inform the public window today, san francisco's new d a introduce that idea on recall notification efforts kron 4 says it made unit has including how to sign up for notifications at a store where details. >>francisco district attorney to find recall postings inside jason new budget proposal. stores. 4 chains passed with a >>include setting aside one grade of c target was on that and a half million dollars the list. none earned an a or a b residents who are victims of the study's authors say they're concerned with the smash-and-grab bottle burglaries unfortunately we're findings saying customers need to know about recalls to not able to arrest and safeguard their health. prosecute every person that commits a lot of burglars in san francisco, what we can do >>up next you know it's we're asking the city to help something you don't see us do. >>the to put victims first and everyday people on the backs of donkeys playing basketball to support fixing broken car reason behind this there they windows. he talks about the scale of the city's ongoing go. game there's a reason although burglary problem we behind a had approximately 8,910 san francisco residents who are victims of auto burglaries each of the last 2 years the da is still working out the kinks but he offers this potential breakdown of how the funds would be used only pay for folks whose insurance does not cover it. when mike first became mayor, >>and we would contract with locally owned last repair businesses sure that the money being spent by the city is going back into jobs right here in san francisco, you know i think that's going to perpetuate the problem john kelly of action auto glass as he would like to see those tax dollars put to use in other ways i'd like to see the 9 half go to the sheriff's department for correction ul's however getting some help replacing a shattered window does have its appeal with some drivers of the city i was born and raised here and um i think it's a great idea, san francisco mayor london breed directed each department to cut 3 and a half percent from their individual budgets to address the city's million budget deficit that includes the district attorney's office, your tax dollars are already going to the county jail for a single night in we want victims of crime who made all it's a critical part of what we do in the district attorney's office is advocate for victims. this is putting our money where our mouth is in san francisco has it read you kron 4 news. there were places where black and brown children >>san francisco city leaders have voted and approved a hadn't received an education for 30 years. proposal for a 20 year million mike said, "those are the kids i want to give an opportunity". least for a navigation center he increased teacher's salaries. for young adults who are homeless. the building is on post street the center would he increased the graduation rates by 40%. have 75 beds and serve people he made schools safer all over this country. 18 to 24 years old. the children aren't getting a quality education. proposal will be presented to the board of supervisors mike is going to fight for all the children. i saw him do it in the largest school system in america. meeting february 25th san francisco has 7 navigation he's going to do the same thing in this country. centers in operation already but this will be the first i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. specifically for younger people who are homeless. in the south bay. some willow glen residents are upset to find out that their drinking water may have had higher than normal levels of a self and a casting and not something you want to drink it's a substance used in products like carpets clothing and cookware san jose water sent a letter about this a former army medic, made of the we maflexibility to handle members like kate. to about 11,000 customers explaining what the company whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. has done to take care of the problem, but. >>some neighbors tell kron four's michelle kingston they're not sure if what the so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. company did was enough. >>some residents tell me what makes the most upset about she sily f this letter is not just usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. learning about this substance, she can even pick her payment plan but just how long it took them to be notified of the issue so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. getting a and it being 8 usaa months from the time that they discovered the problem is alarming this is just one of about 11,000 san jose water customers who received a notice from the water company warning of potential per floor >>well we've seen all different kinds of basketball locked in so far nic acid this this is in nebraska and concentrations above the state notification level in their the players feel trying to drinking water, the substance make the baskets were were also known as p f o s is getting around writing. dow keeps you know there are all describe a san jose waters and kinds of jokes you could make manmade substance that has about this but it was actually been synthesized for water and for a good cause. >>the create future farmers of fav resistance and used in products like carpets clothing america at the petersen and cookware they say exposure reports. to the substance in tap water >>donkey basketball for who's over certain levels may result in adverse health effects been hurt. not a lot of points including thyroid and and some false here and there reproductive toxicity and but pancreatic and liver cancer, not really knowing. >>much about what the substance can do to ourselves our children, our dogs. >>got gray hair do they give me these the dollars keep it works out. well they feel >>that's alarming the letter sorry for me. received by some neighbors. >>tonight people piled into this past weekend explains the the gym as writers got their water company begin monitoring donkeys and the cleanup their wells in 2019 and mckenzie randall was on the discovered pfa wessing cause don't college team who are the defending tonight double track in-tray shuns above the notification level in 6 of its runners, teachers and coaches wells and immediately on dogs. discontinued use of those >>this is welts the letter goes on to say that their customers are no longer receiving water with >>and although the team was hoping to write off with the concentrations of this substance about the victory. they say they're notification level and that happy to participate in their water meet all standards set by federal and state something that will benefit to regulatory agencies but that treat something ffa alumni they sent the letter in the president says will have a interest of transparency to huge impact we have communicate out to our scholarships we we make sure customers what we're doing to keep their water safe. it every kid has enough a jacket makes me feel like i don't a we help pay for their way to know what to trust anymore. >>how how can we trust that the well has been fixed and how can we trust that our already don't see this every water is safe the origin of day. the contaminant is unknown, >>like polo. polo ponies that according to san jose water. but they say they're working to determine how it was introduced into the ground water supply in san jose idea tonight smaller you don't michelle kingston kron 4 see every day your son with that report tonight. and you california lawmakers are know as long as they raised by look like some of those people keeping an eye on how new federal and local laws are took hard falls sick. they did affecting vaping rates across out the donkeys were not the state with the rising unhappy about that that wraps popularity of those e cigarettes health officials up kron 4 news tonight, a day told lawmakers today. >>use in california has been of our primetime coverage on the rise since 2017 continues at the top of the officials say a quarter now of air pam moore and j r stone are here with kron 4 news at america's youth. his hooked. 10. >>and grant thanks to you both next at 10 o'clock a chaotic >>it is true that these individuals probably will be scene in san francisco's seeking other products in the mission district that's after interim i think that it will an out of control driver slams be really critical for us to into 3 pedestrians leaving to come up with ways to help these wean themselves off of this addiction and again part with life threatening of it is a recognition that injuries. what police have they are addicted to much higher levels than we revealed about the suspect and traditionally have ever seen. the victims faso dramatic jump in corona virus cases driven the state department of health says as of this week there by a new method to tracking have been 208 cases of what the infections. the spreading virus is still sparring global they call a volley that's a vape related lung injury. fear. >>that's making it difficult for one cruise ship to dock. >>with 4 deaths across 31 it has been turned away by 4 counties in california since august of last year. patients asian governments we talked to range in age from 14 to 71. east bay woman aboard one of those ships and how traffic health officials say lately officials are looking to cut cases of the volley are on a down on your bay bridge commute by as much as 30 downward trend, but they could not say exactly why. the minutes don't go away our 3 of federal government recently kron 4 news in primetime banned the sale of some starts right here after the flavored products, the break. california legislature is now considering a full ban on the sale of all flavored tobacco products. >>an unprecedented assault upon the independence of the justice department that's what outraged democrats are calling president trump's public confirmation of an intervention by the attorney growing up in la, bad air forced us indoors. general in the federal case against the president's longtime friend, roger stone andy rose has the latest. >>the fact is that right here so it was treated horribly and so are many of the people their lives were destroyed i want to thank the justice department to seeing this news harlow thank president trump confirming the justice department intervened in the federal case against his longtime friend roger stone and publicly congratulating attorney general bill barr on twitter for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control i did speak to him by the way just say understanding they saw the horrible this of a 9 year sentence for doing and now we have to deal with this. nothing now barr has agreed to climate change is an emergency. testify before the house judiciary committee next month that's why i wrote the nation's giving outrage democrats a most progressive climate law. chance to press him on the justice department's and that's why i'm endorsing tom steyer. involvement in stone's case presidents. and even close because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. same with the keystone pipeline. when tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. trump allies are falling in line with the president on this one down thinking that should tweet about ongoing case certainly up to the discretion of the judge even with all of the prosecutors on his case gone, roger stone's fate now lies in the hands of federal judge amy berman jackson who is now denied stone's request for a new trial. i'm andy rose reporting. a growing tonight for an elderly woman who was hit and killed while crossing the east bay street, what city leaders are now doing to try and improve safety there it was a normal day at this starbucks, but it took a terrifying turn after a man with a machete came running in. >>though he was going after and how the attack was stopped. americans collectively reach a new high this year for debt, it is in the trillions of dollars wh obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. >>local news station. >>breaking news is in san francisco, 2 people are undergoing surgery after they were hit by a car on a sidewalk. thank you for joining us tonight at 10 i'm pam moore and i'm j r stone in for ken wayne we heard. >>back from the hospital less than 30 minutes ago. they said there's no update on the patients conditions. this started around 4 20 this afternoon in the city's fisn't just about polar bears. mission district. police say we're fighting for our lives, the car had a total of 3 we're fighting for clean air and clean water. pedestrians. and the driver may have been impaired. kron that's why i wrote the law to four's gayle ong is live send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. >>for your money tonight americans are in debt now more than ever before. but it might not beterest rates for mortgages dipped below 4% in 20 19 for the first time in 3 years making it course more. >>affordable for many people to buy homes but when it comes to spending us households. they are putting more on credit outstanding credit card debt, grew by $57 billion in 2019 the federal reserve says total household debt rose by 193 billion at the end of last year setting a new record of 14 trillion for americans. the fda has issued a recall for popular insulin pumps used by hundreds of thousands of people who have type one diabetes. the recall applies to certain medtronic many mid 600 series insulin pumps. >>one patient has died and more than 2000 have been injured by the devices, according to the fda. the faulty pumps can deliver incorrect amounts of insulin which obviously can lead to serious medical complications. we have posted the recall specifics for you on kron 4 dot com up next a bay area, mom and daughter who were forced to be quarantined during crossfire per acre. >>finally back home tonight she shares her experience when we come back. >>and city leaders in alameda are stepping in there trying to prevent it can run the swat this city is doing after a it's time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. >>today we know the woman hit by a car while crossing street in alameda last night has died and her loved ones have now put together a memorial for her on the street where it happened or forcefully call reports this happened as the city was working on improving pedestrian safety. >>hours after a woman was hit by a car in alameda while using the crosswalk tuesday afternoon on walnut street at and seville avenue. she took her last breaths as of last night she succumbed are this marks the second pedestrian to be killed on city streets in the past 2 weeks in the previous incident, the driver was found to be under the influence of drugs. lieutenant matthew mcmillan says that doesn't appear to be the case in tuesday's accident. the driver stayed on scene and is cooperating with the investigation. the driver will most likely be a fall we're in the infancy stages of the investigation but preliminarily it appears that way that's because speed may have played a role a problem, some neighbors have noticed in the people and it's officially turning. >>they will just ignore the lights and just keep going and i almost got a couple weeks ago a senior transportation for nader for the city of alameda rochelle wheeler says the team will study accident in the next few weeks and determine if the intersection requires safety improvements but adds it was not identified by the public has a problem or dangerous intersection in a 2 month online survey that wrapped up at the end of january. >>2100 comments were collected this location is not a high injury location. >>we know that there was in that 10 years one non-injury pedestrian collision of bad manners. >>public works director liam garland says the city has been steadily improving the roadways for a few years now and that more big changes are to come we've done a big push. >>with installing a more than 15 flashing beacons those of those flashing yellow lights that are been proven increased the yielding of drivers to pedestrians in crosswalks by up to 80% in may the city plans on presenting to the communities, some of the ideas offered by the public through the survey. >>in alameda felipe should all kron 4 news. >>a nevada man is accused of a study of stealing from cars police say a witness saw him reaching into a parked vehicle through a broken window, it happened about a 20 this morning in downtown sandra fell police arrested the suspect they say he is 25 year-old joseph jones officers say jones was in possession of property that was stolen from the parked car and they say he had a tool on him that can quickly break windows turning out of the other big story of the night tracking the wuhan corona virus tonight of palo alto woman. >>and her daughter are back home after being quarantined for 2 weeks following their visit to wuhan china where it was feared that they may have been exposed to the deadly virus luckily. neither astor to becca nor her daughter has the virus. esther and her daughter were visiting relatives in wuhan as the corona virus began to spread leading to a lockdown of the city to becca says she was terrified. talk about it ends thousands of people infected. hundreds or you want even more what dead and that the number keeps on growing every day a few bad that others couldn't get on the flight. >>the same time i a blast to be able to because in a way we have to. >>tabak of felt that neither she nor her daughter were sick after 14 days of quarantine esther and the other evacuees tossed their protective masks into the air when it was announced. none of them had the virus. stay with kron four's we continue our coverage of the corona virus. we post the latest update and there's information on how to protect yourself. we also have the very latest on our website at kron 4 dot com just look for the crown a virus tab under news. >>really surveillance video shows what happened when a man attacked a woman in a starbucks with a machete she may not have survived if a customer hadn't jumped in to help just to carrington reports now from bakersfield. >>surveillance video from inside the starbucks at stockdale highway in village lane shows a typical day inside the coffee shop people coming in to grab a cup of coffee some studying at nearby tables. but just before noon on september 9th 2018 that all changed no one in the store knew that nearby a domestic violence situation was unfolding and maybe at the start california. >>a top seller is doing a metal is know the station around 11:45am. a woman runs into starbucks appearing to be in distress. >>there's no audio but she looks like she's saying something while pointing toward a man walking in the front door that man was 31 year-old robert reavis the woman runs behind the counter and read this follows but look at the top of your screen. you can see immediately blaine hodge was out of his seat as reavis attacks the woman hodge runs behind the counter and intervenes hodge was able to pull read this off the victim, but then slips falling on the ground. that's when reavis turns the machete on him giving the woman a chance to get away hodge gets up bloodied and heads out the front door visitors in the store also start rushing out it's another 20 seconds before reavis machete in hand calmly walks out the front door 23, abc caught up with hodges he was released from the hospital in 2018. his hand was bandaged with hundreds of stitches all over his body. he told 23 abc when he saw the look on the woman's face he had to do something she was frantic while he was just after noon. the tavenner he said she was helpless so he stepped in it was the fear that was on her face. >>couldn't just let it keep happening, you know like. >>and this year you know do something no way might not know. it was going to my head. no absolutely not hodge and the woman were taken to the hospital with critical injuries but did survive. >>last year local congressman and house minority leader kevin mccarthy awarded with the 2019 citizens honors award from the congressional medal of honor society, mccarthy saying hodge acted swiftly and bravely. >>it was jessica harrington reporting for us tonight rebus was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted manslaughter. he said to be sentenced next week. >>kobe bryant and his 13 year-old daughter gianna were laid to rest last week at a southern california cemetery. death certificates just released show that they were buried at pacific view memorial park that's in corona del mar. the nba legend and his daughter were among 9 people killed in a helicopter crash in january in the hills of calabasas there will be a public celebration for on feby 24th for the people who died that set staples center in >>we've got mostly clear skies now, but that is not going to last long some fog coming back and that is going to change everything the weather's coming up. >>and police body cam captures a toddler on the run just after he broke out of day care. >>and ready or not the giants and a's have started spring are carpenters coming up next is reaction from the skipper bob melvin and obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message.

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