Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240622 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240622

i got you covered some light on the wild ride on wall street. j. r. stone is here with what the stock plunged today means for you first kate joins us to explain why start some start-ups aren't worried investors are holding onto their wallets. >> reporter: exceed cash all the time, some companies will have enough money for 60 months at a time. but investors skittish it could have ripple effect. "you never have enough cash and starting a startup." cocoanut"" >> reporter: to an incubator founder save helps people around the world. one of the best buy it forbes. giant market swing has him a bit spooked. "through the dust, mold burst and 20088 meltdown twice. if this happens again it will be fun " the fund. the market"will eventually come back. when it does i will have regret. >> reporter: often warned it may be time for some companies to trim the fat to go look at long- term strategy. especially funding from venture-capital lists against tight. like it did in 2008. to a >> pam: was the largest single-day drop since to tell sullivan. j. r. stone is here and he's been looking into this issue in terms of talking to experts today to get their take on with people should be worried on what happens. ron black says it's likely we'll see the market continued to fall in the coming days because of the fear is out there. caution >> j.r. : selling your stock,. previously hit record high. "in pittsburgh a u.s. investor of fort after retirement average people in the age of 52. vantage of this for me out by domestic companies. >> j.r. : rob talked about briefly he believes those over 50 should be most concerned about out there but also reminds us our market was up about 300 percent compared to being down little under 10 percent right now he does think we'll get back on track it will take several months. ermine >> pam: you we first told about the story of a push alert from the kron 4 mobile application a big market drop today and stay connected with us downloading that application for free. other news a week and trip to the wine country has turned into a hotbed of controversy. london asked to get off of a the napa wine train because officials said they were laughing too loudly most of the women are african-american today a line train spokesperson apologized but downplayed the issue of race. started as a joyful event of an mostly african-american book club members quickly grew sour on the napa valley wine train. "she said to us i will need you to lower the noise lisa come down a little bit of being offensive to some of other passengers your today have to leave and escorted off the train a. and that happened a further indignity. "a lot to all additional five cars a year off the train. they took us and parade us through every single car with all passengers watching us it was horrible and humiliating and degrading that's the part that i will never forget." spokesman >> reporter: hired by the company issued a statement apologizing for their experience. "the want to reach out to them and let them know they're always welcome on the line train and try to have a lessons learned from this event." >> reporter: club members say that misses the point. "me if they are apologizing to the way we were treated. apologizing for operating us down those five train cars and getting us to the police. they never in this whole incident made accommodations for us. it is about us having to make accommodations for other people. >> pam: today marks one year since the powerful that the earthquake 6.0 temblor, at 320 in the morning of august 24th it was felt widely to the bay area and not tell first white people could really see the damage today the city of napa marks this anniversary with the celebration called nablus 6.0365 close clifford joins us live from napa. >> reporter: is optimistic a tough year for a lot of folks here and more than a thousand buildings were damaged and some of the worst was right downtown and they're still trying to repair this say the hell this event for the veterans memorial park tel look back on the last year and try to find a silver lining. a block away from the ceremony building is still being repaired is. but the destruction and many people who attended monday's event only talk about how the quake actually brought the community closer together. "so all came together not everyone came together and help everyone. that's the great thing about living in the buff. "rao and the browns valley neighborhood and the entire neighborhood community totally bonded together. meals for each other bring things out it was awesome." >> reporter: back live last year's quake the largest in the bay area. coming up on kron 4 news at 830 we will speak with usgs to find out what lessons they have learned after studying this event chromosphere. for almost a year >> pam: that quake was responsible for $300 million in damage following the quake of hundred 29 buildings red tagged. one year later 62 are still red tag and not of valley wine industry several million dollars in damage as well lot of activity over the summer of public schools in the napa valley and not only to prepare for the new school year contracts. tears are busy fixing the damage done during last year's 6.0 quake. and seismic improvements in. during tally shows us what has changed. that attack >> reporter: spoke'' sent crashing to the ground tell floors cracked and light fixtures spell from the ceiling. "your wall and the fact we found out there really ought to begin at 6.0 range" the dow >> reporter: image done at the elementary one major concern major bookshelves and filing cabinets spillover. all that material flip over ironside. we found some cases blocks the exit to get out of the classroom. special worries some were small children could have been badly hurt ort trapped if the 2014 quake happened during the school day.. "how much the plastic pipe and stress and twisted call. that had to be replaced. >> reporter: and what is now repaved again. a number >> pam: incidences' causing delay our. lisa at the embarcadero station in san francisco trains are now running. it was a hectic commute for thousands of people they. >> reporter: still 15 minutes systemwide delay on bart. what's even worse earlier people trying to get home from the city stuck here for hours. before 130 this afternoon a man a jump in front of a train at the embarcadero station. but the same approach for everyone. people rush to montgomery station to get on a train. that the network. "that the call the police, i feel the impact on the market." the key"met down here and calling my husband to pick us up from across the bridge." now a >> reporter: the first problem for part today. 1120 this morning robbery suspects took police on one-hour foot pursuit. accused of taking the victim cellphone and hit a man cut off a train and on the tracks the. then ran toward the rebel station. >> pam: changes coming to local airport at the center of a high- profile security breaches. >> pam: most notably back in april of 2014 you might remember after a 15 year-old boy house defense and hid in wheel well of the hawaiian airlines 767 amazingly the boy survived a flight to molly and lower in self to the ground before got there. a 20 year-old a woman made a way to the fence before she was spotted by worker and. confronted by security and arrested a. now the federal aviation administration is getting behind a plan to build a bigger better funds there to prevent more security breaches. and lee turner live tonight in san jose. the new finding that will help pay for this major upgrade. >> reporter: fence behind me example of what's to come "are before law-enforcement partner sells a police department. the csa answer federal officials to find a way to improve our perimeter fencing." >> reporter: the other future of relocations were chosen based on security analysis. should all be finished by may of next year the offense will look just like this one 10 ft. high with the razor wire on top of. and a smaller chain link. but also a concrete porch at the bottom. >> reporter: the third phase that will include additional funding. and then the airport will include more funding. in addition to the changing. it will look for technology like infrared technology motion sensors something will help and find people who are trying to break. that break that barrier >> reporter: all collected from our trash pacific ocean. august scientist just returned from their trip from what's being called a great pacific garbage patch. the patches and the water between the west coast and hawaii. it's filled with floating plastic trash. summonsed out small ends up in the valleys of sea animals. the gathering much less a garbage is an area that. city march crash a size twice the size of texas. ultimate goal to construct a 60 mi. long barrier to scoop up the trash and not harm the sea life expedition. being led by a 21 year-old innovator from the netherlands. >> pam: lisa police have released a sketch of a man who they say inappropriately touched the child and. update on a story we first brought you on friday. all this-police say the crime happened inside a public restroom at a shopping center back on august the eighth. suspect also caught on surveillance cameras. as a photograph of the man described as being between 70 and 80 years old last. seen driving away in a newer model honda. state lawmakers and air quality officials are restricting rebates and hybrid electric cars and adding claim from hundreds of californians that had made the $500,000 or more. and the program existed since 2010 and criticized as a taxpayer handouts for the wealthy. lawmakers in california air resources board now restricting those and california's timid to under $50,000. an individual -- as the couple. >> diane: matures this afternoon we have patchy fog along the coastal regions. esprit much as a stubborn drought the morning hours tomorrow in the morning commute. that's planner 9:00 p.m. 70 degrees inland valley locations. 65 for east bay shoreline and. a.m. tomorrow morning coastal fog stubborn still to the jurors still in the '60s overall, in time gradual clearing a at will be 80 degrees over and inland valley cities. it will have the warming trend in place for the rest of the league last pre much through friday and. here's why it courage pressure system coming from the south. and remained there for this portion of the week. but then again changer's a cooling trend. the pacific northwest was that drops down to the area and more cuts in place of that. also pick up when speeding close down quite a bit. to the chair is wednesday that should say a 40 mi. an hour oakland to, of hayward city 10 for san jose and breezy night overnight. peninsula heist mar 0 3:00 p.m., until lome upper 60s. of the over the east bay shoreline cities more like a mid-70s 76 san leandro 7 telomere richmond up to 69 degrees of. 77 for union city. the move to the spate inland valley. this is where we have most of the heat in a warming trend continue. we look at 90 degrees brentwood. upper 80s so it's a modest warm-up. but it will not be in the 100th and offer this week at all. in the south bay region's mostly sunny conditions to the cheers and '80s operate at that. no. there regions patchy fog in the morning for mill valley center fell another wise things will be nice. a nice modest warm-up pretty much all week long before " and takes place for the week and. still >> pam: ahead. what scientists say they have learned one year after the 6.0 earthquake rocked the napa. loss plus sexually suggested comment that when fraternity suspended. >> j.r. : atop the oakland raiders the future is stadium plans we may learn about them in the next 24 hours "over and said let's go. before there were heroes there were childhood friends who went to church together but while growing up in sacramento county. stone was the first that tackle the suspect. >> reporter: 6 years ago his plan bars the basketball on all campbell high school. stone and stratas and the military train to save lives. they're young man anthony the student at the. ever since president robert nelson amazed at what senator and his friends did. neighbors complained one home that was wasting water. but the water company did the next edition of people behaving badly. >> pam: geologists' a great opportunity to study a big quake of close. charles clifford live tonight and downtown napa to explain what the scientists have learned the past year. last year >> reporter: earthquake it miles deep and the ground and powerful enough quake because a lot of damage including downtown napa but the quake also reached the surface and naturally toward the ground opened in several places. last year's magnitude six. the quake struck 2 mi. underground at 328 august 4th 9:00 a.m. that same day usgs geologist were in napa first. they look for cracks in the ground that were an earthquake absurdist it and have looked very long. this is the same spot looks seven days later. "we saw a crack up to 80 14 in.. possible "later the ground in napa could still be moving be very slowly. another thing not surprised researchers about this earthquake was the after shocks or lack thereof. "we had fewer aftershocks of the normal and their smaller than normal following the initial quake. >> pam: team coverage on the one-year napa quake anniversary j.r. is back now he went to beauty school red tag last year and now he is back. >> reporter: diesel on school called a school in this building one. open now covered by scaffolding just one year after it was rocked by the napa earthquake. the seventh"devastating to be honest with you on. unsettling wondering from day-to-day what's going to happen. when she took a store school last year. today the sections of wall that were missing had been replaced. interoffice and to be seen after the quake today a different story. >> j.r. : and the senate took seven days so reopener be schools. it's business as usual for 60 students and 12 employees. "keeping this scaffolding up until the bourse building department gives the locator go ahead and finish the building with the bricks. $3,000 a month. it is hard to put everything put together when you're still wondering how long it will be before everything is put together completely. " as much >> j.r. : from as she's gone through a happy business is back open. "your daughter did not know their for spring as much as they were. libya case of homeowners become a the time. all that remains is a silver paper neighbors say they were home and simply refuse to set slowdown their water usage. i did"not of their home mortgages a broken water lines. that didn't get back over here." a special"at this time that is ridiculous" i think"they're wasting water on purpose? "asked" "would anyone do that knowingly have a drought" "is the waterlogged terrain." >> reporter: of over thousand complaints in fact he's been my 2014 there were 6500 water waster reports for the entire year. in the last eight weeks and received over 1400. nearly half are residents and businesses watering or not following the current water use restrictions. what exactly are those restrictions. "only water before 9:00 a.m. after 6:00 p.m.. and water into two days a week. make sure there's no water running off on the sidewalk or pavement. if you're washing your car doing something outdoors easier house measure and have a shot off nozzles. and if you have a fountain in your yard using recirculated water. or water. shut it off >> reporter: be thought it was glasses. it's not it could be your smart phone camera making your pictures look fuzzy. apple recalling a batch of eye phones over a defect that causes them to take a blurry pictures. we got a lot of interest in this from yours on our web site and the problem is with the eyesight camera on the back of certain i phone 6 + smart phones. the recall of the stones sold between september 20th if 14 and january 2015 you swap them out customers can have the cameras replaced for free at apple stores any authorized service provider. >> pam: ahead not exactly what parents want to see when dropping off dollars at college. the backlash when this one fatality is making after a controversial signed. a tropical fish not very far from home. local lake where this creature was caught and skyrocketing cost of eggs was driving up the price. >> diane: or tablatures and a half, how will it for the rest of week 70 forecast coming up next. [female announcer] for thousands of local foster children, extracurricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team... getting help with math... going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal... ...when you can't do the normal things. [announceto help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that for most kids are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... ...but anyone can help a foster child. the drought is affecting at pg&e we've definitely put a focus on helping our agricultural customers through the drought. when they do an energy efficiency project and save that money they feel it right in their pocket book. it's exciting to help a customer with an energy efficiency project because not only are they saving energy but they are saving water. we have a lot of projects at pg&e that can help them with that and that's extremely important while we're in a drought. it's a win for the customer and it's a win for california. together, we're building a better california. average price per dozen eggs as the $61 cents. being partially blamed on a bird flew outbreak almost killed 50 million chickens moves. in the midwest. claw >> diane: the rolling in for much of the east bay already have. she fought along the coastal regions and morning low through around 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning you wake up '60s for inland valley locations and east bay shoreline upper 50s for san francisco of the north bay regions as well we have the warming trend in place for much of the week the high ridge pressure system that came in from the southwest magnets win california and stay there in place till friday and the game changer de pacific northwest and the clouds coming and drop down to our region that's what skittering more clouds in place and also color temperature is down 7 degrees for where we should be for this time of year 11:00 p.m. tonight we see more pettifogging clouds along the coastal regions you see stretching in from the north they all lay down the peninsula in and out of the peninsula headword across the bridge barracuda tomorrow morning in the morning commute midmorning things clear up plenty of time for sunshine we will not get in the 100 is only midi the mid to upper 80s as well. state laws '70s san francisco opera '60s. of the warming trend in place to friday saturday sunday as high as 80 degrees on average compared to where we are today and tomorrow for the 90 degree mark in the highest stubborn close tuesday and wednesday clearing takes around thursday 20 of sunshine to a week and is here. saddam is out of our racing involving a driver who was very familiar and sonoma raceway. stadium plan for the oakland raiders until tomorrow when the take on that and local expert j. r. stonewall sports next. >> pam: of an uproar of sexually suggested of banners hung from a private home. several of the fraternity members live you. see some of them here sigma national organization said it suspended the for teddy's activities pending completion of its investigation. the banners included a one sitting. aero pointing toward the door of the house. insert all rage on social media and condemnation from the university officials and student leaders. the sigma says that any fraternity member refund responsible held accountable. >> reporter: redfish turning up in our rivers and lakes. this is a case in point relative of the man eating fish from amazon prana first hip-hop and the delta will. a woman caught it with a worm. now the latest the turnup is from roberts like in santa rosa. i'll fishermen pulled up the fish with human like teeth the prime of course has pointed razor teeth. this these are legal in california and. people by an outside the state when they get tired of them in their fish tanks. the dumdum and the local water. fortunately bad teeth likely will not do much damage to your finger. but ill-advised did try. >> j.r. : news involving a driver whose race here in the bay area several times indycar series justin died this evening after suffering a severe head injury now yesterday at the 37 year-old wilson not unconscious and year end will wall then airlifted into the hospital where he was an echo what he. he competed in the grand prix many times finishing as high as second and. a u.s.-will. thoughts and prayers are with his family. finally we've been waiting and waiting for oakland raiders' stadium talk from oakland side of things. and many tomorrow will get it. the group's save our sports and a presentation tomorrow coliseum's city presentation some of these plans from down south of here. the l.a. area develop. our flight will be there. and he has revived a plan to keep the a's and raiders in town. i hope we will hear about that plan tomorrow. the last plan he came up with was highly criticized. save vauquelin sports member spoke to me last night on sports night live. and his take on the raiders' staying in oakland. "billion dollar project you have bart right area of the new connector to the airport amtracs station it's really about where the money's gonna come from the. they're saying here we have the money to public than mere. it is saying we consistently said it put money for infrastructure but not ready to put a city man." >> j.r. : are on the corner from college football season with. one-on-one with jerry. spoke with him after practice on saturday. whose golf you ask it. cal's starting qb of. guy who may be of for the heisman this year and they say he's the top qb in the nation for. high- flying 38. last year. and speak with in the sunday 9:00 p.m. on sports that live with that roberts and myself. in addition we have the raiders highlights at home against the bengals this coming weekend and of course giants and a's break down. sports night live every sunday night at 9:00 p.m. when a be a proper sportscast without a forty-niners talk with preseason game form. australian rugby star jerry who came up big for the forty-niner sunday night against the dallas cowboys you see him here a nice to remember on specialty a 300 turns 34 yd those who helped set up say that it's up to field goals and even a tackle on special teams can hundred 38 offers and that the 34 yd run they saw good on the sideline with he was doing all over the place had coach jim thomas paine spoke about the rugby star is growth so far this preseason. obviously the guy is doing really well i think that is the story in itself altogether underplayed and he taught to be in the conversation making a 53 man roster of football team yet the. "people's surprise i am going, that my ability and i keep growing every week i can there was struggling in the preseason game because of harry jones the dallas cowboys owner apologize and for his comments and the san francisco forty-niners criticism of the levi stadium grass. and speaking of the 20 the six laws that he should instead of the bill himself. before speaking out of line with the symbol 50 location. jones threaten the whole out some of his starters from sunday's game. and the stadium has said it appealed issues when on the play his best players. >> j.r. : 9 decile season there's a story. if you were a golden state warriors fans at curry met only two years remaining on his contract with the doves 2015 world champion not so interested in free agency. indeed the nba mvp will make 11.3 million next season 12.1000020162017 season he admits plan for the hometown team bobcats has been a long dream of his but the bay area has become part of his home. he said the sporting news free- agency is not appealing to me all, i love where i am at of. the organization and planning for and of the area home for me for my family. that my friends you have the love. >> j.r. : 3 everywhere under armor commercial stars the golden state warriors are multiplying by the hundreds as the training regimen increases commercial across the point that repeated exercise practice are the keys to the success i guess that's what it's supposed to get but no sign of little riley pam will also have the baltimore news sports reporter mark carpenter said the for all hot to mark his coming here from hawaii. a little >> pam: belie was but a gift now is father's reaction going viral. >> pam: more than 11 views since it was posted friday. father named mickey he. close to the video is on after the into the store. the suns selected all as his new president. little guy was clearly extremely excited for his new toy. his dad followed that excitement saying. boys can always liked what ever toy they want regardless of gender normal. "my boys choose their lives that's how we are. we say whatever we say yes. in my promise forever. paul you and except in a matter what life and you choose. the comments of is that you talked about how great a-he is. and praise him for the way and it is his wife are raising their children. it is big smile. >> diane: 1 to bichirs tell friday just in time for a week and things cool down quite a bit. 90 degrees to low 80s saturday will have the pettifog in place for the next couple days in the morning. and then in the peninsula otherwise sunny skies until friday and then cloud moving in large of the chair. is elsie till next week. you'll be back tonight at 11:00 and hope to see then. stay in touch kron-4-dot-com. narrator: in the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. in new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. these are their stories. i'm sarah logan. you've seen me interviewing other people telling their stories. i'm not real comfortable in the first person, but here goes: on january 11th, i interviewed a refugee from east timor for a special assignment. the session ran past midnight. because i was only nine blocks away from my home, i decided to walk. my trip home took me past this swimming po this is where two men grabbed me from behind and raped me. i decided to walk. they put a coat over my face and they dragged me here. they told me they would kill me if i made any sound. one of them wore a running suit.

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240622 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240622

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i got you covered some light on the wild ride on wall street. j. r. stone is here with what the stock plunged today means for you first kate joins us to explain why start some start-ups aren't worried investors are holding onto their wallets. >> reporter: exceed cash all the time, some companies will have enough money for 60 months at a time. but investors skittish it could have ripple effect. "you never have enough cash and starting a startup." cocoanut"" >> reporter: to an incubator founder save helps people around the world. one of the best buy it forbes. giant market swing has him a bit spooked. "through the dust, mold burst and 20088 meltdown twice. if this happens again it will be fun " the fund. the market"will eventually come back. when it does i will have regret. >> reporter: often warned it may be time for some companies to trim the fat to go look at long- term strategy. especially funding from venture-capital lists against tight. like it did in 2008. to a >> pam: was the largest single-day drop since to tell sullivan. j. r. stone is here and he's been looking into this issue in terms of talking to experts today to get their take on with people should be worried on what happens. ron black says it's likely we'll see the market continued to fall in the coming days because of the fear is out there. caution >> j.r. : selling your stock,. previously hit record high. "in pittsburgh a u.s. investor of fort after retirement average people in the age of 52. vantage of this for me out by domestic companies. >> j.r. : rob talked about briefly he believes those over 50 should be most concerned about out there but also reminds us our market was up about 300 percent compared to being down little under 10 percent right now he does think we'll get back on track it will take several months. ermine >> pam: you we first told about the story of a push alert from the kron 4 mobile application a big market drop today and stay connected with us downloading that application for free. other news a week and trip to the wine country has turned into a hotbed of controversy. london asked to get off of a the napa wine train because officials said they were laughing too loudly most of the women are african-american today a line train spokesperson apologized but downplayed the issue of race. started as a joyful event of an mostly african-american book club members quickly grew sour on the napa valley wine train. "she said to us i will need you to lower the noise lisa come down a little bit of being offensive to some of other passengers your today have to leave and escorted off the train a. and that happened a further indignity. "a lot to all additional five cars a year off the train. they took us and parade us through every single car with all passengers watching us it was horrible and humiliating and degrading that's the part that i will never forget." spokesman >> reporter: hired by the company issued a statement apologizing for their experience. "the want to reach out to them and let them know they're always welcome on the line train and try to have a lessons learned from this event." >> reporter: club members say that misses the point. "me if they are apologizing to the way we were treated. apologizing for operating us down those five train cars and getting us to the police. they never in this whole incident made accommodations for us. it is about us having to make accommodations for other people. >> pam: today marks one year since the powerful that the earthquake 6.0 temblor, at 320 in the morning of august 24th it was felt widely to the bay area and not tell first white people could really see the damage today the city of napa marks this anniversary with the celebration called nablus 6.0365 close clifford joins us live from napa. >> reporter: is optimistic a tough year for a lot of folks here and more than a thousand buildings were damaged and some of the worst was right downtown and they're still trying to repair this say the hell this event for the veterans memorial park tel look back on the last year and try to find a silver lining. a block away from the ceremony building is still being repaired is. but the destruction and many people who attended monday's event only talk about how the quake actually brought the community closer together. "so all came together not everyone came together and help everyone. that's the great thing about living in the buff. "rao and the browns valley neighborhood and the entire neighborhood community totally bonded together. meals for each other bring things out it was awesome." >> reporter: back live last year's quake the largest in the bay area. coming up on kron 4 news at 830 we will speak with usgs to find out what lessons they have learned after studying this event chromosphere. for almost a year >> pam: that quake was responsible for $300 million in damage following the quake of hundred 29 buildings red tagged. one year later 62 are still red tag and not of valley wine industry several million dollars in damage as well lot of activity over the summer of public schools in the napa valley and not only to prepare for the new school year contracts. tears are busy fixing the damage done during last year's 6.0 quake. and seismic improvements in. during tally shows us what has changed. that attack >> reporter: spoke'' sent crashing to the ground tell floors cracked and light fixtures spell from the ceiling. "your wall and the fact we found out there really ought to begin at 6.0 range" the dow >> reporter: image done at the elementary one major concern major bookshelves and filing cabinets spillover. all that material flip over ironside. we found some cases blocks the exit to get out of the classroom. special worries some were small children could have been badly hurt ort trapped if the 2014 quake happened during the school day.. "how much the plastic pipe and stress and twisted call. that had to be replaced. >> reporter: and what is now repaved again. a number >> pam: incidences' causing delay our. lisa at the embarcadero station in san francisco trains are now running. it was a hectic commute for thousands of people they. >> reporter: still 15 minutes systemwide delay on bart. what's even worse earlier people trying to get home from the city stuck here for hours. before 130 this afternoon a man a jump in front of a train at the embarcadero station. but the same approach for everyone. people rush to montgomery station to get on a train. that the network. "that the call the police, i feel the impact on the market." the key"met down here and calling my husband to pick us up from across the bridge." now a >> reporter: the first problem for part today. 1120 this morning robbery suspects took police on one-hour foot pursuit. accused of taking the victim cellphone and hit a man cut off a train and on the tracks the. then ran toward the rebel station. >> pam: changes coming to local airport at the center of a high- profile security breaches. >> pam: most notably back in april of 2014 you might remember after a 15 year-old boy house defense and hid in wheel well of the hawaiian airlines 767 amazingly the boy survived a flight to molly and lower in self to the ground before got there. a 20 year-old a woman made a way to the fence before she was spotted by worker and. confronted by security and arrested a. now the federal aviation administration is getting behind a plan to build a bigger better funds there to prevent more security breaches. and lee turner live tonight in san jose. the new finding that will help pay for this major upgrade. >> reporter: fence behind me example of what's to come "are before law-enforcement partner sells a police department. the csa answer federal officials to find a way to improve our perimeter fencing." >> reporter: the other future of relocations were chosen based on security analysis. should all be finished by may of next year the offense will look just like this one 10 ft. high with the razor wire on top of. and a smaller chain link. but also a concrete porch at the bottom. >> reporter: the third phase that will include additional funding. and then the airport will include more funding. in addition to the changing. it will look for technology like infrared technology motion sensors something will help and find people who are trying to break. that break that barrier >> reporter: all collected from our trash pacific ocean. august scientist just returned from their trip from what's being called a great pacific garbage patch. the patches and the water between the west coast and hawaii. it's filled with floating plastic trash. summonsed out small ends up in the valleys of sea animals. the gathering much less a garbage is an area that. city march crash a size twice the size of texas. ultimate goal to construct a 60 mi. long barrier to scoop up the trash and not harm the sea life expedition. being led by a 21 year-old innovator from the netherlands. >> pam: lisa police have released a sketch of a man who they say inappropriately touched the child and. update on a story we first brought you on friday. all this-police say the crime happened inside a public restroom at a shopping center back on august the eighth. suspect also caught on surveillance cameras. as a photograph of the man described as being between 70 and 80 years old last. seen driving away in a newer model honda. state lawmakers and air quality officials are restricting rebates and hybrid electric cars and adding claim from hundreds of californians that had made the $500,000 or more. and the program existed since 2010 and criticized as a taxpayer handouts for the wealthy. lawmakers in california air resources board now restricting those and california's timid to under $50,000. an individual -- as the couple. >> diane: matures this afternoon we have patchy fog along the coastal regions. esprit much as a stubborn drought the morning hours tomorrow in the morning commute. that's planner 9:00 p.m. 70 degrees inland valley locations. 65 for east bay shoreline and. a.m. tomorrow morning coastal fog stubborn still to the jurors still in the '60s overall, in time gradual clearing a at will be 80 degrees over and inland valley cities. it will have the warming trend in place for the rest of the league last pre much through friday and. here's why it courage pressure system coming from the south. and remained there for this portion of the week. but then again changer's a cooling trend. the pacific northwest was that drops down to the area and more cuts in place of that. also pick up when speeding close down quite a bit. to the chair is wednesday that should say a 40 mi. an hour oakland to, of hayward city 10 for san jose and breezy night overnight. peninsula heist mar 0 3:00 p.m., until lome upper 60s. of the over the east bay shoreline cities more like a mid-70s 76 san leandro 7 telomere richmond up to 69 degrees of. 77 for union city. the move to the spate inland valley. this is where we have most of the heat in a warming trend continue. we look at 90 degrees brentwood. upper 80s so it's a modest warm-up. but it will not be in the 100th and offer this week at all. in the south bay region's mostly sunny conditions to the cheers and '80s operate at that. no. there regions patchy fog in the morning for mill valley center fell another wise things will be nice. a nice modest warm-up pretty much all week long before " and takes place for the week and. still >> pam: ahead. what scientists say they have learned one year after the 6.0 earthquake rocked the napa. loss plus sexually suggested comment that when fraternity suspended. >> j.r. : atop the oakland raiders the future is stadium plans we may learn about them in the next 24 hours "over and said let's go. before there were heroes there were childhood friends who went to church together but while growing up in sacramento county. stone was the first that tackle the suspect. >> reporter: 6 years ago his plan bars the basketball on all campbell high school. stone and stratas and the military train to save lives. they're young man anthony the student at the. ever since president robert nelson amazed at what senator and his friends did. neighbors complained one home that was wasting water. but the water company did the next edition of people behaving badly. >> pam: geologists' a great opportunity to study a big quake of close. charles clifford live tonight and downtown napa to explain what the scientists have learned the past year. last year >> reporter: earthquake it miles deep and the ground and powerful enough quake because a lot of damage including downtown napa but the quake also reached the surface and naturally toward the ground opened in several places. last year's magnitude six. the quake struck 2 mi. underground at 328 august 4th 9:00 a.m. that same day usgs geologist were in napa first. they look for cracks in the ground that were an earthquake absurdist it and have looked very long. this is the same spot looks seven days later. "we saw a crack up to 80 14 in.. possible "later the ground in napa could still be moving be very slowly. another thing not surprised researchers about this earthquake was the after shocks or lack thereof. "we had fewer aftershocks of the normal and their smaller than normal following the initial quake. >> pam: team coverage on the one-year napa quake anniversary j.r. is back now he went to beauty school red tag last year and now he is back. >> reporter: diesel on school called a school in this building one. open now covered by scaffolding just one year after it was rocked by the napa earthquake. the seventh"devastating to be honest with you on. unsettling wondering from day-to-day what's going to happen. when she took a store school last year. today the sections of wall that were missing had been replaced. interoffice and to be seen after the quake today a different story. >> j.r. : and the senate took seven days so reopener be schools. it's business as usual for 60 students and 12 employees. "keeping this scaffolding up until the bourse building department gives the locator go ahead and finish the building with the bricks. $3,000 a month. it is hard to put everything put together when you're still wondering how long it will be before everything is put together completely. " as much >> j.r. : from as she's gone through a happy business is back open. "your daughter did not know their for spring as much as they were. libya case of homeowners become a the time. all that remains is a silver paper neighbors say they were home and simply refuse to set slowdown their water usage. i did"not of their home mortgages a broken water lines. that didn't get back over here." a special"at this time that is ridiculous" i think"they're wasting water on purpose? "asked" "would anyone do that knowingly have a drought" "is the waterlogged terrain." >> reporter: of over thousand complaints in fact he's been my 2014 there were 6500 water waster reports for the entire year. in the last eight weeks and received over 1400. nearly half are residents and businesses watering or not following the current water use restrictions. what exactly are those restrictions. "only water before 9:00 a.m. after 6:00 p.m.. and water into two days a week. make sure there's no water running off on the sidewalk or pavement. if you're washing your car doing something outdoors easier house measure and have a shot off nozzles. and if you have a fountain in your yard using recirculated water. or water. shut it off >> reporter: be thought it was glasses. it's not it could be your smart phone camera making your pictures look fuzzy. apple recalling a batch of eye phones over a defect that causes them to take a blurry pictures. we got a lot of interest in this from yours on our web site and the problem is with the eyesight camera on the back of certain i phone 6 + smart phones. the recall of the stones sold between september 20th if 14 and january 2015 you swap them out customers can have the cameras replaced for free at apple stores any authorized service provider. >> pam: ahead not exactly what parents want to see when dropping off dollars at college. the backlash when this one fatality is making after a controversial signed. a tropical fish not very far from home. local lake where this creature was caught and skyrocketing cost of eggs was driving up the price. >> diane: or tablatures and a half, how will it for the rest of week 70 forecast coming up next. [female announcer] for thousands of local foster children, extracurricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team... getting help with math... going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal... ...when you can't do the normal things. [announceto help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that for most kids are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... ...but anyone can help a foster child. the drought is affecting at pg&e we've definitely put a focus on helping our agricultural customers through the drought. when they do an energy efficiency project and save that money they feel it right in their pocket book. it's exciting to help a customer with an energy efficiency project because not only are they saving energy but they are saving water. we have a lot of projects at pg&e that can help them with that and that's extremely important while we're in a drought. it's a win for the customer and it's a win for california. together, we're building a better california. average price per dozen eggs as the $61 cents. being partially blamed on a bird flew outbreak almost killed 50 million chickens moves. in the midwest. claw >> diane: the rolling in for much of the east bay already have. she fought along the coastal regions and morning low through around 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning you wake up '60s for inland valley locations and east bay shoreline upper 50s for san francisco of the north bay regions as well we have the warming trend in place for much of the week the high ridge pressure system that came in from the southwest magnets win california and stay there in place till friday and the game changer de pacific northwest and the clouds coming and drop down to our region that's what skittering more clouds in place and also color temperature is down 7 degrees for where we should be for this time of year 11:00 p.m. tonight we see more pettifogging clouds along the coastal regions you see stretching in from the north they all lay down the peninsula in and out of the peninsula headword across the bridge barracuda tomorrow morning in the morning commute midmorning things clear up plenty of time for sunshine we will not get in the 100 is only midi the mid to upper 80s as well. state laws '70s san francisco opera '60s. of the warming trend in place to friday saturday sunday as high as 80 degrees on average compared to where we are today and tomorrow for the 90 degree mark in the highest stubborn close tuesday and wednesday clearing takes around thursday 20 of sunshine to a week and is here. saddam is out of our racing involving a driver who was very familiar and sonoma raceway. stadium plan for the oakland raiders until tomorrow when the take on that and local expert j. r. stonewall sports next. >> pam: of an uproar of sexually suggested of banners hung from a private home. several of the fraternity members live you. see some of them here sigma national organization said it suspended the for teddy's activities pending completion of its investigation. the banners included a one sitting. aero pointing toward the door of the house. insert all rage on social media and condemnation from the university officials and student leaders. the sigma says that any fraternity member refund responsible held accountable. >> reporter: redfish turning up in our rivers and lakes. this is a case in point relative of the man eating fish from amazon prana first hip-hop and the delta will. a woman caught it with a worm. now the latest the turnup is from roberts like in santa rosa. i'll fishermen pulled up the fish with human like teeth the prime of course has pointed razor teeth. this these are legal in california and. people by an outside the state when they get tired of them in their fish tanks. the dumdum and the local water. fortunately bad teeth likely will not do much damage to your finger. but ill-advised did try. >> j.r. : news involving a driver whose race here in the bay area several times indycar series justin died this evening after suffering a severe head injury now yesterday at the 37 year-old wilson not unconscious and year end will wall then airlifted into the hospital where he was an echo what he. he competed in the grand prix many times finishing as high as second and. a u.s.-will. thoughts and prayers are with his family. finally we've been waiting and waiting for oakland raiders' stadium talk from oakland side of things. and many tomorrow will get it. the group's save our sports and a presentation tomorrow coliseum's city presentation some of these plans from down south of here. the l.a. area develop. our flight will be there. and he has revived a plan to keep the a's and raiders in town. i hope we will hear about that plan tomorrow. the last plan he came up with was highly criticized. save vauquelin sports member spoke to me last night on sports night live. and his take on the raiders' staying in oakland. "billion dollar project you have bart right area of the new connector to the airport amtracs station it's really about where the money's gonna come from the. they're saying here we have the money to public than mere. it is saying we consistently said it put money for infrastructure but not ready to put a city man." >> j.r. : are on the corner from college football season with. one-on-one with jerry. spoke with him after practice on saturday. whose golf you ask it. cal's starting qb of. guy who may be of for the heisman this year and they say he's the top qb in the nation for. high- flying 38. last year. and speak with in the sunday 9:00 p.m. on sports that live with that roberts and myself. in addition we have the raiders highlights at home against the bengals this coming weekend and of course giants and a's break down. sports night live every sunday night at 9:00 p.m. when a be a proper sportscast without a forty-niners talk with preseason game form. australian rugby star jerry who came up big for the forty-niner sunday night against the dallas cowboys you see him here a nice to remember on specialty a 300 turns 34 yd those who helped set up say that it's up to field goals and even a tackle on special teams can hundred 38 offers and that the 34 yd run they saw good on the sideline with he was doing all over the place had coach jim thomas paine spoke about the rugby star is growth so far this preseason. obviously the guy is doing really well i think that is the story in itself altogether underplayed and he taught to be in the conversation making a 53 man roster of football team yet the. "people's surprise i am going, that my ability and i keep growing every week i can there was struggling in the preseason game because of harry jones the dallas cowboys owner apologize and for his comments and the san francisco forty-niners criticism of the levi stadium grass. and speaking of the 20 the six laws that he should instead of the bill himself. before speaking out of line with the symbol 50 location. jones threaten the whole out some of his starters from sunday's game. and the stadium has said it appealed issues when on the play his best players. >> j.r. : 9 decile season there's a story. if you were a golden state warriors fans at curry met only two years remaining on his contract with the doves 2015 world champion not so interested in free agency. indeed the nba mvp will make 11.3 million next season 12.1000020162017 season he admits plan for the hometown team bobcats has been a long dream of his but the bay area has become part of his home. he said the sporting news free- agency is not appealing to me all, i love where i am at of. the organization and planning for and of the area home for me for my family. that my friends you have the love. >> j.r. : 3 everywhere under armor commercial stars the golden state warriors are multiplying by the hundreds as the training regimen increases commercial across the point that repeated exercise practice are the keys to the success i guess that's what it's supposed to get but no sign of little riley pam will also have the baltimore news sports reporter mark carpenter said the for all hot to mark his coming here from hawaii. a little >> pam: belie was but a gift now is father's reaction going viral. >> pam: more than 11 views since it was posted friday. father named mickey he. close to the video is on after the into the store. the suns selected all as his new president. little guy was clearly extremely excited for his new toy. his dad followed that excitement saying. boys can always liked what ever toy they want regardless of gender normal. "my boys choose their lives that's how we are. we say whatever we say yes. in my promise forever. paul you and except in a matter what life and you choose. the comments of is that you talked about how great a-he is. and praise him for the way and it is his wife are raising their children. it is big smile. >> diane: 1 to bichirs tell friday just in time for a week and things cool down quite a bit. 90 degrees to low 80s saturday will have the pettifog in place for the next couple days in the morning. and then in the peninsula otherwise sunny skies until friday and then cloud moving in large of the chair. is elsie till next week. you'll be back tonight at 11:00 and hope to see then. stay in touch kron-4-dot-com. narrator: in the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. in new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. these are their stories. i'm sarah logan. you've seen me interviewing other people telling their stories. i'm not real comfortable in the first person, but here goes: on january 11th, i interviewed a refugee from east timor for a special assignment. the session ran past midnight. because i was only nine blocks away from my home, i decided to walk. my trip home took me past this swimming po this is where two men grabbed me from behind and raped me. i decided to walk. they put a coat over my face and they dragged me here. they told me they would kill me if i made any sound. one of them wore a running suit.

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