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Later on between 4 00 and seven we have a shot of the beginnings of life park of began to fall on the south bank of of of hours later they will this way northward a vented by midnight clinton ride over the heart of the bay giving all of us and leaks to very light rain to enjoy during the overnight hours hopefully will with of the morning and see the rain drops on the one shown of the car and some bad pavement the launch also pick up as fast as it can by 5 00 a. M. Friday morning begins to move off and began in fact in this year over the course of the rest of friday into midnight on saturday that was just a quick run through the future cash to get more details about the have the rain forecast, and about 50 minutes. Rebecca where track in the hot spot an accident in concord and south on 680 right after high we for is been pushed to the righthand shoulder that is a good build activity on the righthand shoulder still cause a slow traffic and is one to be slow right before demand a highway for overpass in to over to south 680 rather than high with for getting into concord is still pretty slow were standing at 27 minutes of half an hour commute for you getting from the construction song for the westbound ride. Rebecca 242 also very slow as a mecca ride down toward the creek and the 680 split checking the bay bridge toll plaza ride that is good into San Francisco is heavy but normal for this hour in the morning drive time is not that bad as 50 minutes from the maze getting to the tall and across the span to the city. Mark tracking record news and the search for ms. Listen malaysian airline. Michelle apon Officials Say they have found window pieces the cushions and aluminum material from an aircraft on reunion island the party to examine to see where they came from and if it is connected to image 370 the wing of the plan also not a flop from a bomb blast on the island that was confirmed to be from image 37 right now for this are, the beaches looking for more pieces of the plane and expanded the search area will continue to follow the record store all morning long online and all morning long on our web site www. Kron4. Com. Anny hong series of violent strong armed robberies in fremont and crooks are stealing gold chains write off of peoples necks and all of it we know of have been women so far. Will tran not just yet but we hope to hear from them which continued until they make the rest theyre telling everyone if you normally walk round bowl changes put in a way it is a scary time because these robberies are taking place in broad daylight and people of his mind on business walking along the show you the three robberies that they back since mid july the tech. Bring the first one took place on trustco role in that case a man and woman walking along someone jumped out of nowhere and grab a womans change takes off portion of with the woman was fined a couple weeks after that another one happen on maori avenue near hastings same situation woman also not injured in the last case what happened yesterday a lot more aggressive a man and woman again walking along my novato business this happen on the creek road. Will tran the woman described in her 20s she grabbed the gold chain and took a little bit of work in that three men to hold her down while they brought unfortunately she nor her husband were injured in the case they do not have any Surveillance Video at this time to look at the reason why is having an area that do not have cash available will be more information without the morning including possible description on the last suspects. Mark rainbow crew is struck again and now plans to open the to simmons video will find and arrest members of the shop with the game the groups latest bid here at the top of more than 11,000 of the merchandise from a Beauty Supply store in San Francisco disagreed the seven women to men with track of high end perfume come down here is the place in the merchandise and 50 bags and ran out and just over a Minute Police said the store surveillance has helped a identified three of the suspects already please call the marin vocal because the bright color called an award on the fence thefts. 11,000 is a big hit for 75 seconds. Mark panes were women in the past cases but looks like men are involved in the ring even read more informational the suspect there are a identified in find out how you could help investigators find the others install on our web site www. Kron4. Com anny hong 5 are the making progress against a raging wildfire burning and recounted this morning the socalled rocket fire has been burning for more than a week now and has searched scores were the six and 9,000 a. Now 40 percent contained today dozens of homes are destroyed. Charles clifford right now were standing in late for which a few miles to the northwest of the barns of drop the day on wednesday there have not been to what smoke in the area over the last few days and have it, smoke of the fiber not to bad mouth the fire activity have been on the Northern Edge of the fire most of the road through the area including highway 14561020 remaining closed were able to go along 140 and get along some of the damage for the past few days about the stretch of roadway will see a moonscape in the grass and brush that is all been burned away and is just gray and dark. Charles clifford we were able to find a couple of homes that were completely destroyed also found a vehicle and rv and another small outbuilding the were burned to the ground some before being allowed into get some of their possessions a check on their homes this fall to one person would one go on camera today pieta you always will something out of his home which was heavily damaged at this point he does not know where hes going to stay as for the people were still being forced in their homes to evacuate and son settled one in middletown and the other and kelsey bill. Charles clifford a dozen people are staying in it to those facilities. Anny hong the fire is burning in the area not so far from the cache creek winery on valley road there is a neighborhood just northwest of this area with hundreds of homes and many people there are were ratified once again regain momentum and especially since it jumped high with 20 on monday and another full year to give you some perspective of the fire nasa released this satellite image of the rocket fire yesterday to consider red color is the fire in the area south and east of clear lake tapping in just a few hours gov. Jerry brown will be meeting with a rocket fire First Responders and this, just days after the governor declared a state of emergency here in california in response to what fire is burning across the state. Anny hong the committee will be at the cowboy jim trailhead just west of highway 16 starting off at 1030 this morning. Mark rounds of gunfire erupted as police shoottokill a man after an attack animal within this video from our sister station to say the second time in just two weeks theres been an attack at a Movie Theater is in a 29 yearold vincent de montano on with a hatchet pepper spray in an assault pistol he sprayed moviegoers with pepper spray hit one victim of the hatches they say he did have a history of Mental Illness and had been committed with the Mental Institution for times his mother reported him missing in texas today is above to get a specific amount that the move appeared in the last two weeks it was last month and louisiana that a man shot and killed two people and wounded nine others before killing himself spoke with people at a fair and and reveal to get their thoughts on having more security in a move appears to does not give one of the movies in the last but indeed to be some changes will be apprehensive but it would not keep me from going still ahead of a pair of rebates from the massive filled a republican candidates will tell you made the main event and was relegated for the cars at the bay happens tonight the man claimed to be tarzan tries to reconnect with his double friends wiesel officials were not amused. James if youre just toning and theres a chance we may see a few light showers come later this afternoon and to the overnight hours this put into motion the 7 00 p. M. Hour up now and you could see in the south bank will have a shot of san some light rain at that point and then the batch of what weather continues to move to the north against the will of the to the Central Valley and in practice here over the course of the rest of the debt for a shuddering battista could be this afternoon and a chance in one of opportunity stays open all the record the evening hours and a very early hours of tomorrow morning before a move off. James were born to watch the continue to move to the north and hopefully like we said and asked us beginning this afternoon because of the clouds coming in the Golden Gate Bridge were watching that right now nothing impacting sfo will let you know if like to get the lay we have a mix of low sixties in the survey with 16 antiauxin factor in concord the north of the World Premiere raises will 72 expected high in downtown San Francisco there is the window of opportunity and the were talking about this afternoon into early friday morning after that or nothing but sunny timber to us will be very mild and the low 80s in the tech will stay that way which i will show you, and about half an hour. Rebecca we are free of hot spots at this point in the morning but a lot of slow spots starting off with the bay bridge toll plaza getting into downtown San Francisco not bad it in traffic is backed up just beyond 880 of the crossing it is i to lighten up a bit as well and getting out of office and it will be sluggish all the way into downtown San Francisco the san mateo bridge does were with see a lot more packed and usual this is 20 minutes now the drive times increased by five minutes to the last check from the west about 92 ride on the righthand side of the screen getting over to the 101 connected and the peninsula. Rebecca the tech about 20 minutes to get you 25 within this hour as well which is very busy traffic is backed up to the toll to the hysteria boulevard exit the Richmond San Rafael bridge not bad as a 10 minute from the tall getting across the span and into the north bank the Golden Gate Bridge this looks really good out of sausalito the time right now the seventh 16. Anny hong new this morning and new legal twist in the raymond travois chop Corruption Case prosecuted when a judge to still Court Documents that claims to have on for a retarded child they said the lawyer violated a protective order in the Corruption Case in which 20 of the people were indicted last year the protective order for Public Disclosure on the cover Agency Identity that argue that he was targeted and agents fail to pursue an investigation that mayor ed lee and officials accused of receiving 20,000 in Campaign Contributions from an undercover fbi agent posing as a businessman. He denied those accusations mark democratic president a Canada Health records and is in the bay area for fundraisers was an unexpected taken a public appearances yesterday the u. S. Secretary of state senator and first lady was a home investor and former facebook that will attend a fundraiser hosted by San Francisco mayor letter today that had to los angeles where she of the home of justin manager also happen today the first primary debate of the 2016 election will be held fox news host into debates featuring the product of the republican president ial hopefuls the cabinet for the nomination will face off against each other and primetime at 6 00 this evening. Mark the big lead in the early post was far and some of the main debate many wonder if he could handle the pressure another question is whether jeb bush can bring gain ground and of course some of the cassette comeback there are the only candidates will have broken into double digits in recent polls. Mark they did not make the cut for the primetime debate include a car with iran and repairing will appear in a separate debate at 2 this afternoon our time and that will lead to the main debate a to talk. Mark Republican Party is opposed to get a big watch corridors open a 530 at the Presidio Golf Club on west pacific avenue. Anny hong today marks seven years as the u. S. Is dropping the atomic bomb on hiroshima japan it was the first time and with the weapon was used in combat the bomb nicknamed little boy killed a hundred and 40,000 people president harry truman warned japan in advance and it will be destroyed if the military did not surrender they did not respond after hiroshima the job another bomb on a to nagasaki three days later that bomb killed 80,000 people to is about the people were injured and 7 radiations from that attack japan signed a formal surrender of the to the second and they will work toww2 anny hong at 9 00 this morning demonstrators will mark the last west gates this emphasis will supervisor introducing a measure for dedicated funding for city parks and recreation programs. Mark helps to the matter at measure on the june 2016 ballot they need an additional four to 45 million a year for made his expanded for the facility additional gardners improve security its a tool has since from everyone hundred dollars of Property Value for city parks a substance that forced them to close a section of the beach and some amount of is the fastest bed is not bad for humans. Anny hong they collected enough to fill half of the 55 gal. Trash can asses found in plants like nuts and Vegetable Oil but is also used in some paint and garnishes after the team determined that the substance was indeed a safe instead of cleaning up in the beach was reopened. Mark we have and the booking photo of the man was identified as 37 yearold nicole 911 and reporter man plastered and mud from about 20 ft. In of the tree at the borders of of the Santa Ana Zoo to the morning he was apparently high on the drug czar claimed he was part of an attractive. Anny hong city leaders reason announced a partnership with Water Smart Software and a desire to have mostar residents were uses the program also sends residence unnoticed and loan and to compare the usage of home the silicides water sources the software can help customers cut their usage by as much as 5 and helps and as they achieve its overall consumption by 30 percent. Stanley roberts people behaving badly coming up next. Here is Stanley Roberts who found some people behaving badly Stanley Roberts on the corner some financial in san jose provides a response in the possession walk but and so he can get the green light when he gets the green light he had on his way this time hopefully in the street here the mound you hold the wire used the light rail vehicle track to cruise around back in december of 2014 did the segment riding a bicycle on the sidewalk of san jose is not a leap minute is not against the law salt you can be ticketed it will never been against the law of kron 4 people behaving badly the rules of chains and these writers may not know but they announced they been sawed off a possible ticket some preposterous how you sent shall be after the segment aired San Jose City Council Passed an ordinance prohibiting bike riding on sidewalks in designated areas which happens to be downtown facility areas affected by this time like this pose a was to be reached no bicycle riding on sidewalks the benefits and a similar pedestrian traffic and the downtown area unless youre 12 and under you must not ride in the streets the have not yet core or the cot and hundred dollars and for the first defense. Stanley roberts 1 the for the second in the ministry called the third time the fine is 500 and a ticket for four is a misdemeanor however, san jose that go web site not efficient blackandwhite signs have been posted to another police could begin the fourth and anytime my advice unless youre 12 or ride with a child under 12 to the pipelines and avoid the sidewalk and the designated area unless the by kind of blocked. Mark still havent of dozens of families without a home after a fire swept through east of their apartment complex will show you what theyre getting help head the cure craze may become too on and for themselves really taken a hit in the stock price will have more head. James is resting on lot of sunshine come down right now we have some clout in fact a good bit of mr. And for the golden gate right now the earlier shuttle showed the bridge have a top of the power cut off by the low cloud cover moving on and but its what were seeing at the moment the temperature the action looking pretty good when the upper fifties to low 60s it feels nice of cool letter on the staff and will start to warm up and the to field a bit more humid but one should come our way. James is afternoon and tonight start to deliver some light buying was of the great it will not be a lot but the latest model runs will come down a little bit by 5 00 tonight with battering chance is really watching for this morning this is what looks like buy one salep perspective which took the rap artist a moment ago not showing any rain right now anywhere in the area. James copley never changed by this afternoon keep download of our mobile application the checkup the traffic. Rebecca were attracting some slow spots no hot spots right now as of this point in the morning this is coming out of antioch man in the way over to concord that stand in 26 minutes so far for your drive times 70 minutes from highway 4 down and walnut creek into the 680 split not over to the nimitz commit now at 37 minutes from 238 going down to milpitas and in that connection with 237 and also getting to the san mateo bridge that is been very heavy all morning long been in this ride is slowing down as well and then here is the live shots given on to the span is crawling across. Rebecca 22 minutes from the nimitz and hay were over to the 11 connect in foster city so far this morning. Mark this bill will follow a man suspected of setting off fires in the east days behind bars police say james wilson some of its 30 fires over the past several months his bills and a Million Dollars. J. R. Stone investigators tell me this arson suspect wrote james wilson is the one to blame for the fire then left this hillside charred black they linked him to dozens of other fires as well we know theyre escalating and so we need to take action fresh grass and landscaping as well as outbuildings were threatened included occupied residence with the Contra Costa County into the mug shot of the 29 yearold james wilson he was arrested at his home on wednesday morning theyre linking him to more than 30 fires and practice of the number could be closer to 50 or 70 fires this video that you see here was taken last week off of highway 24 and lafayette they believe that james wilson is to blame for this case as well. J. R. Stone better looking for an arson suspect for some time they wanted to make sure they have their facts straight before they announced it or before they made an arrest. Anny hong 1 into the residence and antioch are about what the match will part of fire broke the story to yesterday the fire started around 8 00 a. M. And it took firefighters about an hourandahalf to poppas blaze out at the delta pride apartment complex five hours into buildings were destroyed no injuries reported residents were forced out of the home and had to leave everything behind the cause of the fire is under investigation today a red cross shelter is currently open at Antioch Middle School and 1500 beach st. For our residents infected by the fire. Mark as another burglary at a building on ucberkeley campus to campus with getting off to the about nine officers that were broken into windows were smashed the computers with taken this is not an isolated incident there been a smash and grab reporters all over campus cooks of hit north gate cornwell men and moses hall as well as the hot school of business. Anny hong theyre looking for the person who was involved in home brewing and here is a look at some bottles take a look were according to police the man you see your knocked the door into the waffle to pick a big free box and will open the front door into the front backyard and tried to pry open the sliding glass door when that did not work he used a rock to shatter the glass of the spine and door he then went inside of the home and stole cash and during. Mark the shooting happened at 11 yesterday morning near harvard street and its mercury bassein investors in the 49 your man involved in the shooting was one to try to kill his wife to the night in concord the pins were officers spotted him yesterday interest and down and one for the suspect and was the opposite and shot the officer in the leg the office of return fire and the suspects sometimes the suspect is expected to survive the police have arrested a man who they said made racist slurs and Death Threats supported state it was directed and wrote to an africanamerican woman who was host an open house last weekend during the open house the victim receives a reform called a voice mail from the man making racist and sexist slurs. Anny hong he threatened to kill her saying he did not want her in the Neighborhood Police traced the no. 2 line and valencia his bill the process. Process75,000 mark theyre searching for a man wanted in connection with an alleged out endangerment and assault with a Deadly Weapon there recall the home of don knapp reversed last week for four a disturbance by time all star ride bass that fled the war for is the restoration considered armed and dangerous the described as 5 ft. 5 and hundred and 80 lbs. Before the of squall almost hear the san mateo, Transit District of making it easier for kids started on sunday theyre increasing the number of bus trips and 11 different scare the dominant party bus lines also change to meet the above times this was an area the of off of an adequate service to claremont high intel and the middle school theyre also extending with bay even if service is have a cisco state students will have better access. To access anny hong the mount stock price fell almost but yesterday after the Company Announced plans to the opera house and employ workers the which makes instant coffee brewers and pot say it fell 5 last quarter of the larger the due to the drop in sales with the brewers before dawn 6 the company has fallen 20 of hundred Million Dollars next year and it will continue cutting its workforce to do and. Mark the latest tech company to change as parental leave policy the giants as a starting in november no one of the tech up to 20 weeks paid leave parents to adopt the child eligible for up to 12 weeks of paid time off microsoft says parents can also decide whether to you believe all the once or split into two periods. Mark devise a wall street right now the dog of the industrial and the loft down 82 still negative for the year dollars and 17,00459. Vicki liviakis the world is your oyster less bit shocking believe and not nearly 2 billion wastage are eaten every year in the madison is whether it is imported or farm right here this by about as a bay area favored some of the top spots in europe with a loving of island of the Ferry Building were bar on San Francisco embarcadero swans default or here embark from fresh is always a must for the smallest some like it hot others want in raw by owners may want to wash the questions down here at the island their wine as and i shall contain oysters. Vicki liviakis the western oyster and maybe more fact and fiction as they find that they are rich in rare and mineral acidsamino mark nasa will continue to rely on russia for space launches and signed a 400 million 90 Million Contract to continue using the rockets is to work closely at the rochester and a special program in 2011 that pays a 7 million to russia for every astronaut aboard a flight path to the International Space station the help to begin using spacecraft design by boeing and space expert after not missions by 2017. Anny hong on apple 15 different aircraft over the National Mall for a man in the u. S. Capitol building the Center Security committee invest it in from the secret service and the Capitol Police did not do enough to stop acquittal for the secret service and viewed him about his plans in 2013 and declined to deny even on the gyrocopter the sicker Service Office the cave indication that he lied to investigators after he was contradicted by family members the seventh aircraft appeared are rare are to be a bird or balloon. James tracking weather around by the possibility of full of the forecast, about the world according to gary. Time for the world according to gary presented by hershey mark during the bay bridge were serious and 89 in people with st. Dollars a year. Gary were less than the were wary but the and the giants villain of the great when last night and of course would Madison Baumgartner looking berrigan. Gary first three at bat in a major league you have to head now we look at it and it really it during those bonds year if it kept trying to think we have a championship by barry is here to we will trade prospects but now theyre doing this with some people saying discussing we are winning the right way. Mark his hitting has a higher slugging percentage than half feel quick just as often and even read about this person is there for 65 of the last two seasons he averages a home run for one home run for every 15 that is incredible. Mark 4 series great ball park and ripplingripley. Mark more than 2007 and he hit two home runs that was pretty cool. Gary and love your member they had seven rbis and a playoff game. Mark what tough to lose a game last night and grand slam on home runs but the orioles. Gary to may one day is identified did warplane for the future that is how i look at it the only had 11,000 fans of the game delicacies and lo and did you compare that to the niners practice which is, on sunday and theyre expecting 20,000 fans. Gary and the does, a warmer plans to keep hearing it the toughest thing throw park in maine with the job this time to go on official. Gary the players take that they did have milburn. Gary this is the second year that you heard those complaints and that this is going to take some bigname slipping on the turf and then everyone is going to save uh oh, no one wants to name on a now thats the on mark maybe in the future but having brains of this artificial gary were not sure italias but it does for a lot of people the same i cannot afford to go during the regular season but we get to see the stadium and go from there. Mark will have a lot of friends who were sick season ticket holders. Mark a lot of seasonticket holders were upset about the way the fans went down about a new stadium. Gary that is the thing that keep looking at when at we mentioned to you it took my family out there a couple weeks and the giants game and we got three kids and my wife and weve been working long time so we can do it but still over a thousand dollars is a fortune for evening. Gary a wonder if it is going to be a point because if you keep hearing this as long as television rules especially in the nfl as a steady was emptied they still make millions upon millions. Mark the biggest supply with and hear people do it is too hard and too much sun at the stadium. Everyone is sweating gary 11 to 49 a game last week against the eagles the east side someone correct me if im wrong but if you sit on one side and i will tell you people stand up for beer and you sweat the whole time if they made the playoffs or did real well last year you will not hear these complaints but all of these things when youre a nate88 mark were not mocking the of the quarterback but expect the other guy of and the quarterback is different hes smart and he makes me feel young he runs the hole and never had that before. Mark he runs the huddled weve never had that and that is a shot at capra make the new thing is supposedly he is one to be what to call more place in the huddle and jim r. Block the edge of a delay of game penaltiesjim harbaugh mark is one of the interesting to watch have you seen the jimi hendrix drawing their recall he the rockand roll hall of fame he drew these and with 1958 usc trojans is that jimi hendrix . Gary thats very cool when you say jimi hendrix we were right there is specially mademe mark all of these teams are still in the pac 12 we used to be is a press corps drawn because Jimmy Hendrix with a lot of talent this is a research and all the producers and is of course the betting man all of these fans are complementary we say will claimant aware of early and that is why were the norm one sportscaster will catch on the real be right back when we continue james 6 minutes to 8 00 your live look outside sunshine come down in walnut creek this morning is likely a mix we have called the have sunshine this morning that we can enjoy temperatures right now 60 in the city 59 all consistory in san jose where the commander general the upper fifties to low 60s the warmest of on the map is 64 and looks like were getting a star will have cloud out there and you concede the well to our south near monterey but the point of which is expected to migrate north or and impact us later this afternoon ring is a slight chance we have to make this our activities of the great in the when opportunity opens this afternoon and closes later tomorrow morning. James looking for hope for some land around the basin where temperatures optimal 72 in San Francisco 70 in oakland mid to upper 80s for the south bay the east in the market this morning does what were expecting a will finish off a quick look at the present outlook for to purchase are expected to come down badly hit if the fighting in saturday friday and saturday rebecca the to the flames are blocked and the vehicle here is a quick look at the traffic. Anny hong an injury accident on the east about 80 at Treasure Island to laugh lines are blocked in the eastbound erection of 80 that is the counter commute this morning that is the better stick to ration nasa to traffic by the are not as bad was the illiterate out there this morning. Rebecca the injury accident a sole vehicle back with over on to the blocking the left to lost mines and edmonton this is against the commune it is backed up across the sky where all the way back to the 11 split live in the city this morning with taken some extra time with some extra time early in jamaica when out the door getting into San Francisco this is a much easier ride barely any weight at the toll plaza for the westbound a commit does the weight of the cache lines of and that you have a stray shot across the bay bridge to getting into downtown San Francisco so far more news weather and traffic up next. If we get a little rain to come down that would be excellent for firefighters up at clear lake. From our camera it shows we have clouds overhead and a brief, light breeze in the air and that is what we are dealing with, still in the upper 50s to low 60s, by about noontime inland highs, temperatures up to about 81 degrees, 72 by the by. Then warm up even more as we head later into the afternoon. Looking for inland right around 8891. Upper 80s to low 90s with mid 70s by by. On the icons you can see that by 5 00 p. M. Tonight we will look at a possibility of light rain around the bay. We have a nice plume of moisture headed our way, been hanging around for the past couple days migrating north and south. Today is comes northward and impacting us later on this afternoon. All of this stuff well talk about in my full check in 15 minutes. You can stay updated with our kron 4 weather app, live radar in the palm of your hand. Lets move over to the Traffic Center where we have rebecca looking at your commute. It is right at the land of vehicle flipped over on cto his roof, you are right out of San Francisco, pretty bad so far. Traffic is backed up all the way back to is 101 split, once you get past that getting over to the oakland side of things it should be a lot better this morning. Getting into downtown San Francisco this is a great ride so far for i, barely any wait at the toll plaza 1012 minute trip for you to make your way from the tolls and a cross the span into the city, traffic is light, but the san mateo bridge is pretty heavy. That clocks in at 22 minutes now, getting over to the peninsula and making the connection with is 101. Breaking news that we are following right now on the missing malaysian airplane, investigators found more possible pieces of the plane debris, theyve found what appears to be a window, seat cushions and other pieces of a plane, this also on reunion island, the piece of wing the plane was found last week on the island won firmed to be from mh 3370 which disappeared in march of last year. Authorities right now are combing the beaches looking for more pieces of the plane and expanding their search area, well continue to follow the breaking news, well bring you immediate updates. And back in the bay area, happening now a big crime alert, crooks are stealing gold chains off peoples necks in freemont. Live in freemont on details of these attacks, will. Reporter they still have not made any arrests in the cases an that is why they are telling people if nryou wear gold chains just dont wear them and if cyou do make sure they are tucked away join sigh your shirts, there are opportunities, no rhyme or reason why these victims were targeted, but they were walking along, lets show you the three locations where the robberies have taken place, the first one on cisco road, drisco road. A gold chain was snatched from his neck. Thesp j one, she got her gold chain stolen as well, no injuries. You get a common theme here, fortunately it has not turned deadly or even injuries to report of, you know it can be a matter of time which is why they are telling people to be careful until they make an arrest or arrests in this case. In the last one took place on monday at deet creek road near ridge wood in that case it was also a couple, a little more aggressive on that one, that woman actually a woman snatched a woman came along snatched the victims gold chain while three men held her down, descriptions in all cases very generic, they are latino or black in this case, they are not sure if they are all connected if they are connected or just random people doing it. Still trying to work the case. No Surveillance Video for them to look at on either of those cases or any of those cases,. William tran live in freemont. And the rainbow crew struck again and police are hoping Surveillance Video will help. They took more than 11,000 worth of merchandise from a Beauty Supply store. A group of seven women and two men went straight to the high end perfume come loan, you can see them placing all the merchandise into bags. The store surveillance has helped them identify three suspects already, police call them the rainbow crew because of the bright color clothing they wear. They got away with over is 1000 worth of merchandise and that is a big hit, traditionally theyll go from a thousand to 6000, 191,000 is a is 91,000 is a big hit for 75 seconds. The thieves were women in the past cases but it looks like men are now involved in the ring. And we posted the entire Surveillance Video on kron 4. Com, how you can help investigators find the thieves. And we have new numbers in this morning on the Massive Wildfire burning near clear lake, more progress is being made, the rocky fire now 40 contained that went up from 30 , nearly 70,000acre versus been burned. Kron 4 got a closer look from some of the damage which is lake yolo, it has been burning more than a week now, 43 homes and 50 outbuildings have been destroyed and 8 buildings have been damaged. Thousands of structures are still remaining in the finger danger zone. Governor jerry brown will be meeting with the rocky fire First Responders after the governor declared a state of emergency in california in response to wildfires burning across the state. He is meeting with them to get an update on efforts to contain the massive blaze. The meeting will be at the cowboy camp trail head starting at 10 30 this morning. Gun fire erupting as police shoot and kill a man after an attack at a Movie Theater in nashville, tennessee. Police say this case 29year old Vincente Montano entered with a hatchet, pepper spray and airsoft pellet. He cut one of the victims with the hatchet. He also had a fake bomb in his bag, he has a history of Mental Illness and committed to a Mental Institution four time. Coming up, all eyes will be on donald trump tonight as he Takes Center Stage at the first primary debate. Plus Hillary Clinton is in San Francisco, well tell you who she is having breakfast with this morning. One of the two convicted murders, what police say he had in his list em when he was caught. And a live look at the san mateo bridge, waiting for a chance of rain this evening, traffic cvery sluggish westbound at Grocery Outlet, they sell the brands you love. The brands you love. The brands you know and love. Even namebrand Natural Foods and organics. At prices up to 60 less than youd spend. At those bigname grocery stores. And did you know right now at Grocery Outlet a 10pound bag of potatoes is just 99 cents things that i know. And love. Grocery outlet. Bargain market. Welcome back, time now 8 91, new york prison escapee richard matt was drunk when he was shot and killed by police. Toxicology reports show matt had a blood alcohol level of. 18 at the time of his death. His fellow escapee david sweat was captured two days later and being hele0at a maximum security prison this morning. Police say the pair got the alcohol after breaking into hunting cabins in the mountains, investigation revealed that alcohol was a reason the two had to split up. They lived in the woods for three weeks after breaking out of prison. Coming up on the kron 4 morning news, here is a live look at satellite. Well be back with the full forecast and futurecast 4 in just a minute. Check this out. With xfinity home we get 24 7 professional monitoring and video monitoring we can watch on our own tv. Thats way better than our old security system. [metal clanking] [chip crunching] [baby crying] dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers, add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus get a Free Security camera. Call 1800 xfinity or go online today. My kery see stoms evy da t so day i ft li all th sawas macnenot. I uldn belve itillad acne i wt toczoncom,ound a rmatogis andskedher out zone daone el. Geth, weecid acze® gewas ght r mend macnegot tter ne ia mecal nditn th canappeat a age founaty, yr door c prcribaczo® g, a apovedor t topal eatmt ofcne anprov in inic stues th pple yes anolde lk tyouroctoabouany mecal nditns y havincling pd diciey, a y mecatis yoare ing. Use benyl poxidwith acne®el m cau youskin to tporaly tn yeow o oran at e si of plicion. Thmostommosideffec wi acze®el a dryss dnes oiless,nd pling ofreat ski w yocoulpay morthan 1for zone gel geyouroupoand arn re at aone. M acne®el. Escrtiontreaent. Roveresus. [ female announcer ] know her way around a miniskirt. Can run in high heels. Must be a supermodel, righ you dont know aarp. Because aarp is making finding the career you love no matter what your ag a real possibility. Go to aarp. Org possibilities to check out life reimagined for tools, suppor and connections. If you dont thin ive still got it when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Find more surprising possibilitie and get to know us at aarp. Org possibilitie welcome back, keeping our eyes on weather, traffic come on over. Disi believe add list for two months now, we think he is coming off the dl list, a little scooter accident, well have you back in uniform, right . Yeah, im hoping so as soon as i can get that collar buttoned. You donv a lot of people are writing in asking. You have been missed. Hard to believe but i have actually missed being here. Maybe next tuesday, wednesday well have you back. In the meantime we are watching weather. Yes, we are. Slight chance it will be the this afternoon, i want to start out with futurecast, we are going to do team coverage, map out the rain and michele is standing by nrand shell talk about what its like outside right now. So lets begin with the rain, futurecast 4, nothing much going on, we wouldnt expect much until later this afternoon. You can see that by 7 00 tonight, so between lets say 37 007 00 well see the chance of showers in the south by form, and then as we advance another couple hours you will see it begins northward impacting more of the bay. By midnight tomorrow morning we are looking at the entire bay area under the potential for at least some light rain. Will we get a lot from this system . No, probably measured in hundreds of an inch. So we are looking for something before it moves out, can you see by 5 00 tomorrow futurecast 4 thinks it is going to be out of our area, sierra, tahoe and hangs out there throughout the course of the day on friday. Narrow window of opportunity from about 3 004 00 ctoday until early tomorrow morning and sometime in that time frame we are hoping for some showers to pop up. So, fingers crossed. The satellite shows us clouds over monterey, i have been checking Storm Tracker radar, sweeps show nothing on the horizon, we are still watching and waiting, hoping to see activity beginning to pop up, download it, put it on your smart phone and you have live ray consider at your fingertips, can you track it along with us in the weather center. What is happening right now and the rest of your forecast is michele. We are taking a live look outside, we have a few clouds starting to filter in, looking at walnut creek right now, we are going to be dealing with nr mostly cloudy conditions for much of the afternoon, we have that chance for an isolated shower or thunderstorm, better chances later on to night, this is where we stand right now as we make our way out of door, low 60s across the eastern shoreline. Still on the cool side with north bay. Throughout the day temperatures will warm up a few degrees warmer than yesterday, plan on upper 08s to right around 90 degrees for inland location, across the south bay and north bay plan on mid80s, acrosr0 east bay shoreline upper 70s to 80. San francisco lower 70s, plan on upper 60s. Now looking towards tomorrow, we could still see the potential for a few showers tomorrow cmorning then clearing out by the afternoon as High Pressure continues to build back in, low to mid80s for friday afternoon, we are going to see some sunshine continue on, what to expect coming up with your stormtracker4 storm track forecast coming up at 5 00. Thanks, michele, leaving San Francisco is going to be heavy for you. So far at this point in the morning that is because of an injury accident that happened eastbound 80, right at Treasure Island a car flipped over on to its roof and still blocking the two left lanes, emergency crews are on the scene, in the meantime traffic is backed up to the 101 split. Getting into the city, this looks good westbound 80 commute at the toll plaza barely any wait for those cash lanes there, so its going to be a straight shot into San Francisco you are looking at about 78 minute drive time from tolls getting into downtown, san mateo bridge is crawling, its at 2225 minutes for westbound 92 ride, so making your way over to that 101 connector almost half an hour, leave some extra time if you can. The san rafael bridge 10 minutes from the tolls getting across it heading up to the north bay. And the Golden Gate Bridge is problemfree on the southbound side getting on to 101, its going to be about 56 minute drive time for you. That looks good, back to you, mark. Happening this morning democrat i can president ial candidate Hillary Clinton for fundraisers. And taking this live look here, at the at the sea club in San Francisco where Hillary Clinton will be this morning, attending a fundraiser. Then later today she heads to los angeles, she will visit the whom of Justin Biebers manager. While clinton is here in california, republicans running for president are getting ready for their first debate today, about, op frontrunner donald trump and nine of his rivals will duke it out on stage. Andrew spencer has a preview on what you can expect. Reporter outside quicken loans arena the satellite trucks are lined up, barricades are blocking crowds and protesters, making their last few preparations for the debates. The 10 leading can can i dates will be the focus of the inaugural debate as they face off against each other on primetime, the focus will be on the current top dog donald trump whose big lead leaves him front and center. The question is, can he handle the pressure. Weather jeb bush can grain ground and avoid any stumbles. None of the can city dates have broken into the double digits in recent polling, supporters will watch to see if they can fight their way out of the group. The earlier 5 00 p. M. Debate will draw much smaller audience but who has the potential to shine later on in the president ial campaign. Im Andrew Spencer reporting. And governor jerry brown is calling on republican president ial candidates to present their proposals on Climate Change, he release add two page letter yesterday, Governor Brown saying california is hotter and drier than it ever has been making wildfires more severe, he asked them what their plan is to address Climate Change given the stake to americas economy and environment. Well the number of baby deaths has hit a record low, health Officials Say it has dropped 13 since 2005 but still lags behind other nations, the cdc infant mortality rates are nrconsidered the strnigest measures of countrys health. The decline in baby deaths also reflects a reduction in premature birth. Super bug out breaks link to a special type of medical scope are on the rise, but no one knows how often the nr infections occur or where. Duo dento scopes rundown the throat to treat problem. Health Officials Say illnesses lodge in the scope and move from patient to patient. So, extra Safety Measures have been implemented that hospitals can use to clean the scopes, they are used in more than half a million procedures every year. Still ahead, find out more why i look like an engineer is trending this morning, not me personally and why its sparking conversation and controversy. And a live look at the bay bridge, very light ride for 8 23 in the morning. We invented low fares. Then everyone else pretty much tried to follow. We call it the southwest effect, but other airlines probably use more colorful language. Low fares. We dont just have them. We invented them. And here we go again book for as low as 73 dollars oneway now at southwest. Com welcome back, time now 8 26, quick look at a temperature, mainly in the 50s and 660s with maybe some rain later today, james will have the forecast in less than 10 minutes. The hashtag i look like an c engineer after a San Francisco Business Company used an attractive female employee in a recruitment advisement, immediately after she appeared in the ad social media users were quick to judge doubting she was a real engineer because she was too pretty, so she surpassed her cyber bullies by c turning the hashtag into a national platform. Effectively protesting cshe was calling sexist behavior and asked her fellow female c engineers to share photos of themselves, it was the trending topic on soc media. Bill cosby will testify under oath in one of the sexual abuse judith his be claims she was sexually by assaulted by cosby, cosby must answer questions from husks lawyers on october 9th, husk will be questioned on october 15th. More than two dozen women claimed cosby sexually assaulted them over the years in a decade old deposition in another case, cosby admitted to obtaining drugs to give to women he wanted to have sex with but he did not admit to drugging women, cosby has never been criminally charged. And still, more than a hundred dangerous fires sparked across cost a contra county. And we are tracking weather with a chance of some rain showers, maybe a thunderstorm, here is a way futurecast looks nr at midnight tonight. Many wnklereamcome wi highope buhope. Doest wo on inkl. Inicly pven neutgena rap wrile rair with t fasst rinolormu avaible, wor on ne les d ev deewrines. Yoll s youer lkingkin inust e we. St hopg foresus, and art einghem. Rad wrkle pair. A forark ots rad to repr. Fr neuogen®. Female announcer right now at sleep train get up to 48 months interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Save hundreds on beautyrest. Or choose 300 in free gifts with Stearns Foster. The triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. Hey foster farms looks like you left these two west coast birds behind foster farms chickens california grown. You guys arent from here. Well do we get points for trying . fresh and natural chicken. California grown with no added hormones. From foster farms. Simply better. Good morning everybody we are tracking the storm. It doesnt look like much right now but later this afternoon were hoping we will have some light showers around the base that we can enjoy. It will be a joy to have some of that this afternoon this is what it looks like right now. Storm tracker right now sing a love a lot of upper 50s and low 60s. By noon time we will warm up inland to around 81. As we head into later in the afternoon we will warm it up into the upper 80s to low 90s with mid70s by the bay. Little warmer than it was yesterday and a little more humid. You see clouds rolling in . They will thicken up in the afternoon and beginning sometime between noon and five lets say around 3 00 we will. The transfer light rain begin to develop continuing over the overnight hours and finish up early tomorrow. Again this is not going to be a major rain event but it is something and we are going to our hands or use our hands and grab it as much as we can. That did not celebrate. Ignore the part. Lets instead talk about our mobile app. Weve got a lot on there for you. Live radar you can get traffic updates a great tool especially when their showers falling and trafficking get backed up you can access it with the mobile app. It is free for apple and android. Speaking of traffic, rebecca what we have . James gue have better news if youre heading out of San Francisco the earlier crash on the lower deck of the bay bridge at the island has been cleared and fortunately traffic is slow to back the onetoone split across the sky wake and all the way best to candlestick exit. So leave extra time if youre heading out of San Francisco using the bay bridge. Getting into downtown San Francisco this looks great and its lightly traveled so far this point and thats going to be about a seven or eight minute trip getting across the span into the city. It is very light and no weight and this is because a short freeway rather is very slow and thats actually metering all of the traffic getting to the tools. Thats the end of the 30 minute drive time from hercules getting into berkeley at the time now is 832. Lets pass it over time now 8 32. New this morning a celebration for maddie militans life will be held this weekend. The Santa Cruz Warriors are hosting the event at kaiserpermanente arena. Maddie was found dead in a dumpster after she was reported missing a 15yearold boy was arrested for her murdered and will be tried as an adult. The event starts at sunday at 3 00 p. M. And doors will open at 1 00 p. M. Maddies family said there will be performances and other activities planned to thank the public for their support. A big news. A new legal twist in the raymond Corruption Case. Lawyers mile now want a judge to seal Court Documents. Is a prosecutors unfairly targeted him and they dont want details getting out. Its the prosecutors that want to seal the documents. Lawyers for the Us Attorneys Office said a protective order was violated. The protected order for bids Public Disclosure of undercover agents identities and the lawyers argued he was targeted and agents failed to pursue an investigation of the mayor and accusing the mayor of receiving 20,000 from undercover fbi agents pursuing pretending to be man is waking up behind bars this morning. This man here james wilson said at least 30 fires over the past several months. His bill has been set at 1 million. Kron for jr stone spoke with fire officials and tells us more about the suspect. Investigators tell me that this arson suspect james wilson , they say he is the want to blame for the fire that left this hillside charred black. They linked him to dozens of other fires as well were numerous fires that resulted in threats to life and property and we knew that they were escalating and so we needed to take action. Brush grass and landscaping as well as outbuildings were threatened, including occupied residences without within the county. Reporter this is a mugshot of james wilson. Arrested at his home on wednesday morning. Their linking him to more than 30 fires. In fact they say that number could be closer to 50 or 70 fires in this video that you see here was taken last week off of highway 24 in lafayette they believe that james wilson is to blame for this case as well. Now authorities tell me they have been looking for an arson suspect for some time that they wanted to make sure they have their facts straight before they announced it or before they made an arrest. And concord, jr stone kron four news. Another smash and grab building building. Evans hall was the latest targets. Campus police receiving a call tuesday night about nine officers there that were brought just offices that were broken into. This is not an isolated insulin incident. Smash and grabs have been reported all over campus. Police are looking for the person who was involved in a home burglary we have photos of the suspect. Take a look according to police this guy here not at the door on knocked at the door while holding a big reeboks. Nobody open the door in the edge of the back yard and tried to pry open the sliding glass door and when that did not work he used a rock to shatter the glass and then he got inside the home and stole cash and jewelry. Gunfire or a thing injuring a Police Officer and an attempted murder suspect who was fleeing police. The shooting happened around 11 00 yesterday morning here near harbour street pittsburgh. Investigators say the 49year old man involved in the shootings was wanted for trying to kill his wife tuesday night and concord. A pittsburgh officer spotted him yesterday and chased him down. At one point the suspect ambushed the officer and shot the officer leg. The officer returned fire hitting the suspect several time and the suspect at six is expected to survive. More than two dozen residents are without a home after a massive Apartment Fire we 1st broke the store yesterday on the kron morning news. A fire started around 8 00 yesterday and it took firefighters about an hour and a half to put out the blaze at the delta pines apartment complex. Firefighters say two buildings were completely destroyed. The good news is there were no injuries reported but residents were forced out of their apartments and had to leave everything behind. My mom lost what she had and its gone. We have four other small children. All of the xboxs and games in their toys are gone now. The cause is under investigation investigation. A red cross shelter is current legal currently opened at the middle school from residents impacted by the fire. New technology in place to help the south basic water. City leaders recently announced partnership with Water Smart Software that is designed to help monitor residents water usage but also since residents a no stage to compare usage of homes of similar size. The software also lets residents viewed their water consumption on a mobile app. Water Smart Software can help customers cut their usage by as much as 5 in happ help san jose san jose oak achieve its goal. Backtoschool shopping is in full swing. How much appearance willing to spend on supplies . We will have that ahead. And tesla making harder to let people hack into the cars. A lookout here clear skies and no major delays on arriving flights but we are looking at the possibility of clouds increasing and maybe a few rain showers and thunderstorms. We will have details straight ahead. Yre unpacng aeady . Yeahhelpe fi sommugs. Sure. Eep y. O. K. Eyll do. Ke uto t mountaingrown aromof fgers. He best pa of kin up sowhere do y wanto srt . I ink this is a pret gooplace. S folgers youcup notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside. Its stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. Whoa whoa. Slow down. What . I said steak. In a breakfast burrito . I cant keep up. This is advanced burrito, right . This is intro to burrito. Boom. Jacks new steak egg breakfast burritos got tender juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. Lookin for a basic burrito . This aint it. Geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. Welcome back to kron4 is it possible for a mechanic to hack a tesla . Two separate return security researchers were able to because of the computer flaws. Those flaws allowed anyone with physical access to the inside of the car to infected with malware that the hacker could then turn the car off, open doors or make the electronics display faulty information. Tesla has issued a fix and stressed that the hacker wouldve needed inside access to the car. Software will receive updates today. According to a new report in the british medical journal, researchers looked at data from more than 485,000 people in china and people who ate spicy foods mainly chili peppers once or twice a week had a 10 less overall risk for death compared to food people who ate spicy food less than one per week. That one up to 14 when people ate spicy foods six or seven times a week so lay it on. I like that stuff. Before you head out the door here is a look at our afternoon highs as we are seeing a possibility of few showers. 11 and the high mid 80s and maybe even near 90. We got a hot spot on the richmond bridge, an accident west on 580 right it midspan blocking the right hand shoulder. It is going to slow your drive. A drivetime at 15 minutes from the toll plaza across the span and up into san rafael. More news weather and traffic when kron4 returns. Stay with us. Welcome back time now 8 45 gusts of rain on the way and dark hammers are going through the Traffic Center. Bring it back over here and hello. High. Were talking about some rain. Not a whole lot but every little bit counts. So every bit counts. It looks like this afternoon these chances 1st appear in the south bay and everybody else. Lets go to futurecast. There will be a Team Weather Coverage hit here where i will talk about the rain and break it down for you in detail and then handed off to michelle standing by with a look at the current temperatures and the rest of the days forecast and the all important seven day around the bay as well. Stick around for that futurecast for nothing. However they later this afternoon into the 7 00 hour like you see here we will expect the possibility of showers to begin to pop up and without south bay. This comes up from the south and you will see it in the 2nd. By 9 00 in inches its way more and by midnight looks like it should be centered right over the bay itself. So while youre sleeping, odds are we will see light rain in your neighborhood which is great. You will wake up tomorrow morning and at least hopefully things are what and by about 5 00 in the morning, most of it has pushed off and begin to impact the sierra over the course of the day on friday. For us in the bay were talking this afternoon until early tomorrow morning. That is our window of opportunity for us to at least get something out of the system before it moved on. Thats what it looks like. The wider view shows the clouds over monterey. Thats what we are expecting and ive been checking Storm Tracker for live reader so far nothing yet on the scope. Hopefully this afternoon that will change. And you contract of showers by the way yourself whether kron4 mobile app great tool. Live radar ive been promoting it all along because i all morning because its a great resource as showers approach. With more on the forecast we have michelle. Morning, james. If you have work or School Mobile app is a perfect device device to check on radar and this is where we are looking at the Golden Gate Bridge. Patchy fog and you can see both towers and thats the good news. Most of the fog will lessen and we will see sunshine for part of the day and we will see those clouds move back in. This is where we stand with the temperatures into the upper 50s to the mid60s. Your inland temperatures are into the mid60s in the same for the south bay if youre in the north bay temperatures range from upper 50s low 60s. San francisco 60 degrees and across the space bar line lower to mid 60s. The temperatures are slow but it will warm up a few degrees warmer than yesterday. Operators to lower 90s for those old san jose 85 degrees. Looking at mideighties across the north bay by 3 00 p. M. This afternoon. Upper 70s across the east bay shoreline and across San Francisco at 3 72 degrees with the rest of the peninsula. The rest of your Storm Tracker, plan a few morning showers by tomorrow and we will see some sunshine into the afternoon. Temperatures will be a few degrees cooler. Plan on low to mid80s across invocations looking at upper 70s across the bay. Looking at the weekend. Dry with sunshine. Plan on low to mid80s to cross most of the inland spots. Here is rebecca looking at the morning drive. Thanks, michelle, im checking a hotspot on the richmond san jose bridge. Its right it midspan blocking the right hand shoulder. Is slowing down your drive times. It stands at about 15 minutes from the tolls getting across up to the onetoone connector. Here is a live shot of the approach to the tolls again inscribed of slow and traffic is slow from the richmond parkway exit adding to the tolls and then once you get past the scene of the accident midspan is going to be an easier ride up to the north bay. It to foster city we will go for a new hotspot accident as you accident the san mateo bridge and it is eastbound 92 actually as you get on to the san mateo bridge going to the east bay its right before the lazard exit. That will tie up the drive on 101 and i are the direction. Getting into the san mateo bridge spans thats also been very heavy all morning long. Its just at a standstill for your westbound 92 right it will take you 22 minutes and hayward getting over to the onetoone connector. The bay bridge toll plaza is pretty empty at this point. That will be a seven minute drive time getting from the tolls across the span and into San Francisco and thats because of the east shore freeway has been pepto morning. That is thats actually metering the traffic so you are at 29 minutes onto westbound 80. When i come back i will be checking your commute through the south bay. Mark, back to you. 1st be a school around the corner for bay area students and that means many parents and kids are going to the mall. Maureen kelly found out what this year what this years musthave items are and how much. Theyre spending. Reporter shopping carts loaded down with backtoschool items. Those walking in had some pretty long list hand sanitizer, lotion, deodorant. We got mechanical pens, sharp these, perfume, hair brush mints, floss. Anything and everything. Mainly clothes. Cozy clothes. Small concealer, lip gloss, chapstick, vaseline. What were your must haves . These. Bandaids, cough drops qtips here ties and bobby pins. Moms were done shopping are feeling good. Their budgets very. How much did you spend . Do i have to . My husband will probably be watching. 295. About 300. We spent only 18. If i can stay under hundred to get started. I just know i have to stop when i get to that point in my checking account. The San Mateo County Transit District is making it easier for your kids to get to class. Starting on sunday they are increasing the number of bus trips on 11 different routes. Schedules are more than 30 bus lines will also change to meet bell times. New line has also been added with service to carl mont high schools and tear at linda middle school. Is also extending we take Evening Service so that San Francisco state students will have better access to campus. A new specialized middle school is opening here in San Francisco. 200 incoming six raiders have started orientation at Willie L Brown Junior Middle School focused on science, technology, engineering and math. The school is located in the citys Silver Terrace neighborhood. This is the 1st new middle school and the San Francisco School District over the past decade. It will eventually accommodate 650 students from six to 8 grade. Crisis start august 17th a big name deal for the neighborhood San Francisco giants taking on the braves. The giants beat the braves 61. Matt duffy adding a double. The giants when 116 over the last 21 games. Baumgartner allowing 70 seven hits in the game. One run and struck out nine. Just two runners made it in scoring position against the big lefthander the giants are traveling to chicago to take on the cubs. The dodgers also won and the dodgers remain two games back. The oakland as take on the orioles for a day game, over 20,000 fans packing the colosseum but the as couldnt win and the orioles when it seven3. This is with one out in the top of the 10th inning. That is will be hosting Houston Astros tonight. Firstplace Houston Astros. Something were to say. And the oakland as are honoring fallen Sergeant Scott columnar as part of Law Enforcement day. Their Housing Holding a pregame. Broke henderson will catch the pitch. The as will hang a special jersey with his badge number on the back of the dugout and hold a moment of solid silence for Sergeant Unger the niners are hoping an open practice on sunday so traffic in the self they could get extra heavy over this weekend. 20,000 fans are expected to go to levi stadium in santa clara. It is from 12 00 until 4 00 in the fans entered going hoping to win free tickets. Parking is free at Great America but congestion could be slow going on those roads on sunday afternoon and as art kron4 morning news consists does a nice start to the day but clouds are gathering. They will thicken up and were looking for a chance of rain tonight. [ music ] welcome back and were looking at today now marking 70 years since the us dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima japan. It was the 1st time a Nuclear Weapon was used in combat. The bomb killed 140,000 people. Resident harry truman warned japan in advance that it would be destroyed if its military did not surrender. Japan did not respond to the us dropped another bomb on nagasaki three days later and that bomb killed 80,000 people. Tens of thousands of people were injured or suffered radiation effects from those attacks. Japan then signed a formal surrender of the temper 2nd ending world for two. And Nuclear Opponents will demonstrate outside Lawrence Livermore labs. They have a rally that started at 8 00 this morning and they also at 8 15 when the bomb detonated a survivor of the hiroshima bombing spoke coming up in a few minutes and 9 00 demonstrators will then march to the last west eight. Still ahead on kron4 news. These are stealing gold chains right off of pp right off of peoples necks plus a brazen burglary caught on camera showing a dozen people tore storming a Beauty School store. Police in San Francisco has seen this group still before. More with whether and michelle will have details ahead. [ music ] female announcer youre on the right track to save big during sleep trains triple choice sale. For a limited time you can choose up to 48 months interestfree financing on a huge selection of tempurpedic models. Or choose to save hundreds on Simmons Beautyrest mattress sets. You can even choose 300 in free gifts with sleep trains most popular Stearns Foster mattresses. The triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep hey there fellow californians i know youre staying golden by managing your energy use. Which means managing water too sfx rawr especially during a drought. Learn to save water, energy and money at energyupgradeca. Org welcome to the kron4 morning news as we approach at 9 00 were watching the possibility of rain showers with futurecast showing widespread and we will have more on the forecast coming up. Here is a live look outside, San Francisco airport and Richmond San Rafael bridge. The weather not bad this morning in fact pretty nice out there. Of the time you are headed home from work they do today that will change of what you need to know coming up next. P michelle apon we have miller 60s across the bay and across the coast of the 60s as a consultant to the lunch hour the bill mild side we have no 80s for this and location of the miller seventh across the bay and how long the cosmos upper 60s that we consider the two to four isolated showers or thunderstorms as it drive home the is one thing you could be dodging to keep that mine you may need to account for the oriole home with the king of the bay panel mid70s and nichols planned on the upper 60s this is what will show you and 915 and also door with a free mobile application download from the apple store or from google. Rebecca right now theres an accident for your southbound commute also moving further south on 880 theres traffic hazard sometimes it is the debris there say might be some concrete that spilled onto the road with this in the three right lanes cause some flat tires thaw brought before the tennis and accidents also backing up traffic and this is the drive time for south 880 getting down to the 237 connected into millipede is that stand the 36 minutes now because of these problems definitely some extra time this morning if the nimitz freeway twitch and things of to the senate labor and this a lot better than it did earlier the drive times about 18 minutes from the west about 90 to commit bidding of to foster city there is a crash at the end of the bridge of the opposite side that is the east about 92 ride rep before foster city and boulevard theyre still attending to what it is in such a device because of slow traffic and to come off the bridge on the westbound side. Anny hong a bit, you need to know about quarks are stealing gold chains buy off peoples next in fremont. Will tran all the victims had been women in some cases theyre actually walking with their husbands when the attack occurred there random at this point there was no Surveillance Video for the Police Department the first one happened in mid july this laundress the role in fact involve from grandparents perhaps five the most recent one was three days ago on monday that would happen on deep creek road near ridgewood that one was a little bit more aggressive according to the fremont Police Department in that case a man and woman were walking this is around 5 00 in the evening. Will tran mcgrath the but the gold necklace but that was adjusted in the meantime theyre still working possible witnesses they do not know of all the suspects are somehow connected or edges happens to be a crime of opportunity and that is why they say just a careful be mindful of your environment even though these people you the buddy system it does not work best of encouraging people to for every isnt even if the exercise. You the buddy exercise mark the rainbow crew has struck again theyre hopeful new Surveillance Video the find and arrest members of the shoplifting and in the groups latest hit that grow more than 11,000 worth of merchandise on Beauty Supply stores San Francisco this is a couple of seven women into men went straight to the highend perfume and cologne at the alta store on during their masonic and they started putting on the merchandise you see that and give them a better left in just over a map the stores the village of have been identified three of the suspects already the call the rain will croak of a bright color clothing they wear during the deaths but feels were women in the past cases but now looks like men are involved in the ring more of my stomach the suspect that already identified and i know how you could help investigators find the others involved, with sun. Anny hong the socalled rocket fire has been burning for more than a week and now have scorched earth near the 70,000 a. Now the containment is not up to 40 from 30 earlier this month does of homes have been destroyed. Charles clifford a few miles to the northwest of the burn zone that brought the day on wednesday they havent been too much smoke and the air over the last few days and have a call small, off the fire but not too bad most of our activity has been the Northern Edge of the five most of the roads a lot of the stretch of road with us like a moonscape and all of the grass and brush that is often burned away it is gray and dark there are a lot still a lot of trees standing the grass and the fire just walked right past the trees the multiple homes in this area many of them are at the end of long driveways that extend from highway 140 it was able to find a couple of homes it was completely destroyed also found a vehicle and rv and another small outbuilding of a burned to the ground. Charles clifford a dozen before staying its those facilities the fire is now burning in an area not too far from the cache creek winery on the long valley road the neighborhood just northwest of this area with hundreds of homes people there are really worth the fire michael r. Of control and are growing especially since it did of high with 200 but the earlier this week received a red color of the fire in the area south and east of collect happened in just a couple of hours gov. Jerry brown will be meeting with the rocket fire First Responders this, this isnt the the government declared a state of emergency in california in response to what fire burning across the entire state the meeting will be a cowboy camp trailhead just west of highway 16 starting at 1030 this morning for back with more coming up after. Check this out. With xfinity home we get 24 7 professional monitoring and video monitoring we can watch on our own tv. Thats way better than our old security system. [metal clanking] [chip crunching] [baby crying] dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers, add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus get a Free Security camera. Call 1800 xfinity or go online today. Rebecca on the nimitz talk about rubble for once and have a block in the to the plants traffic as backing up at 238 split also as a trouble for the south of 880 reservoir tennis and is of debris and the three right lanes possibly concord is causing some flat tires kaplan of the shoulder so here is the drive time along the minute is wanted 32 minutes from to 38 yen down to 237 and into milpitas. Mark investigators say they have found more possible pieces of the missing lens and airline the official said and now found a window seapieces as well as pieces of a plan in a reunion island right now boarded up on the beach is looking for more pieces of the plan to expand in the search area. Anny hong he had a blood alcohol level 0. 18 at the time of death as follows escapee was captured two days later and is now being harked held a the maximum security prison this morning the pair got it all after breaking into hunting cabins in the mountains and investigation reveals that alcohol was the reason the to have to split up and lived in was for three weeks after breaking out of prison. Michelle apon what attracted an hour by hour coming up after the break. It hel keemy sn clrer. Withnly dosea ye afr 2 artedose. Stela® hps mbe i seon. Stelar® m low youabily fig inftion and incrse yr ri ofinfeions some siousnfecons quir hoitalatio before srtinstela® youroctoshou tesfortubeulos. Stela®ay ireasyouriskof ccer. Alwa telyouroctoif y ha anyign inftion have had ccer, orf yodevep annewskinrowt. Do n takstela®f yoarealleic tstela® or any oits grednts. Aleryouroctoof n orworsing oble including heache seires,confion and vion pblem thesmay sig of rare potentlly tal aincondion. Serious lerg reaionscan cur. Tell yr door iyou anne iyourouse needs or h rectly ceiv a ccin in a micaltudy mo stera®aties saat ast clrer in and the majoty we rad cleed ominil at 12 week elar® hps kp mykinclear. Ask yo docr abt stara. Rebecca where track in the hot spot in hayward for the southbound nimitz commute is right for the winston apple accidental death mines remain blocked this one to sort on the ride its going to be about half an hour to get on top 80 in the way from to 30 it down to 237 this is the issue of freeway drive turned 26 minutes and hercules to berkeley once you get to the bay bridge toll plaza this one looks like a dip in store for the san mateo bridge this is been pretty busy all morning long the drive times and about 15 to 18 min commute as you mckuen from the east bay over to the peninsula. Rebecca the Richmond San Rafael bridge is 15 minutes from the october spot 580 of what up to the 101 connect and headed out of the citys no. 101 travels and the limit as well on the comeback of have the east of a travel time for your. Michelle apon here is what were looking at the satellite and radar composite the continue to build and but with some of the moisture from Tropical Storm whether toplevel low in fiber for few showers in of a thunderstorm this afternoon that will carry on tomorrow morning. Michelle apon looking at the future cash starting at noon was still be dealing with some mostly clear skies by 5 00 on the drive home still looks pretty good but then will start to see the shower chance increase in specific areas across parts of the south bay are from 7 00 p. M. Maybe even the east of able parts of the delta and the north they should still stay dry at that time by midnight that is when will season showers and some may be some rubble under for the most part of this great sleeping with of the most of you by tomorrow at this time was is sunshine drop the day and and High Pressure will continue to bill for most of the weekend the the outside to the San Ramon Valley and a walnut creek camera we do have parlor called to most the clear skies. Michelle apon summit 60s across San Francisco San Francisco we have 60 degree temperatures this time to continue to one of plan operative to run around 90 for the inland spots of cancer mid 80s across parts of the north and south bank and crocker of the east of the charlotte up the seventh to around 80 San Francisco 72 by the afternoon with a handful of the sick to their 70 a few isolated showers maybe even a rumble of thunder this afternoon when one to talk more about what to expect for the storm track a seventh forecast until the warmer temperatures. Mark watching todays winners and losers. Mark a hundred and 58 a share down to 50 something a share now a big drop today rob black the coffee machine 2. 0 is not a big hit its reviews of one on, it did not do well during the Holiday Season of the teller the slashing inventory by slashing the prices is easy for restaurants to implement a pot of coffee lange won all the time it needed another product out there but there to point of off secured machine tied to relate certain types of pods. Mark you think about buying it or is it too risky for your. Rob black were talking tesla cutting the sales target coming up here a great call you see them everywhere you see them coming alps they liked the company . It is tough to analyze because there is no earnings will let the company does earn billions available dollars under the have a good future in looks like. Rob black maybe you could compete with the will have the raise money so they would dilute the share is pretty impressive the Company Never made cars before and they settled for a fifth of the cars. Rob black to certainly could be but when he signed on to the show just 30,000 300,000 we have of to a million and half which is great his legacy is that would not watch the nightly news even work for a new station the Veterans Benefits were waiting weeks to get into the hospital with an interesting we feel something mr. Mark theyre asking moffett beds the company went public last month. Rob black with service is some upside in the stock for grammar and one white down and that it is social you can compete with you does it begin more steps with a favorable for theres a lot to like but down the road again and trip prefabs is about 20 million on r d fit and apple spend billions theyre nice but the College Musical chairs the problem on in the next couple of years thank you for joining us if you have a question go to the facebook paid the will and to the we will buybackwe will be right back here is Stanley Roberts who found some people behaving badly Stanley Roberts on the corner of san financial and san jose a bicyclist for some pedestrian walk button to making it the green light of the its the green light he had on his way this time hopefully in the streets here by a par with from among the home they use the light rail vehicle truckled around back in december of 2014 with a statement by the boston on the sidewalk of san jose is not illegal bidding a ton against a loss so you cannot be ticketed and probably never been against the law of the work for people behaving badly San Jose City Council Passed an ordinance prohibiting bike ride on sidewalks and doesnt it. What happens to be downtown the partial ban is based on a sure mama track and the downtown area of the soweto but under it will now ride in the street to hunt for the second if you mad because the third time the find as 500 before for this is a misdemeanor however on the senate is it that the web site the fines range from hundreds of thousand dollars by the official black White British has been posted some of the police could begin forssmann anytime my advice to others york 124 ride with a child under 12 stick to the pipeline and avoid the sidewalk and the designated area unless it is blocked. Happy anniversary to me its safeways anniversary. Happy anniversary to me but youre the one whos gonna save some serious money. Happy anniversary to me right now with your club card usda choice ribeye steak is 7. 99 a pound 32ounce gatorade is 69 cents and select quaker cereal is 1. 49 happy anniversary to me. Safeways huge anniversary sale its just better. Michelle apon youre ready to bring the umbrella because of the to sit on the drive home as of right now that is what we are saying right now clouds to mature into the upper 50s across the coast 60s across the pavement a perceptiveness of the for the ellen spot on the level was so warm up into the low 80s and the effort and the location. Michelle apon we have a chance for a stray showers or thunderstorms and were appointed time that out at lunchtime the known will be dealing with the most to clear partly cloudy skies by 5 00 still the same story by the time around 7 00 p. M. Shows will continue to head off the to the north it will protect the deficit the showers across the peninsula in the east bank would areas like the delta in the north they may be passing shower till eternity 11 and and by midnight most of the areas to do with a chance for some shower, which track four pass card condition and ready with the free mobile application continue to add workers use a wall during a lunch for a dude but you want and free from the apple store or from corporate. Rebecca this is for the south bay commit chp is issued a seller rather narbonne 1 01 just before Moffett Boulevard only the left lane is open the three right lanes are shut down is because of a major injury accidents rebecca this is one to be out here for a while here is the drive times or more about 1 01 to 24 minutes from capitol expressway of to montague heading over to the Richmond San Rafael bridge is a four car pileup rent minute span on the westbound side of the plan is tied up to you can see on our traffic map the traffic is solid with operatic and the drive times point to be 25 minutes here is a live shot didnt to the toll plaza is a standstill off a half an hour to get you from this point across the span of past the accident and up to the north bay if you could we get out of the back home definitely do some because it is one to be out there for awhile as well. Anny hong a celebration for the madison littletons like all the help of this week in the tactical awards host an event at the arena on sunday she was found dead in a dumpster after she was reported missing last week from her apartment complex the 15 your boy was arrested for her murder and he would not be tried as adults given on sunday start at 3 00 p. M. The doors open at 130 the family said there will be performances and other activities planned to thank the public for all their support and other big news this morning as many see here is suspected of setting mortifies across the east bank is now with a behind bars this morning james wilson said in the 30 fires over the past several months his bill has been said and 1 million. J. R. Stone investigators tell me this arson suspect james wilson is a hes the one to blame for the fire the leftist hillside are black they linked him to dozens of other fires as well this of the mug shot of the 29 yearold james was a he was arrested at his home on wednesday morning and then linking him to more than 30 fires in fact this is the number could be closer to 50 or seven fires this video that you see here was taken last week off of highway 24 in lafayette they believe of the james was an is to blame for this case as well they want to make sure they have their facts straight before they announced the fourth before they made an arrest. Mark theres been another smash and grab burglary at a building on ucberkeley campus the winners was massive computers taken in this is not an isolated incident stress and graphs of and reporter of the campus and in recent months. Anny hong theyre looking for the person who was involved in a home burglary and harassed and photos of the suspect when that did work he used a rock to shatter the grass of the fighting door theyve been gone to the house stopand during the 749 your man involved in the shooting was want to try to kill his wife to the night in concord up as part of the spotted a guest they chased him down the suspect and best the officer and Shopping Office in the late officer returned fire hitting the suspects are times the suspects suspected to survive. Anny hong after a massive Apartment Fire before but the store to yesterday along with some live pictures here is the fire from thai endicott in the morning and it took Fire Fighters and our have ablaze what the death appliance apartment complex toubon of work destroyed no injuries were reported but residents were forced out of their apartments and had to leave everything behind. Still ahead the death a pair of debate for the mass of field of republican candidates will tell you made the main event and will limit it to the and the guard a man claiming to be tarzan and tried to reconnect with his double friends live there were not amused. Vicki liviakis believe are not nearly 2 billion our aid every year in the United States with as importer of farm right here this by about as a bay area favorite some of the top spots appear and lovers of hog island is a fairer build underwater bar on sufferance of the embarcadero fresh as always a must for the smallest diners may want to walk a step which is down. Hog island the wind is not have to contain and the here barcarole is after aphrodisiac and maybe more fact and fiction the researchers find them are rich in rare criminal acids amino mark a man claiming to be tarzan has been a record of the climb the tree tied the into the market exhibited at the Santa Ana Zoo in Southern California within booking form of a man identified as the third seven yearold the zookeeper called 91104 the shirtless man planted and mother have climbed about 20 ft. Into a tree at the bird exhibit he was high on drugs and claimed and try to call into the market exhibited. Anny hong another check of the forecast of live look outside on this thursday morning and sfo clear skies right now but we are expecting the possibility of some nine which track the 41 come back. Michelle apon no ran as of right now we have the potential for isolated showers or thunderstorms to talk about temperatures as low but warmer and and warming up to a low seven is for the seventh spot across the bay on average into the mid 60s and the conduct codes upper 50s to buy from 60 degrees and 1 degrees for the inland location below seven is a cost the bank and the cause to continue to increase well into the afternoon to london this time were thinking along 7 00 p. M. The future cast at 5 00 still have some high clouds up there and then by 7 00 will start to sing a little bit of shower activity as it continued to move on with the dead ninth purpose what looks like some areas like sfo and downtown San Francisco and person in the that he spent all locations ms. Equivalent taibei area will have a chance for the shower will have some clear skies and continue onlookers by small afternoon as well as the weekend to deliver the . Michelle apon and still not too bad considering with and dealt with sunshine for good part of the area a perfect is the low 60s rock from the percentage focus as 62 degrees in as a vehicle to the afternoon temperatures will warmer plan to prevent a few degrees warmer we have made 80s across san jose this afternoon and this opera is rotted on 90 across San Francisco by 3 00 p. M. To 72 degrees make the plans purpose of the weather and will continue on with low to mid 80s cannot attract the forecast with a free mobile application downloaded from the application is a great divide to track radar or sepals conditions. Rebecca we have a major injury accident and has a similar issue by the chp in Mountain View the to talk about one rival for the Moffett Boulevard exit only the left lane and opens the cars are squeezing through the left find the three right lanes remain shut down no estimate a time as to when these will be reopened less than the 25 minutes if you have over to 880 deaths on to be the best bet to get around disclosure before our pilots still stands on the Richmond San Rafael bridge this is on the west about five any side ride a minute span of the connector to the five minutes drive time from this point to get on to the span across the up to the north and the 15 minutes now before 92 ride back in the way from the it is put in hey with over to the 11 connect and foster city. Mark not expected to make it public appearances yesterday the former secretary of state pulled a home investor and former five of the executive chris kelly this morning that and a fund raiser hosted by staffers of the mayor a little today she had to laugh and of what should be visiting the home of justin. Anny hong clinton is here in the bay area and torn off, for the republicans were running for president are getting ready for their first debate tonight. Andrew spencer outside of quicken on the rain of the satellite trucks are lined up barricades now stand to the crowds clean the tile is making his last year preparations when they can gain ground on the leading candidates and whether they can avoid any stumbles the consent of tumble into the back of the pact with the exception of bushs top of scott walker many of their supporters will be watching to see a big fight their way out of the middle of the group. Anny hong the governor jerry brown is calling republican president ial candidates to present their proposal on Climate Change he released in todays letter yesterday ahead of tonights gop debate the browns as californias hotter and drier than has ever been making what fires more severe and extending the fire season in the latter half of what their plan is to a job, a change for the domestic American Economy and environment. Mark safra society, bridge and tunnel last night the giants had a 61 win over the braves added to run double and an rbi single off the giants won 16 the last 21 games just to base runners made it in a swan position against the big left hander the giants not travel to chicago the tech on the cover for forgave the wrigley they did when last nine. Mark the beautiful bed the coliseum for the game yesterday at the tobacco with 20,000 fans but the as could not keep up the victim seven to three baltimore player chris davis and a second grand slam 12 days this one and the top of the 10th inning. Anny hong a look at the bay bridge approach the top five and a casino have, of course of the east bank back with more after the brickbreak anny hong theyre making it easy for the kids to get to class started on sunday the increase the number of the strips on 11 different route schedules amount 30 bus lines will also change to meet the bell time a couple of the area theyre extending with the even service so San Francisco state have better access to campus will specialize miller scores opening and San Francisco 200 incoming sixth graders have start orientation does will focus on Science Technology engineering and math the school is located in the citys tariff to the hood and this of the first new middle school and the San Francisco School District over the past decade invested accommodate 650 students from statistic great class of august 17th and neighbors are very happy to have. Mark press ahead for the midnight hour a better san jose and santa rosa or watch a fourth chance of a possibility of a thunderstorm to even popping of with a close eye on a regular update on our web application temperatures generally with the column trend but we can with the warmest of the low 80s a little cold and a huge lead is the time of the year. Anny hong most of the sergeants and should be over by then. Mark stay connected with our kron 4 mobile app,kron4. Com,facebook,and twitter feeds. Dr phil coming up next have a great day see you tommorow at 4am. Withnly dosea ye afr 2 artedose. Stela® hps mbe i seon. Stelar® m low youabily fig inftion and incrse yr ri ofinfeions some siousnfecons quir hoitalatio before srtinstela® youroctoshou tesfortubeulos. Stela®ay ireasyouriskof ccer. Alwa telyouroctoif y ha anyign inftion have had ccer, orf yodevep annewskinrowt. Do n takstela®f yoarealleic tstela® or any oits grednts. Aleryouroctoof n orworsing oble including heache seires,confion and vion pblem thesmay sig of rare potentlly tal aincondion. Serious lerg reaionscan cur. Tell yr door iyou anne iyourouse needs or h rectly ceiv a ccin in a micaltudy mo stera®aties saat ast clrer in and the majoty we rad cleed ominil at 12 week elar® hps kp mykinclear. Ask yo docr abt stara. Eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. Dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] hush my darling. [snoring. ] dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Announcer today on dr. Phil; his two youngest daughters went missing and then hisex wife. The girls disappeared bthey but they have videos. I believe myex wife, they know where the girls are. Your sisters gone missing and you dont report her missing. Dr. Phil i believe these girls did not disappear on their own dr. Phil lets do it have a good show everybody, here we go. Dr. Phil this is a safe place to talk about hard things. Standby, we will count you down. Dr. Phil i try to be an emotional compass and point you in the right direction. 5, 4. Dr. Phil i am not giving up on you. Audience dr. Phil dr. Phil dr. Phil dr. Phil its every parents worst nightmare

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