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Hot temperatures and windy conditions have pushed the flame over highway 20. every day around 3 00 it has been kicking up and we are aggressive to get out and put it out at this point it looks like it is well established across the 20 were still crossing our fingers that will build a put it out but it looks like it is well established charles crews are still hoping to put it out this blazes burning in steep rugged terrain and crews are also trying to build containment liveslines around the fire cal fire says they are attacking this blaze from numerous directions and a variety of ways eventually have to connect the dots so we have little areas that we have tied in pretty well but if the areas above and below what are not tied and then it can still hope around so we have to get them connected but we are making some positive progress little by little pam hundreds of people have been forced to evacuated because of the fire. Gina powers is one of those residents. She is staying at one of two Evacuation Centers set up by the red cross. It is a location that was home to some thirty people on sunday night. And a place she is looking forward to leaving. When it is finally safe to go home. yet we left the house and furniture and a brand newrefrigerator like less than a week old place to call home when this is the only thing that kindkeeps us up is the number of dwellings hasnt changed in todays pam residents are hoping they have a place to call home when this is all said and done grant the fire has jumped highway 20 of around 2 mi. East of new long valley loadroad the concern is that if the fire continues to establish itself north of highway 20 and moves beyond the winery, dozens of homes in this neighborhood could be in trouble pam cooler weather is helping firefighters who are battling the raging wildfire in lake county. Kron 4s diane tuason has been keeping an eye on the forecast in the area. Diane, will firefighters see more relief tomorrow . Diane the cooler weather would help but the wind speeds are still pretty constant what would really help would be rain were dealing with 80 degrees as todays highs and its going to be pretty similar for tomorrow. Humidity is 22 and as i said a wind speed of 20 mi. Per hour are pretty much what is going to be like tomorrow as well because of low pressure off the course making its way will lower the temperature is a little bit we will talk about a few couple days your temperature or tries wise your seven day forecast coming out pam dramatic video tonight. A San Mateo County sheriffs deputy. Bravely. Dragged a driver from the path of an oncoming train in sunnyvale. Officials have identified the rescuer. As deputy whittig. This happened right before a north bound train hit an unoccupied vehicle. At the mary avenue crossing. Both tracks have now been reopened for service. Southbound trains will operate at a restricted speed. While track inspections continue in the affected area. In tonights my kron 4 story. Two students are desparately searching for their beloved dog. They had been visiting from the east coast, when their car was stolen. Along with their pet dog. Kron 4s jeff bush joins us live from san francisco. Where he spoke with the pets owner. Jeff . Pam it all happened very quickly around 6 00 last night to dental students who were in town promoting oral care had to stop off to get a few supplies and when they got back their dog was gone this is my kron 4 news story jeff their dental students at the university of South Carolina their research and oral cancer and they pulled over for some supplies and less than 15 minutes later their car was stolen the window was cracked and my dog was in the back seat and victoria came out of fed ex and saw the car driving away. The man was wearing a red beanie and was a little darker, but he wasnt black he had a really round face and was a little bit overweight jeff all of their supplies, a computer, and their dog were taken when the car was stolen she says that although everything is important she is mostly sick that their dog lady is missing you can see that lady is dark and very friendly and that she was wearing unique items when she was stolen she is wearing a pink collar that has her name and phone number she has a band down on that with Yellowstone National park on it bandanna on she is really sweet but very shy so im not sure how she will react in this situation jeff she has checked all of the shelters in the area but has not found her dog, but shes hoping that some honest person will get her back to her pam if you have a story you would like to share with us. Just head to our website. You can submit your story under the mykron4 story tab. It is all on kron 4dotcom. Coming up. New information on a separate case possibly involving the suspect in Maddy Middletons murder in santa cruz. It was supposed to be a fun outing. But turned into a deadly incident back east leaves a number of people dead and injured. And a new study with new information on picky eaters. Details ahead. Eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. Dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] hush my darling. [snoring. ] dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Pam picky eating in children is often considered a phase. But when picky eating turns into selective eating. Some experts say. It could lead to deeper issues. A study conducted by the Duke University center for eating disorders found, selective eaters are more likely to show symptoms of depression and social anxiety. Researchers say, the study should not alarm parents. And that picky or selective eating is not a medical condition. Instead they say the information should help parents and doctors identify and address symptoms early. Surrounding children and food. Just ahead. Another honor for the Hayward Police sergeant killed in the line of duty as his father speaks out about his grief. The uproar over the killing of a protected lion in zimbabwe. Has now led to a special ban by delta airlines. Gary and coming up a little bit later in this broadcast to have the a is going up against baltimore and the giants going deep in atlanta. And we will let you know what kobe bryant is doing in china reporter thick clouds rolling in and we will let jan know with your forecast let you know its safeways anniversary. Happy anniversary to me but youre the one whos gonna save some serious money. Happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for 1. 00 tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is 2. 49 and lays potato chips are just 1. 99. Happy anniversary to me. Safeways huge anniversary sale its just better. Pam tonight. We are learning more about the teen boy who allegedly kidnapped, raped and killed 8yearold Maddy Middleton in santa cruz. Kron 4s alecia reid explains how adrian gonzalez. May have been tied to a death threat last year. Alecia crippling anxiety are the words that a dream gone solid used Adrian Gonzales used to describe himself on his instagram he says that he wears all black in order to feel powerful and the crippling anxiety that he will never find anyone to love him somebody sent a threatening e mail saying that a highpowered rifle would be used to kill kids in the high school after the threats somebody anonymously came out and claimed responsibility but said that they burn not homicidal by just a thrill seeker but that they had crippling anxiety which is the same phrase that adrian said on his Instagram Page the question remains did authorities make the collection is between the ins to gramm accounts instagram accounts and did that make police more suspicious of him . He will enter a former play in the case of her murder, meanwhile the District Attorney will not comment on his case to ensure he gets a fair trial former plea pam there was a special ceremony today for fallen Hayward Police officer Sergeant Scott lunger. Last night. A us honor flag was raised at the Hayward Police department. It flew at half staff for 15 hours one hour for each year scott lunger served the department. It was then removed this afternoon. Lungers parents had come out earlier in the morning. To take in the large memorial at the Hayward Police department. we appreciate everything that everybody has done for us. And it was really cool to see all of the other Law Enforcement around the worldcountry show their support the u. S. Honor flag flew at ground zero following 9 eleven. And went to space on the last nasa mission. Pam meantime. Famous daves barbque restaurant in hayward. Will be hosting a fundraiser for the family of Sergeant Scott lunger. It takes place all day tomorrow. From 11 am to 10 pm. The restaurant will donate 35 percent of its proceeds to lungers trust fund. The event will also raise money through door prizes, raffle items, and a small live auction. Diane heres what you can expect for tonight and tomorrow for the rest of the week cloudy tonight with patchy fog already rolling into the area and in the afternoon gradual clearing with the fog and clouds southwest winds coming at about 10 mi. Per hour we are dealing with cooler temperatures because of low pressure off the coast as you can see here behind that is a high ridge pressure system that will warm things up for us but not until later this week right now we are talking about the fog tracker much of the fog widespread all ar Francisco Bay area including hayward and fremont the fog burns often becomes high clouds in the valley locations meaning it will not be as sunny as it was today and the past few days so will not be as sonny either sunny year highs around 3 00your highs here is the seven day forecast and as i mentioned it has cloudy conditions tomorrow but things clear up a round wednesday and then warmer on thursday in the same pattern on saturday pam new at 11. Two people are dead. And dozens of others injured. After a circus tent collapsed in new hampshire. Officials say, a severe storm blew it down. Nearly 100 people were inside the tent when it collapsed. At least, 22 people were taken to the hospital. There is no word on the extent of the injuries. Delta airlines is having a change of heart about shipping animal hunting trophies. The airline announced today. It will no longer accept and carry. Lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros, or buffalo trophies. This comes after an american dentist killed a well known and protected lion named cecil. It happened in zimbabwe last month. The incident set off a worldwide uproar. The dentist Walter Palmer admitted to paying 50thousand dollars to hunt and kill the lion. Delta is the only us airline to fly to africa. Several Foreign Airlines announced similar bans last week. Meanwhile. The toy maker ty. Has created a cecil the lion beanie baby. The Company Hopes the beanie baby will raise awareness for animal conservation. As well as provide comfort to all those upset over the loss of the lion. The company says. All profits from cecil the lion sales. Will go to the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit at the university of oxford. The toy will go on sale at the end of september for 5dollars 99 cents. In sports. The giants suffer maybe their most dissapointing loss of the season. While the rally possum tries to rescue the as from their offensive doldrums. Gary has the highlights. And all the sports. Next so what im saying is, people like options. When you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. It dont matter, day or night. Use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. The point is you have options. Oh, how convenient. Hey. Crab cakes, what are you looking at . Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. My theory is pretty simple. Happiness, before cleanliness. Gooey. Flaky. Happy. Toaster strudel. Now with more icing. I would kill for something sweet. Wanna split that . No. Soooo much fat. Dont fight your instincts. With 150 calories each try our new rich creamy cheesecakes. Fiber one. Gary they were blowing a six to nothing lead giants hitting the road. Turner field in atlanta will close after next season top 4th 40 giants Brandon Crawford 2run home run his 2nd homer of the game 60 giants bottom 9th 75 giants. Braves down to their final out a. J. Pierzynski 2run home run off santiago casilla. 77 tie extra innings top 12th 77 tie Kelby Tomlinson 1st major league at bat he singles cleanly up the middle and his wife tiffany and dad chris love it 3 batters later buster posey who also homered single tomlinson scores what lookslike will be the winning run 87 giants but in the bottom og the 12th Adonis Garcia hits a 2run walk off home run off Ryan Vogelsong final 98 braves matt cain 5 ip, 10 hits, 4 runs 8 total home runs in the game coco crisp back in the lineup. He had not played since may 19th for the First Time Since may 19th 2for4 and scored a run top 1st scoreless chris davis 3run home run of jesse chavez 30 orioles top 5th 71 orioles caleb joseph doubles in Jimmy Paredes 81 orioles even the rally possum couldnt help the as final 92 orioles addidas has submitted a bid of 200 Million Dollars over 13 years to sign Houston Rockets guard james harden. Nike whose deal with harden recently expired, only has a week to match the deal or lose harden. His former teammate kevin durant has a massive 10 year 300 Million Dollar nike deal and lebron james leads all nba players with over 350 Million Dollars in nike endorsements harden averaged 27. 4 points 7 assist and 5. 7 rebounds per game last season. He was offered 200 million. And he is dating around at this point with Khloe Kardashian do you think it really helps a guy today one of them . It gets your name out there pam obviously it helps get your name out because you just mentioned it gary i guess i keep up on the show and there is nothing wrong with that. I am well versed kobe bryant is in china and running his youth camp to the left of kobe is East Palo Altos eastside prep coach Donovan Blythe the last time donovan appeared on our station guess who was next to him then . Kevin the bodyguard his assistant at eastside during the state championship game so donovan upgrades from kevin the bodyguard to kobe bryant this young man from East Palo Alto high is helping him run his camp in china more than 50 canine competitors were catching waves in san diego for the 10th annual unleashed by petco surf dog competition this past weekend. Dogs of all breeds and sizes were invited and scored by a panel of judges , including pro surfer taylor knox. For the second year in a row ziggy , a 15 pound toy american eskimo , won the crown. Cristiano ronaldo. Has given his agent jorge medes a greek island as a wedding gift. Ronaldo acted as medes best man and the wedding took place in a exclusive residental area of portugal. Greece has put numerous islands for sale due to a financial problem ronaldo took advantage and spent atleast 3 Million Dollars for the island. Pam good night everybody will see you tomorrow lets mobile. Same plan. New phone. Or a new plan. And a just in case. Add a new line. Or three. And unlimited talk and text for unlimited tweens. Take a carrier store detour at target and upgrade to a shiny new everything. All things mobile. All in one place. [ music ] Whitney Houstons daughter, buried next to her mom. Very reminiscent of the funeral for her mother, whitney houston. Pat houston from the grave. Then death of the bat boy. Accidently killed by a swinging baseball bat. And how safe are fans . Look what happened to her. And angry bob barker. Theyre cold blooded killers. What the tv legend is saying about the dentist who slaughtered cecil the lion. And the king of the

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