Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703

pava lapere. >> jason billingsley into custody. body discovered in an apartment complex monday after she was reported missing. >> i know this arrest does not bring back pava lapere. my hope is that we can give a sense of closure to the city of baltimore. >> police in new york busted a fentanyl mill just six blocks away from a day care where a 1-year-old died after exposure to the drug. >> john: former president donald trump at the center of the g.o.p. debate, but absent from the stage. plus, president biden calls trump a threat to democracy. >> delta is walking back changes to the airline's loyalty program after public backlash. >> no question, we probably went too far. ♪ ♪ >> john: we remember actor michael gambon, best known for his spellbinding performance in "harry potter." >> do not pity the dead, harry. pity the living. ♪ ♪ >> john: and how one of the most iconic pictures in hip-hop came to be. >> seeing so many of my peers in unity, we knew that was history. ♪ ♪ >> john: good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. i'm john dickerson in for norah. we begin with the federal government facing a shutdown, now just two days away, but house republicans were focused on other issues, principally the first hearing in the impeachment inquiry of president joe biden. house leaders are accusing the president of corruption and abuse of office, while democrats say the entire process is an evidence-free waste of time. in testimony, some of the g.o.p.'s own witnesses did not agree with those who invited them, saying there is not enough evidence to support articles of impeachment. cbs's nikole killion will start us off tonight with the latest from capitol hill. good evening, nikole. >> reporter: good evening, john. there was little new evidence presented during this impeachment hearing, and democrats blasted republicans for holding it while the government is in danger of shutting down. >> the committee on oversight and accountability will come to order. >> reporter: after months of investigation, house republicans began their first impeachment proceedings seeking to tie president biden to his son, hunter, and his family's business dealings. >> what were the bidens selling to make all of this money? joe biden himself. joe biden is the brand. >> hunter biden cashed in by arranging access to joe biden. >> reporter: the white house has denied any wrongdoing, and minutes into the hearing, the panels own g.o.p. witnesses knocked some of the allegations down. >> i do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment. >> i am not here today to even suggest that there was corruption, fraud, or any wrongdoing. in my opinion, more information needs to be gathered. >> reporter: democrats mocked the hearing as a sham. >> if they say "hunter," a drinking game, i would be drunk by now. >> reporter: they called it a distraction from the looming government shutdown when the countdown clock is ticking by the minute. >> we are 62 hours away from shutting down the government of the united states of america and the republicans are launching an impeachment drive based on a long-debunked and discredited lie. >> reporter: leaders in both chambers raised to advance separate short-term funding packages. if they fail to pass, a partial shutdown could result in shuttered national parks from hundreds of thousands of furloughed federal workers, workers, and essential employees like the military, federal law-enforcement, and tsa forced to work without pay. can you guarantee there won't be a shutdown, or is it inevitable at this point? >> i can't guarantee that. it could happen, it could not happen. the number one thing we have to do is finish our work. >> john: and nikole joins us now. nikole, i want to ask about another matter on capitol hill, senator bob menendez has been indicted be many of his democratic colleagues want him to resign as a result. he met with them. what did we learn? >> reporter: well, john, menendez told his senate democratic colleagues that he will not resign despite bribery charges. i asked him if he can still continue dessert effectively even if he has lost the confidence of some of his colleagues, but he said that he will continue to vote on behalf of his new jersey constituents. john? >> john: thank you, nikole. tonight, the man suspected in the murder of a 26-year-old tech ceo in baltimore is under arrest. authorities captured jason billingsley, a convicted felon and registered sex offender, after a sprawling manhunt. cbs's nicole sganga reports billingsley is also linked to another violent crime from just last week. >> reporter: 32-year-old suspect jason billingsley was arrested at a train station about 30 miles outside of baltimore. >> billingsley was taken into custody at approximately 11:00 last night. >> reporter: he is now facing 30 charges, including the first-degree murder of pava lapere. police say the 26-year-old tech ceo was killed on friday at this luxury building, where she lived in downtown baltimore. authorities found her body days later, with signs of blunt force trauma. police calling it a random act. >> we do know that there was no forced entry into an apartment building. >> reporter: this case raising questions about maryland's sentencing laws. billingsley pleaded guilty in 2015 to sexual assault. he was sentenced to 30 years, but 16 of those were ultimately suspended. the suspect was released last october after earning good behavior credits. >> rapists should not be let out early, period. >> reporter: the suspect also charged with rape, arson, and attempted murder in west baltimore just days before lapere's murder and just a mile from her apartment. >> why was this dangerous criminal on the streets in the first place? >> he did a little less than two-thirds of his sentence, and that is what the law allows. it was more or less the systematic, to me, failure, in terms of what happened. >> reporter: lapere's death has rattled baltimore and the tight-knit tech community. >> she is a superstar, in many ways. just a beaming, positive individual. passionate about baltimore, and really passionate about equity and justice. >> reporter: investigators are now reviewing all open cases since the suspect's release last fall, trying to determine if any connections to other crimes exist. john? >> john: nicole sganga, thank you. we turn now to the takedown of a major drug trafficking mill in new york city. federal, state, and local law-enforcement officers announced the recovery of more than 40 pounds of suspected fentanyl. cbs's lilia luciano reports authorities said the suspect was transporting the highly-lethal drug in a rolling suitcase on the subway, and tonight, they have a warning for all new yorkers. >> what i would tell new yorkers is that they should be vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times. this powder is very fine. it can get into the air. it can certainly lay on services. >> reporter: police arrested 42-year-old juan gabriel herrera vargas on tuesday, saying he was using a bronx apartment as a drug mill. officers recovered a total of $1.5 million in value. >> that equates to roughly a million potential lethal doses of fentanyl we remote from new york city streets. >> reporter: investigators say they found envelopes used to hold drugs and stamps to mark them inside the apartment, where the windows were covered with black trash bags. >> the i-95 corridor is a great geographical location for these distribution networks to move that powder into mills. >> reporter: law enforcement says the apartment is just six blocks away from the day care, where a 1-year-old died from suspected fentanyl poisoning and three other children were hospitalized. >> this is everywhere, and we should be on guard, and we should also do more to stop this harm. >> reporter: the suspect is being charged with criminal possession of drugs and of operating as a major trafficker. he was considered a flight risk, so he is being held without bail at rikers island. john? >> john: lilia luciano in new york, thank you. tonight, travis king, the army private who went awol and bolted into north korea is at an army medical center in texas for psychological and medical testing. the 23-year-old soldier arrived in the u.s. overnight after being held by north korea for over two months. he is said to be in good health, but there is no answer on why he crossed the border back in july or what happened while he was there. president biden today previewed his 2024 message with a broadside attack on donald trump while he was in the battleground state of arizona. cbs's ed o'keefe reports it comes one day after republicans, minus trump, gathered for a second g.o.p. debate. >> there is something dangerous happening in america now. >> reporter: president biden today claimed threats to democracy will continue as long as former president donald trump dominates the republican party. >> there is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy. the maga movement. >> reporter: speaking in the key swing state of arizona, the president slammed his potential opponent for rhetoric that could lead to violence. >> attacking the free press as the enemy of the people. >> reporter: and he said more in the g.o.p. should have denounced trump after he accused retiring joint chief of staff chairman general mark milley of treason and implied the general deserved to be killed. >> although i don't believe even a majority of republicans think that... the silence is deafening. >> reporter: but trump too has been focusing his attacks on mr. biden. >> joe biden is the most corrupt president and most incompetent president we have ever had. >> reporter: the former president stumped with auto workers in michigan wednesday night, skipping the second republican debate and mocking his challengers from afar. >> does anybody see any vp in the group? i don't think so. >> donald trump is missing in action. he should be on this stage tonight. he owes it to you to defend his record. >> reporter: trump's rivals called out his absence. >> you are ducking these things, and let me tell you what is going to happen. you keep doing that, no one up her eis going to call you donald trump anymore, we are going to call you donald duck. >> can't be both sides. >> reporter: but the debate frequently devolved into a shouting match. >> i have to jump in here. i'm sorry. there is one person. >> honestly, any time i hear you, i feel a little bit dumber for what you say. >> reporter: and another chaotic g.o.p. debate has some big money g.o.p. donors looking for another potential candidate to jump in. cbs news has learned virginia governor glenn youngkin is being encouraged to do so by some of the party's biggest benefactors, but he is not expected to make a final decision until after virginia's legislative elections in november. john? >> john: ed o'keefe, thank you. turning to the weather and the remnants of tropical storm ophelia, which is lingering off the east coast, flood watches are in effect across the new york metro area with a risk of up to a half a foot of rain. for details, let's bring in chris warren of our partners at the weather channel. good evening, chris. >> good evening, john. we are seeing the potential for a serious flood threat developing during the day tomorrow in the northeast. it's possible there is going to be some flash flooding in green, and it is likely, somewhere in yellow, there will be some flash flooding. as this slow-moving system directs a lot of moisture into the northeast, heavy rain likely beginning before sunrise and continuing, almost like a fire hose, possibly pointed to new york city, certainly some of these highly-urbanized, highly-populated areas here in the northeast. rain continuing for hours, right into saturday morning, and john, it is only going to take a couple of inches of rain in a few hours to produce flash flooding. >> john: chris warren, thank you. now to some breaking news. a suspect was taken into custody today after he allegedly shot and wounded a man during a protest an hour north of albuquerque. a newspaper photographer made this photo of a man, identified as 23-year-old ryan martinez, pulling out a gun moments before it happened. the protest was over the planned installation of a controversial statue. business owners in philadelphia were cleaning up damage and adding up losses today after a second night of looting. police say eight businesses were targeted overnight, including a beauty supply store. the owner, who is from haiti, just opened the store six months ago, and she tells cbs philadelphia, thousands of dollars of wigs and other merchandise were stolen. more than 50 people were arrested in a wave of looting on tuesday night. now to some turbulence in the skymiles program at delta air lines. the company's ceo says it probably went too far in making changes to its frequent flyer policy. cbs's jo ling kent reports on the backlash the airline faced from passengers. >> reporter: tonight, delta reversing course after frequent fliers expressed outrage over dramatic changes to the airline's credit card perks and loyalty program. >> i mean, i have been with them for over 30 years. what do we do? >> reporter: ceo ed bastian now admitting delta made a mistake. >> there will be modifications that we will make, and you will hear about it sometime over the next few weeks. no question, we probably went too far. >> reporter: one of the most controversial moves? >> wow. >> reporter: delta reducing or eliminating access that its credit card holders have to the popular, and often-packed, sky clubs, requiring them to spend $75,000 a year to get unlimited visits. >> delta are out of control. >> reporter: delta also raised the minimum amount of money customers must spend on tickets to earn status, and it will no longer count miles flown. >> that's a declaration of war. >> reporter: the new rules landed after delta reported its highest quarterly profits ever in june. are these airline credit cards valuable anymore? are they useful? >> they are less valuable. if you are getting a credit card that some people are paying up to $700 a year to have, and you can't get access to the lounge and you can't redeem the miles, that brings in the question why you have that card in the first place. >> reporter: experts also recommend, skip those airline credit cards altogether. use one with cash back. you will get more bang for your buck. meantime, rival airlines jetblue and alaska are offering elite status match for those unhappy delta customers. john? >> john: jo ling kent, thank you. the big economic headline tonight, the cost of borrowing money to buy a new home has hit a 23-year high. th mortgage now tops 7.3%, more than double what it was two years ago. mortgage rates have jumped, along with interest rates, as the nation's central bank tries to cool inflation in the wake of the pandemic. tonight, federal regulators are warning about a baby rocker that is being recalled. what parents need to know. that's straight ahead. ng receca. what parenents need to knknow. that strtraight aheaead. lilisten, yourur deodorantt jujust has to o work. i ususe secret a aluminum frf. jujust swipe and d it lasts a all day. secret h helps elimiminate , ininstead of j just maskining. anand hours lalater, i still l smell fresesh. secret wororks! ohhh yesesss. ♪♪♪ hi, i'm m michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. ohhh yesesss. i i spent thouousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight.. you're n not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. sasalonpas, mamakers of popowl pain r relief patctches for 89 yeaears... bebelieves in n continuouss imimprovement.t... lilike roundeded corners thatat resist pepeeling, withth an arrayy of actctive ingrededients... and sisizes to relieve yoyour pain. salonpnpas. it's gooood medicinene. drdry skin is s sensitive e s, too. and itit's naturalal. treat t it that waway with aveveeno® d daily mois. foformulated w with nourisish, prebioiotic oat. it's's clinicalllly proven to m moistururize dry skskn fofor 24 hoursrs. avaveeno® theo's's nose was s cause for alalarm, so dadad brought puffs plplus lotionn to s save it frorom harm. puffs s has 50% momore lotion and brinings soothining r. dodon't get buburned byby winter nonose. a a nose in neneed deservevs puffs indedeed. america'a's #1 lotioion tis. it's because of t tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've o outgrown mymy hou. growining up, everery me i'd d get out ofof the sh, i would ititch. my first e experiencee wiwith goat mimilk soap, it kindada was likee a a light bulblb moment. titiktok is a a fantasticc plplatform foror diy. if youou'd hahave told me t three yearsrs ago that i w would own my own b business and be e expanding intoto a separatate building, i woululd've t told you yoy'd lost your mind. >> john: tonight, there are two import >> john: tonight, there are two important consumer alerts for you. federal regulators are warning people to immediately stop using 5-in-1 rocker bassinets because they could cause severe injuries to babies, including strangulation. officials say the company that imported the rockers is not complying with the recall. they were sold at online retailers, including walmart. in the second alert, thousands of cantaloupes are being recalled because of possible salmonella contamination. the recall includes nearly 6500 cases of eagle produce's kandy brand whole cantaloupes, sold september 5th through the 16th in 19 states. the fda says no illnesses have been reported. a beloved cast member of the "harry potter" movies has died. we remember after michael gambon next. ♪ ♪ remember after michael gambn next. ♪ ♪ i had bad d days, (c(cough, cougugh) flare-upss that couldld permanentntly damamage my lungngs. with brereztri, thingsgs changed f for me. breztri i gave me betttter breathihing. stararting withihin 5 minute, i noticeced my lung fufunction impmpr. it helpeped improve e my symp, and brezeztri was eveven prn toto reduce flflare-upups, including g those thatat cocould send m me to the h hos. so nowow i look foforward to morore good dayays. breztri i won't replplace a rerescue inhalaler for suddenen breathingng problemsms. it is not t for asthmama. tellll your doctctor if you u a heheart conditition or high blblood pressusure beforere taking itit. don't takeke breztri m more thanan prescribebed. brezeztri may inincrease yououk ofof thrush, p pneumonia, , d osteopororosis. call your r doctor if f worsd breathing,g, chesest pain, momouth or t tongue swelelling, problelems urinatiting, vin changes,s, or eye papain occ. can't afafford your r medicat? astrtrazeneca mamay be able to o help. asask your dococtor about t br. we don't know any first responders... ...who onlnly give 90%0%. oror farmers, , the workeres whwho build ouour towns, roads, i infrastructcture. ththey don't stop a at half w. and goodod luck findnding a small l business o owner who's s happy wiwith an 80% % effort. [f-15050 engine roroaring] thatat's whwhy they usese ford trurucks. ford f-s-series, 10000% assembled d in americaca. bebecause we''re all in on america. feeling g sluggish or weighghed down? could bebe a sign ththat your digesestive systetem isisn't at itsts best. bubut a littlele metamucill eveveryday canan help. metamumucil's psylyllium fiber gegels to trapap and removeve the wastete ththat weighs s you down and alalso helps lowewer cholesteterol and slows s sugar absosorn to p promote healththy blood susugar level. so youou can feel l lightetr and more e energetic.. lighghten every y day the metatamucil way.y. and for a delicious way to promote digestive health try metamucil fiber r thins. (all)) ♪ toooooo youuuuuuu! ♪ (sean) ai wish foror the amazizing to new w iphone 15 5 pro!th (jasonon) sean!! do you m mean this o one - thee withth titanium?m? (sean)n) no way i i can tradede this bubusted up ththing for ono. (jasason) mamaybe stealiling wishess from t the birthdaday boy isis not your r best plan n -- h to verizizon and trtrade in anyny iphone anat ththe new iphohone 15 pro o on . (sean) what!? (jasonon) yup,p, and on anan amazing n nk (seaean) and i i don't hahave to ruinin e birthday p parties! (jason)) yeah, , that ship p has sailed. lelet's go g get you thehe ip. here we e go, come o on hon. (vo) trtrade in anyny iphone in any condidition for a a new iphohone 15 pro o on us. ononly on veririzon. [ tensnse music ]] one aleve e works all dayo i can keep working my magic. just o one aleve.. 12 houours of unininterrupted papain relief.f. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topicical painin relief, t try alevex. >> john: there is heart ache at hogwarts tonight. actor michael gambon, who played hogwarts headmaster albus dumbledore in six "harry potter" movies, has died after having pneumonia. >> happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. >> john: the irish actor won multiple prestigious awards during his 60-year career but was best known for playing the powerful wizard. "harry potter" costar daniel radcliffe paid tribute, calling gambon brilliant and effortless. michael gambon was 82. as the world celebrates the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, we revisit an iconic photo that captured its greatest day. that's next. >> john: finally, tonigight, i neneeded more e from my antididepressant.t. vrvraylar helplped give itit a. adding vraraylar to a an antideprpressant. is clinicacally provenen to help p relieve overall dedepression symptoms..... .....better ththan an antidedepressant a alone. and in vrarar clininical stu, most saw o substantil impactct on we. elderlrly dementiaia paties hahave increasased ririsk of deatath or stroko. repoport unusualal changesn behavior o or suicidalal thou. anantidepressasants can inince these e in childreren and yoyoung adultsts. report fevever, stiff f muscl, or c confusion,, as these m may be lilife-threatetening, or u uncontrolleled musclele movementsts, which may y be permanenent. high b blood sugarar, which h can lead t to coma or deaeath, weightht gain, and hihigh choleststerol may y occur. movementnt dysfunctition and rerestlessnessss arare common s side effectc. stomomach and slsleep issu, dizziness,s, increaseded appe, anand fatigue e are also c co. sidede effects m may not appr for r several weweeks. i didndn't have toto change my t treatment.. i i just gave e it a lift.. ask abouout vraylar r and len how w abbvie could hehelp you savave. ♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪♪ from no o drill mud d flaps and wawater-repellllent seseat protectctors, to o our laser-measasured floororlin, weatathertech hahas everythingng you need.d. order r yours todaday at the e ultimate p protection for yoyour vehiclele. (hamlet) it's beggin'! order r yours todaday at smoky beggin'... meaty beggin'... tasty beggin'... beggin'!!! oh, i love you. (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! and try beggin' pizza flavor. (hamlet) pizza! (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. my namame is caronon and i'i'm from brorooklyn. i workrk for the c city of newk as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be shararp. i alwaways hear people s say, you knknow, when you g get older, , you k, peoplele lose memory. i didn't't want to b be that pe. i dedecided to g give prprevagen a t try. my memorory became m much shar. i rememberered more! i've beeeen taking p prevagn for fourur years nowow. prevagen. . at stores s everye withouout a prescrcription. ininez, let meme ask you,, you'u're using h head and shououlders, rigight? onlyly when i sesee flakes.. then i s switch backck toto my regulalar shampooo yoyou should u use it everery , otherwise e the flakeses will c come back.. he's rigight, you knknow. is thahat tiny troroy? the e ingredientnts in head anand shoulderers keep thehe microbess ththat cause f flakes at b b. microbes, , really? they're alalways on yourur scalp...l.little rascsc. but good n news, there's s no itchineness, drdryness or f flakes downwn ! i loveve tiny troyoy. hehe's the besest. makeke every wasash count! little helelp, please.e. travavel. therere is nothihing like it dancing g is my passssion. but wiwith my modederate-to-see ececzema, itit hasn't bebeen easy. now, i'm s staying ahehead . dupixentnt helps heaeal your n from w within. so, yoyou can cleaearer skn and noticeceably less s itch seserious allelergic reactcts can occucur, that cacan be se. tellll your doctctor aboutw or wororsening eyeye probl, suchch as eye papain or visision changeges, inclcluding blururred visionon, joint t aches and d pains, or a pararasitic infnfection. don't t change or r stop asththma medicinines without tatalking toto your doctctor. asask your dococtor about t dut >> john: finally, tonight, jazz musicians inspi >> john: finally, tonight, jazz musicians inspired a generation of hip-hop artists and a fa >> john: finally, tonight, jazz musicians inspired a generation of hip-hop artists and a famous photo taken in harlem. cbs's jericka duncan has the story behind an iconic moment in music history. >> reporter: the year was 1998. some of hip-hop's biggest stars came together for a photo shoot. they called it "the greatest day in hip-hop." look at you, 25 years ago. >> yeah, in the front row. >> you're the man! >> thank you, brother! >> reporter: fat joe, one of rap's first afro-latino superstars, was 1 of 177 artists who rubbed elbows with other rap legends like rakim, busta rhymes, and common. >> and that day, seeing so many of my peers, so many people that i look up to, we knew that was history. >> reporter: in that same spot back in 1958, photographer art kane took this iconic photo, featuring 57 of the world's greatest jazz musicians. to pay homage to them, hip-hop magazine "xxl" recreated the% image. >> all of these artists had basically, you know, come out of jazz, came out of that genius. >> reporter: former editor in chief sheena lester convinced 86-year-old famed photographer gordon parks to snap the picture into history. this year marks hip-hop's 50th anniversary. a music genre born out of struggle that grew all the way up into a multibillion-dollar industry. that is hip-hop. all these years later, and counting. jericka duncan, cbs news, harlem. >> john: and before we go, we want to let you know about a new cbs news investigative podcast hosted by major garrett. it's called "agent of betrayal: the double life of robert hansen." fbi agent robert hansen was one of the most damaging spies in u.s. history. for decades, he passed classified information to russian intelligence. episodes are available thursday wherever you get your podcasts. and that's tonight's "cbs evening news." for norah o'donnell, i'm john dickerson. good night. ♪ ♪ kerson. good night. ♪ ♪ will we see the ships or an airshow? more answers tonight about fleet week, the promise from organizers even if the government does shut down. we're also looking at the impact of the shutdown around the bay area, including our local parks. it's not just government workers who may be sent home. >> if they had no rangers here available to guide us and watch and monitor our work, we wouldn't be able to do this good, valuable nonprofit activity. plus a rescue turned recovery mission after a utility worker gets trapped underground after a trench collapse in san francisco. the signature gathering can begin, the major step forward in the effort to recall alameda county d.a. pamela price. and nothing beats a refreshing cold brew, but warming temperatures mean ingredients for beer can be tougher to find. >> beer is an agricultural-type product and agriculture is very much affected by climate change. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening to you. i'm elizabeth cook in for juliette tonight. the clock is ticking. lawmakers on capitol hill only have two more days to come to a funding deal before the u.s. government comes to a grinding halt. from national parks to federal offices, we'll certainly see the impacts here in the bay area. there are also some big questions about the impact on fleet week, which is a huge deal for the city. tonight we're the first to

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Nicole Sganga Reports Billingsley , 26 , Charges , Train Station , Last Night , The First , 11 , 30 , 00 , 32 , Building , Signs , Blunt Force Trauma , Questions , Apartment Building , Case , Fact , Entry , Sentencing Laws , Maryland , Credits , Behavior , Rapists , Sexual Assault , 2015 , 16 , Place , Law , Streets , Little , Criminal , Sentence , Rape , Arson , West Baltimore , Failure , Superstar , Terms , Death , Systematic , Ways , Tech Community , Investigators , Cases , Justice , Crimes , , Individual , Equity , Connections , Estate , Drug Trafficking Mill , Takedown , Nicole Sganga , Warning , Recovery , Fentanyl , Lilia Luciano , Law Enforcement Officers , Suitcase , Subway , 40 , Powder , Times , Hair , Surroundings , Services , Juan Gabriel Herrera Vargas , 42 , Officers , Drug Mill , Value , Doses , Total , 5 Million , 1 5 Million , A Million , Drugs , Location , Envelopes , Trash Bags , Stamps , Windows , I 95 , 95 , Mills , Law Enforcement , Everywhere , Children , Distribution Networks , Fentanyl Poisoning , Three , Harm , Trafficker , Flight Risk , Guard , Possession , Bail , Rikers Island , Soldier , Testing , Army , North Korea , The Army , Travis King , Texas , 23 , Biden Today , Answer , Health , Message , Border , 2024 , Threats , Happening , Broadside Attack , America Now , Something , Battleground State Of Arizona , Minus Trump , Ed O Keefe , Extremist Movement , Beliefs , Maga Movement , People , Press , Opponent , Swing State , Violence , Rhetoric , Enemy , Arizona , Mark Milley , Trump , General , Treason , Silence , Majority , Attacks , Chief Of Staff , Corrupt , Mr , Incompetent , Challengers , Michigan , Afar , Anybody , Record , Things , Action , Rivals , Vp , Group , Absence , Sides , Person , Can T , Shouting Match , Donald Duck , Cbs News , Glenn Youngkin , Bit , Candidate , Donors , Big Money , Virginia , Weather , Thank You , Elections , Benefactors , The Party , Decision , Flood , Rain , Remnants , Evening , Partners , Risk , Effect , Half , Weather Channel , Foot , Details , New York Metro Area , Chris Warren , Tropical Storm Ophelia , East Coast , Flash Flooding , Northeast , Somewhere , Potential , Green , Yellow , Moisture , System , Lot , Fire Hose , Heavy Rain , Sunrise , Rain Continuing , Areas , Couple , News , Protest , Albuquerque , Photo , Looting , Statue , Newspaper Photographer , Businesses , Damage , Gun , Installation , Losses , Business Owners , Ryan Martinez , Philadelphia , Eight , Owner , Thousands , Beauty Supply Store , Merchandise , Wigs , Wave , Haiti , 50 , Company , Flyer Policy , Program , Turbulence , Jo Ling Kent , Passengers , Fliers , Outrage , Course , Modifications , Credit Card Perks , Mistake , Ed Bastian , Credit Card , Sky Clubs , Moves , Popular , Holders , 75000 , 5000 , Count , Status , Visits , Customers , Tickets , Control , Amount , Rules , Declaration Of War , Credit Cards , Profits , Lounge , 700 , Card , Bang , Experts , Cash , Miles , Elite Status , Headline , Borrowing Money , Buck , Thigh , Cost , Home , Alaska , Rival Airlines Jetblue , Th Mortgage , Inflation , Mortgage Rates , Interest Rates , Double , Wake , Pandemic , Nation , Central Bank , 7 3 , Regulators , Rocker , You Knknow , Parents , Parenents , Baby , Ng Receca , Strtraight Aheaead , Swipe , To O Work , Lilisten , Yourur Deodorantt Jujust , Ususe , Aluminum Frf , Anand Shoulderers , Secret H , Ininstead , Secret Wororks , Ohhh Yesesss , Just Maskining , Elimiminate , Lalater , Smell Fresesh , Didn T Work , Diets , M Michael , Golo , Ohhh Yesesss Ii , 70 , High School Weight , Bebelieves In N , Popowl Pain , Mamakers , Corners Thatat , Pepeeling , Yeaears , Relief Patctches , Sasalonpas , Continuouss Imimprovement T Lilike Roundeded , 89 , Es , Skin , Treat T , Sisizes , D , Yoyour Pain , Taking Itit , Actctive Ingrededients , Gooood Medicinene , Daily Mois , Waway , Withth An Arrayy , Salonpnpas , Naturalal , Aveveeno , Nose , Save , Hoursrs , Frorom Harm , Foformulated W , It S Clinicalllly , M Moistururize , Puffs Plplus Lotionn , Alalarm , Nourisish , Prebioiotic Oat , Avaveeno , Theo S , 24 , T Tiktok , Puffs S , O , Website , Brinings Soothining R Dodon T , Momore Lotion , Winter Nonose , Buburned Byby , Neneed Deservevs , Puffs Indedeed , Lotioion Tis , Mymy Hou , Sh , Growining Up , Ititch , Experiencee Wiwith , Foror Diy , Titiktok , Ofof , Fantasticc Plplatform , Everery Me , Likee , Goat Mimilk Soap , It Kindada , Light Bulblb , B Business , Iw , Mind , I Woululd Ve T , You Yoy , Me T Three Yearsrs , Intoto A Separatate Building , Youou D Hahave , Recall , Rockers , Rocker Bassinets , Strangulation , Babies , Injuries , Consumer Alerts , Officials , 5 , Cantaloupes , Walmart , Salmonella Contamination , Alert , Eagle Produce , 6500 , Cast Member , Illnesses , Movies , September 5th , Beloved , Fda , Michael Gambn , Next , 16th , 19 , C , Cough , Couldld Permanentntly Damamage My Lungngs , Cougugh , Flare Upss , Toto , Fufunction Impmpr , Flflare Upups , It Helpeped Improve E , Thingsgs , Breztri , Brezeztri , Stararting Withihin , Betttter Breathihing , My Symp , Brereztri , Doctctor , Hos , Including G , H , Suddenen Breathingng Problemsms , Asthmama , You Ua Heheart Conditition , Thatat Cocould , Morore Good Dayays , Rerescue Inhalaler , Breztri I Won T Replplace , Pressusure Beforere , Dr , G Give Prprevagen , Ththey Don T Stop A , Doctor , Medicat , Thanan Prescribebed , P Pneumonia , Vin Changes , Takeke Breztri , Chesest Pain , Brezeztri May Inincrease , Worsd Breathing , Momouth , Ofof Thrush , D Osteopororosis , Problelems Urinatiting , Tongue Swelelling , Eye Papain Occ , Asask , Dococtor , O Help , Responders , Onlnly , Astrtrazeneca Mamay , Who , Workeres Whwho , T Br , Oror Farmers , Build Ouour Towns , 0 , 90 , Effort , Wiwith , Luck Findnding , Assembled D , Business O Owner , Whwhy , F 15050 Engine Roroaring , Americaca , Goodod , Thatat , Ford , Roads , Half W , Ford Trurucks , F S , 15050 , 10000 , 80 , Feeling G , Sign Ththat , On America , Canan Help , Bebecause , Bubut , Littlele , Metamucill Eveveryday , Digesestive , Systetem Isisn T At Itsts Best , Alalso , Sugar , Level , Wastete Ththat , Metamumucil , Lightetr , Lighghten , Lowewer Cholesteterol , Healththy Blood Susugar , Trapap , Removeve , Psylyllium Fiber Gegels , Way Y , Way , Anyny Iphone , O One , Thins , Fiber , Ith , Titanium , Jasonon , Sean , Bubusted Up Ththing , Digestive Health Try Metamucil , Wish Foror , Youuuuuuu , Ono , 15 , Trtrade , Ship P , Birthday P Parties , Come O On Hon , Plan , Boy , Ip , P , Iphone Anat Ththe , Jason , Pro O On , Ii Don T Hahave , Lelet S Go G Get , Verizizon , Isis , Anyny , Stealiling Wishess From T The Birthdaday , Thehe , We E Go , Jasason , Anan Amazing N Nk , Seaean , Yup , Pro O , Condidition , Tensnse Music , Magic , Dayo , Iphohone , Relief F Aleve , Unininterrupted Papain , Ononly On Veririzon , Houours , 12 , T Try Alevex , Fast Topicical Painin Relief , Albus Dumbledore , Heart Ache , Hogwarts , Happiness , Career , Pneumonia , Darkest , Awards , Irish , 60 , 50th Anniversary , World , Calling Gambon Brilliant , Tribute , Costar , Wizard , Daniel Radcliffe , 82 , Tonigight , My Antididepressant T Vrvraylar Helplped , Itit A , Substantil Impactct , Help P , Antideprpressant , Symptoms , Better Ththan , Paties Hahave , Antidedepressant , Clinicacally Provenen , Vrarar Clininical Stu , Increasased Ririsk , Elderlrly Dementiaia , Behavior O , Confusion , Muscl , Repoport Unusualal Changesn , Suicidalal Thou , Anantidepressasants , Musclele Movementsts , Lilife Threatetening , Report Fevever , Deatath , Childreren , Which May Y Be Permanenent , High B Blood Sugarar , Stroko , Yoyoung Adultsts , Uncontrolleled , Didndn T , Anand Fatigue E , Toto Change My T Treatment Ii , Coma , Dizziness , Which H , Rerestlessnessss Arare Common , Hihigh Choleststerol May Y , Sidede , Deaeath , Weightht Gain , Side Effectc , Slsleep Issu , Movementnt Dysfunctition , Increaseded Appe , Weweeks , Stomomach , C Co , Lift , You Savave , Ask Abouout Vraylar , Len How W Abbvie , Drill Mud D , Weatathertech Hahas Everythingng , Measasured Floororlin , Seseat Protectctors , You Need D Order , Wawater Repellllent , To O Our , Smoky Beggin , Yours Todaday , Weatherertech Com , Meaty Beggin , Tasty Beggin , E Ultimate P Protection , Hamlet , I Love You , Yoyour Vehiclele , Shrimp , Pizza Flavor , Pizza , Flavor Drop , Choices , Dogs , Seven , Memory , C City , Fun Dining , Police Administrator , Caronon , My Namame , Shararp , Red Lobster , Brorooklyn , Newk , 20 , You K , Shar , Tape , I Didn T Want To B , Peoplele , Knknow , My Memorory , Fourur Years Nowow , Taking P Prevagn , Beeeen , Everery , Stores , H Head , Withouout A Prescrcription , He S Rigight , Will C , Meme , Shampooo Yoyou , Everye , Shououlders , Flakeses , Ininez , Backck , My Regulalar , Prevagen , Rigight , You U , Onlyly , Sesee Flakes , Flakes , Keep Thehe Microbess Ththat , E Ingredientnts , Troroy , B Microbes , No Itchineness , Drdryness , Yourur Scalp L Little Rascsc , It Dancing G , N , W , Dupixentnt , Hehe , My Passssion , Therere , Please E Travavel , Tiny Troyoy , Besest , Makeke , Little Helelp , Modederate , Ececzema , Itit Hasn T Bebeen Easy , Staying Ahehead , Occucur , Pains , Eye Papain , Noticeceably Less S , Visision Changeges , Stop , Aboutw , Inclcluding Blururred Visionon , Wororsening Eyeye Probl , Don T Change , Tellll , Allelergic Reactcts , Cacan Be Se , Cleaearer Skn , Suchch , Joint T Aches , Asththma Medicinines , Pararasitic Infnfection , Dut John Finally , Tatalking , Jazz Musicians , Jazz Musicians Inspi John , Generation , Hip Hop Artists , Story , Fa John , Music History , Stars , Photo Shoot , Jericka Duncan , Harlem , 1998 , Brother , Artists , Superstars , Fat Joe , Front Row , Elbows , Rap Legends , Rakim , Busta Rhymes , Rap S First Afro Latino , 177 , 25 , Art Kane , Spot , The World , 57 , 1958 , Xxl , Jazz , Homage , Image , Genius , Gordon Parks , History , Picture , Editor In Chief , Sheena Lester , 86 , Music Genre Born Out , Counting , Struggle , Multibillion Dollar Industry , Robert Hansen , Agent , Life , Betrayal , Major Garrett , Investigative Podcast , Fbi , Podcasts , Classified Information , Spies , Episodes , Cbs Evening News , U S History , Russian Intelligence , Norah O Donnell , Ships , Kerson , Impact , Bay Area , Airshow , Organizers , Promise , Rangers , Fleet Week , Good , We Wouldn T , Watch , Rescue , Valuable Nonprofit Activity , Recovery Mission , Nothing , Utility Worker , Step , Signature Gathering , Alameda County , Trench Collapse , San Francisco , D A , Pamela , Beer , Ingredients , Product , Agriculture , Climate Change , Warming Temperatures , Cold Brew , Ticking , Funding Deal , Juliette Tonight , Lawmakers , Juliette Goodrich , Elizabeth Cook , To , Deal , Offices , Impacts , Halt ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703

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pava lapere. >> jason billingsley into custody. body discovered in an apartment complex monday after she was reported missing. >> i know this arrest does not bring back pava lapere. my hope is that we can give a sense of closure to the city of baltimore. >> police in new york busted a fentanyl mill just six blocks away from a day care where a 1-year-old died after exposure to the drug. >> john: former president donald trump at the center of the g.o.p. debate, but absent from the stage. plus, president biden calls trump a threat to democracy. >> delta is walking back changes to the airline's loyalty program after public backlash. >> no question, we probably went too far. ♪ ♪ >> john: we remember actor michael gambon, best known for his spellbinding performance in "harry potter." >> do not pity the dead, harry. pity the living. ♪ ♪ >> john: and how one of the most iconic pictures in hip-hop came to be. >> seeing so many of my peers in unity, we knew that was history. ♪ ♪ >> john: good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. i'm john dickerson in for norah. we begin with the federal government facing a shutdown, now just two days away, but house republicans were focused on other issues, principally the first hearing in the impeachment inquiry of president joe biden. house leaders are accusing the president of corruption and abuse of office, while democrats say the entire process is an evidence-free waste of time. in testimony, some of the g.o.p.'s own witnesses did not agree with those who invited them, saying there is not enough evidence to support articles of impeachment. cbs's nikole killion will start us off tonight with the latest from capitol hill. good evening, nikole. >> reporter: good evening, john. there was little new evidence presented during this impeachment hearing, and democrats blasted republicans for holding it while the government is in danger of shutting down. >> the committee on oversight and accountability will come to order. >> reporter: after months of investigation, house republicans began their first impeachment proceedings seeking to tie president biden to his son, hunter, and his family's business dealings. >> what were the bidens selling to make all of this money? joe biden himself. joe biden is the brand. >> hunter biden cashed in by arranging access to joe biden. >> reporter: the white house has denied any wrongdoing, and minutes into the hearing, the panels own g.o.p. witnesses knocked some of the allegations down. >> i do not believe that the current evidence would support articles of impeachment. >> i am not here today to even suggest that there was corruption, fraud, or any wrongdoing. in my opinion, more information needs to be gathered. >> reporter: democrats mocked the hearing as a sham. >> if they say "hunter," a drinking game, i would be drunk by now. >> reporter: they called it a distraction from the looming government shutdown when the countdown clock is ticking by the minute. >> we are 62 hours away from shutting down the government of the united states of america and the republicans are launching an impeachment drive based on a long-debunked and discredited lie. >> reporter: leaders in both chambers raised to advance separate short-term funding packages. if they fail to pass, a partial shutdown could result in shuttered national parks from hundreds of thousands of furloughed federal workers, workers, and essential employees like the military, federal law-enforcement, and tsa forced to work without pay. can you guarantee there won't be a shutdown, or is it inevitable at this point? >> i can't guarantee that. it could happen, it could not happen. the number one thing we have to do is finish our work. >> john: and nikole joins us now. nikole, i want to ask about another matter on capitol hill, senator bob menendez has been indicted be many of his democratic colleagues want him to resign as a result. he met with them. what did we learn? >> reporter: well, john, menendez told his senate democratic colleagues that he will not resign despite bribery charges. i asked him if he can still continue dessert effectively even if he has lost the confidence of some of his colleagues, but he said that he will continue to vote on behalf of his new jersey constituents. john? >> john: thank you, nikole. tonight, the man suspected in the murder of a 26-year-old tech ceo in baltimore is under arrest. authorities captured jason billingsley, a convicted felon and registered sex offender, after a sprawling manhunt. cbs's nicole sganga reports billingsley is also linked to another violent crime from just last week. >> reporter: 32-year-old suspect jason billingsley was arrested at a train station about 30 miles outside of baltimore. >> billingsley was taken into custody at approximately 11:00 last night. >> reporter: he is now facing 30 charges, including the first-degree murder of pava lapere. police say the 26-year-old tech ceo was killed on friday at this luxury building, where she lived in downtown baltimore. authorities found her body days later, with signs of blunt force trauma. police calling it a random act. >> we do know that there was no forced entry into an apartment building. >> reporter: this case raising questions about maryland's sentencing laws. billingsley pleaded guilty in 2015 to sexual assault. he was sentenced to 30 years, but 16 of those were ultimately suspended. the suspect was released last october after earning good behavior credits. >> rapists should not be let out early, period. >> reporter: the suspect also charged with rape, arson, and attempted murder in west baltimore just days before lapere's murder and just a mile from her apartment. >> why was this dangerous criminal on the streets in the first place? >> he did a little less than two-thirds of his sentence, and that is what the law allows. it was more or less the systematic, to me, failure, in terms of what happened. >> reporter: lapere's death has rattled baltimore and the tight-knit tech community. >> she is a superstar, in many ways. just a beaming, positive individual. passionate about baltimore, and really passionate about equity and justice. >> reporter: investigators are now reviewing all open cases since the suspect's release last fall, trying to determine if any connections to other crimes exist. john? >> john: nicole sganga, thank you. we turn now to the takedown of a major drug trafficking mill in new york city. federal, state, and local law-enforcement officers announced the recovery of more than 40 pounds of suspected fentanyl. cbs's lilia luciano reports authorities said the suspect was transporting the highly-lethal drug in a rolling suitcase on the subway, and tonight, they have a warning for all new yorkers. >> what i would tell new yorkers is that they should be vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times. this powder is very fine. it can get into the air. it can certainly lay on services. >> reporter: police arrested 42-year-old juan gabriel herrera vargas on tuesday, saying he was using a bronx apartment as a drug mill. officers recovered a total of $1.5 million in value. >> that equates to roughly a million potential lethal doses of fentanyl we remote from new york city streets. >> reporter: investigators say they found envelopes used to hold drugs and stamps to mark them inside the apartment, where the windows were covered with black trash bags. >> the i-95 corridor is a great geographical location for these distribution networks to move that powder into mills. >> reporter: law enforcement says the apartment is just six blocks away from the day care, where a 1-year-old died from suspected fentanyl poisoning and three other children were hospitalized. >> this is everywhere, and we should be on guard, and we should also do more to stop this harm. >> reporter: the suspect is being charged with criminal possession of drugs and of operating as a major trafficker. he was considered a flight risk, so he is being held without bail at rikers island. john? >> john: lilia luciano in new york, thank you. tonight, travis king, the army private who went awol and bolted into north korea is at an army medical center in texas for psychological and medical testing. the 23-year-old soldier arrived in the u.s. overnight after being held by north korea for over two months. he is said to be in good health, but there is no answer on why he crossed the border back in july or what happened while he was there. president biden today previewed his 2024 message with a broadside attack on donald trump while he was in the battleground state of arizona. cbs's ed o'keefe reports it comes one day after republicans, minus trump, gathered for a second g.o.p. debate. >> there is something dangerous happening in america now. >> reporter: president biden today claimed threats to democracy will continue as long as former president donald trump dominates the republican party. >> there is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy. the maga movement. >> reporter: speaking in the key swing state of arizona, the president slammed his potential opponent for rhetoric that could lead to violence. >> attacking the free press as the enemy of the people. >> reporter: and he said more in the g.o.p. should have denounced trump after he accused retiring joint chief of staff chairman general mark milley of treason and implied the general deserved to be killed. >> although i don't believe even a majority of republicans think that... the silence is deafening. >> reporter: but trump too has been focusing his attacks on mr. biden. >> joe biden is the most corrupt president and most incompetent president we have ever had. >> reporter: the former president stumped with auto workers in michigan wednesday night, skipping the second republican debate and mocking his challengers from afar. >> does anybody see any vp in the group? i don't think so. >> donald trump is missing in action. he should be on this stage tonight. he owes it to you to defend his record. >> reporter: trump's rivals called out his absence. >> you are ducking these things, and let me tell you what is going to happen. you keep doing that, no one up her eis going to call you donald trump anymore, we are going to call you donald duck. >> can't be both sides. >> reporter: but the debate frequently devolved into a shouting match. >> i have to jump in here. i'm sorry. there is one person. >> honestly, any time i hear you, i feel a little bit dumber for what you say. >> reporter: and another chaotic g.o.p. debate has some big money g.o.p. donors looking for another potential candidate to jump in. cbs news has learned virginia governor glenn youngkin is being encouraged to do so by some of the party's biggest benefactors, but he is not expected to make a final decision until after virginia's legislative elections in november. john? >> john: ed o'keefe, thank you. turning to the weather and the remnants of tropical storm ophelia, which is lingering off the east coast, flood watches are in effect across the new york metro area with a risk of up to a half a foot of rain. for details, let's bring in chris warren of our partners at the weather channel. good evening, chris. >> good evening, john. we are seeing the potential for a serious flood threat developing during the day tomorrow in the northeast. it's possible there is going to be some flash flooding in green, and it is likely, somewhere in yellow, there will be some flash flooding. as this slow-moving system directs a lot of moisture into the northeast, heavy rain likely beginning before sunrise and continuing, almost like a fire hose, possibly pointed to new york city, certainly some of these highly-urbanized, highly-populated areas here in the northeast. rain continuing for hours, right into saturday morning, and john, it is only going to take a couple of inches of rain in a few hours to produce flash flooding. >> john: chris warren, thank you. now to some breaking news. a suspect was taken into custody today after he allegedly shot and wounded a man during a protest an hour north of albuquerque. a newspaper photographer made this photo of a man, identified as 23-year-old ryan martinez, pulling out a gun moments before it happened. the protest was over the planned installation of a controversial statue. business owners in philadelphia were cleaning up damage and adding up losses today after a second night of looting. police say eight businesses were targeted overnight, including a beauty supply store. the owner, who is from haiti, just opened the store six months ago, and she tells cbs philadelphia, thousands of dollars of wigs and other merchandise were stolen. more than 50 people were arrested in a wave of looting on tuesday night. now to some turbulence in the skymiles program at delta air lines. the company's ceo says it probably went too far in making changes to its frequent flyer policy. cbs's jo ling kent reports on the backlash the airline faced from passengers. >> reporter: tonight, delta reversing course after frequent fliers expressed outrage over dramatic changes to the airline's credit card perks and loyalty program. >> i mean, i have been with them for over 30 years. what do we do? >> reporter: ceo ed bastian now admitting delta made a mistake. >> there will be modifications that we will make, and you will hear about it sometime over the next few weeks. no question, we probably went too far. >> reporter: one of the most controversial moves? >> wow. >> reporter: delta reducing or eliminating access that its credit card holders have to the popular, and often-packed, sky clubs, requiring them to spend $75,000 a year to get unlimited visits. >> delta are out of control. >> reporter: delta also raised the minimum amount of money customers must spend on tickets to earn status, and it will no longer count miles flown. >> that's a declaration of war. >> reporter: the new rules landed after delta reported its highest quarterly profits ever in june. are these airline credit cards valuable anymore? are they useful? >> they are less valuable. if you are getting a credit card that some people are paying up to $700 a year to have, and you can't get access to the lounge and you can't redeem the miles, that brings in the question why you have that card in the first place. >> reporter: experts also recommend, skip those airline credit cards altogether. use one with cash back. you will get more bang for your buck. meantime, rival airlines jetblue and alaska are offering elite status match for those unhappy delta customers. john? >> john: jo ling kent, thank you. the big economic headline tonight, the cost of borrowing money to buy a new home has hit a 23-year high. th mortgage now tops 7.3%, more than double what it was two years ago. mortgage rates have jumped, along with interest rates, as the nation's central bank tries to cool inflation in the wake of the pandemic. tonight, federal regulators are warning about a baby rocker that is being recalled. what parents need to know. that's straight ahead. ng receca. what parenents need to knknow. that strtraight aheaead. lilisten, yourur deodorantt jujust has to o work. i ususe secret a aluminum frf. jujust swipe and d it lasts a all day. secret h helps elimiminate , ininstead of j just maskining. anand hours lalater, i still l smell fresesh. secret wororks! ohhh yesesss. ♪♪♪ hi, i'm m michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. ohhh yesesss. i i spent thouousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight.. you're n not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. sasalonpas, mamakers of popowl pain r relief patctches for 89 yeaears... bebelieves in n continuouss imimprovement.t... lilike roundeded corners thatat resist pepeeling, withth an arrayy of actctive ingrededients... and sisizes to relieve yoyour pain. salonpnpas. it's gooood medicinene. drdry skin is s sensitive e s, too. and itit's naturalal. treat t it that waway with aveveeno® d daily mois. foformulated w with nourisish, prebioiotic oat. it's's clinicalllly proven to m moistururize dry skskn fofor 24 hoursrs. avaveeno® theo's's nose was s cause for alalarm, so dadad brought puffs plplus lotionn to s save it frorom harm. puffs s has 50% momore lotion and brinings soothining r. dodon't get buburned byby winter nonose. a a nose in neneed deservevs puffs indedeed. america'a's #1 lotioion tis. it's because of t tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've o outgrown mymy hou. growining up, everery me i'd d get out ofof the sh, i would ititch. my first e experiencee wiwith goat mimilk soap, it kindada was likee a a light bulblb moment. titiktok is a a fantasticc plplatform foror diy. if youou'd hahave told me t three yearsrs ago that i w would own my own b business and be e expanding intoto a separatate building, i woululd've t told you yoy'd lost your mind. >> john: tonight, there are two import >> john: tonight, there are two important consumer alerts for you. federal regulators are warning people to immediately stop using 5-in-1 rocker bassinets because they could cause severe injuries to babies, including strangulation. officials say the company that imported the rockers is not complying with the recall. they were sold at online retailers, including walmart. in the second alert, thousands of cantaloupes are being recalled because of possible salmonella contamination. the recall includes nearly 6500 cases of eagle produce's kandy brand whole cantaloupes, sold september 5th through the 16th in 19 states. the fda says no illnesses have been reported. a beloved cast member of the "harry potter" movies has died. we remember after michael gambon next. ♪ ♪ remember after michael gambn next. ♪ ♪ i had bad d days, (c(cough, cougugh) flare-upss that couldld permanentntly damamage my lungngs. with brereztri, thingsgs changed f for me. breztri i gave me betttter breathihing. stararting withihin 5 minute, i noticeced my lung fufunction impmpr. it helpeped improve e my symp, and brezeztri was eveven prn toto reduce flflare-upups, including g those thatat cocould send m me to the h hos. so nowow i look foforward to morore good dayays. breztri i won't replplace a rerescue inhalaler for suddenen breathingng problemsms. it is not t for asthmama. tellll your doctctor if you u a heheart conditition or high blblood pressusure beforere taking itit. don't takeke breztri m more thanan prescribebed. brezeztri may inincrease yououk ofof thrush, p pneumonia, , d osteopororosis. call your r doctor if f worsd breathing,g, chesest pain, momouth or t tongue swelelling, problelems urinatiting, vin changes,s, or eye papain occ. can't afafford your r medicat? astrtrazeneca mamay be able to o help. asask your dococtor about t br. we don't know any first responders... ...who onlnly give 90%0%. oror farmers, , the workeres whwho build ouour towns, roads, i infrastructcture. ththey don't stop a at half w. and goodod luck findnding a small l business o owner who's s happy wiwith an 80% % effort. [f-15050 engine roroaring] thatat's whwhy they usese ford trurucks. ford f-s-series, 10000% assembled d in americaca. bebecause we''re all in on america. feeling g sluggish or weighghed down? could bebe a sign ththat your digesestive systetem isisn't at itsts best. bubut a littlele metamucill eveveryday canan help. metamumucil's psylyllium fiber gegels to trapap and removeve the wastete ththat weighs s you down and alalso helps lowewer cholesteterol and slows s sugar absosorn to p promote healththy blood susugar level. so youou can feel l lightetr and more e energetic.. lighghten every y day the metatamucil way.y. and for a delicious way to promote digestive health try metamucil fiber r thins. (all)) ♪ toooooo youuuuuuu! ♪ (sean) ai wish foror the amazizing to new w iphone 15 5 pro!th (jasonon) sean!! do you m mean this o one - thee withth titanium?m? (sean)n) no way i i can tradede this bubusted up ththing for ono. (jasason) mamaybe stealiling wishess from t the birthdaday boy isis not your r best plan n -- h to verizizon and trtrade in anyny iphone anat ththe new iphohone 15 pro o on . (sean) what!? (jasonon) yup,p, and on anan amazing n nk (seaean) and i i don't hahave to ruinin e birthday p parties! (jason)) yeah, , that ship p has sailed. lelet's go g get you thehe ip. here we e go, come o on hon. (vo) trtrade in anyny iphone in any condidition for a a new iphohone 15 pro o on us. ononly on veririzon. [ tensnse music ]] one aleve e works all dayo i can keep working my magic. just o one aleve.. 12 houours of unininterrupted papain relief.f. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topicical painin relief, t try alevex. >> john: there is heart ache at hogwarts tonight. actor michael gambon, who played hogwarts headmaster albus dumbledore in six "harry potter" movies, has died after having pneumonia. >> happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. >> john: the irish actor won multiple prestigious awards during his 60-year career but was best known for playing the powerful wizard. "harry potter" costar daniel radcliffe paid tribute, calling gambon brilliant and effortless. michael gambon was 82. as the world celebrates the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, we revisit an iconic photo that captured its greatest day. that's next. >> john: finally, tonigight, i neneeded more e from my antididepressant.t. vrvraylar helplped give itit a. adding vraraylar to a an antideprpressant. is clinicacally provenen to help p relieve overall dedepression symptoms..... .....better ththan an antidedepressant a alone. and in vrarar clininical stu, most saw o substantil impactct on we. elderlrly dementiaia paties hahave increasased ririsk of deatath or stroko. repoport unusualal changesn behavior o or suicidalal thou. anantidepressasants can inince these e in childreren and yoyoung adultsts. report fevever, stiff f muscl, or c confusion,, as these m may be lilife-threatetening, or u uncontrolleled musclele movementsts, which may y be permanenent. high b blood sugarar, which h can lead t to coma or deaeath, weightht gain, and hihigh choleststerol may y occur. movementnt dysfunctition and rerestlessnessss arare common s side effectc. stomomach and slsleep issu, dizziness,s, increaseded appe, anand fatigue e are also c co. sidede effects m may not appr for r several weweeks. i didndn't have toto change my t treatment.. i i just gave e it a lift.. ask abouout vraylar r and len how w abbvie could hehelp you savave. ♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪♪ from no o drill mud d flaps and wawater-repellllent seseat protectctors, to o our laser-measasured floororlin, weatathertech hahas everythingng you need.d. order r yours todaday at the e ultimate p protection for yoyour vehiclele. (hamlet) it's beggin'! order r yours todaday at smoky beggin'... meaty beggin'... tasty beggin'... beggin'!!! oh, i love you. (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! and try beggin' pizza flavor. (hamlet) pizza! (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. my namame is caronon and i'i'm from brorooklyn. i workrk for the c city of newk as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be shararp. i alwaways hear people s say, you knknow, when you g get older, , you k, peoplele lose memory. i didn't't want to b be that pe. i dedecided to g give prprevagen a t try. my memorory became m much shar. i rememberered more! i've beeeen taking p prevagn for fourur years nowow. prevagen. . at stores s everye withouout a prescrcription. ininez, let meme ask you,, you'u're using h head and shououlders, rigight? onlyly when i sesee flakes.. then i s switch backck toto my regulalar shampooo yoyou should u use it everery , otherwise e the flakeses will c come back.. he's rigight, you knknow. is thahat tiny troroy? the e ingredientnts in head anand shoulderers keep thehe microbess ththat cause f flakes at b b. microbes, , really? they're alalways on yourur scalp...l.little rascsc. but good n news, there's s no itchineness, drdryness or f flakes downwn ! i loveve tiny troyoy. hehe's the besest. makeke every wasash count! little helelp, please.e. travavel. therere is nothihing like it dancing g is my passssion. but wiwith my modederate-to-see ececzema, itit hasn't bebeen easy. now, i'm s staying ahehead . dupixentnt helps heaeal your n from w within. so, yoyou can cleaearer skn and noticeceably less s itch seserious allelergic reactcts can occucur, that cacan be se. tellll your doctctor aboutw or wororsening eyeye probl, suchch as eye papain or visision changeges, inclcluding blururred visionon, joint t aches and d pains, or a pararasitic infnfection. don't t change or r stop asththma medicinines without tatalking toto your doctctor. asask your dococtor about t dut >> john: finally, tonight, jazz musicians inspi >> john: finally, tonight, jazz musicians inspired a generation of hip-hop artists and a fa >> john: finally, tonight, jazz musicians inspired a generation of hip-hop artists and a famous photo taken in harlem. cbs's jericka duncan has the story behind an iconic moment in music history. >> reporter: the year was 1998. some of hip-hop's biggest stars came together for a photo shoot. they called it "the greatest day in hip-hop." look at you, 25 years ago. >> yeah, in the front row. >> you're the man! >> thank you, brother! >> reporter: fat joe, one of rap's first afro-latino superstars, was 1 of 177 artists who rubbed elbows with other rap legends like rakim, busta rhymes, and common. >> and that day, seeing so many of my peers, so many people that i look up to, we knew that was history. >> reporter: in that same spot back in 1958, photographer art kane took this iconic photo, featuring 57 of the world's greatest jazz musicians. to pay homage to them, hip-hop magazine "xxl" recreated the% image. >> all of these artists had basically, you know, come out of jazz, came out of that genius. >> reporter: former editor in chief sheena lester convinced 86-year-old famed photographer gordon parks to snap the picture into history. this year marks hip-hop's 50th anniversary. a music genre born out of struggle that grew all the way up into a multibillion-dollar industry. that is hip-hop. all these years later, and counting. jericka duncan, cbs news, harlem. >> john: and before we go, we want to let you know about a new cbs news investigative podcast hosted by major garrett. it's called "agent of betrayal: the double life of robert hansen." fbi agent robert hansen was one of the most damaging spies in u.s. history. for decades, he passed classified information to russian intelligence. episodes are available thursday wherever you get your podcasts. and that's tonight's "cbs evening news." for norah o'donnell, i'm john dickerson. good night. ♪ ♪ kerson. good night. ♪ ♪ will we see the ships or an airshow? more answers tonight about fleet week, the promise from organizers even if the government does shut down. we're also looking at the impact of the shutdown around the bay area, including our local parks. it's not just government workers who may be sent home. >> if they had no rangers here available to guide us and watch and monitor our work, we wouldn't be able to do this good, valuable nonprofit activity. plus a rescue turned recovery mission after a utility worker gets trapped underground after a trench collapse in san francisco. the signature gathering can begin, the major step forward in the effort to recall alameda county d.a. pamela price. and nothing beats a refreshing cold brew, but warming temperatures mean ingredients for beer can be tougher to find. >> beer is an agricultural-type product and agriculture is very much affected by climate change. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening to you. i'm elizabeth cook in for juliette tonight. the clock is ticking. lawmakers on capitol hill only have two more days to come to a funding deal before the u.s. government comes to a grinding halt. from national parks to federal offices, we'll certainly see the impacts here in the bay area. there are also some big questions about the impact on fleet week, which is a huge deal for the city. tonight we're the first to

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Nicole Sganga Reports Billingsley , 26 , Charges , Train Station , Last Night , The First , 11 , 30 , 00 , 32 , Building , Signs , Blunt Force Trauma , Questions , Apartment Building , Case , Fact , Entry , Sentencing Laws , Maryland , Credits , Behavior , Rapists , Sexual Assault , 2015 , 16 , Place , Law , Streets , Little , Criminal , Sentence , Rape , Arson , West Baltimore , Failure , Superstar , Terms , Death , Systematic , Ways , Tech Community , Investigators , Cases , Justice , Crimes , , Individual , Equity , Connections , Estate , Drug Trafficking Mill , Takedown , Nicole Sganga , Warning , Recovery , Fentanyl , Lilia Luciano , Law Enforcement Officers , Suitcase , Subway , 40 , Powder , Times , Hair , Surroundings , Services , Juan Gabriel Herrera Vargas , 42 , Officers , Drug Mill , Value , Doses , Total , 5 Million , 1 5 Million , A Million , Drugs , Location , Envelopes , Trash Bags , Stamps , Windows , I 95 , 95 , Mills , Law Enforcement , Everywhere , Children , Distribution Networks , Fentanyl Poisoning , Three , Harm , Trafficker , Flight Risk , Guard , Possession , Bail , Rikers Island , Soldier , Testing , Army , North Korea , The Army , Travis King , Texas , 23 , Biden Today , Answer , Health , Message , Border , 2024 , Threats , Happening , Broadside Attack , America Now , Something , Battleground State Of Arizona , Minus Trump , Ed O Keefe , Extremist Movement , Beliefs , Maga Movement , People , Press , Opponent , Swing State , Violence , Rhetoric , Enemy , Arizona , Mark Milley , Trump , General , Treason , Silence , Majority , Attacks , Chief Of Staff , Corrupt , Mr , Incompetent , Challengers , Michigan , Afar , Anybody , Record , Things , Action , Rivals , Vp , Group , Absence , Sides , Person , Can T , Shouting Match , Donald Duck , Cbs News , Glenn Youngkin , Bit , Candidate , Donors , Big Money , Virginia , Weather , Thank You , Elections , Benefactors , The Party , Decision , Flood , Rain , Remnants , Evening , Partners , Risk , Effect , Half , Weather Channel , Foot , Details , New York Metro Area , Chris Warren , Tropical Storm Ophelia , East Coast , Flash Flooding , Northeast , Somewhere , Potential , Green , Yellow , Moisture , System , Lot , Fire Hose , Heavy Rain , Sunrise , Rain Continuing , Areas , Couple , News , Protest , Albuquerque , Photo , Looting , Statue , Newspaper Photographer , Businesses , Damage , Gun , Installation , Losses , Business Owners , Ryan Martinez , Philadelphia , Eight , Owner , Thousands , Beauty Supply Store , Merchandise , Wigs , Wave , Haiti , 50 , Company , Flyer Policy , Program , Turbulence , Jo Ling Kent , Passengers , Fliers , Outrage , Course , Modifications , Credit Card Perks , Mistake , Ed Bastian , Credit Card , Sky Clubs , Moves , Popular , Holders , 75000 , 5000 , Count , Status , Visits , Customers , Tickets , Control , Amount , Rules , Declaration Of War , Credit Cards , Profits , Lounge , 700 , Card , Bang , Experts , Cash , Miles , Elite Status , Headline , Borrowing Money , Buck , Thigh , Cost , Home , Alaska , Rival Airlines Jetblue , Th Mortgage , Inflation , Mortgage Rates , Interest Rates , Double , Wake , Pandemic , Nation , Central Bank , 7 3 , Regulators , Rocker , You Knknow , Parents , Parenents , Baby , Ng Receca , Strtraight Aheaead , Swipe , To O Work , Lilisten , Yourur Deodorantt Jujust , Ususe , Aluminum Frf , Anand Shoulderers , Secret H , Ininstead , Secret Wororks , Ohhh Yesesss , Just Maskining , Elimiminate , Lalater , Smell Fresesh , Didn T Work , Diets , M Michael , Golo , Ohhh Yesesss Ii , 70 , High School Weight , Bebelieves In N , Popowl Pain , Mamakers , Corners Thatat , Pepeeling , Yeaears , Relief Patctches , Sasalonpas , Continuouss Imimprovement T Lilike Roundeded , 89 , Es , Skin , Treat T , Sisizes , D , Yoyour Pain , Taking Itit , Actctive Ingrededients , Gooood Medicinene , Daily Mois , Waway , Withth An Arrayy , Salonpnpas , Naturalal , Aveveeno , Nose , Save , Hoursrs , Frorom Harm , Foformulated W , It S Clinicalllly , M Moistururize , Puffs Plplus Lotionn , Alalarm , Nourisish , Prebioiotic Oat , Avaveeno , Theo S , 24 , T Tiktok , Puffs S , O , Website , Brinings Soothining R Dodon T , Momore Lotion , Winter Nonose , Buburned Byby , Neneed Deservevs , Puffs Indedeed , Lotioion Tis , Mymy Hou , Sh , Growining Up , Ititch , Experiencee Wiwith , Foror Diy , Titiktok , Ofof , Fantasticc Plplatform , Everery Me , Likee , Goat Mimilk Soap , It Kindada , Light Bulblb , B Business , Iw , Mind , I Woululd Ve T , You Yoy , Me T Three Yearsrs , Intoto A Separatate Building , Youou D Hahave , Recall , Rockers , Rocker Bassinets , Strangulation , Babies , Injuries , Consumer Alerts , Officials , 5 , Cantaloupes , Walmart , Salmonella Contamination , Alert , Eagle Produce , 6500 , Cast Member , Illnesses , Movies , September 5th , Beloved , Fda , Michael Gambn , Next , 16th , 19 , C , Cough , Couldld Permanentntly Damamage My Lungngs , Cougugh , Flare Upss , Toto , Fufunction Impmpr , Flflare Upups , It Helpeped Improve E , Thingsgs , Breztri , Brezeztri , Stararting Withihin , Betttter Breathihing , My Symp , Brereztri , Doctctor , Hos , Including G , H , Suddenen Breathingng Problemsms , Asthmama , You Ua Heheart Conditition , Thatat Cocould , Morore Good Dayays , Rerescue Inhalaler , Breztri I Won T Replplace , Pressusure Beforere , Dr , G Give Prprevagen , Ththey Don T Stop A , Doctor , Medicat , Thanan Prescribebed , P Pneumonia , Vin Changes , Takeke Breztri , Chesest Pain , Brezeztri May Inincrease , Worsd Breathing , Momouth , Ofof Thrush , D Osteopororosis , Problelems Urinatiting , Tongue Swelelling , Eye Papain Occ , Asask , Dococtor , O Help , Responders , Onlnly , Astrtrazeneca Mamay , Who , Workeres Whwho , T Br , Oror Farmers , Build Ouour Towns , 0 , 90 , Effort , Wiwith , Luck Findnding , Assembled D , Business O Owner , Whwhy , F 15050 Engine Roroaring , Americaca , Goodod , Thatat , Ford , Roads , Half W , Ford Trurucks , F S , 15050 , 10000 , 80 , Feeling G , Sign Ththat , On America , Canan Help , Bebecause , Bubut , Littlele , Metamucill Eveveryday , Digesestive , Systetem Isisn T At Itsts Best , Alalso , Sugar , Level , Wastete Ththat , Metamumucil , Lightetr , Lighghten , Lowewer Cholesteterol , Healththy Blood Susugar , Trapap , Removeve , Psylyllium Fiber Gegels , Way Y , Way , Anyny Iphone , O One , Thins , Fiber , Ith , Titanium , Jasonon , Sean , Bubusted Up Ththing , Digestive Health Try Metamucil , Wish Foror , Youuuuuuu , Ono , 15 , Trtrade , Ship P , Birthday P Parties , Come O On Hon , Plan , Boy , Ip , P , Iphone Anat Ththe , Jason , Pro O On , Ii Don T Hahave , Lelet S Go G Get , Verizizon , Isis , Anyny , Stealiling Wishess From T The Birthdaday , Thehe , We E Go , Jasason , Anan Amazing N Nk , Seaean , Yup , Pro O , Condidition , Tensnse Music , Magic , Dayo , Iphohone , Relief F Aleve , Unininterrupted Papain , Ononly On Veririzon , Houours , 12 , T Try Alevex , Fast Topicical Painin Relief , Albus Dumbledore , Heart Ache , Hogwarts , Happiness , Career , Pneumonia , Darkest , Awards , Irish , 60 , 50th Anniversary , World , Calling Gambon Brilliant , Tribute , Costar , Wizard , Daniel Radcliffe , 82 , Tonigight , My Antididepressant T Vrvraylar Helplped , Itit A , Substantil Impactct , Help P , Antideprpressant , Symptoms , Better Ththan , Paties Hahave , Antidedepressant , Clinicacally Provenen , Vrarar Clininical Stu , Increasased Ririsk , Elderlrly Dementiaia , Behavior O , Confusion , Muscl , Repoport Unusualal Changesn , Suicidalal Thou , Anantidepressasants , Musclele Movementsts , Lilife Threatetening , Report Fevever , Deatath , Childreren , Which May Y Be Permanenent , High B Blood Sugarar , Stroko , Yoyoung Adultsts , Uncontrolleled , Didndn T , Anand Fatigue E , Toto Change My T Treatment Ii , Coma , Dizziness , Which H , Rerestlessnessss Arare Common , Hihigh Choleststerol May Y , Sidede , Deaeath , Weightht Gain , Side Effectc , Slsleep Issu , Movementnt Dysfunctition , Increaseded Appe , Weweeks , Stomomach , C Co , Lift , You Savave , Ask Abouout Vraylar , Len How W Abbvie , Drill Mud D , Weatathertech Hahas Everythingng , Measasured Floororlin , Seseat Protectctors , You Need D Order , Wawater Repellllent , To O Our , Smoky Beggin , Yours Todaday , Weatherertech Com , Meaty Beggin , Tasty Beggin , E Ultimate P Protection , Hamlet , I Love You , Yoyour Vehiclele , Shrimp , Pizza Flavor , Pizza , Flavor Drop , Choices , Dogs , Seven , Memory , C City , Fun Dining , Police Administrator , Caronon , My Namame , Shararp , Red Lobster , Brorooklyn , Newk , 20 , You K , Shar , Tape , I Didn T Want To B , Peoplele , Knknow , My Memorory , Fourur Years Nowow , Taking P Prevagn , Beeeen , Everery , Stores , H Head , Withouout A Prescrcription , He S Rigight , Will C , Meme , Shampooo Yoyou , Everye , Shououlders , Flakeses , Ininez , Backck , My Regulalar , Prevagen , Rigight , You U , Onlyly , Sesee Flakes , Flakes , Keep Thehe Microbess Ththat , E Ingredientnts , Troroy , B Microbes , No Itchineness , Drdryness , Yourur Scalp L Little Rascsc , It Dancing G , N , W , Dupixentnt , Hehe , My Passssion , Therere , Please E Travavel , Tiny Troyoy , Besest , Makeke , Little Helelp , Modederate , Ececzema , Itit Hasn T Bebeen Easy , Staying Ahehead , Occucur , Pains , Eye Papain , Noticeceably Less S , Visision Changeges , Stop , Aboutw , Inclcluding Blururred Visionon , Wororsening Eyeye Probl , Don T Change , Tellll , Allelergic Reactcts , Cacan Be Se , Cleaearer Skn , Suchch , Joint T Aches , Asththma Medicinines , Pararasitic Infnfection , Dut John Finally , Tatalking , Jazz Musicians , Jazz Musicians Inspi John , Generation , Hip Hop Artists , Story , Fa John , Music History , Stars , Photo Shoot , Jericka Duncan , Harlem , 1998 , Brother , Artists , Superstars , Fat Joe , Front Row , Elbows , Rap Legends , Rakim , Busta Rhymes , Rap S First Afro Latino , 177 , 25 , Art Kane , Spot , The World , 57 , 1958 , Xxl , Jazz , Homage , Image , Genius , Gordon Parks , History , Picture , Editor In Chief , Sheena Lester , 86 , Music Genre Born Out , Counting , Struggle , Multibillion Dollar Industry , Robert Hansen , Agent , Life , Betrayal , Major Garrett , Investigative Podcast , Fbi , Podcasts , Classified Information , Spies , Episodes , Cbs Evening News , U S History , Russian Intelligence , Norah O Donnell , Ships , Kerson , Impact , Bay Area , Airshow , Organizers , Promise , Rangers , Fleet Week , Good , We Wouldn T , Watch , Rescue , Valuable Nonprofit Activity , Recovery Mission , Nothing , Utility Worker , Step , Signature Gathering , Alameda County , Trench Collapse , San Francisco , D A , Pamela , Beer , Ingredients , Product , Agriculture , Climate Change , Warming Temperatures , Cold Brew , Ticking , Funding Deal , Juliette Tonight , Lawmakers , Juliette Goodrich , Elizabeth Cook , To , Deal , Offices , Impacts , Halt ,

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