Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

busiest travel weekends of the air. >> delta 79 or emergency aircraft. >> major: plus, the scary moments above a new york bound delta flight. >> new police body cam video of the moments leading up to a deadly shooting. a21-year-old pregnant woman, ta'kiya young. shot and killed by an officer. ♪ ♪ >> covid is making a comeback. now some hospitals are reinstating mask mandates. >> people think considering their personal risk or severe disease. ♪ ♪ >> two more members of the far right proud boys sentenced today for their part in the capitol attack. >> victory. >> dominic pezzola received a 10-year prison sentence. >> major: hawaii's governor says the number of people unaccounted for from the wildfires may drop from nearly 400 to 50 as though maui mayor defends his actions. >> i should have offered more in my comments about what occurred on the day of the disaster. ♪ ♪ >> we are bunker down with ukrainian troops not far from the eastern front lines. >> ukraine's army is using controversial cluster munitions supplied by the united states to help push back russian forces. ♪ ♪ >> 85-year-old doris caldwell holds one of the least glamorous, most physically challenging jobs in the hospital. >> her aura is something you want to be around. i've never heard her give a single complaint. >> she is just amazing lady. >> i just dream of helping people, and that dream is still going on. ♪ ♪ >> major: good evening, everyone. thank you for joining us. i am major garrett in for norah. we begin with the labor day travel rush in. americans are packing the nation's airports on hitting the road to mark, i know, the unofficial end of summer. more than 148 million americans will leave home, according to one survey, making this one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. while most americans will be driving, the tsa said it expects more than 14 million flyers through tuesday. aaa says today will be one of the worst days to get behind the wheel because it will be one of the busiest vehicle the best day to drive? well, that will be sunday, with little or no traffic expected. aaa also says the most popular destinations are seattle, orlando, anchorage, new york city, and las vegas. we have a lot of news to get you tonight and cbs's kris van cleave will start us off from los angeles international airport. kris, good evening. >> reporter: major, it has already been the busiest summer travel season on record, amber tsa expects to get an 11% bump this later date compared to last year. people flying today are finding very few cancellations but some weather-related delays, and there were some high-flying drama overseas. scary moments on delta flight 79 bound for new york today, moments after taking off from prague. >> delta 79, emergency aircraft engine fail, we will call you back, we would like to straighten it out. >> reporter: you can see black smoke blowing from one of the engines in the boeing 767. 208 passengers on board. the flight landed safely. closer to home, labor day weekend traffic was building early in los angeles, and flyers found crowds at lax. aaa says international bookings are up 44% over last year. brianna williams is headed to mexico. how excited are you? >> we are excited because we definitely need a vacation. >> reporter: players to europe are averaging about $1130, that is higher than pre-pandemic, but domestic flights are 11% cheaper than last year, according to airfare tracker hopper. >> for labor day weekend, travelers are getting the best value for their dollar, headed to bigger cities, like new york city, las vegas, and miami. >> reporter: jessica oliver and her three little kids are headed to maui for her husband's birthday. the island has been losing millions of tourism dollars since the deadly fires. >> we decided to support the economy there, and we are going for my husband's 40th. >> reporter: some 57% of americans say they will be traveling for labor day. most will drive and are finding gas prices about the same as last year, averaging around $33.82 a gallon. scott and brittany clayton are driving to their honeymoon. >> first off, being married, whatever the expenses, we will just pay it. >> reporter: aaa thinks part of what is driving this record travel is people's desire to make up for trips they didn't take during the pandemic and flexible work situations that allow people to more easily stretch a three-day weekend into four or five days. major? >> major: kris van cleave, thank you so much. for a check on the forecast including the return of some record heat this holiday weekend, let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes from our partners at the weather channel. mike, good evening. >> major, good evening pure even though idalia is long gone, we still may be dealing with some y weekend including a rip current danger along the eastern seaboard with a moderate to hybrid current danger, all the way down through south florida. encourage only to swim at lifeguard beaches through the holiday we can. the theme will be hot record record-setting temperature. 97 degrees, 99 in dallas, scattered storms along the gulf coast and then in the west, as well. 69 is seattle, 100 bismarck, 97n chicago, forecast along i-95, blazing hot 98 record-setting degrees in washington, d.c. we will do 89 in atlanta, and for minneapolis, get this, major, 101 on sunday, the first 101-degree day of the year. >> major: welcome to the heat dome. mike bettes, thank you. authorities in ohio today released the body cam video of a fatal police shooting your columbus of a 21-year-old pregnant woman. cbs's nancy chen reports a lawyer representing the family says the footage shows a "gross misuse of power and authority." >> out of the car appeared out of the car. >> reporter: newly-released police body camera footage shows 21-year-old ta'kiya young, a pregnant woman, repeatedly being told by two police officers to get out of her car last week. >> out of the car. >> why? >> reporter: young, who was suspected of shoplifting alcohol at a nearby grocery store, refuses to exit her vehicle. >> they said you stole stuff. do not leave. get out of the car. then get out. no. >> reporter: moments later, young slowly accelerates toward an officer. >> get out of the car. >> reporter: he then fires once, hitting her in the chest. the officers chased the car as it rolls into a wall and immediately begin medical assistance. young was later pronounced dead at a hospital. her baby did not survive. blendon township police chief john belford has placed the unidentified officer who filed the shot on administered aleve pending an investigation. piping order to get out of the car more than a dozen times, she refused to do so. >> justification. i saw a young woman get killed. >> reporter: attorney shonda brown says the young family watched the video and is demanding an indictment of the officers. >> we are obviously upset and devastated by watching this video. >> reporter: nancy chen, cbs news, new york. >> major: tonight, a one-time leader of the far right extremist group the proud boys has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for his role in the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol. prosecutors said ethan nordean was the undisputed leader of the group that day as they tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power following the 2020 election. 18 years ties the record for the longest sentence for those convicted in a january 6th assault. the man in this video smashing a capital window with a police riot shield was also sentenced today. proud boys member dominic pezzola got ten years for his role in the attack. tonight, covid cases are on the rise nationwide and hospitalizations are up nearly 20% in the last month. cbs's elaine quijano reports of a combination of a highly-contagious variant, kids heading back to school, and increased holiday travel has >> reporter: covid is making a comeback, just in time for holiday travel. >> i have not yet had covid. i am a comorbidity kid, and so i am careful. >> reporter: with cases on the rise, some retailers are running out of tests. walgreens tells cbs news "we are seeing greater demand, which may cause temporary and isolated shortages." in los angeles, cases have doubled in the last month, with nursing homes hit hard. >> there have only been a few times in the past year and a half when we saw this many new outbreaks in skilled nursing facilities, and these were during the previous summer and winter surges. >> reporter: in new jersey, one in four nursing homes are reporting an outbreak. dr. william schaffner specializes in infectious diseases at vanderbilt university medical center in nashville. how concerned should we be? >> well, i think we ought to take note of it because there has been some spillover into hospitalizations. >> reporter: some hospitals are reinstating mask mandates. >> people who are older, who have underlying chronic medical conditions, who are immune compromised, and who are pregnanant. yoyou want toto get thosese mas. >> reporter: the cdc says the new covid booster will be available in a few weeks. >> this is a nasty, stinky vi virus. your protection will, over time, diminish, so even if you have had covid in the past, once this new booster becomes available, you should get it. >> reporter: health officials are keeping a close eye on a new variant. the cdc says ba.2 .86 is responsible for less than 1% of covid cases nationwide, but it has dozens of mutations that could make it better at evading immunity from both vaccines in previous infections. major? >> major: with an important update, elaine quijano, we thank you. new details tonight on the manhunt for an escaped killer near philadelphia. authorities say danelo cavalcante may be trying to get to mexico and back to brazil, where he is originally from. a $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading to his capture. he has been on the run since thursday morning. he was convicted just weeks ago of murdering his ex-girlfriend. weeks after maui's deadly wildfires, there are still unanswered questions about the government's failed response before and after the fires began. cbs's jonathan vigliotti sat down with the governor and pressed for answers. >> reporter: as the sun rose over hawaii, people came together for a day of healing. >> this is a time where a tragedy has occurred. people should be accountable for whatever their part was, and then if there is any way we can decrease people suffering going forward, we should do it. >> reporter: while communities mourn, demands for accountability are growing after residents were left to fend for themselves as lahaina burnt. >> just go! >> reporter: three weeks later, maui county mayor richard bisson relieved this video defense amid calls for his resignation. >> i want to repeat i have been present in our emergency operating center since august 7th. >> reporter: while he said he had access to emergency radio traffic at the time, he did not offer an explanation for this statement he made as the town burned. >> i am not going to report that the road is open to and from lahaina. >> reporter: it is unclear what led to the breakdown in communication. >> i became aware of fatalities in the morning of august 9th. the realization that we had lost lives. was devastating. >> reporter: hawaiian governor josh green. is it time for the mayor to resign? what are your thoughts? >> my first thoughts are we should really get to all of the facts, whatever they may be, good or bad. that is a deeply personal discussion for any mayor and his or her constituents to have. >> reporter: where they asleep at the wheel? >> i don't know if i should use those words. >> reporter: if you wouldn't use those words, what words would you use? >> a tragic natural disaster that, if other decisions were made, it is possible that we wouldn't have had such loss. >> reporter: meanwhile, the mayor's address last night did little to ease calls for him to step down, and now tonight the paper of record here in the state writing, "confidence in the government is eroding, and maui leaders must provide answers." major? >> major: asking key questions, jonathan vigliotti. thank you. turning now to the economy, employers added 187,000 jobs in august, but the unemployment rate rising from 3.5% to 3.8%. one of the biggest losses was in the film, tv, and music industry, which shed 17,000 jobs due to the ongoing strikes in hollywood. at the white house, national security spokesman john kirby said ukraine's forces have made notable progress in their offensive against heavily-entrenched russian troops in the south. cbs's debora patta traveled to the eastern front lines for a rare look at the use of cluster munitions supplied by the united states. >> reporter: we are heading to a secret hideout deep in this forest near lyman. we are bunker down with ukrainian troops not far from the eastern front line where russia is putting them under intetense pressurere in a bid to stretch their r resources.. moscow wants to force ukrkraineo bolster its defense here by siphoning off soldiers from its counteroffensive in the south. >> a couple of weeks... >> reporter: outnumbered and outgunned, commander simon solatenko and the men of the bogun brigade have been up all night, fending off another russian assault. >> we have to keep on fighting, or we die. >> reporter: holding the line? >> we are holding on the line. it is difficult. i cannot see our morale is on the top, but we are standing. >> reporter: one thing that is making a difference are these: the controversial u.s.-supplied cluster munitions, which sometimes failed to explode, endangering civilians long after the war is over. the auxiliary commander musikant says they are magical because they can cover a wide area using only one shell appeared he directs a strike from their control room, russian positions are in the firing line. one cluster. one shot is the order. "understood," replies the gunner in the field. will for these men, the moral dilemma of using a weapon banned in most countries is simply not up for debate. and these soldiers tell us it is very low, claiming it is a most 100% successful, major? >> debora patta, thank you. there is an important recalled productote for parents of young g children.. whatat you neeeed to o know. that's n next. ask abouout vraylar.r. because e you are grgreater than y your bipolalar 1, and you u can help t take cocontrol of y your symptots - with vraraylar. some mededicines onlnly tt the e lows or hihighs. vraylalar treats d depressiv, acacute manic,c, and mixed d episodes o of bipolar 1 1 in adults.s. provoven, full-s-spectrum rerf for all l bipolar 1 1 sympt. and in vraraylar clinicalal studie, most sawao susubstantial l impt onon weight. elelderly demementia patieies have incncreased risisk ofof death or r stroke. cacall your dodoctor aboutt ununusual chananges in behehar or s suicidal ththoughts. anantidepressasants can inince these e in childreren anand young adadults. repoport fever, , stiff muscss or confufusion whicich may meanan a life-threaeatening reaeac, or unconontrollablee musclele movementsts which mamay be permamanent. highgh blood sugugar, which n lead to o coma or dedeath, weigight gain anand high cholesesterol may y occur. movemement dysfuncnction anand restlessssness are commmmon side efeffects. sleepipiness and s stomach isss arare also comommon. siside effectsts may not a apr for seseveral l weeks. ask abouout vraylr anand learn hohow abbe could hehelp you sa. ♪ohoh♪ ♪ththen you takake me by ththe♪ ♪♪i feel betetter againn♪ ♪♪oh i feeeel better n now♪ ththe pandemicic may be ovov, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. my cpa told me i wowouldn't quaualify fofor the erc c tax refundn, so i calalled innovatition refundsds. their team of f independet tax attornrneys will work k with your cpa to deterermine if your comompany is eleligi. [w[whip sound]d] take the f first step p to sef yoyour small b business ququal. >> major: now this consumer alert. tomy is recalling 83,000 boon flair and flair elite high highchairs. two dozen infants have fallen from these highchairs come and about half suffered bruises or scratches. federal regulators say the bolt used to secure the suit can come loose, causing it to fall. sold in 2008 and 2009 and flare models sold between 2008 and february of 2017. they can contact the company for a free repair kit. taylor swift scares the new exorcist movie from its friday the 13th release date. ththat is comiming up next. in m my ozempicc® tri-zonon, i lolowered my a a1c, cv ris, and lost s some weightht. in studieses, the majority o of people reached d an a1c undnder 7 anand maintainined it. ozemempic® lowowers the rirk of majoror cardiovasascular evs such as ststroke, hearart atta, or deaeath in adulults alalso with knknown heart t di. and you u may lose w weight. adadults lost t up to 14 p po. ozozempic® i isn't fofor peoe with typype 1 diabetetes. don't share neneedles or p pe, oror reuse neeeedles. don't take ozezempic® if you or r your familily evever had mededullary ththyroid cancncer, oror have multltiple endococe neneoplasia sysyndrome typyp, oror if allergrgic to it.. stopop ozempic® and get medical l help rightht away if you getet a lump or swelllling in youour neck, sevevere stomachch pain, or n allelergic reactction. serious siside effectsts may ininclude pancncreatitis.. gallbladadder problelems may oc. tell y your providider about v n problems o or changes.s. tataking ozempmpic® with h a sulfononylurea or r insulin mamay increasese low blood sugagar risk. side effffects like e nausea, vomitingng, and diarrhrhea may leaead to dehehydration,, whicich may worsrsen kidneyey problems.s. join t the millionons already taking ozempmpic®. asask your heaealth care p pror ababout the ozozempic® t tri-. 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[sneeze]e] (♪♪♪) astepro alallergy, steroioid free allllergy relif thatat starts woworking in 30 0 minutes, whwhile other r allergy sprarays take hohours. wiwith asteproro's unbeatataby fast allllergy relieief you u can asteprpro and go!! ma, , ma, ma— ( clclears throaoat ) for fastst sore throroat rel, try vickcks vapocoolol drop. withth two timeses momore mentholol per drop,p, anand powerfulul vicks vapaps to vapororize sore t throat p. vivicks vapococool drops.. vaporizeze sore throroat pa. >> major: producers of the upcoming sequel "the exorcist: believer" are believers in the power of taylor swift. >> welcome to the eras tour. >> major: spooked by the prospect of opening head-to-head against the pop superstars eras tour movie, the sequel to the classic horror movie "the exorcist" will debut a week earlier. the ticket presales, the swift move he has swiftly raked in a . as the producer of "the exorcist" posted, "look what you made me do." "on the road" is next, with a celebratation o of the labor ons labor dayy weekend.. immigratioion experienence and whatat life mustst have been l like for ththem. and as i p pass it onn to my y daughter,, it's an n important t part of undererstanding w who we. (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here and as i p pass it onn with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. my cpa told me i wowouldn't quaualify fofor the erc c tax refundn, so i calalled innovatition refundsds. their team of f independet tax attornrneys will work k with yourr cpcpa to deterermine if your comompany is eleligi. [w[whip sound]d] take the f first step p to sef yoyour small b business ququal. ththe pandemicic may be ovov, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. ♪ i it's ththe most wononderl time o of the yearar ♪ ♪ nonon-drowsy c claritin knococks out symymptoms from o over 200 alallergens. wiwithout knococking you o o. feel thehe clarity and d make todayay the e most wondederful timee ofof the year.r. live c claritin clclear. okay e everyone, o our missions cocomplete balalanced nutrtri. together w we provide e nutries to supupport immunune, muscscle, bone,, and heheart healthth. yaaay! wowoo hoo! ensusure with 2525 vitamimins and mininerals anand ensure c complete with 30 0 grams of protetein. ♪ inez, , let me asksk you, you're u using headd anand shoulderers, right?? only whehen i see flflakes. ththen i switctch back to my y regular shshampoo you shshould use i it every wa, otheherwise the e flakes will come e back. hehe's right, , you know.. is that titiny troy? the ingrgredients in h head and shshoulders kekeep the micicrobes that c cause flakekes at bay. micrcrobes, realally? theyey're alwaysys on your scacalp...littltle rasca. but t good news,s, ththere's no i itchiness,, drynesess or flakekes down he! i love tininy troy. he's t the best. make evevery wash cocount! littttle help, p please. i was s stuck. unresolvlved depressssion sympts were i in my way.. i neededed more frfrom my antitidepressantn. vraylar hehelped givive it a li. adding vraraylar to an anantidepressasant... clininically proroven to help rerelieve overall dedepression s symptom. .....better ththan an antidepresessant alonene. and in v vraylar clinical s studies, momost saw no o substantl impapact on weigig. elderly y dementia p patients have incncreased risksk of death h or stroke. report ununusual changnges in behavior o or suicidalal thoug. antitidepressantnts cacan increasese these inin children n and young g ad. report fevever, stiff f muscl, or confufusion, as thesese may be life-t-threateningng, or unconontrolled musclele movementsts, which mamay be permamanent. highgh blood sugugar, whwhich can lelead to comaa oror death, weweight gain,, anand high choholesterol may ococcur. movevement dysfufunction and reststlessness are e common sidide effects. stomacach and sleeeep issues, dizzininess, increreased appet, and fatitigue are alalso comm. sidede effects m may not apppr for severaral weeks. i didndn't have toto change my treatatment. i just g gave it a l lift. ask abouout vraylar r and lean how w abbvie could d help you s save. >> major: finally, tonight, cbs's steve hartman goes "on the road" to find the often-overlooked men and women who are the heartbeat of our nation. >> reporter: we set out this week to find someone who exemplifies the spirit of the american worker, and wound up here, in cleveland, tennessee, at tennova healthcare, where 85-year-old doris caldwell holds one of the least-glamorous, most physically challenging jobs in the hospital via >> hello! my name is doris. i am a housekeeping. can i come in and clean your floor? >> reporter: she has been at% this 50 years. >> okay, thank you. >> reporter: but what makes her special isn't just her longevity, or geniality, or even her flexibility. but could you bend over and touch her chose? >> you want to see me? >> reporter: instead, what makes doris remarkable is that cleaning rooms is and always has been her dream job. back in the '60s, doris used to pass by this hospital and say to herself, "i'm going to work there someday." she didn't care if it was as a doctor or a dishwasher. all she wanted was to play some role in making people better. >> dreaming of helping people, my dream is still going on. >> reporter: and her attitude still inspiring others. from the ceo... >> her aura is something you want to be around. >> reporter: to the doctors... >> i never heard or have a single complaint. >> reporter: to the maintenance crews viewed >> she just likes to work. >> reporter: everyone is stumped by her stamina. >> i asked her one time when she was when to retire, and she said, "no." [laughs] just "know." >> no. i think i would just dry up and fly away. [laughs] >> reporter: her vow to stay on is reassuring to everyone at tennova. except maybe this one nurse. >> because i don't think i can retire if she is still working. >> reporter: her daughter, sharon, has been here 44 years. she is stuck. but feels blessed to be so. >> she is just an amazing lady. >> reporter: this labor day, we celebrate all of those beautiful, inexhaustible american workers. those who cheerfully keep this country running. those who will enjoy monday, just not as much as tuesday. >> is there anything else i can do for you, sir? >> reporter: steve hartman, "on the road." >> you have a great day. >> reporter: in cleveland, tennessee. >> major: amazing indeed. and that is tonight's "cbs evening news." for norah o'donnell, i major garrett. good night, and ave a >> announcer: her bad puppy had more to learn. >> judge judy: you called him to come to your home in his capacity as a dog trainer? >> announcer: is it this owner who's in need of schooling? >> judge judy: he came to your house for about an hour. you wrote him a check? >> yes. >> judge judy: you subsequently canceled the check? >> he didn't train my dog at all. >> judge judy: nobody can guarantee that they can train a dog in one day. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution dog trainer russell avison is suing former client min zhao for canceling a check for his services. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 57 on the calendar in the matter of avison versus zhao. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. >> judge judy: i'm going to start with you, ms. zhao. what kind of a dog do you have? >> it's a mixed hybrid, american eskimo and australian shepherd. >> judge judy: how old is the dog? >> it just turned 1 year old. >> judge judy: and you were having some behavioral problems with him? >> yes. >> judge judy: what kind of behavioral problems? >> back in march, when i got home from work, i found out my backyard was trashed. the dog pluck out, you know, the plants, roots, and also chewed off the enclosure, the corner of the gas meter enclosure. >> judge judy: and he had never done that before? >> he did some things smaller.

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Way , Danger , Holiday , Moderate , Rip Current , South Florida , Eastern Seaboard , Lifeguard Beaches , Theme , Storms , West , Dallas , Gulf Coast , 100 , 69 , 97 , 99 , I 95 , 101 On Sunday , Washington D C , Chicago , Blazing Hot 98 , Atlanta , Minneapolis , Heat Dome , 101 , 98 , 89 , 95 , Power , Family , Authorities , Police , Body Cam Video , Authority , Lawyer , Thank You , Footage , Nancy Chen , Ohio , Columbus , Misuse , 21 , Car , Police Officers , Police Body Camera Footage , Childreren Anand Young Adadults , Grocery Store , Shoplifting Alcohol , Stuff , Officers , Assistance , Chest , Wall , Order , Times , John Belford , Investigation , Baby , Aleve , Blendon Township , Video , Justification , Indictment , Attorney Shonda Brown , Leader , Group , Role , Prison , Extremist , 18 , Prosecutors , Sentence , Transfer , January 6th , Ethan Nordean , 2020 , 6 , Assault , Capital , Man , Window , Police Riot Shield , Ten , Cases , Hospitalizations , Variant , Elaine Quijano Reports , Back To School , Holiday Travel , Combination , 20 , Comorbidity Kid , Rise , Retailers , Nursing Homes , Tests , Shortages , Demand , Walgreens , Outbreak , Outbreaks , Winter Surges , Skilled Nursing Facilities , Dr , New Jersey , William Schaffner , Half , It , Diseases , Note , Spillover , Vanderbilt University Medical Center , In Nashville , Cdc , Yoyou , Conditions , Toto , Thosese Mas , Pregnanant , Protection Will , Covid Booster , Nasty , Stinky Vi Virus , Health Officials , Booster , Eye , 1 , 2 , Dozens , Immunity , Vaccines , Infections , Mutations , Update , Details , Killer , Manhunt , Elaine Quijano , Danelo Cavalcante , Brazil , Reward , On The Run , Capture , Information , Philadelphia , 10000 , 0000 , Government , Questions , Response , Ex Girlfriend , Answers , Healing , Tragedy , The Sun Rose Over Hawaii , Jonathan Vigliotti Sat , Forward , Communities , Residents , Accountability , Lahaina Burnt , Calls , Resignation , Video Defense , Maui County , Emergency Operating Center , Richard Bisson , Statement , Emergency Radio Traffic , Town , Access , Explanation , Lahaina , August 7th , 7 , Josh Green , Thoughts , Communication , Realization , Lives , Led , Breakdown , Fatalities , August 9th , Discussion , Asleep At The Wheel , Bad , Constituents , Facts , Natural Disaster , Words , You Wouldn T , Decisions , Confidence , Estate , Leaders , Eroding , Loss , Paper , Writing , Last Night , Employers , Losses , Unemployment Rate , Jonathan Vigliotti , 3 8 , 3 5 , 187000 , Forces , Strikes , Tv , Film , Music Industry , Offensive , Progress , White House , Hollywood , John Kirby , National Security Spokesman , 17000 , South , Munitions , Debora Patta , Look , Use , Hideout , Line , R , Forest , Bid , Resources , Russia , Intetense Pressurere , Lyman , Moscow , Soldiers , Simon Solatenko , Counteroffensive , Defense , Ukrkraineo , Couple , Outgunned , Men , Fighting , Bogun Brigade , Thing , Difference , Top , Morale , Musikant , Strike , Area , War , Civilians , Shell , Positions , Will , Firing Line , Cluster , Control Room , Weapon , Gunner , Field , Dilemma , One Shot , Countries , Debate , Vraraylar , Productote , Cocontrol , Children , Take , Parents , Lows , That S N , Symptots , Bipolalar 1 , Ask Abouout Vraylar R Because E , Whatat You Neeeed To O Know , Mededicines Onlnly , Hihighs , C , Rerf , Episodes , Vraylalar , Onon Weight , Sympt , Vraraylar Clinicalal Studie , Bipolar 1 , Adults S Provoven , Depressiv , Acacute Manic , Sawao Susubstantial , Death , Stroke , Suicidal Ththoughts , Anantidepressasants , Confufusion Whicich May Meanan A Life Threaeatening Reaeac , Ununusual Chananges , Muscss , Incncreased Risisk Ofof , Elelderly Demementia Patieies , Cacall , Repoport Fever , Unconontrollablee Musclele Movementsts Which Mamay Be Permamanent , Dodoctor , Dedeath , Isss Arare , Apr , Siside Effectsts May , Anand High Cholesesterol May Y , Seseveral L , Which N , Highgh Blood Sugugar , Ask Abouout , Vraylr Anand , Weigight Gain , Anand Restlessssness , Movemement Dysfuncnction , Sleepipiness , Side Efeffects , Comommon , Hohow Abbe , Hehelp You Sa , Ththe , Ohoh Ththen , I Feeeel Better N , You Takake Me , Betetter Againn , F Death , Causes , Ststill , T Th , Heart Disesee , Riright , Fiveve , Mededullary Ththyroid Cancncer , Ththe Pandemicic , Unfortrtunately Cocov9 Isn T Going Anywywhere , Ovov , Facact , Fofor , Flu , Anand Covid , Er V , H Th , Covid 19 V Vaccines Ththis , Jujust , Soso , Bebecause , Lalatest , Covid 19 Vavaccines , Stayay Up To Datate , 1919 , 19 , Cpa , Comompany , Sound , Team , Eleligi , Erc C , Me I Wowouldn T Quaualify Fofor , Tax Refundn , Innovatition Refundsds , Deterermine , Tax Attornrneys Will Work K , F Independet , Flair , First Step P , Elite , Tomy , High Highchairs , Sef Yoyour , Business Ququal , Small B , Consumer Alert , 83000 , Highchairs , Suit , Regulators , Bruises , Infants , Scratches , Loose , Bolt , Taylor Swift , Company , Models , Flare , Kit , Repair , 2008 , 2009 , 2017 , February Of 2017 , Majority O , Ththat , Exorcist Movie , M My Ozempicc , Weightht , Studieses , Comiming Up Next , Anand Maintainined , Friday The 13th , Tri Zonon , I Lolowered My A A1c , Cv Ris , A1c Undnder , 13 , Weight , Adadults Lost T , Ozemempic , Adulults Alalso , Hearart Atta , P Pe , Ststroke , Or Deaeath , The Rirk , Majoror Cardiovasascular Evs , Lowowers , Knknown Heart T Di , Up To , Ozozempic , Oror Reuse Neeeedles , Typype 1 Diabetetes , Neneedles , P Po , I Isn T Fofor Peoe , 14 , Help , Lump , Swelllling , Stopop Ozempic , Allergrgic , Siside Effectsts , Familily Evever , Endococe Neneoplasia , Sysyndrome Typyp , Don T Take Ozezempic , Oror Have Multltiple , Allelergic Reactction , Sevevere Stomachch Pain , Youour Neck , Ininclude Pancncreatitis , Vn Problems O , Kidneyey Problems S Join T , Providider , Insulin , Changes S Tataking Ozempmpic , Mamay Increasese , Gallbladadder Problelems May Oc , Ha Sulfononylurea , Vomitingng , To Dehehydration , E Nausea , Diarrhrhea May Leaead , Whicich May Worsrsen , Side Effffects , Millionons , Money Manager , Clients , Fisher Investments , T Tri , Money Managers , Market , Aren T , Stocks , Portfolios , Strategies , Pror Ababout , Asask , Heaealth , Investments , Money , Commissions , Client , Commission Products , Interest , Fact , Fiduciary , Yep , Take Hohours , Sneeze , Astepro Alallergy , Wiwith Asteproro , Allllergy , Unbeatataby Fast Allllergy Relieief , Sprarays , Relif Thatat , Steroioid , 30 , 0 , Asteprpro , Ma , To Vapororize Sore T , Clclears Throaoat , Anand Powerfulul , Throat P Vivicks Vapococool , Fastst Sore Throroat Rel , Withth , Try Vickcks Vapocoolol Drop , Momore Mentholol , Vicks Vapaps , Vaporizeze Sore Throroat Pa , Producers , Sequel , Exorcist , Believer , Believers , Eras Tour , Ticket Presales , Horror Movie , Prospect , The Exorcist , Superstars Eras Tour Movie , Pop , Producer , Swift , Ip Pass It Onn , Ththem , Daughter , Undererstanding W , An N Important T Part , Immigratioion Experienence , Celebratation O Of The Labor Ons Dayy , Whatat Life Mustst , Shrimp , Vo , Flavor Drop , Choices , Fun Dining , Red Lobster , Seven , Yourr Cpcpa , O , D , C Claritin , Clarity , Todayay The E , Okay E , O Our Missions , Year R Live C , O Over , Knococks , Timee Ofof , Claritin Clclear , Wiwithout Knococking , Balalanced Nutrtri , Yearar Nonon , You O Feel Thehe , Wondederful , 200 , Vitamimins , Mininerals Anand Ensure C , Together W , Muscscle , Heheart Healthth , Ensusure , Nutries , Protetein , Bone , Yaaay , Wowoo Hoo , Inez , Supupport Immunune , 2525 , Head , Whehen , Hehe , Ingrgredients , Headd , Titiny Troy , Ththen I Switctch , Otheherwise The E Flakes , Shshampoo , Cause Flakekes At Bay , Flflakes , Anand Shoulderers , Wa , Shshoulders Kekeep , Us , Tininy Troy , Littttle , Best , Ththere , T Good News , Wash Cocount , Flakekes , Realally , Make Evevery , Micrcrobes , Scacalp , Littltle Rasca , Theyey , Drynesess , Clininically Proroven , Anantidepressasant , Antitidepressantn , Better Ththan , Ask Abouout Vraylar , Hehelped Givive , It A Li , Antidepresessant Alonene , Frfrom , Unresolvlved Depressssion Sympts , No O , Behavior O , Dementia P Patients , On Weigig , Report Ununusual Changnges , V Vraylar Clinical S Studies , Death H , Suicidalal Thoug , Antitidepressantnts Cacan Increasese , Incncreased Risksk , Momost , Substantl Impapact , Saw , Effects , Ad , Stiff F Muscl , Report Fevever , Musclele Movementsts , Comaa Oror , Inin Children N And Young G , Stomacach , Unconontrolled , Life T Threateningng , Which Mamay Be Permamanent , Weweight Gain , Whwhich , Movevement Dysfufunction , Thesese , May Ococcur , Anand High Choholesterol , Common Sidide , Dizzininess , Increreased Appet , Sleeeep Issues , Didndn T , Alalso Comm , Help You S Save , Toto Change My Treatatment , Sidede , Fatitigue , It Al Lift , Heartbeat , Women , Steve Hartman , Someone , Cleveland , Worker , Spirit , Tennova Healthcare , Tennessee , Housekeeping , Isn T , Floor , My Name , Geniality , Flexibility , Cleaning Rooms , Longevity , Dream Job , Doris Remarkable , Back , Care , Doctor , She Didn T , Dishwasher , 60 , Others , Doctors , Attitude , Ceo , Maintenance Crews , Stamina , Nurse , Vow , Sharon , Anything , Country Running , Inexhaustible American Workers , Those Beautiful , Judge Judy , Announcer , Cbs Evening News , Puppy , Sir , Major Garrett , Norah O Donnell , Ave , Owner , Dog Trainer , House , Schooling , Capacity , Need , Yes , Dog , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Nobody , Russell Avison , Services , Captions , Byrd , Min Zhao , Cbs Television Distribution , Ms , Kind , Parties , Case , Matter , Calendar , Hybrid , You Re Welcome , Avison Versus Zhao , Zhao , American Eskimo , Work , Problems , Behavioral Problems , Old , Australian Shepherd , Backyard , Enclosure , Things , Roots , Plants , Corner , Gas Meter Enclosure , Dog Pluck Out ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

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busiest travel weekends of the air. >> delta 79 or emergency aircraft. >> major: plus, the scary moments above a new york bound delta flight. >> new police body cam video of the moments leading up to a deadly shooting. a21-year-old pregnant woman, ta'kiya young. shot and killed by an officer. ♪ ♪ >> covid is making a comeback. now some hospitals are reinstating mask mandates. >> people think considering their personal risk or severe disease. ♪ ♪ >> two more members of the far right proud boys sentenced today for their part in the capitol attack. >> victory. >> dominic pezzola received a 10-year prison sentence. >> major: hawaii's governor says the number of people unaccounted for from the wildfires may drop from nearly 400 to 50 as though maui mayor defends his actions. >> i should have offered more in my comments about what occurred on the day of the disaster. ♪ ♪ >> we are bunker down with ukrainian troops not far from the eastern front lines. >> ukraine's army is using controversial cluster munitions supplied by the united states to help push back russian forces. ♪ ♪ >> 85-year-old doris caldwell holds one of the least glamorous, most physically challenging jobs in the hospital. >> her aura is something you want to be around. i've never heard her give a single complaint. >> she is just amazing lady. >> i just dream of helping people, and that dream is still going on. ♪ ♪ >> major: good evening, everyone. thank you for joining us. i am major garrett in for norah. we begin with the labor day travel rush in. americans are packing the nation's airports on hitting the road to mark, i know, the unofficial end of summer. more than 148 million americans will leave home, according to one survey, making this one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. while most americans will be driving, the tsa said it expects more than 14 million flyers through tuesday. aaa says today will be one of the worst days to get behind the wheel because it will be one of the busiest vehicle the best day to drive? well, that will be sunday, with little or no traffic expected. aaa also says the most popular destinations are seattle, orlando, anchorage, new york city, and las vegas. we have a lot of news to get you tonight and cbs's kris van cleave will start us off from los angeles international airport. kris, good evening. >> reporter: major, it has already been the busiest summer travel season on record, amber tsa expects to get an 11% bump this later date compared to last year. people flying today are finding very few cancellations but some weather-related delays, and there were some high-flying drama overseas. scary moments on delta flight 79 bound for new york today, moments after taking off from prague. >> delta 79, emergency aircraft engine fail, we will call you back, we would like to straighten it out. >> reporter: you can see black smoke blowing from one of the engines in the boeing 767. 208 passengers on board. the flight landed safely. closer to home, labor day weekend traffic was building early in los angeles, and flyers found crowds at lax. aaa says international bookings are up 44% over last year. brianna williams is headed to mexico. how excited are you? >> we are excited because we definitely need a vacation. >> reporter: players to europe are averaging about $1130, that is higher than pre-pandemic, but domestic flights are 11% cheaper than last year, according to airfare tracker hopper. >> for labor day weekend, travelers are getting the best value for their dollar, headed to bigger cities, like new york city, las vegas, and miami. >> reporter: jessica oliver and her three little kids are headed to maui for her husband's birthday. the island has been losing millions of tourism dollars since the deadly fires. >> we decided to support the economy there, and we are going for my husband's 40th. >> reporter: some 57% of americans say they will be traveling for labor day. most will drive and are finding gas prices about the same as last year, averaging around $33.82 a gallon. scott and brittany clayton are driving to their honeymoon. >> first off, being married, whatever the expenses, we will just pay it. >> reporter: aaa thinks part of what is driving this record travel is people's desire to make up for trips they didn't take during the pandemic and flexible work situations that allow people to more easily stretch a three-day weekend into four or five days. major? >> major: kris van cleave, thank you so much. for a check on the forecast including the return of some record heat this holiday weekend, let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes from our partners at the weather channel. mike, good evening. >> major, good evening pure even though idalia is long gone, we still may be dealing with some y weekend including a rip current danger along the eastern seaboard with a moderate to hybrid current danger, all the way down through south florida. encourage only to swim at lifeguard beaches through the holiday we can. the theme will be hot record record-setting temperature. 97 degrees, 99 in dallas, scattered storms along the gulf coast and then in the west, as well. 69 is seattle, 100 bismarck, 97n chicago, forecast along i-95, blazing hot 98 record-setting degrees in washington, d.c. we will do 89 in atlanta, and for minneapolis, get this, major, 101 on sunday, the first 101-degree day of the year. >> major: welcome to the heat dome. mike bettes, thank you. authorities in ohio today released the body cam video of a fatal police shooting your columbus of a 21-year-old pregnant woman. cbs's nancy chen reports a lawyer representing the family says the footage shows a "gross misuse of power and authority." >> out of the car appeared out of the car. >> reporter: newly-released police body camera footage shows 21-year-old ta'kiya young, a pregnant woman, repeatedly being told by two police officers to get out of her car last week. >> out of the car. >> why? >> reporter: young, who was suspected of shoplifting alcohol at a nearby grocery store, refuses to exit her vehicle. >> they said you stole stuff. do not leave. get out of the car. then get out. no. >> reporter: moments later, young slowly accelerates toward an officer. >> get out of the car. >> reporter: he then fires once, hitting her in the chest. the officers chased the car as it rolls into a wall and immediately begin medical assistance. young was later pronounced dead at a hospital. her baby did not survive. blendon township police chief john belford has placed the unidentified officer who filed the shot on administered aleve pending an investigation. piping order to get out of the car more than a dozen times, she refused to do so. >> justification. i saw a young woman get killed. >> reporter: attorney shonda brown says the young family watched the video and is demanding an indictment of the officers. >> we are obviously upset and devastated by watching this video. >> reporter: nancy chen, cbs news, new york. >> major: tonight, a one-time leader of the far right extremist group the proud boys has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for his role in the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol. prosecutors said ethan nordean was the undisputed leader of the group that day as they tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power following the 2020 election. 18 years ties the record for the longest sentence for those convicted in a january 6th assault. the man in this video smashing a capital window with a police riot shield was also sentenced today. proud boys member dominic pezzola got ten years for his role in the attack. tonight, covid cases are on the rise nationwide and hospitalizations are up nearly 20% in the last month. cbs's elaine quijano reports of a combination of a highly-contagious variant, kids heading back to school, and increased holiday travel has >> reporter: covid is making a comeback, just in time for holiday travel. >> i have not yet had covid. i am a comorbidity kid, and so i am careful. >> reporter: with cases on the rise, some retailers are running out of tests. walgreens tells cbs news "we are seeing greater demand, which may cause temporary and isolated shortages." in los angeles, cases have doubled in the last month, with nursing homes hit hard. >> there have only been a few times in the past year and a half when we saw this many new outbreaks in skilled nursing facilities, and these were during the previous summer and winter surges. >> reporter: in new jersey, one in four nursing homes are reporting an outbreak. dr. william schaffner specializes in infectious diseases at vanderbilt university medical center in nashville. how concerned should we be? >> well, i think we ought to take note of it because there has been some spillover into hospitalizations. >> reporter: some hospitals are reinstating mask mandates. >> people who are older, who have underlying chronic medical conditions, who are immune compromised, and who are pregnanant. yoyou want toto get thosese mas. >> reporter: the cdc says the new covid booster will be available in a few weeks. >> this is a nasty, stinky vi virus. your protection will, over time, diminish, so even if you have had covid in the past, once this new booster becomes available, you should get it. >> reporter: health officials are keeping a close eye on a new variant. the cdc says ba.2 .86 is responsible for less than 1% of covid cases nationwide, but it has dozens of mutations that could make it better at evading immunity from both vaccines in previous infections. major? >> major: with an important update, elaine quijano, we thank you. new details tonight on the manhunt for an escaped killer near philadelphia. authorities say danelo cavalcante may be trying to get to mexico and back to brazil, where he is originally from. a $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading to his capture. he has been on the run since thursday morning. he was convicted just weeks ago of murdering his ex-girlfriend. weeks after maui's deadly wildfires, there are still unanswered questions about the government's failed response before and after the fires began. cbs's jonathan vigliotti sat down with the governor and pressed for answers. >> reporter: as the sun rose over hawaii, people came together for a day of healing. >> this is a time where a tragedy has occurred. people should be accountable for whatever their part was, and then if there is any way we can decrease people suffering going forward, we should do it. >> reporter: while communities mourn, demands for accountability are growing after residents were left to fend for themselves as lahaina burnt. >> just go! >> reporter: three weeks later, maui county mayor richard bisson relieved this video defense amid calls for his resignation. >> i want to repeat i have been present in our emergency operating center since august 7th. >> reporter: while he said he had access to emergency radio traffic at the time, he did not offer an explanation for this statement he made as the town burned. >> i am not going to report that the road is open to and from lahaina. >> reporter: it is unclear what led to the breakdown in communication. >> i became aware of fatalities in the morning of august 9th. the realization that we had lost lives. was devastating. >> reporter: hawaiian governor josh green. is it time for the mayor to resign? what are your thoughts? >> my first thoughts are we should really get to all of the facts, whatever they may be, good or bad. that is a deeply personal discussion for any mayor and his or her constituents to have. >> reporter: where they asleep at the wheel? >> i don't know if i should use those words. >> reporter: if you wouldn't use those words, what words would you use? >> a tragic natural disaster that, if other decisions were made, it is possible that we wouldn't have had such loss. >> reporter: meanwhile, the mayor's address last night did little to ease calls for him to step down, and now tonight the paper of record here in the state writing, "confidence in the government is eroding, and maui leaders must provide answers." major? >> major: asking key questions, jonathan vigliotti. thank you. turning now to the economy, employers added 187,000 jobs in august, but the unemployment rate rising from 3.5% to 3.8%. one of the biggest losses was in the film, tv, and music industry, which shed 17,000 jobs due to the ongoing strikes in hollywood. at the white house, national security spokesman john kirby said ukraine's forces have made notable progress in their offensive against heavily-entrenched russian troops in the south. cbs's debora patta traveled to the eastern front lines for a rare look at the use of cluster munitions supplied by the united states. >> reporter: we are heading to a secret hideout deep in this forest near lyman. we are bunker down with ukrainian troops not far from the eastern front line where russia is putting them under intetense pressurere in a bid to stretch their r resources.. moscow wants to force ukrkraineo bolster its defense here by siphoning off soldiers from its counteroffensive in the south. >> a couple of weeks... >> reporter: outnumbered and outgunned, commander simon solatenko and the men of the bogun brigade have been up all night, fending off another russian assault. >> we have to keep on fighting, or we die. >> reporter: holding the line? >> we are holding on the line. it is difficult. i cannot see our morale is on the top, but we are standing. >> reporter: one thing that is making a difference are these: the controversial u.s.-supplied cluster munitions, which sometimes failed to explode, endangering civilians long after the war is over. the auxiliary commander musikant says they are magical because they can cover a wide area using only one shell appeared he directs a strike from their control room, russian positions are in the firing line. one cluster. one shot is the order. "understood," replies the gunner in the field. will for these men, the moral dilemma of using a weapon banned in most countries is simply not up for debate. and these soldiers tell us it is very low, claiming it is a most 100% successful, major? >> debora patta, thank you. there is an important recalled productote for parents of young g children.. whatat you neeeed to o know. that's n next. ask abouout vraylar.r. because e you are grgreater than y your bipolalar 1, and you u can help t take cocontrol of y your symptots - with vraraylar. some mededicines onlnly tt the e lows or hihighs. vraylalar treats d depressiv, acacute manic,c, and mixed d episodes o of bipolar 1 1 in adults.s. provoven, full-s-spectrum rerf for all l bipolar 1 1 sympt. and in vraraylar clinicalal studie, most sawao susubstantial l impt onon weight. elelderly demementia patieies have incncreased risisk ofof death or r stroke. cacall your dodoctor aboutt ununusual chananges in behehar or s suicidal ththoughts. anantidepressasants can inince these e in childreren anand young adadults. repoport fever, , stiff muscss or confufusion whicich may meanan a life-threaeatening reaeac, or unconontrollablee musclele movementsts which mamay be permamanent. highgh blood sugugar, which n lead to o coma or dedeath, weigight gain anand high cholesesterol may y occur. movemement dysfuncnction anand restlessssness are commmmon side efeffects. sleepipiness and s stomach isss arare also comommon. siside effectsts may not a apr for seseveral l weeks. ask abouout vraylr anand learn hohow abbe could hehelp you sa. ♪ohoh♪ ♪ththen you takake me by ththe♪ ♪♪i feel betetter againn♪ ♪♪oh i feeeel better n now♪ ththe pandemicic may be ovov, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. my cpa told me i wowouldn't quaualify fofor the erc c tax refundn, so i calalled innovatition refundsds. their team of f independet tax attornrneys will work k with your cpa to deterermine if your comompany is eleligi. [w[whip sound]d] take the f first step p to sef yoyour small b business ququal. >> major: now this consumer alert. tomy is recalling 83,000 boon flair and flair elite high highchairs. two dozen infants have fallen from these highchairs come and about half suffered bruises or scratches. federal regulators say the bolt used to secure the suit can come loose, causing it to fall. sold in 2008 and 2009 and flare models sold between 2008 and february of 2017. they can contact the company for a free repair kit. taylor swift scares the new exorcist movie from its friday the 13th release date. ththat is comiming up next. in m my ozempicc® tri-zonon, i lolowered my a a1c, cv ris, and lost s some weightht. in studieses, the majority o of people reached d an a1c undnder 7 anand maintainined it. ozemempic® lowowers the rirk of majoror cardiovasascular evs such as ststroke, hearart atta, or deaeath in adulults alalso with knknown heart t di. and you u may lose w weight. adadults lost t up to 14 p po. ozozempic® i isn't fofor peoe with typype 1 diabetetes. don't share neneedles or p pe, oror reuse neeeedles. don't take ozezempic® if you or r your familily evever had mededullary ththyroid cancncer, oror have multltiple endococe neneoplasia sysyndrome typyp, oror if allergrgic to it.. stopop ozempic® and get medical l help rightht away if you getet a lump or swelllling in youour neck, sevevere stomachch pain, or n allelergic reactction. serious siside effectsts may ininclude pancncreatitis.. gallbladadder problelems may oc. tell y your providider about v n problems o or changes.s. tataking ozempmpic® with h a sulfononylurea or r insulin mamay increasese low blood sugagar risk. side effffects like e nausea, vomitingng, and diarrhrhea may leaead to dehehydration,, whicich may worsrsen kidneyey problems.s. join t the millionons already taking ozempmpic®. asask your heaealth care p pror ababout the ozozempic® t tri-. (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. [sneeze]e] (♪♪♪) astepro alallergy, steroioid free allllergy relif thatat starts woworking in 30 0 minutes, whwhile other r allergy sprarays take hohours. wiwith asteproro's unbeatataby fast allllergy relieief you u can asteprpro and go!! ma, , ma, ma— ( clclears throaoat ) for fastst sore throroat rel, try vickcks vapocoolol drop. withth two timeses momore mentholol per drop,p, anand powerfulul vicks vapaps to vapororize sore t throat p. vivicks vapococool drops.. vaporizeze sore throroat pa. >> major: producers of the upcoming sequel "the exorcist: believer" are believers in the power of taylor swift. >> welcome to the eras tour. >> major: spooked by the prospect of opening head-to-head against the pop superstars eras tour movie, the sequel to the classic horror movie "the exorcist" will debut a week earlier. the ticket presales, the swift move he has swiftly raked in a . as the producer of "the exorcist" posted, "look what you made me do." "on the road" is next, with a celebratation o of the labor ons labor dayy weekend.. immigratioion experienence and whatat life mustst have been l like for ththem. and as i p pass it onn to my y daughter,, it's an n important t part of undererstanding w who we. (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here and as i p pass it onn with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. my cpa told me i wowouldn't quaualify fofor the erc c tax refundn, so i calalled innovatition refundsds. their team of f independet tax attornrneys will work k with yourr cpcpa to deterermine if your comompany is eleligi. [w[whip sound]d] take the f first step p to sef yoyour small b business ququal. ththe pandemicic may be ovov, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. ♪ i it's ththe most wononderl time o of the yearar ♪ ♪ nonon-drowsy c claritin knococks out symymptoms from o over 200 alallergens. wiwithout knococking you o o. feel thehe clarity and d make todayay the e most wondederful timee ofof the year.r. live c claritin clclear. okay e everyone, o our missions cocomplete balalanced nutrtri. together w we provide e nutries to supupport immunune, muscscle, bone,, and heheart healthth. yaaay! wowoo hoo! ensusure with 2525 vitamimins and mininerals anand ensure c complete with 30 0 grams of protetein. ♪ inez, , let me asksk you, you're u using headd anand shoulderers, right?? only whehen i see flflakes. ththen i switctch back to my y regular shshampoo you shshould use i it every wa, otheherwise the e flakes will come e back. hehe's right, , you know.. is that titiny troy? the ingrgredients in h head and shshoulders kekeep the micicrobes that c cause flakekes at bay. micrcrobes, realally? theyey're alwaysys on your scacalp...littltle rasca. but t good news,s, ththere's no i itchiness,, drynesess or flakekes down he! i love tininy troy. he's t the best. make evevery wash cocount! littttle help, p please. i was s stuck. unresolvlved depressssion sympts were i in my way.. i neededed more frfrom my antitidepressantn. vraylar hehelped givive it a li. adding vraraylar to an anantidepressasant... clininically proroven to help rerelieve overall dedepression s symptom. .....better ththan an antidepresessant alonene. and in v vraylar clinical s studies, momost saw no o substantl impapact on weigig. elderly y dementia p patients have incncreased risksk of death h or stroke. report ununusual changnges in behavior o or suicidalal thoug. antitidepressantnts cacan increasese these inin children n and young g ad. report fevever, stiff f muscl, or confufusion, as thesese may be life-t-threateningng, or unconontrolled musclele movementsts, which mamay be permamanent. highgh blood sugugar, whwhich can lelead to comaa oror death, weweight gain,, anand high choholesterol may ococcur. movevement dysfufunction and reststlessness are e common sidide effects. stomacach and sleeeep issues, dizzininess, increreased appet, and fatitigue are alalso comm. sidede effects m may not apppr for severaral weeks. i didndn't have toto change my treatatment. i just g gave it a l lift. ask abouout vraylar r and lean how w abbvie could d help you s save. >> major: finally, tonight, cbs's steve hartman goes "on the road" to find the often-overlooked men and women who are the heartbeat of our nation. >> reporter: we set out this week to find someone who exemplifies the spirit of the american worker, and wound up here, in cleveland, tennessee, at tennova healthcare, where 85-year-old doris caldwell holds one of the least-glamorous, most physically challenging jobs in the hospital via >> hello! my name is doris. i am a housekeeping. can i come in and clean your floor? >> reporter: she has been at% this 50 years. >> okay, thank you. >> reporter: but what makes her special isn't just her longevity, or geniality, or even her flexibility. but could you bend over and touch her chose? >> you want to see me? >> reporter: instead, what makes doris remarkable is that cleaning rooms is and always has been her dream job. back in the '60s, doris used to pass by this hospital and say to herself, "i'm going to work there someday." she didn't care if it was as a doctor or a dishwasher. all she wanted was to play some role in making people better. >> dreaming of helping people, my dream is still going on. >> reporter: and her attitude still inspiring others. from the ceo... >> her aura is something you want to be around. >> reporter: to the doctors... >> i never heard or have a single complaint. >> reporter: to the maintenance crews viewed >> she just likes to work. >> reporter: everyone is stumped by her stamina. >> i asked her one time when she was when to retire, and she said, "no." [laughs] just "know." >> no. i think i would just dry up and fly away. [laughs] >> reporter: her vow to stay on is reassuring to everyone at tennova. except maybe this one nurse. >> because i don't think i can retire if she is still working. >> reporter: her daughter, sharon, has been here 44 years. she is stuck. but feels blessed to be so. >> she is just an amazing lady. >> reporter: this labor day, we celebrate all of those beautiful, inexhaustible american workers. those who cheerfully keep this country running. those who will enjoy monday, just not as much as tuesday. >> is there anything else i can do for you, sir? >> reporter: steve hartman, "on the road." >> you have a great day. >> reporter: in cleveland, tennessee. >> major: amazing indeed. and that is tonight's "cbs evening news." for norah o'donnell, i major garrett. good night, and ave a >> announcer: her bad puppy had more to learn. >> judge judy: you called him to come to your home in his capacity as a dog trainer? >> announcer: is it this owner who's in need of schooling? >> judge judy: he came to your house for about an hour. you wrote him a check? >> yes. >> judge judy: you subsequently canceled the check? >> he didn't train my dog at all. >> judge judy: nobody can guarantee that they can train a dog in one day. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution dog trainer russell avison is suing former client min zhao for canceling a check for his services. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 57 on the calendar in the matter of avison versus zhao. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. >> judge judy: i'm going to start with you, ms. zhao. what kind of a dog do you have? >> it's a mixed hybrid, american eskimo and australian shepherd. >> judge judy: how old is the dog? >> it just turned 1 year old. >> judge judy: and you were having some behavioral problems with him? >> yes. >> judge judy: what kind of behavioral problems? >> back in march, when i got home from work, i found out my backyard was trashed. the dog pluck out, you know, the plants, roots, and also chewed off the enclosure, the corner of the gas meter enclosure. >> judge judy: and he had never done that before? >> he did some things smaller.

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, Area , War , Civilians , Shell , Positions , Will , Firing Line , Cluster , Control Room , Weapon , Gunner , Field , Dilemma , One Shot , Countries , Debate , Vraraylar , Productote , Cocontrol , Children , Take , Parents , Lows , That S N , Symptots , Bipolalar 1 , Ask Abouout Vraylar R Because E , Whatat You Neeeed To O Know , Mededicines Onlnly , Hihighs , C , Rerf , Episodes , Vraylalar , Onon Weight , Sympt , Vraraylar Clinicalal Studie , Bipolar 1 , Adults S Provoven , Depressiv , Acacute Manic , Sawao Susubstantial , Death , Stroke , Suicidal Ththoughts , Anantidepressasants , Confufusion Whicich May Meanan A Life Threaeatening Reaeac , Ununusual Chananges , Muscss , Incncreased Risisk Ofof , Elelderly Demementia Patieies , Cacall , Repoport Fever , Unconontrollablee Musclele Movementsts Which Mamay Be Permamanent , Dodoctor , Dedeath , Isss Arare , Apr , Siside Effectsts May , Anand High Cholesesterol May Y , Seseveral L , Which N , Highgh Blood Sugugar , Ask Abouout , Vraylr Anand , Weigight Gain , Anand Restlessssness , Movemement Dysfuncnction , Sleepipiness , Side Efeffects , Comommon , Hohow Abbe , Hehelp You Sa , Ththe , Ohoh Ththen , I Feeeel Better N , You Takake Me , Betetter Againn , F Death , Causes , Ststill , T Th , Heart Disesee , Riright , Fiveve , Mededullary Ththyroid Cancncer , Ththe Pandemicic , Unfortrtunately Cocov9 Isn T Going Anywywhere , Ovov , Facact , Fofor , Flu , Anand Covid , Er V , H Th , Covid 19 V Vaccines Ththis , Jujust , Soso , Bebecause , Lalatest , Covid 19 Vavaccines , Stayay Up To Datate , 1919 , 19 , Cpa , Comompany , Sound , Team , Eleligi , Erc C , Me I Wowouldn T Quaualify Fofor , Tax Refundn , Innovatition Refundsds , Deterermine , Tax Attornrneys Will Work K , F Independet , Flair , First Step P , Elite , Tomy , High Highchairs , Sef Yoyour , Business Ququal , Small B , Consumer Alert , 83000 , Highchairs , Suit , Regulators , Bruises , Infants , Scratches , Loose , Bolt , Taylor Swift , Company , Models , Flare , Kit , Repair , 2008 , 2009 , 2017 , February Of 2017 , Majority O , Ththat , Exorcist Movie , M My Ozempicc , Weightht , Studieses , Comiming Up Next , Anand Maintainined , Friday The 13th , Tri Zonon , I Lolowered My A A1c , Cv Ris , A1c Undnder , 13 , Weight , Adadults Lost T , Ozemempic , Adulults Alalso , Hearart Atta , P Pe , Ststroke , Or Deaeath , The Rirk , Majoror Cardiovasascular Evs , Lowowers , Knknown Heart T Di , Up To , Ozozempic , Oror Reuse Neeeedles , Typype 1 Diabetetes , Neneedles , P Po , I Isn T Fofor Peoe , 14 , Help , Lump , Swelllling , Stopop Ozempic , Allergrgic , Siside Effectsts , Familily Evever , Endococe Neneoplasia , Sysyndrome Typyp , Don T Take Ozezempic , Oror Have Multltiple , Allelergic Reactction , Sevevere Stomachch Pain , Youour Neck , Ininclude Pancncreatitis , Vn Problems O , Kidneyey Problems S Join T , Providider , Insulin , Changes S Tataking Ozempmpic , Mamay Increasese , Gallbladadder Problelems May Oc , Ha Sulfononylurea , Vomitingng , To Dehehydration , E Nausea , Diarrhrhea May Leaead , Whicich May Worsrsen , Side Effffects , Millionons , Money Manager , Clients , Fisher Investments , T Tri , Money Managers , Market , Aren T , Stocks , Portfolios , Strategies , Pror Ababout , Asask , Heaealth , Investments , Money , Commissions , Client , Commission Products , Interest , Fact , Fiduciary , Yep , Take Hohours , Sneeze , Astepro Alallergy , Wiwith Asteproro , Allllergy , Unbeatataby Fast Allllergy Relieief , Sprarays , Relif Thatat , Steroioid , 30 , 0 , Asteprpro , Ma , To Vapororize Sore T , Clclears Throaoat , Anand Powerfulul , Throat P Vivicks Vapococool , Fastst Sore Throroat Rel , Withth , Try Vickcks Vapocoolol Drop , Momore Mentholol , Vicks Vapaps , Vaporizeze Sore Throroat Pa , Producers , Sequel , Exorcist , Believer , Believers , Eras Tour , Ticket Presales , Horror Movie , Prospect , The Exorcist , Superstars Eras Tour Movie , Pop , Producer , Swift , Ip Pass It Onn , Ththem , Daughter , Undererstanding W , An N Important T Part , Immigratioion Experienence , Celebratation O Of The Labor Ons Dayy , Whatat Life Mustst , Shrimp , Vo , Flavor Drop , Choices , Fun Dining , Red Lobster , Seven , Yourr Cpcpa , O , D , C Claritin , Clarity , Todayay The E , Okay E , O Our Missions , Year R Live C , O Over , Knococks , Timee Ofof , Claritin Clclear , Wiwithout Knococking , Balalanced Nutrtri , Yearar Nonon , You O Feel Thehe , Wondederful , 200 , Vitamimins , Mininerals Anand Ensure C , Together W , Muscscle , Heheart Healthth , Ensusure , Nutries , Protetein , Bone , Yaaay , Wowoo Hoo , Inez , Supupport Immunune , 2525 , Head , Whehen , Hehe , Ingrgredients , Headd , Titiny Troy , Ththen I Switctch , Otheherwise The E Flakes , Shshampoo , Cause Flakekes At Bay , Flflakes , Anand Shoulderers , Wa , Shshoulders Kekeep , Us , Tininy Troy , Littttle , Best , Ththere , T Good News , Wash Cocount , Flakekes , Realally , Make Evevery , Micrcrobes , Scacalp , Littltle Rasca , Theyey , Drynesess , Clininically Proroven , Anantidepressasant , Antitidepressantn , Better Ththan , Ask Abouout Vraylar , Hehelped Givive , It A Li , Antidepresessant Alonene , Frfrom , Unresolvlved Depressssion Sympts , No O , Behavior O , Dementia P Patients , On Weigig , Report Ununusual Changnges , V Vraylar Clinical S Studies , Death H , Suicidalal Thoug , Antitidepressantnts Cacan Increasese , Incncreased Risksk , Momost , Substantl Impapact , Saw , Effects , Ad , Stiff F Muscl , Report Fevever , Musclele Movementsts , Comaa Oror , Inin Children N And Young G , Stomacach , Unconontrolled , Life T Threateningng , Which Mamay Be Permamanent , Weweight Gain , Whwhich , Movevement Dysfufunction , Thesese , May Ococcur , Anand High Choholesterol , Common Sidide , Dizzininess , Increreased Appet , Sleeeep Issues , Didndn T , Alalso Comm , Help You S Save , Toto Change My Treatatment , Sidede , Fatitigue , It Al Lift , Heartbeat , Women , Steve Hartman , Someone , Cleveland , Worker , Spirit , Tennova Healthcare , Tennessee , Housekeeping , Isn T , Floor , My Name , Geniality , Flexibility , Cleaning Rooms , Longevity , Dream Job , Doris Remarkable , Back , Care , Doctor , She Didn T , Dishwasher , 60 , Others , Doctors , Attitude , Ceo , Maintenance Crews , Stamina , Nurse , Vow , Sharon , Anything , Country Running , Inexhaustible American Workers , Those Beautiful , Judge Judy , Announcer , Cbs Evening News , Puppy , Sir , Major Garrett , Norah O Donnell , Ave , Owner , Dog Trainer , House , Schooling , Capacity , Need , Yes , Dog , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Nobody , Russell Avison , Services , Captions , Byrd , Min Zhao , Cbs Television Distribution , Ms , Kind , Parties , Case , Matter , Calendar , Hybrid , You Re Welcome , Avison Versus Zhao , Zhao , American Eskimo , Work , Problems , Behavioral Problems , Old , Australian Shepherd , Backyard , Enclosure , Things , Roots , Plants , Corner , Gas Meter Enclosure , Dog Pluck Out ,

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