Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

48 million americans in the path of severe storms. tonight's other top headlines: the bloody battle for the control of mariupol. breaking news as the f.d.a. restricts the j&j vaccine. the concerning health alert about some blood pressure medications and a bad reaction with ibuprofen. inside trump's oval office. our "60 minutes" interview with former secretary of defense mark's oval office. our "60 min the tense standoff. >> i just turned squarely around to him, faced him and said, "i don't have a quarter million troops to send on some ridiculous mission to the border." >> o'donnell: and a field of dreams for a young yankees fan. the special moment between fans riv teams. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> o'donnell: good evening, to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. as we come on the air tonight, public protests are spreading across the nation, following the leaked draft decision from the supreme court that would end federal protection of abortion rights. well, the demonstrations have been mostly peaceful so far. there is growing concern about potential violence leading up to the official ruling. fences have gone up around the supreme court as crowds are expected to grow in the days and weeks ahead. and cbs news has learned that the justices themselves have been given extra security while several justices have canceled upcoming public appearances. cbs news sat down with former secretary of state hillary clinton who called the opinion incredibly dangerous and warned that more could be at risk than just abortion rights. we'll have more of our interview with secretary clinton in just a moment. but first, cbs' ed o'keefe will start us off from the white house. good evening, ed. >> reporter: good evening, no that draft majority opinion on the future of abortion rights continues to reverberate nationwide. and now there are growing concerns about the potential for political violence against the supreme court justices themselves. the supreme court under lockdown. eight-foot-high fencing now surrounds the building. all entry points are blocked to vehicles. and more officers on patrol, a scene reminiscent of what washington looked like after the january 6 attacks. the nine justices are also under heavier security. cbs news has learned general threats of violence against them are up. their home locations have been shared online, and they're receiving more targeted, personal phone threats. justice samuel alito, author of the leaked majority draft opinion, canceled a scheduled appearance today in nashville. the other justices are also cutting back on public events. >> the risk is real. the u.s. marshal service is there to provide protection for judges in the federal judiciary. but it's not enough. >> reporter: chief justice john roberts addressed the leak today calling it absolutely appalling, and called the leaker foolish. but the fallout has only intensified. in illinois, surrounded by five states set to restrict abortion services, clinics are trying to prepare for a flood of new patients. >> if every state that touches illinois suddenly has no access, we project even up to a five- times increase in patient demand, especially at our health centers that border other states. >> reporter: many of those out- of-state patients would be seen virtually and sent abortion pills, but those are also in jeopardy. at least 17 states have now introduced legislation to ban or restrict access to the pills. michigan's democratic attorney general dana nessel worries is it could happen in her state. >> whether it's by medication, whether it's surgical, it doesn't matter. abortion will be illegal in our state, period. >> reporter: meanwhile, here at the white house, plans for a new press secretary. karine jean-pierre is set to become the first black person, first openly gay person to serve in the role. succeed jen psa she's set to succeed jen psaki, who is stepping down next friday. norah. >> o'donnell: ed o'keefe, thank you. earlier today, we sat down with former secretary of state hillary clinton for her first interview since that leaked draft opinion. she says the consequences of overturning "roe v wade" would go beyond abortion rights. >> this is about controlling women. this is about turning the clock back on half the population of our country. >> o'donnell: in the 2016 campaign, donald trump made it clear he would nominate justices who would overturn "roe v wade." did you imagine it would happen this quickly? >> i warned about it in the campaign. i could see that the man i was running against would literally do anything to get the votes of the extreme faction of the republican party who were willing to totally upend precedent and deny women their rights. so i did warn about it. but, you know, it's hard to warn in the abstract. and i think a lot of people said, "that will never happen. nobody will do that." this opinion is dark. it is incredibly dangerous, and it is not just about a woman's right to choose. it is about much more than that. and i hope people now are fully aware of what we're up against. because the only answer is at the ballot box to elect people who will stand up for every american's rights, and any american who says, "look, i'm not a woman. this distribute affect me. i'm not black that doesn't affect me. i'm not gay, that doesn't affect me. once you allow this kind of extreme power to take hold, you have no idea who they will come for next. >> o'donnell: it was nearly 30 years ago when hillary clinton famously said that phrase, and today eats led to this-- the opening of the first-ever global embassy for women. alyse nelson is the president and c.e.o. of the nonpartisan vital voices. >> it's certainly not lost on me that we are opening the doors to this global embassy for women's leadership at the same time that the rights that, quite frankly, i was born into, are now being rolled back. i think we need a global embassy because we need permanence. if you look around, there are so few places for women to gather. >> o'donnell: on the walls portraits of groundbreaking women, including her friend, madeleine albright, the first female secretary of state. and i know you're thinking of madeleine albright on this day. >> madeleine and i were the cofounders of vital voices all those years back. and it started as a dream that we could create a group that would keep the emphasis on women's issues and women's rights going forward. >> o'donnell: it's 2022. >> yes, it is. >> o'donnell: why are there still so few women in leadership positions in politics? >> it is so difficult to be in the public arena as a woman. and there is a double standard. let's be very clear about that. women are judged much more harshly to sustain the continuing pressure of being a woman in the public arena, you have to believe you're doing it for something bigger than just yourself. >> o'donnell: and we will have more of our interview tomorrow on "cbs mornings" and on there are breaking news regarding the safety of a popular covid vaccine. the news comes as the c.d.c. says confirmed covid cases are on the rise in 44 states as the u.s. closes in on a grim milestone-- one million covid deaths. here is cbs' nikki battiste. >> reporter: tonight, the f.d.a. now says it is limiting the use of johnson & johnson's single- dose covid vaccine to adults who can't get any other covid shot because of a rare but swept life-threatening from the northeast, where covid risk of blood clots, just as another omicron subvariant has swept in. from the northeast, where covid cases are up nearly 160%, to the west, a 200% spike in los angeles county. the question is what lies ahead? >> we have our eye on the south. when people spend more time indoors, to be in air conditioned rooms, you're likely going to see more transmission. >> reporter: cases are up in 44 states. hospitalizations are rising in 33. >> we have this new ultracontagious omicron subvariant, and we also have people returning to pre-pandemic life. they're not masking. they're socializing indoors. >> reporter: a covid outbreak on carnival's "spirit" cruiseship forced passengers who tested positive like darren sieferston to quarantine in their rooms. >> i literally stayed in this room for six days with no telephone service. they wouldn't answer the phone. >> reporter: carnival insists travelers were vaccinated and tests before bordering and that their health and safety protocols exceed c.d.c. guidelines. a reminder the pandemic is not over. nikki battiste, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: turning now to the economy. it was an all-day free-fall on with the as concerns over inflation and preventing a recession mount. the dow, nasdaq, and s&p all plummeted today with investors worried that the federal reserve's plan to fight inflation could slow the economy. the sell-off came just one day after the best trading day in two years on wednesday. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger is here. glad you're here, jill. good evening. what's causing the volatility? >> reporter: well, investors are worried that for the first time in 40 years, the fed is actually raising interest rates after inflation has already increased substantially. so the fear is that the central bank will either not be able to get inflation down quickly enough to steady the economy, or that they go too fast and trigger a recession. it's like the fed is driving a speeding car. they're tapping on the brakes and trying to slow it down over the next couple of years. if they don't get it right, the car-- our u.s. economy-- could veer off that road and land in a recessionary ditch. >> o'donnel: let's hope they do get it right. what is this people do, especially those who are worried about retirement? >> look, these days are tough, but i think it's helpful to remember that most of the of us are saving for long-term goals like retirement or college, likely years or decades in the future. hopefully, those who are already retired didn't have as much risk in the stock market. but if you're spooked and you're tempted to sell, remember-- if you cash out now, you're timing the market. and, norah, we know that rarely works. >> o'donnell: it's an important reminder. jill schlesinger, thank you. there was another dead tee attack in israel today as that country celebrated its independence day. at least three people were killed and four wounded in a stabbing attack near tel aviv. there has been a wave of violence in recent weeks between israelis and palestinians. tonight, cbs news has learned that the united states provided intelligence to ukraine that led to last month's sinking of one of russia's most essential warships, the guided missile cruiser. the u.s. did provide the location but had no role in the decision to strike it. meanwhile word of a third rescue operation is under way in mariupol to help the remaining civilians trapped inside that besieged steel plant. cbs' charlie d'agata reports from ukraine. >> reporter: amid a shattered truce, heavy fighting breaking out, and russian troops trying to finish off remaining fighters. hundreds of civilians remain trapped in the middle of what has become a fight to the death at the steel works in mariupol. the red cross confirming to cbs news tonight another rescue operation is under way, following the successful evacuation of more than 400 civilians. >> it's a very difficult and dangerous operation. it's an active conflict. so the routes might be dangerous. there might be active fighting ongoing in the surrounding areas. >> reporter: the russian offensive has already moved on from mariupol. a u.s. official tells cbs news around 10,000 troops have pushed north, part of an advance that has swallowed towns in its path. like azov north of mariupol, from where this family told us they escape with their lives. after surviving the massacre in bucha herself, yuka malnychenko begged her family to flee from the south. "i was just saying please get out of there, please just leave," she said. is your whole family back together now? "yes, yes, yes," she said. despite russia's persistan slaught, ukrainian forces are holding the line with significant help from u.s. weapons and intelligence. intelligence that has enabled ukrainian forces to target and kill a number of russian generals since the war began. this further u.s. intelligence to suggest that russia will try to forcibly annex the eastern regions of donetsk and luhansk, as well as the southern city of kherson in the coming weeks, even as the battle for those regions continues. norah. >> o'donnell: charlie d'agata, thank you. let's turn now to our interview with former defense secretary mark esper. he takes us inside the oval office during a tense standoff over what he calls a ridiculous plan to send 250,000 troops to the u.s.-mexico border. on this sunday's "60 minutes," he reveals more details from a new book, his new book, "a sared oath," which he says was fact checked at the highest levels of the pentagon. who suggested that we send a quarter million u.s. troops to the border? >> stephen miller. we're in a meeting waiting for the president to come out. we're standing around the resolute desk, and he's behind me. and this voice just starts talking about the caravans are coming and we need to get troops to the border. and we need a quarter million troops. and i think he's joking. and then i turn around and i look at him, and these dead-pan eyes, clearly he is not joking. and so, i say something like, "well, look, d.h.s. can handle whatever caravans are coming up. they've done so in the past." and he repeats, "no, we need a quarter million troops." and i just turned squarely around to him, faced him and say, "i don't have a quarter million troops to send on some ridiculous mission to the border." and i told this story to general milley and my chief of staff. i said, "let's be safe. let's just check and make sure that this isn't being worked somewhere in the building." and milley comes back days later, and the door opens up, and he's waving a document in his hands, and he says something like, "secretary, you're not ging to believe this." and that's when he explains to me that, yes, they were working, that we had developed a plan, initial concept of how this might happen. and i was just flabbergasted that not only was the idea proposed that people, people in my department, remember working on it. >> o'donnell: what would have been the implications if we had sent 250,000 active-duty u.s. troops to the border? >> it's just so absurd. i can't even consider. i mean, again, we don't have 250,000 troops to send to the border. and to do what? it's just ridiculous. >> o'donnell: whatever happened to that plan? >> well, it died. i gave general milley specific introduction to tell northcom, northern command, to stop working on it, to cease and desist. and that if anybody had any questions, you tell them they should call me direct. and i never got a phone call. >> o'donnell: it was dead. >> it was dead, and it died, as it should. >> o'donnell: well, when reached by cbs news, stephen miller declined to comment. we'll have more of my interview with former defense secretary mark esper on tomorrow's "cbs evening news" and sunday night on "60 minutes." well, still ahead here on tonight's "cbs evening news," millions in the path of dangerous storms, including tornadoes. we're tracking the severe weather. and researchers warn against mixing ibuprofen with some blood pressure medications. what you need to know. w. e workig up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. . >> o'donnell: tonight, the south is facin >> o'donnell: tonight, the south is facing the threat of severe storms for a second straight day. a reported tornado damaged a mobile home park in rusk county, texas, that's outside dallas, injuring some residents. overnight, a school took a direct hit from a large tornado near oklahoma city. some areas were swamped by nearly a foot of rain, triggering floods that trapped people in their cars and homes. tornado watches are posted tonight across texas, arkansas, louisiana, as the storm system pushes east. all right, tonight, researchers warn that people who take certain blood pressure medications and ibuprofen could be damaging their kidneys. scientists found that some people who mix hypertension medications and ibuprofen can develop acute kidney injury, which in some cases can be permanent. patients are advised to speak with their healthcare provider about the combination of this drugs-- of these drugs. all right, tonight, gerber baby food has a new chief growing officer. the new gerber baby is named isa. she's seven months old from oklahoma and was born with part of her left leg missing. isa captivated the judges with her bright smile and personality. mom describes her as a crazy, happy baby. she does look happy. all right, coming up next, a major league thrill for a young baseball fan, thanks to his favorite player and a stranger who became his new best friend. . . i want to feel in control of my health, so i do what i can. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. early stages? yep, it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. consider it done. if you've been living with heart disease, ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights in a middle seat. eleven miracle diets... forty-two college campus tours... four overseas postings... one minor stroke... and four citywide blackouts... and now, with leqvio, you can lower your cholesterol, too. when taken with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by over 50% and keep it there with two doses a year. joint pain, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, chest cold, pain in legs or arms, and shortness of breath. with leqvio, ask yourtor if leqvio is right for you. lower. longer. leqvio. >> o'donnell: we wanted to share a heartwarming back in a moment between baseball rivals. it happened when yankees star aaron judd hit a home run in toronto tuesday night against a blue jays fan named mike lanzillotta. he retrieved the ball when he unexpectedly handled it to a nine-year-old boy named derek rodriguez, who was wearing an aaron judd shirt. the boys was overwhelmed with tears by the gesture of kindness. the next day rodriguez and lanzillotta got to meade judd. the slugger gave the boy a pair of batting gloves and the two families were invited to the bronx for a future game, a moment proving it's okay to cry in baseball. that's awesome. i was reading and looking at the pictures at the same time. be right back. ht back. you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys to help slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. and don't take it if you are on dialysis. take aim at chronic kidney disease by talking to your doctor and asking about farxiga. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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College Campus Tours , Forty Two , Eleven , Thirty Seven , Leqvio , Minor Stroke , Postings , Blackouts , Pain , Diarrhea , Urinary Tract Infection , Joint Pain , Chest Cold , Legs , Arms , Shortness Of Breath , Ask Yourtor , Mike Lanzillotta , Back , Baseball Rivals , Yankees Star Aaron Judd Hit A Home Run , Toronto , Blue Jays , Boy , Shirt , Ball , Kindness , Tears , Gesture , Derek Rodriguez , Boys , Meade Judd , Aaron , The Next Day Rodriguez , Families , Ht Back , Game , Slugger , Pair , Batting Gloves , Bronx , Pictures , Chronic Kidney Disease , Target , Ga Farxiga , Kidney Health , Progression , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Men , Take Aim At Chronic Kidney Disease , Stop Taking Farxiga , Liberty Mutual , Astrazeneca , Car Insurance , Scarf , Backpack , First Time , Tux , Wow , Marco , Nice , Dude , Whines , Pay , Psoriatic Arthritis , Plaque Psoriasis , Choices , Splash , Otezla , Injection , Psoriasis , Choice , Prescribing Information , Joint Swelling , Tenderness , 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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

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48 million americans in the path of severe storms. tonight's other top headlines: the bloody battle for the control of mariupol. breaking news as the f.d.a. restricts the j&j vaccine. the concerning health alert about some blood pressure medications and a bad reaction with ibuprofen. inside trump's oval office. our "60 minutes" interview with former secretary of defense mark's oval office. our "60 min the tense standoff. >> i just turned squarely around to him, faced him and said, "i don't have a quarter million troops to send on some ridiculous mission to the border." >> o'donnell: and a field of dreams for a young yankees fan. the special moment between fans riv teams. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> o'donnell: good evening, to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. as we come on the air tonight, public protests are spreading across the nation, following the leaked draft decision from the supreme court that would end federal protection of abortion rights. well, the demonstrations have been mostly peaceful so far. there is growing concern about potential violence leading up to the official ruling. fences have gone up around the supreme court as crowds are expected to grow in the days and weeks ahead. and cbs news has learned that the justices themselves have been given extra security while several justices have canceled upcoming public appearances. cbs news sat down with former secretary of state hillary clinton who called the opinion incredibly dangerous and warned that more could be at risk than just abortion rights. we'll have more of our interview with secretary clinton in just a moment. but first, cbs' ed o'keefe will start us off from the white house. good evening, ed. >> reporter: good evening, no that draft majority opinion on the future of abortion rights continues to reverberate nationwide. and now there are growing concerns about the potential for political violence against the supreme court justices themselves. the supreme court under lockdown. eight-foot-high fencing now surrounds the building. all entry points are blocked to vehicles. and more officers on patrol, a scene reminiscent of what washington looked like after the january 6 attacks. the nine justices are also under heavier security. cbs news has learned general threats of violence against them are up. their home locations have been shared online, and they're receiving more targeted, personal phone threats. justice samuel alito, author of the leaked majority draft opinion, canceled a scheduled appearance today in nashville. the other justices are also cutting back on public events. >> the risk is real. the u.s. marshal service is there to provide protection for judges in the federal judiciary. but it's not enough. >> reporter: chief justice john roberts addressed the leak today calling it absolutely appalling, and called the leaker foolish. but the fallout has only intensified. in illinois, surrounded by five states set to restrict abortion services, clinics are trying to prepare for a flood of new patients. >> if every state that touches illinois suddenly has no access, we project even up to a five- times increase in patient demand, especially at our health centers that border other states. >> reporter: many of those out- of-state patients would be seen virtually and sent abortion pills, but those are also in jeopardy. at least 17 states have now introduced legislation to ban or restrict access to the pills. michigan's democratic attorney general dana nessel worries is it could happen in her state. >> whether it's by medication, whether it's surgical, it doesn't matter. abortion will be illegal in our state, period. >> reporter: meanwhile, here at the white house, plans for a new press secretary. karine jean-pierre is set to become the first black person, first openly gay person to serve in the role. succeed jen psa she's set to succeed jen psaki, who is stepping down next friday. norah. >> o'donnell: ed o'keefe, thank you. earlier today, we sat down with former secretary of state hillary clinton for her first interview since that leaked draft opinion. she says the consequences of overturning "roe v wade" would go beyond abortion rights. >> this is about controlling women. this is about turning the clock back on half the population of our country. >> o'donnell: in the 2016 campaign, donald trump made it clear he would nominate justices who would overturn "roe v wade." did you imagine it would happen this quickly? >> i warned about it in the campaign. i could see that the man i was running against would literally do anything to get the votes of the extreme faction of the republican party who were willing to totally upend precedent and deny women their rights. so i did warn about it. but, you know, it's hard to warn in the abstract. and i think a lot of people said, "that will never happen. nobody will do that." this opinion is dark. it is incredibly dangerous, and it is not just about a woman's right to choose. it is about much more than that. and i hope people now are fully aware of what we're up against. because the only answer is at the ballot box to elect people who will stand up for every american's rights, and any american who says, "look, i'm not a woman. this distribute affect me. i'm not black that doesn't affect me. i'm not gay, that doesn't affect me. once you allow this kind of extreme power to take hold, you have no idea who they will come for next. >> o'donnell: it was nearly 30 years ago when hillary clinton famously said that phrase, and today eats led to this-- the opening of the first-ever global embassy for women. alyse nelson is the president and c.e.o. of the nonpartisan vital voices. >> it's certainly not lost on me that we are opening the doors to this global embassy for women's leadership at the same time that the rights that, quite frankly, i was born into, are now being rolled back. i think we need a global embassy because we need permanence. if you look around, there are so few places for women to gather. >> o'donnell: on the walls portraits of groundbreaking women, including her friend, madeleine albright, the first female secretary of state. and i know you're thinking of madeleine albright on this day. >> madeleine and i were the cofounders of vital voices all those years back. and it started as a dream that we could create a group that would keep the emphasis on women's issues and women's rights going forward. >> o'donnell: it's 2022. >> yes, it is. >> o'donnell: why are there still so few women in leadership positions in politics? >> it is so difficult to be in the public arena as a woman. and there is a double standard. let's be very clear about that. women are judged much more harshly to sustain the continuing pressure of being a woman in the public arena, you have to believe you're doing it for something bigger than just yourself. >> o'donnell: and we will have more of our interview tomorrow on "cbs mornings" and on there are breaking news regarding the safety of a popular covid vaccine. the news comes as the c.d.c. says confirmed covid cases are on the rise in 44 states as the u.s. closes in on a grim milestone-- one million covid deaths. here is cbs' nikki battiste. >> reporter: tonight, the f.d.a. now says it is limiting the use of johnson & johnson's single- dose covid vaccine to adults who can't get any other covid shot because of a rare but swept life-threatening from the northeast, where covid risk of blood clots, just as another omicron subvariant has swept in. from the northeast, where covid cases are up nearly 160%, to the west, a 200% spike in los angeles county. the question is what lies ahead? >> we have our eye on the south. when people spend more time indoors, to be in air conditioned rooms, you're likely going to see more transmission. >> reporter: cases are up in 44 states. hospitalizations are rising in 33. >> we have this new ultracontagious omicron subvariant, and we also have people returning to pre-pandemic life. they're not masking. they're socializing indoors. >> reporter: a covid outbreak on carnival's "spirit" cruiseship forced passengers who tested positive like darren sieferston to quarantine in their rooms. >> i literally stayed in this room for six days with no telephone service. they wouldn't answer the phone. >> reporter: carnival insists travelers were vaccinated and tests before bordering and that their health and safety protocols exceed c.d.c. guidelines. a reminder the pandemic is not over. nikki battiste, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: turning now to the economy. it was an all-day free-fall on with the as concerns over inflation and preventing a recession mount. the dow, nasdaq, and s&p all plummeted today with investors worried that the federal reserve's plan to fight inflation could slow the economy. the sell-off came just one day after the best trading day in two years on wednesday. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger is here. glad you're here, jill. good evening. what's causing the volatility? >> reporter: well, investors are worried that for the first time in 40 years, the fed is actually raising interest rates after inflation has already increased substantially. so the fear is that the central bank will either not be able to get inflation down quickly enough to steady the economy, or that they go too fast and trigger a recession. it's like the fed is driving a speeding car. they're tapping on the brakes and trying to slow it down over the next couple of years. if they don't get it right, the car-- our u.s. economy-- could veer off that road and land in a recessionary ditch. >> o'donnel: let's hope they do get it right. what is this people do, especially those who are worried about retirement? >> look, these days are tough, but i think it's helpful to remember that most of the of us are saving for long-term goals like retirement or college, likely years or decades in the future. hopefully, those who are already retired didn't have as much risk in the stock market. but if you're spooked and you're tempted to sell, remember-- if you cash out now, you're timing the market. and, norah, we know that rarely works. >> o'donnell: it's an important reminder. jill schlesinger, thank you. there was another dead tee attack in israel today as that country celebrated its independence day. at least three people were killed and four wounded in a stabbing attack near tel aviv. there has been a wave of violence in recent weeks between israelis and palestinians. tonight, cbs news has learned that the united states provided intelligence to ukraine that led to last month's sinking of one of russia's most essential warships, the guided missile cruiser. the u.s. did provide the location but had no role in the decision to strike it. meanwhile word of a third rescue operation is under way in mariupol to help the remaining civilians trapped inside that besieged steel plant. cbs' charlie d'agata reports from ukraine. >> reporter: amid a shattered truce, heavy fighting breaking out, and russian troops trying to finish off remaining fighters. hundreds of civilians remain trapped in the middle of what has become a fight to the death at the steel works in mariupol. the red cross confirming to cbs news tonight another rescue operation is under way, following the successful evacuation of more than 400 civilians. >> it's a very difficult and dangerous operation. it's an active conflict. so the routes might be dangerous. there might be active fighting ongoing in the surrounding areas. >> reporter: the russian offensive has already moved on from mariupol. a u.s. official tells cbs news around 10,000 troops have pushed north, part of an advance that has swallowed towns in its path. like azov north of mariupol, from where this family told us they escape with their lives. after surviving the massacre in bucha herself, yuka malnychenko begged her family to flee from the south. "i was just saying please get out of there, please just leave," she said. is your whole family back together now? "yes, yes, yes," she said. despite russia's persistan slaught, ukrainian forces are holding the line with significant help from u.s. weapons and intelligence. intelligence that has enabled ukrainian forces to target and kill a number of russian generals since the war began. this further u.s. intelligence to suggest that russia will try to forcibly annex the eastern regions of donetsk and luhansk, as well as the southern city of kherson in the coming weeks, even as the battle for those regions continues. norah. >> o'donnell: charlie d'agata, thank you. let's turn now to our interview with former defense secretary mark esper. he takes us inside the oval office during a tense standoff over what he calls a ridiculous plan to send 250,000 troops to the u.s.-mexico border. on this sunday's "60 minutes," he reveals more details from a new book, his new book, "a sared oath," which he says was fact checked at the highest levels of the pentagon. who suggested that we send a quarter million u.s. troops to the border? >> stephen miller. we're in a meeting waiting for the president to come out. we're standing around the resolute desk, and he's behind me. and this voice just starts talking about the caravans are coming and we need to get troops to the border. and we need a quarter million troops. and i think he's joking. and then i turn around and i look at him, and these dead-pan eyes, clearly he is not joking. and so, i say something like, "well, look, d.h.s. can handle whatever caravans are coming up. they've done so in the past." and he repeats, "no, we need a quarter million troops." and i just turned squarely around to him, faced him and say, "i don't have a quarter million troops to send on some ridiculous mission to the border." and i told this story to general milley and my chief of staff. i said, "let's be safe. let's just check and make sure that this isn't being worked somewhere in the building." and milley comes back days later, and the door opens up, and he's waving a document in his hands, and he says something like, "secretary, you're not ging to believe this." and that's when he explains to me that, yes, they were working, that we had developed a plan, initial concept of how this might happen. and i was just flabbergasted that not only was the idea proposed that people, people in my department, remember working on it. >> o'donnell: what would have been the implications if we had sent 250,000 active-duty u.s. troops to the border? >> it's just so absurd. i can't even consider. i mean, again, we don't have 250,000 troops to send to the border. and to do what? it's just ridiculous. >> o'donnell: whatever happened to that plan? >> well, it died. i gave general milley specific introduction to tell northcom, northern command, to stop working on it, to cease and desist. and that if anybody had any questions, you tell them they should call me direct. and i never got a phone call. >> o'donnell: it was dead. >> it was dead, and it died, as it should. >> o'donnell: well, when reached by cbs news, stephen miller declined to comment. we'll have more of my interview with former defense secretary mark esper on tomorrow's "cbs evening news" and sunday night on "60 minutes." well, still ahead here on tonight's "cbs evening news," millions in the path of dangerous storms, including tornadoes. we're tracking the severe weather. and researchers warn against mixing ibuprofen with some blood pressure medications. what you need to know. w. e workig up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? 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