Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20240708

parts of sonoma county, back into marion county, a few more in napa county but central bay, just hit or miss sprinkles, including a shower over part of san francisco right now. mother south, showers moving the santa clara valley, southeast of san jose. back out, everything in motion. they are waiting on the next round of more widespread right to develop to our west and come rolling in. that will not happen until after sunset. a break in the widespread rain will continue for the next few hours. we have had a decent amount of rain so far, especially in the mountains, almost an inch and a half for canfield, close to that in concord. a nice soaking rain last night into today, with more rain still on the way. >> thanks, paul. here's a live look at conditions in the seer this evening. heavy snow falling in the mountains causing hazardous conditions. chain controls up along highway 50, along interstate 80. caltrans wants travelers to expect delays. we will have more on the snow later in the newscast. >> stay with kpix five for the latest. we have continuing coverage on air and online at >> breaking news right now from san jose, fire crews on the scene at a fire burning at a homeless encampment. this is not far from the airport, on spring street. here's a live look now from that fire. you can see fire crews are busy trying to douse those flames, as they put the water and the hoses on. as a result, this fire is pumping out a lot of smoke that can be seen across the valley. very active fire scene, right now. we will keep monitoring is an update later in the show. residence in a livermore neighborhood are dealing with the aftermath of a power surge during a powerful windstorm. it was caused by a palm fronds that fell across a high-voltage distribution line and lower voltage transmission line. this happened at lane avenue in holmes street, two weeks ago, juliette goodrich reports many neighbors are left with thousands of dollars of repairs. >> reporter: pg&e has some part of the problem. they chopped down this palm tree the day after the power surge. the city has given approval to cut down the rest of these palm trees so it does not happen again. but, for people in this neighborhood, they say that does not really solve their problems right now. >> it is friday. >> reporter: george paloma what is the result. >> it was cold. last time i was able to check, it was 59 degrees in the house. >> reporter: so far, he has had to replace the refrigerator, dishwasher, eater. the list goes on and the expenses go up. >> they charged us $1700 to replace an electronic board. >> reporter: the power surge was so powerful, it blew the meters off houses, and friday electronics, affecting more than 500 residents. what have you had to replace? >> washing machine, microwave, our ac unit upstairs -- >> reporter: and it adds up. what you think you're at, expense wise? >> not sure. just put on the credit card, try to pay later, see what pg&e will do. >> reporter: jeff schafer's assistant director for public city of livermore. has there been concern for that area? >> there has not been. those trees are rather large. they have been there a significant amount of time. pg&e has never contacted us that they had a concern for them. >> reporter: some neighbors lost solar panels, pool pumps, garage door openers, sprinkler control panels. basically anything that was plugged in when the surge hit. >> the jacuzzi will not start no matter what. >> reporter: pg&e says homeowners can file a claim to report damages from the surge. the company said that although the palm tree was not in pg&e's right of way and they are not responsible for its maintenance, they will review and consider each claim. >> what happens if pg&e says this is not our problem? >> they would process it to the city of livermore as a claim. they can contact the city of livermore. they can contact our division, here in maintenance. we can direct them to the right place. they would file a claim and the city would review it, just like any other claim. the mac you feel vulnerable, because at the end of the day, you do not know if you will be in the get. >> reporter: a livermore, juliette goodrich. >> reporter: shelter in place order kept the school in locked onto that lockdown was in response to violent threats supposedly made by a suspended students. even though there is no longer a threat, all school services will remain closed the rest of the day. >> i hope they are being conservative with what they deem a writable threat, and not, you know, locking down just to make sure nobody is injured -- >> reporter: nearby schools and students were forced to shelter in place, including a second- grade class visiting the school on a field trip. a decades-old bay area cold case has finally been solved. as law enforcement agencies made the announcement, the victims family wanted more. kpix's kenny choi explained that pitch of the story. >> reporter: friends and family of the victim demanded richmond police police name the person responsible for the murder during today's news conference. law-enforcement officials wanted to focus on the victim, but ultimately talked more about the identified perpetrator. >> reporter: mika watley's family and friends together for closure, wanting more details about the person who killed the 28 year old mother of one in her bedroom. >> she was beautiful, smart, outgoing. love to hang out, love to have fun. >> reporter: wearing we love you search with a smiling watley before she was bound and killed on january 20th, 1999 in richmond, they waited for an answer. >> answers might not come today, might come tomorrow, but it is going to come. >> reporter: dna evidence did not lead to a match in the states offender database. >> law-enforcement working this case, they never gave up. they kept working it. >> the end result is we have identified who committed this murder through dna analysis. why give somebody fame and notoriety for committing a murder? >> we came here today to let the world know. not to just shove it under the rug. his family should know what he did. >> the victims family says henderson was a friend of a friend, but no other relationship beside that. >> i am angry, i am hurt. i am sad. >> reporter: more than two decades of investigative work, coupled with advanced dna technology created a clear profile of the suspect, jerry henderson, using forensic evidence recently collected from close relatives of henderson. >> some type of closure, some way. just making a difference to other people, like is hope out there. do not give up. >> reporter: authorities say henderson died of an apparent drug overdose 11 days after the murder. in the contra costa county, kenny choi, kpix 5. now to the war in ukraine, president biden announcing new money for the region, after russia launched an intense assault in the eastern part of the country. here is a look at the damage in the donbas region. russian forces heavily bombarded the city of kharkiv using missiles. cbs correspondent natalie brandt has more on president biden's response to this attack. natalie? >> reporter: a senior defense official says equipment from this latest round of assistance will start getting into the hands of ukrainian forces by w isrce multiplier for ukraine. calling it a critical window of time ahead of the next phase of the war in ukraine, president biden says another $800 million worth of defense assistance is on the way. >> now we have to accelerate that assistance package to help repair ukraine for russia's offensive. that is going to be more limited in terms of geography, but not in terms of brutality. >> reporter: among weapons being sent, 72 howitzers, ammunition, tactical drones and vehicles. the president also said the u.s. has provided 10 anti-armor systems for every single russian tank in ukraine. >> we will not always be able to advertise everything we and our partners are doing to support ukraine in their fight for freedom. but to modernize teddy roosevelt's famous advice, sometimes we will speak softly and carry a large javelin. because we are sending a lot of those as well. >> reporter: president biden also said he will ask congress for more money next week to keep weapons flowing into ukraine without interruption. >> we have a capacity to do this for a long time. >> reporter: in the besieged city, you grading the civilians and soldiers remain inside a steel plant surrounded by russian forces. president putin is now ordering his troops to block it, so not even a fly can get through. 12 miles west of mariupol, new satellite images show more than 200 mass graves. they started appearing march 23rd, and have expanded this month. there are reports russian soldiers are burying bodies here of people killed in mariupol. the president secretary also messing with ukraine's prime minister, who is in town. they announced an additional $500 million in economic support for ukraine's government, essentially emergency money to keep ukraine's government up and running, and fund some of the programs. because that is also critical to supporting ukraine and what it stands for. ryan? >> thank you very much. natalie brian, reporting from the white house for the biden administration, also announcing a streamlined administration plan to help bay area families would like to sponsor ukrainian relatives. those details tonight at 5:30. i had on kpix 5, wild new video of mike tyson punching a man on a flight . what set off the former boxer? high school prom turned out to be a covid super spreader. the outbreak affecting dozens of students. i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. , is supposed to be memorable for high schoolers, but that was not the case for nearly 100 peninsula students. or maybe it is in the wrong way. >> reporter: i have a feeling this was not the memory that that they would get. san mateo high school is dealing with a covid outbreak following prom night two weeks ago. it was held here, at san francisco's asian art museum, a brilliant venue, on april 9th. district says 600 students attended prom, but only 90 tested positive. masks were strongly recommended, but school leaders a many chose not to wear them. meanwhile over at san mateo high school, district has all covid cases were mild. some students said they had sore throat for a couple days, felt congested, but are now recovering. now, as for this saturday nights prom for hillsdale high school, the district says everyone going must wear masks indoors. covid testing will also be required before hand, so to help out, the district is offering free testing through saturday. the district says because of the outbreak at san mateo high school, other schools will ramp up safety protocols for their upcoming proms. >> thanks, elizabeth, vice president kamala harris and former president barack obama visiting the bay area today, vice president from centers is, met with healthcare workers and patients at ucsf mission bay campus, harris addressed the maternal health crisis among minorities in the u.s., meeting with expecting families. the former president spoke at stanford today. he talked about having access to information immediately, in the palm of your hands, but also the dangers of misinformation on social media. >> our new information ecosystem is turbocharging some of humanity's worst impulses. not all of these effects are intentional or even unavoidable. over time, we lose our capacity to distinguish between fact, opinion, and wholesale fiction. >> we have obama's full address at stanford on a late spring storm is dropping a lot of snow in the sierra. check out the blanket of snow covering the road. tough driving. could this late snowfall have an impact on our drug? reporter in plaster county with more on all the snow. madison, i know you are cold out there. >> reporter: sarah, you have got that right. but still, it is something to celebrate. we haven't had a storm like this in the sierra in a few months. of course, the driest start to the year in california history. nothing from january, february, or march. is it enough to prevent the wildfire season from starting early and pull us out of the drought? experts say it is a start, but we can always use more. >> back up in the sierra in april for snow, we are digging into what inches of fresh powder for the drought. >> this storm has been kind of a lifesaver for us. >> reporter: the white on roads and sprinkled on trees is a hopeful sign that it will not melt as a relief. >> if this storm does what it needs to, we will still see early melt, but not nearly as bad as when they were expected to melt off in mid april, a four month early. >> i am afraid to drive on this snow, you know. it is first time for me. i put the chains on, but i do not know. >> reporter: these conditions, a lesson in patience for this family from brazil. it is their first time in the snow ever. >> scary now, good later? >> yeah. it is a heck of a first time, right?'s >> reporter: a first time visit, but hopefully not the last. >> i think it is important, right? it is a lot of water in this snow. it will be good for the drought, right? >> reporter: the question remains, could this be considered an amazing april? >> amazing? i have been using abundant april, and yes. both of them could apply. >> reporter: and of course, there could always be more, but experts say it really comes down to how much water is really in all these inches of snow the sierra has got and is continuing to get. it is still coming down for 12 to 14 inches of snow, which could round out the one or two inches of water. in the meantime, we will enjoy it while it is here. we hope this is not the last of the spring. >> all right, madison, run back to the truck as to the heater on. do not the other longer than you have to. we appreciate it. lots of snow. we had to get louise some help. >> the real, heavy, sierra cement snow. >> so we will have a high water content, exactly what they need up there. more rain is what we need. we do not necessarily need the thunderstorms, but there is still the possibility. we are still in first alert weather mode for the rest of this evening. tonight, a break in the widespread rain number but we expect more to develop and roll in later tonight and into early friday morning. we are going to start with a camera time-lapse. this is the storm i was talking about a few minutes ago, that has the tornado warning and calaveras county. this is the time-lapse from the fire cameras. you can see the storm rotating. this is from twitter, so it will go black a moment. there is a storm rotating but you can see the low right there, thundercloud, but not reaching down to ground level within this time-lapse. let's return to the bay area, talk about what is happening around here. off and on rain further into tonight, but the possibility of thunderstorms, lightning threat, hail threat still bothers into tomorrow morning. lingering showers the first half of the day tomorrow. then he will dry up and warm up as we head into the weekend. back to the right a loop, there is that tornado warning storm far to the east of stockton, just scattered showers over the north bay. limited activity elsewhere, but if you hit or miss showers. while we had a break in the action, that doesn't necessarily mean it is dry. still be flexible with anything you want to get done outside. the widespread rain should hold off until later tonight. future work, keep us in a break until maybe 11:00, maybe midnight. against forecast model data, it is never perfect. we are emphasizing flexibility for outdoor plant. showers possible at any point. more activity developing around and after midnight. this will be scattered, but a good chance of rain for everybody tomorrow morning, and strong showers may find enough juice in the amateur to become actual thunderstorms with lightning and small hail, maybe even for the morning commute. other forecast models take this and put it off to our east before the sun comes up tomorrow morning, but still allow extra time for the morning to tomorrow. down to lingering showers by late morning at the latest, should drought tomorrow afternoon. total rainfall on top of that we have already received come out anywhere to from a few hundredths of an inch to maybe even a quarter inch in some spots, close to half an inch in some spots. will definitely take it, when those thunderstorms roll through, it can come in a hurry. continue to outline the entire bay area, most of the north half of the state. possibility of cloud-to-ground lightning, so national agencies are zeroed in on that cloud-to- ground lightning threat and small hail threat for us as well. in the high sierra, which is from continues for 11:00 on friday morning. this will add feet of welcome snow. clouds building once again as he looked to the west . temperatures in low to mid 60s except santa rosa where it is raining, in the mid-50s. we end up in the 40s by tomorrow morning, which is normal for this time of year. we only warm up to the 60s for most of the bay area, upper 50s along the coast, low to mid 60s around the peninsula and south end of the bay. mid-60s in the santa clara valley, also mid-60s and went to the east bay, one spots in the upper 60s. a good six or seven degrees below average. low 60s for centers until, mid- 60s for oakland and east bay, low to mid 60s for north bay, except along the coast in the 50s, and more mid-60s of further north. near normal temperatures on saturday, above normal temperatures for sunday, and monday, especially for inland parts of the bay area. once the showers wind down by midday tomorrow, the rest of the forecast is looking dry. we will see dry weather continue probably through the entirety of the next work week. maybe a hint of a shower chance around the corner into early may. but by the time the may rolls around, we are pretty much done with our substantial rain chances. another look coming up at 5:30. >> that has been a struggle for both of us. >> not just during commercials. thank you, paul. coming up, can the warriors keep it rolling as a playoff series shifts to denver? >> and coming up on streaming, powerful fantastic things start to happen when you step aboard a princess cruise. doors open up for you, your favorite drinks start finding you. and everything seems to be... just how you like it. how does it all happen? it's no secret. it's our job to discover what makes you feel special. yes, you! and you. and you too. making sure you feel taken care of. that's what a princess cruise is all about. cruise this summer from san francisco with up to 40% off. cruise this summer from san francisco meet brett from apartment 2b. he's not letting an overdraft alert get him stressed. he knows he's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. another busy day in bay area sports. the giants wrapped up a series today. >> and the continuous series of nuggets tonight, in denver. glenn burton here to talk about it all. >> bring it on, nba playoff game 3. the nuggets will have a chance. they have got to deliver tonight. warriors, if they go up 3-0 in the series, it is over. and the mere thought of that has denver coach, mike malone -- let's see how he handles it. >> i slept like a baby last night. i got up every two hours and cried. >> yeah, coach. here is -- the warriors guard attack, more than enough to cause sleepless nights for opposing coaches. jordan poole, steph curry, and klay thompson have combined for 149 points. regular-season irrelevant. coach malone is concerned. >> obviously, we went to 3-1 in regular-season. -- did not play. the combination of jordan, steph, and clay, never really played that we are seeing a different team than anyone else has seen all year, because they are finally healthy. >> will be increased level of physicality. we will face a different lineup then in the first games. if we cannot match the energy, we will have a shot at all. >> after a mere pause, frozen in time, let's get to baseball. sean murphy thought of this ditch. the capital a's catcher -- third homer of the season. 6-4 to baltimore, took 3 out of 4 in the series, half game out of first in the west, they host the rangers tomorrow. the mets came back with a vengeance over the giants, francisco lindor, swollen, gone. seven hits in the series, mets won 'of 4 games, including today's 6-2 win, giants now 8- 5, game and a half out of -- a short flight to washington, d.c. for a weekend series at the nationals. washington, d.c., it is about an hour and a half from where i grew up. i miss my people, but not the humidity at all. >> i love how you lead us to just kind of marinate on what steph had to say. >> just baiting the audience, really lean forward, soak in that we had to say. >> thanks, vern. still ahead at 5:30, mike tyson unloading a flurry of punches on a passenger at sfo point why the former champion to school. a suspect wanted in a hit- and-run in the south bay, what we are learning about the man accused of hitting and running and killing a mother and daughter.retives, new plan may them to reunite with (music throughout) >> right now on kpix 5, more local news at 5:30, weather, a live look at look ou, tracking a spotty rain showers check with chief meteorologist, paul heggen. >> scattered showers still possible, most activity right now falling over the north bay. heavy rainfall over the western tip of marion county. for the rest of the bay area, light often on shouters, slightly heavier just off of oakland, right along the 24. activity to the east as well. we pan farther south, if used body showers here and there, mainly at higher elevation. more widespread activity will ve

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20240708 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20240708

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parts of sonoma county, back into marion county, a few more in napa county but central bay, just hit or miss sprinkles, including a shower over part of san francisco right now. mother south, showers moving the santa clara valley, southeast of san jose. back out, everything in motion. they are waiting on the next round of more widespread right to develop to our west and come rolling in. that will not happen until after sunset. a break in the widespread rain will continue for the next few hours. we have had a decent amount of rain so far, especially in the mountains, almost an inch and a half for canfield, close to that in concord. a nice soaking rain last night into today, with more rain still on the way. >> thanks, paul. here's a live look at conditions in the seer this evening. heavy snow falling in the mountains causing hazardous conditions. chain controls up along highway 50, along interstate 80. caltrans wants travelers to expect delays. we will have more on the snow later in the newscast. >> stay with kpix five for the latest. we have continuing coverage on air and online at >> breaking news right now from san jose, fire crews on the scene at a fire burning at a homeless encampment. this is not far from the airport, on spring street. here's a live look now from that fire. you can see fire crews are busy trying to douse those flames, as they put the water and the hoses on. as a result, this fire is pumping out a lot of smoke that can be seen across the valley. very active fire scene, right now. we will keep monitoring is an update later in the show. residence in a livermore neighborhood are dealing with the aftermath of a power surge during a powerful windstorm. it was caused by a palm fronds that fell across a high-voltage distribution line and lower voltage transmission line. this happened at lane avenue in holmes street, two weeks ago, juliette goodrich reports many neighbors are left with thousands of dollars of repairs. >> reporter: pg&e has some part of the problem. they chopped down this palm tree the day after the power surge. the city has given approval to cut down the rest of these palm trees so it does not happen again. but, for people in this neighborhood, they say that does not really solve their problems right now. >> it is friday. >> reporter: george paloma what is the result. >> it was cold. last time i was able to check, it was 59 degrees in the house. >> reporter: so far, he has had to replace the refrigerator, dishwasher, eater. the list goes on and the expenses go up. >> they charged us $1700 to replace an electronic board. >> reporter: the power surge was so powerful, it blew the meters off houses, and friday electronics, affecting more than 500 residents. what have you had to replace? >> washing machine, microwave, our ac unit upstairs -- >> reporter: and it adds up. what you think you're at, expense wise? >> not sure. just put on the credit card, try to pay later, see what pg&e will do. >> reporter: jeff schafer's assistant director for public city of livermore. has there been concern for that area? >> there has not been. those trees are rather large. they have been there a significant amount of time. pg&e has never contacted us that they had a concern for them. >> reporter: some neighbors lost solar panels, pool pumps, garage door openers, sprinkler control panels. basically anything that was plugged in when the surge hit. >> the jacuzzi will not start no matter what. >> reporter: pg&e says homeowners can file a claim to report damages from the surge. the company said that although the palm tree was not in pg&e's right of way and they are not responsible for its maintenance, they will review and consider each claim. >> what happens if pg&e says this is not our problem? >> they would process it to the city of livermore as a claim. they can contact the city of livermore. they can contact our division, here in maintenance. we can direct them to the right place. they would file a claim and the city would review it, just like any other claim. the mac you feel vulnerable, because at the end of the day, you do not know if you will be in the get. >> reporter: a livermore, juliette goodrich. >> reporter: shelter in place order kept the school in locked onto that lockdown was in response to violent threats supposedly made by a suspended students. even though there is no longer a threat, all school services will remain closed the rest of the day. >> i hope they are being conservative with what they deem a writable threat, and not, you know, locking down just to make sure nobody is injured -- >> reporter: nearby schools and students were forced to shelter in place, including a second- grade class visiting the school on a field trip. a decades-old bay area cold case has finally been solved. as law enforcement agencies made the announcement, the victims family wanted more. kpix's kenny choi explained that pitch of the story. >> reporter: friends and family of the victim demanded richmond police police name the person responsible for the murder during today's news conference. law-enforcement officials wanted to focus on the victim, but ultimately talked more about the identified perpetrator. >> reporter: mika watley's family and friends together for closure, wanting more details about the person who killed the 28 year old mother of one in her bedroom. >> she was beautiful, smart, outgoing. love to hang out, love to have fun. >> reporter: wearing we love you search with a smiling watley before she was bound and killed on january 20th, 1999 in richmond, they waited for an answer. >> answers might not come today, might come tomorrow, but it is going to come. >> reporter: dna evidence did not lead to a match in the states offender database. >> law-enforcement working this case, they never gave up. they kept working it. >> the end result is we have identified who committed this murder through dna analysis. why give somebody fame and notoriety for committing a murder? >> we came here today to let the world know. not to just shove it under the rug. his family should know what he did. >> the victims family says henderson was a friend of a friend, but no other relationship beside that. >> i am angry, i am hurt. i am sad. >> reporter: more than two decades of investigative work, coupled with advanced dna technology created a clear profile of the suspect, jerry henderson, using forensic evidence recently collected from close relatives of henderson. >> some type of closure, some way. just making a difference to other people, like is hope out there. do not give up. >> reporter: authorities say henderson died of an apparent drug overdose 11 days after the murder. in the contra costa county, kenny choi, kpix 5. now to the war in ukraine, president biden announcing new money for the region, after russia launched an intense assault in the eastern part of the country. here is a look at the damage in the donbas region. russian forces heavily bombarded the city of kharkiv using missiles. cbs correspondent natalie brandt has more on president biden's response to this attack. natalie? >> reporter: a senior defense official says equipment from this latest round of assistance will start getting into the hands of ukrainian forces by w isrce multiplier for ukraine. calling it a critical window of time ahead of the next phase of the war in ukraine, president biden says another $800 million worth of defense assistance is on the way. >> now we have to accelerate that assistance package to help repair ukraine for russia's offensive. that is going to be more limited in terms of geography, but not in terms of brutality. >> reporter: among weapons being sent, 72 howitzers, ammunition, tactical drones and vehicles. the president also said the u.s. has provided 10 anti-armor systems for every single russian tank in ukraine. >> we will not always be able to advertise everything we and our partners are doing to support ukraine in their fight for freedom. but to modernize teddy roosevelt's famous advice, sometimes we will speak softly and carry a large javelin. because we are sending a lot of those as well. >> reporter: president biden also said he will ask congress for more money next week to keep weapons flowing into ukraine without interruption. >> we have a capacity to do this for a long time. >> reporter: in the besieged city, you grading the civilians and soldiers remain inside a steel plant surrounded by russian forces. president putin is now ordering his troops to block it, so not even a fly can get through. 12 miles west of mariupol, new satellite images show more than 200 mass graves. they started appearing march 23rd, and have expanded this month. there are reports russian soldiers are burying bodies here of people killed in mariupol. the president secretary also messing with ukraine's prime minister, who is in town. they announced an additional $500 million in economic support for ukraine's government, essentially emergency money to keep ukraine's government up and running, and fund some of the programs. because that is also critical to supporting ukraine and what it stands for. ryan? >> thank you very much. natalie brian, reporting from the white house for the biden administration, also announcing a streamlined administration plan to help bay area families would like to sponsor ukrainian relatives. those details tonight at 5:30. i had on kpix 5, wild new video of mike tyson punching a man on a flight . what set off the former boxer? high school prom turned out to be a covid super spreader. the outbreak affecting dozens of students. i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. you are watching actual videos of the tesla full self driving technology as recorded by the drivers. from turning too tightly and hitting a pylon... [ expletive ] to swerving toward a pole. jesus. watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. sometimes it seems the tesla doesn't want the driver to take over. i'm trying. this driver had to hit the brakes when the tesla didn't understand a detour sign. ok. here it almost hit a truck. obviously, i had to take over. and here it swerves into an oncoming lane. look at that! often, the tesla doesn't know what it wants to do. what is it doing? or just doesn't know how to turn. jesus, oh my god! tesla's full self driving software for drivers and pedestrians, it's unsafe at any speed. tell congress to shut it down. , is supposed to be memorable for high schoolers, but that was not the case for nearly 100 peninsula students. or maybe it is in the wrong way. >> reporter: i have a feeling this was not the memory that that they would get. san mateo high school is dealing with a covid outbreak following prom night two weeks ago. it was held here, at san francisco's asian art museum, a brilliant venue, on april 9th. district says 600 students attended prom, but only 90 tested positive. masks were strongly recommended, but school leaders a many chose not to wear them. meanwhile over at san mateo high school, district has all covid cases were mild. some students said they had sore throat for a couple days, felt congested, but are now recovering. now, as for this saturday nights prom for hillsdale high school, the district says everyone going must wear masks indoors. covid testing will also be required before hand, so to help out, the district is offering free testing through saturday. the district says because of the outbreak at san mateo high school, other schools will ramp up safety protocols for their upcoming proms. >> thanks, elizabeth, vice president kamala harris and former president barack obama visiting the bay area today, vice president from centers is, met with healthcare workers and patients at ucsf mission bay campus, harris addressed the maternal health crisis among minorities in the u.s., meeting with expecting families. the former president spoke at stanford today. he talked about having access to information immediately, in the palm of your hands, but also the dangers of misinformation on social media. >> our new information ecosystem is turbocharging some of humanity's worst impulses. not all of these effects are intentional or even unavoidable. over time, we lose our capacity to distinguish between fact, opinion, and wholesale fiction. >> we have obama's full address at stanford on a late spring storm is dropping a lot of snow in the sierra. check out the blanket of snow covering the road. tough driving. could this late snowfall have an impact on our drug? reporter in plaster county with more on all the snow. madison, i know you are cold out there. >> reporter: sarah, you have got that right. but still, it is something to celebrate. we haven't had a storm like this in the sierra in a few months. of course, the driest start to the year in california history. nothing from january, february, or march. is it enough to prevent the wildfire season from starting early and pull us out of the drought? experts say it is a start, but we can always use more. >> back up in the sierra in april for snow, we are digging into what inches of fresh powder for the drought. >> this storm has been kind of a lifesaver for us. >> reporter: the white on roads and sprinkled on trees is a hopeful sign that it will not melt as a relief. >> if this storm does what it needs to, we will still see early melt, but not nearly as bad as when they were expected to melt off in mid april, a four month early. >> i am afraid to drive on this snow, you know. it is first time for me. i put the chains on, but i do not know. >> reporter: these conditions, a lesson in patience for this family from brazil. it is their first time in the snow ever. >> scary now, good later? >> yeah. it is a heck of a first time, right?'s >> reporter: a first time visit, but hopefully not the last. >> i think it is important, right? it is a lot of water in this snow. it will be good for the drought, right? >> reporter: the question remains, could this be considered an amazing april? >> amazing? i have been using abundant april, and yes. both of them could apply. >> reporter: and of course, there could always be more, but experts say it really comes down to how much water is really in all these inches of snow the sierra has got and is continuing to get. it is still coming down for 12 to 14 inches of snow, which could round out the one or two inches of water. in the meantime, we will enjoy it while it is here. we hope this is not the last of the spring. >> all right, madison, run back to the truck as to the heater on. do not the other longer than you have to. we appreciate it. lots of snow. we had to get louise some help. >> the real, heavy, sierra cement snow. >> so we will have a high water content, exactly what they need up there. more rain is what we need. we do not necessarily need the thunderstorms, but there is still the possibility. we are still in first alert weather mode for the rest of this evening. tonight, a break in the widespread rain number but we expect more to develop and roll in later tonight and into early friday morning. we are going to start with a camera time-lapse. this is the storm i was talking about a few minutes ago, that has the tornado warning and calaveras county. this is the time-lapse from the fire cameras. you can see the storm rotating. this is from twitter, so it will go black a moment. there is a storm rotating but you can see the low right there, thundercloud, but not reaching down to ground level within this time-lapse. let's return to the bay area, talk about what is happening around here. off and on rain further into tonight, but the possibility of thunderstorms, lightning threat, hail threat still bothers into tomorrow morning. lingering showers the first half of the day tomorrow. then he will dry up and warm up as we head into the weekend. back to the right a loop, there is that tornado warning storm far to the east of stockton, just scattered showers over the north bay. limited activity elsewhere, but if you hit or miss showers. while we had a break in the action, that doesn't necessarily mean it is dry. still be flexible with anything you want to get done outside. the widespread rain should hold off until later tonight. future work, keep us in a break until maybe 11:00, maybe midnight. against forecast model data, it is never perfect. we are emphasizing flexibility for outdoor plant. showers possible at any point. more activity developing around and after midnight. this will be scattered, but a good chance of rain for everybody tomorrow morning, and strong showers may find enough juice in the amateur to become actual thunderstorms with lightning and small hail, maybe even for the morning commute. other forecast models take this and put it off to our east before the sun comes up tomorrow morning, but still allow extra time for the morning to tomorrow. down to lingering showers by late morning at the latest, should drought tomorrow afternoon. total rainfall on top of that we have already received come out anywhere to from a few hundredths of an inch to maybe even a quarter inch in some spots, close to half an inch in some spots. will definitely take it, when those thunderstorms roll through, it can come in a hurry. continue to outline the entire bay area, most of the north half of the state. possibility of cloud-to-ground lightning, so national agencies are zeroed in on that cloud-to- ground lightning threat and small hail threat for us as well. in the high sierra, which is from continues for 11:00 on friday morning. this will add feet of welcome snow. clouds building once again as he looked to the west . temperatures in low to mid 60s except santa rosa where it is raining, in the mid-50s. we end up in the 40s by tomorrow morning, which is normal for this time of year. we only warm up to the 60s for most of the bay area, upper 50s along the coast, low to mid 60s around the peninsula and south end of the bay. mid-60s in the santa clara valley, also mid-60s and went to the east bay, one spots in the upper 60s. a good six or seven degrees below average. low 60s for centers until, mid- 60s for oakland and east bay, low to mid 60s for north bay, except along the coast in the 50s, and more mid-60s of further north. near normal temperatures on saturday, above normal temperatures for sunday, and monday, especially for inland parts of the bay area. once the showers wind down by midday tomorrow, the rest of the forecast is looking dry. we will see dry weather continue probably through the entirety of the next work week. maybe a hint of a shower chance around the corner into early may. but by the time the may rolls around, we are pretty much done with our substantial rain chances. another look coming up at 5:30. >> that has been a struggle for both of us. >> not just during commercials. thank you, paul. coming up, can the warriors keep it rolling as a playoff series shifts to denver? >> and coming up on streaming, powerful fantastic things start to happen when you step aboard a princess cruise. doors open up for you, your favorite drinks start finding you. and everything seems to be... just how you like it. how does it all happen? it's no secret. it's our job to discover what makes you feel special. yes, you! and you. and you too. making sure you feel taken care of. that's what a princess cruise is all about. cruise this summer from san francisco with up to 40% off. cruise this summer from san francisco meet brett from apartment 2b. he's not letting an overdraft alert get him stressed. he knows he's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. another busy day in bay area sports. the giants wrapped up a series today. >> and the continuous series of nuggets tonight, in denver. glenn burton here to talk about it all. >> bring it on, nba playoff game 3. the nuggets will have a chance. they have got to deliver tonight. warriors, if they go up 3-0 in the series, it is over. and the mere thought of that has denver coach, mike malone -- let's see how he handles it. >> i slept like a baby last night. i got up every two hours and cried. >> yeah, coach. here is -- the warriors guard attack, more than enough to cause sleepless nights for opposing coaches. jordan poole, steph curry, and klay thompson have combined for 149 points. regular-season irrelevant. coach malone is concerned. >> obviously, we went to 3-1 in regular-season. -- did not play. the combination of jordan, steph, and clay, never really played that we are seeing a different team than anyone else has seen all year, because they are finally healthy. >> will be increased level of physicality. we will face a different lineup then in the first games. if we cannot match the energy, we will have a shot at all. >> after a mere pause, frozen in time, let's get to baseball. sean murphy thought of this ditch. the capital a's catcher -- third homer of the season. 6-4 to baltimore, took 3 out of 4 in the series, half game out of first in the west, they host the rangers tomorrow. the mets came back with a vengeance over the giants, francisco lindor, swollen, gone. seven hits in the series, mets won 'of 4 games, including today's 6-2 win, giants now 8- 5, game and a half out of -- a short flight to washington, d.c. for a weekend series at the nationals. washington, d.c., it is about an hour and a half from where i grew up. i miss my people, but not the humidity at all. >> i love how you lead us to just kind of marinate on what steph had to say. >> just baiting the audience, really lean forward, soak in that we had to say. >> thanks, vern. still ahead at 5:30, mike tyson unloading a flurry of punches on a passenger at sfo point why the former champion to school. a suspect wanted in a hit- and-run in the south bay, what we are learning about the man accused of hitting and running and killing a mother and daughter.retives, new plan may them to reunite with (music throughout) >> right now on kpix 5, more local news at 5:30, weather, a live look at look ou, tracking a spotty rain showers check with chief meteorologist, paul heggen. >> scattered showers still possible, most activity right now falling over the north bay. heavy rainfall over the western tip of marion county. for the rest of the bay area, light often on shouters, slightly heavier just off of oakland, right along the 24. activity to the east as well. we pan farther south, if used body showers here and there, mainly at higher elevation. more widespread activity will ve

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