Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

out. for the first time since his heroic actions saved lives on the january 6 assault on the ily been a blood bath. >> o'donnell: the rising price of o.j. americans feel the squeeze as orange juice prices surge. major s.a.t. changes: the new details all parents need to know about the college admissions exam. and tom brady's future. what the greatest of all time is saying about retirement. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us. president biden is ramping up the pressure on vladimir putin, warning the russian president of "enormous consequences" if he invades ukraine and taking the rhetoric a step further, issuing a personal threat to putin. ukrainian leaders are trying to calm citizens, saying there is no sign that a russian invasion is imminent, but the war games on the country's border are telling a different story. thousands of russian troops conducted military drills using warplanes, naval shipses and ballistic missiles. and while u.s. troops wait on heightened alert here, about 300 antitank missiles and other american-made weapons, like bunker busters arrived in kyiv today. the administration says diplomacy isn't dead but tensions are still mounting. the u.s. and allies have vowed t hit russia with sanctions like never before if moscow invades. we have two reports tonight, one from inside ukraine. but we'll start here in washington with cbs' ed o'keefe at the white house. >> reporter: the white house continues to believe russia could invade ukraine at any time and today went further than ever before to make clear, vladimir putin will face economic sanctions if he invades and u.s. troops could be headed to the region sooner rather than later. a russian military show of force today on the country's western border with ukraine, and no signs that vladimir putin plans to back down. that's why president biden, shopping today at a small business in washington, says he may soon deploy to eastern europe some of the almost 9,000 u.s. troops he's put on heightened alert. >> i may be moving some of those troops in the near term, just because it takes time, and, again, it's not provocative. >> reporter: several,000 u.s. troops already in europe also could be repositioned, but the growing allied response force is still no march for pint's roughly 100,000 troops on the ground. at this point, almost completely ecircling ukraine. the white house says an invasion is imminent, and mr. biden summoned his top national security advisers for a meeting on the crisis, saying he would specifically target putin with economic sanctions if the russian leader invades. >> if he would move in all those forces it would be the largest invasion since wo world war ii. it could change the world. >> reporter: the russians reiterated today they plan no attacks. they're now working with oil and gas suppliers around the globe to ensure there is adequate supply. some republicans fear mr. biden is still moving too slowly against putin. >> even when they're taking those right steps now those right steps tend to be half-measures and they're certainly much too late. >> reporter: but senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, has a different view. >> it appears to me the administration is moving in the right direction. >> o'donnell: ed joins us now from the white house. what are you hearing about u.s. troop deployments? >> reporter: well, cbs news has learned tonight the pentagon is preparing to announce elements of the army's 62nd division out of fort bragg, north carolina, could be among the elements deployed to the region. >> o'donnell: ed at the white house, thank you. now to ukraine where the crisis deepens as the the latest round of military equipment arrives. and cbs' holly williams was there. >> reporter: in ukraine tonight, a delivery of nearly 300 javelin antitank missiles and other munitions. this is just the latest shipment in $200 million worth of emergency military assistance from the u.s. russia still denies it has plans to invade, despite the roughly 100,000 troops it's massed on ukraine's border but the u.s. has warned russia may use unconventional tactics. >> paramilitary tactics, so-called gray zone attacks, and actions by russian soldiers not wearing russian uniforms. >> reporter: ukraine's even suggested russia could stage an accident in a chemical factory as a pretext for moving in. in eastern ukraine in 2014, we witnessed russian-backed fighters take control of towns and cities. that conflict now killed more than 14,000. the u.s. says russia controls the armed rebels. you can tell me, are you ukrainian or are you russian? >> i'm just a person. >> reporter: you're just a person. >> yes. >> reporter: you won't tell me. >> no. >> reporter: and suspected russian hack version succeeded in crashing the power grid here. when this power station came under attack in 2015, nearly a quarter million people lost electricity. there are still hopes for a diplomatic solution. tomorrow, ukrainian and russian officials will meet in paris, along with their french and german counterparts. norah. >> o'donnell: holly williams in ukraine for us. thank you. well, turning now to covid. pfizer has announced the start of a clinical trial for a new vaccine that will specifically target the omicron variant, and it couldn't come soon enough as the seven-day average for covid deathing near 2200 a day. that's the highest it's been in nearly a year. cbs' kris van cleave is in hard-hit oklahoma city. >> reporter: tonight, a new look inside an oklahoma city e.r., overflowing with covid patients. dozens are waiting for i.c.u. beds, but every single one at four of the state's largest hospitals is full. police officer brandon owens has been in the i.c.u. and on a ventularity for more than two weeks. >> he spent 14 years in the military. he did three deployments overseas. we never expected this to be something that would get him down. >> reporter: the situation is so dire, it prompted this warning: the oklahoma city healthcare system is at a breaking point. >> it feels like a war zone when there are fires everywhere. and it's a battle trying to take care of the wounded, trying not to get wo >> po watson is the chief medical officer at integris health. monday, its hospitals set a new record for covid patients as the state's vaccination rate lingers at less than 55%. do you feel like you would be in a better situation if the vaccination rate was higher? >> there is no question in my mind. an i.c.u. physician and i were talking, and he is seeing mortality rates up to 50% in i.c.u. patients unvaccinated, up to 50%. >> reporter: the c.d.c. says new data shows omicron causes less severe disease, but it's so infectious, it's causes hospitalizations and deaths to rise, something oklahoma is seeing right now. is this as bad as it's ever been for your hospitals? >> i would say yes. this is our fourth wave. and it's demoralizing to not be able to do your job the way that you were trained to do when our job is to save people's lives. >> reporter: many of the people we've spoken with here in oklahoma have refused to answer any questions about vaccination status. and tonight, we're learning that scientists around the world are closely watching a subvariant of omicron that's been found here in the u.s., but they don't know yet just how dangerous it may be. norah. >> o'donnell: so demoralizing for those healthcare workers. thank you for telling their stories, kris. we have some sad news to report tonight on a story we brought you yesterday. a second new york city police officer died from his injuries after an ambush in harlle. 27-year-old william mora died today, four days after he and his partner, rookie officer, jason rivera, were shot during a domestic disturbance call. officer rivera died on friday. the gunman was shot and killed by another officer. the commissioner called mora three times a hero for choosing to be a police officer, dying in the line of duty and giving the gift of life as an organ donor. the leader of the oath keepers and nine other members pleaded guilty today to charges of se ditious conspiracy. tonight, one of the heroes of that dark day is speak out for arla has his story. cbs >> reporter: capitol police officer eugene goodman, the heroic cop who drew the mob away from the senate chamber, allowing them to chase him up the stairs inside the capitol, is credited with possibly saving vice president mike pence and several senators as they were forced to evacuate. in the year since, it's been goodman who has been eluding a curtain call. >> i didn't know they had gotten that far up into the building. >> reporter: in a new podcast, he's opening up for the first time publicly. >> you want to deescalate, but at the same time you want to survive first, you know what i mean? >> reporter: in this now-famous voo goodman runs by utah republican senator mitt romney and tells him to turn around and run for safety. >> it could have been easily been a blood bath, so kudos to everybody there that showed a measure of restraint with regards to deadly force, because it could have been bad. really, really bad. >> reporter: goodman would escort vice president kamala harris at the inauguration, and was later honored with the congressional gold medal. >> officer goodman, thank you. ( applause ) >> reporter: an iraq war veteran, goodman says his military training served him well. >> my platoon would say figure it out or die. >> reporter: one year later, officer goodman remains with the u.s. capitol police department. his colleagues say, like so many here, he returned to work right after january 6. his colleagues also say he's averse to the lime light and did that podcast because it involved one of his friends. norah. >> o'donnell: it's good to hear from officer goodman. scott macfarlane, thank you. now to some breaking news from the coast of florida. the coast guard has launched a search for 39 people after a boat capsized off the coast, about 45 miles east of port saint lucie. according to a survivor, the boat left the bahamas on saturday, but encountered rough weather and then capsized. none of them apparently had life vests. few stories affect more americans than the rising cost of groceries. overall, the price of groceries are up 6.5% compared to a year ago. now it's the price of orange juice that's putting the squeeze on your pocketbook. cbs' manuel bojorquez is in florida, where they are expected to have the worst orange harvest since world war ii. orter:led "citrusenin a disea flicti florida o spread by an invasive insect, leaving trees looking like this. it kills it from the idea. >> yeah, all the roots are going to go first. when you have no roots, you have no leaves, no fruit. >> reporter: brian faryna's family established this grove near orlando 70 years ago. it's hard for him to imagine that the state is forecast to have its smallest orange crop since before the farynas laid down roots here. this is what you devote your life to. >> yup. all of our lanes are citrus. when you hear numbers like that, it is devastating. >> reporter: there is no known cure for citrus greening. in fact, in grofs like this one, it's safe to assume most trees have some ag agree of it. one telltale sign, the amount of group that has fallen to the ground or unusual's small. it's set to produce only forty four.5 million this year. but demand for orange juice grew nearly 50% at the start of the pandemic, so prices for orange juice concentrate, already up 14%, will likely climb higher. >> lately, actually, i i have been drinking less orange juice because prices are going up. >> reporter: what do you foresee in your future? >> that's a million-dollar question. we're going to stay in it, and we have diversified, so we're making sure we spread ourselves out and try to find different ways to keep agriculture in our family. >> reporter: so they've added other crops, and even set up this store to supplement their income. but other farmers have sold their land to developers. and over the last 20 years, the number of acres harvested for oranges in florida has dropped by more than half. norah. >> o'donnell: manuel bojorquez, thank you. all right, if you have a child that's getting ready for college, you'll want to listen carefully to this next story. some big changes are coming to the s.a.t. exam. cbs' meg oliver reports it's headed into the digital age. >> reporter: high school junior natalia cossio is one of the first students to take a test run at the new version of the s.a.t. which version of the s.a.t. did you prefer and why? >> i preferred the digital version because it was a lot more concise. >> reporter: the updated test will be online only. it will be two hours instead ofg passages, and calculators allowed for the entire math portion. >> students are going to get their scores back faster and we're going to be able to be a lot more flexible with schools in how and when they give the s.a.t. to students. >> reporter: the s.a.t. has drawn fire from critics for decades. a 2021 study shows that admissions tests discriminate against minority and low-income students at selective colleges. are the s.a.t.s still relevant with so many schools going test optional? >> not really. >> reporter: in fact, some of the most prestigious schools in the country have dropped the s.a.t., schools like princeton, stanford, and notre dame all make test scores optional on their applications. >> it's an inaccurate predictor. it's highly coachable. it's biased against many important populations. and, most importantly, schools don't need it. >> reporter: nearly 80% of schools no longer require the test, despite high interest in the s.a.t. from some students, like natalia cossio. >> it's like a confidence booster if you get a really good score. >> reporter: maybe a boost of confidence, but no longer a barrier for students striving for their dream school. meg oliver, cbs news. >> o'donnell: and we have some breaking news from the baseball hall of fame. three-time world series champ and former boston red sox, david isirstea eligity. sebari r the tense straight year rejected former slugger barry bonds, and pitching ace roger clemens, over their suspected use of performance-enhancing drugs. all right, still ahead here on tonight's "cbs evening news," why tom brady says it's not all about what he wants when it comes to his football career. our purchasing power adapts to our business needs. what's in your wallet? 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>> to be very aware of your surroundings. i'm always very aware, but i do have friends who are older and younger, they don't pay attention. >> reporter: sammy yuen started teaching these self-defense classes at new york city's university settlement center after someone told his dad to go back to china. armed with years of martial arts training: the objective is to empower students and get home safely. be aware of threats before they happen and give yourself time to get away. >> reporter: mary yuen now carcarries that knowledge with r and gratitude for her young teacher. >> excellent, very good! >> reporter: what do you think of sammy? >> he's really wonderful. he's very dedicated. he doesn't mind if you punch him the wrong way. oh, my. harder. harder? >> reporter: sounds like you enjoy that a little bit. >> too much. >> reporter: defying hate with power and joy. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: got to stamp out the origins of that hate, too. we'll be right back. starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. allergies with nasal congestion overwhelming you? 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nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. >> o'donnell: we're excited to debut our new streaming show "person to person" featuring intimate conversations with authors, celebrity, and more. the first episode appears tonight on the cbs news app. i sit down with bestselling author and researcher brene brown. remember, for this show, if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your dvr so you can watch us later. that is tonight's "cbs evening i'm norah o'donnell in he n >> i seen my cousin going down 9th street. told my cousin, "let me holler at you for a second." >> announcer: a war of words between family members. >> he hollering, yelling, saying, "i'm coming to serve." >> judge judy: that means fight you. >> basically, yes. >> announcer: now, his mother and the judge have the same issue. >> judge judy: do you understand his language, or does he talk this way to you at home? >> that's his lingo. >> judge judy: i don't understand your lingo. so, now we're gonna talk to me like the old jewish lady i am. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution william moss is suing his cousin, bobby brown, for vandalizing his car when he came to his home looking for a fight. >> byrd: order! all rise! your honor, this is case number 580 on the calendar in the matter of moss vs. brown. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. ladies, have a seat. >> judge judy: mr. moss, mr. brown is a cousin of yours? >> first cousin. >> judge judy: so is he your mother's sister's son? >> mother's brother's son. >> judge judy: there was an incident that you described that happened about a year and a half ago. >> august 25th, last year. >> judge judy: and this all emanates from that incident. it is your claim that, at that time, mr. brown vandalized your car. well, there's a lot more to that story, which i think is important to get to. mr. brown has a cross-claim for, among other things, harassment. this incident on august 25th, a year and a half ago, you did some jail time, is that right? >> correct. >> judge judy: so i want you to just go back. so, that case is all over. so you can tell me generally what happened on that day. >> well, that morning, i'm coming down the street on my way to the house. >> judge judy: whose house? >> my mom's house. to drop off some tools. >> judge judy: is that where you were living? >> yeah. yes. >> j j

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

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out. for the first time since his heroic actions saved lives on the january 6 assault on the ily been a blood bath. >> o'donnell: the rising price of o.j. americans feel the squeeze as orange juice prices surge. major s.a.t. changes: the new details all parents need to know about the college admissions exam. and tom brady's future. what the greatest of all time is saying about retirement. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us. president biden is ramping up the pressure on vladimir putin, warning the russian president of "enormous consequences" if he invades ukraine and taking the rhetoric a step further, issuing a personal threat to putin. ukrainian leaders are trying to calm citizens, saying there is no sign that a russian invasion is imminent, but the war games on the country's border are telling a different story. thousands of russian troops conducted military drills using warplanes, naval shipses and ballistic missiles. and while u.s. troops wait on heightened alert here, about 300 antitank missiles and other american-made weapons, like bunker busters arrived in kyiv today. the administration says diplomacy isn't dead but tensions are still mounting. the u.s. and allies have vowed t hit russia with sanctions like never before if moscow invades. we have two reports tonight, one from inside ukraine. but we'll start here in washington with cbs' ed o'keefe at the white house. >> reporter: the white house continues to believe russia could invade ukraine at any time and today went further than ever before to make clear, vladimir putin will face economic sanctions if he invades and u.s. troops could be headed to the region sooner rather than later. a russian military show of force today on the country's western border with ukraine, and no signs that vladimir putin plans to back down. that's why president biden, shopping today at a small business in washington, says he may soon deploy to eastern europe some of the almost 9,000 u.s. troops he's put on heightened alert. >> i may be moving some of those troops in the near term, just because it takes time, and, again, it's not provocative. >> reporter: several,000 u.s. troops already in europe also could be repositioned, but the growing allied response force is still no march for pint's roughly 100,000 troops on the ground. at this point, almost completely ecircling ukraine. the white house says an invasion is imminent, and mr. biden summoned his top national security advisers for a meeting on the crisis, saying he would specifically target putin with economic sanctions if the russian leader invades. >> if he would move in all those forces it would be the largest invasion since wo world war ii. it could change the world. >> reporter: the russians reiterated today they plan no attacks. they're now working with oil and gas suppliers around the globe to ensure there is adequate supply. some republicans fear mr. biden is still moving too slowly against putin. >> even when they're taking those right steps now those right steps tend to be half-measures and they're certainly much too late. >> reporter: but senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, has a different view. >> it appears to me the administration is moving in the right direction. >> o'donnell: ed joins us now from the white house. what are you hearing about u.s. troop deployments? >> reporter: well, cbs news has learned tonight the pentagon is preparing to announce elements of the army's 62nd division out of fort bragg, north carolina, could be among the elements deployed to the region. >> o'donnell: ed at the white house, thank you. now to ukraine where the crisis deepens as the the latest round of military equipment arrives. and cbs' holly williams was there. >> reporter: in ukraine tonight, a delivery of nearly 300 javelin antitank missiles and other munitions. this is just the latest shipment in $200 million worth of emergency military assistance from the u.s. russia still denies it has plans to invade, despite the roughly 100,000 troops it's massed on ukraine's border but the u.s. has warned russia may use unconventional tactics. >> paramilitary tactics, so-called gray zone attacks, and actions by russian soldiers not wearing russian uniforms. >> reporter: ukraine's even suggested russia could stage an accident in a chemical factory as a pretext for moving in. in eastern ukraine in 2014, we witnessed russian-backed fighters take control of towns and cities. that conflict now killed more than 14,000. the u.s. says russia controls the armed rebels. you can tell me, are you ukrainian or are you russian? >> i'm just a person. >> reporter: you're just a person. >> yes. >> reporter: you won't tell me. >> no. >> reporter: and suspected russian hack version succeeded in crashing the power grid here. when this power station came under attack in 2015, nearly a quarter million people lost electricity. there are still hopes for a diplomatic solution. tomorrow, ukrainian and russian officials will meet in paris, along with their french and german counterparts. norah. >> o'donnell: holly williams in ukraine for us. thank you. well, turning now to covid. pfizer has announced the start of a clinical trial for a new vaccine that will specifically target the omicron variant, and it couldn't come soon enough as the seven-day average for covid deathing near 2200 a day. that's the highest it's been in nearly a year. cbs' kris van cleave is in hard-hit oklahoma city. >> reporter: tonight, a new look inside an oklahoma city e.r., overflowing with covid patients. dozens are waiting for i.c.u. beds, but every single one at four of the state's largest hospitals is full. police officer brandon owens has been in the i.c.u. and on a ventularity for more than two weeks. >> he spent 14 years in the military. he did three deployments overseas. we never expected this to be something that would get him down. >> reporter: the situation is so dire, it prompted this warning: the oklahoma city healthcare system is at a breaking point. >> it feels like a war zone when there are fires everywhere. and it's a battle trying to take care of the wounded, trying not to get wo >> po watson is the chief medical officer at integris health. monday, its hospitals set a new record for covid patients as the state's vaccination rate lingers at less than 55%. do you feel like you would be in a better situation if the vaccination rate was higher? >> there is no question in my mind. an i.c.u. physician and i were talking, and he is seeing mortality rates up to 50% in i.c.u. patients unvaccinated, up to 50%. >> reporter: the c.d.c. says new data shows omicron causes less severe disease, but it's so infectious, it's causes hospitalizations and deaths to rise, something oklahoma is seeing right now. is this as bad as it's ever been for your hospitals? >> i would say yes. this is our fourth wave. and it's demoralizing to not be able to do your job the way that you were trained to do when our job is to save people's lives. >> reporter: many of the people we've spoken with here in oklahoma have refused to answer any questions about vaccination status. and tonight, we're learning that scientists around the world are closely watching a subvariant of omicron that's been found here in the u.s., but they don't know yet just how dangerous it may be. norah. >> o'donnell: so demoralizing for those healthcare workers. thank you for telling their stories, kris. we have some sad news to report tonight on a story we brought you yesterday. a second new york city police officer died from his injuries after an ambush in harlle. 27-year-old william mora died today, four days after he and his partner, rookie officer, jason rivera, were shot during a domestic disturbance call. officer rivera died on friday. the gunman was shot and killed by another officer. the commissioner called mora three times a hero for choosing to be a police officer, dying in the line of duty and giving the gift of life as an organ donor. the leader of the oath keepers and nine other members pleaded guilty today to charges of se ditious conspiracy. tonight, one of the heroes of that dark day is speak out for arla has his story. cbs >> reporter: capitol police officer eugene goodman, the heroic cop who drew the mob away from the senate chamber, allowing them to chase him up the stairs inside the capitol, is credited with possibly saving vice president mike pence and several senators as they were forced to evacuate. in the year since, it's been goodman who has been eluding a curtain call. >> i didn't know they had gotten that far up into the building. >> reporter: in a new podcast, he's opening up for the first time publicly. >> you want to deescalate, but at the same time you want to survive first, you know what i mean? >> reporter: in this now-famous voo goodman runs by utah republican senator mitt romney and tells him to turn around and run for safety. >> it could have been easily been a blood bath, so kudos to everybody there that showed a measure of restraint with regards to deadly force, because it could have been bad. really, really bad. >> reporter: goodman would escort vice president kamala harris at the inauguration, and was later honored with the congressional gold medal. >> officer goodman, thank you. ( applause ) >> reporter: an iraq war veteran, goodman says his military training served him well. >> my platoon would say figure it out or die. >> reporter: one year later, officer goodman remains with the u.s. capitol police department. his colleagues say, like so many here, he returned to work right after january 6. his colleagues also say he's averse to the lime light and did that podcast because it involved one of his friends. norah. >> o'donnell: it's good to hear from officer goodman. scott macfarlane, thank you. now to some breaking news from the coast of florida. the coast guard has launched a search for 39 people after a boat capsized off the coast, about 45 miles east of port saint lucie. according to a survivor, the boat left the bahamas on saturday, but encountered rough weather and then capsized. none of them apparently had life vests. few stories affect more americans than the rising cost of groceries. overall, the price of groceries are up 6.5% compared to a year ago. now it's the price of orange juice that's putting the squeeze on your pocketbook. cbs' manuel bojorquez is in florida, where they are expected to have the worst orange harvest since world war ii. orter:led "citrusenin a disea flicti florida o spread by an invasive insect, leaving trees looking like this. it kills it from the idea. >> yeah, all the roots are going to go first. when you have no roots, you have no leaves, no fruit. >> reporter: brian faryna's family established this grove near orlando 70 years ago. it's hard for him to imagine that the state is forecast to have its smallest orange crop since before the farynas laid down roots here. this is what you devote your life to. >> yup. all of our lanes are citrus. when you hear numbers like that, it is devastating. >> reporter: there is no known cure for citrus greening. in fact, in grofs like this one, it's safe to assume most trees have some ag agree of it. one telltale sign, the amount of group that has fallen to the ground or unusual's small. it's set to produce only forty four.5 million this year. but demand for orange juice grew nearly 50% at the start of the pandemic, so prices for orange juice concentrate, already up 14%, will likely climb higher. >> lately, actually, i i have been drinking less orange juice because prices are going up. >> reporter: what do you foresee in your future? >> that's a million-dollar question. we're going to stay in it, and we have diversified, so we're making sure we spread ourselves out and try to find different ways to keep agriculture in our family. >> reporter: so they've added other crops, and even set up this store to supplement their income. but other farmers have sold their land to developers. and over the last 20 years, the number of acres harvested for oranges in florida has dropped by more than half. norah. >> o'donnell: manuel bojorquez, thank you. all right, if you have a child that's getting ready for college, you'll want to listen carefully to this next story. some big changes are coming to the s.a.t. exam. cbs' meg oliver reports it's headed into the digital age. >> reporter: high school junior natalia cossio is one of the first students to take a test run at the new version of the s.a.t. which version of the s.a.t. did you prefer and why? >> i preferred the digital version because it was a lot more concise. >> reporter: the updated test will be online only. it will be two hours instead ofg passages, and calculators allowed for the entire math portion. >> students are going to get their scores back faster and we're going to be able to be a lot more flexible with schools in how and when they give the s.a.t. to students. >> reporter: the s.a.t. has drawn fire from critics for decades. a 2021 study shows that admissions tests discriminate against minority and low-income students at selective colleges. are the s.a.t.s still relevant with so many schools going test optional? >> not really. >> reporter: in fact, some of the most prestigious schools in the country have dropped the s.a.t., schools like princeton, stanford, and notre dame all make test scores optional on their applications. >> it's an inaccurate predictor. it's highly coachable. it's biased against many important populations. and, most importantly, schools don't need it. >> reporter: nearly 80% of schools no longer require the test, despite high interest in the s.a.t. from some students, like natalia cossio. >> it's like a confidence booster if you get a really good score. >> reporter: maybe a boost of confidence, but no longer a barrier for students striving for their dream school. meg oliver, cbs news. >> o'donnell: and we have some breaking news from the baseball hall of fame. three-time world series champ and former boston red sox, david isirstea eligity. sebari r the tense straight year rejected former slugger barry bonds, and pitching ace roger clemens, over their suspected use of performance-enhancing drugs. all right, still ahead here on tonight's "cbs evening news," why tom brady says it's not all about what he wants when it comes to his football career. our purchasing power adapts to our business needs. what's in your wallet? 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>> to be very aware of your surroundings. i'm always very aware, but i do have friends who are older and younger, they don't pay attention. >> reporter: sammy yuen started teaching these self-defense classes at new york city's university settlement center after someone told his dad to go back to china. armed with years of martial arts training: the objective is to empower students and get home safely. be aware of threats before they happen and give yourself time to get away. >> reporter: mary yuen now carcarries that knowledge with r and gratitude for her young teacher. >> excellent, very good! >> reporter: what do you think of sammy? >> he's really wonderful. he's very dedicated. he doesn't mind if you punch him the wrong way. oh, my. harder. harder? >> reporter: sounds like you enjoy that a little bit. >> too much. >> reporter: defying hate with power and joy. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: got to stamp out the origins of that hate, too. we'll be right back. starting at age 45, instead of 50, since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. allergies with nasal congestion overwhelming you? 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nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. >> o'donnell: we're excited to debut our new streaming show "person to person" featuring intimate conversations with authors, celebrity, and more. the first episode appears tonight on the cbs news app. i sit down with bestselling author and researcher brene brown. remember, for this show, if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your dvr so you can watch us later. that is tonight's "cbs evening i'm norah o'donnell in he n >> i seen my cousin going down 9th street. told my cousin, "let me holler at you for a second." >> announcer: a war of words between family members. >> he hollering, yelling, saying, "i'm coming to serve." >> judge judy: that means fight you. >> basically, yes. >> announcer: now, his mother and the judge have the same issue. >> judge judy: do you understand his language, or does he talk this way to you at home? >> that's his lingo. >> judge judy: i don't understand your lingo. so, now we're gonna talk to me like the old jewish lady i am. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution william moss is suing his cousin, bobby brown, for vandalizing his car when he came to his home looking for a fight. >> byrd: order! all rise! your honor, this is case number 580 on the calendar in the matter of moss vs. brown. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. ladies, have a seat. >> judge judy: mr. moss, mr. brown is a cousin of yours? >> first cousin. >> judge judy: so is he your mother's sister's son? >> mother's brother's son. >> judge judy: there was an incident that you described that happened about a year and a half ago. >> august 25th, last year. >> judge judy: and this all emanates from that incident. it is your claim that, at that time, mr. brown vandalized your car. well, there's a lot more to that story, which i think is important to get to. mr. brown has a cross-claim for, among other things, harassment. this incident on august 25th, a year and a half ago, you did some jail time, is that right? >> correct. >> judge judy: so i want you to just go back. so, that case is all over. so you can tell me generally what happened on that day. >> well, that morning, i'm coming down the street on my way to the house. >> judge judy: whose house? >> my mom's house. to drop off some tools. >> judge judy: is that where you were living? >> yeah. yes. >> j j

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