Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

day, his family marches in washington calling for change as the president faces an uphill battle getting voting rights legislations passed. covid's last wave, what dr. anthony fauci is saying tonight about whether omicron will be the pandemic's final surge as cases hit a new record. game, set, match, tonight the news that the world's top tennis player may be barred from playing in the upcoming french open and u.s. open because he's not vaccinated. and naomi osaka returns to the world stage after a four-month hiatus. and rebbing dr. king. tonight, we'll hear from him in his own words. >> the moral urine verse is long but it bends toward justice. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, great to have you with us tonight. as we remember dr. martin luther king and honor his legacy, we'll hear more from the cbs archives. first, a number of major news stories we're covering this monday night. many of you are still dealing with the powerful winter storm. we want to begin about the new information about the horrifying hostage situation at a texas synagogue. tonight the f.b.i. calling what happened a terror related antisemitic attack. the man who held four people captive was a british national. police detained his two teenage sons because they spoke with their father on the day of the incident. the department of homeland security sent a memo to local law enforcement warning faith-based communities will likely be the target of future violence. cbs's omar villafranca is outside the temple in collieville, texas. good evening, omar. >> reporter: good evening. sources tell cbs news the suspect was not known to u.s. intelligence officials. who in fact, they're not sure how he got from new york here to texas. we're learning more about the high stakes standoff as hostages are speaking out for if first time. >> i have to terrifying, it was overwhelming, and we're still processing. >> reporter: appearing on "cbs mornings," the rabbi describes the standoff at congregation beth israel and the moment he realized the man who claimed to be homeless was taking them hostage. >> i heard a click, and it could have been anything, and it turned out it was his gun. >> reporter: sources tell cbs news 44-year-old malik faisal akram was a british citizen who arrived to j.f.k. airport weeks ago, making his way to texas, staying in a homeless shelter and obtained a gun. one of the hostages claimed he targeted the synagogue because of its proximity to a convicted terrorist with suspected ties to al quaida. he demanded her release from a texas prison as the f.b.i. rescue team flew in from quantico, virginia. jeffrey cohen told the tv, after ten hours of negotiations -- >> he started spouting for a good few minutes he was going to put a bullet in each of us, whereas earlier in the at a he was going to let us go and he was the only one who was going to die. at that point he was going to kills and told us to get on our knees. >> reporter: before the f.b.i. went in, the hostages saw an opportunity to save themselves. >> he put his gun down and the rabbi threw the chair and yelled run. >> i told them to go, i threw a chair at the gunman and headed for the door and all three of us were able to get out without even a shot being fired. >> reporter: a video shot by abc affiliate wfaa shows the hostages it was scaping through a side door. akram follows them out and ducks back in. the tactical unit springs into action and within minutes akrim was dead and the hostages alive. many at this synagogue had been through active shooter training. >> we were constantly watching and looking for the opportunities because that is what saved our lives. >> o'donnell: omar is back with us from texas. omar, what can you tell us about the latest in the investigation. >> reporter: this is a very active and widespread investigation. we learned the suspect paid cash for his flight and traveled alone. we also learned federal agents are going to homeless shelters to talk to people. they want to find out what he did while he was there and, more importantly, how he was able to get a gun. norah. >> o'donnell: omar villafranca, thank you. we turn to the mairnlg major winter storm that dumped snow from asheville, north carolina to puff low, north carolina and left tens of thousands without power. nikki battiste is in hard-hit rochester, new york. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, norah. i have to tell you, it has been brutal for me crew and i to be out in this wintry mix of wind and cold and snow all day in rochester. pretty much everyone else in this area did stay inside. right now we have about a foot of snow, but as you can see it is still coming down pretty hard tonight. across the northeast today a wintry whiteout as some areas saw up to 2 inches of snowfall per hour, nearly making it impossible for road crews to keep up. the storm pounded i-90 in person pennsylvania with a punch of heavy snow, strong winds and freezing rain. utility crews had to help each other on the slippery roads. no different for stranded drivers in erie. in buffalo, new york, # 16 inches of snow, the most on this day in 16 years. >> the person across the street got stuck getting out of their driveway. we have to help each other. >> reporter: ino rochester, these two residents had been trying to dig out their vehicle nearly two hours. how does this snow compare to what you usually see. >> more ice than just fluffy snow. >> reporter: today more than 1,600 domestic flights canceled, stranded frustrated passengers hoping to get home. >> hoping for the best to see if a better flight opened up. >> reporter: before heading east, the storm pummeled the south this weekend. more than 600 collisions reported in north carolina including an accident that killed two people from myrtle beach. the storm knocked out power for tens of thousands including this georgia father. i'm out there with a pot and boiling water to keep my babies' formula warm. >> we're in the middle of a tornado? >> reporter: in florida, a tornado destroyed several homes. >> it sounded like a racing train. it was really loud, and it took me off a my feet. >> reporter: and get ready, because meteorologists tell us there is a chance of another winter storm across the east coast from the carolinas to new england new england. norah. >> o'donnell: nikki battiste, thank you for being there with us. appreciate it. the runaway omicron variant is spreading fast with daily cases and hospitalizations near all-time records. experts twarn latest surge is far from over. cbs's mola lenghi reports. >> reporter: as omicron continues to sweep the nation, today dr. anthony fauci addressed whether it could end the pandemic. >> i would hope that that's the case, but that would only be the case if we don't get another variant that eludes the immune response. >> reporter: still, health officials say the next few weeks will be rough. as case numbers shatter records, more than 133,000 americans are currently hospitalized with covid down from the peak from the week before. the challenges continue tonight with the lack of available rapid at-home tests and the long tine of pcr tests topping long delays of getting results contributing to the spread of the vipers. >> tests allow us to make decisions whether we're contagious and are a threat to others, whether we can safely return to school or work. >> reporter: meanwhile new york state could be turning a corner, reporting 48,000 cases friday, a nearly 47% droop from nearly 90,000 cases in the state earlier. other states in the northeast are also seeing a downward trend or leveling off. this could be an annual illness like the flu. >> this is going to be an annual vaccination at least for a period of time. >> reporter: a new israeli study a fourth dose of vaccine provides only limited protection against omicron variant. dr. anthony fauci said we need not variant-specific vaccines but ones that protect against all strains of the virus, norah. >> o'donnell: that would be a breakthrough, mo lenghi, thanks. today, tribute was paid to martin luther king, pushing for greater protection of voting rights. as nancy cordes reports, gettsle easy. ( singing ) >> reporter: in washington today the family of dr. martin luther king marched in favor of voting reform. >> we are tired of being patient. >> reporter: the president and vice president sounded the alarm as well. >> our freedom to vote is under assault. >> the attack on our democracy is real. >> reporter: and, yet, a major voting reform bill is poised to fail in the senate as soon as tomorrow, having advocates turning up the heat on two senate democrats. >> history will not remember then kindly. >> reporter: kyrsten sinema and joe manchin say they support voting reform but don't back a rule change to enable democrats to pass the reform bill without republican support. >> i never got a call on that from there white house. >> reporter: one republican utah senator mitt romney said he would be open to negotiation but doesn't support the proposed legislation which would allow early voting and vote by mail in all 50 states and make election day a national holiday. over the past year, 19 statements have passed more restrictive voting laws. >> voting discrimination is alive and well. >> reporter: kristen clark is the first african-american woman to head the justice department's civil rights division. >> there is no doubt that we are seeing efforts to make it harder for people of color aother marginalized groups to vote. >> reporter: according to a new cbs poll, more than four in ten americans think president biden is not focusing enough on voting rights and race relation, but his predecessor continues to push for more restrictions, especially in states he lost in 2020. >> their legislation is not a voting rights bill, it's a voting fraud bill. >> reporter: all of this leaves president biden with a dilemma -- how to show his base that he's doing something to combat voter suppression when the most meaningful option, federal legislation, appears to be hopelessly stalled. norah. >> o'donnell: nancy cordes at the white house, thank you. trouble is far from over for the world's top tennis player after novak djokovic was banned from the australian open. the next tournament is the french open and there's word he may be banned from that competition, too because he's not vaccinated, meaning he also can't play here at the u.s. open. cbs's charlie d'agata reports. >> reporter: the smashes, double faults and backhands played out on the court this time, as the australian open got underway. the show went on despite booting out its nine-time winner and defending champion. djokovic is sitting this one out in native serbia where supporters including the serb president accused the australian government of a political witch hunt against the world number one. >> i think australian authorities humiliated themselves. >> reporter: those australian authorities detained and ultimately deported the star over a visa battle that focused largely on the fact he was unvaccinated. in a statement, djokovic said he was extremely disappointed in the court's decision to revoke his visa. i hope that we can now all focus on the game and tournament i love. defending her own title, after a four-month break to look after her mental health, naomi osaka, not allowing the djokovic saga to overshadow the tournament. >> even after the situation, my goal this year is to focus on i myself. >> reporter: focused that's worked, nailing her first match in straight sets. as for djokovic competing in the french open in may, the sports minister said the situation may change but at the moment there's no exception to the rule that all athletes must be vaccinated in order to compete. norah. >> o'donnell: charlie d'agata, thanks. it's an uphill battle for the people of colorado who lost their homes last month to the most destructive wildfire in state history. tonight, hundreds of families are still looking for a place to stay. cbs's janet shamlian is there for us. >> we don't even know what he lost -- >> reporter: there's nothing left to say. >> the lamps are what fell through. >> reporter: a harsh reality for this couple especially when homes 50 feet away were untouched. >> when you lose something like this, you don't know what you need to get back, you go into survival mode. >> reporter: this is the fast-moving fire that was closing in when they fled with their two children, the pets and little more. the landscape now looks apocalyptic, more than a thousand structures were damaged or destroyed, hundreds of families left homeless. how challenging has it been for you guys to find housing? >> since the fire, the morning after, that has been my sole purpose is just to find a home in our community for the children. >> reporter: your guys' fort was here. >> reporter: for the rough family, the fire catastrophe is now a housing crisis. >> i don't think there was more than two or three houses in inventory if you just wanted to buy a place before this. now there's 1,000 households that are looking. >> reporter: they've moved four times since the fire from hotels to a friend's basement. cheryl posted a plea on a facebook page for more permanent rental. the fazeios have a place to stay for now. owners of this home, strangers, moved out so nicky and the kids wouldn't uphave to leave town. >> the biggest thing is keeping the kids in school and keeping their friends around so they have the stability they had before this. >> reporter: families in search of one thing, there's no place like home. janet shamlian, cbs news, superior, colorado. >> o'donnell: still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," the race to get supplies to survivors of the deadly underwater volcanic eruption and tsunami. and the hero pilot of a downed medivac chopper speaks out, who he credits for saving the day. adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. i'm a fancy exercise bike noobie. and i've gone from zero to obsessed in like... three days. instructor: come on milwaukee! i see you! after riding twelve miles to nowhere, i'm taking a detour. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could be working out a way to pay for this yourself. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem for a whole lot less. most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. who's on it with jardiance? 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we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. >> o'donnell: tonight new zealand is airlifting water and supplies to the pacific island nation of tonga, following that deadly underwater volcanic eruption and tsunami. communications with the island have been sporadic. incredibly, no mass casualties have been reported. a british woman is the first known f fatality. the tsunami flooded santa cruz's harbor. the hero medivac chopper flyer got a warm sendoff from the hospital. danial moore suffered ribs, spine and chest briewbs. all three on board survived, including a two-month-old baby. >> i remember seeing a whole company of firefighters looking down at me. that's a real good feeling. >> o'donnell: moore says the real heroes are the medics and nurses who treat patients in his chopper. all right, coming up next, we reach into the cbs news archives to hear from dr. martin luther king after the selma march. >> reporter: it was nearly 57 years ago that dr. martin luther king led the selma to montgomery march for voting rights and delivered his how long not long speech. cbs news cameras were there. so here's dr. king, in his own words. >> i come to say to you this afternoon, however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long because truth will rise again. how long? not long. because no lie can live forever. how long? not long because you shall reap that you sow. how long? not long because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice. how long? not long, because mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, he's trampling out the vintage where the grapes of rath are stored. he's loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword. his truth is marching on. glory, hallelujah! glory, hallelujah! glory, hallelujah! glory, hallelujah! his truth is marching on. ( applause ) >> o'donnell: and today, we honor dr. king. we'll be right back. ! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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Asheville , Mairnlg , Nikki Battiste , Crew , Mix , Rochester , Area , Stay , Everyone , Foot , Storm , Road , Areas , Whiteout , I 90 , 2 , 90 , Winds , Other , Roads , Drivers , Punch , Pennsylvania , Utility Crews , Freezing Rain , Erie , Buffalo , Person , Residents , Most , Each Other , Driveway , Street , Vehicle , Ino Rochester , 16 , Flights , Ice , Passengers , Home , 1600 , Accident , Best , South , Collisions , Before Heading East , Myrtle Beach , 600 , Babies , Pot , Middle , Boiling Water , Georgia , Tornado , Homes , Feet , Chance , Racing Train , Meteorologists , Florida , Hospitalizations , New England , Case , Mola Lenghi Reports , Nation , Records , Experts , Variant , Response , Case Numbers Shatter Records , Health Officials , Tests , Challenges , Americans , Peak , Lack , Tine , Delays , Pcr , 133000 , Results , Vipers , Spread , Others , Decisions , Threat , States , Estate , Reporting , Droop , Northeast , Trend , Corner , 47 , 90000 , 48000 , Protection , Vaccination , Vaccine , Leveling , Illness , Flu , Dose , Study , Israeli , Strains , Breakthrough , Vaccines , Virus , Ones , Mo Lenghi , Nancy Cordes , Tribute , Singing , Gettsle Easy , Family , Voting Reform , Vote , Vice President , Freedom , Patient , Favor , Alarm , Senate , Attack , Democracy , Assault , Voting Reform Bill , Heat , Don T , Reform Bill , Rule Change , History , Democrats , Joe Manchin , Kyrsten Sinema , Legislation , White House , Support , Mitt Romney , Voting , Election Day , Negotiation , Doesn T , Mail , Republican , Call , Utah , 50 , African American , Discrimination , Statements , Voting Laws , Holiday , Kristen Clark , Justice Department S Civil Rights Division , 19 , Doubt , Efforts , Groups , Color Aother , Poll , Biden , Race , Voting Rights Bill , Predecessor , Relation , Restrictions , 2020 , Wall , Something , Voting Fraud Bill , Dilemma , Option , Voter Suppression , Base , Trouble , Over , Novak Djokovic , Tournament , Charlie D Agata Reports , Word , Competition , Australian Open , Backhands , Faults , Djokovic , Court , Booting , Show , Champion , Winner , Nine , Authorities , Serb , Native Serbia , Supporters , Government , Witch Hunt , Australian , Number One , Visa Battle , Statement , Decision , Unvaccinated , The Star , Mental Health , Title , Visa , Focus , Naomi Osaka , Situation , Goal , Sets , Djokovic Saga To Overshadow , Athletes , Exception , Rule , Order , May , Sports Minister , Uphill Battle , Charlie D Agata , Place , Families , Hundreds , Colorado , Wildfire , Janet Shamlian , Nothing , Couple , Lamps , Reality , Fire , Children , Pets , Landscape , Survival Mode , The Morning After , Guys , Housing , Purpose , Structures , A Thousand , Houses , Housing Crisis , Community , Fire Catastrophe , Fort , Times , Households , Friend , Inventory , Basement , Hotels , Plea , Permanent Rental , Page , Cheryl , Facebook , 1000 , Strangers , Owners , Kids Wouldn T Uphave To Leave Town , Fazeios , Kids , Friends , Thing , There S No Place Like Home , School , Stability , Superior , Tsunami , Eruption , Supplies , Hero , Survivors , Pilot , Medivac Chopper , It , Cancer Discovery , Oxygen Levels , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Growth , Egfr , Everywhere , Dana Farber , Fancy Exercise Bike Noobie , 75 , Detour , Instructor , Milwaukee , Twelve , Zero , Mayhem , Lot , Home Insurance Coverage , Get Allstate , Bladder Leak Pads , Stop Taking Jardiance , Pad , Discreet , Layers , Adults , Risk , Death , Type 2 Diabetes , Prescriptions , Heart Risk , Pill , Sweat , Coffee , Thanks , Cream , Boston , 25 Million , Heart Attack , Stroke , Dehydration , Kidney Problems , A1c , Heart Disease , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Side Effect , Life , Urinary Tract Infections , Yeast , Reaction , Infection , Doctor , Perineum , Skin , Dialysis , Symptoms , Insulin , Blood Sugar , Sulfonylurea , Airlifting Water , Pacific Island Nation , New Zealand , Tonga , Communications , Island , Casualties , Known F Fatality , Santa Cruz , Hospital , Danial Moore , Harbor , Ribs , Sendoff , Medivac Chopper Flyer , Firefighters , Company , Spine , Baby , Feeling , Chest Briewbs , Medics , Right , Chopper , Heroes , Patients , Nurses , Selma March , 57 , Speech , Cameras , Truth , Lie , Arc , Universe , You Sow , Glory , Vintage , Coming Of The Lord , Trampling , Rath , Grapes , Eyes , Marching On , Lightning , Terrible Swift Sword , Applause , In The Woods , Journey , Gift , Michigan , County Of Macomb , Lorraine Banks , Oh My Goodness , Stages , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Choice , Screening , Around , Dna , Stool , Noninvasive , 92 , Provider , Doug , Yep , Limu Emu , 45 , Limu , Isn T , Whistles , Insurance , Sec , Life Saving Aspirin , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Stomach , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Eggs , Help , Heart Protection , Mind , Benefits , Taste , Eggland S Best , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Shave , Face , Gentle Exfoliation , Exfoliating Bar , Gillettelabs , Shaving , Oh Ozempic , Oh , 7 , Events , Weight , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Reuse , Needles , Share , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Vomiting , Nausea , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Oncekl , 5 , 3 , 25 , Prescription , Flight Plans , Airlines , 5g Service , Disruption , Warning , Tomorrow A Big Story Of Why , Judge Judy , Announcer , Relations , Discovery , Nowhere , Mother , Child , Money , Judge , Plaintiff , Any , Son , 9 , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Inrance , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Honor , Rise , Matter , Calendar , Ndagto H Byrd , Walker , Basting Vs , 612 , Course , You Re Welcome , Ms , Mr , Seat , Parties , Basting , Ma Am , Bills , Cars , Job , Payment , Expenses , Hospital Bills , Car Insurance , Complications , Pregnancy ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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day, his family marches in washington calling for change as the president faces an uphill battle getting voting rights legislations passed. covid's last wave, what dr. anthony fauci is saying tonight about whether omicron will be the pandemic's final surge as cases hit a new record. game, set, match, tonight the news that the world's top tennis player may be barred from playing in the upcoming french open and u.s. open because he's not vaccinated. and naomi osaka returns to the world stage after a four-month hiatus. and rebbing dr. king. tonight, we'll hear from him in his own words. >> the moral urine verse is long but it bends toward justice. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, great to have you with us tonight. as we remember dr. martin luther king and honor his legacy, we'll hear more from the cbs archives. first, a number of major news stories we're covering this monday night. many of you are still dealing with the powerful winter storm. we want to begin about the new information about the horrifying hostage situation at a texas synagogue. tonight the f.b.i. calling what happened a terror related antisemitic attack. the man who held four people captive was a british national. police detained his two teenage sons because they spoke with their father on the day of the incident. the department of homeland security sent a memo to local law enforcement warning faith-based communities will likely be the target of future violence. cbs's omar villafranca is outside the temple in collieville, texas. good evening, omar. >> reporter: good evening. sources tell cbs news the suspect was not known to u.s. intelligence officials. who in fact, they're not sure how he got from new york here to texas. we're learning more about the high stakes standoff as hostages are speaking out for if first time. >> i have to terrifying, it was overwhelming, and we're still processing. >> reporter: appearing on "cbs mornings," the rabbi describes the standoff at congregation beth israel and the moment he realized the man who claimed to be homeless was taking them hostage. >> i heard a click, and it could have been anything, and it turned out it was his gun. >> reporter: sources tell cbs news 44-year-old malik faisal akram was a british citizen who arrived to j.f.k. airport weeks ago, making his way to texas, staying in a homeless shelter and obtained a gun. one of the hostages claimed he targeted the synagogue because of its proximity to a convicted terrorist with suspected ties to al quaida. he demanded her release from a texas prison as the f.b.i. rescue team flew in from quantico, virginia. jeffrey cohen told the tv, after ten hours of negotiations -- >> he started spouting for a good few minutes he was going to put a bullet in each of us, whereas earlier in the at a he was going to let us go and he was the only one who was going to die. at that point he was going to kills and told us to get on our knees. >> reporter: before the f.b.i. went in, the hostages saw an opportunity to save themselves. >> he put his gun down and the rabbi threw the chair and yelled run. >> i told them to go, i threw a chair at the gunman and headed for the door and all three of us were able to get out without even a shot being fired. >> reporter: a video shot by abc affiliate wfaa shows the hostages it was scaping through a side door. akram follows them out and ducks back in. the tactical unit springs into action and within minutes akrim was dead and the hostages alive. many at this synagogue had been through active shooter training. >> we were constantly watching and looking for the opportunities because that is what saved our lives. >> o'donnell: omar is back with us from texas. omar, what can you tell us about the latest in the investigation. >> reporter: this is a very active and widespread investigation. we learned the suspect paid cash for his flight and traveled alone. we also learned federal agents are going to homeless shelters to talk to people. they want to find out what he did while he was there and, more importantly, how he was able to get a gun. norah. >> o'donnell: omar villafranca, thank you. we turn to the mairnlg major winter storm that dumped snow from asheville, north carolina to puff low, north carolina and left tens of thousands without power. nikki battiste is in hard-hit rochester, new york. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, norah. i have to tell you, it has been brutal for me crew and i to be out in this wintry mix of wind and cold and snow all day in rochester. pretty much everyone else in this area did stay inside. right now we have about a foot of snow, but as you can see it is still coming down pretty hard tonight. across the northeast today a wintry whiteout as some areas saw up to 2 inches of snowfall per hour, nearly making it impossible for road crews to keep up. the storm pounded i-90 in person pennsylvania with a punch of heavy snow, strong winds and freezing rain. utility crews had to help each other on the slippery roads. no different for stranded drivers in erie. in buffalo, new york, # 16 inches of snow, the most on this day in 16 years. >> the person across the street got stuck getting out of their driveway. we have to help each other. >> reporter: ino rochester, these two residents had been trying to dig out their vehicle nearly two hours. how does this snow compare to what you usually see. >> more ice than just fluffy snow. >> reporter: today more than 1,600 domestic flights canceled, stranded frustrated passengers hoping to get home. >> hoping for the best to see if a better flight opened up. >> reporter: before heading east, the storm pummeled the south this weekend. more than 600 collisions reported in north carolina including an accident that killed two people from myrtle beach. the storm knocked out power for tens of thousands including this georgia father. i'm out there with a pot and boiling water to keep my babies' formula warm. >> we're in the middle of a tornado? >> reporter: in florida, a tornado destroyed several homes. >> it sounded like a racing train. it was really loud, and it took me off a my feet. >> reporter: and get ready, because meteorologists tell us there is a chance of another winter storm across the east coast from the carolinas to new england new england. norah. >> o'donnell: nikki battiste, thank you for being there with us. appreciate it. the runaway omicron variant is spreading fast with daily cases and hospitalizations near all-time records. experts twarn latest surge is far from over. cbs's mola lenghi reports. >> reporter: as omicron continues to sweep the nation, today dr. anthony fauci addressed whether it could end the pandemic. >> i would hope that that's the case, but that would only be the case if we don't get another variant that eludes the immune response. >> reporter: still, health officials say the next few weeks will be rough. as case numbers shatter records, more than 133,000 americans are currently hospitalized with covid down from the peak from the week before. the challenges continue tonight with the lack of available rapid at-home tests and the long tine of pcr tests topping long delays of getting results contributing to the spread of the vipers. >> tests allow us to make decisions whether we're contagious and are a threat to others, whether we can safely return to school or work. >> reporter: meanwhile new york state could be turning a corner, reporting 48,000 cases friday, a nearly 47% droop from nearly 90,000 cases in the state earlier. other states in the northeast are also seeing a downward trend or leveling off. this could be an annual illness like the flu. >> this is going to be an annual vaccination at least for a period of time. >> reporter: a new israeli study a fourth dose of vaccine provides only limited protection against omicron variant. dr. anthony fauci said we need not variant-specific vaccines but ones that protect against all strains of the virus, norah. >> o'donnell: that would be a breakthrough, mo lenghi, thanks. today, tribute was paid to martin luther king, pushing for greater protection of voting rights. as nancy cordes reports, gettsle easy. ( singing ) >> reporter: in washington today the family of dr. martin luther king marched in favor of voting reform. >> we are tired of being patient. >> reporter: the president and vice president sounded the alarm as well. >> our freedom to vote is under assault. >> the attack on our democracy is real. >> reporter: and, yet, a major voting reform bill is poised to fail in the senate as soon as tomorrow, having advocates turning up the heat on two senate democrats. >> history will not remember then kindly. >> reporter: kyrsten sinema and joe manchin say they support voting reform but don't back a rule change to enable democrats to pass the reform bill without republican support. >> i never got a call on that from there white house. >> reporter: one republican utah senator mitt romney said he would be open to negotiation but doesn't support the proposed legislation which would allow early voting and vote by mail in all 50 states and make election day a national holiday. over the past year, 19 statements have passed more restrictive voting laws. >> voting discrimination is alive and well. >> reporter: kristen clark is the first african-american woman to head the justice department's civil rights division. >> there is no doubt that we are seeing efforts to make it harder for people of color aother marginalized groups to vote. >> reporter: according to a new cbs poll, more than four in ten americans think president biden is not focusing enough on voting rights and race relation, but his predecessor continues to push for more restrictions, especially in states he lost in 2020. >> their legislation is not a voting rights bill, it's a voting fraud bill. >> reporter: all of this leaves president biden with a dilemma -- how to show his base that he's doing something to combat voter suppression when the most meaningful option, federal legislation, appears to be hopelessly stalled. norah. >> o'donnell: nancy cordes at the white house, thank you. trouble is far from over for the world's top tennis player after novak djokovic was banned from the australian open. the next tournament is the french open and there's word he may be banned from that competition, too because he's not vaccinated, meaning he also can't play here at the u.s. open. cbs's charlie d'agata reports. >> reporter: the smashes, double faults and backhands played out on the court this time, as the australian open got underway. the show went on despite booting out its nine-time winner and defending champion. djokovic is sitting this one out in native serbia where supporters including the serb president accused the australian government of a political witch hunt against the world number one. >> i think australian authorities humiliated themselves. >> reporter: those australian authorities detained and ultimately deported the star over a visa battle that focused largely on the fact he was unvaccinated. in a statement, djokovic said he was extremely disappointed in the court's decision to revoke his visa. i hope that we can now all focus on the game and tournament i love. defending her own title, after a four-month break to look after her mental health, naomi osaka, not allowing the djokovic saga to overshadow the tournament. >> even after the situation, my goal this year is to focus on i myself. >> reporter: focused that's worked, nailing her first match in straight sets. as for djokovic competing in the french open in may, the sports minister said the situation may change but at the moment there's no exception to the rule that all athletes must be vaccinated in order to compete. norah. >> o'donnell: charlie d'agata, thanks. it's an uphill battle for the people of colorado who lost their homes last month to the most destructive wildfire in state history. tonight, hundreds of families are still looking for a place to stay. cbs's janet shamlian is there for us. >> we don't even know what he lost -- >> reporter: there's nothing left to say. >> the lamps are what fell through. >> reporter: a harsh reality for this couple especially when homes 50 feet away were untouched. >> when you lose something like this, you don't know what you need to get back, you go into survival mode. >> reporter: this is the fast-moving fire that was closing in when they fled with their two children, the pets and little more. the landscape now looks apocalyptic, more than a thousand structures were damaged or destroyed, hundreds of families left homeless. how challenging has it been for you guys to find housing? >> since the fire, the morning after, that has been my sole purpose is just to find a home in our community for the children. >> reporter: your guys' fort was here. >> reporter: for the rough family, the fire catastrophe is now a housing crisis. >> i don't think there was more than two or three houses in inventory if you just wanted to buy a place before this. now there's 1,000 households that are looking. >> reporter: they've moved four times since the fire from hotels to a friend's basement. cheryl posted a plea on a facebook page for more permanent rental. the fazeios have a place to stay for now. owners of this home, strangers, moved out so nicky and the kids wouldn't uphave to leave town. >> the biggest thing is keeping the kids in school and keeping their friends around so they have the stability they had before this. >> reporter: families in search of one thing, there's no place like home. janet shamlian, cbs news, superior, colorado. >> o'donnell: still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," the race to get supplies to survivors of the deadly underwater volcanic eruption and tsunami. and the hero pilot of a downed medivac chopper speaks out, who he credits for saving the day. adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. i'm a fancy exercise bike noobie. and i've gone from zero to obsessed in like... three days. instructor: come on milwaukee! i see you! after riding twelve miles to nowhere, i'm taking a detour. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could be working out a way to pay for this yourself. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem for a whole lot less. most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. who's on it with jardiance? 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we're on it. we're on it. with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. >> o'donnell: tonight new zealand is airlifting water and supplies to the pacific island nation of tonga, following that deadly underwater volcanic eruption and tsunami. communications with the island have been sporadic. incredibly, no mass casualties have been reported. a british woman is the first known f fatality. the tsunami flooded santa cruz's harbor. the hero medivac chopper flyer got a warm sendoff from the hospital. danial moore suffered ribs, spine and chest briewbs. all three on board survived, including a two-month-old baby. >> i remember seeing a whole company of firefighters looking down at me. that's a real good feeling. >> o'donnell: moore says the real heroes are the medics and nurses who treat patients in his chopper. all right, coming up next, we reach into the cbs news archives to hear from dr. martin luther king after the selma march. >> reporter: it was nearly 57 years ago that dr. martin luther king led the selma to montgomery march for voting rights and delivered his how long not long speech. cbs news cameras were there. so here's dr. king, in his own words. >> i come to say to you this afternoon, however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long because truth will rise again. how long? not long. because no lie can live forever. how long? not long because you shall reap that you sow. how long? not long because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice. how long? not long, because mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord, he's trampling out the vintage where the grapes of rath are stored. he's loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword. his truth is marching on. glory, hallelujah! glory, hallelujah! glory, hallelujah! glory, hallelujah! his truth is marching on. ( applause ) >> o'donnell: and today, we honor dr. king. we'll be right back. ! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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Asheville , Mairnlg , Nikki Battiste , Crew , Mix , Rochester , Area , Stay , Everyone , Foot , Storm , Road , Areas , Whiteout , I 90 , 2 , 90 , Winds , Other , Roads , Drivers , Punch , Pennsylvania , Utility Crews , Freezing Rain , Erie , Buffalo , Person , Residents , Most , Each Other , Driveway , Street , Vehicle , Ino Rochester , 16 , Flights , Ice , Passengers , Home , 1600 , Accident , Best , South , Collisions , Before Heading East , Myrtle Beach , 600 , Babies , Pot , Middle , Boiling Water , Georgia , Tornado , Homes , Feet , Chance , Racing Train , Meteorologists , Florida , Hospitalizations , New England , Case , Mola Lenghi Reports , Nation , Records , Experts , Variant , Response , Case Numbers Shatter Records , Health Officials , Tests , Challenges , Americans , Peak , Lack , Tine , Delays , Pcr , 133000 , Results , Vipers , Spread , Others , Decisions , Threat , States , Estate , Reporting , Droop , Northeast , Trend , Corner , 47 , 90000 , 48000 , Protection , 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Word , Competition , Australian Open , Backhands , Faults , Djokovic , Court , Booting , Show , Champion , Winner , Nine , Authorities , Serb , Native Serbia , Supporters , Government , Witch Hunt , Australian , Number One , Visa Battle , Statement , Decision , Unvaccinated , The Star , Mental Health , Title , Visa , Focus , Naomi Osaka , Situation , Goal , Sets , Djokovic Saga To Overshadow , Athletes , Exception , Rule , Order , May , Sports Minister , Uphill Battle , Charlie D Agata , Place , Families , Hundreds , Colorado , Wildfire , Janet Shamlian , Nothing , Couple , Lamps , Reality , Fire , Children , Pets , Landscape , Survival Mode , The Morning After , Guys , Housing , Purpose , Structures , A Thousand , Houses , Housing Crisis , Community , Fire Catastrophe , Fort , Times , Households , Friend , Inventory , Basement , Hotels , Plea , Permanent Rental , Page , Cheryl , Facebook , 1000 , Strangers , Owners , Kids Wouldn T Uphave To Leave Town , Fazeios , Kids , Friends , Thing , There S No Place Like Home , School , Stability , Superior , Tsunami , Eruption , Supplies , Hero , Survivors , Pilot , Medivac Chopper , It , Cancer Discovery , Oxygen Levels , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Growth , Egfr , Everywhere , Dana Farber , Fancy Exercise Bike Noobie , 75 , Detour , Instructor , Milwaukee , Twelve , Zero , Mayhem , Lot , Home Insurance Coverage , Get Allstate , Bladder Leak Pads , Stop Taking Jardiance , Pad , Discreet , Layers , Adults , Risk , Death , Type 2 Diabetes , Prescriptions , Heart Risk , Pill , Sweat , Coffee , Thanks , Cream , Boston , 25 Million , Heart Attack , Stroke , Dehydration , Kidney Problems , A1c , Heart Disease , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Side Effect , Life , Urinary Tract Infections , Yeast , Reaction , Infection , Doctor , Perineum , Skin , Dialysis , Symptoms , Insulin , Blood Sugar , Sulfonylurea , Airlifting Water , Pacific Island Nation , New Zealand , Tonga , Communications , Island , Casualties , Known F Fatality , Santa Cruz , Hospital , Danial Moore , Harbor , Ribs , Sendoff , Medivac Chopper Flyer , Firefighters , Company , Spine , Baby , Feeling , Chest Briewbs , Medics , Right , Chopper , Heroes , Patients , Nurses , Selma March , 57 , Speech , Cameras , Truth , Lie , Arc , Universe , You Sow , Glory , Vintage , Coming Of The Lord , Trampling , Rath , Grapes , Eyes , Marching On , Lightning , Terrible Swift Sword , Applause , In The Woods , Journey , Gift , Michigan , County Of Macomb , Lorraine Banks , Oh My Goodness , Stages , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Choice , Screening , Around , Dna , Stool , Noninvasive , 92 , Provider , Doug , Yep , Limu Emu , 45 , Limu , Isn T , Whistles , Insurance , Sec , Life Saving Aspirin , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Stomach , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Eggs , Help , Heart Protection , Mind , Benefits , Taste , Eggland S Best , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Shave , Face , Gentle Exfoliation , Exfoliating Bar , Gillettelabs , Shaving , Oh Ozempic , Oh , 7 , Events , Weight , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Reuse , Needles , Share , Pens , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Vomiting , Nausea , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Oncekl , 5 , 3 , 25 , Prescription , Flight Plans , Airlines , 5g Service , Disruption , Warning , Tomorrow A Big Story Of Why , Judge Judy , Announcer , Relations , Discovery , Nowhere , Mother , Child , Money , Judge , Plaintiff , Any , Son , 9 , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Inrance , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Honor , Rise , Matter , Calendar , Ndagto H Byrd , Walker , Basting Vs , 612 , Course , You Re Welcome , Ms , Mr , Seat , Parties , Basting , Ma Am , Bills , Cars , Job , Payment , Expenses , Hospital Bills , Car Insurance , Complications , Pregnancy ,

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