Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

intelligence that putin is preparing a false flag operation as a pretext to invade ukraine. and the news on that massive cyberattack. body cam video released: what new footage from a fayetteville, north carolina, fatal police shooting reveals. double fault: the latest in the drama between the world's top tennis star and australia. will novak djokovic be deported before the australian open? alec baldwin's phone turned over. why investigators want the actoror's cell. and "on the road," love lost and found again, after more than four decades. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this friday night. we're going to begin with a monster winter storm that's expected to be the biggest of the season and is already causing dangerous travel conditions in the midwest. the national weather service warns that part of the country could see 14-20 hours of continuous snowfall. areas across the dakotas, minnesota, and iowa are expected to get as much as 10 inches before it's over. meanwhile, states across the south have already begun preparations for the storm with north carolina, south carolina, and virginia dekrarg states of emergency. tonight, more than a third of states are under winter storm watches or warnings through sunday afternoon, places as far south as atlanta, which hasn't seen snow in four years, could see up to an inch. we have a lot to get to tonight. cbs' elise preston is in moline, illinois, where snow is falling already. good evening, elise. >> o'donnell: good evening, norah. the snow has really picked up here in western ill noish the first punch of a massive winter storm. already today, snow fell at a rate of more than an inch an hour, creating near-whiteout conditions and turning driving hazardous. this truck flipped on the interstate north of des moines. no one was hurt. the driver of this car was hurt after losing control and rolling off the highway. >> in the open spaces out there, everything drift overs so it's real hard to be able to get through. >> reporter: meanwhile, in georgia, preparations are already under way for snow and ice expected to arrive by sunday. >> you can't fool mother nature. we all know that, so we're doing everything prestorm that we can. >> reporter: virginia has been prepping interstate 95 since yesterday. >> you're looking at i-95 in stafford county, look at that. >> reporter: aiming to avoid ia repeat of last week's 40-mile standstill that stranded hundreds of drivers in freezing temperatureses, some overnight. and with the storm approaching the east coast, shoppers from georgia to maryland were already stocking up. >> we are prepared. we started preparing days ago for the forecast that was coming down the pike. >> reporter: up to a half a foot of snow is expected to hit here before morning, and it's a storm that airlines are watching closely. they've already begun waiving fees if are people who have decided to change their plans and not travel this holiday weekend. norah. >> o'donnell: elise preston with all the details. thank you. for more on where this storm is headed next, we're joined by meteorologist mike bettes from the weather channel's global headquarters. gfs, mike. this storm looks like a big one. >> reporter: good evening, norah. indeed, we are expecting a very potent winter storm to push its way through the south, and we can give you a virtual view of what cities like charlotte, north carolina, may look like with several inches of snow anticipated and it won't be just snow. for many places, especially the carolinas, anticipating some heavier ice accumulation, damaging conditions across south and north carolina. widespread power outages are very likely here, and next to impossible travel. when you take a look at the snow accumulations, snow as far south as atlanta, 1-3 inches there, 3-5 across middle tennessee and nashville, and heavier snow as the entire system pushes its way into the northeast. in the northeast, the heaviest snow will be interior northeast along the i95 corridor, a place like d.c. initially starts as snow then go over to rain. but very heavy snow in places like charleston, pittsburgh, very tough travel conditions through pennsylvania and on your way into new england. that's happening sunday into monday. the martin luther king jr. holiday brings some rain for us around boston, down toward new york, as conditions improve across the mid-atlantic. but heavy snow accumulations are likely to be somewhere between 8 and 12 inches, highest elevations get more than that. and the complicating factor in all of this, norah, is all of this accompanied by 40- toift-mile-per-hour wind gusts. >> o'donnell: wow, mike bettes with a virtual look at what many americans will be seeing this weekend. mike, thank you. turning now to covid and the breaking news. the c.d.c. is updating its mask guidance. it comes as the surge of omicron may be close to a peak. but hospitalizations are still hitting a record high. cbs' manuel bojorquez reports. >> reporter: tonight, as omicron continues to surge nationwide, pediatric hospitalizations are soaring. more than 360%, a mix of children admitted for covid and some who test positive after being admitted. only 35% of children aged 5-17 are fully vaccinated. now new orleans is among the first districts in the nation to require prove of covid vaccinations for eligible students as young as five years old by the beginning of february, though parents can opt their children out. in the last week, more than 1600 students have tested positive for covid. >> based on the numbers we're seeing right now, and also hearing that the majority of our individuals who are being in the hospital right now, it's the category of children. that's really concerning, alarm alarming to me. >> reporter: meaning the supreme court decision to strike down the biden administration's vaccinate or test. at least one company, ghebreyesus, has already suspended its policy requiring employees be vaccinated or tested. but demand for at-home rapid test has never been higher. so this has been 24/7 now for weeks. ron gutman, co-c.e.o. of the company that makes the ongo test, showed us the around-the-clock operation at one of its manufacturing facilities. >> people have seen the consequences of not knowing if they are infected or not, and i think people are more aware of the value of being tested regularly. we want to keep schools open. we want people to go back to work, and we want to do it safely. >> reporter: and the c.d.c. just updated its masking guidance, stopping short of recommending a specific mask, but instead telling americans they should wear the most protective mask they can that fits well and will be worn consistently. in the meantime, the white house announced u.s. households will be able to order up to four rapid tests starting wednesday at norah. >> o'donnell: manuel bojorquez, thanks. tonight, we're seeing body cam video for the first time after the deadly shooting of a black man by an off-duty sheriff's deputy in fayetteville, north carolina. police only released short clips of the incident, but as cbs' nancy chen reports, we're now hearing from witnesses about what happened. >> he jumped up, that fella jumped up on the hood, and he jumped out of his car and shouted. >> reporter: fayetteville police body camera video captures witnesses describing the moments before 37-year-old jason walker was shot and killed. >> shot on the ground. >> reporter: off-duty sheriff's deputy jeffery hash was driving with his wife and child last saturday when a witness says walker ran into the road just 100 yards from his parents' home. hash, a 16-year veteran, is seen calling for help after the shooting. >> come back, jason. come out into the street. >> reporter: when police arrived, a man who identified himself as walker's father, calmly explains how he tried to call his son back from the street. >> he hit the windshield. >> he was already on the ground? >> reporter: elizabeth ricks saw the shooting and tried to save walker's life. >> i need an alcohol pad or something to wipe off his blood. >> reporter: she 10 told police what she witnessed. >> i didn't see any pose of threat. >> he was already on the ground and he shot him? >> yeah. it's like he hit him and got out and just shot him. >> reporter: attorney benjamin crump represents the walker family. >> you say, "black man on the ground shot," and you go and you check on the whies police officer who shot him. >> reporter: last night, walker's mother, janice, spoke of her son's death. >> my prayer is that there will be peace, and most of the of all justice. >> reporter: walker was the single father of a 14-year-old. hash has been placed on administrative leave pending a state investigation, and the f.b.i. says it is monitoring the situation. norah. >> o'donnell: nancy chen, thanks. all right, stewart rhodes, the founder of the oath keepers, a far-right militia,s made his initial court appearance in plano, texas, today on seditious conspiracy charges related to the january 6 attack on the capitol. a judge ordered him detained pending a hearing on january 20. tonight, u.s. officials are sounding the alarm about a russian ploy designed to give vladimir putin an excuse to invade ukraine. the warning follows a widespread cyberattack on ukrainian government web sites. we get details from cbs' margaret brennan. >> reporter: as russia conducts military exercises on the ukrainian border, u.s. intelligence revealed today that russia has prepositioned operatives trained in urban warfare and explosives to carry out acts of sabotage on its own pro-russian fighters in eastern ukraine. >> we have information that they've prepositioned a group of operatives to conduct what we call a false flag operation, an operation designed to look like an attack on them, again, as an excuse to go in. >>reporter: adding to the tensions, a massive cyberattack that took down 70 ukrainian government sites overnight. ukraine security service said initial signs pointed to russian intelligence. those hackers left behind an ominous message: be afraid and expect the worst. u.s. and ukrainian officials tell cbs news that the kremlin is actively preparing the battlefield by using information warfare. >> they want to create confusion. they want to make sure that the ukrainian government, the military is guessing, that they're constantly searching for answers to lead to that fog of war and ideally give the russian military room to maneuver and operate without a response from the ukrainians. >> reporter: the hacking came just hours after a week-long diplomatic push failed to change vladimir putin's behavior. he has more than 100,000 russian troops at ukraine's border, poised to invade. >> it is certainly the case that the threat of military invasion is high. >> reporter: with cyberattacks expected to continue, the u.s. has sent cyb-security teams to ukraine. >> to ensure that they can withstand that first hit by the russians, should they invade. >> reporter: now the biden administration and allies are being pressed by ukraine to sanction russia now rather than wait to see if vladimir putin goes any further. and, norah, u.s. homeland security is warning american companies of potential fallout if there is a major cyberattack in ukraine. >> o'donnell: all right, i know you'll have more on this sunday on "face the nation." margaret, thanks. tonight, the world's top-ranked tennis player, novak djokovic, faces deportation after the australian government revoked his visa for the second time. djokovic's legal team said the administration's minister, alex hawke, allowing him to stay would incite anti-vaccination sentiment in the country. charlie d'agata has the back-and-forth for us. >> reporter: not long after novak djokovic grabbed some practice on court, his lawyers were back in court fighting new orders to have him detained and deported again. with the tournament now three days away, the immigration minister revoked his visa on health and good order grounds because djokovic is unvaccinated. after a judge overturned the first order to revoke his visa earlier this week, djokovic admitted to a double fault. his agent gave incorrect information on his immigration form, and his he took part in an interview and photo shoot, despite having tested positive for covid, which he called an error of judgment. australians have endured one of the strictest and longest lockdowns in the world, and the government has faced a backlash for allowing an unvaccinated player into the country in the first place. >> frankly, i think he shouldn't be here and he shouldn't be allowed to play. >> if everyone else has to follow the rules, why can't he? obviously, he thought he was above it all. >> the other players have their right, and they've done the right thing, and djokovic hasn't. so, see you later, djokovic. >> reporter: if the australian government gets its way, this is about as close as the world number one will get to defending his title as australian open champion. djokovic is being detained by border guards while he waits for a judge to hear his appeal. that decision could come just hours before the tournament begins on monday. norah. >> o'donnell: we'll be watching. charlie d'agata, thanks. still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," alec baldwin surrenders his cell phone. what investigators hope to find. and escaping the flames. look at this. the dramatic video of families, horses, and pets on the run from a raging wildfire. ♪♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the 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people to leave, and rounding up horses and before the most destructive fire in colorado history torched 1100 homes. tonight a lucky dog named sammy is back with her family in seattle a week after their home was destroyed in a landslide. firefighters cut through the floor and walls to find sammy on thursday after she was heard whimpering. she was trapped in a tight space and apparently survived on rainwater. glad she's home. well, steve hartman is next with young love lost and found again 42 years later. what's possible. with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side 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have married him. i would have married him. >> reporter: what jeanne so regrets is breaking up with her college sweetheart. >> so this was the spring of '72. >> reporter: a guy she met in the german club at loyola university in chicago. >> this is steve and i in the back here. >> reporter: jeanne says he would have made the perfect husband. >> a lot of memories here. >> reporter: if only he'd been white. >> my mother was absolutely livid. >> reporter: what did she say? >> what didn't she say. "how could i disscras the family?" it was not pretty. >> reporter: partly because of those pressures, jeanne broke up with steve watts and never saw him again, until a few months ago, when she tracked him down at this chicago nursing home. >> what i found was sort of a broken man. >> reporter: like jeanne, steve was divorced with no kids. but life for him had been much harder. he'd fallen on terrible times. he was homeless, had two strokes, and was almost unrecognizable the day jeanne walked back into his life. >> but he still is the wonderful, gorgeos man that i knew. >> reporter: did all those feelings come rushing back? >> yes, for both of us. >> reporter: and so, with her mother no longer in the way, jeanne made arrangements to move steve from the nursing home to her home in portland, oregon. >> i feel terribly lucky that i get a second chance. >> reporter: steve's health issues have left him bedridden, but his mind is sharp and his heart young. in fact, if you listen closely, you can still hear his devotion, unwavering after al these years. race drove its wedge, and love wormed its way back. and their story isn't over, i don't think. has he proposed? >> i'm not at liberty to say. >> reporter: hypothetically if he did propose, what would your answer be? >> hypothetically, yes. >> reporter: sounds like a follow-up. shibook a ticket? >> hypothetically, yes? >> reporter: steve hartman, cbs news, "on the road." >> o'donnell: never let go of true love. we'll be right back. it's amazing... he's talking about motorcycle insurance, and people love it. of course, they love the savings they're gonna get with geico, but... it goes beyond that. you. deserve. to save. ha — heard that before. you. deserve. to save. i know. i need you to hear me. you deserve to save. i deserve to save! i mean he has a way of making you feel...seen. bundle car and motorcycle insurance and save at (jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started havingle unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. 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Chance , Fact , Mind , Issues , Oregon , Portland , Him Bedridden , Devotion , Al , Race , I Don T Think , Hypothetically , Story , Wedge , Liberty , Isn T Over , Follow Up , Answer , Ticket , Shibook , True Love , Motorcycle Insurance , Let Go , Save , Course , Savings , Ha Heard , Geico , Mental Health , Insurance , Body Movements , Motorcycle , Progress , Bundle Car , Havingle Unintentional , Twitching , Jerking , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Thoughts , Medications , Td Movements , Behaviors , Depression , Patients , Actions , Mood , Attention , Huntington S Disease , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Problems Thinking , Fast , Movements , Reserpine , Sleepiness , Parkinson S Disease , Inflammation , Insomnia , Throat , Tetrabenazine , Muscles , Fever , Sweating , Restlessness , Valbenazine , Td , It S Time , Jackie , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Daily Vicks , Pack , Dayquil , Phones , Banking , Supplement , Vitamin C , Strength , B Vitamins , Power , Super C , Wonder , Doing , Bank Of 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Manufacture Methamphetamines ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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intelligence that putin is preparing a false flag operation as a pretext to invade ukraine. and the news on that massive cyberattack. body cam video released: what new footage from a fayetteville, north carolina, fatal police shooting reveals. double fault: the latest in the drama between the world's top tennis star and australia. will novak djokovic be deported before the australian open? alec baldwin's phone turned over. why investigators want the actoror's cell. and "on the road," love lost and found again, after more than four decades. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this friday night. we're going to begin with a monster winter storm that's expected to be the biggest of the season and is already causing dangerous travel conditions in the midwest. the national weather service warns that part of the country could see 14-20 hours of continuous snowfall. areas across the dakotas, minnesota, and iowa are expected to get as much as 10 inches before it's over. meanwhile, states across the south have already begun preparations for the storm with north carolina, south carolina, and virginia dekrarg states of emergency. tonight, more than a third of states are under winter storm watches or warnings through sunday afternoon, places as far south as atlanta, which hasn't seen snow in four years, could see up to an inch. we have a lot to get to tonight. cbs' elise preston is in moline, illinois, where snow is falling already. good evening, elise. >> o'donnell: good evening, norah. the snow has really picked up here in western ill noish the first punch of a massive winter storm. already today, snow fell at a rate of more than an inch an hour, creating near-whiteout conditions and turning driving hazardous. this truck flipped on the interstate north of des moines. no one was hurt. the driver of this car was hurt after losing control and rolling off the highway. >> in the open spaces out there, everything drift overs so it's real hard to be able to get through. >> reporter: meanwhile, in georgia, preparations are already under way for snow and ice expected to arrive by sunday. >> you can't fool mother nature. we all know that, so we're doing everything prestorm that we can. >> reporter: virginia has been prepping interstate 95 since yesterday. >> you're looking at i-95 in stafford county, look at that. >> reporter: aiming to avoid ia repeat of last week's 40-mile standstill that stranded hundreds of drivers in freezing temperatureses, some overnight. and with the storm approaching the east coast, shoppers from georgia to maryland were already stocking up. >> we are prepared. we started preparing days ago for the forecast that was coming down the pike. >> reporter: up to a half a foot of snow is expected to hit here before morning, and it's a storm that airlines are watching closely. they've already begun waiving fees if are people who have decided to change their plans and not travel this holiday weekend. norah. >> o'donnell: elise preston with all the details. thank you. for more on where this storm is headed next, we're joined by meteorologist mike bettes from the weather channel's global headquarters. gfs, mike. this storm looks like a big one. >> reporter: good evening, norah. indeed, we are expecting a very potent winter storm to push its way through the south, and we can give you a virtual view of what cities like charlotte, north carolina, may look like with several inches of snow anticipated and it won't be just snow. for many places, especially the carolinas, anticipating some heavier ice accumulation, damaging conditions across south and north carolina. widespread power outages are very likely here, and next to impossible travel. when you take a look at the snow accumulations, snow as far south as atlanta, 1-3 inches there, 3-5 across middle tennessee and nashville, and heavier snow as the entire system pushes its way into the northeast. in the northeast, the heaviest snow will be interior northeast along the i95 corridor, a place like d.c. initially starts as snow then go over to rain. but very heavy snow in places like charleston, pittsburgh, very tough travel conditions through pennsylvania and on your way into new england. that's happening sunday into monday. the martin luther king jr. holiday brings some rain for us around boston, down toward new york, as conditions improve across the mid-atlantic. but heavy snow accumulations are likely to be somewhere between 8 and 12 inches, highest elevations get more than that. and the complicating factor in all of this, norah, is all of this accompanied by 40- toift-mile-per-hour wind gusts. >> o'donnell: wow, mike bettes with a virtual look at what many americans will be seeing this weekend. mike, thank you. turning now to covid and the breaking news. the c.d.c. is updating its mask guidance. it comes as the surge of omicron may be close to a peak. but hospitalizations are still hitting a record high. cbs' manuel bojorquez reports. >> reporter: tonight, as omicron continues to surge nationwide, pediatric hospitalizations are soaring. more than 360%, a mix of children admitted for covid and some who test positive after being admitted. only 35% of children aged 5-17 are fully vaccinated. now new orleans is among the first districts in the nation to require prove of covid vaccinations for eligible students as young as five years old by the beginning of february, though parents can opt their children out. in the last week, more than 1600 students have tested positive for covid. >> based on the numbers we're seeing right now, and also hearing that the majority of our individuals who are being in the hospital right now, it's the category of children. that's really concerning, alarm alarming to me. >> reporter: meaning the supreme court decision to strike down the biden administration's vaccinate or test. at least one company, ghebreyesus, has already suspended its policy requiring employees be vaccinated or tested. but demand for at-home rapid test has never been higher. so this has been 24/7 now for weeks. ron gutman, co-c.e.o. of the company that makes the ongo test, showed us the around-the-clock operation at one of its manufacturing facilities. >> people have seen the consequences of not knowing if they are infected or not, and i think people are more aware of the value of being tested regularly. we want to keep schools open. we want people to go back to work, and we want to do it safely. >> reporter: and the c.d.c. just updated its masking guidance, stopping short of recommending a specific mask, but instead telling americans they should wear the most protective mask they can that fits well and will be worn consistently. in the meantime, the white house announced u.s. households will be able to order up to four rapid tests starting wednesday at norah. >> o'donnell: manuel bojorquez, thanks. tonight, we're seeing body cam video for the first time after the deadly shooting of a black man by an off-duty sheriff's deputy in fayetteville, north carolina. police only released short clips of the incident, but as cbs' nancy chen reports, we're now hearing from witnesses about what happened. >> he jumped up, that fella jumped up on the hood, and he jumped out of his car and shouted. >> reporter: fayetteville police body camera video captures witnesses describing the moments before 37-year-old jason walker was shot and killed. >> shot on the ground. >> reporter: off-duty sheriff's deputy jeffery hash was driving with his wife and child last saturday when a witness says walker ran into the road just 100 yards from his parents' home. hash, a 16-year veteran, is seen calling for help after the shooting. >> come back, jason. come out into the street. >> reporter: when police arrived, a man who identified himself as walker's father, calmly explains how he tried to call his son back from the street. >> he hit the windshield. >> he was already on the ground? >> reporter: elizabeth ricks saw the shooting and tried to save walker's life. >> i need an alcohol pad or something to wipe off his blood. >> reporter: she 10 told police what she witnessed. >> i didn't see any pose of threat. >> he was already on the ground and he shot him? >> yeah. it's like he hit him and got out and just shot him. >> reporter: attorney benjamin crump represents the walker family. >> you say, "black man on the ground shot," and you go and you check on the whies police officer who shot him. >> reporter: last night, walker's mother, janice, spoke of her son's death. >> my prayer is that there will be peace, and most of the of all justice. >> reporter: walker was the single father of a 14-year-old. hash has been placed on administrative leave pending a state investigation, and the f.b.i. says it is monitoring the situation. norah. >> o'donnell: nancy chen, thanks. all right, stewart rhodes, the founder of the oath keepers, a far-right militia,s made his initial court appearance in plano, texas, today on seditious conspiracy charges related to the january 6 attack on the capitol. a judge ordered him detained pending a hearing on january 20. tonight, u.s. officials are sounding the alarm about a russian ploy designed to give vladimir putin an excuse to invade ukraine. the warning follows a widespread cyberattack on ukrainian government web sites. we get details from cbs' margaret brennan. >> reporter: as russia conducts military exercises on the ukrainian border, u.s. intelligence revealed today that russia has prepositioned operatives trained in urban warfare and explosives to carry out acts of sabotage on its own pro-russian fighters in eastern ukraine. >> we have information that they've prepositioned a group of operatives to conduct what we call a false flag operation, an operation designed to look like an attack on them, again, as an excuse to go in. >>reporter: adding to the tensions, a massive cyberattack that took down 70 ukrainian government sites overnight. ukraine security service said initial signs pointed to russian intelligence. those hackers left behind an ominous message: be afraid and expect the worst. u.s. and ukrainian officials tell cbs news that the kremlin is actively preparing the battlefield by using information warfare. >> they want to create confusion. they want to make sure that the ukrainian government, the military is guessing, that they're constantly searching for answers to lead to that fog of war and ideally give the russian military room to maneuver and operate without a response from the ukrainians. >> reporter: the hacking came just hours after a week-long diplomatic push failed to change vladimir putin's behavior. he has more than 100,000 russian troops at ukraine's border, poised to invade. >> it is certainly the case that the threat of military invasion is high. >> reporter: with cyberattacks expected to continue, the u.s. has sent cyb-security teams to ukraine. >> to ensure that they can withstand that first hit by the russians, should they invade. >> reporter: now the biden administration and allies are being pressed by ukraine to sanction russia now rather than wait to see if vladimir putin goes any further. and, norah, u.s. homeland security is warning american companies of potential fallout if there is a major cyberattack in ukraine. >> o'donnell: all right, i know you'll have more on this sunday on "face the nation." margaret, thanks. tonight, the world's top-ranked tennis player, novak djokovic, faces deportation after the australian government revoked his visa for the second time. djokovic's legal team said the administration's minister, alex hawke, allowing him to stay would incite anti-vaccination sentiment in the country. charlie d'agata has the back-and-forth for us. >> reporter: not long after novak djokovic grabbed some practice on court, his lawyers were back in court fighting new orders to have him detained and deported again. with the tournament now three days away, the immigration minister revoked his visa on health and good order grounds because djokovic is unvaccinated. after a judge overturned the first order to revoke his visa earlier this week, djokovic admitted to a double fault. his agent gave incorrect information on his immigration form, and his he took part in an interview and photo shoot, despite having tested positive for covid, which he called an error of judgment. australians have endured one of the strictest and longest lockdowns in the world, and the government has faced a backlash for allowing an unvaccinated player into the country in the first place. >> frankly, i think he shouldn't be here and he shouldn't be allowed to play. >> if everyone else has to follow the rules, why can't he? obviously, he thought he was above it all. >> the other players have their right, and they've done the right thing, and djokovic hasn't. so, see you later, djokovic. >> reporter: if the australian government gets its way, this is about as close as the world number one will get to defending his title as australian open champion. djokovic is being detained by border guards while he waits for a judge to hear his appeal. that decision could come just hours before the tournament begins on monday. norah. >> o'donnell: we'll be watching. charlie d'agata, thanks. still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," alec baldwin surrenders his cell phone. what investigators hope to find. and escaping the flames. look at this. the dramatic video of families, horses, and pets on the run from a raging wildfire. ♪♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the 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people to leave, and rounding up horses and before the most destructive fire in colorado history torched 1100 homes. tonight a lucky dog named sammy is back with her family in seattle a week after their home was destroyed in a landslide. firefighters cut through the floor and walls to find sammy on thursday after she was heard whimpering. she was trapped in a tight space and apparently survived on rainwater. glad she's home. well, steve hartman is next with young love lost and found again 42 years later. what's possible. with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side 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have married him. i would have married him. >> reporter: what jeanne so regrets is breaking up with her college sweetheart. >> so this was the spring of '72. >> reporter: a guy she met in the german club at loyola university in chicago. >> this is steve and i in the back here. >> reporter: jeanne says he would have made the perfect husband. >> a lot of memories here. >> reporter: if only he'd been white. >> my mother was absolutely livid. >> reporter: what did she say? >> what didn't she say. "how could i disscras the family?" it was not pretty. >> reporter: partly because of those pressures, jeanne broke up with steve watts and never saw him again, until a few months ago, when she tracked him down at this chicago nursing home. >> what i found was sort of a broken man. >> reporter: like jeanne, steve was divorced with no kids. but life for him had been much harder. he'd fallen on terrible times. he was homeless, had two strokes, and was almost unrecognizable the day jeanne walked back into his life. >> but he still is the wonderful, gorgeos man that i knew. >> reporter: did all those feelings come rushing back? >> yes, for both of us. >> reporter: and so, with her mother no longer in the way, jeanne made arrangements to move steve from the nursing home to her home in portland, oregon. >> i feel terribly lucky that i get a second chance. >> reporter: steve's health issues have left him bedridden, but his mind is sharp and his heart young. in fact, if you listen closely, you can still hear his devotion, unwavering after al these years. race drove its wedge, and love wormed its way back. and their story isn't over, i don't think. has he proposed? >> i'm not at liberty to say. >> reporter: hypothetically if he did propose, what would your answer be? >> hypothetically, yes. >> reporter: sounds like a follow-up. shibook a ticket? >> hypothetically, yes? >> reporter: steve hartman, cbs news, "on the road." >> o'donnell: never let go of true love. we'll be right back. it's amazing... he's talking about motorcycle insurance, and people love it. of course, they love the savings they're gonna get with geico, but... it goes beyond that. you. deserve. to save. ha — heard that before. you. deserve. to save. i know. i need you to hear me. you deserve to save. i deserve to save! i mean he has a way of making you feel...seen. bundle car and motorcycle insurance and save at (jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started havingle unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. 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, Warnings , Third , South Carolina , States Of Emergency , Sunday Afternoon , Virginia Dekrarg , Cbs , Moline , Lot , Elise Preston , Atlanta , Elise , Hasn T , Illinois , Norah , Western Ill Noish , Rate , Turning Driving Hazardous , Truck , Car , Spaces , North , Control , Driver , Highway , No One , Des Moines , Everything Drift , One , Reporter , Way , Everything , Virginia , Mother Nature , Ice , Georgia , Interstate 95 , 95 , Repeat , Drivers , Shoppers , In Stafford County , Freezing Temperatureses , Stranded Hundreds , 40 , Forecast , Pike , Maryland , Foot , Half , People , Details , Plans , Fees , Meteorologist Mike Bettes , Headquarters , Weather Channel , Big One , Gfs , Places , Ice Accumulation , Cities , Carolinas , Charlotte , View , Look , Snow Accumulations , Travel , System , Power Outages , Middle Tennessee , Nashville , 3 , 5 , 1 , Northeast , Place , D C , Charleston , I95 Corridor , Pittsburgh , Holiday , Rain , Pennsylvania , Mid Atlantic , New England , Martin Luther King , Jr , Boston , New York , Wall , Factor , Elevations , Wind Gusts , Somewhere , Wow , 8 , 12 , Hospitalizations , Omicron , Manuel Bojorquez Reports , Surge , High , Peak , Record , Children , Test , Some , Mix , 360 , Students , Nation , Districts , Covid Vaccinations , Beginning , New Orleans , Five , 35 , 17 , Parents , Majority , Numbers , Individuals , 1600 , Administration , Hospital , Category , Meaning The Supreme Court Decision , Biden , Company , Policy , Employees , Demand , Home Rapid Test , Ghebreyesus , 24 7 , Manufacturing Facilities , Consequences , Ongo Test , Co Ceo , Ron Gutman , Schools , Work , Masking Guidance , Value , Mask , Tests , Households , Fits , White House , Time , Sheriff , Shooting Of A Black Man , Covidtests Gov , Manuel Bojorquez , Police , Witnesses , Nancy Chen Reports , Deputy , Hood , Fella , Clips , The Incident , Ground , Fayetteville Police Body Camera , Child , Driving , Shot , Jason Walker , Wife , Off Duty Sheriff S Deputy Jeffery Hash , 37 , Shooting , Road , Hash , Home , Help , Witness , Calling , Veteran , The Street , Walker Ran , 16 , 100 , Man , Father , Son , Walker Family , Windshield , Elizabeth Ricks , Something , Threat , Life , Blood , Pose , Alcohol Pad , Benjamin Crump , Black Man , Police Officer , Ground Shot , Last Night , Whies , Mother , Most , Janice , Peace , Prayer , Death , Justice , Stewart Rhodes , Leave , Fbi , State Investigation , Thanks , Situation , Oath Keepers , Nancy Chen , Judge , Attack , Hearing , Capitol , Court Appearance , Plano , Seditious Conspiracy , S , Texas , January 20 , 6 , January 6 , Officials , Excuse , Russian , Vladimir Putin , Web Sites , Alarm , Ploy , Warning , Operatives , Border , Warfare , Explosives , Acts , Margaret Brennan , Information , Group , Fighters , Sites , Security Service , Tensions , 70 , Worst , Hackers , Signs , Message , Battlefield , Kremlin , Information Warfare , Military , Guessing , Answers , Confusion , Fog Of War , Push , Hacking , Behavior , Response , Troops , Military Room , 100000 , Cyberattacks , Case , Military Invasion , Hit , Cyb , Allies , Russians , Homeland Security , American , Face The Nation , Companies , Tennis Player , Potential Fallout , The World , Visa , Alex Hawke , Team , Deportation , Court , Orders , Sentiment , Practice , Charlie D Agata , Lawyers , Health , Order , Tournament , Djokovic , Grounds , Immigration Minister , Unvaccinated , Three , Interview , Photo Shoot , Immigration Form , Agent , Judgment , Shouldn T , Player , Error , Lockdowns , Backlash , Frankly , Everyone , Players , Thing , He Shouldn T , Djokovic Hasn T , He , Right , Rules , Title , Appeal , Champion , Border Guards , Decision , Cell Phone , Families , Horses , On The Run , Video , Flames , Wildfire , Planning Effect , Plan , Risk , Fidelity , Wealth , Picture , Reward , Advisor , Balance , Generations , Relief , Medicine , Coughing , Aspirin , Nighttime , Vazalore , Symptoms , Sleep , Head , Stomach , Flu , On Sunday Night , Ure , Sneezing , Stuffy , Aching , Sniffling , Copd , Walk In The Park , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Lungs , Flare Ups , Cough , Breathing , Breztri , Real Protection Of Breztri , Flare Up Protection , Symptom Improvement , 52 , Won T , Doctor , Don T , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , High Blood Pressure , Asthma , Rescue Inhaler , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Vision Changes , Swelling , Problems , Chest Pain , Pain , Eye , Tongue , Mouth , Hands , Rust , Cell Phone Actor , Attorney , Set , Movie , Baldwin , Fire , Conversations , Body Camera Video , Colorado , Boulder County , Rehockey , Efforts , Family , Homes , Officers , Doors , Dog , 1100 , Firefighters , Rainwater , Space , Landslide , Whimpering , Floor , Walls , Seattle , Steve Hartman , Young , 42 , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Isn T , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , 7 , Side Effects , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stomach Pain , Lump , Reaction , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Don T Take Rybelsus , Pancreatitis , 2 , Changes , Provider , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Possibility , 0 , Doesn T , Contracture , Hand , Dupuytren S Contracture , Get Treatment , Hand Specialist , Certified , Treatments , Surgery , Table , The Next Step , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Nerd , Liz , Works , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Mucinex Dm , Adults , Screening , Colon Cancer , Coughs , Cancer , Things , Cologuard , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 50 , 45 , Colon Cancers , Results , Stages , 92 , Heart , Nothing , Adult , Love Lost , 68 , Yes , Jeanne Gustavson , Anything , Regret , Clock , Regrets , College Sweetheart , Spring , Club , Chicago , Loyola University , 72 , Husband , Didn T , Memories , Nursing Home , Pressures , Like Jeanne , Steve Watts , Times , Kids , Strokes , Two , Feelings , Both , Arrangements , Gorgeos , Chance , Fact , Mind , Issues , Oregon , Portland , Him Bedridden , Devotion , Al , Race , I Don T Think , Hypothetically , Story , Wedge , Liberty , Isn T Over , Follow Up , Answer , Ticket , Shibook , True Love , Motorcycle Insurance , Let Go , Save , Course , Savings , Ha Heard , Geico , Mental Health , Insurance , Body Movements , Motorcycle , Progress , Bundle Car , Havingle Unintentional , Twitching , Jerking , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Thoughts , Medications , Td Movements , Behaviors , Depression , Patients , Actions , Mood , Attention , Huntington S Disease , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Problems Thinking , Fast , Movements , Reserpine , Sleepiness , Parkinson S Disease , Inflammation , Insomnia , Throat , Tetrabenazine , Muscles , Fever , Sweating , Restlessness , Valbenazine , Td , It S Time , Jackie , Visit Askforaustedo Com , Daily Vicks , Pack , Dayquil , Phones , Banking , Supplement , Vitamin C , Strength , B Vitamins , Power , Super C , Wonder , Doing , Bank Of America , Photographer , Yoga Studio , Thinking , Girlfriend , Ring Fund , Bouquet , Zen , Skin , Track , Tools , Stop Banking , Father Of The Bride , Eczema , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Under Control , Step , Atopic Dermatitis , Moderate , Dupixent , Reactions , Itch , Anaphylaxis , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Infection , Asthma Medicines , Don T Change , Change , Feels , Eczema Specialist , Kind , Larry Hogan , Tim Kaine , Quinton Lucas , Guests , Reminder , Kansas City , Weekend , Dvr , Live , Judge Judy , Announcer , Mr , Name , Phillip Enholm Iii , Stepdaughter , Division , Vehicle , Marriage , Everybody , This Couldn T , Courtroom , Widower , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Judith Sheindlin , Chris Erickson , Honor , Return , Items , Permission , Rise , Calendar , Byrd , 488 , Bottom Line , Parties , You Re Welcome , Seat , Matter , Erickson Vs , Ladies , Defendant , 2001 , 15 , Side , Couple , Trash , Crime , Possession Of , Manufacturing , Methamphetamine , Meth , Manufacture Methamphetamines ,

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