Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 430am 20240709 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 430am 20240709

we are looking west this friday morning. happy new year's eve. thanks for joining us. looking forward to 2022, let's get a check on the weather with meteorologist darren peck. another cold one on tap today. >> temperatures have gone down but another five or six degrees in places from where they were yesterday. 31 degrees right now for santa rosa and petaluma. look at all the 30s in the bay area. oakland 37 degrees right now. 43 and settles like a little warmer and of course it is warmer in the trent eight. so it is going to feel quite differently you step out the door on friday morning he did on thursday. even in the inland valley of the east bay it is my degrees colder in concorde than it was yesterday. luckily there is no fog. so we are not dealing with visibility issues on the drive. that is nice. we would usually have that after a storm with as much rain as we have gotten. i will be back with the rest of the forecast and the new year's eve forecast coming up in just a bit. let's take a look at the roadways right now. we are off to a great start. just going to show you an overview map and look at all that green. if you are out early this morning you would be hard pressed to find any trouble spots right now. hayward, oakland, no delays to san mateo as you work your way on 101. even to a the is all clear. we are not dealing with any foggy spots either so a pretty easy commute so far. toll plaza no delays right now, but just a heads up, toll increases start tomorrow morning. and taking a look at our travel times westbound 580 and 101 no delays. covid case is still on the rise and testing nearly impossible to find. the positivity rate continues to climb rapidly. it is up to nearly 13%. that is a 7.7% jump from the week prior. huge debates right now for covid test around the area. people are anxious to get tested for all kinds of reasons. >> reporter: a lot of people came to the test sites without appointments are turned away. most pharmacies are sold out of the at-home test kits. this is the no appointment live. >> this will be my third facility trying to get a test. and i literally just bake for 20 minutes to get a test. >> reporter: even money cannot buy him one. was offered to pay for one. >> reporter: he needs a negative test to go back to work. >> this is infuriating because it is my third facility. i literally have been doing testing facilities hunt all day long. that is my day. and i have no car so it is buses and foot. >> reporter: workers in front of a farmers market kept turning cars around. they had already reached the walking capacity for the day. >> frustrating i cannot get it. i wish there was more availability. >> reporter: langley wants to get tested before going to a new year's eve party. >> definitely a discussion my girlfriend and i are having. we are trying to debate whether to even go right now. we bought these tickets a while back. >> reporter: a cvs worker tells me all the san francisco stores are sold out of the home test kits. i found some auto walgreens on san bruno avenue. >> i wanted to make sure i don't have covid-19. >> reporter: a very different for site at the testing facility. line stress if you block long. no one was turned away. organizers said they likely testing more than 3000 people today. the high demand is driven by people going to or returning from the holiday trips. others are gathering on new year's eve. >> other cases are getting so high in san francisco, you want to be careful. especially bringing in the new year. >> reporter: no party for jason, he just wants to work. he will try again tomorrow. in san francisco kpix five. health officials say it is best to make an appointment online if you can. of the vaccine front we can still soon see pfizer booster shots for younger teenagers. the fda is expected to expand eligibility to children 12 to 15 in the coming days. meanwhile they are getting ready to head back to class. that means being fully vaccinated. students can also expect a lot more testing. they are holding the same as the testing clinics from january 2nd to january 9th. however, questions are growing about whether bay area schools are headed for another letdown. >> reporter: i talked with the ucsf infectious disease experts and he tells me he would not be surprised if schools closed their doors because of the ohmic variance. but if they do, it will not last very long. >> we think it is a strong possibility now. especially after seeing the numbers go up. >> reporter: margaret, like many parents, or wondering how the surge will impact schools. the thought of more time off for even remote learning again has creeped into their minds. >> it means one of us really should not work. and that is hard to do at the turn of a dime. >> reporter: the infectious disease doctor says parents should prepare for a possible disruption in education once again. but it will not be anything like 2020. >> in the beginning perhaps. but it would not last for long. >> reporter: the doctor is facing his hearing on the way omicron has behaved in other countries. it makes a significant surge but then it sees a rapid drop in cases. >> we rely on testing to keep kids in school now. we don't have enough tests. even though kids were giving tests, it will lead to more disruptions. >> reporter: this family is hoping there's some will return to kindergarten. they also realize the pandemic is not over yet. >> it is pretty hard to prepare. we just want to keep the kids safe and keep them in school. it is hard to balance them both. the state department of education is also working to distribute at-home tests. for more testing and vaccines you contact us online. dozens of flights have been canceled at the airport in the last few days. the issue is not only here but across the country. yesterday, more than 1000 more flights were canceled. hundreds have already been canceled for today and tomorrow. of course this was after a week of this. all due to staffing shortages and bad weather across the country. it is just compounding and travel experts say it is not looking bitter into the new year holiday weekend. taking a live look across the bay area. less than 24 hours left in the year 2021. is mourning, health officials are warning people to take extra precautions if you plan to celebrate new year's eve. they are encouraging only small gatherings and wearing math. several big bay area events have been canceled for tonight. they will not be holding the annual firework show. and in sonoma county the charles schultz museum is canceling the new year's eve bash. on the fire watch, something we see all too often in california. hundreds of homes are as is and parts of colorado as an unusual late december while fire rages on. several people have been injured in the flames into the thousands are under evacuation orders. here's the very latest. >> reporter: driven by winds over 100 miles per hour, destructive flames for spouses to leave their homes under mandatory evacuation orders. >> i packed myself, my cat and keeping our fingers crossed. >> reporter: officials said hundreds of homes and other structures inside and outside timber bird. >> coming down this road, the ditches and the trees are all up in flames. >> reporter: the governor declared a state of emergency, freeing up disaster emergency funds and resources. >> gusts of 110 miles an hour can and have moved this fire down a foot tall field in a matter of seconds. in december, who with week we would be facing this. >> reporter: the flames destroyed a hotel and a shopping center. hospital was forced to evacuate patients to other facilities. >> it is really terrible. there's a golf course that surrounds the hospital and there is multiple houses on fire. it is very frightening. >> reporter: during rush hour, roads were closed throughout the area as thick smoke billowed for miles. at least one first responder was reported injured in the boulder county sheriff is not ruling of the discovery of people who have lost their lives or are severely injured in the fires. it is just about 19 minutes before 5:00. still ahead, why search and rescue crews are suspending their search for a skier who has been missing in the sierras since christmas. is the incredible story of a bay area travel blogger will ring in the new year at home after an accident put her in, and in the hospital for five months. katelyn mccaffrey was living in bali when she got into a motor scooter crash. to samaritans fouled her and got her to a hospital. she was in a coma for several weeks. about a month later she was finally stable enough to be flown back here to the bay area where she was treated and stanford and the santa clara valley medical center. ali she was given the okay to go home. >> i want to inspire people to get better. we will see if it works. but i will be inspiring people. >> her family was able to bring her home. thanks to donations. time for your money watch report. a warning from the cdc over cruises plus big changes coming for blackberry users. the second to last trading day of the year end it with a bit of a. the dow dropped 90 points, the nasdaq lost 24 and the s&p 500 was down 14. warning from the cdc. do not go on cruises regardless of your covid vaccination status. the centers for disease control and prevention cited a quick spread of the omicron variant. they said it has nearly 100 cruise ships under investigation or observation because of gobi cases. cruise lines international association released a statement calling the warning perplexing. saying cases identified on board ships represent a very small minority of cruisers. and that the majority of the cases are mild or asymptomatic. it also insists cruises provide one of the highest levels of demonstrated mitigation against the virus. and if you are an old-school library holdout you have just a few more days to enjoy watching those physical keys. that is because blackberry says in a few days, on those devices will no longer reliably function. including for data, phone calls, sms and 911 externality. it is important to know blackberry android devices will not be affected unless the redirect email to a primary email address. at the cbs broadcast center of diane king hall. difficult and far-reaching decision in a search for a missing skier in prosser county. the sheriff's office says it is suspending emergency rescue operations and northstar ski result resort. he was reported thing after he did not show up for christmas dinner. he told them he was going to hit the slopes. deputies say there is no realistic possibility that he has survived nearly a week and the severe weather. still trying to get the power back on for 10,000s of people from nevada county. some lights are back on while others are still waiting. >> a nevada county nightmare. trees down, lights down and the power outage in some areas means no plumbing and no water. >> hopefully you have a wood burning stove or somewhere to milk the snow. >> reporter: this couple has lived here for decades and they say survival comes down to instincts. >> you want to stay warm and stay clean. >> reporter: they are not expecting their power to be back on until january 4th. was we go check on everybody to make sure they are okay. >> reporter: a few blocks away, a powerful surprise for billy everest. >> within the last 10 minutes it came back on. >> reporter: she had expected the weight to be another week. >> it is working. >> reporter: in downtown nevada city businesses also got power restored for the first time since sunday. businesses back open, some getting ready for the return of customers tomorrow. >> today was check your wi-fi, check your systems, make sure there's nothing wrong. >> reporter: power and patience. in nevada county, some are celebrating, while others the struggle continues. 13 minutes before 5:00. we will check on the weather and traffic this morning. good morning guys. it is cold today. the coldest day of this week and we have about four or five mornings that will be just a little colder than this. we will probably bottom out on the weekend. let's look outside and i will tell you how cold it is. that is a live look from the top of the salesforce tower. a lot more 30 showing up on the initial front page where we look at the current numbers. santa rosa, it is already freezing. 32 in santa rosa. but there are several other places already in the 30s. oakland 37. a little warmer in downtown but 37 at the oakland airport right now. concorde is 35, livermore 38. relatively warm at sfo. petaluma 34, hayward your number coming at 39. and it is in the upper 30s for redwood city. in the numbers of 5 to 7 degrees colder than yesterday. santa rosa is 90 degrees colder. concorde nine degrees colder. so grab the heavy jacket. good news is, there is no fog. maybe some patchy areas up in the north way. if we look at the visibility map, the reading for santa rosa is down to three miles. that is still fine. but it is a little too low so we will watch that closely. but for right now thankfully, not really a foggy morning. here is how the next several mornings will play out. start out by looking at the north bay valleys. by sunday it's 20 degrees. tomorrow it is 29, happy new year. some bundle up if you have any plans that take you outdoors for new year's eve. i will show you the new year's eve forecast coming up in the 5:00 hour. but you don't have to worry about rain. you have to make sure you bundle up if you are going to be outside for the midnight hour tonight. east bay valleys, we are going to go tell several more degrees sunday morning. the look of the warm-up by next week. it has to do with the fact that we are getting back in the clouds are coming back. the clouds will come back and that will help insulate us by the time we get there. even the temperatures in the bay where they are at 40 now, we will see them climb to the low 50s. quick look at daytime highs were today. one quick overview, low 50s pretty much everywhere. daytime highs have not changed and will not change a whole lot. is the morning lows where we will feel the difference. the rain, still a small chance of late next week. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, the possibility for light showers returns to the bay area. more later. over to you. let's take a look at the roadways. if you are up early hitting the roads, not a bad time to be out there. not a lot of cars out there on the bridge. things are fairly quiet for the ride into san francisco. pretty easy. only about a seven minute commute. heading over into the city, not seeing any traffic coming out of the 880. most of the bridges are pretty quiet. golden gate is, you can see traffic moving nicely. thought around 101 easy ride if you are working your way from the highway 37 across the golden gate, it will take about 20 minutes. so no delays or brake lights. northbound 101 looks good as well. looking at the 12 minute commute from 880 over 2101. so if you are up early and you have to be out and about to hit the roadways, you are good to go. tonight if you are out and about as well for new year's eve, it's up. mass transit has you covered. extended service will be in effect on bart from 5:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. also free fares after 8:00 p.m. bta free fills as well. so lots of options if you want to get out. coming up next is forced, the 49ers are confident in the future quarterback if he happens to be the present quarterback on sunday. plus a thriller in san jose. it good morning, good to be with you. charlie walter here. chart yesterday the nuggets had three players into the covert list and aesthetically shorthanded, the nba postpones the game. so we are on to 2022. the schedule and the sap center, the sharks in the philadelphia flyers. sharks down one in the second period. logan, a shorty of a loose puck to tie it up at one apiece. over time we go. eric carlson binds thomas. he sneaks it in for your game- winner. how about the sharks, they beat the flyers. now just one point back of a playoff spot. garoppolo has already stated the pain isn't going away before sunday. seeking good out and play. this may be a case where actions speak louder than words. he missed wednesday and yesterday's practice obviously hindered by the right thumb sprain. third of all trade labs who led the offense rob lowe's absence. his team is confident he can run the show against houston. they stated he has much gotten much better in a short amount of time. 2 former 49ers are among the finalists in the nfl hall of fame boating. patrick willis became one of them. brian young who has been eligible over the last decade. to the music city bowl, the volunteers against perdue. this game was an old-fashioned shootout. all tied up in the fourth. 534 yards, five touchdowns. under two minutes left the volunteers rebuttal. took her to hyatt. he gets the foot down we have a tie ball game. tennessee looked like they scored on their ot drive. it was questionable so perdue only needed three and they sneak it in. there it is 38 yarder. 48-40 50 final. the sec is now 1-5 in bowl games. the loan game. underdog south carolina pulls out the upset 38-21 and forget the gatorade bath. give shane beamer the mayonnaise all four have gallons of it. and i hope you're not eating breakfast right now. that does it for sports, have a great day. >> why was it necessary? three minutes before 5:00. still ahead, keeping the skies clear. what the air-quality officials are asking people not to do today. and the covid testing crutch before new year's e everyone needs health insurance. covered california is making sure more people can get it. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more californians get covered. julie and bob are paying $700 less every month. dee now gets comprehensive coverage with no monthly premium and the navarros are paying under $100 per month. check to see your new lower price. covered california, this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st. >> live from the cbs bay area studios, this is

Related Keywords

Nevada County , California , United States , Tennessee , Langley , South Carolina , Oakland , Boulder County , Colorado , Sonoma County , Houston , Texas , Togo , King Hall , San Francisco , Sfo Petaluma , Patrick Willis , Francisco Kpix , Shane Beamer , Eric Carlson , Katelyn Mccaffrey , Charlie Walter ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 430am 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 430am 20240709

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we are looking west this friday morning. happy new year's eve. thanks for joining us. looking forward to 2022, let's get a check on the weather with meteorologist darren peck. another cold one on tap today. >> temperatures have gone down but another five or six degrees in places from where they were yesterday. 31 degrees right now for santa rosa and petaluma. look at all the 30s in the bay area. oakland 37 degrees right now. 43 and settles like a little warmer and of course it is warmer in the trent eight. so it is going to feel quite differently you step out the door on friday morning he did on thursday. even in the inland valley of the east bay it is my degrees colder in concorde than it was yesterday. luckily there is no fog. so we are not dealing with visibility issues on the drive. that is nice. we would usually have that after a storm with as much rain as we have gotten. i will be back with the rest of the forecast and the new year's eve forecast coming up in just a bit. let's take a look at the roadways right now. we are off to a great start. just going to show you an overview map and look at all that green. if you are out early this morning you would be hard pressed to find any trouble spots right now. hayward, oakland, no delays to san mateo as you work your way on 101. even to a the is all clear. we are not dealing with any foggy spots either so a pretty easy commute so far. toll plaza no delays right now, but just a heads up, toll increases start tomorrow morning. and taking a look at our travel times westbound 580 and 101 no delays. covid case is still on the rise and testing nearly impossible to find. the positivity rate continues to climb rapidly. it is up to nearly 13%. that is a 7.7% jump from the week prior. huge debates right now for covid test around the area. people are anxious to get tested for all kinds of reasons. >> reporter: a lot of people came to the test sites without appointments are turned away. most pharmacies are sold out of the at-home test kits. this is the no appointment live. >> this will be my third facility trying to get a test. and i literally just bake for 20 minutes to get a test. >> reporter: even money cannot buy him one. was offered to pay for one. >> reporter: he needs a negative test to go back to work. >> this is infuriating because it is my third facility. i literally have been doing testing facilities hunt all day long. that is my day. and i have no car so it is buses and foot. >> reporter: workers in front of a farmers market kept turning cars around. they had already reached the walking capacity for the day. >> frustrating i cannot get it. i wish there was more availability. >> reporter: langley wants to get tested before going to a new year's eve party. >> definitely a discussion my girlfriend and i are having. we are trying to debate whether to even go right now. we bought these tickets a while back. >> reporter: a cvs worker tells me all the san francisco stores are sold out of the home test kits. i found some auto walgreens on san bruno avenue. >> i wanted to make sure i don't have covid-19. >> reporter: a very different for site at the testing facility. line stress if you block long. no one was turned away. organizers said they likely testing more than 3000 people today. the high demand is driven by people going to or returning from the holiday trips. others are gathering on new year's eve. >> other cases are getting so high in san francisco, you want to be careful. especially bringing in the new year. >> reporter: no party for jason, he just wants to work. he will try again tomorrow. in san francisco kpix five. health officials say it is best to make an appointment online if you can. of the vaccine front we can still soon see pfizer booster shots for younger teenagers. the fda is expected to expand eligibility to children 12 to 15 in the coming days. meanwhile they are getting ready to head back to class. that means being fully vaccinated. students can also expect a lot more testing. they are holding the same as the testing clinics from january 2nd to january 9th. however, questions are growing about whether bay area schools are headed for another letdown. >> reporter: i talked with the ucsf infectious disease experts and he tells me he would not be surprised if schools closed their doors because of the ohmic variance. but if they do, it will not last very long. >> we think it is a strong possibility now. especially after seeing the numbers go up. >> reporter: margaret, like many parents, or wondering how the surge will impact schools. the thought of more time off for even remote learning again has creeped into their minds. >> it means one of us really should not work. and that is hard to do at the turn of a dime. >> reporter: the infectious disease doctor says parents should prepare for a possible disruption in education once again. but it will not be anything like 2020. >> in the beginning perhaps. but it would not last for long. >> reporter: the doctor is facing his hearing on the way omicron has behaved in other countries. it makes a significant surge but then it sees a rapid drop in cases. >> we rely on testing to keep kids in school now. we don't have enough tests. even though kids were giving tests, it will lead to more disruptions. >> reporter: this family is hoping there's some will return to kindergarten. they also realize the pandemic is not over yet. >> it is pretty hard to prepare. we just want to keep the kids safe and keep them in school. it is hard to balance them both. the state department of education is also working to distribute at-home tests. for more testing and vaccines you contact us online. dozens of flights have been canceled at the airport in the last few days. the issue is not only here but across the country. yesterday, more than 1000 more flights were canceled. hundreds have already been canceled for today and tomorrow. of course this was after a week of this. all due to staffing shortages and bad weather across the country. it is just compounding and travel experts say it is not looking bitter into the new year holiday weekend. taking a live look across the bay area. less than 24 hours left in the year 2021. is mourning, health officials are warning people to take extra precautions if you plan to celebrate new year's eve. they are encouraging only small gatherings and wearing math. several big bay area events have been canceled for tonight. they will not be holding the annual firework show. and in sonoma county the charles schultz museum is canceling the new year's eve bash. on the fire watch, something we see all too often in california. hundreds of homes are as is and parts of colorado as an unusual late december while fire rages on. several people have been injured in the flames into the thousands are under evacuation orders. here's the very latest. >> reporter: driven by winds over 100 miles per hour, destructive flames for spouses to leave their homes under mandatory evacuation orders. >> i packed myself, my cat and keeping our fingers crossed. >> reporter: officials said hundreds of homes and other structures inside and outside timber bird. >> coming down this road, the ditches and the trees are all up in flames. >> reporter: the governor declared a state of emergency, freeing up disaster emergency funds and resources. >> gusts of 110 miles an hour can and have moved this fire down a foot tall field in a matter of seconds. in december, who with week we would be facing this. >> reporter: the flames destroyed a hotel and a shopping center. hospital was forced to evacuate patients to other facilities. >> it is really terrible. there's a golf course that surrounds the hospital and there is multiple houses on fire. it is very frightening. >> reporter: during rush hour, roads were closed throughout the area as thick smoke billowed for miles. at least one first responder was reported injured in the boulder county sheriff is not ruling of the discovery of people who have lost their lives or are severely injured in the fires. it is just about 19 minutes before 5:00. still ahead, why search and rescue crews are suspending their search for a skier who has been missing in the sierras since christmas. is the incredible story of a bay area travel blogger will ring in the new year at home after an accident put her in, and in the hospital for five months. katelyn mccaffrey was living in bali when she got into a motor scooter crash. to samaritans fouled her and got her to a hospital. she was in a coma for several weeks. about a month later she was finally stable enough to be flown back here to the bay area where she was treated and stanford and the santa clara valley medical center. ali she was given the okay to go home. >> i want to inspire people to get better. we will see if it works. but i will be inspiring people. >> her family was able to bring her home. thanks to donations. time for your money watch report. a warning from the cdc over cruises plus big changes coming for blackberry users. the second to last trading day of the year end it with a bit of a. the dow dropped 90 points, the nasdaq lost 24 and the s&p 500 was down 14. warning from the cdc. do not go on cruises regardless of your covid vaccination status. the centers for disease control and prevention cited a quick spread of the omicron variant. they said it has nearly 100 cruise ships under investigation or observation because of gobi cases. cruise lines international association released a statement calling the warning perplexing. saying cases identified on board ships represent a very small minority of cruisers. and that the majority of the cases are mild or asymptomatic. it also insists cruises provide one of the highest levels of demonstrated mitigation against the virus. and if you are an old-school library holdout you have just a few more days to enjoy watching those physical keys. that is because blackberry says in a few days, on those devices will no longer reliably function. including for data, phone calls, sms and 911 externality. it is important to know blackberry android devices will not be affected unless the redirect email to a primary email address. at the cbs broadcast center of diane king hall. difficult and far-reaching decision in a search for a missing skier in prosser county. the sheriff's office says it is suspending emergency rescue operations and northstar ski result resort. he was reported thing after he did not show up for christmas dinner. he told them he was going to hit the slopes. deputies say there is no realistic possibility that he has survived nearly a week and the severe weather. still trying to get the power back on for 10,000s of people from nevada county. some lights are back on while others are still waiting. >> a nevada county nightmare. trees down, lights down and the power outage in some areas means no plumbing and no water. >> hopefully you have a wood burning stove or somewhere to milk the snow. >> reporter: this couple has lived here for decades and they say survival comes down to instincts. >> you want to stay warm and stay clean. >> reporter: they are not expecting their power to be back on until january 4th. was we go check on everybody to make sure they are okay. >> reporter: a few blocks away, a powerful surprise for billy everest. >> within the last 10 minutes it came back on. >> reporter: she had expected the weight to be another week. >> it is working. >> reporter: in downtown nevada city businesses also got power restored for the first time since sunday. businesses back open, some getting ready for the return of customers tomorrow. >> today was check your wi-fi, check your systems, make sure there's nothing wrong. >> reporter: power and patience. in nevada county, some are celebrating, while others the struggle continues. 13 minutes before 5:00. we will check on the weather and traffic this morning. good morning guys. it is cold today. the coldest day of this week and we have about four or five mornings that will be just a little colder than this. we will probably bottom out on the weekend. let's look outside and i will tell you how cold it is. that is a live look from the top of the salesforce tower. a lot more 30 showing up on the initial front page where we look at the current numbers. santa rosa, it is already freezing. 32 in santa rosa. but there are several other places already in the 30s. oakland 37. a little warmer in downtown but 37 at the oakland airport right now. concorde is 35, livermore 38. relatively warm at sfo. petaluma 34, hayward your number coming at 39. and it is in the upper 30s for redwood city. in the numbers of 5 to 7 degrees colder than yesterday. santa rosa is 90 degrees colder. concorde nine degrees colder. so grab the heavy jacket. good news is, there is no fog. maybe some patchy areas up in the north way. if we look at the visibility map, the reading for santa rosa is down to three miles. that is still fine. but it is a little too low so we will watch that closely. but for right now thankfully, not really a foggy morning. here is how the next several mornings will play out. start out by looking at the north bay valleys. by sunday it's 20 degrees. tomorrow it is 29, happy new year. some bundle up if you have any plans that take you outdoors for new year's eve. i will show you the new year's eve forecast coming up in the 5:00 hour. but you don't have to worry about rain. you have to make sure you bundle up if you are going to be outside for the midnight hour tonight. east bay valleys, we are going to go tell several more degrees sunday morning. the look of the warm-up by next week. it has to do with the fact that we are getting back in the clouds are coming back. the clouds will come back and that will help insulate us by the time we get there. even the temperatures in the bay where they are at 40 now, we will see them climb to the low 50s. quick look at daytime highs were today. one quick overview, low 50s pretty much everywhere. daytime highs have not changed and will not change a whole lot. is the morning lows where we will feel the difference. the rain, still a small chance of late next week. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, the possibility for light showers returns to the bay area. more later. over to you. let's take a look at the roadways. if you are up early hitting the roads, not a bad time to be out there. not a lot of cars out there on the bridge. things are fairly quiet for the ride into san francisco. pretty easy. only about a seven minute commute. heading over into the city, not seeing any traffic coming out of the 880. most of the bridges are pretty quiet. golden gate is, you can see traffic moving nicely. thought around 101 easy ride if you are working your way from the highway 37 across the golden gate, it will take about 20 minutes. so no delays or brake lights. northbound 101 looks good as well. looking at the 12 minute commute from 880 over 2101. so if you are up early and you have to be out and about to hit the roadways, you are good to go. tonight if you are out and about as well for new year's eve, it's up. mass transit has you covered. extended service will be in effect on bart from 5:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. also free fares after 8:00 p.m. bta free fills as well. so lots of options if you want to get out. coming up next is forced, the 49ers are confident in the future quarterback if he happens to be the present quarterback on sunday. plus a thriller in san jose. it good morning, good to be with you. charlie walter here. chart yesterday the nuggets had three players into the covert list and aesthetically shorthanded, the nba postpones the game. so we are on to 2022. the schedule and the sap center, the sharks in the philadelphia flyers. sharks down one in the second period. logan, a shorty of a loose puck to tie it up at one apiece. over time we go. eric carlson binds thomas. he sneaks it in for your game- winner. how about the sharks, they beat the flyers. now just one point back of a playoff spot. garoppolo has already stated the pain isn't going away before sunday. seeking good out and play. this may be a case where actions speak louder than words. he missed wednesday and yesterday's practice obviously hindered by the right thumb sprain. third of all trade labs who led the offense rob lowe's absence. his team is confident he can run the show against houston. they stated he has much gotten much better in a short amount of time. 2 former 49ers are among the finalists in the nfl hall of fame boating. patrick willis became one of them. brian young who has been eligible over the last decade. to the music city bowl, the volunteers against perdue. this game was an old-fashioned shootout. all tied up in the fourth. 534 yards, five touchdowns. under two minutes left the volunteers rebuttal. took her to hyatt. he gets the foot down we have a tie ball game. tennessee looked like they scored on their ot drive. it was questionable so perdue only needed three and they sneak it in. there it is 38 yarder. 48-40 50 final. the sec is now 1-5 in bowl games. the loan game. underdog south carolina pulls out the upset 38-21 and forget the gatorade bath. give shane beamer the mayonnaise all four have gallons of it. and i hope you're not eating breakfast right now. that does it for sports, have a great day. >> why was it necessary? three minutes before 5:00. still ahead, keeping the skies clear. what the air-quality officials are asking people not to do today. and the covid testing crutch before new year's e everyone needs health insurance. covered california is making sure more people can get it. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more californians get covered. julie and bob are paying $700 less every month. dee now gets comprehensive coverage with no monthly premium and the navarros are paying under $100 per month. check to see your new lower price. covered california, this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st. >> live from the cbs bay area studios, this is

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