Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

most snow in12 years. >> rteeporr: struggles, covid and abusive paren ltseatod referee reermembindeg smond tutu, tributes pour inor f n theobel laureate and antiapahertid leader. righting a wrong, the push to provide gi benitefs to family members ofla bck wor wldar ii veterans. and the everyday hero giving strangers a ride to a new life. ♪ ♪ ths is ith"ce bs evening news" with norah oon'dnellre, porngti from the nats ion'catapil. ♪ ♪ >> garrett: egoodvengni, ever.yone thank you foinr joinusg . i'm r majogaetrrt in for norah. begin with a sigfinicant announce fmentrothm e c.d..c on covi pdrotocols. het romecmendation for isolation behas enut c inal hf omfr ten yso tfive. we'll ytellouha wt this will mean for businesses including airl hinesard hit by staff esenidt biden met aytod with his cov ridesponsae tem and briefed the nats ion'governors am aid surge ofew n infecontis. wehodul note eth numr beof new dacaily s hesasis ren above 2000ne0 aring an all-time hi. new york cs ity'vaincce manda icwhh requires neay rlall privatce ser toempyeloes to be fullacy vcinated toofk eftect oday. anilwhe, offlsicia conned preparnsatio f worhat they describe as aa sclecd banek w ye'sve e celebration in timess que.arcb s' nsancy chen is in new york thwi the latest. nan, cygood evening. >>ep rorter: majore, dphgec to you. in norew yk,ov cid hospital saysitizaons spaurssed 5,000 since y earlmarch. new rmeecomndioatns from the c.d.c. feoor pple who test siveti forov cid but have no tosympms. a dram satichift from the c.d.c. night with icomron raginang d wofoercs depletiheng t orneted isolation after gettcoing vidro fm n tedays to fi, lasong as team don't havesy mpmsto. the c.c.d. sysa it based thede cionsi on newea resrch. osthe who are eosxpedo t covid t bubooedst will no longer need to quarantine. ose who arenv uaccinated should qutiaranneor f five full days accordingo tthe c.d.c. as covid hospitalizations have en climbing, chin ldreare among t fhoseillingme ergcyen rooms. >> we're seeing a dratimac spe. >> reporter.r: d jesam snider on the front lines at new yk'ors cohen childs ren'mecadil center. i>>t's backwards 'sit diheartening to see this ma years ms onthan ydears lar tinhe pandemianc de' wve goacne bk wtohat feeikls le the beginnin tg ofhis. >>ep rorter: u.s.ed piatric hoitizalations are now at hieslet vels since sepmbteer naontiwide. ewin n yk orcity pedtriaic hospital admsiisons quaupdrled in the lastwt o weeks, among ages five to eleven, noadne h ebevan ccinated. acssro thcoe urynt, omicr ions settinaig dlyas ce loads soaring to levels higher than last nter's peak. new ayorkndou fr other states areep rorting mordae ily covid cases than at any other point in the pandemic. la week new covid cases rose more than 300% in floridaco mpedar to wa eek ago. in louisiana, omicron doubled hospitalizat iionsn wea ek. 80 porti oonf the pieatntsen vaccinated. long lines persi astrehent t country, prentside benid said ortee sting is becoming avaielabl but admitd testill not fast enough. uhergedhe t nation'vs goerrsno toea rch outor f >> look,re the ins o federal soti.on this gsoets lved at state level. >> out n ofowhere like a tordona thlast couplfe o weeks, uyo know,hi ts omicron comes in -- >> reporter: just fof broadwseay, anay hden prepared reopesn hi restaurant food eraft iesnvtigate shutow dn. >> rkwoerwes re getting sick. numr betested positive earlier on icn deember. ewe wreho srt staffed. new york, gsthin weer good up l untitheer weeks ago. >> reporr:te and the largest ciwi vdeaccine mandainte the private tosecr isin effect here in newk yorcity. stnartig today worrske are 184,000 binusesses must show proof of at least oneac vcine dose, major.> > nancy chthen, anyok u. anything baput h hpyolaidys for aitrr avelers over w theee.kend many remain stranded after rlines canceled tushoandsf o flights due yes toov cid-related sickness i tnheir ranks.cb s's errbaol rnett rtrepos. >>rertpoer: on thimos nyda afr techrimasts, many fryser woulde likto returen thir hodaliy tlravexp eernciee inclinudg brigid sterling. >> i rlleay wanted toan hg out with myam fy ilbut i'm here. >> reporter: her flight from houston to oregon was canleced yesterday s adhe'sti s illn limbo. >> delta has one flight, $2,100, fm rohere to minnesota, minnesota to sealett,ea sttle to euge tneomorrow at midtnigh. >> porerter: after over 2500 calancelti tonhis is weekend, more tha12n 00 u.s. fli wghtsere canc meledony dawitovh er 005,0 ladeys. >>e'e rstuck here. we don't know what's goi tngo pphaen. weju're stop hing and praying that we can get on a flightto danoy laterha tn tomorrow. ep>> rorr:te several airsline said the chaos was due to so my ancrew members exposed to codal cling outic sk. jelu aend alaska offeredbo nuses tota shoff w picked up exshtra e airs linewere amar nagethose urginghe t c.d.c. toho srten the isatolion odperi f torhose vaccinated ahnd te wne guiedanc wi allow staff to get back into the skiess fater. . dranthony faucysi sa the whi ushoe is weighinotg anher chaeng for pngassee ars vaccine quirement to fly. >>yo if u ntwa to do that with mestic fligh tts ihink that seriously should be condesired. >> reporter:un hdreds of flights werse alo disrupted by weather. thisin wter storm in sealett left hundreds of flights nccaeled and delayed. ro tadravel is also a cllhaenge. a blizzard in north dakota left 50 vehicles stranded this morning. in the sierra nevada mountains, several feet of snow madtre avel impoibssle and in north dotaka a whithoe w the led tohi ts -c20ar lepiup. iits csuh a sluggish entod the year and t theravel pain will incontue. on tuesd may,ore t1,han 000 htfligs ear expected toe b cael aedcross theou cntry and 'itsnc ulear when rais linewille t back on schedule, buthe tser ededuc c.d.c. ice regulation d anquarantine guinedelis, major, should help. >> garttre: erbarol rnett,t hank youmu so ch. for more on the swsnotorms in eth west and the forecast for thre ostfs u we turn to cbs'slo ienn quinn odgo evening. >>o eodvening to you and evyoerne. thg e bistmsor are out west but still hsnave ow smlgaw in portions of michigan, wisconsin, minna esotnow. the pink colusor phing through nnsylvania, zifreengai rn in atupste w neyork moving into neglw enantod morrow. e big sto irys out west,ti sll owing from the srriea to the codolora rkioces. e futurcae st shows us it's lstilno sngwi tomorrow, even into wedaynesd. sol ae l thwhile, you'oire gng to pick up maybe abaitddionle foot on top ofen t feet of snow omin se ospts and that snow comets wih lcod air. it was the colstde aftneroon er recorded s ineattleay tod 2at5 grdeees. bigsllin, uyo only hit 1 degree, an tdhatht's ear wmest you could get. thope posite for the south, you wille havyour thotest temperaturvees er corerded in an aftern toonomorrow.ho us82ton ,tl aan 7ta3 and all atth heat bblubesp u and leads toa ntpoteial forev sere weather foacr plesik le ismsissippi, alaabam and tenssneee into your o dayn wedadnesy. youan c e'tven rule out the psiosbityli for a tornado. we've seen itap hrepen cy.entl there's the poslisibitagy ain moraj ceomne wedsd.ay all yours. >> lnione, thank youmu so chn o the too rnadwatch. aol corado judge todayed schuled a nja 1uary3 ahering to conrside a request from prosecuto trso reduce 1 the10 yeair prson sent oencef a trucdrk iver whose brakes fd ailebefore a 2019 crh atth killed four people in suburdeban nver. is sentence s hadrawn ouagtre acssro t ar 5ly million peosiple gnde annline petition skieeng em.ency a flood tide of tributes f aormp bishop and antiapartheiadd leer dsmoutnd tu. s'cbs ian lee hahes t sorty. ( bes llringing ) >> reporterhe: t bells of 'sn cape town toorll f the tiny ernlymen who loomso s large inh earts ofan my utsoh africans. with a song inis h hea, rtcans in his step and t ihenfecoutis ug ah,rchbishop desmond tutu heedea ld south afa ricoutf o apartidhe. >> wlle wi be free! >> rorep ater:rcishbhutop tu spinired ald wor that mourns hi president obhaama il tedutu as a mtoenr, friend and horrible coass. itbrain's queen abelizeth rememberised h garet warmth and humor,le whi pe opfrancis aiprsed fihis g fhtor equality and reconciailtion. witas that dedicaonti to human ghts that eartuned tu a nobel acpee prize assouth africa's fstir baclk chbiopsh, hepo ske ttro uth to urpo wheerth a white racist reme oror crupt ctdiator. cheouldur t hnis rhtigeous rage osun pporrtes. in 1985 tutu broke up an angry mob andve prented it from killing a man suspe octedf being an apartheid spy. e charbishop couldn'ont cinta is joy whenen lsonan mdelaas w released after nearly three cadede in prison. dan mandehla ce ostu ttuo lead south africa'rus t athnd recoilnciati conommiiossn to hep lheal the country'ras cial wounds. sonow utafh rica enters a weak of mourning to honor someo wneho simply wanted o tbe rememberedas h ablume man. e>> h ledov, he ledaugh, he ie hd,e was forvegin, hefo avrge. >>ep rorrtech: arbishop deonsmd tutu willie l in state. aranrgements are ngbei me adfor ptheublic to pay their respects.of course, covid restitricons permtiitngbe, fore hisun feral takes placeea nrs day. >> garrett: ian ele, we thank yo today aed feral peapals urcot set janu 7ary as te hday to hear or aalrguments in the battle over the enforcement of texas' tiaboronaw lba, nning almosalt l abortiinons the steta and enables privciate tizens to sue yone who performance or assists maa won in getting abortion after cardiacct aivitys detecinted n a embryo. >>ni> togh ct,asting a lhtig in labor shoe rtagpartly blamed on cidov but also unruly parents. ma youth srtpos leaguye sa they're having trouble infindg referees and umpires. isth frocbm s's elisere pston. >> theouse t 1gh2-year-old girls have a powerful command to the puck. mone has been n othe icein sce e was five. >> i feesol free. i take my mind off everything. >> reporter: blaut py is on use for many kids. gamees ar getngti candcele because there aren't enough app alieds a younger player. >> reporter: bob who oversees ssmaachusehotts ck seyayings atn e t poininhe t season the ganizaton was down nearly 900 officials. >>e looked iinto t and one of threasons was abuse and rmisteatment by partsen and pls.ayer >> reporter:e likth, isa massachusetts rerefeeun pched on e thice by a youth hockeyoa cch and this inspnectig referee edplow dn owon a california soeer fild. why oudo y tnkhi we're seeing more of these inciden?ts >> t ihink there's a general olackf srepectn ithe last couple of years. yone can say anything now. reporter: benetwe asebu and cod,vi the'sre been ara dmacti drn op irefs across youth sports in all age gros upnatidionwe. based on early data, an tesatimed0, 3000 high school ferees have quit since 2018. d>> ion t'think there hastn' been a game where i'vnee ver beenel yled at. > porerter: a.j. has eben a ree ferefo13r years.ho w does iteo jpardize the safety oe n thice ifhe tre 'taren eugnoh referees out there? >> m youayis ms a maj porenalty and that coul ld beife changing tohat player. >> reerport: ydoou think this issue impacts the future of yohut hocy keas you know it? >> absolutely. reporter: simone h topeshat doesn't happen. she dreams of going pro and just wanto t play. eleisst preoncb, s, boston. >> gar: rettfoowllings world ar ii the g.i. bill helped build ama'erics ddmile class but thadt ladeofr opportuniwaty s wryongl denied to manbly ack veterans, now sommee mbers of coresst wanto correhict ts historicrral eor. he'sre cbs's david marn.ti dieend, forgot untinol w. >> reporter: vaa nessbrooks' thfaer lawrence edserv ithn e cific during world war ii. e >> wbutil bdgries and air strips for pnelas toan ld. r>>eporr:te 1at12, he is believ tedo be the oldliest ving veteran ane d onofor me than a million africaern-aminsca who served in the war and suppoysedl quald ifiefothr e housing and educatn iobenefits of the g.i. bill. ousands and outhsands of black terans were denieed thir netsfi. >> rteeporrda: routmth historian hemattw delmont. >> k blacveratens had to g too office as staffedos almt clexusive by whi oteffiaicls around thsis i paa rticula obprlem in the s.outh >> reportehar: wtpe scifically were they denied >> acces ms tooragtges and colltuege itn ioto gp to cgeolle to helthp em earn degrees to help them get good jobs afterwdsar. >> reporter: denied a chance toarcitipate in the post-war onecom bicoom which sawhi wte thweal surge and black wealth rebaly keep up whit itinflaon. for white vaneters, the g.i. bill hel tpedhem become mbmeers of the midcldle asans d for the blactek verans theuly codn g'tet mehos goro to col alegenlod st the rtoppouny itto be a pt arof the mel dicascolho. >> mney geraonti might not be sponblsie for the injtiuscebu t we can take resisponbilityfo r xfiing it. r>>epteorr: cgronesmotouln whon todas y'dwenimt bill is one of the authtoors have the gileslioatn to mkea upor f it. t>>he descendents of toyda's blactek vera wnsould be eligible r v.a. housingoa lns and grandkidsld wou bele igible ford uciat bonenefits >> repr:orte vesansa brooks believes that bill is teahe rson faher th iers still >> it'o s tola fteor him, but he was ntme to go to school, and i twanto gtoo tulane. buitt 's just are dam. >> repor wter:has t'stoppingyo u now? fceinans. but if the.i g. lbil was revived,l i'lha tvehe oppoitrtuny gtoo back to scolho, monydy dad's shoulders. >> reportervi: dad rtmain, cbs news, the pnteagon. >> gar: rettstl ilahead on tonit'ghs "c ebsveni nngews" an armed intruarder restedner windsor ce astland a time capsfoule und in virginia. du re? an thk gothe ds. thdon't anemk th too soon. n kick pain withcr aspereme. thk gothe ds. w'reseating anind drking foods anrad bevege that are vericy acid. w'rit can sn oftethe anrad bevege on ramelepair, what itdo's ing i driving more lsminera d eep in eto thenamel surface, that's goinelg to hp veactily repair. pronamel is taking t ito another level. sw eet pillows ofof stns!es this ifts so! sw eethoily crmhain!stns!es cu exsee! m roll it bacevk erodyby! charmin a ultrso ifts socu!es shioofny st,ou y'll want !more but it's'so absorbentyo, u ca n use less. jo eny the go wh itcharmin. hi , my name isrr cheie i'm 76 a lnd iiv . e on the orecogon husband, sam, bewe've enri mared 53 years. we love k to walon b theeach. ha i ve d twoaughters th and en g tworanddaughters. i noticed thorat memiewes re not there liy ke thewehere wn i was mungch youer. since tareking pvagen, my mems ory hago bttenetter and ikit's le puthe zzle piecesal have l been [click] t putoergeth. ag prevenal. hethier brain. er bett life. o)(v at dog cwehow bieelve helping do gs live theistr be le.if.. shou blde si.mple that's woghy d chow is made with rcheal icn keand no fillers. pu drinaogho cw. keep life simp.le rebefo disvecoring nexium 24hr tore tat herre fquent hearn.tbur.. claire couldy onlimagein enjongyi chocolate cake. now, she cane havher keca and eat titoo. nexi 2um4hr stops acid be forest it artsor f all-day, alnil-ght protection. can you imagine ou24 hrs without heartburn? >> garrett: meso scary momen at worinds ctlase ov terhe weekend as queen elizabetdh an otr members heof t raloy familynt iraib ctdhrismats. brisith police arre steda man armedit whro a cssonbow the grounds heof t casetl. poli acere also investigating a link betweheen t man and an lineeo vidbt oaedin by the son threatentoing assassina, teyes, assassinate e thqun.eeau thorits iesaidhe t suspect is beg inheld under the nation's menlta health act. the downtown nashvile lstreet e whera mbbo went offn o chrimasts day to 20 final opreetoned tffraicnd a depestrian lynear 4of0 the 60 buildin impacted in bothe mbginre a back up and running. the iniotentnal detonation ofn a r.nv. i naslehvil's hstioric downtown dicistrt llkied the erbomb a indnjur crews who opened a time capsule burited a thetu stae of robert e. lee in v.a. found a second capsule. rx-ay phointos diteca it may contain coins, ttbuons dan evena mmunition from thvie cilar w. it will be openomed torrow aeronno. the stco of pnnlaing anve oearss trip h jasust gonupe . the statpae dertntme increedas the kos r cross of a passport bk ooby $20 startingay tod. that meaewns n passports for those 16 anded olr willos ct 65$1 while the price to renew a passport is $130. we offer ts hipiece ofdv aic anpl aadhe. the estate dpartment said 'its processaping pcalitions in about eighto televeen weks. upex nt theea sson of giving is ye-raround effort for this south carolina mechanic. u yodon't get muche timfor yourself. heso wn yodou , make it countwi th cstre pro-health. it protects thare 8 eas ntdeists check for ala hethiemor uth. #1the tthoopaste brand amin era.ic crest. lothisok, is n't my first deroo and let metell y ou something, wodnul't be here if i thought reversertga moge adtookvaagnte of any americsenian or oror wse, that it wasomes w tayo take your ho it's just a lo designed forder olhoowmeners, d, i ant'hes lped overilli a monam ericans. a reverse moge rtga anlo isn't some kind of trick to take youre. hom a lit'soa n,like any other. bi gdifference is hou ow ypaity back. find out how rverse mortgages really work with a'sag free, no-oblion igat reverse mortgaggu id eliminatmoe nthly mort paygagemes,nt y bpall s, medical co and more. call now and get your free in kfoit. otr rtmogages are paid each mon,th t with a reversmorte ga,ge you can pay whatever yon, when it works for you, oryo, u can wait, d pay it off in lu onempum s when you leave discov terhe option that'be stor f you. call today anndfi out more in aag's free-obl, noigioatn reverse gagemort ln oaguide. access tax-fresh ad stay in the home y louove. u' veprobably been investing yourin heom makingthly mon rtmogage entspaym.. .doing the an's d itbemeco your family'shear t d an , atth investment cagin ve you tax-frashee c just whenu ne yoedt. i lehow arn hoowmeners are stgicaratell yusa reing veers mortgageoa ln to cerov expenses, pay f oralhethcare, preserver you prtfolio, and musoh remo. lo, okreverse morts gage 'taren for everyone but i thinvek i' b een'round longgh enou know what's. what i'pr oudto be part of trust 'em,in i thk youcan too. trust aag for stthe be rerseev mortgage tsoluon caow so c youan... tire better greartt: in this eassoofn nggivi, hweave a follow-up ory tonight t aboua chmeanic soin utcah rolina w who puts peleop, yes, in the dverir's atse. here's mark strassmann. >> porerterel: iot mdlideton works magic under hoods, smoking barbeacue t hises rtaanurt, and repairing donated cars. he>> rere a the keys to i.t thyoank u. >> reporte hr:e gifts them to oppele without a ridine ur ral utcah rolina, more than 60 vehicles so .far they now know there's sobomedy in the coitmmunyho w's inlookg out forhe tm and care r fothetom be ableo t carry on. >>epteorr: after our june sty oraboutid mdleton, rou vieweonrs dat dedozens ofs ued vehicles.>> he erare the keys. chec ok itut.>> rorepter: he gave aw2ay 1 ca for the twelve ds ayof chstrimas. >> yavou he no idea how much th miseans to me. i'mgl so atod be able to help. >>epteorr: aziare gr geenot this6 200hoa ndcivic. >> this is g toingo lhep a lot. r>>eporter: to thisgl sine mom, it's likean sta pulled upan d gave her his slaying. sl>> m always havting o iwat and bo'srrow ppleoe's cars.>> trehe y gouo. i'm rrsoy. no, you'rgoe od. > reporter: e madposesibl because of your negerosity. wh h tashat taught youut abo peop?le >> with somebody spuhing hard, thwiere lle bfolks behinud yopu shg inhard as welloo, t. r>>eporter: for there gensa, used car, a new start. mark rastssmann, cbs news, awendaw, south carolina. >> garrett: empshais, uryo honor generosi 'lwel be right back. he wto tor.ld your familory y stis waiting to be discover,ed anw yod nou n casearch foose r thfainscating details for free-at —nctresy. ♪♪ anw yod nou n casearch foose r thfainscating details ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ alright, hweere go,mi ller in motion. wha — w wait,ait,s ithat a... ban by othe elfid?? itoo lks lik, e itcrai thand e densfeive linemen are playinekg pe-a-b.oo i've neveeer sn anhiytng like that be.fore rr hais n aowppears to be rpbuing the baby. th aat's gre matoment right e.ther e thref gog into the rule bheook re. wh, atwait a minute! rr hais is off to tache res! weon d't nee d anmoy re tri pcklays. to uchdown!! but weld cou allse u more ways to save. aryoe u kidding me?? it's goingbe to a long bus de ri homfoe r the defense. switch to geicr o fomore ways to save. asunleh thfre eshness... ♪ ♪ still fresh it's goingbe to a long bus de ri homfoe r the defense. ♪♪ in wassch-ent boteosr ♪ ♪ downuny stopables rin aecenclt inical study, pa tien utssing salonpas pahtc repoedrt reductions in p ain serivety, pa tien utssing salonpas pahtc inusg less or a lot lessoralai pn medis.cine an d impredov quality of life. 'tha's y whwe recommend saaslonp. it's good minedice. ♪♪ things ytaou srt when you're 45. cohiacng. new rkwoouts. anred scening for colon cancer. yep. t ahemerican cancer styocie coremmends screening stngarti at e ag45, instead 0,of 5 sincloe con caernc is increasin ng iyounr geadults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon crsance... ...einven early stages. i'm for lepeop 45 uspl at average friskor conol cancer, not high risk. fapolse siti avend negative ltresus maocy cur. ask yorour pvide r if cologuard ighs rit foyor u. do you ha ave li ifensurance cypoli you no loerng need? now you casen ll ypoour licy - even a ptermolicy - foanr immediate pcashayment. weho tught we had plneand callrefuy for our retirementbu. t we quickly realediz we edneed a way to suppntleme o iurncomf e. iyou ha $ve100,or000 more of leif insuncrae, yayou m qualify to se yllour cypoli. don't caelncr let your lipocy lapse witutho finding ouwht at it's worth. sivit coventrydirect.comfi to nd ifout yr oupolicy quali. fiesor ca ll the numbe yr onouscr reen. coryvent decirt, redefining rainsunce. before nexiuhr,m 24 na could only ime an agin coa mfortable night'eeps l without frnt hequeeaburtrn waking her up. w,no that dream... . .i..s her reality. ne xi 2um4hr stops acid fore be istt arts, for all-day, all-niprotght econti. can yoaginu ime h24ours without heartburn? >> garrett: on tomorr bs"c evening news," a qutieson on tinhe mds of manyac tehers pandartsen, will the creord ri in omicron cases force school distr tictso treurn to remotlee arning? rememb ier,f uyo can'tch wat usi vedo, n't forget to seut yor d.v.r. su o yoca wnatch us lar.te at t'sonight's "cbens eving news." r nohra oon'd, nelli' mmajor garrinett t nheation'sit capol. wish you a very pleasant good ineveng. ca ptioning sponresod by cbs ptneiod by a mediacssce group at wg ac cess aounnncere : onveclhie. >>av i ge r hea money orderr fo $400. >> judge judhey: s l yetou heav the car, t andhethn e defendant toheok t c barack. >>ou annnc: ertwo buyers. >> i was the one paying on it, ma'am. >> jududge jy: but theey mon meca from where? my account. j>>udge judy: whehen dn'idt pay you e threst, you toheok t car .back >>nn aounc: erwillt ibe t ehend ofhe t road for thelis sler? >> tarhe c'sti sll in my name. i n'dot know her. iss ihis ex-girlfd.rien >> j judgeud yy:ou are some ammer. nn>> aouernc: "judge judy." you abare outot enter the courtrm ooof you abare outot enter the courtrm ooof judgdie juthhe sindlin. ca ptnsio paid for by s cbtelevision dtrisibution iasylv wghrit is suing saa rethatts for carai-repr llbis, insurancets cos, d anthe turern of a paymfoent r caa r shwae s buying fror.m he >> byrd: order! all rise! th icas se number 41 t6 onhe cale, ndarjue,dg in the matter of wright vsre. that.ts >> jududge jy:ha tnk you. >>yr yd:ou're welcomude, jge. rts iehave been swinorn . you may eabe sted. ma'a hm,ave a seat. ud>> jgeud jy: ms. wrighhit, ts is kofind aom cplicated case, but let me see if i rsundetand it. s it iyo curlaim that yod u haa direct cont tracwi tthhe defeanndt to purchase a car. r>>ight. >> judge j yudy:ouav ge her nemoy, and you wgoere intog get tithe tltoe the car whe wn itas l finished bngei inspected. coacrding to youe , shlet you thavehear c in the interim. >> right. >>ud jgeudy: and yout wen ahead and dilod a t rofepairs onhe t carbr to initg up to a acple where it c pouldass inecsption. ig>> rht. >> j judgeud ay:nd tn hethe deanfendt okto the car back. >> yes. >> jududge jy:o syour lawsuit seeks money onnot lyha tt you ido ther because vishe oledat e ntcoract by takiheng t car babuck, t mothe nethy at you entot have the caxer fid. ig>> rht. >> j judgeud ty:hat's what the case is about. w,no ms. threattyss sa sevhe ner haa ntcoract with you. >> mm-hmm. >>ud jge judy: shed solhecar r somebody by n theamofe bbdoie. >> yes'a, mam. judge judy: s andheol sd the

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Tven , 7 , Todayed Schuled , Ahering To Conrside A , Chn O , Yours , Wedsd Ay , Hrepen Cy Entl , Itap , Ain Moraj , Poslisibitagy , Lnione , Too Rnadwatch , Corado , Aol , Prosecuto Trso , Nja 1uary3 , Yeair Prson , Request , People , Trucdrk Iver , Sentence , Crh Atth , Petition Skieeng Em Ency A Flood Tide , Brakes Fd Ailebefore , Oencef , Suburdeban Nver , Acssro T Cheountry Ne Ar 5ly , Hadrawn Ouagtre , Peosiple Gnde Annline , Four , 2019 , Bes Llringing , Antiapartheiadd Leer Dsmoutnd Tu , Sn , Aormp Bishop , T Sorty , Lee Hahes , T Bells Of , Toorll F , Song , Step , Loomso S Large Inh Earts Ofan My Utsoh Africans , Desmond Tutu , Inis H Hea , Ernlymen , Cape Town , Rchbishop , Rtcans , T Ihenfecoutis Ug Ah , Rcishbhutop Tu Spinired Ald Wor , Obhaama Il Tedutu , H Garet , Mtoenr , Friend , Warmth , Ld South , Abelizeth Rememberised , Afa Ricoutf O Apartidhe , Heedea , Wlle , Horrible Coass , Rorep Ater , Itbrain , Fihis G Fhtor Equality , Humor , Prize , Assouth Africa , Le Whi , 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, To Sue Yone , Togh Ct , Nning Almosalt L Abortiinons , Privciate Tizens , Detecinted Na Embryo , Cardiacct Aivitys , The Steta , Asting A Lhtig , Ni , Tiaboronaw Lba , Isth Frocbm S , Referees , Parents , Trouble , Umpires , Command , Girls , Ma Youth Srtpos Leaguye Sa , Shoe Rtagpartly , Elisere Pston , Theouse T 1gh2 , Sce E , Everything , Mone , Mind , Use , There Aren T , Puck , Kids , Othe , Gamees Ar , Blaut Py , Icein , Getngti Candcele , Bob , Alieds A Younger Player , Iinto T , Officials , Abuse , Threasons , Partsen , Atn Et Poininhe T Season , Ganizaton , Ssmaachusehotts Ck Seyayings , Rmisteatment , 900 , On E Thice , E Likth , Isa Massachusetts Rerefeeun Pched , Pls Ayer , Youth Hockeyoa Cch , California Soeer Fild , Dn Owon , Oudo Y Tnkhi , Inciden , Ihink There S A General Olackf Srepectn Ithe , Youth Sports , Cod , Data , High School Ferees Have Quit , Say Anything , Gros Upnatidionwe , Ara Dmacti , Vi The Sre , Op Irefs , Benetwe Asebu , Drn , Tesatimed0 , Yone , 3000 , D , Where , Game , Ree Ferefo13r , Iteo Jpardize The Safety Oe N Thice , Ver Beenel , T Think , I Vnee , Hastn , Yled At , A J , Ifhe Tre , Has Eben , 2018 , Issue , Ld Beife Changing Tohat Player , Maj Porenalty , M Youayis , Reerport , Taren Eugnoh , Yohut Hocy Keas , Simone H Topeshat , Doesn T , Bill Hel Tpedhem , The G I , Wanto T Play , Rettfoowllings World Ar Ii , Gar , Thadt Ladeofr , Eleisst Preoncb , Boston , Build Ama Erics Ddmile Class , Opportuniwaty S Wryongl , Untinol W Reporter , Manbly Ack Veterans , Correhict Ts Historicrral Eor , Coresst Wanto , Sommee Mbers , Vaa Nessbrooks , David Marn , Ti Dieend , R , Eporr , Veteran Ane D , Air Strips , Bdgries , Pnelas Toan Ld , Thfaer , World War Ii , Edserv Ithn E Cific , Lawrence , Believ Tedo , Oldliest Ving , Te 1at12 , Onofor , A Million , Bill , Africaern Aminsca Who , War , Ifiefothr E Housing , Suppoysedl Quald , Outhsands Of Black Terans , Educatn Iobenefits , Denieed Thir Netsfi , Ousands , Acces , K 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Shoulders , Reportervi , Armed Intruarder Restedner , Monydy Dad , Scolho , Pnteagon , Dad Rtmain , C Ebsveni Nngews , Rettstl Ilahead , Withcr Aspereme , Thdon T Anemk Th , Du Re , Gothe Ds , Thk Gothe Ds , Thk , Capsfoule Und In Virginia , Windsor Ce Astland , N Kick , Taking T Ito Another Level , Goinelg , Pronamel , Enamel Pr Anrad Bevege , Drking Foods Anrad Bevege , Vericy Acid , W Reseating Anind , On Ramelepair , Hp , What Itdo , Eto Thenamel Surface , Veactily Repair , Lsminera D Eep , W Rit , Sn Oftethe , Ifts Socu , U Ca N , Pillows , Ou Y , My Name , Ofof Stns , Es Shioofny St , Absorbentyo , Charmin , The Go , Sw Eet , Cu Exsee , Sw Eethoily Crmhain , Erodyby , Ultrso , Jo Eny , Wh Itcharmin , Isrr Cheie , E On , Twoaughters Th , Walon B Theeach , Thorat , Lnd Iiv , Enri Mared , Sam , Bewe , Orecogon Ast My Husband , En G Tworanddaughters , 76 , 53 , Le Puthe Zzle Piecesal Have L , Er Bett Life , Mungch Youer , Thewehere Wn , My Mems Ory Hago Bttenetter , Ikit , Putoergeth , Tareking Pvagen , Ag Prevenal , Hethier Brain , O , Fillers , Dog Cwehow Bieelve , Live Theistr , V , Rcheal , Icn Keand , Shou Blde Si Mple , Pu Drinaogho Cw , Life Simp Le Rebefo Disvecoring , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Heartburn , Claire Couldy , Acid , Forest It , Nexi 2um4hr , Tat , Hearn Tbur , Herre Fquent , Onlimagein Enjongyi Chocolate Cake , Eat Titoo , Cane Havher Keca , Alnil Ght Protection , Heof T , Queen , Ov Terhe , Brisith Police Arre Steda , Man Armedit , Raloy Familynt Iraib Ctdhrismats , Elizabetdh , Worinds Ctlase , Meso Scary Momen , Whro A Cssonbow , Threatentoing Assassina , Eeau Thorits Iesaidhe T , Betweheen T , Nation , Heof T Casetl , Link , Lineeo , Beg Inheld , Teyes , Vidbt Oaedin , Menlta Health Act , Downtown Nashvile Lstreet , Poli Acere , Running , Buildin , Whera Mbbo , Depestrian Lynear 4of0 , Offn O Chrimasts , Opreetoned Tffraicnd , Bothe Mbginre , Iniotentnal Detonation Ofn A R Nv , I Naslehvil , Hstioric Downtown Dicistrt Llkied , 20 , 60 , 4 , Erbomb A Indnjur Sedever Al Crews , Thetu Stae , Time Capsule , Robert E Lee , Bk Ooby , Capsule , Coins , Statpae Dertntme Increedas , Ttbuons Dan Evena Mmunition , Phointos Diteca , Openomed Torrow Aeronno , Pnnlaing Anve Oearss , Trip H Jasust Gonupe , Stco , Kos R Cross , Passports , Meaewns N , Price , Olr Willos , Startingay Tod , Anded , Anpl Aadhe , Ofdv Aic , 16 , 30 , 65 , , 130 , 0 , South Carolina , Estate , Effort , Mechanic , Processaping Pcalitions , Televeen Weks , Dpartment , Eighto , Upex Nt Theea Sson Of Giving Is Ye Raround , U Yodon T , Heso Wn Yodou , Ala Hethiemor Uth , Muche Timfor , Countwi Th Cstre Pro Health , Eas Ntdeists Check , 8 , Is N T My First Deroo , Wodnul T , Reversertga , Metell Y Ou Something , Brand Amin Era Ic Crest , Moge Adtookvaagnte , Lothisok , Reverse , It Wasomes W , Anlo Isn T , Kind , Trick , Lo , Lped Overilli , Forder Olhoowmeners , Oror Wse , Monam Ericans , Moge Rtga , Mortgages , Nt Y Bpall S , Hom A Lit Soa N , Ow Ypaity Back , Bi Gdifference , Reverse Mortgaggu Id , Mort Paygagemes , Igat , Eliminatmoe Nthly , Oblion , Av I Ge , Th T , Co , Mon , Otr Rtmogages , Kfoit , Reversmorte Ga , Oryo , Terhe , Pay , Aag , Call , Lu Onempum , Obl , Noigioatn Reverse Gagemort Ln Oaguide , Atth Investment Cagin Ve You , U , Stay , Home , Td , Veprobably , Family Shear , Investing Yourin , Y Louove , Heom Makingthly , Mon Rtmogage Entspaym , Tax Frashee , Itbemeco , Taren , Everyone , Veers Mortgageoa , Musoh Remo , Longgh Enou , Okreverse Morts Gage , Ne Yoedt , Oralhethcare , Arn Hoowmeners , Cerov Expenses , Preserver You Prtfolio , Yusa Reing , B Een Round , Part , Em , I Pr Oudto , Trust , Trust Aag , Thk Youcan , Stthe Be Rerseev , Mortgage Tsoluon Caow , C Youan , Tire Better Greartt , Utcah Rolina W , Yes , Hweave A Follow Up Ory Tonight T , Dverir , Aboua Chmeanic Soin , Eassoofn Nggivi , Peleop , Keys , Smoking Barbeacue T , Cars , Porerterel , Mark Strassmann , Rere , A Ridine Ur Ral Utcah Rolina , Atse , Iot Mdlideton Works Magic Under Hoods , Hises Rtaanurt , Reporte Hr , I T Thyoank , Oppele , Oraboutid Mdleton , Ableo T , Sobomedy , Coitmmunyho W , Carry On , Ued , Inlookg Out Forhe Tm , Fothetom , Dat Dedozens Ofs , Rou Vieweonrs , Yavou , Aziare Gr Geenot This6 , Chec , Rorepter , Ds Ayof Chstrimas , Th Miseans , I Mgl , Twelve , Upan D , Eporter , Lot , Mom , Slaying , Sl , 200hoa Ndcivic , Toingo Lhep , Likean Sta , Thisgl Sine , Ei Gh , Havting O Iwat , 200 , Negerosity , Thwiere , Abo Peop , Bo Srrow Ppleoe , Trehe Y Gouo , Rrsoy , You Rgoe Od , E Madposesibl , Somebody Spuhing Hard , Wh H Tashat , Behinud Yopu , Lle Bfolks , Youut , Used Car , Honor Generosi , Shg Inhard , There Gensa , Welloo , Mark Rastssmann , Awendaw , Uryo , Lwel , Empshais , Thfainscating , Ed Anw Yod Nou N , Familory , Casearch Foose , Stis Waiting To Be Discover , Nctresy , He Wto , Anw Yod Nou N , Details , Hweere Go , Mi Ller In Motion , Linemen , Gre Matoment Right E Ther , Baby , Res , Rule Bheook Re , Rr Hais , Playinekg , Wh , Wha W Wait , S Ithat A Ban , Ait , Sn Anhiytng , Thand E Densfeive , Fore Rr Hais N Aowppears , E Itcrai , Thref Gog , Th Aat , Atwait , Itoo Lks Lik , Pe A B Oo , Defense , Ri Homfoe R , Weon D , Aryoe U , Cou , Long Bus De , Tri Pcklays , Anmoy , Uchdown , Allse , Geicr O Fomore , Asunleh Thfre Eshness , Salonpas Pahtc Repoedrt , Pa , Tien Utssing , Downuny Stopables , Wassch , Ent Boteosr , Rin Aecenclt Inical Study , Quality Of Life , Reductions , Minedice , Lessoralai , Salonpas Pahtc Inusg , Ain Serivety , Cine An D Impredov , Tha S Y Whwe , Recommend Saaslonp , Things , 45 , Colon Crsance , Colon Cancer , Cologuard , Iyounr Geadults , Cancer Styocie Coremmends Screening Stngarti At E Ag45 , New Rkwoouts , Cohiacng , Anred Scening , Yep , T Ahemerican , Increasin Ng , Sincloe Con Caernc , 92 , Friskor Conol Cancer , Stages , Do You Ha Ave , Li Ifensurance Cypoli , Einven , Lepeop , Maocy Cur , Siti Avend , Fapolse , Loerng , Rit Foyor , Ask Yorour Pvide , Cologuard Ighs , Retirementbu , Way , Yayou M , Weho Tught We , Suppntleme O Iurncomf E Iyou Ha , Casen Ll , Plneand Callrefuy , Yllour Cypoli , Leif Insuncrae , Don T Caelncr , Immediate Pcashayment , Ypoour Licy , Ptermolicy Foanr , Witutho Finding Ouwht , Worth , Nd Ifout Yr Oupolicy Quali , Lipocy , Sivit Coventrydirect Comfi , Nexiuhr , M 24 Na , Fiesor Ca Ll The Numbe Yr Onouscr Reen , Coryvent Decirt , Redefining Rainsunce , Frnt Hequeeaburtrn , W , Reality , Dream , Acid Fore Be Istt Arts , Ne Xi 2um4hr , Mfortable , Agin Coa , I S , Niprotght Econti , Yoaginu Ime H24ours , Bs , N T , C Evening News , Manyac Tehers Pandartsen , Tomorr , F Uyo , A Qutieson , Remotlee Arning , Tinhe Mds , Tictso Treurn , Creord Ri In Omicron Cases Force School Distr , Seut Yor , Wat Usi Vedo , Rememb Ier , Ineveng , Dvr , Lar Te , Cbens Eving News , Su O Yoca , Mmajor Garrinett T Nheation Sit Capol , Nelli , Nohra , Oon D , Ma Am , Jududge Jy , Gbh Org Aounnncere , Toheok Tc Barack , Group , Account , Sl Yetou Heav The Car , A Mediacssce , Ca Ptioning Sponresod , Onveclhie , Wg Ac , Ptneiod , Money Orderr , Fo 400 , Judhey , Ou Annnc , Ertwo Buyers , Theey Mon Meca , 400 , Ud Jge Judy , Erwillt Ibe T , Nn , Aouernc , You Toheok T Car , You E Threst , Whehen Dn Idt Pay , Nn Aounc , Tarhe C Sti Sll , Thelis Sler , Ehend Ofhe T Road , Iss , Ihis Ex Girlfd , Judgeud Yy , Ammer , Abare Outot , Ooof Judgdie , Courtrm , Courtrm Ooof , Juthhe Sindlin , Cbtelevision Dtrisibution , Carai , Anthe Turern , Insurancets Cos , Iasylv Wghrit , Saa Rethatts , Repr Llbis , Ca Ptnsio , Ha Tnk You , Rise , Matter , That Ts Jududge Jy , A Paymfoent , Buying Fror M He Byrd , Shwae , Caa , Th Icas , Onhe Cale , Wright Vsre , Ndarjue , Dg , 41 , Jgeud , Iyo Curlaim , Car , Yudy , Aom Cplicated Case , Ts , Yod U , Rts Iehave , Yr Yd Ou Re Welcomude , Tthhe Defeanndt , Ud , Ouav Ge , Jge , Eabe Sted , Haa , Wrighhit , Swinorn , Ma A Hm , Ave A Seat , Kofind , Cont Tracwi , Her Nemoy , Pouldass Inecsption , Interim , Acple , Car Whe Wn Itas L , You Thavehear C , Wgoere Intog , Coacrding To Youe , Ud Jgeudy And Yout Wen Ahead , Tithe Tltoe , Bngei , Shlet , Rofepairs Onhe T Carbr , Dilod , Onnot Lyha Tt You Ido Ther , Judgeud Ty , Takiheng T , Ig , Hat , Car Back , Judgeud Ay , Jududge , You Entot , Oledat E Ntcoract , Nd Tn Hethe Deanfendt Okto , Jy O , Car Babuck , Syour Lawsuit , Caxer Fid , T Mothe Nethy , Yes A , Case , Haa Ntcoract , Threattyss Sa Sevhe Ner , Theamofe Bbdoie , Shed Solhecar , Andheol Sd ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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most snow in12 years. >> rteeporr: struggles, covid and abusive paren ltseatod referee reermembindeg smond tutu, tributes pour inor f n theobel laureate and antiapahertid leader. righting a wrong, the push to provide gi benitefs to family members ofla bck wor wldar ii veterans. and the everyday hero giving strangers a ride to a new life. ♪ ♪ ths is ith"ce bs evening news" with norah oon'dnellre, porngti from the nats ion'catapil. ♪ ♪ >> garrett: egoodvengni, ever.yone thank you foinr joinusg . i'm r majogaetrrt in for norah. begin with a sigfinicant announce fmentrothm e c.d..c on covi pdrotocols. het romecmendation for isolation behas enut c inal hf omfr ten yso tfive. we'll ytellouha wt this will mean for businesses including airl hinesard hit by staff esenidt biden met aytod with his cov ridesponsae tem and briefed the nats ion'governors am aid surge ofew n infecontis. wehodul note eth numr beof new dacaily s hesasis ren above 2000ne0 aring an all-time hi. new york cs ity'vaincce manda icwhh requires neay rlall privatce ser toempyeloes to be fullacy vcinated toofk eftect oday. anilwhe, offlsicia conned preparnsatio f worhat they describe as aa sclecd banek w ye'sve e celebration in timess que.arcb s' nsancy chen is in new york thwi the latest. nan, cygood evening. >>ep rorter: majore, dphgec to you. in norew yk,ov cid hospital saysitizaons spaurssed 5,000 since y earlmarch. new rmeecomndioatns from the c.d.c. feoor pple who test siveti forov cid but have no tosympms. a dram satichift from the c.d.c. night with icomron raginang d wofoercs depletiheng t orneted isolation after gettcoing vidro fm n tedays to fi, lasong as team don't havesy mpmsto. the c.c.d. sysa it based thede cionsi on newea resrch. osthe who are eosxpedo t covid t bubooedst will no longer need to quarantine. ose who arenv uaccinated should qutiaranneor f five full days accordingo tthe c.d.c. as covid hospitalizations have en climbing, chin ldreare among t fhoseillingme ergcyen rooms. >> we're seeing a dratimac spe. >> reporter.r: d jesam snider on the front lines at new yk'ors cohen childs ren'mecadil center. i>>t's backwards 'sit diheartening to see this ma years ms onthan ydears lar tinhe pandemianc de' wve goacne bk wtohat feeikls le the beginnin tg ofhis. >>ep rorter: u.s.ed piatric hoitizalations are now at hieslet vels since sepmbteer naontiwide. ewin n yk orcity pedtriaic hospital admsiisons quaupdrled in the lastwt o weeks, among ages five to eleven, noadne h ebevan ccinated. acssro thcoe urynt, omicr ions settinaig dlyas ce loads soaring to levels higher than last nter's peak. new ayorkndou fr other states areep rorting mordae ily covid cases than at any other point in the pandemic. la week new covid cases rose more than 300% in floridaco mpedar to wa eek ago. in louisiana, omicron doubled hospitalizat iionsn wea ek. 80 porti oonf the pieatntsen vaccinated. long lines persi astrehent t country, prentside benid said ortee sting is becoming avaielabl but admitd testill not fast enough. uhergedhe t nation'vs goerrsno toea rch outor f >> look,re the ins o federal soti.on this gsoets lved at state level. >> out n ofowhere like a tordona thlast couplfe o weeks, uyo know,hi ts omicron comes in -- >> reporter: just fof broadwseay, anay hden prepared reopesn hi restaurant food eraft iesnvtigate shutow dn. >> rkwoerwes re getting sick. numr betested positive earlier on icn deember. ewe wreho srt staffed. new york, gsthin weer good up l untitheer weeks ago. >> reporr:te and the largest ciwi vdeaccine mandainte the private tosecr isin effect here in newk yorcity. stnartig today worrske are 184,000 binusesses must show proof of at least oneac vcine dose, major.> > nancy chthen, anyok u. anything baput h hpyolaidys for aitrr avelers over w theee.kend many remain stranded after rlines canceled tushoandsf o flights due yes toov cid-related sickness i tnheir ranks.cb s's errbaol rnett rtrepos. >>rertpoer: on thimos nyda afr techrimasts, many fryser woulde likto returen thir hodaliy tlravexp eernciee inclinudg brigid sterling. >> i rlleay wanted toan hg out with myam fy ilbut i'm here. >> reporter: her flight from houston to oregon was canleced yesterday s adhe'sti s illn limbo. >> delta has one flight, $2,100, fm rohere to minnesota, minnesota to sealett,ea sttle to euge tneomorrow at midtnigh. >> porerter: after over 2500 calancelti tonhis is weekend, more tha12n 00 u.s. fli wghtsere canc meledony dawitovh er 005,0 ladeys. >>e'e rstuck here. we don't know what's goi tngo pphaen. weju're stop hing and praying that we can get on a flightto danoy laterha tn tomorrow. ep>> rorr:te several airsline said the chaos was due to so my ancrew members exposed to codal cling outic sk. jelu aend alaska offeredbo nuses tota shoff w picked up exshtra e airs linewere amar nagethose urginghe t c.d.c. toho srten the isatolion odperi f torhose vaccinated ahnd te wne guiedanc wi allow staff to get back into the skiess fater. . dranthony faucysi sa the whi ushoe is weighinotg anher chaeng for pngassee ars vaccine quirement to fly. >>yo if u ntwa to do that with mestic fligh tts ihink that seriously should be condesired. >> reporter:un hdreds of flights werse alo disrupted by weather. thisin wter storm in sealett left hundreds of flights nccaeled and delayed. ro tadravel is also a cllhaenge. a blizzard in north dakota left 50 vehicles stranded this morning. in the sierra nevada mountains, several feet of snow madtre avel impoibssle and in north dotaka a whithoe w the led tohi ts -c20ar lepiup. iits csuh a sluggish entod the year and t theravel pain will incontue. on tuesd may,ore t1,han 000 htfligs ear expected toe b cael aedcross theou cntry and 'itsnc ulear when rais linewille t back on schedule, buthe tser ededuc c.d.c. ice regulation d anquarantine guinedelis, major, should help. >> garttre: erbarol rnett,t hank youmu so ch. for more on the swsnotorms in eth west and the forecast for thre ostfs u we turn to cbs'slo ienn quinn odgo evening. >>o eodvening to you and evyoerne. thg e bistmsor are out west but still hsnave ow smlgaw in portions of michigan, wisconsin, minna esotnow. the pink colusor phing through nnsylvania, zifreengai rn in atupste w neyork moving into neglw enantod morrow. e big sto irys out west,ti sll owing from the srriea to the codolora rkioces. e futurcae st shows us it's lstilno sngwi tomorrow, even into wedaynesd. sol ae l thwhile, you'oire gng to pick up maybe abaitddionle foot on top ofen t feet of snow omin se ospts and that snow comets wih lcod air. it was the colstde aftneroon er recorded s ineattleay tod 2at5 grdeees. bigsllin, uyo only hit 1 degree, an tdhatht's ear wmest you could get. thope posite for the south, you wille havyour thotest temperaturvees er corerded in an aftern toonomorrow.ho us82ton ,tl aan 7ta3 and all atth heat bblubesp u and leads toa ntpoteial forev sere weather foacr plesik le ismsissippi, alaabam and tenssneee into your o dayn wedadnesy. youan c e'tven rule out the psiosbityli for a tornado. we've seen itap hrepen cy.entl there's the poslisibitagy ain moraj ceomne wedsd.ay all yours. >> lnione, thank youmu so chn o the too rnadwatch. aol corado judge todayed schuled a nja 1uary3 ahering to conrside a request from prosecuto trso reduce 1 the10 yeair prson sent oencef a trucdrk iver whose brakes fd ailebefore a 2019 crh atth killed four people in suburdeban nver. is sentence s hadrawn ouagtre acssro t ar 5ly million peosiple gnde annline petition skieeng em.ency a flood tide of tributes f aormp bishop and antiapartheiadd leer dsmoutnd tu. s'cbs ian lee hahes t sorty. ( bes llringing ) >> reporterhe: t bells of 'sn cape town toorll f the tiny ernlymen who loomso s large inh earts ofan my utsoh africans. with a song inis h hea, rtcans in his step and t ihenfecoutis ug ah,rchbishop desmond tutu heedea ld south afa ricoutf o apartidhe. >> wlle wi be free! >> rorep ater:rcishbhutop tu spinired ald wor that mourns hi president obhaama il tedutu as a mtoenr, friend and horrible coass. itbrain's queen abelizeth rememberised h garet warmth and humor,le whi pe opfrancis aiprsed fihis g fhtor equality and reconciailtion. witas that dedicaonti to human ghts that eartuned tu a nobel acpee prize assouth africa's fstir baclk chbiopsh, hepo ske ttro uth to urpo wheerth a white racist reme oror crupt ctdiator. cheouldur t hnis rhtigeous rage osun pporrtes. in 1985 tutu broke up an angry mob andve prented it from killing a man suspe octedf being an apartheid spy. e charbishop couldn'ont cinta is joy whenen lsonan mdelaas w released after nearly three cadede in prison. dan mandehla ce ostu ttuo lead south africa'rus t athnd recoilnciati conommiiossn to hep lheal the country'ras cial wounds. sonow utafh rica enters a weak of mourning to honor someo wneho simply wanted o tbe rememberedas h ablume man. e>> h ledov, he ledaugh, he ie hd,e was forvegin, hefo avrge. >>ep rorrtech: arbishop deonsmd tutu willie l in state. aranrgements are ngbei me adfor ptheublic to pay their respects.of course, covid restitricons permtiitngbe, fore hisun feral takes placeea nrs day. >> garrett: ian ele, we thank yo today aed feral peapals urcot set janu 7ary as te hday to hear or aalrguments in the battle over the enforcement of texas' tiaboronaw lba, nning almosalt l abortiinons the steta and enables privciate tizens to sue yone who performance or assists maa won in getting abortion after cardiacct aivitys detecinted n a embryo. >>ni> togh ct,asting a lhtig in labor shoe rtagpartly blamed on cidov but also unruly parents. ma youth srtpos leaguye sa they're having trouble infindg referees and umpires. isth frocbm s's elisere pston. >> theouse t 1gh2-year-old girls have a powerful command to the puck. mone has been n othe icein sce e was five. >> i feesol free. i take my mind off everything. >> reporter: blaut py is on use for many kids. gamees ar getngti candcele because there aren't enough app alieds a younger player. >> reporter: bob who oversees ssmaachusehotts ck seyayings atn e t poininhe t season the ganizaton was down nearly 900 officials. >>e looked iinto t and one of threasons was abuse and rmisteatment by partsen and pls.ayer >> reporter:e likth, isa massachusetts rerefeeun pched on e thice by a youth hockeyoa cch and this inspnectig referee edplow dn owon a california soeer fild. why oudo y tnkhi we're seeing more of these inciden?ts >> t ihink there's a general olackf srepectn ithe last couple of years. yone can say anything now. reporter: benetwe asebu and cod,vi the'sre been ara dmacti drn op irefs across youth sports in all age gros upnatidionwe. based on early data, an tesatimed0, 3000 high school ferees have quit since 2018. d>> ion t'think there hastn' been a game where i'vnee ver beenel yled at. > porerter: a.j. has eben a ree ferefo13r years.ho w does iteo jpardize the safety oe n thice ifhe tre 'taren eugnoh referees out there? >> m youayis ms a maj porenalty and that coul ld beife changing tohat player. >> reerport: ydoou think this issue impacts the future of yohut hocy keas you know it? >> absolutely. reporter: simone h topeshat doesn't happen. she dreams of going pro and just wanto t play. eleisst preoncb, s, boston. >> gar: rettfoowllings world ar ii the g.i. bill helped build ama'erics ddmile class but thadt ladeofr opportuniwaty s wryongl denied to manbly ack veterans, now sommee mbers of coresst wanto correhict ts historicrral eor. he'sre cbs's david marn.ti dieend, forgot untinol w. >> reporter: vaa nessbrooks' thfaer lawrence edserv ithn e cific during world war ii. e >> wbutil bdgries and air strips for pnelas toan ld. r>>eporr:te 1at12, he is believ tedo be the oldliest ving veteran ane d onofor me than a million africaern-aminsca who served in the war and suppoysedl quald ifiefothr e housing and educatn iobenefits of the g.i. bill. ousands and outhsands of black terans were denieed thir netsfi. >> rteeporrda: routmth historian hemattw delmont. >> k blacveratens had to g too office as staffedos almt clexusive by whi oteffiaicls around thsis i paa rticula obprlem in the s.outh >> reportehar: wtpe scifically were they denied >> acces ms tooragtges and colltuege itn ioto gp to cgeolle to helthp em earn degrees to help them get good jobs afterwdsar. >> reporter: denied a chance toarcitipate in the post-war onecom bicoom which sawhi wte thweal surge and black wealth rebaly keep up whit itinflaon. for white vaneters, the g.i. bill hel tpedhem become mbmeers of the midcldle asans d for the blactek verans theuly codn g'tet mehos goro to col alegenlod st the rtoppouny itto be a pt arof the mel dicascolho. >> mney geraonti might not be sponblsie for the injtiuscebu t we can take resisponbilityfo r xfiing it. r>>epteorr: cgronesmotouln whon todas y'dwenimt bill is one of the authtoors have the gileslioatn to mkea upor f it. t>>he descendents of toyda's blactek vera wnsould be eligible r v.a. housingoa lns and grandkidsld wou bele igible ford uciat bonenefits >> repr:orte vesansa brooks believes that bill is teahe rson faher th iers still >> it'o s tola fteor him, but he was ntme to go to school, and i twanto gtoo tulane. buitt 's just are dam. >> repor wter:has t'stoppingyo u now? fceinans. but if the.i g. lbil was revived,l i'lha tvehe oppoitrtuny gtoo back to scolho, monydy dad's shoulders. >> reportervi: dad rtmain, cbs news, the pnteagon. >> gar: rettstl ilahead on tonit'ghs "c ebsveni nngews" an armed intruarder restedner windsor ce astland a time capsfoule und in virginia. du re? an thk gothe ds. thdon't anemk th too soon. n kick pain withcr aspereme. thk gothe ds. w'reseating anind drking foods anrad bevege that are vericy acid. w'rit can sn oftethe anrad bevege on ramelepair, what itdo's ing i driving more lsminera d eep in eto thenamel surface, that's goinelg to hp veactily repair. pronamel is taking t ito another level. sw eet pillows ofof stns!es this ifts so! sw eethoily crmhain!stns!es cu exsee! m roll it bacevk erodyby! charmin a ultrso ifts socu!es shioofny st,ou y'll want !more but it's'so absorbentyo, u ca n use less. jo eny the go wh itcharmin. hi , my name isrr cheie i'm 76 a lnd iiv . e on the orecogon husband, sam, bewe've enri mared 53 years. we love k to walon b theeach. ha i ve d twoaughters th and en g tworanddaughters. i noticed thorat memiewes re not there liy ke thewehere wn i was mungch youer. since tareking pvagen, my mems ory hago bttenetter and ikit's le puthe zzle piecesal have l been [click] t putoergeth. ag prevenal. hethier brain. er bett life. o)(v at dog cwehow bieelve helping do gs live theistr be le.if.. shou blde si.mple that's woghy d chow is made with rcheal icn keand no fillers. pu drinaogho cw. keep life simp.le rebefo disvecoring nexium 24hr tore tat herre fquent hearn.tbur.. claire couldy onlimagein enjongyi chocolate cake. now, she cane havher keca and eat titoo. nexi 2um4hr stops acid be forest it artsor f all-day, alnil-ght protection. can you imagine ou24 hrs without heartburn? >> garrett: meso scary momen at worinds ctlase ov terhe weekend as queen elizabetdh an otr members heof t raloy familynt iraib ctdhrismats. brisith police arre steda man armedit whro a cssonbow the grounds heof t casetl. poli acere also investigating a link betweheen t man and an lineeo vidbt oaedin by the son threatentoing assassina, teyes, assassinate e thqun.eeau thorits iesaidhe t suspect is beg inheld under the nation's menlta health act. the downtown nashvile lstreet e whera mbbo went offn o chrimasts day to 20 final opreetoned tffraicnd a depestrian lynear 4of0 the 60 buildin impacted in bothe mbginre a back up and running. the iniotentnal detonation ofn a r.nv. i naslehvil's hstioric downtown dicistrt llkied the erbomb a indnjur crews who opened a time capsule burited a thetu stae of robert e. lee in v.a. found a second capsule. rx-ay phointos diteca it may contain coins, ttbuons dan evena mmunition from thvie cilar w. it will be openomed torrow aeronno. the stco of pnnlaing anve oearss trip h jasust gonupe . the statpae dertntme increedas the kos r cross of a passport bk ooby $20 startingay tod. that meaewns n passports for those 16 anded olr willos ct 65$1 while the price to renew a passport is $130. we offer ts hipiece ofdv aic anpl aadhe. the estate dpartment said 'its processaping pcalitions in about eighto televeen weks. upex nt theea sson of giving is ye-raround effort for this south carolina mechanic. u yodon't get muche timfor yourself. heso wn yodou , make it countwi th cstre pro-health. it protects thare 8 eas ntdeists check for ala hethiemor uth. #1the tthoopaste brand amin era.ic crest. lothisok, is n't my first deroo and let metell y ou something, wodnul't be here if i thought reversertga moge adtookvaagnte of any americsenian or oror wse, that it wasomes w tayo take your ho it's just a lo designed forder olhoowmeners, d, i ant'hes lped overilli a monam ericans. a reverse moge rtga anlo isn't some kind of trick to take youre. hom a lit'soa n,like any other. bi gdifference is hou ow ypaity back. find out how rverse mortgages really work with a'sag free, no-oblion igat reverse mortgaggu id eliminatmoe nthly mort paygagemes,nt y bpall s, medical co and more. call now and get your free in kfoit. otr rtmogages are paid each mon,th t with a reversmorte ga,ge you can pay whatever yon, when it works for you, oryo, u can wait, d pay it off in lu onempum s when you leave discov terhe option that'be stor f you. call today anndfi out more in aag's free-obl, noigioatn reverse gagemort ln oaguide. access tax-fresh ad stay in the home y louove. u' veprobably been investing yourin heom makingthly mon rtmogage entspaym.. .doing the an's d itbemeco your family'shear t d an , atth investment cagin ve you tax-frashee c just whenu ne yoedt. i lehow arn hoowmeners are stgicaratell yusa reing veers mortgageoa ln to cerov expenses, pay f oralhethcare, preserver you prtfolio, and musoh remo. lo, okreverse morts gage 'taren for everyone but i thinvek i' b een'round longgh enou know what's. what i'pr oudto be part of trust 'em,in i thk youcan too. trust aag for stthe be rerseev mortgage tsoluon caow so c youan... tire better greartt: in this eassoofn nggivi, hweave a follow-up ory tonight t aboua chmeanic soin utcah rolina w who puts peleop, yes, in the dverir's atse. here's mark strassmann. >> porerterel: iot mdlideton works magic under hoods, smoking barbeacue t hises rtaanurt, and repairing donated cars. he>> rere a the keys to i.t thyoank u. >> reporte hr:e gifts them to oppele without a ridine ur ral utcah rolina, more than 60 vehicles so .far they now know there's sobomedy in the coitmmunyho w's inlookg out forhe tm and care r fothetom be ableo t carry on. >>epteorr: after our june sty oraboutid mdleton, rou vieweonrs dat dedozens ofs ued vehicles.>> he erare the keys. chec ok itut.>> rorepter: he gave aw2ay 1 ca for the twelve ds ayof chstrimas. >> yavou he no idea how much th miseans to me. i'mgl so atod be able to help. >>epteorr: aziare gr geenot this6 200hoa ndcivic. >> this is g toingo lhep a lot. r>>eporter: to thisgl sine mom, it's likean sta pulled upan d gave her his slaying. sl>> m always havting o iwat and bo'srrow ppleoe's cars.>> trehe y gouo. i'm rrsoy. no, you'rgoe od. > reporter: e madposesibl because of your negerosity. wh h tashat taught youut abo peop?le >> with somebody spuhing hard, thwiere lle bfolks behinud yopu shg inhard as welloo, t. r>>eporter: for there gensa, used car, a new start. mark rastssmann, cbs news, awendaw, south carolina. >> garrett: empshais, uryo honor generosi 'lwel be right back. he wto tor.ld your familory y stis waiting to be discover,ed anw yod nou n casearch foose r thfainscating details for free-at —nctresy. ♪♪ anw yod nou n casearch foose r thfainscating details ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ alright, hweere go,mi ller in motion. wha — w wait,ait,s ithat a... ban by othe elfid?? itoo lks lik, e itcrai thand e densfeive linemen are playinekg pe-a-b.oo i've neveeer sn anhiytng like that be.fore rr hais n aowppears to be rpbuing the baby. th aat's gre matoment right e.ther e thref gog into the rule bheook re. wh, atwait a minute! rr hais is off to tache res! weon d't nee d anmoy re tri pcklays. to uchdown!! but weld cou allse u more ways to save. aryoe u kidding me?? it's goingbe to a long bus de ri homfoe r the defense. switch to geicr o fomore ways to save. asunleh thfre eshness... ♪ ♪ still fresh it's goingbe to a long bus de ri homfoe r the defense. ♪♪ in wassch-ent boteosr ♪ ♪ downuny stopables rin aecenclt inical study, pa tien utssing salonpas pahtc repoedrt reductions in p ain serivety, pa tien utssing salonpas pahtc inusg less or a lot lessoralai pn medis.cine an d impredov quality of life. 'tha's y whwe recommend saaslonp. it's good minedice. ♪♪ things ytaou srt when you're 45. cohiacng. new rkwoouts. anred scening for colon cancer. yep. t ahemerican cancer styocie coremmends screening stngarti at e ag45, instead 0,of 5 sincloe con caernc is increasin ng iyounr geadults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon crsance... ...einven early stages. i'm for lepeop 45 uspl at average friskor conol cancer, not high risk. fapolse siti avend negative ltresus maocy cur. ask yorour pvide r if cologuard ighs rit foyor u. do you ha ave li ifensurance cypoli you no loerng need? now you casen ll ypoour licy - even a ptermolicy - foanr immediate pcashayment. weho tught we had plneand callrefuy for our retirementbu. t we quickly realediz we edneed a way to suppntleme o iurncomf e. iyou ha $ve100,or000 more of leif insuncrae, yayou m qualify to se yllour cypoli. don't caelncr let your lipocy lapse witutho finding ouwht at it's worth. sivit coventrydirect.comfi to nd ifout yr oupolicy quali. fiesor ca ll the numbe yr onouscr reen. coryvent decirt, redefining rainsunce. before nexiuhr,m 24 na could only ime an agin coa mfortable night'eeps l without frnt hequeeaburtrn waking her up. w,no that dream... . .i..s her reality. ne xi 2um4hr stops acid fore be istt arts, for all-day, all-niprotght econti. can yoaginu ime h24ours without heartburn? >> garrett: on tomorr bs"c evening news," a qutieson on tinhe mds of manyac tehers pandartsen, will the creord ri in omicron cases force school distr tictso treurn to remotlee arning? rememb ier,f uyo can'tch wat usi vedo, n't forget to seut yor d.v.r. su o yoca wnatch us lar.te at t'sonight's "cbens eving news." r nohra oon'd, nelli' mmajor garrinett t nheation'sit capol. wish you a very pleasant good ineveng. ca ptioning sponresod by cbs ptneiod by a mediacssce group at wg ac cess aounnncere : onveclhie. >>av i ge r hea money orderr fo $400. >> judge judhey: s l yetou heav the car, t andhethn e defendant toheok t c barack. >>ou annnc: ertwo buyers. >> i was the one paying on it, ma'am. >> jududge jy: but theey mon meca from where? my account. j>>udge judy: whehen dn'idt pay you e threst, you toheok t car .back >>nn aounc: erwillt ibe t ehend ofhe t road for thelis sler? >> tarhe c'sti sll in my name. i n'dot know her. iss ihis ex-girlfd.rien >> j judgeud yy:ou are some ammer. nn>> aouernc: "judge judy." you abare outot enter the courtrm ooof you abare outot enter the courtrm ooof judgdie juthhe sindlin. ca ptnsio paid for by s cbtelevision dtrisibution iasylv wghrit is suing saa rethatts for carai-repr llbis, insurancets cos, d anthe turern of a paymfoent r caa r shwae s buying fror.m he >> byrd: order! all rise! th icas se number 41 t6 onhe cale, ndarjue,dg in the matter of wright vsre. that.ts >> jududge jy:ha tnk you. >>yr yd:ou're welcomude, jge. rts iehave been swinorn . you may eabe sted. ma'a hm,ave a seat. ud>> jgeud jy: ms. wrighhit, ts is kofind aom cplicated case, but let me see if i rsundetand it. s it iyo curlaim that yod u haa direct cont tracwi tthhe defeanndt to purchase a car. r>>ight. >> judge j yudy:ouav ge her nemoy, and you wgoere intog get tithe tltoe the car whe wn itas l finished bngei inspected. coacrding to youe , shlet you thavehear c in the interim. >> right. >>ud jgeudy: and yout wen ahead and dilod a t rofepairs onhe t carbr to initg up to a acple where it c pouldass inecsption. ig>> rht. >> j judgeud ay:nd tn hethe deanfendt okto the car back. >> yes. >> jududge jy:o syour lawsuit seeks money onnot lyha tt you ido ther because vishe oledat e ntcoract by takiheng t car babuck, t mothe nethy at you entot have the caxer fid. ig>> rht. >> j judgeud ty:hat's what the case is about. w,no ms. threattyss sa sevhe ner haa ntcoract with you. >> mm-hmm. >>ud jge judy: shed solhecar r somebody by n theamofe bbdoie. >> yes'a, mam. judge judy: s andheol sd the

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Tneomorrow , Fli Wghtsere , Canc Meledony Dawitovh , E Rstuck , We Don T Know What , Goi Tngo Pphaen , Weju , Stop Hing , 0050 , 2500 , Members , Rorr , Chaos , Tota Shoff W , Tn Tomorrow , Te Several Airsline , Danoy Laterha , Codal Cling Outic Sk , Ancrew , Offeredbo Nuses , Alaska , Jelu Aend , Exshtra Ifts Th E , Staff , Linewere , Urginghe T Cdc , Anher Chaeng , Dranthony Faucysi Sa The Whi Ushoe , Isatolion Odperi , Torhose , Amar Nagethose , Toho Srten , Wne Guiedanc , Skiess Fater , Pngassee Ars Vaccine Quirement , Flights , Yo , Mestic Fligh , Hundreds , Thisin Wter Storm , Tts Ihink , Condesired , Ntwa , Flights Werse Alo , Un Hdreds , Vehicles , Cllhaenge , Feet , Whithoe W , Blizzard , Mountains , Iits , Ro Tadravel , Sluggish Entod , North Dakota , Snow Madtre , Tohi Ts C20ar Lepiup , Avel Impoibssle , North Dotaka , Sierra Nevada , 50 , Ear , Ice Regulation D , Rais Linewille T Back On Schedule , Toe B , Itsnc Ulear , T Theravel Pain Will Incontue , Tuesd May , Buthe Tser Ededuc , Aedcross Theou Cntry , Ore T1 , Han 000 Htfligs , 000 , Forecast , Major , T Hank Youmu , Thre Ostfs U , Swsnotorms , O Eodvening , Erbarol Rnett , Eth West , Cbs Slo Ienn Quinn Odgo Evening , Anquarantine Guinedelis , So Ch , Garttre , Portions , Ti Sll , Evyoerne , Wisconsin , Michigan , Ow Smlgaw , Minna Esotnow , Nnsylvania , Atupste W Neyork , Neglw Enantod Morrow , Zifreengai Rn , Colusor Phing , Big Sto Irys Out West , Thg E Bistmsor , E Futurcae , Wedaynesd , Ofen T Feet , Srriea , Codolora Rkioces , Lstilno Sngwi , Snow Comets , Ae L Thwhile , Se Ospts , Sol , You Oire Gng , Snow Omin , Degree , Colstde Aftneroon Er , Uyo , Thotest Temperaturvees Er Corerded , Lcod Air , Ineattleay Tod , Thope Posite For The South , Wih , Tdhatht , Bigsllin , Aftern Toonomorrow Ho Us82ton , Wille Havyour , 2at5 Grdeees , 1 , Dayn Wedadnesy , Rule , Toa , Psiosbityli , Tornado , Ntpoteial Forev , Plesik Le Ismsissippi , Sere , Tl Aan 7ta3 , Atth Heat Bblubesp U , Alaabam , Youan C E Tven , 7 , Todayed Schuled , Ahering To Conrside A , Chn O , Yours , Wedsd Ay , Hrepen Cy Entl , Itap , Ain Moraj , Poslisibitagy , Lnione , Too Rnadwatch , Corado , Aol , Prosecuto Trso , Nja 1uary3 , Yeair Prson , Request , People , Trucdrk Iver , Sentence , Crh Atth , Petition Skieeng Em Ency A Flood Tide , Brakes Fd Ailebefore , Oencef , Suburdeban Nver , Acssro T Cheountry Ne Ar 5ly , Hadrawn Ouagtre , Peosiple Gnde Annline , Four , 2019 , Bes Llringing , Antiapartheiadd Leer Dsmoutnd Tu , Sn , Aormp Bishop , T Sorty , Lee Hahes , T Bells Of , Toorll F , Song , Step , Loomso S Large Inh Earts Ofan My Utsoh Africans , Desmond Tutu , Inis H Hea , Ernlymen , Cape Town , Rchbishop , Rtcans , T Ihenfecoutis Ug Ah , Rcishbhutop Tu Spinired Ald Wor , Obhaama Il Tedutu , H Garet , Mtoenr , Friend , Warmth , Ld South , Abelizeth Rememberised , Afa Ricoutf O Apartidhe , Heedea , Wlle , Horrible Coass , Rorep Ater , Itbrain , Fihis G Fhtor Equality , Humor , Prize , Assouth Africa , Le Whi , Eartuned Tu , Ttro Uth , Opfrancis Aiprsed , Reconciailtion , Hepo Ske , Nobel Acpee , Fstir Baclk Chbiopsh , Witas , Dedicaonti To Human Ghts , Suspe Octedf , Cheouldur T , Killing A , Racist , Mob , Reme , Hnis Rhtigeous Rage Osun Pporrtes , Andve Prented , Oror Crupt Ctdiator , Urpo Wheerth , 1985 , South Africa Rus T , Prison , Joy Whenen Lsonan Mdelaas W , Dan Mandehla , Couldn Ont Cinta , E Charbishop , Athnd Recoilnciati Conommiiossn , Apartheid Spy , Ostu Ttuo , Cadede , Three , Mourning , O Tbe , Weak , Rememberedas H Ablume Man , Sonow Utafh Rica , Hep Lheal The Country Ras Cial Wounds , Someo Wneho , H Ledov , He Ie Hd , He Ledaugh , T Andhethn E , State , Course , Respects , Arbishop Deonsmd Tutu Willie L , Me Adfor Ptheublic , Rorrtech , Hefo Avrge , Forvegin , Covid Restitricons Permtiitngbe , Aranrgements , Aalrguments , Enforcement , Battle , Fore Hisun , Ian Ele , Te Hday , We Thank Yo Today Aed Feral Peapals Urcot , Janu 7ary , Texas , Abortion , Assists , Performance , To Sue Yone , Togh Ct , Nning Almosalt L Abortiinons , Privciate Tizens , Detecinted Na Embryo , Cardiacct Aivitys , The Steta , Asting A Lhtig , Ni , Tiaboronaw Lba , Isth Frocbm S , Referees , Parents , Trouble , Umpires , Command , Girls , Ma Youth Srtpos Leaguye Sa , Shoe Rtagpartly , Elisere Pston , Theouse T 1gh2 , Sce E , Everything , Mone , Mind , Use , There Aren T , Puck , Kids , Othe , Gamees Ar , Blaut Py , Icein , Getngti Candcele , Bob , Alieds A Younger Player , Iinto T , Officials , Abuse , Threasons , Partsen , Atn Et Poininhe T Season , Ganizaton , Ssmaachusehotts Ck Seyayings , Rmisteatment , 900 , On E Thice , E Likth , Isa Massachusetts Rerefeeun Pched , Pls Ayer , Youth Hockeyoa Cch , California Soeer Fild , Dn Owon , Oudo Y Tnkhi , Inciden , Ihink There S A General Olackf Srepectn Ithe , Youth Sports , Cod , Data , High School Ferees Have Quit , Say Anything , Gros Upnatidionwe , Ara Dmacti , Vi The Sre , Op Irefs , Benetwe Asebu , Drn , Tesatimed0 , Yone , 3000 , D , Where , Game , Ree Ferefo13r , Iteo Jpardize The Safety Oe N Thice , Ver Beenel , T Think , I Vnee , Hastn , Yled At , A J , Ifhe Tre , Has Eben , 2018 , Issue , Ld Beife Changing Tohat Player , Maj Porenalty , M Youayis , Reerport , Taren Eugnoh , Yohut Hocy Keas , Simone H Topeshat , Doesn T , Bill Hel Tpedhem , The G I , Wanto T Play , Rettfoowllings World Ar Ii , Gar , Thadt Ladeofr , Eleisst Preoncb , Boston , Build Ama Erics Ddmile Class , Opportuniwaty S Wryongl , Untinol W Reporter , Manbly Ack Veterans , Correhict Ts Historicrral Eor , Coresst Wanto , Sommee Mbers , Vaa Nessbrooks , David Marn , Ti Dieend , R , Eporr , Veteran Ane D , Air Strips , Bdgries , Pnelas Toan Ld , Thfaer , World War Ii , Edserv Ithn E Cific , Lawrence , Believ Tedo , Oldliest Ving , Te 1at12 , Onofor , A Million , Bill , Africaern Aminsca Who , War , Ifiefothr E Housing , Suppoysedl Quald , Outhsands Of Black Terans , Educatn Iobenefits , Denieed Thir Netsfi , Ousands , Acces , K Blacveratens , Thsis I , Rteeporrda , Tooragtges , Routmth Historian Hemattw Delmont , Itn Ioto Gp , Colltuege , Staffedos Almt Clexusive , Whi Oteffiaicls , Wtpe Scifically , Paa Rticula Obprlem In The S Outh Reportehar , Helthp Em , Toarcitipate , Jobs Afterwdsar , Wte Thweal Surge , Whit Itinflaon , Onecom Bicoom , Wealth Rebaly , Midcldle Asans D , Mbmeers , Blactek , Col Alegenlod St , Mney Geraonti , White Vaneters , Verans Theuly , The Rtoppouny Itto Be A Pt Arof , Mel Dicascolho , Codn G Tet Mehos Goro , It , Epteorr , Injtiuscebu T , Sponblsie , Cgronesmotouln Whon Todas Y Dwenimt Bill , Authtoors , Resisponbilityfo , Xfiing , Mkea Upor , Gileslioatn , Orte Vesansa Brooks , Descendents , Tola Fteor Him , Ford Uciat Bonenefits Repr , R V A , Toyda , Blactek Vera Wnsould , Grandkidsld Wou Bele Igible , Teahe Rson Faher Th Iers , Housingoa Lns , School , Dam , Repor Wter , Oppoitrtuny Gtoo , Twanto Gtoo Tulane , Buitt , Fceinans , The I G Lbil , L I Lha Tvehe , Cbs News , Shoulders , Reportervi , Armed Intruarder Restedner , Monydy Dad , Scolho , Pnteagon , Dad Rtmain , C Ebsveni Nngews , Rettstl Ilahead , Withcr Aspereme , Thdon T Anemk Th , Du Re , Gothe Ds , Thk Gothe Ds , Thk , Capsfoule Und In Virginia , Windsor Ce Astland , N Kick , Taking T Ito Another Level , Goinelg , Pronamel , Enamel Pr Anrad Bevege , Drking Foods Anrad Bevege , Vericy Acid , W Reseating Anind , On Ramelepair , Hp , What Itdo , Eto Thenamel Surface , Veactily Repair , Lsminera D Eep , W Rit , Sn Oftethe , Ifts Socu , U Ca N , Pillows , Ou Y , My Name , Ofof Stns , Es Shioofny St , Absorbentyo , Charmin , The Go , Sw Eet , Cu Exsee , Sw Eethoily Crmhain , Erodyby , Ultrso , Jo Eny , Wh Itcharmin , Isrr Cheie , E On , Twoaughters Th , Walon B Theeach , Thorat , Lnd Iiv , Enri Mared , Sam , Bewe , Orecogon Ast My Husband , En G Tworanddaughters , 76 , 53 , Le Puthe Zzle Piecesal Have L , Er Bett Life , Mungch Youer , Thewehere Wn , My Mems Ory Hago Bttenetter , Ikit , Putoergeth , Tareking Pvagen , Ag Prevenal , Hethier Brain , O , Fillers , Dog Cwehow Bieelve , Live Theistr , V , Rcheal , Icn Keand , Shou Blde Si Mple , Pu Drinaogho Cw , Life Simp Le Rebefo Disvecoring , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Heartburn , Claire Couldy , Acid , Forest It , Nexi 2um4hr , Tat , Hearn Tbur , Herre Fquent , Onlimagein Enjongyi Chocolate Cake , Eat Titoo , Cane Havher Keca , Alnil Ght Protection , Heof T , Queen , Ov Terhe , Brisith Police Arre Steda , Man Armedit , Raloy Familynt Iraib Ctdhrismats , Elizabetdh , Worinds Ctlase , Meso Scary Momen , Whro A Cssonbow , Threatentoing Assassina , Eeau Thorits Iesaidhe T , Betweheen T , Nation , Heof T Casetl , Link , Lineeo , Beg Inheld , Teyes , Vidbt Oaedin , Menlta Health Act , Downtown Nashvile Lstreet , Poli Acere , Running , Buildin , Whera Mbbo , Depestrian Lynear 4of0 , Offn O Chrimasts , Opreetoned Tffraicnd , Bothe Mbginre , Iniotentnal Detonation Ofn A R Nv , I Naslehvil , Hstioric Downtown Dicistrt Llkied , 20 , 60 , 4 , Erbomb A Indnjur Sedever Al Crews , Thetu Stae , Time Capsule , Robert E Lee , Bk Ooby , Capsule , Coins , Statpae Dertntme Increedas , Ttbuons Dan Evena Mmunition , Phointos Diteca , Openomed Torrow Aeronno , Pnnlaing Anve Oearss , Trip H Jasust Gonupe , Stco , Kos R Cross , Passports , Meaewns N , Price , Olr Willos , Startingay Tod , Anded , Anpl Aadhe , Ofdv Aic , 16 , 30 , 65 , , 130 , 0 , South Carolina , Estate , Effort , Mechanic , Processaping Pcalitions , Televeen Weks , Dpartment , Eighto , Upex Nt Theea Sson Of Giving Is Ye Raround , U Yodon T , Heso Wn Yodou , Ala Hethiemor Uth , Muche Timfor , Countwi Th Cstre Pro Health , Eas Ntdeists Check , 8 , Is N T My First Deroo , Wodnul T , Reversertga , Metell Y Ou Something , Brand Amin Era Ic Crest , Moge Adtookvaagnte , Lothisok , Reverse , It Wasomes W , Anlo Isn T , Kind , Trick , Lo , Lped Overilli , Forder Olhoowmeners , Oror Wse , Monam Ericans , Moge Rtga , Mortgages , Nt Y Bpall S , Hom A Lit Soa N , Ow Ypaity Back , Bi Gdifference , Reverse Mortgaggu Id , Mort Paygagemes , Igat , Eliminatmoe Nthly , Oblion , Av I Ge , Th T , Co , Mon , Otr Rtmogages , Kfoit , Reversmorte Ga , Oryo , Terhe , Pay , Aag , Call , Lu Onempum , Obl , Noigioatn Reverse Gagemort Ln Oaguide , Atth Investment Cagin Ve You , U , Stay , Home , Td , Veprobably , Family Shear , Investing Yourin , Y Louove , Heom Makingthly , Mon Rtmogage Entspaym , Tax Frashee , Itbemeco , Taren , Everyone , Veers Mortgageoa , Musoh Remo , Longgh Enou , Okreverse Morts Gage , Ne Yoedt , Oralhethcare , Arn Hoowmeners , Cerov Expenses , Preserver You Prtfolio , Yusa Reing , B Een Round , Part , Em , I Pr Oudto , Trust , Trust Aag , Thk Youcan , Stthe Be Rerseev , Mortgage Tsoluon Caow , C Youan , Tire Better Greartt , Utcah Rolina W , Yes , Hweave A Follow Up Ory Tonight T , Dverir , Aboua Chmeanic Soin , Eassoofn Nggivi , Peleop , Keys , Smoking Barbeacue T , Cars , Porerterel , Mark Strassmann , Rere , A Ridine Ur Ral Utcah Rolina , Atse , Iot Mdlideton Works Magic Under Hoods , Hises Rtaanurt , Reporte Hr , I T Thyoank , Oppele , Oraboutid Mdleton , Ableo T , Sobomedy , Coitmmunyho W , Carry On , Ued , Inlookg Out Forhe Tm , Fothetom , Dat Dedozens Ofs , Rou Vieweonrs , Yavou , Aziare Gr Geenot This6 , Chec , Rorepter , Ds Ayof Chstrimas , Th Miseans , I Mgl , Twelve , Upan D , Eporter , Lot , Mom , Slaying , Sl , 200hoa Ndcivic , Toingo Lhep , Likean Sta , Thisgl Sine , Ei Gh , Havting O Iwat , 200 , Negerosity , Thwiere , Abo Peop , Bo Srrow Ppleoe , Trehe Y Gouo , Rrsoy , You Rgoe Od , E Madposesibl , Somebody Spuhing Hard , Wh H Tashat , Behinud Yopu , Lle Bfolks , Youut , Used Car , Honor Generosi , Shg Inhard , There Gensa , Welloo , Mark Rastssmann , Awendaw , Uryo , Lwel , Empshais , Thfainscating , Ed Anw Yod Nou N , Familory , Casearch Foose , Stis Waiting To Be Discover , Nctresy , He Wto , Anw Yod Nou N , Details , Hweere Go , Mi Ller In Motion , Linemen , Gre Matoment Right E Ther , Baby , Res , Rule Bheook Re , Rr Hais , Playinekg , Wh , Wha W Wait , S Ithat A Ban , Ait , Sn Anhiytng , Thand E Densfeive , Fore Rr Hais N Aowppears , E Itcrai , Thref Gog , Th Aat , Atwait , Itoo Lks Lik , Pe A B Oo , Defense , Ri Homfoe R , Weon D , Aryoe U , Cou , Long Bus De , Tri Pcklays , Anmoy , Uchdown , Allse , Geicr O Fomore , Asunleh Thfre Eshness , Salonpas Pahtc Repoedrt , Pa , Tien Utssing , Downuny Stopables , Wassch , Ent Boteosr , Rin Aecenclt Inical Study , Quality Of Life , Reductions , Minedice , Lessoralai , Salonpas Pahtc Inusg , Ain Serivety , Cine An D Impredov , Tha S Y Whwe , Recommend Saaslonp , Things , 45 , Colon Crsance , Colon Cancer , Cologuard , Iyounr Geadults , Cancer Styocie Coremmends Screening Stngarti At E Ag45 , New Rkwoouts , Cohiacng , Anred Scening , Yep , T Ahemerican , Increasin Ng , Sincloe Con Caernc , 92 , Friskor Conol Cancer , Stages , Do You Ha Ave , Li Ifensurance Cypoli , Einven , Lepeop , Maocy Cur , Siti Avend , Fapolse , Loerng , Rit Foyor , Ask Yorour Pvide , Cologuard Ighs , Retirementbu , Way , Yayou M , Weho Tught We , Suppntleme O Iurncomf E Iyou Ha , Casen Ll , Plneand Callrefuy , Yllour Cypoli , Leif Insuncrae , Don T Caelncr , Immediate Pcashayment , Ypoour Licy , Ptermolicy Foanr , Witutho Finding Ouwht , Worth , Nd Ifout Yr Oupolicy Quali , Lipocy , Sivit Coventrydirect Comfi , Nexiuhr , M 24 Na , Fiesor Ca Ll The Numbe Yr Onouscr Reen , Coryvent Decirt , Redefining Rainsunce , Frnt Hequeeaburtrn , W , Reality , Dream , Acid Fore Be Istt Arts , Ne Xi 2um4hr , Mfortable , Agin Coa , I S , Niprotght Econti , Yoaginu Ime H24ours , Bs , N T , C Evening News , Manyac Tehers Pandartsen , Tomorr , F Uyo , A Qutieson , Remotlee Arning , Tinhe Mds , Tictso Treurn , Creord Ri In Omicron Cases Force School Distr , Seut Yor , Wat Usi Vedo , Rememb Ier , Ineveng , Dvr , Lar Te , Cbens Eving News , Su O Yoca , Mmajor Garrinett T Nheation Sit Capol , Nelli , Nohra , Oon D , Ma Am , Jududge Jy , Gbh Org Aounnncere , Toheok Tc Barack , Group , Account , Sl Yetou Heav The Car , A Mediacssce , Ca Ptioning Sponresod , Onveclhie , Wg Ac , Ptneiod , Money Orderr , Fo 400 , Judhey , Ou Annnc , Ertwo Buyers , Theey Mon Meca , 400 , Ud Jge Judy , Erwillt Ibe T , Nn , Aouernc , You Toheok T Car , You E Threst , Whehen Dn Idt Pay , Nn Aounc , Tarhe C Sti Sll , Thelis Sler , Ehend Ofhe T Road , Iss , Ihis Ex Girlfd , Judgeud Yy , Ammer , Abare Outot , Ooof Judgdie , Courtrm , Courtrm Ooof , Juthhe Sindlin , Cbtelevision Dtrisibution , Carai , Anthe Turern , Insurancets Cos , Iasylv Wghrit , Saa Rethatts , Repr Llbis , Ca Ptnsio , Ha Tnk You , Rise , Matter , That Ts Jududge Jy , A Paymfoent , Buying Fror M He Byrd , Shwae , Caa , Th Icas , Onhe Cale , Wright Vsre , Ndarjue , Dg , 41 , Jgeud , Iyo Curlaim , Car , Yudy , Aom Cplicated Case , Ts , Yod U , Rts Iehave , Yr Yd Ou Re Welcomude , Tthhe Defeanndt , Ud , Ouav Ge , Jge , Eabe Sted , Haa , Wrighhit , Swinorn , Ma A Hm , Ave A Seat , Kofind , Cont Tracwi , Her Nemoy , Pouldass Inecsption , Interim , Acple , Car Whe Wn Itas L , You Thavehear C , Wgoere Intog , Coacrding To Youe , Ud Jgeudy And Yout Wen Ahead , Tithe Tltoe , Bngei , Shlet , Rofepairs Onhe T Carbr , Dilod , Onnot Lyha Tt You Ido Ther , Judgeud Ty , Takiheng T , Ig , Hat , Car Back , Judgeud Ay , Jududge , You Entot , Oledat E Ntcoract , Nd Tn Hethe Deanfendt Okto , Jy O , Car Babuck , Syour Lawsuit , Caxer Fid , T Mothe Nethy , Yes A , Case , Haa Ntcoract , Threattyss Sa Sevhe Ner , Theamofe Bbdoie , Shed Solhecar , Andheol Sd ,

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