Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

most profound experience i can have. >> o'donnell: flu season warning: why health officials are so worried. could we see a twin-demic of flu and covid. contaminated water: another michigan town with unsafe lead levels, endangering children for years. >> reporter: what water do you use to cook? >> the bottled water. >> reporter: to brush your teeth? >> bottled water. >> reporter: bathe? >> bottled water. >> o'donnell: guns at airports: a record number of people trying to bring guns through security. which cities have the most culprits. cutting out salt: what the new f.d.a. guidance could mean for your favorite chain restaurant. and special assignment: a new recruit. helping capitol police heal. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you for joining us. we are going to begin tonight with one of the biggest problems weighing down the american economy and driving up prices. today, president biden vowed to fix the supply chain backlog that has stranded scores of cargo ships loaded with clothes, computers, and other goods. the port of los angeles will now be open 24/7, and top c.e.o.s promise to expand their warehouse hours. this number tells it all: the price of shipping one container from china to the west coast went from $3,000 last year to $20,000 last month. it is a big reason why consumer prices jumped more than 5% since last year. well, if there's a silver lining, it's this-- because of inflation, those receiving social security will see their payments jump nearly 6% next year. it's the biggest increase in 39 years. cbs' carter evans is following this situation at the west coast ports. but we're going to begin with cbs' ed o'keefe at the white house. good evening, ed. >> reporter: good evening, norah. the president saying these moves are designed to speed up the delivery of goods all across the country as the white house tonight keenly aware that any big issues with the backlog could severely affect the holiday shopping season and potentially the president's political standing. >> this is a big first step in speeding up the movement of materials and goods through our supply chain. >> reporter: the port of los angeles, the nation's largest, will now operate around the clock, along with the nearby port of long beach. together, they handle about 40% of the country's container traffic, carrying laptops, tvs, and toys, and holiday gifts, soon to be in higher demand. >> the commitment is being made today are a sign of major progress in moving goods from manufacturers to a store or to your front door. >> reporter: c.e.o.s from top retail and delivery companies, who met with the president today, pledged to work more off-peak hours to clear the cargo. can this administration guarantee that holiday packages will arrive on time? >> they're not the postal service or u.p.s. or fedex. we cannot guarantee. what we can do is use every lever at the federal government disposal to reduce delays. >> reporter: the supply chain headaches have sparked product shortages, longer delivery times, and inflation with price increases up 5% from last year, impacting shoes, appliances, and groceries. treasure secretary janet yellen told norah it won't end soon. >> but i don't mean to suggest these pressures will disappear in the next month or two. >> reporter: all of these factors pushing consumer confidence down and increasing pressure on the president. >> as a consumer, it's going to make you feel rotten. and when you feel rotten as a consumer, you take it out on whoever is in office. and that is what this administration is going to have to deal with. >> reporter: in his remarks today, the president warned the federal government might take bolder steps if the private sector doesn't step up to address the backlog concerns. and if you're concerned about deliveries making it time for the holidays, retailers say you should start ordering packages now to ensure they arrive by december. norah. >> o'donnell: i bet you're ordering right now, ed, at the white house, thank you. tonight, one word sums up the feeling along every line of the supply chain: frustration. that goes for retailers, truck drivers, and especially customers. cbs' carter evans takes a closer look from the port of los angeles. >> reporter: this is what a broken supply chain looks like from the air-- nearly 60 cargo ships floating outside the ports of los angeles and long beach. they're carrying about a quarter million containers. the workers will soon be unloading around the clock. truckers at the port of l.a. sometimes have to line up for hours just to pick up one container, and then where do they take them? most warehouses are full. and that's delaying deliveries even further. trucker manases gonzalez doesn't get paid by the hour. he gets paid by the loa? >> seven to nine hours, like, these hours... >> reporter: clearing the backlog may take months. it could be the end of 2022 before things get back to normal-- normal meaning a ship enters the port, unloads and departs with no delays. >> we need to see further downstream logistics. they all have to fire at the same time for it to become very efficient. >> reporter: they're not going to be able to beach the magic wand to make this go away. >> there is no magic wand. it's a huge bottleneck. >> reporter: at the end of the supply chain, are store owners like tony jabuka, whose bike shop is just down the street from the backed-up port. when we met him a month ago jabuka was waiting for a bike order he made a year ago. do you know when those bikes are going to come in? >> no, not really. >> reporter: and all those kids' bikes you're waiting for, where are they? >> they're on the ships or maybe still in asia, but they're not in warehouses. >> reporter: dock workers tell me they are all for this 24-hour port plan. in fact, they say they've been wanting to do it for years, and it's in their current contract that they can work 24 hours. they're just waiting for terminal operators here at the port to tell them when to start. norah. >> o'donnell: time to turn on that switch. carter evans, thank you. well, now to another big story we're following. science fiction became science fact for actor william shatner today. at 90 years old, "star trek's" captain kirk became the oldest person to travel to space. and he wasclearly moved by the experience. cbs' mark strassmann was there to witness it all. >> has cleared the tower, she is on her pace with the second human space flight crew. >> reporter: this was the voyage of the blue origin spaceship first step, its 10-minute mission-- space. >> oh, geez. >> reporter: william shatner's latest frontier, up almost 66 miles to the edge of space. >> and here come the mains. >> reporter: and right back down again, like same-day shipping. >> and capsule touchdown. ( cheers and applause ). >> reporter: a gift from amazon and blue origin founder jeff bezos. >> it was so moving to me. this experience is something unbelievable. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: 55 years ago, shatner's captain kirke led a starship of galactic hop scotchers. today, he became kirke, and at 90, overcome by the moment. >> everybody in the world needs to see it. >> oh, my god! >> it's unbelievable. unbelievable. i mean, you know, the little things, the weightlessness, but to see the blue color whip by. and now you're staring into blackness. what you have given me is the most profound experience i can imagine. i'm so filled with emotion about what just happened. i-- i just... it's extraordinary. extraordinary. >> reporter: all the crew cried after landing. >> i hope i never recover from this. captain kirk is a fictional figure. bl cabaarov.>> ty. reaction was so memorable, blue origin could turn it into a commercial hoping to reel in more paying customers. shatner's ticket was comp, another shrewd investment by jeff bezos. norah. >> o'donnell: and a prime trip. mark strassmann, thank you. well, tonight, warnings of a possible twin-demic of both covid and the flu. the c.d.c. estimates an average of 36,000,000 people died of the flu each year over the past decade, and there are fears this season could be a bad one. here's cbs' janet shamlian. .>> reporter: tonight the race is on to get shots into arms as health officials warn of a potentially devastating flu season colliding with the pandemic. should we have a tremendously bad flu season, how could that impact the covid situation? >> if we have eriousuenza ouak e going to overwhelm the healthcare system. >> reporter: that's why in little rock, at the university of arkansas for medical sciences, there's a new strategy. >> that was quick. >> reporter: a one-stop shop for flu shots and covid vaccines at this clinic. the c.d.c. says people can safely receive both at the same time. >> i appreciate you doing this. >> reporter: andrew benz got a covid booster in his right arm... >> here's your flu shot. >> reporter: ...and the flu shot in his left. >> covid is like a wildfire right now. and i want to do everything i can to mitigate the spread. >> reporter: with pandemic lockdowns, the c.d.c. says the 2020 flu season was the mildest on record. experts say with fewer people exposed last year, flu resistance is now lowered. so are we in for a catastrophic flu season? >> i think there's that potential. and i'm very concerned. >> reporter: in arkansas, just over 46% of the population is fully vaccinated against covid, well below the national total of about 57%. the clinic was hoping to reach more unvaccinated people, but giving flu shots can save lives, too. what is your level of concern about flu this season? >> usual. i hope i don't get it. >> reporter: many pharmacies across the country are also offering the flu shot and the covid vaccine at the same time. in terms of guidance, the c.d.c. is recommending a yearly flu shot for just about everyone, starting with babies six months old. norah. >> o'donnell: janet shamlian, thank you. we want to turn now to a serious lead water crisis in benton harbor, michigan. that's a predominantly black city throw hours from flint. people are under order not to use the tap water because of high levels of lead from old pipes. and as cbs' omar villafranca reports city officials have known about the problem for years. >> reporter: the city of benton harbor gets its water from nearby lake michigan, but residents like francis davis say what comes up on the of the faucet is not safe to use. what water do you use to cook? >> the bottled water. >> reporter: to brush your teeth? >> bottled water. orter: leawase.>> boter. detectn the drinking watery's water system has failed six lead tests over the last three years. last month, concerned residents and activists petitioned the e.p.a. for help. in response, the state started distributing free bottled water to the city's nearly 10,000 residents. >> there's no urgency with the federal government. there's no urgency with the state government. and there's no urgency with the city government. they just don't get it. >> reporter: reverend edward pinkney started distributing water through his church two years ago and says many residents in this predominantly african american community still don't know about the crisis. >> we don't have time. my children's life is at stake. your children's life is at stake. >> reporter: but time isn't the only issue. benton harbor mayor marcus muhammad says it's money. the city can't afford to fix the lines, and state and federal money can't come fast enough. muhawm add points out the city just received a $5 million check to work on the problem that was approved during the obama administration. >> if i had a magic wand i would solve it right now. but in government, things don't work that way. >> reporter: as for francis davis, she's thought about selling her home. do you think somebody would buy it? >> no, not with this situation. i would just have to board it up and move out. >> reporter: so far, less than 5% of the city's nearly 6,000 lines have been replaced. mayor muhammadd wants the work finished in two years. he's also hoping the president's infrastructure bill passes because that would mean billions of dollars to replace lead pipes across the country. norah. >> o'donnell: such an urgent threat to children. we want to turn now to the covid pandemic. beginning next month, the u.s. will open its borders with canada and mexico after 19 months to nonessential travelers, provided that they show proof of vaccination. today, f.d.a. staff released data showing johnson & johnson's booster shot does bolster antibodies. f.d.a. experts will consider j&j's booster request friday and moderna's tomorrow. tonight, we're in montana, with just 57% of those eligible are fully vaccinated. the state now has the highest hospitalization rate in the country. cbs' meg oliver reports from billings. >> hillary. your momma's out there. >> reporter: on the other side of this door is pam lee's 35-year-old daughter, hillary, who is fighting for her life. >> you're not alone. >> reporter: the restaurant manager was planning to get the vaccine when she got covid at the end of september. within two weeks, she was on a ventilator. >> i was a nurse for over 40 years, and so i knew this could happen. i was praying it never would, but here we are. >> reporter: how does her prognosis look? >> i can't even go there. she's only alive because of this machine. >> can you wave to your momma. >> reporter: as hillary struggles to communicate. >> love you, too ( crying ). >> reporter: downstairs in the emergency room, dr. jaimee belsky is trying to keep up with the crush of new covid patients. >> keep a scalpel in my pocket in case we have an emergency airway. we're getting to where if we don't see an improvement in the number of patients we're going to have to look at do we ration care. >> reporter: they're operating at 175% capacity. how do you get more people vaccinated to stop this? >> talk to your friends. talk to your family. explain to them, yeah, it's getting better in some parts of the united states, but it's getting worse here. >> reporter: leaving families like the lees praying for a miracle. when you look at her, what do you think? >> i can't even think. it's just painful to watch. and these things can be prevented. >> reporter: the lees wanted to talk to us to let us know when hillary got covid. she spent the first 10 days calling all of her unvaccinated friends telling them to get the shot. the family can only hope it's not too late for her. norah. >> o'donnell: we are praying for hillary. meg oliver, thank you. there's still much more news ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," including a deadly bow and arrow attack overseas. and the f.d.a.'s new saltrera most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. shingles? oh... you mean bill. he's been a real pain. again with the bill... what? it looks like a face. ...hearing about it 24/7 is painful enough... i don't want to catch it. well, you can't catch shingles, but the virus that causes it may already be inside you. does that mean bill might have company? - stop. you know shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaaat? yeah prevented. you can get vaccinated. oh, so... i guess it's just you, me and bill then. intmen bill's alyours. yol cough cough sneeze sneeze... oh, get vaccinated forju t you, m s[ sneezing ]n. needs, plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to art so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. >> o'donnell: tonight, we're getting details of a bizarre and deadly attack in norway. a man fired arrows at people today near oslo. norwegian police say that at least five people were killed and a number of others hurt. police did arrest a suspect. no word on a motive. they are not ruling out terrorism. well, tonight, the t.s.a. is reporting an all-time record number of guns seized at airports. in the first nine months of this year, nearly 4500 passengers were stopped trying to carry guns through security. more than 80% were loaded, and that will cost you $10,000 in fines. the highest numbers were found at the airports in atlanta, dallas/fort worth, and houston. all right, tonight, federal health officials are urging food companies to help america shake its appetite for salt. the f.d.a. wants sodium in prepackaged foods and dishes from chain restaurants to be slashed by at least 12% over the next two and a half years. the hope is cutting sodium will reduce the rate of heart disease. all right, coming up next, the new capitol police recruit that might have the most important job in the department. and let me tell you something, i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. it's just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, it's helped over a million americans. a reverse mortgage loan isn't some kind of trick to take your home. it's a loan, like any other. big difference is how you pay it back. find out how reverse mortgages really work with aag's free, no-obligation reverse mortgage guide. eliminate monthly mortgage payments, pay bills, medical costs, and more. call now and get your free info kit. other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave discover the option that's best for you. call today and find out more in aag's free, no-obligation reverse mortgage loan guide. access tax-free cash and stay in the home you love. you've probably been investing in your home making monthly mortgage payments... doing the and it's become your family's heart and well, that investment can give you tax-free cash just when you need it. learn how homeowners are strategically using a reverse mortgage loan to cover expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve your portfolio, and so much more. look, reverse mortgages aren't for everyone but i think i've been 'round long enough to know what's what. i'm proud to be part of aag, i trust 'em, i think you can too. trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. call now so you can... retire better does scrubbing feel like a workout? sscrub less with dawn platinum. its superior formula breaks down and removes up to 99% of tough grease and food residue faster. so you scrub less. tackle grease wherever it shows up. scrub less. save more. with dawn. >> o'donnell: tonight, we get to meet one of the capitol police force's newest recruits, possibly the most valuable but definitely the cutest. here's cbs' kris van cleave. >> reporter: three-year-old black l lab lila is on a new paw patrol at the capitol, sniffing up on the those who could use a friend. and after january 6, she's been busy. cops don't like to ask for help. >> no. >> reporter: capitol police officers jeff albanase and caroline edwards worked on the sixth. edwards was among these officers overrun by rioters. she suffered a traumatic brain injury. >> i just remember at one point thinking, my god, this is a war zone. zone. >> reporter: even as they heal, both officers are part of the department's new peer support program. while they found cops will talk to other cops, sometimes what they really need is lila. how has the dog helped? >> any problems you have, even if it's for just a few seconds, disappear. >> the sense of comfort, release, not having to talk about anything at all. >> reporter: lila was trained as a seeing eye dog in california, but her love of chasing squirrels left her better fit for brightening people's days. >> everyone loves a dog. the dog allows usesrta >> smiles. ( laughs ). >> reporter: a helping hand from a four-legged friend. kris van cleave, cbs news, washington. >> o'donnell: always a good friend to have. we love dogs. we'll be right back. is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is the planning effect from fidelity. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. - oh, sister of mine. - mmm... boo- i got you this.also - the new iphone 13 pro? - it's on verizon 5g - i can't believe you got me this! - yes, verizon is giving one to everyone when they trade in their old or damaged phone. - oh! so like every sister can get this? 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>> i don't recall. >> announcer: did an evening of alcohol... >> relaxing, having a -- a few drinks. >> announcer: ...set her off? >> judge judy: this is the lady that you say has a drinking problem. >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: why would you encourage the drinking problem by drinking with her? you and i aren't gonna get along, mr. boyd. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. dustyn boyd is suing his ex-girlfriend, 25-year old jessica whisenhunt, for a car loan, bail money, and the destruction of property. >> byrd: order. all rise. this is case number 535 on the calendar in the matter of boyd vs. whisenhunt. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. sir, have a seat. >> judge judy: mr. boyd, how long did you and the defendant live together as a couple? >> roughly about 4 or 5 months. but we were dating for 2 years. >> judge judy: from when to... what i want you to tell me is, from when to when did you live together? >> from november 27th until december 7th. >> judge judy: well, more than a year ago now, according to your complaint, you lent the defendant some money to buy a car. >> yes. she was running into trouble with... >> judge judy: right. that was, now, 13 months ago. is that right? >> yes. >> judge judy: that was in...? >> february. >> judge judy: february of 2015. >> yes, ma'am. >> judge judy: and then, you continued to date, continued to have a close, intimate relationship, and then moved into together in november... >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: ...of 2015. >> yes. >> judge judy: now, from february of 2015 until november of 2015, how much of this $1,000 that you gave to her to buy a car did she pay back? >> your honor, she had

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Silver Lining , Social Security , 6 , 39 , 0000 , 20000 , 5 , Cbs , Delivery , Situation , Ports , Norah , Carter Evans , Moves , White House , Ed O Keefe , Season , Backlog , Step , Issues , Movement , Standing , The Port Of Los Angeles , Supply Chain , Clock , Nation , Nearby Port Of Long Beach , Materials , Container Traffic , Toys , Laptops , Tvs , 40 , Door , Companies , Store , Progress , Gifts , Demand , Manufacturers , Who , Commitment , Sign , Administration , Holiday Packages , Guarantee , Service , Ups , Fedex , Government , Delays , Times , Lever , Supply Chain Headaches , Disposal , Product Shortages , Wall , Pressures , Factors , Appliances , Groceries , Consumer Confidence , Treasure Secretary , Impacting Shoes , Janet Yellen , Two , Consumer , Pressure , Office , Deliveries , Retailers , Doesn T Step Up , Steps , Holidays , Backlog Concerns , Remarks , Word , Line , Ordering Packages , Feeling , Frustration , Truck Drivers , December , Look , Customers , Air , Los Angeles , Supply Chain Looks , Carter , Long Beach , 60 , Truckers , Warehouses , Workers , Containers , Unloading , Gonzalez Doesn T , Loa , Trucker Manases , Load Ck , Nine , Seven , Things , Unloads , Ship , 2022 , Magic Wand , The End , Logistics , Go Away , Bikes , Bike Shop , Bike Order , Up Port , Street , Ago Jabuka , Tony Jabuka , Kids , Dock Workers , Ships , Fact , Port Plan , Asia , 24 , Operators , Contract , Story , Switch , Captain Kirk , Mark Strassmann , Person , Science Fact , Science Fiction , Star Trek S , 90 , Voyage , Human Space Flight Crew , Pace , Tower , Mission , Blue Origin Spaceship First Step , 10 , Frontier , Mains , Capsule Touchdown , Geez , 66 , Something , Jeff Bezos , Applause , Gift , Cheers , Blue Origin , Amazon , 55 , Everybody , Led A Starship , World , Galactic Hop Scotchers , God , Weightlessness , Color , Unbelievable , Emotion , Blackness , Figure , Landing , Bl , Investment , Reaction , Comp , Ticket , Ty , Cdc , Warnings , Average , 36000000 , Shots , Race , Janet Shamlian , Arms , Fears , Flu Season , Pandemic , Impact , Healthcare System , Colliding , Eriousuenza Ouak E , Flu Shots , Vaccines , Strategy , Shop , Clinic , Both , University Of Arkansas For Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Flu Shot , Everything , Arm , Left , Wildfire , Covid Booster , Andrew Benz , Experts , Flu Resistance , Spread , Lockdowns , On Record , 2020 , Population , Arkansas , 57 , 46 , Vaccine , Pharmacies , Level , Lives , Concern , Everyone , Terms , Six , City , Order , Pipes , Tap Water , Water Crisis , Omar Villafranca Reports City , Benton Harbor , Flint , Residents , Problem , Officials , Say , Faucet , Francis Davis , Water System , Drinking Watery S , Leawase , Orter , Boter , Detectn , State , Urgency , Help , Response , Tests , Activists , Epa , Three , 10000 , State Government , Reverend Edward Pinkney , Time Isn T , Money , Life , Stake , Muhammad , Issue , Community , Crisis , African American , Lines , Add Points , Muhawm , Obama , 5 Million , Million , Way , Home , Somebody , Muhammadd , Work , 6000 , Borders , Billions , Infrastructure Bill , Threat , Canada , 19 , Vaccination , Travelers , Antibodies , Data , Staff , Booster Shot , Johnson , Proof , Moderna , Booster , Hospitalization Rate , Montana , Billings , Meg Oliver , Restaurant Manager , Hillary , Planning , Momma , Daughter , Pam Lee , You Re Not Alone , Side , 35 , Prognosis , Ventilator , Nurse , Patients , Machine , Emergency Room , Dr , Crush , Love You , Jaimee Belsky , Case , Improvement , Scalpel , Pocket , Care , Emergency Airway , Family , Friends , Parts , Lees , Capacity , Miracle , Families , 175 , Shot , Attack , Arrow , Bow , Saltrera , Pad , Protection , Discreet , Layers , Bladder Leak Pads , It , Catch Shingles , Bill , Shingles , Pain , Face , Virus , Company , Stop , Whaaaaat , Yeah , Intmen Bill S Alyours , Cough Sneeze , Sneezing , Ms , Dissolves , Art , Cold Relief , Plop Fizz , Forju T You , Alka Seltzer , Alka Seltzer Plus , Heal , Secret , Gums , Gumline , Fast Sinus Relief , Crest Advanced , Gum Restore , Detoxifies , 7 , Crest , Arrows , Brand , Details , Man , Norway , 1 , Police , Oslo , Record Number , Suspect , Others , Motive , Terrorism , Tsa , Five , Airports , Numbers , Passengers , Fines , 4500 , 80 , Right , Sodium , America Shake , Health , Dishes , Food Companies , Foods , Appetite , Houston , Fort Worth , Dallas , Atlanta , Chain Restaurants , Hope , Rate , Heart Disease , Capitol , 12 , Department , Job , Mortgages , Loan , Homeowners , Advantage , Senior , Wouldn T , Difference , Other , Trick , Kind , Aag , More , Mortgage Payments , Pay Bills , Reverse Mortgage Guide , Kit , Info , Costs , Option , Reverse Mortgage , Lump Sum , Cash , Heart , Stay , Reverse Mortgage Loan Guide , Portfolio , Healthcare , Expenses , Reverse Mortgages , Round , Trust Aag , Workout , Reverse Mortgage Solutions , Superior Formula , Dawn Platinum , Sscrub , Residue , Grease , 99 , Recruits , Capitol Police Force , Lab Lila , Kris Van Cleave , Cutest , Paw Patrol , Old Black , Caroline Edwards , Friend , Officers , Cops Don T , Sixth , Capitol Police Officers , Jeff Albanase , January 6 , Cops , Thinking , War Zone , Peer Support Program , Zone , Rioters , Traumatic Brain Injury , Dog , Comfort , Anything , Release , Sense , Love , Chasing Squirrels , Seeing Eye Dog , Fit , California , Usesrta Smiles , Dogs , Hand , Cbs News , Washington , Four , Planning Effect , Plan , Fidelity , Risk , Wealth , Picture , Reward , Advisor , Balance , Protein , Age , Generations , Sister , Verizon , High Protein , Iphone , Immune Support , Muscle Health , Boost , Nutrients , Mmm , 13 , 16 , 20 , Customer , Siding Installer , Phone , Doula , Trainers , Manicurists , Don T Know , Clockwork , Dishwasher , Cascade Platinum , Dishwashers , Save , Cycle , Running Sink , Cascade , Derriere Discomfort , Someone , Unique , Soothing Relief Spray , Preparation H , Someone Else , Liberty Mutual , 21 , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Liberty , Moderate , Pay , Choices , Car Insurance , Spot , Cream , Otezla , Injection , Choice , Splash , Pill , Skin , 75 , Prescribing Information , Scaliness , Requirement , Plaques , Redness , Tenderness , Joint Swelling , Routine Lab Monitoring , Thickness , Doctor , Depression , Feelings , Weight Loss , Weight , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Thoughts , History , Shipping Manager , Treatment , Headache , Medicines , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Find Themself , Visit Indeed Com Hire O Donnell , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Booster Shots , First , Latest , Emergency Authorization , Meetings , Reminder , Dvr , Live , Judge Judy , Announcer , Tv , Evening , Drinks , Relaxing , Damage , Breakup , Alcohol , I Don T Recall , Dustyn Boyd , Honor , Drinking Problem , Yes , Judge , Drinking , Lady , Gonna , Mr , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Ex Girlfriend , 25 , Car Loan , Bail Money , Destruction , Property , Rise , Calendar , Matter , Jessica Whisenhunt , Byrd , Boyd Vs , 535 , Defendant , Parties , Couple , Dating , Seat , Sir , November 27th Until December 7th , 2 , November 27th , 4 , Car , Complaint , Trouble , December 7th , 27 , Relationship , Close , February , Ma Am , February Of 2015 , 2015 , 1000 , 2015 Yes Judge , November Of 2015 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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most profound experience i can have. >> o'donnell: flu season warning: why health officials are so worried. could we see a twin-demic of flu and covid. contaminated water: another michigan town with unsafe lead levels, endangering children for years. >> reporter: what water do you use to cook? >> the bottled water. >> reporter: to brush your teeth? >> bottled water. >> reporter: bathe? >> bottled water. >> o'donnell: guns at airports: a record number of people trying to bring guns through security. which cities have the most culprits. cutting out salt: what the new f.d.a. guidance could mean for your favorite chain restaurant. and special assignment: a new recruit. helping capitol police heal. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you for joining us. we are going to begin tonight with one of the biggest problems weighing down the american economy and driving up prices. today, president biden vowed to fix the supply chain backlog that has stranded scores of cargo ships loaded with clothes, computers, and other goods. the port of los angeles will now be open 24/7, and top c.e.o.s promise to expand their warehouse hours. this number tells it all: the price of shipping one container from china to the west coast went from $3,000 last year to $20,000 last month. it is a big reason why consumer prices jumped more than 5% since last year. well, if there's a silver lining, it's this-- because of inflation, those receiving social security will see their payments jump nearly 6% next year. it's the biggest increase in 39 years. cbs' carter evans is following this situation at the west coast ports. but we're going to begin with cbs' ed o'keefe at the white house. good evening, ed. >> reporter: good evening, norah. the president saying these moves are designed to speed up the delivery of goods all across the country as the white house tonight keenly aware that any big issues with the backlog could severely affect the holiday shopping season and potentially the president's political standing. >> this is a big first step in speeding up the movement of materials and goods through our supply chain. >> reporter: the port of los angeles, the nation's largest, will now operate around the clock, along with the nearby port of long beach. together, they handle about 40% of the country's container traffic, carrying laptops, tvs, and toys, and holiday gifts, soon to be in higher demand. >> the commitment is being made today are a sign of major progress in moving goods from manufacturers to a store or to your front door. >> reporter: c.e.o.s from top retail and delivery companies, who met with the president today, pledged to work more off-peak hours to clear the cargo. can this administration guarantee that holiday packages will arrive on time? >> they're not the postal service or u.p.s. or fedex. we cannot guarantee. what we can do is use every lever at the federal government disposal to reduce delays. >> reporter: the supply chain headaches have sparked product shortages, longer delivery times, and inflation with price increases up 5% from last year, impacting shoes, appliances, and groceries. treasure secretary janet yellen told norah it won't end soon. >> but i don't mean to suggest these pressures will disappear in the next month or two. >> reporter: all of these factors pushing consumer confidence down and increasing pressure on the president. >> as a consumer, it's going to make you feel rotten. and when you feel rotten as a consumer, you take it out on whoever is in office. and that is what this administration is going to have to deal with. >> reporter: in his remarks today, the president warned the federal government might take bolder steps if the private sector doesn't step up to address the backlog concerns. and if you're concerned about deliveries making it time for the holidays, retailers say you should start ordering packages now to ensure they arrive by december. norah. >> o'donnell: i bet you're ordering right now, ed, at the white house, thank you. tonight, one word sums up the feeling along every line of the supply chain: frustration. that goes for retailers, truck drivers, and especially customers. cbs' carter evans takes a closer look from the port of los angeles. >> reporter: this is what a broken supply chain looks like from the air-- nearly 60 cargo ships floating outside the ports of los angeles and long beach. they're carrying about a quarter million containers. the workers will soon be unloading around the clock. truckers at the port of l.a. sometimes have to line up for hours just to pick up one container, and then where do they take them? most warehouses are full. and that's delaying deliveries even further. trucker manases gonzalez doesn't get paid by the hour. he gets paid by the loa? >> seven to nine hours, like, these hours... >> reporter: clearing the backlog may take months. it could be the end of 2022 before things get back to normal-- normal meaning a ship enters the port, unloads and departs with no delays. >> we need to see further downstream logistics. they all have to fire at the same time for it to become very efficient. >> reporter: they're not going to be able to beach the magic wand to make this go away. >> there is no magic wand. it's a huge bottleneck. >> reporter: at the end of the supply chain, are store owners like tony jabuka, whose bike shop is just down the street from the backed-up port. when we met him a month ago jabuka was waiting for a bike order he made a year ago. do you know when those bikes are going to come in? >> no, not really. >> reporter: and all those kids' bikes you're waiting for, where are they? >> they're on the ships or maybe still in asia, but they're not in warehouses. >> reporter: dock workers tell me they are all for this 24-hour port plan. in fact, they say they've been wanting to do it for years, and it's in their current contract that they can work 24 hours. they're just waiting for terminal operators here at the port to tell them when to start. norah. >> o'donnell: time to turn on that switch. carter evans, thank you. well, now to another big story we're following. science fiction became science fact for actor william shatner today. at 90 years old, "star trek's" captain kirk became the oldest person to travel to space. and he wasclearly moved by the experience. cbs' mark strassmann was there to witness it all. >> has cleared the tower, she is on her pace with the second human space flight crew. >> reporter: this was the voyage of the blue origin spaceship first step, its 10-minute mission-- space. >> oh, geez. >> reporter: william shatner's latest frontier, up almost 66 miles to the edge of space. >> and here come the mains. >> reporter: and right back down again, like same-day shipping. >> and capsule touchdown. ( cheers and applause ). >> reporter: a gift from amazon and blue origin founder jeff bezos. >> it was so moving to me. this experience is something unbelievable. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: 55 years ago, shatner's captain kirke led a starship of galactic hop scotchers. today, he became kirke, and at 90, overcome by the moment. >> everybody in the world needs to see it. >> oh, my god! >> it's unbelievable. unbelievable. i mean, you know, the little things, the weightlessness, but to see the blue color whip by. and now you're staring into blackness. what you have given me is the most profound experience i can imagine. i'm so filled with emotion about what just happened. i-- i just... it's extraordinary. extraordinary. >> reporter: all the crew cried after landing. >> i hope i never recover from this. captain kirk is a fictional figure. bl cabaarov.>> ty. reaction was so memorable, blue origin could turn it into a commercial hoping to reel in more paying customers. shatner's ticket was comp, another shrewd investment by jeff bezos. norah. >> o'donnell: and a prime trip. mark strassmann, thank you. well, tonight, warnings of a possible twin-demic of both covid and the flu. the c.d.c. estimates an average of 36,000,000 people died of the flu each year over the past decade, and there are fears this season could be a bad one. here's cbs' janet shamlian. .>> reporter: tonight the race is on to get shots into arms as health officials warn of a potentially devastating flu season colliding with the pandemic. should we have a tremendously bad flu season, how could that impact the covid situation? >> if we have eriousuenza ouak e going to overwhelm the healthcare system. >> reporter: that's why in little rock, at the university of arkansas for medical sciences, there's a new strategy. >> that was quick. >> reporter: a one-stop shop for flu shots and covid vaccines at this clinic. the c.d.c. says people can safely receive both at the same time. >> i appreciate you doing this. >> reporter: andrew benz got a covid booster in his right arm... >> here's your flu shot. >> reporter: ...and the flu shot in his left. >> covid is like a wildfire right now. and i want to do everything i can to mitigate the spread. >> reporter: with pandemic lockdowns, the c.d.c. says the 2020 flu season was the mildest on record. experts say with fewer people exposed last year, flu resistance is now lowered. so are we in for a catastrophic flu season? >> i think there's that potential. and i'm very concerned. >> reporter: in arkansas, just over 46% of the population is fully vaccinated against covid, well below the national total of about 57%. the clinic was hoping to reach more unvaccinated people, but giving flu shots can save lives, too. what is your level of concern about flu this season? >> usual. i hope i don't get it. >> reporter: many pharmacies across the country are also offering the flu shot and the covid vaccine at the same time. in terms of guidance, the c.d.c. is recommending a yearly flu shot for just about everyone, starting with babies six months old. norah. >> o'donnell: janet shamlian, thank you. we want to turn now to a serious lead water crisis in benton harbor, michigan. that's a predominantly black city throw hours from flint. people are under order not to use the tap water because of high levels of lead from old pipes. and as cbs' omar villafranca reports city officials have known about the problem for years. >> reporter: the city of benton harbor gets its water from nearby lake michigan, but residents like francis davis say what comes up on the of the faucet is not safe to use. what water do you use to cook? >> the bottled water. >> reporter: to brush your teeth? >> bottled water. orter: leawase.>> boter. detectn the drinking watery's water system has failed six lead tests over the last three years. last month, concerned residents and activists petitioned the e.p.a. for help. in response, the state started distributing free bottled water to the city's nearly 10,000 residents. >> there's no urgency with the federal government. there's no urgency with the state government. and there's no urgency with the city government. they just don't get it. >> reporter: reverend edward pinkney started distributing water through his church two years ago and says many residents in this predominantly african american community still don't know about the crisis. >> we don't have time. my children's life is at stake. your children's life is at stake. >> reporter: but time isn't the only issue. benton harbor mayor marcus muhammad says it's money. the city can't afford to fix the lines, and state and federal money can't come fast enough. muhawm add points out the city just received a $5 million check to work on the problem that was approved during the obama administration. >> if i had a magic wand i would solve it right now. but in government, things don't work that way. >> reporter: as for francis davis, she's thought about selling her home. do you think somebody would buy it? >> no, not with this situation. i would just have to board it up and move out. >> reporter: so far, less than 5% of the city's nearly 6,000 lines have been replaced. mayor muhammadd wants the work finished in two years. he's also hoping the president's infrastructure bill passes because that would mean billions of dollars to replace lead pipes across the country. norah. >> o'donnell: such an urgent threat to children. we want to turn now to the covid pandemic. beginning next month, the u.s. will open its borders with canada and mexico after 19 months to nonessential travelers, provided that they show proof of vaccination. today, f.d.a. staff released data showing johnson & johnson's booster shot does bolster antibodies. f.d.a. experts will consider j&j's booster request friday and moderna's tomorrow. tonight, we're in montana, with just 57% of those eligible are fully vaccinated. the state now has the highest hospitalization rate in the country. cbs' meg oliver reports from billings. >> hillary. your momma's out there. >> reporter: on the other side of this door is pam lee's 35-year-old daughter, hillary, who is fighting for her life. >> you're not alone. >> reporter: the restaurant manager was planning to get the vaccine when she got covid at the end of september. within two weeks, she was on a ventilator. >> i was a nurse for over 40 years, and so i knew this could happen. i was praying it never would, but here we are. >> reporter: how does her prognosis look? >> i can't even go there. she's only alive because of this machine. >> can you wave to your momma. >> reporter: as hillary struggles to communicate. >> love you, too ( crying ). >> reporter: downstairs in the emergency room, dr. jaimee belsky is trying to keep up with the crush of new covid patients. >> keep a scalpel in my pocket in case we have an emergency airway. we're getting to where if we don't see an improvement in the number of patients we're going to have to look at do we ration care. >> reporter: they're operating at 175% capacity. how do you get more people vaccinated to stop this? >> talk to your friends. talk to your family. explain to them, yeah, it's getting better in some parts of the united states, but it's getting worse here. >> reporter: leaving families like the lees praying for a miracle. when you look at her, what do you think? >> i can't even think. it's just painful to watch. and these things can be prevented. >> reporter: the lees wanted to talk to us to let us know when hillary got covid. she spent the first 10 days calling all of her unvaccinated friends telling them to get the shot. the family can only hope it's not too late for her. norah. >> o'donnell: we are praying for hillary. meg oliver, thank you. there's still much more news ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," including a deadly bow and arrow attack overseas. and the f.d.a.'s new saltrera most bladder leak pads were similar. until always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. shingles? oh... you mean bill. he's been a real pain. again with the bill... what? it looks like a face. ...hearing about it 24/7 is painful enough... i don't want to catch it. well, you can't catch shingles, but the virus that causes it may already be inside you. does that mean bill might have company? - stop. you know shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaaat? yeah prevented. you can get vaccinated. oh, so... i guess it's just you, me and bill then. intmen bill's alyours. yol cough cough sneeze sneeze... oh, get vaccinated forju t you, m s[ sneezing ]n. needs, plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to art so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief. i've been telling everyone... the secret to great teeth is having healthy gums. crest advanced gum restore. detoxifies below the gumline... and restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. >> o'donnell: tonight, we're getting details of a bizarre and deadly attack in norway. a man fired arrows at people today near oslo. norwegian police say that at least five people were killed and a number of others hurt. police did arrest a suspect. no word on a motive. they are not ruling out terrorism. well, tonight, the t.s.a. is reporting an all-time record number of guns seized at airports. in the first nine months of this year, nearly 4500 passengers were stopped trying to carry guns through security. more than 80% were loaded, and that will cost you $10,000 in fines. the highest numbers were found at the airports in atlanta, dallas/fort worth, and houston. all right, tonight, federal health officials are urging food companies to help america shake its appetite for salt. the f.d.a. wants sodium in prepackaged foods and dishes from chain restaurants to be slashed by at least 12% over the next two and a half years. the hope is cutting sodium will reduce the rate of heart disease. all right, coming up next, the new capitol police recruit that might have the most important job in the department. and let me tell you something, i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. it's just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, it's helped over a million americans. a reverse mortgage loan isn't some kind of trick to take your home. it's a loan, like any other. big difference is how you pay it back. find out how reverse mortgages really work with aag's free, no-obligation reverse mortgage guide. eliminate monthly mortgage payments, pay bills, medical costs, and more. call now and get your free info kit. other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave discover the option that's best for you. call today and find out more in aag's free, no-obligation reverse mortgage loan guide. access tax-free cash and stay in the home you love. you've probably been investing in your home making monthly mortgage payments... doing the and it's become your family's heart and well, that investment can give you tax-free cash just when you need it. learn how homeowners are strategically using a reverse mortgage loan to cover expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve your portfolio, and so much more. look, reverse mortgages aren't for everyone but i think i've been 'round long enough to know what's what. i'm proud to be part of aag, i trust 'em, i think you can too. trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. call now so you can... retire better does scrubbing feel like a workout? sscrub less with dawn platinum. its superior formula breaks down and removes up to 99% of tough grease and food residue faster. so you scrub less. tackle grease wherever it shows up. scrub less. save more. with dawn. >> o'donnell: tonight, we get to meet one of the capitol police force's newest recruits, possibly the most valuable but definitely the cutest. here's cbs' kris van cleave. >> reporter: three-year-old black l lab lila is on a new paw patrol at the capitol, sniffing up on the those who could use a friend. and after january 6, she's been busy. cops don't like to ask for help. >> no. >> reporter: capitol police officers jeff albanase and caroline edwards worked on the sixth. edwards was among these officers overrun by rioters. she suffered a traumatic brain injury. >> i just remember at one point thinking, my god, this is a war zone. zone. >> reporter: even as they heal, both officers are part of the department's new peer support program. while they found cops will talk to other cops, sometimes what they really need is lila. how has the dog helped? >> any problems you have, even if it's for just a few seconds, disappear. >> the sense of comfort, release, not having to talk about anything at all. >> reporter: lila was trained as a seeing eye dog in california, but her love of chasing squirrels left her better fit for brightening people's days. >> everyone loves a dog. the dog allows usesrta >> smiles. ( laughs ). >> reporter: a helping hand from a four-legged friend. kris van cleave, cbs news, washington. >> o'donnell: always a good friend to have. we love dogs. we'll be right back. is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is the planning effect from fidelity. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. - oh, sister of mine. - mmm... boo- i got you this.also - the new iphone 13 pro? - it's on verizon 5g - i can't believe you got me this! - yes, verizon is giving one to everyone when they trade in their old or damaged phone. - oh! so like every sister can get this? 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>> i don't recall. >> announcer: did an evening of alcohol... >> relaxing, having a -- a few drinks. >> announcer: ...set her off? >> judge judy: this is the lady that you say has a drinking problem. >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: why would you encourage the drinking problem by drinking with her? you and i aren't gonna get along, mr. boyd. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. dustyn boyd is suing his ex-girlfriend, 25-year old jessica whisenhunt, for a car loan, bail money, and the destruction of property. >> byrd: order. all rise. this is case number 535 on the calendar in the matter of boyd vs. whisenhunt. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. sir, have a seat. >> judge judy: mr. boyd, how long did you and the defendant live together as a couple? >> roughly about 4 or 5 months. but we were dating for 2 years. >> judge judy: from when to... what i want you to tell me is, from when to when did you live together? >> from november 27th until december 7th. >> judge judy: well, more than a year ago now, according to your complaint, you lent the defendant some money to buy a car. >> yes. she was running into trouble with... >> judge judy: right. that was, now, 13 months ago. is that right? >> yes. >> judge judy: that was in...? >> february. >> judge judy: february of 2015. >> yes, ma'am. >> judge judy: and then, you continued to date, continued to have a close, intimate relationship, and then moved into together in november... >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: ...of 2015. >> yes. >> judge judy: now, from february of 2015 until november of 2015, how much of this $1,000 that you gave to her to buy a car did she pay back? >> your honor, she had

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Angeles , Supply Chain Looks , Carter , Long Beach , 60 , Truckers , Warehouses , Workers , Containers , Unloading , Gonzalez Doesn T , Loa , Trucker Manases , Load Ck , Nine , Seven , Things , Unloads , Ship , 2022 , Magic Wand , The End , Logistics , Go Away , Bikes , Bike Shop , Bike Order , Up Port , Street , Ago Jabuka , Tony Jabuka , Kids , Dock Workers , Ships , Fact , Port Plan , Asia , 24 , Operators , Contract , Story , Switch , Captain Kirk , Mark Strassmann , Person , Science Fact , Science Fiction , Star Trek S , 90 , Voyage , Human Space Flight Crew , Pace , Tower , Mission , Blue Origin Spaceship First Step , 10 , Frontier , Mains , Capsule Touchdown , Geez , 66 , Something , Jeff Bezos , Applause , Gift , Cheers , Blue Origin , Amazon , 55 , Everybody , Led A Starship , World , Galactic Hop Scotchers , God , Weightlessness , Color , Unbelievable , Emotion , Blackness , Figure , Landing , Bl , Investment , Reaction , Comp , Ticket , Ty , Cdc , Warnings , Average , 36000000 , Shots , Race , Janet Shamlian , Arms , Fears , Flu Season , Pandemic , Impact , Healthcare System , Colliding , Eriousuenza Ouak E , Flu Shots , Vaccines , Strategy , Shop , Clinic , Both , University Of Arkansas For Medical Sciences , Little Rock , Flu Shot , Everything , Arm , Left , Wildfire , Covid Booster , Andrew Benz , Experts , Flu Resistance , Spread , Lockdowns , On Record , 2020 , Population , Arkansas , 57 , 46 , Vaccine , Pharmacies , Level , Lives , Concern , Everyone , Terms , Six , City , Order , Pipes , Tap Water , Water Crisis , Omar Villafranca Reports City , Benton Harbor , Flint , Residents , Problem , Officials , Say , Faucet , Francis Davis , Water System , Drinking Watery S , Leawase , Orter , Boter , Detectn , State , Urgency , Help , Response , Tests , Activists , Epa , Three , 10000 , State Government , Reverend Edward Pinkney , Time Isn T , Money , Life , Stake , Muhammad , Issue , Community , Crisis , African American , Lines , Add Points , Muhawm , Obama , 5 Million , Million , Way , Home , Somebody , Muhammadd , Work , 6000 , Borders , Billions , Infrastructure Bill , Threat , Canada , 19 , Vaccination , Travelers , Antibodies , Data , Staff , Booster Shot , Johnson , Proof , Moderna , Booster , Hospitalization Rate , Montana , Billings , Meg Oliver , Restaurant Manager , Hillary , Planning , Momma , Daughter , Pam Lee , You Re Not Alone , Side , 35 , Prognosis , Ventilator , Nurse , Patients , Machine , Emergency Room , Dr , Crush , Love You , Jaimee Belsky , Case , Improvement , Scalpel , Pocket , Care , Emergency Airway , Family , Friends , Parts , Lees , Capacity , Miracle , Families , 175 , Shot , Attack , Arrow , Bow , Saltrera , Pad , Protection , Discreet , Layers , Bladder Leak Pads , It , Catch Shingles , Bill , Shingles , Pain , Face , Virus , Company , Stop , Whaaaaat , Yeah , Intmen Bill S Alyours , Cough Sneeze , Sneezing , Ms , Dissolves , Art , Cold Relief , Plop Fizz , Forju T You , Alka Seltzer , Alka Seltzer Plus , Heal , Secret , Gums , Gumline , Fast Sinus Relief , Crest Advanced , Gum Restore , Detoxifies , 7 , Crest , Arrows , Brand , Details , Man , Norway , 1 , Police , Oslo , Record Number , Suspect , Others , Motive , Terrorism , Tsa , Five , Airports , Numbers , Passengers , Fines , 4500 , 80 , Right , Sodium , America Shake , Health , Dishes , Food Companies , Foods , Appetite , Houston , Fort Worth , Dallas , Atlanta , Chain Restaurants , Hope , Rate , Heart Disease , Capitol , 12 , Department , Job , Mortgages , Loan , Homeowners , Advantage , Senior , Wouldn T , Difference , Other , Trick , Kind , Aag , More , Mortgage Payments , Pay Bills , Reverse Mortgage Guide , Kit , Info , Costs , Option , Reverse Mortgage , Lump Sum , Cash , Heart , Stay , Reverse Mortgage Loan Guide , Portfolio , Healthcare , Expenses , Reverse Mortgages , Round , Trust Aag , Workout , Reverse Mortgage Solutions , Superior Formula , Dawn Platinum , Sscrub , Residue , Grease , 99 , Recruits , Capitol Police Force , Lab Lila , Kris Van Cleave , Cutest , Paw Patrol , Old Black , Caroline Edwards , Friend , Officers , Cops Don T , Sixth , Capitol Police Officers , Jeff Albanase , January 6 , Cops , Thinking , War Zone , Peer Support Program , Zone , Rioters , Traumatic Brain Injury , Dog , Comfort , Anything , Release , Sense , Love , Chasing Squirrels , Seeing Eye Dog , Fit , California , Usesrta Smiles , Dogs , Hand , Cbs News , Washington , Four , Planning Effect , Plan , Fidelity , Risk , Wealth , Picture , Reward , Advisor , Balance , Protein , Age , Generations , Sister , Verizon , High Protein , Iphone , Immune Support , Muscle Health , Boost , Nutrients , Mmm , 13 , 16 , 20 , Customer , Siding Installer , Phone , Doula , Trainers , Manicurists , Don T Know , Clockwork , Dishwasher , Cascade Platinum , Dishwashers , Save , Cycle , Running Sink , Cascade , Derriere Discomfort , Someone , Unique , Soothing Relief Spray , Preparation H , Someone Else , Liberty Mutual , 21 , Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Liberty , Moderate , Pay , Choices , Car Insurance , Spot , Cream , Otezla , Injection , Choice , Splash , Pill , Skin , 75 , Prescribing Information , Scaliness , Requirement , Plaques , Redness , Tenderness , Joint Swelling , Routine Lab Monitoring , Thickness , Doctor , Depression , Feelings , Weight Loss , Weight , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Thoughts , History , Shipping Manager , Treatment , Headache , Medicines , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Find Themself , Visit Indeed Com Hire O Donnell , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Booster Shots , First , Latest , Emergency Authorization , Meetings , Reminder , Dvr , Live , Judge Judy , Announcer , Tv , Evening , Drinks , Relaxing , Damage , Breakup , Alcohol , I Don T Recall , Dustyn Boyd , Honor , Drinking Problem , Yes , Judge , Drinking , Lady , Gonna , Mr , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Ex Girlfriend , 25 , Car Loan , Bail Money , Destruction , Property , Rise , Calendar , Matter , Jessica Whisenhunt , Byrd , Boyd Vs , 535 , Defendant , Parties , Couple , Dating , Seat , Sir , November 27th Until December 7th , 2 , November 27th , 4 , Car , Complaint , Trouble , December 7th , 27 , Relationship , Close , February , Ma Am , February Of 2015 , 2015 , 1000 , 2015 Yes Judge , November Of 2015 ,

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