Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5am 20200205

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freezing in livermore, 45 san francisco and 37 in san jose and 34 for santa rosa. as we head through the afternoon with the sunshine we are looking attempts on the rise and in fact warmer compared to yesterday and in the afternoon the start of a warming trend for us as we go through the week. upper 50s for san francisco, 60 oakland, 60 san jose and low 60s for concord. we will talk about the rest of our warm-up coming up. in fremont there are police activity on the maori on-ramp to 880. chp is confirming up to a shooting that happened earlier this morning. no injuries and no arrest but they are asking for the public's help. if they saw anything in and around that area on west bound between 3:00 and 3:30 this morning to call police. right now that ramp is closed and they are hoping to have it open within the next few minutes. we will keep you updated on that. taking a different look at 880 near the coliseum north you can see traffic is moving nicely. no delay south of and things are quite on the east shore. >> looking live on capitol hill were in just a few hours a vote along senate party lines is expected to acquit resident trump and his impeachment trial. this is congress is still reeling from president trump's state of the union address last night. cbs's catherine johnson with the tension between mr. trump and the democrats. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. last night address featured several tense moments between president trump and house speaker nancy pelosi. in fact, the president appeared to ignore pelosi when she tried to shake his hand before the speech. pelosi did not say it was her, quote, high privilege and distinct honor to introduce the president. that is a break from tradition. the president also took aim at a familiar target, california's sanctuary laws. >> california pass an outrageous law declaring their whole state to be a sanctuary for criminal, illegal immigrant. with catastrophic results. >> after the address speaker pelosi stood and ripped up a copy of the space provided to her by the white house. michigan governor gretchen witmer delivered the democratic party's response. >> despite this dishonesty and division of the last few years and we heard from the president of the united states together we have ballast potential. >> reporter: ham mel -- boycotted the state of the union address and the president not once mentioned impeachment. and said he focused on highlighting the accomplishments of his past three years. back to you. >> the white house will they deliver any statements ahead of the final vote? >> reporter: we are hearing some reports that the president may speak after that final impeachment vote but again, right now we don't necessarily have that confirmed. he might say something especially that they expect the vote to be an acquittal which is what republican senators and the white house have waited for months now. >> we shall see what happens. catherine johnson on capitol hill. thank you. a group called reject the cover-up plans to hold a protest to express suspense leisure and the proceedings and is scheduled for 5:30 tonight at powell and market streets. i'm anne makovec from the live news desk and we have some new video coming in from travis air force base people are getting off of a plane that just came from wuhan, china. this is in fairfield. these people came from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. they were evacuated from wuhan by the u.s. state department. any of them diplomats are u.s. citizens who were stacked there when the city went on lock-down to try and prevent the spread of the virus. about 350 of them are staying at travis air force base and another plane with about 200 onboard is headed to miramar down in southern california. these people will be quarantined for 14 days under surveillance by the cdc and we got some pictures yesterday from chopper 5 of the preparations of the arrival today. crew setting up fences around the main hotel there at travis air force base, the westwood inn. and there were some tents set up outside as well. if any of the evacuees and the showing symptoms of the coronavirus they could be taken to a civilian hospital off- base. but again, they are being monitored by the cdc. in the south bay five healthcare workers at good samaritan hospital in san jose were exposed to the new coronavirus. they are being quarantined at home for a week. the santa clara public of the party confirmed that the county's first patients sought treatment at the hospital and that is when the workers were exposed. today, there are two confirmed cases in the county and meanwhile at pacific rim plaza years over the spread of the coronavirus are changing habits of customers and workers. businesses say they have seen a drop in for traffic. >> the only change i've really seen is that a lot more people are wearing masks especially the cashiers. >> health officials say the best way to protect yourself is to wash your hands and if you are sick stay at home. stay with kpix 5 for the latest developments. you can also stream news anytime on cbsn bay area. is available on all of your favorite divisive. happening stay opening statements are set to begin in the trial against a man accused of killing mia wilson. is mentally competent to stand trial. he has pleaded not guilty to stabbing and killing the 18- year-old by reasons of insanity. the trial was delayed as authority sought to determine his mental competency through a series of psychiatric evaluations. also having today the suspect the government accused of opening fire on a greyhound bus headed to the bay area will appear before a judge. he was arrested on monday and is now facing charges of murder and attempted murder. a woman was killed on that bus and five others injured. passengers finally made it to oakland on monday night. we are getting new surveillance video of three teenage suspects wanted in a deadly stabbing in san jose. the teens can be seen running away from the scene. it started with a fight on alum rock avenue back in october. police say 18-year-old victim approached the suspect and when they started to argue one of them pulled out a knife and killed the victim. police have not determined a motive for the stabbing. over and lyft drivers are demanding to be reclassified as employees under california's new bill. many of them say they could be making a lot more money while working the same number of hours. kpix 5 jackie ward is live an uber headquarters in san francisco this morning with much more. jackie. >> reporter: kenny, drivers are asking and demanding the rights your company to stop resisting the protections they have been granted under bi85. ntinto law effective january 1. today, they want to make sure that these rights your company is no they want to be classified as employees rather than independent contractors. sharply raising their labor costs and limit worker flexibility. this morning more than 100 drivers filed wage claims with the laborers commissioner's office and rallies will be held in los angeles, san diego and here in st. francis. drivers are seeking back wages and overtime and other expenses. san diego -- >> if you are a truck driver, if you are a janitor, and you are working for the company, you are doing the asic work for that company and you are there employee and you actually deserve everything any of us at any other job get. >> uber's chief legal officer tony wester said it's drivers will remain independent contractors. yes argued that drivers have control of when and where they work and in the u.s. 92% of drivers drive less than 40 hours a week. uber, lyft and other businesses have spent more than $100 billion to fight back against a b 5 and introduce a measure to keep them as contractors with if it's like minimum wage. the goal is to get the measure on the ballot in november. the drivers will hold their rally at federal court at 11:00 this morning. live in san francisco, jackie ward, kpix 5. happening today san francisco's police commission will this -- they will talk about recent data , disciplinary actions and an audit of communication devices. that this evening at 5:30 at san francisco city hall. also, a federal judge has issued a ruling at improving the quality of life for prisoners being held at the wright street jail. inmates must now receive at least one hour of direct sunlight per week. others must also get at least one hour a day in e gym. the decision is a precursor to a more broad that her lawsuit filed against the city and county of san francisco over jail conditions. the time now is five: ted. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, going car free after the break. white telegraph avenue would be the perfect spot. plus dozens of macy's stores are closing across the country. next house shutting down shops to help save the company. the coldest temps of the week happening right now. it is a chilly start to the day. many locations in the 30s. we will talk about that and what you can expect in your neighborhood as we head through the day. can my side be firm? and my side super soft? yes! with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? no problem. ...and done. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time. new video shows a puppy starting at house fire. it happened in new mexico. you can see the puppy on top of the ironing board and knocking it on the heater great and the stuff that fell on the ground starts to melt. shortly after that the flames spark and crews were able to contain the fire and the dog made it out safely. a stretch of telegraph avenue in berkeley could be the next big bay area thoroughfare to ban cars. the city council members want to free up about four blocks between dwight way and the cal campus for buses, bikes and pedestrians. many drivers already avoid that area and its chronic condition, because of its chronic congestion, and they want to kickstart the process with a series of community meetings later this year.'s proposal comes less than a week after two mile stretch of san francisco's market street close to private cars. macy's is making a radical move to try and turn around a retail slot. they are shutting down retail stores including one in the bay area. customers say they hate to see the store in any a closer stores. this location is one of 125 stores shutting down over the next three years across the country. the reason the company wants to exit weaker shopping centers to improve the bottom line. >> it's a nice store. a lot of people hate to see close. sears is close, and now macy. >> i'm sad. so sad. i used to shop here when i was younger and it makes me sad. >> the any of macy's will close sometime in march but 70 people work at this location and hope they will be transferred to another store. meanwhile sophora announces largest expansion ever. the company says it will open 100 new stores across 75 cities in north america this year. once the expansion is complete there will be 600 locations in north america. their u.s. headquarters is located in san francisco. as you noticed by now michelle is back. she was in miami covering the super bowl. >> thank you. it was a great time covering the super bowl. we have long days but, i mean, we were in miami. how can you complain. i did bring some pictures back this is me in little havana. this is in front of her sales. they have good cuban food and we were working about 15, 16 hour days so we cannot sleep any time we could and that is vern sleeping in the back of a uber there i think it was a uber. i had to catch that one. we were at a 49 as part are doing some live shots outside and in the middle of all of it i doubt somebody behind me start putting all of his gear on the. and, like four people came by and put all of this 49ers necklaces on the. i had to take a picture with all the bling. and of course the food. i was really smart because a lot of the stories we did surrounded food. we were surrounded by food so we got to eat and work all at the same time. this is at a dominican restaurant when we were talking about latin music. we had a lot of really, really good food there. and this was mitch, the photographer from our sister station in miami, he was absolutely wonderful. my bff topic he was so cool. he did everything that i asked him to. and then some. so this was at one of the super bowl parties. >> what was the ultimate highlight? >> the ultimate highlight was probably the people. they were amazing. so accommodating. so nice. and just beautiful people inside and out. i really loved it. they helped us out quite a bit. >> you notice wherever michelle go she makes a lot of friends as you can see from that picture. mitch from miami will probably be here for thanksgiving dinner. >> we have been texting each other already this morning. i already miss in. >> how was the game itself? >> the game was good. we were up, the niners were up and i'm thinking about the next day and all of our lives shuts the next day and what happened? towards the end. it was great. we had good seats. we were in the press box. we had food there also. >> maybe next year. the 49ers is a good team. they could make a return trip to the super bowl. >> fingers crossed on that happening for short. we will see how they do next is about right now we want to get to traffic. we will start in fremont where we have police activity this morning. the ramp to north on 880 is completely shut down. it was a freeway shooting confirmed by chp. the investigatioopent llwrap thp etty quickly. it happened around 3:00 this morning. no arrest or injuries but there is a lot of activity for the investigation. try to avoid epic there are detours in place. if you're trying to access 880 it could be difficult until they wrap things up. north bound 880 is clear all the way into oakland and south are no delays as you work your way out of open. traffic is quite as you had all the way down into the south bay. the bay bridge definitely starting to stack up and looks like the metering lights may have been turned on. we have delays but not to the overpass but building. no construction on the upper deck right now. that make things better. yesterday we had a big back up on the bay bridge to to that early-morning construction. golden gate bridge looking good as well. the conjunction with the golden gate has been cleared. southbound 101 seems like traffic is moving nicely heading towards san francisco out of marin county. west bound 580, a little windy this morning with the wind advisory in effect. it was issued by chp. to a five to 680, a 33 minute drive. i don't know if you have heard but it is national weather person's day. >> love you, gianna. love that we are highlighting science. i love science and meteorology, so i am feeling cool to have a day. it is a cold start for sure. bundle up as you head out the door. in fact temperatures are much colder compared to yesterday. if you got yesterday and the day before were cold, this morning you will feel that cold blast of air. we are looking at our salesforce tower camera looking is that the bay bridge. many locations down to the 30s this morning. livermore close to freezing at 33, santrosa 34, 37 in concord, san jose 33 and 30 -- other locations, napa 31, 34 in fairfield looking at freezing in mountain view and 35 four fremont. 24 hour temperature change we are much colder compared to yesterday. in fact 24 hour temperature change at 30 degrees colder in novato this morning, 10 degrees colder in livermore and 9 degrees colder in concord and oakland. your weather headlines, the coldest morning of the week, happening right now. we will see the sunshine and mild daytime highs so this afternoon the start of a warming trend for us. we will continue with that warm- up and the warmest day of the week is friday and saturday. so the cold morning temps, the dry northerly offshore winds, this morning light and as we head through the week, the high pressure system will build in and that is why we are looking at a warming trend as we go through the next several days. on futurecast taking you hour- by-hour you can see all of that sunshine and for tomorrow a little bit warmer still and by friday and saturday all of us will be in the 60s for the daytime highs. for today seasonable if not a little bit above average for this time of year. very pleasant weather for the south bay. 63 in sunnyvale, campbell, and morgan hill topping out at 62, and as we look to the east bay 62 concord, is for, any act, brentwood and 63 livermore and 62 pleasanton and topping out at 58 in san francisco. is denied oakland, berkeley and alameda, 60 and oakland and san leandro. dixie pfeiffer santa rosa. topping out at 64 for cloverdale. here is that extended work as and what you can expect with the temperatures on the rise. chilly mornings and looking at the warmer afternoons for thursday and especially by friday and saturday. all of us in the 60s friday, saturday, at drive cold front pushes through and that ms. cooler temps on sunday. it is 5:22. ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, the dangers of online dating. straight ahead cali new this morning a website has a down its list of the most dangerous states for online dating. background says its list is based on the likelihood of romantic virtual encounters ending in dire circumstances. the report used things like latest fbi crime statistics, health data and u.s. census population figures. the top five are alaska, nevada, california, florida, and colorado. for the first time in 50 years the fda has began investigating top powders. this comes after regulators found asbestos in several products. including johnson & johnson baby powder. the fda held a public meeting on tuesday to discuss proposed testing standards. the number of young women diagnosed with lung cancer is rising around the world according to a study in the international journal of cancer. researchers say the specific type of cancer is slow growing and begins in the glans. historically lung cancer rates have been higher among men because they spoke earlier and at higher rates. to the time now is 5:26. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, leveling the playing field. has some state money is helping minorities in sacramento get in the marijuana business. >> there was a freeway shooting early this morning in the east what'd we decide on the flyers again? could save you 15%utes or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. to deal with the problem.icians but they wouldn't. so we took it to the voters an ought oimp for new clean air laws and closed a billion dollar corporate tax loophole to fund public schools. by going directly to the people we got results. that's not something you see a lot of from washington these days. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. let's make change happen. live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. right now on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, daily flight to hong kong from sfo will soon stop ahead, the coronavirus fears forcing airlines to change routes. plus the iowa caucus is still undecided this morning. ahead who was leading the pack. and call boxes with the bigger purpose. vandalize. coming up what suicide advocates want the county to do to prevent this from happening in the future. good morning. it is when they, february 5, i'm michelle griego. >> and i'm kenny choi. good morning. it is 5:30 right now as we get a check of the forecast. it is cold out there. >> bundle up, friends, because we are looking at temperatures even colder than yesterday and the day before. the coldest temps this morning happening right now. the coldest temps of the week. here's a live look with our sutro cam and you can see many locations in the 30s. 33 in livermore, 30 for santa rosa, 37 san jose. 42 in oakland and mid-40s for downtown san francisco. as we head through the afternoon we will start to warm things up. so this afternoon the start of a warming trend for us. 88 in san francisco, later today 60 in oakland, 61 fremont and 64 in san jose and 64 for san rafael. will talk about that warming trend as we go through the rest of the week coming up but let's check in with gianna the latest on the crash in the south bay. >> there are delays because of this accident around oakland road. a couple cars tangled up. we are seeing a bit of a backup. this is in san jose as you work your way on the northbound side. zooming in you can see traffic is stacking up to the 280 680 connector. affecting the ramp as well. another crash 280 right at bern avenue. this is over to the right shoulder. it looks like not a lot of delays but if you want to use that instead of 11 will be a good choice until the accident is clear. an earlier trouble spot, in the clearing stages. west on 580 still slow and we have police and hippity on mallory on-ramp to 880 from their. after a freeway shooting northbound 880 in fremont happened a couple hours ago at about 3:00 this morning. luckily nobody was injured but the on-ramp at mallory, it is still close at this pm point. we are hearing that there were two vehicles involved. one of them as you can see ended up at a fire station in fremont nearby. this is on fremont boulevard. a black car with a bullet hole in the back window and the bumper as well. so, the chp is investigating how the vehicles ended up where they were, what led to this and they are asking anyone who may have seen or heard anything suspicious in that area at mowry and 880 between 3:00 and 3:30 give them a call. a live look from travis air force in fairfield where a plane full of people from wuhan, china, landed in just the last 90 minutes. we have learned 350 people were on board. those on board were evacuated from china by the u.s. state department. any of them are diplomats or u.s. citizens who are stuck in wuhan when the city went on lock-down. passengers will be 14 for 14 days at the facility. we got a look at the quarantine zone as workers prepared to accommodate the arriving evacuees. chopper 5 flew over travis air force base yesterday evening and you can see chris setting up dances around the main hotel on the base called the westwood inn, and workers were also seen setting up tents. officials say if any of actually does show symptoms of the coronavirus they would likely be transported to a civilian hospital off his. >> i am a grandmother, i am a mom, and you know, i am just as concerned. >> i sense is they would not go to their they will go to nicholson or travis. that mission is strictly for military. >> the cdc team at traverse over space is inspected to get a b update on corona virus evacuees from china today at noon. as we take a live look at sfo united says it plans to stop it das from san francisco to hong kong darting on saturday. hong kong reported its first coronavirus that on monday. the airline has artie suspended flights to and from other cities in mainland china. meanwhile china want to reduce fight to the u.s. but still wants to operate flights between two pairs of american cities, airline was to fly from beijing to los angeles and on to san francisco and from beijing to new york and then washington. the air carrier filed the emergency request to fly the roots do to new restrictions on people and -- >> in the report reveals china's economy will take a big hit from the coronavirus. the illness is expected to cost cost china about $52 billion. and to give you some perspective, ebola which ravaged parts of africa led to a loss of $53 billion and the swine flu epidemic resulted in a loss of $50 billion. to stay with kpix 5 for the latest developments on the coronavirus. you can also stream news anytime on cbsn bay area. it's available on all of your favorite devices. taking a live look in washington, d.c. where there is another busy day ahead and president trump's impeachment trial. the u.s. senate is expected to hold a final vote on whether to acquit or convict the president. acquittal is almost a sure thing as trump republican party controls the senate and a two thirds majority is required to remove him from office. more than 24 hours after the caucuses in iowa it is still close a call with 71% of precincts now reporting that pete buttigieg hill has a narrow lead on bernie sanders. the former midwestern mayor from indiana lisa fiery progressive by about a point and a half. buttigieg is working also to bring up his numbers in california. the latest poll hassan in fourth place with super tuesday just four weeks away. we as bay area voters if that strong showing in iowa put mayor pete on the radar. the spots we visited, the castro and fisherman's wharf in san francisco and here is what people had to say. >> he is young. but he is brilliant. >> i don't necessarily know that he will be progressive enough in the primaries. >> some san francisco residents also told us they still think that president trump will be buttigieg or any democrat despite the impeachment trial against him. as we gear up for super tuesday, kpix 5 has you covered. you can head to for the latest campaign and election update. new this morning lasser county maintenance crews replaced call boxes on a well- known auburn bridge. officials say someone took two of the phones on monday. they connect to a suicide hotline and are spread across four still bridge. advocates are calling the county to take further action to stop the vandals. >> if we can get cameras in front of the call boxes, not only cannot be a lifeline for somebody contemplating suicide but if it is being vandalized maybe we can take it to justice. >> they were installed 20 years ago. officials say this is the first time the lines have been vandalized. up was to make writing public transit across the bay area. the region has 27 transit agencies all with their own fair structures and schedules. they really think up. a new proposed bill would make it easier to navigate from one system to another. by creating a universal local bus fare and roots across online counties. >> i spent years as an undergraduate and graduate student commuting for three hours round-trip across four cities transferring across three different transit agencies to get to class and back home. >> this bill is expected to be heard and the assembly. this spring. a firefighters helmet cam capture dramatic video of a burning home in pleasant hill. they arrived to find the lanes and smoke shooting from the windows of the home on belmont court. the house was elevated and surrounded by vegetation making it difficult for crews to access. that they contained it before it could spread to any other structures. no word on a cost. $2 million in state money headed to the city of sacramento to level the playing field when it comes to cannabis businesses. right now there are 30 permitted dispensaries in the city of sacramento. none of them are black owned. thanks to something called the cannabis opportunity reinvestment and equity core program, 117 individuals will have access to capital. >> i would never would've had this opportunity. >> i would ask that the city council given opportunity that exclusively allow equity members to have dispensaries with no cap. >> sacramento city council authorized the creation three years ago to address the negative impacts of disproportionate cannabis related enforcement. for now it remains unclear whether or not there should be additional dispensary permits and who they should go to. san jose ebay is the target of an unsolicited takeover by the company that owns the new york stock exchange. diane king hall has that story and much more in today's report. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michelle. the stocks rally for the second day in a row yesterday. the dow was up 470 points, and the s&p 500 climbed 48. futures indicating a higher opening. tesla is continuing its rock to climb. shares shot up 30% over the last two days. that includes trading above $900 yesterday. tesla is worth more than general motors, ford, and fiat chrysler combine. on the auction block, the owner of the new york stock exchange has made a play for ebay. according -- they made a takeover offer for the online marketplace that could value ebay at more than $30 billion. the offer was unsolicited. they are not informal talks. >> this is kind of cool. we heard there is a new car that can talk to traffic lights. >> reporter: gas, instead of pleading with the red light, let your car do the talking. the latest smart car from a spanish automaker features technology that can communicate with the lights. and connects to a network that tells drivers what color the light will be and showing when it will change. it has not rolled up a call makers like ford and volkswagen are testing the technology. >> i see a problem when all the cars are talking to a. then what does it do? tell it to be quite? >> just get out of the way. >> exactly. have a great day. thank yous. the westminster kennel club dog show is just five days away and this year dog lovers are getting a very special treat. yesterday the club showed up those who have worn the best of show breeze. organizers called to the stage the concord spaniel , aerogel terrier, pointer and colleagues and the club introduced a new breed called the oz walk a short headhunter originally from africa. it is the newest member of the hound group. the westminster kennel club dog show begins on monday. >> such a great show. time now 5:41. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, two dogs recovering after falling into a cactus. next, the effort to pull the cactus spines out of the couples puppies and how they're doing this morning. >> we are feeling the chill this morning. temperatures are even colder than yesterday morning. definitely bundle up as you head out the door for work in school. in the afternoon the start of a warming trend. i will have the numbers and what you can expect for the week ahead coming up. if you plan on taking 880 through fremont lanes are open on the ramp tom: my mom always told me louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. thistwo bacotwo eggsausage,lam. hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. new this morning two puppies are recovering after tumbling into some cactus in arizona. take a look. it happened the money in front of a home in mesa. the homeowner says they saw the puppies in a bad situation and work her up. >> they were covered from their whole entire face, one baby from their eyes and some of them have barbs that are hard to get out. >> poor little guys. look at that. animal control officers were called out to bring the puppies to receive medical care for firefighters helped in the effort to get the cactus off the dogs. the use pliers to pull them out. the puppies are doing ok this morning. that's good but they were not tagged or microchip so they will go up for adoption tomorrow. caught on camera, a seemingly out of a disney movie researchers study how animals travel and i footage of a unique pair playing together in a tunnel. in this video you can see a coyote dancing like an eager puppy at the colbert entrance trying to coax his pout a badger to follow him into the pipe. once inside the pipe the coyote turns around to make sure the badger is keeping up. research believes that the predators are combining forces to increase the odds of a successful hunt. >> badgers like today and they like to dig fast. so, there is footage out there of a badger lesson at ground squirrel best and getting a brown's word on its own but there's another ground squirrel that comes out at another entrance and the coyote nabs that one. >> this was captured in coyote valley south of san jose. there are 50 game cameras hidden around and under highways. it has only been a year and half into a three-year study. the data is expected to help shape future urban mining decisions. >> are we sure that deeper into that type the coyote was like, i lord you in, hello? >> you are my dinner. >> do we know this? >> one of them may not have made it out. >> i like the badger. i'm taking my time. speaking out brushing if you're on the freeway this morning you have a couple hot spots. the good news is if you plan on taking 880 out of fremont, from the mowry on-ramp it was completely shut down for a freeway shooting. will have more details on exactly what happened coming up and just a bit but as far as traffic goes everything is open. they just reopened the ramp to north on 880. you can see a lot of on the sensors as far as 880 goes. it did not affect the freeway itself but there was police activity right off the freeway. you might still see some surface streets a bit easier than usual. but the ramp is open and you can access 880 which makes it easier getting through fremont. a little slow in the south bay. we have a trouble spot northbound 101 at oakland. also affecting the oakland road on-ramp to northbound 101. slowing go because of this accident. a minor injury is reported and emergency crews are there. you might want to use 280 instead. 280, clocking in some nice speeds. better choi ght now 10 101 if you're commuting out of the soppy this morning. if you are headed towards the san mateo bridge they just cleared this trouble the flat section list light glaze. about a 40 minute ride to go from 880 to 101. it is windy in the altamont pass this morning. >> tracking the dry offshore winds, not as windy as yesterday morning for sure but looking at those north northeasterly wins. about 5 to 10 in spots. as we head through our day we will warm up although it is a cold start for sure. temperatures colder than yesterday morning. don't forget the big winter coat. put it on as you head out the door because you will need it. you will feel the blast of chilly air. we are looking at the salesforce tower camera looking south. many locations in the 30s this morning. jose. another locations, subfreezing temps up in napa. 34 fearful, freezing in mountain view and 35 four fremont. 24 hour temperature change colder than yesterday morning. 11 degrees colder in napa, compared to yesterday morning, 10 degrees colder in livermore, and as we head through the afternoon the start of a warming trend for us. mid-50s for the coast with that sunshine. upper 50s to low 60s or the bay, and check out the inland locations. topping out in the mid to low 60s. pinpointing the san jose area, you can see temperatures will be above average for this time of year. mid-60s today, tomorrow, warming up into the upper 60s by friday, mid-60s saturday, and then back down to the where we should be by sunday. that warming trend will be the case all across the bay area. dry, light offshore winds this morning and then as we head through the next few days that ridge of high pressure to the west will move right over us and that is why we will see the warmest temps by the end of the week. for today on futurecast taking you hour-by-hour you can see all of that sunshine and for tomorrow warmer still and especially for friday. our sunrise today is 7:10 and sunset at 5:37. daytime highs seasonable if not above average. pleasant weather for the south bay. 63 sunnydale, 62 in morgan hill. east bay, 62 in concord, 63 in livermore, 60 oakland and 64 for windsor. there we go with that extended force gas and as we head through the work week and the start of the weekend, although cooler with the dry cold front on sunday. >> coastlines are shrinking as sea levels rise. that's according to the virginia institute of science. researchers say it is happening at 25 of the tide gauge stations. the greatest impact is at the gulf coast but they say the current acceleration began in 2013. in colorado people are being buried in snow. a new storm out about a foot of snow to the boulder area. as you can see from this dash cam video, street lanes were barely visible. some schools had to cancel classes. forecasters say this is the most know the region has seen in several weeks. it is 5:51. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, the oscars are just days away and the academy is surrounded in controversy again. this time over the lack of female representation in the best directors category. up next why some hollywood experts are huge tax breaks for the rich, while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. don't forget your big winter coat as you head out the door. temperatures are colder than yesterday morning and as we head through the afternoon plenty of sunshine and mild daytime highs. upper 50s in san francisco, about 60 in oakland, 60 san jose and low 60s later on today in concord. >> live look at the bay bridge. traffic is stacking up. metering lights are on any slow right coming past the overpass heading towards the toll plaza. looks better as you had across the upper deck into san francisco. 50 minutes on the san mateo bridge to travel between 880 towards 101. >> women were snubbed again this year for the oscars best director category. female directors are fighting to be reckoned. according to a new study from usc more than 10% of the top 100 grossing films last year were directed by women. at the highest percentage in more than a decade and more than double the amount from the year before. >> you have an organization that has nominated five female film makers over the course of his nearly century long history. that's a pretty embarrassing track record. and only one female director has won. >> last year women also made up 21% of all directors, riders, producers and cinematographers on the top 250 rosenfeld. in the next hour on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, the father of a parkland shooting victim makes an outburst during the state of the union address. the question he asked the president that got him kicked out. hundreds of american citizens just evacuated from the epicenter of the coronavirus. just landed here in northern california. we are going their life to travis air force base next. don't forget, we are always streaming on cbsn bay area 24/7. you can find us on, the cb here's the america i know. a country that puts working together ahead of standing apart. where we find common ground to expand health care and build a stronger, fairer economy and save our planet. i'm a problems solver, i build teams, i nurture good ideas, i hold myself accountable for results. it's how i led a complex, diverse city and it's how i'll unite and lead this country. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. right now and streaming on cbsn bay area, hundreds of americans fleeing from china just landed right outside the bay area. how long ey wibe k president tr other state on capitol hill. this morning how the state of the union address only added to the tension. >> after multiple delays the trial involving a deadly shoot stabbing is finally beginning. good morning. it is when they, february 5, i'm michelle griego. >> and i'm kenny choi. good morning. 6:00 as we get a check of your forecast. really cold out there. how cold? mary has the numbers. >> grab your winter coat as you head out the door for work and school. hopefully you have hot tea or hot coffee to warm you up because we are looking at temperatures the coldest this week. so we are looking at temps in many locations in the 30s as we start off the day. 38 in concord, 42 oakland, 33 livermore 45 san francisco and san jose at 37 and 34 in santa rosa under clear skies. as we go through the afternoon the start of a warming trend for us. 58 san francisco, 60 oakland, 61 fremont and 64 for a high in san jose. we will talk about how warm it will get as we head through the week coming up but check in with gianna for new info on the nimitz. >>

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