Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20240622 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20240622

as devin said, today was the first day of classes. the 84th anniversary of the school at this location. no damage reported on campus. >> many people captured the quake on surveillance camera. brian hackney shows us two videos that stand out not only for what they show but what they can teach us. >> reporter: two sleeping dogs and one sleeping baby were about to give us a lesson in seismic waves. first we have the dogs who seemingly react before the shaking. the baby, however, is jolted by the moving of the house. so that first wave was this primary wave that moves very quickly. it's a higher frequency wave and it's the initial jolt we feel. then the quake is followed by a secondary wave that moves about half as fast. that's a more rolling motion moving from side to side. that's the quake that does the damage. is it possible that the animals detect that primary wave better than we do? maybe. >> in general, animals do have different sort of perceptions, censors than people do so they are oftentimes more sensitive to the p-waves, that weak initial wave than people are. >> reporter: so remember, dogs, p waves. babies, s waves. i'm brian hackney , kpix 5. >> coming up tonight at 6:00, how the p-wave that startles your dog is also the hope for an earthquake warning system for us humans. today's quake rattled the morning team at radio alice. take a look at how they reacted as the shaking started. >> but at least five people did this. >> oh, wow, is that an earthquake? oh, my god. holy cow. that was a big one. 6:49 a.m. that was -- where we are, that was a 4? 3? >> it was a 4. social media exploded shortly after the quake hit. she shared this picture of shattered glass in her home. karen tweeted in rock ridge the earthquake woke me up and knocked books off my shelves. another woman finding humor in the situation tweeting earth letting us know who's boss in oakland. b.a.r.t. was briefly delayed because of the quake. crews did a visual inspection of the track. no damage was found. this morning's quake is another reminder to make sure you're prepared. we have an entire section on our website right now with tips on what to put in your kit and interactive fault maps. you can go to new details about a deadly police shooting in sunnyvale. one suspect killed, one arrested, another on the run. happened late saturday afternoon after a call about probable prostitutes working at the motel 6. police found three men in a jaguar. two took off running. one was armed with a handgun. after the chase police say the man refused to drop that weapon and pointed the gun at an officer. >> the officer fired nine rounds at the suspect. the officer and the suspect were facing each other at the time of the shooting and in very close proximity to one another. >> police are still looking for 19-year-old sean brown who ran from the scene. he's wanted in connection with murder in fresno county. the third suspect, ramon hackett, jr. was arrested at the scene. caught in the act. a man calmly walks up to a house in san francisco and spray paints three words on the garage door. police are now calling it a hate crime. kpix 5's joe vazquez shows us the words used are not only hateful but hurtful. >> reporter: 3:30 saturday morning, the surveillance video shows a bearded man in a sweatshirt walking up to the garage door. he then writes an ugly racial slur against asian-americans. >> nothing like this has ever happened to me before. it was pretty shocking to wake up to. >> reporter: it's the home of a chinese american internet pioneer. khan has been on the ground for several successful start-ups. last year he sold twitch, a live streaming site to amazon for just under a billion dollars. it was almost like completely out of the blue. something i would have never expected in san francisco. >> sometime afterward, somebody painted over the graffiti but as you can see they used a different colored paint than the garage door itself. >> a lot of haters out there. you just can't stop it. >> reporter: still san francisco's 35% asian-america. people i talk to say they rarely see this sort of slur anymore. >> i probably only heard orientals twice in my life. even then it doesn't really offend me. >> san francisco is like one of the most diverse cities in the country. to have this going on is strange. it's odd. it hurts. >> i don't think it's indicative of san francisco in any way. i think the vast majority of the people were shocked and outraged by this behavior. >> joe vazquez reporting. khan shared the video online. people have lit up social media in anger. fire damages two homes near mount donna state park in santa clara county. from chopper 5 you can see one of the homes was left with a gaping hole. the fire started at 12:30 on white hearst road. it took firefighters two hours to get it under control. no one was hurt. not clear how the fire started. firefighters battling flames across california are about to get help from the national guard. 440 soldiers and airmen have been activated to work with crews on the fire lines. california asked for the help. state officials reported their resources haven't tapped out and 18 fires are still burning across the state. but crews are making major progress on some of the biggest. the jur -- jerusalem county is now 90% contained. residents are returning to their homes. the smoke from the fires is still causing problems for our air quality. you can see some haze from our mt. vaca cam. >> we did see some cooling near the water. over the east bay hills, it did not cool down. 103 a popular temperature, those of you in livermore and st. helena and lakeport all hit 103. pittsburgh, 100. sunnyvale hot today. 92. that crool hair -- that cool air is working its way in. this is a live look from palo alto looking over the stanford university campus. it is hazy. air quality is unhealthy in many parts of the bay area today. this is a time lapse for berkeley. we had the sunshine and the haze. air quality improves tomorrow as that marine air returns. we'll talk about how much we cool down in about 10 minutes. >> kind of stinging your eyes today. >> that's the first thing i noticed. completely hazy. from sushi to all the snacks you can eat. the had techy perk that make most of us green with envy. why the tax man may take a bite out of their free lunches. >> trophy tough love. an nfl dad wants to teach his kids a harsh lesson about winning. see if y,,,,,,,, for the third time in eight days san jose police have shot and killed a suspect. the latest deadly confrontation happened at a strip mall near capitol expressway. the man was wanted in a homicide. officers were investigating the death of christopher maxwell. they confronted a suspect about 10:00 last night. when the man reached for a hands gun, officers fired several shots, killing that suspect. the seventh officer involved shooting in san jose this year. a new clue tonight in a shooting that left a san francisco mother dead. police released this surveillance video. it was taken in january in san francisco's bayview neighborhood. investigators think the black pickup that you see make that turn and come across the screen belongs to the suspects in the deadly shooting. 32-year-old maria sosa died as she stood in front of her home on ingle street with her three kids. police say she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. the bullets were meant for a man sitting in an suv. he was wounded and survived. a man is facing dui charges after a fiery crash killed his three passengers in el sobrante. police say justin gardner was speeding when he sideswiped another car. the camaro hit a tree, burst in to flames. gardner was thrown from the car but survived. three passengers, all in their 20s, died in the flames. officers say gardner may face other charges. gourmet meal on the company dime. sounds good. it's one of the best known perks of silicon valley. but the days of tech workers eating for free may soon be over. >> donald trump benched for the day. the republican frontrunner takes a detour from the campaign trail and causes quite the scene in court.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, an explosion killed 18 people and injured over 100 more. security cameras capture the bright orange flash after a bomb went off at a popular shrine. it happened during rush hour and people went running down the streets. no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing. the shrine is in an area that includes 5-star hotels and high end shopping malls and is a popular spot for tourists and locals. campaign 2016. donald trump rode to jury duty in a black limo this morning. he got boos, he got cheers, and he got to sit and wait. in the end the billionaire was not picked for a case. back on the campaign trail, trump is focusing on immigration. he got specific about the subject this weekend. trump saying he would triple the number of immigration officers. he would also build a wall along the border with mexico. and under trump's watch, babies born in the u.s. to undocumented immigrants would not automatically become american citizens. >> if he goes so far as to say that he wants to strip the constitution of one of its most key amendments, what else is he going to propose? >> the latest national poll puts trump ahead from his removals. he leads the pack at 25% with his second closest candidate ben carson scoring 12%. how much did you spend on lunch today? whether you brown bagged it or bought it somewhere else. lots of tech workers have been eating for free but julie watts tells us maybe not for much longer. >> how many days a week do you eat at the office? >> every day. it's delicious. >> what would you think if the irs started taxing you on this food? >> that would be a bad thing. >> reporter: it may some day be a real thing for hundreds of thousands of tech workers like damian who become accustom to their free lunch. >> it's something we need to offer to employees. >> reporter: steve sarner of if we says they cater to their tech employees in more ways than one. to compete with the silicon valley giants who offer everything from gourmet restaurants, dry cleaning, and haircuts, if we, both the nap room, biweekly massages, even a ninja. but it's the food the business journal reports the irs wants a bite of. while the agency won't officially comment, regulations regarding employer provided meals is publically listed as a priority for the next year. tax code exempts the lunch if it's for the benefit of the employer, not the employee. if it benefits the employee, it's considered income. google alone reportedly serves 30,000 meals per day. at $20 to $30 a pop, the irs has a lot to gain by taking a cut. >> if these people were compensated $100,000 a year, this is an extra 6% or 7% of their income. >> reporter: but it's argued an end to the free lunch would be a recipe for disaster because employers would lose far more man hours. >> this is not a done deal and even if the irs did revise its guidance, it would likely face legal challenges and would have to be hammered out in the courts. he points out there will be a lot of questions like how you calculate the value of the meal, how much do you tax. he points out with google, with 30,000-plus employees and only a handful of restaurants around there, there physically isn't enough locations for them to eat at. they'd be gone for two hours a day for lunch and dinner. it would just cost a lot of money. >> they couldn't brown bag it. [ laughter ] today the irs admitted a massive data breach much bigger than first thought. the agency says hackers may have accessed as many as 334,000 taxpayer accounts. that's more than double the number of potential victims reported in may. it's believed the hackers are using the irs website to get information on victims in order to obtain fraudulent tax returns. the irs will begin notifying victims in the next few days. a real life batman who dedicated his life to helping sick children has been killed in a car crash. he became famous when this traffic stop video went viral. lenny robinson was pulled over in 2012 for not having plates on the lamborghini he designed to look like a bat mobile. another car hit it, slamming it in to robinson who was standing in front of the car. robinson was known to visiting hospitals dressed as batman to help kids cope with serious illness. >> they're constantly fighting for their lives. if this helps them, that's what it's all about. >> robinson had sold his successful business to dedicate his life to helping the children. the driver of the other car was not injured. so far no charges had been filed. campgrounds will be closed for several more days as the camp tries to contain the plague. the disease is carried by rodents and fleas but transmission to humans is relatively rare. the campground will be closed until friday as crews treat the area with a flea kill ing insecticide. east of yosemite crews are still working to contain the walker fire. it's burning within a mile of tuyoga path. you're looking at video of the smoke. residents have been warned they may have to be evacuated. >> let's hope that doesn't happen. we notice not only the smoke but i think there was ash in the air. because the haze, i really think breathing problems are serious here. >> respiratory issues. you don't want that in your lungs. >> i don't think i've seen it this bad. >> saturday morning, you wonder what's that smell? you check, is there a new fire burning? the answer is no. the wind changed and pushed it up. if you have respiratory issues, it was not the best weekend. take a look at temperatures outside right now. what number sticks out here? livermore, 100 degrees. but san francisco, 69 degrees. that marine air is improving the air quality. look how blue the sky looks. san jose, 87. tonight the sunset is 8:00 and then it will not be 8:00 or later again until april 30th of next year. sunset tomorrow, 7:59. the sun is going down earlier and earlier. sunrise tomorrow, 6:28. temperatures down to the 50s. fremont, 59. san francisco, 59 degrees. san rafael, 56. markedly cooler tonight as the marine air returns. zee -- we have two big ridges of high pressure. it's all a question of where is our wind coming from? as we sit next to this really chilly body of water. the storm track , don't worry about rainfall for a while. it's all about the wind direction. ridge of high pressure sags to the south. critically important for us. keeps the storms away but also brings back the onshore flow. we'll be cooler tomorrow. even inland as that ridge of high pressure is down to our south. secondarily later this week we'll have a low pressure area. it will enhance the onshore flow, kind of like a second fan from ocean. temperatures drop even more wednesday and thursday. heat wave is done after today. temperatures continue to drop after that. fog comes back tonight as well. low cloud cover. markedly cooler. no more 100s or 90s. it's widespread 8 0s tomorrow. looking down the road, no more heat waves for a while. concord, you're back to normal tomorrow, which is 87. couple spots will hit 90. gilroy, morgan hill, you're two of them. san ramon, 88. vallejo, 82. san francisco, comfortable 70. morning clouds, afternoon sunshine. lake port, 96 degrees. we cool down more on wednesday and thursday. maybe a degree or two more on friday. the weekend should be glorious for a lot of school kids, the last weekend before you get the backpacks ready. it's time to go back to school about this time next year. >> where does the time go? what happened to summer? >> yick -- quick. it always feels like it's so long. where did summer go? >> you've got to enjoy every minute. you ever left a cup of coffee on the roof of your car? there's a lot worse. ,,,, leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. a new sea chance to tryew look. something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ the 2015 cadillac srx. lease this from around $339 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing. wild moment caught on a dashboard cam. the container destroys the highway sign. this is in saudi arabia. other cars honked trying to get the driver's attention but clearly he didn't hear. an nfl player is declaring war on trophies that kids get for just participating in a sport. pittsburgh steelers linebacker james harrison posted this picture on instagram. he says these trophies were given to his sons for simply showing up and playing. harrison says while he supports his kids, the trophies should be earned. for maybe being the most valuable players. he plans to return to trophies. the 49ers are making dozens of changes this season at levi's stadium for their fans. they cover everything from beer prices to parking. all beers will be a quarter less and bottles of water now cost $5 instead of $5.75. the 9ers have added additional exit lanes from the parking lots to try to remedy the postgame gridlock and the team also asked the nfl to do something about the schedule to keep fans from wilting in the heat. >> i like that idea. now for a look at what's ahead on the cbs evening news. >> charlie rose sin new york. >> here at the cbs evening news, we're following the wildfire emergency in the west. more than 80 major fires are burning. danielle nottingham reports from a hard hit area in washington. feeling the heat. cameras teach firefighters life saving lessons but they're not without controversy. and terror in the heart of thailand. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ally a hug. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this toy is a reminder that someone cares. these are a chance to be part of a team. and this is the chance to succeed. female announcer: with your support, everyone at sleep train proudly dedicates their time, hearts, and resources to giving local foster children one important thing: - hope... - hope... hope... not everyone can be a foster parent... ...but anyone can help a foster child. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ i'm ken bastida in the kpix 5 news room. new at 6:00 tonight, do you think you're paying a lot for gasoline now? state lawmakers want to hike it even more. how much your tax could go up and where the money would go. join us for that coming up at 6:00. >> thanks for waunge us at 5:00. -- watching us at 5:00 >> rose: wildfires race across lie west, destroying millions of acres, dozens of homes and forcing hundreds to flee. also tonight, an elite army skydiver dies after a midair collision during an air show. chaos in a company built on orders. amazon responds to reports it is a bruising place to work. is there no paid paternity leave at amazon? and the death of a caped crusader. why he was a hero to so many kids. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> rose: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm charlie rose. this is our western edition. the military sending in reinforcements for the battle against wildfires that are burning across the west. late today the pentagon said it

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Mexico , Fremont , California , United States , New York , Berkeley , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Lake Port , Thailand , Oakland , Stanford University , Saudi Arabia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Fresno County , San Francisco , Americans , American , Ramon Hackett Jr , Brian Hackney Kpix , Danielle Nottingham , Brian Hackney , Ben Carson , Joe Vazquez , Justin Gardner , Christopher Maxwell , James Harrison , Maria Sosa , Lenny Robinson , Santa Clara , Scott Pelley , Francisco Bayview , Sean Brown ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20240622 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20240622

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as devin said, today was the first day of classes. the 84th anniversary of the school at this location. no damage reported on campus. >> many people captured the quake on surveillance camera. brian hackney shows us two videos that stand out not only for what they show but what they can teach us. >> reporter: two sleeping dogs and one sleeping baby were about to give us a lesson in seismic waves. first we have the dogs who seemingly react before the shaking. the baby, however, is jolted by the moving of the house. so that first wave was this primary wave that moves very quickly. it's a higher frequency wave and it's the initial jolt we feel. then the quake is followed by a secondary wave that moves about half as fast. that's a more rolling motion moving from side to side. that's the quake that does the damage. is it possible that the animals detect that primary wave better than we do? maybe. >> in general, animals do have different sort of perceptions, censors than people do so they are oftentimes more sensitive to the p-waves, that weak initial wave than people are. >> reporter: so remember, dogs, p waves. babies, s waves. i'm brian hackney , kpix 5. >> coming up tonight at 6:00, how the p-wave that startles your dog is also the hope for an earthquake warning system for us humans. today's quake rattled the morning team at radio alice. take a look at how they reacted as the shaking started. >> but at least five people did this. >> oh, wow, is that an earthquake? oh, my god. holy cow. that was a big one. 6:49 a.m. that was -- where we are, that was a 4? 3? >> it was a 4. social media exploded shortly after the quake hit. she shared this picture of shattered glass in her home. karen tweeted in rock ridge the earthquake woke me up and knocked books off my shelves. another woman finding humor in the situation tweeting earth letting us know who's boss in oakland. b.a.r.t. was briefly delayed because of the quake. crews did a visual inspection of the track. no damage was found. this morning's quake is another reminder to make sure you're prepared. we have an entire section on our website right now with tips on what to put in your kit and interactive fault maps. you can go to new details about a deadly police shooting in sunnyvale. one suspect killed, one arrested, another on the run. happened late saturday afternoon after a call about probable prostitutes working at the motel 6. police found three men in a jaguar. two took off running. one was armed with a handgun. after the chase police say the man refused to drop that weapon and pointed the gun at an officer. >> the officer fired nine rounds at the suspect. the officer and the suspect were facing each other at the time of the shooting and in very close proximity to one another. >> police are still looking for 19-year-old sean brown who ran from the scene. he's wanted in connection with murder in fresno county. the third suspect, ramon hackett, jr. was arrested at the scene. caught in the act. a man calmly walks up to a house in san francisco and spray paints three words on the garage door. police are now calling it a hate crime. kpix 5's joe vazquez shows us the words used are not only hateful but hurtful. >> reporter: 3:30 saturday morning, the surveillance video shows a bearded man in a sweatshirt walking up to the garage door. he then writes an ugly racial slur against asian-americans. >> nothing like this has ever happened to me before. it was pretty shocking to wake up to. >> reporter: it's the home of a chinese american internet pioneer. khan has been on the ground for several successful start-ups. last year he sold twitch, a live streaming site to amazon for just under a billion dollars. it was almost like completely out of the blue. something i would have never expected in san francisco. >> sometime afterward, somebody painted over the graffiti but as you can see they used a different colored paint than the garage door itself. >> a lot of haters out there. you just can't stop it. >> reporter: still san francisco's 35% asian-america. people i talk to say they rarely see this sort of slur anymore. >> i probably only heard orientals twice in my life. even then it doesn't really offend me. >> san francisco is like one of the most diverse cities in the country. to have this going on is strange. it's odd. it hurts. >> i don't think it's indicative of san francisco in any way. i think the vast majority of the people were shocked and outraged by this behavior. >> joe vazquez reporting. khan shared the video online. people have lit up social media in anger. fire damages two homes near mount donna state park in santa clara county. from chopper 5 you can see one of the homes was left with a gaping hole. the fire started at 12:30 on white hearst road. it took firefighters two hours to get it under control. no one was hurt. not clear how the fire started. firefighters battling flames across california are about to get help from the national guard. 440 soldiers and airmen have been activated to work with crews on the fire lines. california asked for the help. state officials reported their resources haven't tapped out and 18 fires are still burning across the state. but crews are making major progress on some of the biggest. the jur -- jerusalem county is now 90% contained. residents are returning to their homes. the smoke from the fires is still causing problems for our air quality. you can see some haze from our mt. vaca cam. >> we did see some cooling near the water. over the east bay hills, it did not cool down. 103 a popular temperature, those of you in livermore and st. helena and lakeport all hit 103. pittsburgh, 100. sunnyvale hot today. 92. that crool hair -- that cool air is working its way in. this is a live look from palo alto looking over the stanford university campus. it is hazy. air quality is unhealthy in many parts of the bay area today. this is a time lapse for berkeley. we had the sunshine and the haze. air quality improves tomorrow as that marine air returns. we'll talk about how much we cool down in about 10 minutes. >> kind of stinging your eyes today. >> that's the first thing i noticed. completely hazy. from sushi to all the snacks you can eat. the had techy perk that make most of us green with envy. why the tax man may take a bite out of their free lunches. >> trophy tough love. an nfl dad wants to teach his kids a harsh lesson about winning. see if y,,,,,,,, for the third time in eight days san jose police have shot and killed a suspect. the latest deadly confrontation happened at a strip mall near capitol expressway. the man was wanted in a homicide. officers were investigating the death of christopher maxwell. they confronted a suspect about 10:00 last night. when the man reached for a hands gun, officers fired several shots, killing that suspect. the seventh officer involved shooting in san jose this year. a new clue tonight in a shooting that left a san francisco mother dead. police released this surveillance video. it was taken in january in san francisco's bayview neighborhood. investigators think the black pickup that you see make that turn and come across the screen belongs to the suspects in the deadly shooting. 32-year-old maria sosa died as she stood in front of her home on ingle street with her three kids. police say she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. the bullets were meant for a man sitting in an suv. he was wounded and survived. a man is facing dui charges after a fiery crash killed his three passengers in el sobrante. police say justin gardner was speeding when he sideswiped another car. the camaro hit a tree, burst in to flames. gardner was thrown from the car but survived. three passengers, all in their 20s, died in the flames. officers say gardner may face other charges. gourmet meal on the company dime. sounds good. it's one of the best known perks of silicon valley. but the days of tech workers eating for free may soon be over. >> donald trump benched for the day. the republican frontrunner takes a detour from the campaign trail and causes quite the scene in court.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, an explosion killed 18 people and injured over 100 more. security cameras capture the bright orange flash after a bomb went off at a popular shrine. it happened during rush hour and people went running down the streets. no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing. the shrine is in an area that includes 5-star hotels and high end shopping malls and is a popular spot for tourists and locals. campaign 2016. donald trump rode to jury duty in a black limo this morning. he got boos, he got cheers, and he got to sit and wait. in the end the billionaire was not picked for a case. back on the campaign trail, trump is focusing on immigration. he got specific about the subject this weekend. trump saying he would triple the number of immigration officers. he would also build a wall along the border with mexico. and under trump's watch, babies born in the u.s. to undocumented immigrants would not automatically become american citizens. >> if he goes so far as to say that he wants to strip the constitution of one of its most key amendments, what else is he going to propose? >> the latest national poll puts trump ahead from his removals. he leads the pack at 25% with his second closest candidate ben carson scoring 12%. how much did you spend on lunch today? whether you brown bagged it or bought it somewhere else. lots of tech workers have been eating for free but julie watts tells us maybe not for much longer. >> how many days a week do you eat at the office? >> every day. it's delicious. >> what would you think if the irs started taxing you on this food? >> that would be a bad thing. >> reporter: it may some day be a real thing for hundreds of thousands of tech workers like damian who become accustom to their free lunch. >> it's something we need to offer to employees. >> reporter: steve sarner of if we says they cater to their tech employees in more ways than one. to compete with the silicon valley giants who offer everything from gourmet restaurants, dry cleaning, and haircuts, if we, both the nap room, biweekly massages, even a ninja. but it's the food the business journal reports the irs wants a bite of. while the agency won't officially comment, regulations regarding employer provided meals is publically listed as a priority for the next year. tax code exempts the lunch if it's for the benefit of the employer, not the employee. if it benefits the employee, it's considered income. google alone reportedly serves 30,000 meals per day. at $20 to $30 a pop, the irs has a lot to gain by taking a cut. >> if these people were compensated $100,000 a year, this is an extra 6% or 7% of their income. >> reporter: but it's argued an end to the free lunch would be a recipe for disaster because employers would lose far more man hours. >> this is not a done deal and even if the irs did revise its guidance, it would likely face legal challenges and would have to be hammered out in the courts. he points out there will be a lot of questions like how you calculate the value of the meal, how much do you tax. he points out with google, with 30,000-plus employees and only a handful of restaurants around there, there physically isn't enough locations for them to eat at. they'd be gone for two hours a day for lunch and dinner. it would just cost a lot of money. >> they couldn't brown bag it. [ laughter ] today the irs admitted a massive data breach much bigger than first thought. the agency says hackers may have accessed as many as 334,000 taxpayer accounts. that's more than double the number of potential victims reported in may. it's believed the hackers are using the irs website to get information on victims in order to obtain fraudulent tax returns. the irs will begin notifying victims in the next few days. a real life batman who dedicated his life to helping sick children has been killed in a car crash. he became famous when this traffic stop video went viral. lenny robinson was pulled over in 2012 for not having plates on the lamborghini he designed to look like a bat mobile. another car hit it, slamming it in to robinson who was standing in front of the car. robinson was known to visiting hospitals dressed as batman to help kids cope with serious illness. >> they're constantly fighting for their lives. if this helps them, that's what it's all about. >> robinson had sold his successful business to dedicate his life to helping the children. the driver of the other car was not injured. so far no charges had been filed. campgrounds will be closed for several more days as the camp tries to contain the plague. the disease is carried by rodents and fleas but transmission to humans is relatively rare. the campground will be closed until friday as crews treat the area with a flea kill ing insecticide. east of yosemite crews are still working to contain the walker fire. it's burning within a mile of tuyoga path. you're looking at video of the smoke. residents have been warned they may have to be evacuated. >> let's hope that doesn't happen. we notice not only the smoke but i think there was ash in the air. because the haze, i really think breathing problems are serious here. >> respiratory issues. you don't want that in your lungs. >> i don't think i've seen it this bad. >> saturday morning, you wonder what's that smell? you check, is there a new fire burning? the answer is no. the wind changed and pushed it up. if you have respiratory issues, it was not the best weekend. take a look at temperatures outside right now. what number sticks out here? livermore, 100 degrees. but san francisco, 69 degrees. that marine air is improving the air quality. look how blue the sky looks. san jose, 87. tonight the sunset is 8:00 and then it will not be 8:00 or later again until april 30th of next year. sunset tomorrow, 7:59. the sun is going down earlier and earlier. sunrise tomorrow, 6:28. temperatures down to the 50s. fremont, 59. san francisco, 59 degrees. san rafael, 56. markedly cooler tonight as the marine air returns. zee -- we have two big ridges of high pressure. it's all a question of where is our wind coming from? as we sit next to this really chilly body of water. the storm track , don't worry about rainfall for a while. it's all about the wind direction. ridge of high pressure sags to the south. critically important for us. keeps the storms away but also brings back the onshore flow. we'll be cooler tomorrow. even inland as that ridge of high pressure is down to our south. secondarily later this week we'll have a low pressure area. it will enhance the onshore flow, kind of like a second fan from ocean. temperatures drop even more wednesday and thursday. heat wave is done after today. temperatures continue to drop after that. fog comes back tonight as well. low cloud cover. markedly cooler. no more 100s or 90s. it's widespread 8 0s tomorrow. looking down the road, no more heat waves for a while. concord, you're back to normal tomorrow, which is 87. couple spots will hit 90. gilroy, morgan hill, you're two of them. san ramon, 88. vallejo, 82. san francisco, comfortable 70. morning clouds, afternoon sunshine. lake port, 96 degrees. we cool down more on wednesday and thursday. maybe a degree or two more on friday. the weekend should be glorious for a lot of school kids, the last weekend before you get the backpacks ready. it's time to go back to school about this time next year. >> where does the time go? what happened to summer? >> yick -- quick. it always feels like it's so long. where did summer go? >> you've got to enjoy every minute. you ever left a cup of coffee on the roof of your car? there's a lot worse. ,,,, leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. a new sea chance to tryew look. something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ the 2015 cadillac srx. lease this from around $339 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing. wild moment caught on a dashboard cam. the container destroys the highway sign. this is in saudi arabia. other cars honked trying to get the driver's attention but clearly he didn't hear. an nfl player is declaring war on trophies that kids get for just participating in a sport. pittsburgh steelers linebacker james harrison posted this picture on instagram. he says these trophies were given to his sons for simply showing up and playing. harrison says while he supports his kids, the trophies should be earned. for maybe being the most valuable players. he plans to return to trophies. the 49ers are making dozens of changes this season at levi's stadium for their fans. they cover everything from beer prices to parking. all beers will be a quarter less and bottles of water now cost $5 instead of $5.75. the 9ers have added additional exit lanes from the parking lots to try to remedy the postgame gridlock and the team also asked the nfl to do something about the schedule to keep fans from wilting in the heat. >> i like that idea. now for a look at what's ahead on the cbs evening news. >> charlie rose sin new york. >> here at the cbs evening news, we're following the wildfire emergency in the west. more than 80 major fires are burning. danielle nottingham reports from a hard hit area in washington. feeling the heat. cameras teach firefighters life saving lessons but they're not without controversy. and terror in the heart of thailand. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ally a hug. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this toy is a reminder that someone cares. these are a chance to be part of a team. and this is the chance to succeed. female announcer: with your support, everyone at sleep train proudly dedicates their time, hearts, and resources to giving local foster children one important thing: - hope... - hope... hope... not everyone can be a foster parent... ...but anyone can help a foster child. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ i'm ken bastida in the kpix 5 news room. new at 6:00 tonight, do you think you're paying a lot for gasoline now? state lawmakers want to hike it even more. how much your tax could go up and where the money would go. join us for that coming up at 6:00. >> thanks for waunge us at 5:00. -- watching us at 5:00 >> rose: wildfires race across lie west, destroying millions of acres, dozens of homes and forcing hundreds to flee. also tonight, an elite army skydiver dies after a midair collision during an air show. chaos in a company built on orders. amazon responds to reports it is a bruising place to work. is there no paid paternity leave at amazon? and the death of a caped crusader. why he was a hero to so many kids. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> rose: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm charlie rose. this is our western edition. the military sending in reinforcements for the battle against wildfires that are burning across the west. late today the pentagon said it

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