Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20240622 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20240622

organization with tentacles that reach around the entire planet. >> a drug kingpin escapes a mexican prison for the second time. >> joaquin "el chapo" guzman broke out through a mile-long tunnel. >> this cartel has massive influence. >> right through the night a unanimous deal has been agreed over the greek bailout. >> we have an agreement. >> in france 18 people are now safe after being evacuated from a store that was being held up by three gunmen. >> a nuclear deal with iran could be announced today. some final details are being hashed out. >> whatever deal that comes out of this will be dangerous for the united states and dangerous for the world. today wisconsin governor scott walker will officially join the crowded list of republican contenders. >> meanwhile lindsey graham called donald trump a wrecking ball for the republican party. >> we have to reject this demagogue re. if we don't, we will lose and deserve to lose. this morning more powerful storms sweep across the country. the midwest remains in the bull's bull's-eye. lava raining down forced hundreds of people to flee their homes. >> all that -- >> a proud mother was able to capture the moment her baby girl saw her mommy and daddy clearly for the first time. >> hi! >> usa 2015 is oklahoma! >> and all that matters. >> prince william starts his new job as an air ambulance pilot today. we'll see william working the night shift and spending time away from his young family. >> it's more responsibility, especially when george is around. it's a little monkey. >> on ""cbs this morning." >> djokovic the wimbledon title. >> if you time you win here, you eat some of the grass. what's that about? >> it tastes very very good this year. >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off so jeff glor of cbsn is with us. one of the world's most dangerous drug traffickers on the loose. joaquin "el chapo" guzman escaped saturday from mexico's highest security prison. his cartel supplied huge amounts of illegal drugs to the united states. he is believed to be responsible for thousands of deaths. >> guzman vanished from the shower near his prison cell. prison officials founldsd a tunnel underneath. he traveled underground nearly a mile before reaching the surface in a construction site. omar villafranca is franking the search. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a massive manhunt is under way for joaquin "el chapo" guzman. as head of the powerful sinaloa cartel, he was in a turf battle to control lucrative drug routes like this bridge behind me in south texas in order to flood american cities with illegal drugs. this isn't guzman's first prison break, but it is his most sophisticated. it was another elaborate getaway, with one of the world's most powerful drug lords slipping out of mexico's most secure penitentiary and emerging from a tunnel in this partially built home just one mile away. mexico's president called it an affront to the mexican state, but said he's confident they can recapture this criminal. late saturday, joaquin "el chapo" guzman broke out of a super max prison about an hour and a half west of mexico city. despite three-foot thick walls and a no-fly zone he slipped out through a 20 by 20 inch hatch in his cell with a ladder that led to an underground escape route, a nearly mile-long tunnel complete with lighting and ventilation. >> there is no way that chapo guzman could walk away from maximum security incarceration in mexico without the assistance of people on the inside. >> reporter: guzman's high-profile arrest last year made headlines around the world and was hailed as a major victory in the world against drugs as was told to "60 minutes." >> in my world it was like winning the super bowl winning the world series. this was the actual trophy. >> reporter: the trophy, guzman had escaped before in 2001 with help from mexican guards. after his arrest last year authorities dismissed concerns about corruption and denied requests to extradite him to the u.s. >> he's locked up in the most reliable prison we have in mexico and certainly once bitten, twice shy. we will take our precautions in this case. >> reporter: those precautions, clearly not enough. dozens of prison workers are being questioned about the escape, but now a dangerous drug trafficker may already be back in business. >> thousands of people electrocuted beheaded chopping off limbs, throwing people in acid. he committed some ruthless crimes in mexico. >> reporter: on sunday the u.s. attorney general vowed to help mexico catch guzman but the damage may already be done. it's believed guzman is back in control of the powerful sinaloa cartel, controlling routes from california all the way to texas. his son also reportedly tweeted out a message, i promise you soon the general will be back. >> omar thank you very much. this morning donald trump says el chapo's escape backs up his criticism of mexican immigrants and the country's government. one poll released last week shows trump leading the gop presidential race with 15% of the vote. former florida governor jeb bush and kentucky senator rand paul each had 11%. trump did not appear last night at the miss usa pageant he co-sponsors. nbc dropped the broadcast after he said mexican immigrants bring drugs and crime to america. nancy cordes is in washington tracking what trump and other candidates are saying now. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that pageant aired on a cable channel called reelz instead and the host made no mention of trump's absence. he spent the weekend instead on the campaign trail where he has clearly decided to ignore private pleas from republican leaders to dial back his rhetoric. >> the silent majority is back and we're going to take the country back. >> reporter: in phoenix this weekend, trump revelled in his new front runner status and the crowd of 5,000 revelled right along with him. there and in las vegas he hit illegal immigration hard. >> and these people reap havoc on our population. >> reporter: he even weigh ed in on the escape of el chapo warning in a statement he is possibly in the u.s. and his drugs and drug dealers freely cross into the united states through our pathetic border. all the agilation has left trump with little incentive to he had the head of the republican party, reince priebus, who urged him to tone it down but who has been hesitant to chide trump publicly. mitch mcconnell turned down a chance to criticize trump. house speaker john boehner mostly steered clear too. >> i don't know if he's helping or hurting, but he's a candidate. >> when you wres well a pig, you both get muddy. >> reporter: republican strategist doug high says there's a reason republican leaders are trying to avoid giving trump too much attention. >> not only does it provide more oxygen, but it provides also a narrative of trump versus some establishment, trump versus this person, and it may be a fight that ultimately you can't win, so why get involved in it. >> reporter: besides, it's clear, rejection doesn't faze the donald anyway. >> like when i went on dates, if a woman dropped me which happened often i would always like to say or at least in my own mind that i dropped her. >> reporter: trump is even refusing to rule out a third party run for president if he loses the republican primary. and that could be the biggest headache of all for gop leaders, because if he pulls even 5% of the vote away from the republican candidate he makes it that much harder for a republican to win, charlie. >> nancy, thanks. the crowded gop field just added another candidate. wisconsin governor scott walker tweeted minutes ago, i'm in. i'm running for president because americans deserve a leader who will fight and win for them. he will be the 15th republican in the race. there are questions this morning about whether the governor is ready. dean reynolds is at the waukesha county expocentre in wisconsin where walker is speaking later today. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the governor will be announcing here later today and he has a reputation as a man who stands on firm conservative principles but it is his record that will be getting a much closer look now. the state budget he signed into law on sunday includes budget cuts that aggravated not only democrats, but also many of his fellow republicans, and yet walker was having none of it. >> with this budget the taxpayers come first. >> reporter: the wisconsin governor has never wavered from his view that an aggressive conservatism works if it's spelled out to the voters. >> voters are serious when they say they want their leaders to take on tough decisions. >> reporter: the latest quinnipiac poll gives walker an eight-point lead in iowa where a speech he made in january catapulted him to the first rung of contenders. >> i'm hopeful to work together with you to help us provide that kind of leadership that is new and fresh and bold and aggressive. >> reporter: but walker's policies, which helped turn wisconsin into a right to work state, have not delivered the jobs he promised. >> he later kind of backtracked a bit and said well that was really a goal and it was an ambitious goal. don't you want to elect somebody who's going to be ambitious. >> reporter: awkward exchanges like this have raised questions about his readiness for primetime. >> are you comfortable with the idea of revolutions? do you believe in it? do you accept it? >> for me i'm going to punt on that one as well. >> no! really? >> that's a question a politician shouldn't be involved in one way or the other. >> reporter: to guard against criticism that he lacks a certain presidential heft the governor has been undergoing weeks of briefings on global issues, everything from net neutrality to isis. gayle. >> all right, thank you, dean. european leaders in greece clinched a deal overnight to revolve the greek debt criessis. greece will get billions of dollars in loans and keep using the single currency. hall eelolly williams is in athens. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. afternoon a marathon 17-hour overnight negotiating session, greece has finally reached a deal to avoid bankruptcy. the amount of the bailout has not yet been finalized, but it's thought that greece needs $90 billion to avert financial collapse. greece was just days away from literally running out of money. its banks have been shut for two weeks now and withdrawals at cash machines are limited to around $60 a day. last month greece rejected the demands of its creditors, chiefly germany and france in return for an extended financial bailout. their terms included tax hikes and public spending cuts which greece says radical left wing prime minister described as blackmail. last week those facing bankruptcy greece was forced to capitulate. this new financial bailout is akin to life support. greece's economy is still moribund, a quarter of the country is unemployed and the country will be even deeper in debt. charlie. >> thanks. a deal to limit iran's nuclear program may be in reach this morning. marathon talks in vienna are focused on the final details. an agreement could be announced within hours. margaret brennan is in vienna following the talks and the challenges that remain. margaret, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, this is the 17th straight day of negotiations and diplomats are really anxious to wrap them up. tonight at midnight the temporary freeze on iran's existing nuclear program will expire and that means the clock is ticking. there was a sense of heavy anticipation in vienna today as a deal with iran finally seemed possible. all weekend secretary kerry shuttled back and forth to meetings with the iranians and even snuck in time to pray at a historic 12th century church. reza marashi said a deal is very close. >> i would put it at 99%. i leave that 1% for the unforeseen complication, but i think if they're in the process of just drafting and agreeing on words in two different languages, then this is essentially like the banks in 2008, it's too big to fail. >> reporter: iran's diplomat javad zarif reviewed the agreement. it now gets approval from people around the world. hassan rouhani said his team had done everything possible to win relief from sanctions that have been choking his country's economy. but even if the diplomats are successful, there are some in the u.s. congress that want to block it. republican senator tom cotton from arkansas a staunch critic told "face the nation" any deal is a mistake. >> i think whatever deal comes out this weekend will be dangerous for the united states and dangerous for the world. >> reporter: but the world is still waiting to see what this final deal looks like. in a strange coincidence, the long delayed trial of jason rezian restarted today in iran the very same day that iran as set for a deadline for a nuclear deal. more than 65 million people face a severe weather threat. violent thunderstorms are expected across the midwest. they could become a dangerous storm system called a derecho. chicago's o'hare airport stopped all traffic as the storms came near. a powerful line of storms overnight barrelled through minnesota. some areas saw winds reaching 70 miles an hour. heavy rain in the south on sunday damaged homes and left some cars under water. terrorism is ruled out this morning after a powerful and bizarre explosion on a rhode island beach. the force of saturday's blast threw a 60-year-old woman into a rock wall. people at the beach say they heard a boom. then the woman shot through the air. the victim's sister saw it all. >> i saw the actual rocks shift and move. i started screaming get up get up. at the same time i'm screaming, the sand erupted, threw my sister from there, a live cannon. face down unconscious ten feet away. >> the woman was a concussion and two broken ribs. authorities believe the explosion may have occurred naturally. >> scary stuff. novak djokovic is a back-to-back wimbledon champion this morning. he beat a very familiar foe, roger federer, in sunday's final. >> you envision yourself being in the centre court on the biggest tournament in sports and holding this trophy, so it's a very thrilling feeling. >> the 28-year-old won his third wimbledon singles title and ninth grand slam title. on the women's side serena williams won wimbledon for the sixth time this weekend. >> i can't believe i'm standing here and another serena slam. >> serena slam indeed. she has won the last four major tournaments. the 33-year-old williams needs to win the u.s. open in september to complete a 2015 grand slam. we will talk with novak djokovic about the wimbledon final, his emotions on the court and dancing with serena williams. what was the song she chose? we'll ask him. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." this morning we're getting our first closeup look at pluto. the nasa spacecraft new horizons took these photos of the dwarf planet. there will be many more to come as the probe flies past pluto tomorrow morning at more than 30,000 miles per hour. elaine quijano of our digital network cbsn is here with a look at this first of its kind mission. >> reporter: good morning. this fly-by is a rare feat and new horizons is expected to get within 7800 miles of pluto's orbit. scientists know very little about pluto's surface, but a team at the johns hopkins university applied physics lab in laurel, maryland will soon find out. nasa's new horizons probe has been flying for more than nine years to get this close to pluto. it's nearly 3 billion miles from earth. new horizons is the size of a piano and is fitted with highly sensitive cameras. traveling in a region called the kiper dealt, ear first for a spacecraft it will take photos of pluto which is only 1400 miles wide about half the width of the united states. >> they really have to thread a cosmic needle. when it gets to pluto to make all the science work it has to fly through an imaginary box 60 miles by 90 miles on its side and hit that within 100 seconds. >> reporter: since its launch, new horizons has traveled nearly one million miles every day. to put that distance into perspective, imagine the sun is the size of a quarter placed on the goal line of the football field. earth would be three miles away. pluto would stretch 18 yards beyond the far goal line. >> before this mission we only knew it as a point of light and a blurry image from the hubble space telescope. >> reporter: tom has been with nasa since 1965. >> there's nothing like seeing essentially a brand new object right in front of your eyes and it was shrouded in a big cloud of mystery before. >> reporter: new horizons' seven instruments will map pluto and its five moons to analyze their surface. >> this is the last chance to do something like this. it's the last body at the very edge of the southeasterly system that we're going to be flying by in anybody's lifetime. >> reporter: when it's done with pluto, new horizons will continue its mission, flying past at least one more kiper belt object before heading out into interstellar space. gayle. >> elaine thank you. an iconic american hero gets a rewrite. ahead, the controversy sparked by harper lee's new book and how it changes our understanding of this national weather report sponsored by petco. what we feed them matters. feed them matters. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." >> this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. all you need to see is the next 200 feet. that's how life unfolds. a leap of faith. 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(announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. let's take a look at this young fan right here. >> dad was looking at a pretty girl. dad, i saved your life. >> pretty good kid, right? >> an alert boy -- look at that. i mean it was going to hit dad right in the head. he had a baseball glove. made a nice catch in the head right before dad got konked. the come men tate irsaid he was looking at a pretty girl. >> and mom said what? >> i missed you. >> did you? >> yes. >> you were out on a separate vacation. >> people were talking. >> loyal fans are eager to get a koich of "go set a watchman." how a plot plan changes the image of a character. flakka it's caused violent behavior and changed people. why it's so dangerous. that story is ahead. north korea confirmed the pushlging of its defense chief. he was executed in april by anti-aircraft fire. he disrespected north korean leader kim jong-un b week. "the wall street journal" says profits from the apple industry soar. in the first quarter it reported 92 92% of the top income from eight phone makers. 's a lot. apple sells less than 20% of all of the smartphones in the world. "usa today" says walmart will launch a sail to compete with amazon called prime day. starting wednesday they'll lower the shipping minimum. and the and "go set a watchman" will be on sale at midnight. the book is already generating controversy for its different view of atticus finch. michelle miller is here with the shocking and unexpected plot twist. good morning. >> good morning. like harper lee's famous book "to kill a mockingbird "it's about a scout. >> this book shows that the father of scout may not be the person we all think it is. if "to kill a mockingbird" is the literary. atticus finch is its moral compass. >> you'll never understand things until you understand his point of view climb inside of his skin and walk around in it. >> reporter: in this norchl finch defends a black man. gregory peck won an oscar for his 1962 performance of a lawyer and father and although fictional the character became kind of a legal profit. stand up. your father's passing. >> well atticus finch as he's presented in to kill a mocking board is saintly. >> reporter: charles shields is an author and harper lee biographer. >> he's an example of people who face moral convictions. he's an exemplar who loved justice. >> reporter: but in lee's new novel scout discovers the flawed reality of her 72-year-old father atticus finch. he's attended ku klux klan meetings and supports segregation. >> it upsets a lot of people. they would prefer to have atticus finch fixed and the way we know him. but this like all important pieces of literature asks us key questions about ourselves. >> lee wrote "watchman" while living in new york in the 1950s. she first submitted to a publisher in 1957 who directed her instead to focus on younger scout. that book "to kill a mockingbird" won a pulitzer prize and up until now was lee's only published work. >> what's the message that harper lee is trying to convey? >> often there's no clear lines of what is absolutely right and what is absolutely wrong when you view the world. >> would you mind if i ask you a few questions. >> reporter: but will atticus finch long heralded for justice and equality now be viewed as a bigot or multi-dimensional man of his time? readers will need to make up his mind. >> he's got prejudices. we all have prejudices. let's not duck the work of doing it. >> well, lee is a notoriously private woman. she hasn't given a full interview in more than 50 years. we may never know why she wroept the character or published watchman. >> i think the character of atticus finch is mainly influenced by gregory peck's performance. >> i think what's so interesting about this is this is the book in my interpretation that she meant to write, and what has happened, what is so interesting is how the publishing industry sort of knew what was right for the times and what was right for america and they accept. we're going to delve more into that tomorrow. we ooh view much more. >> is that your book? >> it is my book. it might let you borrow it. >> i'm like no, no, no no, no. >> a lot more to talk about. >> donald trump's controversial comments did not come up during the miss usa pageant but they were asked about race and diversity and that threw off some of the contestants. >> what would you do about the race? >> get them together and be with each other in a non-- let's see. >> in the year 2020 a woman will appear on the $10 bill. which american woman would you like to see on the first printing of the bill and why? >> that's a very good question. on the bills that we have right now they are all of presidents and so i think we should just wait until the upcoming collection. >> do you think political correctness is hurting or helping this country and why. >> that's a very good question. i think that it's a balance of both. we definitely need -- i'm sorry. will you please repeat the question once more? >> i'm voting for gayle king on the $10 bill. >> i'm not voteingvoting. that was yowza. >> you would think you would rehearse some of these responses, right? 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(vo) new tidy cats lightweight with glade. all the strength and freshness now easy to lift! half the weight, smells great. find the litter that works best for you. every home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. americans. 83% try... eat healthy. yet up to 90% fall short in getting... ...key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. one a day men's. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice and get a $50 gift card you can use for just about anything. go you always have a choice. book now at we'll do an asian salad. a chicken mcnuggets! a big mac. minions: (speaking minionese) minions: ha ha ha ha ha! come play like a minion with minion mania at mcdonald's. with 4 weekly drawings for a chance to win $250,000. (minions): ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ what is this dave? >> the suit i own. >> interesting facts about donald trump. >> donald trumpway weighs 240 pounds 250 with cologne. number 4, donald trump would like everyone to know that thing on his head is free range. >> he's got a beard. >> why do peel who retire get a beard. >> all people get a beard. >> it looked good. >> al gore's beard. >> that's right. that's right. this was delivered aet a comedy show over the weekend featuring steve martin and martin short as you can see. he regretted his decision to retire as soon as trump announced he would run for president. >> i was going to sark when i saw him on the stage with the top ten, i thought, oh, dave. >> you miss him. >> yes. >> novak joke vin just won his third title. he's talking to us later. we'll be right back. they're the luckiest. of course, they can't wait to grow up. but tonight, it won't take much to slow down the clock. if only for the next 86 minutes. low prices. every day. on everything to make tonight a blockbuster. walmart. wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to? introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. formulated with hydrating hyaluronic acid which retains up to 1000 times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. new hydro boost. from neutrogena. ♪ ♪ it may seem strange, but people really can love their laxative. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases and softens to unblock your system naturally so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. i brought in some protein to get us moving. i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. ♪ if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. i've been the same shade of red for many years. i think it's time to change it up! goodbye, red. hello, golden blonde. shifting to a new shade is sort of a new beginning but i knew it was going to be natural because it's nice'n easy. clairol's #1 for natural looking color i don't know if blonde has more fun, but i plan to find out. now you can earn free color with clairol platinum rewards no artificial flavors, colors sweeteners preservatives, and no artificial smiles. because clean dressings, taste better. panera. food as it should be. happy monday everyone. it's 7:56. here is what's happening. commuters are driving over the new parkway this morning. there it is. it features new tunnels, extra lanes, extra exits as well. the 1.6-mile route connects golden gate bridge with san francisco and so far things have gone very smoothly. a small earthquake rattling parts of the south bay early this morning, a magnitude 2.4. the quake hit around 12:32a.m. on cbs this morning j.crew announces a new store that will sell clothes at a cheaper price. what this means for the direction of the company and what customers can expect as we hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at good morning. we have our first delays on the golden gate bridge, a couple lights north bound due to police activity. there is extra volume on the south bound sides and we are seeing some slightly slower speeds. the bay bridge is very busy. >> boy, we have a really confusing marine layer. let me show you this scene right now. we do have the marine layer lifting and scouring out but we saw by the bay bridge shot that we still have over cast conditions. temperatures are up to 67 and 57 in santa rosa. later today clearing to kirk nieuwenhuis makes history. the first met to make i'm charlie rose with gayle king and jeff glor of our digital network cbsn. norah o'donnell is off. the united states is helping mexico this morning to recapture a dangerous drug kingpin. joaquin "el chapo" guzman escaped from his maximum security cell over the weekend. he was arrested last year after 13 years on the run. his cartel is the biggest drug supplier to the united states. >> guzman broke free using a tunnel that stretches nearly a mile away from the prison. federal police patrol the roads instead of check points in their efforts to recapture him. >> this morning scott walker is the 15th to enter the republican presidential race. his campaign released a video this morning. they call for new fresh leadership with big bold ideas. they have some ground to pick up. donald trump leads the pack. he talked about a surge in phoenix. >> somebody said you weren't on leadership by far. you went on absolutely economic financial -- anything do with the economy you're lapping the field much much higher than anybody else. but they said a lot of people don't know if they like you. i'm actually a nice person. said if i'm winning in these categories, why are we going through primaries. over the weekend fellow candidate lindsey graham called trump a wrecking ball for the future of the republican party. this is a sweet morning for the two number one players in tennis one day after serena williams won the title, novak djokovic became a champion as well. djokovic won his third wimbledon title defeating seven-time winner roger federer in four sets. only on "cbs this morning" the champion joins us now from wimbledon. novak, good morning and congratulations. >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> what was it that happened in the break, the rain break when you had just lost the second set in a tiebreaker and you came back seemingly stronger than ever. >> well, i was coming into the match knowing that roger's going to play on a very high level as he always does in the final stages of grand slams and is not going to hand me the victory, so i have to earn it to go out on the court believing i can do it. it was kind of a deja vu of the last year's final when i was two sets to one up and trying to close out the match. he came back showing his competitive spirit and fighted his way through fifth. this year's final was very similar. went down the wire and could have gone either way up to that second set. but the rain delay helped. boris, my coach got in a small room where we were waiting to crawl back on the cord and we had a small chat. we kept things simple. i felt like i had to do better and we did really well. >> after you lost that second tiebreak you were yelling. we saw you try to whip your shirt off there. what were you saying to yourself and how did that moment make a difference and do you think that's where you were able to turn it around? >> you don't want to know what i was saying to myself, but generally i had e had an emotional burst. that's what happens. that's what you go through. certainly emotions up and down to bounce back. to recover. if there's one thing tennis has taught me over the years is to get back on track and leave whatever happened behind me. >> now you have a family. does that make a difference in your tennis? >> of course it does. actually yesterday in the final stay my wife and i celebrated the one-year anniversary of our marriage so it was a very special occasion. i was very glad to have her and close family members there to celebrate this win. i'm going to try to now nurture every moment that i find myself as a husband and a father because as soon as i'm off the tennis courts when i get back home i'm not a tennis player. i'm a husband and a father, a completely different chapter in my life that help ms. e play better tennis. >> can i ask you about serena williams. you said you had hoped to dance with her. did you get a chance to do that? >> of course, she cannot refuse. it was great. we had a great dance. nice tradition obviously of the champions ball. they call it champions dinner but people expect champions. it's tradition and hopefully any other next champion will do the same. i was actually think about it was going to be a slower tune like a walz something more sophisticated but she wanted -- she wanted to move so she chose "night fever," and you can imagine how that went. >> i like it. >> thank you for joining us. >> see you in new york. >> thank you. this morning prince william admits he's nervous as he begins a new job flying an air ambulance. the duke of cambridge will work with an emergency crew. he's a former royal air force pilot. he's been at home since the birth of his daughter charlotte back in may. >> it's been fun. she's been a little joy to have. at the same time it's more responsibility looking at two little ones especially when george is around. he's a little monkey. but, no it's fantastic and i'm so thrilled. katherine has been doing an amazing job as a mother and i'm very proud of her. >> prince william says he looked forward to juggling his new job, his royal duties and his job as a father. >> i love watching him, to see him progress from a little boy, a young man to a responsible father. >> is it a little more responsibility with two? >> you tell me jeff. melodie how's this taste? looks like beer and tastes like coffee. >> i like it. >> why not start your day with an iced cold brew straight from the tap? i'm marlie hall. coming up on "cbs this morning," i'll tell you about a new coffee trend that's got people buzzing. ok, let's try this online snacking thing again. ugh! rough around the edges. ugh... greaseball... oh! dan n. oikos tasty and healthy. and if i don't love it, it's free? could be the perfect snack! dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is creamy and delicious and has 12g of protein and 0 fat. i think i found the perfect snack! seriously, you'll love snacking on dannon oikos or it's free! mmm dannon. ♪ [music] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. it's so shiny. i know, mommy, but it's time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. if you want beautiful results, you know where to go - angie's list. now everyone can get highly rated service even without a membership. you can shop special offers or just tell us what you need and we'll help you find a local company to take care of it. angie's list is there for all your projects, big and small. pretty. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. ...a rabbit... ...a rabbit genetically modified and bred with a panther... ...with turbines attached... ...on ice... ...shaved... ...with a...what the?! with the fastest speeds to the most homes, the company that keeps making fast faster is doing it again. introducing multi-gig speeds from xfinity. the future of awesome. j. crew is getting ready to launch a more affordable clothing line. this morning, after running into trouble it could not afford the retail giant laid off nearly 200 people last month. revenue fell to $582 million in the first three months of this year. the company says the new america tile stores will feature a collection of original styles once only found at j. crew factory stores. cbs news financial contributor mellody hobson spoke with the company's ceo on sunday. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> this is what i like about you, mellody hobson you're doing the story, you can get anybody in the business community on the line to say, hey, what's up? >> on sunday. >> on a sunday. >> i e-mailed him first. i said i'm doing this story and i want to talk to you. he said, call me now. > so you two connected yesterday. what is he saying? >> he's saying he wants to open these stores because he's taking the j. crew brand to places where it would not exist. he mentioned strip malls as a possibility. and this is for the customer that is not going to go to that high end shopping district or that high end mall who is a valued buyer, and who wants to have the j. crew experience. that's how he explained it. >> as you know calvin klein and others worried about what would happen to their brand when they were sold in discount stores. >> but remember he invented this idea at gap with old navy. he was the first person to ever do this. old navy was the lower price. gap, it was incredibly successful under his tenure and all the other retailers followed. so you have nieman marcus with last call and you have nordstrom with nordstrom rack. you have sachs fifth avenue. >> but why were sales slumping? >> they did two things wrong. he was the first to admit on the phone yesterday that we had a bad year. he said, full stop we had a bad year. they raised their prices at a time when their merchandise was not resinating with their consumers and it was a double whammy so sales have been soft because of that. >> i was in j. crew the other day, i think the clothes are affordable, chic and still feel like one of the cool kids. >> i'm not hysterical about this. i think fashion has misses. it happens, and this is one of those times. i think mickey drexler is one of the great merchant princes of all time. that's what he's called one of the last ones that exist. >> wouldn't you like to see mellody hysterical? >> i get hysterical. not on the air. >> but the question comes up i mean lower prices lower quality. >> so he came back hard on that point. he said, j. crew is always going to stand for quality. he also said don't confuse us with the fast retailers who are out there like zara or some of the others h & m, where you're paying $9.99 for a pair of pants that you're wearing a couple of times. so he was very clear, and those are my words, that last part. he was very clear about the fact that j. crew really did stand for quality. >> all right mellody hobson. >> that won't change. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hisysterical or however it is we'll take it thank you very much. dna catching criminals can also help you track down better skincare. ahead, the science speeding up personalized solutions. you're watching "cbs this morning". personalized solutions. you're watching "cbs this morning." it's gluten. there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. you know the importance of heart health. you watch your diet, excercise... and may take an omega-3 supplement, such as fish oil. but when it comes to omega-3s, it's the epa and dha that really matter for heart health. not all omega-3 supplements are the same. introducing bayer pro ultra omega-3 from the heart health experts at bayer. with two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. plus, it's the only brand with progel technology proven to reduce fish burps. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. how much protein does your dog food have? 18%? 20? introducing nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna and 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. only nexium 24hr gives you nexium level protection for frequent heartburn all day and all night. try nexium 24hr, the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand, and get all day, all night protection. nexium level protection. also, we're flying without a navigation system and can't seem to change course. >> miss, are you telling us absolutely everything? >> not exactly. we're also out of coffee. >> classic. passengers in "airplane 2" shows what really happens without their caffeine fix. a new coffee issed as a jolt nitrogen which makes the coffee taste more like alcohol. marlie good morning. >> good morning. nitro coffee is served straight from the tap similar to a beer and here at stumptown coffee roaster, they always serve the cold brewed drink in a can. this isn't the only store. at this new jersey coffee truck, it's tradition to start your morning like it's friday night. >> all right, all right. nitro. >> with a cold frosty brew straight from the tap. >> you've got something that's an adult beverage. >> reporter: justin hicks and travis of mod cup coffee started making and selling nitro coffee less than a year ago. >> would you like it'sed or hot? >> some weekends we'll sell 15 kegs. and this summer more baristas are buying into the nitro trend. the coffee is cold brewed put into a keg and infused with nay trow jep and poured from a tap. it created a carbonated coffee with a beer like head. there ee is no sugar, milk our alcohol. just coffee, water, and twice the caffeine. they also serve it from a can and tap. >> people are going bananas for it. >> director at east coast operations say they can barely keep up with the demand for nitro. the company expects sales to trip thl year. >> i think it's something here to stay. it's a fun way to drink coffee. >> they claim to be one of the pioneers of nitro coffee and first introduced it two years ago. reporter oliver strand writes about coffee for "the new york times." >> how will nitro coffee affect the coffee industry? >> i think that the first coffee company to take nitro coffee to mass market will be a very success elf coffee company. >> americans spend $40 billion a year on coffee with the average coffee drinker spending about $20 a week on their caffeine fix but nitro places beat competition with their never ending menu options. >> specialty coffee accounts for 3% 4% of their sales. nitro coffee, not even 1%. >> it's silky, smoov, goes down well. >> like a cold beer but a coffee, stuff i'm not allowed to drink during the day. >> they say shipments are good morning. it's 8:25. cars are driving over the new precidio parkway now. the road was being built to make it seismically and structurally safe. several people lost homes and belongings after a fire in san jose. flames tore through two homes destroying them. a third home was heavily damaged. skin care tailored to your dna. on cbs this morning a london store is cramming to be the ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it's tougher than ever to be a... ... foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken... ... is 100 percent natural... ... with no antibiotics. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms. good morning. welcome back. i am gianna franco. we have bart delays, five to ten minutes out of the east bay. mountain view bus bridge is in place this week. south bound 680 at monument, this accident is cleared to the right. the damage is done though with speeds lipping to 14 miles per hour in some -- dipping to 14 miles per hour in some spots. a pretty slow go along the peninsula and busy on the san mateo bridge. the roberta. >> you want to mow what partly sunny -- know what partly sunny looks like? in san jose it is partly sunny. it looks mostly cloudy to me but you do some see sunshine there. right now it is 67 in concord, southwest breeze at 12 miles per hour. 10 to 20 late afternoon, 70 at the beaches, peninsula. the 80s in the inland areas. 89 in the gilroy area. tomorrow is cooler as a trough goes through the bay area and a boost up in numbers i'm stuck inside fedex office. i was over here in the back for an hour on the computer and nobody was here because they left and locked me inside fedex office. quite possibly the strangest experience of my life. >> a workout, right? he was locked inside the fedex office for two hours. he sent a series of updates to be let out. he was doing exercises to make the most of your time. you've got to do something. >> i don't understand jeff how this happened. doesn't he see the lights going off and locking up the doors and why he was in there for two hours. >> i don't know. >> but he's okay and he's got a humerus video. >> and we're talking about it this morning. fedex prisoner free. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour tony morison calls a new book required reading. he's in studio 57 with tough advice for his son and the country. we'll look at the racially charged confrontation and what's really changing for the next generation. plus putting a better face on the future. technology that could give new life to anti-aging creams. see how an '80s pop star helped spark the idea. that is ahead. right now it's time to show this morning's headlines. they announced a new online streaming service. streamed as $15 a month to the price of comcast internet subscription xfinity. it will be available across the country earl next year. the "new york post" says nascar's danica patrick is cooling off this morning after a weekend dust jupp with dale earnhardt jr. [ bleep ] >> did he say he hit me? >> yes. >> weren't you thinking about that maybe the corper before that? >> you can tell he's upset. >> he said he couldn't slow down when he tapped an angry patrick. he sent her into an outside wall. patrick later returned a bump on her way into the pits. they face each other again this weekend at the new hampshire motor speedway. the san antonio news says spurs assistant coach becky hammon made history. spurs lost to the knicks 78-73 yesterday. she told reporters she thinks it's important for society that women be rewarded for their brains just as much as any other guy. the"the boston globe" says there's an upside. the kids who were fibbers showed better working and memory skills. when you're lying, you have to keep track of more sentences and words. did i really say that? >> did you say that charlie rose, who is not a liar liar pants on fire. new mom carrie underwood got a scare over the weekend. her 4-month-old and dogs got stuck inside the car. her brother-in-law smashed a window and everybody got out safely. she tweeted this. when your dogs manage to lock themselves, all your stuff and the baby in the car and you have to break in, what are the chances. in the old days one student earned that honor and delivered a speefrp to graduates. now some called dozens or even 00 credits of graduates valedictorian. others have eliminated the title all together. that they're responding to cutthroat competition competition. stanford university's number one on the list. they're ranked on the quality of education, tuition, and average career earnings of their alumni. babson is next and massachusetts into stus of technology princeton university. money says the list helps families find schools, quote, truly worth the investment. >> an author says he is terrified by the number of unarmed black men who have dietd in the hands of police. his new book "between the world and me," here's a portion for you. quote, you are human, you will make mistakes you will misjudge, you will yell you will drink too much you will hang out with people you should. . but the price for you is higher than it is for your kun transfermen, so that the story of a black body's destruction must always begin with his or her error real or imagined. ta-nehisi coates joins us. good morning. it was an good book. i read it this weekend. >> thank you. >> what was your son's response? >> he stayed up to wait for the verdict. it was very important to him. he followed the news. he's young. >> 15. >> yes. and has certain expectation ss, so when a verdict came down he left the room and went to his room and cried and i let him cry for a bit and i talked to him. i essentially said as brutal as this sounds get used to it. i said this is our country and this is the way it is. get used to it. >> first of all we live in new york. that's a little difficult to do. you know an african-american in this country, you know and knowing what his life was going to be like. i've always tried to talk to him directly and honestly. >> he's 14. >> i'm sorry. he's 14. they changed the pub date. he's going to be 15 when it comes out. >> tony morison, this is what happened and i find it extraordinary. you wanted only wanted an endorsement from her and she wrote back to the publisher, i've been wondering who might be an intellectual boy who plagued me. baldwin died 28 years ago. a note to coates who sent back a one-word e-mail. man. my point is they're putting very heavy responsibility on you. >> it doesn't feel particularly heavy. my job is to go out and right at the oechld the day. i would be writing the same thing as i once was sitting in my basement alone sending it out to my blog where only my dad read every day or if i was so fortunate to be sitting with you guys on cbs. >> write what you know what you feel. >> there's not much more you can do there really isn't. i take that as a great honor, as an admirer of baldwin and tony morison. >> there's what you write and there's where you come from west baltimore, the site of the death of freddie gray. baltimore fired their police chief last week. have things changed in baltimore? >> i don't know. i haven't lived there in over 20 years. it would be wrong for me to say. >> you say it hasn't changed since you lived there. >> that's pretty obvious. when you see a cvs burning down, violence has increased but baltimore as i knew it then was pretty violent. >> you talk about you and your son have two different realities in the world and you say so many times when you see kids who are loud and rude that really it is a defense mechanism and they're afraid. >> right right. right. they're like ordinary kids are but they're perceived a certain bay. in the instance and i think this is what you're referring to you see african-americans, males in particular, but females also walking through the neighborhood displaying a kind of bravado. what people don't understand is that's a culture, that's a methodology, a way to walk through a neighborhood that's very violent. you have to send signals to make sure you're not victimized. >> where are we? the president said there's been controversy between americans and police. at the same time he's said we've made remarkable progress wrchlt are we? >> we've made progress but we haven't made nearly enough progress for me to feel safe in my body. >> what's holding back that progress? >> well, i think it's us. >> who's us? >> i think it's us as americans as a country. one of the things i'm trying to reckon with in this book is we were born out of great moral era if you call it. we have never grappled with that, gotten through that. >> how do we get over it? >> we need a series of steps of investigations. i wrote something a while ago. i wrote a piece last year that very much spelled that out. >> you also write something i thought was interesting. most black parents myself included always say you have to work twice as hard work twice as good to be successful. you say when people do that that drive use crazy because that sends the wrong message. >> you're putting weight on these children. i understand the intent of it and i understand what people are triedying to do but these are children and i think part of what happens in addition to the races is that your childhood is robbed of you because people tell you at age 10 you have to act like you're 30 years old. >> you end the book with the death of your friend prince jones who was killed by a police officer. unarmed, 25 years old killed by a police officer. that had a big impact on you. >> my friend prince jones was killed 15 years ago at 25 within 200 yards of his fiancee's home left his mother behind, and it will stay with me and i think it will stay with me until the day i die. >> thank you for having me. >> tony morison said required reading. what does that mean? >> it must be true. >> tony said it. >> it's got to be you. "between the world and me" goes on sale tomorrow. charlie d'agata looks at a new high-tech option to save your skin. >> no i'm not on a starship enterprise. i'm at a london store claiming to be the face of things to come. skin care detailed to your ♪ southwest is having a sale because when there's a reunion every cent should go to a killer dress. ♪"never gonna get it" by en vogue ♪ and heels. and a blowout. mani/pedi. three weeks of tanning. facial. a backup dress. bronzer, lip gloss... book for as low as 73 dollars one-way now at a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ ♪ take advantage of our summer offers. the 2015 cadillac srx, a crossover with space safety, and style. lease this from around $339 per month. ♪ ♪ for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. a london shop offer as new war on wrinkles. a new pr here they're planning to get under the american beauty industry soon. charlie d'agata, this it probably beats 're a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ [♪♪] good morning. it's 8:55. traffic is flowing over the new precidio parkway. this is the first test for the run way. there are more lanes, new exits and a set of tunnels. a small earthquake rattled parts of the south bay, a magnitude 2.4. the quake hit about 12:32 am. a man considered a person of interest in his bear baby -- baby daughter's disappearance has been spotted. matthew graham disappeared with cash and his grandmother's gun. >> good morning. as you are heading out of the door we have a combination of clear skies and also partly cloudy conditions. this is the scene towards angel aland and alcatraz. temperature wise we are in the 60s for the most part except santa rosa is at 57. later today with an onshore wind 10 to 20 we will have sunshine to the beaches where pacifica will realize a high near 70. 70 is common across the bay area. then we jump to the low, mid, high 80s away from the bay into the inland areas. cooling takes place on tuesday, a boost in temperatures wednesday and thursday and then we remain stagnant through sunday. traffic is up next after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. good morning. we are dealing with bart delays, about 5 to 10 minutes. we have reports of track troubles in oakland. it is still busy south bound 680 towards 24. we had an earlier accident. it is clear but sluggish. the approach to the bay bridge is taking a hot including 880 north bound through oakland. peninsula is busy south 280 through palo alto. have a wonderful day. 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(cheers and applause) let's see, the cows and the milk carton. the cows and the milk carton. a very cute yet disturbing outfit.

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20240622 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20240622

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organization with tentacles that reach around the entire planet. >> a drug kingpin escapes a mexican prison for the second time. >> joaquin "el chapo" guzman broke out through a mile-long tunnel. >> this cartel has massive influence. >> right through the night a unanimous deal has been agreed over the greek bailout. >> we have an agreement. >> in france 18 people are now safe after being evacuated from a store that was being held up by three gunmen. >> a nuclear deal with iran could be announced today. some final details are being hashed out. >> whatever deal that comes out of this will be dangerous for the united states and dangerous for the world. today wisconsin governor scott walker will officially join the crowded list of republican contenders. >> meanwhile lindsey graham called donald trump a wrecking ball for the republican party. >> we have to reject this demagogue re. if we don't, we will lose and deserve to lose. this morning more powerful storms sweep across the country. the midwest remains in the bull's bull's-eye. lava raining down forced hundreds of people to flee their homes. >> all that -- >> a proud mother was able to capture the moment her baby girl saw her mommy and daddy clearly for the first time. >> hi! >> usa 2015 is oklahoma! >> and all that matters. >> prince william starts his new job as an air ambulance pilot today. we'll see william working the night shift and spending time away from his young family. >> it's more responsibility, especially when george is around. it's a little monkey. >> on ""cbs this morning." >> djokovic the wimbledon title. >> if you time you win here, you eat some of the grass. what's that about? >> it tastes very very good this year. >> this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off so jeff glor of cbsn is with us. one of the world's most dangerous drug traffickers on the loose. joaquin "el chapo" guzman escaped saturday from mexico's highest security prison. his cartel supplied huge amounts of illegal drugs to the united states. he is believed to be responsible for thousands of deaths. >> guzman vanished from the shower near his prison cell. prison officials founldsd a tunnel underneath. he traveled underground nearly a mile before reaching the surface in a construction site. omar villafranca is franking the search. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a massive manhunt is under way for joaquin "el chapo" guzman. as head of the powerful sinaloa cartel, he was in a turf battle to control lucrative drug routes like this bridge behind me in south texas in order to flood american cities with illegal drugs. this isn't guzman's first prison break, but it is his most sophisticated. it was another elaborate getaway, with one of the world's most powerful drug lords slipping out of mexico's most secure penitentiary and emerging from a tunnel in this partially built home just one mile away. mexico's president called it an affront to the mexican state, but said he's confident they can recapture this criminal. late saturday, joaquin "el chapo" guzman broke out of a super max prison about an hour and a half west of mexico city. despite three-foot thick walls and a no-fly zone he slipped out through a 20 by 20 inch hatch in his cell with a ladder that led to an underground escape route, a nearly mile-long tunnel complete with lighting and ventilation. >> there is no way that chapo guzman could walk away from maximum security incarceration in mexico without the assistance of people on the inside. >> reporter: guzman's high-profile arrest last year made headlines around the world and was hailed as a major victory in the world against drugs as was told to "60 minutes." >> in my world it was like winning the super bowl winning the world series. this was the actual trophy. >> reporter: the trophy, guzman had escaped before in 2001 with help from mexican guards. after his arrest last year authorities dismissed concerns about corruption and denied requests to extradite him to the u.s. >> he's locked up in the most reliable prison we have in mexico and certainly once bitten, twice shy. we will take our precautions in this case. >> reporter: those precautions, clearly not enough. dozens of prison workers are being questioned about the escape, but now a dangerous drug trafficker may already be back in business. >> thousands of people electrocuted beheaded chopping off limbs, throwing people in acid. he committed some ruthless crimes in mexico. >> reporter: on sunday the u.s. attorney general vowed to help mexico catch guzman but the damage may already be done. it's believed guzman is back in control of the powerful sinaloa cartel, controlling routes from california all the way to texas. his son also reportedly tweeted out a message, i promise you soon the general will be back. >> omar thank you very much. this morning donald trump says el chapo's escape backs up his criticism of mexican immigrants and the country's government. one poll released last week shows trump leading the gop presidential race with 15% of the vote. former florida governor jeb bush and kentucky senator rand paul each had 11%. trump did not appear last night at the miss usa pageant he co-sponsors. nbc dropped the broadcast after he said mexican immigrants bring drugs and crime to america. nancy cordes is in washington tracking what trump and other candidates are saying now. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that pageant aired on a cable channel called reelz instead and the host made no mention of trump's absence. he spent the weekend instead on the campaign trail where he has clearly decided to ignore private pleas from republican leaders to dial back his rhetoric. >> the silent majority is back and we're going to take the country back. >> reporter: in phoenix this weekend, trump revelled in his new front runner status and the crowd of 5,000 revelled right along with him. there and in las vegas he hit illegal immigration hard. >> and these people reap havoc on our population. >> reporter: he even weigh ed in on the escape of el chapo warning in a statement he is possibly in the u.s. and his drugs and drug dealers freely cross into the united states through our pathetic border. all the agilation has left trump with little incentive to he had the head of the republican party, reince priebus, who urged him to tone it down but who has been hesitant to chide trump publicly. mitch mcconnell turned down a chance to criticize trump. house speaker john boehner mostly steered clear too. >> i don't know if he's helping or hurting, but he's a candidate. >> when you wres well a pig, you both get muddy. >> reporter: republican strategist doug high says there's a reason republican leaders are trying to avoid giving trump too much attention. >> not only does it provide more oxygen, but it provides also a narrative of trump versus some establishment, trump versus this person, and it may be a fight that ultimately you can't win, so why get involved in it. >> reporter: besides, it's clear, rejection doesn't faze the donald anyway. >> like when i went on dates, if a woman dropped me which happened often i would always like to say or at least in my own mind that i dropped her. >> reporter: trump is even refusing to rule out a third party run for president if he loses the republican primary. and that could be the biggest headache of all for gop leaders, because if he pulls even 5% of the vote away from the republican candidate he makes it that much harder for a republican to win, charlie. >> nancy, thanks. the crowded gop field just added another candidate. wisconsin governor scott walker tweeted minutes ago, i'm in. i'm running for president because americans deserve a leader who will fight and win for them. he will be the 15th republican in the race. there are questions this morning about whether the governor is ready. dean reynolds is at the waukesha county expocentre in wisconsin where walker is speaking later today. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the governor will be announcing here later today and he has a reputation as a man who stands on firm conservative principles but it is his record that will be getting a much closer look now. the state budget he signed into law on sunday includes budget cuts that aggravated not only democrats, but also many of his fellow republicans, and yet walker was having none of it. >> with this budget the taxpayers come first. >> reporter: the wisconsin governor has never wavered from his view that an aggressive conservatism works if it's spelled out to the voters. >> voters are serious when they say they want their leaders to take on tough decisions. >> reporter: the latest quinnipiac poll gives walker an eight-point lead in iowa where a speech he made in january catapulted him to the first rung of contenders. >> i'm hopeful to work together with you to help us provide that kind of leadership that is new and fresh and bold and aggressive. >> reporter: but walker's policies, which helped turn wisconsin into a right to work state, have not delivered the jobs he promised. >> he later kind of backtracked a bit and said well that was really a goal and it was an ambitious goal. don't you want to elect somebody who's going to be ambitious. >> reporter: awkward exchanges like this have raised questions about his readiness for primetime. >> are you comfortable with the idea of revolutions? do you believe in it? do you accept it? >> for me i'm going to punt on that one as well. >> no! really? >> that's a question a politician shouldn't be involved in one way or the other. >> reporter: to guard against criticism that he lacks a certain presidential heft the governor has been undergoing weeks of briefings on global issues, everything from net neutrality to isis. gayle. >> all right, thank you, dean. european leaders in greece clinched a deal overnight to revolve the greek debt criessis. greece will get billions of dollars in loans and keep using the single currency. hall eelolly williams is in athens. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. afternoon a marathon 17-hour overnight negotiating session, greece has finally reached a deal to avoid bankruptcy. the amount of the bailout has not yet been finalized, but it's thought that greece needs $90 billion to avert financial collapse. greece was just days away from literally running out of money. its banks have been shut for two weeks now and withdrawals at cash machines are limited to around $60 a day. last month greece rejected the demands of its creditors, chiefly germany and france in return for an extended financial bailout. their terms included tax hikes and public spending cuts which greece says radical left wing prime minister described as blackmail. last week those facing bankruptcy greece was forced to capitulate. this new financial bailout is akin to life support. greece's economy is still moribund, a quarter of the country is unemployed and the country will be even deeper in debt. charlie. >> thanks. a deal to limit iran's nuclear program may be in reach this morning. marathon talks in vienna are focused on the final details. an agreement could be announced within hours. margaret brennan is in vienna following the talks and the challenges that remain. margaret, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, this is the 17th straight day of negotiations and diplomats are really anxious to wrap them up. tonight at midnight the temporary freeze on iran's existing nuclear program will expire and that means the clock is ticking. there was a sense of heavy anticipation in vienna today as a deal with iran finally seemed possible. all weekend secretary kerry shuttled back and forth to meetings with the iranians and even snuck in time to pray at a historic 12th century church. reza marashi said a deal is very close. >> i would put it at 99%. i leave that 1% for the unforeseen complication, but i think if they're in the process of just drafting and agreeing on words in two different languages, then this is essentially like the banks in 2008, it's too big to fail. >> reporter: iran's diplomat javad zarif reviewed the agreement. it now gets approval from people around the world. hassan rouhani said his team had done everything possible to win relief from sanctions that have been choking his country's economy. but even if the diplomats are successful, there are some in the u.s. congress that want to block it. republican senator tom cotton from arkansas a staunch critic told "face the nation" any deal is a mistake. >> i think whatever deal comes out this weekend will be dangerous for the united states and dangerous for the world. >> reporter: but the world is still waiting to see what this final deal looks like. in a strange coincidence, the long delayed trial of jason rezian restarted today in iran the very same day that iran as set for a deadline for a nuclear deal. more than 65 million people face a severe weather threat. violent thunderstorms are expected across the midwest. they could become a dangerous storm system called a derecho. chicago's o'hare airport stopped all traffic as the storms came near. a powerful line of storms overnight barrelled through minnesota. some areas saw winds reaching 70 miles an hour. heavy rain in the south on sunday damaged homes and left some cars under water. terrorism is ruled out this morning after a powerful and bizarre explosion on a rhode island beach. the force of saturday's blast threw a 60-year-old woman into a rock wall. people at the beach say they heard a boom. then the woman shot through the air. the victim's sister saw it all. >> i saw the actual rocks shift and move. i started screaming get up get up. at the same time i'm screaming, the sand erupted, threw my sister from there, a live cannon. face down unconscious ten feet away. >> the woman was a concussion and two broken ribs. authorities believe the explosion may have occurred naturally. >> scary stuff. novak djokovic is a back-to-back wimbledon champion this morning. he beat a very familiar foe, roger federer, in sunday's final. >> you envision yourself being in the centre court on the biggest tournament in sports and holding this trophy, so it's a very thrilling feeling. >> the 28-year-old won his third wimbledon singles title and ninth grand slam title. on the women's side serena williams won wimbledon for the sixth time this weekend. >> i can't believe i'm standing here and another serena slam. >> serena slam indeed. she has won the last four major tournaments. the 33-year-old williams needs to win the u.s. open in september to complete a 2015 grand slam. we will talk with novak djokovic about the wimbledon final, his emotions on the court and dancing with serena williams. what was the song she chose? we'll ask him. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." this morning we're getting our first closeup look at pluto. the nasa spacecraft new horizons took these photos of the dwarf planet. there will be many more to come as the probe flies past pluto tomorrow morning at more than 30,000 miles per hour. elaine quijano of our digital network cbsn is here with a look at this first of its kind mission. >> reporter: good morning. this fly-by is a rare feat and new horizons is expected to get within 7800 miles of pluto's orbit. scientists know very little about pluto's surface, but a team at the johns hopkins university applied physics lab in laurel, maryland will soon find out. nasa's new horizons probe has been flying for more than nine years to get this close to pluto. it's nearly 3 billion miles from earth. new horizons is the size of a piano and is fitted with highly sensitive cameras. traveling in a region called the kiper dealt, ear first for a spacecraft it will take photos of pluto which is only 1400 miles wide about half the width of the united states. >> they really have to thread a cosmic needle. when it gets to pluto to make all the science work it has to fly through an imaginary box 60 miles by 90 miles on its side and hit that within 100 seconds. >> reporter: since its launch, new horizons has traveled nearly one million miles every day. to put that distance into perspective, imagine the sun is the size of a quarter placed on the goal line of the football field. earth would be three miles away. pluto would stretch 18 yards beyond the far goal line. >> before this mission we only knew it as a point of light and a blurry image from the hubble space telescope. >> reporter: tom has been with nasa since 1965. >> there's nothing like seeing essentially a brand new object right in front of your eyes and it was shrouded in a big cloud of mystery before. >> reporter: new horizons' seven instruments will map pluto and its five moons to analyze their surface. >> this is the last chance to do something like this. it's the last body at the very edge of the southeasterly system that we're going to be flying by in anybody's lifetime. >> reporter: when it's done with pluto, new horizons will continue its mission, flying past at least one more kiper belt object before heading out into interstellar space. gayle. >> elaine thank you. an iconic american hero gets a rewrite. ahead, the controversy sparked by harper lee's new book and how it changes our understanding of this national weather report sponsored by petco. what we feed them matters. feed them matters. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." >> this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. all you need to see is the next 200 feet. that's how life unfolds. a leap of faith. 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(announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. let's take a look at this young fan right here. >> dad was looking at a pretty girl. dad, i saved your life. >> pretty good kid, right? >> an alert boy -- look at that. i mean it was going to hit dad right in the head. he had a baseball glove. made a nice catch in the head right before dad got konked. the come men tate irsaid he was looking at a pretty girl. >> and mom said what? >> i missed you. >> did you? >> yes. >> you were out on a separate vacation. >> people were talking. >> loyal fans are eager to get a koich of "go set a watchman." how a plot plan changes the image of a character. flakka it's caused violent behavior and changed people. why it's so dangerous. that story is ahead. north korea confirmed the pushlging of its defense chief. he was executed in april by anti-aircraft fire. he disrespected north korean leader kim jong-un b week. "the wall street journal" says profits from the apple industry soar. in the first quarter it reported 92 92% of the top income from eight phone makers. 's a lot. apple sells less than 20% of all of the smartphones in the world. "usa today" says walmart will launch a sail to compete with amazon called prime day. starting wednesday they'll lower the shipping minimum. and the and "go set a watchman" will be on sale at midnight. the book is already generating controversy for its different view of atticus finch. michelle miller is here with the shocking and unexpected plot twist. good morning. >> good morning. like harper lee's famous book "to kill a mockingbird "it's about a scout. >> this book shows that the father of scout may not be the person we all think it is. if "to kill a mockingbird" is the literary. atticus finch is its moral compass. >> you'll never understand things until you understand his point of view climb inside of his skin and walk around in it. >> reporter: in this norchl finch defends a black man. gregory peck won an oscar for his 1962 performance of a lawyer and father and although fictional the character became kind of a legal profit. stand up. your father's passing. >> well atticus finch as he's presented in to kill a mocking board is saintly. >> reporter: charles shields is an author and harper lee biographer. >> he's an example of people who face moral convictions. he's an exemplar who loved justice. >> reporter: but in lee's new novel scout discovers the flawed reality of her 72-year-old father atticus finch. he's attended ku klux klan meetings and supports segregation. >> it upsets a lot of people. they would prefer to have atticus finch fixed and the way we know him. but this like all important pieces of literature asks us key questions about ourselves. >> lee wrote "watchman" while living in new york in the 1950s. she first submitted to a publisher in 1957 who directed her instead to focus on younger scout. that book "to kill a mockingbird" won a pulitzer prize and up until now was lee's only published work. >> what's the message that harper lee is trying to convey? >> often there's no clear lines of what is absolutely right and what is absolutely wrong when you view the world. >> would you mind if i ask you a few questions. >> reporter: but will atticus finch long heralded for justice and equality now be viewed as a bigot or multi-dimensional man of his time? readers will need to make up his mind. >> he's got prejudices. we all have prejudices. let's not duck the work of doing it. >> well, lee is a notoriously private woman. she hasn't given a full interview in more than 50 years. we may never know why she wroept the character or published watchman. >> i think the character of atticus finch is mainly influenced by gregory peck's performance. >> i think what's so interesting about this is this is the book in my interpretation that she meant to write, and what has happened, what is so interesting is how the publishing industry sort of knew what was right for the times and what was right for america and they accept. we're going to delve more into that tomorrow. we ooh view much more. >> is that your book? >> it is my book. it might let you borrow it. >> i'm like no, no, no no, no. >> a lot more to talk about. >> donald trump's controversial comments did not come up during the miss usa pageant but they were asked about race and diversity and that threw off some of the contestants. >> what would you do about the race? >> get them together and be with each other in a non-- let's see. >> in the year 2020 a woman will appear on the $10 bill. which american woman would you like to see on the first printing of the bill and why? >> that's a very good question. on the bills that we have right now they are all of presidents and so i think we should just wait until the upcoming collection. >> do you think political correctness is hurting or helping this country and why. >> that's a very good question. i think that it's a balance of both. we definitely need -- i'm sorry. will you please repeat the question once more? >> i'm voting for gayle king on the $10 bill. >> i'm not voteingvoting. that was yowza. >> you would think you would rehearse some of these responses, right? >> maybe she was a little nervous. maybe that. thank you. imagine a drug that's more powerful than heroin at a very low cost. it's tough, but i've managed. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. ♪ ♪ now at chili's choose your 3 favorite apps for our classic triple dipper. chili's. fresh is happening now. so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? 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[music] no, no, no, no people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet... that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. the taste of light and fit greek non fat yogurt gives you the power to help make temptation shrink away! with irresistible flavors never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying! light and fit greek. taste the power of satisfaction. now that there's foster farms simply raised, it's tougher than ever to be a foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken is 100 percent natural with no antibiotics. well you're an herbalist. help us to be natural. will those herbs do it? those? one grows hair, the other increases energy. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. call me natural. you look like a steve. can i call you steve? hi steve. i'm natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? introducing new simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms. simply better. a cheap new designer drug is causing havoc across america. the drug is called flakka. it's hit illinois ohio texas, kentucky, california and florida, especially hard. mark albert is live with more on the threat that's alarming police. >> it's a drug described more powerful than hay ore win and cocaine. law enforcement officers are warning of the dangers not just to users but to anyone who gets in their way. these videos show what can happen when flakka takes over. >> i am god. i am god. i am life. >> psychotic breakdowns hallucinations, and indiscriminate violence. last month an 82 yld grandmother was killed in her beach home by a man who was high on flakka. this man impaled himself on a fence at a police station while on the drug. mike says he doesn't remember what he did for two days after unwittingly taking flakka. >> i was completely out of my mind. i could have killed somebody. i could have killed myself. >> flakka also known as gravel is a synthetic still lent a cousin found in bath salts. it can come in a capsule or powder. users can smoke, inhale or inject it. with 25 deaths in south broward county in the past ten months alone. special agent kevin stanphil in miami has more. >> they're not only just getting high. they're going out and hurting other people. you know you don't see that with a lot of the other drugs like you are with flakka right now. >> stanphil says it's often imported from china. it's ten times cheaper than the cocktail molly. $3 to $5 per hit and easier to get. it can be ordered online and show up to the door. >> i feel for those officers when they roll up on them and they have that super human strength. to take six people to hold them down, that's a problem >> he had no flakka patients. now they've had a dozen people called for help. >> they take away inhi briggss and erase the ability to tamp down on dopamine or serotonin. you think you can do anything. i think we're going to see waves of this that are going to be very, very devastating. >> lam says even proactive parents who give their teens urine tests are stunned. they're constantly changing its makeup so as to fool common tests. >> old reliable drug test you buy at the store doesn't cover it. it's ahead of the curve. >> lam told us patients on this drug take several weeks. often the key ingredient is known as alpha pvp. the miami's division says in just the first six month thofs year it's seen three times the amount it sees in all of last year. jeff? >> wow. mark, thank you very much. david letterman says he has made the this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. all you need to see is the next 200 feet. that's how life unfolds. a leap of faith. 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(minions): ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ what is this dave? >> the suit i own. >> interesting facts about donald trump. >> donald trumpway weighs 240 pounds 250 with cologne. number 4, donald trump would like everyone to know that thing on his head is free range. >> he's got a beard. >> why do peel who retire get a beard. >> all people get a beard. >> it looked good. >> al gore's beard. >> that's right. that's right. this was delivered aet a comedy show over the weekend featuring steve martin and martin short as you can see. he regretted his decision to retire as soon as trump announced he would run for president. >> i was going to sark when i saw him on the stage with the top ten, i thought, oh, dave. >> you miss him. >> yes. >> novak joke vin just won his third title. he's talking to us later. we'll be right back. they're the luckiest. of course, they can't wait to grow up. but tonight, it won't take much to slow down the clock. if only for the next 86 minutes. low prices. every day. on 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2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. i brought in some protein to get us moving. i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. ♪ if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. i've been the same shade of red for many years. i think it's time to change it up! goodbye, red. hello, golden blonde. shifting to a new shade is sort of a new beginning but i knew it was going to be natural because it's nice'n easy. clairol's #1 for natural looking color i don't know if blonde has more fun, but i plan to find out. now you can earn free color with clairol platinum rewards no artificial flavors, colors sweeteners preservatives, and no artificial smiles. because clean dressings, taste better. panera. food as it should be. happy monday everyone. it's 7:56. here is what's happening. commuters are driving over the new parkway this morning. there it is. it features new tunnels, extra lanes, extra exits as well. the 1.6-mile route connects golden gate bridge with san francisco and so far things have gone very smoothly. a small earthquake rattling parts of the south bay early this morning, a magnitude 2.4. the quake hit around 12:32a.m. on cbs this morning j.crew announces a new store that will sell clothes at a cheaper price. what this means for the direction of the company and what customers can expect as we hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at good morning. we have our first delays on the golden gate bridge, a couple lights north bound due to police activity. there is extra volume on the south bound sides and we are seeing some slightly slower speeds. the bay bridge is very busy. >> boy, we have a really confusing marine layer. let me show you this scene right now. we do have the marine layer lifting and scouring out but we saw by the bay bridge shot that we still have over cast conditions. temperatures are up to 67 and 57 in santa rosa. later today clearing to kirk nieuwenhuis makes history. the first met to make i'm charlie rose with gayle king and jeff glor of our digital network cbsn. norah o'donnell is off. the united states is helping mexico this morning to recapture a dangerous drug kingpin. joaquin "el chapo" guzman escaped from his maximum security cell over the weekend. he was arrested last year after 13 years on the run. his cartel is the biggest drug supplier to the united states. >> guzman broke free using a tunnel that stretches nearly a mile away from the prison. federal police patrol the roads instead of check points in their efforts to recapture him. >> this morning scott walker is the 15th to enter the republican presidential race. his campaign released a video this morning. they call for new fresh leadership with big bold ideas. they have some ground to pick up. donald trump leads the pack. he talked about a surge in phoenix. >> somebody said you weren't on leadership by far. you went on absolutely economic financial -- anything do with the economy you're lapping the field much much higher than anybody else. but they said a lot of people don't know if they like you. i'm actually a nice person. said if i'm winning in these categories, why are we going through primaries. over the weekend fellow candidate lindsey graham called trump a wrecking ball for the future of the republican party. this is a sweet morning for the two number one players in tennis one day after serena williams won the title, novak djokovic became a champion as well. djokovic won his third wimbledon title defeating seven-time winner roger federer in four sets. only on "cbs this morning" the champion joins us now from wimbledon. novak, good morning and congratulations. >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> what was it that happened in the break, the rain break when you had just lost the second set in a tiebreaker and you came back seemingly stronger than ever. >> well, i was coming into the match knowing that roger's going to play on a very high level as he always does in the final stages of grand slams and is not going to hand me the victory, so i have to earn it to go out on the court believing i can do it. it was kind of a deja vu of the last year's final when i was two sets to one up and trying to close out the match. he came back showing his competitive spirit and fighted his way through fifth. this year's final was very similar. went down the wire and could have gone either way up to that second set. but the rain delay helped. boris, my coach got in a small room where we were waiting to crawl back on the cord and we had a small chat. we kept things simple. i felt like i had to do better and we did really well. >> after you lost that second tiebreak you were yelling. we saw you try to whip your shirt off there. what were you saying to yourself and how did that moment make a difference and do you think that's where you were able to turn it around? >> you don't want to know what i was saying to myself, but generally i had e had an emotional burst. that's what happens. that's what you go through. certainly emotions up and down to bounce back. to recover. if there's one thing tennis has taught me over the years is to get back on track and leave whatever happened behind me. >> now you have a family. does that make a difference in your tennis? >> of course it does. actually yesterday in the final stay my wife and i celebrated the one-year anniversary of our marriage so it was a very special occasion. i was very glad to have her and close family members there to celebrate this win. i'm going to try to now nurture every moment that i find myself as a husband and a father because as soon as i'm off the tennis courts when i get back home i'm not a tennis player. i'm a husband and a father, a completely different chapter in my life that help ms. e play better tennis. >> can i ask you about serena williams. you said you had hoped to dance with her. did you get a chance to do that? >> of course, she cannot refuse. it was great. we had a great dance. nice tradition obviously of the champions ball. they call it champions dinner but people expect champions. it's tradition and hopefully any other next champion will do the same. i was actually think about it was going to be a slower tune like a walz something more sophisticated but she wanted -- she wanted to move so she chose "night fever," and you can imagine how that went. >> i like it. >> thank you for joining us. >> see you in new york. >> thank you. this morning prince william admits he's nervous as he begins a new job flying an air ambulance. the duke of cambridge will work with an emergency crew. he's a former royal air force pilot. he's been at home since the birth of his daughter charlotte back in may. >> it's been fun. she's been a little joy to have. at the same time it's more responsibility looking at two little ones especially when george is around. he's a little monkey. but, no it's fantastic and i'm so thrilled. katherine has been doing an amazing job as a mother and i'm very proud of her. >> prince william says he looked forward to juggling his new job, his royal duties and his job as a father. >> i love watching him, to see him progress from a little boy, a young man to a responsible father. >> is it a little more responsibility with two? >> you tell me jeff. melodie how's this taste? looks like beer and tastes like coffee. >> i like it. >> why not start your day with an iced cold brew straight from the tap? i'm marlie hall. coming up on "cbs this morning," i'll tell you about a new coffee trend that's got people buzzing. ok, let's try this online snacking thing again. ugh! rough around the edges. ugh... greaseball... oh! dan n. oikos tasty and healthy. and if i don't love it, it's free? could be the perfect snack! dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is creamy and delicious and has 12g of protein and 0 fat. i think i found the perfect snack! seriously, you'll love snacking on dannon oikos or it's free! mmm dannon. ♪ [music] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. it's so shiny. i know, mommy, but it's time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. if you want beautiful results, you know where to go - angie's list. now everyone can get highly rated service even without a membership. you can shop special offers or just tell us what you need and we'll help you find a local company to take care of it. angie's list is there for all your projects, big and small. pretty. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. ...a rabbit... ...a rabbit genetically modified and bred with a panther... ...with turbines attached... ...on ice... ...shaved... ...with a...what the?! with the fastest speeds to the most homes, the company that keeps making fast faster is doing it again. introducing multi-gig speeds from xfinity. the future of awesome. j. crew is getting ready to launch a more affordable clothing line. this morning, after running into trouble it could not afford the retail giant laid off nearly 200 people last month. revenue fell to $582 million in the first three months of this year. the company says the new america tile stores will feature a collection of original styles once only found at j. crew factory stores. cbs news financial contributor mellody hobson spoke with the company's ceo on sunday. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> this is what i like about you, mellody hobson you're doing the story, you can get anybody in the business community on the line to say, hey, what's up? >> on sunday. >> on a sunday. >> i e-mailed him first. i said i'm doing this story and i want to talk to you. he said, call me now. > so you two connected yesterday. what is he saying? >> he's saying he wants to open these stores because he's taking the j. crew brand to places where it would not exist. he mentioned strip malls as a possibility. and this is for the customer that is not going to go to that high end shopping district or that high end mall who is a valued buyer, and who wants to have the j. crew experience. that's how he explained it. >> as you know calvin klein and others worried about what would happen to their brand when they were sold in discount stores. >> but remember he invented this idea at gap with old navy. he was the first person to ever do this. old navy was the lower price. gap, it was incredibly successful under his tenure and all the other retailers followed. so you have nieman marcus with last call and you have nordstrom with nordstrom rack. you have sachs fifth avenue. >> but why were sales slumping? >> they did two things wrong. he was the first to admit on the phone yesterday that we had a bad year. he said, full stop we had a bad year. they raised their prices at a time when their merchandise was not resinating with their consumers and it was a double whammy so sales have been soft because of that. >> i was in j. crew the other day, i think the clothes are affordable, chic and still feel like one of the cool kids. >> i'm not hysterical about this. i think fashion has misses. it happens, and this is one of those times. i think mickey drexler is one of the great merchant princes of all time. that's what he's called one of the last ones that exist. >> wouldn't you like to see mellody hysterical? >> i get hysterical. not on the air. >> but the question comes up i mean lower prices lower quality. >> so he came back hard on that point. he said, j. crew is always going to stand for quality. he also said don't confuse us with the fast retailers who are out there like zara or some of the others h & m, where you're paying $9.99 for a pair of pants that you're wearing a couple of times. so he was very clear, and those are my words, that last part. he was very clear about the fact that j. crew really did stand for quality. >> all right mellody hobson. >> that won't change. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hisysterical or however it is we'll take it thank you very much. dna catching criminals can also help you track down better skincare. ahead, the science speeding up personalized solutions. you're watching "cbs this morning". personalized solutions. you're watching "cbs this morning." it's gluten. there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. you know the importance of heart health. you watch your diet, excercise... and may take an omega-3 supplement, such as fish oil. but when it comes to omega-3s, it's the epa and dha that really matter for heart health. not all omega-3 supplements are the same. introducing bayer pro ultra omega-3 from the heart health experts at bayer. with two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. plus, it's the only brand with progel technology proven to reduce fish burps. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. how much protein does your dog food have? 18%? 20? introducing nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna and 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. only nexium 24hr gives you nexium level protection for frequent heartburn all day and all night. try nexium 24hr, the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand, and get all day, all night protection. nexium level protection. also, we're flying without a navigation system and can't seem to change course. >> miss, are you telling us absolutely everything? >> not exactly. we're also out of coffee. >> classic. passengers in "airplane 2" shows what really happens without their caffeine fix. a new coffee issed as a jolt nitrogen which makes the coffee taste more like alcohol. marlie good morning. >> good morning. nitro coffee is served straight from the tap similar to a beer and here at stumptown coffee roaster, they always serve the cold brewed drink in a can. this isn't the only store. at this new jersey coffee truck, it's tradition to start your morning like it's friday night. >> all right, all right. nitro. >> with a cold frosty brew straight from the tap. >> you've got something that's an adult beverage. >> reporter: justin hicks and travis of mod cup coffee started making and selling nitro coffee less than a year ago. >> would you like it'sed or hot? >> some weekends we'll sell 15 kegs. and this summer more baristas are buying into the nitro trend. the coffee is cold brewed put into a keg and infused with nay trow jep and poured from a tap. it created a carbonated coffee with a beer like head. there ee is no sugar, milk our alcohol. just coffee, water, and twice the caffeine. they also serve it from a can and tap. >> people are going bananas for it. >> director at east coast operations say they can barely keep up with the demand for nitro. the company expects sales to trip thl year. >> i think it's something here to stay. it's a fun way to drink coffee. >> they claim to be one of the pioneers of nitro coffee and first introduced it two years ago. reporter oliver strand writes about coffee for "the new york times." >> how will nitro coffee affect the coffee industry? >> i think that the first coffee company to take nitro coffee to mass market will be a very success elf coffee company. >> americans spend $40 billion a year on coffee with the average coffee drinker spending about $20 a week on their caffeine fix but nitro places beat competition with their never ending menu options. >> specialty coffee accounts for 3% 4% of their sales. nitro coffee, not even 1%. >> it's silky, smoov, goes down well. >> like a cold beer but a coffee, stuff i'm not allowed to drink during the day. >> they say shipments are good morning. it's 8:25. cars are driving over the new precidio parkway now. the road was being built to make it seismically and structurally safe. several people lost homes and belongings after a fire in san jose. flames tore through two homes destroying them. a third home was heavily damaged. skin care tailored to your dna. on cbs this morning a london store is cramming to be the ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it's tougher than ever to be a... ... foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken... ... is 100 percent natural... ... with no antibiotics. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms. good morning. welcome back. i am gianna franco. we have bart delays, five to ten minutes out of the east bay. mountain view bus bridge is in place this week. south bound 680 at monument, this accident is cleared to the right. the damage is done though with speeds lipping to 14 miles per hour in some -- dipping to 14 miles per hour in some spots. a pretty slow go along the peninsula and busy on the san mateo bridge. the roberta. >> you want to mow what partly sunny -- know what partly sunny looks like? in san jose it is partly sunny. it looks mostly cloudy to me but you do some see sunshine there. right now it is 67 in concord, southwest breeze at 12 miles per hour. 10 to 20 late afternoon, 70 at the beaches, peninsula. the 80s in the inland areas. 89 in the gilroy area. tomorrow is cooler as a trough goes through the bay area and a boost up in numbers i'm stuck inside fedex office. i was over here in the back for an hour on the computer and nobody was here because they left and locked me inside fedex office. quite possibly the strangest experience of my life. >> a workout, right? he was locked inside the fedex office for two hours. he sent a series of updates to be let out. he was doing exercises to make the most of your time. you've got to do something. >> i don't understand jeff how this happened. doesn't he see the lights going off and locking up the doors and why he was in there for two hours. >> i don't know. >> but he's okay and he's got a humerus video. >> and we're talking about it this morning. fedex prisoner free. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour tony morison calls a new book required reading. he's in studio 57 with tough advice for his son and the country. we'll look at the racially charged confrontation and what's really changing for the next generation. plus putting a better face on the future. technology that could give new life to anti-aging creams. see how an '80s pop star helped spark the idea. that is ahead. right now it's time to show this morning's headlines. they announced a new online streaming service. streamed as $15 a month to the price of comcast internet subscription xfinity. it will be available across the country earl next year. the "new york post" says nascar's danica patrick is cooling off this morning after a weekend dust jupp with dale earnhardt jr. [ bleep ] >> did he say he hit me? >> yes. >> weren't you thinking about that maybe the corper before that? >> you can tell he's upset. >> he said he couldn't slow down when he tapped an angry patrick. he sent her into an outside wall. patrick later returned a bump on her way into the pits. they face each other again this weekend at the new hampshire motor speedway. the san antonio news says spurs assistant coach becky hammon made history. spurs lost to the knicks 78-73 yesterday. she told reporters she thinks it's important for society that women be rewarded for their brains just as much as any other guy. the"the boston globe" says there's an upside. the kids who were fibbers showed better working and memory skills. when you're lying, you have to keep track of more sentences and words. did i really say that? >> did you say that charlie rose, who is not a liar liar pants on fire. new mom carrie underwood got a scare over the weekend. her 4-month-old and dogs got stuck inside the car. her brother-in-law smashed a window and everybody got out safely. she tweeted this. when your dogs manage to lock themselves, all your stuff and the baby in the car and you have to break in, what are the chances. in the old days one student earned that honor and delivered a speefrp to graduates. now some called dozens or even 00 credits of graduates valedictorian. others have eliminated the title all together. that they're responding to cutthroat competition competition. stanford university's number one on the list. they're ranked on the quality of education, tuition, and average career earnings of their alumni. babson is next and massachusetts into stus of technology princeton university. money says the list helps families find schools, quote, truly worth the investment. >> an author says he is terrified by the number of unarmed black men who have dietd in the hands of police. his new book "between the world and me," here's a portion for you. quote, you are human, you will make mistakes you will misjudge, you will yell you will drink too much you will hang out with people you should. . but the price for you is higher than it is for your kun transfermen, so that the story of a black body's destruction must always begin with his or her error real or imagined. ta-nehisi coates joins us. good morning. it was an good book. i read it this weekend. >> thank you. >> what was your son's response? >> he stayed up to wait for the verdict. it was very important to him. he followed the news. he's young. >> 15. >> yes. and has certain expectation ss, so when a verdict came down he left the room and went to his room and cried and i let him cry for a bit and i talked to him. i essentially said as brutal as this sounds get used to it. i said this is our country and this is the way it is. get used to it. >> first of all we live in new york. that's a little difficult to do. you know an african-american in this country, you know and knowing what his life was going to be like. i've always tried to talk to him directly and honestly. >> he's 14. >> i'm sorry. he's 14. they changed the pub date. he's going to be 15 when it comes out. >> tony morison, this is what happened and i find it extraordinary. you wanted only wanted an endorsement from her and she wrote back to the publisher, i've been wondering who might be an intellectual boy who plagued me. baldwin died 28 years ago. a note to coates who sent back a one-word e-mail. man. my point is they're putting very heavy responsibility on you. >> it doesn't feel particularly heavy. my job is to go out and right at the oechld the day. i would be writing the same thing as i once was sitting in my basement alone sending it out to my blog where only my dad read every day or if i was so fortunate to be sitting with you guys on cbs. >> write what you know what you feel. >> there's not much more you can do there really isn't. i take that as a great honor, as an admirer of baldwin and tony morison. >> there's what you write and there's where you come from west baltimore, the site of the death of freddie gray. baltimore fired their police chief last week. have things changed in baltimore? >> i don't know. i haven't lived there in over 20 years. it would be wrong for me to say. >> you say it hasn't changed since you lived there. >> that's pretty obvious. when you see a cvs burning down, violence has increased but baltimore as i knew it then was pretty violent. >> you talk about you and your son have two different realities in the world and you say so many times when you see kids who are loud and rude that really it is a defense mechanism and they're afraid. >> right right. right. they're like ordinary kids are but they're perceived a certain bay. in the instance and i think this is what you're referring to you see african-americans, males in particular, but females also walking through the neighborhood displaying a kind of bravado. what people don't understand is that's a culture, that's a methodology, a way to walk through a neighborhood that's very violent. you have to send signals to make sure you're not victimized. >> where are we? the president said there's been controversy between americans and police. at the same time he's said we've made remarkable progress wrchlt are we? >> we've made progress but we haven't made nearly enough progress for me to feel safe in my body. >> what's holding back that progress? >> well, i think it's us. >> who's us? >> i think it's us as americans as a country. one of the things i'm trying to reckon with in this book is we were born out of great moral era if you call it. we have never grappled with that, gotten through that. >> how do we get over it? >> we need a series of steps of investigations. i wrote something a while ago. i wrote a piece last year that very much spelled that out. >> you also write something i thought was interesting. most black parents myself included always say you have to work twice as hard work twice as good to be successful. you say when people do that that drive use crazy because that sends the wrong message. >> you're putting weight on these children. i understand the intent of it and i understand what people are triedying to do but these are children and i think part of what happens in addition to the races is that your childhood is robbed of you because people tell you at age 10 you have to act like you're 30 years old. >> you end the book with the death of your friend prince jones who was killed by a police officer. unarmed, 25 years old killed by a police officer. that had a big impact on you. >> my friend prince jones was killed 15 years ago at 25 within 200 yards of his fiancee's home left his mother behind, and it will stay with me and i think it will stay with me until the day i die. >> thank you for having me. >> tony morison said required reading. what does that mean? >> it must be true. >> tony said it. >> it's got to be you. "between the world and me" goes on sale tomorrow. charlie d'agata looks at a new high-tech option to save your skin. >> no i'm not on a starship enterprise. i'm at a london store claiming to be the face of things to come. skin care detailed to your ♪ southwest is having a sale because when there's a reunion every cent should go to a killer dress. ♪"never gonna get it" by en vogue ♪ and heels. and a blowout. mani/pedi. three weeks of tanning. facial. a backup dress. bronzer, lip gloss... book for as low as 73 dollars one-way now at a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ ♪ take advantage of our summer offers. the 2015 cadillac srx, a crossover with space safety, and style. lease this from around $339 per month. ♪ ♪ for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. a london shop offer as new war on wrinkles. a new pr here they're planning to get under the american beauty industry soon. charlie d'agata, this it probably beats 're a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ [♪♪] good morning. it's 8:55. traffic is flowing over the new precidio parkway. this is the first test for the run way. there are more lanes, new exits and a set of tunnels. a small earthquake rattled parts of the south bay, a magnitude 2.4. the quake hit about 12:32 am. a man considered a person of interest in his bear baby -- baby daughter's disappearance has been spotted. matthew graham disappeared with cash and his grandmother's gun. >> good morning. as you are heading out of the door we have a combination of clear skies and also partly cloudy conditions. this is the scene towards angel aland and alcatraz. temperature wise we are in the 60s for the most part except santa rosa is at 57. later today with an onshore wind 10 to 20 we will have sunshine to the beaches where pacifica will realize a high near 70. 70 is common across the bay area. then we jump to the low, mid, high 80s away from the bay into the inland areas. cooling takes place on tuesday, a boost in temperatures wednesday and thursday and then we remain stagnant through sunday. traffic is up next after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. good morning. we are dealing with bart delays, about 5 to 10 minutes. we have reports of track troubles in oakland. it is still busy south bound 680 towards 24. we had an earlier accident. it is clear but sluggish. the approach to the bay bridge is taking a hot including 880 north bound through oakland. peninsula is busy south 280 through palo alto. have a wonderful day. [baby crying] don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers, add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus get a free security camera. call 1-800 xfinity or go online today. ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. jonathan: it's a new jet - what? wayne: oops! you don't know me, you're not my mama, you're not my mama. tiffany: oh my god! jonathan: it's a trip to jamaica. wayne: lord have mercy. you've got the big deal of the day! - i pick door number one. jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal". now here's tv's big dealer wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody, welcome to "let's make a deal." happy christmas in july. happy christmas in july. we have all these amazing families that have come out today to make deals with us. so let me stop talking and make a deal. who wants to make a deal families? (cheers and applause) let's see, the cows and the milk carton. the cows and the milk carton. a very cute yet disturbing outfit.

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