Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20180214 : comp

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20180214

flight from san francisco to honolulu. good evening and thanks for joining us i'm deon lim. >> i'm dan ashley. the plane was safe and no one was injured. >> it was high over the ocean when the cover blew off the engine. passengers seated on the right saw pieces of metal flying. >> as the plane approached hand lieu lieu flight attendants ordered passengers to prepare for emergency landing. listen. >> brace. brace. >> you can hear the instructions-on on the ground. emergency crews waited along the runway. 40 minutes after it started the passengers were on the ground safe. >> a tremendous bang, and a very sudden vibration. it settled down to a shaking because the engine mount was shaking. >> it was horrible. even the -- like the flight attendants were really professional but scared. >> some people were definitely quite upset. people were crying and nervous. we didn't know what was happening. obviously once we landed everyone cheered and clapped and people were crying. we were crying. we were so happy to be safely on the ground. >> such relief. united says the pilots followed the procedures for engine failure. the 777 is designed to fly over water with one engine. it was not clear what caused the malfunction. the faa is investigating. a climber died after falling from a ridge on mt. hood. and sheriffs say one other climber was injured. crews rescued six others stranded on the steep slopes. abc news reporter has more. >> reporter: tonight, a rescue attempt playing out on the top of oregon's highest peak. two climbers waving jackets and blankets. another performing chest compressions on a climber that had fallen 700 feet. turning more desperate as the injured climber is shielded from rocks and snow. >> it was like a bowling aly. >> a medic repeled down to the climbers air lifting to the hospital but he later died. at the same time another rescue of a second group stranded on the other side. one of them injured as well. >> the ice was really bad. i saw a lot of people up ahead you struggling that started earlier on. decided to turn back. >> reporter: this peak known for the loose rocks and ice when the weather warms up. and it's been sunny and above freezing all week making it dangerous. let's turn to major developments in a gruesome crime, a teenager stabbed and left for dead in the east bay. today police identified her and her attackers. the parents of the victim released this photo of their daughter. alameda county sheriff sheriff's daepts deputies say the family is devastatesed fb of course. questa graduated from silver creek high school in 2016 and lived with family in tracy and working at a restaurant. early monday morning she was found bleeding and crawling along tesla road in a remote part of livermore. she made a dying declaration describing the attackers before subcoming to the injuries. >> the compelling statements about what happened to her allowed to us get to modesto in a timely manner to execute an search warrant at the house and obtain evidence probably that may have been destroyed as time went on. >> modest oh o is where the deputies arrested the suspects daniel dproes and melissa learned o 12 hours after the crime. the speedy response helped investigators find a lot of evidence including a vehicle they were interested in. leslie brinkley talked with the suspect's neighbors in modesto who were there as the s.w.a.t. teams raided the home. >> a sniper was on top of of our treehouse because they thought the guy lived in the back. and he did. >> 9-year-old jayden says a s.w.a.t. team used his treehouse as a views platform to peer into the barkyard next door. holed up in the green and purple structure were the the two suspects. >> we were just scared because we saw a lot of guns and we -- we were scared that they were going to shoot or something. >> they said get out with their hands up. and we know you're there. >> jayden's grandmother was home monday afternoon when she was ordered to evacuate as officers swarmed in. >> they arrested a lady pregnant. i don't know the name. but any arrested her too first. >> that was 25-year-old melissa leonardo o. according to her facebook pages from los gatos went to high school in tracy and last summer got engaged to this man gamble gross. gross is just 19 years old. officers used concussion devices to gain access to the backyard home and arrested gross in connection with the murder of 19-year-old lizzette questa op tesla road in livermore over the weekend. gross is picturesed in this 2016 year book from mod he haddest o but not pictured as a senior in the 2017 edition. neighbors say 19-year-old gross and 25-year-old leonardo o were quiet neighbors who lived with gross's mother. the victim lizzette questa moved to the central three months ago. >> she lived with parents and sister here in tracy. she was friends with the suspects in modesto. and she identified them to law enforcement just before she died. i'm leslie brinkley abc 7 news. >> parents are awaiting answers tonight after ten children got sick from ingesting some kind of substance at a school. sky 7 was above in middle school as one of the victims was taken on a stretcher. crews treated ten kids in total with one suffering what they called extreme adverse affects. a short time we spoke to the parent of an eighth grade student. >> i haven't heard of anything like this before. it was shocking. i left work and came down to get here and find out what my child knew. >> investigators say the victims gave different answers as to what they thought they ingested. there is no word yet exactly what it was. lawyers for the man acquitted in the murder of kate steinle say he is being persecuted o kutd by the trump administration. jose zarate pled not guilty to being a immigrant in possession of a firearm, the other a convicted oh felon in possession of a gun. his attorneys call it politically motivated and an effort by the trump presidency to escape o scapegat him. >> near trying to override the verdict brought forward by the san francisco superior court jury. not override but punish our client harsher than the san francisco superior court did. >> the defense lawyers say they will ask the court's permission to dismiss the charges as an illegal vick dikt i have prosecution. garcia is due back in court on april 24th. the city asked to declare the city a sanctuary for legal marijuana. in addition city agencies won't be able to turn over information on legal cannabis activities to federal authorities. in january attorney general jeff sessions rescinded an obama era policy that essentially barred law enforcement officials from interfering with marijuana sales in states where is legal. >> stay with us. coming up next, finding blame. a family seeks justice after their son was gunned down in san francisco last year. the gun had been stolen from a cop. also complaint about short term rentals could lead to big changes in how people do business in marin county. >> drew tuma with a forest forecasts. temperatures about where she should be but the warmer weather on the way. and problems in new orleans tonight. not far from mardi gras celebrat you could generate your own energy, at home. or to save energy, unplug unused appliances. do your thing, with energy upgrade california. shootings are spoiling mardi gras separations. the new orleans police department is investigating shootings with six people died. two of the victims were shot about a two miles from the celebrations but a third shot near a parade. tens of thousands of revellers are crowded on the streets tonight as as mardi gras caps the carnival season. new orleans is marking three hundred years since the city was founded. abc 7 news learned that the family of a young man shot to death last august will sue the city and the police department claiming negligence because the gun used was from an officer. abc 7 news reporter vic lee has a story only on abc 7 news. >> reporter: able was shot to death in august. at 26th street just a block from his home. >> he gotten off work. it was about 2:00 a.m. in the morning. he did not know his assailants. >> police say the shooter and two others had been on a crime spree, three shooting attention and oh five robberies in one night. >> that all was enabled solely by a police officer who apparently is a decorated veteran. failing to secure his weapon in his vehicle. and leaving it with ammunition. >> in attorney represents the young man's family. she says the suspected shooter eric panetta stole the gun from a san francisco police officer's personal car. the suspect was also wearing an i.c.e. tracking device strapped to his aiken zblool that monitoo is the evidence that they are using to tie him to the three shootings and five robbery that is occurred. >> the family is suing the city, the police department and the owner of the gun, the officer. the complaint will be filed tomorrow. >> they want the message to be loud and clear that law enforcement officers need to start securing in re weapons properly. >> reporter: and that law applies to both private citizens and law enforcement. >> you have to either lock the firearm in your trunk, or you have to lock it in a container that is out of plain view. >> reporter: san francisco police tell us this they are conducting their own investigation into the circumstances surrounding that stolen gun. in the meantime they say the officer is still on duty pending the outcome of the probe. vic lee, abc 7 news. >> an update now on an abc 7 news special investigation where another resident is now suing a santa rosa retirement home claiming it didn't evacuate her quickly enough when a wildfire was bearing down on the building. the thomas fire eventually destroyed part of observingment senior living facility. other residents sued over similar claims accusing oak month senior living of not having generators to operate elevators. many residents rely on wheelchairs and walker and stairs were the only path to safety. oak month claim they had work generate he is. in marin county the board of supervisor took a big step tor regulating show short term rentals in uncorporated areas. the wayne freed many explains, some people love the new ordinance. others not so much. >> reporter: brows the worldwide web find a place to stay. >> this is a living. wi-fi log in info. >> it mied lady to you john in marin county. >> four people 90 bucks. that's a couple of bottss of wine. >> john rents a two bedroom place attached to his house and is not happy with the marin county board of supervisors. today the firsted reading of ordinance thoeshzed by dennis radmannny that regulate the short term rentals. >> most people want it. >> the ordinance would require the short term rentals to splay a sign each has a business listen number a tax identification number and perhaps most important to people in residences like the ones behind us, a contact number in case guests begin having too much of a good time. >> why identify me when you don't have to? with signage? >> the board estimates some 400 people in west marin rent rooms or houses. it worries they do it beneath the radar. >> john says he has always played taxes for the guests. >> aeairbnb charges the the tax for occupancy rental units like a low tellier would charge. >> marin's board of supervisors will hold a public hearing on the issue next month. expect more than a quiet debate. >> i'm just a working stiff trying to make things happen. >> in marin county wayne freedman, abc 7 news. let's turn to the forecast. gorgeous around here. still need rain but beautiful worth. >> we seem to be in the pattern. drew tuma joining with us more on the forecast. it's been a weekly pattern we've been in where sunshine dominates the forecast and and i rainy lietz pup live doppler 7 along with satellite quiet picture. but to the south there is a stim spinning off the southern california coast. live doppler 7 showing a little bit of moisture west of los angeles. this system won't make it to our neck of the woods. just spinning down there keeping us cool. outside right now it's beautiful 37 clear skies from the east bay hills. the east bay weather highlight. clear and chilly overnight tonight. nups drop to the 30s the next 12 hours. tomorrow a little bit cooler in the around than we were today. a few high clouds from time to time. but the bigger trend warmer weather moves in by the enof the week and into the upcoming weekend just solidifying the pattern once again of warm temperatures and dry conditions unfortunately. right now temperaturewise a lot of 40s and 50s. 52 in oakland. 50 in san mateo. 48 in concord. the same in napa and fairfield. here is the call from accuweather, the next 12 hours plenty of stars out there. beautiful sky tonight. but it will get chilly. temperatures dropping to 30s away from the coast, 32 in napa. about 33 in feralfield. san jose to 40 degrees. hour by hour showing y tomorrow morning weigh up to clear skies. temperatures in the 30s and 40s. you'll notice by midday a few high clouds will extreme in from time to time. it's not a total sunny day. but the clouds will be quickly moving. by 4:00 in the afternoon we should return to sunny skies and temperatures very comfortable for this time of year. highs wednesday about 64 in san jose. 63 in sunnyvale. sunny in the south bay. in the peninsula delightful 62. redwood city and 61. the downtowns san francisco be 59 degrees 57 in daly city. in 59 in the santa rosa. 59 the high in sausalito. and to the east bay midday clouds. 62 in fremont. 61 in hayward. and 63 in brendanwood. 61 in walnut creek and 62 in livermore. if you have plans later on tomorrow night for valentine's day a nice night. by 5:00 a lot of sunshine. the sun goes down at 5:47. and temperatures drop to the 40s. by 9:00 and even later by 11:00 that jacket certainly needed but dry skies and it will be a little breezy along the coast. what we really want, we want rain. the potential for rainfall the next seven days is not looking good for our neck of the woods. future weather showing rain kind of allround us in northern california. unfortunately it's not overhead in the bay area. accuweather seven-day forecast valentine's day looking delightful and sweet. temperatures rebound and thursday. winter warming and sprik-like friday into saturday. but then cooling off in early next week heading right back down to where we should be this time of year. a little bit of roller costar peeking on the start of the weekend. >> thanks drew. up next, san francisco city hall getting ready fore a busy day tomorrow. why they expect this valentine's day to be even busier than usual. >> stay with us. more to come. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthm symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlle on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't repla a rescue inhaler for suddenreathing problems. breo is ecifically desigd to open up airys to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma iwell controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, liken inhaled corticosteid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. see your doctor if your asthma does not irove or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at stock rose today for the third day in a row. banks, retailers and tech companies led the way. the dow gained 39 points and the nasdaq up 31. the s&p added almost 7. tomorrow in honor of valentine's day the group behind the website, the knot, the nest and the bump will ring the opening bill. valentine's day is a popular day around the world to get engaged or married, of course. san francisco city hall officials expect a busy day at city hall tomorrow. today they said that there's been a more than 50% increase in people region sistering marriage licenses in the city in the last decade. they attribute the increase to the stronger economy and legalization of same-sex marriage. >> because san francisco has been a leader in equity allowing people to do that. many people may come here to do that. >> during the last fiscal year from 2016 to genuine 2017 more than 11,000 public marriage licenses were recorded. officials say the city is on track to exceed that this year. speaking of if you you are planning to pop the question tomorrow, maybe considering at a pannera bred straubt. they post-ed in video at the webt offered a indicatored wedding reception to five lucky couples. they have to propose marriage at pannera tomorrow and post the picture on social media before midnight winners randomly selected. >> all right stay with us moving on coming up next domestic abuse fire storm consuming the west wing. >> tonight how the fbi is contradicting the time line from the white house. >> and from food stamps to food boxes. find out what's in the box and find out what's in the box and get all the yod see all the sickness ifyou're spreading. cough, robitussin cf max vere soothes andelivers powerful relief of cough, sore throat, stuffy nose and fever. because it's never robitussijust a live where you live, this is abc 7 news. good evening, once again. it's been nearly one we can since the white house staff secretary rob orator resigned after domestic violence allegations from two exwives. and tonight the fallout continues. the fbi is contradicting the white house time line. here is abc news report reporter cecilia vega. >> the smifting story about the when they are have were informed the allegations against rob porter. over and over again, press secretary sara sanders and deputy raj sha said the fbi was conducting the background check when his two former wives went public with the claims of abuse. one releasing this photo of her black eye. >> his background investigation was ongoin. >> i can tell that you we were in the -- the process for the background was ongoing. and the white house had not received any specific papers regarding the completion of that background check. >> but today, the fbi says that's not true. in a stunning movement on capitol hill, fbi director christopher wray told the senate intelligence committee his agents gave the white house reports on porter four times, as far back as last spring. >> the fbi submitted at partial report on the investigation in question in march. and then a investigation in late july. >> wray says the bureau sent the white house more information in november and closed the investigation into porter last month. facing repeated questions about the contradicts. >> there is multiple groups here. the white house personnel security offers staffed by career officials would have -- may have received information. but they had not completed their process and made a recommendation to the white house for a adjudication. >> none of this quieted the fire storm engufg chief of staff john kelly. despite the fbi now saying they gave the four reports on porter when the story first broke he praised porter as a man of sbeg and honor. >> is the white house maintaining that john kelly had no idea about the allegations of domestic abuse until this story broke? >> i can only give you the best information that i have, and that's my pungds understanding. >> reporter: the white house press secretary now acknowledges they could have handled the porter scandal better. but kelly tells the "wall street journal" he wouldn't have handled it any differently saying it was all done right. the president himself had wished porter well, saying porter maintains his innocene, with you today still no message to the women despite our repeated attempts to act. >> mr. president do you believe rob porter's ex-wives if? do you believe rob porter essex wife mr. president. >> does the president believe the women? >> again the, the president takes all of these accusations very seriously. he believes in due process. above everything else he supports the victims of any type of violence and certainly would condemn any violence against anyone. >> we still haven't heard him say that himself. the cameras were in front of him today. >> the president dictated to me specifically that comment today i read out to you. >> abc 7, the white house. and a new decision today in the daca debate. blocks efforts by the white house to end the immigration prap. a u.s. district judge ruled that the daca program can't end in march as planned by president trump. the court found while ending daca may not be unlawful, the trump administration failed to come up with legally adequate reasons to terminate the program protecting immigrants brought to the united states illegally from deportation. well the santa clara county sheriff office arrested this woman for grand theft. officials say that ivan castle o was providing grimes services in san jose illegally. the sheriff's office says she received money for daca applications and didn't mail them to i.c.e. they believe the victims had significant losses and lost immigration opportunities as a result. they are looking for more victims to come forward. the leaders of the top intelligence agency in america sounding the alarm going so far as to say the u.s. is under attack by russians. here is abc news roert pierre thomas. >> this dire messages. >> frankly the united states is under attack. >> president trump's six top intelligence officials warning the russians are targeting the 2018 midterm elections. >> we need to inform the american publics in real, this is going to be happening. and the resilience needed for us to stand up and say we're not going to allow some russian to tell us how to vote. >> have you seen russian activity in the lead up to the 2018 elections cycle. >> yes, we have seen russian activity and intentions to have an impact on the next election cycle here. >> abc news learned that the russians plan not only to use social media to sew discord threw fake news with you a probing state election to see if they can be infiltrated. we report the in september before the 2016 election that 21 states were targeted by russian makers. and this stark assessment from the republican chairman of the senate intelligence committee. >> we have seen some activity at state elected officials that were attempts -- electronically, to search those individuals. so we assume that there is still the intent. >> reporter: some senators criticizing president trump who recently said this. >> could well have been russia but i think it could have been other countries. and i won't be specific. but i think a lot of people interfere. >> we cannot confront this threat which is a serious one with a whole of government response when the leader of the government continues to deny that it exists. >> it's remarkable you have all the leaders of the intelligence community but not the president of the united states acknowledging the level of the threat. >> you want to hear more from him? >> we've all been wait ago long time on this. >> reporter: all the agencies say they are doing their part. pu tonight it appears no single intelligence or law enforcement agency is in charge of responding to the russian cyberthreat. pierre thompson, abc news washington. overseas israeli police say there is sufficient evidence to indict newtown ou on criminal charges. according to a police statement published late tuesday authorities found evidence of netanyahu accepting bribes fraud and breach of trust. in a televised statement he said the ails allegations would be dismissed. gun sales are so slow one of the biggest sellers filed for bankruptcy. for 200 years remington has been one of the most famous names in guns. but with a pro gun president in office. there is a slow down. remington is filing for chapter 11 means they are hoping to restructure the company's debt and stay in business. what goes in your grocery cart could be out of your control if food stamps are turned into food boxes. it's a new proposal from the trump administration pundit the proposal 80% of recipients in the supplemental nutrition assistance program or s.n.a.p. would get half of the benefits in the form of a foods package. abc 7 news reporter karolyn tyrrell explains what's in the box. >> at least 15 million americans rely on food stamps. the benefits on an electronic card which are call ebt which retailers only accept for food and noerzed products. families would do less grocery shopping under the trump administration plan. a household receiving $90 or more each month would see that amount cut in half and replaced by government-issued food boxes. >> it's very disappointing news. we feel that just because someone collects ebt or is on food stamps that doesn't mean they shouldn't have choice about what they eat or buy. >> marshalsy coburn heads quesa heading up farmer markets where food stamps are used to buy veggies and fruits which benefits local farmsers. there would be no fresh harvest or meat in the boxes. east bay congresswoman blafrted the the plan saying as a single mother who relied on food stamps to help feed my boys i can't overstate how offensive this proposal is. the agricultural the secretary visiting fresno says it would save billions over the next decade. >> the food stamp expenditure in a more effective, efficient way. >> the san francisco marin food bank serves 30,000 people a month including those who run low on food stamps. director paul ash says the current program shouldn't be replaced for one he feels is unworkable. >> we need to talk about how to make the s.n.a.p. program better with an ebt card ulgts ulgts i seeing the private sector efficiencies isn't a stop tearing it down. >> it would be the largest overhaul in the history of the food stamp program. karolyn tyrrell, abc 7 news. coming up next, a nationwide trip through all 50 states comes to an end in san francisco. >> find out why a couple they call themselves the connect guys. and they're here in the bay area tonight, ending their 50 high pressure state tour. it's allo spread a movement they started in europe t years ago. abc 7 news reporter jonathan blume explains how they try to spread peace around the world by connecting people with each other. >> reporter: the request is simple. >> can you join us we are taking a picture for peace. >> one they'd made over over on the road trip. >> it's about bringing people together. we should treat each other equally skbl they began in europe. >> two terrorists attacks in paris. the refugee crisis in germany. i'm from germany and. >> that something was a simple gesture. >> a gesture that connects. >> bringing people back in touch with each other. >> it doesn't take long to catch on. >> someone is missing. >> um-hum. >> they call the gesture human connectivity. it's a little different from digital connectivity. for one ning when you are you don't have a free hand to hold a phone. >> i love your hat. >> thank you. >> people from different cultures and different continents. >> i'm from canada, elise. >> and as the connect guys traveled the country they connected with a long list of important americans. senators abanderson cooper, actor kohl. farrell, the mayor of chicago and of course san francisco. >> people connect but it's fast, you know. you clicked. we said we don't click. we connect, you know. >> um-hum. >> um-hum. >> we are connected. >> we are what. >> for peace. >> for what? for peace. >> peace that starts by connecting. >> we are so comfortable together. that's what it's about, isn't it. >> in san francisco jonathan blume. >> um-hum. >> reporter: abc 7. >> very nice. >> nice to see that. >> yes. >> meteorologist drew tuma next with the forecast. with the forecast. >> and sometimes even i no wondering, "what if?" uncertainties of hep c. i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatmenfor the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain tientsan be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious sling of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness,eadache and weakss. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. when a a bear isn't feel good. sometimes you have to give it a hug. i'd be arrival about this. that's what a caretaker did for jimbo at the wildlife center in otisville, new york. look at this. a veterinarian was called in to examine the 1,400 opinion-pound braer. the bear was left feeling agitate ppd and so this caretaker gave him extra love. the animal has been there since he was a cub due to illness and injuries leaving him unable to be returned to the wild. he looks very content. >> very dos i'll. i don't know. still a wild beast, let us forget. >> cute until he decides not to be cute. all right talking about the weather definitely everything fine unless you are looking for rain. >> speaking of cute let's go to drew. >> easy segue. it's a nice cold night winter-like february. across the board it's 30s. chilly in the north bay vafrls falling around fresno. san francisco to 43, 40 in oakland and san jose. here is the 12-hour planner on morning. winter jackets needed first thing out the door. by noon we'll see a few high clouds start to bubble up. so it's a veil of cloud cover. but sunnier skies once again prevail in the afternoon. by 4:00 around sixth. and then in the 40s and 50s. rinse and repeat forecast over the next couple days. high 59 in san francisco. 60 in oakland. 64? san jose. 61 in concord and snap napa. 59 for half moon bay. accuweather, valentine's day looking sweet and delightful 37 warming continues into the first half of the weekend before we cool down into the holiday machined with near average temperatures one week from today with lots of sunshine. >> delightful like you too. >> yes, of course. always delightful. always cheery. >> i love it thanks. on to sports. a lot of talk about the warriors. >> people up in arms about everything. >> that's where we are. just look at twitter for five minutes. the reyes. >> whoa skbloo trying to wake you up. steve kerr didn't expect this much scrutiny. but handing the clip board to warrior players has some people upset. sports is next. >> funny, larry. ways to lose stubborn belly fat. the roasted core wrap. not cool.. freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting? now that's cool! coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. and no surgery. results and patient experience may vary. some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit today... for your chance to win a free treatment. abc 7 sports. good evening. wast disrespectful? was it a fun experiment? was it simply an attempt to get his players to focus? how about all of the above last night when warriors coach handed over the clip board and decided you know, you guys you run run the show against feenic process. the kerr, draymond and green, around iguodala. steph curry tried to draw it up a and. some criticize it as a disrespectfulful but the suns players are tired to hearing his voice. the weariers won easily 129-83. >> it's not your team. it's not bob meyer's team. it's not joe's team. although i won't tell joe that. it's the players team. >> it was a good kind of call it an experiment but a good vibe today. >> i think just having to count on each other and not hearing my voice, which, you know, sort of sounds like charlie brown's teacher or parents whoever voice that's what i sound like. >> that was horrible. i thought a play and forgot the second option had two guys in the wrong place on the board. >> they said they need a new voice. >> tonight they did. >> let's not get carried away. i like it here. i want to stay. i want this job. i'd like to stay on the job. tonight they needed a new voice. >> and nba tonight new look cawv a lot of new voices there. second quarter lebron james baseline around caramelo anthony and throws it down. lebron for 37 points, 8 boards and aft assists in the third quarter he did it all himself. 14 consecutive points. look out now the post delinquent cavs 3-0. 120-112 the final. with only 15 players on an nba roster it's tough for young guys to land a spot. and that's what the g league is all about. the triple a of the nba basically gives fringe players a chance to work on the game and get a shot. mike shumann with the more on the santa cruz warriors. >> let's go warriors, baby. let's go warriors. >> the santa cruz warriors arrived in 2012. winning the kmfrps in 2014 and 15 and have been a popular attraction on the board walk. >> a lot of love 37 we've been selling out crowds the last i don't know how many games. but it's amazing having the opportunity to play in front of people that support you know what they are doing. >> it's not the nba but it's a step away. >> guys who really want to make the nba, guys who are right on the cusp if it's a numbers game or situations, you know coming down to to the g league and gives another opportunity to make it ctrue. >> he has a two-way contract guaranteeing him 45 daysen on the golden estate roster. he dresses for games. he enjoys the differences but he knows it's temporary. >> you don't want to do the commercial flights. you want to the rits carlton and kmarter jets. >> they can sign a g league player from any roster. when you look at steph, k.d. and draymond some would say you'll never be brought up. why stick with the dub he is g league. >> i'm learning from the best guys. i could be on a different g league playing a lot but i'm getting better and my mind getting better. when i play i will be further along. >> the beauty of the santa cruz and golden state warriors is any run the same schemes and location. >> we got so much synergy between the two organizations i'm in constant communication with coach kerr. they welcome us up and help young coaches like myself out. >> mike shumann, abc 7 ports. >> to the ice sharks against last place arizona got to win this. first period san jose down 1-0. justin bjorn shot redirected and it comes get his former team. is up. process 33 seconds left in the period. tomas crash noose the boards left with what appeared to be a right shoulder injury. second period christian fisher providing the screen to alex drills underneath the arm of martin jones there. that is nicely done. 2-1 coyotes. and that's where we are right now in the third period. abc 7 sports brought to you by toty. steve kerr said on the radio today offense surprised at the quote unquote outrage over just a minor thing that he did that happens sometimes as just coaches don't hand over a clip board and say you guy dos it. but they obvioly talk with players about what sets they look what they want to run. here we are 2018. >> the thing to do. >> everybody is upset about everything. >> all right thanks larry very much. >> coming up tonight on abc 7 news at an 11 it's an emotional night in the south bay. dozens of family and friends remember a young woman killed in a disturbing murder. >> plus an alleged puppy mill right out on the street in oakland. now the city is grapple with the fate of the dogs. join us for knows and more stories on abc news at 11 on channel 11. >> and i'm deon lim and. >> i'm dan ashley hope to see you in one hour on channel 7. - [narrator] the following program is based on a true story. some of the names have been changed. the program contains reenactments. - i'm former fbi agent joe pistone. the real donnie brasco. the mafia put a contract on my head but i've got stories to tell.

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20180214 :

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20180214

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flight from san francisco to honolulu. good evening and thanks for joining us i'm deon lim. >> i'm dan ashley. the plane was safe and no one was injured. >> it was high over the ocean when the cover blew off the engine. passengers seated on the right saw pieces of metal flying. >> as the plane approached hand lieu lieu flight attendants ordered passengers to prepare for emergency landing. listen. >> brace. brace. >> you can hear the instructions-on on the ground. emergency crews waited along the runway. 40 minutes after it started the passengers were on the ground safe. >> a tremendous bang, and a very sudden vibration. it settled down to a shaking because the engine mount was shaking. >> it was horrible. even the -- like the flight attendants were really professional but scared. >> some people were definitely quite upset. people were crying and nervous. we didn't know what was happening. obviously once we landed everyone cheered and clapped and people were crying. we were crying. we were so happy to be safely on the ground. >> such relief. united says the pilots followed the procedures for engine failure. the 777 is designed to fly over water with one engine. it was not clear what caused the malfunction. the faa is investigating. a climber died after falling from a ridge on mt. hood. and sheriffs say one other climber was injured. crews rescued six others stranded on the steep slopes. abc news reporter has more. >> reporter: tonight, a rescue attempt playing out on the top of oregon's highest peak. two climbers waving jackets and blankets. another performing chest compressions on a climber that had fallen 700 feet. turning more desperate as the injured climber is shielded from rocks and snow. >> it was like a bowling aly. >> a medic repeled down to the climbers air lifting to the hospital but he later died. at the same time another rescue of a second group stranded on the other side. one of them injured as well. >> the ice was really bad. i saw a lot of people up ahead you struggling that started earlier on. decided to turn back. >> reporter: this peak known for the loose rocks and ice when the weather warms up. and it's been sunny and above freezing all week making it dangerous. let's turn to major developments in a gruesome crime, a teenager stabbed and left for dead in the east bay. today police identified her and her attackers. the parents of the victim released this photo of their daughter. alameda county sheriff sheriff's daepts deputies say the family is devastatesed fb of course. questa graduated from silver creek high school in 2016 and lived with family in tracy and working at a restaurant. early monday morning she was found bleeding and crawling along tesla road in a remote part of livermore. she made a dying declaration describing the attackers before subcoming to the injuries. >> the compelling statements about what happened to her allowed to us get to modesto in a timely manner to execute an search warrant at the house and obtain evidence probably that may have been destroyed as time went on. >> modest oh o is where the deputies arrested the suspects daniel dproes and melissa learned o 12 hours after the crime. the speedy response helped investigators find a lot of evidence including a vehicle they were interested in. leslie brinkley talked with the suspect's neighbors in modesto who were there as the s.w.a.t. teams raided the home. >> a sniper was on top of of our treehouse because they thought the guy lived in the back. and he did. >> 9-year-old jayden says a s.w.a.t. team used his treehouse as a views platform to peer into the barkyard next door. holed up in the green and purple structure were the the two suspects. >> we were just scared because we saw a lot of guns and we -- we were scared that they were going to shoot or something. >> they said get out with their hands up. and we know you're there. >> jayden's grandmother was home monday afternoon when she was ordered to evacuate as officers swarmed in. >> they arrested a lady pregnant. i don't know the name. but any arrested her too first. >> that was 25-year-old melissa leonardo o. according to her facebook pages from los gatos went to high school in tracy and last summer got engaged to this man gamble gross. gross is just 19 years old. officers used concussion devices to gain access to the backyard home and arrested gross in connection with the murder of 19-year-old lizzette questa op tesla road in livermore over the weekend. gross is picturesed in this 2016 year book from mod he haddest o but not pictured as a senior in the 2017 edition. neighbors say 19-year-old gross and 25-year-old leonardo o were quiet neighbors who lived with gross's mother. the victim lizzette questa moved to the central three months ago. >> she lived with parents and sister here in tracy. she was friends with the suspects in modesto. and she identified them to law enforcement just before she died. i'm leslie brinkley abc 7 news. >> parents are awaiting answers tonight after ten children got sick from ingesting some kind of substance at a school. sky 7 was above in middle school as one of the victims was taken on a stretcher. crews treated ten kids in total with one suffering what they called extreme adverse affects. a short time we spoke to the parent of an eighth grade student. >> i haven't heard of anything like this before. it was shocking. i left work and came down to get here and find out what my child knew. >> investigators say the victims gave different answers as to what they thought they ingested. there is no word yet exactly what it was. lawyers for the man acquitted in the murder of kate steinle say he is being persecuted o kutd by the trump administration. jose zarate pled not guilty to being a immigrant in possession of a firearm, the other a convicted oh felon in possession of a gun. his attorneys call it politically motivated and an effort by the trump presidency to escape o scapegat him. >> near trying to override the verdict brought forward by the san francisco superior court jury. not override but punish our client harsher than the san francisco superior court did. >> the defense lawyers say they will ask the court's permission to dismiss the charges as an illegal vick dikt i have prosecution. garcia is due back in court on april 24th. the city asked to declare the city a sanctuary for legal marijuana. in addition city agencies won't be able to turn over information on legal cannabis activities to federal authorities. in january attorney general jeff sessions rescinded an obama era policy that essentially barred law enforcement officials from interfering with marijuana sales in states where is legal. >> stay with us. coming up next, finding blame. a family seeks justice after their son was gunned down in san francisco last year. the gun had been stolen from a cop. also complaint about short term rentals could lead to big changes in how people do business in marin county. >> drew tuma with a forest forecasts. temperatures about where she should be but the warmer weather on the way. and problems in new orleans tonight. not far from mardi gras celebrat you could generate your own energy, at home. or to save energy, unplug unused appliances. do your thing, with energy upgrade california. shootings are spoiling mardi gras separations. the new orleans police department is investigating shootings with six people died. two of the victims were shot about a two miles from the celebrations but a third shot near a parade. tens of thousands of revellers are crowded on the streets tonight as as mardi gras caps the carnival season. new orleans is marking three hundred years since the city was founded. abc 7 news learned that the family of a young man shot to death last august will sue the city and the police department claiming negligence because the gun used was from an officer. abc 7 news reporter vic lee has a story only on abc 7 news. >> reporter: able was shot to death in august. at 26th street just a block from his home. >> he gotten off work. it was about 2:00 a.m. in the morning. he did not know his assailants. >> police say the shooter and two others had been on a crime spree, three shooting attention and oh five robberies in one night. >> that all was enabled solely by a police officer who apparently is a decorated veteran. failing to secure his weapon in his vehicle. and leaving it with ammunition. >> in attorney represents the young man's family. she says the suspected shooter eric panetta stole the gun from a san francisco police officer's personal car. the suspect was also wearing an i.c.e. tracking device strapped to his aiken zblool that monitoo is the evidence that they are using to tie him to the three shootings and five robbery that is occurred. >> the family is suing the city, the police department and the owner of the gun, the officer. the complaint will be filed tomorrow. >> they want the message to be loud and clear that law enforcement officers need to start securing in re weapons properly. >> reporter: and that law applies to both private citizens and law enforcement. >> you have to either lock the firearm in your trunk, or you have to lock it in a container that is out of plain view. >> reporter: san francisco police tell us this they are conducting their own investigation into the circumstances surrounding that stolen gun. in the meantime they say the officer is still on duty pending the outcome of the probe. vic lee, abc 7 news. >> an update now on an abc 7 news special investigation where another resident is now suing a santa rosa retirement home claiming it didn't evacuate her quickly enough when a wildfire was bearing down on the building. the thomas fire eventually destroyed part of observingment senior living facility. other residents sued over similar claims accusing oak month senior living of not having generators to operate elevators. many residents rely on wheelchairs and walker and stairs were the only path to safety. oak month claim they had work generate he is. in marin county the board of supervisor took a big step tor regulating show short term rentals in uncorporated areas. the wayne freed many explains, some people love the new ordinance. others not so much. >> reporter: brows the worldwide web find a place to stay. >> this is a living. wi-fi log in info. >> it mied lady to you john in marin county. >> four people 90 bucks. that's a couple of bottss of wine. >> john rents a two bedroom place attached to his house and is not happy with the marin county board of supervisors. today the firsted reading of ordinance thoeshzed by dennis radmannny that regulate the short term rentals. >> most people want it. >> the ordinance would require the short term rentals to splay a sign each has a business listen number a tax identification number and perhaps most important to people in residences like the ones behind us, a contact number in case guests begin having too much of a good time. >> why identify me when you don't have to? with signage? >> the board estimates some 400 people in west marin rent rooms or houses. it worries they do it beneath the radar. >> john says he has always played taxes for the guests. >> aeairbnb charges the the tax for occupancy rental units like a low tellier would charge. >> marin's board of supervisors will hold a public hearing on the issue next month. expect more than a quiet debate. >> i'm just a working stiff trying to make things happen. >> in marin county wayne freedman, abc 7 news. let's turn to the forecast. gorgeous around here. still need rain but beautiful worth. >> we seem to be in the pattern. drew tuma joining with us more on the forecast. it's been a weekly pattern we've been in where sunshine dominates the forecast and and i rainy lietz pup live doppler 7 along with satellite quiet picture. but to the south there is a stim spinning off the southern california coast. live doppler 7 showing a little bit of moisture west of los angeles. this system won't make it to our neck of the woods. just spinning down there keeping us cool. outside right now it's beautiful 37 clear skies from the east bay hills. the east bay weather highlight. clear and chilly overnight tonight. nups drop to the 30s the next 12 hours. tomorrow a little bit cooler in the around than we were today. a few high clouds from time to time. but the bigger trend warmer weather moves in by the enof the week and into the upcoming weekend just solidifying the pattern once again of warm temperatures and dry conditions unfortunately. right now temperaturewise a lot of 40s and 50s. 52 in oakland. 50 in san mateo. 48 in concord. the same in napa and fairfield. here is the call from accuweather, the next 12 hours plenty of stars out there. beautiful sky tonight. but it will get chilly. temperatures dropping to 30s away from the coast, 32 in napa. about 33 in feralfield. san jose to 40 degrees. hour by hour showing y tomorrow morning weigh up to clear skies. temperatures in the 30s and 40s. you'll notice by midday a few high clouds will extreme in from time to time. it's not a total sunny day. but the clouds will be quickly moving. by 4:00 in the afternoon we should return to sunny skies and temperatures very comfortable for this time of year. highs wednesday about 64 in san jose. 63 in sunnyvale. sunny in the south bay. in the peninsula delightful 62. redwood city and 61. the downtowns san francisco be 59 degrees 57 in daly city. in 59 in the santa rosa. 59 the high in sausalito. and to the east bay midday clouds. 62 in fremont. 61 in hayward. and 63 in brendanwood. 61 in walnut creek and 62 in livermore. if you have plans later on tomorrow night for valentine's day a nice night. by 5:00 a lot of sunshine. the sun goes down at 5:47. and temperatures drop to the 40s. by 9:00 and even later by 11:00 that jacket certainly needed but dry skies and it will be a little breezy along the coast. what we really want, we want rain. the potential for rainfall the next seven days is not looking good for our neck of the woods. future weather showing rain kind of allround us in northern california. unfortunately it's not overhead in the bay area. accuweather seven-day forecast valentine's day looking delightful and sweet. temperatures rebound and thursday. winter warming and sprik-like friday into saturday. but then cooling off in early next week heading right back down to where we should be this time of year. a little bit of roller costar peeking on the start of the weekend. >> thanks drew. up next, san francisco city hall getting ready fore a busy day tomorrow. why they expect this valentine's day to be even busier than usual. >> stay with us. more to come. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthm symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlle on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't repla a rescue inhaler for suddenreathing problems. breo is ecifically desigd to open up airys to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma iwell controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, liken inhaled corticosteid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. see your doctor if your asthma does not irove or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at stock rose today for the third day in a row. banks, retailers and tech companies led the way. the dow gained 39 points and the nasdaq up 31. the s&p added almost 7. tomorrow in honor of valentine's day the group behind the website, the knot, the nest and the bump will ring the opening bill. valentine's day is a popular day around the world to get engaged or married, of course. san francisco city hall officials expect a busy day at city hall tomorrow. today they said that there's been a more than 50% increase in people region sistering marriage licenses in the city in the last decade. they attribute the increase to the stronger economy and legalization of same-sex marriage. >> because san francisco has been a leader in equity allowing people to do that. many people may come here to do that. >> during the last fiscal year from 2016 to genuine 2017 more than 11,000 public marriage licenses were recorded. officials say the city is on track to exceed that this year. speaking of if you you are planning to pop the question tomorrow, maybe considering at a pannera bred straubt. they post-ed in video at the webt offered a indicatored wedding reception to five lucky couples. they have to propose marriage at pannera tomorrow and post the picture on social media before midnight winners randomly selected. >> all right stay with us moving on coming up next domestic abuse fire storm consuming the west wing. >> tonight how the fbi is contradicting the time line from the white house. >> and from food stamps to food boxes. find out what's in the box and find out what's in the box and get all the yod see all the sickness ifyou're spreading. cough, robitussin cf max vere soothes andelivers powerful relief of cough, sore throat, stuffy nose and fever. because it's never robitussijust a live where you live, this is abc 7 news. good evening, once again. it's been nearly one we can since the white house staff secretary rob orator resigned after domestic violence allegations from two exwives. and tonight the fallout continues. the fbi is contradicting the white house time line. here is abc news report reporter cecilia vega. >> the smifting story about the when they are have were informed the allegations against rob porter. over and over again, press secretary sara sanders and deputy raj sha said the fbi was conducting the background check when his two former wives went public with the claims of abuse. one releasing this photo of her black eye. >> his background investigation was ongoin. >> i can tell that you we were in the -- the process for the background was ongoing. and the white house had not received any specific papers regarding the completion of that background check. >> but today, the fbi says that's not true. in a stunning movement on capitol hill, fbi director christopher wray told the senate intelligence committee his agents gave the white house reports on porter four times, as far back as last spring. >> the fbi submitted at partial report on the investigation in question in march. and then a investigation in late july. >> wray says the bureau sent the white house more information in november and closed the investigation into porter last month. facing repeated questions about the contradicts. >> there is multiple groups here. the white house personnel security offers staffed by career officials would have -- may have received information. but they had not completed their process and made a recommendation to the white house for a adjudication. >> none of this quieted the fire storm engufg chief of staff john kelly. despite the fbi now saying they gave the four reports on porter when the story first broke he praised porter as a man of sbeg and honor. >> is the white house maintaining that john kelly had no idea about the allegations of domestic abuse until this story broke? >> i can only give you the best information that i have, and that's my pungds understanding. >> reporter: the white house press secretary now acknowledges they could have handled the porter scandal better. but kelly tells the "wall street journal" he wouldn't have handled it any differently saying it was all done right. the president himself had wished porter well, saying porter maintains his innocene, with you today still no message to the women despite our repeated attempts to act. >> mr. president do you believe rob porter's ex-wives if? do you believe rob porter essex wife mr. president. >> does the president believe the women? >> again the, the president takes all of these accusations very seriously. he believes in due process. above everything else he supports the victims of any type of violence and certainly would condemn any violence against anyone. >> we still haven't heard him say that himself. the cameras were in front of him today. >> the president dictated to me specifically that comment today i read out to you. >> abc 7, the white house. and a new decision today in the daca debate. blocks efforts by the white house to end the immigration prap. a u.s. district judge ruled that the daca program can't end in march as planned by president trump. the court found while ending daca may not be unlawful, the trump administration failed to come up with legally adequate reasons to terminate the program protecting immigrants brought to the united states illegally from deportation. well the santa clara county sheriff office arrested this woman for grand theft. officials say that ivan castle o was providing grimes services in san jose illegally. the sheriff's office says she received money for daca applications and didn't mail them to i.c.e. they believe the victims had significant losses and lost immigration opportunities as a result. they are looking for more victims to come forward. the leaders of the top intelligence agency in america sounding the alarm going so far as to say the u.s. is under attack by russians. here is abc news roert pierre thomas. >> this dire messages. >> frankly the united states is under attack. >> president trump's six top intelligence officials warning the russians are targeting the 2018 midterm elections. >> we need to inform the american publics in real, this is going to be happening. and the resilience needed for us to stand up and say we're not going to allow some russian to tell us how to vote. >> have you seen russian activity in the lead up to the 2018 elections cycle. >> yes, we have seen russian activity and intentions to have an impact on the next election cycle here. >> abc news learned that the russians plan not only to use social media to sew discord threw fake news with you a probing state election to see if they can be infiltrated. we report the in september before the 2016 election that 21 states were targeted by russian makers. and this stark assessment from the republican chairman of the senate intelligence committee. >> we have seen some activity at state elected officials that were attempts -- electronically, to search those individuals. so we assume that there is still the intent. >> reporter: some senators criticizing president trump who recently said this. >> could well have been russia but i think it could have been other countries. and i won't be specific. but i think a lot of people interfere. >> we cannot confront this threat which is a serious one with a whole of government response when the leader of the government continues to deny that it exists. >> it's remarkable you have all the leaders of the intelligence community but not the president of the united states acknowledging the level of the threat. >> you want to hear more from him? >> we've all been wait ago long time on this. >> reporter: all the agencies say they are doing their part. pu tonight it appears no single intelligence or law enforcement agency is in charge of responding to the russian cyberthreat. pierre thompson, abc news washington. overseas israeli police say there is sufficient evidence to indict newtown ou on criminal charges. according to a police statement published late tuesday authorities found evidence of netanyahu accepting bribes fraud and breach of trust. in a televised statement he said the ails allegations would be dismissed. gun sales are so slow one of the biggest sellers filed for bankruptcy. for 200 years remington has been one of the most famous names in guns. but with a pro gun president in office. there is a slow down. remington is filing for chapter 11 means they are hoping to restructure the company's debt and stay in business. what goes in your grocery cart could be out of your control if food stamps are turned into food boxes. it's a new proposal from the trump administration pundit the proposal 80% of recipients in the supplemental nutrition assistance program or s.n.a.p. would get half of the benefits in the form of a foods package. abc 7 news reporter karolyn tyrrell explains what's in the box. >> at least 15 million americans rely on food stamps. the benefits on an electronic card which are call ebt which retailers only accept for food and noerzed products. families would do less grocery shopping under the trump administration plan. a household receiving $90 or more each month would see that amount cut in half and replaced by government-issued food boxes. >> it's very disappointing news. we feel that just because someone collects ebt or is on food stamps that doesn't mean they shouldn't have choice about what they eat or buy. >> marshalsy coburn heads quesa heading up farmer markets where food stamps are used to buy veggies and fruits which benefits local farmsers. there would be no fresh harvest or meat in the boxes. east bay congresswoman blafrted the the plan saying as a single mother who relied on food stamps to help feed my boys i can't overstate how offensive this proposal is. the agricultural the secretary visiting fresno says it would save billions over the next decade. >> the food stamp expenditure in a more effective, efficient way. >> the san francisco marin food bank serves 30,000 people a month including those who run low on food stamps. director paul ash says the current program shouldn't be replaced for one he feels is unworkable. >> we need to talk about how to make the s.n.a.p. program better with an ebt card ulgts ulgts i seeing the private sector efficiencies isn't a stop tearing it down. >> it would be the largest overhaul in the history of the food stamp program. karolyn tyrrell, abc 7 news. coming up next, a nationwide trip through all 50 states comes to an end in san francisco. >> find out why a couple they call themselves the connect guys. and they're here in the bay area tonight, ending their 50 high pressure state tour. it's allo spread a movement they started in europe t years ago. abc 7 news reporter jonathan blume explains how they try to spread peace around the world by connecting people with each other. >> reporter: the request is simple. >> can you join us we are taking a picture for peace. >> one they'd made over over on the road trip. >> it's about bringing people together. we should treat each other equally skbl they began in europe. >> two terrorists attacks in paris. the refugee crisis in germany. i'm from germany and. >> that something was a simple gesture. >> a gesture that connects. >> bringing people back in touch with each other. >> it doesn't take long to catch on. >> someone is missing. >> um-hum. >> they call the gesture human connectivity. it's a little different from digital connectivity. for one ning when you are you don't have a free hand to hold a phone. >> i love your hat. >> thank you. >> people from different cultures and different continents. >> i'm from canada, elise. >> and as the connect guys traveled the country they connected with a long list of important americans. senators abanderson cooper, actor kohl. farrell, the mayor of chicago and of course san francisco. >> people connect but it's fast, you know. you clicked. we said we don't click. we connect, you know. >> um-hum. >> um-hum. >> we are connected. >> we are what. >> for peace. >> for what? for peace. >> peace that starts by connecting. >> we are so comfortable together. that's what it's about, isn't it. >> in san francisco jonathan blume. >> um-hum. >> reporter: abc 7. >> very nice. >> nice to see that. >> yes. >> meteorologist drew tuma next with the forecast. with the forecast. >> and sometimes even i no wondering, "what if?" uncertainties of hep c. i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatmenfor the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain tientsan be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious sling of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness,eadache and weakss. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. when a a bear isn't feel good. sometimes you have to give it a hug. i'd be arrival about this. that's what a caretaker did for jimbo at the wildlife center in otisville, new york. look at this. a veterinarian was called in to examine the 1,400 opinion-pound braer. the bear was left feeling agitate ppd and so this caretaker gave him extra love. the animal has been there since he was a cub due to illness and injuries leaving him unable to be returned to the wild. he looks very content. >> very dos i'll. i don't know. still a wild beast, let us forget. >> cute until he decides not to be cute. all right talking about the weather definitely everything fine unless you are looking for rain. >> speaking of cute let's go to drew. >> easy segue. it's a nice cold night winter-like february. across the board it's 30s. chilly in the north bay vafrls falling around fresno. san francisco to 43, 40 in oakland and san jose. here is the 12-hour planner on morning. winter jackets needed first thing out the door. by noon we'll see a few high clouds start to bubble up. so it's a veil of cloud cover. but sunnier skies once again prevail in the afternoon. by 4:00 around sixth. and then in the 40s and 50s. rinse and repeat forecast over the next couple days. high 59 in san francisco. 60 in oakland. 64? san jose. 61 in concord and snap napa. 59 for half moon bay. accuweather, valentine's day looking sweet and delightful 37 warming continues into the first half of the weekend before we cool down into the holiday machined with near average temperatures one week from today with lots of sunshine. >> delightful like you too. >> yes, of course. always delightful. always cheery. >> i love it thanks. on to sports. a lot of talk about the warriors. >> people up in arms about everything. >> that's where we are. just look at twitter for five minutes. the reyes. >> whoa skbloo trying to wake you up. steve kerr didn't expect this much scrutiny. but handing the clip board to warrior players has some people upset. sports is next. >> funny, larry. ways to lose stubborn belly fat. the roasted core wrap. not cool.. freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting? now that's cool! coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. and no surgery. results and patient experience may vary. some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit today... for your chance to win a free treatment. abc 7 sports. good evening. wast disrespectful? was it a fun experiment? was it simply an attempt to get his players to focus? how about all of the above last night when warriors coach handed over the clip board and decided you know, you guys you run run the show against feenic process. the kerr, draymond and green, around iguodala. steph curry tried to draw it up a and. some criticize it as a disrespectfulful but the suns players are tired to hearing his voice. the weariers won easily 129-83. >> it's not your team. it's not bob meyer's team. it's not joe's team. although i won't tell joe that. it's the players team. >> it was a good kind of call it an experiment but a good vibe today. >> i think just having to count on each other and not hearing my voice, which, you know, sort of sounds like charlie brown's teacher or parents whoever voice that's what i sound like. >> that was horrible. i thought a play and forgot the second option had two guys in the wrong place on the board. >> they said they need a new voice. >> tonight they did. >> let's not get carried away. i like it here. i want to stay. i want this job. i'd like to stay on the job. tonight they needed a new voice. >> and nba tonight new look cawv a lot of new voices there. second quarter lebron james baseline around caramelo anthony and throws it down. lebron for 37 points, 8 boards and aft assists in the third quarter he did it all himself. 14 consecutive points. look out now the post delinquent cavs 3-0. 120-112 the final. with only 15 players on an nba roster it's tough for young guys to land a spot. and that's what the g league is all about. the triple a of the nba basically gives fringe players a chance to work on the game and get a shot. mike shumann with the more on the santa cruz warriors. >> let's go warriors, baby. let's go warriors. >> the santa cruz warriors arrived in 2012. winning the kmfrps in 2014 and 15 and have been a popular attraction on the board walk. >> a lot of love 37 we've been selling out crowds the last i don't know how many games. but it's amazing having the opportunity to play in front of people that support you know what they are doing. >> it's not the nba but it's a step away. >> guys who really want to make the nba, guys who are right on the cusp if it's a numbers game or situations, you know coming down to to the g league and gives another opportunity to make it ctrue. >> he has a two-way contract guaranteeing him 45 daysen on the golden estate roster. he dresses for games. he enjoys the differences but he knows it's temporary. >> you don't want to do the commercial flights. you want to the rits carlton and kmarter jets. >> they can sign a g league player from any roster. when you look at steph, k.d. and draymond some would say you'll never be brought up. why stick with the dub he is g league. >> i'm learning from the best guys. i could be on a different g league playing a lot but i'm getting better and my mind getting better. when i play i will be further along. >> the beauty of the santa cruz and golden state warriors is any run the same schemes and location. >> we got so much synergy between the two organizations i'm in constant communication with coach kerr. they welcome us up and help young coaches like myself out. >> mike shumann, abc 7 ports. >> to the ice sharks against last place arizona got to win this. first period san jose down 1-0. justin bjorn shot redirected and it comes get his former team. is up. process 33 seconds left in the period. tomas crash noose the boards left with what appeared to be a right shoulder injury. second period christian fisher providing the screen to alex drills underneath the arm of martin jones there. that is nicely done. 2-1 coyotes. and that's where we are right now in the third period. abc 7 sports brought to you by toty. steve kerr said on the radio today offense surprised at the quote unquote outrage over just a minor thing that he did that happens sometimes as just coaches don't hand over a clip board and say you guy dos it. but they obvioly talk with players about what sets they look what they want to run. here we are 2018. >> the thing to do. >> everybody is upset about everything. >> all right thanks larry very much. >> coming up tonight on abc 7 news at an 11 it's an emotional night in the south bay. dozens of family and friends remember a young woman killed in a disturbing murder. >> plus an alleged puppy mill right out on the street in oakland. now the city is grapple with the fate of the dogs. join us for knows and more stories on abc news at 11 on channel 11. >> and i'm deon lim and. >> i'm dan ashley hope to see you in one hour on channel 7. - [narrator] the following program is based on a true story. some of the names have been changed. the program contains reenactments. - i'm former fbi agent joe pistone. the real donnie brasco. the mafia put a contract on my head but i've got stories to tell.

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