Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20240622 : comp

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20240622

assignment. investors in china are not getting a break tonight. the index is getting hammered, so far the shanghai exchange is off another 4.5%, but hong kong is up about 1%, and japan's nikkei is up is%, back here the dow dropped more than a thousand point news the first few minutes of trading and regained in the next couple of hours, in the end, the worst day, down almost 600 points, nbc's david louis said an e-mail from apple came through. >> ceo tim cook sent out an e-mail with good news. he told a financial reporter that sales in china because of economy were strong in july and august. that word had an immediate impact. >> first place it stabilized his stock in the first hour of trading. and that tended to knock about 700 points off the dow's loss, at least for a while. >> by the close, apple business stock was down, 69-year-old sarah ward is resetting her retirement goal. >> i'm at the age where i'm getting close to wanting to retire but with it going down like that, i don't have many more years to catch back up. so i will probably work until i'm 90. >> volatility will continue until the federal reserve stabilizes. >> they have been unrealistically low. but i think you know -- the fed has been signaling they're going to raise the rates so i don't know why people all of a sudden get upset they may go up. >> he is one of several people we interviewed. most were aware of the nearly 1100 point drop in the dow as the day started but are not b l bailing out of the market. >> don't do anything fool ib. and i think anything foolish right now means you would divest, so for the moment i don't plan to do anything. apple did wind up 2.5% down today, better than most. netflix was hit pretty hard, their shares down 7%'s tesla motors fell 5% and is now more than 20% off its high. an apology today from the people who run the napa wine train, coming after a woman's book club was booted for allegedly being too loud. they triggered their hash tag. >> in all these years this black woman's club has been together they say they have never been asked to leave an establishment. >> we are a group, we have been respectful. we go to fine dining establishments, which is what some people want to call the napa wine train. >> she said they were about as loud as any group of 11 people would be if they were having fun on a saturday. so they were shocked to be escorted off the train and be met by police at the st. helena station. and they were shocked to see this facebook page from the wine train now deleted. it read, following verbal abuse towards staff it was necessary to get the police involved. >> that is absolutely untrue. >> the pr consultant sam singer has been hired as a spokesperson for the napa valley wine train. he said that post was a mistake, saying that the police also were never called to make an arrest. >> i think the police were called to ensure that if there was liquor consumption they were able to drive home. that was not the case, it was unnecessary to have them there. >> the managers want to make a personal apology. >> we want to reach these book club members to apologize in person and set things straight. we want to respect them and want them to enjoy the wine train as well. >> he said the guest is asked to leave the train at least once a month for being too loud or intoxicated. but this situation could have been handled better. there were frustrated riders on the bart station after a death on the tracks. a man jumped in front of a train early this afternoon at the embarcadero station shut down after more than four hours, passengers had to deal with delays well into the evening. a year ago today, a magnitude 6.0 quake rocked the napa valley area. even after a year there is more to be done, there has not been an official damage estimation because fema has yet to estimate what has been done to the historical buildings. abc 7's dan ashley was there live with more. here is dan on the quake and the effort to rebuild a year later. >> reporter: ama, a year ago the napa quake roared through, tossing residents in their beds, shaking their homes and foundations and leaving buildings like the one behind me a crumbling mess. >> live in downtown napa. >> reporter: we were here a year ago in the heart of wine country amid the devastation and destruction of the magnitude 6.0 earthquake that rattled the city of napa and the entire bay area. by the time it was over, one person was dead, nearly 200 people were injured and hundreds of millions of dollars in damage done. right away we knew at the time it would take years to recover from this disaster and it surely will. but exactly a year later, enormous progress. as the work continues the community accepts the huge steps to recovery so far. a major milestone, although the memories are still raw. >> it was absolutely terrified. >> can you still almost feel it in your bones when you think about it? >> my dog lays down by my bed and shakes my bed, i'm right there, back in a moment. >> when you think back can you feel what it was like? >> exactly, i think it's trauma that just stays with you. >> but i know you're incredibly proud of how the community has done. >> very proud of the way the community came together. >> oh, they are very proud and with very good reason. a lot of work has been done, a lot of people pulled together to make a real difference and get this recovery jump started as fast as possible. however, there is still a lot of work to be done. i'm here in downtown napa here in the heart of wine country and the epicenter of the damage that was so reported in national media. but if you go out to some of the neighborhoods there is still a lot of work to be done. and abc 7 reporter wayne freedman spoke to neighbors today. >> reporter: in napa what you see sometimes doesn't always reflect reality. for example, it is not uncommon to find trailers in front of houses, they're not there for recreation. >> all of my shoes were in the car, the clothes in my husband's truck, it was a tough week. >> reporter: it would be the first of many tough weeks in a tough years for families across the region. you know that saying being under water with a house? elizabeth's house turned this quite literal. >> we were about nine feet under, how many feet under were you? >> i don't know if i can define that. >> reporter: it begins with cracks to the pool's plaster. a house shaken off the foundation, a new driveway that was just put in last week, and all because of a new fault line discovered by their home. >> how do you feel about that? >> i don't feel special. >> reporter: few people do around brown's valley. the quake touched most of them. a year ago today we looked at the spectacle of the collapsed car port in the apartment complex not far away. michelle kidwell still lives there. she remembers on this day last year how the quake tossed practically everything she owned except for one item. >> my cross ow -- >> that stayed? >> that stayed, still in the same spot. >> and yet, the renters may have been some of the lucky ones. he is referring to the new foundation in the historic home once owned by carol lombard and clark gable. >> jeff has a future here because he is one of the few napa residents who had quake insurance. >> the huge damage to the property is significantly more than the deductible. >> reporter: that applies to many places, and if not for the materials used in the '70s, contractor brian jones could never have saved it. >> it had jumped this way three feet and came down three feet. >> what was your reaction when you saw all that? >> oh, my god. >> reporter: sound familiar. >> the 26 seconds literally changed the rest of our lives. >> reporter: 52 weeks later, elizabeth emmett finally is seeing her home get set right, even after $250,000 of help from fema. now after these seconds, she and her husband will retire later than planned. >> what if there is another quake? >> then this new foundation better well stand up. >> reporter: from napa, wayne freedman, abc 7 news. all right, we turn our attention now to that massive wildfire burning in washington state. the blaze is the biggest in the state's history. several evacuations are under way tonight. abc news reporter kendis gibson has more. >> reporter: tonight, more washington state residents are evacuating their homes with flames just step from his their front doors. >> i didn't think there was any hope. >> reporter: the fires have hit more than 400 square miles, the largest in state history, the battle-weary firefighters are getting help from reinforcements from australia and new zealand. this southern california ski resort using snow canons to stop the fires from spreading. smoke from the fires now visible from the map as far south as florida. here in washington, officials in several communities warning people to stay indoors. the air is so bad around here health officials are encouraging people to wear these heavy duty masks or at least one with a filter. kendis gibson, lake chelan, washington. and a woman who got a stolen item back by merely asking for it on line. and more on the teacher of the year. and ama, temperatures are trending higher today. i'll let you know how much longer it will continue and we'll talk about changes following along this week. and state lawmakers >> oakland unified school district welcomed its students back to class today. they toured the campus, the district was short 70 teachers last week. today, it has 12 open positions for educators. abc 7 news reporter leanne melendez caught up with a new hire who happens to be a teacher of the year. >> i found a little southern accent, okay. >> reporter: meet wanda, who was named new jersey's teacher of the year. in may, while considering a move oakland caught her attention. >> the school, the people, the history here. oakland is entrenched in african-american history, and so many power movements have been made in the community. how can i not love it? >> reporter: >> reporter: they jumped at the chance to higher reynolds. last year alliance academy faced a harsh reality. only 9% of students here were able to read at or above grade level. finding teachers willing to come and invest in alliance has been a challenge. especially with a teacher shortage. >> other schools were looking for teachers and what would happen is if there was a school that had a more solid history the teachers were able to make a choice. and so they would choose of course the school that seemed much more secure. >> reporter: reynolds is seen as a rising star in the school. the teacher shortage was due to baby boomers retiring and years of handing out pink slips during the great recession also discouraged many from getting into teaching. that is now changing. >> we just increased pay for our teachers so we're competitive in terms of salaries, so often adding the better benefits and recruiting early. >> reporter: oakland says the search for more teachers in key positions continues. in oakland, leanne melendez, abc 7 news. new details are emerging about the theft of a gun and badge from a uc berkeley police officer's unmarked department. the items belonged to the department's chief, margo bennett. authorities say somebody broke into her car as she went for a run. along with the badge and gun they took a laptop, ipad and cell phone, the chief is upset and shows that break-ins can happen to anyone. a bay area woman is overjoyed tonight, reunited with the family heirloom she thought was gone forever. abc 7 news reporter jonathan bloom shows how it all happened because of a website started by a bay area police officer. >> the 10th of february, 1957. >> reporter: nellie hill still remembers the words on the back of this painting, signed by the artist to her parents on a trip to paris. >> it was there in the living room and it just drew me into the landscape or into the forest. >> reporter: back in january, her mom told her she could have it. she shipped it, but like in this video thieves got to it first. >> this painting has meant so much and my mother was ill, so -- it was very painful. >> reporter: she reported it to police, then searched the internet and found stolen >> post as much information as possible, tell a story, people want to hear why this item is important. >> reporter: chp detective mark hench created the site for whatever was stolen, in case whoever took it wants to return it. >> i put no questions asked. >> reporter: nellie didn't hear anything back and figured the painting was gone, but then she got a strange phone call from an unknown voice. >> he said we have your painting. >> reporter: the caller said he googled the artist and found this. >> as far as i could see there was no damage. >> reporter: he counts it as a great victory. >> i have had videos and vehicles recovered. but artwork, this is the first for us. >> reporter: nellie had not been sure where to put the painting but now says it earned a prime spot over the fireplace. jonathan bloom, abc 7. >> and the weather is pretty nice, breezy. >> this is pretty typical around this time of year. ama, you get the warmth building in. today the highs were in the 60s to 90s, and then we'll warm it up. and coming up, we'll talk about what is going to follow. just wanted to let you know there is a possibility that we may see wet roads around here. not immediately. i know i'm getting excited about it. and obviously we'll watch for the potential for showers. right now fog on live doppler 7 hd starting to move back to the coast in a few spots. the bridge camera giving us a good view, oakland, currently 67, in san jose, still warm in morgan hill at 70 degrees. from the sfo camera we are watching the development of some of that fog but it i be very limited to the coast and around the bay in a few patches. low 60s, santa rosa, napa, 71 currently in livermore, and a live picture from the east bay camera. cooler pattern by week's end, a slight chance of showers or drizzle as we head to saturday. here is a look at the satellite and radar, high pressure shifting a little towards us. not completely making it. we'll keep the hottest weather away from us. the cool air mass will stay away for the time being, so not too hot, not too cold. right in between the air masses as we head to the end of the work week. cooler as the trough drops down, bringing cooler air with it. you will notice it especially as we head to the weekend. here is what we'll also have. this will be a huge relief to the crews and also for the people who are having to deal with the smoky conditions from the fires in the northwest, northern california, so the fire conditions are expected to improve as the rain moves in to the pacific northwest in northern california on late friday night going into saturday. tomorrow morning, it's fog that is going to be around. as you take kids off to school you may want to head out. fog will be following. there could be dense spots there. tomorrow afternoon, a mix of high clouds and sun in the south bay. 91 in gilroy, 8 is sunnyvale. 67 in pacifica, we'll keep the clouds around in daily city, some people enjoy that. 66 degrees, downtown san francisco. the temperatures will primarily be in the 80s and 90s, 60s, coastside. 82 in novato. it's a nice, mild sunny day. oakland, richmond, berkeley, inland spots, a warm day, 90 degrees in livermore, 87 in san ramon and pleasanton. temperatures going up a few degrees coast and bay on wednesday. everybody warms up on thursday, low 70s to mid-90s before the temperatures start to fall. they fall in a big way. over the weekend, they fall below normal. low-to-mid 80s inland. slight chance, i wouldn't cancel the appointments yet. a slight chance we see a few showers saturday morning. still to come on the abc 7 news at 9:00. a bay area teen who is not afraid to get his hands dirty wins a big prize for helping to break down racial barriers. break down racial barriers. and the new it was just an ordinary night. until he showed up-with a hungry look in his eyes. and then, he made the shot. and when jaws dropped ... he had something for that, too. the new spicy nacho chicken sandwich. with two tacos, halfsies, and a drink for 6 bucks. all in a munchie meal. cupertino, wine country and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. a mill valley teen has won $36,000 for his community work. he is one of 15 teens nationwide who were honored in san francisco by the helen diller family foundation. he used the garden in marin city to break down barriers between the white and black community in marin county. >> i hope that the project breaks down barriers that exist between communities within marin county and hope to clear up misconceptions around marin city. >> other awards regarded educational programs for girls in rwanda. with the festival just days away, authorities are promising a crackdown on crime in the desert. the new sheriff said he will not bend any rules for visitors, he says he doesn't have the citations to issue to 7 thousand nation people, but they should not have anything to worry about if they don't give the officers a hard time. and another half hour is coming up next. coming up, the three sacramento friends who took down a terror suspect are honored in france. turns out they were not the only heroes who stepped into action. also, ready to run? new clues tonight that joe biden may be getting ready to take on hillary clinton. and now there is a reward, what ashley madison executives are offering for information about the hackers did you know that good nutrition is critical for brain health? brain food, hmmm. ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health - now that's smart nutrition. sure's complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. ensure. take life in. every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have 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college professor mark moogalian and his wife. the began had an ak-47 strapped to him. moogalian was the first to front him. he didn't realize the suspect also had a handgun. as moogalian moved to protect his wife he was shot in the back. that is when the three american friends pounced. >> alek hit me on the shoulder, said let's go, tackle him. >> airman first class spencer stone fought back as the gunman fought back with a box cutter. once they stopped the terrorist, airman stone gave first aid to moogalian, saving his life. >> i stuck my fingers in the hole, found what i thought to be the artery, pushed down and the bleeding stopped. >> today, the french president called their courage an example to the world, awarding them the legion of honor, the gunman was known to france and was on a watch list since 2014. after it was shown he had ties to islamic extremists. and there is news from the white house, after e joe biden incident. and a secret meeting, then a private lunch with president obama today. >> vice president joe biden and president obama met today behind closed doors. a race pitting the vp against his former secretary of state would put the president in a tough spot. today the white house said if that happens the president may take sides by endorsing one of them. and even seemed to give the vice president a little boost. >> the president has indicated that to add joe biden to the ticket as running mate was the smartest decision he had ever made in politics. >> so that means the president would support joe biden if he ran? >> the man leading the movement is joshua lcorn, a close friend. >> how did he look at all of this? >> there is no doubt in my mind, john, that beau wanted to see his dad as president. >> hillary clinton is now relaxing in the hamptons, seen here in the exclusive photos by the daily mail. but taking nothing for granted she plans to interrupt her vacation heading back out on the campaign trail this week. >> several democrats close to joe biden say it is more likely than not that he will run. he has not made a decision, but is putting together budgets, looking at what it will cost to launch a campaign. as for the timing of that decision i am told that joe biden has told friends the absolute deadline to make a decision, the last possible moment would be before the first democratic debate in the middle of october. jonathan carl, abc news, the white house. following days of tensions, north and south korea agreed to end a standoff on both sides of the border. kim jong-un from south korea, and on the -- there were agreements after a land line bust, the south will stop the propaganda along the border, according to the agreement. and suspension because of a banner that hung from a house. the banners read, rowdy and fun hope your baby girl is ready for a good time. also, freshman daughter dropoff, and go ahead and drop off mom, too. they were set up yesterday at old dominion university. and the president of the university plans to punish those involved. and police have linked at least two suicides to the leak of personal information. now there is new reward for finding the hackers. abc reporter lindsey davis has more. >> life is short, have an affair. >> reporter: more fallout from the hack of the cheating website, ashley madison. >> as of this morning we have two unconfirmed reports of suicides. >> police adding now there is widespread extortion, with criminals engaging in on-line scams claiming to provide access to the hacked list, but instead they infiltrate your computer. others promising to erase the information from your computer for a fee. >> this is obviously a scam. nobody can erase the information. >> reporter: police are calling this information one of the largest data breaches ever, exposing 13,000 u.s. government accounts, vatican accounts as well as former reality tv star josh duggar, the canadian company behind ashleyadison now offering a reward of $35,000 for the information regarding the hackers. >> i want to make it very clear to you, your actions are illegal and will not be tolerated. this is your wake-up call. >> california lawmakers approved a bill today that would make it a trespassing violation to fly drones over private property without permission. the bill will not affect businesses and only targets items that were no good. and when we come back tonight, the price of eggs tonight, the price of eggs reaches a new milestone at tonight, the price of eggs reaches a new milestone at the buttery jack was a huge success. people went crazy for a burger with melted garlic herb butter. now, here's the sequel... ...with portobello mushrooms. boom. hang on, i don't want anyone to trip... ok. oh yeah. that's jack's new portobello mushroom buttery jack, the sequel to the classic and bacon & swiss, topped with the same melted garlic herb butter, plus portobello mushrooms and grilled onions. spoiler alert: it's awesome. s . san raphael, south bay, pleasanton, and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. you may have noticed you're paying a little more for breakfast these days in fact we may be paying a lot more for things that include eggs. the price of eggs has been soaring, and abc news reporter vic lee is trying to find out why. >> reporte this coffee shop is what it is cracked up to be. a great breakfast place serving up eggs. >> this has been around since 1935. that is when the price of eggs per carton, believe it or not, was only 37 cents. >> reporter: egg prices have risen over the years, but not like this. sheila chapman's brother does the shopping. >> he was white as a ghost, he finally got it out and said oh, my god, the price of eggs has doubled. >> reporter: so they had to raise their prices because of the sticker shock, and shock it was at safeway, where a dozen eggs were going for 6.49. at real company grocery store the cheapest carton at 3.19. >> the price of feed has gone up. sometimes there has been like a large dieoffs of chickens because of disease. >> reporter: the effect resulted in the killing of 48 million chickens, plus higher prices for chicken feed, mostly shipped from the midwest. and possibly the rollout of prop 2, requiring all eggs sold in the state to come from cage-free chickens. that forced many farmers to build new facilities who then passed along the cost to consumers. but you can until find bargains if you scramble around. at trader joe's, this man found a carton at only $1.99. >> these were 1.99. >> you're a lucky man. >> i am. i have to get two dozen at that price. >> whatever the reason, the jump in prices has been egg-extraordinary. >> and an aspirin a day may keep colon cancer away. those who did so saw it drop 37%. the study was linked to a 35% drop in colon cancer risks. researchers say that aspirin help but have to be taken a long time before the effects can actually kick in. and there is another potential breakthrough in the fight against cancer, researchers have managed to turn aggressive breast caer cells into harmless cells. farmers at the mayo clinic have found a way to restore the cancer sales preventing growth. so far it has been done in a lab with human cells without the help of chemotherapy. researchers say it's like applying the brakes to a speeding car. up next, we're tracking weather in hawaii. plus, two twins just born at the national zoo. we'll be right back. bill's got a very tough 13lie here...... looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric... now to the wonder twins of the national zoo, two baby pandas were born hours apart. the second cub was a happy surprise. abc reporter matt gutman has more. >> reporter: the zookeeper expected that first squeak, but hours later the second squawk of life threw them. >> this was very exciting news. >> both cubs about the size of a stick of butter, but feisty. pandas are undenialably execute of. when they were there, the video almost broke the internet. only about 1600 remain in the wild, while panda twins are common, their survival is not. >> these are the only panda twins to ever survive in the united states. >> ever? >> ever. >> they're not soft. >> they're not soft. the cubs at the national zoo were swamped out every few hours so mei xiang would not get overwhelmed. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. all right, a last check of our weather. hi, ama, we do have a little fog here along the coastline, pretty typical for this time of year. also typical, the tropics where we are seeing in the atlantic, another storm that has formed. this is tropical storm erica, well away from the leeward islands, we'll keep an eye on that. right now we're watching the remains of danny producing rain as it moves west across the caribbean. off it will be beneficial rain, a lot of rain over hawaii the last 24 hours or so. there have been flash flood watches and warnings. some of this is tropical moisture, not associate weeked this system or this system. tropical depression kilo expected to move away from the hawaiian island chain, strengthening to a tropical storm. there are just a few showers if you head to hawaii over the next few days. staying here, statewide, las vegas, looking at thunderstorms, sunshine, tahoe, warm weather in the 90s, accuweather seven-day forecast will feature even warmer weather through the end of the work week, and then friday through the weekend, we cool it ñidown, maybe a little drizzle. saturday morning, a light shower. people are liking this cooldown. >> i know. >> on facebook. >> it's a lot better than we've seen in day's past, definitely. thank you. all right, we know larry hates when it's hot outside. >> like i'm the only one? i mean, do you like it when it's 100? your hair -- you tell me about it every day. >> i know, right? >> can't do a thing with it when it's this hot. >> going to sound like -- >> well, no, i'll try to work on the impersonation. and they decided they needed a new base coach. could ron washington actually help them on the bases? technology. it has the power to completely blow our minds. and when at&t and directv get together your mind will stay completely in tact, because their internet isn't getting any faster. this. changes. nothing. welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for. the fastest internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. only from xfinity. coming up tonight on abc 7 news at 11:00, prosecutors reach a deal with an east bay man charged in a fraud scheme that investigators say contributed to the housing collapse. prosecutors say he inflated the price of homes. also, now the force can be found in your kitchen. the unlikely place you will soon see the characters of star wars, join us for abc 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. this sports report is brought to you by your local toyota dealer. all right, larry beil is here. >> got to come out with a movie. a little odd to make a move like this with 37 games left in the season but the a's fired their third base coach mike gallegos, most runners thrown out at the plate, 19, which ties them with detroit. ron washington, added mid-season took over the staff tonight in seattle. three-game series, franklin gutierrez unloads on the fastball way out. three-run blast, mariners up 4-0 in the third. oakland one hit for the first four innings, they go in the fifth, trailing 5-0, mark hanna on fire right now. two outs, great hustle by josh reddick, laying out the chopper to first, beats montero to the bag. tied it up. danny palencia, high deep and aloha, that will be the final pitch. go starts ago, a no-hitter. 8-5,a's now in the eighth. giants off. cubs riding high. chris bryant hit a walk-off homer to give the cubs their fifth straight win going crazy at wrigley. they have won 21 of their last 26, now leading the giants in the wild card by six and a half games. terrible news, driver justin wilson has died as a result of injuries he received in yesterday's race. unfortunately, wilson was in the wrong place at the wrong time. sage kerram crashed and part of his his car flew up. a large piece of debris hit him in the head. wilson was in the coma today. justin wilson was only 37 years old. sad, back to the field for the 49ers, head coach tom sula says they're still trying to work to make the 53-man roster. there are 31 other team that is would love to have this guy. hane returned three punts yesterday averaging 28 yards, former rugby star has amazing compo composeure for a guy who never played american football before. hanes could barely see the ball. >> when i got out there i put my helmet on, and actually -- i was looking for a chance -- i thought i can't see. and then they screamed, where are you, get on the field. i'm just like my head is everywhere. and as soon as the ball went up i lost it straight away. i lost the ball, i couldn't see it. and then by the height and the way it was kind of rotating i knew it was long. turned it back and took off. just put my hand out and -- actually thought i was going to roll off backwards just because of how much ground i had to cover. as soon as i turned up it was just -- i just had to do my best. >> fans falling in love with jared hanes, mike purcell returned a pick for a touchdown. been on the practice scandal for a couple of years. came out of the university of wyoming, first on the goal line in the first preseason game showing off his moves last night. >> i mean, you saw that guy -- >> major play. i don't know. just took off running. the rest is kind of a blur. but i'll take it. >> preseason monday night football, jameis winston, keeping a deep for the pylon, a.j. green, butterfingers, remember they used to do this regularly. with ucla, bucs take care of the bengals, 25-11. patriots signed veteran wide receiver reggie wayne who spent 14 years with the colts. still has something left in the tank at age 36. the patriots believe it as well. they have banged up receivers on their roster and wayne may quickly become a tom brady favorite whenever brady is off of suspension. and sabre cats going to the arena bowl. their most dangerous, named wide receiver of the year.ñr scoring 44 touchdowns, he will lead the sabre cats. >> all right, thank you so much, larry, and thank you for joining us. abc 7 news continues on line, on twitter, facebook, on your mobile devices with your abc 7 news app. have a great night, we'll see you over on channel 7. so what dyou do last night? oh, i took advantage of a lonely, vulnerable woman. oh, right, right, right. hey, did you like it when i kissed the back of your knee? women don't know it, but that'sa major erogenous zone. so sexy. e been thinking about this a lot-- were you up all night, too? oh, no, i'm a guy. by "a lot," i mean the five minutes i've been awake. my bad. go on.

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20240622 :

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20240622

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assignment. investors in china are not getting a break tonight. the index is getting hammered, so far the shanghai exchange is off another 4.5%, but hong kong is up about 1%, and japan's nikkei is up is%, back here the dow dropped more than a thousand point news the first few minutes of trading and regained in the next couple of hours, in the end, the worst day, down almost 600 points, nbc's david louis said an e-mail from apple came through. >> ceo tim cook sent out an e-mail with good news. he told a financial reporter that sales in china because of economy were strong in july and august. that word had an immediate impact. >> first place it stabilized his stock in the first hour of trading. and that tended to knock about 700 points off the dow's loss, at least for a while. >> by the close, apple business stock was down, 69-year-old sarah ward is resetting her retirement goal. >> i'm at the age where i'm getting close to wanting to retire but with it going down like that, i don't have many more years to catch back up. so i will probably work until i'm 90. >> volatility will continue until the federal reserve stabilizes. >> they have been unrealistically low. but i think you know -- the fed has been signaling they're going to raise the rates so i don't know why people all of a sudden get upset they may go up. >> he is one of several people we interviewed. most were aware of the nearly 1100 point drop in the dow as the day started but are not b l bailing out of the market. >> don't do anything fool ib. and i think anything foolish right now means you would divest, so for the moment i don't plan to do anything. apple did wind up 2.5% down today, better than most. netflix was hit pretty hard, their shares down 7%'s tesla motors fell 5% and is now more than 20% off its high. an apology today from the people who run the napa wine train, coming after a woman's book club was booted for allegedly being too loud. they triggered their hash tag. >> in all these years this black woman's club has been together they say they have never been asked to leave an establishment. >> we are a group, we have been respectful. we go to fine dining establishments, which is what some people want to call the napa wine train. >> she said they were about as loud as any group of 11 people would be if they were having fun on a saturday. so they were shocked to be escorted off the train and be met by police at the st. helena station. and they were shocked to see this facebook page from the wine train now deleted. it read, following verbal abuse towards staff it was necessary to get the police involved. >> that is absolutely untrue. >> the pr consultant sam singer has been hired as a spokesperson for the napa valley wine train. he said that post was a mistake, saying that the police also were never called to make an arrest. >> i think the police were called to ensure that if there was liquor consumption they were able to drive home. that was not the case, it was unnecessary to have them there. >> the managers want to make a personal apology. >> we want to reach these book club members to apologize in person and set things straight. we want to respect them and want them to enjoy the wine train as well. >> he said the guest is asked to leave the train at least once a month for being too loud or intoxicated. but this situation could have been handled better. there were frustrated riders on the bart station after a death on the tracks. a man jumped in front of a train early this afternoon at the embarcadero station shut down after more than four hours, passengers had to deal with delays well into the evening. a year ago today, a magnitude 6.0 quake rocked the napa valley area. even after a year there is more to be done, there has not been an official damage estimation because fema has yet to estimate what has been done to the historical buildings. abc 7's dan ashley was there live with more. here is dan on the quake and the effort to rebuild a year later. >> reporter: ama, a year ago the napa quake roared through, tossing residents in their beds, shaking their homes and foundations and leaving buildings like the one behind me a crumbling mess. >> live in downtown napa. >> reporter: we were here a year ago in the heart of wine country amid the devastation and destruction of the magnitude 6.0 earthquake that rattled the city of napa and the entire bay area. by the time it was over, one person was dead, nearly 200 people were injured and hundreds of millions of dollars in damage done. right away we knew at the time it would take years to recover from this disaster and it surely will. but exactly a year later, enormous progress. as the work continues the community accepts the huge steps to recovery so far. a major milestone, although the memories are still raw. >> it was absolutely terrified. >> can you still almost feel it in your bones when you think about it? >> my dog lays down by my bed and shakes my bed, i'm right there, back in a moment. >> when you think back can you feel what it was like? >> exactly, i think it's trauma that just stays with you. >> but i know you're incredibly proud of how the community has done. >> very proud of the way the community came together. >> oh, they are very proud and with very good reason. a lot of work has been done, a lot of people pulled together to make a real difference and get this recovery jump started as fast as possible. however, there is still a lot of work to be done. i'm here in downtown napa here in the heart of wine country and the epicenter of the damage that was so reported in national media. but if you go out to some of the neighborhoods there is still a lot of work to be done. and abc 7 reporter wayne freedman spoke to neighbors today. >> reporter: in napa what you see sometimes doesn't always reflect reality. for example, it is not uncommon to find trailers in front of houses, they're not there for recreation. >> all of my shoes were in the car, the clothes in my husband's truck, it was a tough week. >> reporter: it would be the first of many tough weeks in a tough years for families across the region. you know that saying being under water with a house? elizabeth's house turned this quite literal. >> we were about nine feet under, how many feet under were you? >> i don't know if i can define that. >> reporter: it begins with cracks to the pool's plaster. a house shaken off the foundation, a new driveway that was just put in last week, and all because of a new fault line discovered by their home. >> how do you feel about that? >> i don't feel special. >> reporter: few people do around brown's valley. the quake touched most of them. a year ago today we looked at the spectacle of the collapsed car port in the apartment complex not far away. michelle kidwell still lives there. she remembers on this day last year how the quake tossed practically everything she owned except for one item. >> my cross ow -- >> that stayed? >> that stayed, still in the same spot. >> and yet, the renters may have been some of the lucky ones. he is referring to the new foundation in the historic home once owned by carol lombard and clark gable. >> jeff has a future here because he is one of the few napa residents who had quake insurance. >> the huge damage to the property is significantly more than the deductible. >> reporter: that applies to many places, and if not for the materials used in the '70s, contractor brian jones could never have saved it. >> it had jumped this way three feet and came down three feet. >> what was your reaction when you saw all that? >> oh, my god. >> reporter: sound familiar. >> the 26 seconds literally changed the rest of our lives. >> reporter: 52 weeks later, elizabeth emmett finally is seeing her home get set right, even after $250,000 of help from fema. now after these seconds, she and her husband will retire later than planned. >> what if there is another quake? >> then this new foundation better well stand up. >> reporter: from napa, wayne freedman, abc 7 news. all right, we turn our attention now to that massive wildfire burning in washington state. the blaze is the biggest in the state's history. several evacuations are under way tonight. abc news reporter kendis gibson has more. >> reporter: tonight, more washington state residents are evacuating their homes with flames just step from his their front doors. >> i didn't think there was any hope. >> reporter: the fires have hit more than 400 square miles, the largest in state history, the battle-weary firefighters are getting help from reinforcements from australia and new zealand. this southern california ski resort using snow canons to stop the fires from spreading. smoke from the fires now visible from the map as far south as florida. here in washington, officials in several communities warning people to stay indoors. the air is so bad around here health officials are encouraging people to wear these heavy duty masks or at least one with a filter. kendis gibson, lake chelan, washington. and a woman who got a stolen item back by merely asking for it on line. and more on the teacher of the year. and ama, temperatures are trending higher today. i'll let you know how much longer it will continue and we'll talk about changes following along this week. and state lawmakers >> oakland unified school district welcomed its students back to class today. they toured the campus, the district was short 70 teachers last week. today, it has 12 open positions for educators. abc 7 news reporter leanne melendez caught up with a new hire who happens to be a teacher of the year. >> i found a little southern accent, okay. >> reporter: meet wanda, who was named new jersey's teacher of the year. in may, while considering a move oakland caught her attention. >> the school, the people, the history here. oakland is entrenched in african-american history, and so many power movements have been made in the community. how can i not love it? >> reporter: >> reporter: they jumped at the chance to higher reynolds. last year alliance academy faced a harsh reality. only 9% of students here were able to read at or above grade level. finding teachers willing to come and invest in alliance has been a challenge. especially with a teacher shortage. >> other schools were looking for teachers and what would happen is if there was a school that had a more solid history the teachers were able to make a choice. and so they would choose of course the school that seemed much more secure. >> reporter: reynolds is seen as a rising star in the school. the teacher shortage was due to baby boomers retiring and years of handing out pink slips during the great recession also discouraged many from getting into teaching. that is now changing. >> we just increased pay for our teachers so we're competitive in terms of salaries, so often adding the better benefits and recruiting early. >> reporter: oakland says the search for more teachers in key positions continues. in oakland, leanne melendez, abc 7 news. new details are emerging about the theft of a gun and badge from a uc berkeley police officer's unmarked department. the items belonged to the department's chief, margo bennett. authorities say somebody broke into her car as she went for a run. along with the badge and gun they took a laptop, ipad and cell phone, the chief is upset and shows that break-ins can happen to anyone. a bay area woman is overjoyed tonight, reunited with the family heirloom she thought was gone forever. abc 7 news reporter jonathan bloom shows how it all happened because of a website started by a bay area police officer. >> the 10th of february, 1957. >> reporter: nellie hill still remembers the words on the back of this painting, signed by the artist to her parents on a trip to paris. >> it was there in the living room and it just drew me into the landscape or into the forest. >> reporter: back in january, her mom told her she could have it. she shipped it, but like in this video thieves got to it first. >> this painting has meant so much and my mother was ill, so -- it was very painful. >> reporter: she reported it to police, then searched the internet and found stolen >> post as much information as possible, tell a story, people want to hear why this item is important. >> reporter: chp detective mark hench created the site for whatever was stolen, in case whoever took it wants to return it. >> i put no questions asked. >> reporter: nellie didn't hear anything back and figured the painting was gone, but then she got a strange phone call from an unknown voice. >> he said we have your painting. >> reporter: the caller said he googled the artist and found this. >> as far as i could see there was no damage. >> reporter: he counts it as a great victory. >> i have had videos and vehicles recovered. but artwork, this is the first for us. >> reporter: nellie had not been sure where to put the painting but now says it earned a prime spot over the fireplace. jonathan bloom, abc 7. >> and the weather is pretty nice, breezy. >> this is pretty typical around this time of year. ama, you get the warmth building in. today the highs were in the 60s to 90s, and then we'll warm it up. and coming up, we'll talk about what is going to follow. just wanted to let you know there is a possibility that we may see wet roads around here. not immediately. i know i'm getting excited about it. and obviously we'll watch for the potential for showers. right now fog on live doppler 7 hd starting to move back to the coast in a few spots. the bridge camera giving us a good view, oakland, currently 67, in san jose, still warm in morgan hill at 70 degrees. from the sfo camera we are watching the development of some of that fog but it i be very limited to the coast and around the bay in a few patches. low 60s, santa rosa, napa, 71 currently in livermore, and a live picture from the east bay camera. cooler pattern by week's end, a slight chance of showers or drizzle as we head to saturday. here is a look at the satellite and radar, high pressure shifting a little towards us. not completely making it. we'll keep the hottest weather away from us. the cool air mass will stay away for the time being, so not too hot, not too cold. right in between the air masses as we head to the end of the work week. cooler as the trough drops down, bringing cooler air with it. you will notice it especially as we head to the weekend. here is what we'll also have. this will be a huge relief to the crews and also for the people who are having to deal with the smoky conditions from the fires in the northwest, northern california, so the fire conditions are expected to improve as the rain moves in to the pacific northwest in northern california on late friday night going into saturday. tomorrow morning, it's fog that is going to be around. as you take kids off to school you may want to head out. fog will be following. there could be dense spots there. tomorrow afternoon, a mix of high clouds and sun in the south bay. 91 in gilroy, 8 is sunnyvale. 67 in pacifica, we'll keep the clouds around in daily city, some people enjoy that. 66 degrees, downtown san francisco. the temperatures will primarily be in the 80s and 90s, 60s, coastside. 82 in novato. it's a nice, mild sunny day. oakland, richmond, berkeley, inland spots, a warm day, 90 degrees in livermore, 87 in san ramon and pleasanton. temperatures going up a few degrees coast and bay on wednesday. everybody warms up on thursday, low 70s to mid-90s before the temperatures start to fall. they fall in a big way. over the weekend, they fall below normal. low-to-mid 80s inland. slight chance, i wouldn't cancel the appointments yet. a slight chance we see a few showers saturday morning. still to come on the abc 7 news at 9:00. a bay area teen who is not afraid to get his hands dirty wins a big prize for helping to break down racial barriers. break down racial barriers. and the new it was just an ordinary night. until he showed up-with a hungry look in his eyes. and then, he made the shot. and when jaws dropped ... he had something for that, too. the new spicy nacho chicken sandwich. with two tacos, halfsies, and a drink for 6 bucks. all in a munchie meal. cupertino, wine country and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. a mill valley teen has won $36,000 for his community work. he is one of 15 teens nationwide who were honored in san francisco by the helen diller family foundation. he used the garden in marin city to break down barriers between the white and black community in marin county. >> i hope that the project breaks down barriers that exist between communities within marin county and hope to clear up misconceptions around marin city. >> other awards regarded educational programs for girls in rwanda. with the festival just days away, authorities are promising a crackdown on crime in the desert. the new sheriff said he will not bend any rules for visitors, he says he doesn't have the citations to issue to 7 thousand nation people, but they should not have anything to worry about if they don't give the officers a hard time. and another half hour is coming up next. coming up, the three sacramento friends who took down a terror suspect are honored in france. turns out they were not the only heroes who stepped into action. also, ready to run? new clues tonight that joe biden may be getting ready to take on hillary clinton. and now there is a reward, what ashley madison executives are offering for information about the hackers did you know that good nutrition is critical for brain health? brain food, hmmm. ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health - now that's smart nutrition. sure's complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. ensure. take life in. every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurae quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. moogalian moogal live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is abc 7 news. now to those three childhood friends tied to northern california who made headlines after fighting off an attacker on a french train. they were awarded france's highest honor today for their quick actions and courage. abc news reporter david wright reports tonight from paris. >> reporter: tonight, two of the american heroes arrived in germany for medical treatment at a military hospital. first stop on their journey home after their incredible ordeal. today, we went to see for ourselves how they helped to stop a massacre. riding the train today retracing the journey that turned three childhood friends into heroes. the three of them were traveling on this high speed train bound for paris friday evening, half asleep. sitting nearby, that other american college professor mark moogalian and his wife. the began had an ak-47 strapped to him. moogalian was the first to front him. he didn't realize the suspect also had a handgun. as moogalian moved to protect his wife he was shot in the back. that is when the three american friends pounced. >> alek hit me on the shoulder, said let's go, tackle him. >> airman first class spencer stone fought back as the gunman fought back with a box cutter. once they stopped the terrorist, airman stone gave first aid to moogalian, saving his life. >> i stuck my fingers in the hole, found what i thought to be the artery, pushed down and the bleeding stopped. >> today, the french president called their courage an example to the world, awarding them the legion of honor, the gunman was known to france and was on a watch list since 2014. after it was shown he had ties to islamic extremists. and there is news from the white house, after e joe biden incident. and a secret meeting, then a private lunch with president obama today. >> vice president joe biden and president obama met today behind closed doors. a race pitting the vp against his former secretary of state would put the president in a tough spot. today the white house said if that happens the president may take sides by endorsing one of them. and even seemed to give the vice president a little boost. >> the president has indicated that to add joe biden to the ticket as running mate was the smartest decision he had ever made in politics. >> so that means the president would support joe biden if he ran? >> the man leading the movement is joshua lcorn, a close friend. >> how did he look at all of this? >> there is no doubt in my mind, john, that beau wanted to see his dad as president. >> hillary clinton is now relaxing in the hamptons, seen here in the exclusive photos by the daily mail. but taking nothing for granted she plans to interrupt her vacation heading back out on the campaign trail this week. >> several democrats close to joe biden say it is more likely than not that he will run. he has not made a decision, but is putting together budgets, looking at what it will cost to launch a campaign. as for the timing of that decision i am told that joe biden has told friends the absolute deadline to make a decision, the last possible moment would be before the first democratic debate in the middle of october. jonathan carl, abc news, the white house. following days of tensions, north and south korea agreed to end a standoff on both sides of the border. kim jong-un from south korea, and on the -- there were agreements after a land line bust, the south will stop the propaganda along the border, according to the agreement. and suspension because of a banner that hung from a house. the banners read, rowdy and fun hope your baby girl is ready for a good time. also, freshman daughter dropoff, and go ahead and drop off mom, too. they were set up yesterday at old dominion university. and the president of the university plans to punish those involved. and police have linked at least two suicides to the leak of personal information. now there is new reward for finding the hackers. abc reporter lindsey davis has more. >> life is short, have an affair. >> reporter: more fallout from the hack of the cheating website, ashley madison. >> as of this morning we have two unconfirmed reports of suicides. >> police adding now there is widespread extortion, with criminals engaging in on-line scams claiming to provide access to the hacked list, but instead they infiltrate your computer. others promising to erase the information from your computer for a fee. >> this is obviously a scam. nobody can erase the information. >> reporter: police are calling this information one of the largest data breaches ever, exposing 13,000 u.s. government accounts, vatican accounts as well as former reality tv star josh duggar, the canadian company behind ashleyadison now offering a reward of $35,000 for the information regarding the hackers. >> i want to make it very clear to you, your actions are illegal and will not be tolerated. this is your wake-up call. >> california lawmakers approved a bill today that would make it a trespassing violation to fly drones over private property without permission. the bill will not affect businesses and only targets items that were no good. and when we come back tonight, the price of eggs tonight, the price of eggs reaches a new milestone at tonight, the price of eggs reaches a new milestone at the buttery jack was a huge success. people went crazy for a burger with melted garlic herb butter. now, here's the sequel... ...with portobello mushrooms. boom. hang on, i don't want anyone to trip... ok. oh yeah. that's jack's new portobello mushroom buttery jack, the sequel to the classic and bacon & swiss, topped with the same melted garlic herb butter, plus portobello mushrooms and grilled onions. spoiler alert: it's awesome. s . san raphael, south bay, pleasanton, and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. you may have noticed you're paying a little more for breakfast these days in fact we may be paying a lot more for things that include eggs. the price of eggs has been soaring, and abc news reporter vic lee is trying to find out why. >> reporte this coffee shop is what it is cracked up to be. a great breakfast place serving up eggs. >> this has been around since 1935. that is when the price of eggs per carton, believe it or not, was only 37 cents. >> reporter: egg prices have risen over the years, but not like this. sheila chapman's brother does the shopping. >> he was white as a ghost, he finally got it out and said oh, my god, the price of eggs has doubled. >> reporter: so they had to raise their prices because of the sticker shock, and shock it was at safeway, where a dozen eggs were going for 6.49. at real company grocery store the cheapest carton at 3.19. >> the price of feed has gone up. sometimes there has been like a large dieoffs of chickens because of disease. >> reporter: the effect resulted in the killing of 48 million chickens, plus higher prices for chicken feed, mostly shipped from the midwest. and possibly the rollout of prop 2, requiring all eggs sold in the state to come from cage-free chickens. that forced many farmers to build new facilities who then passed along the cost to consumers. but you can until find bargains if you scramble around. at trader joe's, this man found a carton at only $1.99. >> these were 1.99. >> you're a lucky man. >> i am. i have to get two dozen at that price. >> whatever the reason, the jump in prices has been egg-extraordinary. >> and an aspirin a day may keep colon cancer away. those who did so saw it drop 37%. the study was linked to a 35% drop in colon cancer risks. researchers say that aspirin help but have to be taken a long time before the effects can actually kick in. and there is another potential breakthrough in the fight against cancer, researchers have managed to turn aggressive breast caer cells into harmless cells. farmers at the mayo clinic have found a way to restore the cancer sales preventing growth. so far it has been done in a lab with human cells without the help of chemotherapy. researchers say it's like applying the brakes to a speeding car. up next, we're tracking weather in hawaii. plus, two twins just born at the national zoo. we'll be right back. bill's got a very tough 13lie here...... looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric... now to the wonder twins of the national zoo, two baby pandas were born hours apart. the second cub was a happy surprise. abc reporter matt gutman has more. >> reporter: the zookeeper expected that first squeak, but hours later the second squawk of life threw them. >> this was very exciting news. >> both cubs about the size of a stick of butter, but feisty. pandas are undenialably execute of. when they were there, the video almost broke the internet. only about 1600 remain in the wild, while panda twins are common, their survival is not. >> these are the only panda twins to ever survive in the united states. >> ever? >> ever. >> they're not soft. >> they're not soft. the cubs at the national zoo were swamped out every few hours so mei xiang would not get overwhelmed. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. all right, a last check of our weather. hi, ama, we do have a little fog here along the coastline, pretty typical for this time of year. also typical, the tropics where we are seeing in the atlantic, another storm that has formed. this is tropical storm erica, well away from the leeward islands, we'll keep an eye on that. right now we're watching the remains of danny producing rain as it moves west across the caribbean. off it will be beneficial rain, a lot of rain over hawaii the last 24 hours or so. there have been flash flood watches and warnings. some of this is tropical moisture, not associate weeked this system or this system. tropical depression kilo expected to move away from the hawaiian island chain, strengthening to a tropical storm. there are just a few showers if you head to hawaii over the next few days. staying here, statewide, las vegas, looking at thunderstorms, sunshine, tahoe, warm weather in the 90s, accuweather seven-day forecast will feature even warmer weather through the end of the work week, and then friday through the weekend, we cool it ñidown, maybe a little drizzle. saturday morning, a light shower. people are liking this cooldown. >> i know. >> on facebook. >> it's a lot better than we've seen in day's past, definitely. thank you. all right, we know larry hates when it's hot outside. >> like i'm the only one? i mean, do you like it when it's 100? your hair -- you tell me about it every day. >> i know, right? >> can't do a thing with it when it's this hot. >> going to sound like -- >> well, no, i'll try to work on the impersonation. and they decided they needed a new base coach. could ron washington actually help them on the bases? technology. it has the power to completely blow our minds. and when at&t and directv get together your mind will stay completely in tact, because their internet isn't getting any faster. this. changes. nothing. welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for. the fastest internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. only from xfinity. coming up tonight on abc 7 news at 11:00, prosecutors reach a deal with an east bay man charged in a fraud scheme that investigators say contributed to the housing collapse. prosecutors say he inflated the price of homes. also, now the force can be found in your kitchen. the unlikely place you will soon see the characters of star wars, join us for abc 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. this sports report is brought to you by your local toyota dealer. all right, larry beil is here. >> got to come out with a movie. a little odd to make a move like this with 37 games left in the season but the a's fired their third base coach mike gallegos, most runners thrown out at the plate, 19, which ties them with detroit. ron washington, added mid-season took over the staff tonight in seattle. three-game series, franklin gutierrez unloads on the fastball way out. three-run blast, mariners up 4-0 in the third. oakland one hit for the first four innings, they go in the fifth, trailing 5-0, mark hanna on fire right now. two outs, great hustle by josh reddick, laying out the chopper to first, beats montero to the bag. tied it up. danny palencia, high deep and aloha, that will be the final pitch. go starts ago, a no-hitter. 8-5,a's now in the eighth. giants off. cubs riding high. chris bryant hit a walk-off homer to give the cubs their fifth straight win going crazy at wrigley. they have won 21 of their last 26, now leading the giants in the wild card by six and a half games. terrible news, driver justin wilson has died as a result of injuries he received in yesterday's race. unfortunately, wilson was in the wrong place at the wrong time. sage kerram crashed and part of his his car flew up. a large piece of debris hit him in the head. wilson was in the coma today. justin wilson was only 37 years old. sad, back to the field for the 49ers, head coach tom sula says they're still trying to work to make the 53-man roster. there are 31 other team that is would love to have this guy. hane returned three punts yesterday averaging 28 yards, former rugby star has amazing compo composeure for a guy who never played american football before. hanes could barely see the ball. >> when i got out there i put my helmet on, and actually -- i was looking for a chance -- i thought i can't see. and then they screamed, where are you, get on the field. i'm just like my head is everywhere. and as soon as the ball went up i lost it straight away. i lost the ball, i couldn't see it. and then by the height and the way it was kind of rotating i knew it was long. turned it back and took off. just put my hand out and -- actually thought i was going to roll off backwards just because of how much ground i had to cover. as soon as i turned up it was just -- i just had to do my best. >> fans falling in love with jared hanes, mike purcell returned a pick for a touchdown. been on the practice scandal for a couple of years. came out of the university of wyoming, first on the goal line in the first preseason game showing off his moves last night. >> i mean, you saw that guy -- >> major play. i don't know. just took off running. the rest is kind of a blur. but i'll take it. >> preseason monday night football, jameis winston, keeping a deep for the pylon, a.j. green, butterfingers, remember they used to do this regularly. with ucla, bucs take care of the bengals, 25-11. patriots signed veteran wide receiver reggie wayne who spent 14 years with the colts. still has something left in the tank at age 36. the patriots believe it as well. they have banged up receivers on their roster and wayne may quickly become a tom brady favorite whenever brady is off of suspension. and sabre cats going to the arena bowl. their most dangerous, named wide receiver of the year.ñr scoring 44 touchdowns, he will lead the sabre cats. >> all right, thank you so much, larry, and thank you for joining us. abc 7 news continues on line, on twitter, facebook, on your mobile devices with your abc 7 news app. have a great night, we'll see you over on channel 7. so what dyou do last night? oh, i took advantage of a lonely, vulnerable woman. oh, right, right, right. hey, did you like it when i kissed the back of your knee? women don't know it, but that'sa major erogenous zone. so sexy. e been thinking about this a lot-- were you up all night, too? oh, no, i'm a guy. by "a lot," i mean the five minutes i've been awake. my bad. go on.

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