Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20240622 : comp

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20240622

robbery. but when they tried to detain the man, he sped off. officers chased him down city streets at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour. please s police say he jumped out and tried to carjack another vehicle. police say the man was armed when three officers fired their weapons. he later died at the hospital. the police department says they recovered this gun at the scene. they say it was loaded and stolen. police say there were a lot of witnesses around, and they would like to hear from them. it's just after noon in china now. and daylight has revealed new devastation after a series of explosions in the northeastern port city of tianjin northeast of beijing. at least 17 people are dead and hundreds are injured. the blast was as powerful as a 2.9 magnitude earthquake. bob woodruff has a closer look at the damage. >> reporter: the mushroom cloud eating up the night sky tonight. hundreds injured, many still missing. the horror beginning just before 11:00 p.m. a fire at a warehouse storing hazardous material in the port city of tianjin. within 15 minutes, firefighters spond, but the worst is yet to come. 11:30 p.m. two explosions. one after the other. miles away, people watched from their windows. seconds later, the force of the blast sweeping them off their feet. scientists say it packed the power of 21 tons of tnt and could be felt more than sixñi miles away. this man captured on surveillance video moments before the building caves in. in the streets, dazed residents using plankblankets to cover th mouths and clutching their children. hospitals soon flooded with victims. at least 13 people are dead, and reports of 300 to 400 injured. as of tonight, first responders canvassed burning neighborhoods, looking for signs of life. now these explosions were so powerful that weather satellites were able to see them from space. and on the ground, everyone within miles from the disaster is having evacuated just in case the danger is not over. bob woodruff, nbc news, beijing. a 17-year-old alameda boy turned himself in to police following a sexual assault and a string of burglaries after his picture was released. he is connected to at least five home invasions and maybe more. they released pictures of the suspect yesterday, and by last night thyoe man turned himself in. he was arrested on charges of sexual assault of a minor and two counts of burglary, but that may just be the beginning. they are working to connect him to a string of seven hot prowl burglaries in the city's west end. people who know the suspect say he attends highland high school, near the neighborhoods involved. >> that's him. we go to school together. he's always quiet with some -- i don't know if it was his girlfriend or not. but i was just shocked because it's like somebody so sweet to do stuff like that. it's just like you don't know who to trust, who to call your friend. >> because like i said the victims are all females, he perhaps might have been watching them, learning their patterns, knowing when they were home, knowing if they were home alone. >> the recent burglaries span this time frame, from june up until this past sunday. but police say they may connect him to earlier incidents as well. we'll have to see. the search for a woman who jumped or fell 70 feet off the bay bridge this morning has moved from the water to land. officers determined the woman survived the plunge off the bike path on the eastern span after a truck driver reported picking up a soaking wet woman near the plaza and dropping her off in the east bay. the chp confirmed the woman was driving a stolen car out of l.a. and hit a guard rail on the eastern span of the bridge around 2:30 a.m. she and two other women left the crash and started walking eastbound on the bridge's bike path. the women went into the water when an officer approached them. >> we believe it was the driver. jumped over the rail. and as the officer was about 50 yards away, she began to slip and fall. >> the u.s. coast guard found the woman's i.d. in a six-hour long search for her in the bay. chp is now checking the address. a man has been arrested today in connection with the theft of two cameras from bay area news crews in san francisco. it happened on pier 14 last month. michael jones was arrested at a motel 6 in fremont. police say he pistol whipped a kntv cameraman. jones took the cameras and jumped into a waiting black bmw 7 series with two men inside. police identified a possible suspect car a week after the incident, and monitored that vehicle. >> michael jones, to be a san francisco gang member whose gang has been engaging in or we believe engaging in robberies, auto burglaries, and other crimes. >> the news crews were attacked while following up on the murder of kate steinle at pier 14 in san francisco. abc 7 news is learning more tonight about a deadly riot at the new fulsome state prison where a prisoner was stabbed to death. he was identified as 7 1-year-old hugo pinell, one of the san quinten six. officials say about 70 inmates were involved in this afternoon's fight. no prison staff members were hurt. officers used pepper spray and two shots to stop the fighting but still aren't saying what started it. a transgender prison inmate who has been asking for a sex change was released on bail today. michelle norsworthy was released from a men's prison north of sacramento. her release today likely ends her attempt to have the state pay for her gender reassignment. she was supposed to present her arguments to a federal appeals court on this tomorrow. the hearing is cancelled but the court will take her appeal under consideration. now to the spreading jerusalem fire. nearly 1,700 firefighters struggled today to get a handle on the fast-growing blaze. crews were hoping containment lines would hold, but the windy conditions were similar to yesterday. so far the fire has burned 20,500 acres and is only 16% contained. >> the fire is burning away from a majority of homes in the jerusalem valley area, but it continues to burn in areas that are very thick, very dry, and easily burning. similar conditions to what the rocky fire had been burning just a couple of weeks ago. >> the fire has burned right up to the edge of that already scorched part of the rocky fire. that fire that started two weeks ago today is 70,000 acres and now 95% contained. the federal aviation administration is investigating a drone incident involving a medical helicopter in fresno. it happened just after 1:00 this afternoon. the chopper was at about 1,000 feet with a patient onboard when the pilot noticed a drone right in his flight path. the crew says it was flying straight at them. the pilot saw it and made an evasive maneuver. he says it came within 20 feet of the rotor. >> people just need to remember that we're up in the air as well. it's not a -- you know, a toy that they are flying around. it's up in our space. and if it were to contact an aircraft, it would create a pretty catastrophic situation possibly. >> the helicopter was on its way to a hospital in fresno. fortunately, the incident did not affect the patient's care. we do have much more ahead for you on this wednesday night. up next, kids go back to school while construction crews go back to work. why these two groups aren't supposed to be side-by-side. also, a big gusher in contra costa county. the mess that was seeping into homes and buckling a road. and our meteorologist is here with the weather. >> it was a little warmer today, but temperatures are going to soar as we hit the weekend. details on how hot, coming up. are you one of those people who ends up with hours of video you don't know what to do with? the camera that promises to streamline the process for you. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. as many as 50 people are demonstrating tonight over the shooting we told you about at the top in west oakland. they met tonight at the scene and began marching throughout the city, making their point. so far, the group has been peaceful. for days, crews have been working feverishly to finish construction projects in south san francisco before the school year starts. they almost made it. classes began today, and not everything is finished. abc 7 news education reporterly a leann an melendez has the story. >> reporter: students in south san francisco were greeted by teachers and one or two construction workers still trying to complete some work here. >> i actually didn't think it was going to be ready. the classrooms are great. it would be nice if everything was complete. >> reporter: while the entire construction project is supposed to be completed by next year, the classrooms were meant to be done weeks ago. today, four fifth grade classrooms were still being worked on. the school had to find space elsewhere for the students. the contractor says those classrooms will be ready in about a week, and that's not all. >> i was a little surprised to see that at the school, but it's really not affecting them at all. the only thing is the play structure. but they had fun. >> reporter: the play structure has yet to be installed and inspected. there were missing vents, exposed electrical boxes, gates had yet to be put up, and some of the paving concrete had not been poured. the district says part of the construction delays were due to roofing materials that didn't arrive on time. in fact, this is not the only school in the district that's behind. the district has used up all of the funds from the 162 million dollar bond for school improvement and ran out. it moved $10 million from its general fund to complete projects because of increased costs. >> it's unfortunate that the construction went longer, but anyone who's ever been around construction knows that those kind of things happen. >> meantime, the pta is asking parents to be flexible. in south san francisco, abc 7 news. if you go to our website and page down, we have lots of resources for back to school, including the best shopping deals and healthy lunch ideas that your kids might actually like. >> check it out when you have the time. a group of oakland residents wants a seat at the negotiating table for the coliseum city stadium project. this morning, members delivered a letter to the mayor and the project's developer. in that letter, they ask for a community benefits agreement that would make sure that oakland residents are not left out of the project. >> we want good wages for the workers there. we want to make sure that the coliseum city workers retain their jobs. we want to make sure we have affordable housing. we want to make sure that the people who live there are not pushed out. >> keep in mind the coliseum city project is still far from a done deal. city officials have not been able to finalize an agreement with the oakland raiders. the developer must present his stadium plan by august 21, so the clock it ticking. east bay is promising to pay owners for cleanup after a water break in alamo. it sent thousands of gallons of water gushing down danville boulevard. four homes in the area were flooded. the flooding was so bad that a pet pig named rose ran inside to seek higher ground on a couch. >> she can swim a little bit, thank god. i knew she could handle herself. >> a 10-inch cast iron pipe corroded, and that's what caused the break. crews replaced it with pvc. they say this is a typical repair they make up to 1,000 times a year. antioch officials are considering increasing the water supply. the city council voted unanimously on a $100,000 contract that will explore the usefulness of water pumped from the san joaquin river. san jose announced a long busters program. eligible homeowners can get a $500 discounted package with drought resistant plants and landscape materials. new showerheads sold in california will be the most water frugal in the nation. the california energy commission voted today to faze in shower head efficiency standards limiting them to just 1.8 gallons a minute after july 2018. current standard is 2.5 gallons a minute. the commission already tightened standards for faucets and urinals. the state has also announced a $30 million rebate program to replace old toilets. meantime, we wait for rain. the rainy season won't be here for a while. but we're enjoying some nice weather now. >> we'll see triple digits as we hit the weekend just in time for your outdoor plans. live doppler hd right now showing you mostly clear inland, but not the case near the coast, where the low clouds have pushed in. those clouds are already pushing across the bay. red flag warning up tomorrow afternoon through tomorrow night. it covers much of northeastern california and also the central portion of the sierra nevada. it's the same system keeping our temperatures at or slightly below normal. that's going to kick up the winds there and drop the humidity so the fire danger will remain high tomorrow. a live look from our kgo roof camera. it was breezy, but now the flag you'll notice isn't really swaying much. temperatures mid to upper 60s in san francisco and oakland. san jose, 65. pretty soft in around the financial district. temperatures 60s for santa rosa. 71 in concord. as you look from the emeryville camera, back across the bay year here, we are oftening the low cloudiness. mild to warm tomorrow. heating up this weekend. the area of low pressure we're talking about is still spinning offshore. not in a hurry to leave us just yet. but tomorrow, late at night, it's going to finally start to lift on out of here and eventually pushes away. that low replaced by this high that's going toñi bring the dest heat with it. we'll call it a return of the summer sizzle beginning saturday and continuing into sunday. here is how it's going to look inland. triple digits both saturday and sunday. livermore, 89 the average high. tomorrow afternoon, below normal. and then the temperatures come back up to average on friday only to really soar as i mentioned. and the numbers will start to taper early to middle part of next week. morning, gray skies. low 50s to low 60s. pretty good sleeping weather for those of you who do not have air conditioning. it wasn't hot today so keep that in mind. very pleasant today. 70s and 80s across the entire bay area. temperatures might actually go down a few degrees tomorrow. as we see the passage of that low. 86 in gilroy and the south bay. 80 in san jose. 78 in sunnyvale. blue skies for the afternoon. 75 in san mateo. you'll remain cloudy part of your day. 73 downtown san francisco. north bay, 60s at the coast. notice most other areas in the 70s and 80s. so very narrow range of temperatures. 82 in santa rosa. 81 napa. 80 sonoma. 76 hayward. inland spots on the warm side. 83 in san ramon. 85 walnut creek. turning up the heat just a little on friday. warmer day, 70s to 90s. but you really start to feel it this weekend when the fog is gone. triple digits inland. 90s around the bay. 70s coast side. and then the heat starts to ease a bit as we head back to work and kids start to return to school. >> yeah. school time. >> homework. >> i know. >> thanks. still to come, a coast guard crew returns to the bay area after a $1 billion drug bust. tonight's contraband they dropped off long the way. a sad situation for beavers in the east bay. they are dying mysteriously. that story coming up.xd ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. a new sea chance to tryew look. something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ the 2015 cadillac srx. lease this from around $339 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing. feduring sleep train's sundaytriple choice sale. to save big for a limited time, you can choose up to 48 months interest-free financing on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save hundreds on simmons beautyrest mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ sleep train your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ it's back home at last for the crew members of the alameda bay coast guard cutter stratton after two massive cocaine seizures. we were there this morning as family and loved ones stood by waiting for the ship to dock, anxious to see their family members. agents confiscated more than 74,000 pounds of cocaine and seizures over the past few months. >> very surprising. i didn't expect anything like that. very fortunate to be a part of that group, you know. and hopefully we'll keep it going. >> look at this. all of the cocaine you're looking at was taken off the ship monday in san diego. officials estimate the massive haul of drugs is worth more than $1 billion on the street. >> wow. well, researchers are trying to figure out why young beavers are dying in a martcreek. three of four babies have unexpectedly died this year. a fourth dead beaver was spotted floating in the water this week. scientists said they didn't find out anything unusual after a necropsy last month. veterinarians have ruled out the drought and algae related illness. a social octopus eats its prey. marine biologists at uc berkeley studied the pacific striped octopus and say they have never seen anything like this. this newly discovered species reaches out, subtly taps its prey on the shoulder, and startles it into its arms. scientists say these octopi have been known to live in groups of as many as 40 off the coast of panama. have you ever seen like this? >> excuse me, i'm going to eat you now. very bizarre. another half-hour of abc news at 9:00 is coming up. a condition report on former president jimmy carter and white house reaction to the news that he has cancer. also, a helicopter crashes on a navy ship. what happened to the crew? we'll have the latest. and another movement to split california in two. we'll show you what areas could become of the state of jefferson. >> stay right here. we'll continue with a ♪ ♪ it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you canasily master the way you bank. live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is abc 7 news. >> all right. following breaking news in oakland. you're looking at live pictures from sky 7 hd of protesters downtown on broadway. police just set up a line to block off the protesters before they got to the police station. >> the group is out marching tonight after police shot and killed an armed robbery suspect this afternoon. you can see there's a small trash fire burning there. this is video from the scene this afternoon. the shooting which happened at 27th and martin luther king happened after police say the man led them on a chase in a stolen car down city streets. >> they say he tried to carjack another driver when they shot him. another look now at the protesters. things have remained relatively peaceful tonight. no problems so far. again, we did see this trash can burning. we're staying on top of the situation and will bring you any updates here and on twitter at abc 7 news bay area and a full report at 11:00 over on channel 7. we learned today that former president jimmy carter has been diagnod with cancer. >> it was discovered during surgery earlier this month. doctors found it has now sadly spread to his entire body. >> here's abc news reporter david curly. >> reporter: the former president tonighshow sharing with the world that he has cancer and it has spread. mr. carter says that during liver surgery the cancer was discovered, which is now, quote, in other parts of my body. just a month ago, president carter reminisced with george stephanopoulos about his latest book, "a full life" acknowledging that the final chapters are being written. >> i know that in a few years since i'll be 91 in october that my travel capability and my vigor, physical vigor, is going to die down. >> mr. carter's parents, two sisters and brother all died of cancer. the 39th president from plains, georgia, was denied a second term, losing to ronald reagan in the midst of the iranian hostage crisis. but his post presidency one of the busiest ever, filled with the work of the carter center. president carter has cancelled his schedule so he can stay in atlanta for treatment. he will possibly reveal more about his condition next week. the current occupant of the white house, president obama, says he and his wife are hoping for a fast and full recovery for president carter. david curly, abc news, washington. and, again, this is a look at the statement that the president made today on twitter. wishing carter well and of course the whole country is wishing him well. >> indeed. now to the race for the white house in 2016. senator bernie sanders has pulled ahead of former secretary of state hillary clinton in a new poll from new hampshire. the poll shows sanders leading there 44% to 37%. the first primary will be held in new hampshire in about six months time. now to the growing firestorm for hillary clinton tonight. as we reported last night, she is turning over her home email server after insisting that she would not do so. now the republican heavyweights, trump and bush, are taking dead aim. here's abc news reporter jonathan carl. >> reporter: it's the email server hillary clinton kept here at her home in new york. for months, she has flatly refused to turn it over. >> i have met all of my responsibilities, and the server will remain private. >> reporter: but now a reversal. clinton has agreed to turn that server over to the justice department, which is investigating whether classified information in her emails has been properly secured. abc news has learned that at least two of clinton's private emails included information now classified as top secret. mrs. clinton once denied sending any classified information whatsoever, but listen closely to what she says now. >> i am confident that i never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received. >> reporter: the email controversy has been overshadowed lately by the donald trump show. >> ladies and gentlemen, president of the united states, donald j. trump! >> reporter: now trump is aiming his fire at hillary clinton. >> did she commit a crime? yes. will they prosecute it? perhapsñr no. >> today, jeb bush knocked her for storing sensitive information that that server. >> thinking her server would be safer than the state dent's fire walls? we need a president that realizes there are threats in the 21st century that are dramatically different than the threats of 30 years ago. >> now mrs. clinton's unlikely challenger is soaring. over the past few days, bernie sanders has addressed huge crowds. 15,000 in seattle, 27,000 in los angeles. and in portland, 28,000. and a new poll in new hampshire shows that bernie sanders is actually ahead of hillary clinton in the state. the bottom line is, while hillary clinton is still the overwhelming front-runner for the democratic nomination, this is shaping up to be a much tougher race for her than anybody expected. jonathan carl, abc news, traveling with the president in martha's vineyard. japanese officials are calling for an investigation into the crash of a u.s. army helicopter off japan's southern island of okinawa. six people onboard were hurt with unknown injuries. the helicopter was landing on a navy ship as part of a training exercise. two of the victims belong to a japanese special response unit. the 10 other people aboard the helicopter were not hurt. japan and the u.s. are strengthening military cooperation to bolster japan's defense role. three more women are accusing bill cosby of sexual assault. attorney gloria all red says the women are coming forward now because they want to support the other alleged victims and because they couldn't hold their secrets in any longer. two of the women were actors. the third was a flight attendant. >> young actresses being yanked offset with the media titan, and no one is concerned or willing to help. >> he floated over my humiliation. he planned it. >> the women showed pictures of themselves from the time they met cosby. nearly 50 women have come forward since last year accusing cosby of sexual misconduct. the idea of splitting california into two states, north and south, isn't going away. supporters are trying to drum up support one county at a time. george warren caught up with backers of the split. >> reporter: he raised the jefferson flag to remind people showing up for a county supervisor's meeting what the founding fathers envisioned for america. >> representation and liberty. i got my son and grandkids. pretty much not for me. it's for them. >> reporter: it's something that hasn't been done since the civil war when west virginia split from virginia in the original conflict between north and south. at this point, organizers see the new state of jefferson forming from the 20 northernmost counties in california. >> now we have one senator for 11 counties, when l.a. has 11 senators for one county. >> reporter: the eldorado county supervisors are the latest to hear the pitch for a 51st state. opponents are also getting a chance to weigh in. a group called keep it california says splitting up makes no economic sense because most of the counties that would form the state of jefferson receive far more in benefits from california than they pay out in taxes. although the state of jefferson movement would like support in all 20 counties, it certainly is not necessary. the initial decision to split would have to come from the state capitol, you know, the place where the south greatly outnumbers the north. >> do you think this has a chance, snowball's chance of succeeding? >> i do. absolutely. >> reporter: they plan to take their fight to sacramento in january. they say they won't give up until this flag is flying up there. in plaserville, george warren, abc 7 news. coming up next, are you one of those people who ♪ we invented low fares. thenveryone else pretty much tried to follow. we call it the southwest effect, but other airlines probably use more colorful language. low fares. we don't just have them. we invented them. and here we go again! book for as low as 73 dollars one-way now at ♪ certainly it's not often that a hit-and-run accident gives birth to a silicon valley start-up4icompany. >> but that's exactly what happened. a berkeley entrepreneur was hit while riding his bike and got the whole thing on video. >> reporter: bruno gregory doesn't usually film his bike rides, but capturing this was luck. a driver knocked him and a friend to the ground, and sped off. >> we had the number of the drivers. we showed this to the officers, and in like 10, 20 minutes, they got the guy. >> reporter: it made him want to record all of his rides. >> you never have time to go home and watch that. so we ended up getting lots and lots of good moments, lost forever in our computer. >> reporter: bruno assembled a team and created graava. >> graava means record in portuguese. >> reporter: it's an action camera a few extra sensors. it knows when you've hit the top of a hill, stop xdsuddenly, or when you're heart rate is elevated if you have a smart tch. >> it finds out if the image is excited or not. >> reporter: on the charger, it sends the exciting shots to the cloud to automatically edit a highlight reel. >> the camera does everything for you. >> reporter: there are lots of action cameras out there, you go graava really has one major competitor. industry watchers say how well it competes with this may have everything to do with how well it go against all of this. >> really it's just gopro or nothing. really graava has to prove it can do what gopro can't. >> reporter: tv editors spend hours doing this, most surfers and skiers won't so the video doesn't get shared. for graava, that's an opportunity. >> if the videos are great, people will share them everywhere. they'll say i didn't have to do any work. graf graava did it for me. and people are going to buy it. >> reporter: you can preorder for $250. >> clever. >> yeah. up next, the heart-stopping, high-wire walk out a harness. >> and at one technology. it has the power to completely blow our minds. and when at&t and directv get together your mind will stay completely in tact, because their internet isn't getting any faster. this. changes. nothing. welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for. the fastest internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. only from xfinity. the uncertainties i don't wantof hep c.with or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatmt. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. disney is known for its compelling animated story telling, but now a story has come to life. an adorable fawn and a rabbit, now nicknamed bambi andñi thump, came out to play this week and it was all caught on video. look at that. the ymca of the rockies shared the video on its facebook page, and it's beenñi watched half a million times. the video shows the deer jumping around its rabbit friend. it was shot from the museum's front porch. >> that is really cute. >> it is. >> both animals are really so jumpy. it's surprising they would stay and play. >> one last check of the weather for you. >> yeah. as we take a look at the doppler, we do have low clouds right near the coast. best viewing for the meteor shower which peaks tonight will be in inland spots where you'll be away from the low cloudiness. look to the northeast between 11:00 p.m. and dawn is when we're coming up on the peak of the meteor shower. andçó really the moon is going be nearly new, so not going to interfere with the viewing tonight. check it out and send us pictures if you do get them. tropical storm hilda is weakening even further in the cific, and it is still going toass well to the south of the hawaiian island chain. buwe are expecting some rain on the big island where flash flood watches are up and tropical storm watches as well due to the wind potential and the surf will be picking up. if you're heading there for vacation, friday and saturday watch for the surf and the rain around the state. heat in palm springs, 112. 90 in los angeles. 80 degrees in tahoe. you will see the sun in the bay area. sunny and perhaps a little cooler tomorrow. upper 60s to mid 80s. only to warm back up again starting friday. and warm at the coastline., >> t%)y well, some people might say he has a death wish. but tonight a daredevil holds a world record for crossing between two 950 foot cliffs with no safety harness anno net.ñr david muir shows you how he did it. >> reporter: that's s seabrook walking down the path straight to the cliff. where most of us would stop, he's just getting started. a sport called lining, a drone capturing the death defying walk nearly 1,000 feet up near vancouver. when suddenly, this. watch as he pulls himself back up. at 26, he's been at this for years, even in the kitchen. how do you take your coffee? most of the time he uses a harness. but no harness now as spencer tries to set a world record. late today, checking in with us. >> what i'm doing is really pushing the limits of myself and the sport. take the harness off and do what you've done before, but it's just a whole other mental game. >> reporter: about that fall, he told us it was intentional, that he felt something was wrong and wanted to reset. >> i looked down at the line, and i just wrapped my body around it to secure myself. >> reporter: soon, back up and one foot in front of the other. 210 feet across, a world record. >> i've been dreaming about it for a long time. to step off onto the solid rock really felt amazing. [ cheers and applause ]. >> wow. >> scary. all right. well, tom brady was in federal court today over deflategate. the players union is trying to reduce his suspension over the deflated footballs. but a courtroom sketch of the quarterback stole the show. and inspired some hilarious names using a court artist sketch. it's been photo shopped into just about everything. this one shows brady as e.t. this one showing him as all of the cast members of the brady bunch. and another brady as michael jackson, along with the line, deflategate is turning into a real thriller. the original sketch was drawn by jane rosenberg. she says she apologizes to brady if she didn't make him look as good looking as he really is. >> well, she certainly didn't do that. >> i think that's what gisele sees every morning. >> really? >> that's the real tom. i mean, he's not that handsome. is he? really, you be the judge. sandia? >> i'm not saying. [ laughter ] >> what cowards. cowards. you can't even say. even i'll say it the guy is good looking. >> well, just saying. >> at least somebody has some guts up here. >> i know, you alma. i know what you're thinking. >> do you? >> yes, i do. i know. >> you won't like what she's thinking right now. >> she's thinking let's get on to the sports tease already. a bunch of almost no hitters this season. tonight, one pitcher seals the deal. and he's never even thrown a complete game before. coming up at 11:00, happening now a protest on the streets of oakland over a fatal officer-involved shooting. a live report. plus, a suspected molester on the run for 14 years is finally in custody. new details on how federal agents took him down. >> those stories and more coming up in one hour on abc 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. this sports report is brought to you by your local toyota dealer. >> should we pick up where we left off or move forward? >> move forward. >> wasn't there a no hitter or something? >> alma, it's cute when she's uncomfortable. you get the real alma. >> real alma can be scary. that's a warning. >> uh-oh. i'm in trouble. let's talk about the no hitter, alma. hisashi iwa kuma pitched a no hitter today for the mariners. the first a.l. pitcher to throw a no-no since teammate alex hernandez did it three years ago. look at kyle seager with the over the shoulder grab. and the fans reacting. they are like, he got it! so that was out number one on the night. paraflies out to center field. and it is iiwakum a's first no-no. a gem this afternoon but one mistake proved to be costly against the astros. fun day at the ballpark. these kids are doing their best tom brady impersonation right there. bay area native scott feldman, six scoreless with help in the third. aoki pops it up. and look at the juggling grab right there. and aoki left the game with concussion like symptoms. this one is parked. his 15th of the year makes it 1-0 astros. and then in the eighth, lawrie and that's all the offense of the entire day. giants fall 2-0, now 3 1/2 back of l.a. dodgers won tonight. so the giants 3 1/2 back and open a four-game series with the nationals tomorrow night. a's and the red-hot toronto blue jays who came in on a nine-game winning streak. a three-run blast to the second deck off of aaron brooks who had been pic%9g really well since>> jimmsince joining the a's. in the second, donaldson to right. justin smoak golfs one out. it was seven runs in the second inning. this is a three-run homer right there. and the blue jays win it rather comfortably. their 10th straight win, 10-3 your final score. collin kaepernick responded to the report that he might have had an altercation with aldon smith. he said that all of the rumors were absolutely wrong, and the 49ers didn't even have practice on the day of this alleged confrontation. kaepernick criticized the media for sensationalizing the story. >> for people that do report that and put that out there and jumped on that bandwagon just to get internet clicks and get attention to their website, or reports, it really is embarrassing that people do that. >> just 24 hours after being cut by the jets for punching out quarterback geno smith, kemefuna enemkpala has been picked up by his former head coach rex ryan. now with the buffalo bills, ryan used to coach the jets and originally drafted enemkpala. the sabre cats, arena football, they tried the league record this year with a 17-1 record. and now they prepare for their first-round playoff match-up against portland. the thunder were just 5-13, and their head coach says that sabre cats better not overlook their opponent. >> they did a good job starting in camp. and they came with the right mindset. every day they come here, they are focused. and they give what they have every day. >> we've been waiting for this opportunity all year. so it's exciting. it's finally here. now the real season starts. >> the nba announced their 2015-16 schedule today, and the warriors will raise their championship banner. the season opener is october 27 against the new orleans pelicans. the first rematch of the nba finals with lebron james coming to town will be on christmas day. that's right here on abc 7. the dubs have 25 national tv appearances, five on abc, and against the clippers, thunder, lakers and spurs. here's klay thompson on the schedule. >> it will be a fun opening night. we'll play a young, hungry, talented pelicans team. it will be more interesting to be going against alvin. that will be fun. a little trash talk probably here and there. and obviously, christmas day, circle that game. hopefully it will be a healthy cavs team and give the world what they want to see. >> it's going to be fun. abc 7 sports brought to you by toyota. is she still mad? >> we're going to find out. >> thank you for joining us. >> we appreciate your time. >> we appreciate your time. see you again in one hour. so what are we doing tonight? what are we doing? we're drinking a bottle of wine. i got another one waiting for us in the on-deck circle. that's what we're doing. oh, the stay-at-home-and-drink date. always dangerous. alcohol makes it harder to filter yourself. you'd make a pretty girl. and we're off. seriously. i have a skirt that's a little too big for me, and god knows, you've got the legs. all we gotta do is shave you down, and then tuck some stuff back up. no tucking.

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20240622

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robbery. but when they tried to detain the man, he sped off. officers chased him down city streets at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour. please s police say he jumped out and tried to carjack another vehicle. police say the man was armed when three officers fired their weapons. he later died at the hospital. the police department says they recovered this gun at the scene. they say it was loaded and stolen. police say there were a lot of witnesses around, and they would like to hear from them. it's just after noon in china now. and daylight has revealed new devastation after a series of explosions in the northeastern port city of tianjin northeast of beijing. at least 17 people are dead and hundreds are injured. the blast was as powerful as a 2.9 magnitude earthquake. bob woodruff has a closer look at the damage. >> reporter: the mushroom cloud eating up the night sky tonight. hundreds injured, many still missing. the horror beginning just before 11:00 p.m. a fire at a warehouse storing hazardous material in the port city of tianjin. within 15 minutes, firefighters spond, but the worst is yet to come. 11:30 p.m. two explosions. one after the other. miles away, people watched from their windows. seconds later, the force of the blast sweeping them off their feet. scientists say it packed the power of 21 tons of tnt and could be felt more than sixñi miles away. this man captured on surveillance video moments before the building caves in. in the streets, dazed residents using plankblankets to cover th mouths and clutching their children. hospitals soon flooded with victims. at least 13 people are dead, and reports of 300 to 400 injured. as of tonight, first responders canvassed burning neighborhoods, looking for signs of life. now these explosions were so powerful that weather satellites were able to see them from space. and on the ground, everyone within miles from the disaster is having evacuated just in case the danger is not over. bob woodruff, nbc news, beijing. a 17-year-old alameda boy turned himself in to police following a sexual assault and a string of burglaries after his picture was released. he is connected to at least five home invasions and maybe more. they released pictures of the suspect yesterday, and by last night thyoe man turned himself in. he was arrested on charges of sexual assault of a minor and two counts of burglary, but that may just be the beginning. they are working to connect him to a string of seven hot prowl burglaries in the city's west end. people who know the suspect say he attends highland high school, near the neighborhoods involved. >> that's him. we go to school together. he's always quiet with some -- i don't know if it was his girlfriend or not. but i was just shocked because it's like somebody so sweet to do stuff like that. it's just like you don't know who to trust, who to call your friend. >> because like i said the victims are all females, he perhaps might have been watching them, learning their patterns, knowing when they were home, knowing if they were home alone. >> the recent burglaries span this time frame, from june up until this past sunday. but police say they may connect him to earlier incidents as well. we'll have to see. the search for a woman who jumped or fell 70 feet off the bay bridge this morning has moved from the water to land. officers determined the woman survived the plunge off the bike path on the eastern span after a truck driver reported picking up a soaking wet woman near the plaza and dropping her off in the east bay. the chp confirmed the woman was driving a stolen car out of l.a. and hit a guard rail on the eastern span of the bridge around 2:30 a.m. she and two other women left the crash and started walking eastbound on the bridge's bike path. the women went into the water when an officer approached them. >> we believe it was the driver. jumped over the rail. and as the officer was about 50 yards away, she began to slip and fall. >> the u.s. coast guard found the woman's i.d. in a six-hour long search for her in the bay. chp is now checking the address. a man has been arrested today in connection with the theft of two cameras from bay area news crews in san francisco. it happened on pier 14 last month. michael jones was arrested at a motel 6 in fremont. police say he pistol whipped a kntv cameraman. jones took the cameras and jumped into a waiting black bmw 7 series with two men inside. police identified a possible suspect car a week after the incident, and monitored that vehicle. >> michael jones, to be a san francisco gang member whose gang has been engaging in or we believe engaging in robberies, auto burglaries, and other crimes. >> the news crews were attacked while following up on the murder of kate steinle at pier 14 in san francisco. abc 7 news is learning more tonight about a deadly riot at the new fulsome state prison where a prisoner was stabbed to death. he was identified as 7 1-year-old hugo pinell, one of the san quinten six. officials say about 70 inmates were involved in this afternoon's fight. no prison staff members were hurt. officers used pepper spray and two shots to stop the fighting but still aren't saying what started it. a transgender prison inmate who has been asking for a sex change was released on bail today. michelle norsworthy was released from a men's prison north of sacramento. her release today likely ends her attempt to have the state pay for her gender reassignment. she was supposed to present her arguments to a federal appeals court on this tomorrow. the hearing is cancelled but the court will take her appeal under consideration. now to the spreading jerusalem fire. nearly 1,700 firefighters struggled today to get a handle on the fast-growing blaze. crews were hoping containment lines would hold, but the windy conditions were similar to yesterday. so far the fire has burned 20,500 acres and is only 16% contained. >> the fire is burning away from a majority of homes in the jerusalem valley area, but it continues to burn in areas that are very thick, very dry, and easily burning. similar conditions to what the rocky fire had been burning just a couple of weeks ago. >> the fire has burned right up to the edge of that already scorched part of the rocky fire. that fire that started two weeks ago today is 70,000 acres and now 95% contained. the federal aviation administration is investigating a drone incident involving a medical helicopter in fresno. it happened just after 1:00 this afternoon. the chopper was at about 1,000 feet with a patient onboard when the pilot noticed a drone right in his flight path. the crew says it was flying straight at them. the pilot saw it and made an evasive maneuver. he says it came within 20 feet of the rotor. >> people just need to remember that we're up in the air as well. it's not a -- you know, a toy that they are flying around. it's up in our space. and if it were to contact an aircraft, it would create a pretty catastrophic situation possibly. >> the helicopter was on its way to a hospital in fresno. fortunately, the incident did not affect the patient's care. we do have much more ahead for you on this wednesday night. up next, kids go back to school while construction crews go back to work. why these two groups aren't supposed to be side-by-side. also, a big gusher in contra costa county. the mess that was seeping into homes and buckling a road. and our meteorologist is here with the weather. >> it was a little warmer today, but temperatures are going to soar as we hit the weekend. details on how hot, coming up. are you one of those people who ends up with hours of video you don't know what to do with? the camera that promises to streamline the process for you. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. as many as 50 people are demonstrating tonight over the shooting we told you about at the top in west oakland. they met tonight at the scene and began marching throughout the city, making their point. so far, the group has been peaceful. for days, crews have been working feverishly to finish construction projects in south san francisco before the school year starts. they almost made it. classes began today, and not everything is finished. abc 7 news education reporterly a leann an melendez has the story. >> reporter: students in south san francisco were greeted by teachers and one or two construction workers still trying to complete some work here. >> i actually didn't think it was going to be ready. the classrooms are great. it would be nice if everything was complete. >> reporter: while the entire construction project is supposed to be completed by next year, the classrooms were meant to be done weeks ago. today, four fifth grade classrooms were still being worked on. the school had to find space elsewhere for the students. the contractor says those classrooms will be ready in about a week, and that's not all. >> i was a little surprised to see that at the school, but it's really not affecting them at all. the only thing is the play structure. but they had fun. >> reporter: the play structure has yet to be installed and inspected. there were missing vents, exposed electrical boxes, gates had yet to be put up, and some of the paving concrete had not been poured. the district says part of the construction delays were due to roofing materials that didn't arrive on time. in fact, this is not the only school in the district that's behind. the district has used up all of the funds from the 162 million dollar bond for school improvement and ran out. it moved $10 million from its general fund to complete projects because of increased costs. >> it's unfortunate that the construction went longer, but anyone who's ever been around construction knows that those kind of things happen. >> meantime, the pta is asking parents to be flexible. in south san francisco, abc 7 news. if you go to our website and page down, we have lots of resources for back to school, including the best shopping deals and healthy lunch ideas that your kids might actually like. >> check it out when you have the time. a group of oakland residents wants a seat at the negotiating table for the coliseum city stadium project. this morning, members delivered a letter to the mayor and the project's developer. in that letter, they ask for a community benefits agreement that would make sure that oakland residents are not left out of the project. >> we want good wages for the workers there. we want to make sure that the coliseum city workers retain their jobs. we want to make sure we have affordable housing. we want to make sure that the people who live there are not pushed out. >> keep in mind the coliseum city project is still far from a done deal. city officials have not been able to finalize an agreement with the oakland raiders. the developer must present his stadium plan by august 21, so the clock it ticking. east bay is promising to pay owners for cleanup after a water break in alamo. it sent thousands of gallons of water gushing down danville boulevard. four homes in the area were flooded. the flooding was so bad that a pet pig named rose ran inside to seek higher ground on a couch. >> she can swim a little bit, thank god. i knew she could handle herself. >> a 10-inch cast iron pipe corroded, and that's what caused the break. crews replaced it with pvc. they say this is a typical repair they make up to 1,000 times a year. antioch officials are considering increasing the water supply. the city council voted unanimously on a $100,000 contract that will explore the usefulness of water pumped from the san joaquin river. san jose announced a long busters program. eligible homeowners can get a $500 discounted package with drought resistant plants and landscape materials. new showerheads sold in california will be the most water frugal in the nation. the california energy commission voted today to faze in shower head efficiency standards limiting them to just 1.8 gallons a minute after july 2018. current standard is 2.5 gallons a minute. the commission already tightened standards for faucets and urinals. the state has also announced a $30 million rebate program to replace old toilets. meantime, we wait for rain. the rainy season won't be here for a while. but we're enjoying some nice weather now. >> we'll see triple digits as we hit the weekend just in time for your outdoor plans. live doppler hd right now showing you mostly clear inland, but not the case near the coast, where the low clouds have pushed in. those clouds are already pushing across the bay. red flag warning up tomorrow afternoon through tomorrow night. it covers much of northeastern california and also the central portion of the sierra nevada. it's the same system keeping our temperatures at or slightly below normal. that's going to kick up the winds there and drop the humidity so the fire danger will remain high tomorrow. a live look from our kgo roof camera. it was breezy, but now the flag you'll notice isn't really swaying much. temperatures mid to upper 60s in san francisco and oakland. san jose, 65. pretty soft in around the financial district. temperatures 60s for santa rosa. 71 in concord. as you look from the emeryville camera, back across the bay year here, we are oftening the low cloudiness. mild to warm tomorrow. heating up this weekend. the area of low pressure we're talking about is still spinning offshore. not in a hurry to leave us just yet. but tomorrow, late at night, it's going to finally start to lift on out of here and eventually pushes away. that low replaced by this high that's going toñi bring the dest heat with it. we'll call it a return of the summer sizzle beginning saturday and continuing into sunday. here is how it's going to look inland. triple digits both saturday and sunday. livermore, 89 the average high. tomorrow afternoon, below normal. and then the temperatures come back up to average on friday only to really soar as i mentioned. and the numbers will start to taper early to middle part of next week. morning, gray skies. low 50s to low 60s. pretty good sleeping weather for those of you who do not have air conditioning. it wasn't hot today so keep that in mind. very pleasant today. 70s and 80s across the entire bay area. temperatures might actually go down a few degrees tomorrow. as we see the passage of that low. 86 in gilroy and the south bay. 80 in san jose. 78 in sunnyvale. blue skies for the afternoon. 75 in san mateo. you'll remain cloudy part of your day. 73 downtown san francisco. north bay, 60s at the coast. notice most other areas in the 70s and 80s. so very narrow range of temperatures. 82 in santa rosa. 81 napa. 80 sonoma. 76 hayward. inland spots on the warm side. 83 in san ramon. 85 walnut creek. turning up the heat just a little on friday. warmer day, 70s to 90s. but you really start to feel it this weekend when the fog is gone. triple digits inland. 90s around the bay. 70s coast side. and then the heat starts to ease a bit as we head back to work and kids start to return to school. >> yeah. school time. >> homework. >> i know. >> thanks. still to come, a coast guard crew returns to the bay area after a $1 billion drug bust. tonight's contraband they dropped off long the way. a sad situation for beavers in the east bay. they are dying mysteriously. that story coming up.xd ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. a new sea chance to tryew look. something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions and experience a cadillac for yourself. ♪ the 2015 cadillac srx. lease this from around $339 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing. feduring sleep train's sundaytriple choice sale. to save big for a limited time, you can choose up to 48 months interest-free financing on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save hundreds on simmons beautyrest mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ sleep train your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ it's back home at last for the crew members of the alameda bay coast guard cutter stratton after two massive cocaine seizures. we were there this morning as family and loved ones stood by waiting for the ship to dock, anxious to see their family members. agents confiscated more than 74,000 pounds of cocaine and seizures over the past few months. >> very surprising. i didn't expect anything like that. very fortunate to be a part of that group, you know. and hopefully we'll keep it going. >> look at this. all of the cocaine you're looking at was taken off the ship monday in san diego. officials estimate the massive haul of drugs is worth more than $1 billion on the street. >> wow. well, researchers are trying to figure out why young beavers are dying in a martcreek. three of four babies have unexpectedly died this year. a fourth dead beaver was spotted floating in the water this week. scientists said they didn't find out anything unusual after a necropsy last month. veterinarians have ruled out the drought and algae related illness. a social octopus eats its prey. marine biologists at uc berkeley studied the pacific striped octopus and say they have never seen anything like this. this newly discovered species reaches out, subtly taps its prey on the shoulder, and startles it into its arms. scientists say these octopi have been known to live in groups of as many as 40 off the coast of panama. have you ever seen like this? >> excuse me, i'm going to eat you now. very bizarre. another half-hour of abc news at 9:00 is coming up. a condition report on former president jimmy carter and white house reaction to the news that he has cancer. also, a helicopter crashes on a navy ship. what happened to the crew? we'll have the latest. and another movement to split california in two. we'll show you what areas could become of the state of jefferson. >> stay right here. we'll continue with a ♪ ♪ it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you canasily master the way you bank. live from the kgo tv broadcast center, this is abc 7 news. >> all right. following breaking news in oakland. you're looking at live pictures from sky 7 hd of protesters downtown on broadway. police just set up a line to block off the protesters before they got to the police station. >> the group is out marching tonight after police shot and killed an armed robbery suspect this afternoon. you can see there's a small trash fire burning there. this is video from the scene this afternoon. the shooting which happened at 27th and martin luther king happened after police say the man led them on a chase in a stolen car down city streets. >> they say he tried to carjack another driver when they shot him. another look now at the protesters. things have remained relatively peaceful tonight. no problems so far. again, we did see this trash can burning. we're staying on top of the situation and will bring you any updates here and on twitter at abc 7 news bay area and a full report at 11:00 over on channel 7. we learned today that former president jimmy carter has been diagnod with cancer. >> it was discovered during surgery earlier this month. doctors found it has now sadly spread to his entire body. >> here's abc news reporter david curly. >> reporter: the former president tonighshow sharing with the world that he has cancer and it has spread. mr. carter says that during liver surgery the cancer was discovered, which is now, quote, in other parts of my body. just a month ago, president carter reminisced with george stephanopoulos about his latest book, "a full life" acknowledging that the final chapters are being written. >> i know that in a few years since i'll be 91 in october that my travel capability and my vigor, physical vigor, is going to die down. >> mr. carter's parents, two sisters and brother all died of cancer. the 39th president from plains, georgia, was denied a second term, losing to ronald reagan in the midst of the iranian hostage crisis. but his post presidency one of the busiest ever, filled with the work of the carter center. president carter has cancelled his schedule so he can stay in atlanta for treatment. he will possibly reveal more about his condition next week. the current occupant of the white house, president obama, says he and his wife are hoping for a fast and full recovery for president carter. david curly, abc news, washington. and, again, this is a look at the statement that the president made today on twitter. wishing carter well and of course the whole country is wishing him well. >> indeed. now to the race for the white house in 2016. senator bernie sanders has pulled ahead of former secretary of state hillary clinton in a new poll from new hampshire. the poll shows sanders leading there 44% to 37%. the first primary will be held in new hampshire in about six months time. now to the growing firestorm for hillary clinton tonight. as we reported last night, she is turning over her home email server after insisting that she would not do so. now the republican heavyweights, trump and bush, are taking dead aim. here's abc news reporter jonathan carl. >> reporter: it's the email server hillary clinton kept here at her home in new york. for months, she has flatly refused to turn it over. >> i have met all of my responsibilities, and the server will remain private. >> reporter: but now a reversal. clinton has agreed to turn that server over to the justice department, which is investigating whether classified information in her emails has been properly secured. abc news has learned that at least two of clinton's private emails included information now classified as top secret. mrs. clinton once denied sending any classified information whatsoever, but listen closely to what she says now. >> i am confident that i never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received. >> reporter: the email controversy has been overshadowed lately by the donald trump show. >> ladies and gentlemen, president of the united states, donald j. trump! >> reporter: now trump is aiming his fire at hillary clinton. >> did she commit a crime? yes. will they prosecute it? perhapsñr no. >> today, jeb bush knocked her for storing sensitive information that that server. >> thinking her server would be safer than the state dent's fire walls? we need a president that realizes there are threats in the 21st century that are dramatically different than the threats of 30 years ago. >> now mrs. clinton's unlikely challenger is soaring. over the past few days, bernie sanders has addressed huge crowds. 15,000 in seattle, 27,000 in los angeles. and in portland, 28,000. and a new poll in new hampshire shows that bernie sanders is actually ahead of hillary clinton in the state. the bottom line is, while hillary clinton is still the overwhelming front-runner for the democratic nomination, this is shaping up to be a much tougher race for her than anybody expected. jonathan carl, abc news, traveling with the president in martha's vineyard. japanese officials are calling for an investigation into the crash of a u.s. army helicopter off japan's southern island of okinawa. six people onboard were hurt with unknown injuries. the helicopter was landing on a navy ship as part of a training exercise. two of the victims belong to a japanese special response unit. the 10 other people aboard the helicopter were not hurt. japan and the u.s. are strengthening military cooperation to bolster japan's defense role. three more women are accusing bill cosby of sexual assault. attorney gloria all red says the women are coming forward now because they want to support the other alleged victims and because they couldn't hold their secrets in any longer. two of the women were actors. the third was a flight attendant. >> young actresses being yanked offset with the media titan, and no one is concerned or willing to help. >> he floated over my humiliation. he planned it. >> the women showed pictures of themselves from the time they met cosby. nearly 50 women have come forward since last year accusing cosby of sexual misconduct. the idea of splitting california into two states, north and south, isn't going away. supporters are trying to drum up support one county at a time. george warren caught up with backers of the split. >> reporter: he raised the jefferson flag to remind people showing up for a county supervisor's meeting what the founding fathers envisioned for america. >> representation and liberty. i got my son and grandkids. pretty much not for me. it's for them. >> reporter: it's something that hasn't been done since the civil war when west virginia split from virginia in the original conflict between north and south. at this point, organizers see the new state of jefferson forming from the 20 northernmost counties in california. >> now we have one senator for 11 counties, when l.a. has 11 senators for one county. >> reporter: the eldorado county supervisors are the latest to hear the pitch for a 51st state. opponents are also getting a chance to weigh in. a group called keep it california says splitting up makes no economic sense because most of the counties that would form the state of jefferson receive far more in benefits from california than they pay out in taxes. although the state of jefferson movement would like support in all 20 counties, it certainly is not necessary. the initial decision to split would have to come from the state capitol, you know, the place where the south greatly outnumbers the north. >> do you think this has a chance, snowball's chance of succeeding? >> i do. absolutely. >> reporter: they plan to take their fight to sacramento in january. they say they won't give up until this flag is flying up there. in plaserville, george warren, abc 7 news. coming up next, are you one of those people who ♪ we invented low fares. thenveryone else pretty much tried to follow. we call it the southwest effect, but other airlines probably use more colorful language. low fares. we don't just have them. we invented them. and here we go again! book for as low as 73 dollars one-way now at ♪ certainly it's not often that a hit-and-run accident gives birth to a silicon valley start-up4icompany. >> but that's exactly what happened. a berkeley entrepreneur was hit while riding his bike and got the whole thing on video. >> reporter: bruno gregory doesn't usually film his bike rides, but capturing this was luck. a driver knocked him and a friend to the ground, and sped off. >> we had the number of the drivers. we showed this to the officers, and in like 10, 20 minutes, they got the guy. >> reporter: it made him want to record all of his rides. >> you never have time to go home and watch that. so we ended up getting lots and lots of good moments, lost forever in our computer. >> reporter: bruno assembled a team and created graava. >> graava means record in portuguese. >> reporter: it's an action camera a few extra sensors. it knows when you've hit the top of a hill, stop xdsuddenly, or when you're heart rate is elevated if you have a smart tch. >> it finds out if the image is excited or not. >> reporter: on the charger, it sends the exciting shots to the cloud to automatically edit a highlight reel. >> the camera does everything for you. >> reporter: there are lots of action cameras out there, you go graava really has one major competitor. industry watchers say how well it competes with this may have everything to do with how well it go against all of this. >> really it's just gopro or nothing. really graava has to prove it can do what gopro can't. >> reporter: tv editors spend hours doing this, most surfers and skiers won't so the video doesn't get shared. for graava, that's an opportunity. >> if the videos are great, people will share them everywhere. they'll say i didn't have to do any work. graf graava did it for me. and people are going to buy it. >> reporter: you can preorder for $250. >> clever. >> yeah. up next, the heart-stopping, high-wire walk out a harness. >> and at one technology. it has the power to completely blow our minds. and when at&t and directv get together your mind will stay completely in tact, because their internet isn't getting any faster. this. changes. nothing. welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for. the fastest internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. only from xfinity. the uncertainties i don't wantof hep c.with or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatmt. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. disney is known for its compelling animated story telling, but now a story has come to life. an adorable fawn and a rabbit, now nicknamed bambi andñi thump, came out to play this week and it was all caught on video. look at that. the ymca of the rockies shared the video on its facebook page, and it's beenñi watched half a million times. the video shows the deer jumping around its rabbit friend. it was shot from the museum's front porch. >> that is really cute. >> it is. >> both animals are really so jumpy. it's surprising they would stay and play. >> one last check of the weather for you. >> yeah. as we take a look at the doppler, we do have low clouds right near the coast. best viewing for the meteor shower which peaks tonight will be in inland spots where you'll be away from the low cloudiness. look to the northeast between 11:00 p.m. and dawn is when we're coming up on the peak of the meteor shower. andçó really the moon is going be nearly new, so not going to interfere with the viewing tonight. check it out and send us pictures if you do get them. tropical storm hilda is weakening even further in the cific, and it is still going toass well to the south of the hawaiian island chain. buwe are expecting some rain on the big island where flash flood watches are up and tropical storm watches as well due to the wind potential and the surf will be picking up. if you're heading there for vacation, friday and saturday watch for the surf and the rain around the state. heat in palm springs, 112. 90 in los angeles. 80 degrees in tahoe. you will see the sun in the bay area. sunny and perhaps a little cooler tomorrow. upper 60s to mid 80s. only to warm back up again starting friday. and warm at the coastline., >> t%)y well, some people might say he has a death wish. but tonight a daredevil holds a world record for crossing between two 950 foot cliffs with no safety harness anno net.ñr david muir shows you how he did it. >> reporter: that's s seabrook walking down the path straight to the cliff. where most of us would stop, he's just getting started. a sport called lining, a drone capturing the death defying walk nearly 1,000 feet up near vancouver. when suddenly, this. watch as he pulls himself back up. at 26, he's been at this for years, even in the kitchen. how do you take your coffee? most of the time he uses a harness. but no harness now as spencer tries to set a world record. late today, checking in with us. >> what i'm doing is really pushing the limits of myself and the sport. take the harness off and do what you've done before, but it's just a whole other mental game. >> reporter: about that fall, he told us it was intentional, that he felt something was wrong and wanted to reset. >> i looked down at the line, and i just wrapped my body around it to secure myself. >> reporter: soon, back up and one foot in front of the other. 210 feet across, a world record. >> i've been dreaming about it for a long time. to step off onto the solid rock really felt amazing. [ cheers and applause ]. >> wow. >> scary. all right. well, tom brady was in federal court today over deflategate. the players union is trying to reduce his suspension over the deflated footballs. but a courtroom sketch of the quarterback stole the show. and inspired some hilarious names using a court artist sketch. it's been photo shopped into just about everything. this one shows brady as e.t. this one showing him as all of the cast members of the brady bunch. and another brady as michael jackson, along with the line, deflategate is turning into a real thriller. the original sketch was drawn by jane rosenberg. she says she apologizes to brady if she didn't make him look as good looking as he really is. >> well, she certainly didn't do that. >> i think that's what gisele sees every morning. >> really? >> that's the real tom. i mean, he's not that handsome. is he? really, you be the judge. sandia? >> i'm not saying. [ laughter ] >> what cowards. cowards. you can't even say. even i'll say it the guy is good looking. >> well, just saying. >> at least somebody has some guts up here. >> i know, you alma. i know what you're thinking. >> do you? >> yes, i do. i know. >> you won't like what she's thinking right now. >> she's thinking let's get on to the sports tease already. a bunch of almost no hitters this season. tonight, one pitcher seals the deal. and he's never even thrown a complete game before. coming up at 11:00, happening now a protest on the streets of oakland over a fatal officer-involved shooting. a live report. plus, a suspected molester on the run for 14 years is finally in custody. new details on how federal agents took him down. >> those stories and more coming up in one hour on abc 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. this sports report is brought to you by your local toyota dealer. >> should we pick up where we left off or move forward? >> move forward. >> wasn't there a no hitter or something? >> alma, it's cute when she's uncomfortable. you get the real alma. >> real alma can be scary. that's a warning. >> uh-oh. i'm in trouble. let's talk about the no hitter, alma. hisashi iwa kuma pitched a no hitter today for the mariners. the first a.l. pitcher to throw a no-no since teammate alex hernandez did it three years ago. look at kyle seager with the over the shoulder grab. and the fans reacting. they are like, he got it! so that was out number one on the night. paraflies out to center field. and it is iiwakum a's first no-no. a gem this afternoon but one mistake proved to be costly against the astros. fun day at the ballpark. these kids are doing their best tom brady impersonation right there. bay area native scott feldman, six scoreless with help in the third. aoki pops it up. and look at the juggling grab right there. and aoki left the game with concussion like symptoms. this one is parked. his 15th of the year makes it 1-0 astros. and then in the eighth, lawrie and that's all the offense of the entire day. giants fall 2-0, now 3 1/2 back of l.a. dodgers won tonight. so the giants 3 1/2 back and open a four-game series with the nationals tomorrow night. a's and the red-hot toronto blue jays who came in on a nine-game winning streak. a three-run blast to the second deck off of aaron brooks who had been pic%9g really well since>> jimmsince joining the a's. in the second, donaldson to right. justin smoak golfs one out. it was seven runs in the second inning. this is a three-run homer right there. and the blue jays win it rather comfortably. their 10th straight win, 10-3 your final score. collin kaepernick responded to the report that he might have had an altercation with aldon smith. he said that all of the rumors were absolutely wrong, and the 49ers didn't even have practice on the day of this alleged confrontation. kaepernick criticized the media for sensationalizing the story. >> for people that do report that and put that out there and jumped on that bandwagon just to get internet clicks and get attention to their website, or reports, it really is embarrassing that people do that. >> just 24 hours after being cut by the jets for punching out quarterback geno smith, kemefuna enemkpala has been picked up by his former head coach rex ryan. now with the buffalo bills, ryan used to coach the jets and originally drafted enemkpala. the sabre cats, arena football, they tried the league record this year with a 17-1 record. and now they prepare for their first-round playoff match-up against portland. the thunder were just 5-13, and their head coach says that sabre cats better not overlook their opponent. >> they did a good job starting in camp. and they came with the right mindset. every day they come here, they are focused. and they give what they have every day. >> we've been waiting for this opportunity all year. so it's exciting. it's finally here. now the real season starts. >> the nba announced their 2015-16 schedule today, and the warriors will raise their championship banner. the season opener is october 27 against the new orleans pelicans. the first rematch of the nba finals with lebron james coming to town will be on christmas day. that's right here on abc 7. the dubs have 25 national tv appearances, five on abc, and against the clippers, thunder, lakers and spurs. here's klay thompson on the schedule. >> it will be a fun opening night. we'll play a young, hungry, talented pelicans team. it will be more interesting to be going against alvin. that will be fun. a little trash talk probably here and there. and obviously, christmas day, circle that game. hopefully it will be a healthy cavs team and give the world what they want to see. >> it's going to be fun. abc 7 sports brought to you by toyota. is she still mad? >> we're going to find out. >> thank you for joining us. >> we appreciate your time. >> we appreciate your time. see you again in one hour. so what are we doing tonight? what are we doing? we're drinking a bottle of wine. i got another one waiting for us in the on-deck circle. that's what we're doing. oh, the stay-at-home-and-drink date. always dangerous. alcohol makes it harder to filter yourself. you'd make a pretty girl. and we're off. seriously. i have a skirt that's a little too big for me, and god knows, you've got the legs. all we gotta do is shave you down, and then tuck some stuff back up. no tucking.

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