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it comes as the cia director is in qatar for talks on freeing hamas' hostages. where those efforts now stand. also tonight, the surprise from senator joe manchin. the moderate democrat from west virginia announcing he is not running for reelection. the potential major blow to the democrats' election map in 2024. the security scare at election offices in multiple states. suspicious letters mailed, at least one laced with fentanyl. the fbi investigation. the tragic death in nashville. an 18-year-old college freshman walking in the park hit by a stray bullet. the questions about the suspect and why he was allowed to be freed. the man seen on body cam hitting the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi with a hammer at their home. his federal trial getting under way today. the fallout from our nbc news gop presidential debate. the fiery moments. did any of the five candidates on stage make a dent in donald trump's lead? and don't touch that dial. the david and goliath battle to save a tiny school radio station. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. >> good evening and welcome. weeks after the deadly terrorist attacks in israel and the capture of around 240 hostages, there is word about two of the captives. an elderly woman and young boy seen in a video released by the palestinian group islamic jihad. but israel's president tells nbc news in an exclusive interview that hamas, which holds most of the hostages, has made no move toward a broad release of those being held. this comes as the white house says israel established four-hour humanitarian pauses each day in gaza so more people can escape the fighting. but not a full ceasefire. tens of thousands of palestinians have fled to the southern part of gaza in recent days as israel carries out its ground and air offensive. we begin tonight with nbc's keir simmons in tel aviv. and keir, you have seen the video of the hostages. >> i have, lester. they do show two of those hostages taken on october 7th. we've chosen not to show them at the request of the family, but they do tell us something important. they are alive. 77-year-old hannah katzir who is in a wheelchair and a young boy, yagil yaakov, the message tonight from the hostage takers holding them inside gaza, claiming they're ready to release them. and despite fierce fighting in northern gaza, the white house says israel has agreed to implement daily four-hour pauses there, limited in time and area, and not a ceasefire, israel says. already this week, humanitarian corridors have seen tens of thousands of palestinians forced to flee to southern gaza, and there has been intense pressure from president biden. >> did you ask for a three-day pause to netanyahu? >> i've been asking for a pause for a lot more than three days. >> reporter: raising hopes of a hostage breakthrough. two officials with knowledge of the visit tell nbc news that both the cia director and the director of israel's intelligence agency mossad were in qatar today to work through details of a potential hostage release. >> it's the feeling of abandonment, you know, from your own government. >> reporter: hostage vivian silva's son has no news of his mother, a 74-year-old peace activist. he spoke to us before tonight's developments. >> in order to get them back, we need words and not guns. any time there is noise about release, i'm happy. it puts me on the edge, but i'm also happy. >> reporter: this morning, israel's president told nbc's raf sanchez there is no substantial offer from hamas to release hostages, even while israel says it will allow more aid into gaza. >> we agreed also on major upgrade of the humanitarian aid to gaza. >> reporter: but aid to gaza passes through the rafah crossing, and this was rafah today in the supposedly safer south. this woman lost six family members in this air raid. "please find one for me," she begs rescuers, "just one." >> keir, i know there has been late word from israel about strikes inside lebanon. what can you tell us? >> that's right, lester. the israeli defense force says it has struck hezbollah infrastructure inside lebanon in response to launches from there. lester? >> all right, keir, thanks. i want to bring in pentagon correspondent courtney kube now. courtney, some of that escalating tension also involves the u.s. military. >> yeah, that's right, lester. last night, the u.s. military conducted its second round of air strikes in syria in less than two weeks, retaliation for the recent attacks against u.s. troops in the region by iran-backed militia groups. the u.s. air strikes targeting weapons and ammunition facilities linked to iran. now just hours later, the same groups attacked the u.s. military at least four more times. three americans suffered minor injuries, bringing the total to more than 50 u.s. personnel injured in attacks since october 17th, according to the pentagon. and just yesterday, houthi rebels in yemen shot down a u.s. reaper drone, leading to fears that militias are trying to raise tensions even higher in a region already on edge. lester? >> courtney kube, thank you. now to that surprise announcement today from senator joe manchin. the moderate west virginia democrat saying he will not run for reelection. but will he now run for president? peter alexander with that story. >> reporter: tonight a disappointment for democrats. west virginia senator joe manchin delivering a surprise announcement that he will not seek reelection next year. >> i believe in my heart of hearts that i have accomplished what i set out to do for west virginia. >> reporter: his decision boosts republicans' hopes of regaining control of the senate, where democrats have an two-seat majority. manchin was facing an uphill battle in a state that former president trump won by nearly 40 points. it's another 2024 challenge for president biden tonight in illinois, decked out in union gear. >> i've worn this shirt a lot, man. >> reporter: celebrating the planned reopening of a stellantis auto plant that closed in march. >> these deals are game-changers. not only for uaw workers, but for all workers in america. >> reporter: after a month-long strike, the president touting his support for the historic uaw labor deal that earned workers a the big three automakers a 25% pay raise. this plant agreeing to bringing back 1200 workers and hiring another thousand. many union workers giving the president credit. >> i love him. i voted for him. i hope he gets reelected. >> reporter: but not everyone is convinced with americans now paying $734 a month more than they paid for the same goods and services two years ago. >> economically, he has not done enough. economically, we are doing horrible. if everybody pays attention to the costs of food, gas, everything. >> reporter: as for manchin, a centrist whose name has been floated as a possible third party presidential candidate, no announcement tonight, but he said he is frustrated with both political parties and said he wants to find out if there is interest in a movement to mobilize the middle. lester? >> peter alexander, thank you. we'll turn to alarming threats against election workers. the fbi investigating after suspicious letters were mailed to election offices in at least four states, georgia, oregon, washington, and california. investigators say at least one in washington tested positive for fentanyl. authorities are working to learn where the letters came from. in san francisco, opening arguments today in the trial of the man accused of attacking paul pelosi, the husband of former house speaker nancy pelosi. steve patterson is following this, and steve, an unusual strategy by the defense here. >> lester, it was a packed courtroom today for opening arguments. david depape is accused of breaking into the home of then speaker of the house nancy pelosi last year. when police arrived, they witnessed depape striking mr. pelosi with a hammer. today prosecutors painted depape as the man worked by radical right ring conspiracy theories. his public defender agreed but said the crime was not specifically motivated by pelosi's job as house speaker. the defense says they don't plan to dispute depape committed a violent act, but say why he did it conflicts with federal charges. those charges include assault of an immediate family of a federal official and attempted kidnapping of a federal officer. we expect to hear from paul pelosi in testimony as early as monday. if convicted, depape could spend the rest of his life behind bars. lester? >> all right, steve, thank you for that. in nashville, a college community shaken after a student was killed by a stray bullet. now questions about why the suspect was released from custody this year. here is blayne alexander. ♪♪ >> reporter: at belmont university in nashville, gun violence has hit home. police say 18-year-old frahm jillian ludwig was walking on a track in a park when nearby 29-year-old shaquille taylor started shooting at a passing car. one of those bullets hit jillian. she was rushed to the hospital and later died. ♪♪ a music business major from new jersey, jillian loved running and playing the bass, according to the university. >> it's hard to believe she's gone only six weeks in college and rising star. >> reporter: now grief is mixing with outrage. >> i would put this squarely in the category of preventible gun violence. >> reporter: according to the nashville district attorney's office, taylor was prosecuted in april for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, but deemed incompetent to stand trial. his charges were dismissed and he was released from custody a month later. >> it is worth looking at the gap that exists between someone who is deemed incompetent to stand trial and yet winds up then in a place where they can be on the streets, untreated and armed. >> reporter: tonight, taylor remains in jail. jillian's family is remembering her as creative, compassionate, fearless, and on the cusp of so many successes, writing, "she was senselessly robbed of those opportunities, and we will miss her dearly every day. " blayne alexander, nbc news. let's turn now to the fallout from the republican presidential debate we hosted last night. plenty of fiery moments, but is there any sign the five candidates were able to make a dent in former president trump's commanding lead? garrett haake with more tonight. >> reporter: the bruising battle for second place intensifying tonight in the wake of last night's gop debate. ron desantis and nikki haley both claiming momentum and taunting front-runner former president trump for his absence. >> i think it is going to hurt him if he doesn't show up. >> we got one more fellow to go after, and i'm telling you, we're going to do it. >> reporter: vivek ramaswamy's personal attack on haley's over her adult daughter's use of tiktok becoming the debate's most viral moment. >> she made fun of me for joining tiktok while her own daughter was using the app for a long time. she might want to take care of their family first. >> leave my daughter is out of your voice. >> reporter: but for the third consecutive debate, the race's leader donald trump counter programing the event's event. >> i'm standing in front of tens of thousands of people right now, and it's on television. that's a hell of a lot harder to do than a debate. >> reporter: moving past the primary, hammering president biden. >> when i'm reelected, we will stop joe biden's inflation disaster, and we will rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world. we'll do it. >> reporter: with debate watchers telling us trump still seems the certain nominee. >> he is just going to go and smoke out the competition any way. >> do you think he can be beaten? >> no. >> reporter: even this haley supporter. >> i just liked her. i don't know. she is so strong. >> reporter: do you think she can beat donald trump? >> i -- i'm not sure about that. >> reporter: and tonight, a new batch of swing state polls shows mr. trump leading president biden in six of the seven state surveyed. the president saying today he does not believe he is trailing trump. lester? >> garrett haake, thanks. in 60 seconds, airplane near misses on the ground and in the air. why it's now happening so often, and the new warning about the growing risk, right after this. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. all right. we're back now with the new warnings today from the head of the ntsb and the air traffic controller's union. near misses in the air and on runways have hit a ten-year high, and they say the next one could end in disaster. here is tom costello. >> reporter: from a recent mid-air collision involving two business jets after a pilot took off without clearance -- >> the airport is shut down at this point. >> reporter: to austin. >> fed ex on the go. >> reporter: where a controller cleared a fed ex plane to land just as a southwest flight was departing. >> words failed to adequately describe how close 131 souls came to dying that day. >> reporter: to boston where a corporate jet crossed in front of a landing jetblue flight. it's been a year of close calls, 23 runway near misses, more in the air. while just 1.3% of all flights, the ntsb chief warns the risk is growing. >> our safety system is showing clear signs of strain that we cannot ignore. >> reporter: the biggest contributing factors, fatigue and distractions in cockpits and control towers. 77% of them understaffed, leading to mandatory six-day weeks and ten-hour days for controllers. while it will take years to hire and train enough controllers, the ceo of delta airlines said on the "today" show this morning, the turnover is impacting safety. >> the air traffic controllers add some new folks. so i think it warrants the continued review of our safety management. >> are you concerned about the impact of that on safety of the airspace? >> absolutely i am worried about safety. >> reporter: tonight congress under pressure from all sides to spend the money for urgent safety upgrades. >> and tom, aside from hiring more controllers, what else do they need to do? >> yeah, that's number one. also, listen to this. high on the upgrade list, aviation experts warn that only 43 airplanes have the airports have the automated systems that can issue urgent alerts if planes are on the wrong runway or headed for a collision, lester? >> technology a part of the equation. up next, they were adrenaline out of the military because of who they are. years later, the veterans still fighting for the benefits they deserve. gaggle. ngs that go better... together. hey! like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. for a brighter financial future. thanks. ahh, pretzel and mustard... another great combo. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. please be a phone, please be a phone. is it a phone? 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(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. as we as we look forward veteran's day, there are thousands of vets living without v.a. benefits they deserve. the military has acknowledged they were discriminated against years ago, so why are they still waiting? bigad shaban of our california bay area station has the story. >> lilly steffanides remembers being imprisoned while serving with the navy, not for something the sailor did, but because of who the veteran is. they actually locked you up behind bars? >> they locked me behind bars for a couple of days and gave me a couple of slices of bread and a cup of ice every morning. >> reporter: for decades in america, being lgbtq could get you thrown out of the service under the military's homosexual conduct policy. department of defense records obtained by nbc news shows more than 32,000 vets were forced out since 1980. >> i'm disgusted. i'm disgusted by that. >> steffanides, who identiies as nonbinary was ultimately kicked out of the navy in 1989. military paperwork blamed homosexuality, giving him what's known as an other than honorable discharge which can leave veterans without valuable v.a. benefits like health care, tuition and home loans. steffanides spent years homeless. >> i felt i was something to be discarded. >> reporter: this changed you. >> absolutely. it absolutely changed me. it altered the trajectory of my life. >> reporter: gay service members have been thrown out since dating back to world war ii. but the u.s. officially ended the practice in 2011 with the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." today veterans must apply through the military to get their discharge status upgraded, and separately with the v.a. to get the benefits they're owed. neither process is automatic, putting the burden on veterans. in september, the department of defense announced fans to proactively review and correct military records for veterans discharged because of their sexual orientation, but only for those discharged during "don't ask, don't tell," and the dod tells us now nearly two months later, there is still no timeline for when that process will start. as for the v.a., records we obtained show its review takes an average of 233 days to determine benefit eligibility. >> that's too long. >> reporter: we brought our findings to v.a. secretary denis mcdonough. >> we are going to continue to work at this as aggressively as we can. >> steffanides applied for v.a. benefits in 2019 and finally received them more than ten months later. but the wait continues for the military to upgrade the veteran's discharge status to honorable. >> i need my country to tell me that i'm okay, you know what i mean? to tell me that i'm equal. >> reporter: steffanides is now part of a class action lawsuit against the department of defense which asks the military to systematically upgrade discharges for service members kicked out for their sexual orientation. the pentagon says it doesn't comment on pending legislation. steffanides, who has stage 4 prostate cancer worries waiting much longer may not be an option. >> i may not live to see the discharge upgrade. >> reporter: how often do you think about that? >> well, i wonder every day. i wonder every day. how much time do i have left? >> reporter: bigad shall be shaban, nbc news, san francisco. coming up, a small-town radio station in a david and goliath fight for survival. achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur. it's time to ask your healthcare provider about entyvio. go to to learn more about the #1 prescribed biologic for crohn's and uc. ♪entyvio, entyvio, entyvio♪ ♪ whoa! the new iphone 15. with that amazing camera. i wish my family had them. zoe! you're an action star... take action! join t-mobile and get four new iphone 15 on them, and four lines for $25 bucks a line. with that camera, i'll be sharing pics from the slopes. you do not want to see yourself skiing! hey, i'm good at skiing?... your stuntwoman is, and four lines of unlimited for $25 bucks a line. what do you think of the jacket? you look like a marshmallow. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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Fears , Militias , Injuries , Total , Houthi Rebels In Yemen , Reaper Drone , 17 , October 17th , 50 , Announcement , Tensions , Thank You , Edge , Story , Heart , Peter Alexander , Surprise Announcement , Hearts , Tonight A Disappointment , Control , Majority , Senate , Decision , Reopening , Uphill Battle In A State , Points , Biden Tonight , Challenge , Shirt , Stellantis Auto Plant , Union Gear , Illinois , March , 40 , Pay , Workers , Deals , Raise , Strike , Support , Big Three Automakers , Uaw Labor Deal , Uaw , Game Changers , 25 , Plant , Union Workers , Thousand , Credit , 1200 , Everything , Everyone , Everybody , Costs , Goods , Gas , Attention , Food , 734 , 34 , For Manchin , Parties , Interest , Candidate , Movement , Middle , Name , Third Party , Election Workers , Threats , Washington , California , Georgia , Oregon , Investigators , Paul Pelosi , Arguments , San Francisco , Positive , Authorities , Steve Patterson , Defense , Depape , Police , Strategy , Courtroom , Breaking , David Depape , Nancy Pelosi Last Year , Speaker Of The House , Prosecutors , Mr , Public Defender , Radical , Conspiracy Theories , Crime , Charges , Assault , Officer , Kidnapping , Job , Official , Violent Act , Bars , Testimony , Life , Student , Rest , Stray Bullet , Blayne Alexander , Custody , Belmont University , Frahm Jillian Ludwig , Shaquille Taylor , Car , Track , Shooting , Hospital , Gun Violence , Hit Home , Bullets Hit Jillian , 29 , Music Business Major , College , Mixing , Grief , University , Outrage , Jillian Loved Running And Playing The Bass , Rising Star , New Jersey , Office , Weapon , Category , Incompetent To Stand Trial , Preventible Gun Violence , District Attorney , Someone , Gap , Custody A Month , Place , Streets , Jail , Creative , Fearless , Compassionate , Cusp , Writing , Opportunities , Successes , Haake , Plenty , Bruising Battle For Second Place Intensifying Tonight , Vivek Ramaswamy , Ron Desantis , Momentum , Wake , Absence , Taunting , Nikki Haley , Fellow , Front Runner , Daughter , Fun , Tiktok , Attack , App , Adult , Use , Care , Voice , Front , Race , Counter Programing The Event , It S On Television , Inflation Disaster , Primary , Shell , Economy , History Of The World , Supporter , Trump , Debate Watchers , Competition , Nominee , Smoke , I Don T Know , Estate , Batch , Swing State Polls , Trump Leading , Seven , Brain Infection , Hair , Health , Accomplishment , Warning , Garrett Haake , 60 , Cologuard , Colon Cancer , Script , Astonishment , Concerns , Delay , Doc , Risk , Provider , Ameriprise , Results , Advice , Personalized , Non Invasive , 45 , Help , Work , Goals , Confidence , Clients , Wonder , Ameriprise Financial , 10 , 9 , Misses , Runways , Disaster , Warnings , Head , Thigh , Air Traffic Controller , Ntsb , Union , Ten , Controller , Mid Air Collision , Airport , Point , Pilot , Clearance , Business Jets , Tom Costello , Fed Ex On The Go , Austin , Plane , Flight , Souls , Sex , Jet , Landing 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Changes , Doctor , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Kidney Problems , Jak Family , Risks , Muscle Problems , Cancers , Liver , Vaccine , Lymphoma , Labs , Triglycerides , Find , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Places , Serrano , Ancestry , Family Heritage , Gift , Makers , Pain Relief Patches , Improvement , Salonpas , 89 , Corners , Status Bar , Search Bar , Spain , Medicine , Sizes , Ingredients , Array , Peeling , Difference , Parents , Homeowner , Fruit , Doesn T , Dms , Team , Fruit Emoji , Social Media , It Sounds , Auto , Progressive , Fun Dinner , Photos , Pam S , 47 , Retailer , Models , Volvo , Valuable V A , Vets , Thousands , Veteran S Day , Lilly Steffanides , Navy , Bigad Shall Be Shaban , Station , Serving , California Bay Area , Couple , Veteran , Bread , Service , Sailor , Ice , Cup , Slices , Lgbtq , Department Of Defense , Conduct Policy , Who Identiies , 1980 , 32000 , Discharge , Homosexuality , Military Paperwork , Nonbinary , 1989 , 1989 Military , Members , Trajectory , My Life , Health Care , Tuition , Home Loans , Discharge Status , Dating , Repeal , Practice , Don T Tell , Don T Ask , World War Ii , 2011 , Sexual Orientation , Records , Burden , Fans , Process Is Automatic , Timeline , Process , Average , Dod , 233 , Denis Mcdonough , Findings , Benefit Eligibility , Country , Wait , Veteran S Discharge Status , Honorable , 2019 , Discharges , Service Members , Steffanides , Class Action Lawsuit , Discharge Upgrade , Prostate Cancer , Option , Doesn T Comment On Pending Legislation , 4 , Radio Station , David And Goliath Fight For Survival , Small Town , Coming Up , Entyvio , Infusion , Relief , Treatment , Remission , Liver Problems , Healthcare Provider , Sores , Symptoms , Pml , Camera , Biologic , Crohn S , Iphone 15 , Uc , Entyvio Whoa , 15 , 1 , Line , Skiing , T Mobile , Lines , Action , Action Star , Slopes , Pics , Bucks , Zoe , 5 Bucks , Stuntwoman , Jacket , Marshmallow , Limu Emu Doug , Bell Ringing , Save , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Baby Grand Piano , Guy , Doug , Center Stage , Mark , Liberty Bibberty , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Mustache , Bibu , Limu Emu Squawks , Me Rybelsus , Weight , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Goal , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , Side Effects , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Insulin , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Prescription , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , 0 , Town , Guys , Somewhere , Maggie Vespa , Michigan S Upper Peninsula , Village , Otis Redding , Woas , Sound Choice , Connection Matters , Old School , 1300 , 88 5 , Ken Rysen , Run By Retired , Ontonagon Area School Library , Rem , 1978 , Broadcast Signal , Speaking , Students , Area Schools , The Voice , Freedom , Locals , Scenic Village , Stations , Strength , Sort , Signal , Spot , Spectrum , Grabs , Lake Superior , Achilles Heel , The One , Frequencies , Letter , Marquette , 2021 , Radio , Towns , Connection , The Village , Transmitter , 19000 , 75 , 9000 , Each Other , Conspiracy , Case ,

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