Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703

hamas showing video of a 21-year-old kidnapped at that music festival where 260 were killed. her on-camera plea as israel confirms hamas took more hostages than we first knew. the conditions hamas is giving to release some of them. also, the desperation at gaza's border with egypt. thousands including american citizens trying to flee, but the crossing still closed. humanitarian aid blocked as diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire have so far failed. plus, our new reporting. when will president biden visit israel? the danger in the region. a hamas rocket attack today forcing secretary of state blinken and prime minister benjamin netanyahu to shelter in a bunker during high-stakes talks. and the moment today. our team taking cover from incoming fire. in belgium the deadly shooting near a soccer stadium investigated as a terror attack. and now the urgent manhunt. and the horrific stabbing in illinois. a 6-year-old boy dead. his mother gravely injured. the suspect, their landlord. police say he targeted them because of their muslim faith and the israel-hamas war. the hate crime charges he faces. our special edition of "nightly news" begins now. >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with lester holt. reporting tonight live from israel. good evening from israel. as hamas rockets streaked over tel aviv tonight, warning sirens briefly interrupted delicate high-level talks to dial back the israel-hamas war. and there is late word that president biden may travel to israel as early as this week. secretary of state antony blinken already on the ground here tonight leading the push for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis. meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his war cabinet, the group forced to take shelter twice after rocket alerts sounded. the u.s. tonight also pushing for the opening of egypt's border crossing with gaza to allow americans and others to leave gaza and allow vital supplies into the territory. with israel postured to wage a full-scale ground assault at any time in gaza, hamas has posted video of an israeli woman it claims is one of the hostages it holds and says it is prepared to release non-israeli hostages if conditions allow. in a moment part of my conversation with the man who successfully negotiated a prisoner release with hamas years ago. it's where we start tonight. tonight the first video of a hostage held inside gaza, released by hamas. in it 21-year-old maya schem asks to be brought home as soon as possible and says she's being given medical care. it's unclear if she's being forced to make the statement. meanwhile, a hamas leader says non-israeli captives will be released from gaza if conditions allow. hamas is holding 199 hostages according to the israeli military. gershon baskin negotiated with hamas to secure the high-profile release of israeli soldier gilad shalit in 2011. he says he's been in contact with hamas every day since the attack. what's the best approach to even open a dialogue with hamas? >> the best approach is understanding that it can't be directly done by israel. to start a dialogue with hamas we have to understand who can do it. and the ones who can do it are the ones who have influence over hamas, which are qatar, turkey and egypt and iran. >> reporter: baskin says there's a small window of opportunity to make a deal to release hostages. >> it's a matter of days, probably a week before the israeli ground forces go into gaza. that's when the window for negotiation closes. >> but that means that hostages are sacrificed. >> it means that hostages are going to be tried to be freed and they might be sacrificed. my sense of the pulse of the israeli public right now, the government and the military, is that the primary objective today is to remove hamas from its ability to govern. and that means that hostages may be sacrificed. this hurts me so much to say, that the hostages might be considered additional casualties of the war for israel's survival. >> reporter: it comes amid a flurry of diplomatic activity. three u.s. officials tell nbc news president biden is strongly considering a trip to israel as early as this week, while secretary of state antony blinken met with prime minister netanyahu and his war cabinet for hours today. a meeting interrupted by air raid sirens. >> you know our deep commitment to israel's right, indeed its obligation to defend itself and to defend its people. >> reporter: a critical part of those talks, aid for gaza, where the humanitarian crisis is worsening by the minute. hospitals are in complete chaos. there is no power. with morgues full, ice cream trucks are now being used to store bodies, while trucks carrying supplies have not been allowed to enter gaza. just across the border sits the israeli town of sderot, now being evacuated ahead of a possible ground invasion. here in sderot you can hear the constant whine of israeli drones presumably looking for targets. in the town itself more than half the population has already evacuated. for those who remain time is running out. the last buses evacuating people have come and gone and the sounds of war are growing closer. moments later we heard just how close. >> we heard the sound of incoming shells. we moved into one of these public shelters with a number of journalists here. >> reporter: then as we started to leave -- >> another explosion outside. we thought it was the all clear. we heard another bang very close by. >> reporter: no one was hurt. and we soon left. but staying behind is yaritzi mantov, who's helping coordinate evacuations. >> are you going to leave? >> no. it's scary. it's not simple. but we are -- we love sderot. our heart is here. we can't leave when we know they need us here. >> reporter: this city official also vowing to stay. how dangerous is it to remain in sderot? [ speaking in a global language ] he says "it's very dangerous because terrorists are still walking around the area near gaza." the israeli military says this newly released video was from a body camera worn by a hamas militant during october 7th's brutal attack. the head of israel's security service is now taking responsibility for failing to prevent it, writing in a letter, "despite a series of actions, we were unable to generate a sufficient warning that would allow the attack to be thwarted," adding "as the person at the head of the organization, the responsibility for this is mine." tonight so many families are now burying their loved ones. with more than 4,000 people dead ten days into this war. for more on that statement by hamas saying it would release non-israeli hostages if the necessary conditions are available, i want to bring in chief foreign correspondent richard engel. richard, what's the significance of this message? >> reporter: it could be hugely significant. this came from the spokesman for the military wing of hamas. and he said that foreigners were taken accidentally, that during hamas's assault into israel it kidnapped many people. about 200 are being held by hamas according to this statement. and that it didn't have time to verify their identities but that foreign nationals are not part of this conflict. that it is willing to release them. it's not asking for anything in return. it just says that the field conditions have to be right to allow this transfer to happen, to allow these people to be released. and it says that for now they're being treated like guests. >> richard, how does this message from hamas impact u.s. diplomatic efforts? >> well, it's going to be a problem. relations between the u.s. and israel. because obviously, both sides want all of the hostages released together, including the israeli women, children, babies. but it will be difficult for the united states to at least not engage, at least not to see if this offer is real because if it can get only some of the hostages out they could have intelligence, it could be a breakthrough and obviously the right thing for the hostages and their families. >> richard engel tonight, thank you. there is breaking news we're following tonight out of brussels, belgium where police say a gunman shot and killed two swedish citizens. that city now on highest alert. keir simmons with the latest. >> reporter: tonight this terrifying video shows the suspected terror attack. gunshots and a shooter chasing victims. we've paused the images before one person is apparently shot dead. belgian prosecutors say they are treating it as terrorism, and with the man still at large raising the terror threat to its highest level. >> we still have a terrorist on the loose, which will create more fear around that city and whether another attack is imminent. separately, one attack often leads to another. >> reporter: the attack happening as sweden played belgium in a european soccer match. this the moment the game was abandoned tonight. authorities confirming two victims have died, a third injured. all are swedish. the belgian prime minister saying, "our thoughts are with the families and friends who lost loved ones. the fight against terrorism is a joint one." the french president saying tonight, "brussels was hit by an islamic terrorist attack again. europe is shaken." in 2016 isis suicide bombers detonated explosives at brussels airport, killing 32 people. the same terror cell had been responsible for a series of deadly attacks in paris in 2015. >> based on hamas's call to global jihad last week, we all worried would there be terror attacks worldwide? we see this today in europe. and going forward, the entire continent will be on alert. >> reporter: europe has feared that events in israel would prompt more killings here. tonight that worrying possibility may have become a reality. and before tonight one worried european official told me we do not want to import the crisis from israel. now europe, which has struggled to reach a united response to the attacks there, will fear more division and violence here. and lester, that shooter is still on the run tonight. >> keir simmons, thank you. now to rising tensions back in the u.s. as federal authorities have opened a hate crime investigation into the horrific stabbing death of a 6-year-old palestinian american boy. his mother was also stabbed but survived. stephanie gosk has late details. ♪♪ >> reporter: today a mosque in illinois filled with mourners for 6-year-old wadea al fayoume, a palestinian american boy stabbed along with his mother in their home, police say, just because they were muslim. hanan shahin survived. her son did not. wadea's father is in shock. >> it's like a dream. i still didn't believe my son is gone. >> reporter: the family's landlord, 71-year-old joseph czuba, is accused of first-degree murder and hate crimes and has not entered a plea. >> the scene of this crime did not take place in a vacuum. over the past ten days palestinians, arabs, muslim americans have been subjected to a hateful, hostile campaign. >> reporter: as the funeral was being held, the mosque was also on guard with heavy security because they fear their community could be targeted again. >> people are afraid. i'm afraid to leave my house. i don't know if there's going to be some maniac who doesn't know any better. >> reporter: the fbi says it is seeing an increase in rhetoric targeting both muslim and jewish people. law enforcement has ramped up security at places of worship. since hamas terrorists attacked israel, the anti-defamation league says there have been at least 91 anti-semitic incidents nationwide. seven assaults, 20 incidents of vandalism, and 64 of harassment. fbi director christopher wray speaking out against hate crimes over the weekend. >> the targeting of a community because of their faith is totally unacceptable. >> reporter: the fbi also warns that terror organizations may use this time to stage attacks here in the u.s., warning that the terror threat is ongoing and evolving. lester? >> stephanie gosk, thank you. and tonight a story of pain, perseverance and heroism in one town where the terrorists struck in southern israel. tom llamas was there with his team. tom, are some residents just staying put with war just outside their doorstep? >> reporter: they are, lester. in towns that dot the border the carnage of that terror attack is still so very fresh. and though many have fled to safer ground, others tell me they are staying put, they will never leave, as their children are now confronting this war in ways that are hard to imagine. right here in ofakim near the gaza border homes are shot up, living rooms bombed out, melted clocks marking the time the terrorists attacked and children searching for anything that tells the story of what happened to their families. >> what was your name again? >> ori. what's your name? >> tom. >> nice to meet you. >> reporter: ori is just 12 years old. >> we now are going to see the area where my father and my brother died. >> reporter: your father and your brother died? >> yes. >> reporter: living in a war zone, he tells me what he and his friends will do today. >> i'm collecting bullets. i want to keep them for feelings. it makes me feel better. >> reporter: for ori it's a way to remember his dad, moshe ohayon and his older brother eliat. two men this town will never forget. >> they were not just killed. they fought. they fought like lions. >> reporter: these surveillance videos from the day hamas attacked their neighborhood show the military as they cornered some of the terrorists. but for hours regular citizens took to the streets and roofs to defend themselves. the residents here say the terrorists did something they had never seen or heard of before. they were hiding out so when the rockets started to be fired from gaza and people ran out of their homes, the hamas terrorists were right there firing at people as they tried to enter the shelter. >> we have 54 families from the street over that came out of their houses to run to safe rooms, and they slaughtered them. >> reporter: as they do every year, ori's father and brother started that day hosting 50 kids with special needs. volunteer work they loved to do. but when the attack started, moshe, a reservist, grabbed his gun, rushing the children to the safe room, and headed out to fight. >> they were the first ones on the scene, and they saw a unit of terrorists. so they held them in place by shooting them. my brother was able to kill two terrorists. he was shooting through the roof because some of the terrorists were standing on the roof trying to -- trying to shoot at everybody that walked past the street. >> reporter: the family knows how it ended, sharing this haunting photo. they say there on the ground is a son hugging his father as they were executed. now in ofakim around every corner you see families sitting shiva, children collecting bullets, each mourning in their own way. there's a war here and there's a war in gaza over there. why are you still here? >> this is the only jewish homeland. and if we don't protect it, if we don't live freely and comfortably, all around the country, we're doomed to lose. and we're not about to lose. >> reporter: tom llamas, nbc news, ofakim, israel. in 60 seconds, a federal judge puts new restrictions on what former president trump can say about his election interference case.2 diab etes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. a federal judge in the election interference case against former president trump imposed a partial gag order on him today. laura jarrett joins us. laura, the judge restricted some of what mr. trump can say. >> reporter: right, lester. the judge acknowledged the former president has the right to broadly defend himself. he can cast the case as politically motivated. but he can't launch what the judge called a pretrial smear campaign against witnesses, prosecutors, or any other court staff involved in this case in washington. now, judge chutkan said in court today he does not have, quote, carte blanche to vilify and implicitly encourage violence against public servants who are simply doing their job as it could taint the jury pool. mr. trump faces sanctions if he violates this order. meantime, lester, one of his closest allies in congress who pushed the false narrative that the last election was stolen, ohio republican jim jordan, well, he's gaining momentum in his bid to become the next speaker. the house could vote on that as soon as tomorrow. and he's winning over some holdouts. but if just five republicans vote for someone else, he'll lose. lester? >> laura jarrett, thank you. and next, the surprise twist in the natalee holloway case. plans come with the ucard - one simple member card that opens doors where it matters for you. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? ucard gets you in with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. how 'bout using it at the pharmacy? yes - your ucard is all you need. huh - that's easy! can it help keep my smile looking good? yep! use your ucard at the dentist. say cheese! get access to what matters with the ucard only from unitedhealthcare. 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(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. it was one of the most controversial policies of the trump administration, the separation of thousands of migrant children from their families. today the biden administration announced a proposed settlement that allows those families to live and work in the u.s. for three years and receive government assistance while they apply for asylum. in a new twist in the natalee holloway mystery, her family's attorney says the main suspect, joran van der sloot, will reveal how she died as part of a plea deal in an extortion plot tied to her 2005 disappearance in aruba. van der sloot was extradited to -- from peru, where he has been in prison for the murder of a college student. up next, the americans leaving israel. raw emotions as hundreds seek safety. is is ra i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? 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>> it's just so sad. it's so, so sad. >> reporter: after terror struck, the kleins wrestled with whether to stay in a country they love. >> my husband and my daughter woke up today and they said, we have to leave now. >> reporter: do you want to come back to israel soon? >> yes. absolutely. the second that this situation is resolved and i feel comfortable, i am on the next flight out of here. >> reporter: early this morning the kleins rushing to the port of haifa, hoping for seats on a u.s. government-chartered ship ferrying americans to safety in cyprus. for americans who flew to israel on holiday or to see family, this is not how they expected to get home. unlike the gaza strip, where americans are among those stuck near the egyptian border, travel out of israel is still possible, but complicated. >> we booked flight, got canceled. booked another one, got canceled. >> reporter: in tampa last night a mix of relief and exhaustion on the tarmac as some 270 people along with eight pet dogs arrived on a flight organized by the state of florida. >> definitely heartbreaking to leave a country like that. i'm worried, you know. >> reporter: back in israel families dragging suitcases and carrying children to a port on the mediterranean sea. >> actually, i'm more sad to be leaving, but my kids and, you know, friends all said hey, get out while you can. >> reporter: across israel, americans struggling tonight with whether to leave and what they're leaving behind. josh lederman, nbc news, haifa. >> and that's "nightly news." a programming note. the next republican presidential debate is coming up november 8th live from miami, right here on nbc news. thank you for watching, everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night. francisco's district attorney. the tweet she deleted that had to do with the israel hamas conflict. good

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Series , Warning , Actions , Organization , Writing , Letter , Loved Ones , 4000 , Ten , Richard Engel , Message , Significance , Wing , Spokesman , Assault , Foreigners , Identities , It Didn T , 200 , Anything , Conflict , Transfer , Nationals , Field , Problem , Guests , Relations , Children , Wall , Offer , Sides , Thing , Brussels , Breaking News , Breakthrough , Intelligence , Keir Simmons , Alert , City , Latest , Gunman Shot , Swedish , Two , Terror Threat , Terrorism , Prosecutors , Shooter Chasing Victims , Level , Gunshots , Images , Raising , Reporter , Islamic , Belgium In A European Soccer Match , Another , Separately , Fear , Loose , Game , Friends , Victims , Thoughts , Joint , Fight , Authorities , Saying , French , Attacks , Terror , Now Europe , Explosives , Suicide Bombers , Cell , Isis , Brussels Airport , Paris , 2015 , 2016 , 32 , Terror Attacks , Continent , Jihad , Call , Forward , Killings , Events , Official , Reality , Possibility , Violence , Lester , Shooter , Response , Division , Tensions , Thank You , United , On The Run , Death , Hate Crime Investigation , Stephanie Gosk , Palestinian American Boy , Mosque , Mourners , Details , Wadea Al Fayoume , Police Say , Family , Father , Joseph Czuba , Hanan Shahin , Son , Murder , Shock , Dream , 71 , Scene , Place , Crimes , Crime , Hate , Vacuum , Palestinians , Arabs , Community , Security , Campaign , Guard , Funeral , House , Fbi , Doesn T , Places , Maniac , Better , Increase , Rhetoric , Law Enforcement , Worship , Jewish , Incidents , Christopher Wray , Weekend , Hate Crimes , Assaults , Harassment , Vandalism , Anti Defamation League , 91 , Seven , 64 , 20 , Targeting , Evolving , Terror Organizations , Tom Llamas , Perseverance , Pain , Story , Heroism , Towns , Residents , Many , Carnage , Doorstep , Leave , Put , Ways , Rooms , Clocks , Ofakim , Gaza Border Homes , Name , Nice , Ori , 12 , Brother , Bullets , Yes , Feelings , War Zone , Way , Videos , Moshe Ohayon , Men , Lions , Brother Eliat , Something , Neighborhood Show , Streets , Roofs , Before , Rockets , Homes , Street , 54 , Work , Kids , Houses , Special Needs , Safe Rooms , 50 , Safe Room , Unit , Gun , Roof , Everybody , The Street , Son Hugging , Photo , Corner , Homeland , Mourning , Shiva , Judge , Country , 60 , Risk , Heart Attack , Risks , Times , Stroke , Election , Case , Interference , Type 2 Diabetes , Restrictions , Goal , Diab Etes , A1c , 4 , 2 , Health Care Provider , Point , Things , Getrealaboutdiabetes Com , Fries , Workplace , Burger , Salad , Soup , Retirement Savings , Benefits , Choices , Bicycle , Decisions , Voya , Case , Election Interference , Well Invested , Trump , Mr , Gag Order , Laura Jarrett , Him , Smear Campaign , Launch , Court Staff , Witnesses , Washington , Chutkan , Servants , Job , Order , Jury Pool , Sanctions , Allies , Quote , Carte Blanche , Momentum , Speaker , Holdouts , Bid , Narrative , Republican , Jim Jordan , Congress , Ohio , Five , Member 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Assistance , Asylum , Extortion , Plot , Disappearance , Natalee Holloway Mystery , 2005 , Safety , Peru , Prison , The Americans , College Student , Hundreds , Emotions , Aruba , Up Next , Cabenuva , Shiv , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Jayson , Liver Problems , Side Effects , Medicines , Pill , Ingredients , Depression , Symptoms , Help , Reaction , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Tiredness , Fever , Dove , Trim , Damage , Haircut , Trim Daily Damage , Road , Gps , Allstate , Service Road , Direction , Big Gray Warehouse , Crohn S Disease , Roads , Party , Exit , Drivers , Route , Gonna , 40 , Control , Everything , Skyrizi , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Symptom Relief , Safe Drivers , Feel , Thosnow , Crohn S , Remission , Bowel Movements , Majority , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , 23 , 1 , Infections , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Josh Lederman Reports Americans , Decision , War Rages , Skokie , Situation , Idea , Kleins , Second , Daughter , Husband , Flight , Port Of Haifa , Ship Ferrying Americans , Americans , In Tampa Last Night , Mix , Exhaustion , Travel Out , Cyprus , Pet Dogs , Tarmac , The State Of Florida , Eight , 270 , Port , Back , Sad , Suitcases , Mediterranean Sea , News , Whether , Programming Note , Debate , Josh Lederman , Haifa , Miami , November 8th , 8 , Everyone , Each Other , Tweet , Good , Francisco S District Attorney ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703

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hamas showing video of a 21-year-old kidnapped at that music festival where 260 were killed. her on-camera plea as israel confirms hamas took more hostages than we first knew. the conditions hamas is giving to release some of them. also, the desperation at gaza's border with egypt. thousands including american citizens trying to flee, but the crossing still closed. humanitarian aid blocked as diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire have so far failed. plus, our new reporting. when will president biden visit israel? the danger in the region. a hamas rocket attack today forcing secretary of state blinken and prime minister benjamin netanyahu to shelter in a bunker during high-stakes talks. and the moment today. our team taking cover from incoming fire. in belgium the deadly shooting near a soccer stadium investigated as a terror attack. and now the urgent manhunt. and the horrific stabbing in illinois. a 6-year-old boy dead. his mother gravely injured. the suspect, their landlord. police say he targeted them because of their muslim faith and the israel-hamas war. the hate crime charges he faces. our special edition of "nightly news" begins now. >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with lester holt. reporting tonight live from israel. good evening from israel. as hamas rockets streaked over tel aviv tonight, warning sirens briefly interrupted delicate high-level talks to dial back the israel-hamas war. and there is late word that president biden may travel to israel as early as this week. secretary of state antony blinken already on the ground here tonight leading the push for a diplomatic resolution to the crisis. meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his war cabinet, the group forced to take shelter twice after rocket alerts sounded. the u.s. tonight also pushing for the opening of egypt's border crossing with gaza to allow americans and others to leave gaza and allow vital supplies into the territory. with israel postured to wage a full-scale ground assault at any time in gaza, hamas has posted video of an israeli woman it claims is one of the hostages it holds and says it is prepared to release non-israeli hostages if conditions allow. in a moment part of my conversation with the man who successfully negotiated a prisoner release with hamas years ago. it's where we start tonight. tonight the first video of a hostage held inside gaza, released by hamas. in it 21-year-old maya schem asks to be brought home as soon as possible and says she's being given medical care. it's unclear if she's being forced to make the statement. meanwhile, a hamas leader says non-israeli captives will be released from gaza if conditions allow. hamas is holding 199 hostages according to the israeli military. gershon baskin negotiated with hamas to secure the high-profile release of israeli soldier gilad shalit in 2011. he says he's been in contact with hamas every day since the attack. what's the best approach to even open a dialogue with hamas? >> the best approach is understanding that it can't be directly done by israel. to start a dialogue with hamas we have to understand who can do it. and the ones who can do it are the ones who have influence over hamas, which are qatar, turkey and egypt and iran. >> reporter: baskin says there's a small window of opportunity to make a deal to release hostages. >> it's a matter of days, probably a week before the israeli ground forces go into gaza. that's when the window for negotiation closes. >> but that means that hostages are sacrificed. >> it means that hostages are going to be tried to be freed and they might be sacrificed. my sense of the pulse of the israeli public right now, the government and the military, is that the primary objective today is to remove hamas from its ability to govern. and that means that hostages may be sacrificed. this hurts me so much to say, that the hostages might be considered additional casualties of the war for israel's survival. >> reporter: it comes amid a flurry of diplomatic activity. three u.s. officials tell nbc news president biden is strongly considering a trip to israel as early as this week, while secretary of state antony blinken met with prime minister netanyahu and his war cabinet for hours today. a meeting interrupted by air raid sirens. >> you know our deep commitment to israel's right, indeed its obligation to defend itself and to defend its people. >> reporter: a critical part of those talks, aid for gaza, where the humanitarian crisis is worsening by the minute. hospitals are in complete chaos. there is no power. with morgues full, ice cream trucks are now being used to store bodies, while trucks carrying supplies have not been allowed to enter gaza. just across the border sits the israeli town of sderot, now being evacuated ahead of a possible ground invasion. here in sderot you can hear the constant whine of israeli drones presumably looking for targets. in the town itself more than half the population has already evacuated. for those who remain time is running out. the last buses evacuating people have come and gone and the sounds of war are growing closer. moments later we heard just how close. >> we heard the sound of incoming shells. we moved into one of these public shelters with a number of journalists here. >> reporter: then as we started to leave -- >> another explosion outside. we thought it was the all clear. we heard another bang very close by. >> reporter: no one was hurt. and we soon left. but staying behind is yaritzi mantov, who's helping coordinate evacuations. >> are you going to leave? >> no. it's scary. it's not simple. but we are -- we love sderot. our heart is here. we can't leave when we know they need us here. >> reporter: this city official also vowing to stay. how dangerous is it to remain in sderot? [ speaking in a global language ] he says "it's very dangerous because terrorists are still walking around the area near gaza." the israeli military says this newly released video was from a body camera worn by a hamas militant during october 7th's brutal attack. the head of israel's security service is now taking responsibility for failing to prevent it, writing in a letter, "despite a series of actions, we were unable to generate a sufficient warning that would allow the attack to be thwarted," adding "as the person at the head of the organization, the responsibility for this is mine." tonight so many families are now burying their loved ones. with more than 4,000 people dead ten days into this war. for more on that statement by hamas saying it would release non-israeli hostages if the necessary conditions are available, i want to bring in chief foreign correspondent richard engel. richard, what's the significance of this message? >> reporter: it could be hugely significant. this came from the spokesman for the military wing of hamas. and he said that foreigners were taken accidentally, that during hamas's assault into israel it kidnapped many people. about 200 are being held by hamas according to this statement. and that it didn't have time to verify their identities but that foreign nationals are not part of this conflict. that it is willing to release them. it's not asking for anything in return. it just says that the field conditions have to be right to allow this transfer to happen, to allow these people to be released. and it says that for now they're being treated like guests. >> richard, how does this message from hamas impact u.s. diplomatic efforts? >> well, it's going to be a problem. relations between the u.s. and israel. because obviously, both sides want all of the hostages released together, including the israeli women, children, babies. but it will be difficult for the united states to at least not engage, at least not to see if this offer is real because if it can get only some of the hostages out they could have intelligence, it could be a breakthrough and obviously the right thing for the hostages and their families. >> richard engel tonight, thank you. there is breaking news we're following tonight out of brussels, belgium where police say a gunman shot and killed two swedish citizens. that city now on highest alert. keir simmons with the latest. >> reporter: tonight this terrifying video shows the suspected terror attack. gunshots and a shooter chasing victims. we've paused the images before one person is apparently shot dead. belgian prosecutors say they are treating it as terrorism, and with the man still at large raising the terror threat to its highest level. >> we still have a terrorist on the loose, which will create more fear around that city and whether another attack is imminent. separately, one attack often leads to another. >> reporter: the attack happening as sweden played belgium in a european soccer match. this the moment the game was abandoned tonight. authorities confirming two victims have died, a third injured. all are swedish. the belgian prime minister saying, "our thoughts are with the families and friends who lost loved ones. the fight against terrorism is a joint one." the french president saying tonight, "brussels was hit by an islamic terrorist attack again. europe is shaken." in 2016 isis suicide bombers detonated explosives at brussels airport, killing 32 people. the same terror cell had been responsible for a series of deadly attacks in paris in 2015. >> based on hamas's call to global jihad last week, we all worried would there be terror attacks worldwide? we see this today in europe. and going forward, the entire continent will be on alert. >> reporter: europe has feared that events in israel would prompt more killings here. tonight that worrying possibility may have become a reality. and before tonight one worried european official told me we do not want to import the crisis from israel. now europe, which has struggled to reach a united response to the attacks there, will fear more division and violence here. and lester, that shooter is still on the run tonight. >> keir simmons, thank you. now to rising tensions back in the u.s. as federal authorities have opened a hate crime investigation into the horrific stabbing death of a 6-year-old palestinian american boy. his mother was also stabbed but survived. stephanie gosk has late details. ♪♪ >> reporter: today a mosque in illinois filled with mourners for 6-year-old wadea al fayoume, a palestinian american boy stabbed along with his mother in their home, police say, just because they were muslim. hanan shahin survived. her son did not. wadea's father is in shock. >> it's like a dream. i still didn't believe my son is gone. >> reporter: the family's landlord, 71-year-old joseph czuba, is accused of first-degree murder and hate crimes and has not entered a plea. >> the scene of this crime did not take place in a vacuum. over the past ten days palestinians, arabs, muslim americans have been subjected to a hateful, hostile campaign. >> reporter: as the funeral was being held, the mosque was also on guard with heavy security because they fear their community could be targeted again. >> people are afraid. i'm afraid to leave my house. i don't know if there's going to be some maniac who doesn't know any better. >> reporter: the fbi says it is seeing an increase in rhetoric targeting both muslim and jewish people. law enforcement has ramped up security at places of worship. since hamas terrorists attacked israel, the anti-defamation league says there have been at least 91 anti-semitic incidents nationwide. seven assaults, 20 incidents of vandalism, and 64 of harassment. fbi director christopher wray speaking out against hate crimes over the weekend. >> the targeting of a community because of their faith is totally unacceptable. >> reporter: the fbi also warns that terror organizations may use this time to stage attacks here in the u.s., warning that the terror threat is ongoing and evolving. lester? >> stephanie gosk, thank you. and tonight a story of pain, perseverance and heroism in one town where the terrorists struck in southern israel. tom llamas was there with his team. tom, are some residents just staying put with war just outside their doorstep? >> reporter: they are, lester. in towns that dot the border the carnage of that terror attack is still so very fresh. and though many have fled to safer ground, others tell me they are staying put, they will never leave, as their children are now confronting this war in ways that are hard to imagine. right here in ofakim near the gaza border homes are shot up, living rooms bombed out, melted clocks marking the time the terrorists attacked and children searching for anything that tells the story of what happened to their families. >> what was your name again? >> ori. what's your name? >> tom. >> nice to meet you. >> reporter: ori is just 12 years old. >> we now are going to see the area where my father and my brother died. >> reporter: your father and your brother died? >> yes. >> reporter: living in a war zone, he tells me what he and his friends will do today. >> i'm collecting bullets. i want to keep them for feelings. it makes me feel better. >> reporter: for ori it's a way to remember his dad, moshe ohayon and his older brother eliat. two men this town will never forget. >> they were not just killed. they fought. they fought like lions. >> reporter: these surveillance videos from the day hamas attacked their neighborhood show the military as they cornered some of the terrorists. but for hours regular citizens took to the streets and roofs to defend themselves. the residents here say the terrorists did something they had never seen or heard of before. they were hiding out so when the rockets started to be fired from gaza and people ran out of their homes, the hamas terrorists were right there firing at people as they tried to enter the shelter. >> we have 54 families from the street over that came out of their houses to run to safe rooms, and they slaughtered them. >> reporter: as they do every year, ori's father and brother started that day hosting 50 kids with special needs. volunteer work they loved to do. but when the attack started, moshe, a reservist, grabbed his gun, rushing the children to the safe room, and headed out to fight. >> they were the first ones on the scene, and they saw a unit of terrorists. so they held them in place by shooting them. my brother was able to kill two terrorists. he was shooting through the roof because some of the terrorists were standing on the roof trying to -- trying to shoot at everybody that walked past the street. >> reporter: the family knows how it ended, sharing this haunting photo. they say there on the ground is a son hugging his father as they were executed. now in ofakim around every corner you see families sitting shiva, children collecting bullets, each mourning in their own way. there's a war here and there's a war in gaza over there. why are you still here? >> this is the only jewish homeland. and if we don't protect it, if we don't live freely and comfortably, all around the country, we're doomed to lose. and we're not about to lose. >> reporter: tom llamas, nbc news, ofakim, israel. in 60 seconds, a federal judge puts new restrictions on what former president trump can say about his election interference case.2 diab etes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. a federal judge in the election interference case against former president trump imposed a partial gag order on him today. laura jarrett joins us. laura, the judge restricted some of what mr. trump can say. >> reporter: right, lester. the judge acknowledged the former president has the right to broadly defend himself. he can cast the case as politically motivated. but he can't launch what the judge called a pretrial smear campaign against witnesses, prosecutors, or any other court staff involved in this case in washington. now, judge chutkan said in court today he does not have, quote, carte blanche to vilify and implicitly encourage violence against public servants who are simply doing their job as it could taint the jury pool. mr. trump faces sanctions if he violates this order. meantime, lester, one of his closest allies in congress who pushed the false narrative that the last election was stolen, ohio republican jim jordan, well, he's gaining momentum in his bid to become the next speaker. the house could vote on that as soon as tomorrow. and he's winning over some holdouts. but if just five republicans vote for someone else, he'll lose. lester? >> laura jarrett, thank you. and next, the surprise twist in the natalee holloway case. plans come with the ucard - one simple member card that opens doors where it matters for you. what if we need to see a doctor away from home? ucard gets you in with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. how 'bout using it at the pharmacy? yes - your ucard is all you need. huh - that's easy! can it help keep my smile looking good? yep! use your ucard at the dentist. say cheese! get access to what matters with the ucard only from unitedhealthcare. 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(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. it was one of the most controversial policies of the trump administration, the separation of thousands of migrant children from their families. today the biden administration announced a proposed settlement that allows those families to live and work in the u.s. for three years and receive government assistance while they apply for asylum. in a new twist in the natalee holloway mystery, her family's attorney says the main suspect, joran van der sloot, will reveal how she died as part of a plea deal in an extortion plot tied to her 2005 disappearance in aruba. van der sloot was extradited to -- from peru, where he has been in prison for the murder of a college student. up next, the americans leaving israel. raw emotions as hundreds seek safety. is is ra i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? 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>> it's just so sad. it's so, so sad. >> reporter: after terror struck, the kleins wrestled with whether to stay in a country they love. >> my husband and my daughter woke up today and they said, we have to leave now. >> reporter: do you want to come back to israel soon? >> yes. absolutely. the second that this situation is resolved and i feel comfortable, i am on the next flight out of here. >> reporter: early this morning the kleins rushing to the port of haifa, hoping for seats on a u.s. government-chartered ship ferrying americans to safety in cyprus. for americans who flew to israel on holiday or to see family, this is not how they expected to get home. unlike the gaza strip, where americans are among those stuck near the egyptian border, travel out of israel is still possible, but complicated. >> we booked flight, got canceled. booked another one, got canceled. >> reporter: in tampa last night a mix of relief and exhaustion on the tarmac as some 270 people along with eight pet dogs arrived on a flight organized by the state of florida. >> definitely heartbreaking to leave a country like that. i'm worried, you know. >> reporter: back in israel families dragging suitcases and carrying children to a port on the mediterranean sea. >> actually, i'm more sad to be leaving, but my kids and, you know, friends all said hey, get out while you can. >> reporter: across israel, americans struggling tonight with whether to leave and what they're leaving behind. josh lederman, nbc news, haifa. >> and that's "nightly news." a programming note. the next republican presidential debate is coming up november 8th live from miami, right here on nbc news. thank you for watching, everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night. francisco's district attorney. the tweet she deleted that had to do with the israel hamas conflict. good

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Series , Warning , Actions , Organization , Writing , Letter , Loved Ones , 4000 , Ten , Richard Engel , Message , Significance , Wing , Spokesman , Assault , Foreigners , Identities , It Didn T , 200 , Anything , Conflict , Transfer , Nationals , Field , Problem , Guests , Relations , Children , Wall , Offer , Sides , Thing , Brussels , Breaking News , Breakthrough , Intelligence , Keir Simmons , Alert , City , Latest , Gunman Shot , Swedish , Two , Terror Threat , Terrorism , Prosecutors , Shooter Chasing Victims , Level , Gunshots , Images , Raising , Reporter , Islamic , Belgium In A European Soccer Match , Another , Separately , Fear , Loose , Game , Friends , Victims , Thoughts , Joint , Fight , Authorities , Saying , French , Attacks , Terror , Now Europe , Explosives , Suicide Bombers , Cell , Isis , Brussels Airport , Paris , 2015 , 2016 , 32 , Terror Attacks , Continent , Jihad , Call , Forward , Killings , Events , Official , Reality , Possibility , Violence , Lester , Shooter , Response , Division , Tensions , Thank You , United , On The Run , Death , Hate Crime Investigation , Stephanie Gosk , Palestinian American Boy , Mosque , Mourners , Details , Wadea Al Fayoume , Police Say , Family , Father , Joseph Czuba , Hanan Shahin , Son , Murder , Shock , Dream , 71 , Scene , Place , Crimes , Crime , Hate , Vacuum , Palestinians , Arabs , Community , Security , Campaign , Guard , Funeral , House , Fbi , Doesn T , Places , Maniac , Better , Increase , Rhetoric , Law Enforcement , Worship , Jewish , Incidents , Christopher Wray , Weekend , Hate Crimes , Assaults , Harassment , Vandalism , Anti Defamation League , 91 , Seven , 64 , 20 , Targeting , Evolving , Terror Organizations , Tom Llamas , Perseverance , Pain , Story , Heroism , Towns , Residents , Many , Carnage , Doorstep , Leave , Put , Ways , Rooms , Clocks , Ofakim , Gaza Border Homes , Name , Nice , Ori , 12 , Brother , Bullets , Yes , Feelings , War Zone , Way , Videos , Moshe Ohayon , Men , Lions , Brother Eliat , Something , Neighborhood Show , Streets , Roofs , Before , Rockets , Homes , Street , 54 , Work , Kids , Houses , Special Needs , Safe Rooms , 50 , Safe Room , Unit , Gun , Roof , Everybody , The Street , Son Hugging , Photo , Corner , Homeland , Mourning , Shiva , Judge , Country , 60 , Risk , Heart Attack , Risks , Times , Stroke , Election , Case , Interference , Type 2 Diabetes , Restrictions , Goal , Diab Etes , A1c , 4 , 2 , Health Care Provider , Point , Things , Getrealaboutdiabetes Com , Fries , Workplace , Burger , Salad , Soup , Retirement Savings , Benefits , Choices , Bicycle , Decisions , Voya , Case , Election Interference , Well Invested , Trump , Mr , Gag Order , Laura Jarrett , Him , Smear Campaign , Launch , Court Staff , Witnesses , Washington , Chutkan , Servants , Job , Order , Jury Pool , Sanctions , Allies , Quote , Carte Blanche , Momentum , Speaker , Holdouts , Bid , Narrative , Republican , Jim Jordan , Congress , Ohio , Five , Member 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Assistance , Asylum , Extortion , Plot , Disappearance , Natalee Holloway Mystery , 2005 , Safety , Peru , Prison , The Americans , College Student , Hundreds , Emotions , Aruba , Up Next , Cabenuva , Shiv , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Jayson , Liver Problems , Side Effects , Medicines , Pill , Ingredients , Depression , Symptoms , Help , Reaction , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Tiredness , Fever , Dove , Trim , Damage , Haircut , Trim Daily Damage , Road , Gps , Allstate , Service Road , Direction , Big Gray Warehouse , Crohn S Disease , Roads , Party , Exit , Drivers , Route , Gonna , 40 , Control , Everything , Skyrizi , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Symptom Relief , Safe Drivers , Feel , Thosnow , Crohn S , Remission , Bowel Movements , Majority , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , 23 , 1 , Infections , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Josh Lederman Reports Americans , Decision , War Rages , Skokie , Situation , Idea , Kleins , Second , Daughter , Husband , Flight , Port Of Haifa , Ship Ferrying Americans , Americans , In Tampa Last Night , Mix , Exhaustion , Travel Out , Cyprus , Pet Dogs , Tarmac , The State Of Florida , Eight , 270 , Port , Back , Sad , Suitcases , Mediterranean Sea , News , Whether , Programming Note , Debate , Josh Lederman , Haifa , Miami , November 8th , 8 , Everyone , Each Other , Tweet , Good , Francisco S District Attorney ,

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