Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240708

another fast-moving wildfire forces hundreds from their homes in new mexico, as two major wildfires merge into one the fight to save this texas mother, set to be executed within days, for the death of her 2-year-old daughter the interrogation video that could be key to her case. >> they wanted me to admit to something that i was not capable of doing to my child breaking their silence. donald trump and kevin mccarthy both speak out after audio leaked of mccarthy vowing to tell then-president trump p r resign. plus, how one neighborhood rallied together to give this teen a life-changing surprise >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening u.s. officials are not yet confirming it, but ukraine's president announced today secretary of state antony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin will travel to ukraine for meetings tomorrow. it will be the most high profile visit yet of an american delegation since the war began. and it could not come at a more critical time russia today began a new assault on the port city of odesa, once a beach destination for russians and ukrainians the attacks left multiple dead, including a baby and it may be the final battle for mariupol that city has been completely destroyed by russia, but a few ukrainian soldiers and civilians have managed to hold the city now, russian soldiers are moving in on where they made their last stand. we begin tonight with matt bradley inside ukraine. >> reporter: tonight, a major announcement from president zelenskyy claiming he'll meet with u.s. secretary of state antony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin in ukraine tomorrow nbc hasn't independently confirmed the visit. weapons from the united states, everything has improved, and i'm grateful for that and we look forward to it, he said. as the southern port city of odesa recovers from a rare russian attack, nbc's kelly cobiella is in odesa >> rescuers are still on scene hours after two cruise missiles hit the city in the middle of the afternoon, one going straight through this apartment building, setting cars on fire below. the president's office saying a three-month-old baby was among the victims. >> reporter: at least eight were killed and 18 others wounded, according to president zelenskyy. it's the latest attack in russia's new offensive. a senior general announcing the goal is to capture not just the east but ukraine's entire southern coast, as the fight for mariupol rages on. new satellite images show evidence of another mass grave near the besieged city days after this other one was uncovered. a ukrainian official say more than 20,000 have died there alone. but russia isn't done ravaging mariupol, continuing its attacks on the azovstal steel plant, according to the ukrainian government, just days after russian president vladimir putin declared victory over the city and cancelled an assault on the sprawling plant. civilians and soldiers have been holed up in tunnels underneath the factory since early march. we want to go home very much, this woman said, but i think there's no home anymore. and today the world heard from children hiding underneath the plant for the first time we can play with phones, but we want to go home, this child said we want to see the sun. these children, like so many here, are being raised in darkness today, yet another of those so-called humanitarian corridors meant to take civilians out of that besieged city of mariupol was cancelled due to continuous russian shelling now, the ukrainian government is hoping there will be another one tomorrow jose >> matt bradley in ukraine. thank you. let's bring in josh letterman, traveling with president biden in wilmington, delaware josh, no one from the u.s. has confirmed this trip yet. >> reporter: that's right, jose. the white house, the state department, and the pentagon all declining tonight to comment. president zelenskyy said the visit isn't a big secret, but trips by top u.s. officials to war zones are typically shrouded in secrecy, not announced in advance if the trip does happen, zelenskyy is expected to show the americans a list of weapons he says ukraine still needs. but the u.s. is already stepping up military support dozens of artillery systems now on their way to ukraine, part of $1.2 billion worth of u.s. weapons announced in just the last two weeks zelenskyy wants more he's pushing the u.s. to declare russia a state sponsor of terrorism and for president biden himself to visit just as soon as it's safe jose >> josh letterman in wilmington, thank you. we are learning more tonight about the sniper who terrorized the washington, d.c. neighborhood yesterday. police say he shot more than 100 rounds out of a fifth floor window and now new -- and i should warn you disturbing -- video has surfaced that police believe the shooter took as it all unfolded jesse kirsch reports >> reporter: the suspected d.c. sniper's own camera apparently rolling as he terrorized the nation's capital police believe he randomly fired more than 100 rounds into washington's neighborhood just after 3:00 p.m. friday, shooting a 12-year-old child and three adults they all survived. >> the window shot out. that's my car. >> reporter: this woman says a bullet grazed her shoulder. >> it did not sound like gunfire it sounded like -- it was so loud, it sounded like explosions >> reporter: police now analyzing the disturbing video, which they say appears authentic and helped them locate the sniper's perch posted to a message board, the recording shows the gunman appearing to reload before continuing to rampage. >> it's surreal, man it's, like, literally i feel like i'm in a twilight zone. >> reporter: police rushing residents away, as tactical teams moved in nearby schools locked down >> you see this on tv and happening in all the places, but you never put yourself into thinking that you can go through that. >> reporter: emotional families reunited hours later. police believe the suspect killed himself in a fifth floor apartment as authorities breached, finding at least six guns, ammo, and a sniper's tripod. >> obviously, his intent was to kill and hurt members of our community. >> the epidemic of the gun violence, the easy access to weapons, has got to stop. people should not be scared taking their children to school >> reporter: another seemingly senseless attack still unexplained. jesse kirsch, nbc news zbl zbl zbl zbljtsdsed in in the american southwest, new evacuations and state of emergency were declared today as massive wildfires raged through arizona and new mexico steve patterson has the latest >> reporter: the southwest under siege by an explosive outbreak of fast-moving wildfires. relentless flames devouring thousands of acres, leaving a wake of ash and rubble. in northern arizona, near flagstaff, today crews racing to contain the monstrous tunnel fire, exploding to more than 20,000 acres, forcing hundreds of evacuations, ripping through at least 30 structures, including jennifer navarro's cabin. here it is before the fire and now -- >> it just -- it's really frightening to, you know, think that just like that, it's gone >> reporter: in new mexico, states of emergency now in five counties hundreds evacuated overnight. this morning, a worse case scenario, two fires merging into one northeast of santa fe. how are firefighters dealing with this today? >> it gets really dangerous for firefighters these men and women are working 16-hour days 14 days straight. >> reporter: across the region, eight large fires are burning through the southwest with 1,900 fire personnel on the front lines in new mexico and arizona alone. a devastating start to the fire season. nearly a million acres burned nationwide so far. that's twice as many as this time last year >> it is definitely a sign of climate change >> reporter: conditions for another brutal year already in the air. steve patterson, nbc news republican leader kevin mccarthy is speaking out, now saying he never said former president trump should resign after last year's capitol attacks. the denial comes just days after audio tape of mccarthy talking about then-president trump was leaked vaughn hillyard has more >> reporter: republican leader kevin mccarthy speaking for the first time >> what they said we did, we never did it >> reporter: and denying he ever asked president trump to resign >> let me be very clear. i have never asked president trump to resign >> reporter: but audio recordings seem to suggest he was ready to do so here's the gop's top leader in the house speaking privately just days after the january 6th attacks. >> i think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation he should be gone >> reporter: mccarthy, in that leaked phone call, indicating he was ready to leave trump behind >> i've had it with this guy what he did is unacceptable nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it. >> reporter: but last night -- >> i've never asked the president to resign i never thought he should resign. what i was asked on a phone call was about the process, the 25th amendment, whether someone's impeached. we walked through ifs, ands, or buts. it was never in the process to ask president trump to resign >> reporter: trump in a new interview says he's forgiven mccarthy for his private remarks. quote, they realized they were wrong and supported me, trump said if republicans take back the house in november, mccarthy has positioned himself to be the next speaker. but the audio igniting questions about mccarthy's loyalty, as supporters gather for a trump rally tonight. >> it was very shocking to hear that, so i don't like that at all so, we need someone that's pro-trump >> i think it would be good to get some fresh blood in there i don't know i don't trust him. >> reporter: mccarthy is just one of man republicans embraced by trump, despite past condemnations. among them, author j.d. vance >> i'm a never trump guy. i never liked him. >> i still wanted to be here at this trump rally. >> reporter: his loyalty and praise for trump today earning him from the president, coveted endorsement. >> and vaughn joins us from that trump rally in ohio. vaughn, this ohio primary will be the first real test of the former president's endorsement power this year >> reporter: that's right, jose. there is still five major candidates in this competitive primary. if j.d. vance wins, it could be a major sign that trump still holds considerable sway in this republican party today. jose >> vaughn hillyard in ohio thank you. coming up, the growing calls to stop the execution of this texas mom on death row. the interrogation video that could exonerate her. also, the new rules on social media to battle disinformation we're back with the growing bipartisan calls to halt the execution of a texas mom on death row, now just days away she's accused of killing her toddler more than a decade ago. but as morgan chesky reports, new evidence casts doubt on her conviction >> reporter: she's the texas mother convicted of murdering her own daughter, now four days from being put to death. but tonight, new evidence is fuelling nationwide calls to halt the execution of melissa lucio and grant a new trial to the woman who spent the last 14 years on death row. >> we constantly said that there are of course many questions about the verdict and why this was reached the way it was >> reporter: the questions surround the investigation into the 2007 death of lucio's daughter, mariah lucio says mariah fell down the stairs at home, then never woke up from a nap two days later. but law enforcement blamed her portions of the interrogation video provided by lucio's defense team show how officers pressed her >> right now it looks like you're a cold blooded killer now, are you a cold blooded killer >> no, i'm not >> or were you a frustrated mother who just took it out on her for whatever reason >> no. >> it's got to be one or the other >> reporter: according to lucio's attorneys, the interrogation lasted more than five hours. they say she denied killing her daughter more than 100 times before giving a coerced confession >> is there anything else you want to add >> reporter: in a documentary about her case, lucio blames her interrogators. >> they just kept pointing fingers at me and threatening me and telling me that i was going to spend the rest of my life in prison and that i wasn't going to be able to see the rest of my children grow up and get married. >> is the ultimate goal a brand-new trial here >> the ultimate goal is a new trial for melissa lucio. there's evidence of her innocence that the jury never heard and we believe if she had a trial today, she would be acquitted >> reporter: several jurors in lucio's case are now calling for clemency, as are a bipartisan group of texas lawmakers, asking the state pardons board to cancel lucio's execution. the board is expected to make a recommendation to texas governor greg abbott on monday tonight, lucio's family, hopeful. >> i can't wait. i feel -- i have a faith that our sister is going to come home. >> reporter: faith and a mother's fate, with time running out morgan chesky, nbc news, dallas still ahead, leading the charge how one small town is on the forefront of an electric vehicle revolution plus, history was made on the baseball field today. >> test test. test test. the european union agreed on legislation today for landmark new rules that will push the world's biggest social media companies to stop the spread of online misinformation. it's called the digital services act, and is expected to be passed into law in europe where companies like google, meta, twitter could face fines if they don' remove hate speech, propaganda, or other material from their sites. there's a new member in baseball's 3,000 hit club today, detroit tiger, miguel cabrera became the 33rd major leaguer and the first venezuelan to reach 3,000 career hits. he drove a single to right field during today's colorado rockies game the crowd of nearly 40,000 went wild the team set off fireworks, and the tigers won the game. and now to our nbc news series, "the climate challenge. tonight, the electric car ride sharing revolution happening in a tiny farming community. it's now become a global transportation model. morgan radford was there. >> reporter: the town of huron, california, was once a transportation desert. now, it's part of an electric vehicle revolution so, david, are these all electric vehicles? >> they are. they're all electric vehicles >> reporter: known as green raiteros, the program now uses a fleet of electric vehicles funded by private donations to give free or low-cost rides to residents like gregory hernandez lopez. and this man both former farm workers who now ride several times a week to the nearest dialysis center 25 miles away [ speaking foreign language ] >> everybody is working, so you don't have a chance to take off to take your family members or friends to places, help them get there. >> reporter: this man started the program as a non-profit in 2018 >> we've been doing this for a very long time, long before uber and lyft we just didn't have the resources. >> reporter: it's a new ecofriendly take on an age-old tradition for a community of mostly farm workers in a city that's nearly 95% latino >> what is a raitero? >> it's spanish for ride give me a ride give me a ride >> reporter: so, when you describe the old way of doing things, it sounds like someone would go to a restaurant where they knew a driver, a raitero, was taking out, and they would say, hey, i need you to take me to work or home at this time is that how it works >> maybe with a child in hand, i've got a doctor's appointment this day can you take me? and he'll take a sip and say, yes >> now how does it work >> they can come to the office or they can give us a call >> reporter: now huron is the largest charging in the country in an area ranked fourth for ozone pollution. and it's a strategy that has even gotten the attention of the biden administration >> the department's been in touch with the city, very impressed with the work that they're doing. >> when you look at a model like this, do you think it's a type of system that could be replicated in other cities across the country? >> it's exactly ideas like this, community-driven approaches like this, that we're trying to do more to support with those federal dollars. >> reporter: a greener future rooted in traditions of the past morgan radford, nbc news, huron, california when we come back, neighbors to the rescue the nearest possible surprise one community pulled off to help a family in need there's good news tonight about the power of community and the neighborhood that came together to do the impossible and deliver an amazing surprise for the family next door when they needed it most. >> reporter: this was the welcome home max and his family had been waiting for the celebration earlier this month in utah marking a milestone for the 18-year-old. that's because he'd been hospitalized since february after becoming paralyzed in a skiing accident. >> so, max, what was your first thought after the injury >> first thing was that i couldn't feel my legs. >> amber, tell me about when and how you found out. >> the minute i hear that my son's back is broken, it's been severed, my life instantly changed right there as well. and i fell to my knees and -- and cried >> reporter: for max, an athlete who likes to golf, ski, juggle, and climb, getting stronger was now his new mission. but the family also faced another challenge. how would max navigate their split level home in his wheelchair? >> you were looking at the possibility of having to move >> yeah, yeah. and we really did not want to do that at all. >> beloved friends missy and paul anderson had an idea >> we went over with our tape measure and measured all kinds of things, and we realized probably the best option would be to do an addition onto the home >> reporter: paul, a civil engineer, drew up sketches for a wheelchair accessible wing, while missy raised funds and rallied the help of their tight-knit community. >> i wrangled the contractors. everybody helped, just stepped up and did the job. it was amazing >> reporter: but it was a race against time were you surprised by just the overwhelming support that this process had? >> oh, yeah, for sure. people were extremely busy the housing market is going crazy. supply chain for products is low. >> reporter: what could have taken up to nine months was finished in less than four weeks it's an important step towards healing that this deeply faithful family calls a miracle for max. >> i was truly grateful when i first saw it, and i was just so happy that we didn't have to move. >> amber, how can one, as a parent, thank people enough, you know >> i thank the lord every day. i know that everyone is placed in our life for a reason and i can't imagine going through any of this without the village that i have. >> and max has decided his future plans will now include new ways to help other wheelchair users navigate their world that's "nbc nightly news" for this saturday kate snow will be here tomorrow night i'm jose diaz-balart thank you for privilege of your time good night but what are we actually doing about it? >> right now at 6:00, the aerlgt day celebrations continue. we take you to san francisco's popular earth day festival back after pandemic hiatus. then, storms have passed but they brought quite a bit of snow. take a closer look at what weather it is going to make much of a dent in our drought. also, masks might make a comeback on bart. yeah. what the agency might do to make them a requirement to ride again. >> and two high profile officials' possible visit to ukraine. the news at 6:00 starts right now. i am terry mcsweeney. audrey has the night off. the days of going maskless on bart could be numbered. earlier this week, bart leaders hen hinted they would explore reinstating a mask mandate. today, they announced the board is expect set to take that issue on thursday, for getting the masks back through bart's code of conduct. right now, they are not required after a judge struck down federal rules requiring masks on public transportation. live look along i-80 in truckee. plenty of snow along

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Supplies , Kitchen , Easter , Hope , Zelenskyy , Officials , Secretaries , Ukraine , Estate , Defense , Set , Nightly News , Thanks , American , 00 , 6 , Soldiers , Civilians , Russian , Assault , Gunman , Raiding The Steel Plant , Sniper Attack , Missiles , Port City Of Odesa , Mariupol , Forces , Rain , Last Stand , Washington D C , Intent , Video , Evacuations , Floor , Shooting , Four , 100 , Mother , New Mexico , Fight , Wildfires , Death , Daughter , Homes , Wildfire , Texas , One , 2 , Two , Donald Trump , Child , Interrogation Video , Kevin Mccarthy , Something , Audio , Case , Silence , President , Neighborhood , Teen , Jose Diaz Balart , Surprise Announcer , Trump Pr Resign , Mccarthy Vowing , It , Antony Blinken , Secretary Of Defense , Lloyd Austin Will Travel To Ukraine , Visit , Profile , War , Meetings , Delegation , City , Attacks , Baby , Russia Today , Dead , Beach Destination , Final Battle For Mariupol , Matt Bradley Inside Ukraine , Reporter , Weapons , Lloyd Austin , Secretary Of State , Everything , Nbc , Announcement , Hasn T , Attack , Southern Port City , Odesa , Kelly Cobiella , Office , Fire , Cruise Missiles , Rescuers , Apartment Building , Afternoon , Middle , Setting Cars , Three , Goal , General , Victims , Others , Offensive , Coast , Mariupol Rages On , Eight , 18 , Evidence , Ukrainian , Have , Isn T , Satellite Images , Mass Grave , 20000 , Government , Vladimir Putin , Victory , Tunnels , Factory , Azovstal Steel Plant , Sprawling Plant , Ravaging Mariupol , World , Woman , Home , Time , Children , Plant , Phones , Corridors , Another , Darkness Today , The Sun , Shelling , Josh Letterman , Matt Bradley , Biden In Wilmington , Delaware , Trip , Jose , That S Right , Wall , Visit Isn T A Big Secret , White House , No One , State Department , Support , Secrecy , Trips , War Zones , Advance , List , Way , Biden , Dozens , Terrorism , Artillery Systems , Part , State Sponsor , Russia A , 2 Billion , 1 2 Billion , Sniper , Police , In Wilmington , Neighborhood Yesterday , Shooter , Floor Window , Suspected D C , Jesse Kirsch , Capital , Nation , Camera , Window , Car , Adults , Bullet , Shoulder , Gunfire , Friday , 3 , 12 , Explosions Reporter , Message Board , Perch , Recording , Places , Teams , Residents , Tv , Schools , Man It S , Twilight Zone , Suspect , Families , Guns , Floor Apartment , Authorities , Ammo , Six , Community , People , Tripod , Members , Access , Gun Violence , Epidemic , Obviously , Nbc News , Zbl , Steve Patterson , Southwest , Northern Arizona , Siege , State Of Emergency , American Southwest , Zbl Zbljtsdsed , Wake , Hundreds , Thousands , Tunnel Fire , Outbreak , Flames , Ash , Rubble , Crews Racing , Near Flagstaff , 30 , Emergency , Structures , Cabin , Jennifer Navarro , Five , Firefighters , Fires , Counties , Case Scenario , Northeast , Men , Women , Santa Fe , Fire Personnel , Lines , Region , 14 , 1900 , 16 , Sign , Conditions , Fire Season , Climate Change , A Million , Republican , President Trump , Denial , Air , Capitol Attacks , It Reporter , Vaughn Hillyard , Audio Tape , House , Audio Recordings , Top Leader , Guy , Phone Call , Recommendation , January 6th , Someone , Nobody , Buts , Last Night , 25th Amendment , Ifs , Ands , 25 , Process , Interview , Remarks , Quote , Questions , Rally , Loyalty , Supporters , Speaker , Man , J D , Blood , Condemnations , Vance , Don T Trust Him , Power , Endorsement , Test , Trump Rally , Praise , Ohio , Ohio Primary , Sway , In Ohio , Wins , Candidates , Primary , Mom , Calls , Execution , Death Row , Rules , Social Media , Disinformation , Coming Up , Morgan Chesky Reports , Toddler , Melissa Lucio , Conviction Reporter , Trial , Course , Verdict , Mariah Lucio , Nap , Investigation , Stairs , Law Enforcement , 2007 , Killer , Officers , Portions , Defense Team , Cold , Show , Reason , Interrogation , Attorneys , Confession , Add Reporter , Interrogators , Documentary , Anything , Fingers , Rest , Rest Of My Life In Prison , Innocence , Jury , Lawmakers , Clemency , Jurors , Group , Family , Board , Greg Abbott , Pardons , Hopeful , Faith , Town , Sister , Fate , Charge , Time Running Out Morgan Chesky , Dallas , Baseball Field Today , Forefront , Electric Vehicle Revolution Plus , European Union , Legislation Today For Landmark New , Social Media Companies , Spread , Misinformation , Digital Services Act , Detroit Tiger , Law , Companies , Baseball , Twitter , Fines , Hate Speech , Propaganda , Material , Sites , Europe , Google , Meta , Hit Club , 3000 , Game , Fireworks , Crowd , Tigers , Field , Team Set , Leaguer , Career Hits , Single , Miguel Cabrera , Colorado Rockies , 40000 , 33 , Morgan Radford , Series , Tiny Farming Community , Electric Car Ride Sharing Revolution Happening , Climate Challenge , Global Transportation Model , Vehicles , Huron , California , Transportation Desert , Electric Vehicle Revolution So , David , Green Raiteros , Farm Workers , Program , Times , Donations , Fleet , Hernandez Lopez , Everybody , Family Members , Friends , Chance , Language , 2018 , Latino , Workers , Tradition , Lyft , Ecofriendly , Resources , 95 , Ride , Raitero , Things , Ride Reporter , Driver , Restaurant , Doing , Spanish , Out , Sip , Doctor , Hand , Appointment , Say , Country , Administration , Call Reporter , Charging , Area , Ozone Pollution , Strategy , Attention , Work , Model , System , Touch , Type , Cities , Ideas , Approaches , Neighbors , Traditions , Rescue , Dollars , News , Surprise , Welcome Home Max , Thought , Thing , Milestone , Celebration , Skiing Accident , Injury , Utah , Back , Amber , Life , Legs , Son , Knees , Mission , Split Level Home , Climb , Wheelchair , Challenge , Ski , Golf , Juggle , Missy , Possibility , Idea , Tape Measure , Kinds , Paul Anderson , Addition , Option , Drew Up , Wheelchair Accessible Wing , Civil Engineer , Funds , Help , Job , Race , Contractors , Housing Market , Supply Chain , Products , Step , Sure , Nine , Parent , Miracle For Max , Saw , Everyone , Village , Plans , Lord , Ways , Wheelchair Users , Privilege , Kate Snow , Celebrations , Hiatus , Festival , Earth Day , Aerlgt , San Francisco , Snow , Bart , Masks , Agency , Storms , Bit , Look , Drought , Dent , Weather , Comeback , Profile Officials , Requirement , Terry Mcsweeney , Issue , Night Off , Mask Mandate , Audrey , Leaders Hen , Judge , Public Transportation , Code Of Conduct , I 80 , In Truckee , 80 ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240708 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240708

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another fast-moving wildfire forces hundreds from their homes in new mexico, as two major wildfires merge into one the fight to save this texas mother, set to be executed within days, for the death of her 2-year-old daughter the interrogation video that could be key to her case. >> they wanted me to admit to something that i was not capable of doing to my child breaking their silence. donald trump and kevin mccarthy both speak out after audio leaked of mccarthy vowing to tell then-president trump p r resign. plus, how one neighborhood rallied together to give this teen a life-changing surprise >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening u.s. officials are not yet confirming it, but ukraine's president announced today secretary of state antony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin will travel to ukraine for meetings tomorrow. it will be the most high profile visit yet of an american delegation since the war began. and it could not come at a more critical time russia today began a new assault on the port city of odesa, once a beach destination for russians and ukrainians the attacks left multiple dead, including a baby and it may be the final battle for mariupol that city has been completely destroyed by russia, but a few ukrainian soldiers and civilians have managed to hold the city now, russian soldiers are moving in on where they made their last stand. we begin tonight with matt bradley inside ukraine. >> reporter: tonight, a major announcement from president zelenskyy claiming he'll meet with u.s. secretary of state antony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin in ukraine tomorrow nbc hasn't independently confirmed the visit. weapons from the united states, everything has improved, and i'm grateful for that and we look forward to it, he said. as the southern port city of odesa recovers from a rare russian attack, nbc's kelly cobiella is in odesa >> rescuers are still on scene hours after two cruise missiles hit the city in the middle of the afternoon, one going straight through this apartment building, setting cars on fire below. the president's office saying a three-month-old baby was among the victims. >> reporter: at least eight were killed and 18 others wounded, according to president zelenskyy. it's the latest attack in russia's new offensive. a senior general announcing the goal is to capture not just the east but ukraine's entire southern coast, as the fight for mariupol rages on. new satellite images show evidence of another mass grave near the besieged city days after this other one was uncovered. a ukrainian official say more than 20,000 have died there alone. but russia isn't done ravaging mariupol, continuing its attacks on the azovstal steel plant, according to the ukrainian government, just days after russian president vladimir putin declared victory over the city and cancelled an assault on the sprawling plant. civilians and soldiers have been holed up in tunnels underneath the factory since early march. we want to go home very much, this woman said, but i think there's no home anymore. and today the world heard from children hiding underneath the plant for the first time we can play with phones, but we want to go home, this child said we want to see the sun. these children, like so many here, are being raised in darkness today, yet another of those so-called humanitarian corridors meant to take civilians out of that besieged city of mariupol was cancelled due to continuous russian shelling now, the ukrainian government is hoping there will be another one tomorrow jose >> matt bradley in ukraine. thank you. let's bring in josh letterman, traveling with president biden in wilmington, delaware josh, no one from the u.s. has confirmed this trip yet. >> reporter: that's right, jose. the white house, the state department, and the pentagon all declining tonight to comment. president zelenskyy said the visit isn't a big secret, but trips by top u.s. officials to war zones are typically shrouded in secrecy, not announced in advance if the trip does happen, zelenskyy is expected to show the americans a list of weapons he says ukraine still needs. but the u.s. is already stepping up military support dozens of artillery systems now on their way to ukraine, part of $1.2 billion worth of u.s. weapons announced in just the last two weeks zelenskyy wants more he's pushing the u.s. to declare russia a state sponsor of terrorism and for president biden himself to visit just as soon as it's safe jose >> josh letterman in wilmington, thank you. we are learning more tonight about the sniper who terrorized the washington, d.c. neighborhood yesterday. police say he shot more than 100 rounds out of a fifth floor window and now new -- and i should warn you disturbing -- video has surfaced that police believe the shooter took as it all unfolded jesse kirsch reports >> reporter: the suspected d.c. sniper's own camera apparently rolling as he terrorized the nation's capital police believe he randomly fired more than 100 rounds into washington's neighborhood just after 3:00 p.m. friday, shooting a 12-year-old child and three adults they all survived. >> the window shot out. that's my car. >> reporter: this woman says a bullet grazed her shoulder. >> it did not sound like gunfire it sounded like -- it was so loud, it sounded like explosions >> reporter: police now analyzing the disturbing video, which they say appears authentic and helped them locate the sniper's perch posted to a message board, the recording shows the gunman appearing to reload before continuing to rampage. >> it's surreal, man it's, like, literally i feel like i'm in a twilight zone. >> reporter: police rushing residents away, as tactical teams moved in nearby schools locked down >> you see this on tv and happening in all the places, but you never put yourself into thinking that you can go through that. >> reporter: emotional families reunited hours later. police believe the suspect killed himself in a fifth floor apartment as authorities breached, finding at least six guns, ammo, and a sniper's tripod. >> obviously, his intent was to kill and hurt members of our community. >> the epidemic of the gun violence, the easy access to weapons, has got to stop. people should not be scared taking their children to school >> reporter: another seemingly senseless attack still unexplained. jesse kirsch, nbc news zbl zbl zbl zbljtsdsed in in the american southwest, new evacuations and state of emergency were declared today as massive wildfires raged through arizona and new mexico steve patterson has the latest >> reporter: the southwest under siege by an explosive outbreak of fast-moving wildfires. relentless flames devouring thousands of acres, leaving a wake of ash and rubble. in northern arizona, near flagstaff, today crews racing to contain the monstrous tunnel fire, exploding to more than 20,000 acres, forcing hundreds of evacuations, ripping through at least 30 structures, including jennifer navarro's cabin. here it is before the fire and now -- >> it just -- it's really frightening to, you know, think that just like that, it's gone >> reporter: in new mexico, states of emergency now in five counties hundreds evacuated overnight. this morning, a worse case scenario, two fires merging into one northeast of santa fe. how are firefighters dealing with this today? >> it gets really dangerous for firefighters these men and women are working 16-hour days 14 days straight. >> reporter: across the region, eight large fires are burning through the southwest with 1,900 fire personnel on the front lines in new mexico and arizona alone. a devastating start to the fire season. nearly a million acres burned nationwide so far. that's twice as many as this time last year >> it is definitely a sign of climate change >> reporter: conditions for another brutal year already in the air. steve patterson, nbc news republican leader kevin mccarthy is speaking out, now saying he never said former president trump should resign after last year's capitol attacks. the denial comes just days after audio tape of mccarthy talking about then-president trump was leaked vaughn hillyard has more >> reporter: republican leader kevin mccarthy speaking for the first time >> what they said we did, we never did it >> reporter: and denying he ever asked president trump to resign >> let me be very clear. i have never asked president trump to resign >> reporter: but audio recordings seem to suggest he was ready to do so here's the gop's top leader in the house speaking privately just days after the january 6th attacks. >> i think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation he should be gone >> reporter: mccarthy, in that leaked phone call, indicating he was ready to leave trump behind >> i've had it with this guy what he did is unacceptable nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it. >> reporter: but last night -- >> i've never asked the president to resign i never thought he should resign. what i was asked on a phone call was about the process, the 25th amendment, whether someone's impeached. we walked through ifs, ands, or buts. it was never in the process to ask president trump to resign >> reporter: trump in a new interview says he's forgiven mccarthy for his private remarks. quote, they realized they were wrong and supported me, trump said if republicans take back the house in november, mccarthy has positioned himself to be the next speaker. but the audio igniting questions about mccarthy's loyalty, as supporters gather for a trump rally tonight. >> it was very shocking to hear that, so i don't like that at all so, we need someone that's pro-trump >> i think it would be good to get some fresh blood in there i don't know i don't trust him. >> reporter: mccarthy is just one of man republicans embraced by trump, despite past condemnations. among them, author j.d. vance >> i'm a never trump guy. i never liked him. >> i still wanted to be here at this trump rally. >> reporter: his loyalty and praise for trump today earning him from the president, coveted endorsement. >> and vaughn joins us from that trump rally in ohio. vaughn, this ohio primary will be the first real test of the former president's endorsement power this year >> reporter: that's right, jose. there is still five major candidates in this competitive primary. if j.d. vance wins, it could be a major sign that trump still holds considerable sway in this republican party today. jose >> vaughn hillyard in ohio thank you. coming up, the growing calls to stop the execution of this texas mom on death row. the interrogation video that could exonerate her. also, the new rules on social media to battle disinformation we're back with the growing bipartisan calls to halt the execution of a texas mom on death row, now just days away she's accused of killing her toddler more than a decade ago. but as morgan chesky reports, new evidence casts doubt on her conviction >> reporter: she's the texas mother convicted of murdering her own daughter, now four days from being put to death. but tonight, new evidence is fuelling nationwide calls to halt the execution of melissa lucio and grant a new trial to the woman who spent the last 14 years on death row. >> we constantly said that there are of course many questions about the verdict and why this was reached the way it was >> reporter: the questions surround the investigation into the 2007 death of lucio's daughter, mariah lucio says mariah fell down the stairs at home, then never woke up from a nap two days later. but law enforcement blamed her portions of the interrogation video provided by lucio's defense team show how officers pressed her >> right now it looks like you're a cold blooded killer now, are you a cold blooded killer >> no, i'm not >> or were you a frustrated mother who just took it out on her for whatever reason >> no. >> it's got to be one or the other >> reporter: according to lucio's attorneys, the interrogation lasted more than five hours. they say she denied killing her daughter more than 100 times before giving a coerced confession >> is there anything else you want to add >> reporter: in a documentary about her case, lucio blames her interrogators. >> they just kept pointing fingers at me and threatening me and telling me that i was going to spend the rest of my life in prison and that i wasn't going to be able to see the rest of my children grow up and get married. >> is the ultimate goal a brand-new trial here >> the ultimate goal is a new trial for melissa lucio. there's evidence of her innocence that the jury never heard and we believe if she had a trial today, she would be acquitted >> reporter: several jurors in lucio's case are now calling for clemency, as are a bipartisan group of texas lawmakers, asking the state pardons board to cancel lucio's execution. the board is expected to make a recommendation to texas governor greg abbott on monday tonight, lucio's family, hopeful. >> i can't wait. i feel -- i have a faith that our sister is going to come home. >> reporter: faith and a mother's fate, with time running out morgan chesky, nbc news, dallas still ahead, leading the charge how one small town is on the forefront of an electric vehicle revolution plus, history was made on the baseball field today. >> test test. test test. the european union agreed on legislation today for landmark new rules that will push the world's biggest social media companies to stop the spread of online misinformation. it's called the digital services act, and is expected to be passed into law in europe where companies like google, meta, twitter could face fines if they don' remove hate speech, propaganda, or other material from their sites. there's a new member in baseball's 3,000 hit club today, detroit tiger, miguel cabrera became the 33rd major leaguer and the first venezuelan to reach 3,000 career hits. he drove a single to right field during today's colorado rockies game the crowd of nearly 40,000 went wild the team set off fireworks, and the tigers won the game. and now to our nbc news series, "the climate challenge. tonight, the electric car ride sharing revolution happening in a tiny farming community. it's now become a global transportation model. morgan radford was there. >> reporter: the town of huron, california, was once a transportation desert. now, it's part of an electric vehicle revolution so, david, are these all electric vehicles? >> they are. they're all electric vehicles >> reporter: known as green raiteros, the program now uses a fleet of electric vehicles funded by private donations to give free or low-cost rides to residents like gregory hernandez lopez. and this man both former farm workers who now ride several times a week to the nearest dialysis center 25 miles away [ speaking foreign language ] >> everybody is working, so you don't have a chance to take off to take your family members or friends to places, help them get there. >> reporter: this man started the program as a non-profit in 2018 >> we've been doing this for a very long time, long before uber and lyft we just didn't have the resources. >> reporter: it's a new ecofriendly take on an age-old tradition for a community of mostly farm workers in a city that's nearly 95% latino >> what is a raitero? >> it's spanish for ride give me a ride give me a ride >> reporter: so, when you describe the old way of doing things, it sounds like someone would go to a restaurant where they knew a driver, a raitero, was taking out, and they would say, hey, i need you to take me to work or home at this time is that how it works >> maybe with a child in hand, i've got a doctor's appointment this day can you take me? and he'll take a sip and say, yes >> now how does it work >> they can come to the office or they can give us a call >> reporter: now huron is the largest charging in the country in an area ranked fourth for ozone pollution. and it's a strategy that has even gotten the attention of the biden administration >> the department's been in touch with the city, very impressed with the work that they're doing. >> when you look at a model like this, do you think it's a type of system that could be replicated in other cities across the country? >> it's exactly ideas like this, community-driven approaches like this, that we're trying to do more to support with those federal dollars. >> reporter: a greener future rooted in traditions of the past morgan radford, nbc news, huron, california when we come back, neighbors to the rescue the nearest possible surprise one community pulled off to help a family in need there's good news tonight about the power of community and the neighborhood that came together to do the impossible and deliver an amazing surprise for the family next door when they needed it most. >> reporter: this was the welcome home max and his family had been waiting for the celebration earlier this month in utah marking a milestone for the 18-year-old. that's because he'd been hospitalized since february after becoming paralyzed in a skiing accident. >> so, max, what was your first thought after the injury >> first thing was that i couldn't feel my legs. >> amber, tell me about when and how you found out. >> the minute i hear that my son's back is broken, it's been severed, my life instantly changed right there as well. and i fell to my knees and -- and cried >> reporter: for max, an athlete who likes to golf, ski, juggle, and climb, getting stronger was now his new mission. but the family also faced another challenge. how would max navigate their split level home in his wheelchair? >> you were looking at the possibility of having to move >> yeah, yeah. and we really did not want to do that at all. >> beloved friends missy and paul anderson had an idea >> we went over with our tape measure and measured all kinds of things, and we realized probably the best option would be to do an addition onto the home >> reporter: paul, a civil engineer, drew up sketches for a wheelchair accessible wing, while missy raised funds and rallied the help of their tight-knit community. >> i wrangled the contractors. everybody helped, just stepped up and did the job. it was amazing >> reporter: but it was a race against time were you surprised by just the overwhelming support that this process had? >> oh, yeah, for sure. people were extremely busy the housing market is going crazy. supply chain for products is low. >> reporter: what could have taken up to nine months was finished in less than four weeks it's an important step towards healing that this deeply faithful family calls a miracle for max. >> i was truly grateful when i first saw it, and i was just so happy that we didn't have to move. >> amber, how can one, as a parent, thank people enough, you know >> i thank the lord every day. i know that everyone is placed in our life for a reason and i can't imagine going through any of this without the village that i have. >> and max has decided his future plans will now include new ways to help other wheelchair users navigate their world that's "nbc nightly news" for this saturday kate snow will be here tomorrow night i'm jose diaz-balart thank you for privilege of your time good night but what are we actually doing about it? >> right now at 6:00, the aerlgt day celebrations continue. we take you to san francisco's popular earth day festival back after pandemic hiatus. then, storms have passed but they brought quite a bit of snow. take a closer look at what weather it is going to make much of a dent in our drought. also, masks might make a comeback on bart. yeah. what the agency might do to make them a requirement to ride again. >> and two high profile officials' possible visit to ukraine. the news at 6:00 starts right now. i am terry mcsweeney. audrey has the night off. the days of going maskless on bart could be numbered. earlier this week, bart leaders hen hinted they would explore reinstating a mask mandate. today, they announced the board is expect set to take that issue on thursday, for getting the masks back through bart's code of conduct. right now, they are not required after a judge struck down federal rules requiring masks on public transportation. live look along i-80 in truckee. plenty of snow along

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