Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240709

this is nbc "nightly news" with lester holt. good evening a snapshot of a restless nation and a president appearing to struggle to satisfy on several key fronts from the economy to covid to his ability to unite the country to some of the takeaways from a brand-new nbc news national poll on the one-year anniversary of president joe biden's inauguration the president ending his first year in office with a 43% approval rating. the only new president with a worst first year number, biden predecessor donald trump. but tonight, the white house is consumed with repairing immediate damage from remarks the president made at yesterday's marathon news conference about a possible minor russian incursion into ukraine. in a moment i ask white house chief of staff ron klain about it but first, here's peter alexander. >> reporter: one year after taking office, according to our new nbc news poll, america's report card for president biden is grim his overall approval rating just 43%. more than half of americans disapprove 53% are unhappy with his handling of the pandemic and on the economy, 6 in 10 disapprove of his performance. it follows the president touting his achievements on wednesday. >> can you think of any other president that's done as much in one year >> reporter: but after that news conference, the white house on defense. today president biden tried to clarify his comments on what punishment russia would face if it invaded ukraine. >> if any, any assembled russian units move across the ukrainian border, that is an invasion if putin makes this choice, russia will pay a heavy price. >> reporter: but on wednesday the president triggered alarm bells in europe suggesting the u.s. and nato response would be determined by the size of a russian invasion. >> it depends on what it does. it is one thing if it is a minor incursion. >> reporter: that earned a rare rebuke from ukraine's president, tweeting there are no minor incursions, just as there are no minor casualties president biden also seemed to question the integrity of america's midterm elections this fall if democrats voting rights legislation fails. >> i'm not saying it is going to be legit the increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion of not being able to get these -- these reforms passed. >> reporter: but the white house today insists the president did not intend to cast doubt on the election. if there are no changes in terms of voting rights legislation going forward, the president does still feel confident that the elections this fall will be legitimate? >> yes >> peter joining us live now peter, the president said he will scale back his social spending and climate plan in order to get it passed. now one of the democratic hold-outs is speaking out. >> reporter: yeah, lester that's right tonight joe manchin dashed hopes of a quick revival of president biden's hopes saying that he does not have any meetings scheduled with the white house and the democrats will be starting from scratch. lester >> peter, thank you. a short time ago i spoke to white house chief of staff ron klain. i think it is fair to say the white house has pretty aggressively walked back or clarified, whatever you want to call it, the president's comments about ukraine and russia and whether the president was signaling a minor incursion might be viewed through a different lens whether the president meant to say that at the time or whether he was being inarticulate, can you afford any gaffes given the stakes right now in all of this >> well, i think the president was quite clear and reiterated his point of view this morning very clearly president putin should have no doubt any move by the russian assembled military across the border of ukraine is an invasion it will be met with a very severe economic response from the united states and our allies there is no ambiguity about that the president has told that to president putin directly he reiterated it this morning. if president putin makes this move, it will be a horrible mistake. >> even the leader of ukraine and some of our european partners were upset about the president's language do you offer at least that he was being inarticulate when he made the comments he did? >> what i offer is he has made his views very clear to president putin. he's made his views clear to the allies. i think over the course of the press conference, his views were quite clear once again he reiterated that again this morning the president of russia is on notice. >> there was some questions about the president's answers yesterday as to whether the european partners are fully onboard. can you say with certainty that if the russians crossed the border that the u.s. will be able to put in place the sanctions and the other measures that you talked about? >> yes we will move if again russians do make that move we will have the support of our nato allies. >> let me turn your attention to the pandemic now a new nbc poll finds more than half disapprove of the president's handling of the pandemic. do you ask yourself how you managed to be upside down with these numbers given this is an area that the president really had scored well on prior. >> look, i understand the frustration of the american people. we're a year into this past of the year they suffered under president trump with mismanagement and mistake. we're a year into fighting this pandemic, and we're not where we want to be the president said this yesterday what the american people need to know is that we have put into place the right plans, the right policies, the right tools to help get through this pandemic. >> to that point, masks, free masks, free tests, obviously those are welcome. but people do question the timing and the fact of the matter is we knew that there was a chance for different variants why was there not greater planning >> well, there was greater planning, lester that's why - when we got here, there was zero at home tests. none, zero that's why over the course of the year we've gone from zero to 350 million in december now we will have 500 million in january and more in february so i think there is a lot of progress there. >> our thanks to ron klain for speaking to us tonight. also this evening for the first time the committee investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol is requesting testimony from a member of the trump family garrett haake now with that story. >> reporter: tonight the january 6th committee formally requesting testimony from ivanka trump, a senior adviser to the president. heated oval office phone call they say ivanka overheard between her father and the vice president and in, quote, any other conversations you may have witnessed or participated in regarding the president's plan to obstruct or impede the counting of electoral votes. is she uniquely well positioned to talk about president trump's state of mind on that day? >> well, i think there were certainly some interactions that she had with him just her and her father and so that no one else can really tell us about that other than the former president. >> reporter: the committee particularly interested in one interaction. >> we have firsthand testimony that his daughter ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence. >> reporter: a spokesperson for ivanka trump said she publically stated that day at 3:15 p.m., quote, any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. the violence must stop immediately. today the d.a. in full ton county, georgia requested a grand jury be impanelled to investigate whether there was any coordinated attempt to unlawfully alter the election results in the state of georgia lester >> garrett haake, thank you. let's turn to now to our nbc news investigations, and serious new allegations, including fraud and misinformation being made against that pop-up covid testing company we have been reporting on anne thompson now with the latest. >> reporter: the pop-up testing operation center for covid control, a familiar site in 29 states tonight facing a pile-up of legal trouble. colorado now joining illinois and oregon in investigating the business. >> they're misleading people they're endangering people and they're undermining our response to the pandemic. >> reporter: minnesota is suing the center and its lab, doctors' clinical laboratory, accusing them of giving test results with inaccurate and false information. >> the problem is fraud. the problem is misinformation the problem is no information. >> reporter: sheila barry was so suspicious of the philadelphia site she went to, she took pictures so did you administer the test to yourself >> yes. >> reporter: and then once you did the test, did they write your name down on the test tube >> no. >> reporter: in a scathing report, federal inspectors found a laundry list of problems with the illinois-based operation, including tests read too late and tests with no patient names. still the center's lab billed the federal government for more than $122 million. and in november, the center's ceo bought this $1.3 million house. the company which temporarily paused its operations last week says we are working closely with authorities to provide information and shed light on the . . . leng ccc experienced at the height of the omicron surge. challenges that consumers say left them without the results needed to protect themselves anne thompson, nbc news there is trouble tonight at peloton the company has stopped production of its bikes and treadmills for now after a pandemic boom. peloton said it misjudged demand for its exercise equipment. our jake ward has more. >> reporter: tonight peloton's stock plunging to a 52-week low after reports that the company will stop making its bike and treadmill products according to an internal document obtained by cnbc, the company misjudged how many people would buy its products and it's sitting on more inventory than it needs. at the same time, americans are returning to gyms and seeing similar products into the market. >> in a confidential presentation, the company said demand for its equipment has taken a significant drop due to price sensitivity and increasing competition. >> reporter: this following a report citing sec filings that company executives and insiders sold some of nearly half a billion in stock in a pre-scheduled selling program before the share price fell 80% from last year's high. and the company has had to ride out public image problems, including a safety recall of its treadmill. during the pandemic, peloton saw huge demand for its products and subscriptions, announcing it would put $400 million into a new factory in the u.s. tonight peloton did not respond for a request for comment from nbc news. >> okay, peloton let's go >> reporter: meanwhile, owners of expensive equipment that requires a monthly fee and constant connection are left in limbo. in just 60 seconds, our series "finding the missing" in what could be a remarkable break in a cold case. our exclusive look now to our nbc news exclusive hold on. nope. daisy's got lassoing lessons at noon. ok. high two o'clock? i got a spur fittin' at two o'clock, how's about three? i'm getting thrown through a saloon window at three. we don't need any more overscheduling. but we could all use more ways to save. i can squeeze you in between swim class and kevin's harp recital at 3:30. i thought we was eatin' beans at 3:30. right. switch to geico for more ways to save. tell you what. what about tuesday? with less moderate-to-severe eczema, why hide your skin if you can help heal your skin from within? dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema with clearer skin and less itch. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. now to our nbc news exclusive the search for a missing mother our cameras were there when a group of youtube scuba divers made a discovery police missed that could crack a four-year-old cold case antonia hylton with more now from texas. >> reporter: for four years, jonathan and bianca torez agonized over the disappearance of their mother in waco, texas. what are some of your strongest memories of what she was like as a mom? >> she was a hard-working mom basically a mom that anybody would actually want. >> she never failed to make sure we had our essentials. >> reporter: on december 20th, 2017, just days before her 43rd birthday, stephanie torres was in pain, suffering from fibromyalgia and had made suicidal statements after an argument with her son, she drove off intoxicated. what happens next, no one knows for sure. nbc news brought her children back to waco. do you feel like you never got that moment to say good-bye? >> that's what kills me every day. i never got to say good-bye >> reporter: stephanie became one of the 600,000 americans to go missing every year. her disappearance a short-lived news story. >> a waco woman disappears, leaving her family with nothing but questions. >> reporter: by 2019 waco police had suspended their investigation. >> the investigator has overturned every stone that they -- that they could. they chased down every avenue of trying to piece together some kind of evidence we're just not able to find anything. >> i mean, nobody was helpful at all like they just didn't want to help i'm guessing they just closed it because they just didn't want to deal with it anymore. >> reporter: help came ultimately not from law enforcement but from a group of citizen cold case sleuths. youtubers and scuba divers called adventurers with purpose, that travel the country helping desperate families. >> more often than not they say you have done more for us in one day than anybody has done combined for us in the last x number of months, days, years. >> reporter: for jared, it started in 2018 as a hobby, clearing trash from waterways. then they found cars and missing people they solved 16 cold cases and take them on for free an online follower told the group about stephanie torres and they moved in to search the river, the one place he figured large enough for a car to go unnoticed. authorities never investigated just one hour into the dive, word from the water had bianca in tears. >> it's a kia. >> oh, god >> reporter: a kia blue gray with texas plates, just like the one her mother drove >> i don't have words at this point. >> reporter: news of the find brought law enforcement to the scene. they found this car within an hour why didn't police find it years after >> unfortunately, after reviewing the reports, the original detective did not find any information that led him to believe that she was in a body of water or in this location at all. late in the day the car was on land. police confirmed it was indeed stephanie torres' vehicle, and there was more that jared had to tell the family >> so we do have confirmation that there are human remains inside of the vehicle. >> reporter: a dna test will be necessary to id the remains, but the torez family believes that after four years, they have found their beloved stephanie. >> but now at least we know she's at peace at least and she's not suffering. >> reporter: for stephanie's children it's not yet closure, but at least now they have some answers. antonia hylton, nbc news, waco, texas. we'll take a break. up next, they were crucial to president biden's election, report cards from black voters in south carolina biden's election, report cards from black voters in south carolina. aught in early stags it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from matching your job description. overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. 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>> i will never turn my back on joe biden. >> he has to show me a little more, so i don't really want to commit to that at this point. >> reporter: the president needing to re-energize these supporters in a critical election year kristin welker, columbia, south carolina. and up next for us, a reporter's scary on air moment and her remarkable recovery. scary on air moment and her remarkable recovery. e 2 diab? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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Million , 500 Million , Zero , Story , Committee , Testimony , Attack , Thanks , Time , Evening , Member , Tonight The January 6th Committee , Trump Family Garrett Haake , U S Capitol , Quote , Father , Vice President , Oval Office , Phone Call , Conversations , Interactions , Votes , Counting , State Of Mind , Interaction , Else , Law Enforcement , Violence , Security Breach , Disrespect , Spokesperson , Full Ton County , D A , 15 , 3 , Fraud , Election Results , Impanelled , Grand Jury , Attempt , State Of Georgia Lester Garrett Haake , Nbc News Investigations , Thank You , Misinformation , Reporting , Site , Latest , Pop Up Covid Testing Company , Pop Up Testing Operation Center , Covid Control , Anne Thompson , 29 , Trouble , The Business , Minnesota , Pile Up , Center , Colorado , Illinois , Oregon , Information , Problem , Doctors , Lab , Test Results , Laboratory , Sheila Barry , Test , Name , Pictures , Test Tube , Philadelphia , Report , Inspectors , Operation , Patient Names 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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240709 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240709

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this is nbc "nightly news" with lester holt. good evening a snapshot of a restless nation and a president appearing to struggle to satisfy on several key fronts from the economy to covid to his ability to unite the country to some of the takeaways from a brand-new nbc news national poll on the one-year anniversary of president joe biden's inauguration the president ending his first year in office with a 43% approval rating. the only new president with a worst first year number, biden predecessor donald trump. but tonight, the white house is consumed with repairing immediate damage from remarks the president made at yesterday's marathon news conference about a possible minor russian incursion into ukraine. in a moment i ask white house chief of staff ron klain about it but first, here's peter alexander. >> reporter: one year after taking office, according to our new nbc news poll, america's report card for president biden is grim his overall approval rating just 43%. more than half of americans disapprove 53% are unhappy with his handling of the pandemic and on the economy, 6 in 10 disapprove of his performance. it follows the president touting his achievements on wednesday. >> can you think of any other president that's done as much in one year >> reporter: but after that news conference, the white house on defense. today president biden tried to clarify his comments on what punishment russia would face if it invaded ukraine. >> if any, any assembled russian units move across the ukrainian border, that is an invasion if putin makes this choice, russia will pay a heavy price. >> reporter: but on wednesday the president triggered alarm bells in europe suggesting the u.s. and nato response would be determined by the size of a russian invasion. >> it depends on what it does. it is one thing if it is a minor incursion. >> reporter: that earned a rare rebuke from ukraine's president, tweeting there are no minor incursions, just as there are no minor casualties president biden also seemed to question the integrity of america's midterm elections this fall if democrats voting rights legislation fails. >> i'm not saying it is going to be legit the increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion of not being able to get these -- these reforms passed. >> reporter: but the white house today insists the president did not intend to cast doubt on the election. if there are no changes in terms of voting rights legislation going forward, the president does still feel confident that the elections this fall will be legitimate? >> yes >> peter joining us live now peter, the president said he will scale back his social spending and climate plan in order to get it passed. now one of the democratic hold-outs is speaking out. >> reporter: yeah, lester that's right tonight joe manchin dashed hopes of a quick revival of president biden's hopes saying that he does not have any meetings scheduled with the white house and the democrats will be starting from scratch. lester >> peter, thank you. a short time ago i spoke to white house chief of staff ron klain. i think it is fair to say the white house has pretty aggressively walked back or clarified, whatever you want to call it, the president's comments about ukraine and russia and whether the president was signaling a minor incursion might be viewed through a different lens whether the president meant to say that at the time or whether he was being inarticulate, can you afford any gaffes given the stakes right now in all of this >> well, i think the president was quite clear and reiterated his point of view this morning very clearly president putin should have no doubt any move by the russian assembled military across the border of ukraine is an invasion it will be met with a very severe economic response from the united states and our allies there is no ambiguity about that the president has told that to president putin directly he reiterated it this morning. if president putin makes this move, it will be a horrible mistake. >> even the leader of ukraine and some of our european partners were upset about the president's language do you offer at least that he was being inarticulate when he made the comments he did? >> what i offer is he has made his views very clear to president putin. he's made his views clear to the allies. i think over the course of the press conference, his views were quite clear once again he reiterated that again this morning the president of russia is on notice. >> there was some questions about the president's answers yesterday as to whether the european partners are fully onboard. can you say with certainty that if the russians crossed the border that the u.s. will be able to put in place the sanctions and the other measures that you talked about? >> yes we will move if again russians do make that move we will have the support of our nato allies. >> let me turn your attention to the pandemic now a new nbc poll finds more than half disapprove of the president's handling of the pandemic. do you ask yourself how you managed to be upside down with these numbers given this is an area that the president really had scored well on prior. >> look, i understand the frustration of the american people. we're a year into this past of the year they suffered under president trump with mismanagement and mistake. we're a year into fighting this pandemic, and we're not where we want to be the president said this yesterday what the american people need to know is that we have put into place the right plans, the right policies, the right tools to help get through this pandemic. >> to that point, masks, free masks, free tests, obviously those are welcome. but people do question the timing and the fact of the matter is we knew that there was a chance for different variants why was there not greater planning >> well, there was greater planning, lester that's why - when we got here, there was zero at home tests. none, zero that's why over the course of the year we've gone from zero to 350 million in december now we will have 500 million in january and more in february so i think there is a lot of progress there. >> our thanks to ron klain for speaking to us tonight. also this evening for the first time the committee investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol is requesting testimony from a member of the trump family garrett haake now with that story. >> reporter: tonight the january 6th committee formally requesting testimony from ivanka trump, a senior adviser to the president. heated oval office phone call they say ivanka overheard between her father and the vice president and in, quote, any other conversations you may have witnessed or participated in regarding the president's plan to obstruct or impede the counting of electoral votes. is she uniquely well positioned to talk about president trump's state of mind on that day? >> well, i think there were certainly some interactions that she had with him just her and her father and so that no one else can really tell us about that other than the former president. >> reporter: the committee particularly interested in one interaction. >> we have firsthand testimony that his daughter ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence. >> reporter: a spokesperson for ivanka trump said she publically stated that day at 3:15 p.m., quote, any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. the violence must stop immediately. today the d.a. in full ton county, georgia requested a grand jury be impanelled to investigate whether there was any coordinated attempt to unlawfully alter the election results in the state of georgia lester >> garrett haake, thank you. let's turn to now to our nbc news investigations, and serious new allegations, including fraud and misinformation being made against that pop-up covid testing company we have been reporting on anne thompson now with the latest. >> reporter: the pop-up testing operation center for covid control, a familiar site in 29 states tonight facing a pile-up of legal trouble. colorado now joining illinois and oregon in investigating the business. >> they're misleading people they're endangering people and they're undermining our response to the pandemic. >> reporter: minnesota is suing the center and its lab, doctors' clinical laboratory, accusing them of giving test results with inaccurate and false information. >> the problem is fraud. the problem is misinformation the problem is no information. >> reporter: sheila barry was so suspicious of the philadelphia site she went to, she took pictures so did you administer the test to yourself >> yes. >> reporter: and then once you did the test, did they write your name down on the test tube >> no. >> reporter: in a scathing report, federal inspectors found a laundry list of problems with the illinois-based operation, including tests read too late and tests with no patient names. still the center's lab billed the federal government for more than $122 million. and in november, the center's ceo bought this $1.3 million house. the company which temporarily paused its operations last week says we are working closely with authorities to provide information and shed light on the . . . leng ccc experienced at the height of the omicron surge. challenges that consumers say left them without the results needed to protect themselves anne thompson, nbc news there is trouble tonight at peloton the company has stopped production of its bikes and treadmills for now after a pandemic boom. peloton said it misjudged demand for its exercise equipment. our jake ward has more. >> reporter: tonight peloton's stock plunging to a 52-week low after reports that the company will stop making its bike and treadmill products according to an internal document obtained by cnbc, the company misjudged how many people would buy its products and it's sitting on more inventory than it needs. at the same time, americans are returning to gyms and seeing similar products into the market. >> in a confidential presentation, the company said demand for its equipment has taken a significant drop due to price sensitivity and increasing competition. >> reporter: this following a report citing sec filings that company executives and insiders sold some of nearly half a billion in stock in a pre-scheduled selling program before the share price fell 80% from last year's high. and the company has had to ride out public image problems, including a safety recall of its treadmill. during the pandemic, peloton saw huge demand for its products and subscriptions, announcing it would put $400 million into a new factory in the u.s. tonight peloton did not respond for a request for comment from nbc news. >> okay, peloton let's go >> reporter: meanwhile, owners of expensive equipment that requires a monthly fee and constant connection are left in limbo. in just 60 seconds, our series "finding the missing" in what could be a remarkable break in a cold case. our exclusive look now to our nbc news exclusive hold on. nope. daisy's got lassoing lessons at noon. ok. high two o'clock? i got a spur fittin' at two o'clock, how's about three? i'm getting thrown through a saloon window at three. we don't need any more overscheduling. but we could all use more ways to save. i can squeeze you in between swim class and kevin's harp recital at 3:30. i thought we was eatin' beans at 3:30. right. switch to geico for more ways to save. tell you what. what about tuesday? with less moderate-to-severe eczema, why hide your skin if you can help heal your skin from within? dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema with clearer skin and less itch. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. now to our nbc news exclusive the search for a missing mother our cameras were there when a group of youtube scuba divers made a discovery police missed that could crack a four-year-old cold case antonia hylton with more now from texas. >> reporter: for four years, jonathan and bianca torez agonized over the disappearance of their mother in waco, texas. what are some of your strongest memories of what she was like as a mom? >> she was a hard-working mom basically a mom that anybody would actually want. >> she never failed to make sure we had our essentials. >> reporter: on december 20th, 2017, just days before her 43rd birthday, stephanie torres was in pain, suffering from fibromyalgia and had made suicidal statements after an argument with her son, she drove off intoxicated. what happens next, no one knows for sure. nbc news brought her children back to waco. do you feel like you never got that moment to say good-bye? >> that's what kills me every day. i never got to say good-bye >> reporter: stephanie became one of the 600,000 americans to go missing every year. her disappearance a short-lived news story. >> a waco woman disappears, leaving her family with nothing but questions. >> reporter: by 2019 waco police had suspended their investigation. >> the investigator has overturned every stone that they -- that they could. they chased down every avenue of trying to piece together some kind of evidence we're just not able to find anything. >> i mean, nobody was helpful at all like they just didn't want to help i'm guessing they just closed it because they just didn't want to deal with it anymore. >> reporter: help came ultimately not from law enforcement but from a group of citizen cold case sleuths. youtubers and scuba divers called adventurers with purpose, that travel the country helping desperate families. >> more often than not they say you have done more for us in one day than anybody has done combined for us in the last x number of months, days, years. >> reporter: for jared, it started in 2018 as a hobby, clearing trash from waterways. then they found cars and missing people they solved 16 cold cases and take them on for free an online follower told the group about stephanie torres and they moved in to search the river, the one place he figured large enough for a car to go unnoticed. authorities never investigated just one hour into the dive, word from the water had bianca in tears. >> it's a kia. >> oh, god >> reporter: a kia blue gray with texas plates, just like the one her mother drove >> i don't have words at this point. >> reporter: news of the find brought law enforcement to the scene. they found this car within an hour why didn't police find it years after >> unfortunately, after reviewing the reports, the original detective did not find any information that led him to believe that she was in a body of water or in this location at all. late in the day the car was on land. police confirmed it was indeed stephanie torres' vehicle, and there was more that jared had to tell the family >> so we do have confirmation that there are human remains inside of the vehicle. >> reporter: a dna test will be necessary to id the remains, but the torez family believes that after four years, they have found their beloved stephanie. >> but now at least we know she's at peace at least and she's not suffering. >> reporter: for stephanie's children it's not yet closure, but at least now they have some answers. antonia hylton, nbc news, waco, texas. we'll take a break. up next, they were crucial to president biden's election, report cards from black voters in south carolina biden's election, report cards from black voters in south carolina. aught in early stags it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from matching your job description. overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. 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>> i will never turn my back on joe biden. >> he has to show me a little more, so i don't really want to commit to that at this point. >> reporter: the president needing to re-energize these supporters in a critical election year kristin welker, columbia, south carolina. and up next for us, a reporter's scary on air moment and her remarkable recovery. scary on air moment and her remarkable recovery. e 2 diab? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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