Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20200203 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20200203

the virus have been confirmed in 25 countries. here in the united states, 11 confirmed cases. two of those in the south bay, nbc bay area marianne favro is live with new development. >> reporter: terry, the cdc confirmed the new case here this morning, it is an adult female recently traveled to wuhan china and flew to the bay area, landing at sfo. this case is not related to the man diagnosed last week with coronavirus. santa clara public health officer dr. cody gay us details of the newest case. >> the case is adult female, it is not connected to the first case we announced on friday. the patient arrived here on january 23rd to visit her family here. prior to her arrival, she spent time in wuhan. she's been at her family's home since her arrival and did not left the home except to seek medical care. >> reporter: dr. cody says the woman had a mild case and she had not been hospitalized. the health department started an investigation to determine who she may been in contact with after she arrived in the south bay and whether any of those people now have symptoms. dr. cody says the risk to the public is low. this woman stayed in home the entire time except for medical appointments. as for those two cases in s sasan sasan san berdinando, we learn the two people just traveled to wuhan. >> thank you, marianne. download our app to get the latest information to be sent to your phone. live look now. the strong winds across the bay area. they have been doing more than wobbling cameras today. this is downtown valley. the winds knocking down trees on top of this car. got another picture for you. this one at national seashore, the tree is coming down. let's check in with meteorologist rob mayeda to see how long it is going to last. >> clear sky and still windy and maybe not quite as strong as the peak gust s two or three hours ago. notice the trend here. the area in purple and red. these are gusts about 40 miles per hour as of now. starting to diarrhecrease as we towards 11:00 tonight. wind advisory seen around the bay area active now until 4:00 a.m. tomorrow. you saw clear skies around san francisco. that's setting the stage with colder and dryer air setting into low and mid-30s and maybe close to freezing temperatures to seminole valley. we'll talk about the chill in the air the next couple of days and if there is any rain chances, your seven-day forecast coming up in 12 minutes. violence on 580. chp is looking for anyone who may see a freeway shooting this afternoon at harrison street. someone shot at a black sedan several times. the driver of the sedan crashed, that driver was not hurt. anyone with information is urged to contact chp. terrifying moments in concord. police say a group of teenagers were driving last night on concord boulevard when one decided to pass another car on the right shoulder. the driver lost control and hit a power pole. no one was hurt, a teenager was driving with no license. new information of a shooting of a santa clara county sheriff department happening on friday at 10:30 p.m. as that car kept on getting closer and closer, the car's head lights went off and someone opened fire. several shots fired at that department. one of the bullets hit his body camera. that body camera may have saved his life. we learned that deputy has been released from the hospital and recovered. following on a shooting at east bay high school, confrontation outside a basketball game turned violent. christie smith is joining us live. >> reporter: that's right terry, people have been coming by late this afternoon, they are in tears and grieving. they describe a 16 years old who liked to be home and giving with people. now the unimaginable has happened. >> reporter: an emotional gathering outside deer valley high school in antioch. >> flowers and balloons. >> she was a beautiful kid. >> reporter: he said it was his nephew, jonathan parker. >> he never left the house. this is his first time going to a basketball game. he's always at home. >> who ever did this, you took everything from our family. we'll never be the same. my sister will never be the same. this is horrible. >> reporter: they say he liked video games, collecting coins, they describe a giving person. police say a basketball game between deer valley and antioch was letting out friday evening and a fight broke out and shots were fired. >> he's not doing very good. >> reporter: nicole's son was at the game and he's having a hard time coping of what happened. >> because of this tragedy that another family has to deal with. my son will not be attending extra curriculum activities that pertains to deer valley. >> reporter: she would like to see tighter security and mentoring for young people. today the district released a statement of condolences to the family adding in part, we along the rest of ausd denounce this senseless violence and call the community to come together and address this brutality. >> he's 16 years old. coming to a basketball game, it should not happen. >> reporter: now we did reach out to antioch police for an update on the case but have not heard back yet. the district says that brief counselors will be on-site tomorrow. christie smith. nbc bay area news. >> thank you, christie. the fire at a san jose home turned into a crime scene, at a house on tully drive. illegal marijuana ground operation was inside the house. michael bloomberg will be back in california this week. he made the tour to the state with supporters and several leaders. the tour is going to start tomorrow, he's going to make stops at fresno and compton. in iowa, anticipation for tomorrow's democratic caucus is at an all time high. candidates are making their final stops before iowans casting their votes. the results of the first democratic contest for 2020 will come in. what happens in iowa could set the stage on what happens on super tuesday. here in the bay area, a small group of iowa residence are going to get a chance to caucus at stanford university. iowa democrats who could not make their hometown precinct can attend the caucus at stanford. it starts at 5:00 p.m. and open to the public., visit your website and stay up to date on what's happening on the campaign trail and in washington. a terror attack in london coming up, hear from one witness that forced to run for cover. we are days away from state of the union from president trump. >> wind speeds, 17 miles per hour down to 30. we'll talk about chilly temperatures tonight and some freezing temperatures in the valleys. we'll be right back. ice? is this for real? closed captioning upon ssponsor home appliance. ats bargain blisn you're basking in the glow of organic produce at shockingly low prices i guess the choir isn't real? oh no, they're real... they shop here every sunday a terror attack in london. a man stabbed two people in south london before officers could shoot and kill him. one of those victims had life-threatening injuries and a third victim got injuries with glass. >> how many shots did you hear? >> three. >> reporter: what did you do? >> i just ran. ran for my life. >> reporter: how frighten was that? >> it is frightening. >> reporter: investigators had declared an islamic related terror attack. >> reporter: the senate and president trump's team getting ready to resume after the gop decided against calling witnesses. jennifer johnson has the story from washington. >> reporter: with president trump guaranteed an acquittal, a new nbc news wall street journal polls show americans are still divided. the president should be removed from office. 49% says he should not. majority did believe he obstructed congress. the president lashing out on the democrats on a super bowl interview on fox. >> i see the hate. >> reporter: former national advisor bolton admit that president trump did pressure ukraine to investigate on the bidens. >> i think it is wrong. the only question left is who decides what to do with that? >> reporter: president trump currently is trailing biden senator bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and mayor pete buttigieg in an election of more than 270 days away. kristine todd wittman tweeting not calling witnesses showing that republicans lost any moral compass, shamed on you. >> i think it is enormously important that the president was impeached because the country is moving a way from its democratic idea ideals. >> reporter: democrats say the truth will continue to come out. jennifer johnson, nbc news, washington. we are getting some hints of what the state of the union address will look like on tuesday. president trump hoped he would win an acquittal in the senate. he'll have to face the nation before the impeachment trial is over, the president will remain optimistic in economic growth and his vision to move the country forward and making the case to voters outlining what he deserves four more years in the white house. sco scott weiner is planning to turn pg&e into a public utility. this the company did not replace its entire board and vote a huge amount of funds to upgrade. two people are hospitalized tonight after being rescued in a house fire. firefighters say the flames were intense, two people were rescued. they're in critical condition tonight. it is not just the super bowl is being celebrated. the 50th anniversary, the famous chinese restaurant is marking a big milestone today, they're having a major party at l los altos. celebrities go there and u.s. presidents have gone there over the past five decades. >> there is a country where a person can have a dream. your dreams can come true. that's how we started. i will always remember. i thank my father for that inspiration and my family. we are being here for 50 years. many people have made it happen. >> reporter: that works well for the whole family. chef chu's son. he's responsible for the film "crazy rich asians." >> rob mayeda is joining us now as we look at the beautiful sunset. crazy today. >> it was, wind speeds are coming down as we transition away from talking about winds and cold temperatures over the next couple of nights. still seeing wind advisories happening right now around the bay area and also a few showers offshore. we'll take a close look at that. wind speed 17 miles per hour, chilly, 53 degrees, there is the view in san francisco. you can see the clouds there off to the west, the red and gold. 51 right now. winds speed, 39 miles per hour in san francisco. in san jose, partly cloudy skies. 49 degrees. winds at 22 miles per hour in san jose. 40s and 50s around the bay area right now. get ready for a cold start in the morning. mid-30s and coldser than that. speaking of wind speeds. notice how they do come down approaching 11:00 and more so as we head towards tomorrow morning. a breezy day tomorrow. not quite as gusty. some showers here offshore, we'll drop down and give you a closer view. you will notice off to the west sonoma and marin counties, a few showers happening. 8:30, some of those right there just offshore near the coast. we'll watch this. a two to three hours window, somebody coming down there right along sonoma and marin counties. clear skies and showers will start to go away. temperatures cool. cool and breezy tomorrow as opposed to tumble weeds going across the freeway. trending warmer as our seven-day forecast showing at the bottom of the screen. high pressure is making things not only dry but progressively warmer as we head into the week. monday through friday, dry conditions, summer-like pattern with some fog along the coast as temperatures climb in land to mid to upper 60s. the next best chance maybe seeing a few showers. the problem is where that storm is coming from. it is in land and likely dropping south just to the east of the bay area. instead of getting rain, the sierra could get some snow. we could be looking at more gusty winds as we head towards next weekend. the first week of february standards, that's pretty bone dry. we should be seeing inches of rain as opposed to nothing. which really is the seven-day forecast presenting for us right now. cool temperatures, once the winds backup, it is a big story. frost advisory or freeze watch can be issued for tuesday morning. temperatures start to climb up as we go through the week and once again we could find ourselves in position of watching out for wind as we head towards next weekend. >> no real sign of significant rain around the bay area. >> rob, thank you very much. >> it was stolen three years ago, kobe bryant's high school jersey is back home. who had the jersey half a world away and the reason he decided to return it, next. we tried to get the politicians to deal with the problem. but they wouldn't. so we took it to the voters and forced big tobacco to pay its share of healthcare costs. we fought oil companies for new clean air laws and closed a billion dollar corporate tax loophole to fund public schools. by going directly to the people we got results. that's not something you see a lot of from washington these days. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. let's make change happen. progress in the fire fight underway in australia. crews battling the flames in the capitol of canberra. crews just lifted the state of emergency. these things have been burning for months at its worse. it was four times the size of san francisco, hundreds of homes have been destroyed. kobe bryant's high school jersey have been returned after being stolen three years ago. someone retired number 33 jersey that kobe bryant wore in pennsylvania. a collector bought it. it could have been stolen. the collector contacted marion and found out it was stolen. this process was planned for before his death. now, right in time for his death ceremony and honoring him and eight others' deaths. >> today was therapeutic for me in many ways. >> the jersey was named after kobe. it is going to be there for ever. >> could another team be quitting? tom brady? we'll explain that next. who has more super bowls than tom brady. there is a chance he leaves the pr patriots this season. the las vegas raiders are trying to get him. they would love to make a big splash. brady seemed to be talking to raiders' owner. didn't seemed like a big deal at the time but now stay tuned. pat tillman. the race to the row honors pat tillman. he gave up all that fame to join the army. his scholarships providing help for veterans and their spouses. the 2020 olympics are six months away. one of tokyo's newest venues officially opened today. olympic officials held a ribbon cutting today. the teams got a chance, they're playing it and getting an idea how that new court feels. nbc bay area is your official home for your 2020 tokyo olympics. the game runs july 24th to august 9th. we have extensive coverage on our digital platform for you. we'll be back in a moem. moment. a story about ice climbing in india. yes, check out this video, wow. tourist climbing in india's northern himalaya desert. finally tonight will it be an early spring or six more weeks of winter? punxsutawney phil weighed in today, he did not see a shadow this morning. as this theory goes, early spring likely. the tradition originates from the germans. we can expect an early spring. we'll feel more like spring than winter. >> the forecast is kind och trending that way. >> so you are saying punxsutawney phil is a scientist. >> let's take a look at that seven-day forecast. we got wind tonight, wind advisory until 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. here is the story. as the skies clear out, we'll see frosty temperatures, maybe as freeze watch and then if you want to talk about early return of spring-like temperature, second half of the week. more wind possible next weekend. a case of winter, and a little bit of winds. >> so punxsutawney phil was right? >> for the seven days. >> see you tonight at 11:00, i am terry mcsweeney. introducing a single sports destination. where you can find games, news and highlights. all in one place, right on your tv. the new xfinity sports zone. use your voice to search every stat, standing and score. follow the teams you love and get notifications when the game's about to start, so you'll never miss a minute. with the xfinity sports zone... ...everybody wins. now that's simple, easy, awesome. click, call or visit a store for details. doug: we'll follow the footsteps of the first europeans to see san francisco bay 250 years ago and had no idea what they were looking at. we'll see where members of the gaspar de portola expedition nearly perished before receiving generous aid from native ohlone people who guided the expedition up the san mateo coast. we'll learn why portola was disappointed by his accidental discovery and why this first encounter between europeans and native people in the bay area soon led to tragedy for the ohlone and the birth of modern california. ♪

Related Keywords

Compton , California , United States , Stanford , Australia , Tokyo , Japan , Fresno , Washington , Spring Well , Queensland , China , Coast Well , Western Australia , Sonoma , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Canberra , Australian Capital Territory , Jersey , Germany , India , Iowa , San Francisco Bay , Wuhan , Hubei , Americans , Germans , Kobe Bryant , Kristine Todd Wittman , Las Vegas , Punxsutawney Phil , Pat Tillman , Jonathan Parker , Santa Clara , Jennifer Johnson , Michael Bloomberg , Tom Brady , Terry Mcsweeney , Tom Steyer , Christie Smith , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20200203 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20200203

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the virus have been confirmed in 25 countries. here in the united states, 11 confirmed cases. two of those in the south bay, nbc bay area marianne favro is live with new development. >> reporter: terry, the cdc confirmed the new case here this morning, it is an adult female recently traveled to wuhan china and flew to the bay area, landing at sfo. this case is not related to the man diagnosed last week with coronavirus. santa clara public health officer dr. cody gay us details of the newest case. >> the case is adult female, it is not connected to the first case we announced on friday. the patient arrived here on january 23rd to visit her family here. prior to her arrival, she spent time in wuhan. she's been at her family's home since her arrival and did not left the home except to seek medical care. >> reporter: dr. cody says the woman had a mild case and she had not been hospitalized. the health department started an investigation to determine who she may been in contact with after she arrived in the south bay and whether any of those people now have symptoms. dr. cody says the risk to the public is low. this woman stayed in home the entire time except for medical appointments. as for those two cases in s sasan sasan san berdinando, we learn the two people just traveled to wuhan. >> thank you, marianne. download our app to get the latest information to be sent to your phone. live look now. the strong winds across the bay area. they have been doing more than wobbling cameras today. this is downtown valley. the winds knocking down trees on top of this car. got another picture for you. this one at national seashore, the tree is coming down. let's check in with meteorologist rob mayeda to see how long it is going to last. >> clear sky and still windy and maybe not quite as strong as the peak gust s two or three hours ago. notice the trend here. the area in purple and red. these are gusts about 40 miles per hour as of now. starting to diarrhecrease as we towards 11:00 tonight. wind advisory seen around the bay area active now until 4:00 a.m. tomorrow. you saw clear skies around san francisco. that's setting the stage with colder and dryer air setting into low and mid-30s and maybe close to freezing temperatures to seminole valley. we'll talk about the chill in the air the next couple of days and if there is any rain chances, your seven-day forecast coming up in 12 minutes. violence on 580. chp is looking for anyone who may see a freeway shooting this afternoon at harrison street. someone shot at a black sedan several times. the driver of the sedan crashed, that driver was not hurt. anyone with information is urged to contact chp. terrifying moments in concord. police say a group of teenagers were driving last night on concord boulevard when one decided to pass another car on the right shoulder. the driver lost control and hit a power pole. no one was hurt, a teenager was driving with no license. new information of a shooting of a santa clara county sheriff department happening on friday at 10:30 p.m. as that car kept on getting closer and closer, the car's head lights went off and someone opened fire. several shots fired at that department. one of the bullets hit his body camera. that body camera may have saved his life. we learned that deputy has been released from the hospital and recovered. following on a shooting at east bay high school, confrontation outside a basketball game turned violent. christie smith is joining us live. >> reporter: that's right terry, people have been coming by late this afternoon, they are in tears and grieving. they describe a 16 years old who liked to be home and giving with people. now the unimaginable has happened. >> reporter: an emotional gathering outside deer valley high school in antioch. >> flowers and balloons. >> she was a beautiful kid. >> reporter: he said it was his nephew, jonathan parker. >> he never left the house. this is his first time going to a basketball game. he's always at home. >> who ever did this, you took everything from our family. we'll never be the same. my sister will never be the same. this is horrible. >> reporter: they say he liked video games, collecting coins, they describe a giving person. police say a basketball game between deer valley and antioch was letting out friday evening and a fight broke out and shots were fired. >> he's not doing very good. >> reporter: nicole's son was at the game and he's having a hard time coping of what happened. >> because of this tragedy that another family has to deal with. my son will not be attending extra curriculum activities that pertains to deer valley. >> reporter: she would like to see tighter security and mentoring for young people. today the district released a statement of condolences to the family adding in part, we along the rest of ausd denounce this senseless violence and call the community to come together and address this brutality. >> he's 16 years old. coming to a basketball game, it should not happen. >> reporter: now we did reach out to antioch police for an update on the case but have not heard back yet. the district says that brief counselors will be on-site tomorrow. christie smith. nbc bay area news. >> thank you, christie. the fire at a san jose home turned into a crime scene, at a house on tully drive. illegal marijuana ground operation was inside the house. michael bloomberg will be back in california this week. he made the tour to the state with supporters and several leaders. the tour is going to start tomorrow, he's going to make stops at fresno and compton. in iowa, anticipation for tomorrow's democratic caucus is at an all time high. candidates are making their final stops before iowans casting their votes. the results of the first democratic contest for 2020 will come in. what happens in iowa could set the stage on what happens on super tuesday. here in the bay area, a small group of iowa residence are going to get a chance to caucus at stanford university. iowa democrats who could not make their hometown precinct can attend the caucus at stanford. it starts at 5:00 p.m. and open to the public., visit your website and stay up to date on what's happening on the campaign trail and in washington. a terror attack in london coming up, hear from one witness that forced to run for cover. we are days away from state of the union from president trump. >> wind speeds, 17 miles per hour down to 30. we'll talk about chilly temperatures tonight and some freezing temperatures in the valleys. we'll be right back. ice? is this for real? closed captioning upon ssponsor home appliance. ats bargain blisn you're basking in the glow of organic produce at shockingly low prices i guess the choir isn't real? oh no, they're real... they shop here every sunday a terror attack in london. a man stabbed two people in south london before officers could shoot and kill him. one of those victims had life-threatening injuries and a third victim got injuries with glass. >> how many shots did you hear? >> three. >> reporter: what did you do? >> i just ran. ran for my life. >> reporter: how frighten was that? >> it is frightening. >> reporter: investigators had declared an islamic related terror attack. >> reporter: the senate and president trump's team getting ready to resume after the gop decided against calling witnesses. jennifer johnson has the story from washington. >> reporter: with president trump guaranteed an acquittal, a new nbc news wall street journal polls show americans are still divided. the president should be removed from office. 49% says he should not. majority did believe he obstructed congress. the president lashing out on the democrats on a super bowl interview on fox. >> i see the hate. >> reporter: former national advisor bolton admit that president trump did pressure ukraine to investigate on the bidens. >> i think it is wrong. the only question left is who decides what to do with that? >> reporter: president trump currently is trailing biden senator bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and mayor pete buttigieg in an election of more than 270 days away. kristine todd wittman tweeting not calling witnesses showing that republicans lost any moral compass, shamed on you. >> i think it is enormously important that the president was impeached because the country is moving a way from its democratic idea ideals. >> reporter: democrats say the truth will continue to come out. jennifer johnson, nbc news, washington. we are getting some hints of what the state of the union address will look like on tuesday. president trump hoped he would win an acquittal in the senate. he'll have to face the nation before the impeachment trial is over, the president will remain optimistic in economic growth and his vision to move the country forward and making the case to voters outlining what he deserves four more years in the white house. sco scott weiner is planning to turn pg&e into a public utility. this the company did not replace its entire board and vote a huge amount of funds to upgrade. two people are hospitalized tonight after being rescued in a house fire. firefighters say the flames were intense, two people were rescued. they're in critical condition tonight. it is not just the super bowl is being celebrated. the 50th anniversary, the famous chinese restaurant is marking a big milestone today, they're having a major party at l los altos. celebrities go there and u.s. presidents have gone there over the past five decades. >> there is a country where a person can have a dream. your dreams can come true. that's how we started. i will always remember. i thank my father for that inspiration and my family. we are being here for 50 years. many people have made it happen. >> reporter: that works well for the whole family. chef chu's son. he's responsible for the film "crazy rich asians." >> rob mayeda is joining us now as we look at the beautiful sunset. crazy today. >> it was, wind speeds are coming down as we transition away from talking about winds and cold temperatures over the next couple of nights. still seeing wind advisories happening right now around the bay area and also a few showers offshore. we'll take a close look at that. wind speed 17 miles per hour, chilly, 53 degrees, there is the view in san francisco. you can see the clouds there off to the west, the red and gold. 51 right now. winds speed, 39 miles per hour in san francisco. in san jose, partly cloudy skies. 49 degrees. winds at 22 miles per hour in san jose. 40s and 50s around the bay area right now. get ready for a cold start in the morning. mid-30s and coldser than that. speaking of wind speeds. notice how they do come down approaching 11:00 and more so as we head towards tomorrow morning. a breezy day tomorrow. not quite as gusty. some showers here offshore, we'll drop down and give you a closer view. you will notice off to the west sonoma and marin counties, a few showers happening. 8:30, some of those right there just offshore near the coast. we'll watch this. a two to three hours window, somebody coming down there right along sonoma and marin counties. clear skies and showers will start to go away. temperatures cool. cool and breezy tomorrow as opposed to tumble weeds going across the freeway. trending warmer as our seven-day forecast showing at the bottom of the screen. high pressure is making things not only dry but progressively warmer as we head into the week. monday through friday, dry conditions, summer-like pattern with some fog along the coast as temperatures climb in land to mid to upper 60s. the next best chance maybe seeing a few showers. the problem is where that storm is coming from. it is in land and likely dropping south just to the east of the bay area. instead of getting rain, the sierra could get some snow. we could be looking at more gusty winds as we head towards next weekend. the first week of february standards, that's pretty bone dry. we should be seeing inches of rain as opposed to nothing. which really is the seven-day forecast presenting for us right now. cool temperatures, once the winds backup, it is a big story. frost advisory or freeze watch can be issued for tuesday morning. temperatures start to climb up as we go through the week and once again we could find ourselves in position of watching out for wind as we head towards next weekend. >> no real sign of significant rain around the bay area. >> rob, thank you very much. >> it was stolen three years ago, kobe bryant's high school jersey is back home. who had the jersey half a world away and the reason he decided to return it, next. we tried to get the politicians to deal with the problem. but they wouldn't. so we took it to the voters and forced big tobacco to pay its share of healthcare costs. we fought oil companies for new clean air laws and closed a billion dollar corporate tax loophole to fund public schools. by going directly to the people we got results. that's not something you see a lot of from washington these days. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. let's make change happen. progress in the fire fight underway in australia. crews battling the flames in the capitol of canberra. crews just lifted the state of emergency. these things have been burning for months at its worse. it was four times the size of san francisco, hundreds of homes have been destroyed. kobe bryant's high school jersey have been returned after being stolen three years ago. someone retired number 33 jersey that kobe bryant wore in pennsylvania. a collector bought it. it could have been stolen. the collector contacted marion and found out it was stolen. this process was planned for before his death. now, right in time for his death ceremony and honoring him and eight others' deaths. >> today was therapeutic for me in many ways. >> the jersey was named after kobe. it is going to be there for ever. >> could another team be quitting? tom brady? we'll explain that next. who has more super bowls than tom brady. there is a chance he leaves the pr patriots this season. the las vegas raiders are trying to get him. they would love to make a big splash. brady seemed to be talking to raiders' owner. didn't seemed like a big deal at the time but now stay tuned. pat tillman. the race to the row honors pat tillman. he gave up all that fame to join the army. his scholarships providing help for veterans and their spouses. the 2020 olympics are six months away. one of tokyo's newest venues officially opened today. olympic officials held a ribbon cutting today. the teams got a chance, they're playing it and getting an idea how that new court feels. nbc bay area is your official home for your 2020 tokyo olympics. the game runs july 24th to august 9th. we have extensive coverage on our digital platform for you. we'll be back in a moem. moment. a story about ice climbing in india. yes, check out this video, wow. tourist climbing in india's northern himalaya desert. finally tonight will it be an early spring or six more weeks of winter? punxsutawney phil weighed in today, he did not see a shadow this morning. as this theory goes, early spring likely. the tradition originates from the germans. we can expect an early spring. we'll feel more like spring than winter. >> the forecast is kind och trending that way. >> so you are saying punxsutawney phil is a scientist. >> let's take a look at that seven-day forecast. we got wind tonight, wind advisory until 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. here is the story. as the skies clear out, we'll see frosty temperatures, maybe as freeze watch and then if you want to talk about early return of spring-like temperature, second half of the week. more wind possible next weekend. a case of winter, and a little bit of winds. >> so punxsutawney phil was right? >> for the seven days. >> see you tonight at 11:00, i am terry mcsweeney. introducing a single sports destination. where you can find games, news and highlights. all in one place, right on your tv. the new xfinity sports zone. use your voice to search every stat, standing and score. follow the teams you love and get notifications when the game's about to start, so you'll never miss a minute. with the xfinity sports zone... ...everybody wins. now that's simple, easy, awesome. click, call or visit a store for details. doug: we'll follow the footsteps of the first europeans to see san francisco bay 250 years ago and had no idea what they were looking at. we'll see where members of the gaspar de portola expedition nearly perished before receiving generous aid from native ohlone people who guided the expedition up the san mateo coast. we'll learn why portola was disappointed by his accidental discovery and why this first encounter between europeans and native people in the bay area soon led to tragedy for the ohlone and the birth of modern california. ♪

Related Keywords

Compton , California , United States , Stanford , Australia , Tokyo , Japan , Fresno , Washington , Spring Well , Queensland , China , Coast Well , Western Australia , Sonoma , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Canberra , Australian Capital Territory , Jersey , Germany , India , Iowa , San Francisco Bay , Wuhan , Hubei , Americans , Germans , Kobe Bryant , Kristine Todd Wittman , Las Vegas , Punxsutawney Phil , Pat Tillman , Jonathan Parker , Santa Clara , Jennifer Johnson , Michael Bloomberg , Tom Brady , Terry Mcsweeney , Tom Steyer , Christie Smith , Bernie Sanders ,

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