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Told us it was a rumble, you could hear it for seconds before you felt it. We have no reports of any injuries or damage at this point. Thats not all, more shaking just hours earlier, a 3. 0 quake hit northern morgan hill about 20 minutes before 7 00. Again, no injuries or damage to report. From earthquakes to a new storm thats a few hours away. The impact tomorrow morning will be vastly different depending on where you are. Lets begin with our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. The storm system is slowly starting to push right here towards the bay area. Were waiting on the cold front to arrive. Currently its sitting about 244 miles offshore. Once the cold front gets here, well see our rainfall chances pick up. Its going to be slow to move in for that morning commute. 3 00 were still tracking showers developing to the north and out here in the pacific. By 5 oclock 30 a. M. , spotty in nature from santa rosa to point reyes. Accumulating rainfall by 9 00 a. M. North bay into San Francisco. Up into these areas, down toward san jose, a dry commute with clouds. Well track the timeline on your thursday forecast plus two other storms on the way and sierra snow expected to stack up in feet. Ill have specific city totals at 11 19 tonight. Speaking of that snow. Still ahead, how badly businesses here in the bay area and there need the storm. And what skiers and snowboarder are doing about it in the bay area. A 4yearold girl is dead and her 2yearold sister and mom still in the hospital after a heartbreaking crash in the east bay. Deputies say they were struck by the driver of a stolen truck. Nbc bay areas ross plater joins us live in antioch. Such a sad story, roz plater. It is indeed. As for the suspect, he is facing a murder charge. A new witness tells us tonight the truck the suspect was driving came barreling down that exit, struck the truck with the mother and two children inside so hard that it sounded like an explosion. The wreckage on the scene for hours as crash investigators pored over the evidence. I thought, oh my god, ive never seen anything like it. Reporter melody was in her truck near the somersville road exit off highway 4 and suddenly she heard sirens. Guy came off the freeway, just slammed right into the guy in the truck. And threw him from this side all the way over to the other side of the road. He hit that guy pretty hard. He had to be going pretty fast. Reporter inside that mangled truck, a family, a mother and her two children. Witnesses say they had to be cut out of their vehicle. Its ridiculous. Theyre hurting innocent people. Reporter a Contra Costa County sheriffs spokesman tells us a deputy spotted a stolen vehicle, the white truck, in pittsburg and began following it. When the suspect sped and up got off the highway, were told thats when the deputy turned on his lights and siren. Moments later is when the crash happened. The suspect was taken by ambulance from the scene in cuffs to the hospital. Prayers to the family. Reporter tonight the suspect is identified as 22yearold noe saucito of pittsburg, booked on one count of murder, two counts of felony evading. Hes in custody, bail set at over 1 million. Very sad for that family, thank you. New at 11 00, freedom for a uc berkeley student. Luis mora was released at least temporarily by immigration officials near the mexican border. Im never going to forget this. It will never go away. I can only hope that one day i can help the people that dont deserve to be treated like criminals. An immigration judge granted his release on bond while his casing pending. Agents detained mora in san diego. Mora is undocumented but was protected under the d. R. E. A. M. Act which was rescinded recently by the trump administration. He says he will spend the rest of the week in san diego with his family and then head back to berkel berkeley. I. C. E. Fires back at oakland. The Deputy Director of immigration Customs Enforcement taking aim at city leaders for refusing to cooperate with agents. The Turf Exchange as word comes of an expected Mass Immigration sweep in northern california. Nbc bay areas ian cole joins us now. Thats expected to happen sometime in the coming weeks . Yeah, thats right. The San Francisco chronicle reports citing a source close to the i. C. E. Operation which says the raids would show immigration policy will be enforced in this sanctuary state, a message that brought a strong response from leader. The level of fear and anxiety in this community is at unconscionable levels. Reporter oakland mayor libby schaaf reiterating the City Councils actions it will not do anything to condone i. C. E. Raids. She believes the current threat is a retaliation on sanctuary cities. We are here to make sure that people feel safe, that mothers feel like they can pick up the phone and call their local police departments, dial 911, safely. Reporter the Deputy Director of i. C. E. Responding in a statement tonight in part, if members of the Oakland City Council are truly concerned about undermining the rule of law and public safety, perhaps they should look in the mirror. And further, because these policies prevent i. C. E. From arresting criminal aliens in the secure confines of a jail, our officers are forced to make arrests in the community where there is increased risk to the public and Law Enforcement officers. He also said this to fox news earlier this month. California better hold on tight. Theyre about to see a lot more special agents, a lot more deportation officers in the state of california. Reporter immigration advocates reaching out to undocumented people, making sure they know their rights. That they have a right to an attorney, that they should speak to an attorney before signing any documentation. And that they prepare their families for the worst case scenario. Reporter advocates providing numbers to call or text if you are contacted by i. C. E. Those along with the full i. C. E. Statement is on her website nbcbayarea. Com. New details about disturbing allegations at stanford. Several students say they were drugged at a fraternity party. Weve learned the suspect has been banned from Stanford University and is not allowed to contact anyone from that party. The alleged incident happened at the Sigma Ki Fraternity house. As many as seven students reportedly drugged by a person whos not a stanford student but who was at that party. Ready to hit the ice, a top u. S. Figure skater is getting her competition costumes back after they were stole anyone San Francisco. Marisa ka stella came to compete in the figure skating championships. During a trip to the city someone broke into her rental car, taking her skates and two custom dresses. Police were able to recover her gear. The thieves still on the loose. Theres been backlash to those tech buses between San Francisco and the silicon valley. Heres something new. Several buses have been attacked right on 280 with their windows shattered. On board, apple and google employees. Nbc bay areas Terry Mcsweeney is in San Francisco for us with the details. Reporter just a short time ago i talked to a tech worker in San Francisco, he says this whole thing is freaky, adding to that tonight the person whos responsible for it is still out there. Tonight apple employees returning to San Francisco on company chartered buses, one man talking about the attacks, his identity protected. I dont like it, its unfortunate. Youre going to get on an apple bus tomorrow . Yeah. Yeah, keep on doing it. Reporter this is the damage done. Window after window shattered. All of the attacks happened yesterday on i280, both north and southbound, both morning and evening communities. Could have been a rock. Could have been maybe a bb or pellet gun. Again, since its not something that actually went into the bus, we know it wasnt a highpowered rifle or anything like that. Reporter all told, damage to four buses carrying apple employees, one carrying google workers. No injuries reported. The company chartered buses dont identify which company theyre working for but its not that hard to tell. Some buses are being rerouted away from 280. Stitt toward the aisle. Reporter tech worker betty lee commutes on a tech company bus. Do you think it will ob your mind tomorrow going down the freeway . Yeah, maybe. Unless it happens to me, i feel like i wont worry about it too much. Reporter no suspect, no motive. Although some people are upset with tech workers and their high wages for driving up the cost of housing in the bay area. We reached out to google and apple but they didnt get back to us. The breeding grounds for some of those hightech minds got a high profile visit today. Rex tillerson at stanford. The secretary of state spoke at the universitys hoover institute, mostly about foreign policy. Former secretary of state condoleezza rice, stanford alumni, asked about president trumps use of twitter. So the challenge is just getting caught up, because i dont even have a twitter account that i can follow what hes tweeting. So my staff usually has to print his tweets out and hand them to me. Tillerson says he will go to the grave, probably, without joining social media. Rain returns tomorrow morning. Were tracking not only that storm but a total of three storms the next seven days. Plus how much sierra snow. Also, living on the edge. Literally. The landslide thats left this multimillion dollar home on shaky ground. They say timing is everything. That may be true when it comes to weight loss. The new diet thats about watching the clock and not just what you eat. Disturbing investigation. A Southern California couple, accused of torturing more fallout tonight from a disturbing investigation. The Southern California couple accused of torturing 13 children in their home. David turpin and wife louise not only held their kids captive but used the home as a private school, naming it the sand castle day school. The school had an enrollment of six students last year. No indication there were any outside students enrolled so only the turpin kids. A state assemblyman who represents the city where the family lives says hell introduce legislation to add inspections for private home schools because he says theres currently no state oversight. Alameda county sheriffs depky on the wrong side of the law, Deputy Joseph bailey arrested accused of starting a fight among the inmates inside the santa rita jail in dublin last october. The Sheriffs Office says a group of inmates ganged up on another inmate after bailey either allegedly set up the assault or allowed it to happen. Todo list, getting longer. Weve learned the tilting and sinking Millennium Tower has 30 days to fix it step and illegal handicapped access ramps or the city could place a lien against the building. In late 2016, city officials identified ramps now so steeply slopes they violate handicap access regulations. Given that the tower has sunk some 17 inches the problem has yet to be picked. At a hearing building officials warn if the ramp issue is not resolved in 30 days, city officials will be forced to issue an abatement order that could hinder anyone getting loans. Our investigation is prompting some serious action. Weve been exposing safety issues at the oroville dam. The city of oroville is suing the state and citing our reporting. Our Investigative Unit uncovered multiple issues that raised questions about the safety of the dam according to experts. This was after the collapse of the dams spillway last february which state officials admitted they were not expecting. Today prominent bay area attorneys announced the lawsuit. It was welcome news for many who live in oroville who say they want to have a voice. I live less than an eighth of a mile away from the bottom of the dam. I am extremely worried. The lawsuit which cites our investigation several claims warnings of safety issues went ignored by the state department of Water Resources and that oroville citizens remain at risk. A little more than a week since those deadly mudslides hit Santa Barbara county, more stories of people coming together to help save lives. With major interstates still blocked by mud, volunteer pilots provide a lifeline to Cancer Patients like eliana, who needs regular checkups at Childrens Hospital in los angeles. The Nonprofit Group thomasfirehelp. Org stepped in after a few phone calls. Eliana and her mom were taken to the hospital via helicopter. One Community Supporting the other. Thats what happens today. Oh my gosh, angels. From literally the skies. Now with all those roads blocked the trip and the detours would have taken the family more than five hours just one way. Further south in malibu, a small landslide causing big problems for owners of a hillside home. Its in jeopardy, check it out. You can see the retaining wall has given way back into the backyard due to a drop in the foundation. That nice home now red tagged. The roads to lake tahoe are clear. Take a look, thats about too change. This is i80 in king veil. Soon 80 will be covered in snow and cars filled with skiers and snowboarders will be heading to the resorts. Sergio quintana joins us from the Sports Basement store in cambo, business Weather Center to boom . I talked with a few people who are going to be getting ready for that snow here at Sports Basement. They came here tonight so they can pick up some items that they can take with them on some weekend ski trips. At Sports Basement, the january snow is turning out to be a chance to cash in on some super says on ski equipment. Employees told me theyve had a steady stream of customers getting in. Chang was up in tahoe last weekend. We skied for two days. The snow is not that good last week. But the forecast said it will be better for this coming week. Reporter at Boreal Mountain resort this weekend, the runs were not very busy. Theres a lot of room for crashing and not hitting anybody. Reporter but the series of storms could dump not just inches of snow but a few feet. That means a return to the slopes for some skiers. Now with the snow do you expect more people out there this coming weekend . Yeah, i think so. Because a lot of a couple of friends already told me they will come back again. Reporter for other skiers like kwa, this weekend will be the first time to head to the sierra. This weeks forecast is welcome news. I think thats good. Its kind of late. Weve been waiting since november until now. Reporter in campbell, nbc bay area news. Okay, pull out the ski gear, then. Yes. Weve got to go to Sports Basement. Ive got an extra ski jacket you can borrow. You tell us when is a good time on 80 to go. Leave now. You ready . Not right now. Okay, we are looking at two different really good hits of snow coming our way throughout the next sevenday forecast. Well have more on those specific totals coming up. We know all of you skiers are really pumped up about this wet weather moving in. Right now on the satellite radar picture, the storm system is just starting to get going. Thats why you have the luxury of being off tomorrow, youre thinking about heading up there, heading into the car now boept an bad idea. Ba rainfall is off to the north but we think this wet weather will begin to arrive throughout tomorrow morning. Its going to be slow going. By 5 30 a. M. , well see those showers throughout santa rosa, point reyes, San Francisco. Wettest commute would be right here through may rip, napa, sonoma counties, through San Francisco. A split picture, though. The more moderate rainfall for the north bay maybe just a little bit of drizzle and mist down here toward the south bay. Not only the umbrella if youre commuting toward San Francisco, also the jacket as well. Morning temperatures down tomorrow, even colder, you can see the south bay begins with 53. The trivalley at 49 with the best chance of wet weather again in San Francisco and also the north bay. I want to take you back to future cast, well show you how things will play out through thursday. You can see by the afternoon hours we should start to get a little bit of a motion back behind this for some wet weather for the peninsula. By 3 00, by all accounts, widespread rainfall here for the east bay. Also down to the south bay. As we head throughout tomorrow night well begin to see most of the system trying to push out of here. But theres still going to be a little bit of instability that may fire off an isolated thunderstorm in the north bay, a little instability for the east bay and south bay. Not only the rain but behind our storm system, a lot of cold air moving in. Youll see in our daytime highs tomorrow, temperatures dropping some 5 to 10 degrees. I think its going to be a noticeable chill in the air, especially in santa rosa, 53. Napa 55. Right throughout the east bay, plenty of mid to upper 50s. San jose 59. San francisco for. Extended forecast, a few changes in it. Through friday, a chance of showers. Just a slight chance right now of some thunderstorms. Dry on saturday. And our next storm system arrives sunday night, 6 00 to 11 00 p. M. In the north bay first. That will linger into monday. 25 to. 75 inches of rainfall isser on best estimate. Dry tuesday. More wet weather into wednesday. For the inland valleys, down to a cold 50 for our high on friday. Notice your morning temperatures this weekend. Down in the 30s. You can see the same rainfall chances here over the next seven days. Heading to the sierra, look at this still looking at at least 1 to 3 feet depending on where youre going. Maybe snow levels down to 1,800 feet. That is from thursday right through monday. Its going to be a lot of sick calls in the bay area the next couple of days. When we come back, its not what you eat but maybe when you eat it. The new diet that claims to melt the pounds away. And we have gym pe. Jimmy. Hey, Savannah Guthrie and hoda kotb are my guests tonight. Music from fresh montana. Stay tuned. Get your forks and knives ready, San Francisco Restaurant Week is next week. The celebration includes at least 130 restaurants offering special price fixee menus to showcase their food. The list of restaurants at nbcbayarea. Com. Slow start to the rainy season a while you re sleeping, the next storm system starts moving in. Overnight kari tracks the timing of the rain all day long. Plus changing your Social Security number. When you really need to. Join us from 4 30 to 7. World. Isn t so little anymor. Apple ceo tim cook joined nevada s governor, and the Biggest Little city in the world isnt so little. Apple ceo tim cook joining nevadas governor and renos mayor to officially breakdown on apples new warehouse located in downtown reap know, used to ship equipment to apples new data center, also in reno. Apple says it will build another campus, this one focused on customer support. This is in addition to its brandnew spaceship campus in cupertino. Apple says president trumps tax overhaul is a game changer, incentive to bring billions of dollars overseas back to the united states. That will help finance the creation of 20,000 new jobs over the next five years. The location of this new campus has not yet been announced but apple reportedly said it wont be in texas or california. The president tweeted his approval of apples big news today calling it a huge win for american workers. A new strategy in the battle to lose weight. Instead of focusing on what you eat, focus on the time you eat. According to a study at the university of alabama in birmingham, researchers are testing whats called a timerestricted feeding. It limits all of your eating to just eight hours, and it starts the meals early. Let the early timerestricted feeding help improve fat burning. Meals take three to five hours to digest, shifting your food to earlier the food is metabolized by bedtime, leaving stored fat to burn instead, dont eat after 4 00 in the afternoon. What if you anchor the nightly news . Then youre in trouble. Legend has it, the first voyagers arrived on canoes, sailing the seas day and night. They knew where they were going, by watching the clouds move in the sky or the way their boats rocked. Thats how the waves and stars would speak to them. Guide them. Sometimes, you can find your way in the world, by getting lost in it. Let your legend begin at aulani, a oneofakind Disney Resort in hawaii helping hand from two warriors superstars. Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick getting a helping hand from two warriors superstars. Kevin durant and steph curry are each contributing 10,000 toward kaepernicks milliondollar pledge in which he donates to various charities for social change. As for the warriors in chicago, a scary moment in the evening minute, rookie jordan bell hurts himself right here. He gets dunked on and sprains his ankle. He was taken off the floor in a wheelchair. It was painful to watch. He thinks he will be okay longterm. Steph curry had another great game, poured in 30 points. Klay thompson had 38. The splash brothers going off. The warriors win 119112, 14 straight wins on the road which ties a franchise record. Countdown is on to the winter games and the return of a familiar and beloved face for nbc. Katie couric will cohost the Opening Ceremony in pyeongchang, working with nbcs mike tirico. She loves covering the olympics and showcasing the hard work and dedication of athletes from around the world. So its nice to have katie back. It is nice to have her back. And her smile. Woman so, greg, its a lot to take in. Woman 2 and i know thats hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. Hi, blake my dad has cancer. Woman and i know how hard that is to hear. But youre in the right place. Man and dr. Pascal and her team, they know what to do. They know what to do. The doctors know what to do. So heres the plan. First off, were going to give you all. voice fading away first off, were going to give you all. Cold weather. Record cold. 7 degrees in memphis, 15 in austin. Finally, much of the south is crippled by cold weather. 7 degrees in memphis. 15 degrees in austin, texas. But thats nothing. In russias remote siberiaen region the temperature hit minus 88. Minus 88 degrees. Look closely, those are frozen eyelashes. Is that a thing . Ugh, you need goggles. This weeks weather not even dominating the local news in siberia. Jeff, youd need to add perspective. They normally get down to minus 50. So minus 80, thats cold for them. [ cheers and applause ] steve from studio 6b in Rockefeller Center in the heart of new york city, its the tonight show starring jimmy fallon. Tonight, join jimmy and his guests Savannah Guthrie and hoda kotb. Edgar ramirez

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