Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702

severe weather threat in the coming hours, from the south all the way up into new york. and the horrific images. the tornadoes slamming communities. among them, the ef-3 tornado touching down in greenfield, iowa. homes wiped away. tonight, 45 million americans on alert again, right now across multiple states. and we'll take you through it. tonight, the other breaking story. the horrific and deadly workplace shooting outside philadelphia. police now say an employee waiting this morning for coworkers to arrive for work. and opening fire. this evening, the supreme court justice under the microsoap now, just days after images emerged showing an upside down american flag flying outside the home of justice samuel alito for several days after january 6th. tonight, news on a second flag, this time at his beach house. tonight, the new images inside that passenger jet rocked by deadly turbulence. the damage inside the cabin. blood everywhere. and the american family of four, a mother with a broken back, the father with a broken neck. the israel-hamas war tonight, and the chilling video this evening showing the moment that female israeli soldiers were taken hostage by hamas during the october 7th attack. why their families want the world to see this. the developing headline late today in the race for president. with some republicans still voting for nikki haley in late primaries, tonight, who nikki haley now says she'll vote for. tonight, the cdc confirming a second human case of bird flu here in the u.s. where it is, and what they're saying about it. tonight, the judge and what he's ruled when it comes to graceland. the beautiful sight here in new york. the parade of ships, fleet week sailing into new york harbor. patrick mahomes breaking his silence tonight about the chiefs kicker. and america strong tonight. the grandson, and what he drove up in, all for his grandfather. good evening and it's great to have us with us here on a very busy wednesday night. tonight, 45 million americans on alert for severe storms right now, from texas all the way up to new york. at least 20 reported tornadoes across multiple states already. and tonight, the horrific scene in greenfield, iowa. multiple people dead from a tornado there, and authorities say initial assessments tonight show it was an ef-3 or higher. winds at least 135 miles an hour. leaving a staggering trail of destruction. you see it right there. video from a traffic cam in central iowa showing a semiovertaken by the storm, then blown right over. the powerful winds knocking down giant wind turbines in prescott, iowa. some of them on fire. and not far from all of this, the terrifying images from carbon, iowa, this massive tornado crossing the road right there, swirling with debris. pieces of homes twisting in the air. millions on alert for another night of dangerous weather ahead. texas to upstate new york. and then tomorrow, the threat for the heartland and strong storms possible for washington, d.c., new york city, and boston, as well. we do have the latest forecast for you, just as millions now prepare for the memorial day weekend. and abc's victor oquendo leading us off from the scene of that deadly tornado in iowa. >> reporter: tonight, search and rescue operations still under way. multiple fatality. at least a dozen hurt. after an ef-3 tornado tore the heart out of the tiny township of greenfield, iowa. the tornado packing winds over 135 miles an hour. >> our hospital destroyed, our nursing home is right over there, that's destroyed. >> reporter: this is the main intersection in greenfield. now this entire block leveled, homes and businesses wiped away. the cleanup is underway. we've got some power crews here, bucket trucks trying to restore power. all of this happening in just one block. homes and vehicles marked with spray paint to show they've been searched. debris everywhere. car after car tossed in the wreckage. and huge metal silos nearly pancaked. the storms didn't just flatten homes. in prescott, iowa, massive wind turbines lay mangled in the durt, bent in half. some on fire. back in greenfield, families still in shock. this is what's left of joan newell's home of more than 50 years. she was pulled from her basement by first responders. she says at least four of her neighbors did not survive. >> their house was -- had no basement. >> reporter: so, they didn't have a safe place? >> no, no. no. we all know each other around here. >> reporter: were you close with them? >> oh, yeah. the one couple. well, the guy over here, too. we were, yeah. knew them all. >> reporter: as search and rescue efforts continue elsewhere, just look. this is all that's left of this block in greenfield. now that painful cleanup process is under way. the governor has declared a state of emergency. fema will be on the ground tomorrow, and the white house says they are ready to support the community as needed. david? >> david: we're thinking about all those families tonight. victor, thank you. let's get to lee goldberg, tracking these storms into the night, and the threat again tomorrow. hi, lee. >> reporter: david, it's been a relentless across the heartland, but now the aim is focused on texas tonight. there's a new tornado warning southwest of waco. we've already had two tornado reports west of san angelo. there's also a watch that goes into arkansas and into tennessee. we've had some strong storms to severe storms across central new york state, right along the i-81 corridor. syracuse had a record 92 today. tomorrow, sioux falls, down to dallas, east to memphis, but the intense zone, tornadoes, that could be nebraska and over to kansas. now, the storms we're watching today to the west with a cold front approach the east coast. could be dicey in the morning hours, and the threat gifts down to the mid-atlantic. david? >> david: tracking it tonight and into tomorrow. lee goldberg, thank you. we turn now to the horrific and deadly workplace shooting outside philadelphia. tonight, authorities now say an employee was waiting for coworkers to arrive early this morning, then opening fire. killing at least two workers and wounding several others. stephanie ramos on the scene. >> reporter: tonight, police say an employee at this industrial linen company just outside of philly took his anger out on five of his co-workers, killing at least two. >> all units responding. it's an active shooting. >> reporter: around 8:30 this morning, just as everyone was showing up for work, the gunman, armed with a handgun, went in and opened fire. >> we have two individuals who unfortunately have lost their life, just by showing up at work today. >> reporter: at least two people killed and three others seriously injured. one of the victims, believed to be a supervisor. those frightened employees describe the chaotic scene. >> next thing you know, i turned around, he pulled a gun out his pocket and point blank range, just like that. >> reporter: the suspect fleeing, driving home just miles away where he was pulled over and captured by authorities in front of his neighbors. as investigators work to find a motive, one employee who took with our abc station, several complaints have been filed against the suspect, what they say has made threats in the past. david? >> david: stephanie ramos in chester, pennsylvania, for us. steph, thank you. there is a developing headline tonight involving supreme court justice samuel alito. just days after images emerged showing an upside down american flag flying outside his home for several days after january 6th, tonight, the new report on a second flag, this time at his beach house. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas now. >> reporter: just days after the nation saw an image of an upside down flag outside the home of supreme court justice samuel alito in the days after january 6th, a symbol of the stop the steal movement, a new photo tonight raising yet more questions. "the new york times" publishing images of a pine tree flag outside alito's new jersey beach home last summer, with the words "appeal to heaven." like the upside down flag, the pine tree flag was carried by some pro-trump supporters on january 6th as the capitol was attacked. tonight, it's unclear who allegedly placed the flag, and what kind of statement was being made. the flag, which dates back to the revolutionary war, has also been associated with christian nationalism. supreme court justices are supposed to avoid the appearance of political bias. and democrats argue alito has a conflict of interest, and should recuse himself from two january 6th cases now before the high court, including one which will resolve whether president trump has immunity from prosecution. david, we reached out to the court and justice alito for comment on the photos. so far, no response. >> david: pierre thomas at the court tonight. thank you, pierre. we have new and troubling images tonight from inside that passenger jet, rocked by deadly turbulence. the damage throughout the cabin. oxygen masks dangling from the ceiling. passengers say there was blood everywhere. tonight, the american family of four from new york, the mother now with a broken back, the father with a broken neck. gio benitez on this again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, new video shows the havoc wreaked by that deadly turbulence, turning this london-to-singapore flight into a nightmare in just seconds. the aircraft's floor littered with debris. overhead bin panels broken. and the ceiling splattered with blood. >> heads had literally pushed through and broken those plastic panels. >> reporter: the ntsb now joining the investigation, as we learn about those four americans onboard, drew and vicki kessler of north rockland, new york, and their two young sons. drew kessler writing in a facebook post, "the boys have no issues. vicki got the worst of it and has a broken back. i have a broken neck." the sudden turbulence on tuesday forcing that plane to drop 100 feet and then climb 300 feet. dzafran azmir says there was very little time to react. >> the entire thing happened within the span of less than ten seconds. >> reporter: the plane forced to land at bangkok's airport, with dozens injured. a british passenger, geoff kitchen, killed, traveling with his wife. at least 20 patients now in the icu, nine passengers requiring surgery. and david, there is strong evidence that severe clear air turbulence is increasing because of climate change. in fact, we know that it's up 55% in the north atlantic since 1979. david? >> david: gio benitez, thank you again tonight. now to the breaking news in the race for president, with some republicans still voting for nikki haley in late primaries. tonight, nikki haley and who she now says she'll vote for in november. here's rachel scott. >> reporter: she once called donald trump a disaster. >> many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace trump privately dread him. they know what a disaster he's been and will continue to be for our party. >> reporter: declaring herself, quote, not afraid to say the hard truths. >> i feel no need to kiss the ring. i have no fear of trump's retribution. my own political future is of zero concern. >> reporter: but today, trump's former rival nikki haley announcing she will vote for him. >> trump has not been perfect on these policies. i've made that clear many, many times. but biden has been a catastrophe, so i will be voting for trump. >> reporter: david, even after dropping out of the race, nikki haley keeps earning significant support in key republican primaries, including in several battleground states like pennsylvania, where just last month, she got 16% of the vote. but donald trump has made it clear, she is not under consideration to be his possible running mate. david? >> david: 16% of the vote in pennsylvania, even though she was out of the race. that's really interesting. rachel scott tonight. rachel, thank you. now, to the israel hamas war, and the chilling video tonight showing the moment female israeli soldiers were taken hostage by hamas during the october 7th attack. the video shot by hamas, and abc's britt clennett on the images tonight that the families of those soldiers now want the world to see. and a warning, this is difficult. >> reporter: tonight, u.s. >> reporter: tonight, horrifying video of female israeli soldiers, their faces bruised and bloodied, hands tied, lined up against a wall, after being kidnapped by hamas gunmen on october 7th. 19-year-old naama levy, her face covered in blood, pleading with her captor saying she has palestinian friends. >> i have friends in palestine. >> reporter: a gunman screaming at liri albag, 18, who asks for someone who speaks english. >> reporter: the videos were shot by hamas but edited by the idf before release to remove what they say were the most graphic and disturbing moments. here, a terrorist yelling at the women, saying, "our brothers died because of you. we will shoot you all." at one point, a gunman gesturing saying, "here are the girls, women who can get pregnant. these are the zionists." another militant tells karina ariev, just 19 years old, "you are so beautiful." the captives were all deployed as idf observers watching the northern gaza border on october 7th. the families of the hostages, including the father of agam berger, shlomi, who we spoke with tonight, saying they decided to release the video to pressure the netanyahu government to strike a deal to release the remaining 128 captives. >> this is the girls. it's not a photo. this is life. this is agam, karina, daniela, liri, naama. this is the girls. >> reporter: yeah, david, palestinians applauded while israel blasted the move, recalling their ambassadors from those countries, and the white house saying it does support a two-state solution, but through talks, and not unilateral prenounsmentes. david? >> david: britt clennett, thank you. meantime, back here in the u.s. tonight, the cdc confirming a second human case of bird flu in this country. the first case in texas, the second case in michigan. here's abc's alex perez. >> reporter: tonight, u.s. health officials closely monitoring that human case of the highly contagious bird flu virus. now, the second infection linked to an outbreak in dairy cows. authorities saying a michigan farmworker recovered after having "mild" symptoms. that worker likely contracting the virus from infected livestock. back in march, a texas farm worker was diagnosed with the first human case of bird flu tied to dairy cows. both patients worked with cows, both reporting eye infections, but the cases are not connected. >> the risk to human health still is very low. >> reporter: because of the bird flu threat, the cdc tonight, as a precaution, urging cities and states to keep up flu surveillance this summer. >> there is no human-to-human transmission, which is very important reassurance that this problem is still mostly confined to livestock. >> reporter: and david, federal health officials say farm workers are at an elevated risk for contracting bird flu, and they are providing states with protective equipment if requested. david? >> david: we'll keep watching this. alex perez tonight, thank you. we turn now to uvalde, texas, where the families of 19 victims of the school massacre there have now reached a $2 million settlement with is the city. they have filed a new lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers. two years ago, this friday, more than 375 officers from multiple agencies rushed to that school. authorities say 77 minutes went by before taking the lone shooter down. a doj study found cascading failures in that response. 19 fourth graders and two teachers died. when we come back here tonight, patrick mahomes breaking his silence about the chiefs kicker and what he said to women graduates. and tonight, the future of graceland, the famous home of elvis. what a judge decided today. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. finally tonight here, the grandson who always knew his grandfather loved that truck out in the yard. tonight, in lebanon, missouri, north of springfield, an incredible surprise for a grandfath grandfather. he did not see this coming. as a young man, richard bought a 1954 international harvester, along with his mother. they cherished the truck together, driving it for decades. eventually, it broke down, but richard, now a grandfather, would still keep it in his yard. his grandson, blake, there as a boy, would play in that broken down truck. tonight, more than 40 years after his grandfather was able to drive that truck, his grandson with an idea. secretly taking the truck to a local auto body shop, c&j's classic and muscle cars. slowly, carefully repairing it. >> there was no bull per, there was no signal lights, there was no -- a lot of a leg try call going on. >> reporter: this was the spot where the truck was parked for decades. >> there's a square of brown right here, this is where the truck sat for a long, long, long time. >> david: and when it was time -- blake and his father brian went to pick up the truck. >> there's the brake lights that didn't exist. >> david: father and son driving it back home, a thumb's up. grandpa richard outside, but he didn't know what was turning the corner. >> papa, what is that over there? look. >> what is it? >> that is crazy. >> david: wiping away tears. >> water pump, brand new water pump. >> this truck isn't just a truck. it's an emotional deal with him for sure. >> david: a test drive. grandpa driving his truck after more than 40 years. >> never thought you'd see this run again, did you? >> never. >> let alone drive down the road. >> i didn't think i'd ever live to see this. >> david: tonight, his grandson telling us, it was a fantastic feeling to watch his watch his old friend, that truck, drive down the road again, after all those years. i hope others can receive a message of the importance of family, and the things left by them. grandpa richard is going to have to give us a ride sometime. i'm david muir. good night. this is a moment where east oakland is going to change. >> you know, this announcement has been long awaited for us. for far too long decades. >> it is a landmark deal in oakland. >> i'll be running for city council. >> not giving up. ousted opd chief lauren armstrong, now running for office. >> and from bart to bikes to bay area freeways, the commute struggles and the bay area cities where it's actually getting better. you can believe that. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry beil and i'm diane lim. right away. we do want to begin with some breaking news coming out of redwood city. take a look at your screen. that is where a fire is burning near the port and salt marshes. this all started just about half an hour ago. >> a lot of smoke coming off that fire. this is along seaport boulevard, not far from highway 101. that fire sending a huge plume of smoke up into the air. and you can see well, i'm not sure if you could see them through the smoke, but there are fire crews battling the blaze from several sides right now. >> so far from what we know, there is no shelter in place order for nearby residents, though we will of course continue to follow this breaking news and bring you updates throughout this newscast. >> all right, we've heard this before, but it's the end of an era for the oakland coliseum. this time, it involves the city of oakland's involvement in the coliseum site. and only just a few minutes ago, oakland officials formally announced that the city is selling its percentage of the coliseum property for at least $105 million. it's being purchased by the african american sport and entertainment group asg

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World News Tonight , Tornado , Community , Way , People , Risk , Texas , New York , Northeast , Workplace Shooting , Worker Waiting , Open Fire , Police , Homes , Images , Threat , Iowa , Weather , Greenfield , Tornadoes , Communities , South , Americans , Ef 3 , 3 , 45 Million , Employee , Fire , Shooting , Workplace , Work , Co Workers , Horrific , States , Story , Opening , Philadelphia , Flag , Home , Samuel Alito , News , Justice , Evening , Supreme Court Justice , Microsoap , 6 , January 6th , Family , Back , Blood , Turbulence , Neck , Everywhere , Passenger Jet , Damage , Cabin , The American , Beach House , Four , Families , Race , Video , President , Attack , Hostage , World , Soldiers , Israel Hamas War Tonight , Hamas , Israeli , October 7th , 7 , Nikki Haley , Human Case , Bird Flu , Primaries , Cdc , Republicans , Who , Judge , Patrick Mahomes , Sight , Chiefs , Kicker , Silence , Parade , Ships , Fleet Week Sailing , New York Harbor , Graceland , Grandfather , Grandson , 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Clennett , Friends , Gunmen , Captor , Gunman Screaming , Palestine , Naama Levy , 19 , Someone , Videos , Graphic , Release , Terrorist Yelling , Idf , Liri Albag , English , 18 , Women , Girls , Brothers , Point , Saying , Militant , Zionists , Karina Ariev , Captives , Agam Berger , Hostages , You Are So Beautiful , Observers , Northern Gaza Border On October 7th , Shlomi , Deal , Government , Netanyahu , Agam , Liri , Daniela , 128 , Move , Countries , Ambassadors , Talks , Prenounsmentes , Two State Solution , Case , Health Officials , Country , The Cdc Confirming A Second Human Case , Michigan , Alex Perez , Symptoms , Infection , Dairy Cows , Livestock , Worker , Farmworker , Bird Flu Virus , Virus , Outbreak , Cows , Reporting Eye Infections , Human Health , Texas Farm Worker , Human Transmission , Bird Flu Threat , Flu , Human , Cities , Summer , Precaution , Officials , Farm Workers , Problem , Reassurance , Health , Equipment , City , Uvalde , State Police Officers , School Massacre , Settlement , Lawsuit , 2 Million , Million , Shooter , Study , Officers , Graders , School , Agencies , Failures , Teachers , 375 , 77 , Women Graduates , Famous , The Future , Elvis , Heart Attack , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , A1c , Death , Stroke , Power , Cv Risk , Events , Studies , Majority , Isn T , Don T , Adults , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Reuse , Pens , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 14 , 1 , Side Effects , Changes , Help , Stomach Pain , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Stop Ozempic , Provider , 2 , Diarrhea , Nausea , Kidney Problems , Wedding , Type 2 Diabetes , Destination Wedding , Vomiting , Dehydration , Nahhhh , Inner Monologue , Daughter , Backyard , Sister , Napa , Someplace , Cancun , Jamaica , What S Next , Control , Real Life Conversations , Dashboard , 18 Million , Traffic Noises , Companies , Solutions , Opportunity , Enterprise Mobility , Migraine , Team , Mobility Experts , Ways , Go , Qulipta , Constipation , Sleepiness , Medicine , Children , Backlash , Teammate , Commencement Address , Kicker Harrison Butker , Lot , Office , Homemaker , Title , Relief , Tears , Signs , Eyes , Dry Eye Disease , Xiidra , Doctor , Discomfort , Eye Doctor , Prescription , Eye , Vision , Taste Sensation , Eye Irritation , 90 , Adventures , Laser , Splat , Seats , Seat Protector , Gasp , Rear , Slurp , Yours , Weathertech , Scream , Hot Dog Splat , Depression , Antidepressant , Ice Cream , Journey , Vehicle , Progress , Comin , American Made Products , Wins , Without Changing My Antidepressant , Rexulti , Thoughts , Actions , Antidepressants , Dementia Patients , Win , Fever , High Blood Sugar , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Feelings , Confusion , Behavior , Mood , White Blood Cells , Urges , Coma , Cholesterol , Weight Gain , Falls , Trouble , Dizziness , Standing , Seizures , Protein , Boost , Nutrition , Stuff , Auction Block , Chancellor , Foreclosure , Index , Fraud , Estate , Future Hearing , Name , Owner , Documents , Lisa Marie Presley , Shipping Sailing , What Isn T Better , Dupixent , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Asthma Attacks , Types , Add On Treatment , Asthma Medicine , Lung Function , Things , Reactions , Steroids , Chest Pain , Breath , Doesn T , Numbness , Limbs , Shortness , Tingling , Rash , Pain , More , Lungs , Joint Aches , Planning , Safari , Question , Wait , Everything , Honeymoon , Elephants , Swim , Africa , Hot Air Balloon , Look , Scenarios , Wealth Plan , Answer , Wealth Management , Track , Chase Branches , Money , Down Payment , Branch , Horses , Advisors , Tools , J P Morgan , Montana , Pause , Biofreeze , Green , Go , Gift , Dads , Shop Etsy , Green Means , Beyond The Classic Go To , Save On Personalized Gear , June 16th , Linzess , Belly Pain , Laxative , Etsy , Uhhh , Katie , Ibs C , Pill , Bloating , Bowel Blockage , Bowel Movements , Side Effect , Aren T , Stools , Yess , Noel , Abbvie , Announcer , Ironwood , Tip , 36 , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now , Truck , Yard , Lebanon , Missouri , Grandpa Richard Outside , North , Coming , Grandfath Grandfather , Surprise , Man , It , Springfield , International Harvester , 1954 , Broke Down , Boy , 40 , Auto Body Shop , Signal Lights , Idea , Muscle Cars , Leg Try Call , Bull Per , C J , Square , Brian , Spot , Truck Sat , Brown , Papa , Brake Lights , Cup , Son , Thumb , Corner , Brand New , Wiping Away Tears , Test Drive , Grandpa Driving , Truck Isn T , Run , Friend , Feeling , Message , Grandpa Richard , Importance , Bride , East Oakland , Landmark Deal , Announcement , Bay Area , Freeways , City Council , Commute Struggles , Chief , Bart To Bikes Bay Area , Opd , Lauren Armstrong , Screen , Thanks , Salt Marshes , Port , Redwood City , Larry Beil , Diane Lim , Smoke , Plume , Crews , Highway 101 , Seaport Boulevard , 101 , Right , Sides , Newscast , Course , Shelter , Blaze , Residents , Order , Before , Oakland Coliseum , Involvement , Property , Percentage , Coliseum Site , The African American Sport And Entertainment Group Asg , 105 Million , 05 Million ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702

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severe weather threat in the coming hours, from the south all the way up into new york. and the horrific images. the tornadoes slamming communities. among them, the ef-3 tornado touching down in greenfield, iowa. homes wiped away. tonight, 45 million americans on alert again, right now across multiple states. and we'll take you through it. tonight, the other breaking story. the horrific and deadly workplace shooting outside philadelphia. police now say an employee waiting this morning for coworkers to arrive for work. and opening fire. this evening, the supreme court justice under the microsoap now, just days after images emerged showing an upside down american flag flying outside the home of justice samuel alito for several days after january 6th. tonight, news on a second flag, this time at his beach house. tonight, the new images inside that passenger jet rocked by deadly turbulence. the damage inside the cabin. blood everywhere. and the american family of four, a mother with a broken back, the father with a broken neck. the israel-hamas war tonight, and the chilling video this evening showing the moment that female israeli soldiers were taken hostage by hamas during the october 7th attack. why their families want the world to see this. the developing headline late today in the race for president. with some republicans still voting for nikki haley in late primaries, tonight, who nikki haley now says she'll vote for. tonight, the cdc confirming a second human case of bird flu here in the u.s. where it is, and what they're saying about it. tonight, the judge and what he's ruled when it comes to graceland. the beautiful sight here in new york. the parade of ships, fleet week sailing into new york harbor. patrick mahomes breaking his silence tonight about the chiefs kicker. and america strong tonight. the grandson, and what he drove up in, all for his grandfather. good evening and it's great to have us with us here on a very busy wednesday night. tonight, 45 million americans on alert for severe storms right now, from texas all the way up to new york. at least 20 reported tornadoes across multiple states already. and tonight, the horrific scene in greenfield, iowa. multiple people dead from a tornado there, and authorities say initial assessments tonight show it was an ef-3 or higher. winds at least 135 miles an hour. leaving a staggering trail of destruction. you see it right there. video from a traffic cam in central iowa showing a semiovertaken by the storm, then blown right over. the powerful winds knocking down giant wind turbines in prescott, iowa. some of them on fire. and not far from all of this, the terrifying images from carbon, iowa, this massive tornado crossing the road right there, swirling with debris. pieces of homes twisting in the air. millions on alert for another night of dangerous weather ahead. texas to upstate new york. and then tomorrow, the threat for the heartland and strong storms possible for washington, d.c., new york city, and boston, as well. we do have the latest forecast for you, just as millions now prepare for the memorial day weekend. and abc's victor oquendo leading us off from the scene of that deadly tornado in iowa. >> reporter: tonight, search and rescue operations still under way. multiple fatality. at least a dozen hurt. after an ef-3 tornado tore the heart out of the tiny township of greenfield, iowa. the tornado packing winds over 135 miles an hour. >> our hospital destroyed, our nursing home is right over there, that's destroyed. >> reporter: this is the main intersection in greenfield. now this entire block leveled, homes and businesses wiped away. the cleanup is underway. we've got some power crews here, bucket trucks trying to restore power. all of this happening in just one block. homes and vehicles marked with spray paint to show they've been searched. debris everywhere. car after car tossed in the wreckage. and huge metal silos nearly pancaked. the storms didn't just flatten homes. in prescott, iowa, massive wind turbines lay mangled in the durt, bent in half. some on fire. back in greenfield, families still in shock. this is what's left of joan newell's home of more than 50 years. she was pulled from her basement by first responders. she says at least four of her neighbors did not survive. >> their house was -- had no basement. >> reporter: so, they didn't have a safe place? >> no, no. no. we all know each other around here. >> reporter: were you close with them? >> oh, yeah. the one couple. well, the guy over here, too. we were, yeah. knew them all. >> reporter: as search and rescue efforts continue elsewhere, just look. this is all that's left of this block in greenfield. now that painful cleanup process is under way. the governor has declared a state of emergency. fema will be on the ground tomorrow, and the white house says they are ready to support the community as needed. david? >> david: we're thinking about all those families tonight. victor, thank you. let's get to lee goldberg, tracking these storms into the night, and the threat again tomorrow. hi, lee. >> reporter: david, it's been a relentless across the heartland, but now the aim is focused on texas tonight. there's a new tornado warning southwest of waco. we've already had two tornado reports west of san angelo. there's also a watch that goes into arkansas and into tennessee. we've had some strong storms to severe storms across central new york state, right along the i-81 corridor. syracuse had a record 92 today. tomorrow, sioux falls, down to dallas, east to memphis, but the intense zone, tornadoes, that could be nebraska and over to kansas. now, the storms we're watching today to the west with a cold front approach the east coast. could be dicey in the morning hours, and the threat gifts down to the mid-atlantic. david? >> david: tracking it tonight and into tomorrow. lee goldberg, thank you. we turn now to the horrific and deadly workplace shooting outside philadelphia. tonight, authorities now say an employee was waiting for coworkers to arrive early this morning, then opening fire. killing at least two workers and wounding several others. stephanie ramos on the scene. >> reporter: tonight, police say an employee at this industrial linen company just outside of philly took his anger out on five of his co-workers, killing at least two. >> all units responding. it's an active shooting. >> reporter: around 8:30 this morning, just as everyone was showing up for work, the gunman, armed with a handgun, went in and opened fire. >> we have two individuals who unfortunately have lost their life, just by showing up at work today. >> reporter: at least two people killed and three others seriously injured. one of the victims, believed to be a supervisor. those frightened employees describe the chaotic scene. >> next thing you know, i turned around, he pulled a gun out his pocket and point blank range, just like that. >> reporter: the suspect fleeing, driving home just miles away where he was pulled over and captured by authorities in front of his neighbors. as investigators work to find a motive, one employee who took with our abc station, several complaints have been filed against the suspect, what they say has made threats in the past. david? >> david: stephanie ramos in chester, pennsylvania, for us. steph, thank you. there is a developing headline tonight involving supreme court justice samuel alito. just days after images emerged showing an upside down american flag flying outside his home for several days after january 6th, tonight, the new report on a second flag, this time at his beach house. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas now. >> reporter: just days after the nation saw an image of an upside down flag outside the home of supreme court justice samuel alito in the days after january 6th, a symbol of the stop the steal movement, a new photo tonight raising yet more questions. "the new york times" publishing images of a pine tree flag outside alito's new jersey beach home last summer, with the words "appeal to heaven." like the upside down flag, the pine tree flag was carried by some pro-trump supporters on january 6th as the capitol was attacked. tonight, it's unclear who allegedly placed the flag, and what kind of statement was being made. the flag, which dates back to the revolutionary war, has also been associated with christian nationalism. supreme court justices are supposed to avoid the appearance of political bias. and democrats argue alito has a conflict of interest, and should recuse himself from two january 6th cases now before the high court, including one which will resolve whether president trump has immunity from prosecution. david, we reached out to the court and justice alito for comment on the photos. so far, no response. >> david: pierre thomas at the court tonight. thank you, pierre. we have new and troubling images tonight from inside that passenger jet, rocked by deadly turbulence. the damage throughout the cabin. oxygen masks dangling from the ceiling. passengers say there was blood everywhere. tonight, the american family of four from new york, the mother now with a broken back, the father with a broken neck. gio benitez on this again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, new video shows the havoc wreaked by that deadly turbulence, turning this london-to-singapore flight into a nightmare in just seconds. the aircraft's floor littered with debris. overhead bin panels broken. and the ceiling splattered with blood. >> heads had literally pushed through and broken those plastic panels. >> reporter: the ntsb now joining the investigation, as we learn about those four americans onboard, drew and vicki kessler of north rockland, new york, and their two young sons. drew kessler writing in a facebook post, "the boys have no issues. vicki got the worst of it and has a broken back. i have a broken neck." the sudden turbulence on tuesday forcing that plane to drop 100 feet and then climb 300 feet. dzafran azmir says there was very little time to react. >> the entire thing happened within the span of less than ten seconds. >> reporter: the plane forced to land at bangkok's airport, with dozens injured. a british passenger, geoff kitchen, killed, traveling with his wife. at least 20 patients now in the icu, nine passengers requiring surgery. and david, there is strong evidence that severe clear air turbulence is increasing because of climate change. in fact, we know that it's up 55% in the north atlantic since 1979. david? >> david: gio benitez, thank you again tonight. now to the breaking news in the race for president, with some republicans still voting for nikki haley in late primaries. tonight, nikki haley and who she now says she'll vote for in november. here's rachel scott. >> reporter: she once called donald trump a disaster. >> many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace trump privately dread him. they know what a disaster he's been and will continue to be for our party. >> reporter: declaring herself, quote, not afraid to say the hard truths. >> i feel no need to kiss the ring. i have no fear of trump's retribution. my own political future is of zero concern. >> reporter: but today, trump's former rival nikki haley announcing she will vote for him. >> trump has not been perfect on these policies. i've made that clear many, many times. but biden has been a catastrophe, so i will be voting for trump. >> reporter: david, even after dropping out of the race, nikki haley keeps earning significant support in key republican primaries, including in several battleground states like pennsylvania, where just last month, she got 16% of the vote. but donald trump has made it clear, she is not under consideration to be his possible running mate. david? >> david: 16% of the vote in pennsylvania, even though she was out of the race. that's really interesting. rachel scott tonight. rachel, thank you. now, to the israel hamas war, and the chilling video tonight showing the moment female israeli soldiers were taken hostage by hamas during the october 7th attack. the video shot by hamas, and abc's britt clennett on the images tonight that the families of those soldiers now want the world to see. and a warning, this is difficult. >> reporter: tonight, u.s. >> reporter: tonight, horrifying video of female israeli soldiers, their faces bruised and bloodied, hands tied, lined up against a wall, after being kidnapped by hamas gunmen on october 7th. 19-year-old naama levy, her face covered in blood, pleading with her captor saying she has palestinian friends. >> i have friends in palestine. >> reporter: a gunman screaming at liri albag, 18, who asks for someone who speaks english. >> reporter: the videos were shot by hamas but edited by the idf before release to remove what they say were the most graphic and disturbing moments. here, a terrorist yelling at the women, saying, "our brothers died because of you. we will shoot you all." at one point, a gunman gesturing saying, "here are the girls, women who can get pregnant. these are the zionists." another militant tells karina ariev, just 19 years old, "you are so beautiful." the captives were all deployed as idf observers watching the northern gaza border on october 7th. the families of the hostages, including the father of agam berger, shlomi, who we spoke with tonight, saying they decided to release the video to pressure the netanyahu government to strike a deal to release the remaining 128 captives. >> this is the girls. it's not a photo. this is life. this is agam, karina, daniela, liri, naama. this is the girls. >> reporter: yeah, david, palestinians applauded while israel blasted the move, recalling their ambassadors from those countries, and the white house saying it does support a two-state solution, but through talks, and not unilateral prenounsmentes. david? >> david: britt clennett, thank you. meantime, back here in the u.s. tonight, the cdc confirming a second human case of bird flu in this country. the first case in texas, the second case in michigan. here's abc's alex perez. >> reporter: tonight, u.s. health officials closely monitoring that human case of the highly contagious bird flu virus. now, the second infection linked to an outbreak in dairy cows. authorities saying a michigan farmworker recovered after having "mild" symptoms. that worker likely contracting the virus from infected livestock. back in march, a texas farm worker was diagnosed with the first human case of bird flu tied to dairy cows. both patients worked with cows, both reporting eye infections, but the cases are not connected. >> the risk to human health still is very low. >> reporter: because of the bird flu threat, the cdc tonight, as a precaution, urging cities and states to keep up flu surveillance this summer. >> there is no human-to-human transmission, which is very important reassurance that this problem is still mostly confined to livestock. >> reporter: and david, federal health officials say farm workers are at an elevated risk for contracting bird flu, and they are providing states with protective equipment if requested. david? >> david: we'll keep watching this. alex perez tonight, thank you. we turn now to uvalde, texas, where the families of 19 victims of the school massacre there have now reached a $2 million settlement with is the city. they have filed a new lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers. two years ago, this friday, more than 375 officers from multiple agencies rushed to that school. authorities say 77 minutes went by before taking the lone shooter down. a doj study found cascading failures in that response. 19 fourth graders and two teachers died. when we come back here tonight, patrick mahomes breaking his silence about the chiefs kicker and what he said to women graduates. and tonight, the future of graceland, the famous home of elvis. what a judge decided today. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. finally tonight here, the grandson who always knew his grandfather loved that truck out in the yard. tonight, in lebanon, missouri, north of springfield, an incredible surprise for a grandfath grandfather. he did not see this coming. as a young man, richard bought a 1954 international harvester, along with his mother. they cherished the truck together, driving it for decades. eventually, it broke down, but richard, now a grandfather, would still keep it in his yard. his grandson, blake, there as a boy, would play in that broken down truck. tonight, more than 40 years after his grandfather was able to drive that truck, his grandson with an idea. secretly taking the truck to a local auto body shop, c&j's classic and muscle cars. slowly, carefully repairing it. >> there was no bull per, there was no signal lights, there was no -- a lot of a leg try call going on. >> reporter: this was the spot where the truck was parked for decades. >> there's a square of brown right here, this is where the truck sat for a long, long, long time. >> david: and when it was time -- blake and his father brian went to pick up the truck. >> there's the brake lights that didn't exist. >> david: father and son driving it back home, a thumb's up. grandpa richard outside, but he didn't know what was turning the corner. >> papa, what is that over there? look. >> what is it? >> that is crazy. >> david: wiping away tears. >> water pump, brand new water pump. >> this truck isn't just a truck. it's an emotional deal with him for sure. >> david: a test drive. grandpa driving his truck after more than 40 years. >> never thought you'd see this run again, did you? >> never. >> let alone drive down the road. >> i didn't think i'd ever live to see this. >> david: tonight, his grandson telling us, it was a fantastic feeling to watch his watch his old friend, that truck, drive down the road again, after all those years. i hope others can receive a message of the importance of family, and the things left by them. grandpa richard is going to have to give us a ride sometime. i'm david muir. good night. this is a moment where east oakland is going to change. >> you know, this announcement has been long awaited for us. for far too long decades. >> it is a landmark deal in oakland. >> i'll be running for city council. >> not giving up. ousted opd chief lauren armstrong, now running for office. >> and from bart to bikes to bay area freeways, the commute struggles and the bay area cities where it's actually getting better. you can believe that. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry beil and i'm diane lim. right away. we do want to begin with some breaking news coming out of redwood city. take a look at your screen. that is where a fire is burning near the port and salt marshes. this all started just about half an hour ago. >> a lot of smoke coming off that fire. this is along seaport boulevard, not far from highway 101. that fire sending a huge plume of smoke up into the air. and you can see well, i'm not sure if you could see them through the smoke, but there are fire crews battling the blaze from several sides right now. >> so far from what we know, there is no shelter in place order for nearby residents, though we will of course continue to follow this breaking news and bring you updates throughout this newscast. >> all right, we've heard this before, but it's the end of an era for the oakland coliseum. this time, it involves the city of oakland's involvement in the coliseum site. and only just a few minutes ago, oakland officials formally announced that the city is selling its percentage of the coliseum property for at least $105 million. it's being purchased by the african american sport and entertainment group asg

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