Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702

now. rob marciano tracking it all. also tonight, from israel, the images coming in. a dozen hostages released by hamas. but no americans among them. where are they? and how much longer will this truce last? as we learn now the cia director is in the region, working to free the american hostages. matt gutman reporting. here in the u.s. tonight, was the water supply in parts of pennsylvania targeted by iran? the message about using equipment from israel. tonight, abc news obtaining a new bulletin from state and federal officials on this, and what they're now warning. pierre thomas standing by. the newly released images tonight. the deadly collision involving a bus with high school students. the state trooper inside the bus while it was still on fire. the memorial tonight for former first lady rosalynn carter. former president jimmy carter, now 99 and in hospice, right there for his childhood sweetheart and wife of 77 years. all five living first ladies paying their respects. and the carters' daughter, amy carter, and what she read in front of that church, and the tears. the remarkable rescue tonight, 41 construction workers trapped in a tunnel collapse for 17 days. the welcome news tonight on gas prices. and hard to believe, but what dolly parton just achieved. she had never done it before. and why she doesn't text. her reason is hilarious. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. the new hostages released tonight. the images. but no americans among them. so, where are they being held? the cia director in the region now. but we begin at home tonight with news of multiple pileups on the highways. whiteout conditions from ohio to new york. the national christmas tree in washington coming down in the wind. the first major lake effect snow of the season. temperatures plunging for millions. this is lake county, ohio, you're looking at. more than a foot of snow and still coming down in some places. south of cleveland tonight, nearly two dozen vehicles involved in multiple pileups on interstate 271 here, some with serious injuries. nearly two feet of snow already north of syracuse, new york, the plows working to keep up tonight. planes in whiteout conditions at the airport. this is rochester, new york. passengers actually pulling suitcases through the snow. and tonight, in washington, d.c., wind gusts up to 40 miles an hour bringing down the 40-foot-tall national christmas tree. tonight, the coldest air of the season is on the way to the northeast, and free warnings at this hour, all the way down south to florida. senior meteorologist rob marciano leading us off from syracuse, new york, tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the first major lake effect snow event of the season bringing whiteout conditions from new york to ohio. south of cleveland, multiple pileups, one with serious injuries along i-271. tractor trailers and other vehicles blocking the highway. outside buffalo, it didn't take long for these drivers to get stuck. >> it's the 219 entrance, it's all messed up. >> reporter: snowfall rates above two inches an hour in places. strong winds blowing huge drifts. north of syracuse, some communities socked with nearly two feet of snow. snow removal operations have been in full swing all night and all day. heavy equipment being brought into the snow zone, removing snow from main street, just getting it out of town. here in pulaski, we met michelle hughes shoveling outside her salon. how heavy is this? i mean, you've been out here for a while. i mean, this is a workout, isn't it? >> it is. it's quite heavy and it's sticking to my shovel. >> reporter: the coldest air of the season reaching washington, d.c., with winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour, toppling the national christmas tree. the 40-foot norway spruce from west virginia coming down just days ahead of thursday's planned lighting ceremony. >> david: that was incredible late today. let's get right back to rob marciano, he's live in syracuse again tonight with the forecast these next 24 hours. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. that lake effect snow band has shifted south back here into syracuse. we have a warning up until 7:00 this morning. the streams continue to come off the lakes. look at it on the radar. so, we're going to get another few inches at least until this thing begins to wind down. the cold air, though, continues to dive south. we have freeze warnings in the deep south. low country of south carolina. all the way to tallahassee, mobile, baton rouge, as well. so, that's some of the coldest stuff we've seen so far this year. meanwhile, another system coming into the west, this one, pretty weak to start, but it gets into the plains and into southeast texas and louisiana thursday, friday. likely a severe weather threat then. and then quickly reaching into the northeast on friday. this mostly a warm weather storm, so folks seeing that as a positive. also a positive, we're getting late word that the national christmas tree is now back up, hopefully ready to be lit. david? >> david: already back up tonight. and the traffic there behind you, slow going in syracuse tonight again. rob, thank you. now, to the other major news this tuesday night, and israel's war with hamas tonight. 12 more hostages released by hamas from gaza, now back in israel. right now, one day left in this temporary truce. ten israelis and two foreign nationals. no americans among them today. in exchange, israel releasing 30 more palestinians from prisons there. families in the west bank welcoming them home tonight. and we have learned this evening cia director bill burns is back in the region, working to free the american hostages. and is there any chance this temporary truce could now be extended? abc's matt gutman in israel again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, hamas militants walking each of those 12 hostages to the red cross. among them, 17-year-old mia leimberg seen here clutching her pet dog bella, both surviving captivity together. mia kidnapped along with her mother gabriela, seen here tonight holding each other close. the women, at least one in a wheelchair, carefully loaded into those red cross vehicles, which then squeezed through crowds near gaza's border with egypt, then driven into israel. in exchange, israel releasing 30 more palestinians from its jails. notably missing again tonight -- any americans. the fbi believes nine citizens are still in captivity in gaza, including two women, and no word on where they're being held or which group is holding them. tonight, cia director bill burns holding high-level talks in qatar, pushing for a hostage deal, including americans. in israel, emotional reunions, like thomas hand's hug of his daughter, emily. followed by the trauma. tonight, thomas telling cnn emily cries herself to sleep and thought she was in captivity for a year. >> the most shocking, disturbing part of meeting her was she was just whispering. couldn't hear her. i had to put my ear on her lips, like this close, and say, "what did you say?" "i thought you were kidnapped." she didn't know what the hell happened, apart from that morning. so, she's presumed everyone's kidnapped or killed or slaughtered or -- she had no idea. >> reporter: in tel aviv tonight, a rally, balloons lofted skyward, demanding the release of the two youngest hostages, 10-month-old kfir, 4-year-old aviv, and their mother, shiri bibas. seen here being taken captive on october 7th. and like every hostage family, every night, shiri's cousin yifat zailer-paz gets a call from the idf, telling whether those babies are on the list. >> and he calls me a few times a day, and i can't breathe. even just to update on other things and i can't breathe. >> reporter: no one's seen or heard from them, but yifat still hopeful for her release. in the west bank tonight, a jubilant homecoming for those newly released palestinians. >> you can see people here running to meet that bus down there, carrying the new group of palestinian prisoners. this clearly feels like a giant celebration. >> reporter: these teen brothers, who served 17 months in an israeli prison, released sunday, accused of supporting terrorism, which they both deny. we sat down with them. qassam saying he was only given 30 minutes notice before his release and remained in shock until the moment he arrived home. >> david: let's bring back in matt gutman, live in tel aviv again tonight. matt, we know there are active talks under way tonight to extend this cease-fire, to try to allow for the release of more hostages. and of course a lot of questions still remain tonight about where the american hostages are and who's holding them. the fbi still believes there are nine u.s. citizens being held? >> reporter: david, and those talks you mentioned in doha, around the clock. cia director burns is there. secretary of state blinken is headed to the region. and they are working to try to extend that cease-fire after it expires tomorrow and hoping some of the nine american citizens the fbi still believes are being held in gaza are included. now, the white house saying it does not think that hamas is trying to use those american citizens as leverage, but so far, only a single american, that 4-year-old abigail edan, has been released, david. >> david: matt gutman live in tel aviv. matt, thank you. meanwhile, here in the u.s., a new bulletin tonight amid this israeli war. tonight, there is new concern that iranian-backed hackers might have targeted the water supply system near pittsburgh. the ominous message sent about using equipment made by israel. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas now. >> reporter: tonight, evidence that hackers with ties to iran may be testing the american infrastructure for vulnerabilities. officials at a small water utility site in pennsylvania just outside of pittsburgh noticed friday night that a computer that helps control water pressure for two townships was malfunctioning. when they rebooted the system, this ominous message highlighted in red appeared on the screen, saying, "you have been hacked." >> one strategy is by hacking groups is to start small, target a vulnerable location, and then use that to conduct additional cyberattacks in the future. >> reporter: the group claiming responsibility called themselves "cyberavengers," saying they were attacking because the water utility used equipment made in israel. >> it's mind-blowing. i would have never, in a million years, would have never thought that we could be involved in that. >> reporter: utility officials say the hack did not impact the main computer network, and at no time was water quality or supply at risk. but tonight, abc news obtaining this bulletin from state and federal officials warning that this form of attack has the potential to target any critical infrastructure in our area. david, tonight, those iranian-backed hackers are warning that any american utility using israeli products is fair game and could be targeted. >> david: pierre thomas reporting. pierre, thank you. tonight, from ohio, the harrowing police images just released, after that deadly collision involving a bus with high school students. the state trooper inside the bus while it was still on fire. here's alex perez. >> reporter: new video tonight from the ohio state highway patrol showing the chaotic and heart-pounding moments just outside columbus, shortly after a charter bus carrying high school band students was struck and burst into flames. >> come on, let's get out! >> reporter: one officer sprinting into action, grabbing a fire extinguisher from his cruiser -- >> anyone? >> reporter: -- helping to pull one victim from an suv, then rushing onto that still burning bus, searching for survivors. >> what about the driver? anyone in there? >> i have no idea, i got here, it already happened. >> reporter: in all, six killed. three students and three chaperones who were in a different vehicle. >> broken leg. couple broken ankles. >> reporter: students' belongings scattered everywhere in the aftermath of the crash november 14th. and just today, investigators releasing a report detailing what triggered the crash. a chain reaction, they believe, set off when a semi struck an suv and then slammed into the bus. and david, tests show the driver of that semi truck did not have drugs or alcohol in his system. the ntsb is investigating this crash. david? >> david: alex perez reporting tonight for us. thank you, alex. we turn now to the race for the white house, and the very influential conservative group, americans for prosperity action, are putting tens of millions behind a republican candidate who is trying to beat donald trump for the nomination. nikki haley. here's rachel scott. >> reporter: tonight, a republican powerhouse, the political organization founded by the billionaire koch brothers, throwing its support behind former south carolina governor nikki haley, as the strongest gop alternative to donald trump. >> it's our time to turn the page and choose a new leader who will unite our party, our nation. that proven leader -- nikki haley. >> reporter: the group, americans for prosperity action, announcing its endorsement just seven weeks before the first votes are cast. insisting haley would boost republican candidates up and down the ballot, winning the key independent and moderate voters that trump has no chance to win. they've already raised $70 million, money that could give haley new momentum as she rises in the polls. and other candidates like florida governor ron desantis slip. >> we are now second place in iowa, second place in new hampshire, and second place in south carolina. we just have one more fellow we got to catch up to. >> reporter: that fellow, of course, is trump, who leads his republican rivals by more than 40 points in national polls, and dismisses haley's chances. >> she's going nowhere. because she doesn't have what it takes. >> reporter: but the former president himself is facing 91 criminal charges and will likely be on trial in march when the primary's in full swing. and david, we should note, the koch network did not endorse a candidate in 2016, they did not endorse a candidate in 2020, but this time, they say they're willing to go all-in on the candidate they believe has the best chance of beating donald trump, david. >> david: rachel scott covering this campaign for us. rachel, thank you. we turn now to the very moving memorial today for former first lady rosalynn carter. all four former first ladies were there in rosalynn carter's honor. and the touching moment former president jimmy carter arrived, now 99, in hospice, but determined to be there for his childhood sweetheart. across his lap, a blanket with an image of rosalynn. tonight, the tearful moment the carters' daughter, amy carter, and what she read in front of that church. here's steve osunsami. ♪ oh beautiful ♪ >> reporter: at a church in atlanta, as they respectfully carried mrs. rosalynn carter inside, the first row of pews filled with u.s. presidents past and present, and every living former first lady. and then quickly, the world got a rare look at a great american citizen, former president jimmy carter. former president jimmy carter, now 99 and in hospice, right there for his childhood sweetheart and wife of 77 years. all five living first ladies paying their respects. and the carters' daughter, amy carter, and what she read in first, and she was like everyone else's grandmother in a lot of ways. almost all of her recipes call for mayonnaise, for example. >> reporter: but tears fell across the church when their daughter read a letter the former president wrote about her mother 75 years ago while he was in the navy. >> my darling, every time i have ever been away from you, i have been thrilled when i returned to discover just how wonderful you are. while i am away, i try to convince myself that you really are not, could not be, as sweet and beautiful as i remember. but when i see you, i fall in love with you all over again. does that seem strange to you? it doesn't to me. good-bye, darling, until tomorrow. jimmy. >> reporter: rosalynn carter's life and work took her to more than 120 countries. she cofounded the carter center, which has helped end diseases and build real hope around the world. and she will be buried at her home in south georgia tomorrow. david? >> david: beautiful letter read by amy carter there. steve, thank you again tonight. when we come back here, 41 construction workers trapped in a tunnel collapse for 17 days, and what's now happened. and the news tonight on gas prices, right here in the u.s. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. 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procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. we're going for it. ask your doctor about eliquis. to the index, and we learned today the longtime trusted friend and business partner to warren buffett, investor charlie munger, has died. the vice chairman of berkshire hathaway, buffet once said they met in 1959 and hit it off. charlie munger was 99. mark cuban is leaving "shark tank." he says next season, the show's 16th season, will be his last. he says he loves the show, but wants to spend more time with his teenage children before they leave for school. we'll miss him. when we come back tonight, what dolly parton just achieved, with your help. and she's not going to text about it. . she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding 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(vo) for a limited time, turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. finally tonight here, there's no stopping dolly parton. tonight, dolly parton at 77, achieving something she's never done before. ♪ i've been rockin' ♪ ♪ rockin' rockin' ♪ ♪ since the day i was born ♪ >> david: her brand new album, "rockstar," has just become her highest charting album ever. ♪ i grew up loving elvis ♪ ♪ and wild man jerry lee ♪ ♪ chuck barry ♪ ♪ little richard ♪ ♪ they all cast a spell on me ♪ >> david: dolly was inspired to release a rock album after getting induct into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. >> well, i figure if i'm going to be in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame, i'm going to have to earn it. ♪ >> david: over thanksgiving, performing with the dallas cowboy cheerleaders at the halftime show. ♪ we are the champions ♪ ♪ we are the champions ♪ >> david: now, she is the champion. after more than five decades, nearly 50 studio albums, ten grammys, dolly's album now debuting at the number three spot on the billboard charts. ♪ i still got rock 'n' roll ♪ >> david: but don't expect dolly to text you about this big achievement. she says she's old fashioned when it comes to texting. >> i don't text, because i don't want to have to answer. if somebody calls me, i'll answer. if i want to talk to them. or i'll call them back when i can. otherwise, i got too much to think about than to clutter my mind up with everything else. i'm certainly not a stupid person. i could learn it if i wanted to, but i rather just have my fax machine. i just don't have time to just sit with my face in a phone all day. >> david: she's not a texter, but tonight, she is a rock star. ♪ i've been rocking til the cows come home ♪ >> david: dolly parton forever. i'll see you tomorrow. good night. up a cabin providing safe homes in silicon valley. >> we highlight a local organization doing its part on this day of giving, and we'll tell you how to get involved and grab the umbrella. >> rain is back in the forecast starting tonight. meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking the hour by hour forecast. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> it's very important for the city really for the mission district neighborhood to try to get control back of mission street. >> a street vendor banned in san francisco's mission district on day two. we are tracking the enforcement and asking does the city really have control all. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. the 90 day ban means street vendors both with and without permits, are not allowed to sell on the sidewalks of mission street. >> but today, one day after it went into effect, permitted vendors say the fencing operations are already back. >> abc seven news reporter lou pena has been monitoring this situation. she's in the newsroom with the very latest. louis >> that's right. we saw multiple changes. sidewalks are now clean. people can now walk without stepping on merchandise. and we also found this. you know, a sign of stolen items in the mission district. it's been 24 hours since the 90 day street ban on san francisco's mission street went into effect. and according to this vendor, what you see will depend on the time of day. >> there was a lot of activity, people selling, buying

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War , Traffic , Hamas Tonight , Palestinians , Exchange , Crowds Near Gaza , Nationals , Prisons , Israelis , Ten , 12 , 30 , Chance , Bill Burns , Families , Militants , West Bank , Captivity , Mia Leimberg , Close , Mother , Dog Bella , Red Cross , Gabriela , Women , Sagain , Border , Wheelchair , Jails , Egypt , Group , Citizens , Talks , Hostage Deal , Qatar , Fbi , Nine , Thomas Hand , Emily , Hug , Reunions , Trauma , Cnn , Couldn T , Part , Meeting , Shocking , Everyone , Shell , Ear , Lips , Idea , Release , Kfir , Tel Aviv , Rally , Old Aviv , Lofted Skyward , 10 , 4 , Yifat Zailer Paz , Times , Hostage Family , List , Call , Babies , Shiri , Shiri Bibas , Captive On October 7th , Idf , October 7th , No One , Homecoming , Things , Breathe , People , Brothers , Prison , Celebration , Palestinian Prisoners , Released Sunday , Terrorism , Shock , Qassam , Cease Fire , Buying , Course , Questions , Secretary Of State , Clock , Blinken , Doha , White House , Leverage , Abigail Edan , Hackers , Concern , Water Supply System , Pittsburgh , Infrastructure , Pierre Thomas , Chief Justice , Ties , Evidence , Vulnerabilities , Water Utility Site , Computer , Control Water Pressure , Townships , Red , Screen , Malfunctioning , Location , Groups , Strategy , Cyberattacks , Water Utility , Responsibility , Cyberavengers , A Million , Risk , Hack , Supply , Computer Network , Area , Water Quality , Attack , Potential , Form , Utility Officials , Pierre Thomas Reporting , Utility , Pierre , Game , Products , Police , Video , Alex Perez , Ohio State Highway Patrol , Students , High School Band , Flames , Officer Sprinting , Columbus , Action , Anyone , Suv , Driver , Fire Extinguisher , Cruiser , Victim , Survivors , Wall , Investigators , Vehicle , Everywhere , Chaperones , Six , Leg , Ankles , Belongings , Aftermath , Crash November 14th , November 14th , Three , 14 , Crash , Report , Semi Truck , Semi , Tests , Alex , Alex Perez Reporting Tonight , Alcohol , Race , Drugs , Tens , Americans For Prosperity , Ntsb , Organization , Candidate , Nikki Haley , Republican , Rachel Scott , Support , Powerhouse , Nomination , Billionaire Koch Brothers , Donald Trump , Leader , Party , Nation , Alternative , Page , Candidates , Endorsement , Voters , Votes , Ballot , Cast , Seven , Place , Polls , Ron Desantis , Money , Momentum , Slip , 00 Million , 70 Million , Fellow , Trump , Rivals , Iowa , New Hampshire , President , Chances , Charges , Points , Nowhere , Primary , Trial , 91 , Network , Campaign , 2016 , 2020 , Honor , Four , Image , Blanket , Flap , Steve Osunsami , World , Row , Presidents , First Lady , At A Church In Atlanta , Mrs , Pews , Great American Citizen , Look , Rosalynn Carter Inside , Letter , Grandmother , Ways , Mayonnaise , Example , Recipes , Everyone Else , 75 , Navy , My Darling , It Doesn T , Love , Darling , Good Bye , Carter Center , Countries , Around The World , Life And Work , Diseases , 120 , South Georgia , Beautiful , Chronic Kidney Disease , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Ga Farxiga , Dialysis , Kidney Failure , Skin , Infection , Doctor , Yeast Infections , Reaction , Urinary Tract , Dehydration , Blood Sugar , Perineum , Symptoms , Stop Taking Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Rescuers , Oxygen , Pipe , Food , Mountain Tunnel , 650 , Price , Streak , Gas , Machines , Hand , Gallon , Average , Aaa , 25 , 60 , 3 25 , Shark Tank , Something , Time , Eczema , Passion , It Dancing , Nothing , Travel , Help , Hasn T , Whatever , Power , Dupixent Works On The Inside , Body , Reactions , Source , Inflammation , Pitch , Relief , Adults , Changes , Don T , Vision , Eye Problems , Healing , Pains , Eye Pain , Aches , Asthma , Deodorant , Dupixent , Eczema Specialist , Listen , Works , Secret , Odor , Ohhh Yesss , Catch , Stop Taking Eliquis , Stroke , Bleeding , Stroke Risk , Heart Valve Problem , Treatment , Shot , Warfarin , Afib , Eliquis Patients , 97 , Artificial Heart Valve , Cases , Medicines , Bruise , 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David , We Are The Champions , Halftime Show , Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders , Champion , Album , Studio Albums , Grammys , Billboard Charts , 50 , Texting , Text , Somebody , Achievement , Texter , Mind , Fax Machine , Person , Phone , Face , Everything Else , Rocking , Cows Come Home David , Dolly Parton Forever , Rock Star , Rain , Homes , Cabin , Giving , Umbrella , Silicon Valley , Forward , Seven News , Finding Solutions , Building A Better Bay Area , Meteorologist Sandhya Patel , City , Mission Street , Street Vendor , Neighborhood , Enforcement , Mission District , San Francisco S Mission District , Ama Daetz , Effect , Reporter Lou Pena , Street Vendors , Sidewalks , Thanks , Fencing Operations , Permits , Abc Seven News , Ban , Dan Ashley , Vendors , 90 , Newsroom , Situation , Merchandise , Sign , Items , Louis , Vendor , Activity , Day Street , 90 Day Street ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240702

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now. rob marciano tracking it all. also tonight, from israel, the images coming in. a dozen hostages released by hamas. but no americans among them. where are they? and how much longer will this truce last? as we learn now the cia director is in the region, working to free the american hostages. matt gutman reporting. here in the u.s. tonight, was the water supply in parts of pennsylvania targeted by iran? the message about using equipment from israel. tonight, abc news obtaining a new bulletin from state and federal officials on this, and what they're now warning. pierre thomas standing by. the newly released images tonight. the deadly collision involving a bus with high school students. the state trooper inside the bus while it was still on fire. the memorial tonight for former first lady rosalynn carter. former president jimmy carter, now 99 and in hospice, right there for his childhood sweetheart and wife of 77 years. all five living first ladies paying their respects. and the carters' daughter, amy carter, and what she read in front of that church, and the tears. the remarkable rescue tonight, 41 construction workers trapped in a tunnel collapse for 17 days. the welcome news tonight on gas prices. and hard to believe, but what dolly parton just achieved. she had never done it before. and why she doesn't text. her reason is hilarious. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. the new hostages released tonight. the images. but no americans among them. so, where are they being held? the cia director in the region now. but we begin at home tonight with news of multiple pileups on the highways. whiteout conditions from ohio to new york. the national christmas tree in washington coming down in the wind. the first major lake effect snow of the season. temperatures plunging for millions. this is lake county, ohio, you're looking at. more than a foot of snow and still coming down in some places. south of cleveland tonight, nearly two dozen vehicles involved in multiple pileups on interstate 271 here, some with serious injuries. nearly two feet of snow already north of syracuse, new york, the plows working to keep up tonight. planes in whiteout conditions at the airport. this is rochester, new york. passengers actually pulling suitcases through the snow. and tonight, in washington, d.c., wind gusts up to 40 miles an hour bringing down the 40-foot-tall national christmas tree. tonight, the coldest air of the season is on the way to the northeast, and free warnings at this hour, all the way down south to florida. senior meteorologist rob marciano leading us off from syracuse, new york, tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the first major lake effect snow event of the season bringing whiteout conditions from new york to ohio. south of cleveland, multiple pileups, one with serious injuries along i-271. tractor trailers and other vehicles blocking the highway. outside buffalo, it didn't take long for these drivers to get stuck. >> it's the 219 entrance, it's all messed up. >> reporter: snowfall rates above two inches an hour in places. strong winds blowing huge drifts. north of syracuse, some communities socked with nearly two feet of snow. snow removal operations have been in full swing all night and all day. heavy equipment being brought into the snow zone, removing snow from main street, just getting it out of town. here in pulaski, we met michelle hughes shoveling outside her salon. how heavy is this? i mean, you've been out here for a while. i mean, this is a workout, isn't it? >> it is. it's quite heavy and it's sticking to my shovel. >> reporter: the coldest air of the season reaching washington, d.c., with winds gusting up to 40 miles per hour, toppling the national christmas tree. the 40-foot norway spruce from west virginia coming down just days ahead of thursday's planned lighting ceremony. >> david: that was incredible late today. let's get right back to rob marciano, he's live in syracuse again tonight with the forecast these next 24 hours. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. that lake effect snow band has shifted south back here into syracuse. we have a warning up until 7:00 this morning. the streams continue to come off the lakes. look at it on the radar. so, we're going to get another few inches at least until this thing begins to wind down. the cold air, though, continues to dive south. we have freeze warnings in the deep south. low country of south carolina. all the way to tallahassee, mobile, baton rouge, as well. so, that's some of the coldest stuff we've seen so far this year. meanwhile, another system coming into the west, this one, pretty weak to start, but it gets into the plains and into southeast texas and louisiana thursday, friday. likely a severe weather threat then. and then quickly reaching into the northeast on friday. this mostly a warm weather storm, so folks seeing that as a positive. also a positive, we're getting late word that the national christmas tree is now back up, hopefully ready to be lit. david? >> david: already back up tonight. and the traffic there behind you, slow going in syracuse tonight again. rob, thank you. now, to the other major news this tuesday night, and israel's war with hamas tonight. 12 more hostages released by hamas from gaza, now back in israel. right now, one day left in this temporary truce. ten israelis and two foreign nationals. no americans among them today. in exchange, israel releasing 30 more palestinians from prisons there. families in the west bank welcoming them home tonight. and we have learned this evening cia director bill burns is back in the region, working to free the american hostages. and is there any chance this temporary truce could now be extended? abc's matt gutman in israel again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, hamas militants walking each of those 12 hostages to the red cross. among them, 17-year-old mia leimberg seen here clutching her pet dog bella, both surviving captivity together. mia kidnapped along with her mother gabriela, seen here tonight holding each other close. the women, at least one in a wheelchair, carefully loaded into those red cross vehicles, which then squeezed through crowds near gaza's border with egypt, then driven into israel. in exchange, israel releasing 30 more palestinians from its jails. notably missing again tonight -- any americans. the fbi believes nine citizens are still in captivity in gaza, including two women, and no word on where they're being held or which group is holding them. tonight, cia director bill burns holding high-level talks in qatar, pushing for a hostage deal, including americans. in israel, emotional reunions, like thomas hand's hug of his daughter, emily. followed by the trauma. tonight, thomas telling cnn emily cries herself to sleep and thought she was in captivity for a year. >> the most shocking, disturbing part of meeting her was she was just whispering. couldn't hear her. i had to put my ear on her lips, like this close, and say, "what did you say?" "i thought you were kidnapped." she didn't know what the hell happened, apart from that morning. so, she's presumed everyone's kidnapped or killed or slaughtered or -- she had no idea. >> reporter: in tel aviv tonight, a rally, balloons lofted skyward, demanding the release of the two youngest hostages, 10-month-old kfir, 4-year-old aviv, and their mother, shiri bibas. seen here being taken captive on october 7th. and like every hostage family, every night, shiri's cousin yifat zailer-paz gets a call from the idf, telling whether those babies are on the list. >> and he calls me a few times a day, and i can't breathe. even just to update on other things and i can't breathe. >> reporter: no one's seen or heard from them, but yifat still hopeful for her release. in the west bank tonight, a jubilant homecoming for those newly released palestinians. >> you can see people here running to meet that bus down there, carrying the new group of palestinian prisoners. this clearly feels like a giant celebration. >> reporter: these teen brothers, who served 17 months in an israeli prison, released sunday, accused of supporting terrorism, which they both deny. we sat down with them. qassam saying he was only given 30 minutes notice before his release and remained in shock until the moment he arrived home. >> david: let's bring back in matt gutman, live in tel aviv again tonight. matt, we know there are active talks under way tonight to extend this cease-fire, to try to allow for the release of more hostages. and of course a lot of questions still remain tonight about where the american hostages are and who's holding them. the fbi still believes there are nine u.s. citizens being held? >> reporter: david, and those talks you mentioned in doha, around the clock. cia director burns is there. secretary of state blinken is headed to the region. and they are working to try to extend that cease-fire after it expires tomorrow and hoping some of the nine american citizens the fbi still believes are being held in gaza are included. now, the white house saying it does not think that hamas is trying to use those american citizens as leverage, but so far, only a single american, that 4-year-old abigail edan, has been released, david. >> david: matt gutman live in tel aviv. matt, thank you. meanwhile, here in the u.s., a new bulletin tonight amid this israeli war. tonight, there is new concern that iranian-backed hackers might have targeted the water supply system near pittsburgh. the ominous message sent about using equipment made by israel. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas now. >> reporter: tonight, evidence that hackers with ties to iran may be testing the american infrastructure for vulnerabilities. officials at a small water utility site in pennsylvania just outside of pittsburgh noticed friday night that a computer that helps control water pressure for two townships was malfunctioning. when they rebooted the system, this ominous message highlighted in red appeared on the screen, saying, "you have been hacked." >> one strategy is by hacking groups is to start small, target a vulnerable location, and then use that to conduct additional cyberattacks in the future. >> reporter: the group claiming responsibility called themselves "cyberavengers," saying they were attacking because the water utility used equipment made in israel. >> it's mind-blowing. i would have never, in a million years, would have never thought that we could be involved in that. >> reporter: utility officials say the hack did not impact the main computer network, and at no time was water quality or supply at risk. but tonight, abc news obtaining this bulletin from state and federal officials warning that this form of attack has the potential to target any critical infrastructure in our area. david, tonight, those iranian-backed hackers are warning that any american utility using israeli products is fair game and could be targeted. >> david: pierre thomas reporting. pierre, thank you. tonight, from ohio, the harrowing police images just released, after that deadly collision involving a bus with high school students. the state trooper inside the bus while it was still on fire. here's alex perez. >> reporter: new video tonight from the ohio state highway patrol showing the chaotic and heart-pounding moments just outside columbus, shortly after a charter bus carrying high school band students was struck and burst into flames. >> come on, let's get out! >> reporter: one officer sprinting into action, grabbing a fire extinguisher from his cruiser -- >> anyone? >> reporter: -- helping to pull one victim from an suv, then rushing onto that still burning bus, searching for survivors. >> what about the driver? anyone in there? >> i have no idea, i got here, it already happened. >> reporter: in all, six killed. three students and three chaperones who were in a different vehicle. >> broken leg. couple broken ankles. >> reporter: students' belongings scattered everywhere in the aftermath of the crash november 14th. and just today, investigators releasing a report detailing what triggered the crash. a chain reaction, they believe, set off when a semi struck an suv and then slammed into the bus. and david, tests show the driver of that semi truck did not have drugs or alcohol in his system. the ntsb is investigating this crash. david? >> david: alex perez reporting tonight for us. thank you, alex. we turn now to the race for the white house, and the very influential conservative group, americans for prosperity action, are putting tens of millions behind a republican candidate who is trying to beat donald trump for the nomination. nikki haley. here's rachel scott. >> reporter: tonight, a republican powerhouse, the political organization founded by the billionaire koch brothers, throwing its support behind former south carolina governor nikki haley, as the strongest gop alternative to donald trump. >> it's our time to turn the page and choose a new leader who will unite our party, our nation. that proven leader -- nikki haley. >> reporter: the group, americans for prosperity action, announcing its endorsement just seven weeks before the first votes are cast. insisting haley would boost republican candidates up and down the ballot, winning the key independent and moderate voters that trump has no chance to win. they've already raised $70 million, money that could give haley new momentum as she rises in the polls. and other candidates like florida governor ron desantis slip. >> we are now second place in iowa, second place in new hampshire, and second place in south carolina. we just have one more fellow we got to catch up to. >> reporter: that fellow, of course, is trump, who leads his republican rivals by more than 40 points in national polls, and dismisses haley's chances. >> she's going nowhere. because she doesn't have what it takes. >> reporter: but the former president himself is facing 91 criminal charges and will likely be on trial in march when the primary's in full swing. and david, we should note, the koch network did not endorse a candidate in 2016, they did not endorse a candidate in 2020, but this time, they say they're willing to go all-in on the candidate they believe has the best chance of beating donald trump, david. >> david: rachel scott covering this campaign for us. rachel, thank you. we turn now to the very moving memorial today for former first lady rosalynn carter. all four former first ladies were there in rosalynn carter's honor. and the touching moment former president jimmy carter arrived, now 99, in hospice, but determined to be there for his childhood sweetheart. across his lap, a blanket with an image of rosalynn. tonight, the tearful moment the carters' daughter, amy carter, and what she read in front of that church. here's steve osunsami. ♪ oh beautiful ♪ >> reporter: at a church in atlanta, as they respectfully carried mrs. rosalynn carter inside, the first row of pews filled with u.s. presidents past and present, and every living former first lady. and then quickly, the world got a rare look at a great american citizen, former president jimmy carter. former president jimmy carter, now 99 and in hospice, right there for his childhood sweetheart and wife of 77 years. all five living first ladies paying their respects. and the carters' daughter, amy carter, and what she read in first, and she was like everyone else's grandmother in a lot of ways. almost all of her recipes call for mayonnaise, for example. >> reporter: but tears fell across the church when their daughter read a letter the former president wrote about her mother 75 years ago while he was in the navy. >> my darling, every time i have ever been away from you, i have been thrilled when i returned to discover just how wonderful you are. while i am away, i try to convince myself that you really are not, could not be, as sweet and beautiful as i remember. but when i see you, i fall in love with you all over again. does that seem strange to you? it doesn't to me. good-bye, darling, until tomorrow. jimmy. >> reporter: rosalynn carter's life and work took her to more than 120 countries. she cofounded the carter center, which has helped end diseases and build real hope around the world. and she will be buried at her home in south georgia tomorrow. david? >> david: beautiful letter read by amy carter there. steve, thank you again tonight. when we come back here, 41 construction workers trapped in a tunnel collapse for 17 days, and what's now happened. and the news tonight on gas prices, right here in the u.s. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. 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procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. we're going for it. ask your doctor about eliquis. to the index, and we learned today the longtime trusted friend and business partner to warren buffett, investor charlie munger, has died. the vice chairman of berkshire hathaway, buffet once said they met in 1959 and hit it off. charlie munger was 99. mark cuban is leaving "shark tank." he says next season, the show's 16th season, will be his last. he says he loves the show, but wants to spend more time with his teenage children before they leave for school. we'll miss him. when we come back tonight, what dolly parton just achieved, with your help. and she's not going to text about it. . she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding 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(carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) for a limited time, turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. finally tonight here, there's no stopping dolly parton. tonight, dolly parton at 77, achieving something she's never done before. ♪ i've been rockin' ♪ ♪ rockin' rockin' ♪ ♪ since the day i was born ♪ >> david: her brand new album, "rockstar," has just become her highest charting album ever. ♪ i grew up loving elvis ♪ ♪ and wild man jerry lee ♪ ♪ chuck barry ♪ ♪ little richard ♪ ♪ they all cast a spell on me ♪ >> david: dolly was inspired to release a rock album after getting induct into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. >> well, i figure if i'm going to be in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame, i'm going to have to earn it. ♪ >> david: over thanksgiving, performing with the dallas cowboy cheerleaders at the halftime show. ♪ we are the champions ♪ ♪ we are the champions ♪ >> david: now, she is the champion. after more than five decades, nearly 50 studio albums, ten grammys, dolly's album now debuting at the number three spot on the billboard charts. ♪ i still got rock 'n' roll ♪ >> david: but don't expect dolly to text you about this big achievement. she says she's old fashioned when it comes to texting. >> i don't text, because i don't want to have to answer. if somebody calls me, i'll answer. if i want to talk to them. or i'll call them back when i can. otherwise, i got too much to think about than to clutter my mind up with everything else. i'm certainly not a stupid person. i could learn it if i wanted to, but i rather just have my fax machine. i just don't have time to just sit with my face in a phone all day. >> david: she's not a texter, but tonight, she is a rock star. ♪ i've been rocking til the cows come home ♪ >> david: dolly parton forever. i'll see you tomorrow. good night. up a cabin providing safe homes in silicon valley. >> we highlight a local organization doing its part on this day of giving, and we'll tell you how to get involved and grab the umbrella. >> rain is back in the forecast starting tonight. meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking the hour by hour forecast. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> it's very important for the city really for the mission district neighborhood to try to get control back of mission street. >> a street vendor banned in san francisco's mission district on day two. we are tracking the enforcement and asking does the city really have control all. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. the 90 day ban means street vendors both with and without permits, are not allowed to sell on the sidewalks of mission street. >> but today, one day after it went into effect, permitted vendors say the fencing operations are already back. >> abc seven news reporter lou pena has been monitoring this situation. she's in the newsroom with the very latest. louis >> that's right. we saw multiple changes. sidewalks are now clean. people can now walk without stepping on merchandise. and we also found this. you know, a sign of stolen items in the mission district. it's been 24 hours since the 90 day street ban on san francisco's mission street went into effect. and according to this vendor, what you see will depend on the time of day. >> there was a lot of activity, people selling, buying

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, Tens , Americans For Prosperity , Ntsb , Organization , Candidate , Nikki Haley , Republican , Rachel Scott , Support , Powerhouse , Nomination , Billionaire Koch Brothers , Donald Trump , Leader , Party , Nation , Alternative , Page , Candidates , Endorsement , Voters , Votes , Ballot , Cast , Seven , Place , Polls , Ron Desantis , Money , Momentum , Slip , 00 Million , 70 Million , Fellow , Trump , Rivals , Iowa , New Hampshire , President , Chances , Charges , Points , Nowhere , Primary , Trial , 91 , Network , Campaign , 2016 , 2020 , Honor , Four , Image , Blanket , Flap , Steve Osunsami , World , Row , Presidents , First Lady , At A Church In Atlanta , Mrs , Pews , Great American Citizen , Look , Rosalynn Carter Inside , Letter , Grandmother , Ways , Mayonnaise , Example , Recipes , Everyone Else , 75 , Navy , My Darling , It Doesn T , Love , Darling , Good Bye , Carter Center , Countries , Around The World , Life And Work , Diseases , 120 , South Georgia , Beautiful , Chronic Kidney Disease , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Ga Farxiga , Dialysis , Kidney Failure , Skin , Infection , Doctor , Yeast Infections , Reaction , Urinary Tract , Dehydration , Blood Sugar , Perineum , Symptoms , Stop Taking Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Rescuers , Oxygen , Pipe , Food , Mountain Tunnel , 650 , Price , Streak , Gas , Machines , Hand , Gallon , Average , Aaa , 25 , 60 , 3 25 , Shark Tank , Something , Time , Eczema , Passion , It Dancing , Nothing , Travel , Help , Hasn T , Whatever , Power , Dupixent Works On The Inside , Body , Reactions , Source , Inflammation , Pitch , Relief , Adults , Changes , Don T , Vision , Eye Problems , Healing , Pains , Eye Pain , Aches , Asthma , Deodorant , Dupixent , Eczema Specialist , Listen , Works , Secret , Odor , Ohhh Yesss , Catch , Stop Taking Eliquis , Stroke , Bleeding , Stroke Risk , Heart Valve Problem , Treatment , Shot , Warfarin , Afib , Eliquis Patients , 97 , Artificial Heart Valve , Cases , Medicines , Bruise , Bruising , Procedures , Business Partner , Blood Thinner , Friend , Index , Mark Cuban , Charlie Munger , Vice Chairman , Buffet , Last , Warren Buffett , The Show , Berkshire Hathaway , 1959 , 16 , Feeling , Children , Psoriasis Treatment , School , Show , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Back , Finding Psoriasis , Kind , Thighs , Splendor , Infections , Ability , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Jak Family , Vaccine , Tb , Lymphoma , Cancers , Labs , Liver , Triglycerides , Challenges , Risks , Find , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Content , Needs , Athletes , Money Habits , Thousands , Employees , Bank Of America , Special Olympics , Goals , Carolers , Iphone , Husband , 15 , Condition , Apple , Ipad , Plan , Wreck , Dad , Verizon , Soloist , Titanium , Value , Vo , 700 , 1700 , Rockin , Rockstar , Elvis , Wild Man , Little Richard , Chuck Barry , Jerry Lee , Dolly , Rock Album , The Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame , Getting Induct , Cast A Spell On Me David , We Are The Champions , Halftime Show , Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders , Champion , Album , Studio Albums , Grammys , Billboard Charts , 50 , Texting , Text , Somebody , Achievement , Texter , Mind , Fax Machine , Person , Phone , Face , Everything Else , Rocking , Cows Come Home David , Dolly Parton Forever , Rock Star , Rain , Homes , Cabin , Giving , Umbrella , Silicon Valley , Forward , Seven News , Finding Solutions , Building A Better Bay Area , Meteorologist Sandhya Patel , City , Mission Street , Street Vendor , Neighborhood , Enforcement , Mission District , San Francisco S Mission District , Ama Daetz , Effect , Reporter Lou Pena , Street Vendors , Sidewalks , Thanks , Fencing Operations , Permits , Abc Seven News , Ban , Dan Ashley , Vendors , 90 , Newsroom , Situation , Merchandise , Sign , Items , Louis , Vendor , Activity , Day Street , 90 Day Street ,

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