Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC 20240704

this community went through. tonight, we are inside the fire zone in maui. for the first time, we see the images captured by two captains who answered the call for help from the water. the coast guard telling them people, families, and children were in desperate need. tonight, they take us back by water to where they helped those fighting to survive, including a young brother and sister. their entire bodies covered in soot. and tonight, abc news with a minute-by-minute look at how this deadly disaster unfolded. our in-depth timeline. hour-by-hour, putting the pieces of this tragedy together. so much time went by, as the fires grew. why weren't there more alerts? why were the sirens not sounded? tonight, authorities defending their reason not to use them. the two boat captains describing the moment the coast guard sent them in, telling them, "we need help." they could feel the heat, the smoke, and the wind as they pulled into the harbor. tonight, investigators and what they're now learning about a possible cause of this devastating wildfire. the surveillance camera capturing what could have been an early trigger. and just a short time ago tonight, the red cross now calling this a mass fatality operation. more than 1,000 people still unaccounted for. our journey tonight to lahaina from the water. also tonight, hurricane hilary rapidly gaining strength in the pacific, taking aim at southern california. the storm expected to bring heavy rain and flash flooding across the southwest. rob marciano standing by to time this out. former president trump and the criminal indictment in georgia. tonight, the fulton county sheriff now investigating threats to the grand jurors who indicted donald trump. was their personal information, their addresses, shared on social media? trump and his 18 alleged co-conspirators now have eight days to surrender to authorities in georgia. jonathan karl reporting tonight. the war in ukraine. and intense new video showing ukrainian soldiers in an american humvee, all surviving after hitting a land mine. back in the u.s., the microsoft executive killed in cold blood. tonight, the ex-wife now charged with his execution-style murder. what authorities are now saying. in the northeast, the deadly flesh-eating bacteria warning tonight. three deaths now reported in new york and in connecticut. what authorities are now pointing to. and america strong, maui strong. tonight, saving the famous banyan tree here in maui. more than 150 years old. and what we witnessed today. >> david: good evening tonight from maui. we are here tonight after being given a first-hand look at the devastation in lahaina. we traveled by boat with two captains who answered the call that knight, the coast guard telling them, families and children were in desperate need of help. and tonight, with so many questions about these fires, abc news with an in-depth timeline, hour-by-hour, as these fires spread. why did so much time go by without significant alerts? why weren't the sirens used that they have here on maui? authorities and their explanation, right here tonight. more than 100 people have died here. and there are more than 1,000 still unaccounted for. and tonight, the red cross just before we came on the air here has now declared this disaster a mass fatality operation. as they carefully search through the debris for remains, asking loved ones to please provide their dna. we traveled into lahaina today with those two captains, taking the same route in that they took the night of the fires. jumping into action when the coast guard said, "we need help." tonight, for the first time, we see the images of the fires they captured themselves, those captains, the fires raging, the blinding smoke in the harbor. the heat they felt when they arrived. asking themselves, how would anyone survive jumping into those churning waters, in those winds? tonight here, some of the evidence. the surveillance, video of that spark, a flash, a downed power line. what could be the earliest reported fire on maui. soon homes and neighborhoods fully engulfed. people desperately trying to get away. the families trapped in their cars. the historic front street of lahaina, within hours, going up in flames. and as you know, so many people jumping over the sea wall, clinging to the rocks at the edge of the water. some in that water for hours. that stretch of front street after the fire frozen in place, burned. the charred, hollowed-out frames of the buildings that once stood there. the grim search now for days here, cadaver dogs leading the way. and we have been told they are now setting up screens here across maui, in lahaina, to give search teams the privacy they need with this crucial work. tonight here, those brave captains, what they witnessed, what they did. there are so many heroes here. and tonight, there are also so many questions. could more have been done by the authorities? tonight, the images we have not seen before. the raging inferno in the distance. these are the images captured by two captains as they made their way into lahaina from the water, told by the coast guard, people were desperate for help. families trapped at the water's edge. so many jumping in. children among them. wading in the angry waters for hours. the ocean churning from the winds. all to escape the flames racing down the hill, some of those flames traveling a mile a minute. tonight, for the first time, we take that journey back with those captains, traveling along maui's western edge. just a haunting scene here all along front street, where so many families, and the people of lahaina, came down the hill to try to escape the flames and the heat. so many jumping in the water here just to survive. as the two captains got closer to the harbor after nightfall, they could feel the heat, the blinding smoke. we've all seen the images of the people who jumped in the water to just to survive this and who were huddled along front street here. >> we were expecting the worst on the way in, so we had -- we had big spotlights up, flashlights searching. it was -- there was so much smoke in the air, your flashlight beam would only go about 100 feet or so. >> david: as we look at it here, you can see that people had no place to go, other than the water or the one road out of town. >> yeah. >> david: i mean, they were trapped. >> sorry. >> david: it is still too raw. captain riley coons is a third generation hawaiian, and captain travis dewater. they were both there that night. >> it looked like a zombie apocalypse, everything was on fire. everybody was just covered in soot. >> david: their faces were covered in soot from the fire? >> yeah. i mean, everything. >> david: everything. >> everybody was kind of covered in soot. >> david: so many people who were actually even in the water were holding a t-shirt up to their face just to breathe through it? >> the best i could tell, there was a girl that was 9 and a boy that was, like, 11 or 12 -- they were pretty scared. we showed up out of the dark and took them paddling out through the waves. i think it was the young boy, the older one was encouraging his sister to be strong, and it was pretty touching. >> david: when you look at these charred buildings and the melted cars all along front street, i mean, it's as though these families just -- they got trapped. when you think about the people still unaccounted for here -- >> it's just one of the heaviest thoughts to think about -- i know that there's -- i got three young kids, and i just imagine what -- i'm just so thankful i wasn't in here. i heard stories that people would just see families huddled together, and they said, it looks like it's pompeii. they're just calcified, frozen in time. then when i heard that, because schools weren't in that day, it was so windy that a lot of these were children at home -- it's just too much. sorry. sorry. >> david: the images of that night. the families, parents and their children in their cars. they won't forget. tonight, how did this happen? it was more than a week ago, monday evening, august 7th, 10:47 p.m. a surveillance camera capturing this moment. a flash. video of what could have been an early trigger in these deadly fires. a power line arcing. witness jennifer pribble. >> it was windy, and then there's a flash, and i think that's when a tree is falling on a power line. the power goes out. the camera comes back online and then the forest is on fire. >> david: the data compiled by whisker labs, a private company monitoring the grid through a network of sensors here, documenting dozens of major electrical incidents around lahaina. >> we've got that video of that kind of explosion, and we've got ten sensors in that community that show a very sharp drop in electrical voltage at precisely that same time. >> david: you can see jennifer and a coworker running with a garden hose and a fire extinguisher, trying to put out the flames. it was just minutes earlier, 6:37 a.m., shane treu woken up by the howling winds. >> power line just went down. >> david: in that moment, using a hose to try to protect his home from the fires that he says appears to have been caused by a downed power line. >> that's the power line that started it. started from up the road there. all of that is still burning. we had all this wind blowing and you have a fire, just -- that was fuel and in a matter of minutes, that whole place was engulfed. >> david: tonight, demand for accountability, and serious questions about whether alerts were sent when they should have been. and whether sirens should have been sounded. around midnight that night, those two captains, riley and travis, arrive in that harbor. only to find the raging fires and the blinding smoke. a week later, they're aware they were not the only ones who raced in to help. a lot of people here did a lot of heroic work, huh? >> the community has been amazing on the response side. i mean, there was other boats out here that night. we're not the only ones. >> that was one of the most amazing things out of this, to watch how fast the community came together and rose up, and it was instant, and it was everybody. >> david: i think the whole country is thinking about the people of lahaina and maui and got to do something to honor all these families here. >> i hope so. >> david: you know, those two captains telling me that that young brother and sister have been reunited with their parents. the parents were found down the way on front street from where the children were found in those nighttime hours. these two captains bravely sharing their stories with us today, and over and over again, telling me that there have been so many heroes here, and we told them the country knows that. later tonight right here, what we witnessed on the ground today, that famous banyan tree, more than 150 years old. and what we witnessed them doing at that tree just today. in the meantime, the other news here this evening, and we turn now to that very rare hurricane growing in the pacific, bearing down now on southern california and the southwest. expected to bring heavy rain and flash flooding, hurricane hilary forming off mexico just this morning and already tonight expected to be a major category 4 hurricane by tomorrow. senior meteorologist rob marciano is standing by with the timing and the track. rob? >> reporter: well, david, hurricane hilary is nearing category 3 status. winds of 110 miles per hour. very impressive on the satellite. you can see the eye, the center of which is south of cabo by about 500 miles. we think it will strengthen farther to category 4 status and weaken somewhat. but probably coming onshore near baja of california or california itself sometime late sunday night. the big impacts for the u.s. will be heavy rain, some of these desert locales will get a year's worth of rain in less than two days. watching that closely. the heat's going to rebuild across the midwest, places like chicago and kansas city will once again see temperatures up and over the 90-degree mark. as for the trades you've been feeling in maui, those winds will ease somewhat tomorrow. david? >> david: that is good news, indeed. rob marciano with us tonight. rob, thank you. we're all keeping our eyes on southern california, as well. in the meantime, we turn to former president trump tonight, and the criminal indictment in georgia. and tonight, the fulton county sheriff there now investigating threats to the grand jurors who indicted donald trump. was their personal information, were their addresses shared on social media? trump and his 18 alleged co-conspirators now have eight days to surrender to authorities in georgia. here's abc's chief washington correspondent jonathan karl. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi and fulton county sheriff are investigating threats against officials involved in the indictment of former president trump, for allegedly leading a criminal enterprise to overthrow the election in georgia. the sheriff vowing that anyone making threats against officials or grand jurors, quote, will be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. law enforcement officials are concerned that the personal information of grand jurors is being shared online. the fbi tonight saying, quote, each and every potential threat brought to our attention is taken seriously. trump today again attacked the prosecutors, calling them, quote, very sick people. >> it's a witch hunt. it's just a continuation of a witch hunt. >> reporter: trump and his 18 alleged co-conspirators have until next friday to turn themselves in to the sheriff to be processed, likely including fingerprinting and mugshots. the sheriff saying, quote, defendants can turn themselves in at any time. the jail is open 24/7. sources close to trump tell abc news his team is heading to georgia to figure out how all that will work. trump has promised to finally present his proof of the thoroughly disproven claims of election fraud, with a press conference on monday. but multiple sources close to the former president tell abc news that his own lawyers have told him not to hold that press conference, that repeating more bogus claims about election fraud would only serve to complicate his legal troubles. david? >> david: jonathan karl live in washington tonight. jon, thank you. we turn now to the war in ukraine, and tense new images tonight from ukraine's brutal counteroffensive. video shared by ukraine's 59th motorized infantry brigade they say from donetsk shows ukrainian troops in an american-made humvee, engaged in a firefight with russian forces there, when a land mine explodes underneath them. images from recent weeks, those images just now emerging. miraculously, they all climbed out, they survived this. the vehicle's armored undercarriage absorbing much of that blast. back here in the u.s. tonight, the microsoft executive who authorities say was killed in cold blood. tonight, the ex-wife now charged with his cushion-style murder. with his young daughter in the back seat of his car. what authorities are now saying, and here's abc's stephanie ramos tonight. >> reporter: tonight, shanna gardner, ex-wife of microsoft executive jared bridegan, is under arrest, charged with his execution-style murder in jacksonville, florida. >> shanna gardner's indictment acknowledges her central and key role in the cold, calculated, and premeditated murder of jared bridegan. >> reporter: a grand jury indicting gardner for allegedly plotting with her new husband and a hitman to murder bridegan last year. prosecutors say the former couple shared two kids and had gone through a bitter divorce, when he was lured out of his car to move a tire that had been intentionally placed in the street. bullets barely missing his 2-year-old daughter in the backseat. that hitman has confessed to pulling the trigger, but gardner's current husband has pleaded not guilty. in an interview last summer, shanna gardner denied any involvement in the murder. >> even though we didn't always get along, he was still the father of my kids. >> reporter: today, jared bridegan's heartbroken widow relieved to see this final arrest. >> for 547 days, we hoped and prayed that this day would come. >> reporter: gardner was taken into custody in washington state, where she reportedly moved to with her two kids. she'll be extra dieted to jacksonville, where she and her husband could face the death penalty. david? >> david: stephanie ramos reporting tonight. steph, thank you. we do have one note on the economy tonight. mortgage rates in this country have now surged to a more than 20-year high. a 30-year fixed rate mortgage now averages 7.09%, up from just over 5% a year ago, the highest since 2002. this increase follows the federal reserve's recent interest rate hikes to try to slow inflation. the rate of inflation is slowing now, but the move cooling the housing market and hiking those interest rates in the meantime. when we come back tonight, newly released body camera images of a deadly police ambush. an officer killed. authorities believe the suspect was planning a mass shooting. and in the northeast tonight, the warning about a deadly flash-eating bacteria. what are they linking it to? in a moment. 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-for you, mama. ...can help you open those doors. by proactively reviewing your entire portfolio. with an eye on taxes and risk. doors were meant to be opened. to the index of other news, to the index of other news, and health officials warning tonight about the deaths of three people from a rare flesh-eating bacteria in new york and connecticut. the bacteria known as vibrio vulnificus is found in raw shellfish and seawater. health officials say two people in connecticut were infected swimming in separate parts of long island sound. the third person died in suffolk county, new york. investigators are still trying to determine how that person was infected. and we've learned tonight that millions of iphone owners could soon be receiving checks from apple. apple settling a class action lawsuit for $500 million. the company accused of slowing down older phones during upgrades, to push customers to buy newer devices. the company denies any wrongdoing. some iphone owners who joined the lawsuit should receive those checks soon, for about $65. when we come back here, from maui, saving the famous banyan tree, more than 150 years old here. and what we witnessed today, what we saw from the water. ♪ the thought of getting screened ♪ ♪ for colon cancer made me queasy. ♪ ♪ but now i've found a way that's right for me. ♪ ♪ feels more easy. ♪ ♪ my doc and i agreed. ♪ ♪ i pick the time. ♪ ♪ today's a good day. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! 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Special Edition , Water , Maui , Hair , World News Tonight , Cars , Buildings , Look , Reminder , Shoulder , Paradise Lost , Camera Images , Community , Captains , Families , Time , Help , Children , Coast Guard , Fire Zone , Call , Two , Soot , Timeline , Abc News , Sister , Brother , Need , Disaster , Fighting , Bodies , Sirens , Authorities , Alerts , Reason , Pieces , Tragedy , Weren T , Fires Grew , Smoke , Harbor , Boat Captains , Heat , Investigators , Wind , Cause , Wildfire , Trigger , Journey , Camera , Red Cross , Capturing , A Mass Fatality Operation , 1000 , Southwest , Strength , Flooding , Storm , Aim At Southern California , Rob Marciano Standing , Hurricane Hilary , Pacific , Heavy Rain , Threats , Donald Trump , Jurors , Indictment , President , Information , Addresses , Georgia , Trump , Fulton County Sheriff , Shared On Social Media , 18 , Wall , Video , Humvee , Co Conspirators , Jonathan Karl , War , Reporting , Ukraine , Land Mine , Soldiers , American , Eight , Flesh Eating Bacteria , Executive , Murder , New York , Ex Wife , Back , Deaths , Northeast , Cold Blood , Microsoft , Three , Tree , Connecticut , Famous Banyan , America Strong , 150 , David Muir , Fires , Lahaina , Questions , Boat , Devastation , Knight , People , Explanation , Why Weren T , 100 , Loved Ones , Debris , Remains , Dna , Disaster A Mass Fatality Operation , Night , Route , Fires Raging , Spark , Flash , Winds , Some , Surveillance , Churning Waters , Evidence , Fire , Front Street Of Lahaina , Flames , Homes , Neighborhoods , Place , Edge , Stretch , Rocks , Clinging , Frames , Charred , Sea Wall , Hollowed , Way , Work , In Lahaina , Privacy , Screens , Cadaver , Heroes , Inferno , Distance , Jumping , Waters , Ocean Churning , Wading , The Hill , Of Lahaina , Scene , Western Edge , Images , Nightfall , Worst , Spotlights , Flashlight Beam , Flashlights Searching , Road , Town , One , Everything , Everybody , Captain Riley Coons , Captain Travis Dewater , Third Generation Hawaiian , Zombie Apocalypse , It , Faces , Face , T Shirt , Best , Boy , Girl , Waves , The Dark , 9 , 12 , 11 , Kids , Stories , Thoughts , Home , Lot , Schools , Pompeii , Parents , Surveillance Camera , August 7th , 47 , August 7th 10 47 Pm , 10 , 7 , Power , Power Line Arcing , Witness Jennifer Pribble , Whisker Labs , Sensors , Explosion , Forest , Kind , Dozens , Incidents , Network , Data , Grid , Ten , Garden Hose , Jennifer , Fire Extinguisher , Coworker Running , Drop , Hose , Howling Winds , Shane Treu , 6 , 37 , Matter , Wind Blowing , Fuel , Demand , Accountability , Ones , Response Side , Huh , Something , Things , Country , Thinking , Boats , Instant , Rose Up , Famous Banyan Tree , Ground , News , Hurricane , Southern California , Evening , Flash Flooding , Off Mexico , Reporter , Rob Marciano , Status , Category , Track , Timing , 4 , 3 , 110 , Center , South , Somewhat , Satellite , The Eye , 500 , Mark , Rain , Worth , Impacts , Temperatures , Sunday Night , Baja , Desert Locales , Midwest , Chicago , Kansas City , 90 , Feeling , Eyes , President Trump Tonight , Social Media , Sheriff , Fulton County , Fbi , Chief Washington , Officials , Quote , Grand Jurors , Election , Anyone , Enterprise , Prosecutors , Saying , Law Enforcement Officials , Threat , Law , Extent , Attention , Witch Hunt , Continuation , Mugshots , Fingerprinting , Sources , Defendants , Jail , Team , 24 7 , Press Conference , Election Fraud , Claims , Proof , Lawyers , Jonathan Karl Live In Washington Tonight , Troubles , Jon , Firefight , Counteroffensive , Troops , Forces , 59th Motorized Infantry , Russian , Donetsk , 59 , Vehicle , Land , Much , Blast , Undercarriage , Absorbing , Authorities Say , Car , Daughter , Stephanie Ramos Reporting Tonight , Back Seat , Shanna Gardner , To Jacksonville , Arrest , Jared Bridegan , Premeditated Murder , Cold , Role , Florida , Couple , Hitman , Husband , Tire , Divorce , Indicting Gardner , Grand Jury , Gardner , Backseat , Interview , The Street , Bullets , 2 , Father , Involvement , Widow , 547 , Custody , Death Penalty , Washington State , Note , Fixed Rate Mortgage , Mortgage Rates , Steph , High , Economy , 20 , 7 09 , 30 , Inflation , Increase , Housing Market , Rate , Interest Rates , Highest , Move , Interest Rate Hikes , Federal Reserve , 2002 , 5 , Police , Bacteria , Suspect , Officer , Ambush , Mass Shooting , Warning , Music , Aleve , Pain Relief , Magic , Try Alevex , Doctor , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Yhis A1c , Pill , Me Rybelsus , Weight , Family , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Goal , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Side Effects , Provider , Swelling , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Changes , Reaction , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Prescription , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , 0 , Officers , Rifle Firing , Traffic Accident , Others , Fargo , North Dakota , Gunman , Guns , Judge , Mistrial , Street , Explosives , Injured , Bystander , Ammunition , Brandon Case Accused Of Chasing , Case , Packages , Son , Neighborhood , Driver , Kill A Black Fedex , Brookhaven , Mississippi , Gregory , D Monterrio Gibson , Health Officials , Prosecutor , Victim , Defense , Statement , Detective , Stop Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Warfarin , Stroke Risk , Risk , Don T , Stroke , Cases , Both , Artificial Heart Valve , Medicines , Blood Thinner , Bruising , Procedures , Protein , Number , Muscle Health , High Protein , Age , Flavor , Boost , Boost Com Tv , Cinnabon , 16 , Wife , Vero Beach , Ruthann , Stores , Prevagen , Crohn S Disease Skyrizi , Reactions , Infections , Remission , Ability , Endoscopic Improvement , Il 23 , 23 , Infection , Control , Abbvie , Liver Problems , Crohn S , Crohn S Disease , Symptoms , Vaccine , Gastroenterologist , Doors , Advisor , Eye , Fidelity , Mama , Taxes , Portfolio , Opportunities , Health , Index , Person , Seawater , Vibrio Vulnificus , Shellfish , Parts , Swimming , Suffolk County , Long Island Sound , Iphone Owners , Checks , Wrongdoing , Millions , Class Action Lawsuit , Upgrades , Devices , Phones , Customers , Apple , 00 Million , 500 Million , Lawsuit , 65 , Colon Cancer , Thought , Doc , Me Queasy , Results , Cologuard , Non Invasive , 45 , Birthday , Chapter , Life , Rest , Visit Prudential Com , The Best Is Yet To Come , Scrolling Content , Investment , Insurance , Rock , What , Retirement Expertise , Ambience , Room , Crickets , Videos , School , Plan , , Release , Path , Kid , Steve , Golo , My Life , 138 , Tip , Text , Announcer , Copd , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , World , Vabysmo , Sight , Wet Amd , Fda , Treatments , Chance , Treatment , More , Vision , Eye Pressure , Eye Injection , Eye Infection , Causes , Ingredients , Retinal Detachment , Injection , Blood Clots , Heart Attack , Effort , Iconic Symbol In Lahaina , Hope , Hoses , Residents , Leaves , Branches , Nightline , Victims , List , Organizations , Saturating The Ground , San Francisco , Money , Emergency Sirens , Sirens Plus , Six , Group , Indictments , House , Crimes , Departments , Pittsburgh , Antioch , Above The Law , Finding Solutions , Forward , Police Officer , Line , Duty , Building A Better Bay Area , San Jose , Silent , Story , City , Security Upgrade , Funding , Melanie Woodrow , 00 , 2019 , 2019 Melanie , Science , Funny , The City , Supervisor , This , 6 Million , 96 Million ,

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