Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

moderna now asking the fda for emergency use authorization for its vaccine for children younger than 6 years old. what the company is saying about the vaccine's effectieness. many parents getting impatient, wondering how much longer they'll have to wait. in other health news, the u.s. reporting the first death of a child possibly tied to a mystery global outbreak of hepatitis. the cdc issuing a nationwide health alert. at least 20 cases in six states under investigation. health officials trying to find a common link. new pictures of former marine trevor reed back home in texas tonight for the first time in nearly three years since being imprisoned in russia. what his parents are now saying about his health. and questions tonight about two other american prisoners. the fda moving forward with plans to ban menthol cigarettes. public health officials say the move could save hundreds of thousands of lives, especially among young people. news tonight on the american com economy. after a year of rapid growth followed by invasion and supply chain issues, the economy shrinking for the first time since the early days of the pandemic. and the nfl draft just a short time from now. the moment of a lifetime for future stars. who will go number one? good evening. it's great to have you with us on a thursday night, i'm whit johnson, in for david tonight. and we begin with the war in ukraine and president biden's new request, asking congress for $33 billion in supplemental aid to ukraine over the next five months. and pledging the u.s. is in it for the long hall. tonight, the pentagon saying russia troops are making slow, uneven and incremental progress in eastern ukraine. the president saying the costs of this fight is not cheap, but caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen. u.s. officials confirming more than half of the 90 howitzers already promised have arrived and dozens of ukrainians have been trained to use them. and yet tonight, two large explosions, you see here, striking kyiv. this video circulating online. the mayor saying two russian missiles hit several strictures, including an apartment building. at least three people were hurt. the blast just hours after the u.n. secretary-general antonio near kyiv, calling this war an - absurdity in the 21st century. guterres met with vladimir putin yesterday. and with ukraine's president zelenskyy today. afterwards, zelenskyy saying plans are now under way to evacuate the besieged city of mariupol, where russian shelling has so far made it too dangerous to get out. abc's ian pannell back in ukraine tonight. >> reporter: tonight, explosions in kyiv. these videos circulating online showing the moment russian m missiles struck in the heart of the city. fires raging and smoke rising over the capital and rescuers rushed in to help the wounded. this video captured by a resident whose apartment block was hit. the strikes coming just hours after president biden formally asked congress for $33 billion in extra aid for ukraine to help counter russia's invasion. >> the cost of this fight is not cheap. but caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen. >> reporter: biden requesting $20.4 billion in new military assistance and $8.5 billion for the ukrainian government, to help provide basic citizen services. america supplying a whole range of weapons systems. the latest to be sent are these howitzer artillery guns. the pentagon saying more than half of the 90 promised have now arrived. and the first 50 ukrainians have now been trained how to fire them. >> we're not attacking russia. we're helping ukraine defend itself against russian aggression. >> reporter: russian foreign minister lavrov has warned of the danger of a nuclear war over ukraine. president putin not directly mentioning nuclear weapons, but hinting at it. saying, "we have all the tools for this. things no one else can boast of having." president biden condemning the warnings. >> no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility they'd use that. it's irresponsible. >> reporter: across ukraine russian attacks continue as they try to advance in the east, repeatedly hitting civilian targets. in besieged mariupol, video released by the far-right azov battalion, fighting alongside government forces, appearing to show the aftermath of an attack on a hospital inside the avostal steel plant. abc news unable to verify the video's authenticity, but it wouldn't be the first hospital to be hit in the city. today, the u.n. secretary-general saw the destruction wrought by russia's military first-hand. he said he could imagine his own family living there, his grandchildren running away in terror. he called the war simply evil. >> there is no way a war can be acceptable in the 21st century. look at that. >> reporter: even though the russians have been driven out of here, the dangers remain. we witnessed demining teams collecting unexploded ordnance from liberated villages near kyiv. more than 80,000 explosive devices have been found across ukraine since the war began. you can see here, there are grenades, there are shells. these are anti-tank mines. these guys are working around the clock now to try to find them, collect them, and detonate them, and allow the people to come back into their homes. >> reporter: the trucks lead a slow, high-risk convoy deep into the woods. more than 2,000 pieces of ordinance are buried into a crater. and then this -- there'll be many more days like this and many more bombs exploding in ukraine. >> unthinkable conditions they have to live through. ian pannell joining us tonight from kyiv. and ian, we noted president biden today saying the u.s. will supply military assistance to ukraine as long as the russian assaults and atrocities continue and other top officials are suggesting this could last for some time now. >> reporter: yeah, i think that's right. and i don't think there's any telling how long it is fog to last. i mean, the fighting in the east is escalating. thousands have been killed. millions forced from their homes and a peace process that looks dead in the water. i think expect this war to go on for months at best, possibly into next year. and it's going to test the ukrainians above all, but also u.s. and nato resolve. whit? >> ian, thank you. and president biden now working to convince congress to approve his $33 billion pledge to ukraine, so, let's go to washington now and our senior white house correspondent mary bruce. mary, congressional leaders sounding on mystic today, but still some challenges ahead. >> reporter: the president admitted himself today this is a lot of money. it would mean the u.s. would be spending roughly $213 million a day for the next five months. now, up on capitol hill, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have voiced support for this. the republican leader mitch mcconnell today saying he is very likely to back this. so, the question now is really how quickly can they get this done? the house is out of session next week and also whether any members are going to try to make changes, which could, of course, prolong this process. so, bottom line, whit, this could take a couple of weeks and while the white house insists this funding is urgent and desperately needed, they are confident that in the meantime ukraine does have the security and military assis tabs it needs to keep up this fight. whit? >> that's a lot of money and it's congress, these things do take time. mary, thank you. now to that news many parents of young children have been waiting for, with covid cases rising in 40 states and territories. moderna officially asking the fda to give its vaccine the go ahead for children under 6 and as young as 6 months old. some 18 million children are still ineligible for the vaccine. abc's erielle reshef with details on the vaccine for kids and on when we might see shots going into arms. >> reporter: tonight, a major step for parents of young children anxiously waiting for a vaccine. >> i honestly couldn't be more excited. she will be vaccinated the literal moment we have the opportunity to do it. >> reporter: moderna asking for emergency authorization for kids under 6, after reporting two doses generated a strong antibody response similar to that seen in adults without any safety concerns. >> it was safe, and there were no reported cases of serious adverse events or myocarditis or heart inflammation. >> reporter: the vaccine was 51% effective at preventing infection for 6 months to 2-year-olds, and 37% effective in 2 to 6-year-olds. but none of the children in the trial got severe disease. >> it will hopefully tell parents that this vaccine is not only safe, but it will prevent against severe illness, hospitalization, which is the goal of vaccines. >> great job! >> reporter: there are 18 million children who are still not eligible for a vaccine and many parents are frustrated, including sarah liebman, who has a 2-year-old in preschool. >> every day i send them, i am scared. and iit wrenc choice. >> reporter: covid infections among children are up 44% in the last two weeks. it comes as 40 states and territories are now reporting an overall increase in covid cases. 31 are seeing an uptick in hospital admissions. >> and that doesn't even include the fact that we are missing data. there's at-home testing and changes in reporting structure, wich means we're probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cases and hospitalizations. >> erielle reshef joins us now. let's go back to the moderna vaccine. walk us through the timeline here, because there was some concern about a delay if the fda decided to wait for pfizer's submission to review them at the same time. we have word tonight that's not going to happen, right? >> reporter: that's right, whit. the fda will review the moderna vaccine regardless of when pfizer submits its data. a senior administration official saying this process should move as expeditiously as possible, of course, that's what many parents wanted to hear. moderna hoping it will take about a month. whit? >> erielle, thanks. next, in other health news tonight, the mysterious global outbreak of severe hepatitis in otherwise healthy children. the cdc issuing a nationwide health alert. cases now identified in at least six u.s. states including at least four children who required a liver transplant, and sadly, one child who died. tonight, health officials racing to find out what, if anything, these cases have in common. abc's steve osunsami at the cdc in atlanta. >> reporter: heltd officials tonight say it's hard to explain what's causing this, but in wisconsin they're reporting at least one american child who has died, and they worry this might be connected to a global outbreak of acute hepatitis in children. >> what is particularly unusual is that the majority of these children were previously healthy. >> reporter: so far, the cdc is investigating more than 20 pediatric cases of severe liver inflammation in six states. at least four of the children needed a liver transplant. >> the skin turning yellow or the white of their eyes turning yellow, those things should be an alarm for them to bring their kid to seek medical attention, to bring them to their pediatrician. >> reporter: hepatitis in children is often caused by contaminated food, but that doesn't appear the be the case here. doctors in alabama are investigating whether a cluster of nine children got sick after catching the adenovirus, which can cause a common cold, but rarely hepatitis. >> it could be a virus that's driving it, plus an exaggerated response from these patients to try to combat this virus. >> reporter: but the world health organization says for now there is no direct link. nearly half of the 169 children worldwide who've gotten sick tested negative for the adenovirus. scientists point out that every year, there are always unexplained cases of hepatitis in children, and they underline that they see no evidence so far that connects this to the covid vaccines, in fact, they say most of these children who came down with hepatitis were unvaccinated. whit? >> steve osunsami at the cdc for us tonight. thank you. next, former u.s. marine trevor reed is back in texas tonight, after his surprise release from a russian prison camp, part of a secretive, high level prisoner swap. reed touching down at a u.s. military facility in san antonio, where he's getting medical care. but his release now raising questions about other americans imprisoned in russia, including a wnba star and another former marine who asked, "why i was left behind?" here's abc's stephanie ramos in san antonio. >> reporter: trevor reed arriving back on u.s. soil. his parents there to greet him at joint base san antonio in texas. his mother paula tweeting, "it's been a very exciting day for the reed family." congressman august flugler, also on hand, posting these pictures to twitter. did he seem excited? did he seem anxious? kind of describe that -- >> well, it's a long journey. so he was obviously very fatigued. his spirit is incredible. he's a survivor. he's a fighter. and there's obviously health concerns with him. >> reporter: reed held by the russians for three years. his parents watching the dramatic prisoner swap that set him free, describing the moment to david muir. >> he looked horrible. he looked like he could hardly walk. he looked like he'd been walking shackled. in fact, when we both saw that video this morning first time, we started crying. >> reporter: with their son back home, reed's family hoping to draw attention to other americans held in putin's russia. wnba star and olympic gold medalist brittney griner, detained since february for allegedly having hashish oil in her suitcase. her wife cherelle posted on instagram, "my heart is overflowing with joy for the reed family. i know the pain of having your loved one detained in a foreign country. that level of pain is constant." another american, former marine paul whelan, has been in russian custody since 2018, accused of being a spy, which he has denied. whelan now asking his brother, "why was i left behind? wy hasn't more been done to secure my release?" >> we will continue to do everything possible to bring paul whelan home. the president is focused on that. and we would say to him, we are going to continue to do everything possible to bring you home. >> reporter: trevor reed is expected to spend some time here at this hospital. his family tells me he has a long road to recovery, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. whit? >> good to see him back, but we know the work continues for those other americans still in russia. stephanie, thank you. next tonight here, the food and drug administration is proposing bans on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. the agency says the ban aims to save lives and promote health eck wety. menthol cigarettes account for a third of all those sold in the u.s. and they are heavily favored by black smokers and young people. legal challenged are expected. and reversal for the pandemic recovery. the economy contracted in the first quarter of 2022, after a year of rapid growth. the nation's output of goods and services, the gdp, fell 1.4%, the weakest showing since the early days of covid. the report fueling fears of a possible recession, though consumer spending and business investment remain high. when we come back here, three prison guards now charged with murdering an inmate as he was being transferred. what authorities have now revealed. and the hotel scare in washington, d.c., a car smashing into the lobby. at least five people hurt. way day, wayfair's biggest sale of the year is here. right now for two days only, april 27th and 28th, get the lowest prices on thousands of items for your home. shop outdoor furniture up to 65% off... rugs up to 80% off... and lighting 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swelling,... ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. if you have copd, ask your doctor about breztri. tonight, three prison forwards are facing murder charges in south florida. all three charged in connection with the deadly beating of an inmain ate dade correctional institution. authorities say 60-year-old ronald ingram was handcuffed and beaten while being transferred to another facility in february. they carried him to the transport van. he died on the way. the medical examiner saying the cause of death was a punctured lung and internal bleeding. authorities in washington, d.c. are investigating a car crash in the lobby of a hotel. at least five people, including the driver, hurt, when the car smashed through the front entrance, shattering the glass, stopping next to the front desk. one person is being treated for serious injuries. the yotel washington, d.c. is located near capitol hill. no word on what caused the crash. when we come back here tonight, news on climate change. alarming new images of lake mead, the water level dropping to an unprecedented low. and the actress served with legal papers while on stage. the more information i found, got me more curious. researching my family on ancestry has given me a purpose. we discovered that our family has been in new mexico for hundreds of years. it showed how much my family was really rooted in campbell county. it was really finding gold. the best part is feeling like i really have roots. don't be afraid to open the door, there's so much information on the other side. with less moderate-to-severe eczema, why hide your skin if you can help heal your skin from within? hide my skin? not me. dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema, with clearer skin and less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches 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[crowd cheers] voya. be confident to and through retirement. news on climate change tonight and alarming new images of lake mead, the water level plunging so low, you can see in the pictures here. the original intake valve has been exposed for the first time. a new lower valve pressed into operation. pictures from 2000 and 2021 show just how badly the lake is shrinking. it's the largest manmade reservoir in the u.s. providing water for people in arizona, california, and nevada. a surprising and public twist in the custody battle between hollywood stars olivia wilde and jason sudeikis. the actress and director served with legal papers concerning custody of their two children while on stage in las vegas, promoegting her new movie. officials say wilde appeared surprised at first, then continued. sudeikis reportedly insists he had no idea when or where those papers would be served. when we come back, behind the scenes of the nfl draft. the top players ready for the the top players ready for the red carpet. especially when you have metastatic breast cancer. when your time is threatened, it's hard to invest in your future. until now. kisqali is helping women live longer than ever before when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant... in hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's proven to delay disease progression. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain... a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. your future is ahead of you, so it's time to make the most of it with kisqali. because when you invest in yourself, everyone gets the best of you. okay, snacks and popcorn are gonna be expensive. let's just accept that. going to the movies can be a lot for young homeowners turning into their parents. bathrooms -- even if you don't have to go, you should try. we all know where the bathroom is and how to us it, okay? 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>> since the first time i strapped on my helmet. >> reporter: tonight, the first round of the nfl draft, making dreams come true. how old was he when you knew that this night could be possible? >> gosh -- i don't think we ever -- you don't want to say it or know it, you just keep going day by day. >> reporter: for the first time, the show taking over sin city, where 262 picks will be announced over the three-night event. >> that's a couple pounds of diamonds. 20 of the taupe players sporting first class style on the draft's floating red carpet. what are you going to be thinking tonight? >> i'm going to be thinking about what dance move i'm in. because you have to be fun. you see some guys have fun, but you got to have fun up there. it's the moment of a lifetime you'll never have again. >> reporter: but who takes the commissioner's hand first on the big stage is still a toss up. experts largely split between two defensive linemen -- michigan's aidan hutchinson and georgia's travon walker. so, after that phone rings, these are the first steps. >> yep, on their way to their nfl career. >>te t rinbehindto make that cr reou >> i'l tellw ghghave to giv but i'm trying. as i get older, it gets harder. i will tell you, the emotion is so pure. >> reporter: and whit, the players are heading over to the draft stage right now, but remember, some of the biggest stars chose to stay home, like travon walker, who experts are getting more and more certain will be the jaguars first pick. whit? >> it will be an exciting night. kaylee, thank you. you can watch the nfl draft here on abc beginning at 8:00 eastern. i'm whit johnson in new york. for david and all of us >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> we need to find and save our daughter. it has been three long excruciating months since alexis has disappeared. what new developments in the search for a missing oakley woman. >> two suspects in court and a third now free in the case of a three-month-old kidnappho're f's mother who spoke outside the courthouse today. >> think for joining us. to suspects in a kidnapping appeared in court this afternoon. >> into district attorney decided not to file charges against a third person arrested on tuesday. >> we have reaction from the mother of the three-month-old. >> the two suspects in court today are being held without bail at the request of the d.a.. if they are convicted, they face up to 11 years in prison. that mother did speak with us outside of the courtroom today and she says she is extremely relieved and great all to have her son back with her. a relieved mom speaking to camas today after the terrifying kidnapping of her infant son. his mother saying they are extremely happy as a family and as parents to have their baby back with them safe and healthy. today, she was in court as the two suspects in connection to the kidnapping were arrested and went before a judge. she said it's difficult but has faith that they will do their job. use in your ramirez faces three charges including conspiracy to commit kidnapping of a child, kidnapping of a child, and burglary. ramirez was friends with the family and broughthe

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Marine , Abc S Stephanie Ramos In , Care , Wnba , Mother , Paula Tweeting , Reed Family , Soil , Joint Base San Antonio , Hand , Kind , Fighter , Spirit , Journey , Survivor , Congressman August Flugler , David Muir , Health Concerns , Son , Saw , Pain , Cherelle , Brittney Griner , Overflowing , Hashish Oil , Suitcase , Joy , Instagram , Olympic , Paul Whelan , Level , Constant , Custody , Country , Spy , 2018 , Everything , Wy Hasn T , Brother , Recovery , Road , Ban , Work , Cigars , Bans , Agency , Cigarettes , Smokers , Third , Reversal , Health Eck Wety , Report , Showing , Output , Nation , Goods , Gdp , Recession , 2022 , 1 4 , Authorities , Inmate , Prison , Business Investment , Consumer Spending , Car Smashing , Washington D C , Hotel Scare , Wayfair , Lobby , Prices , Sale , Items , Outdoor Furniture , April 27th , 28 , 27 , 65 , 28th , Bonus Savings , Lighting , Shipping , Credit Card , 80 , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Pain Relief , Powerful , Aleve X , Plan , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Doctor , Won T , Breathing , Copd , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Breztri , High Blood Pressure , Problems , Chest Pain , Don T , Vision Changes , Eye , Mouth , Heart Condition , Asthma , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Tongue , Swelling , Risk , Connection , Murder Charges , South Florida , Beating , Prison Forwards , Ronald Ingram , Dade Correctional Institution , Inmain , Facility , Examiner , Transport Van , 60 , Bleeding , Car Crash , Cause , Lung , Hotel , Authorities In Washington D C , Car , Glass , Driver , Entrance , Person , Images , Crash , News On Climate Change , Desk , Injuries , Lake Mead , Yotel , Actress , Papers , Water Level , Low , On Stage , Information , Ancestry , Purpose , Gold , Roots , Campbell County , New Mexico , Eczema , Door , Side , Dupixent , Vision , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Reactions , Itch , Joint Aches , Mark , Cancer , Words , Shoulder , Surgery , Face , Christine , Colon Cancer , Control , Announcer , Help , Screening , Homegrown Tomatoes , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now , 1 , Stages , Yep , Colon Cancers , Results , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , 45 , 92 , Retirement , Investments , Provider , Thanks , Voya , Guidance , Climate Change Tonight , Crowd Cheers , Lake , Intake Valve , Lower Valve , Operation , 2021 , Jason Sudeikis , Manmade , Reservoir , Twist , Director , Custody Battle Between Hollywood Stars , Olivia Wilde , Nevada , Arizona , California , Movie , Stage , Las Vegas , First , Promoegting , Players , Breast Cancer , Idea , Back , Nfl Draft , Red Carpet , Behind The Scenes , Pill , Kisqali , Disease Progression , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Or Fulvestrant , Hr , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Change , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Cough , Dizziness , Chills , Breastfeeding , Yellowing , Urine , Fever , Loss , Tiredness , Rash , Appetite , Treatment , Grapefruit , Bruising , Future , Homeowners , Movies , Everyone , Bathrooms , Popcorn , Snacks , Most , Best Of You , Stevensons , Progressive , No One , Know , Bathroom , Seat , Coats , Money Bundling , Boat Insurance , Coat Wrangler , More , Auto , Vero Beach , Ruthann , Don T Share My Medicare , Call , Scammer , Life , Nerve , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Number , Mom , Text , Scam , Email , Catch , Strangers , Wasn T A Real Email , Someone , Nice , Go , Strike , Personal Information , Medicare Gov Fraud , Playing , Kaylee Hartung , Helmet , Round , Gosh , Making Dreams Come True , Day By , For The First Time , Event , Show , Picks , Style , Sin City , The Draft S Floating Red Carpet , Diamonds , Taupe Players Sporting First Class , 262 , Fun , Thinking , Dance Move , Experts , Travon Walker , Toss Up , Steps , Commissioner , Linemen , Career , Phone Rings , Georgia , Aidan Hutchinson , Michigan , Te T Rinbehindto , Tellw Ghghave , Cr Reou , Some , Emotion , Certain , Jaguars , All Of Us Building A Better Bay Area , New York , 00 , 8 , Finding Solutions , Forward , Daughter , Alexis , 7 , Suspects , Court , Kidnappho , Search , Developments , Woman , Kidnapping , Charges , Courthouse , District Attorney , Reaction , Bail , D A , Courtroom , Wall , 11 , Infant Son , Baby , Faith , Ramirez , Judge , Conspiracy , Burglary , Friends , Broughthe ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

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moderna now asking the fda for emergency use authorization for its vaccine for children younger than 6 years old. what the company is saying about the vaccine's effectieness. many parents getting impatient, wondering how much longer they'll have to wait. in other health news, the u.s. reporting the first death of a child possibly tied to a mystery global outbreak of hepatitis. the cdc issuing a nationwide health alert. at least 20 cases in six states under investigation. health officials trying to find a common link. new pictures of former marine trevor reed back home in texas tonight for the first time in nearly three years since being imprisoned in russia. what his parents are now saying about his health. and questions tonight about two other american prisoners. the fda moving forward with plans to ban menthol cigarettes. public health officials say the move could save hundreds of thousands of lives, especially among young people. news tonight on the american com economy. after a year of rapid growth followed by invasion and supply chain issues, the economy shrinking for the first time since the early days of the pandemic. and the nfl draft just a short time from now. the moment of a lifetime for future stars. who will go number one? good evening. it's great to have you with us on a thursday night, i'm whit johnson, in for david tonight. and we begin with the war in ukraine and president biden's new request, asking congress for $33 billion in supplemental aid to ukraine over the next five months. and pledging the u.s. is in it for the long hall. tonight, the pentagon saying russia troops are making slow, uneven and incremental progress in eastern ukraine. the president saying the costs of this fight is not cheap, but caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen. u.s. officials confirming more than half of the 90 howitzers already promised have arrived and dozens of ukrainians have been trained to use them. and yet tonight, two large explosions, you see here, striking kyiv. this video circulating online. the mayor saying two russian missiles hit several strictures, including an apartment building. at least three people were hurt. the blast just hours after the u.n. secretary-general antonio near kyiv, calling this war an - absurdity in the 21st century. guterres met with vladimir putin yesterday. and with ukraine's president zelenskyy today. afterwards, zelenskyy saying plans are now under way to evacuate the besieged city of mariupol, where russian shelling has so far made it too dangerous to get out. abc's ian pannell back in ukraine tonight. >> reporter: tonight, explosions in kyiv. these videos circulating online showing the moment russian m missiles struck in the heart of the city. fires raging and smoke rising over the capital and rescuers rushed in to help the wounded. this video captured by a resident whose apartment block was hit. the strikes coming just hours after president biden formally asked congress for $33 billion in extra aid for ukraine to help counter russia's invasion. >> the cost of this fight is not cheap. but caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen. >> reporter: biden requesting $20.4 billion in new military assistance and $8.5 billion for the ukrainian government, to help provide basic citizen services. america supplying a whole range of weapons systems. the latest to be sent are these howitzer artillery guns. the pentagon saying more than half of the 90 promised have now arrived. and the first 50 ukrainians have now been trained how to fire them. >> we're not attacking russia. we're helping ukraine defend itself against russian aggression. >> reporter: russian foreign minister lavrov has warned of the danger of a nuclear war over ukraine. president putin not directly mentioning nuclear weapons, but hinting at it. saying, "we have all the tools for this. things no one else can boast of having." president biden condemning the warnings. >> no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility they'd use that. it's irresponsible. >> reporter: across ukraine russian attacks continue as they try to advance in the east, repeatedly hitting civilian targets. in besieged mariupol, video released by the far-right azov battalion, fighting alongside government forces, appearing to show the aftermath of an attack on a hospital inside the avostal steel plant. abc news unable to verify the video's authenticity, but it wouldn't be the first hospital to be hit in the city. today, the u.n. secretary-general saw the destruction wrought by russia's military first-hand. he said he could imagine his own family living there, his grandchildren running away in terror. he called the war simply evil. >> there is no way a war can be acceptable in the 21st century. look at that. >> reporter: even though the russians have been driven out of here, the dangers remain. we witnessed demining teams collecting unexploded ordnance from liberated villages near kyiv. more than 80,000 explosive devices have been found across ukraine since the war began. you can see here, there are grenades, there are shells. these are anti-tank mines. these guys are working around the clock now to try to find them, collect them, and detonate them, and allow the people to come back into their homes. >> reporter: the trucks lead a slow, high-risk convoy deep into the woods. more than 2,000 pieces of ordinance are buried into a crater. and then this -- there'll be many more days like this and many more bombs exploding in ukraine. >> unthinkable conditions they have to live through. ian pannell joining us tonight from kyiv. and ian, we noted president biden today saying the u.s. will supply military assistance to ukraine as long as the russian assaults and atrocities continue and other top officials are suggesting this could last for some time now. >> reporter: yeah, i think that's right. and i don't think there's any telling how long it is fog to last. i mean, the fighting in the east is escalating. thousands have been killed. millions forced from their homes and a peace process that looks dead in the water. i think expect this war to go on for months at best, possibly into next year. and it's going to test the ukrainians above all, but also u.s. and nato resolve. whit? >> ian, thank you. and president biden now working to convince congress to approve his $33 billion pledge to ukraine, so, let's go to washington now and our senior white house correspondent mary bruce. mary, congressional leaders sounding on mystic today, but still some challenges ahead. >> reporter: the president admitted himself today this is a lot of money. it would mean the u.s. would be spending roughly $213 million a day for the next five months. now, up on capitol hill, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have voiced support for this. the republican leader mitch mcconnell today saying he is very likely to back this. so, the question now is really how quickly can they get this done? the house is out of session next week and also whether any members are going to try to make changes, which could, of course, prolong this process. so, bottom line, whit, this could take a couple of weeks and while the white house insists this funding is urgent and desperately needed, they are confident that in the meantime ukraine does have the security and military assis tabs it needs to keep up this fight. whit? >> that's a lot of money and it's congress, these things do take time. mary, thank you. now to that news many parents of young children have been waiting for, with covid cases rising in 40 states and territories. moderna officially asking the fda to give its vaccine the go ahead for children under 6 and as young as 6 months old. some 18 million children are still ineligible for the vaccine. abc's erielle reshef with details on the vaccine for kids and on when we might see shots going into arms. >> reporter: tonight, a major step for parents of young children anxiously waiting for a vaccine. >> i honestly couldn't be more excited. she will be vaccinated the literal moment we have the opportunity to do it. >> reporter: moderna asking for emergency authorization for kids under 6, after reporting two doses generated a strong antibody response similar to that seen in adults without any safety concerns. >> it was safe, and there were no reported cases of serious adverse events or myocarditis or heart inflammation. >> reporter: the vaccine was 51% effective at preventing infection for 6 months to 2-year-olds, and 37% effective in 2 to 6-year-olds. but none of the children in the trial got severe disease. >> it will hopefully tell parents that this vaccine is not only safe, but it will prevent against severe illness, hospitalization, which is the goal of vaccines. >> great job! >> reporter: there are 18 million children who are still not eligible for a vaccine and many parents are frustrated, including sarah liebman, who has a 2-year-old in preschool. >> every day i send them, i am scared. and iit wrenc choice. >> reporter: covid infections among children are up 44% in the last two weeks. it comes as 40 states and territories are now reporting an overall increase in covid cases. 31 are seeing an uptick in hospital admissions. >> and that doesn't even include the fact that we are missing data. there's at-home testing and changes in reporting structure, wich means we're probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cases and hospitalizations. >> erielle reshef joins us now. let's go back to the moderna vaccine. walk us through the timeline here, because there was some concern about a delay if the fda decided to wait for pfizer's submission to review them at the same time. we have word tonight that's not going to happen, right? >> reporter: that's right, whit. the fda will review the moderna vaccine regardless of when pfizer submits its data. a senior administration official saying this process should move as expeditiously as possible, of course, that's what many parents wanted to hear. moderna hoping it will take about a month. whit? >> erielle, thanks. next, in other health news tonight, the mysterious global outbreak of severe hepatitis in otherwise healthy children. the cdc issuing a nationwide health alert. cases now identified in at least six u.s. states including at least four children who required a liver transplant, and sadly, one child who died. tonight, health officials racing to find out what, if anything, these cases have in common. abc's steve osunsami at the cdc in atlanta. >> reporter: heltd officials tonight say it's hard to explain what's causing this, but in wisconsin they're reporting at least one american child who has died, and they worry this might be connected to a global outbreak of acute hepatitis in children. >> what is particularly unusual is that the majority of these children were previously healthy. >> reporter: so far, the cdc is investigating more than 20 pediatric cases of severe liver inflammation in six states. at least four of the children needed a liver transplant. >> the skin turning yellow or the white of their eyes turning yellow, those things should be an alarm for them to bring their kid to seek medical attention, to bring them to their pediatrician. >> reporter: hepatitis in children is often caused by contaminated food, but that doesn't appear the be the case here. doctors in alabama are investigating whether a cluster of nine children got sick after catching the adenovirus, which can cause a common cold, but rarely hepatitis. >> it could be a virus that's driving it, plus an exaggerated response from these patients to try to combat this virus. >> reporter: but the world health organization says for now there is no direct link. nearly half of the 169 children worldwide who've gotten sick tested negative for the adenovirus. scientists point out that every year, there are always unexplained cases of hepatitis in children, and they underline that they see no evidence so far that connects this to the covid vaccines, in fact, they say most of these children who came down with hepatitis were unvaccinated. whit? >> steve osunsami at the cdc for us tonight. thank you. next, former u.s. marine trevor reed is back in texas tonight, after his surprise release from a russian prison camp, part of a secretive, high level prisoner swap. reed touching down at a u.s. military facility in san antonio, where he's getting medical care. but his release now raising questions about other americans imprisoned in russia, including a wnba star and another former marine who asked, "why i was left behind?" here's abc's stephanie ramos in san antonio. >> reporter: trevor reed arriving back on u.s. soil. his parents there to greet him at joint base san antonio in texas. his mother paula tweeting, "it's been a very exciting day for the reed family." congressman august flugler, also on hand, posting these pictures to twitter. did he seem excited? did he seem anxious? kind of describe that -- >> well, it's a long journey. so he was obviously very fatigued. his spirit is incredible. he's a survivor. he's a fighter. and there's obviously health concerns with him. >> reporter: reed held by the russians for three years. his parents watching the dramatic prisoner swap that set him free, describing the moment to david muir. >> he looked horrible. he looked like he could hardly walk. he looked like he'd been walking shackled. in fact, when we both saw that video this morning first time, we started crying. >> reporter: with their son back home, reed's family hoping to draw attention to other americans held in putin's russia. wnba star and olympic gold medalist brittney griner, detained since february for allegedly having hashish oil in her suitcase. her wife cherelle posted on instagram, "my heart is overflowing with joy for the reed family. i know the pain of having your loved one detained in a foreign country. that level of pain is constant." another american, former marine paul whelan, has been in russian custody since 2018, accused of being a spy, which he has denied. whelan now asking his brother, "why was i left behind? wy hasn't more been done to secure my release?" >> we will continue to do everything possible to bring paul whelan home. the president is focused on that. and we would say to him, we are going to continue to do everything possible to bring you home. >> reporter: trevor reed is expected to spend some time here at this hospital. his family tells me he has a long road to recovery, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. whit? >> good to see him back, but we know the work continues for those other americans still in russia. stephanie, thank you. next tonight here, the food and drug administration is proposing bans on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. the agency says the ban aims to save lives and promote health eck wety. menthol cigarettes account for a third of all those sold in the u.s. and they are heavily favored by black smokers and young people. legal challenged are expected. and reversal for the pandemic recovery. the economy contracted in the first quarter of 2022, after a year of rapid growth. the nation's output of goods and services, the gdp, fell 1.4%, the weakest showing since the early days of covid. the report fueling fears of a possible recession, though consumer spending and business investment remain high. when we come back here, three prison guards now charged with murdering an inmate as he was being transferred. what authorities have now revealed. and the hotel scare in washington, d.c., a car smashing into the lobby. at least five people hurt. way day, wayfair's biggest sale of the year is here. right now for two days only, april 27th and 28th, get the lowest prices on thousands of items for your home. shop outdoor furniture up to 65% off... rugs up to 80% off... and lighting 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swelling,... ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. if you have copd, ask your doctor about breztri. tonight, three prison forwards are facing murder charges in south florida. all three charged in connection with the deadly beating of an inmain ate dade correctional institution. authorities say 60-year-old ronald ingram was handcuffed and beaten while being transferred to another facility in february. they carried him to the transport van. he died on the way. the medical examiner saying the cause of death was a punctured lung and internal bleeding. authorities in washington, d.c. are investigating a car crash in the lobby of a hotel. at least five people, including the driver, hurt, when the car smashed through the front entrance, shattering the glass, stopping next to the front desk. one person is being treated for serious injuries. the yotel washington, d.c. is located near capitol hill. no word on what caused the crash. when we come back here tonight, news on climate change. alarming new images of lake mead, the water level dropping to an unprecedented low. and the actress served with legal papers while on stage. the more information i found, got me more curious. researching my family on ancestry has given me a purpose. we discovered that our family has been in new mexico for hundreds of years. it showed how much my family was really rooted in campbell county. it was really finding gold. the best part is feeling like i really have roots. don't be afraid to open the door, there's so much information on the other side. with less moderate-to-severe eczema, why hide your skin if you can help heal your skin from within? hide my skin? not me. dupixent helps keep you one step ahead of eczema, with clearer skin and less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches 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[crowd cheers] voya. be confident to and through retirement. news on climate change tonight and alarming new images of lake mead, the water level plunging so low, you can see in the pictures here. the original intake valve has been exposed for the first time. a new lower valve pressed into operation. pictures from 2000 and 2021 show just how badly the lake is shrinking. it's the largest manmade reservoir in the u.s. providing water for people in arizona, california, and nevada. a surprising and public twist in the custody battle between hollywood stars olivia wilde and jason sudeikis. the actress and director served with legal papers concerning custody of their two children while on stage in las vegas, promoegting her new movie. officials say wilde appeared surprised at first, then continued. sudeikis reportedly insists he had no idea when or where those papers would be served. when we come back, behind the scenes of the nfl draft. the top players ready for the the top players ready for the red carpet. especially when you have metastatic breast cancer. when your time is threatened, it's hard to invest in your future. until now. kisqali is helping women live longer than ever before when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant... in hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's proven to delay disease progression. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain... a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. your future is ahead of you, so it's time to make the most of it with kisqali. because when you invest in yourself, everyone gets the best of you. okay, snacks and popcorn are gonna be expensive. let's just accept that. going to the movies can be a lot for young homeowners turning into their parents. bathrooms -- even if you don't have to go, you should try. we all know where the bathroom is and how to us it, okay? you know, the stevensons told me they saved money bundling their boat insurance with progressive. no one knows who those people are. -it can be painful. -hand me your coats. there's an extra seat right here. no, no, no, no, no. we don't need a coat wrangler. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home, auto, and more with us. no one who made the movie is here. for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. breztri gives you better breathing, symptom improvement, and helps prevent flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition... ...or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,... ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. if you have copd, ask your doctor about breztri. i'm mark and i live in vero beach, florida. ...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we exercise. i noticed i wasn't as sharp as i used to be. my wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said "yeah, i'll try it out." i noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker. and i thought, yeah, it works for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. i got a call from some scammer who had the nerve to ask for my medicare number. i was not born yesterday. when someone asked for my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your mother knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number with strangers. - if you get a call, text or email - strike! - asking for your medicare or personal information, - delete! - shut it down. - nope! learn more at finally tonight, the nfl draft just moments away. future stars waiting to get the call they've been dreaming about their entire lives. abc's kaylee hartung in las vegas. >> reporter: how long have you dreamed of playing in the nfl? >> since the first time i strapped on my helmet. >> reporter: tonight, the first round of the nfl draft, making dreams come true. how old was he when you knew that this night could be possible? >> gosh -- i don't think we ever -- you don't want to say it or know it, you just keep going day by day. >> reporter: for the first time, the show taking over sin city, where 262 picks will be announced over the three-night event. >> that's a couple pounds of diamonds. 20 of the taupe players sporting first class style on the draft's floating red carpet. what are you going to be thinking tonight? >> i'm going to be thinking about what dance move i'm in. because you have to be fun. you see some guys have fun, but you got to have fun up there. it's the moment of a lifetime you'll never have again. >> reporter: but who takes the commissioner's hand first on the big stage is still a toss up. experts largely split between two defensive linemen -- michigan's aidan hutchinson and georgia's travon walker. so, after that phone rings, these are the first steps. >> yep, on their way to their nfl career. >>te t rinbehindto make that cr reou >> i'l tellw ghghave to giv but i'm trying. as i get older, it gets harder. i will tell you, the emotion is so pure. >> reporter: and whit, the players are heading over to the draft stage right now, but remember, some of the biggest stars chose to stay home, like travon walker, who experts are getting more and more certain will be the jaguars first pick. whit? >> it will be an exciting night. kaylee, thank you. you can watch the nfl draft here on abc beginning at 8:00 eastern. i'm whit johnson in new york. for david and all of us >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> we need to find and save our daughter. it has been three long excruciating months since alexis has disappeared. what new developments in the search for a missing oakley woman. >> two suspects in court and a third now free in the case of a three-month-old kidnappho're f's mother who spoke outside the courthouse today. >> think for joining us. to suspects in a kidnapping appeared in court this afternoon. >> into district attorney decided not to file charges against a third person arrested on tuesday. >> we have reaction from the mother of the three-month-old. >> the two suspects in court today are being held without bail at the request of the d.a.. if they are convicted, they face up to 11 years in prison. that mother did speak with us outside of the courtroom today and she says she is extremely relieved and great all to have her son back with her. a relieved mom speaking to camas today after the terrifying kidnapping of her infant son. his mother saying they are extremely happy as a family and as parents to have their baby back with them safe and healthy. today, she was in court as the two suspects in connection to the kidnapping were arrested and went before a judge. she said it's difficult but has faith that they will do their job. use in your ramirez faces three charges including conspiracy to commit kidnapping of a child, kidnapping of a child, and burglary. ramirez was friends with the family and broughthe

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Biden , Congress , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , War , Eastern Ukraine , In The City , Video , Secretary General , Putin S Russia , Kyiv , Capital City , Missile Strikes , U N , One , U S , Fighting , Proxy War , Nuclear War , Region , Phase , Claim , Threat , Nato , Kremlin , Parents , Home , Capital , Villages , Mary Bruce , Team , Millions , Ian Pannell , Headline , White House , Military Collecting Unexmroekded , Vaccine , Children , Moderna , Health News , Company , Fda , Emergency Use Authorization , Impatient , Effectieness , 6 , Child , Death , Cases , Health Alert , Hepatitis , Outbreak , Link , Health Officials , Reporting , States , Investigation , Mystery , Cdc , 20 , Six , Marine Trevor Reed , Time , Health , Pictures , Questions , Prisoners , Texas , Two , Three , People , Lives , News , Plans , Menthol Cigarettes , Officials , Growth , Thousands , Hundreds , Move , The American Com Economy , Lifetime , Invasion , Nfl , Draft , Economy , Stars , Number One , Pandemic , Issues , Supply Chain , Whit Johnson , David Tonight , On A Thursday Night , Request , Aid , Hall , Five , Caving , Aggression , Fight , Progress , Costs , Troops , Pentagon , Ukrainians , Explosions , Howitzers , Dozens , Half , Striking Kyiv , 90 , Missiles , Strictures , Apartment Building , Mayor , Blast , War An Absurdity , Hurt , Way , President , City , Besieged Mariupol , Zelenskyy Today , President Putin , Russian Shelling , Zelenskyy , Guterres , 21 , Reporter , Abc , Videos , Rescuers , Smoke , Fires , Wounded , Heart Of The City , Resident , Ukraine , Strikes , Apartment Block , Cost , Government , Services , Military Assistance , Citizen , Range , 20 4 Billion , 0 4 Billion , 8 5 Billion , 5 Billion , Weapons Systems , Latest , Howitzer Artillery Guns , 50 , Weapons , Danger , Foreign Minister , Things , Use , Comments , Else , Warnings , Tools , Biden Condemning , East , Attacks , Battalion , Possibility , Targets , Azov , Hospital , Wouldn T , Authenticity , Attack , Forces , Avostal Steel Plant , Aftermath , Saw The Destruction , Family , Terror , Grandchildren , Military First Hand , Russians , Dangers , Teams , Unexploded Ordnance , Guys , Devices , Clock , Shells , Mines , Grenades , 80000 , Homes , Trucks , Ordinance , Pieces , Crater , Into The Woods , Convoy , 2000 , Bombs , Atrocities , Conditions , Assaults , Will Supply Military , Peace Process , Fog , Water , Ian , Resolve , Correspondent , Leaders , Mystic Today , Challenges , Let S Go To Washington , Lot , Money , Mitch Mcconnell , Support , Sides , Lawmakers , Aisle , Capitol Hill , Republican , 13 Million , 213 Million , Course , Couple , Changes , Process , House , Question , Members , Funding , Bottom Line , Military Assis , Covid , Tabs , Security , Territories , 18 Million , 40 , Kids , Step , Couldn T , Shots , Arms , Details , Erielle Reshef , Opportunity , Emergency Authorization , Safety Concerns , Antibody Response , Doses , Adults , Infection , Heart , Safe , Events , Inflammation , Myocarditis , 2 , 37 , 51 , Vaccines , Job , Hospitalization , None , Goal , Trial , Illness , Disease , Sarah Liebman , Preschool , Iit Wrenc Choice , Fact , Doesn T , Infections , Hospital Admissions , Increase , Uptick , 44 , 31 , Data , Hospitalizations , Testing , Tip , Iceberg , Wich , Let S Go , Reporting Structure , Word , Timeline , That S Right , Concern , Submission , Delay , Pfizer , Health News Tonight , Official , Administration , Erielle , Liver Transplant , Four , Anything , Steve Osunsami , Atlanta , Heltd , Wisconsin , Majority , Skin , Eyes , White , Liver Inflammation , Case , Cluster , Attention , Doctors , Yellow , Food , Pediatrician , Alarm , Kid , Alabama , Nine , It , Virus , Adenovirus , Response , Common Cold , Patients , World Health Organization , Scientists , Negative , 169 , Evidence , Unvaccinated , Release , San Antonio , Prisoner Swap , Prison Camp , Part , Secretive , Surprise , U S Marine , High Level , U S Military Facility , Americans , Star , Marine , Abc S Stephanie Ramos In , Care , Wnba , Mother , Paula Tweeting , Reed Family , Soil , Joint Base San Antonio , Hand , Kind , Fighter , Spirit , Journey , Survivor , Congressman August Flugler , David Muir , Health Concerns , Son , Saw , Pain , Cherelle , Brittney Griner , Overflowing , Hashish Oil , Suitcase , Joy , Instagram , Olympic , Paul Whelan , Level , Constant , Custody , Country , Spy , 2018 , Everything , Wy Hasn T , Brother , Recovery , Road , Ban , Work , Cigars , Bans , Agency , Cigarettes , Smokers , Third , Reversal , Health Eck Wety , Report , Showing , Output , Nation , Goods , Gdp , Recession , 2022 , 1 4 , Authorities , Inmate , Prison , Business Investment , Consumer Spending , Car Smashing , Washington D C , Hotel Scare , Wayfair , Lobby , Prices , Sale , Items , Outdoor Furniture , April 27th , 28 , 27 , 65 , 28th , Bonus Savings , Lighting , Shipping , Credit Card , 80 , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Pain Relief , Powerful , Aleve X , Plan , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Doctor , Won T , Breathing , Copd , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Rescue Inhaler , Breztri , High Blood Pressure , Problems , Chest Pain , Don T , Vision Changes , Eye , Mouth , Heart Condition , Asthma , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Tongue , Swelling , Risk , Connection , Murder Charges , South Florida , Beating , Prison Forwards , Ronald Ingram , Dade Correctional Institution , Inmain , Facility , Examiner , Transport Van , 60 , Bleeding , Car Crash , Cause , Lung , Hotel , Authorities In Washington D C , Car , Glass , Driver , Entrance , Person , Images , Crash , News On Climate Change , Desk , Injuries , Lake Mead , Yotel , Actress , Papers , Water Level , Low , On Stage , Information , Ancestry , Purpose , Gold , Roots , Campbell County , New Mexico , Eczema , Door , Side , Dupixent , Vision , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Reactions , Itch , Joint Aches , Mark , Cancer , Words , Shoulder , Surgery , Face , Christine , Colon Cancer , Control , Announcer , Help , Screening , Homegrown Tomatoes , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now , 1 , Stages , Yep , Colon Cancers , Results , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , 45 , 92 , Retirement , Investments , Provider , Thanks , Voya , Guidance , Climate Change Tonight , Crowd Cheers , Lake , Intake Valve , Lower Valve , Operation , 2021 , Jason Sudeikis , Manmade , Reservoir , Twist , Director , Custody Battle Between Hollywood Stars , Olivia Wilde , Nevada , Arizona , California , Movie , Stage , Las Vegas , First , Promoegting , Players , Breast Cancer , Idea , Back , Nfl Draft , Red Carpet , Behind The Scenes , Pill , Kisqali , Disease Progression , Women , Aromatase Inhibitor , Or Fulvestrant , Hr , Symptoms , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Change , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Cough , Dizziness , Chills , Breastfeeding , Yellowing , Urine , Fever , Loss , Tiredness , Rash , Appetite , Treatment , Grapefruit , Bruising , Future , Homeowners , Movies , Everyone , Bathrooms , Popcorn , Snacks , Most , Best Of You , Stevensons , Progressive , No One , Know , Bathroom , Seat , Coats , Money Bundling , Boat Insurance , Coat Wrangler , More , Auto , Vero Beach , Ruthann , Don T Share My Medicare , Call , Scammer , Life , Nerve , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Number , Mom , Text , Scam , Email , Catch , Strangers , Wasn T A Real Email , Someone , Nice , Go , Strike , Personal Information , Medicare Gov Fraud , Playing , Kaylee Hartung , Helmet , Round , Gosh , Making Dreams Come True , Day By , For The First Time , Event , Show , Picks , Style , Sin City , The Draft S Floating Red Carpet , Diamonds , Taupe Players Sporting First Class , 262 , Fun , Thinking , Dance Move , Experts , Travon Walker , Toss Up , Steps , Commissioner , Linemen , Career , Phone Rings , Georgia , Aidan Hutchinson , Michigan , Te T Rinbehindto , Tellw Ghghave , Cr Reou , Some , Emotion , Certain , Jaguars , All Of Us Building A Better Bay Area , New York , 00 , 8 , Finding Solutions , Forward , Daughter , Alexis , 7 , Suspects , Court , Kidnappho , Search , Developments , Woman , Kidnapping , Charges , Courthouse , District Attorney , Reaction , Bail , D A , Courtroom , Wall , 11 , Infant Son , Baby , Faith , Ramirez , Judge , Conspiracy , Burglary , Friends , Broughthe ,

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