Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

paul whelan and wnba player brittaney griner? and trevor reed's parents tonight with a message to all of the other families waiting for their loved ones to come home, too. our interview here and cecilia vega standing by live at the white house. tonight, vladimir putin's new threat, warning that russia will now respond with, quote, lightly fast strikes, against countries who want to interfere in the war in ukraine. it comes after the kremlin cut off those gas supplies to two nato members, poland and bulgaria, vowing other nations could be next. marcus moore in kyiv again tonight. back here at home this evening, the pandemic and amid rising cases in more than 30 states, some are now asking why doctor anthony fauci declared while on pbs that the u.s. is now finally out of the pandemic phase of this. what did he mean by that and what he's saying now. this evening, the new and chilling case in wisconsin. the murder of a 10-year-old girl. a 14-year-old boy arrested. that boy now being held on $1 million donald. what police are now saying about this case. in minneapolis, news tonight in the wake of george floyd. the new and damning report on the minneapolis police department, finding a, quote, pat earn or practice of race discrimination. tonight, the prisoner in florida set free after spending more than three decades behind bars for a murder he didn't commit. what authorities are now saying. and did detectives confuse him for another plan with a similar name? history in space tonight. astronaut jessica watkins and what she's set to do. and we honor former secretary of state madeleine albright. you will hear the tributes tonight, including former president clinton, who chose her as secretary of state, the first woman. and what he revealed about their last phone call two weeks before she died. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a weesday night. >> and we begin tonight with the extraordinary return of trevor reed. the american released from prison in russia. the u.s. marine veteran imprisoned in russia for nearly three years. we're learning more here tonight about this dramatic prisoner swap on an airport tarmac in turkey. the prisoner exchange for a russian man serving time here in the u.s. for drug trafficking. these were the first images of trevor reed, video aired by russian state tv. a frail-looking reed flank bid two officers, escorted to a small plane in moscow that then flew to turkey. then, the scene at an airport in turkey, our first look at the former u.s. prisoner being freed. moments later, the exchange. trevor reed walking on the left toward that u.s. plane. the russian walking on the right toward the russian plane. trevor reed was serving a nine-year sentence at a remote russian prison camp, at times in solitary confinement. recently going on a hunger strike, believed to be in failing health. his parents, joey and paula reed, never gave up fighting for nearly three years for his freedom. his parents saying in recent days, our son is out of time. tonight here, my, my interview trevor reed's parents, joey and paula reed. they describe the call from their son and then the call that came in at the same time from president biden. and they tell me what they thought when they saw those first images of their son today, heartbroken by how he looked. tonight, trevor reed's family even with their own son almost home now, they are also focused on those who remain in russia. paul whelan and brittney griner. we have it all covered tonight, including our interview with trevor reed's parents, but we begin with our chief white house correspondent cecilia vega, leading us off. >> reporter: today, an extraordinary scene on a tarmac n turkey. former u.s. marine trevor reed on the left, walking right past a convicted russian drug smuggler. the prisoner exchange broadcast on russian state tv, ending in a handshake and reed boarding a flight to freedom. a closer look shows reed flanked by russian soldiers, appearing gaunt as he started that journey home. the white house saying his deteriorating condition was behind the urgency to get the deal done. >> trevor's freedom is the result of months and months of hard, careful work across the u.s. government. >> reporter: the negotiations to free reed took months of diplomacy at the highest levels, at a time when u.s./russian relations are at an all-time low. tday, president biden saying, "the negotiations that allowed us to bring trevor home required difficult decisions that i do not take lightly." decisions like agreeing to trade reed for konstantin yaroshenko, seen here in video released by russian tv after the swap. a russian pilot arrested 12 years ago during a d.e.a. drug sting in liberia, extradited and sentenced to 20 years in american prison. moscow lobbying to free him ever since. raising questions if yaroshenko had ties to russian intelligence, which has never been proven. reed was sentenced to nine years in prison of 2020, convicted of assaulting police officers after leaving a moscow party intoxicated. all along, he and the u.s. government maintained his innocence, even as he was moved to a remote prison camp 350 miles from moscow. reed spending months in solitary confinement. he became ill, possibly with tuberculosis and went on hunger strikes in protest. while back home his parents never gave up hope, or the fight to bring their son home. protesting outside the white house and meeting with president biden just a month ago. >> and so let's get right to cecilia vega live at the white house tonight. and cecilia of course, relief from trevor reed's family. we'll hear from the parents in just a moment here. but of course, these other cases, americans currently being held by russia, paul economy land, sentenced to 16 years for espionage, of course, charges the u.s. government says are fabricated. and wnba player brittney griner, detained since february. what's the white house saying tonight about these cases? >> reporter: well, look, david, the white house said today they are going to do everything they possibly can to bring paul whelan home, his family today asking president biden outright, what is it going to take? as for brittney griner, officials say they are in touch with her team, but they are saying very little publicly about this case, as we saw with trevor reed's release today, david, these negotiations take a long time and they are shrouded in secrecy. >> just an extraordinary 24 hours. cecilia vega leading us off. cecilia, thank you. as i mentioned at the top tonight, i did speak late today with trevor reed's parents, joey and paula reed, who pursued their son's freedom tirelessly. tonight here, they describe that first phone call from their son after being freed. what he now faces, his health concerns now that he's coming home. and that phone call from president biden, what he said, and what they told the president. joey and paula reed, thank you so much for joining us, we're just so happy your son is coming home. how is he doing, where is he tonight? and most importantly, how soon before you see him? >> we're not really sure where he's at or when we'll get to see him. we know it's not going to be today. we got to talk to him on the phone a couple of times. he's in good spirits, but obviously we're still concerned about his health. >> what more has the state department told you about what he faces now that he's back in the u.s., headed back to america? i know you just got off the phone with the state department just before we talked her. >> they're going to fly him to a military hospital somewhere and they're going to give him a full physical and evaluation and then we're going to go through whatever we have to do for however long it takes to get him healthy again. >> you've now seen the images that the world has seen of your son being freed. but i know he must have looked a lot different to you. what did you make of what you saw? >> he looked horrible. when he got out of the fsb van, he looked like he could hardly walk, he looked like he'd been walking shackled and they had to help him get into the fsb jet. so, we were, in fact, when we both saw that video this morning first time, we started crying. that's -- trevor left here a young, verile, in good shape, in good condition young man and he's not -- he's not coming home that way. so that -- that's our concern, about his health. >> it looked to me like he had two black eyes but i guess a doctor that we have here said that's a symptom of mall nourishment, so it's -- he just looked terrible to us. >> what did your son first tell you when you heard from him? >> he just said, hi, mom, hi, dad, it's me. and we asked him how he was doing and he said he was fine, but he seemed a little subdued, maybe a little in shock, maybe, but he didn't sound like his normal self. and then while we were on the phone with him, the president called and joey declined the call. then the president called on my phone and then i say, joey, it's the president. so, we told trevor the president was calling, we were going to talk to him and we did, so -- >> what did you say to the president, what did he say to you? >> he said that he didn't want to call us too early in the morning and jinx anything that was happening, but now that he knew that trevor was on the plane that he wanted to let us know that our son was on our way home to us and he said congratulations, i know you're looking forward to your meeting with him and he said i'm looking forward to having all four of you back at the white house and then joey said, we're going to want to give you some big hugs. we thanked them profusely, obviously. we said we're going to give hugs and he said he'll hug us back, as well. >> and joey, you also told the president that you were on the phone with trevor and the president realized, i better let you get back on with your son. >> you'd rather talk to him than me, so i'll let you back to him, so -- >> i know this was nearly three years without your son and joey, you spent 14 months in russia in your legal fight to get your son home. you saw him standing there essentially caged, you couldn't hug him. what will you do the moment you first see him? >> oh, he's going to get a big hug. >> going to get a big family hug, probably, because we're all going to be fighting over who is going to hug him first. >> you really worked to try to get that meeting with the president and do you believe that meeting with president biden at the white house made the difference here? >> absolutely. >> absolutely, we do. in his own statement, he said kind of as much that it did, but also the fact that trevor's health is not good is probably another factor that helped, you know, speed everything up. >> we're older and we've seen, you know, president biden and senator biden and vice president biden and you can just tell by the way he talks that he's a caring and compassionate person, we've said that over and over again, but we mean that. and we just felt like if we explained the situation and how trevor handled himself, being taken hostage, essentially, by russia, because of his service to the marine corps and to the president himself, that -- and then how he handled himself, not talking about his military with the fsb and refusing to work for his captors, it would have an effect on the president and it did. >> please tell him there's an entire country waiting to welcome him home and i know you would like to mention the other americans being held captive still, too, you're the one family that understands what these other families are going through. >> yeah, we do understand and it's heartbreaking for us that there was not a way to bring paul whelan home at the same time with trevor. and that was one of the things that trevor mentioned, he said, i want to be sure that we bring paul home. >> i know you have thanked the president today, you thanked the state department, as well and i just hope you've taken a moment for yourselves, too, because you really never gave up your fight to get your son home. >> well, thank you, but that's what parents do. >> i can imagine what that reunion's going to be like. it won't come a moment too soon. thank you both and we're so glad to hear trevor's coming home. >> thank you, david. we appreciate it. >> the reeds told me their son in a second phone call today wanted to make sure that his sister would be there, too, when he first gets to see the family. they promised she'll be there. and the reeds say their thoughts tonight remain with the families still waiting for their loved ones to come home. in the meantime here, the other news this wednesday night, and to the war in ukraine. tonight, after russia cut natural gas from poland and bulgaria, european leaders tonight are calling it blackmail. and tonight, vladimir putin issuing a new warning of, quote, lightning fast strikes against any country that tries to intervene in ukraine. abc's marcus moore in kyiv again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, european leaders accusing russia of blackmail after the kremlin cut off natural gas shipments to poland and bulgaria. moscow threatening to cut off even more countries in a dramatic escalation with the west. and in st. petersburg today, russian president vladimir putin warning there would be lightning fast retaliation if anyone from outside ukraine "intends to intervene in the ongoing events" and poses an "unacceptable" threat to russia. he avoided any specific mention of nuclear weapons, but his foreign minister this week said the risk of nuclear war is a real one. the ominous warning came amid reports of explosions in three russian cities not far from the ukrainian border. video circulating online reportedly shows an explosion over belgorod, where an ammo dump erupted in flames. the cause of the blasts not yet disclosed, but an adviser to ukrainian president zelenskyy said after the explosions, quote, karma is a cruel thing. back to the capital kyiv, we were with police as they searched destroyed homes. we are in the village of moschun, which is about 45 minutes outside of kyiv. this one the many villages that the became the frontline of this conflict. ukrainian officials say russian troops occupied more than 100 villages in the kyiv region. many now littered with unexploded mines. >> and marcus moore with us again tonight. and we're learn eck of new shipments of heavy u.s. weapons now arriving in ukraine? >> reporter: yeah, david, we learned that more than half of the 90 howitzer artillery weapons have arrived in the country and more fighters have being trained on how to use them, david. >> marcus moore in kyiv for us again tonight. thank you, marcus. back here at home this evening, and even with new covid cases on the rise ain more than 30 states. dr. anthony fauci telling pbs that the u.s. is now, quote, out of the pandemic phase. a lot of questions about that, and what he meant. and what dr. fauci is now saying. here's eva pilgrim tonight. >> reporter: tonight, dr. anthony fauci making headlines, saying while the world still faces the coronavirus pandemic, the u.s. is entering a new stage. >> we are certainly, right now in this country, out of the pandemic phase. namely, we don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. we are at a low level right now. >> reporter: dr. fauci later clarifying, saying the pandemic is not over, but the pandemic has entered a more controlled phase and that does not mean we are out of the woods. it comes as hospital admissions are up 15% and projected to climb in the coming weeks. and experts warn of the threat of new variants. >> this virus has global impact, and it means that we see spread in one part of the world, we will likely see a surge here. >> reporter: tonight, after testing positive, the vice president is being treated with the antiviral treatment paxlovid. the drug is authorized for people with mild to moderate symptoms who are at increased risk to develop sere vie illness. harris, who is 57, is asymptomatic, so the white house was asked if she was given the drug because of her critical role as vice president. >> certainly we are grateful that this treatment is out there and available so that the vice president, somebody who is incredibly important in the line of succession, can take it, but she did it through consultations with her doctor. >> so, let's bring in eva pilgrim for more on this. we reported last night here on paxlovid and tonight, i know the administration is really trying to get paxlovid out to more americans who need it around the country, saying there is a supply of this. >> reporter: david, they are doubling the number of pharmacies and clinics around the country, trying to make this more accessible. it can cut the risk of hospitalization by 90%. doctors say, though, it's important to give it early and they say to talk to your provider to make sure it doesn't interfere with any of your other medications. david? >> eva pilgrim, thank you. tonight, in minneapolis, a damning new report on the minneapolis police department, after a two-year state investigation in the wake of george floyd. the probe found a, quote, pattern or practice of race discrimination in arrests and use of force, and a failure to hold officers accountable for misconduct. interim police chief amelia huffman called the report, quote, deeply concerning, saying they've been making changes for two years now and will continue to do so. and in florida tonight, after more than three decades behind bars for a murder he did not commit, thomas james is now a free man. now 55 years old, james leaving the state attorney's office in miami, his arms raised in the air. a judge vacating his conviction and life sentence for killing a man in 1990. prosecutors now say there was no dna or physical evidence. witnesses wrongly identified him in a photo lineup. and that detectives might have confused him for someone with a similar name. when we come back here on a wednesday night, the chilling case coming in from wisconsin. the murder of a 10-year-old girl, a 14-year-old boy arrested. and what police are now saying about this case tonight. 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Provider , Hospitalization , Clinics , Doesn T , Pharmacies , Number , Doctors , Medications , Probe , State Investigation , Pattern , Force , Amelia Huffman , Arrests , Misconduct , Failure , Interim , Changes , Thomas James , Judge , State Attorney S Office , Arms , Conviction , Air , Miami , 55 , Dna , Life Sentence , Photo Lineup , Someone , Evidence , Witnesses , Prosecutors , 1990 , Mental Health , Body Movements , Progress , Old Girl , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Face , Hands , Adults , Td Movements , Twitching , Jerking , Feelings , Depression , Most , Side Effects , Attention , Patients , Actions , Behaviors , Mood , Inflammation , Huntington S Disease , Td , Problems Thinking , Liver Problems , Movements , Fast , Heartbeat , Reserpine , It S Time , Parkinson S Disease , Insomnia , Sleepiness , Throat , Tetrabenazine , Fever , Sweating , Restlessness , Muscles , Jackie , Valbenazine , Sale , Wayfair , Visit Askforaustedo Com , April 27th , 27 , 28 , 28th , Lighting , Prices , Bonus Savings , Shipping , Items , Outdoor Furniture , Credit Card , 80 , 65 , Him , Trail , Bond , Sexual Assault , Lily Peters , Chippewa , Space , Presidents , Ladies , Estate , Each Other , Secretaries , Switch Gears , Remembering , Secretaries Of State , Bodice , American Astronaut , Investigators , Blocks , Shave , Debris , Handle , Bar , Razor , Stroke , Blades , Dirt , Shaving , Gentle Exfoliation , Lung Cancer , Best , Effort , Smoking , Gillette , Rose H , Verizon , Announcer , Help , Vo , Business Unlimited , Tip , Chest Tube , Fluid , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , 1 , Ultra , More , Business , Event Planning , Everyone , Cost , 5g Ultra Wideband , Manny , 5 , Mission , Nutrition , Plaque Psoriasis , Minerals , Protein , Strength , Energy , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , Choice , Otezla , Psoriatic Arthritis , Injection , Choices , Splash , Cream , Pain , Pill , Psoriasis , Prescribing Information , Joint Swelling , Skin , Tenderness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Requirement , Weight Loss , Reactions , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Planning , Medicines , Weight , Headache , Apartment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Pressure , In Laws Tonight , Parking , Fantasy Team , Bathroom , Luck , Cover Band , Cats , Big Closets , Hey , Don T Overthink , Don T Underthink , Dinner , Oh Boy , Least , Car Insurance , Renters , Money , Bundling , Geico , 1987 , Season , Good , Body , Allergies , Psst , Spraying Flonase , Flonase , Space Station , Crew Members , Spacex , Six , Innovator , Technology , Table , Flare Ups , Copd , Breathing , Breztri , Ups , Symptom Improvement , Which , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Copd Medicine , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , 52 , Chest Pain , Swelling , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Vision Changes , Eye , Light Scent , Perfumes , Light , Boosters , Clothes , Dyes , Wash Freshness , Nothing , In The Woods , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Screening , Around , Stool , Noninvasive , 92 , Stages , Results , Yep , Alice , Katie , Ann , Bill Clinton , Intellect , Goodness , Nature , Humanity , Grace , Tide , Whatever , Cancer , Outcome , Care , Problem , Ill Will , Secretary , Grandchildren , Conversation , Let S Don T , Kind , Grandmothers , Friendship , Joy , Heaven , All Of You , Hurry , Speed , God , God Bless You , 59 , Preplanned , Kidnapping , Larry , Information , Baby Brandon , Premeditated , Grandmother , Baby , Suspect , San Jose , Latest , Story , Zach Fuentes , Monday Afternoon , Investigation , Suspects , Family Friend , Men , Brandon Cuellar , Edge , Community , Unloading , Neighborhood , Groceries , Didn T Want To Express Gratitude , Spanish , Hospital , Baby Brandondorformed , Portillo , Rohm ,

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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20240708

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paul whelan and wnba player brittaney griner? and trevor reed's parents tonight with a message to all of the other families waiting for their loved ones to come home, too. our interview here and cecilia vega standing by live at the white house. tonight, vladimir putin's new threat, warning that russia will now respond with, quote, lightly fast strikes, against countries who want to interfere in the war in ukraine. it comes after the kremlin cut off those gas supplies to two nato members, poland and bulgaria, vowing other nations could be next. marcus moore in kyiv again tonight. back here at home this evening, the pandemic and amid rising cases in more than 30 states, some are now asking why doctor anthony fauci declared while on pbs that the u.s. is now finally out of the pandemic phase of this. what did he mean by that and what he's saying now. this evening, the new and chilling case in wisconsin. the murder of a 10-year-old girl. a 14-year-old boy arrested. that boy now being held on $1 million donald. what police are now saying about this case. in minneapolis, news tonight in the wake of george floyd. the new and damning report on the minneapolis police department, finding a, quote, pat earn or practice of race discrimination. tonight, the prisoner in florida set free after spending more than three decades behind bars for a murder he didn't commit. what authorities are now saying. and did detectives confuse him for another plan with a similar name? history in space tonight. astronaut jessica watkins and what she's set to do. and we honor former secretary of state madeleine albright. you will hear the tributes tonight, including former president clinton, who chose her as secretary of state, the first woman. and what he revealed about their last phone call two weeks before she died. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a weesday night. >> and we begin tonight with the extraordinary return of trevor reed. the american released from prison in russia. the u.s. marine veteran imprisoned in russia for nearly three years. we're learning more here tonight about this dramatic prisoner swap on an airport tarmac in turkey. the prisoner exchange for a russian man serving time here in the u.s. for drug trafficking. these were the first images of trevor reed, video aired by russian state tv. a frail-looking reed flank bid two officers, escorted to a small plane in moscow that then flew to turkey. then, the scene at an airport in turkey, our first look at the former u.s. prisoner being freed. moments later, the exchange. trevor reed walking on the left toward that u.s. plane. the russian walking on the right toward the russian plane. trevor reed was serving a nine-year sentence at a remote russian prison camp, at times in solitary confinement. recently going on a hunger strike, believed to be in failing health. his parents, joey and paula reed, never gave up fighting for nearly three years for his freedom. his parents saying in recent days, our son is out of time. tonight here, my, my interview trevor reed's parents, joey and paula reed. they describe the call from their son and then the call that came in at the same time from president biden. and they tell me what they thought when they saw those first images of their son today, heartbroken by how he looked. tonight, trevor reed's family even with their own son almost home now, they are also focused on those who remain in russia. paul whelan and brittney griner. we have it all covered tonight, including our interview with trevor reed's parents, but we begin with our chief white house correspondent cecilia vega, leading us off. >> reporter: today, an extraordinary scene on a tarmac n turkey. former u.s. marine trevor reed on the left, walking right past a convicted russian drug smuggler. the prisoner exchange broadcast on russian state tv, ending in a handshake and reed boarding a flight to freedom. a closer look shows reed flanked by russian soldiers, appearing gaunt as he started that journey home. the white house saying his deteriorating condition was behind the urgency to get the deal done. >> trevor's freedom is the result of months and months of hard, careful work across the u.s. government. >> reporter: the negotiations to free reed took months of diplomacy at the highest levels, at a time when u.s./russian relations are at an all-time low. tday, president biden saying, "the negotiations that allowed us to bring trevor home required difficult decisions that i do not take lightly." decisions like agreeing to trade reed for konstantin yaroshenko, seen here in video released by russian tv after the swap. a russian pilot arrested 12 years ago during a d.e.a. drug sting in liberia, extradited and sentenced to 20 years in american prison. moscow lobbying to free him ever since. raising questions if yaroshenko had ties to russian intelligence, which has never been proven. reed was sentenced to nine years in prison of 2020, convicted of assaulting police officers after leaving a moscow party intoxicated. all along, he and the u.s. government maintained his innocence, even as he was moved to a remote prison camp 350 miles from moscow. reed spending months in solitary confinement. he became ill, possibly with tuberculosis and went on hunger strikes in protest. while back home his parents never gave up hope, or the fight to bring their son home. protesting outside the white house and meeting with president biden just a month ago. >> and so let's get right to cecilia vega live at the white house tonight. and cecilia of course, relief from trevor reed's family. we'll hear from the parents in just a moment here. but of course, these other cases, americans currently being held by russia, paul economy land, sentenced to 16 years for espionage, of course, charges the u.s. government says are fabricated. and wnba player brittney griner, detained since february. what's the white house saying tonight about these cases? >> reporter: well, look, david, the white house said today they are going to do everything they possibly can to bring paul whelan home, his family today asking president biden outright, what is it going to take? as for brittney griner, officials say they are in touch with her team, but they are saying very little publicly about this case, as we saw with trevor reed's release today, david, these negotiations take a long time and they are shrouded in secrecy. >> just an extraordinary 24 hours. cecilia vega leading us off. cecilia, thank you. as i mentioned at the top tonight, i did speak late today with trevor reed's parents, joey and paula reed, who pursued their son's freedom tirelessly. tonight here, they describe that first phone call from their son after being freed. what he now faces, his health concerns now that he's coming home. and that phone call from president biden, what he said, and what they told the president. joey and paula reed, thank you so much for joining us, we're just so happy your son is coming home. how is he doing, where is he tonight? and most importantly, how soon before you see him? >> we're not really sure where he's at or when we'll get to see him. we know it's not going to be today. we got to talk to him on the phone a couple of times. he's in good spirits, but obviously we're still concerned about his health. >> what more has the state department told you about what he faces now that he's back in the u.s., headed back to america? i know you just got off the phone with the state department just before we talked her. >> they're going to fly him to a military hospital somewhere and they're going to give him a full physical and evaluation and then we're going to go through whatever we have to do for however long it takes to get him healthy again. >> you've now seen the images that the world has seen of your son being freed. but i know he must have looked a lot different to you. what did you make of what you saw? >> he looked horrible. when he got out of the fsb van, he looked like he could hardly walk, he looked like he'd been walking shackled and they had to help him get into the fsb jet. so, we were, in fact, when we both saw that video this morning first time, we started crying. that's -- trevor left here a young, verile, in good shape, in good condition young man and he's not -- he's not coming home that way. so that -- that's our concern, about his health. >> it looked to me like he had two black eyes but i guess a doctor that we have here said that's a symptom of mall nourishment, so it's -- he just looked terrible to us. >> what did your son first tell you when you heard from him? >> he just said, hi, mom, hi, dad, it's me. and we asked him how he was doing and he said he was fine, but he seemed a little subdued, maybe a little in shock, maybe, but he didn't sound like his normal self. and then while we were on the phone with him, the president called and joey declined the call. then the president called on my phone and then i say, joey, it's the president. so, we told trevor the president was calling, we were going to talk to him and we did, so -- >> what did you say to the president, what did he say to you? >> he said that he didn't want to call us too early in the morning and jinx anything that was happening, but now that he knew that trevor was on the plane that he wanted to let us know that our son was on our way home to us and he said congratulations, i know you're looking forward to your meeting with him and he said i'm looking forward to having all four of you back at the white house and then joey said, we're going to want to give you some big hugs. we thanked them profusely, obviously. we said we're going to give hugs and he said he'll hug us back, as well. >> and joey, you also told the president that you were on the phone with trevor and the president realized, i better let you get back on with your son. >> you'd rather talk to him than me, so i'll let you back to him, so -- >> i know this was nearly three years without your son and joey, you spent 14 months in russia in your legal fight to get your son home. you saw him standing there essentially caged, you couldn't hug him. what will you do the moment you first see him? >> oh, he's going to get a big hug. >> going to get a big family hug, probably, because we're all going to be fighting over who is going to hug him first. >> you really worked to try to get that meeting with the president and do you believe that meeting with president biden at the white house made the difference here? >> absolutely. >> absolutely, we do. in his own statement, he said kind of as much that it did, but also the fact that trevor's health is not good is probably another factor that helped, you know, speed everything up. >> we're older and we've seen, you know, president biden and senator biden and vice president biden and you can just tell by the way he talks that he's a caring and compassionate person, we've said that over and over again, but we mean that. and we just felt like if we explained the situation and how trevor handled himself, being taken hostage, essentially, by russia, because of his service to the marine corps and to the president himself, that -- and then how he handled himself, not talking about his military with the fsb and refusing to work for his captors, it would have an effect on the president and it did. >> please tell him there's an entire country waiting to welcome him home and i know you would like to mention the other americans being held captive still, too, you're the one family that understands what these other families are going through. >> yeah, we do understand and it's heartbreaking for us that there was not a way to bring paul whelan home at the same time with trevor. and that was one of the things that trevor mentioned, he said, i want to be sure that we bring paul home. >> i know you have thanked the president today, you thanked the state department, as well and i just hope you've taken a moment for yourselves, too, because you really never gave up your fight to get your son home. >> well, thank you, but that's what parents do. >> i can imagine what that reunion's going to be like. it won't come a moment too soon. thank you both and we're so glad to hear trevor's coming home. >> thank you, david. we appreciate it. >> the reeds told me their son in a second phone call today wanted to make sure that his sister would be there, too, when he first gets to see the family. they promised she'll be there. and the reeds say their thoughts tonight remain with the families still waiting for their loved ones to come home. in the meantime here, the other news this wednesday night, and to the war in ukraine. tonight, after russia cut natural gas from poland and bulgaria, european leaders tonight are calling it blackmail. and tonight, vladimir putin issuing a new warning of, quote, lightning fast strikes against any country that tries to intervene in ukraine. abc's marcus moore in kyiv again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, european leaders accusing russia of blackmail after the kremlin cut off natural gas shipments to poland and bulgaria. moscow threatening to cut off even more countries in a dramatic escalation with the west. and in st. petersburg today, russian president vladimir putin warning there would be lightning fast retaliation if anyone from outside ukraine "intends to intervene in the ongoing events" and poses an "unacceptable" threat to russia. he avoided any specific mention of nuclear weapons, but his foreign minister this week said the risk of nuclear war is a real one. the ominous warning came amid reports of explosions in three russian cities not far from the ukrainian border. video circulating online reportedly shows an explosion over belgorod, where an ammo dump erupted in flames. the cause of the blasts not yet disclosed, but an adviser to ukrainian president zelenskyy said after the explosions, quote, karma is a cruel thing. back to the capital kyiv, we were with police as they searched destroyed homes. we are in the village of moschun, which is about 45 minutes outside of kyiv. this one the many villages that the became the frontline of this conflict. ukrainian officials say russian troops occupied more than 100 villages in the kyiv region. many now littered with unexploded mines. >> and marcus moore with us again tonight. and we're learn eck of new shipments of heavy u.s. weapons now arriving in ukraine? >> reporter: yeah, david, we learned that more than half of the 90 howitzer artillery weapons have arrived in the country and more fighters have being trained on how to use them, david. >> marcus moore in kyiv for us again tonight. thank you, marcus. back here at home this evening, and even with new covid cases on the rise ain more than 30 states. dr. anthony fauci telling pbs that the u.s. is now, quote, out of the pandemic phase. a lot of questions about that, and what he meant. and what dr. fauci is now saying. here's eva pilgrim tonight. >> reporter: tonight, dr. anthony fauci making headlines, saying while the world still faces the coronavirus pandemic, the u.s. is entering a new stage. >> we are certainly, right now in this country, out of the pandemic phase. namely, we don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. we are at a low level right now. >> reporter: dr. fauci later clarifying, saying the pandemic is not over, but the pandemic has entered a more controlled phase and that does not mean we are out of the woods. it comes as hospital admissions are up 15% and projected to climb in the coming weeks. and experts warn of the threat of new variants. >> this virus has global impact, and it means that we see spread in one part of the world, we will likely see a surge here. >> reporter: tonight, after testing positive, the vice president is being treated with the antiviral treatment paxlovid. the drug is authorized for people with mild to moderate symptoms who are at increased risk to develop sere vie illness. harris, who is 57, is asymptomatic, so the white house was asked if she was given the drug because of her critical role as vice president. >> certainly we are grateful that this treatment is out there and available so that the vice president, somebody who is incredibly important in the line of succession, can take it, but she did it through consultations with her doctor. >> so, let's bring in eva pilgrim for more on this. we reported last night here on paxlovid and tonight, i know the administration is really trying to get paxlovid out to more americans who need it around the country, saying there is a supply of this. >> reporter: david, they are doubling the number of pharmacies and clinics around the country, trying to make this more accessible. it can cut the risk of hospitalization by 90%. doctors say, though, it's important to give it early and they say to talk to your provider to make sure it doesn't interfere with any of your other medications. david? >> eva pilgrim, thank you. tonight, in minneapolis, a damning new report on the minneapolis police department, after a two-year state investigation in the wake of george floyd. the probe found a, quote, pattern or practice of race discrimination in arrests and use of force, and a failure to hold officers accountable for misconduct. interim police chief amelia huffman called the report, quote, deeply concerning, saying they've been making changes for two years now and will continue to do so. and in florida tonight, after more than three decades behind bars for a murder he did not commit, thomas james is now a free man. now 55 years old, james leaving the state attorney's office in miami, his arms raised in the air. a judge vacating his conviction and life sentence for killing a man in 1990. prosecutors now say there was no dna or physical evidence. witnesses wrongly identified him in a photo lineup. and that detectives might have confused him for someone with a similar name. when we come back here on a wednesday night, the chilling case coming in from wisconsin. the murder of a 10-year-old girl, a 14-year-old boy arrested. and what police are now saying about this case tonight. 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U S , Kristen , Thanks , Train Station , Direction , 4 , 00 , American Trevor Reed , Parents , Home , Prisoner , Russia , Interview , U S Marine , Texas , Three , Biden , Son , Scene , Tv , Images , Events , Turkey , Phone Call , Reporting , Prisoners , Tarmac , Series , Plane , Prison , Officers , Drug Trafficker , Families , Brittaney Griner , Loved Ones , Paul Whelan , Wall , Message , Wnba , Cecilia Vega Standing , Quote , Countries , Warning , Vladimir Putin , Threat , White House , War , Ukraine , Strikes , Gas , Members , Nato , Poland , Kremlin , Two , Anthony Fauci , Cases , In Kyiv , Pandemic , States , Pbs , Marcus Moore , Some , Nations , Bulgaria , 30 , Boy , Murder , Case , Phase , Girl , Wisconsin , 10 , 1 Million , Million , 14 , Report , Police , News , Wake , Race Discrimination , Practice , Finding A , Pat , Minneapolis Police Department , Minneapolis , George Floyd , Plan , History , Bars , Name , Detectives , Authorities , Florida , Woman , Secretary Of State , President , Astronaut Jessica Watkins The First Black Woman , Tributes , Madeleine Albright , Clinton , Veteran , Prisoner Swap , Return , The American , Weesday Night , Man , Video , State Tv , Airport Tarmac , Prisoner Exchange , Drug Trafficking , Moscow , Exchange , Airport , Look , Times , Left , Prison Camp , Walking , Hunger Strike , Sentence , Solitary Confinement , Nine , Health , Joey , Paula Reed , Fighting , Freedom , Family , Call , Brittney Griner , Reporter , Cecilia Vega , Handshake , Drug Smuggler , Ending , Tarmac N Turkey , Prisoner Exchange Broadcast , Boarding A Flight To Freedom , Closer Look Shows Reed , Condition , Result , Journey Home , Deal , Trevor S Freedom , Soldiers , Urgency , Hard , Work , Negotiations , Government , Reed , Levels , Diplomacy , Low , Relations , Tday , Decisions , Trevor Home , Trade Reed , Swap , Pilot , Konstantin Yaroshenko , Drug , Questions , Ties , Intelligence , American Prison , Sting , Lobbying , Liberia , Dea , 20 , 12 , Police Officers , Party , Innocence , 2020 , 350 , Meeting , Fight , Hunger Strikes , Protest , Tuberculosis , Hope , Course , Relief , David , Espionage , Paul Economy Land , 16 , Officials , Everything , Team , Secrecy , 24 , Coming Home , Health Concerns , Phone , State Department , Couple , Spirits , Military Hospital , Somewhere , Evaluation , World , Lot , Fsb Van , Fact , Fsb Jet , Saw , Way , Young , Concern , Shape , Verile , Symptom , It S , Eyes , Mall Nourishment , Mom , Hi , Shock , Self , Fine , Dad , Calling , Trevor The President , Trevor , Anything , Happening , Hugs , Four , Congratulations , Back , Couldn T Hug Him , Hug , Family Hug , Factor , Statement , Difference , Everything Up , Person , Vice President Biden , Service , Corps , Hostage , Situation , Country , Fsb , Military , Captors , Effect , Things , One , Captive , You Re The One , Paul Home , Hear Trevor S , Reunion , Thoughts , Reeds , Sister , Leaders , It Blackmail , European , Natural Gas , Lightning Fast , Blackmail , Abc , Escalation , West , Lightning Fast Retaliation , Petersburg , Risk , Nuclear Weapons , Anyone , Mention , Foreign Minister , Nuclear War , Cities , Explosions , Reports , Explosion , Cause , Border , Ammo Dump , Blasts , Adviser , Belgorod , Flames , Thing , Zelenskyy , Karma , Villages , Of Moschun , Homes , Village , Conflict , Troops , Frontline , Kyiv Region , 45 , 100 , Many , Weapons , Shipments , Artillery Weapons , Half , Mines , Eck , Howitzer , 90 , Dr , Fighters , Covid , Eva Pilgrim Tonight , Stage , Making Headlines , We Don T , Tens , Tens Of Thousands , Thousands , Hospitalizations , Infections , Deaths , 900000 , Out Of The Woods , Level , Virus , Part , Hospital Admissions , Surge , Experts , Variants , Impact , 15 , Vice President , People , Treatment Paxlovid , Sere , Symptoms , Positive , Vie , Somebody , It , Treatment , Harris , Line , Role , Succession , 57 , Doctor , Supply , Paxlovid , Eva Pilgrim , Administration , Consultations , Provider , Hospitalization , Clinics , Doesn T , Pharmacies , Number , Doctors , Medications , Probe , State Investigation , Pattern , Force , Amelia Huffman , Arrests , Misconduct , Failure , Interim , Changes , Thomas James , Judge , State Attorney S Office , Arms , Conviction , Air , Miami , 55 , Dna , Life Sentence , Photo Lineup , Someone , Evidence , Witnesses , Prosecutors , 1990 , Mental Health , Body Movements , Progress , Old Girl , Tardive Dyskinesia , Austedo , Face , Hands , Adults , Td Movements , Twitching , Jerking , Feelings , Depression , Most , Side Effects , Attention , Patients , Actions , Behaviors , Mood , Inflammation , Huntington S Disease , Td , Problems Thinking , Liver Problems , Movements , Fast , Heartbeat , Reserpine , It S Time , Parkinson S Disease , Insomnia , Sleepiness , Throat , Tetrabenazine , Fever , Sweating , Restlessness , Muscles , Jackie , Valbenazine , Sale , Wayfair , Visit Askforaustedo Com , April 27th , 27 , 28 , 28th , Lighting , Prices , Bonus Savings , Shipping , Items , Outdoor Furniture , Credit Card , 80 , 65 , Him , Trail , Bond , Sexual Assault , Lily Peters , Chippewa , Space , Presidents , Ladies , Estate , Each Other , Secretaries , Switch Gears , Remembering , Secretaries Of State , Bodice , American Astronaut , Investigators , Blocks , Shave , Debris , Handle , Bar , Razor , Stroke , Blades , Dirt , Shaving , Gentle Exfoliation , Lung Cancer , Best , Effort , Smoking , Gillette , Rose H , Verizon , Announcer , Help , Vo , Business Unlimited , Tip , Chest Tube , Fluid , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , 1 , Ultra , More , Business , Event Planning , Everyone , Cost , 5g Ultra Wideband , Manny , 5 , Mission , Nutrition , Plaque Psoriasis , Minerals , Protein , Strength , Energy , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , Choice , Otezla , Psoriatic Arthritis , Injection , Choices , Splash , Cream , Pain , Pill , Psoriasis , Prescribing Information , Joint Swelling , Skin , Tenderness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Requirement , Weight Loss , Reactions , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Planning , Medicines , Weight , Headache , Apartment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Pressure , In Laws Tonight , Parking , Fantasy Team , Bathroom , Luck , Cover Band , Cats , Big Closets , Hey , Don T Overthink , Don T Underthink , Dinner , Oh Boy , Least , Car Insurance , Renters , Money , Bundling , Geico , 1987 , Season , Good , Body , Allergies , Psst , Spraying Flonase , Flonase , Space Station , Crew Members , Spacex , Six , Innovator , Technology , Table , Flare Ups , Copd , Breathing , Breztri , Ups , Symptom Improvement , Which , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Copd Medicine , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , 52 , Chest Pain , Swelling , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Vision Changes , Eye , Light Scent , Perfumes , Light , Boosters , Clothes , Dyes , Wash Freshness , Nothing , In The Woods , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Screening , Around , Stool , Noninvasive , 92 , Stages , Results , Yep , Alice , Katie , Ann , Bill Clinton , Intellect , Goodness , Nature , Humanity , Grace , Tide , Whatever , Cancer , Outcome , Care , Problem , Ill Will , Secretary , Grandchildren , Conversation , Let S Don T , Kind , Grandmothers , Friendship , Joy , Heaven , All Of You , Hurry , Speed , God , God Bless You , 59 , Preplanned , Kidnapping , Larry , Information , Baby Brandon , Premeditated , Grandmother , Baby , Suspect , San Jose , Latest , Story , Zach Fuentes , Monday Afternoon , Investigation , Suspects , Family Friend , Men , Brandon Cuellar , Edge , Community , Unloading , Neighborhood , Groceries , Didn T Want To Express Gratitude , Spanish , Hospital , Baby Brandondorformed , Portillo , Rohm ,

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